Top 6 Issues Facing Education For 2019

Although the universal learning model has undergone some major changes in the past decades, there is still lots of room for enhancement. Even in 2019, issues related to different spheres of education remain relevant and actively discussed all around the world.

Relevant Educational Issues In 2019

What are the biggest challenges that modern educational facilities are facing today? There are much more issues than any of you could imagine. However, in this article, we are going to discuss the top six that seem to be the most acute of them.

  • Lack of funding

Unfortunately, this major problem is still unsolved, though we are facing it every single year. In 2019, many schools, colleges, and universities are still lacking equal funding, which leads to a number of additional problems. Tuition fees keep going up with so little opportunities for getting an affordable and high-quality education. This increases the number of students who give up on continuing education.

  • Program irrelevance

Another major challenge that stands on the way of education today is the irrelevancy of the existing educational programs in terms of a long-term perspective. Let’s look at an example to clarify this point. Let’s say a student enrolled in a university a few years ago and majors in business. Keeping in mind the rapid progress and change that takes place in all spheres of our lives, by the time he graduates, his knowledge will become irrelevant. The old business models given him three years ago will not work in the modern world. And that’s only one example of the irrelevance of educational programs.

  • Poor career advice

In order to make a real change in the way we obtain education and in its quality, schools and colleges should finally incorporate a big share of career advice into the students’ curriculum. At this point, most students lack relevant career advice and guiding, and this is a big problem.

  • Standardized testing

For a few past decades, there’ve been too many discussions and controversial opinions regarding this matter. Yet, the problem remains unsolved. Many people have already realized that measuring all students’ knowledge based on the same set of standards can’t do any good, and there are several reasons for that. First of all, because of such testing, every school and college seems to be focusing solely on teaching students to pass their exams, while it should be giving in-depth knowledge and understanding of the subject. Let’s look at a vivid example of the detrimental effect of such an approach. Teachers provide the knowledge needed to pass an exam and make a main focus on this. As a result, school pupils successfully score on tests but don’t have any real theoretical or practical knowledge. Then these students enroll in a university or college with a very unstable knowledge base, so they struggle to get the work done. Eventually, they start seeking the help of classmates, tutors, and services like EssayPro to get their assignments done. However, they still manage to pass exams since they were taught for them. As a result, we have a big pile of “specialists” who lack actual knowledge. As you can see, the issue is real!

  • Lack of personalization

The pros of integrating a more personalized approach into the educational process are quite clear. Such an approach ensures better understanding and perception of the material by all groups of students, considering their natural skills and initial knowledge base. Unfortunately, we still have a huge gap here. Although there are some promising attempts made by different learning facilities, personalization is still missed out by most facilities.

  • Resistance to change

It sounds odd, but even in 2019, despite numerous positive changes that took place in the 21st century, there are still quite many people who are not willing to adopt innovations. Unfortunately, this year, we can observe lots of school authorities showing resistance to change, and this seems to be a real issue. On the one hand, we have a reliable, familiar, and time-tested model of education that brings results. However, on the other hand, we have plenty of space for improvement and integration of new approaches that can bring numerous benefits.

Integrating technology in the educational process will allow us to deliver more precise, interactive, and personalized knowledge that can only do good. However, schools are still not ready to initiate change. Most teachers and school leaders just see this kind of experimentation to be outside the scope of their duties. Besides, adjusting the outdated but proven effective learning methods is difficult and risky, when done on an individual basis. Thus, for successful change, we need to encourage a global acceptation of new models.

Final Words

Although there are still so many issues that require solutions and so much resistance from the schools, global education seems to be changing step by step. This is a good tendency, and it gives us hope that somewhere in the future educational programs will finally develop to be more relevant, personalized, and effective. However, now, all we can do is to encourage and initiate change!


College Costs Are Out of Control. Here’s What Can Be Done.

Blaming the Wrong Culprit for Rising College Costs

Hawaii: It’s the Economy, Stupid

by Tom Yamachika, President, Tax Foundation Hawaii

“It’s the Economy, Stupid” is a catchphrase made famous by Bill Clinton when he ran for president in 1992 and won.

Recently, we have been getting lots of news about our economy here in the islands, and none of it has been good.

The national site WalletHub has pegged our economy 48th out of 51 (including DC). We eked out a victory over only Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alaska.

The University of Hawaii’s economics organization,  UHERO, also came out with a somber assessment. “Over the past year,” it said, “there has been a broad slowing of growth across the four counties. To varying degrees, each has seen a falloff in tourism activity and a slowing of employment growth in a number of sectors.”

The Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism publishes a quarterly forecast. The  most recent one for Q2 2019 predicts modest growth in the gross domestic product for the state, with annual increases a little less than 4%.

In the meantime, our county governments are passing record-busting budgets.

The City and County of Honolulu recently passed a budget 8.8% higher than last year, which included tax hikes on hotel and resort properties and in non-owner occupied “Residential A.” The Mayor’s chief of staff was quoted as saying, “The additional revenue will be used to remedy Honolulu’s unfunded healthcare and retirement liabilities, and to prepare us for future rail operations and maintenance.” Prepare us? Uh-oh, it looks like we have more revenue woes to come.

Maui County passed the largest budget in county history, including tax increases in almost all property classifications including residential. The budget proposes to spend $823.5 million, 8.6% more than fiscal 2019.  “The council opted for economic investment in Maui County, rather than austerity,” the council chair stated in a news release. That’s easy to say when the money being invested isn’t theirs.

Kauai  adopted a $278 million budget, a 7.75% increase over the prior year. “With a new Mayor and Administration onboard, the Council carefully set out to provide the Administration with the tools needed to innovatively improve systems, services, and functions Countywide,” the County Council said. Now someone needs to use the tools.

And the Hawaii County Council passed a $585 million budget, which is more than 13% over last year, adding 95 positions. “We’re demonstrating to our constituency and taxpayers that we’re watching the bottom line,” one council member is quoted as saying. Maybe someone needs new glasses.

So, let’s now ask the question. If the economy isn’t growing as much as the rate government is spending, what’s going to happen?

There is an engine in our society which we call the economy. Businesses provide goods and services to people and other businesses. Those businesses can’t do it alone, so they employ people. The businesses themselves need goods and services to perform, and their employees need meals, shelter, and other goods and services. Our tax system takes a piece of each of almost all these financial transactions. So, if our economic engine is running and spinning, our government is taking in money. That taking acts as a brake on the engine, but if the engine is running fast enough it won’t slow down so much. But what happens if the engine is just sputtering along and government demands more anyway through tax rate hikes?

Lawmakers, if you don’t know the answer to that question, just listen to a few of your constituents who were forced to dip into savings, sell household goods or the family home, or even leave our sunny shores for greener pastures—or at least pastures where the taxes are lower. If it gets bad enough for them, they might exact retribution at the ballot box. Like how George H.W. Bush lost to Bill Clinton because of “the economy, stupid.”

Reparations: Democrats Scam and Insult Blacks Again

A congressional hearing was held on a bill to study reparations for blacks as payback for slavery. Reparations is simply another worm Democrat presidential candidates will put on the hook of their fishing rods to catch black votes.

I am a black man who is proud, grateful and understands how blessed I am to be born an American. My response to the Democrats’ reparations scam is, “Please stop!”. Please stop telling black Americans that we are crippled, inferior and are helpless children who can only succeed via government handouts, lowered standards and special concessions. Just stop it!

The Civil War effectively ended slavery in 1863. After 8 years of Americans making a black man the leader of the free world, Democrats are absurdly claiming blacks are suffering the negative repercussions of slavery and deserve a check. These people (Democrats) are evil, divisive, race-baiting and race-exploiting con artists.

In Maryland in the early 1950s, my late dad was among a handful of blacks who broke the color barrier to become Baltimore City firefighters. Despite humiliating racism within the fire department, Dad won “Firefighter of the Year” two times. Dad didn’t desire reparations or insulting lowered standards. All Dad and his fellow young black trailblazers desired was an opportunity to compete.

In the 1980s, I was promoted to supervisor of the art department at WJZ-TV, ABC affiliate TV station in Baltimore. Democrat friends attempted to rob me of the pride and dignity of my achievement. They demeaned my promotion, claiming it was due to affirmative action. I was insulted. My promotion was the result of being the most qualified. No brag. Just facts.

But this is what Democrats relentlessly do to blacks; always sending us the subliminal message that we don’t quite measure up. For example: When Democrats say requiring a photo ID to vote disenfranchises black voters, Democrats are really saying we are stupid, inferior to other Americans. Black Americans should be outraged.

Metaphorically, Democrats want to keep blacks barefoot and pregnant. Democrats despise and seek to destroy self-reliant, self-motivated and independent blacks. I am referring to extraordinarily successful blacks like Herman Cain, Justice Clarence Thomas and Dr Ben Carson to name a few. Because these blacks took the traditional road of education, hard work and making right choices to achieve success, they expose the Democrat and fake news media lie that blacks can only succeed in racist America via lowered standards and government programs.

Democrats and fake news media celebrates multimillionaire blacks like Danny Glover, Oprah Winfrey, Spike Lee, Colin Kaepernick, Samuel L. Jackson and others who sell blacks the lie that America is a hellhole of racism against them.

Over the years, I have sparred with hosts on CNN a few times. I would be a highly sought-after regular CNN guest if I said, “I am a victim in this awful racist country”. CNN would be thrilled for me to absurdly say Republicans and conservatives are responsible for blacks murdering each other in record numbers. It is whitey’s fault that epidemic numbers of blacks are dropping out of school. White racism is the cause of over 70% of black kids growing up in fatherless households. Spewing such nonsense would make me a CNN rock-star.

In response to Democrats clamoring for reparations, one could argue that electing Obama was reparations, payback for slavery. Obama was the least vetted presidential candidate in US history. As a matter of fact, digging into Obama’s past, his health records, his college records and even his birth certificate was declared racist by Democrats and fake news media. Millions of whites voted for Obama solely because he was black. They sincerely wanted to send the message that we as a nation had moved beyond our sin of slavery.

Naive American voters had no idea that Democrats and their fake news media operatives would use Obama’s skin-color as a bludgeon to beat Americans into submitting to every anti-American insane policy of leftists’ dreams. Obama’s black skin exterior made him leftists’ perfect Trojan Horse. Outrageously, anyone who opposed Obama’s socialist, anti-American and unconstitutional policies was swiftly and viciously branded racist.

One could also argue that the 620,000 lives lost fighting the Civil War to free blacks from slavery was reparations, payback for slavery.

For decades Democrats have purchased black voters’ loyalty with ineffective dependency programs and welfare checks. Reparations is Democrats’ latest scam to purchase black votes with a government check. Blacks have received nothing for their loyalty to Democrats. The same issues which plagued urban blacks 40 years ago are worse today.

My late dad’s historic black church is located in a declining black neighborhood in Baltimore city. At 89, my dad, Dr Rev Lloyd E. Marcus, led a handful of residents one day a week. They marched their neighborhood carrying signs pleading with black youths to “Stop the Killing!” Dad told me that senior residents were living in fear, disrespected, harassed and assaulted by thugs.

There are sections of Baltimore that you simply dare not enter after dark. Fifty years ago when I was a kid, Baltimore was rough, but no where near as violent and out-of-control as it is today. Hellholes of black on black crime such as Chicago, Detroit, Washington, D.C. and Baltimore have been run by Democrats for decades. Reparations are not the solution.

If Democrats and wealthy black celebs really cared about their people rather than furthering a leftist socialist political agenda, they would call for blacks to take full responsibility for their lives. They would encourage a return to biblical morality. They would encourage traditional marriage, bringing fathers back into households. They would encourage black youths to exploit the wonderful blessing of being born in America; the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to go for their dreams.

I love this line from the movie, “Blazing Saddles”. “We don’t need no stinkin’ badges.” I say to Democrats, “We don’t need no stinkin’ reparations!”


Forget Reparations. Money Won’t Solve Black Community’s Problems.

When Europeans Were Slaves: Research Suggests White Slavery Was Much More Common Than Previously Believed

Inequality Has Surged Since 1989, but the Lifestyle Gap Has Shrunk

Trump Calls Off Strike Against Iran — Here’s the Bigger Picture

President Trump called off a retaliatory strike against Iran after Iran shot down a highly sophisticated American drone flying over the Strait of Hormuz.

The president revealed that three strikes were planned against targets in Iran but before giving the U.S. military the go-ahead, the president asked the general in charge how many Iranians would be killed as a result of the strikes.

After hearing that 150 would be killed, the president decided that such a price would be too high to pay and disproportional to the destruction of an unmanned drone.

The president reiterated that not only did the U.S. currently impose crippling sanctions on Iran, but that more were coming – and the military option was still on the table for the future.

Most foreign policy experts agreed with the president, including on both sides of the political divide.

“Trump is still imposing crippling sanctions on Iran,” Michael Doran, a former White House official in the George W. Bush administration, said. “The big fight, the strategic fight, is about keeping those sanctions in place until we win on the nuclear question. Tit-for-tat over a drone is minor by comparison.”

The president emphasized that the U.S.’ problems with Iran are not about keeping the Strait of Hormuz open, as the U.S. is the largest producer of oil in the world. Closing the Strait would harm China the most, as well as Japan and Indonesia.

Rather, the entire issue is about Iran not acquiring nuclear weapons – a red line for Trump.

Meanwhile, Clarion will continue to keep you informed and give you the bigger picture about the developments in the Middle East as they unfold.

Below is an infographic that lets you quickly see the extent and magnitude of Iranian provocations against the U.S. and our allies the last month.

Let us know what you think about Trump’s decision to hold off on a strike against Iran by clicking here



May 12, 2019 – Explosions in the United Emirates Port of Fujairah burn 7-10 oil tankers

June 13, 2019 – Two oil tankers struck in Gulf of Oman. Iran attempts but fails to shoot down American drone surveiling the attack. U.S. later presents detailed evidence Iran was involved, including fingerprints.

June 14, 2019 – U.S. releases video showing Iranian special forces removing unexploded mine from damaged oil tanker in the Gulf of Oman.

June 20, 2019 – Iran shoots down highly sophisticated American drone over international waters in the Strait of Hormuz. Trump back off attack calling it an accident.


May 14, 2019 – Drone sent by Houthis, Iranian proxy militia in Yemen, bombs two pumping stations in Saudi Arabia on strategic oil pipeline in Dawadmi and Afeef.

May 22, 2019 – Drone launched by Houthi fighters strikes Saudi arms depot in Narjran Domestic Airport.

June 7, 2019 – Two car bombs target the Saudi city of Jeddah (home of the U.S. consulate) causing injuries.

June 11, 2019 – Saudi Arabia’s air defense forces intercept two drones launched by Houthis targeting Khamis-Mushait.

June 12, 2019 – Cruise missile hits Abha International Airport outside of the Saudi city of Khmais-Mushait injuring 26, including three women and two children in arrivals terminal.

June 17, 2019 – Saudi forces intercept two explosives-laden drones – one targeting a civilian area in Saudi city of Abha and the other in Yemeni airspace as it approached the kingdom.

June 19, 2019 – The Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen says missile fired by Houthis landed near a desalination plant near Saudi city of Jizan. Houthis say it was a cruise missile aimed at power plant in Jizan.


June 6, 2019 – U.S. drone shot down by Houthis in the Yemeni western coast of Al Hudaydah.

June 17, 2019 – Iranian experts, along with Houthi militants, Killed in failed attempt to launch a ballistic missile outside of Yemeni capital of Sana’a at the Al-Daylamit air base.

June 19, 2019 – Drone sent from Yemen to Saudi Arabia intercepted by Saudi air defenses over Yemen’s Hajjah province.


A New Strategy Toward Tehran: Exploit Iran’s Fear

Five Days, Four Attacks on U.S.-Related Targets in Iraq

Will Iran’s Cat-and-Mouse Strategy Backfire?

How Far Will Iran Go to Poke the American Bear in the Gulf 

Trump’s Sanctions on Iran, Hezbollah Causing Geo-Political Shifts

New York Times Writer does Hit-Job on Americans in St. Cloud, MN

Well, I should say a hit-job on white Americans; the Somalis there are pure as the driven snow.

But, did anyone expect anything other than a hit from the New York Times? 

Anyone who raises any questions about how many migrants we should admit to America or asks what it will cost taxpayers, or any other sensible question is a racist, Islamophobic xenophobe especially if a reporter can link critics of uncontrolled migration to Donald J. Trump.

For the record, I don’t respond to requests from the likes of the NYT, the Washington Post, the LA Times etc. for an interview because no matter what you say, biased reporters will cherry-pick your words and paint you in the worst light as obviously reporter Alstead W. Herndon did here.

He went to St. Cloud with an agenda!

Herndon proves once again that Donald Trump is right about the media.

But, it isn’t all bad because a whole lot more people in America now know there is a big problem, a social upheaval going on in St. Cloud, and maybe they will think twice about putting out the ‘welcome’ mat to third world refugees.

Here is how reporter Astead W. Herndon begins his story.

In the first five paragraphs he has worked in all the vital words any good Leftist anti-Trump reporter needs to tell readers what they are to think about these ‘Islamophobes’ in Minnesota!  (I’ve hi-lighted his buzz words in hot pink.)

‘These People Aren’t Coming From Norway’: Refugees in a Minnesota City Face a Backlash

As more Somali refugees arrive in St. Cloud, white anti-immigration activists have pressed an increasingly explicit anti-Muslim agenda.

ST. CLOUD, Minn. — John Palmer, a former university professor, has always had a cause. For decades he urged Minnesota officials to face the dangers of drunken driving and embrace seatbelts. Now he has a new goal: curbing the resettlement of Somali refugees in St. Cloud, after a few thousand moved into this small city where Mr. Palmer has lived for decades.

Every weekday, he sits in the same spot at Culver’s restaurant — the corner booth near the Kwik Trip — and begins his daily intake of news from xenophobic and conspiratorial sites, such as, and articles with titles like “Lifting the Veil on the ‘Islamophobia’ Hoax.” On Thursdays, Mr. Palmer hosts a group called Concerned Community Citizens, or C-Cubed, which he formed to pressure local officials over the Muslim refugees. Mr. Palmer said at a recent meeting he viewed them as innately less intelligent than the “typical” American citizen, as well as a threat.[BTW, if you don’t read Jihad Watch you should.—ed]

But for others, the changes have fueled talk about “white replacement,” a racist conspiracy theory tied to the declining birthrates of white Americans that has spread in far-right circles and online chat rooms and is now surfacing in some communities.

“The very word ‘Islamophobia’ is a false narrative,” Mr. Palmer, 70, said. “A phobia is an irrational fear.” Raising his voice, he added, “An irrational fear! There are many reasons we are not being irrational.”

In this predominantly white region of central Minnesota, the influx of Somalis, most of whom are Muslim, has spurred the sort of demographic and cultural shifts that President Trump and right-wing conservatives have stoked fears about for years. The resettlement has divided many politically active residents of St. Cloud, with some saying they welcome the migrants.

There is much more if you care to read it.

My  point is that this reporter, in the run-up to 2020, wants to make it very clear that everyone who has a concern about a large increase in the number of migrants to a community (even when those ‘new Americans’ take jobs African-Americans need or might be ISIS lovers) is a Trump-supporting racist.

(See my post about the Pittsburgh terrorist bust and note that the black community there is a little nervous about the refugees flooding into their communities. Are they being racist and Islamophobic, Astead?)

For a laugh, you really need to see Herndon’s (thin) bio when he joined the NYT in 2018.

Here is one mention of an important story in his career.  (BTW, Did he write the bio?  I see a typo in it.)

And then there was the story where Astead spent a day trying to eat every food at a county fair, downing a three-layer chili parfait, deep-fried peanut butter and jelly, and bacon covered in s’mores.

Wow! Impressive!

This post is filed in my ‘Media fraud’ category.

RELATED ARTICLE: New York Times Reporter Falsely Labels Segregationist Senators Republicans

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

WATCH: 2016 Bulgarian Documentary on Deep State support of ISIS under Obama

Posted by Eeyore.

When our Bulgarian translator, Tanya T., did this for us, we uploaded it to YouTube and it vanished in minutes with no explanation. No CR infringement or other reason, it just was taken down.

Then we tried the other traditional platforms, LiveLeak etc. and the same thing happened on all of them. Stunningly, even on, although it reappeared there after some time.

It initially lasted an hour or so at if I recall correctly.

After the 2016 election, we tried again with more success. It was not pulled as fast or at all from some platforms but I wanted it out there on a torrent based one like d-Tube.

Now that it is clear that the Obama administration knew that the attack on the US embassy in Benghazi was an Al-Qaeda/nascent Islamic State attack, and, they they knew it was coming 10 days before it happened, what you see in this documentary becomes more than interesting. It becomes obvious.

Clearly the Obama-Clinton Kabul was running weapons and supplies to the Islamic State or the proto-groups that made it up in Syria and Iraq as The Baron at Gates of Vienna speculated at the time.

What I did not know until half an hour ago in another interview with Brad Johnson that will be posted tonight, is that the killers of Ambassador Stephens, who was murdered in the US embassy in Benghazi, paraded his corpse around the city naked, with a stick up his behind.

This was also covered up by the Clinton Crime cartel.

Brad will discuss this in the interview to be posted as soon as I have it uploaded.

Virginia: D.C. area police officer converts to Islam, sends money to ISIS

Have authorities investigated who taught Nicholas Young about Islam? Have they looked into what is being taught at the mosque he attended? Why not?

“Ex-police officer again gets 15 years on terror conviction,” Associated Press, June 21, 2019 (thanks to Blazing Cat Fur):

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) — UPDATE (12:52 p.m. June 21): A former police officer caught in a sting trying to help the Islamic State by purchasing $200 in gift cards for them will serve 15 years in prison, even though some of his convictions were tossed out on appeal.

Nicholas Young of Fairfax, Virginia, was sentenced to 15 years last year for obstruction of justice and attempting to provide support to a terrorist group….

Young was the first law enforcement officer charged with a federal terrorism offense. He patrolled the D.C. region’s Metrorail system.


Ex-D.C. area cop convicted of trying to help ISIS seeks reduced sentence

Indiana: Muslim had “kill list” of US service members, tried to join ISIS

New York Times smears Jihad Watch, covers for Minneapolis Muslim migrant community, US jihad recruitment capital

RELATED VIDEO: Egyptian reformist: “Caliphates through the ages” were “terrorist caliphates, perpetrated the same things ISIS does.”

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

This Is What I Believe

On a flight right now returning from a five-day trip that I believe was orchestrated from above, I take this moment and reflect. I have been inspired by two patriots, two beautiful souls who were brought to me for a reason, for a purpose. This soon will be revealed, of this I am sure. Our paths have crossed by no accident. I am grateful and thankful. I believe there are no coincidences.

I believe that as George Washington was divinely inspired and protected to form America, it is my belief that Donald J. Trump is divinely inspired and protected to resurrect America. I believe the storm is upon us. It is my belief that this storm will challenge each and every one of us in ways that perhaps we have never been challenged before. Why? Because this is a battle between good and evil. Read through my articles and books and you will gain a greater understanding of what it is that I am talking about. This has just begun and will intensify as the years go by. These are defining moments in time. Once again, these are the times that try men’s souls.

Tragedy brings unity. As the remains of the twin towers in New York City were reduced to smoldering twisted steel and ash, innocent lives perished. People were injured, horrified, devastated and in shock with grief beyond words, as the loved ones left behind were left in a state of desperation and suffering beyond words. What did I see? People uniting. There were no divisions. There was not one delayed thought or consideration to help one another. We are instinctively good. We are one. We united. Tragedy brings unity. It mattered not, your political affiliation, race, religion and so on. I believe that people are instinctively and inherently good.

And so the storm that is now upon us is exposing the evil acts which are no longer hiding and lurking among us in the dark, in disguise. It is now hidden in plain sight. Know this evil well. Know it for what it is. The age of transparency is here. Truths are now being revealed and this has just begun. I believe civilization is at a crossroads with America in the cross-hairs. Yes, once again it is up to us. Freedom is up to us. With dignity, decency, common sense, and knowing the difference between right and wrong hanging in the balance, we must seek strength within. What will soon be revealed will be heart wrenching and most difficult to endure. Yet I believe many of us will unite with one heart and one mind while others will be cast away into the abyss of darkness. Surround yourself with like-minded people who understand the times in which we live. Expand these circles. Stay informed. Be prepared and pray for God’s mercy, wisdom, strength to endure, and for protection.

The election of Donald J. Trump is the miracle many had been praying for. I for one, wrote about this early on in 2015 in my book Misconceptions and Course Corrections, prior to the escalator event, stating that the most unlikely person in our hour of need will arrive to provide the leadership that America and the world so desperately needed to bring us out of the darkness and into the light. That time has arrived.

Donald Trump’s entire life led him to such a time as this. Pray for our President and for his family, for in my opinion, no Trump, no hope. I do believe that the days that are now upon us and the years to follow shall bring out the good in us once again. It’s time to bring ourselves up by the boot straps. I believe it’s time for us to raise our level of confront. I believe it’s time for us to focus, be confident, strong and support one another in spite of our often times, vast differences, for we are one. Stay the course, trust the plan. Someone once said “love is but a song we sing, fear is the way we die”. “Come on people now, smile on your brother everybody get together try to love one another right now”. Choose love. I believe that with the grace of God, together we will save America.

Video Commentary:

VIDEO: Dianne Feinstein Is Trying (Again) To Ban the Most Popular Firearm in America

After all these years, Dianne Feinstein is still clueless about guns.

“Dianne Feinstein, the anti-gun senator from California, took to Twitter to show just how clueless she really is on guns. She went down the road that every anti-gunner does and went after the always vilified AR-15.” —Grant


Chuck Michel: Preliminary Wins for California Gun Owners

Julio Rosas: Eric Swalwell Lays Out His Gun Control Plan at NRA HQ

EDITORS NOTE: This NRA-TV video is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: The Book of Life — Is Your Name Written There?

Is your name written in the Book of Life? The most important question of all time.

Colorado kids and teens are dying at a rate higher than U.S. average – and suicide is to blame

Suicide is the leading cause of death in Colorado among children and young adults ages 10 to 24. This comes to light with the release of the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s 2019 Kids Count Data Book, which compares children’s well-being across all 50 states.

In 2017, the state’s teen suicide rate rose to 21 deaths per 100,000 from 12 deaths per 100,000 in 2014 [coincidentally the year marijuana legalization took effect]. The 2017 rate is the highest since Colorado began tracking suicide deaths by age group in 1980.

The Kids Count report puts Colorado 20th overall in child well-being but 41st among states for children’s health. “The poor heath rating is a result of Colorado’s high death rate among kids and teens, lower-than-average birth weight for babies, and above-average use of alcohol and drugs among teens,” notes the Colorado Sun.

The number of low-birth-weight babies increased to 9.1 percent in 2017, up from 8.8 percent in 2010. The 2017 national average was 8.3 percent.

On the educational front the report ranked Colorado as 44th in on-time high-school graduation rates. One-fifth of the state’s high-school students do not graduate in four years.

Read the Colorado Sun report here.
Read the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s 2019 Kids Count Data Book here.
Access Kids Count Colorado data sheet here.
Access Kids Count data sheets for other states here.

Potent pot, vulnerable teens trigger concerns in first states to legalize marijuana

“The first two states to legalize recreational marijuana,” writes the Washington Post,“are starting to grapple with teenagers’ growing use of highly potent pot, even as both boost the industry and reap huge tax windfalls from its sales.”

The legal purchase age of 21 is about as effective deterring adolescent marijuana use as it is deterring adolescent alcohol use. Parents, educators, and doctors say kids can easily access edibles and concentrates with levels of THC that can average 68 percent.

Calls to poison control centers and visits to ERs have risen. Denver’s Children’s Hospital Colorado has treated 777 problems such as cyclic vomiting, paranoia, psychosis, and other marijuana-related symptoms in kids, up from 161 in 2005, a few years before the state commercialized marijuana for medical use.

Seattle’s Children’s Hospital also is seeing a jump in marijuana-related emergencies. “I hope we don’t lose a generation of people before we become clear we need to protect our kids’ brains,” says Leslie Walker-Harding, who chairs the hospital’s pediatrics department.

Colorado leads 37 states in adolescent vaping. Some school officials say half their students vape during school hours, using marijuana as well as nicotine.

Legislators in both states passed laws this year to encourage marijuana industry expansion and loosen regulations, including a law allowing marijuana home delivery in Colorado.

Read Washington Post story here.

Marijuana use among pregnant women doubles

A new study released yesterday finds that marijuana use doubled among pregnant women between 2002 and 2017 and is most common in the first trimester.

Past-month marijuana use increased from 3.4 percent to 7 percent among pregnant women overall.

The data came from an analysis of the National Survey on Drug Use and Health between 2002 and 2017, which involved nearly half a million women.

Read Journal of the American Medical Association research letter here.

Pure cannabis cigarettes to be introduced to Canadian cannabis market

THC BioMed, a Canadian licensed marijuana producer, announced this week that it will automate the pre-rolling of 100 percent cannabis cigarettes – with filters.

The company says it believes this will change the game in the same way automation changed the tobacco industry and will “bring meaningful changes to the current cannabis industry and its bottom line.” The cigarettes will contain no tobacco.

In addition to retail use, the cigarettes will be marketed for medical use, marking a new first in which doctors will tell patients to smoke to treat their health problems.

THC BioMed’s automation plant can produce up to 5,000 cigarettes per minute.

Read PR Announcement here.

Defense, State Department Documents Reveal Obama Administration Knew that al Qaeda Terrorists Had Planned Benghazi Attack 10 Days in Advance

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it obtained more than 100 pages of previously classified “Secret” documents from the Department of Defense (DOD) and the Department of State revealing that DOD almost immediately reported that the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was committed by the al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood-linked “Brigades of the Captive Omar Abdul Rahman” (BCOAR), and had been planned at least 10 days in advance. Rahman is known as the Blind Sheikh, and is serving life in prison for his involvement in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and other terrorist acts.  The new documents also provide the first official confirmation that shows the U.S. government was aware of arms shipments from Benghazi to Syria.  The documents also include an August 2012 analysis warning of the rise of ISIS and the predicted failure of the Obama policy of regime change in Syria.

The documents were released in response to a court order in accordance with a May 15, 2014, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed against both the DOD and State Department seeking communications between the two agencies and congressional leaders “on matters related to the activities of any agency or department of the U.S. government at the Special Mission Compound and/or classified annex in Benghazi” (Judicial Watch v U.S. Department of Defense and U.S. Department of State(No. 1:14-cv-00812)).

Spelling and punctuation is duplicated in this release without corrections.

Defense Department document from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), dated September 12, 2012, the day after the Benghazi attack, details that the attack on the compound had been carefully planned by the BOCAR terrorist group “to kill as many Americans as possible.”  The document was sent to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Obama White House National Security Council.  The heavily redacted Defense Department “information report” says that the attack on the Benghazi facility “was planned and executed by The Brigades of the Captive Omar Abdul Rahman (BCOAR).”  The group subscribes to “AQ ideologies:”

The attack was planned ten or more days prior on approximately 01 September 2012. The intention was to attack the consulate and to kill as many Americans as possible to seek revenge for U.S. killing of Aboyahiye ((ALALIBY)) in Pakistan and in memorial of the 11 September 2001 atacks on the World Trade Center buildings.

“A violent radical,” the DIA report says, is “the leader of BCOAR is Abdul Baset ((AZUZ)), AZUZ was sent by ((ZAWARI)) to set up Al Qaeda (AQ) bases in Libya.”  The group’s headquarters was set up with the approval of a “member of the Muslim brother hood movement…where they have large caches of weapons.  Some of these caches are disguised by feeding troughs for livestock.  They have SA-7 and SA-23/4 MANPADS…they train almost every day focusing on religious lessons and scriptures including three lessons a day of jihadist ideology.”

The Defense Department reported the group maintained written documents, in “a small rectangular room, approximately 12 meters by 6 meters…that contain information on all of the AQ activity in Libya.”

(Azuz is again blamed for the Benghazi attack in an October 2012 DIA document.)

The DOD documents also contain the first official documentation that the Obama administration knew that weapons were being shipped from the Port of Benghazi to rebel troops in Syria. An October 2012 report confirms:

Weapons from the former Libya military stockpiles were shipped from the port of Benghazi, Libya to the Port of Banias and the Port of Borj Islam, Syria. The weapons shipped during late-August 2012 were Sniper rifles, RPG’s, and 125 mm and 155mm howitzers missiles.

During the immediate aftermath of, and following the uncertainty caused by, the downfall of the ((Qaddafi)) regime in October 2011 and up until early September of 2012, weapons from the former Libya military stockpiles located in Benghazi, Libya were shipped from the port of Benghazi, Libya to the ports of Banias and the Port of Borj Islam, Syria. The Syrian ports were chosen due to the small amount of cargo traffic transiting these two ports. The ships used to transport the weapons were medium-sized and able to hold 10 or less shipping containers of cargo.

The DIA document further details:

The weapons shipped from Syria during late-August 2012 were Sniper rifles, RPG’s and 125mm and 155mm howitzers missiles.  The numbers for each weapon were estimated to be: 500 Sniper rifles, 100 RPG launchers with 300 total rounds, and approximately 400 howitzers missiles [200 ea – 125mm and 200ea – 155 mm.]

The heavily redacted document does not disclose who was shipping the weapons.

Another DIA report, written in August 2012 (the same time period the U.S. was monitoring weapons flows from Libya to Syria), said that the opposition in Syria was driven by al Qaeda and other extremist Muslim groups: “the Salafist, the Muslim Brotherhood, and AQI are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria.” The growing sectarian direction of the war was predicted to have dire consequences for Iraq, which included the “grave danger” of the rise of ISIS:

The deterioration of the situation has dire consequences on the Iraqi situation and are as follows:

This creates the ideal atmosphere for AQI [al Qaeda Iraq] to return to its old pockets in Mosul and Ramadi, and will provide a renewed momentum under the presumption of unifying the jihad among Sunni Iraq and Syria, and the rest of the Sunnis in the Arab world against what it considers one enemy, the dissenters. ISI could also declare an Islamic state through its union with other terrorist organizations in Iraq and Syria, which will create grave danger in regards to unifying Iraq and the protection of its territory.

Some of the “dire consequences” are blacked out but the DIA presciently warned one such consequence would be the “renewing facilitation of terrorist elements from all over the Arab world entering into Iraqi Arena.”

From a separate lawsuit, the State Department produced a document created the morning after the Benghazi attack by Hillary Clinton’s offices, and the Operations Center in the Office of the Executive Secretariat that was sent widely through the agency, including to Joseph McManus (then-Hillary Clinton’s executive assistant).  At 6:00 am, a few hours after the attack, the top office of the State Department sent a “spot report” on the “Attack on U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi” that makes no mention of videos or demonstrations:

Four COM personnel were killed and three were wounded in an attack by dozens of fighters on the U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi beginning approximately 1550 Eastern Time….

The State Department has yet to turn over any documents from the secret email accounts of Hillary Clinton and other top State Department officials.

“These documents are jaw-dropping. No wonder we had to file more FOIA lawsuits and wait over two years for them.  If the American people had known the truth – that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and other top administration officials knew that the Benghazi attack was an al-Qaeda terrorist attack from the get-go – and yet lied and covered this fact up – Mitt Romney might very well be president. And why would the Obama administration continue to support the Muslim Brotherhood even after it knew it was tied to the Benghazi terrorist attack and to al Qaeda? These documents also point to connection between the collapse in Libya and the ISIS war – and confirm that the U.S. knew remarkable details about the transfer of arms from Benghazi to Syrian jihadists,” stated Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch president.  “These documents show that the Benghazi cover-up has continued for years and is only unraveling through our independent lawsuits. The Benghazi scandal just got a whole lot worse for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.”

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

A Tale of Two Rallies

The 2020 presidential contest is now underway in earnest. On Tuesday, President Trump officially kicked off his reelection campaign to a packed house at the 20,000 seat Amway Center in Orlando, FL. Earlier that day, one of the two dozen or so contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination tried to have a rally of his own to draw attention to his signature issue of gun control. The difference between the two events speaks volumes about the role the Second Amendment plays in American politics.

At about 1:30 in the afternoon, a little-known U.S. Congressman from California’s 15th District held an event on the sidewalk across from NRA Headquarters in Fairfax, VA. There doesn’t seem to be much point in mentioning his name, as he is polling at a pathetic 1% in his party’s primary race and just barely qualified to attend the first Democrat debate.

The location of the “event” (if that’s not too strong a word) was meant to be symbolic. Speaking to The Hill last week, the candidate boasted: “I’m taking the battle to the NRA’s doorstep with a new, broader package of commonsense reforms to end gun violence.” The Hill article noted that “gun control” is the “centerpiece” of this individual’s “long-shot Democratic presidential bid.” Indeed, at his campaign launch in April, he told his audience that “this issue [i.e., gun control] comes first.”

It can only be assumed, then, that this “confrontation” with the NRA was a key moment in his effort to gain some national attention and raise his profile in a crowded field.

Instead, the gathering was an embarrassingly lame example of either extremely poor planning or rank disinterest in anything the individual had to say. With sun breaking through the clouds, accompanied by typical Northern Virginia heat and humidity, the crowd topped out at 18 individuals during the height of the event. This does not include the individual himself or a small contingent of reporters, but it does include his own staff and others who actually accompanied him to the site.

Adding to the humorous nature of the scene was the backdrop of a giant black tour bus that looked as if it could have held many dozens of occupants. Like a reverse clown car, it disgorged a “crowd” completely disproportionate to its size.

There’s nothing funny, however, about what this pretender would do to your Second Amendment rights in the far-fetched event he actually wielded power from the Oval Office.

The individual’s plan – which he misleadingly calls “A National Framework to End Gun Violence” – is basically a compendium of the worst thinking on gun control from the last 40 years.

Needless to say, the centerpiece of the “Framework” is a massive gun ban, in this case on what he calls “military-style semiautomatic assault weapons.” This likely refers to magazine-fed semi-automatic rifles like the AR-15, which not incidentally is America’s most popular centerfire rifle platform.

Unlike other recent proposals, his plan calls for forcing those who previously obtained the newly-banned guns lawfully to surrender them to the government for whatever compensation D.C. bureaucrats decided to offer. He calls this the option for the person “who chooses to follow the law.”

Any person “caught defying the law” by refusing to relinquish their lawfully-obtained and constitutionally-protected property, meanwhile, could expect to be criminally prosecuted under the plan.

Of course, the true threats to public peace and order do not “choose[] to follow the law,” and the types of firearms he proposes to ban are actually under-represented in violent crime in the U.S. And even considering the far more infrequent phenomena of mass shootings, semi-automatic rifles are under-represented in those crimes as well.

The rest of the individual’s proposed agenda is too lengthy to fully enumerate, but lowlights include:

  • a mandatory 48-hour waiting period to take possession of a purchased gun (including, apparently, for those who already own guns);
  • a ban on the private sale of firearms;
  • federal licensing and mandatory training to obtain a firearm;
  • a nationwide registry of every firearm, firearm owner, and firearm transaction in America;
  • rationing of the purchase of handguns and ammunition; and
  • a cap on the amount of ammunition that individuals may possess at any one time to 200 rounds per caliber or gauge.

The full list is considerably longer, but the obvious intent is to discourage gun ownership by making it as expensive, burdensome, bureaucratic, legally perilous, and socially unacceptable as possible. Indeed, if he accomplished every item he proposes, American citizens would be worse off in terms of access to firearms than residents of many Western European countries that have no pretense of a “right” to arms and instead treat gun ownership as a tightly-restricted privilege.

Yet even as this plan was being unveiled to an audience that could barely fill a spacious utility closet, another, significantly larger audience was massing well ahead of President Trump’s official campaign kick-off later that night. That event packed the 20,000 seats of the arena, with an overflow crowd cheering the President on from outside of the venue as well.

And it wasn’t just the numbers that told the tale. There was an enthusiasm and electricity to the crowd in Orlando that is simply unmatched in American politics today.

For Second Amendment supporters, the president has been a steadfast ally, refusing to bend to the will of anti-gun forces within the Democrat party, the legacy media, and increasingly in a business climate that appears to embrace virtue signaling even over company mission or shareholder value. His years in office have seen some of the harshest, most sustained attacks against the Second Amendment in our nation’s history, and he has held firm to his promise to be friend to the law-abiding gun owner. None of the many gun control bills introduced into Congress have succeeded during his watch.

Not only that, he has appointed two justices to the U.S. Supreme Court committed to the original understanding of the U.S. Constitution. The Second Amendment will again be before the court this year, and thanks to President Trump, it will be given the respectful consideration it deserves. That would not have happened if Hillary Clinton had succeeded in her bid for the White House.

President Trump mentioned the Second Amendment three times in Orlando, and the crowd responded each time with raucous cheering and applause.

Like his would-be opponent from California, the President has situated the Second Amendment squarely at the center of his campaign. President Trump, however, understands the fundamental place the right to keep and bear arms holds in American life. “We will protect our Second Amendment,” he promised once again.

Fortunately, President Trump will almost certainly not be facing the Congressman from California’s 15th District in the race for the White House. And while the president’s eventual opponent is likely to take a more “moderate” stance on firearms in the general election, there’s little doubt the gun control wish list unveiled last Tuesday was as much as anything a roadmap anti-gun forces hope will lead to the eventual destruction of the Second Amendment. Bit by bit, they are hoping to change the terms of the debate and move the window on what is considered possible in infringing your rights.

Two views of the Second Amendment emerged on Tuesday, and it was clear which one was more widely embraced.

But make no mistake, there is still much work to be done to ensure that view also prevails in 2020. The media’s knives were out before the president even finished his speech, spinning familiar tales about the doom that surely await his electoral ambitions.

So we must do all we can to protect our freedoms in the 2020 elections.


Arrogant Illinois State Senator Proposes Confiscating Guns.

Bloomberg Course: Certified in Advocacy

Why the NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum Site Is Hunters’ Top Tool


Arrogant Illinois State Senator Proposes Confiscating Guns.

Washington’s Anti-Gun Behemoth Is Creating Law-Enforcement Chaos

EDITORS NOTE: This NRA-ILA column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Fascist Tactics and Methods in America

“You know someone, very profoundly once said many years ago that if fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the name of liberalism.” – Ronald Reagan

The conflict between good and evil is one of the most common conventional themes in literature, and it is eternal in politics as well. Kanye West slams liberals for ‘bullying’ Trump supporters. In general he is right on that. But…Dear Kanye, they are not ‘liberals’. I am a Trump supporter, if you will listen to some stories and you will know who they are. It is much more brutal and vicious than bullying. These are typical fascist tactics and methods against President Trump, his supporters, and generally against the American Republic to change our culture, our values system, and our way of life… Tragically, all of that is done by the enemy within—the Democrat Party in collaboration with Russian Intelligence agencies…

It is not a coincidence that John Dean has reappeared from the 20th century, he is like George Soros, Michael Moore, and many others of the KGB’s political operatives and with one agenda—destruction of the American Republic, American Presidency and the Republican Party. They all have different forms, methods and spheres of activities, yet, the agenda is the same.  Knowing a deep infiltration of the KGB into all strata of American society and the Democrat Party, it was clear to me that those actors were dealing in concert with the Dems–it is a coalition against the Republicans, the American Justice system, and our way of life. Read my column The Ideological Battlefield in Washington D.C. dated May 27, 2018.

The recent Mueller Report has proved it. The foundation of American Law based on a presumption of innocence. You know the Report, as I have already analyzed it, the Russia Probe investigation was based on the presumption of Trump’s guilt—a typical Soviet approach to the law. Look at our House of Representatives as run by the Dems and you’ll find the Stalinist style investigative overreach against President Trump. Pay attention to Bernie, Trojan Horse, he is fighting to implement in America the principals of the Soviet Stalinist Constitution of 1936—what a fraud! All those actors in different capacities are political operatives fighting the system left to us by our Founding Fathers.

Knowing the Russian methods, agenda, and its proclivity to mold Soviet style charlatan-leaders around the world to engineer cadres of fifth columnists, I believe there are two types of people committing betrayals: Those who do not like the political system established by our Founding Fathers and are trying to transform it– they are currently collaborating with the KGB to destroy the country, and those people who haven’t a clue about the KGB infiltrations, hence becoming their unwitting accomplices. Both groups constitute a huge help to President Putin, who is running the anti-Trump show… It is Vladimir Putin, who wants to impeach President Trump and Kremlin’s assignment activates the Socialist mafia…

Yes, the anti-Trump show is run by Vladimir Putin and his KGB. He mortally hates the successful capitalist-Trump. America’s Socialist mafia and above mentioned actors help Putin–they all also hate a successful capitalist-Trump. Look at the dozens of the Dems candidates for the 2020 election—they are also fighting successful capitalism, some of them sponsored by the KGB. The hate climate in America has a name—it is the ideology of Soviet fascism. Only knowing the ideology its tactics, strategy, tricks, and methods can you grasp and assess the harm and damage done to the American Republic by the haters of successful capitalism…

Fascist Tactics and Techniques Used Against Me

I had been writing about Russia and its KGB for many years. Somewhere in the 1990s, I noticed some abnormalities in my mail and computer, but I did not have time to investigate the cause. In 2002, I published my first book and those abnormalities doubled. Since then I have experienced all sorts of violations of my Constitutional rights from wiretaps to arresting my mail, like it was in the Soviet Union—censorship. I recognized this to be the KGB. To silence me and ban my writings, the KGB, through the infiltrated FBI or CIA submitted my name to the FISA Court and made me a foreign agent in 2002, the year my first book was published. Just listen to the story of my third book…

In the spring of 2012, I had completed and published my third book titled: An Agony: Face to Face with Soviet Fascism. Intermedia Publishing Inc. 2012. I identified the ideology of Soviet Fascism and described the KGB’s tactics, methods, and tricks in the book. With joy, I immediately sent several copies of the book to my friends and got the alarming news: “everything is up-side-down in your book with a lot of grammar mistakes.” I was in shock. When I opened the book … it was obvious the KGB had gotten access to the manuscript, because the Trojan Horse has become a Trojan House in the entire book with many similar changes—the internet allows these mischiefs very easily to inflict…

The 2012 election was around the corner, I had a critically short time to correct the harm and my friends helped me. But the next news did not wait, they made me speechless—Intermedia Publishing Inc. was forced to file for bankruptcy and my book was killed… I was again in shock.

When I got over the shock, I had to act and the only choice was Xlibris, the publishing house that produced my first and second books. I understood that I couldn’t use the same title, I had to change it. I did. Xlibris accepted the book under a new title: What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction, Xlibris, 2012. A fantastic and alarming Press Release was written and published. Let me give you the heading of the Press Release to assess its significance:


Book Exposes Shocking Truths about Soviet Fascism and Terrorism

Author Simona Pipko shares alarming messages about the most dangerous threat to global peace

Yet, dissemination of that Press Release was stopped, this Press Release has never been sent to anyone, it was electronically blocked. You have never seen it … Fascism never sleeps and has very long arms. I realized that the KGB has penetrated the second Publishing House in America to sabotage my book!!! What a massive infiltration of the Russian Intel into our midst! What a spectacular failure of our Intel in the era of Soviet fascism…! It’s Happening Here in America…!

In attempting to silence me and hide my words from the public, the American traitors deprived the world of learning the Truth about Russia and its KGB, to act accordingly, and prevent enormous damage done to our country and the world. The mass-shooting in America and deadly plane crashes will continue, as I predicted. Russian hackers won’t stop targeting the US Power Grid. The Dems Socialist mafia is relentlessly undermining our political system by abuse of power and sabotage. We are not dealing only with Russia or China now— Western civilization is targeted by a huge and well equipped army of global terror under the Russian umbrella, I called this army—the Axis of Evil. All those governments adhere to the aggressive and expansionist ideology of Soviet Fascism.

By 2020 the fight across the globe will escalate; the Dems-Globalists will try to prevent President Trump from winning reelection. I wouldn’t exclude a terror act a-la attack on 9/11. The attacks on the oil tankers in the international waters by Iran’s regime is just a repetition of its 1987 behavior. It is not a war of words between Trump and Pelosi. The third side, Vladimir Putin and his KGB coordinate this war. We have wasted three years following the Dems’ myth of Trump’s treason. They needed this myth to divert attention from the crime they have committed, they needed the “Cover-up.” They are following Stalin’s teachings: “never admit the crime committed, but accuse the opposition in that exact crime.” It is still the favorite method of Soviet fascism. You see it implemented in America, yet, our Intel is missing the source of the world instability. We are still fighting the symptoms of the ideology, not the ideology itself. What a shame!  Calling a spade a spade and emphasizing the term Soviet fascism, we will alarm people and reveal a cause of the world instability.

Look at contemporary discussions and debates on all TV channels—it is wasting time, human energy, and money—they discuss the symptoms of the ideology: none knows the ideology of Soviet Fascism itself, which is aimed at destruction of our system of free market capitalism. None knows the Russian dreadful connection with the top people in Obama’s government, none knows Obama/Putin Conspiracy, of which I wrote about for a decade. I suspect several people acted as a conduit between Obama and Putin, it could be Valerie Jarrett or the individuals, I have already mentioned in my columns. My books have been banned by the traitors working with the KGB to prevent these knowledge and keep you blind… You see the result…

We are in an ongoing asymmetrical war: the countries of Soviet Fascism, I called “the Axis of Evil” are waging this war against Western civilization and capitalism. The Dems are helping and aiding the enemy, which is a real TREASON…The world and all Americans should know that! Accountability is in the pillars of the system left to us by our Founding Fathers… The traitors should be found and charged with the crimes they committed!

Honorable Attorney General William P. Barr!

The entire decent world is looking at you with hope and desire to see the sworn enemy exposed. Knowledge of Soviet Fascism is the only means to do so and expose the enemy within. America the Beautiful and her people deserve to know the Truth and to see what Democrats have done to us and our American Republic!!!

To confirm my ideas and views, please, see the following warning of a KGB defector about the silent war, which being waged against America.

To be continued and at

The Humanitarian Hoax of “Neutral” Google Searches: Killing America With Kindness

The Humanitarian Hoax is a deliberate and deceitful tactic of presenting a destructive policy as altruistic. The humanitarian huckster presents himself as a compassionate advocate when in fact he is the disguised enemy.

The humanitarian hoax of neutral Google searches is a dangerous example of destruction presented as altruism.

Google is an American multinational technology company that specializes in internet-related services and products including online advertising technologies, search engine, cloud computing, software, and hardware. Google’s revenues in 2018 were a whopping $75 billion, and its market capitalization a staggering $791 billion – just behind Amazon’s market capitalization of $802 billion.

Google is currently the nation’s premier web-based information outlet with 63,000 searches per second, 3.8 million per minute, and 5.8 billion searches a day. So, what is the problem?

Google has reversed its lofty 1998 foundational mission, “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” Making information universally accessible and useful describes a free and open Internet that is diametrically opposed to censorship, curating content, and algorithms for social engineering the masses.

Google searches today are not neutral, free, unbiased, or random. This is how it works.

Form and content or two distinctly different aspects of technology. Google’s form is a stunning accomplishment of user-friendly accessibility – just type in your question or concern and immediately receive multiple answers and source materials. Google content is astonishing in a very different way.

In a shocking two minute video produced and filmed on location by Hay Festival for BBC Arts Digital 2019, Carole Cadwalladr inadvertently exposes the alarming content issues involved in a simple Google search. Cadwalladr, an investigative journalist, became famous in 2018 when she exposed the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica data scandal.

She begins by relating a humorous exchange between herself and a friend who remarked, “I didn’t know that you were fifty!” Carole responds, “I am not fifty! I am forty-seven – there is a big difference.” He insists, “But Google says you are fifty!” She decides to explore why there is factual misinformation about her on the Internet.

Her investigation begins as she decides to type in a controversial single word – Jew. She starts to format the search word into a question “Are Jews …” and Google auto-completes the question “Are Jews evil?” Without even pressing return, the screen fills with an entire page of results, every single one answering, “Yes, Jews are evil.” At the bottom of the page were suggested search terms. The first one was, “Did the Holocaust happen?” Carole clicks on it and the screen populates with articles that deny the Holocaust in every single case. The top result was the Nazi website Stormfront. Top results are determined by page rank – we will get to that later.

Google responded to complaints about their antisemitic search results by altering the algorithm which removed the antisemitic search results. So why am I writing about it?

What caught my attention beyond the staggering antisemitism in the search result, is Carole’s comment that Google searches are machine learning. The machine reads the websites and then deduces things. WHAT???

This essentially means that if enough misinformation and disinformation is put online in the databases, the Google searches will indoctrinate itself, and then will propagandize the public with its machine learning. That is beyond frightening because it means that whoever has the resources to upload the most information controls the information results for Google searches. WHAT???

Machine learning is artificial intelligence – like a human brain, the machine processes the information it is programmed with. Whoever controls the information controls the society. I have written extensively about the propagandized Pearson Education textbooks and programs that indoctrinate American students to be anti-American, pro-globalist, anti-Christian, antisemitic, pro-Muslim, collectivists. Google searches are exponentially worse because its information and misinformation is disseminated worldwide 63,000 searches per second, 3.8 million per minute, and 5.8 billion searches a day.

Google is a multi-billion dollar globalist enterprise and the potential medium for social engineering in the 21st century.

Google searches are easily designed to manipulate the public with their globalist narrative. How would it work?

Consider the seriousness of Carole Cadwalladr’s experience. Anyone who Googles the word Jew is inundated with antisemitic propaganda validating the most vicious politically motivated lies about Israel and the Jewish people. In an earlier article, the Political Purpose of Anti-Semitism, I discuss how the political purpose of anti-semitism is to galvanize support for a political movement during times of social and political upheaval. The political movement that Google supports is Globalism.

I have discussed Globalism at great length, but its defining distinction is this:

“The word globalism is often used in its narrowest context to mean global trade, which obscures its broader political intention to internationalize nation states and ultimately impose one-world government.”

The globalist elite unapologetically envision a new world order that restructures the world into one world community with one world nation, one world currency, one world flag, one world language, that are imposed under the auspices of the United Nations and ruled by themselves, of course. United Nations initiatives like its Agenda 2030 promote this restructuring with glorious promises of a better life for all. The 17 sustainable goals articulated in the documents expose the plan to loot industrial countries, particularly the United States, and redistribute US wealth to non-industrialized countries to make the world a more “just and fair place.” REALLY??

The globalist vision of one world and one world government offers global businesses like Google and Amazon an unfettered marketplace for their goods and services. Globalism is very good for globalist businesses. America-first policies are not good for global businesses – they are good for America and American workers. That explains why giant global businesses are uniformly hostile to America-first President Trump and his America-first policies.

The algorithms that control Google searches are easily altered to manipulate Americans with disinformation and misinformation designed to achieve Google’s globalist goal of one-world government. The possibility exposes the mass social engineering potential of Google and why its content must be monitored. The antisemitic search results are a case in point that demonstrates the frightening ease with which disinformation can be distributed and then changed with the stroke of a computer key.

To understand the simplicity of content manipulation it is helpful to understand how Google’s search engine works.

An eight minute short video presentation explains the basics. When the machine is asked a question (Google search) it reviews (crawls) the available sites and databases on the Internet. It indexes the information, analyzes the data, ranks the information and then provides an answer to the search in a matter of seconds. Very impressive. How is that even possible?

Page rank (the more people who link to you)) + reputability (legitimacy of site) = page rank order. Page rank order determines what site will appear first as the answer to a Google search. That is how the Nazi website Stormfront appeared first in Carole’s Google search.

Blogger Neil Patel provides an easy-to-understand overview of Google’s search engine information retrieval system. Patel explains the basics and tells us that Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin were concerned about content legitimacy, authoritativeness, and relevance from the very beginning. He provides the link to their January 29, 1998 abstract, “The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web.” This abstract proposes the use of PageRank, “a method for computing a ranking for every web page based on the graph of the web.” Google was actually built as a platform to demonstrate the value of PageRank.

So,twenty years ago young Page and Brin, developed a search engine model to crawl the Internet and provide search answers that would be legitimate and authoritative. So far so good. What happened?

The Google startup business that Page and Brin founded in a Menlo Park garage in 1998 is now a $791 billion behemoth and the primary information provider to Internet users worldwide. The problem, of course, is the platform content. Google is curating content based on its globalist elite objective of one-world government. Its blatant political bias is evident in any search.

A simple Google search of Hillary Clinton is a laughable portrayal of her as an exceptional politician, diplomat, lawyer, writer, and public speaker – no mention of her political malfeasance in the Benghazi affair, her illegal basement email server, or the corrupt and now defunct Clinton Foundation. Why does this matter? It matters because people still believe that Google searches are factual and unbiased.

Google’s ability to manipulate public opinion through its curated content makes Google capable of influencing elections and world events. It is truly a staggering level of social control concentrated in the hands of a few corporate globalists. Just imagine the difference in Google content if it embraced an America-first mentality determined to protect American interests, American sovereignty, and American independence.

Instead, Google provides its biased globalist support of the leftist/Islamist/globalist axis in support of illegal immigration, open borders, educational indoctrination, anti-conservative, pro-liberal, anti-Christian, pro-Muslim views to facilitate its long-term objective of one-world government.

Daniel Greenfield discusses the recent challenge to the First Amendment in his latest article, “16 Biggest Advertisers Ally to Censor ‘Hate Speech’ on Social Media.” In an Orwellian gambit to “challenge hate speech and disinformation,” these globalist behemoths plan to define hate speech and disinformation for us. REALLY?? Leftists and Islamists have already defined hate speech as anything they disagree with and the globalists are no different.

The humanitarian hoax of neutral Google searches is an end-run around free speech that seeks to indoctrinate and propagandize Americans to accept the fiction that one-world government will bring peace and justice to the world. Any system of governance that can stand on merit does not require the sins of omission, commission, censorship, advertising cartel alliances, or the curated content that Google delivers daily with 63,000 searches per second, 3.8 million per minute, and 5.8 billion searches a day – 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Establishing a new world order of one world government is a long-term strategy, and time is on Google’s side. Americans who want a free, sovereign, independent America must understand the globalist goals of biased Google content and always consider the source of its search results. It is time for Americans to become concerned about Google’s content legitimacy, authoritativeness, and relevance. Google’s curated globalist content is not neutral – it is the enemy of American sovereignty and independence.

America-first President Trump has defined his priority as Americanism. Google supports leftist Democrats and has defined its priority as globalism. Election 2020 will define the future of America. Be careful who you vote for.

EDITORS NOTE: This Goudsmit Pundicity column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.