The Democrats’ Coup 3.0

Many people apparently believe this election is like any other, when it is as unprecedented as the response to this year’s flu has been. Those who get all their information from the media, aka “fake news,” will believe what they’re told: Trump is a dictator who lost the election but refuses to accept the loss! After all, the media’s been branding him as an illegitimate president all along, so this fits in with their established narrative.

Loyal, gullible Democrat voters, conditioned to regard Trump as that racist, homophobic, xenophobic “clown” in the White House, must be jubilant at the prospect of finally being rid of him—never imagining that they’ve inadvertently just voted away their future in favor of a Marxist dystopia: austerity, enslavement, and misery for themselves and their children. No one would knowingly sign on to this—unless, of course, they expected to be the rulers.

Trump vs. Biden? No Contest!

Interestingly, I’ve read that Sleepy Joe got more popular votes than any president in our history! Hmmm… that’s quite a head-scratcher. How can arguably the weakest nominee who ever ran for the presidency have managed that trick? Biden has nothing to show for his 47 years in government, unless you count his profiteering in scandalous pay-for-play schemes. In fact, this tsunami of votes for him came right on the heels of the breaking news about his drug-addled son Hunter blithely selling Daddy’s influence to Communist China, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan for millions of dollars earmarked for the Biden family—including 10% for “the big guy.” I’d say Biden was also the most corrupt person ever to run for the presidency, but I think we need to bestow that dubious honor on Trump’s last opponent, Crooked Hillary.

On the other hand, Trump, in addition to his powerful advantage as the incumbent, has also proven himself to be one of our greatest presidents. His track record would take another 6 pages to recount: all the more astounding, as he accomplished this feat with both hands tied behind his back by the Deep State. And unlike most politicians, he actually loves America and the American people; he’s fearless, genuine, compassionate, amazingly hard working, honest, smart, funny, charismatic—and truly an inspiration to millions of Americans who by now love him so much they’ve started chanting “We love you!” at his recent huge rallies.

A Trump Second Term: Justice for Coup Plotters

I’d go so far as to say that many Democrats and their assorted globalist pals don’t actually hate Trump himself. What they hate is being exposed and being thwarted, and Trump has been brilliant at doing both. They’re also fearful.These folks don’t want to wait four more years. They’ve committed treason—they’re in it up to their eyeballs. Recall that in 2016, Hillary was caught screaming at Matt Lauer for putting her on the spot in a presidential candidate forum. Afterwards, in one of her storied meltdowns, she yelled, “If that f—ing bastard wins, we all hang from nooses!” The prospect of the noose is why the Dems and Deep State have been so desperate to get Trump out. Unfortunately, all this time, POTUS has been without an attorney general who would aggressively pursue justice for these felons. And now we may have to pay a high price for the DOJ’s negligence, dereliction of duty, or, more likely, complicity. And yes, I mean Barr. No more benefit of the doubt.

For now push has truly come to shove. The Leftist cabal—including not only the Democrats, but also the international banking cartel, Soros and pals, Big Tech, the Deep State (including those embedded in the DOJ, FBI and CIA), etc., is going for broke. They would have preferred to implement their grand agenda of world domination under a Hillary presidency, since she’s one of them and would have aided, rather than impeded their plans. However, to usher in their vaunted New World Order, I believe they would have used the same Covid Pandemic ruse they inflicted on us this year—they had that playbook established at least as far back as 2011 (see the film “Contagion”).

The Dems’ Multiple Coup Attempts—Third Time Charm?

Recall that the Deep Staters concocted an “insurance policy” to get Trump out of the Oval Office as soon as he got there. That was the Russia Hoax, which dragged on for nearly two years. Then came the even more desperate Ukraine Phone Call Hoax. That one was beyond absurd, but it kept the “Orange Man Bad” narrative alive, which I believe was its intended purpose.

And now we come to the ultimate coup d-état—the classic kind—the overthrowing of the government. Now the Dems and the enormously powerful globalist/Marxist cabal behind them, are trying to overturn the election that Trump clearly won. This time, they’re seeking to oust him not by cooking up more phony scandals, but through massive election fraud. They’re playing hardball. This is nervous time for us. These are very dangerous waters.

Just as the enemies of America war-gamed the pandemic (Event 201) shortly before unleashing it on us, so too did they war-game stealing this election from President Trump. Anyone with half a brain could see Trump was going to win in a landslide, even after the globalist Left pulled the rug out from under Trump’s soaring economy with the draconian lockdowns. He was drawing unprecedented crowds at rally after rally, while Joe either hid in his basement, or emerged briefly and spoke to groups of 30 people compared to Trump’s 30,000. While Trump galvanized the crowds, speaking for an hour and a half or more, Sleepy Joe said as few words as possible, many of them garbled. He did, however, make one honest, revelatory statement: “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” This has to be the most damning Freudian slip ever. The truth will out.

War-gaming Overturning the Election

While the Russia Hoax showed some ingenuity, the Plandemic is the evil geniuses’ masterpiece that continues to wreak havoc with our lives. By contrast, their election fraud is blatantly obvious and would be easy to expose and counter, were it not for the media’s collusion. Tens of thousands of ballots mysteriously appearing at 4am, nearly all for Biden, overtaking Trump’s dramatic lead in multiple swing states? C’mon, man! Yet this outrageous plan could conceivably work here, as variants of it have worked abroad. More on that below.

The globalist elites’ war-gaming for this coup was conducted by the Transition Integrity Project (TIP), including strategies for removing Trump if he won the election, and replacing him with Biden. Huh? Why would you war-game a coup d’état against your own President if he’d just won the election? Three guesses. According to Roger Stone, the brains behind this treasonous plan is Norm Eisen—the Dem operative who also orchestrated the Ukraine phone call impeachment of the President.

A Snake in the Grass: Norm Eisen

Worse yet, Eisen is apparently the mastermind behind many of the so-called “color revolutions,” largely funded by Soros, that have successfully effected regime changes in a number of Eastern European and Middle Eastern countries, by toppling legitimate heads of state through nefarious subterfuge. In fact, Eisen is a key author of the blueprint for overthrowing regimes: “The Democracy Playbook: Preventing and Reversing Democratic Backsliding.” How’s that for an Orwellian title? Alarmingly, Eisen and his pals are now bringing their diabolical strategy to our own election and our own President.

It’s actually a pretty simple blueprint. To pull off a regime change, you need control of the media—which the Dems have in America— boatloads of money (think Soros, etc.)—and hired thugs who’ll riot in the streets when you give the signal. You spread rumors that the election was fraudulent and/or you mess with the votes to serve your purpose. You mobilize your shock troops of lowlifes to stage protests, carrying placards calling for the ouster of the leader you want to overthrow. You trigger violence and mayhem. The press blares out your narrative on cue: the people are demanding that so-and-so step down! And presto—you send the legitimate leader packing and install your guy in his place.

America’s Color Revolution

To bring this home: Our own unconscionable media is right now aiding and abetting a similar regime change plot in America. Take a look at this quote from the New York Times, “A sitting president has spent months telling lies about non-existent voter fraud. Now that his re-election bid is in deep trouble — but with the outcome still uncertain — he has unleashed a new torrent of falsehoods, claiming that the other side cheated. He has demanded the Supreme Court intervene to decide the election in his favor.” And this: “In the simplest terms, the president of the United States is attacking American democracy in an effort to remain in office.”

That’s how it’s done. Convince the public that what they see with their own eyes is false, and what the New York Times, CNN, MSNBC and the Washington Post tell them is true. Today, November 7th, Joe Biden declared victory and he and Kamala Harris both gave formal acceptance speeches, though Trump won this election, and the President’s team is busily gathering mountains of evidence of election interference and voter fraud by the Dems. It isn’t over, folks! It’s just phase three of the Color Revolution psy-op. Trump can still emerge as our rightful President—but we clearly can’t take this for granted.

The Times’ reporter quoted above did make one true statement in the same article—we just have to read it in the context of reality rather than that of the Left’s poisonous narrative. “This is a dark and dangerous moment for American democracy.” And for our Republic—if we can keep it.

© Cherie Zaslawsky. All rights reserved.


VIDEO: The Vortex — Catholicism, Not Communism


The only thing you need to remember this November is that the U.S. presidential race is a battle between two mega forces: Catholicism and communism. Catholicism built Western civilization. Communism’s goal is to tear it down on the way to creating a religion-free world ruled by a small cadre of elites.

That’s it — all you need to know. Everything else is detail. That’s not to say the details aren’t important — they are. The details are, in fact, how we got here. So for those interested in going beyond the summary, here we go.

It begins with the Queen of Heaven’s dire warning that Russia, on the eve of the Bolshevik Revolution, would spread her errors throughout the world. So important was this warning that it was accompanied by the most spectacularly visible miracle short of the Resurrection — the sun dancing in the sky, witnessed by 70,000 people who thought the world was coming to an end.

Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, the communists had been successful in planting time bombs throughout the West, in both cultural institutions as well as the Church. It matters little that they wouldn’t be around to watch them explode. Their effect is just as devastating as if the Soviet Union were still intact. And besides, their heirs are getting a front-row seat to the spectacle.

This election is like a proxy war between the authentic Church and worldwide communism, although it takes a discerning eye to see that looking at Donald Trump and Joe Biden. And there are some pretty strange twists at play; for example, Donald Trump, the non-Catholic, is a better standard-bearer (although certainly not perfect) for Catholicism than Joe Biden.

And that, at first, seems off because Biden is the baptized Catholic. But if you peel back that thin layer of superficial faith and political-speech slogans, you’ll actually see a communist. Biden is a communist posing as a Catholic. In that regard, he’s not unlike many Catholic politicians of his generation.

Nancy Pelosi, for example, is as “fake Catholic” as they come. And for the record, did you catch her politically motivated canonization of Congressman John Lewis? Whatever you can say about Lewis’ civil rights record, what you can’t say is that he upheld the dignity of all black lives — just the ones most expedient for his career.

Yet there was his corpse in its coffin on Capitol Hill with kiss-up, phony-Catholic Pelosi and fellow traveler “Commie Joe” lauding Lewis, making religious platitudes about his greatness. Lewis was in the U.S. House for 33 years, and during those decades, Lewis voted in favor of abortion 52 times, never once in support of life.

In those same 33 years, approximately 30 million children were hacked to death in their mothers’ wombs and sucked out through a vacuum cleaner with an attachment that has little razor blades on the tip. Given the high rate of abortions on black babies, approaching 30%, that means Lewis was complicit in the murder of nearly 9 million black babies.

Yet there were Joe and Nancy, offering incense over his rotting corpse — asserting his salvation was assured. But see, abortion is key to the commie agenda. Anything that destroys the family is sanctioned and promoted by them, and what could possibly be more destructive of the family than not allowing the next generation to emerge from the womb, alive that is, as opposed to in pieces?

But hey, Black Lives Matter, right Joe? Commie Joe is the dream candidate for commie Catholic clerics. He talks a good game about being Catholic. He hits all the right notes in the Church of Nice hymnal. He takes all the non-essential Church teachings and flips them on to the top of the heap, treating them like irreproachable dogma.

Immigration policy and the weather (which is all so-called climate change is) are not infallible teachings of the Church. But abortion, contraception, homosexual acts (to name a few) actually are. They also happen to be necessary in the communist plan for global domination, stylishly referred to as simply “globalism.”

That term is about as close to the truth as communists will ever come. Yet, in the face of all this truth, the Catholic vote is still considered a toss-up — especially in important battleground states. Catholics have been so dumbed down by gay and communist bishops and clergy for the past 50+ years, they look at Joe and see a Catholic instead of the communist he is.

He wants to outlaw conventional automobiles, destroy the fossil fuel industry, make millions of otherwise regular, working Americans completely dependent on the federal government. The man is a straight-up commie, which is why he and Bernie are now thick as thieves (literal thieves, by the way).

The elites who created Joe know all this: They just don’t want you to know about it. And that’s because they are all commies as well. In fairness, Joe (unlike Theodore McCarrick) probably didn’t start off his career as a commie.

But he sure evolved into one when it was convenient. And the reason he and his bishop buddies (who allow him to present himself as St. Joseph) are so easily able to fool so many Catholics is because Catholics don’t know their Faith. Likewise, they know next to nothing about the false church set up right in their midst by communism-loving bishops.

They don’t know the true Faith, so they can’t recognize the fake faith. The only hope of tipping the scales back — at least enough — is for committed Catholics to learn about all of this (the actual Faith as well as what has happened) and explain it to any Catholic who will give them an ear.

At Church Militant, we have been pounding this drum for more than a decade and have dedicated literally tens of thousands of man-hours to producing programming that explains all of this — the actual Faith and the plan to destroy it.

There are too many programs to list, but suffice it to say there are hundreds, with thousands of hours of material available for your viewing. It’s why we are constantly urging you to become a premium member, like we are now.

We couldn’t imagine a more pressing, urgent need for all Catholics to sign up and find out what they do not know. Everything we do here, every last ounce of our efforts, is geared toward educating you on the Faith and how traitors have attacked it. Too many of these men in miters have lied to you, ordained wicked men to pastor over you, allowed evil to grow unchecked in your families and parishes.

Those who did not actively pursue this agenda have sat back passively and sinned by omission, allowing it to happen. And now their Catholic Frankenstein is one election away from the White House. We urge you to become as involved as you possibly can in reaching out to fellow Catholics and explaining this to them.

But first, you need to know it — as much as you possibly can. That’s what you get for your $10 a month, an unmatched volume of information and catechesis — the truth and how it was betrayed. Your $10 also goes towards keeping us going in bringing free programming to people, free programming like The Vortex, for example.

We have produced almost 3,000 episodes of The Vortex over the years, and every single one has been completely free. And while it’s free to everyone to watch, it’s not free to produce. Your Premium offering goes to this effort as well.

This is true for our daily headlines and the multiple articles we produce each day. As the old saying goes, “Information is king.”

The commie traitors in the Church — clergy and politicians — have known this for decades, which is why they embarked on such a massive misinformation campaign all those years ago. Please join us in our effort to do whatever we can to make a difference in this war.

In the end, it all boils down to souls. And even a single soul has infinite value to Almighty God.

Please click on the link and become a Premium subscriber today, and then watch the shows, learn and get there and do everything you can do to roll back the misinformation and lies that Commie Joe and his Judas bishop and clergy buddies have propagated. Heaven doesn’t need us to do this, to accomplish this, but Heaven wants us to.

Heaven desires we be involved in the work of salvation. That requires knowing the truth and sharing it with others. Thank you in advance.

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The ATF Has Become a Rogue Agency That Turns Lawful Gun Owners Into Felons

Over and over again, innocent people unwittingly find themselves in the ATF’s crosshairs.

What if government agents could, by declaration, make you into a criminal? What if, without legislative change, bureaucrats could decide that what was legal yesterday is a felony today? What if we were governed not by law, but by arbitrary statements telling us what we may or may not do?

Unfortunately, those questions are not merely hypothetical—thanks to recent abuses of power by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), millions of American gun owners are facing them head-on. Even if you hate guns, you should be deeply concerned by the arbitrary power wielded by the ATF against your fellow Americans. If an unchecked executive agency can run roughshod over any of our rights with impunity, all of our rights are in danger.

Recently, the firearms manufacturer Q, LLC shared disturbing news with its customers: the ATF had declared the delightfully-named and popular “Honey Badger” pistol to be a “short-barreled rifle” (SBR). This determination subjects the firearm to special restrictions under the National Firearms Act (NFA). As a consequence of the ATF’s decision, customers who had purchased the Honey Badger have suddenly found themselves in felonious possession of a now-illegal firearm that they had legally acquired and legally owned.

The ATF’s determination is arbitrary. It is inconsistent with both federal law and prior ATF statements. Substantially similar firearms continue to be sold legally, as they have been for years. Instead of explaining what makes the Honey Badger different from those firearms, the ATF vaguely alluded to “objective design features,” offering no further explanation as to what those features are or why they lead the ATF to determine that the Honey Badger is an SBR.

This is far from the first time that the ATF has issued a declaration that turns innocent people into criminals — other examples abound. As I explained in Felony by Fiat:

In 2015, the ATF decided that the physical action of holding a pistol equipped with an ATF-approved brace to one’s shoulder was equivalent to creating an illegal short-barreled firearm. That is to say, you could pick up your perfectly legal pistol (which is not otherwise subject to the NFA’s minimum barrel length restrictions) and unwittingly commit a felony by virtue of the way you held it. That guidance directly contradicted a 2014 ATF letter that said just the opposite. In 2017, new guidance was issued which appears to sanction the shouldering of a braced pistol so long as such use is ‘incidental, sporadic, or situational’ — whatever that means.


Just last year, the ATF issued new measurement guidelines that transformed some conventionally legal pistols into presumptively illegal firearms under the NFA’s ‘any other weapon’ (AOW) classification, depending on how those pistols had been configured and accessorized.

In 2018, at President Trump’s direction, the ATF created rules banning the possession of bump stocks, devices which use a gun’s recoil to facilitate rapid operation of the trigger.

As Reason’s Jacob Sullum noted, the ATF’s regulatory move made “owners of ‘bump-stock-type devices’…felons, subject to a maximum penalty of 10 years in federal prison and a $250,000 fine.”

Join us in preserving the principles of economic freedom and individual liberty for the rising generation

The bump stock ban was more prominent than other instances of the ATF’s lawless policymaking. Nonetheless, the ban was met with little outcry or appreciation of its implications.

But, as you can see from the other cases detailed here, the ATF’s ban on bump stocks was not an aberration: it was just one of countless regulatory changes, before and since, that have turned lawful gun owners into criminals by executive fiat.

The ATF is not a lawmaking body—or, at least, it is not supposed to be. It is an executive agency tasked with enforcing laws passed by Congress.

The ATF is not empowered to create policy of its own accord, and it’s certainly not empowered to turn law-abiding citizens into criminals, but that’s exactly what it has been doing. Sadly, there’s no hyperbole in the observation that millions of legal gun owners must wonder: Will I wake up tomorrow to find that I’ve been declared a felon?

The rule of law is a fundamental value of a free society. We are not to be governed by edict, but only by laws that are consistent with the Constitution and created according to its provisions. The purpose of government is to protect us from arbitrary and illegitimate force, and to secure our rights—not to be the agent of their destruction.

The ATF itself has come to embody the exercise of arbitrary and illegitimate power. Such a perversion of government’s purpose must be condemned in the strongest possible terms. No matter how much our opinions about gun control laws diverge, we should be united in rejecting executive agencies’ usurpations of sovereignty.


Mark Houser

Mark Houser is an independent researcher who writes about the right to bear arms and firearm policy.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

GOP Won 28 of 29 Most Competitive House Seats, Added 3 State Legislatures — But Joe Biden Won?

It’s impossible.

PROOF OF FRAUD? Republicans Won 28 of 29 Most Competitive House Seats, Added 3 State Legislatures, Did Not Lose a Single House Race — But Joe Biden Won!!?!

By Jim Hoft,  Gateway Pundit, November 8, 2020:

Before the election the fake news media predicted Joe Biden would win by 12-15 points and the Republicans would lose 15 to 20 House seats.

That never happened thanks to President Trump!

Republican Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning.

McCarthy told Maria Republicans won 28 of 29 of the most competitive US House seats.
Republicans DID NOT LOSE one single House seat!

The Republicans also took control of three more state .

And breaking this morning, rock star Rep. Darrell Issa won his seat in Congress!

Also, there are several more House seats where Republican candidates are leading but the states refuse to call these races!

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This is the latest proof that Democrats cheated in massive ways to steal the presidency.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Sidney Powell: ‘We’ve Identified 450,000 Ballots that Miraculously ONLY have a Vote for Joe Biden’

Sidney Powell:

There has been a massive and coordinated effort to steal this election from We The People of the United States of America to delegitimize and destroy votes for Donald Trump. To manufacture votes for Joe Biden. They’ve done it in every way imaginable, from having dead people vote in record numbers, to absolutely fraudulently creating ballots that exist only for voting for Biden.

We’ve identified over 450,000 ballots that miraculously only have a vote for Joe Biden on them and no other candidate.

If you look at Florida where things were done right you can see that that is how the rest of the country should have gone. But they also used an algorithm to calculate the number of votes they would need to flip. And they used computers to flip those votes from Trump to Biden and from other Republican candidates to their competitors also.

©All rights reserved.



GEORGIA – 132,000 Ballots in Fulton County, Georgia Have Been Identified Which Are Likely Ineligible

Affidavits: Detroit Ballot Tabulators Entered Names of Non-Voters During Count

Liberals Changed Rules of 2020 Election

Educating the Next Generation About Communism

Resources for parents or homeschooling groups.

Two days before the election, then-Democratic vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris took to Twitter to share a video she narrated that critics say amounted to support for communism.

Harris’s video aimed to identify the difference between equity and equality. The video proposed that citizens should have access to the same resources and advantages in society. The video ended with Harris saying, “It’s about giving people the resources and support they need so that everyone can be on equal footing, and then compete on equal footing. Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place.”

The support for communism lies in the idea that where people end up should also be static across the board. Ensuring — or forcing — equal outcomes is a byproduct of communist thinking.

Today, a significant subsection of American political leaders are espousing ideas that are often labeled “cultural Marxism,” especially through the promotion of critical race theory.

November 7, the 103rd anniversary of Bolshevik seizure of power in Russia, finds many parents having to confront the challenge of educating their children about the dangers of Marxism and socialism — either to counter the curriculum their children are being exposed to at school or because they have chosen to homeschool their children.

Interest in homeschooling has “exploded” during the COVID pandemic; state-wide statistics vary, but all consistently show a spike in the number of parents pulling their children out of school. (In a typical year, roughly 3 percent of students are homeschooled. That number is expected to jump to 10% this year according to the National Home Educators Research Institute. In Nebraska, for example, homeschooling is up by 21 percent; in Vermont it is up by 75 percent.)

Either way, the challenge posed to parents is daunting. Against a backdrop of extremism on the streets promoting communist and communist-leaning ideologies, parents must teach the historic devastation of this political idea that resulted in communist states killing as many as 100 million of their own people.

As part of our Preventing Violent Extremism program, Clarion Project is now educating about the current glamorization of communism and socialism with articles that cover and explore this topic.

In addition, Clarion is offering a free, 60-minute presentation on extremism in today’s context. The conversation maps what extremism looks like today and how to protect your children.

Click here to find out more about this presentation

We can recommend the following online resources for parents looking to educate their children on communism, including:

If you’re a homeschooling community, a pod or microschool, or simply a parent wanting to protect your child,  we look forward to seeing how we can bring this training to you and collaborate on resources to amplify our best educational solutions to the threat of extremism.

Click here to find out more about this presentation


Shireen Qudosi

Shireen Qudosi is Clarion Project’s National Correspondent.

RELATED ARTICLE: Communism Survivor Warns What Will Happen if Americans Take Freedom for Granted

EDITORS NOTE: This Clarion Project column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

CUBABRIEF: Millions of Taxpayers Around the World have Bailed Out The Castro Dictatorship. None of them are Americans.

Reuters reported on October 30th that “wealthy nations grouped together in the Paris Club of creditors have waived Cuba’s annual payment for restructured debt but plan to impose a penalty.” The article then makes the claim that “this year marks the first time Cuba has missed the entire payment due by Oct. 31 since the restructuring agreement was signed in 2015, though it fell short of full payment last year as well.” Although accurate, it leaves out the prior decades that the Castro regime played the role of a dead beat whether or not economic conditions were good or ill for Havana.

The 2015 restructuring and forgiveness of debt with the Castro dictatorship, a byproduct of the detente with President Barack Obama, is providing a lifeline to the Castro regime. This is a regime that Wall Street Journal columnist Mary O’Grady observed in 2014 that “since 1959, Castro Inc. has racked up unpaid foreign debt and other claims totaling nearly $75 billion—including $35 billion owed to the Paris Club. Cuba is one of the world’s most notorious deadbeats, and the Cuban economy is moribund.”

In 2002 the former Executive Director of the Center for a Free Cuba, Frank Calzon, offered an assessment of U.S. economic sanctions, “say what you will about the U.S. embargo, but one of its best-kept secrets is that it has saved U.S. taxpayers millions. Because of the embargo, American banks aren’t among the consortium of creditors (among them Spanish, French, Canadian banks) known as ”The Paris Club.” A consortium that has been waiting for years to be paid what’s owed.”

Mr. Calzon gave a conservative assessment when he claimed that U.S. taxpayers had saved millions in bailouts. In reality, the embargo has probably saved American taxpayers hundreds of millions over the years. Consider that the above mentioned Paris Club in 2015 forgave $8.5 billion of $11.1 billion debt that the Castro regime owed. And Havana, even before COVID-19, was failing to meet its remaining obligations on its debts.

These patterns stretch back over the entire history of the Castro regime, and the leadership, despite claims in the press has not changed, and this is due to ideology. Scott B. MacDonald writing in Global Americans on November 2nd observed that “despite the revolution coming to power in 1959, Cuba has remained considerably dependent on external props to maintain a generally inefficient command economy, dominated by large state-owned companies backed by the Communist Party’s inner court and the military.” The rest of the article is worth a read, but MacDonald errs when he asserts Cuba “is headed by Miguel Díaz-Canal, the first non-Castro family member to preside over the country.” This is wrong on two counts.

Although General Raul Castro handed over the office of the presidency to his hand picked successor Miguel Díaz-Canel on April 19, 2018. Havana used this to give the false impression that there was a transition in Cuba. The reality is that General Castro remains head of the Cuban Communist Party and in control of the military, and in the Cuban Constitution that makes him the maximum authority.

General Alberto Rodriguez Lopez-Callejas, Raul’s former son-in-law, runs the Cuban economy. Raul Castro’s son, Colonel Alexandro Castro, who negotiated the normalization of relations with the Obama Administration, is an intelligence officer with close ties to the secret police. Both are key posts for running the country, and are directly tied to the Castro family and General Castro.

Osvaldo Dorticos, was another president not named Castro in Cuba following the consolidation of communism under the Castro brothers in 1959. Diaz-Canel, like Osvaldo Dorticos who was president of Cuba from 1959 to 1976, over the past two and a half years has done the bidding of the Castros.The succession was not to make Miguel Díaz-Canel the new dictator but to maintain the Castro dynasty in power. Raul Castro and the Castro family continue to preside over the country.

This is also why patterns of repression continue to remain similar. The Christian Post reported on November 2nd that in the city of Santiago de Cuba regime officials “demolished a church that has long been a target of the communist regime and arrested a pastor who streamed the demolition live on social media, a human rights group has reported.”

Millions of taxpayers around the world have bailed out the Castro dictatorship, and have subsidized repression. None of them are Americans, thanks to the U.S. Embargo on the Castro regime.


Exclusive: Wealthy creditors give Cuba a pass, but will impose penalties

Cuban authorities destroy church, arrest pastor who filmed demolition

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for a Free Cuba column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

CUBABRIEF: Post Mortem on the Latino Vote in South Florida for Trump

On November 6, 2020 at 7:17am Cuban opposition leader Berta Soler, currently in Cuba shared the following in Spanish over Facebook: “I am Cuban and I have never had the opportunity to go to the polls to vote for my president. If I could vote in the US I would do it for Trump, but whatever happens in the United States elections I support Donald Trump. He is a President whose policy of state against the communist regime of Cuba has been carried out by him as it should be. Trump 2020”

This black Cuban woman who has spent the last 17 years resisting a white minority dictatorship in Cuba is publicly supporting President Trump and his policy in Cuba. She did this today, when such a stance can cost her much both in Cuba and in the United States. It is important to understand her reasoning, while at the same time listening to other voices and their perspectives on the significance of Latino support for Trump in South Florida.

Tuesday’s majority vote by Cuban Americans, Nicaraguan Americans, Venezuelan Americans, and other Latinos for President Trump in Florida has been met with outrage and confusion in the media. First of all the focus has been on Cuban American voters, while ignoring (for the most part) citizens of Nicaraguan, Venezuelan, or other Latin American origin. There have also been attempts to explain this vote that disregard the agency of these voters.

For example in Vogue magazine on November 6th, Paola Ramos, argues that “Trump reopened people’s wounds. He tapped into that feeling of betrayal by falsely but very masterfully casting Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as the return of communism.” William Kelly, a PhD candidate in Latin American and Caribbean history at Rutgers University, makes the argument that Trump’s “brashness and a bravado” attract younger Cuban Americans, who recently arrived from Cuba, who ” admire him for espousing their breed of economic self-sufficiency, and they are familiar with his brand of politics.” Mr. Kelly spends time painting a positive picture of the Castro regime, as the “global face of the struggle against oppression.” He also mentioned that Castro “swiftly and systematically restructured every aspect of the Cuban government to bring it under his direct control,” but failed to mention the regime’s role in genocide in Ethiopia or mass televised executions in Cuba.

Ms. Ariana Hernandez-Reguant, a cultural anthropologist, writing for North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) makes a similar argument about recently arrived Cubans presenting a caricature of Cuban Americans describing how she ” can tell the Trump supporters’ houses from the Democrats’, not just because of their Blue Lives Matter, QAnon, Trump or plain U.S. flags, but because of their spectacular displays of all kinds.”

Both Hernandez and Kelly when discussing immigration and Cubans do not mention that it was the Obama Administration that on January 12, 2017 closed the door on Cuban refugees when they ended the Wet Foot Dry Foot policy and the asylum policy for trafficked Cuban doctors, two long term demands of the Castro regime. Kelly doesn’t mention Wet Foot Dry Foot, but Hernandez-Requant does, but fails to mention the Obama Administration’s role in ending it.

At The New York Times, Nikole Hannah Jones, of the 1619 Project, looked to cast the vote by Cuban Americans within the lens of race and whiteness, and identified Cubans as white as opposed to other Latino groups, such as Puerto Ricans who she identifies as black or Guatemalans that she identifies as indigenous.

The problem with Ms. Jones race based argument is that Cuban Americans and other hispanics of all racial origins in South Florida not only came out to vote for Trump, but many took to the streets to support the Republican candidate, and the images are not just “white Cubans”.

On the immigration policy front the choice between Republicans and Democrats for Cubans is a mixed bag. This raises the question what drove Cuban, Venezuelan, Nicaraguan, and Colombian voters into the Republican camp in 2020? The Biden campaign failed to address an unpopular policy, and doubled down on it instead.

Andres Oppenheimer’s column “Biden blew it with Miami’s Cuban, Venezuelan voters, and got clobbered” was published on Nov. 4, 2020 and he laid out a pre-existing problem the Vice President had with Cuban American voters. “Many Cuban exiles, especially older ones, still resent President Obama’s 2014 decision to restore full diplomatic relations with Cuba. Biden, then vice president, was part of that move.” … “But Biden could have overcome that by admitting that the Obama administration’s opening with Cuba has not worked as it should.” Instead for far too long in 2020 the campaign claimed that things had been better for Cubans under the Obama Cuba policy.

A partial review of what took place demonstrates why it remains unpopular.

On April 17, 2009 President Barack Obama said that his Administration sought “a new beginning with Cuba” and stated further that he was “prepared to have my administration engage with the Cuban government on a wide range of issues — from human rights, free speech, and democratic reform to drugs, migration, and economic issues.”

Towards the end of 2009 the White House was tested by Havana when U.S. citizen Alan Gross was taken and held hostage by the Castro regime. U.S. diplomats did not see him until 25 days later. Furthermore, the policy of rapprochement and loosening of sanctions continued despite Gross’s continued detention.

On January 14, 2010 the “illegal” Cuban Commission for Human Rights, reported the confirmed deaths of at least 20 mental patients at the Psychiatric Hospital known as Mazorra due to “criminal negligence by a government characterized by its general inefficiency” and a day later the Cuban government confirmed that 26 patients had died due to “prolonged low temperatures that fell to 38 degrees.” This only occurred because the images of the victims had been leaked and reported by independent journalists.

On February 23, 2010 Cuban prisoner of conscience Orlando Zapata Tamayo died after a prolonged hunger strike. He had been the victim of numerous beatings and ill treatment that rose to the level of torture over nearly seven years that drove him to go on a water only hunger strike. Prison guards periodically cut off his access to water, contributing to his death.

Extrajudicial killings continued at a higher documented rate than in prior years.

Cuban human rights defender Juan Wilfredo Soto García died on May 8, 2011, three days after being beaten up by police officers in a public park in Santa Clara, Cuba. Amnesty International raised concerns on the circumstances surrounding his death. Juan Wilfredo had previously been a political prisoner for 12 years.

Laura Inés Pollán Toledo, a courageous woman spoke truth to power and protested in the streets of Cuba demanding an amnesty for Cuban political prisoners. She had been a school teacher, before her husband was jailed for his independent journalism in 2003 along with more than 75 other civil society members. Laura was greatly admired both inside and outside of the island.

Laura reached out to the wives, mothers, sisters, and daughters of the 75 prisoners of conscience jailed in March of 2003 among them was her husband, they founded the Ladies in White, and they carried out a sustained nonviolent campaign that after nine years obtained the freedom of their loved ones. Since she did not dissolve the Ladies in White when her husband returned home because she recognized that the laws had not changed, and that political prisoners remained behind bars and that she would continue her human rights activism, the Castro regime did away with her on October 14, 2011. Berta Soler was elected the new leader of the Ladies in White following the founder’s death.

On July 22, 2012 Oswaldo Payá Sardiñas, founder and leader of the Christian Liberation Movement and Harold Cepero Escalante, member of the cited movement, lost their lives on the Las Tunas-Bayamo highway, in Cuba. Evidence that the “car accident” was a premeditated act arranged for Oswaldo Paya was that this was not the first time; the regime had also tried with another vehicle 20 days earlier while he was in Havana. The East German Stasi trained the Cuban State Security service known as “G2” and one of its standard tactics was arranging car accidents. Calls for an international investigation continue to circulate and fall on deaf ears. Their movement had launched a petition drive that obtained over 24,000 signatures demanding human rights reforms in an initiative called the Varela Project that forced the regime to change the Constitution to block this type of petition in the future.

The Obama White House and the Castro regime began having secret meetings in June 2013 in Canada. These meetings continued throughout 2013 and 2014. Reporting on these meetings do not mention any reaction to provocative actions by the Cuban dictatorship.

On July 15, 2013 the Cuban government was caught red handed smuggling tons of weapons to North Korea.  This was confirmed by a March 6, 2014 report by a panel of experts for the United Nations Security Council that also reported:

6. In addition, various parts for three SA-2 and six SA-3 missiles were in the cargo, such as the nose cones housing proximity fuses, auto-pilots and transponders, transmitter antennas and some actuators (figure 4). 4 __________________ 4 The Panel notes that some of the SA-2 and SA-3 parts could also meet the criteria defined in the list of items, materials, equipment, goods and technology related to ballistic missile programmes (S/2012/947), whose export and import by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea are prohibited. See in particular the Category II, Item 9 of S/2012/947 covering “instrumentation, navigation and direction finding”

There were no consequences for this action of by Havana that was also illegal under international law because the White House had prioritized the normalization of relations with Cuba, and pressed ahead with their secret negotiations.

On December 17, 2014 both President Obama and General Raul Castro announced that they intended to normalize relations. Alan Gross was finally free after nearly five years in captivity, travel would be further liberalized and that some Cuban political prisoners were to be freed was news that would be received positively.

Many Cuban Americans were outraged for a number of reasons. Three spies who had spied on military installations, congressional offices,and had plotted terrorist acts in the United States were returned to Cuba. This spy network had been implicated in the February 24, 1996 murder of three American citizens and one American resident were freed in a swap, setting a terrible precedent. Kidnapping an American and holding him for ransom for five years paid off.  Moderate elements within the dictatorship, seeking to transition Cuba into a responsible member of the family of nations, would remain silent. Gerardo Hernandez, who was serving a double life sentence for espionage and murder conspiracy, returned to Cuba and is now in charge of spying on Cubans domestically through the national network of the Committees in Defense of the Revolution.

Things did not improve, and the consequences of the opening became better known.

On February 3, 2015, Rosa María Payá, in testimony before a subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, indicted the indifference of the US government and the international community: “The Cuban government wouldn’t have dared to carry out its death threats against my father if the U.S. government and the democratic world had been showing solidarity. If you turn your face, impunity rages. While you slept, the regime was conceiving their cleansing of the pro-democracy leaders to come.”

On April 8, 2015 Cuban diplomats streamed out of the Cuban Embassy in Panama attacked civil society representatives who were laying flowers at a bust of Jose Marti in a public park nearby. Several activists were injured and at least one required surgery. During the Summit of the Americas Cuban diplomats disrupted official meetings in order to block Cuban and Venezuelan dissidents from taking part, despite being officially accredited. It was during this Summit that President Obama and General Raul Castro met in a high profile meeting.

Cuban dissident Sirley Ávila León, age 56, was gravely wounded in a machete attack on May 24, 2015 by Osmany Carrión who had been “sent by state security thugs” and that she is sure that the aggression “was politically motivated.” The attack was severe enough that she suffered deep cuts to her neck and knees, lost her left hand and nearly lost her right arm. Sirley had been a local official who had sought the reopening of a school for Cuban children, and drew the ire of the dictatorship with her persistent demands.

On May 29, 2015 the State Department removed Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism, despite evidence of continued bad actions.

On Monday, July 20, 2015 at the State Department, Rosa Maria Payá Acevedo attended a press conference with Secretary of State John Kerry and Castro’s foreign minister Bruno Rodriguez. Rosa Maria had proper accreditation as a member of the press. Rear Admiral John Kirby, the State Department spokesman, took Rosa Maria aside and warned her that she would be physically removed if she asked any questions.

The United States reopened its Embassy in Havana, Cuba on August 14, 2015, but did not invite Cuban human rights defenders to the flag raising ceremony in what the media labeled a snub. The State Department argued that it was a government to government affair and that there was not enough space to accommodate the dissidents. However, the State Department did accommodate “entrepreneurs and Cuban American activists” who flew down with Kerry and his official delegation. Despite the plane load of lobbyists and businessmen CNN anchor Jake Tapper in a tweet observed that there was plenty of space to have invited Cuban dissidents.

On January 7, 2016 The Wall Street Journal broke the story that in 2014 an inert US Hellfire missile sent to Europe for a training exercise was wrongly shipped on to Cuba. Since then the United States has been asking the Cuban dictatorship to return the missile but it has not done so. Only after the embarrassing news broke was it returned, but no doubt all the technical specs had been deciphered by then and given (or sold) to America’s enemies.

Three days before President Obama arrived in Cuba, in March 2016 Roberto Ampuero, a Chilean former Minister of Culture and former Ambassador to Mexico tweeted in Spanish: “Paradox: After decades backing Right wing dictatorships in Latin America, now the United States could end up backing a Left wing dictatorship.”

On October 14, 2016 the Obama Administration issued a presidential policy directive on United States – Cuba normalization that instructed the “Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) [to] support broader United States Government efforts to normalize relations with Cuba, with Intelligence Community elements working to find opportunities for engagement on areas of common interest through which we could exchange information on mutual threats with Cuban counterparts.” John Schindler, a security expert and former National Security Agency analyst and counterintelligence officer, revealed that the above directive was opening the door for Castro’s spies in the United States.

Schindler warned that “[g]iven how successful Havana has been at conducting espionage against us, on our own soil, without such large embassies and consulates, there’s every reason to expect Cuban spying to get more aggressive—and effective—in the near future.”

Returning to this policy in the Biden Administration would “unilaterally declared a truce in [America’s] half-century SpyWar with Cuba, but there’s no indication Havana [will do] the same.” This type of policy rightfully frightens Cuban Americans and Venezuelan Americans and it should.

Unfortunately, it was the Obama Administration’s Cuba policy announced on December 17, 2014 and the President’s official state visit in March 2016 that negatively impacted international solidarity and human rights in Cuba, and this included Europe. The decision of the European Union to “open a new chapter” on relations with Havana that dropped human rights as a condition for normalization ended the 1996 European Common Position. This abandonment of a linkage between human rights and commerce was formalized in a December 12, 2016 signing ceremony that did great harm to the cause of human rights in Cuba.

There is much more and the opening ended with scores of brain damaged U.S. diplomats stationed in Cuba, beginning in November 2016.  Cuban troops reviewed by Raul Castro on January 2, 2017 chanting that they would shoot President Obama so many times in the head that they would make him a hat out of bullets is further evidence that the policy failed.

Candidate Donald Trump in 2016 initially said that he backed the Obama opening, but that he would have gotten a better deal. While holding this position he was polling in the low 30s with Cuban Americans, but when he changed and began advocating undoing the Obama Cuba policy his poll numbers jumped into the 50s, and the Cuban American vote in 2016 played a key role in his election. Hillary Clinton had publicly supported continuing the Obama Cuba policy.

President Trump followed through in dismantling much of the Obama opening, and pressed further than other Presidents in fully enforcing Helms-Burton, and this led to higher levels of support among Cuban American voters.

Vice President Biden doubled down on the old policy.

Mr. Biden, reported Mary O’Grady in her November 1, 2020 column, “has said that he would restore the Obama rapprochement with Cuba. He added that he would ‘insist’ the Cubans ‘keep the commitments they said they would make when we, in fact, set the policy in place.’ But on human rights Cuba didn’t give an inch under the Obama thaw. Democracy advocates rightly posit that U.S. investments in ventures owned by the military dictatorship strengthen the regime.”

Worse yet, for Democrats seeking a win in Florida, during the Democratic primary, Senator Bernie Sanders celebrated the Castro regime’s education system (which is a center of indoctrination) and healthcare system, which is not only mediocre for most Cubans, but conditional on political loyalty. Most Cuban Americans breathed a sigh of relief when Biden defeated him, but became nervous when he later embraced Sanders, trying to appeal to the Left Wing base of the Democratic Party. James Freeman writing in The Wall Street Journal on November 4, 2020 called the Democratic nominee to task. “Attempting to generate leftist enthusiasm for a listless campaign, Vice President Joe Biden did the country a disservice by partially embracing the radical Sen. Bernie Sanders (Socialist, Vt.), rather than appropriately shunning him.”

The vote for Trump by Cuban Americans had a threefold significance: 1. Punishing Obama-Biden for the failed detente with Havana that they continued to call a success. 2. Gratitude for Trump-Pence dismantling the Obama detente and identifying the true nature of the dictatorship. 3. To vote against the Party who had major candidates such as Bernie Sanders celebrating the “achievements” of the Castro regime, and omitting its bloody history.

Venezuelans and Nicaraguans joined with Cubans, because their countries came under the domination of the Cuban military and its intelligence services with dictators backed by Havana in Caracas and Managua.

One can argue with this position, but to attempt to portray it as an appeal to painful memories, shallow materialism, or racial grievance does a disservice not only to these hispanic communities in South Florida, but to those seeking to understand and better approach these communities in the future


Sanders Dogma Dies Loudly in Florida

Be Afraid of Biden’s Latin America Policy

Obama Just Opened the Door for Castro’s Spies

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for a Free Cuba Center column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Biden Supporters Hold Mock Executions Of President Trump To Cheering Democrats, “Kill that, B*tch!”

This is what we are up against.

WATCH: Biden Supporters Hold Mock Executions Of President Trump

By Drew Berquist, Lifezette, November 8, 2020

With the election still in limbo, Biden and the Democrats took it upon themselves to go ahead and claim victory in a race they haven’t even won yet. Without any knowledge of how politics works, Biden supporters took to the streets to celebrate. And remember, we are currently in the middle of a pandemic, but that doesn’t matter now, I guess. With celebrations taking place all over the country, let’s take a closer look at a couple of them and what they did to celebrate.

Warning! What you are about to see is graphic in nature and should never be a form of expression towards a sitting President. Still, the Democrat voters thought the best way to use their time was to forget about COVID-19 and resort to protesting outside the White House. One supporter even carried a severed head of Donald Trump on a spike. The head was accompanied by a pig nose and pacifier in his mouth. Remember, this is the party that also supports Black Lives Matter and Antifa, so it isn’t out of the normal for them to promote violence and anarchy throughout America.

The protests didn’t stop just in Washington D.C. as there were other celebrations throughout America. In Philly, the rambunctious crowd decided to hold a mock execution of President Trump using a blow-up rag doll that looked like Donald Trump. They punched, kicked, and even spit on the doll. One supporter could even be heard yelling, “Kill that, B*tch!”

The rally turns dangerous as a motorcycle decides to get in on the action and uses his tires to tear apart the doll. Onlookers cheer and clap as they destroy the doll.

In Ohio, Biden supporters dressed a mannequin to look like the President, and then each person took a turn beating the effigy until there was barely anything left. Again, this is supposed to be the progressive party, or at least that is how they market themselves. Over the past months, Biden fanatics have cried over how the President conducts himself, yet they stoop so low as to not even give him a chance. Instead, they build effigies and mock executions to show just where their loyalties and morals lie.

This piece was written by Jeremy Porter on November 8, 2020. It originally appeared in and is used by permission.


RELATED VIDEO: Halftime – Lessons of Election 2020.


WATCH LIVE: Team Trump Election Fraud Press Conference in Las Vegas at 5pm

Backlash Against Fox News Explodes

WATCH: Paying Cash For Ballots

Team Trump Files Lawsuit on Rejected Arizona Ballots

Voter Fraud in New Mexico: “Shown to be a Republican, I was taken into a separate room where no one else was except the man who took my filled in ballot and put in a separate box.”

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MORE PROOF OF FRAUD: Republicans Won 28 of 29 Most Competitive House Seats, Added 3 State Legislatures, Did Not Lose a Single House Race — But Joe Biden Won!!?

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem SLAMS Romney for Conceding to Biden: ‘DC Elites Are Eager to Return to Business as Usual’

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

WATCH: Trump Campaign Eyewitness Saw Biden-Harris Van Stop at Las Vegas, Nevada Center and Unload and Fill In Boxes of Ballots

Trump Campaign Witness Saw Biden-Harris Van Stop at Las Vegas, Nevada Center and Unload and Fill In Boxes of Ballots (VIDEO)

By: Jim Hoft. Gateway Pundit, November 8, 2020:

The Trump campaign team held a presser in Las Vegas on Sunday night.

During the press briefing Trump campaign member Matt Schlapp told the crowd the Trump team has a witness who saw Biden-Harris van unload and repackage ballots.

Matt Schlapp: A second whistleblower, we have not mentioned before, describes leaving on his lunch hour and walking around the counting center. While he was walking he notice a van pulled up at the center marked Biden Harris.

The doors of the van opened. Ballots were clearly visible. Ballots were opened with letter openers. And ballots were filled in an resealed in envelopes. These people who were involved in this activity then decided to create a human shield around what they were doing in the van.



WATCH: Biden Supporters Hold Mock Executions Of President Trump To Cheering Democrats, “Kill that, B*tch!”

Social Worker Charged With 134 Felony Counts Involving Election Fraud

‘Burn Down The Republican Party’: Washington Post Columnists Wants To Make Sure There Are No ‘Survivors’ Inline image

Attorney Sidney Powell Drops Massive Bomb: “We’ve Identified 450,000 Ballots That Miraculously Only Have a Vote For Joe Biden”

Georgia: Investigators Dispatched After Fulton County Discovers ‘Issue’ with Ballot Reporting In County Which Flipped Lead To Biden

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Palestinians’ eager to start receiving American taxpayer money again in Biden administration

Seventy years of failed policies followed by four of actual progress toward peace in the Middle East, by ending aid to the “Palestinian” jihad and bypassing the jihadi intransigence of the “Palestinians.” A Biden/Harris presidency would be a full return to those failed policies, and a rollback of the progress that has been made. Get the full background on this in The Palestinian Delusion.

“As Biden takes lead, Palestinians eager to return to talks with US,” by Daoud Kuttab, Al-Monitor, November 6, 2020 (thanks to Henry):

While Palestinian officials don’t expect a Biden administration to roll back all of Trump’s policies, they are hopeful for a change in course in US-Palestinian ties.

As former Vice President Joe Biden appears set for a victory against President Donald Trump in the US elections, the Palestinian presidential headquarters in Ramallah is in a quandary. Palestinian officials want to make a full-throated congratulatory statement to Biden, but they fear some sort of retribution from Trump during his lame-duck period before the official inauguration. In the end, the Palestinian presidency agreed to make a general public statement once the votes are in and Biden’s victory is official; the rest will be done in behind-the-scenes talks.

Palestinian officials are yearning to renew talks with Washington. President Mahmoud Abbas only decided to break with the Trump administration once he realized that all the preliminary talks with Trump and his team were only a cover to allow for a totally biased plan that began with the move of the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the defunding of Jerusalem hospitals and the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees, and eventually the announcement of a proposed map for a Palestinian-Israel deal that showed Israel taking over 30% of the West Bank’s fertile Jordan Valley in return for spots in the Negev desert.

The statement made by Biden’s running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, on the eve of the election was well received in the Muqata — the presidential headquarters in Ramallah — Al-Monitor has learned. The vice presidential nominee said, “Joe and I also believe in the worth and value of every Palestinian and every Israeli and we will work to ensure that Palestinians and Israelis enjoy equal measures of freedom, security, prosperity and democracy.”

Harris added, “We are committed to a two-state solution, and we will oppose any unilateral steps that undermine that goal. We will also oppose annexation and settlement expansion.”

Harris also pledged to reverse Trump’s decision to defund organizations delivering critical relief and aid to the Palestinians. “And we will take immediate steps to restore economic and humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people, address the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza, reopen the US consulate in East Jerusalem and work to reopen the PLO mission in Washington.”…


Oklahoma: ‘Nonbinary’ Muslim elected to State House

Portland, Oregon: Muslim migrant distributed ISIS material on stabbing and bombing techniques, is released

India: Muslim murders 21-year-old Hindu girl because she refused to convert and marry him

Austria: Authorities close two mosques that the Vienna jihad murderer attended

Austria’s Kurz: ‘I expect an end to the wrongly understood tolerance in all European countries’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

America Can’t Let This Lesson From the 2020 Election Go to Waste

Many Americans were prepared to wake up Wednesday without having a winner of the presidential election decided yet. Election officials had to count an unprecedented number of mail-in ballots due to COVID-19, so some delay was to be expected.

What many Americans were not prepared for was the confusion, uncertainty, and distrust that the country was plunged into.

Multiple states still are undecided, and the process of resolving this uncertainty turned nasty.

The position of Joe Biden and his supporters is to “count every vote.” President Donald Trump’s representatives, on the other hand, are calling for only legal votes to be counted.

The left is actively working to undermine the integrity of our elections. Read the plan to stop them now. Learn more now >>

The Trump campaign is reacting to accusations of corruption and fraud occurring in several key swing states, as well as reports in some areas that election officials refused to allow qualified GOP observers to observe the ballot-counting process.

These accusations prompted the Trump campaign to seek a recount in Wisconsin and to file lawsuits in Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, and Pennsylvania.

It’s an ugly development in an already ugly year, and it is making Americans across the country lose confidence in the election process. That is absolutely poison for the health of our democracy.

The reason our democratic republic has functioned as well as it has for the past 231 years is because of our trust in the electoral process.

When confidence in the election process disappears, confidence in the legitimacy of government disappears with it. It is a very potent way to destabilize a democracy.

That’s why adversarial nations use election interference as a weapon against democracies around the world.

The truth of what happened in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin remains to be seen. Given the unusualness of holding an election during a pandemic, and the massive influx of mail-in ballots that come with it, it is eminently reasonable to take a closer look at the vote-counting process.

Unsurprisingly, the left has a plan of attack for this very eventuality.

The Trump campaign’s attempt to investigate potential fraud plays into a narrative that the left has promulgated weeks ago: that Trump will stage a coup if he doesn’t like the results of the election.

“Donald Trump may win or lose, but he will never concede,” asserts a writer at The Atlantic.

A chorus of similar articles from left-leaning publications primed their readers to anticipate that the president of the United States would behave like a despotic dictator should the vote not go in his favor.

“If Trump won’t concede, these activists have a plan. Groups like the Movement for Black Lives, the Sunrise Movement, and the Women’s March are ready for November 4,” declared Vox the day before Election Day.

The website, paid for by the leftist organizations Stand Up America and Indivisible Action, will direct visitors to nearby protests.

Clearly, enormous thought and preparation have gone into blocking the Trump campaign from investigating possible fraud and irregularities while the election remains undecided. To protract this period any longer only prolongs this tension, introduces more opportunities for fraud, and further erodes confidence in the legitimacy of the election process.

So how can we prevent this from happening again?

The fact that Americans are experiencing any confusion, uncertainty, and distrust at all right now means that we must safeguard the integrity of our election process.

Legal experts at The Heritage Foundation long have fought to bolster election integrity. They maintain a database of election fraud cases in the U.S. and identify the voting policies being pushed by the left that would make our elections even more insecure.

Heritage’s experts in the rule of law offer a clear road map to making sure the ambiguity and distrust we face today does not happen again.

Not surprisingly, they have received vicious backlash for suggesting that election fraud exists, especially from mainstream media outlets.

But if the 2020 election provides us with at least one lesson, it is that we cannot delay safeguarding the integrity of our election process.

For now, we should determine the winner of the election without delay. As we do so, let’s not simply count every vote, but count every legal vote.


Christian Mysliwiec is commentary editor of The Daily Signal. Twitter:


Minorities rallied to Trump—and all the experts are baffled

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A Note for our Readers:

Election fraud is already a problem. Soon it could be a crisis. But election fraud is not the only threat to the integrity of our election system.

Progressives are pushing for nine “reforms” that could increase the opportunity for fraud and dissolve the integrity of constitutional elections. To counter these dangerous measures, our friends at The Heritage Foundation are proposing seven measures to protect your right to vote and ensure fair, constitutional elections.

They are offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free today.

Get the details now when you download your free copy of, “Mandate for Leadership: Ensuring the Integrity of Our Election System.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

With Locally-run Elections, a Handful of Big Dem Cities Now Can Control Entire U.S.

Democrats have lamented how the Electoral College gives smaller states outsized influence over presidential elections. But consider what they’ve done via illegal means: given a handful of Democrat-run, major cities far greater influence over the current election.

That is, with vote-fraud being mainly a Democrat-big-city phenomenon, we now face the prospect that shenanigans in Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, Atlanta and some other leftist metropolises will be the deciding factor in who takes the White House next year.

(If you doubt this, know that ex-Democrat governor Rod Blagojevich just called such vote fraud a “time-honored” Democrat tradition. All connected Democrats know this, by the way.)

Such corruption has made some wonder how it is that we have state- and locally-controlled elections for federal offices when these contests affect the whole nation. It’s a good question, and the answer is that this is part of the wide-ranging powers states are constitutionally granted.

So this is definitely part of the Founders’ vision. Yet there’s a problem: A much larger part of their vision — a federal government so small and non-intrusive that who controls it is of little consequence to the states — has been scrapped. So where presidential elections were once merely a matter of who’d run the federal government, they now can be a matter of who’ll run Americans’ lives.

As to the Founders’ vision, consider that the acknowledged “Father of the Constitution,” James Madison, said that the “powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite.”

Do you think we’d have a battle over the election so intense that some are talking of civil war if the above were still status quo?

Just to cement the point, know that the federal powers were meant to “be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation and foreign commerce,” Madison explained. “The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives and liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement and prosperity of the State.”

People today aren’t frantic and scared about who’ll control the central government because they’re worried about “external objects,” such as war, peace, negotiation and foreign commerce. They’re frightened because the feds’ assumed powers are becoming numerous and indefinite.

It was unthinkable in the young United States that the central government would create an income tax, issue a national “mask mandate,” determine what your kids would be taught in school, impose “transgender” privileges masquerading as “rights,” tell businessmen who they may hire and fire, or foist socialism or a “Green New Deal” upon the nation. Yet all these things and far more have either already been done or have been proposed.

In fact, Professor Walter E. Williams estimated many years ago that two-thirds of what the federal government was involved in amounted to unconstitutional endeavors. Moreover, that proportion is surely higher today.

So what now exists is a dangerous incongruence: States still have the freedom to run their own elections and possibly, via corruption, swing a presidential contest toward a demagogue.

But they don’t have the freedom from federal control that would make that demagogue relatively insignificant in people’s lives. For the feds’ domain is no longer limited to “external objects,” but ever-burgeoning internal objects.

Put differently, founding principles are now detached from one another, creating an imbalance in which authority over elections is localized while the consequences of elections are federalized.

In a way, this issue is reminiscent of why we also now have society rending battles over Supreme Court nominees. Kamala Harris had her history wrong when she claimed at the vice-presidential debate that Abraham Lincoln waited until after an election to choose a SCOTUS candidate because he wanted to let the people “make the decision.” In reality, Lincoln refrained only because the Senate was out of session at the time.

The very day it resumed, he presented his nominee and that man was immediately confirmed. It was routine and uncontroversial for the same reason such nominees always were until later in our history: The courts at the time adhered far more closely to the founding principle that they should rule based only on the Constitution.

But once they began arrogating greater power to themselves and judicially imposing faux law that affected average Americans’ lives, their nomination contests became like our current presidential elections: knock-down, drag-out, winner-take-all affairs.

It’s only getting worse, too, with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez talking about compiling a hit list of Trump supporters to be targeted for punishment. So now a handful of corrupt major cities could give us a federal government that will persecute Americans nationwide.

If you think I’ll now propose federalizing elections, you’ll either be disappointed or relieved. While this might minimize locally instigated corruption, it would introduce the prospect of federally instigated corruption as soon as Philly local-machine types (e.g., Biden and Harris) won a national election.

If we’re going to entertain changes requiring constitutional amendments, a better idea would be to give each locality a certain number of votes akin to electoral ones, whose number would correspond to the jurisdiction’s population. This would determine, along with the other localities’ votes, what candidate wins its state and receives the latter’s electoral votes.

This would eliminate rampant presidential-election vote fraud in big cities that support Democrats by wide margins. Stealing another 100,000 votes doesn’t help when your “electoral vote” count can’t be increased. (This would be beneficial for gubernatorial elections, too.)

At the end of the day, though, a better remedy still is one far more difficult to effect: constitutionalism and its prerequisite, morality in the people. As Founding Father John Witherspoon warned, a “republic once equally poised, must either preserve its virtue or lose its liberty, and by some tumultuous revolution, either return to its first principles, or assume a more unhappy form.”

We’ve long been losing our liberties, and some conclude that a tumultuous revolution is the only recourse. But we should remember that unless we first have a revolution in hearts and minds and return to virtue, an unhappy form will ultimately be our lot.

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Gab or Parler (preferably) or Twitter, or log on to

©Selwyn Duke. All rights reserved.

Tell the President to Hang Tough!

And, thank him for all he has done!

Yesterday, a friend suggested we should all write daily to the White House to express our support for everything Donald Trump has done for America First!

And, urge him to fight for as long as it takes!  Of course he likely won’t see your individual comments, but surely there is a daily digest.

Go here:

By the way, I have resumed posting at Refugee Resettlement Watch because with all the focus understandably on the turmoil in the country, I want to be sure we don’t lose sight of the issue and continue to have a record of what is happening with the refugee industry here and what is happening in Europe and elsewhere as the migrant-spawned Islamic terrorism continues. 

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEOS: Mrs. Biden’s past touristic trips to Communist Cuba Exposéd

A reader sent us the following commentary about Jill Biden, wife of Joe Biden, and her trips to Communist Cuba.

The videos [see links below] of Dr. Jill Biden’s repeated visitto totalitarian Communist Cuba should be seen within the framework, for example, of the magnificent article by Abel Sierra Madero (I believe, miraculously, from NYU) in the online site Hypermedia Review [Sept. 17/2020]: Cuba as a theme park –a Disneyland— for the privileged “progressive” [sic] gringos… 

And yet, so many in the media and academia still wonder why the thousands of pro-Trump caravans by Cuban, Venezuelan and Nicaraguan exiles in Dade County, Fla.

Here are some of the Cuba videos by Mrs. Biden –who is a college professor— that in the end add to the Cuban government’s goal of portraying a more or less “normal” [and changing <sic>] country besieged by the “imperialism” and the surviving internal “gusanos” [worms] and “cucarachas” [roaches] of El Exilio, who are, ironically, the dictatorship’s victims.  De facto, Mrs. Biden was “laundering” the awful regime’s image…  My understanding is that these videos were released officially by the Obama-Biden White House back then, thus de facto sticking their fingers in the eyes of us, the victims…   It’s Marxism at it best, and I don’t mean Karl’s, but Groucho’s: “who are we to believe, these tourist gringos or our own eyes and sad experience”?

Mrs. Biden ignored the food rationing, the collapsing of structures, the paredones, the jails, and the Damas de Blanco [Ladies in White] dissidents {most of whom are far from being upper class “whites”] beaten up every Sunday upon exiting churches. 

Well, Obama did take the same oblivious route; remember his attending baseball games w/ Raúl Castro…

Imagine FDR partying with Hitler in the ‘30s?  How would especially Jews all over the world would have felt?

Incidentally, yesterday’s Miami 20-30K cars caravan news was reported by a British outlet; none in the US mainstream media/MSM that I am aware of…

And I am still insulted by some for being primarily a one issue voter…

I think every day of my maternal grandmother and aunt who died in Cuba years ago without seeing us, and my parents, maternal uncle, paternal aunt, and paternal and maternal cousins who died in exile.

©All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: My Visit to Cuba — An American in Havana.