This Will Help Fix the Dysfunction in Congress by Bill Weld

Given the performance of Congress so far this year – and the past several years, for that matter – now is a good time to talk about term limits for the U.S. House and Senate.

Let’s face it: From the annual failure to approve a real budget to the recent healthcare legislation debacle, it has never been more clear that Congress is dysfunctional. For the most part, it is incapable of fulfilling even the most basic responsibilities.

When they return to Washington in a couple of weeks after their district and state “work periods”, the House and Senate will have only days to resolve fundamental issues of the debt ceiling and how much the government will spend in the coming year. Those are time crunches of their own making and dysfunction, and in the private sector, would be job-ending irresponsibility.

Something has to change. Electing a handful more R’s or D’s on the edges every two years isn’t going to fix it, when even in a “change” election, more than 90 percent of Congress will end up being the same career politicians who are the issue.

Getting things done for the right reasons

Imagine what would happen if Members of the U.S. House were limited by the Constitution to serving only three terms and Senators limited to two terms. Like Governors in 36 states where some degree of term limits are in place, they would know from Day 1 that they were sent to Congress to do a job, only have a certain period of time to do it, and would be driven not by securing a life-long career, but by a fear of failure in their one shot at serving and making a difference.

They might get some things done – and do them for the right reasons.

With term limits, legislators wouldn’t have time to get too comfortable in their seats, forget who sent them there, and shift their loyalties to the special interests who have literally billions of dollars invested in the status quo.

No longer would Congress be a career. It would be the opportunity to serve that the Founders envisioned.

Why Americans want term limits

The American people want term limits. Poll after poll, for many years, have shown overwhelming support. That’s why so many states have enacted them for governors and state legislatures. The problem, obviously, is that the one group who don’t want them are the people in power and the special interests who depend on them.

Congress won’t fix itself. That is abundantly clear.

Fortunately, if Congress won’t act on a constitutional amendment to put federal term limits in place, the founders presciently gave the American people a way to amend the Constitution without Congress’ approval. That solution is an Article V Convention to deal specifically with the question of term limits.

If two-thirds of the states pass bills calling for such a convention, Congress is legally bound to convene one – with the delegates chosen by the respective states. If and when the convention approves a proposed term-limit amendment, it goes to the states for ratification, bypassing Congress.

It’s a dramatic solution. But it’s a dramatic problem, and we all know that Congress won’t fix it on their own.


William “Bill” Weld was elected Governor of Massachusetts in 1990 with 51 percent of the vote and re-elected in 1994 with 71 percent of the vote. He was a Republican Governor in a highly Democratic state. He attributes his landslide victory to serving all the people, and not just voters from his political party.

In 2016, he was the Libertarian nominee for Vice-President of the United States.

EDITORS NOTE: The feature image is of Bill Weld speaking at the National Press Club in July 2016. This article originally appeared in The Jack News.

GoFundMe page demonstrates that the U.S. can’t afford more refugees!

What a coincidence, just as I posted my previous report from California about refugees adding poverty to already impoverished areas, here comes more news about refugees who can’t afford housing (Afghans again too).  Hat tip:Joanne

It is commendable that citizens may now take up the cause of this mother and son (private charity should be the primary source of support anyway!), but notice this is temporary until this Afghan ‘refugee’ can get her Social Security Disability!


We (Chuck Ackerman & Catherine Donnelly) are looking to raise rent for our new neighbors on Cleveland’s west side, a mother and her 14-year-old son who are refugees from Afghanistan. We will call them “Aisha” and “Majid”. Because of the situation they have fled, we’re not using their real names.

US together

US Together is a Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society subcontractor

As volunteers with refugee settlement agency US Together, we met the family soon after they arrived in the U.S. in December 2016. Aisha is an amazing cook and host while soccer-loving Majid wants to be a doctor someday. Although Aisha is working on her English, Majid uses his great English skills to translate for his mother.

But the violence they left behind has left Aisha with many physical and mental traumas that prevent her from working. As an educated woman, Aisha faced persecution in Afghanistan and bears the scars. Since her medical history has been tough to document, her first application for Social Security Disability was denied.

She is working with a great local lawyer to appeal and we feel they have a strong case. But the appeal is expected to take 12-18 months and in the meantime, the family needs to pay rent.

Their rent is $550 per month, so we are looking to raise $6,600, or 12 months of rent. That said, every cent counts! Each month of rent we can raise will get the family closer to the date they can get the benefits they need to meet their own needs. The next date they need $ for rent is December 1, 2017. We’ll be keeping the fundraiser going until we meet the goal or the family wins their appeal.

As refugee support groups face drastic funding cuts these days, the resources available for families like this one who are already here are dwindling. That’s why we are turning to you for help.

By giving to this fundraiser, you will help this family achieve the peace of mind and breathing room they need for Aisha to work on her health and recovery from trauma and for Majid to focus on succeeding in high school and build the foundation he needs to one day become a doctor and help others.  [I don’t want to sound too cynical but I swear in every refugee story there is a kid who wants to be a doctor!—ed]

It’s true that the family has other needs, though this fundraiser is focused on the basics of maintaining their housing. But if you have any ideas or resources you’d like to share or have questions about their other needs, please let us know!

We are so grateful for your support!

Watch this space for updates—we may plan a good, old-fashioned rent party!

Help spread the word!

Bringing poverty to America…..

Mark Hetfield

Mark Hetfield

New readers need to know that when the original Refugee Act of 1980 was debated in Congress, sponsors like Ted Kennedy, promised it was not about importing poverty!

Resettlement contractors like US Together get federal support for the family for about 3 months at which point they drop them like hot potatoes to get ready for their next paying clients.

They actually call them clients!

By the way, US Together is a subcontractor of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society where its CEO makes over $300,000 a year.  Sure hope Mark Hetfield is contributing to this poor woman’s  rent as he is busy lobbying Congress for more refugees (and trashing Trump!).


As violence in Burma escalates, U.S. resettling more Rohingya Muslims

History Is Repeating Itself, Tragedy or Farce Unclear So Far

Europe begins to appreciate the reality of Islamic terrorism

VIDEO: Antifa shuts down San Francisco public prayer meeting Democrats cheer

During a Patriot Prayer event at Crissy Field in San Francisco, California, ANTIFA and their supporters shut down the religious freedom and free speech of those gathered for to pray for peace and brotherhood.

Read more at Infowars

RELATED ARTICLE: Rebel Media: Silicon Valley’s war on free speech

RELATED VIDEO: Joey Gibson – What is Patriot Prayer?

JP Morgan Chase donating $1 million to the Southern Poverty Law Center and its Hate List

JP Morgan Chase plans to donate $1 million to the Southern Poverty Law Center and its hate list.

The Daily Caller published a news article titled JP Morgan To Donate To SPLC And ADL After Charlottesville.  The article states in part:

JPMorgan will donate $1 million to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in response to the violent protests that took place in Charlottesville, Va., in early August.

Peter Scher, head of corporate responsibility and chairman of JPMorgan, wrote a letter to staff Monday wherein he asserted the bank “stands in support of all those who reject racism and violence,” and pledged to support both the SPLC and ADL in their campaign of “tracking, exposing and fighting” hate groups and other extremist organizations.

Scher announced that the bank will launch a two-for-one match for employee donations to groups that promote human and civil rights.

Here are some facts regarding the Southern Poverty Law Center.

  • The Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) wrongful labeling of some conservative organizations as hate groups unjustly harms reputations, threatens public safety and brands their followers as hate people.  Some of the organizations the SPLC wrongfully lists as hate groups include D. James Kennedy Ministries, Family Research Council, Liberty Counsel and American Family Association.  The Southern Poverty Law Center wrongfully lists many more conservative organizations as hate groups.  Millions of Americans belong to and support these organizations.
  • In 2012, the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “hate catalogue made headlines in 2012 when a domestic terrorist who carried out a politically-motivated shooting at a Christian organization, the Family Research Council (FRC), admitted he got his target list from the SPLC.”  Source Judicial Watch.  On August 15, 2012 Floyd Lee Corkins II, wielding a 9mm pistol along with two magazines and 50 rounds of ammunition, entered the lobby of Family Research Council’s Washington, D.C. headquarters.  Corkins shot an employee, 46-year-old Leonardo Johnson, in the left arm.  While injured, Johnson assisted others who wrestled the gunman to the ground until police arrived and placed the gunman under arrest.  During his FBI interview Corkins was asked how he chose his target. His response was “Southern Poverty Law lists anti-gay groups. I found them online”.  Source Wikipedia.
  • In 2014, under the Obama administration, the FBI cut ties with the Southern Poverty Law Center.  The Department of Justice used to provide access to the hate propaganda published online by the Southern Poverty Law Center.  However, the Department of Justice removed the SPJC as a reference after more than a dozen conservative organizations complained about the erroneous labeling and public safety threats that accompany it.   Source Judicial Watch.
  • Congressman Steve Scalise and four others were gunned down in a rampage by James T. Hodgkinson who liked the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Facebook page.  In 2014, the Southern Poverty Law Center repeatedly implied that Scalise associated with white supremacists and other groups the organization had deemed “hate groups,” including the Family Research Council.  Source SPLC.    In 2015, SPLC implied that because Scalise lives in the same state as Ku Klux Klan members, he “associated” with them.  Source SPL.

The Southern Poverty Law Center’s name calling and labeling is offensive and alarming to the millions of Americans who belong to and support many conservative organizations that are wrongfully listed as hate groups.  SPLC’s list puts these organizations’ employees and the people who support them in a bull’s eye target for leftists’ hate and possible violence.

JP Morgan Chase certainly has the right to support whatever organizations it chooses.  You have the same right to express your disappointment and patronize companies that do not support organizations that target conservatives with hate labels.

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to express concern to JP Morgan Chase officials regarding its plan to fund the Southern Poverty Law Center.

To send your email, please click the following link, enter your name and email address then click the “Send Your Message” button. You may also edit the subject or message text if you wish.

Click here to send your email to express concern to JP Morgan Chase officials regarding its plan to fund the Southern Poverty Law Center


Meet the Corporations Supporting the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Assault on Christians and Conservatives

Apple and JP Morgan Under Fire for Giving Millions to Hard-Left Hate Group Southern Poverty Law Center

Man On the Street: Income Inequality

We know progressives deplore income inequality and believe the idea of income equality will bring about a better world, one that is more “socially just.” But do they know anything about what actually happens when their dream comes true?

Like, what do “income equality” societies (like Venezuela) look like?

Which society should the U.S. model itself after?

Documentary filmmaker Ami Horowitz asks progressives what they know about income equality. Turns out, not that much. Watch Ami’s video here.


Illegal Immigration Drives Income Inequality

Busting Myths about Income Inequality by Chelsea German

Can Soaking the Rich Reduce Income Inequality? by Karen Walby, Ph.D.

PROGRESSIVE ABSURDITY #43 – “Income Inequality Is the Great Economic and Moral Crisis of Our Time” by Ron Robinson

VIDEO: How’s Socialism Doing in Venezuela?

Venezuela is falling apart. Its economy? Ruined. Its people? Hungry. Its government? Corrupt. What happened? In a word, socialism. Debbie D’Souza, a native Venezuelan and political activist, explains.

This is a video that should be viewed by the likes of Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and everyone who seeks to bring Socialism to the United States of America.


Socialism – Not Oil Prices – Is to Blame for Venezuela’s Woes by Kristian Niemietz

The Castro Control of Venezuela

You Can’t Deny that Venezuela Is a Socialist Calamity by Steven Horwitz

What Eastern Europe Can Teach Cuba and Venezuela by Daniel J. Mitchell

The Afghan Donut Speech

President Trump faced the nation on August 21st, 2017 and delivered an impassioned three-part speech on American involvement in Afghanistan. The first part eloquently addressed the military from the perspective of a grateful nation. President Trump thanked the military and complimented their extraordinary service and sacrifice.

President Trump promised the troops full support for the equipment they need and for the freedom of the military generals in the field to make decisions without interference from Washington politicians sitting behind desks. President Trump announced a change to the rules of engagement – he promised a commitment to winning when engaged. The President spoke at great length about the exemplary military model of cohesion – the unity of men and women from all races and religions united by common cause and commitment to their pledge of allegiance to the United States of America. We are one family – one American family. The President implored the country to follow the military model of cohesion and heal the divisiveness at home.

The second part of the President’s speech announced a powerful new shift in purpose.

The United States will no longer participate in nation building – we are finally out of the business of trying to build democracies in unwilling nations. Instead, our international involvement will focus on common cause that serves American national interests. President Trump expects our friends and allies to participate in the funding of these efforts – America will no longer unfairly accept the financial burden of military engagement alone.

The third part of President Trump’s speech was directed at our terrorist enemies. The President spoke to the terrorists directly saying America will stay the course and we will prevail. Here is the problem. President Trump never identified the terrorist enemies as radical Islamists. That is the donut hole. Candidate Trump was very specific about naming radical Islam as the enemy and identifying its existential threat to Western freedom. President Trump did not. Candidate Trump understood that the misrepresentation and censorship of the colluding mainstream media gives safe haven to the radical Islamic terrorists because the void in the coverage deceitfully minimizes the Islamic threat. President Trump ignored the fake news contribution that emboldens radical Islamic terrorism.

Wars cannot be won without clarity and an explicit identification of the enemy. Worldwide Islamic terrorism is ideological. Our terrorist enemies abroad and at home are inspired by their religious commitment to Islam and their Koranic dream to re-establish the caliphate and impose supremacist Islamic sharia law worldwide. Islam is a comprehensive socio-political expansionist movement with a religious wing (mosques and imams), a military wing of jihadists (terrorists), and a political wing (Muslim Brotherhood/CAIR/MSA). Islamic terrorism is a war of ideas as much as it is a savage physical war. The war of ideas can only be won by an informed West that understands the comprehensive ideology driving the Islamic terrorism.

President Trump’s eloquent speech of determination and commitment to the troops collapses into the donut hole because without naming the ideological inspiration of Islamic megalomania the Muslim Brotherhood remains free to recruit and infiltrate every government agency in America. CAIR operatives continue to disinform the public, and the Muslim Student Association continues to infiltrate and incite violence on campuses across America. The Muslim Brotherhood is a radical Islamic terrorist organization and must be designated a terrorist organization. Candidate Trump had the courage to say so – President Trump did not.

It is not enough to supply our men and women in uniform with the commitment and necessary equipment to win on the battlefield overseas. It is essential to name the terrorist enemy as radical Islamic terrorists to rid our country of the enemy within or our fully equipped soldiers overseas will die in vain.

President Trump has surrendered to the leftover Obama national security team of McMasters and his gang. McMasters et al are loyal to the pro-Muslim Obama doctrine that adamantly refuses to identify radical Islamic terrorism as the enemy. They have deliberately and catastrophically censored every mention of the religious Islamic ideological motivation for the terrorist threat from every training manual pertaining to our national security. Instead, Obama’s leftovers continue to welcome CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood to “tutor” America on national defense and deceitfully consider every possible motivation for terrorism except the actual radical Islamic motivation. Our national security depends on accurate information. Our intelligence depends on an intelligent policy of intelligence gathering. It is not intelligent to deny reality and pretend that Islamic terrorism is not Islamic. Even the supremacist war cry of radical Islamic terrorists screaming Allahu Akbar – Allah is greater – before they slaughter innocent “infidels” is intentionally ignored.

Candidate Trump has slid into the donut hole and is being drowned by the swamp. The echo chamber of disinformation and misinformation continues in the military, the national defense agencies, and the colluding mainstream media under President Trump. President Trump must find his way back and clear the Obama leftovers from his administration to pursue the policies of his candidacy. Only then he will be the President Trump that Americans elected and expected.

The Afghan donut speech was very sad for America – everyone knows donuts are hazardous to your health.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on the Goudsmit Pundicity website.

VIDEO: On Hillary Clinton’s Book and Why Taylor Swift Is a Problem for Feminists

Every week, The Daily Signal’s Facebook show “Problematic Women” highlights strong conservative women, current events, and the hypocrisy of the “feminist” left. On this week’s episode, Hillary Clinton is still complaining about losing the 2016 election in her new book “What Happened,” and the Twitterverse is up in arms over an Instagram post from Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s wife, Scottish actress Louise Linton.

We also address the media’s reaction to Taylor Swift’s new song, crowning her “Problematic Woman of the Week.” Check out the video above.

EDITORS NOTE: Americans need an alternative to the mainstream media. But this can’t be done alone. Find out more.

Goodbye Columbus

Robert Royal on the political manipulation of history. People suffering from cultural amnesia and self-deceived about their own moral purity cannot be allowed to set the terms of debate.

Almost exactly a quarter-century ago, James A. Clifton, an anthropologist at the University of Wisconsin, called me after seeing an article I had written in First Things, entitled “1492 and All That” (which later became a full-length-book). We were then in a swirl of anti-Western and anti-Christian public emotion over the 500th anniversary (1492-1992) of Columbus’ voyages to the New World, and his alleged role in later mistreatment of Native Americans, slavery, and Christian imperialism.

I expected venom; he offered support. He had written a still fascinating book, The Invented Indian, that sought to distinguish the real achievements of Native Americans from guilt-driven idealizations. For his pains in service to truth, he reaped resentment and threats. In fact, one day someone dressed as an Indian – well, wearing a ridiculous jumble of articles of clothing from very different tribes – came to his front door with a gun. Professor Clifton laughed and turned away, saying: come back when you know something about Indians.

Some things never change. Especially the largely ignorant, suicidal rage that is now a regular recurrence in American culture, and which is spreading to other Western countries. Quite apart from the vile clash the other day between alt-right and alt-left in Charlottesville (which, as usual, also brought injury to innocents), we seem to have lost the Christian – and human – truth that we’re all imperfect beings. And that without a capacity for tolerating one another’s foibles and ultimately a chance at forgiveness, it’s simply impossible for us to live together.

Puritanical absolutism used to be the hallmark of extremist religious and political groups; now it’s come to infest the very places that should be most aware of differences and contexts, namely our universities and the media.

I learned my lesson about this back when I was trying to form a clear picture of the Age of Discovery. There were and are good historians, amateur and academic, of such matters. Broad-brush condemnations, however, which blur essential moral distinctions, get the airtime.

The great Dominican “defender of the Indians,” Bartolomé de las Casas – for example – described the “sweetness and benignity” of Columbus – in contrast to other Spanish explorers. Cortez could be brutal, though he ended in a monastery doing penance for his sins. Pizzaro was a psychopath. Period. Columbus was something else; despite the unprecedented difficulties he faced in the new cultures he encountered, there were few instances of his mistreating anyone. He was more typically uncertain about how to proceed, as we ourselves often are. Las Casas said of him, “Truly. I would not dare blame the admiral’s intentions for I knew him well and I knew his intentions were good.” Yet he became a cultural whipping boy.

Click here to read the rest of Dr. Royal’s column . . .

Robert Royal

Robert Royal

Robert Royal is editor-in-chief of The Catholic Thing, and president of the Faith & Reason Institute in Washington, D.C. His most recent book is A Deeper Vision: The Catholic Intellectual Tradition in the Twentieth Century, published by Ignatius Press. The God That Did Not Fail: How Religion Built and Sustains the West, is now available in paperback from Encounter Books.

VIDEO: Where White Nationalism Really Comes From. . .

In an email Dinesh D’Souza wrote:

What really happened in Charlottesville? This weekend, Dinesh D’Souza debunked two of the biggest lies being propagated by the media about the clash of protestors. Here’s the truth: white nationalism comes from the same place that black nationalism, fascism, and Nazism all come from, and—much to the surprise of the media—it isn’t the GOP.

Watch this Fox & Friends clip as D’Souza squarely places the responsibility for all forms of ethnic nationalism and authoritarianism where it belongs: at the feet of the progressive Left.

As it turns out, the organizer of the neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville was an Obama supporter and Occupy Wall Street activist and Antifa fascists threatened violence long before white nationalists arrived in Charlottesville.

Is anyone really surprised? Using fascist tactics while railing against fascism is the Left’s “big lie,” one taken right out of Hitler’s playbook.


Beware the False Reporting on Trump, Charlottesville, and the Need to Erase History By Destroying Statues

Charlottesville ‘Unite the Right’ Organizer Was Occupy Wall St. Activist, CNN Correspondent & Obama Supporter

Charlottesville Shows How Dangerous the Southern Poverty Law Center Really Is

Charlottesville: ‘Brother, you asked for it!’

Who’s to Blame for the Events in Charlottesville? Charlottesville!

Charlottesville Violence Only The Beginning Unless We End Identity Politics

Trudeau’s ticking time bomb: President Trump’s immigration policy

“Canada is presented as the best way out of this complicated situation” – Abdullah Kiatamba, executive director of African Immigrant Services (MN)

This story is more along the lines of what we reported here two days ago.

I was delighted to learn that the Trump Administration is seriously considering letting Temporary Protected Status lapse for countries other than Haiti.

Readers should know that TPS is a farce.

Once granted, the US simply continues to extend it and extend it—Salvadorans, for example, have had the right to live and work here for decades as TPS would be renewed every couple of years (no matter who was in the White House!).

But, things have changed and those “temporary” legal (and some illegal) migrants are now eyeing Canada! 

And there, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has made ‘welcoming the stranger’ a primary hallmark of his leadership.

So, here they come!

From the Winnepeg Free Press (emphasis is mine):

Trudeau Liberal

Liberal Canadian PM Justin Trudeau

OTTAWA — Manitoba could face hundreds more African asylum seekers crossing from the United States as that country winds down a temporary-stay program. It’s unclear whether Ottawa is doing anything to stem the flow.

“Canada is presented as the best way out of this complicated situation,” Abdullah Kiatamba, executive director of African Immigrant Services — a Minnesota-based non-profit organization — said.

Since 1990, the U.S. has granted temporary protected status (TPS) to citizens of countries people can’t return to due to war, pandemic or natural disasters. In recent years, the U.S. has offered citizens of 13 countries short-term work permits and shielded them — unless they have criminal convictions — from deportation due to problems in their home countries.

But the U.S. seems to be winding that program down.

Meanwhile, thousands of people are crossing irregularly into Canada. They avoid border stations that can send them back to the U.S. and instead wander into Canada through fields — something that would be normally be illegal, but is allowed under international law for people claiming asylum.


“A good number of people have said that Canada is one option, perhaps the best option,” Kiatamba said, adding he knows about 10 people who have crossed into Manitoba.


Earlier this week, Reuters news service reported unnamed government sources said the Liberals are worried about an onslaught of Central Americans claiming asylum next fall if the U.S. drops them off the TPS list.

The report did not say which provinces the government would expect people to enter and claim asylum.

It claimed Ottawa is particularly worried about an uptick in arrivals a year before the 2019 federal election.

I bet it is! Hey, we could call it Trump’s revenge!

Continue reading here.  There is a good discussion about various temporary ‘refugees’ from TPS-designated countries and when we (the US) might cut them loose.

See my Canada category here.

I’ve written about TPS over the years, go here to learn more.  One time when George W. Bush extended TPS for Salvadorans I found an article about why he did that—it was about remittances and how Salvadorans in the U.S. send money “home” and thus prop up the economy there with dollars lost to the U.S. economy.


Afghan refugees living in Sacramento squalor

Invasion: Canada’s Open Borders and Refugee Camps

Does Poland permit more free speech than the U.S.?

Trump must suspend refugee program for FY18

Comment worth noting: Comprehensive review of US Refugee Admissions Program is long overdue.

Finland seeing asylum seekers convert to Christianity after first application rejection….

The Swamp Report Card: Grading Enemies and Friends

Dear Mr. President,

I am sending the current swamp report card for your review.

Swamp Creature Report Card:

Navy Admiral James “Ace” Lyons shocked the nation with his candid remarks at the Center for Security Policy “Defeat Jihad Summit” held in January, 2015. Admiral Lyons calmly and plainly stated that Obama was deliberately and unilaterally disarming the military. The Admiral further warned that the Muslim Brotherhood has already penetrated every one of our national security security agencies including our intelligence agencies.

Instead of heeding this dire warning Mr. President, your government continues to be informed and advised by Obama legacy staffers who remain in government advancing Obama’s anti-American, pro-Islamic, pro-Iranian, and pro-Muslim Brotherhood agenda. Whether uninformed, misinformed, or disinformed the Obama leftovers threaten our national security with their skewed information because those are the people who are briefing you daily. Islam is not a religion like any other. Islam is a comprehensive socio-political ideology with military (jihadi), educational (mosques/cultural centers), and religious (imams) wings. Islam is an expansionist movement seeking world dominion. There is no separation of church and state in Islam. Islam is a comprehensive ideology governed by supremacist religious sharia law. Islam seeks conquest and submission. Islam is spread through population jihad, educational jihad, religious jihad, military jihad including terrorism, and stealth jihad that relies on taqiyyah – lying in the service of Islam.

Mr. President you were exactly correct when you said that open borders is a Trojan Horse – it is the vehicle for population jihad against the host country. Identifying your friends and identifying your enemies in your administration, the military, and among national security staffers is an urgent matter. It does not matter if they are uninformed, misinformed, or disinformed. Any advisor or staffer who refuses to utter the words radical Islamic terror does not belong in your administration. If staffers embrace sharia law, promote Islam, are apologists for Islam, are members of the Muslim Brotherhood or CAIR and support Obama’s purging of materials that implicate Islam, they are your enemies and must be removed. You are being surrounded by Obama leftovers who will continue to disinform you so that your decisions will tilt toward Obama’s failed globalist policies. Mr. President you are being dragged into the swamp you were elected to drain.

McMaster was recommended for the position of National Security Advisor (NSA) director by #2 swamp creature John McCain. Under McMaster’s leadership the people who have the courage to speak out and expose the existential danger of Islam are being purged from the military and from the national security staff. Those who have the courage to support the initiatives of your America-first candidacy are being eliminated while the Obama globalist leftovers remain.

Trump loyalists Michael Flynn, K.T. McFarland, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, Derek Harvey, Rich Higgins, Adam Lovinger, Steve Bannon, and Sebastian Gorka are all gone. Obama loyalists Dina Habib-Powell, Allison Hooker, Fernando Cutz, Andrea Hall, Rear Admiral David Kriete, Jessica Cox, Stephanie Morrison, Heather King, and Robert Wilson all remain. McMaster’s indefensible defense of Obama loyalist Susan Rice allowed her to retain her security clearance. McMaster claimed Rice did nothing wrong unmasking the identities of Trump transition aides and leaking the transcripts of Mr. Trump’s phone conversations with foreign leaders. REALLY?

McMaster being a member of International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) for eleven years 2006-2017 is problematic. IISS is an English think tank funded by profiteer George Soros that promotes globalism. In 2010 the Bahraini royal family began secretly donating funds to IISS – $31.6 million – approximately one third of its revenues. Huge sums of money are not donated without the expectation of influence. McMaster’s association for eleven years with IISS explains his globalism and opposition to your commitment to American sovereignty. McMaster should never have been chosen to serve in your administration because he is ideologically opposed to your vision even if he served with distinction in Afghanistan.

McMaster’s association with a think tank that publicly endorsed and defends the anti-American Iran deal is even more problematic. Iran is the single greatest fomenter of terrorism in the middle east and Obama’s deceitful Iran deal enriched and resupplied an ailing Iran that was suffering under Saudi pressure.

Our National security was turned upside down after 9/11. Most Americans had never thought about Saudi Arabia except as an oil provider – they did not think about Islam and if they did they assumed it was a religion like any other. Americans were not familiar with Islam, Islamic supremacist sharia law, or Islamic supremacist aspirations to re-establish the caliphate worldwide. Americans most certainly were not aware that “peace” for a Muslim meant when the entire world is Muslim. Sixteen years later there is no excuse for illiteracy regarding Islam yet the national security voices are still trying to deny the connection between Islam and terrorism.

And now former FBI director Robert Mueller is investigating you?? Mueller is another leftover whose past foretells his future. Mueller has been part of the intricate cover-up protecting the Muslim Brotherhood for years. Judicial Watch has uncovered stunning documentary evidence that Robert Mueller worked with Islamist groups to purge anti-terrorism materials offensive to Muslims while he was FBI director. Offensive to Muslims? Is this the metric for our national security? Candidate Trump promised to reverse Obama’s suicidal policies – President Trump has hired personnel who continue to advance them.

Mr. President, your bipartisan enemies in Washington exist between the ideological globalist puppets and the globalist elite puppeteers. The Washington swamp creatures are the greedy corrupt Democrat and Republican politicians hiding behind the idealism of the puppets and the strings of the puppeteers. To survive the political blitz of the swamp creatures it is necessary for you to distinguish between the uninformed, misinformed, and disinformed puppets and their insidious puppeteers.

You and your America-first policies pose an existential threat to the globalist elite and that is why they are determined to destroy you and eliminate any Trump administration personnel who share your vision. H.R. McMaster is part of the insidious swamp battling against you. He is part of the reheated Obama leftovers who are hazardous to your presidency. Candidate Trump’s courageous Americanism and bold America-first policies require President Trump to find fresh ingredients – throw out the leftovers. H.R.McMaster and his gang need to hear “You’re fired!”

The last and most difficult message I have for you is a personal one. Your daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner are loyal loving members of your family and your administration but you must never forget that they have been educated toward globalism by the prevailing re-education curriculum in American schools. You can be proud of their extraordinary achievements but must never forget that their prism is not your prism. They were raised on John Lennon’s “Imagine.” You were raised on the “Star Spangled Banner” – the difference is HUGE.

Most sincerely,

Linda Goudsmit

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on Goudsmit Pundicity.

VIDEO: Jewish Sovereignty over the Temple Mount

Dr. Mordechai Kedar, Lecturer at Bar Ilan University speaking at ILTV studio to further analyze the ongoing situation at the Temple Mount.

EDITORS NOTE: To learn more about Dr. Kedar please go here.

Callused Consciences: Accepting Barbarism as the New Normal

James Toner contends that our response to the barbarity around us is often one of moral stupefaction.

A callus, the dictionary informs us, is “a thickened and hardened part of the skin or soft tissue, especially in an area that has been subjected to friction.” There we have a description of our contemporary moral condition. We have been subjected for so long to the “friction” of so much moral mayhem that we have been stupefied by it.

A few years ago, I gave a homily about abortion. After Mass, the visiting priest chastised me, “Jim, you seemed downright angry during that homily.  You can’t preach if you’re angry!”  I was compelled to disagree, “Father, we’ve had many millions of abortions in our country.  Isn’t that something to be righteously angry about?” (See Eph 4:26.)

We are no longer righteously angry at the evil swirling about us. One is reminded of Bishop Fulton Sheen’s admonition: “A mind that is never stern or indignant is either without love, or else is dead to the distinction between right and wrong.”

Why should we be indignant when society permits, indeed applauds, the killing of babies inside and, even after birth, outside the womb; the growing acceptance of legalized “mercy killing”; the presence of a homosexual lifestyle that is cheered even on Catholic campuses; the accompanying desecration of marriage; and the ubiquitous use of contraception – despite Pope Paul’s dark prophecies (Cf. Humanae Vitae, #17), which were altogether tragically fulfilled this last half century?

Transgendered people; work in progress toward blending humans with animals, machines, or plants; three-parent embryos; development of servant-class apes; cloning and cryogenics – we live in a veritable playground for Dr. Frankenstein. Small wonder that Father Schall has written: “Human nature itself lies on the operating table, ready for alteration, for eugenic and psychic ‘enhancement,’ for wholesale redesign.”

There’s a new Grand Inquisitor, but he has a scalpel in his hand, and he looks just like Kermit Gosnell. We grow ever closer to our own Island of Dr. Moreau, where chimeras and cyborgs beckon. The New Tower of Babel is a research hospital. Coming soon: human bodies without brains, our own human body-parts stores. The supposed fruits of genetic manipulation are the new Holy Grail.

Click here to read the rest of Deacon Toner’s column . . .

James H. Toner

James H. Toner

Deacon James H. Toner, Ph.D., is Professor Emeritus of Leadership and Ethics at the U.S. Air War College, and author of Morals Under the Gun and other books. He has also taught at Notre Dame, Norwich, Auburn, the U.S. Air Force Academy, and Holy Apostles College & Seminary.

‘Perpetually-Offended’ ESPN’s Latest Facepalm

Robert Lee

“On Tuesday evening, ESPN (AKA MSNBC with footballs) went full-on parody when they pulled an announcer named Robert Lee, an Asian man, from a game at the University of Virginia because the network thought his name, apparently too close to dead Confederate general Robert E. Lee, might offend their viewers,” writes The Daily Wire’s Amanda Prestigiacomo.

For real.

Clay Travis of Outkick the Coverage originally broke the story, which appears to be another misstep by the Disney-owned sports network that continues to hemorrhage viewers. From firing (then rehiring) country music legend Hank Williams Jr., to censoring conservative employees’ Twitter accounts, to excessive off-the-field coverage of Michael Sam and Colin Kaepernick, ESPN appears completely out of touch with it’s customer base, the American sports fan.

2ndVote’s research shows ESPN’s political activities are certainly out of touch with conservatives. Parent company Disney supports liberal environmental groups like Ceres and The Nature Conservancy, radical LGBT advocacy organizations like GLAAD, and leftist organizations that lobby for sanctuary city policies like LULAC and UnidosUS.

That may be why Fox News’s Todd Starnes calls the decision makers at ESPN “perpetually-offended snowflakes” in his latest column. Of the removal of announcer Robert Lee from the upcoming broadcast, Starnes writes:

It’s only an issue because the politically-correct pinheads at ESPN made it an issue.

This latest example of ESPN’s inability to get beyond politics and stick with sports coverage is likely to cost more viewers as the networks’ ratings continue to spiral, especially as more and more viewers decide to “cut the cord” with cable. And what are the additional benefits of cancelling cable for conservatives? 2ndVote Members who are informed consumers know it means fewer dollars for the liberal agendas funded by the likes of CNNMSNBCComcastAT&TTimeWarner, and more.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on the website. Readers may help 2ndVote continue creating content like this and educating conservative shoppers by becoming a 2ndVote Member today!