Arab-American Condemns Orlando Terror Attack, Endorses Donald Trump

LOS ANGELES, California /PRNewswire/ — Matthew Giaba, an Arab-American, leads the way to living with all races and religion in peace and unity, as he runs for 2017 Los Angeles City Mayor Office. Though not a career politician, his perception changed dramatically after the 9/11 world trade center attacks. He was one of the many first responders in the recovery of American lives. After the shocking event, he went on to fight on the front line against terrorism in Iraq, showing his deepest love for America and her principles.

Every race and religion has been attacked in one way or anther: the holocaust, the mass genocide of the Armenians, the recent attacks San Bernardino, CA and Orlando, FL, to name a few. There is a great need for this evil cycle to be put to a stop, and this starts with the right leadership because everything rises and fall with the leader.

Matthew Giaba

Matthew Giaba

“I saw a great giant love for people triggered in me during the 9/11 attacks. My deepest love for the American people and dreams was brought to life then and is continues now. Helping people as a public is  like fighting to save lives as I did in the 9/11 attacks, you have got to have an unfailing love for people,” says Matthew Giaba.

He commented further, “For us all to have a great city, with a better future for our children, we need to put someone with a large heart filled with love in public offices, and this is why I am asking you to get me elected. As I talk about this and think about this, we all have our battles in life, but when we stand together and stay united, we can battle this together, as the people of this great country, state, city. The only one we should be fighting against is our fake, corrupt government system who pretends to know what is best for us.”

Having passed through living and struggling from paycheck to paycheck, being judged and bullied because of his ethnic background and profession, Mr. Giaba has grown, developing a strong mentality and using this same spirit to lead the city of Los Angeles to a better and greater future.

EDITORS NOTE: To learn more about Mr. Giaba’s campaign to become the mayor of Los Angeles go here:

The Murders in Orlando Had Nothing to Do with Homosexuality

Everyone knows my position on the radical homosexual agenda being forced upon our country. I totally disagree with it. Marriage is between one man and one woman. Homosexuality is not compatible with Christianity, nor should homosexuals be legally recognized as a protected class.

Having said that, as I predicted and expected, homosexuals have attempted to use the tragedy in Orlando to advance their ultimate political goal—forced acceptance of their lifestyle choices upon all Americans.

The murder of 49 people in Orlando had absolutely nothing to do with homosexuality. I repeat, the murder of 49 people in Orlando, Florida last weekend had absolutely nothing to do with homosexuality.

This was an act of terror, plain and simple!

Murder, by definition, is an act of hate. So it seems kind of ridiculous to argue that this was also a hate crime. Calling the murders in Orlando a hate crime is like saying I am dating my girlfriend. Huh? Exactly.

I have never heard of anyone murdering out of love, but I digress.

As soon as I found out that the Orlando murders took place at a homosexual nightclub, I told everyone you can best believe that the “first gay president” would move heaven and earth to make a personal visit to Orlando.

Not only that, but Obama had the U.S. flag lowered to half-staff. This declaration meant flags nation-wide and at all U.S. embassies around the world were required to lower their flags.

When will the flags in Chicago be lowered to half-staff? When will they get a presidential visit? When will Obama demonstrably show anger about the constant, seemingly daily, loss of life there?

Last September alone in Chicago, you had nine people murdered in one day and not a word from Obama or the rest of America.

The Black Lives Matter movement all of a sudden got laryngitis, because Black lives only matter when a White person is involved in a death of a Black person, not when it is Black on Black crime.

There was no wall-to-wall coverage on TV about the murders in Chicago. There were no U.S. Senate filibusters taking place in D.C. on gun control, and not one flag was lowered to half-staff.

Oh, snap, my bad. These victims were all Black and Latino heterosexuals. So they don’t count! The murders in Chicago are being perpetrated by domestic terrorists: gangs and drug dealers. So this type of murder is to be tolerated.

So, maybe, just maybe if the family members of the murdered victims in Chicago were to posthumously “self-identify” their loved ones as homosexual, maybe the spotlight would be shined on the epidemic murder rate there. Maybe.

It seems Obama is incapable of making an emotional connection with anything involving the Black community. He cried like a baby when talking about the Newtown, Conn., murders a couple of years ago, but always seems to be distant when confronting the Black community.

Since, we know most of the media is liberal, their making the Orlando story about homosexuality should come as no surprise. I fail to see the relevance of the murders taking place at a homosexual club.

Why is that even relevant to the story? When tragedy strikes at a heterosexual club, the media never describes it as heterosexual. So why was it necessary for the media to indicate that Pulse was a homosexual club?

Oh, I forgot, mainstream media wanted to create the narrative that the murders happened at Pulse, because the club was popular with homosexuals, but the media got egg on their face when they reluctantly discovered that the murderer himself was indeed homosexual.

So can the murders still be considered a hate crime targeting homosexuals even though the perpetrator himself was a member of the very group the media claimed he hated?

The media should be ashamed of themselves for attempting to create a homosexual narrative to further its liberal political agenda. This was a terrorist act period.

While some may think it is cool to use the Orlando tragedy as an opportunity to promote the radical liberal homosexual agenda, it is not smart nor is it safe. Enough with political correctness and let’s focus more on the safety of all Americans, not just homosexual Americans.

RELATED ARTICLE: The GOP’s Muslim Brotherhood-Inspired Post-Orlando Agenda

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in Black Press USA.

Muslim Terrorists Behead 4-Year Old Girl

There is nothing that Islamic terrorists do that surprises me. They burn people alive, they behead men and women, they rape children, they throw homosexuals off of buildings, they kill American military personnel, and today I read an article that they beheaded a 4 year old innocent child. Although the hate and violence conducted by Islamic terrorists in the name of Allah and Islam does not surprise me, the people who support the beheaders of 4 year old children often does surprise me. In America liberals from all walks of life support Islamic based terrorists each and every day. But now a few liberals who are homosexual are beginning to see that Islamic terrorists do not care about them.

People must begin to realize that Islam itself is the enemy and until this ideology can be branded as dangerous, the world will continue to suffer at the hands of the people who worship and praise Allah in mosques across the world. Of course there are some people who identify with Islam who do not want hate or violence, but these pseudo Muslims are not in the mosques. If a person attends a mosque they are aware of what Islam advocates today and 1400 years ago. If a person attends a mosque that advocates killing homosexuals then that person is just as much a part of the problem as an ISIS fighter. The hatred of Christians, Jews, and homosexuals is not a radical concept within Islam. It is a basic fundamental belief just as within Christianity we have basic beliefs within the 10 Commandments.

People need to ask themselves why liberals to include the media, law enforcement, politicians, and millions of other Americans would support an ideology that is filled with hate and violence and Islamic leaders and their followers do not stand up against it. I have been to over 280 mosques in America. In each of these mosques it is taught to hate Christians and Jews, and it is taught to kill homosexuals anywhere you find them. There are liberals who despise conservatives because of their belief that homosexuality is not honoring Christianity. Yet these same liberals will fight tooth and nail for Islam. People have a right to believe what they feel is morally right and what is not, but they cross the line when they advocate killing people for acts such as homosexuality.

There will continue to be bloodshed in the name of Islam in every corner of the world. The murder of innocent 4 year old children by worshippers of Islam will continue. When will it stop? The answer is it will never stop. Islam has put so much fear in people that they will continue to support an ideology that is dangerous in the hope that they will be sparred. No one will escape the hatred and violence of Islam. Please read the below article.

Isis beheads 4-year-old girl then forces mother to soak hands in her blood ‘swearing to Allah’ By: William Watkinson

Sick jihadists from the Islamic State (Isis) beheaded a four-year-old girl then forced her horrified mother to soak her hands in her dead daughter’s blood. The latest shocking incident is said to have happened in the Daesh (Isis) de-facto capital of Raqqa, in Syria.

The extremists are renowned for their shocking punishments meted out by their feared al-Hisbah police who enforce their strict version of Sharia Law on the towns and cities they conquer. Often the punishments are handed out for seemingly minor infringements and their latest example shows just how brutal they can be.

According to reports, a jihadist overheard a mother ‘swear to Allah’ that she would behead her daughter if she did not return home from playing. Instead of ignoring the throw-away remark the woman was reported for what she said.

It was decided that as she ‘swore to god’ she should carry out the act. The mother however refused to kill her child so the jihadists decapitated the defenceless little girl as ‘punishment’ for her mother’s behaviour.

Not content with taking the child’s life they then forced the mother to soak her hands in the girl’s blood after she died. The shocking tale was revealed by a woman who escaped from the terrorists who told the story to the Iran-based Al Alam International News Channel

She said: “A mother told her four-year daughter to go home and she refused. And then the mother told her unintentionally ‘go home and I swear to God that I will behead you if you don’t.'”

“But they beheaded the little girl and soaked her mother’s hands in her daughter’s blood,” the woman added. The woman, who wished to remain anonymous through fear of reprisals, told the news agency that the beheading took place in the notorious al-Naeem square.

The square is said to be filled with the heads of those slaughtered by jihadists who have become adept at scaring civilians into submission. “They rape women, take children to war, loot houses and threaten people in Raqqa with beheadings if they don’t agree with their daughters’ marriage with the Isis members,” the woman continued.

Although the woman’s story could not be confirmed by IBTimes UK, a number of other similar petty executions have been reported from their self-declared caliphate. Only last week the extremists crucified three men in the street after giving them 70 lashes as punishment for breaking their Ramadan fast.

The jihadists are known for their brutal interpretation of Sharia Law and sick beheadings.


Sec. of State Kerry visits “Jihad Central” to celebrate World Refugee Day

Sesame Street partners with Muslim refugee contractor, International Rescue Committee

ISIS beheads 4-year-old girl then forces mother to soak hands in her blood after ‘swearing to Allah’

U.S. won’t make Syrian resettlement goal this year say refugee contractors

Donald Trump to Answer Questions from Faith Leaders

NEW YORK, New York /PRNewswire/ — Presumed Republican nominee Donald Trump will engage in a dialogue with nearly 1,000 Evangelical Christian leaders on Tuesday, June 21, in New York City during the United in Purpose and My Faith Votes joint gathering, “A Conversation About America’s Future with Donald Trump and Ben Carson.”

The event, which is a private, invitation-only gathering closed to the media, will center around an opportunity for Trump to address 20 leader-submitted questions on issues critical to the faith community, including topics of religious liberty, race, Israel, national defense, Supreme Court nominees, immigration, sanctity of life, poverty and worldwide Christian persecution. Dr. Carson will open the event with a welcome and challenge on the importance of unity in seeking God’s for our nation, and key leaders will ask questions within their respective areas of expertise.

“We know over the past four election cycles, an average of more than 25 million Evangelicals registered to vote did not show up at the polls, and another 13 million are not even registered to exercise that privilege and responsibility,” said Bill Dallas, the originator of the gathering and CEO of United in Purpose, an inclusive non-partisan organization committed to bringing about cultural change in America based on Judeo-Christian principles and motivating and mobilizing people of faith in the democratic process through responsible citizenship.

“The purpose of this event is not to tell leaders for whom they should vote but rather educate them on the issues at hand, motivate them to encourage their constituencies to engage the culture, and activate them to vote for whichever candidate they feel best reflects their values and worldview,” Dallas continued.

Leaders will also hear from a number of prominent speakers, including researcher George Barna, founder of The Barna Group, who will address the attendees on the State of the Country and New York Times bestselling author and national radio host, Eric Metaxas, who will provide a vision for America.

Additionally, a panel discussion with conveners of the event will provide a time of reflection on what has been learned and discuss action steps moving forward. The entire day will include a prayerful spirit and call to unity.

Following the event, at 3:30 p.m. EDT, organizers and conveners will hold a press conference in the Wilder Room at the Marriott Marquis Hotel to summarize the scope, substance and takeaways of the more than 1,000 leaders. Individuals in attendance include Dallas, My Faith Votes Founder and President Sealy Yates, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser, First Liberty Institute President and CEO Kelly Shackelford, Esq., Hispanic Action Network Founder Pastor Mark Gonzalesand American Civil Rights Union Fellow Ken Blackwell.

“This is not a political rally, but rather an opportunity to unify leaders spiritually in worship and pray together and interact with a candidate in a way that can have a profound impact on our nation,” said Dallas. “Our society often exalts those with the most influence but the real impact is all of us coming together. As Christian leaders, we must engage – not just in politics, but in all areas of culture. Jointly, we can make a difference.”

The June 21 meeting is not a fundraiser or a campaign event, nor will it engage in debate. Leaders of virtually every one of the nation’s most significant denominations, Christian ministries and policy organizations, as well as many pastors of America’s leading churches will be in attendance.

Each of the prominent Christian leaders has their own, diverse opinions, positions and constituencies. Having a direct, private conversation with Trump is a part of the process of hearing him and being heard by him about issues of faith that affect all people. The group will not be making any joint or collective endorsements, decisions or statements.

Americans United for Life: What a President Trump must do to Protect Human Life

WASHINGTON, D.C. /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — In advance of the much publicized meeting between conservatives and presumptive GOP Presidential nominee Donald Trump set for Tuesday, Americans United for Life Senior Counsel and Acting President Clarke Forsythe described top pro-initiatives that a pro-life president should work to enact, in an analysis piece at National Review. He observed, “When Donald Trump commented that ‘the laws are set’ on abortion, he articulated a profound misunderstanding of the legal realities of the life issue, which will impact the next president of the United States.”

Forsythe noted, “The Obama Administration has spent the past seven years federalizing the issue of abortion through Obamacare and other administrative maneuvers, and doing what it can to thwart health and safety standards protecting women or to increase taxpayer funding for abortion. In fact, there is much the next president needs to do to reverse this disastrous course.  These issues should be on the agenda when conservative leaders have their much-anticipated meeting with Donald Trump in New York on June 21.”

Here is a short list of what can be done to protect life by an engaged President:

  1. Protect The Supreme Court and Federal Judicial System through Careful appointments.
  2. Protect women and children by limiting abortion after Five-Months of Pregnancy when it becomes even more dangerous.
  3. Protect scarce tax dollars by passing the No Taxpayer Funding of Abortion Act.
  4. Protect Constitutional Rights of all Americans through Enforcement of Federal Conscience Protection Laws.
  5. Protect the Public and Business leaders through Repeal of the Coercive HHS Abortion Drug & Contraception Mandate.
  6. Protect the health and safety of all Americans by Repealing & Replacing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in favor of Real Healthcare that Respects Life.
  7. Protect taxpayers from subsidizing abortion by Disentangling Taxpayer Funded Programs from Planned Parenthood & Other Abortion Providers.
  8. Protect women by Restoring Health and Safety Regulations for Abortion-Inducing Drugs.
  9. Ensure Accurate data on abortion and its risks from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to hold the Abortion Industry accountable for the products and services it sells to vulnerable women and girls.
  10. Protect Infants born alive during abortion through passage of The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.

Ten and Counting…

Fosythe writes: “This list is not definitive. These ten are just some of the policies that the next President should prioritize to protect human life.  These are achievable, and they are supported by majority public opinion.  They represent the kind of pro-life agenda that can be prioritized Day One in any administration, led by a president who is also committed to using the powerful ‘bully pulpit’ of the White House and Executive Branch, through appointments, executive orders and administration goals that affirm a culture of life respecting both mothers and their unborn children.”

To read the entire article, including analysis of a pro-life agenda, click here.

To learn more about the health risks of abortion click here.

Attorney Clarke D. Forsythe is Acting President & Senior Counsel with Americans United for Life (AUL), and author of Abuse of Discretion: The Inside Story of Roe v. Wade (Encounter Books 2013). To book an interview with Forsythe or any of AUL’s legal team, e-mail

Guess France doesn’t have a Lorreta Lynch: Video of Muslim Soldier of Allah

While U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch is censoring the 911 calls of Omar Mateen, France has released the full video, with subtitles of the Muslim who slaughtered a police officer and his wife.

Fox News reported:

A Muslim radical who was being investigated for terror ties stabbed a French police chief to death outside his home, then tortured the man’s wife in front of their toddler son — all while live streaming his rampage on Facebook.

The shocking attack in Magnanville, 35 miles north of Paris, ended after a three-hour standoff, when French commandoes stormed the home, rescuing the boy and killing Larossi Abballa, 25.

Read more.

If you want to understand how a soldier of Allah thinks and then acts watch this video:


Document Reveals Omar Mateen’s Father Tied to Radical Islamist Groups by Abha Shankar

Lynch: “Partial Transcript” Of Orlando 911 Calls Will Have References To Islamic Terrorism Removed

Georgia Somali flag-attack story begs the question: why are we admitting refugees with serious mental illness?

Europe: Thousands of Muslim migrants convert to Christianity, leave ‘religion of violence, hate, fear’

Speculation is rampant about why this is happening.

German baptism

Baptism in Berlin. Photo: AP

Are the conversions legitimate or only for the sake of improving one’s chances to be granted asylum, that is the question!

Some of these cases sound sincere to me….

From World Religion News:

The past few months have seen large numbers of Muslim immigrants all across Europe converting to Christianity. Refugees in Germany, Netherlands, France, and Denmark have been getting baptized in the thousands with mass adult baptisms having happened in places like a local swimming pool in Hamburg, Germany. This has been a controversial issue with many people and leaders questioning the motives behind the conversions. Clergy in those areas have, however, stated that Christianity as a religion should be open to all, with no one allowed to judge the other.

The speculations on why the trend has been on the rise have been quite a number. Personal testimonies from some of the converts have provided a different and touching perspective to the issue. Coming from nations like Iran, Afghanistan and Iraq, the refugees have claimed they always lived in fear and gone through hell with some having been raped and so on. Some have referred to Islam as a “religion of violence and fear.” Conversion to Christianity is punishable by death in some of the Islamic nations and they might face death if they go back. Some claim to have converted after meeting very helpful Christians during their refugee journey who welcomed them with open arms. Seeing Christianity as a religion of love, a good number opted to convert.

Here is a line in the story I found perplexing.  Why would any Christian church oppose conversions?

In Netherlands however, conversion may end up being a hindrance to asylum as some of the liberal state churches are opposed conversions.

What are state churches in the Netherlands? Does anyone know?

In the U.S., the ‘religious’ organizations that have been contracted to resettle refugees in your towns are strictly forbidden to attempt conversions to Christianity (so they can’t use this as a reason for why they resettle Muslims!).  

See one of several posts on the prohibition.

No US government bucks if you try to tell Muslims about Christianity!

Go here for our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.

Twin Falls, Idaho: Cover-up of Muslim refugees raping a 4-year old girl?

That is what some members of the Twin Falls community wanted to know when they attended a public comment period at their local city council meeting.

There are stories swirling on the internet that a gang of refugee juveniles raped a 4-year old girl and that the police are mum because everyone knows this would be a bombshell in a community already on edge about refugees being poured into the area.

(Since the citizens attended the council meeting detailed below, a local TV station is reporting that the case has been sealed.)

See our extensive coverage of past tensions in Twin Falls by clicking here.

It appears from comments at that there is something to the story that the mayor and council are trying to hide. Emphasis below is mine.

TWIN FALLS • New concerns about Islam and refugees are being raised in Twin Falls in the wake of the deadliest mass shooting in the nation’s history.

Chris Talktington 2

Councilman Chris Talkington

Less than two days after an American-born son of Afghan immigrants murdered 49 people in a gay nightclub in Orlando, four of the five people who spoke at a City Council meeting this week characterized refugees as a problem or called for more information to be released about a sexual assault that is alleged to have been committed by underage refugees.


On Monday, a small group of residents opposed to refugee resettlement and Islam turned its attention to the City Council, which allows an open-comment period where anyone can speak.

Much of their time was spent disparaging Muslims and asking for more information about an alleged sexual assault, the details of which haven’t confirmed by authorities.

There must be something to the story or we wouldn’t be hearing this. If it were a complete fabrication, they would be saying so.

Twin Falls County Prosecutor Grant Loebs said Wednesday that the rape case in question is under investigation and may involve juveniles. No one has been charged. Police Chief Craig Kingsbury wouldn’t provide any information about the case.


Julie Ruf is with the local chapter of Act for America, a conservative national security-focused organization involved in promoting anti-Shariah law bills in some states. The group has been accused by critics of being anti-Muslim. She read the Council a list of refugee-related questions and called for some sort of public forum or dialogue where people could express their views and get their questions answered.

Now, please go read the rest of the article at

Councilman Chris Talkington made the moral equivalence argument between potato famine Irish and the Islamists coming to America now. Big difference Chris—the Irish weren’t promoting sharia law and slaughtering Americans, they were grateful to be here. And, by the way, I’ll bet a buck that Talkington knows exactly what the rape allegations are!

The concerned citizens in Twin Falls are doing what they should—continuing to get information out to the public. By speaking up at this council meeting they have created more news and thus helped educate more citizens about the problem.  I would also be working really hard to replace Councilman Talkington! Some one of your group should run against him and make the election about this issue because even if you aren’t elected, the media would be forced to report on the campaign.

EndNote: In 2009, in Phoenix, a gang of refugee juveniles raped a little girl in the neighborhood, here.  See also Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch yesterday on Islam and rape, here.

UPDATE: Citizen Kami Bleeker and fellow Twin Falls, Idaho residents are shocked that no serious consequences have put on the 3 brothers or their parents, even though the Dad high fived them for sexually assaulting and abusing this young girl. Bleeker has started a petition to demand action be taken:

UPDATE: Twin Falls, Idaho sexual assault case, boys are refugees


Cops, media hide Idaho girl’s sex assault by Muslim migrants

7 Ways U.S. Can Prevent Another Orlando Attack

Kentucky: One of two convicted Iraqi refugee terrorists wants his sentence reduced

They have overloaded San Diego with refugees and now they are boo-hooing!

Rutland, VT refugee plan kept secret from the public, only a few business people in on it

Europe: Thousands of Muslim migrants converting to Christianity, leaving “religion of violence and fear”

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is by Tony Magpantay, MGN.

Offense by Design

“Opening Your Eyes to Other Cultures,” was written by online Editor-in-Chief Dalia Zullig, about Aya Ali, a hyphenated-American senior from Lebanon. In a high school that has students who enjoy their myriad inherited differences as much as they do their mutual accomplishments, Ali asserts that she is not entirely comfortable among her classmates because she wears the hijab (Muslim headscarf). The school’s Beachcomber magazine proudly presents stories and photographs of students of all ethnicities, levels and kinds of achievements, who have found friends and camaraderie from among the substantial school population. And how can we forget two brilliant, famous women from Lebanon – Judge Jeanine Pirro and ACT! for America’s Brigitte Gabriel, who have assimilated, achieved, and are applauded in every setting?

Integration is often slow for new immigrants, particularly when they must master a new language, find employment, and adapt to a new culture. It is the human condition, even for a child who must change to a new school within the same state, but Ali has few of these disadvantages. This country offers the freedoms to reside, to work, to attend school, to worship, to dress, to speak, but there is no right to not be offended, as that would limit another speaker’s freedom. We have all experienced being offended at least once in our lives, but we have the rights to express another opinion, leave the premises, and seek and court new friendship elsewhere, if necessary.

Ali made the revealing suggestion that her scarf may be intimidating others. Surely, the Tignon scarf originally worn by women in the slave era and present and the Tichel scarf worn by orthodox Jewish women are among many kinds of headwear and not intimidating. Ali appears to be projecting her own attitude to the inanimate hijab,or she might be using it to support a complaint of victimization to the school authorities. She did specify that it reminds her of who she is, and I would ask “Who is she?” The hijab (“veil” or “covering” in Arabic) that she has chosen to wear meets the requirements of Sharia, whose harsh, excessive laws come directly from the founder of Islam. Likewise, Mohammed himself laid down the extreme punishments and policies, which, unlike the Judeo-Christian laws, rob people of their dignity. Islam’s brutality is antithetical to the US Constitution, and if Ali believes the Koran to be Allah’s literal words, then its many passages direct her to wage even a non-violent war on non-Muslims. Is the hijab symbolic of her personal jihad (holy war) to intimidate others and bring them to silence and submission?

Dr. Tawfik Hamid, a self-described, former-Islamic extremist and a fellow at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies claims a relationship between wearing the hijab and so-called “passive terrorism.” Does Ali heed the ethic that promotes Islamic supremacy and conquest? Is she learning the commands to wage war against non-Muslims? to be anti-Semitic? to chop hands and feet from thieves? to kill homosexuals? to relegate women to full obedience to their male guardians? Does the hijab help her identify with these doctrines and does she secretly relish the belief that her headwear does indeed “intimidate” others?

It is plausible that Ali agrees with the concept of “Our Mission,” penned by Hassan Al Banna in Egypt, 1928, which declares that Islam is all-embracing to regulate every aspect of life, and that Muslims are obligated to use jihad to combat the decadent West, to control “offensive” language, to control others and make them submissive to Islam. The Muslim Brotherhood has been active in the United States since the 1960s. The movement’s first long-term strategy, crafted in 1975, focuses on proselytizing efforts for youths and newly arrived Muslim immigrants. Seeking state and federal political influence, the Brotherhood formed multiple religious organizations, such as the Muslim Students’ Association (MSA), the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), and the Muslim American Society (MAS) (among many others). In 1991, they issued a programmatic memorandum, “The General Strategic Objective for the [Brotherhood] in North America,” highlighting its goal to penetrate the heart of American society – that all Muslims had to “understand that their work in America [was] a grand jihad in eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands so that God’s religion [Islam] is victorious over all religions.”

Islamic religious authorities tell us that loyalty to Islam is incompatible with loyalty to America, so that Ali must choose between identifying with her laws or with her fellow students. She may not realize that by wearing the hijab and identifying herself with Islamic scripture, she is displaying her disloyalty to America and offending her classmates.

Ali paints herself as a victimized minority in this land of more than 2,000 mosques and an increasing flood of Muslim immigrants by the tens of thousands. According to FBI statistics, 48.5% of hate crimes are race-based, with 66.2% of those being anti-black; 18.7% of crimes are religion-based biases, of which 62.4% were against Jews and Jewish institutions; 11.6% were anti-Islamic.

Victimization is a recognized, essential strategy of Islam. The best way to justify hate is to assume the role of victim; one cannot hate unless one feels oppressed and victimized. Hitler came to power based on Germany’s defeat in WW I and their victimization. Similarly, Muslims are taught from toddlerhood that their miseries are the fault of Israel, America, and the West, and it is the job of the Council of Islamic-American Relations (CAIR) to identify anything on which to base accusations of hatemongering and villainy.

Islamic terrorism is reality. A review of the past 14 centuries exposes the bloodshed and beheadings begun by their prophet and continued by his followers into the present. Today, the largest persecuted religious group is Christians, but let’s go back in time. Mohammed invaded Medina and Mecca, beheaded the Jewish men, took slaves and booty. Muslims conquered the Indian sub-continent 1400 years ago, and began destroying the world’s greatest of civilizations – every Hindu man, woman and child, for a total of 100 million Hindus. Muslims slaughtered millions of Armenians during World War II. The 3000-year march of terror against Copts continues in Egypt, and 2,000-year-old Syrian-Christian towns are today being destroyed. Boko Haram kidnaps Christian girls and forces them into a life of sexual slavery. Christians and Hindus are persecuted to near annihilation in Pakistan. Buddhists in Thailand, Hindus in India and Jews in Israel are routinely assaulted and murdered.

Muslim men abuse their own wives and daughters with FGM (Female Genital Mutilation), bans on independence, beatings, and forced restrictive clothing. The Madrid attack (3/04), the London trains bombing (7/07), the Fort Hood massacre (11/09), the Boston Marathon bombing (4/13), the Nairobi Mall massacre (9/13), the Charlie Hebdo/Paris attack (1/15), and the recent horrific Orlando massacre (6/16) are honest examples of the 28,634 deadly terror attacks carried out by Muslims since 9/11. Non-Muslims are the real victims.

Aya Ali is safe. She may be offended and she may be conflicted, but she needs to understand what she wants out of life, whether it is religion and strict Sharia law, or a civilized life as an assimilated American. She can’t have both.

VIDEO: Florida Candidate for U.S. Senate Wilcox “Eliminating the Islamic State”

ORLANDO – Todd Wilcox, combat veteran, former CIA case officer and businessman today released his first ad, “Eliminating ISIS,” a web spot highlighting his strategic approach to combating radical Islamic terrorists.

“Terrorists have brought this fight to American soil and it’s time we get serious about eliminating ISIS once and for all,” said Wilcox. “ISIS can be defeated, but it’s going to require American leadership and a real strategy to win.”

“Eliminating ISIS” Transcript:

Arab Sunni Muslim Terrorism is a threat to all of Western society. If we don’t take the fight to ISIS now, we’ll be fighting them here at home. We should use every pillar of American power to destroy ISIS – diplomacy to create an Arab coalition, Special Operations Forces to lead, equip, train and advise them and NATO to provide close air support, intelligence, and logistics. Our cyber power can shut down the ISIS social media machine and use our economic power to cut off their revenue. ISIS can be defeated, but it requires American leadership and a real strategy to win.

RELATED ARTICLE: Meet sniper, CIA officer, Green Beret millionaire Todd Wilcox, a candidate for Florida’s open Senate seat

EDITORS NOTE: To learn more about Todd Wilcox and his strategic plan to eliminate the Islamic State, may visit his website by CLICKING HERE.

Facebook Bans Gay Magazine Critical of Islam

Promotion of Islam trumps all other items on the Leftist agenda. This aggressive censorship won’t be limited to Facebook, and bodes ill for the future.


“Facebook Bans Gay Magazine Critical Of Islam,” by Chris Tomlinson, Breitbart, June 17, 2016:

Facebook has banned the page of gay magazine Gaystream after they published an article critical of Islam in the wake of the Orlando massacre.

The social media platform has again been censoring pages that criticise Islam. Facebook banned the page of gay magazine Gaystream after the publication wrote an article attacking people for defending the attitudes of the religion towards homosexuals.

Journalist and editor-in-chief of Gaystream, David Berger, claimed that the site had blocked the magazine’s page because of an article that sharply criticised Green party activists who “played down the causes of the attack,” Junge Freiheit writes.

Mr. Berger claims that not only was the Facebook page deactivated, but his personal account was also shut down for 30 days after he posted an article he had written called: “Cologne professional Homos scale new stage of Islam-masochism.”  In the article, he heavily criticised the Cologne Gay Museum director Dr. Brigit Bosold who told German media she was more afraid of straight white men than Islamic radicals and migrants.

“Whoever had thought the culmination of masochism and Islam-appeasement by left-green professional homosexuals was already achieved, will now be mistaken: it becomes even more masochistic and perverse,” Mr. Berger wrote.

The article which prompted the banning of Gaystream is unknown, as Facebook did not give the magazine any specific examples of how they had broken the terms of service of the website.

Multiple articles have come out on Gaystream following the massacre in an Orlando night club that killed 49 people this past weekend. One of the articles pointed out the fact that before the shooting a radical Imam had spoken out about homosexuality in the city andadvocated the death penalty for LGBT individuals.

British-born Imam Farrokh Sekaleshfar gave a talk in March in which he stated that death is the sentence for homosexuality and that “we have to have that compassion for people. With homosexuals, it’s the same. Out of compassion, let’s get rid of them now.”

Gaystream and David Berger single out German Justice Minister Heiko Maas as being behind the censorship of their site on Facebook. Mr. Maas teamed up with the Amadeus Antonio Foundation who are led by ex-stasi operative Anetta Kahane. The organisation is tasked with stamping out “xenophobic” comments online across social media platforms and works in tandem with those platforms to shut down pages and user accounts….


Saudis funding 20% of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign

FBI never even bothered to visit gun store after owner reported suspicious behavior by Orlando jihadi

Hillary’s Saudi Solution: They’re funding 20% of Clinton’s presidential campaign

The U.S. imam Warith Deen Mohammed said in 1999:

“In Saudi Arabia it’s the Wahabi school of thought…and they say, ‘We’re gonna give you our money, then we want you to…prefer our school of thought.’ That’s in there whether they say it or not. So there is a problem receiving gifts that seem to have no attachment, no strings attached.”

“Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.” —Hillary Clinton

“The Clinton Foundation…disclosed in 2008 that it had accepted up to US $25 million from the Saudi Kingdom in the same year. Other foreign governments who have donated money to the Clintons include…Kuwait, Qatar, Brunei, Oman…”

Hillary Clinton is bought and paid for.

Hillary Clinton Middle East donors

Clinton Saudis

“Saudis Fund 20% of Clinton Presidential Campaign: Top Prince,” teleSUR, June 13, 2016:

…Saudi Arabia has paid more than 20 percent of the cost of Hillary Clinton’s campaign for presidential elections, Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was quoted as saying Sunday in a news report by the Jordanian Petra News Agency.

According to the Middle East Eye news website, the report was later deleted from the agency’s website. However, a snapshot of the original Arabic version was later republished by the Washington-based Institute for Gulf Affairs.

“Saudi Arabia has always sponsored both Republican and Democratic Parties of America and… the kingdom also provides with full enthusiasm 20 percent of the cost of Hillary Clinton’s campaign in the U.S. presidential elections despite the fact that some influential forces within the country don’t have a positive look toward supporting the candidate because she is a woman,” the agency’s report quoted Prince Mohammed as saying….

The Clinton Foundation, which is chaired by both Hillary and her husband Bill Clinton, disclosed in 2008 that it had accepted up to US$25 million from the Saudi Kingdom in the same year.

Other foreign governments who have donated money to the Clintons include Norway, Kuwait, Qatar, Brunei, Oman, Italy and Jamaica, which together donated around US$20 million….


Islam’s Violence is Rooted in Instability

Jihad Attack in Orlando

Iranian Cleric: ‘Improperly’ Dressed Iranian Women Cause Climate Change

Canadian Imam on Orlando massacre: “This system (democracy) does not represent us”

Arkansas: FBI hunts for Muslim couple arrested for terror threats — fled upon release, had weapons & ammo

Facebook bans gay magazine critical of Islam

Muslim Migrants Sexually Assault 5-Year Old In Idaho

Fawnbrook-768x431On 2 June, 2016 a five-year old girl with special needs was playing outside her home at the Fawnbrook Apartments in Twin Falls, Idaho when she was taken by knife point to the shared laundry facilities on the premises by three boys from two refugee families, ages 13, 9, and 8 years old who sexually assaulted and urinated on her. The eight year old is also reported to have cut another young child’s arm with his knife a week before school was adjourned.

According to the victim’s mother, a trusted neighbor discovered her daughter with the three boys. Her clothes had been stripped off by the boys who were also naked and the 13 year old had a phone which allegedly held video of the incident. The mother and father of the victim promptly arrived on the scene after being alerted by the neighbor.

The video on the phone displayed the sexual assault of the five year old girl according to the father who viewed it, and reportedly shows the older boy coaching the younger ones during the assault and attempted rape of the little girl as well as urinating in her mouth and over her body as they pinned her against a wall.

The mother took the victim home immediately, stating she was going to call the police. Shortly after arriving home the mother of one of the attackers showed up at the victim’s home demanding in broken English, “No police, everything ok.”


Burka clad woman is the mother of the three Muslim boys accused in the sexual assault of the 5-year old girl.

The police were called and arrived on the scene two and a half hours later, at which point the cell phone was given to the local authorities. The mother of the victim has also reported receiving threats by two young men of Middle Eastern descent, who told her they will come after her if she pursues the police with this matter.

The Twin Falls Police Department finally made arrests of the two older boys on June 18, 2016. However, they have not placed a restraining order on the families involved even after the request was made by the girl’s family. Instead the perpetrators remain in the comfort of their own home and have been spotted running around the complex grounds.

In the meantime, the victim’s mother had to find a place where her daughter could be taken care of safely in the immediate aftermath of the trauma, but the family’s funds are limited and the little girl has to stay in the same apartment complex as all three of her attackers.

The police department and county Prosecutor, Grant Loebs, have not acted in a timely fashion to protect the victim and her family from the attack by the Muslim refugees or from intimidation and harassment received from the refugee community in the aftermath.

Twin Falls, Idaho is a hot spot for refugees, and the College of Southern Idaho (CSI) is the only refugee resettlement agency bringing them to the Magic Valley Region. Approximately 300 refugees were placed in fiscal year 2015, and more recent arrivals have included large numbers of individuals from Iraq, Congo, Burma, Bhutan, Afghanistan, and Somalia. Since 1984, 5,000 refugees from Iraq and Iran have been settled there.

According to Julie Ruf, a local leader and concerned citizen, there have been up to 200 local residents who have voiced concerns over the program for over a year to their City Council, Police department, and the CSI trustee board. They have received scorn instead of answers to their numerous questions and concerns regarding the refugees like: the welfare costs involved, the increased tax burden on local residents, healthcare, educational, and last but not least issues of national security and public safety concerns related to these individuals being settled in their city.

The local internet news source, Magic Valley, has published names of concerned citizens who dared question the program and tried to belittle them. If the news site would print the facts of the Refugee Resettlement Program instead, they may have additional citizens concerned about the settling of Muslim refugees who adhere to Sharia Law within their communities. Incidentally, the mother of the boys involved in the assault wears a full burka in a display of adherence to the Sharia.

Muslim law states a woman’s life is worth half of a man’s, a husband may beat his wife, men are superior to women in intelligence and religion, and they can also be stoned for adultery. (See: Sharia Law for Non-Muslims by Dr. Bill Warner, Chapter 3) These families who are being settled by the tens of thousands and soon to be hundreds of thousands in our country have lived with the common sexual assault of Muslim and non-Muslim women and the lack of negative consequences for those actions.

According to a article,

“CSI’s president. Jeff Fox, stated the following last June about the program when opinions from legislators were sent to him out of concerns they were hearing from their constituents.

“There is nothing to hide or fear about the Refugee Center’s operations. There is a long and successful track record.”

There may have been a glowing track record before the Federal refugee program started admitting Sunni Muslim refugees into America from warring Islamic countries, but now there plenty of stories where they don’t assimilate into western culture.

Take into account the skyrocketing sexual assaults happening all over Europe where ever Muslim majority immigrants/refugees have settled. Sweden, for example, is now the rape capital of the West trailing only North Africa. They have a 2% Muslim male population with 77% Muslims perpetrating the reported rapes. It is doubtful Magic Valley news or the CSI pays any attention to those details.

Rep. Maxine Bell, for instance had this to say about concerns being raised about the CSI program,

“The history of incoming refugees goes back a long way. We should be a haven for people to express their own religion and freedoms.”

She continued about concerns from those in the community,

“I’m troubled that they would be concerned, I assume it’s part of a concern about the people in the areas where Sharia law is and where things are different. I hope that CSI is able to put that to rest with people who are really, really concerned.”

Do you think Rep. Bell believes the Muslim refugee boys who sexually assaulted a girl by knife point have a right to practice those freedoms now? Wonder if she would like male refugees with little to no respect for women settled in the same community as her family members or granddaughters? Realistically, however, our legislators are far too wealthy and privileged to live in the same vicinity as the refugees they bring into lower income communities.

Rep. Maxine Bell and all the other legislators who stand by and do nothing but parrot how impressed they are with the refugee program at CSI should be required to take a course in the doctrine of Sharia Law as well as the political ideology espoused by Muslims. Why is it that many regular citizens of this country are more educated on the facts and the dangers of Islam and their elected officials choose to remain ignorant of them?

Most legislators are silent about a program that not only resettles refugees who are in opposition to our Constitution, but is a threat to our personal safety and those of our families. These elected leaders place themselves in dereliction of their duty and should resign if they are not advocating for the safety of their constituents, not the least of which are five year old girls. But, they are far too concerned about the money involved in settling the refugees.

For example the Chobani yogurt factory, owned by the wealthy Muslim immigrant, Hamdi Ulukaya, from Turkey. According to a WND article, he wants to give corporate cash, lobbying initiatives, services and jobs to refugees. Thirty percent of his workforce is dependent on refugees being shipped to him from the Middle East and Africa. Sexual assaults and rapes surely should not get in the way of big business.

Just like this horrific assault to the body, innocence, and future of this five year old child happened because of a program championed by the College of Southern Idaho. Their naive belief that refugees from warring Islamic countries can be “vetted” and brought to live among American citizens without causing countless negative and traumatic consequences is incredulous.

The prime responsibility for this incident lies with President Obama, Congress, the State Department, and all agencies who willingly resettle Muslim refugees into America. From the president who has denied his oath of office by continuing a dangerous refugee program, the State Department whose job is to support Americans interest abroad, but ushers in the very enemies of our Constitution and threats to our national security and personal safety, our Congress who voted to fund the refugee program, and finally volunteer agencies who take money per head, funded by the American tax-payer, in order to place unvetted individuals among Americans.

This story reveals how Muslim refugees never can be totally vetted and there is no way of assessing the violence they will commit due to their ideology and culture. Yet, the Twin Falls local government continues to disregard the local citizens well-founded questions about the refugee program and the federal government continues to accelerate it, damn the consequences.

UPDATE: Twin Falls, Idaho sexual assault case, boys are refugees

UPDATE: Citizen Kami Bleeker and fellow Twin Falls, Idaho residents are shocked that no serious consequences have put on the 3 brothers or their parents, even though the Dad high fived them for sexually assaulting and abusing this young girl. Bleeker has started a petition to demand action be taken:


AUDIO: Eyewitness confirms Muslim migrants raped, urinated in mouth of special needs five-year-old Idaho girl

Idaho town torn by alleged rape, fear of refugees – Fox News

Cops, media hide Idaho girl’s sex assault by Muslim migrants

Police: Iraq, Sudan Immigrants Allegedly Sexually Assaulted a Five-Year-Old Idaho Girl

Texas taking new approach to holding the line on refugee resettlement … JUST SAY NO!

RELATED VIDEO: Twin Falls City Council makes headlines as Muslim Migrants rape 5-year old girl at knife point then urinate on her.

EDITORS NOTE: *An account for assisting the victim’s family to relocate has been arranged by, “We the People Magic Valley”

PODCAST: Orlando and the power of Social Media on Islamic Terrorism and Politics

On Saturday June 18, 2016 we interviewed journalist and author Joe Newby. Newby is co-author with investigative journalist Adina Kutnicki of the upcoming book “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad.”  He will discuss the book and the potential implications it has regarding the role of social networks on politics.

Learn more about the book here

Topics of Discussion:

  • How has Facebook treated articles concerning criticism of Islamic jihad?
  • What did Mark Zuckerberg discuss with Angela Merkel?
  • What legislation has been proposed to report terrorist activity on social networks?
  • Orlando and the Repercussions of FBI interviews with terrorist

and more . . .


Mateen checked Facebook during his jihad massacre to see if he was trending

Orlando Terrorist Worked at Company Hired by DHS to Transport Illegal Aliens

ISIS Fighter Slaughters Parents for Refusing to Hand Over Brothers

Berlin Imam Gets 2.5 Years for Glorifying ISIS

New ISIS Video: DC, New York, Orlando to Face More Attacks

Hit ISIS So Hard They Wonder Why Allah Left Them

Missoula, MT refugee arrivals could begin in August, most will be Muslims

Terrorism in Florida: A Timeline From 2003 to 2016

We provide context for Sunday’s horrific massacre in Orlando by tracing a timeline of terrorism in Florida back more than ten years.

2003: Federal prosecutors indict University of South Florida professor Sami al-Arian as a leader of the Islamist terrorist group Palestinian Islamic Jihad. He eventually accepts a plea bargain and is deported to Turkey.

2009: CAIR Florida Director Hassan Shibly calls homosexuality “evil” and a “quick way to earn God’s wrath.”

2013: Cleric Sheikh Sekaleshfar gives a televised sermon at the Husseini Islamic Center Mosque of Sanford, FL. He says about homosexuality: “Death is the sentence. We know there’s nothing to be embarrassed about this, death is the sentence…We have to have that compassion for people, with homosexuals, it’s the same, out of compassion, let’s get rid of them now.”

February 2015: Vandals set fire to a Church in Melbourne, Florida, spray paint “Allahu Ackbar” and a swastika.

May 2015: Boca West Country Club cancels a Palm Beach Republican Party dinner because controversial Dutch politician Geert Wilders, who is an outspoken opponent of Islam, had been invited to speak. They cited “safety concerns.”

September 2015: Police arrest 20-year old Joshua Goldberg in Jacksonville for a plot to bomb a 9/11 memorial. According to court documents Goldberg claimed to be in Australia and supporting ISIS, despite living in his mother’s basement in Florida.

April 2016: A 14-foot high billboard reading “Islam Bloody Islam, Doomed by its Doctrine!” is unveiled prompting criticism for blatant anti-Muslim bigotry and an international petition to take the sign down.

May 2016: A 40-year old Muslim man is arrested for an alleged plot to bomb a Florida synagogue on the Passover holiday. The court alleged he wanted to leave a note attributing the attack to ISIS.

Sunday June 12, 2016, 2 am: An Islamic State terrorist murders 49 people at the Pulse gay nightclub in Orlando Florida.

Sunday June 12, 2016: CAIR-Florida Director Hassan Shibly offers “Overwhelming love and support and unity” to the LGBT community in the wake of the Orlando Shooting.


Orlando Terrorist Worked at Company Hired by DHS to Transport Illegal Aliens

ISIS Fighter Slaughters Parents for Refusing to Hand Over Brothers

Berlin Imam Gets 2.5 Years for Glorifying ISIS

New ISIS Video: DC, New York, Orlando to Face More Attacks

Hit ISIS So Hard They Wonder Why Allah Left Them

EDITORS NOTE: Eleven of the nineteen hijackers on 9/11/2001 lived in Florida. Florida is mention over 50 times in the 9/11 Commission Report. Terrorist and terrorism is part of the Sunshine State.