VIDEO: Defeating the Democrat Hypocrisy of a Woman President

One of the most flagrant lies of the Democrats is that they will be the Party which breaks the “glass-ceiling” and finally elects a woman President! Check out ny fast-paced, short video which demolishes this fabrication in a logical and entertaining fashion!

NYC VIDEO: Undercover journalist in full burka allowed to vote as Huma Abedin

“Yeah, but they could do it by wearing a burka. But then no one could say, ‘Oh, wait, let me see your ID,’ because they don’t have ID, because they don’t want to discriminate because they’re wearing a burka.”

This hesitancy to “discriminate” even to stop voter fraud could be the death of the republic, and it all flows from today’s general solicitude toward Muslims and anxiousness to avoid charges of “Islamophobia.”

RELATED ARTICLE: Merkel orders EU to turn back boats full of Muslim migrants

FLORIDA SHOCK: Trump Outperforms Romney by 130,000 in Early Voting


Via The Drudge Report:

Mon Nov 07 2016 12:03:12 ET
**World Exclusive**

Data obtained by the DRUDGE REPORT shows presidential underdog Donald Trump outperforming Republican 2012 election results in Florida.

Mitt Romney went into Election Day down 161,000 in absentee ballots and early voting. He ended up losing the state by 74,000.

This time, in a dramatic surprise twist, Trump is only down 32,500! And Republicans tend to outvote Democrats on Election Day in Florida.

As reported yesterdayRepublicans have a 16 point advantage over Democrats on Election Day turnout.

And The Drudge Report has TRUMP up 142,000 votes over Romney in North Carolina early voting.

VIDEO: President Obama Encourages Illegal Aliens to Vote

On Neil Cavuto show Coast to Coast an illegal alien asks President Obama if she should fear voting, because immigration will come and get her and her family.

Samantha Change from BizPac Review in a column titled “Cavuto stunned as Obama prods illegals to VOTE on national TV: It’s secret, they can’t catch you” reports:

Here is the exact question Obama was asked by actress Gina Rodriguez in a live pre-election interview Nov. 3:

“Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens — and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country — are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?”

“This is not true,” Obama said. “And the reason is — first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself, and there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for.”

The shocking video clip first aired on Neil Cavuto’s Fox Business News show Coast to Coast.

Read more.

Bus Tour Generating Grassroots Excitement in North Carolina and Florida

ALEXANDRIA, Va. /PRNewswire/ — Great America PAC, the leading independent Pro-Trump Super PAC, announced their Battleground State Bus Tour has now moved through Clemmons, NC and Tampa, FL with a lineup of conservative stars that included Sheriff David Clarke, Dorothy Woods, Larry Elder, Mike Gallagher, and others.  The tour started in Nevada on Wednesday, then moved through Colorado, Pennsylvania and Ohio the days following before stops in North Carolina earlier today and Florida this evening.

“The momentum and energy we’re seeing on the ground during this tour is incredible and it’s fueling our strong GOTV operations in the battleground states,” said Eric Beach, Co-Chair of the committee.  “North Carolina and Florida are both at the epicenter of the political earthquake Donald Trump is about trigger on Tuesday.  This movement will shake the political establishment to its very core and things will never be the same in Washington, DC again.”

Great America PAC’s final push includes this Battleground State Bus Tour through swing states with a multi-pronged $9 million independent expenditure in support of Donald Trump’s candidacy for President.  The program includes TV, radio, and digital campaigns. In addition, Great America PAC’s campaign offices in those states, established earlier in the campaign, have been working hard as they push to turn out voters on Election Day.


Great America PAC is the premiere Pro-Trump Super PAC led by veteran Republican strategist, Ed Rollins.  The group has raised and spent over $30 million in support of Donald Trump’s candidacy, broadcasting more than 20,000 TV spots and 300,000 radio ads, secured over 250,000 contributors, built a file of millions of active, newly engaged Trump supporters across the country, placed over 10 million phone calls, and sent over 2.5 million pieces of mail. Great America PAC is the ONLY PAC with field offices in the battleground states with boots on the ground and is also the ONLY PAC running Spanish-language ads on TV and online.

Michael Moore video supporting Donald J. Trump for President goes viral

Carolyn Serrano, Corporate Vice-President of, Inc. in an email writes:

Dear friends of,

We only have TWO days left to save America.  Watch the video below, ironically made by Michael Moore, of all people.  He gave this talk to Democrats as a means of mobilizing them for election day.  BUT IT HAS BACKFIRED ON HIM, and become a stellar ad for Donald J. Trump.

Help us send this video EVERYWHERE in the next 48 hours.  Post it to your FACEBOOK page please.

Do not be concerned about the bad language.  Remember who is using it.

We’re counting on your help when it matters most.


Amnesty Would Cost Taxpayers Trillions, National Academy of Sciences Report Indicates

What’s Causing the Surge of Illegal Immigration? Lawmakers Want Answers and Action

Meet the 4 Siblings Behind the Designs of This New Pro-Life Apparel Company

Mr. Donald J. Trump and Isaiah 45

A day came when Elohim (The God of All Power and Might, the Supreme and True God – Genesis 1:1; Psalm 19:1) declared to a man, a Gentile; “I have called you by name, made you who you are…I AM the Eternal One, there is no other God but Me, and even though you don’t know Me, I AM preparing you for victory. I AM doing all this so that people all around the world may know that I alone am the Eternal, the only God” (Isaiah 45: 4, 5, 6). So on that day, Yahweh Elohe Yisrael (The God of the nation Israel – Judges 5:3; Psalm 59:5; Isaiah 17:6) chose a man to lead His chosen Nation Israel, a Gentile, actually a Persian Emperor was God’s choice to lead His People Israel to freedom and away from bondage. Wow! God made it abundantly clear to friend and foe alike, it is He, not kings nor the ruling elite, nor the media, nor anything else on the earth that directs history. Attiq Yomin (The Ancient of Days, the One True God, the Eternal – Daniel 7:9, 13) who stands above and behind human history directing and orchestrating events to fulfill His purposes. At times man needs to be reminded of this truth. This may very well be one of the times.

America and the church in America are at a crossroads, a point by which decisions will have to be made. These decisions are not just for Election Day, but also to meet the sunrise on January 20th, 2017, the Day of the Inauguration of a new President of the United States. Much like ancient Israel, modern-day America has slipped into bondage, and quickly is being led into a devastating swamp from which no escape will be possible, save the Hand of God. America is on the verge of being a footnote in the annals of history; albeit, an important footnote, but nevertheless, relegated to a mere story of her former greatness and hope. A nation that squandered the anointing and gifts of God, the privilege to be a shining light on a hill for all to see and emulate. Forces of darkness have worked to cover the truth in the founding of this Nation, and citizens have allowed this darkness to envelop us, and the church has remained silent. Not only have most pulpits not admonished the people in their silence, but the pulpits of this country once brightly lit by the fires of the Gospel and our Judeo-Christian foundation, have not pushed back against the darkness! America is no longer representing the light of the Gospel; rather, America has adopted a secular and humanistic gospel foreign from God’s Word. Satanic rituals go unchallenged in the name of acceptance. Homosexuality is merely nodded at rather than lovingly but firmly addressed in accordance with God’s Word. The family unit is socially being engineered in the name of inclusion and modernizing. America who once sent forth missionary’s in fulfillment of God’s command to go forward into the world and deliver the Good News of Christ, now exports a Satanic set of principles as an example of how far the United States has drifted from her foundation, her founding values and beliefs that countries throughout the world once envied. The pastors and God’s people in and outside the church setting, have not guarded nor worked the vineyard diligently to bring forth the fruit of the vine. A large host of “Christians” are silent, not engaged in making Disciples of Christ nor helping to mature those who already claim to be followers of Christ. And evil has been allowed to come into the vineyard and strangle any productivity, any fruit of labor, but then again there is very little labor and very little fruit.

In the Book of the Prophet Isaiah, Chapter 45, we read the fact-based historical account of God raising up a man of unlikely pedigree to lead the people of Israel not only out of bondage and possible greater tragedy, but back under submission (cooperation) with their Maker, Yahweh (the proper Name of the Lord – Genesis 2:4; Exodus 6:2,3). Is it possible Donald J. Trump is a modern day chosen leader by God just like Cyrus in Isaiah? Similar to Cyrus as described in Isaiah 45, Trump really likes God’s People, and he has openly pledged to be a friend and protector of the Judeo-Christian principles by which our country was founded and outlined in our documents of government and law. Cyrus in the Book of Isaiah clearly stated he would rebuild Jerusalem; Trump clearly has stated he would rebuild and make America “great again!” If America fails democracies across the globe fail, and if democracies fail the Christian Faith and followers will be targeted until they fail. Instead of experiencing such a catastrophic collapse, what if God is about to break forth in a powerful manner reserved for just such a day and time as now?

What if…Yahweh Sabaoth (The Lord of Hosts of All Heavenly powers, the Lord who is our Protector and Savior – 1 Samuel 1:3; Isaiah 6:1-3), what if…He is commencing to build His Remnant Church, and the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against it! What if…Adonai (The Lord who alone is over all – Deuteronomy 6:4) is building His government, and will call out “those to whom I choose to fill the positions as I choose for all men to see so all around the world may know I Am the Eternal, the only God!” What if…El Shaddai (God Almighty, all Powerful – Genesis 17:1; Psalm 91:1) is putting together His Church, His Government, His Followers separating the goats from the sheep, the wheat from the shaft, those who will truly follow Him from those who are mere name Sayers and rabble-rousers?

What if the God of the Book of Isaiah is performing a much similar act today in America with Donald Trump as He did with Cyrus as written in the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 45?

I Was a Federal Agent and These 4 Things Stink About the FBI Investigations

I was a federal agent for over a decade. During that time, I was the lead investigator in a number of federal criminal-investigations. In my experience, I have never seen or heard about a criminal case handled like the Hillary Clinton email investigation. Here are just a few of the puzzling anomalies that should leave you scratching your head:

  1. Why is the FBI seizing computers now from the Weiner household and why didn’t they seize all of the potentially incriminating evidence at the start of the investigation? If it was a genuine investigation into the transfer of classified information electronically, and otherwise, why not seize ALL of the computers from the start? I used to enjoy working counterfeit currency cases and cannot imagine a scenario where we would initiate a counterfeit investigation but NOT seize the counterfeit printing devices. It’s illogical.
  2. Why agree to forgo prosecuting potential co-conspirators Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin – and destroy the computer evidence they possess – before charging them with a crime? That’s not the way the process works. In order to build leverage against a criminal conspirator, a federal agent would typically draw up a federal complaint or seek an indictment. Second, an agent would get an arrest warrant from a judge pursuant to a probable cause ruling and then, AFTER THE ARREST, he or she would ask if the arrested individual wished to cooperate, potentially using their cooperation against co-conspirators. Third, if the cooperation is substantive, then a 5k letter is issued to a judge, which indicates the subject’s level of cooperation and how that should be considered in sentencing the cooperating defendant. None of that was done in this case. They essentially said to Hillary’s co-conspirators, “Help us, pretty please, or else we’ll have to ask you again.”


Why Negative Campaigning? Freedoms and the Mirror

A recent Republican primary for the Florida state Senate race in a Republican district offered the perfect storm for why people get so frustrated with political campaigns — including local ones. But it was also revealing about who we are and why such yuck campaigns are a constant in a close race.

There were five candidates, four of which were already office-holders and had good reputations in the community. It was a very strong field. Among the favorites in the conservative district, there were really only marginal position differences when looked at from the view of the broad electorate.

Because my family and I are what is known as “super voters” — we vote in all elections — we are targeted with the most mailers. The curse of the responsible citizen. We got up to 12 mailers in a day, with the majority being from this one race. The majority of those were negative. Flipping through on any given day, conservative Candidate A was variously a gray-pictured corrupt mugger of the public trust or a colorfully pictured, trusted family man and veteran. Candidate B was variously a gray-pictured opposer of freedoms who was going to take all our guns away or a colorfully pictured watchdog protecting your rights. Etc. Day after day after day.

Ugh, right?

Oh yes.

The reason? Get ready

But here’s the rub. This is what free speech looks like. It’s glorious and soaring and it’s messy and disagreeable and some people have a bigger megaphone than others. It is the opposite of college campuses with their speech codes and safe zones — a terrifying look at our future. It is true freedom and that is rare in the world. If your first thought reading this is “We should outlaw or ban or restrict XYZ,” you are saying you want to reduce our freedoms. That is not a good impulse.

Always err on the side of freedom. Giving it away is easy. Getting it back is a mountain.

Further, the reason for the unrelenting negativity in campaigning is that it works. And that’s completely on the collective person in the mirror. The electorate — which is not always the other person — can be so relatively uninformed, that perceptions are easy to shape through these simple mailers. It’s why yard signs with just a candidate’s name are so ubiquitous during elections season. Name recognition alone translates to votes. That also is on the collective person in the mirror.

So, the formula is to tear down the main threat to your election through negative ads, send out mom and apple pie pieties about yourself and plant hundreds of yard signs. It’s superficial, it’s tried and it truly works.

So remember next time you get into a gripe fest over negative campaigning; they are done because they work. They can be nauseating and effective. But we allow them as an option because we cherish freedom over government-enforced niceties and agreement. Attempts to clean up negative campaigning through restricting money or any types of speech must result in curtailing some of those freedoms.

Let freedom reign, including its ugliness. It is the best option.

(NOTE: I chose ads from the Obama-Romney campaign because neither are running this year and both are demonstrably more decent individuals than this year’s options. Yet both suffered withering negative attacks for the reasons stated above.)

EDITORS NOTE: This column first appeared on

Clinton Foundation admits it didn’t tell Hillary’s State Department about $1 million from Qatar

Why conceal this? “Clinton signed an ethics agreement governing her family’s globe-straddling foundation in order to become secretary of state in 2009. The agreement was designed to increase transparency to avoid appearances that U.S. foreign policy could be swayed by wealthy donors.”

If she is elected President on Tuesday, we can expect four to eight years of U.S. foreign policy being swayed by wealthy donors, including well-heeled financiers of jihad terror such as Qatar, which is not only a funder of the Islamic State, but also of al-Qaeda, Hamas, and Boko Haram.


“Clinton’s charity confirms Qatar’s $1 million gift while she was at State Dept,” by Jonathan Allen, Reuters, November 5, 2016:

The Clinton Foundation has confirmed it accepted a $1 million gift from Qatar while Hillary Clinton was U.S. secretary of state without informing the State Department, even though she had promised to let the agency review new or significantly increased support from foreign governments.

Qatari officials pledged the money in 2011 to mark the 65th birthday of Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton’s husband, and sought to meet the former U.S. president in person the following year to present him the check, according to an email from a foundation official to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign chairman, John Podesta. The email, among thousands hacked from Podesta’s account, was published last month by WikiLeaks.

Clinton signed an ethics agreement governing her family’s globe-straddling foundation in order to become secretary of state in 2009. The agreement was designed to increase transparency to avoid appearances that U.S. foreign policy could be swayed by wealthy donors.

If a new foreign government wished to donate or if an existing foreign-government donor, such as Qatar, wanted to “increase materially” its support of ongoing programs, Clinton promised that the State Department’s ethics official would be notified and given a chance to raise any concerns.

Clinton Foundation officials last month declined to confirm the Qatar donation. In response to additional questions, a foundation spokesman, Brian Cookstra, this week said that it accepted the $1 million gift from Qatar, but this did not amount to a “material increase” in the Gulf country’s support for the charity. Cookstra declined to say whether Qatari officials received their requested meeting with Bill Clinton….

RELATED ARTICLE: Muslim persecution forces convert from Islam to Christianity to flee home under armed guard…in the UK

VIDEO: Hispanic Hillary voter tries to attack him in Reno — Trump supporters shout ‘USA’

In yet another incident of a Hillary Clinton supporter being arrested by the police, we see Jay Z’s violent foul mouthed rant leading to violence in Reno, Nevada.

The man detained by police was Austyn Crites, a University of Chicago graduate, who’s name appears multiple times in the WikiLeaks Global Intelligence Files. According to the first video (below) by a citizen journalist Crites is described as a “Mexican” after an analysis of his Facebook page.



With just two days before the election and the nation on high alert for a possible terrorist attack from ISIS, it is time for Americans to understand that we need a president that will heal the nation from eight years of racial, ethnic and gender divide under President Obama.

A nation divided cannot long stand.

Great America Bus Tour Rolls Through Pennsylvania Building On Trump’s Incredible Momentum

ALEXANDRIA, Va. /PRNewswire/ — Great America PAC, the leading independent Pro-Trump Super PAC, announced Mike Huckabee joined their Battleground State Bus Tour in Pennsylvania, adding to a lineup that includes Sheriff David Clarke, Dorothy Woods, Larry Elder, Mike Gallagher, and others. The tour started in Las Vegas on Wednesday, then moved through Reno and Denver, and had two stops in Pennsylvania on Friday. The first stop in Pennsylvania was at the famous “Trump House” in Latrobe and the second in Philadelphia, where Mike Huckabee joined the tour. Salem Media Group is partnering with Great America PAC on the GOTV tour, which moves to stops in Cleveland and Columbus Ohio today.

Pennsylvania is a critical battleground for Donald Trump and victory there could deliver him the Presidency,” said Eric Beach, Co-Chair of the committee. “The state has been a top priority from the start so it’s exciting to see such incredible enthusiasm and broad support for Trump there the weekend before the election. We were thrilled to add Mike Huckabee to our tour and the crowds were very excited to see both him and Sheriff Clarke.”

Great America PAC final push includes this Battleground State Bus Tour through swing states with a multi-pronged $9 million independent expenditure in support of Donald Trump’s candidacy for President. The program includes TV, radio, and digital campaigns. In addition, Great America PAC’s campaign offices in those states, established earlier in the campaign, have been working hard as they push to turn out voters on Election Day.


Great America PAC is the premier Pro-Trump Super PAC led by veteran Republican strategist, Ed Rollins. The group has raised and spent over $30 million in support of Donald Trump’s candidacy, broadcasting more than 20,000 TV spots and 300,000 radio ads, secured over 250,000 contributors, built a file of millions of active, newly engaged Trump supporters across the country, placed over 10 million phone calls, and sent over 2.5 million pieces of mail.

Trump’s Path to the White House

If one were to seriously contemplate the outcome of next week’s presidential election by considering nothing more than the daily deluge of the top eight or ten polling organizations, it would surely make one’s head explode.  But there are two factors which make the state and national polls more than a little suspect: the “enthusiasm factor” and the minority vote.

There is no doubt that the crowds that show up for Trump rallies are significantly larger than those that attend Clinton rallies.  If Clinton is able to attract 1,000 people to a campaign rally in a major city, Trump would draw 10,000, or more.  The same is true of the Tim Kaine and Mike Pence rallies.  On one occasion in the past week, Donald Trump drew some 12,000 at a rally in the upper Midwest, while just 30 people showed up for a Kaine rally in South Florida.

A photograph now circulating on the Internet shows a jam-packed crowd at a Clinton rally.  The wall behind the dais is festooned with a large American flag, along with banners proclaiming “Clinton-Kaine” and “Stronger Together.”  However, upon closer inspection it is easy to see that the photograph of the crowd has been “constructed.”  One female member of the crowd appears at least thirteen times in the photo, another woman appears at least five times, and a young man in a T-shirt appears six times.  There are additional multiple photos of other individuals.

Pundits tend to agree that there is a legitimate “enthusiasm factor” in the Trump and Clinton campaigns, but they tend to downplay the magnitude, predicting that it is likely to be no more than two percentage points.  I disagree.  I would estimate that the number of people who hesitate to express their support for Trump… either to pollsters or to friends, relatives, and co-workers… represents at least two percent of his potential voters, while the number of people in various pro-Democrat constituencies who plan not to vote for Hillary, but who try to avoid the stigma of being anti-Hillary, represent at least two percent of her supporters.

Within the minority community, we have not seen a presidential election in the past fifty or sixty years in which there was less enthusiasm for the Democrat candidate and more enthusiasm for the Republican candidate than there is in the 2016 campaign.  No Republican candidate in living memory has been willing to publicly challenge black voters in the same way that Trump does, asking unabashedly, “What in the hell do you have to lose?”

Inasmuch as blacks represent approximately thirteen percent of the US population, it is easy to see how they would have provided nearly thirteen percent of the Obama vote in 2008 and 2012.  However, it is important to note that, in 2000 and 2004, when Obama was not on the ballot, blacks provided only eleven percent of the total Democratic vote.  The New York Times has reported that, while blacks represented twenty-five percent of the early votes in Florida in 2012, Obama’s last campaign, they represent only fifteen percent of the early votes to date in 2016.  A number of reports published just four days before the 2016 election, tell us that Trump is now attracting some twenty percent of the black vote nationwide.

Mega TV, a San Juan-based network with studios in Key West and Miami, has reported that, in the past two months, in response to Obama’s announced intention to normalize relations with the Castro regime in Cuba, Trump’s support within the Cuban-American community has grown by twenty percentage points.  These developments in the minority community cannot be good news for the Clinton campaign.

Swing states aside, if Clinton wins (electoral votes in parentheses) the twenty-two blue states of California (55), Connecticut (7), Delaware (3), District of Columbia (3), Hawaii (4), Illinois (20), Maine (4), Maryland (10), Massachusetts (11), Michigan (16), Minnesota (10), Nevada (6), New Hampshire (4), New Jersey (14), New Mexico (5), New York (29), Oregon (7), Pennsylvania (20), Rhode Island (4), Vermont (3), Washington (12), and Wisconsin (10), she will have 257 electoral votes, just thirteen votes short of an electoral majority.

However, if Trump wins the twenty-three traditionally red states of Alabama (9), Alaska (3), Arizona (11), Arkansas (6), Georgia (16), Idaho (4), Indiana (11), Kansas (6), Kentucky (8), Louisiana (8), Mississippi (6), Missouri (10), Montana (3), Nebraska, (5), North Dakota (3), Oklahoma (7), South Carolina (9), South Dakota (3), Tennessee (11), Texas (38), Utah (6), West Virginia (5), and Wyoming (3), he will have just 191 electoral votes, seventy-nine votes short of an electoral majority.  Trump would then have to win the electoral votes of Colorado (9), Florida (29), Iowa (6), North Carolina (15), Ohio (18), and Virginia (13) in order to be elected.  Of these, if he were to lose only Colorado’s nine votes, he could still win election with 272 electoral votes.

But this is not an election that lends itself well to electoral norms.  As matters now stand, just three days before the General Election, it appears as if Trump might win the electoral votes of Nevada (6) and New Hampshire (4), with an outside chance of winning Pennsylvania’s twenty electoral votes.  If he could do that, he could afford to lose both North Carolina and Virginia to Clinton and still win election with 274 votes, four votes more than a simple majority.

It is a close enough contest to prevent any but the most reckless gamblers from betting the house or the farm on the outcome.  If Clinton should manage to win the 257 blue state electoral votes, along with the thirteen electoral votes of Virginia, she would have 270 electoral votes, a simple majority in the Electoral College.  But even then, all is not lost.  On the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December… December 19, 2016… the members of the Electoral College will meet in their respective state capitals to cast their votes for president and vice president.  It is then that the 538 members of the Electoral College will have an opportunity to fulfill the purpose of the Electoral College as intended by the Framers, and as described in Federalist Paper No. 68.

The Founders had some very specific reasons for creating the Electoral College.  Aside from their insistence that the president and vice president be elected by the states, and not by a direct vote of the people or by the state legislative bodies, their primary concern was that a foreign power might one day attempt to achieve through corruption and political intrigue, that which they could not achieve on the battlefield.  As Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist Paper No. 68, “These most deadly adversaries of republican government (cabal, intrigue, etc.) might come from many quarters, but chiefly from the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils.  How could they better gratify this than by raising a creature of their own to the chief magistracy of the Union?” Does this not describe Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State and the activities of the Clinton Foundation?

And although the Founders felt it imperative that the “sense of the people” should be a principal factor in the selection of presidents and vice presidents, they were uncomfortable with the notion of placing that responsibility in the hands of Congress because of the prospect… if not the probability… of undue influence being placed on the selection process because of long-standing friendships and/or alliances in Congress.

The alternative they settled on was the Electoral College, an independent body consisting of citizens selected solely for the purpose of selecting the president and vice president… the manner in which presidential electors were chosen being left solely and exclusively to the legislatures of the various states.  Neither the governors of the states, nor the courts, federal or state, were given any jurisdiction whatsoever in the selection process.

As Hamilton wrote in Federalist Paper No. 68,

It was equally desirable, that the immediate election should be made by men most capable of analyzing the qualities adapted to the station, and acting under circumstances favorable to deliberation, and to a judicious combination of all the reasons and inducements which were proper to govern their choice.  A small number of persons, selected by their fellow-citizens from the general mass, will be most likely to possess the information and discernment requisite to such complicated investigations.”

In other words, it is the constitutional duty of the 538 members of the Electoral College to select from among their fellow citizens, a president and vice president who are qualified to hold those offices and who are in possession of the “qualities adapted to the station.”  The pool from which they must choose are individuals who are, a) natural born citizens, b) at least 35 years of age, and c) residents of the United States for at least 14 years.  And while twenty-four states have laws requiring electors to vote only for those candidates receiving a majority of the popular vote within their respective states, it is impossible to believe that electors should ever be required to vote for a president or a vice president who clearly does not possess the honesty, the integrity, or the public trust necessary to such high office… especially one who is judged by a substantial majority of citizens to be corrupt and untrustworthy.

In the present case, Hillary Clinton won just 60.4% of the 4,707 delegates to the Democratic National Convention.  Her principal opponent, Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) won primaries and caucuses in twenty-three states, winning 39.6% of the delegates… making it reasonable to assume that roughly 40% of the Democratic members of the Electoral College are Sanders supporters.

If Hillary Clinton should manage to eke out what would result in a slim victory in the Electoral College on November 8, Republicans would have forty-one days in which to convince enough Sanders partisans in the Electoral College to write in Bernie Sanders’ name on their electoral ballots… throwing the election into the House of Representatives where Donald Trump would be certain to prevail.  The stakes are far too great not to pull out all the stops.  As Yogi Berra once said, “It ain’t over ‘til it’s over.”

Republican leaders only need to develop a bit of backbone.


PODCAST: The Democrat Party Demands You Elect a Criminal as President!


Dante’s Inferno

The image to the right is of Dante’s Inferno. Observe that the evil is represented as upside-down and backwards – an inverted Tower of Babel.  As you progress down the funnel depravity, it all drains out into a cesspool of evil.

The ninth circle of Hell is treachery.  No better word describes the actions of Hillary Clinton and her clique of treasonous accomplices.  She and all those who have enabled, in both parties, her are treacherous.  We’ll attempt to put this unfathomable predicament into words.  Just how did the Democrat Party, the continuous oldest political party in the world today, permit this criminal to be their nominee for President of the United States of America?

We’ll also discuss the revolt of the U.S. intelligence community, and the FBI which has finally decided to do the right thing.

Topics of Discussion:

  • Democrats leave United States in unbelievable position this election
  • How is a criminal, likely guilty of treason, on the ballot?
  • Why did Obama get off so easy?  His guilt is apparent as Hillary’s
  • U.S.-Israeli citizens vote overwhelmingly for Trump
  • Headlines News, Foreign and Domestic

EDITORS NOTE: Readers may listen to USA Transnational Report live on JJ McCartney’s Nightside Radio Studios and on Red State Talk Radio.

The Investment Implications of the 2016 Election

MORRISTOWN, N.J. /PRNewswire/ — Next week’s elections are among the most hotly contested in recent history. Undoubtedly, there will be winners and losers beyond the individual candidates running for office. In this report, we analyze some of the potential investment implications of the election, while maintaining a neutral tone with respect to any political party. Our analysis is based largely on the stated positions of each major party’s Presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, and the research of unrelated parties.

What Wall Street Really Wants – A Split Decision

First, the market tends to favor a “split decision” with respect to which political party controls the White House, Senate and House of Representatives. Under this “split decision” or “gridlock” scenario, it will be challenging for either party to enact major legislative changes, allowing free market forces, not central planning, to drive the economy’s future.

Most projections suggest the Republicans will retain the majority of positions in the House of Representatives, while the Democrats are likely to gain control of the Senate. If these projections hold true, regardless of which Presidential candidate wins the White House, one party will not sweep all three elections, resulting in Wall Street’s desired split decision.

But we caution that a split decision is not always a panacea, since it may delay progress on important issues, such as addressing the projected deficits in Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. An extension of the debt ceiling in 2017 will also be necessary, potentially creating a contentious battle viewed unfavorably by the financial markets.

And The Winner Is … Infrastructure

If there is one common sector or industry that is likely to do well under either candidate, it is infrastructure. Infrastructure includes the repair or building of bridges, roads, tunnels, airports, power grids, communication networks and may even be extended to items such as electronic medical records. Candidate Clinton proposed $275 billion in government spending on infrastructure over a five-year period and having another $225 billionspent on infrastructure through private investment. Candidate Trump has proposed an even larger plan, spending up to $1 trillion on infrastructure, through a mix of governmental and private sources, over a ten-year period.

The benefits of preventing a crumbling bridge are obvious, but the implications of a stronger and smarter infrastructure may not be quite as apparent. For example, smarter and properly maintained transportation networks may be able to reduce traffic congestion, commuting times and the number of accidents. An enhanced power grid may reduce the likelihood of blackouts and conserve energy. An improved electronic medical records system may improve the quality of healthcare, reduce medical errors and cut insurance payments. Each of these items may result in increased productivity for the economy over a long period of time.

Energy and Healthcare Policies: A Tale of Two Cities

The Presidential candidates have sharply different policies in the Energy and Healthcare sectors. Candidate Clinton favors further progress in the direction of a “green” future for America’s energy needs. Solar, renewable energy and natural gas firms may be prime beneficiaries under her energy plan. In contrast, candidate Trump has strongly supported “clean coal” technology as well as conventional oil and gas energy sources. He supports the Keystone Pipeline, which plans to run from Canada through the United States, so long as the deal is “favorable” for America. In contrast, candidate Clinton has announced her opposition to the Keystone Pipeline.

Candidate Trump is vehemently opposed to the Affordable Care Act, popularly known as “Obamacare.” If elected, he plans to repeal Obamacare, although a full dismantling of the program may be challenging without Congressional approval. Candidate Clinton favors slight modifications to Obamacare and price controls on some pharmaceutical products. She expressed outrage at firms, such as Mylan, maker of the EpiPen, after the firm raised the price on its product more than 450% in less than ten years. Similar large price increases have been observed in pharmaceutical products with little or no competition. Candidate Trump favors competition and market forces as a way of modulating prices as opposed to formal price controls.

In our view, hospitals and health maintenance organizations (HMOs) are likely winners under a Clinton victory, while traditional Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology firms, especially those that produce high priced drugs, are likely losers. The reverse is likely true under a Trump victory.

Some Relief May Be in Sight for the Financial Sector

The Financial Sector has been dramatically impacted by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which resulted in the largest set of new financial regulations since The Great Depression. Financial firms – primarily the large, national banks – have also been hit with billions of dollars in fines due to misdeeds committed during the period leading up to The Great Recession of 2007-2009. Candidate Trump has stated that he favors repealing the bulk of Dodd- Frank, claiming it makes it nearly impossible for bankers to function.

Candidate Clinton has supported Dodd Frank, especially in the context of large “too big to fail” banks, and seems to favor a tax on short-term trading activity. However, she seems to have a more dovish view on bank regulation than the Obama administration. For example, she has expressed support for reducing the regulatory burden on community banks. In her speeches to banks, in a private setting, she has expressed a somewhat more balanced approach to financial regulation.

A (Tax) Holiday May Be on the Horizon … For Corporate America

American corporations labor among the highest tax rates in the industrialized world, with domestic firms generally in a 35% tax bracket. In contrast, other regions, such as Bermuda, charge no corporate taxes, while others, such as Ireland and Canada, have a net tax rate of 15% or less. One implication of these widely varying tax brackets is that corporations tend to keep cash and securities held for investment, overseas. American companies hold roughly $2 trillion dollars in cash, with the vast bulk of it held overseas. For example, Microsoft recently held $96.3 billion of its $102.6 billion in cash (94%) overseas. If a firm brings money held overseas back to America (i.e., repatriates its cash), it is subject to paying tax at the 35% federal rate.

Both candidates have supported a “tax holiday” for cash held overseas, resulting in a temporary tax rate of 15% or less. Candidate Trump has proposed slashing the U.S. corporate tax rate from 35% to 15%. If enacted into law, a 15% corporate tax would be a large boon to companies, such as Costco, Home Depot and Chipotle that derive most of their profits domestically. Candidate Clinton has not endorsed cutting the corporate tax rate to 15%, but seems amenable to the tax holiday. In theory, if firms repatriate their cash, it may result in sizeable investment increases in the domestic economy. However, if the last tax repatriation period (2004/2005) is any indication, the bulk of the cash will be used for stock buybacks and dividend increases, which may also be a benefit to shareholders.

Your Income Taxes May Be Going Up… Or Down

Another sharp contrast between the two candidates is in their personal income tax policies. Candidate Trump has proposed a tax cut for virtually all domestic taxpayers. However, his plan may also increase the national debt between $5 and $10 trillion, according to several independent estimates.

In contrast, candidate Clinton has proposed a tax cut for most low- and middle-income families, but a tax increase for the highest income earners, those earning more than $250,000 a year. She favors a “Buffett Rule,” requiring a minimum effective tax rate of 30 percent on incomes over $1 million. She has also proposed an additional 4 percent “fair share surcharge” for those earning $5 million dollars or more a year. Analysts estimate that candidate Clinton’s tax plan, if enacted, would raise in excess of $1.5 trillion in new revenue, with the proceeds being spent on her domestic initiatives, such as on infrastructure and educational programs. Both candidates have proposed closing the “carried interest” tax loophole, which currently enables (mostly high income) individuals to convert earnings to long-term capital gains, generally taxed at a 15% rate. A more detailed summary table, produced by the website,, is reproduced below.


Donald Trump’s Tax Plan

Hillary Clinton’s Tax Plan

current rating is 3.79/5

current rating is 3.13/5

(133 ratings)

(136 ratings)

Tax Philosophy

Cut taxes for everyone

Increase taxes, especially on high-income earners.

Tax Brackets
– Ordinary Income

Three – 12%, 25%, 33%. Earlier proposal: 10%, 20%, 25%

Eight – 10%, 15%, 25%, 28%, 33%, 35%, 39.6%, 43.6%

Tax Brackets
– Investment Income

Three – 0%, 15%, 20%

Complex. Long-term gains will be redefined to assets held > 6 years. Tax rates of 0%, 15%, 20% and 24% on long-term. Additional surcharges on some. Higher rates for all if assets held for fewer than 6 years.

Investment Income Tax



Estate Tax


Retain and expand. Increase tax rate from 40% to 45%; and add new tax brackets for 50%, 55% and 65% for estates worth more than $10 million, $50 million and $500 million respectively.

Gift tax



Impact on

Positive 11% (as estimated by the Tax Foundation)

Negative 1% (as estimated by the Tax Foundation)

Impact on
Job Creation

Positive. 5.3 million new jobs (as estimated by the Tax Foundation)

Negative. 311,000 fewer jobs (as estimated by the Tax Foundation)

Impact on Government Debt

Negative. $10 trillion higher government debt (as estimated by the Tax Foundation)

Positive. $191 billion lower national debt (as estimated by the Tax Foundation)

Impact on Wages

Positive. +6.5% wage growth (as estimated by the Tax Foundation)

Negative. -0.8% wage growth (as estimated by the Tax Foundation)

Biggest Beneficiaries

High-income earners

Low-income earners

“Clinton vs Trump – Tax Plans Compared.” Diffen LLC, n.d. Web. 3 Nov 2016.
< >


International Trade Policies: A Potential “Black Swan” On the Horizon

Another stark contrast in the economic policies of the two candidates is apparent in their views on international trade. In general, both candidates favor a less open policy on international trade, relative to recent Presidential administrations. This could result in “risk-off’ investment sentiment that would benefit US Treasury debt and the U.S. Dollar.

Candidate Trump strongly supports repealing the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), rejects the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and has taken a hardline stance on China, deeming it a “currency manipulator,” a tactic that would likely sour relations with the country that is home to the world’s second largest economy. His positions on international trade may be a positive for U.S. firms that have been hurt by cheaper overseas imports, such as steel companies, and defense firms that are likely to benefit from increased spending on national security.

In contrast, candidate Clinton has expressed support for NAFTA and has declined to formally accuse China of currency manipulation. Although she was once supportive of TPP, her current stance seems to be against the prospective Partnership.

Between a third and half of the profits for S&P 500 firms come from overseas. The stock market, in aggregate, seems to dislike candidate Trump’s position on international trade. His policies, if enacted, bring an element of uncertainty to corporate profits, as well as increase the risk of trade wars with foreign countries, most notably with China.


Political elections are one of the greatest change agents of the American economic system. The contrast between the two Presidential candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, is the starkest in recent memory. There appears to be less drama in the Congressional elections, with most forecasters predicting a split decision, with Republicans maintaining control of the House and the Democrats gaining control of the Senate. This type of result is generally cheered by Wall Street, which likes “gridlock” so the free market system can drive the economy.

But make no mistake, there will be clear winners and losers, beyond the candidates running for office. A summary table on our views is in the Appendix that follows. To some extent, the market has already priced in some of the anticipated movement. For example, Healthcare stocks have lagged the market on a year-to-date basis, and the Mexican Peso has risen versus the U.S. Dollar, anticipating a Clinton victory. However, the election is too close to call and we believe there is a high likelihood of a sharp move in the market, regardless of who wins, as some uncertainty is resolved and cash either pours into the market, or flees it. We welcome a further discussion of the investment implications of the election on your personal portfolio at any time and we encourage you to exercise your privilege to vote.


Appendix: Summary Table

If Hillary Clinton Wins…

If Donald Trump Wins…

Likely Winners

Likely Losers

Likely Winners

Likely Losers


Big Banks


Emerging Markets



Domestic Firms

Multinational Firms





Low/Middle Income Families

High Income Families

High Income Families




Coal / Oil


Alternative Energy



Alternative Energy

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This publication is limited to the dissemination of general information pertaining to the wealth management products and services offered by Beacon to U.S. residents of those states where not prohibited by applicable law. No portion is to be construed as a solicitation to effect transactions in securities or the provision of personalized investment, tax, or legal advice. Investing involves risks which may lead to losses, including loss of principal. Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk and there can be no assurance that any specific investment will be profitable.

Past performance is not a predictor of future results. It should not be assumed that any information discussed herein will prove to be profitable or that decisions in the future will be profitable or provide specific performance results.  Any discussion of tax matters contained within this communication should not be used for the purpose of avoiding U.S. tax related penalties or promoting, marketing, or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein. Beacon Trust does not provide legal advice.

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