Millennials ‘most likely to say election can be rigged’

WASHINGTON, D.C. /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — A new poll released today by Rad Campaign and Lincoln Park Strategies reveals the strong political divide between Clinton and Trump supporters’ beliefs about the possibility for the U.S election to be rigged. The survey includes responses from a random sampling of 1,109 Americans over the age of 18.

Key findings include:

  • 36% of Americans think that one party or candidate has the ability to rig the U.S presidential election.
  • Millennials are the most likely to say the presidential election can be rigged (40%).
  • 60% of Clinton voters believe registered voters will be denied the right to vote vs. 12% of Trump voters.
  • 74% of Trump voters believe voter fraud will happen vs. 17% of Clinton voters.
  • Millennials say voter suppression is more likely (45%) than voter fraud (33%) to occur.
  • Nearly half of Americans (48%) don’t think 3rd party voting will change anything, and think it might even help their least preferred candidate win.

“A person is more likely to be struck by lightning than for voter fraud to occur,” said Allyson Kapin, Cofounder of Rad Campaign. “Voter fraud rarely happens. There have only been a handful of verified cases of ineligible voters attempting to cheat the election system.”

Donald Trump’s rhetoric around a ‘rigged’ election is not resonating with most Americans,” said Stefan Hankin, Founder of polling firm Lincoln Park Strategies. “However, it is certainly working with his supporters. The fact that two-thirds of them feel the election could be rigged does not bode well for our democracy or our country.”

When asked the likelihood of methods that voter fraud may occur, Americans said:

  • Undocumented immigrants voting?
    • 11% of Clinton voters
    • 55% of Trump voters
  • Dead people voting?
    • 9% of Clinton voters
    • 51% of Trump voters
  • Voting in multiple states?
    • 11% of Clinton voters
    • 37% of Trump voters
  • Voting more than once in the same state?
    • 9% of Clinton voters
    • 39% of Trump voters
  • Voting machines being rigged?
    • 7% of Clinton voters
    • 35% of Trump voters
  • Russia hacking the election and cyber-attacks?
    • 12% of Clinton voters
    • 11% of Trump voters

1,109 interviews were conducted from October 26-31, 2016 via internet survey. The Bayesian confidence interval for 1,000 interviews is 3.5, which is roughly equivalent to a margin of error of ±3.1 at the 95% confidence level.

For more information, call Allyson Kapin at 202-290-2183.


Rad Campaign is a social change web agency that provides web development and researches trends on Internet culture. Lincoln Park Strategies is a full-service analytic research firm based in Washington, DC.


More Examples of Voter Fraud

S&P 500’s 9-day losing streak longest since December 1980

Market Indicator Gives Trump An 86% Chance Of Winning The Election

The Great Gamble

Victims of their own propaganda, and driven by personal power and greed, Soviet leaders realized too late that their socialist “progressive” vision was inherently flawed and fatally corrupt.  The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics collapsed into oblivion.

A very small group of Elite progressive power-brokers has gone all-in to dictate the future of the Democratic Party and America.  Senior political leaders, major global corporate finance donors, and information age tech moguls are playing a very dangerous game of political chance. They back the candidate that would best submit to their interests.  The hand they play is strong – controlling the message, shifting voter demographics, encouraging emotion over reason, and most importantly controlling the increasingly politicized executive branch law enforcement agencies, the IRS and EPA to shape the nation in their favor.  They are doubling down to dictate the outcome of the 2016 U.S. election in order to promote their vision of a harmonious, interdependent, multicultural global utopian society – once the Marxist vision of the world.  Their gamble could destroy the Democratic Party, and cost some of the Elite their freedom.  Regardless, their efforts portend a tumultuous assault on American democracy.

The evidence is overwhelming – the Democratic presidential nominee did not win her party’s nomination in a fair, open, democratic process.  In spite of the media facade of unity on the last day of their nominating convention, Democrats were dramatically divided.  Give the DNC credit – they kept the illusion of unity with great orchestration and corporate media assistance.

The DNC Elite protected Hillary Clinton from Bernie Sanders and any credible primary challenger.  They had no choice – they rigged the game years in advance with super-delegates and allowed no alternative.  In the end, the Elite chose an ethically flawed candidate over an open primary and democracy.  Voters had no real choice but Clinton in the Democratic primary race, and big money protected her.

Financial Elite fund the Clinton power grab.  By industry, corporate investors are Clinton’s largest donors, even though she has no experience in capital markets.  According to public filings as of Oct 31 2016, the securities and investment industry contributed over $78 million to her campaign.  These numbers do not include Super-PAC contributions, or murky foreign contributions through US agents.  How does this compare to the Trump campaign?  The securities and investment industry contributed under $750 thousand to someone who earned over a billion dollars running businesses and investments.

Including Super-PACs, global corporate finance have spent well over $100 million dollars to secure a Clinton victory.  Why the massive investment?  Maybe they liked what they heard in those private speeches?  The evidence is mounting daily from investigation disclosures and leaked documents – with large contributions a foreign government or a corporation can buy access and favor from the Clintons.  $100 million is a big risk and a big investment – corporate investors limit risk and don’t invest to be nice, they invest to make money.

The Elite politicians, tech moguls and corporate media believe they can hide the truth if they control the message.   It is now blatantly obvious the Clinton Campaign, the DNC, and the Obama Administration effectively coordinated media efforts to protect Clinton and defame Trump.  Corporate media editorial boards and journalists colluded with Democrats to shape the campaign messages and debate questions.  In a recent Media Research Center study, they claim a 9 to 1 ratio of media favoritism to Clinton over Trump.  If there is nothing positive out there to see, how can fair journalists or voters see both sides?  Where do they find the stories?  This is propaganda, controlled and funded by corporate donors who have a direct investment in a Clinton victory.

The Clintons, Mook, Podesta, Brazile, Mills, Wasserman-Shultz, Pelosi, Reed, Obama, Biden, George Soros, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Eric Schmidt, editorial staffs for Time-Warner, NYT, Washington Post, USA Today, MSN, Facebook, Google executives and their loyal but ill-informed followers are confident they can manipulate the average American voter.  They believe they are smarter than the masses.  They are counting on the electorate to be sheep.  It is a big bet and a huge risk in a nation that reveres independence.

Along with the propaganda machine, Clinton, the DNC and the Obama administration have attempted unprecedented demographic manipulation to achieve their goals of maintaining power.  The examples are overwhelming – the Dreamer Act, lax deportation, encouraging illegal immigration by providing tax-payer funded services, supporting sanctuary cities, fighting against voter ID while fighting for illegals to have ID.   They move immigrants and refugees to districts that shift voter balance.  With programs like “My Dream, Your Vote”, they encourage illegals to get out the vote.

But the most disturbing revelations are the attempts to attack political opponents with executive regulation and the Department of Justice – reminiscent of the Soviet Union.  The EPA has enacted regulations that strangled industries and cost jobs for political purposes in key states.   Senior IRS staff communicated with senior DOJ staff to explore how to prosecute political opposition groups.  There is undisputed and mounting evidence that Clinton campaign staff members colluding with State Department and DOJ leaders during investigations, and were given special privileges by investigators.

As with the Soviet leaders, the Elites believe their own propaganda and feel invincible.   They bet the sheep will vote for a vague vision.  That vision is forced tolerance, more immigration, expanding global trade for their profit and keeping an egotistical, misogynist, racist from office.  They tell their operatives to just stay on message, encouraging divisive politics – attack Trump, blame Bush, the Russians, Comey, Weiner, anybody else, but DON’T take responsibility.  They herd disaffected voters by inciting fear of an opponent they cast as a great evil.

Though many wish for it, the Utopian society the Elite herald is a bluff, it does not exist – nor will it ever – and they know it.  Their bluff has unleashed hate and anger among minorities and the very millennials they hoped to coopt.  The middle class has lost faith in its government.  Americans are divided over race, over politics, over faith and over our future.

Sadly, the Elite gamble with America’s future for profit and power, at the risk of American democracy.  If they win, America’s future will be dictated by selfish, corrupt and power hungry leaders.  They will use the media, technology and law enforcement and take drastic measures to protect themselves and their vision.  If they lose, they will face the justice system they are attempting to manipulate.  They risk the destruction of their own party.  The damage will leave wounds so deep they will take decades to heal.  In either scenario, America is about to go through traumatic and necessary soul searching.

I have faith most Americans still respect the individual over the state and respect the rule of law.   I am confident many will vote, and if necessary, fight for our Constitution and the values that made America the nation all others once aspired to become.  I am confident Americans will call the bluff.  And I am just as confident the Clintons, the DNC, Obama and the financial Elite are in for a very rough ride.

Never Trumpers: Let’s Make a Deal

This is for you Never Trump people who persist in raking me over the coals for supporting Trump. Your attacks go as followed, “How could you Mr Marcus? I am soooooooooo disappointed in you! You’ve always stood for Christian values, conservatism and character. And yet, you wrote a song, ‘Trump Train’, which encourages people to vote for horrible Donald Trump.”

Dear Never Trumppers, please stop wasting your breath on me. Frankly, with all do respect, I think you guys are the ones who are misguided. You say Trump is rude, crude and unacceptable. Therefore, you will not vote at all, or you will throw away your vote by writing in a candidate. In essence, you are helping to elect the devil incarnate, Hillary Clinton. You guys know Hillary’s lies have caused people to die. You know she will continue to arrogantly and blatantly lie, cause more deaths and get away with it because the democrats own the mainstream media. Oh, but that Trump is so uncouth. Give me a break.

Everyone with half a brain knows electing Hillary equals unleashing an anti-American, Anti-Christian beast upon America, wrecking havoc and laying-waste of our culture as founded.

Talk about groaning and gnashing of teeth across our great land, Hillary boldly proclaims that she will double down on Obama’s nightmare policies and socialist vision for America.

Hillary’s presidency would be, in essence, Obama 2.0.

Obamacare cost will increase as much as 80% and higher after the first of the year, 2017. Rush Limbaugh said Obamacare is an extremely cruel democrat party dirty-trick played on the middle class. They will be unable to afford much of anything after paying their monthly Obamacare bill. And you Never Trump guys want to beat up on me on moral grounds? Would it be moral for me to allow Hillary’s furtherance of Obama’s misery care to reign supreme? God forbid.

Hillary will accelerate the number of babies dying/aborted due to taxpayer funded abortions. Her Royal Hillary-Ness will demand that we promote abortion. Under Hillary’s regime, more Christians will be jailed for refusing to betray their faith. And yet, you guys say your Christian faith prevents you from voting for Trump.

Hillary stands shoulder-to-shoulder with Al Sharpton in strong support of Black Lives Matter. This alliance of evil will cause more cops and innocent whites to be assassinated.

Hillary boldly stated she will bring in a tsunami of illegal aliens, in essence, transforming America into a democrat party ruled welfare socialist Mecca. Send us all your lazy, free-loaders who refuse to assimilate, yearning to over population while white and black Americans abort themselves; takeover our government and kill Americans for religious reasons.

Finally, sensing the horror of Hillary in the WH, Christian media seems in panic mode, pressing believers to vote for Trump. Meanwhile, you guys are willing to let her win because Trump is not conservative enough? I am scratching my head. Your reasoning escapes me.

So, let’s make a deal. I have not and will not get into your face trying to convince you to vote for the candidate who vows to “Make America Great Again!”

I respectfully ask that you extend me the same courtesy, not getting into my face scolding me for not surrendering my country to fanatical leftist zealots lead by Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton’s emails, Anthony Weiner, and the FBI — a Recap

The subject of FBI Director issuing communication to eight (8) leaders of Congress last week advising them the FBI had launched a new formal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails and related items is still controversial.  What has since been revealed, and what is purported to be revealed still this week or weekend is even more startling, more alarming, and more sordid.

Mentioned below are my personal views, opinions and insights for your consideration:

  1. Last Thursday, October 27th, the FBI Director was fully briefed by a team of agents as to the magnitude of what had been delivered to them, as well as what they had uncovered on their own with regards to the Clinton Foundation, and Hillary Clinton’s emails.  Furthermore, the Director was made aware that very significant numbers of FBI Agents were seriously disgusted with his decision on July 5th not to bring charges to Hillary Clinton, and others, for the myriad security violations on her private servers and over-all conduct in relation to her email usage over the years.  The Director was further informed that a significant number of seasoned FBI Agents no longer had trust in the Department of Justice and the senior levels at DOJ including the U.S. Attorney General.  The briefing also included information that demonstrated if the FBI Director did not give permission to proceed with the new evidence there most likely would be significant resignations in the bureau, as well as information would then be made public.  He was also informed that the computers of Cheryl Mills and another at the highest levels of the Clinton probe were not destroyed as publicly reported.  The Director was personally told in this meeting that seasoned agents were, for the first-time in the history of the FBI, willing to come forward, go public, and stand for the Rule of Law, and against the myriad corruption at the highest levels across the Federal Government including into the Executive Branches, as well as for the first-time in the history of the FBI, seasoned agents made it known that their own bureau has become highly politicized and rendered compromised.
  2. The next day the FBI Director sent letters to the eight (8) leaders of both Houses of Congress informing them of the investigation that had been launched with new evidence, new concerns, new witnesses, and that lies had been told on a number of levels which are now apparent prior to his July 5th  public announcement.
  3. There is now prima facie evidence that at least five (5) countries Intelligence Services accessed United States Classified, Secret, Top Secret and higher marked documents through the Clinton servers.  It is highly suggested they are: Iran, North Korea, China, Russia, and Pakistan.  There are also serious and sobering concerns backed by emails and documents that a long-standing “Pay-for-Play” has been at work within the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Initiative, and then Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton leading to foreign countries; with strong Reasonable Suspicion now uncovered that classified materials were even sold.   There is also Reasonable Suspicion, if not Probable Cause, that highly sensitive United States documents were leaked by Huma Abedin’s computer, and her estranged husband, Anthony Weiner, accessed 650,000 emails and documents from Huma Abedin, which were then compromised further.   New evidence and interviews are now developing a profile of strong alleged Clinton Foundation violations of the RICO Statues and Public Financing Law violations.  The various money trails steadily being exposed in the Clinton Foundation, along with a myriad of nefarious acts and deceptions appear to be leading to the very doorsteps of Senior Advisors to the President, and to the Oval Office itself.
  4. A case is now being developed to present charges of collusion by and between the Department of Justice, senior officials at the Department of Justice, quite possibly including the Attorney General, and the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Campaign with special attention to John Podesta and Cheryl Mills, and an unnamed third party.
  5. Another factor moving this new investigation is the systematic release of embarrassing and damaging materials by some highly qualified former intelligence specialists within our own government’s intelligence agencies who no longer believe the FBI will fulfill the role and mission unique to them; or the bureau will be stopped; or findings will be buried or barred from prosecution by the Attorney General and/or the White House.  These former intelligence analysts and specialists have publicly stated their fear that the Constitution of the United States is threatened, and the Clinton machine is a strong, multi-faceted, highly sophisticated and deadly criminal syndicate that will turn against the foundations and principles of our country if not exposed.  These Intel Specialists have publicly acknowledged that damaging release of American security has taken place, and as an example have intercepted communications depicting the selling of very high grade uranium from the United States to Russia for their nuclear program in exchange for laundered monies going to the Clintons.
  6. Just this evening as I write this report, Wikileaks stated an even larger “bomb shell” from the Clinton emails will be released this week.  From a separate intelligence source, I received a video and information supposedly showing alleged depraved sexual activity by and between Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, and a young woman.  There is also evidence of Hillary’s serious drinking problem that is well known within selected circles over the past ten years, and longer.  Her drinking and medical issues are significant, and she is truly incapacitated for hours if not a day or two.  Foreign intelligence services know all of this, and more.  Our country is in very grave danger.

RELATED ARTICLE: Racketeering Indictment of Hillary Clinton Now ‘Likely’ as FOIA for Datto Backup Device Reveals FBI Possesses ALL the Incriminating Emails | Crime All-Stars


Putin’s Reset: The Bear is Back and How America Must Respond [+Video]

(Washington, DC)  At no time since the fall of the Soviet Union has the threat from Russia been as serious – and Washington’s relations with Moscow been as poor – as in the fall of 2016. As charges fly that Russia is trying to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election by leaking Democratic e-mails and Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump accuse each other of having inappropriate ties to the Russian government, the questions about where Vladimir Putin is taking his country and what that will mean for ours have largely gone unasked, let alone answered.

Putin’s Reset: The Bear is Back and How America Must Respond explores the threats posed by Putin’s Russia, many of which have received little attention in the U.S. press.  These include significant improvements in Russia’s nuclear ballistic missile arsenals, drastically improved air and missile defenses, and hardened shelters against nuclear attacks, apparently in preparation to survive a nuclear war.  Russia also has stepped up economic, cyber, information and intelligence warfare against the United States to undermine American security and create a new global order.

Center Senior Vice President for Policy and Programs Fred Fleitz outlines new challenges in US/Russia relations:

The Obama administration has ignored these developments and emboldened Putin by answering his interventions in Ukraine and Syria with appeasement and ultimatums that it repeatedly failed to back up.

It is hard to overstate the cumulative impact and portentousness of these developments.  In his contribution to this collection of essays, noted Russia expert Dr. Stephen Blank depicts the situation with this grim warning:  “Putin’s Russia is preparing for war against the U.S. and NATO. Putin would prefer to win without fighting, but he is prepared to use force and apparently escalate to nuclear weapons use if it is necessary and in Russia’s interests. He must be deterred. We are not doing nearly enough to do so.”

This series of essays by nine leading U.S. national security experts —Dr. Stephen Blank, Fred Fleitz, Kevin D. Freeman, Frank J. Gaffney, Jr., Dr. Daniel Gouré, Cliff Kincaid, Roger W. Robinson, Jr, David Satter, Dr. Mark B. Schneider, and Dr. J. Michael Waller – documents from their various perspectives and fields of expertise how the threat from Russia is growing as it gears up, at best, for a do-over of the Cold War.  And at worst, how Russia is creating what the Soviets used to call “a correlation of forces” that will enable the Kremlin to engage decisively in actual hostilities against the United States.

Center for Security Policy President Frank Gaffney noted:

“Our hope is that the American people, once equipped with the insights in Putin’s Reset will have a more complete understanding of how the Kremlin of yesteryear – with its global ambitions, bullying behavior and rabid hostility towards the United States immortalized by Candidate Ronald Reagan in a 1980 presidential campaign ad as “a bear in the woods” – is back.  And, with that urgently needed understanding, the public will be better equipped to decide on what course is the most appropriate U.S. response: continued accommodation and appeasement or a return to the policy approach that Mr. Reagan as president employed to help bring down the Soviet Union: peace through strength.”

This important book is available for purchase in Kindle format at  It also can be downloaded for free in PDF format at



The Center for Security Policy is a non-profit, non-partisan national security organization that specializes in identifying policies, actions, and resource needs that are vital to American security and then ensures that such issues are the subject of both focused, principled examination and effective action by recognized policy experts, appropriate officials, opinion leaders, and the general public. For more information visit

Joint Statement by Trump Israel Advisory Committee

The Times of Israel reports that U.S. voters in Israel polled as the U.S. election nears now favor Trump over Clinton by 49 to 44 per cent of those responding.

One reason may be this Joint Statement from Jason Dov Greenblatt and David Friedman co-chairs of the Israel Advisory Committee. It presents a solid program of support for Israel in contrast to what we have posted on Obama’s lame duck strategy of seeking the UN Security to sanction Israel for building towns in Judea and Samaria and other initiatives to eviscerate Israel’s eternal capital of Jerusalem.

Note what the Greenblatt Friedman Statement offers in the way of constructive commitments to support America’s only democratic ally in the troubled Middle East. Then ask yourself what Hillary Clinton has put out in the way of something as substantive as this sealing the US commitment for the Jewish nation.

Note what the statement contains:

· The unbreakable bond between the United States and Israel is based upon shared values of democracy, freedom of speech, respect for minorities, cherishing life, and the opportunity for all citizens to pursue their dreams.

· Israel is the state of the Jewish people, who have lived in that land for 3,500 years. The State of Israel was founded with courage and determination by great men and women against enormous odds and is an inspiration to people everywhere who value freedom and human dignity.

· Israel is a staunch ally of the U.S. and a key partner in the global war against Islamic jihadism. Military cooperation and coordination between Israel and the U.S. must continue to grow.

· The American people value our close friendship and alliance with Israel — culturally, religiously, and politically. While other nations have required U.S. troops to defend them, Israelis have always defended their own country by themselves and only ask for military equipment assistance and diplomatic support to do so. The U.S. does not need to nation-build in Israel or send troops to defend Israel.

· The Memorandum of Understanding signed by the American and Israeli Governments is a good first step, but there is much more to be done. A Trump Administration will ensure that Israel receives maximum military, strategic and tactical cooperation from the United States, and the MOU will not limit the support that we give. Further, Congress will not be limited to give support greater than that provided by the MOU if it chooses to do so. Israel and the United States benefit tremendously from what each country brings to the table — the relationship is a two way street.

· The U.S. should veto any United Nations votes that unfairly single out Israel and will work in international institutions and forums, including in our relations with the European Union, to oppose efforts to delegitimize Israel, impose discriminatory double standards against Israel, or to impose special labeling requirements on Israeli products or boycotts on Israeli goods.

· The U.S. should cut off funds for the UN Human Rights Council, a body dominated by countries presently run by dictatorships that seems solely devoted to slandering the Jewish State. UNESCO’s attempt to disconnect the State of Israel from Jerusalem is a one-sided attempt to ignore Israel’s 3,000-year bond to its capital city, and is further evidence of the enormous anti-Israel bias of the United Nations.

· The U.S. should view the effort to boycott, divest from, and sanction (BDS) Israel as inherently anti-Semitic and take strong measures, both diplomatic and legislative, to thwart actions that are intended to limit commercial relations with Israel, or persons or entities doing business in Israeli areas, in a discriminatory manner. The BDS movement is just another attempt by the Palestinians to avoid having to commit to a peaceful co-existence with Israel. The false notion that Israel is an occupier should be rejected.

· The Trump administration will ask the Justice Department to investigate coordinated attempts on college campuses to intimidate students who support Israel.

· A two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians appears impossible as long as the Palestinians are unwilling to renounce violence against Israel or recognize Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state. Additionally, the Palestinians are divided between PA rule in the West Bank and Hamas rule in Gaza so there is not a united Palestinian people who could control a second state. Hamas is a US-designated terrorist organization that actively seeks Israel’s destruction. We will seek to assist the Israelis and the Palestinians in reaching a comprehensive and lasting peace, to be freely and fairly negotiated between those living in the region.

· The Palestinian leadership, including the PA, has undermined any chance for peace with Israel by raising generations of Palestinian children on an educational program of hatred of Israel and Jews. The larger Palestinian society is regularly taught such hatred on Palestinian television, in the Palestinian press, in entertainment media, and in political and religious communications. The two major Palestinian political parties — Hamas and Fatah — regularly promote anti-Semitism and jihad.

· The U.S. cannot support the creation of a new state where terrorism is financially incentivized, terrorists are celebrated by political parties and government institutions, and the corrupt diversion of foreign aid is rampant. The U.S. should not support the creation of a state that forbids the presence of Christian or Jewish citizens, or that discriminates against people on the basis of religion.

· The U.S. should support direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians without preconditions, and will oppose all Palestinian, European and other efforts to bypass direct negotiations between parties in favor of an imposed settlement. Any solutions imposed on Israel by outside parties including by the United Nations Security Council, should be opposed. We support Israel’s right and obligation to defend itself against terror attacks upon its people and against alternative forms of warfare being waged upon it legally, economically, culturally, and otherwise.

· Israel’s maintenance of defensible borders that preserve peace and promote stability in the region is a necessity. Pressure should not be put on Israel to withdraw to borders that make attacks and conflict more likely.

· The U.S. will recognize Jerusalem as the eternal and indivisible capital of the Jewish state and Mr. Trump’s Administration will move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem.

· Despite the Iran Nuclear deal in 2015, the U.S. State Department recently designated Iran, yet again, as the leading state sponsor of terrorism — putting the Middle East particularly, but the whole world at risk by financing, arming, and training terrorist groups operating around the world including Hamas, Hezbollah, and forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The U.S. must counteract Iran’s ongoing violations of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action regarding Iran’s quest for nuclear weapons and their noncompliance with past and present sanctions, as well as the agreements they signed, and implement tough, new sanctions when needed to protect the world and Iran’s neighbors from its continuing nuclear and non-nuclear threats.

Inaccuracy of Polls send Gold and Silver Soaring predicting a Trump Presidency

LOS ANGELES, Calif. /PRNewswire/ — On June 25th 2015 an opinion piece entitled “What’s the Matter with Polling?” by Cliff Zukin was published in the New York Times. In it, Mr. Zukin detailed how the rapid adoption of cell phones and rapidly diminishing numbers of survey respondents has hindered the ability of public opinion researchers to conduct accurate polling.

Millennials, who represent 56% of America’s eligible voters, are one of the largest demographics in the U.S. who are slipping through the cracks with most public opinion polls. Since 85% of Millennials own a cell phone instead of a landline, Millennials cost twice as much to reach since regulatory restrictions prohibit calling cell phones – not landlines – with an autodialer.

The generational shift from landlines to cell phones, combined with the Millennials’ waning desire to take surveys, is rendering opinion polls worldwide unreliable and making it ever more difficult to predict outcomes in politics and financial markets. Just last week, when every poll in Colombia had predicted the passing of a referendum vote for peace with the rebel guerrilla army, FARC, 50.22% of Colombians rejected the peace deal and sent the Colombian peso plunging.

413518logoHere at home, most recent polls predict that Secretary of State Clinton will win the election and that belief has been priced into the markets in much the same way that ‘Bremain’ was priced into markets prior to the ‘Brexit’ vote. Jack Hanney, a senior partner with the nation’s leading gold IRA dealer, Patriot Gold Group, states that the “Associated Press and Reuters polls got the Brexit referendum wrong and they’re going to get the U.S. presidential election wrong too.” His logic is supported by recent political polls that incorrectly forecasted elections in Turkey, Scotland, Canada and Greece.

Jim Rickard, author of the book “Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis,” goes one step further than Hanney to say that “Trump will win, the Dow will drop over 1,000 points and gold will gain $100 overnight.” These sentiments are shared by many leading political and precious metal analysts who are hedging their bets as it’s widely believed that if Trump does pull a Brexit-style upset, gold and silver will move up as much as 20% within a week from today.

In a country whose government was founded 238 years ago to protect every citizen’s right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, who’d have predicted living in the constant state of fear created by terrorism, systemic corruption, rising inequality and economic recession? If nothing else, the sad state of affairs in America today demonstrates that any outcome is possible. And the polls are no different.

Take heed of the recent warnings from the Huffington Post and Wall Street Journal: “the world will look so different six months from now” that Americans should “prepare themselves for the recession [and] hide in gold.”


S&P 500’s 9-day losing streak longest since December 1980

Market Indicator Gives Trump An 86% Chance Of Winning The Election

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are the Frankensteins that Washington Created

How ironic that this week Americans celebrated Halloween. This is the time of year when a lot of children and some adults dress up in scary costumes and go trick-or-treating collecting candy or various other treats. Many TV networks also use this occasion to dust off a lot of classic horror movies like Frankenstein.

Frankenstein is the name given to a monster created by the brilliant scientist Dr. Victor Frankenstein; some use the word “mad” scientist, but I choose to label him brilliant instead.

Colloquially, the name “Frankenstein” often refers to anything that starts out with good intentions, but ends up becoming a monster with unforeseen and often tragic power.

Frankenstein. What a perfect description for this year’s presidential election.

According to many establishment Republicans, Donald Trump is a “Frankenstein” in the worst of all possible ways. But what you won’t hear these establishment Republicans say is that, like in the movie Frankenstein, they created this “monster” that is Donald Trump.

What they won’t admit is that they are totally out of sync with the base of the party or that they have basically told the base of the party to sit down and shut up. Establishment Republicans think that they know what is best for the party and America and when they want the opinion of the base, they will give it to them.

The base of the party has made it perfectly clear that they are against any form of amnesty for those in the country illegally; they are against these global trade deals that subjugate American sovereignty to foreign entities; they are against these constant omnibus budgets that continue to increase our national debt.

Trump may be a flawed messenger in many ways, but he won the nomination against 16 very credible Republican candidates based on the above issues. The Republican establishment has basically told the base of the party, “When we want your opinion, we’ll give it to you.”

The Republican establishment has created this Frankenstein and regardless of what happens with next week’s election; there is absolutely no indication that the establishment will try to synch itself to the issues that the base of the party cares about.

In a similar manner, the Democratic establishment created this monster called Hillary Clinton. One unnoticed fact that most people tend to be oblivious to is that one of the legacies of Bill Clinton’s presidency was that he stacked the positions of power within the Democratic National Committee (DNC) with die-hard supporters of him and his wife; both on the local and national levels.

So it should have come as no surprise that the DNC establishment was doing everything in its power to rig their primary election to benefit Hillary Clinton. The Democratic machine has been plotting this for decades.

In the Democratic establishment’s mind, there was never any doubt that Hillary would be their nominee, despite her ruthless penchant for self-destructive behavior, i.e. private server.

Like with the Republicans, the Democratic establishment is totally out of sync with their base. Similarly, Democrats has basically told their base to sit down and shut the hell up.

So, should we have been surprised that last Friday, F.B.I. Director, James Comey re-opened the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails?

Clinton also created a monster by setting up a private email mail server. She thought she could hide information on her family’s private business dealings and keep them secret from the American people.

Now, no one wants to accept responsibility for the creation of a monster they can no longer control.

The Republican establishment wants to blame everything on Trump being a flawed candidate. But what about the 16 other candidates that Trump beat in the primary? None of them adjusted to Trump’s message, despite his message catching on like wildfire. Trump represented what the base of the party wanted, regardless of how in artful he sometimes was in the delivery of his message.

Clinton and her campaign want to blame her current email problems on Russia and Comey. Hey, Hillary, how about not secretly using a private server in the first place? What a novel idea, huh?

And while we’re at it, Attorney General Loretta Lynch: how about not taking a private meeting with Bill Clinton while his wife is the subject of an F.B.I. investigation?

Maybe, just maybe, that is what compelled Comey to go public with the latest twist in the Clinton email drama. Maybe Comey felt like Lynch’s actions caused severe damage to the reputation of his agency and that he could no longer count on Lynch to be impartial in the latest email iteration.

In all of my examples above, people began with the premise that they were doing something good and legitimate, but it ultimately got out of control and ended up doing irreparable harm to all those involved.

So, is it any wonder why the American people find this election cycle to be so scary?

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in Black Press USA.

Florida: Top 10 Reason to Vote NO on Amendment 2

This list explains why Floridians must vote NO of Florida Amendment 2:

  1. It’s Permanent – Amendment 2 is a proposed Constitutional Amendment, that means it could never be changed, limited or altered by law enforcement, local governments or the state legislature. And while some Constitutional Amendments allow for a local option, Amendment 2 specifically does not.
  2. Florida Doctors Oppose It – The Florida Medical Association unanimously passed a resolution in opposition to Amendment 2. They said quite frankly: “There is nothing medical about this proposal.” You also have the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Family Physicians and the American Epilepsy Society who have all come out against state medical marijuana programs like Amendment 2.
  3. Budtenders NOT Pharmacists – “Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers” are not legitimate pharmacies. In fact, you won’t find a single licensed pharmacist behind the counter of any Amendment 2-style Pot Shop. Instead, you’ll find a so-called Budtender with no medical training, but lots of first-hand experience smoking pot.
  4. It’s De Facto Legalization – The authors of Amendment 2 tried to hide their gaping Pot Legalization Loophole behind a long list of conditions, but if you read the fine print you’ll find this clause: “… or any other debilitating medical conditions of the same kind or class as or comparable to those enumerated …” Just like in California, anyone with anxiety, migraines, trouble sleeping or a sore throat will be able to legally purchase pot.
  5. Kid-Friendly Pot Candy – Amendment 2 specifically authorizes edibles and the pot industry manufactures them to look just like the junk foods your children know and love. In states like California, where medical marijuana is legally sold, children as young as 21 months are being rushed to the emergency room as a result.
  6. It’s Not Your Father’s Mary Jane – Today’s pot is 10X more potent; which means this is not the marijuana of Woodstock. The average THC content has soared from less than 1% in 1972 to nearly 13% and higher today.
  7. No Local Option – Because there’s no local option to allow communities to ban, limit or restrict the location of pot shops, if Amendment 2 passes you can expect the seedy elements of the pot industry to move in right next door to your neighborhood, your church, your business and even your child’s school.
  8. 2,000 Pot Shops – The Florida Department of Health estimates that under Amendment 2 Florida will have 1,993 pot shops. That means Florida will be home to more pot shops than McDonalds, Starbucks and 7-Elevens combined.
  9. No Prescription – Amendment 2 does NOT require a doctor’s prescription in order to obtain pot because a prescription would violate federal law. Instead “patients” are given a flimsy certification which has no medical standing and is not recognized by the medical community as legitimate.
  10. They Didn’t Fix It – While the original amendment limited caregivers to just 5 “patients,” the supposedly “new and improved” amendment gives caregivers license to acquire, possess, administer, transfer and deliver pot to AN UNLIMITED NUMBER OF USERS. So basically caregivers are no more than legitimized drug dealers. This isn’t the plan that someone would write if they were only concerned about providing medicine to the sick.

VIDEO: NYPD/FBI Found Sex Blackmail Network On Weiner’s Computer

Doug Hagmann discusses the information coming out that shows Anthony Weiner may have been involved in more than just inappropriate sexting.


Secret Recordings Fueled FBI Feud in Clinton Probe – Wall Street Journal

Senior FBI officials were told of new emails in early October but wanted more information before renewing Clinton probe – The Washington Post

WikiLeaks: DOJ official gave Clinton camp ‘heads up’ about email filing

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‘Hillary Clinton and Sen. Tim Kaine…promote intrinsically evil acts’ by Bradley Eli, M.Div., Ma.Th.

SPRINGFIELD, Ill ( – Bishop Thomas Paprocki is doing something almost no other bishop has done: he is publicly calling out political candidates by name.

In a video Sunday, October 30, the bishop of Springfield, Illinois spoke the plain truth in simple fashion. “Hillary Clinton and Sen. Tim Kaine, the Democratic candidates for president and vice president, respectively, both hold stridently aggressive positions that promote intrinsically evil acts such as legal abortion and redefining marriage in a way that denies its essential meaning,” he declared.

Recent polls show half of all Catholics are voting for Clinton and Kaine. Bishop Paprocki admonishes such Catholics about their sinful participation with candidates who promote evil. “People who vote for pro-abortion candidates are cooperators in evil,” he flatly stated.

His Excellency also brings up Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump, citing talk show host Eric Metaxas, who wrote an op ed in the Wall Street Journal:

It’s a fact that if Hillary Clinton is elected, the country’s chance to have a Supreme Court that values the Constitution — and the genuine liberty and self-government for which millions have died — is gone. Not for four years, or eight, but forever. Many say Mr. Trump can’t be trusted to deliver on this score, but Mrs. Clinton certainly can be trusted in the opposite direction.

Remarkable is the fact that almost no other bishop has dared to call out the Democratic presidential and vice-presidential candidates explicitly by name. One prelate who did so was Abp. Joseph Naumann of Kansas City, Kansas. In his talk on October 18, Abp. Nauman mentioned self-professed Catholic Sen. Tim Kaine 11 times.

Calling out Kaine’s hypocrisy, Abp. Naumann remarked,

It is ironic that Senator Kaine expressed such profound concern about imposing his religious beliefs on others, while supporting efforts:

  1. to coerce the Little Sisters of the Poor and other faith-based ministries to violate their conscience by including abortifacients, contraceptives and sterilizations in their employee health plans;
  2. to put small business owners (e.g., florists, bakers, photographers, etc.) out of business with crippling fines if they decline to participate in same-sex marriage ceremonies;
  3. to force every American taxpayer to help fund abortion.

Bishop Thomas Tobin of Providence, Rhode Island has also called out Kaine by name — the first bishop to do so.

Bishop Paprocki finished his talk with the affirmation that a Catholic must form his conscience according to the mind of the Church and that to act contrary to Catholic teaching is sinful.

Catholics who are unsure of the moral implications of their election choices, especially with regard to abortion — the defining moral issue of our time — should discuss these matters with a priest in the sacrament of penance in order to form their consciences properly as faithful citizens, or to be absolved of their sins, as the case may be.

EDITORS NOTE: The column originally appeared on

NFL may never recover from Kapernickitis

There’s a price to be paid for everything — even for being politically correct in a “politically correct time.” A new poll shows that the main cause of the National Football League’s much discussed ratings drop is, in fact, the National Anthem Protests sparked by the very ignorant and callow Colin Kaepernick.

But here’s the really bad news for the NFL: some of the boycotting fans may never come back.

Watching sports is frivolity, a non-essential luxury, and people are creatures of habit. If fans stay away for a while, fill that time with other pursuits (perhaps more worthwhile ones), they may just find they don’t miss football all that much. Or they may watch more college ball and discover they like it more. Pro football isn’t indispensable.

It’s much as when people give up soda, sugar, going out to clubs or anything else: they often lose their taste for what they once found so alluring. Admittedly, this theory about permanent NFL fan loss is just that, a theory. But there’s no doubt the feckless, cowardly, corrupt NFL is playing with fire. Many believe the quality of play has declined, football is getting a lot of bad press, and today’s sports entertainment business is very competitive, with many in the younger generations watching extreme sports or mixed martial arts. Football is much like boxing: old school. There’s no guarantee the NFL can replace its old fans with new ones.

Besides being immoral and irresponsible, the NFL has been, in a word, phony. Many will say the San Francisco 49ers’ “Kaepernick has a right to protest, but…,” and the NFL has postured, bloviating about “freedom of speech.” As Niners coach Chip Kelly said recently, “Kaepernick’s decision to not stand during the Anthem is ‘his right as a citizen’ and ‘it’s not my right to tell him not to do something.” But this is nonsense. Freedom of speech only guarantees freedom from government infringement upon speech, and the NFL is a private entity that is like any other workplace: it sets conduct rules.

This brings us to the obscene NFL hypocrisy. The league sets rules for dress and expression all the time; for example, it penalized Kansas City Chiefs player Husain Abdullah for kneeling in prayer in the end zone, fined New York Jets coach Rex Ryan $100,000 for shouting profanity following a victory, and fined Kaepernick himself more than $10,000 after accusing him of using a racial slur. It also has not been supportive of other protests — such as ones in favor of police.

In addition, Kaepernick’s “cause” is based on nothing but lies. Many more whites than blacks are shot by police every year; shootings of black suspects have declined 75 percent during the last few decades; police are more likely to shoot whites relative to the races’ different homicide rates and the rates at which they feloniously shoot police; cops are more likely to be shot by a black suspect than to shoot one; and a study showed that law-enforcement personnel are actually more willing to shoot white suspects, no doubt due to conditioning stemming from the fear of career and personal destruction.

Many people are aware of at least some of the above information. And NFL leadership appears to be like so many other pseudo-elites: unaware that the average person doesn’t subscribe to doctrinaire political correctness. Even many people who may be somewhat sympathetic to BLM bushwa don’t think showing disrespect to our nation is a proper response or that an NFL game is the proper venue for disruptive social activism.

In other words, there’s no moral, market or legal incentive to allow Kaepernick’s BLM protests. The NFL’s policy is, on balance, all downside and no upside. Its leadership’s thinking is offside, with stupid men governing stupid players and pursuing stupid policy. And as is said, life is hard — it’s a lot harder when you’re stupid.

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Twitter or log on to

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is by Jake Roth-USA TODAY Sports

WeinerLeaks: Folder of Hillary’s emails labeled ‘Life Insurance’

Last night at dinner with friends the topic of the Hillary’s 650,000 emails on Anthony Weiner’s computer came up, no pun intended. There was speculation about why Weiner would keep these emails? One person at the table said that Weiner kept them as insurance should Hillary become president, knowing that he was a political liability to Hillary and Huma Abedin, who would become the Chief of Staff under a president Clinton.

There is a history of people close to the Clinton’s dying suddenly particularly when they become a liability. Would Hillary Clinton want Anthony Weiner testifying before Congress about these emails he saved over the years? Answer: Of course not!

This massive collection of emails became Anthony’s life insurance against a Clinton presidency.

One reporter confirms what was once speculation. nypd counter terrorismJay Guy in an column titled Did the NYPD Just Save the Country? wrote:

As the Hillary Clinton/Huma Abedin/Anthony Weiner sage unfolds, this morning a variety of unnamed NYPD sources have leaked a fascinating story to various media and social media outlets: the NYPD was investigating Anthony Weiner for sexting a 15 yr old and stumbled on tens of thousands of emails in a folder labeled “life insurance” on Anthony Weiner’s laptop. Those emails, as we now know, contain content that is in some way shape or form are related to Hillary Clinton and her FBI investigation. The information was found by the NYPD Special Victims unit, who had a warrant per their involvement in the Weiner case.

Internal NYPD sources indicate that they discovered these files almost a month ago and turned them over to the FBI two weeks ago. These reports coincide with reports over the weekend of the NYPD’s involvement as they have investigated Weiner over the last month. Admittedly it’s speculative but is it difficult to imagine the FBI and DOJ attempted to keep this latest discovery quiet but were pressured to by the NYPD who would or could leak them themselves? Reports from a wide variety of news outlets indicate the DOJ refuses to give the FBI a warrant to review the evidence now in its possession – Comey revealing the presence of such evidence is a likely concession to the NYPD’s refusal to remain quiet.

Read more.

People close to the Clintons live a dangerous life. Many have paid the ultimate price after turning on the Clinton machine.

Is this the kinds of people that should occupy the White House? The voters will decide on November 8th. Let them choose wisely.

RELATED ARTICLE: FBI found Clinton-related emails on devices belonging to Huma Abedin, Anthony Weiner: report

Donors Flocking to Support Trump

ALEXANDRIA, Va. /PRNewswire/ — Great America PAC, the leading Pro-Trump Super PAC, announced today they have raised over $5.5 million in October and are in the process of deploying a series of independent expenditures in the closing days of the campaign.  Great America PAC leadership raised an additional $3.5mm over the past 8 days, which adds to the $2mm reported in the latest FEC filings.

Great America PAC fundraising and expenditures in the final month have exceeded all other Super PACs supporting Trump, positioning them be the most impactful independent committee working to elect Donald Trump in the critical final days of the election.

“This is exactly what Ed and I set out to do this year and it’s exciting to see these efforts providing such strong support to Trump’s candidacy in these final days,” said Eric Beach, Co-Chairman of the committee. “With the momentum swinging back towards Trump, our battleground state operations are reporting incredible energy on the ground that will help us maximize efforts heading into election day.”

Great America PAC’s turnout efforts include a robust ground operation with local campaign offices and strong GOTV operations in the battleground states of Ohio, North Carolina, Florida, Pennsylvania, Colorado, and Nevada in the closing days.  The final push will incorporate targeted paid media ads on TV, radio, and digital platforms coupled with the GOTV effort led by our local offices across these key states to maximize the turnout for Trump on election day.


Great America PAC is the premiere pro-Trump Super PAC led by veteran Republican strategist, Ed Rollins.  The group has raised and spent over $25 million from more than 250,000 contributions in support of Donald Trump’s candidacy, broadcasting more than 7,500 TV spots, 300,000 radio ads,  2.5 million direct mail pieces and 5 million phone calls, and built a file of millions of active, newly engaged Trump supporters across the country.

RELATED ARTICLE: FBI investigating alleged straw donor scheme tied to Democrat Senate candidate in Florida

VIDEO: Libertarian PayPal CEO Endorses Trump for President

Peter Thiel full speech supporting Donald J. Trump for President at the National Press Club.


Peter Andreas Thiel is a German-American entrepreneur, venture capitalist, and hedge fund manager. Thiel co-founded PayPal with Max Levchin and Elon Musk and served as its CEO. He also co-founded Palantir, of which he is chairman.