Orlando Wasn’t the Only Islamist Incident in America This Week

If you thought Orlando was the only plot this week, think again. Wednesday saw three different Islamist incidents involving law enforcement.

A man from Kosovo pled guilty to providing material support to the Islamic State in a Virginia court on Wednesday. Ardit Ferizi, 20, hacked into a U.S. online retailer and stole the personal information of 1,351 U.S. military personnel and federal officials. He passed the information on to British Islamic State hacker Junaid Hussain with the understanding ISIS would carry out attacks against those individuals.

He faces up to 20 years in prison for providing support to ISIS and up to a further five years for accessing a protected computer without permission.

A Turkish businessman in New York pleaded guilty to selling restricted missile supplies to the Iranian regime in violation of sanctions placed on Iran. Erdal Kuyumcu, 44, the chief executive of Global Metallurgy LLC smuggled 450 kilograms of cobalt-nickel metallic powder to Iran via Turkey. The powder is used in missiles and nuclear technology.

He is expected to be sentenced to five years in prison after reaching a deal with prosecutors, despite an initial sentence of 20 years and a $1 million fine which was first demanded.

A man in Texas has been jailed after threatening to kill people who refused to take a copy of the Quran he was handing out. He was found ranting about Allah and wandering around in the town of Denton. He was asked to leave the University of North Texas and reportedly went into a women’s Presbyterian clinic and told the staff to take a copy of the Quran to the chaplain or “die.”

He has been charged with “making a terroristic threat.”


New ISIS Video: DC, New York, Orlando to Face More Attacks

In Times of Crisis Ignorance Doesn’t Help

Florida Responds to Orlando Massacre

The Orlando Selfie

Obama’s Grand Muslim Migration: It isn’t just Syrians that should concern you

As you know the Obama Administration is aiming to bring in 85,000 refugees from around the world (many religions and nationalities) this fiscal year (FY 2016 ends on September 30th).

So what do we know about thousands of Rohingya Muslims we are now picking up throughout this region of the world? No data bases there either! No criminal records to search.

Rohingya Migration Map BGR

Rohingya Muslims Migration Map BGR

Our focus here at RRW is primarily (obviously) on the refugee portion or as the feds like to refer to them—humanitarian arrivals, which along with the refugees include a number of different categories of legal and illegal migrants (see a description here) that the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement takes responsibility for.

Rohingya Muslims

Rohingya Muslims gathering at Kuala Langsa Port in Langsa, Aceh province, Indonesia last year. Picture: AP.

There has been so much news about the Syrian, mostly Muslim, refugees entering the US this fiscal year and I wanted to see how those numbers compared with some other Muslim-sending countries (again this is for refugees!), and so I checked the State Department data base for this fiscal year (which began on Oct. 1, 2015) and up to June 15, 2016.

This is what I found (I did not check every country) and I want to emphasize that we really can’t properly vet any of these people especially the devout Rohingya Muslims coming from Burma that have been scattered throughout South East Asia.

  • Afghanistan (1,455) virtually all Muslims
  • Burma (8,693) with 2,102 of those being Muslims (this is very new, we only in the last year or so admitted large numbers of Rohingya Muslims)
  • Iraq (5,781), 4,722 of those are Muslims (mostly Sunni but a large number of Shiites as well).
  • Somalia (5,956) all Muslim and we pick them up around the world!
  • Syria (4,328) virtually all Muslims

There are also many Muslims from other Middle Eastern and African countries coming, I just checked the major ethnic groups.

Again! Security screening any of these refugees is almost impossible and certainly won’t stop the 2nd generation jihadi killers.

So, as you freak out over Syrians, consider that they aren’t the only Muslim ‘refugees’ being spread out through America this year.

P.S. One day the Rohingya will be on the national news, so anyone interested in learning more about them can visit our Rohingya Reports category, here. It goes back to 2008 and has 188 posts in it!


Poor Louisiana! They don’t get that many refugees, but they got 21 with TB between 2011 and 2015

CIA Director Affirms Obama’s ISIS Strategy Is Not Working

Killing Homosexuals Is Not ISIS Law, It Is Muslim Law

House GOP Leaders Set To Endorse Obama’s Failed Anti-JIhad Strategy

Why can’t Obama just tell Americans the truth about the Orlando attack and radical Islam?

Speaker Ryan lied to Bill O’Reilly, will O’Reilly call him out on it?

Will America Face Reality?

Aristotle’s law of identity plainly states that A is A, a thing is what it is.  In 1979 the Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei of Iran declared Islamic war against the West, primarily the United States and Israel. Since then Muslims of all stripes have been acting out on that declaration of war.  Unfortunately, America and the West have not consistently met the challenge and have emboldened the Muslim Islamic Jihadists through years of inadequate challenges to the Islamic onslaught.

The Muslims have correctly recognized the irrational progressive American mission of politically correct appeasement at all costs and are taking full advantage of it.  It used to be that if one nation or group of nations declared war upon another and followed through on that threat, there would be a strong response from the threatened nation with an effort to defeat that enemy.  Of course, there were exceptions to that rule.  One was Great Britain during the earlier part of the second world war.  The British Empire paid the price for taking it’s sweet time to engage the threat of Adolph Hitler and his legions of German Nazis and rocket blitzes.  Germany was focused on dominating the world and eliminating the Jewish population, while Britain’s Neville Chamberlain was endangering England through appeasement with Hitler.

Similarly, today we regularly witness the atrocities being waged against civilization by barbaric Muslim brutes, just as the Islamists have been doing for 1,400 years.  In the Quran’ Muslims are instructed to either convert or kill non-Muslims.  They are also persuaded to invade other nations and if possible use their legal systems and freedoms against them.  Also, as soon as Muslim population reaches up to five percent then more violent measures are carried out with increasing frequency.

It is both sad and immoral when elected government officials who either swear or affirm to uphold the United States Constitution and are expected to govern on behalf of U.S. interests but do not.  President Berry Obama is the premier example of refusing to do what is best for our nation’s best interests.

For you Berry Obama fans who refuse to see the facts, right after a cowardly Muslim terrorist wreaked havoc in a gun free zone by gunning down scores of people at a Florida nightclub, Berry exposed where his real interests reside.  Instead of exhibiting strength and resolve after a cowardly Muslim terrorist wreaked havoc in a gun free zone by gunning down scores of unarmed victims, he chose to apologize to Isis Muslim terrorists who should be hunted down and destroyed.  It was Donald Trump’s accurate remarks concerning Isis terrorists that drew the pansy like ire of Berry, not the murder of 50 partiers in an American night club.  What an insult to the American victims of dedicated Muslim terrorists who are trying to bomb the world into a dark age of Muslim domination.

One has to wonder how in the world can a president and other officials of this nation be more upset over Donald Trump’s invigorated response to a Muslim massacre than the actual murdering Muslim rampage?  Among a number of things Trump said “The thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families when you get these terrorists, you have to bomb the hell out of them.”  Kentucky Senator Rand Paul responded to Trump by stating “Realize that there’s something called the Geneva Convention.”  I hate to be the one to break the news little senator Paul, but the Muslim terrorists never, ever, ever conduct terrorist tactics according to Geneva Convention rules.

If the Muslim terrorist madness is going to be stopped, they must be destroyed unless they have a real come to Jesus moment.  For them it is simply do or die.  Thus it is high time for civilized nations accommodate them by militarily escorting them to their eternal reward.  Right on the heels of Islamic terrorism in Orlando, Florida, once again Paris, France was hit with another dose of Muslim Jihadist terrorists who simply went to Paris to kill, steal and destroy.

On Monday June 14th Berry Obama gave a very telling speech.  It conveyed to all objective listeners his true feelings about the nation that twice elected him to the presidency.   Obama stared into the camera and declared “it was America’s fault for the tragic loss of life.”  He was blatantly defiant in his decision to “not now and not ever,” place blame on radical Islam participants for the tragedy in Orlando.  It was yet another premier example of Berry Obama’s anti-American leanings.

Let us never forget that president Obama said in the past that if it came down to a war with Muslims he would side with them.  America is a nation at war whether you wish to recognize it or not.  We must take the Muslim challenge to our existence as one nation under God, indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all.  If not, history will not be kind.

May we seek providential guidance and wisdom before it is too late.  Deep in my heart, I believe that our republic will arise from her current doldrums and once again be that shining city on a hill nation.

This final note, I would like to honor the greatest person I ever knew, my Dad.

Before departing this life when I was twelve years old Dad taught me of the importance of doing the right thing and the dos and don’ts of life.  Dad was also fun person to be around and for the most part very patient and encouraging as well.  Dad also made sure that I was well acquainted with God and never ceased in his desire and effort to lovingly care for and guide his family.  His love for America and knowledge of her great history was second to none and inspired me to appreciate not only our great republic, but more importantly God and family as well. Thank you Dad and thank you heavenly Father for such a great Dad.


House GOP Leaders Set To Endorse Obama’s Failed Anti-JIhad Strategy

Why can’t Obama just tell Americans the truth about the Orlando attack and radical Islam?

Obama Only Knows How To Stand Down

Not only has Obama essentially issued a stand down order to our entire federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies when dealing with the increasing Islamic war occurring on American soil, but he implies a passive response from all Americans as he would have us lay down our arms in response to an attack.

With every passing Islamic jihadi attack, he proves the only position he expects from us all is to submit to Islam and take the violence they dish out as discipline for our overly Islamophobic responses to their peaceful culture and our freedom to own and use guns to protect ourselves.

The Stand Down order is a military order given to put a halt on offensive actions. In Benghazi the same order was given to those brave security operators who were told to do nothing in the wake of an Islamic group attacking the Americans at the US diplomatic facilities. This order to withhold life-saving assistance in Libya was given even as the operators were armed and ready to defend their fellow Americans. Thankfully they broke those orders and acted on their conscience or 25 Americans would be six feet under today.

The same order has been implied from the Commander in Chief to our law enforcement departments and agencies including the DHS and FBI. There have been numerous occasions of the FBI initiating investigations on individuals with either terrorist ties or expressing their allegiance to Islamic State, Al Qaeda and others only to have the cases closed or agents reportedly receiving reprimands for pursuing those who are Muslims.

Look at Orlando’s jihadi, Omar Marteen. He was questioned three times and investigated twice by FBI agents for having terrorist ties and making contact with a suicide bomber, but the case was closed with no charges filed. Why?

According to Philip Haney, former member of the National Targeting Center’s unit, whose job was to filter through information on people for possible terrorists or weapons used by them, the FBI didn’t use the same analysis that he used to connect the dots from Marteen to the Fort Pierce Mosque he attended.

According to a WND article,

“As a member of one of the National Targeting Center’s advanced units, Haney helped develop a case in 2011 on a worldwide Islamic movement known as Tablighi Jamaat, as he recounts in his new book “See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad.”Within a few months, the case drew the “concern” of the State Department and the DHS’s Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Office because the Obama administration believed it unfairly singled out Muslims. The intelligence, however, had been used to connect members of the movement to several terrorist organizations and financing at the highest levels, including for Hamas and al-Qaida.”

Haney correctly uncovered connections between different Islamic terrorist organizations yet the way the DHS and the State Department reward him is to discarded some 67 reports related to information he compiled that would enable the FBI to identify possible terrorist threats as well as the loss of his job.

Clearly the message goes out from the top down that you will not be tolerated for linking Muslims with terrorism. Obama’s livid response to Trump calling him out on his glaring omission of the term radical Islam is indicative of his protective stance of Islam.

When you have the President leading by stating, the guns are the enemynarrative after every Islamic terrorist attack, why would you engage an enemy that is never named. A stand down order is what can be taken from his lack identifying our enemies are Islamic terrorists, but instead an inanimate objects…guns.

Moreover, the focus for Obama’s entire presidency has been one of empowering the Islamic narrative inside the White House and among his administration. What we have been experiencing for the past eight years is trickle-down Islamophilia that has colored our national security department’s and law enforcement’s response to Muslim suspects.

How else can one explain the insulting response of Mayor Jim Kenney, who said of the execution-like attack on one of his police officers back in January by a man dressed in Muslim garb and later admitted pledging allegiance to Islamic State and following Allah,

“The shooting had nothing to do with Islam. It does not represent the religion in any shape or form or any of the teachings.”

The denial about the motivations of jihadists by Obama has affected many in leadership positions and according to Gen. Jerry Boykin has definitely touched our law enforcement officers. He said,

“people at every level are gun-shy about dealing with Muslims. There is tremendous pressure to show Muslims favor and treat them differently than others, based on information that I am getting from my contacts. The Jihadist[s] have us right where they want us. We are going all out now to pander to the enemy and to appease the same people who are here to destroy us,”

Americans need to take a lesson from the Benghazi warriors and act with our conscience in the face of Islamic terrorist attacks. There is no winning from a Stand Down position. Obama is telling us to lay down our weapons while Islamic leaders are screaming at Muslims to pick up theirs. He has placed himself 180 degrees in opposition to his oath of office and deserves nothing less than to be tried for treason. See video:


House GOP Leaders Set To Endorse Obama’s Failed Anti-JIhad Strategy

Why can’t Obama just tell Americans the truth about the Orlando attack and radical Islam?

Orlando: On the Street where ‘Islamophobia’ and ‘Homophobia’ Met

Donald Trump has been in the forefront asking the hard questions about immigration, both legal and illegal. He has called for a temporary stop to refugee resettlement from Middle Eastern countries that support terrorism. In the below interview with Sean Hannity, Trump questions, given attacks in San Bernardino, CA and Orlando, FL, whether first generation children of Muslims are assimilating:

Trump said:

“Assimilation has been very hard. It’s almost, I won’t say nonexistent, but it gets to be pretty close. I’m talking about second and third generation. They come, they don’t— for some reason there’s no real assimilation.”

“There is a percentage of people that want to do what this maniac did in Orlando. There’s a percentage of people. That percentage becomes—the number of people become more and more as we take in thousands and thousands of more people. There’s a hate that’s going on that’s unbelievable. Okay? Unbelievable. They don’t mind dying. That’s a hate that’s going on that’s unbelievable. And we allow it to happen.”

Trump has on multiple occasions called for surveillance of Mosques tied to terrorists and terrorism.

President Obama, Democrats, Muslim organizations alike have called Trump a bigot, Islamophobic and anti-Muslim. Democrats have embraced homosexuality and made it a centerpiece of their gender equality platform. Because of this the gay community has become more vocal and public in its push for their agenda.

At the same time Muslims, because of Democrats and some Republicans, have become emboldened in their rhetoric. Muslims have called for their community to not cooperate with the FBI or law enforcement in general. Most recently we saw this policy of failing to report dangerous behavior play out in Orlando when the wife and employer of Omar Mateen did not report his anger to authorities.

Democrats created an atmosphere of intolerance to those who criticize Islam and the gay lifestyle. This intolerance is codified in the words Islamophobic and Homophobic. Democrats have coupled these two words with other charged language such as bigot, racist, hateful and intolerant.

Democrats use words like coexist, embracing our differences, multiculturalism to further efforts to protect these two constituencies. The result of their effort is what happened in Orlando, Florida early Sunday morning.

Orlando is now the epicenter of two political ideologies, streets named Islamophobia and Homophobia. The blood is on the hands of those who promote either or both.


Killing Homosexuals Is Not ISIS Law, It Is Muslim Law

House GOP Leaders Set To Endorse Obama’s Failed Anti-JIhad Strategy

Why can’t Obama just tell Americans the truth about the Orlando attack and radical Islam?

VIDEO: Understanding the Ramadan Massacre at a Gay Nightclub in Orlando

Ramadan 2016 by David Wood:

Early in the morning on June 12th, 2016, American Muslim Omar Mir Seddique Mateen opened fire at “The Pulse,” a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. Mateen killed around 50 people and injured dozens more while shouting “Allahu Akbar!” Before the attack, he called 911 to declare his allegiance to ISIS. Did this shooting have something to do with Islam, the Quran, ISIS, Jihad, and Muhammad? David Wood discusses the evidence.

Be sure to watch these important videos:

“Three Stages of Jihad”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERou_…

“The Jihad Triangle”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qjvfa…

“Three Quran Verses Every Woman Should Know”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NXtI…

“Islam: The World’s Fastest-Growing Religion”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1i3p…

“The Truth about Ramadan”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGysO…

Those who promote ‘Islamophobia’ have blood on their hands

Islamophobia campaigns like those at the University of California Berkeley and the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) must share some blame for terror attacks like Orlando and San Bernardino.

Islamophobia campaigns can intimidate people to restrain their communications that might otherwise save lives.  Proponents who continue to promote Islamophobia campaigns given the evidence from Orlando and San Bernardino would appear to be maintaining a position that the greater good of suppressing free speech of millions of Americans is worth the downside risk of not preventing jihad and saving lives.

Proponents of Islamophobia campaigns must share some of the blame for the Islamic terror attacks that killed 49 people in Orlando and 14 people in San Bernardino.  These campaigns can cause people not to report suspicious actions by Muslims because they fear being branded a racist or Islamophobe.

Fear of being branded an Islamophobe played a role in suppressing communications that may have had different results for the lives of 63 people in San Bernardino and Orlando:


Townhall.com  Neighbor Didn’t Report Suspicious Activity of San Bernardino Killers For Fear of Being Called Racist

Katie Pavlich Dec 03, 2015 10:15 AM

According to a local Los Angeles news report, a neighbor of San Bernardino massacre suspects Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik didn’t report suspicious activity at their apartment for fear of being accused of racism.

This is the same politically correct culture that lead to the Ft. Hood shooting when Nidal Hassan, who had been spouting violent Islamic propaganda to neighbors on post and reaching out to Al Qaeda, was ignored for fear of “Islamophobia” accusations.


Floridatoday.com Mateen’s employer ignored complaints about his death threats because he was a Muslim.

Gilroy, a former Fort Pierce police officer, said Mateen frequently made homophobic and racial comments. Gilroy said he complained to his employer several times but it did nothing because he was Muslim. Gilroy quit after he said Mateen began stalking him via multiple text messages — 20 or 30 a day. He also sent Gilroy 13 to 15 phone messages a day, he said.

“I quit because everything he said was toxic,” Gilroy said Sunday, “and the company wouldn’t do anything. This guy was unhinged and unstable. He talked of killing people.”

The desire not to be labeled a racist or Islamophobe will likely result in more people not being willing to report suspicious behavior in the future.  Tragically, Islamophobia campaigns are having a chilling impact on the free speech of Americans and helping jihad.

The Council on American Islamic Relations issued a press release on June 10, 2016 which states in part:

(WASHINGTON, D.C., 6/10/2016) – On Tuesday, June 14, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Center for Race and Gender at UC Berkeley will release a report detailing the more than $200 million provided to 33 Islamophobic groups nationwide in recent years.

The report, titled “Confronting Fear,” also documents the negative impact of Islamophobia on American society and offers a four-point strategy designed to push back against the well-funded and well-coordinated promotion of anti-Muslim sentiment.

WHAT: Release of ‘Confronting Fear’ Report on Funding of Islamophobic Groups
WHEN: Tuesday, June 14, 11 a.m.
WHERE: CAIR’s Capitol Hill Headquarters, 453 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, D.C. 20003

The behavior of millions of Americans are influenced by various Islamophobia reports and campaigns.  Most people who see UC Berkeley’s negative branding of prominent organizations and people will not want to have any part of that humiliation.  Being branded a racist or Islamophobe can cost a person’s educational opportunities, employment and career path.  While there is obviously no direct link between any proponent’s Islamophobia campaign and a terrorist act such propaganda suppresses free speech in a manner that adversely impacts public safety.

(Five years ago)  On Thursday, June 23, 2011 the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the University of California, Berkeley’s Center for Race and Gender (CRG) held a news conference on Capitol Hill to release “Same Hate, New Target,” the first-of-its-kind annual report outlining the disturbing growth of Islamophobia in the United States during 2009-2010.

As of 10:00 PM EDST, June 15, 2016 UC Berkeley and CAIR have NOT released their Islamophobe report that CAIR’s press release stated would be announced on Tuesday, June 14, 2016 at 11 AM.   The University of California, Berkeley’s Center for Race and Gender website contains the 2015 Islamophobia Report but not the 2016 report mentioned in CAIR’s June 10, 2016 news release.  Is it possible that UC Berkeley officials think it is a bad time to release this report in the aftermath of the Orlando terror attack?

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send that urges University of California Berkeley officials to stop promoting their Islamophobe campaigns that suppress free speech in a manner that can adversely impact public safety.

To send your email, please click the following link, enter your name and email address then click the “Send Your Message” button. You may also edit the subject or message text if you wish.

Click here to send your email that urges University of California Berkeley officials to stop promoting their Islamophobe campaigns that suppress free speech in a manner that can adversely impact public safety.

Disinformation…lies…more lies: Orlando Killer’s Father Held Meetings at the White House

Disinformation…lies…more lies…ignoring terrorist events or incidents and then minimizing the official response.

Here is a video of President Obama defending his policy not to use the term “radical Islam”:

Deliberately weakening National Security through a variety of means; including, but not limited to: rewritten policy prohibiting aggressive screening, intelligence collection, apprehension, budgetary reductions to agencies directly responsible for the protection of our National sovereignty, lack of to no training for the FBI and allied agencies charged with protecting us from the Islamic Movement deliberately taking aim at America intending to alter and abolish this Nation.  More lies…more deliberate scripted misdirection, and plain ole not caring about the cost or destruction to America since the stated goal of the Islamic Movement is to collapse any and all country’s not submissive to Shariah Law, and to kill any who profess a faith other than what is scripted in the Koran.

Add to this reality that deliberately placed through the Executive Branch of our federal government are those in appointed office clearly submissive to and supportive of the Islamic Movement, even at the expense of Americans.  Our culture, values, founding principles are under direct assault, and it appears the federal government with all its’ powers and abilities is complicit.  Those currently in power have consistently over nearly eight years remained silent, except periodically throwing a defensive hissy fit against any who expose the Islamic threat to our country.  It almost seems our own government is somehow involved with a sick form of Jihad conducted against its’ own citizens.


Seddique Mateen visiting the U.S. State Department. Hillary Clinton was the Secretary when this photo was taken.

The truly nauseating reality is that the Obama Brotherhood has been siding with the Muslim Brotherhood, and their affiliates, from the moment Barack Hussein Obama stepped into the Oval Office and sat down behind the desk of responsibility, privilege, and fidelity to our Nation.  With the guidance of associated Marxist ideologues who despise America, Obama clumsily and brutally forever altered the Middle East into a region now virtually in open civil war.

His diabolical agenda to ruin American relationships and possibly forever collapse America’s influence in the region, simultaneously withdrawing American military that provided a measure of stability, along with assisting the Muslim Brotherhood to achieve unchecked dominance, has helped arrange for the biblically prophesized isolation of Israel.  This unprecedented turmoil provided sufficient explanation to “officially” begin moving large numbers of third-world Muslims, excuse me, “Refugees” into America.  To-date, over 758,000 have “officially” been sanctioned to receive full and complete American benefits including Social Security, Medicare, Food Stamps, Housing Benefits, Unemployment, etc.  Obama was serious when he stated back in 2008, he would transform America.

I will not add the numbers crossing our borders both north and south who are simply let-in, and are then “fast-tracked” into receiving all the benefits the others get.  America truly is an exceptional country for doing this, but then again, Obama has stated on numerous occasions America is not exceptional, simply arrogant and mean spirited.

While the terror scene in Orlando is still under active investigation and closed off to all, the Obama crew has issued directives to “speed through” the delivery of even higher numbers of Muslims from Syria, one of our declared ardent enemies.

And yet it is Trump who is a bigoted threat, not those who celebrate their “Religion of Peace” in their most holy month of Ramadan by calculatingly launching Jihad against the infidels; that would be We The People of the United States.

Orlando Killer’s Father Held Meetings at the White House by 

orlando killer father at white house

Seddique Mateen

Seddique Mateen, father of the Orlando killer and outspoken supporter of the Taliban, has also been a guest at Obama’s White House and Hillary’s State Department.  I wonder what they were talking about?  The senior Mateen has described Omar as a “good son.”  Of course he also describes the Taliban as a good government so that should give you a frame of reference for what he considers good.

Did he meet directly with President Obama?  That’s unclear.  It’s unclear who he met with and no one has returned calls for a comment.  The photos come from Mateen’s Facebook Page where he claims he was in Washington to discuss Afghan affairs with government officials.

But why is Seddique Mateen standing behind the President’s podium in the mock White House Briefing Room.  He insinuates that he was there to meet with Administration officials and perhaps the President himself.  Again, we can’t verify his claims. Still, it’s curious that the father of the Orlando killer, a Taliban supporter who claims to be some sort of Afghan President in waiting was there at all.

Apparently Mateen has been a frequent visitor to the nation’s capitol where he claims contacts at the highest levels of government.  Mateen claims he also held meetings at Hillary’s State Department.

Read more.

Canadian PM Trudeau’s kiss demonstrates his ignorance of Islam — Is it a kiss of death?

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau has been in office less than a year and has admitted 25,000 (or more by now) Syrian Muslims to live in Canadian towns and cities.  They are in addition to his huge Somali Muslim population and he thinks a stunt like this will be well received?

Is this meant to say to Muslims ‘get used to it!’
If so, he is braver or dumber than I thought.

I suspect he really means to send a message to homophobes on the right (and isn’t thinking about how the Muslim WORLD will view it).  Maybe he thinks he has so many brownie points for bringing in Muslim refugees that he is immune from their wrath (hint: they don’t think in Leftist do-gooder terms).

We have an entire category on Canada (179 previous posts), go here for more.


Contemplating ‘welcoming’ refugees? Pay attention to Amarillo, TX

NBC foreign correspondent tells Rachel Maddow that ISIS will infiltrate refugee flow

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of Canadian PM Trudeau and Canadian New Democratic Party leader Thomas Mulcair sharing a kiss as a statement on the Orlando, FL massacre.

New Islamic State Video: Washington, D.C., New York, Orlando to Face More Attacks

The video warns as long as Islamic State forces in Syria and Iraq are under attack by the U.S. and its allies, ISIS will continue its strikes on American soil.

The Islamic State says it is ready to target major cities in the United States. The warning came in a video published this week by ISIS supporters, in the wake of the Orlando massacre, which the organization said it carried out.

“The infidels of crusade America will no longer have security or comfort,” says the narrator.“ New York, Orlando, Washington and other cities will not feel safety and comfort.”

The film explains this will remain the case for as long as American and allied forces continue their assault on ISIS fighters in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere.

Victory is “forthcoming,” the film tells viewers.

ISIS is losing ground in its strongholds of Syria and Iraq but remains a force to be reckoned with both in its self-declared state or caliphate and also overseas.

WARNING: This video includes disturbing images:


Click on the image for a link to the video.


Berlin Imam Gets 2.5 Years for Glorifying ISIS

Hit ISIS So Hard They Wonder Why Allah Left Them

Philippines: Abu Sayyaf Beheads Canadian Hostage

Police Captain and Partner Murdered by ISIS in France

First They Came and I Did Not Speak Out

German Lutheran Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) wrote a poem titled “First They Came.” Niemöller was the brother-in-law of Lutheran Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer who was implicated in the Valkyrie plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler. On the personal order of Adolf Hitler, Pastor Bonhoeffer was one of the last Germans executed by the Nazis on April 9, 1945. Bonhoeffer while in a Nazi prison wrote:

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

“First they came” is a famous statement and provocative poem about the cowardice of German intellectuals following the Nazis’ rise to power and the subsequent purging of their chosen targets, group after group. Many variations and adaptations in the spirit of the original have been published in the English language. It deals with the themes of persecution, guilt and responsibility.

First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me

Today we find the rise of the new Democrat Party. An allegiance of three key factions, the Socialists, Islamists and Homosexualists. Each faction has made it their goal to:

  1. Make America Communist for as Vladimir Lenin wrote, “The goal of Socialism is Communism.”
  2. Make America an Islamic State for the goal of the Muslim is to implement Islamic (shariah) laws in the country to which they migrate.
  3. Make America Godless, for the homosexualists hate all religions because they are held accountable for their actions.

These three factions are fundamentally incompatible one with the other. We are now seeing the Islamist faction turning against the Homosexualist faction. Soon the Socialist faction will turn against the Islamist faction, out of political necessity. Only one faction can survive in the end.

America is witness to a new cowardice of American intellectuals following the Democrat rise to power and the subsequent purging of their chosen targets, group after group.

Here is a modern day version of Niemöller’s poem:

First they came for the TEA Party
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a member of the TEA Party
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for the Christians
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Christian
Then they came for the gays
And I did not speak out
Because I was not gay
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me

Christians want to save gays from Hell — Islam wants to send gays to Hell!

I have written about Islam for over a decade. One thing I have learned is that the more Islamic (shariah law) compliant an individual, organization or nation state the more dangerous and deadly they are. I have also written about how the Democratic Party is made up of groups that are fundamentally at odds with one another. However, they have joined together because the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

The Church Militant’s Michael Voris did a compelling analysis of what happened in Orlando. Voris points out:

The liberal alliance has brought various factions together, with one common goal: to end Catholic morality’s influence on Western civilization.

There are indeed some strange pairings in this liberal alliance: homosexualists, the Democratic Party, the mainstream media and Islam. Whatever differences Islam and liberals have, they have been willing to overlook them to join forces against the common enemy of Christianity, specifically Catholicism.

[ … ]

One point needs to become very clear to all those who wish to paint the Church as an enemy of gays: We want you saved. Islam wants you dead. And let’s be very clear: The Catholic Church wants to save gays from Hell. Islam wants to send gays to Hell. [Emphasis added]

That liberal alliance has been sorely tested after the massacre in Orlando by Omar Mateen, a devout follower of Mohammed.

In my May 14,  2016 column New Democrat Party: The Red–Green–Rainbow Troika I noted:

I have written that President Obama’s greatest political achievement has been to fundamentally transform the Democratic Party. The New Democratic Party (NDP) is an alliance which I call the Red-Green-Rainbow Troika or RGRT. It consists of new groups that Democrats have not historically allied themselves with, until now.

The NDP has made it its mission to protect the “civil rights and civil liberties” of groups that are both incompatible with one another and with mainstream America.

The groups are incompatible for a number of reasons including:

  1. Communists hate Muslims and gays.
  2. Muslims hate Communists and execute gays (sodomites).
  3. Gays hate all religions, but make an exception for Islam (i.e. the enemy of my enemy is my friend).

At some point these divergent groups will turn on one another.

As Ayn Rand wrote:

The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow. They come to be accepted by degrees, by dint of constant pressure on one side and constant retreat on the other – until one day when they are suddenly declared to be the country’s official ideology.

Here are some of the absurdities that have become the official ideology of the neo-Democrat Party:

  • The greatest national security threat is climate change (i.e. formerly global warming).
  • White Christian men are a greater threat than the Islamic State, Iran and the Black Lives Matter movement.
  • Spending on social programs is more important than spending on national security.
  • Engagement and dialogue with America’s enemies (i.e. Iran) is preferred to any form of confrontation.
  • Nationalized health care (the Affordable Care Act) is affordable.
  • Deficit spending is good for the economy and will create jobs.
  • Putting more Americans on the public dole is good for creating more government jobs.
  • Anyone who disagrees with the neo-Democrat Party policies is racist, homophobic, Islamophobic and a national security threat.
  • People don’t kill people, guns kill people (e.g. need to outlaw guns).
  • Public schools must teach children what to think, not how to think (i.e. Common Core).
  • Aborting the unborn and selling their body parts is noble.
  • Bigger government, more regulations and centralized powers and greater control over the behaviors of citizens is good.
  • Coal, oil and natural gas are evil.
  • Saving the planet is more important than saving the human race.
  • A weak America is good for world peace.
  • The Judeo/Christian God is dead.

On November 8th, 2016 millions will vote for the RGRT candidate for president. If that happens then the policies of the current administration will become the new social order.


Under Obama: 8 Islamic Terror Attacks That Could Have Been Prevented

Orlando Attack Is a Failure of Obama’s ‘Politically Correct’ Policy, Analysts Say

The Danger of the “Black Lives Matter” Movement

Black Lives Matter’s LGBTQ Agenda

Gays and Muslims: How will liberals deal with Muslims killing gays? [Video]

The Vortex talks about Orlando, Gays, Liberals and Muslims. Message: The Catholic Church wants to save gays from Hell. Islam wants to send gays to Hell.


All the victims at the gay nightclub who were murdered over the weekend need our prayers. Fifty people, 50-plus souls were on the scene, and the very next moment, they were standing before the judgment seat of Almighty God — as we all will be one day. Life can seem so certain one moment and over the next, in a twinkling of an eye. We must always be prepared to die.

The murders bring about a very interesting point of a larger discussion. The liberal alliance has brought various factions together, with one common goal: to end Catholic morality’s influence on Western civilization.

There are indeed some strange pairings in this liberal alliance: homosexualists, the Democratic Party, the mainstream media and Islam. Whatever differences Islam and liberals have, they have been willing to overlook them to join forces against the common enemy of Christianity, specifically Catholicism.

So, for example, from ISIS and the Islamic world you hear threats against Rome — loud threats, so loud that Italian army soldiers now stand at the ready fully armed with machine guns in very plain sight around the boundaries of Vatican City. And you hear from various gay groups that the Catholic Church hates gays — that we are homophobic, that we are a threat, that we need to have our non-profit status revoked, that we need to be monitored and so forth.

One point needs to become very clear to all those who wish to paint the Church as an enemy of gays: We want you saved. Islam wants you dead. And let’s be very clear: The Catholic Church wants to save gays from Hell. Islam wants to send gays to Hell.

Just last month in the Middle East, these horrific images of a man being thrown off a building to his death were released. His “crime”: being gay in a Muslim country. Again, Catholics don’t hate gays. But Islamicists do. It wasn’t Catholics throwing that man to his death. And it wasn’t a Catholic in the gay nightclub murdering dozens of same-sex-attracted men and women.

But this whole situation does pose a very difficult conundrum for the whole liberal alliance. Gays hate the Church because the Church teaches about the immorality of homosexual acts. And Islam hates the Church because it was born from a hate of the Church and has always had as its object the overthrow of Christianity.

Up until now, the liberal mainstream media has been happy to be complicit in giving Islamic terrorism a pass because it had common cause with undermining Catholicism in the culture. The liberal alliance was happy to make common cause with Islam because they had a common enemy: the Catholic Church. So whenever an Islamic terrorist murdered a group somewhere, it could be whitewashed and follow-up stories done on how Islam doesn’t really have a widely accepted notion of jihad and violence, and how the various terror acts were “isolated,” or the individual was disturbed and so forth. But Islam could never be approached as a problem in itself. That would be shooting an ally in the back.

Well, this past weekend radical Islam shot one of its own allies in the back; more than 50 souls were dispatched into eternity as a result. So now the conundrum: Random victims were not targeted but homosexual men and women. Islam hates gays and wants them dead, and this is a fact that the liberal alliance of homosexualists, Democrats and the media have simply not said out loud.

Well, now they have to.

The liberal alliance may finally have to come out and say for the whole world to hear what should be blindingly obvious to the whole world: Islam hates gays and wants them dead.

But that admission will cost the liberal alliance. For all their common cause with wanting to undermine or even eradicate Catholicism, the Church does share some core principles with Islam regarding morality. Pope John Paul II was able to use those shared beliefs about sexual morality in the U.N. Cairo Conference back in the 1990s to fend off an attempt by Western nations to embrace abortion and contraception as human rights. By working with various Islamic nations, the Church was able to beat back the initiative.

This move by the Vatican angered many Western powers who want to push sexual immorality, and the Church came into sharp focus as a threat to their new world order. So the liberal alliance of gays, news media, politicians, Hollywood, all banded together and began their relentless pounding of the Church. To the extent that Islam could be conscripted, even indirectly, all the better.

Up until Orlando, the strange alliance between gays and gay-hating Islam was able to hold. Now, it’s over — or, at least, it should be. What remains to be seen is how this will be handled or massaged in the media. Will the Muslim killer be painted as a lone extremist who does not represent “peaceful” Islam? Will media reports devolve into story after story about the need for gun control? Will the murderous action be whitewashed as an act against “Americans” and “our way of life” instead of the full-on truth that Islam hates gays and wants them dead?

Now that Islam has broken ranks with the liberal alliance by attacking a key component of it in the homosexual ideology, what remains to be seen is which enemy will the liberal alliance choose to attack more: Islam or the Catholic Church? Since Satan is behind the liberal alliance, the homosexual ideology and Islam, it’s pretty certain the Church will be the one continuing being attacked once this has all receded from the headlines.

The liberal alliance will move on with business as usual.

RELATED ARTICLE: K-12 Gender Identity Standards Surprise Some Washington Parents

The Obscene Narrative: ACLU Staff Attorney blames ‘Christian right,’ GOP for Orlando massacre

“You know what is gross — your thoughts and prayers and Islamophobia after you created this anti-queer climate,” ACLU staff attorney Chase Strangio tweeted on Sunday morning. Does the illustrious Strangio actually believe that Omar Mateen was incited to commit mass murder in the gay nightclub in Orlando by an “anti-queer climate” created by Christian conservatives? He probably does, since, as a Leftist, he knows that non-Muslims are always and everywhere to blame for atrocities that Muslims commit.

Chase Strangio

Chase Strangio

“ACLU lawyers blame ‘Christian right,’ GOP for Orlando terrorist attack,” by Joel Gehrke, Washington Examiner, June 12, 2016:

Christian conservatives are responsible for the mass shooting at a gay bar in Orlando because they “created this anti-queer climate,” according to American Civil Liberties Union attorneys.

“You know what is gross — your thoughts and prayers and Islamophobia after you created this anti-queer climate,” ACLU staff attorney Chase Strangio tweeted on Sunday morning.

About 50 people were killed last night by Omar Mateen, a U.S. citizen born to Afghan parents suspected to have “leanings toward extreme Islamic ideologies.” The FBI is investigating the attack as a “domestic terror incident.”

But Strangio — who “spend[s his] life fighting Christian homophobia while being loved & supported by [his] Muslim family” — and his colleagues connected the shooting back to Christians and Republican politicians who oppose gay marriage. “The Christian Right has introduced 200 anti-LGBT bills in the last six months and people blaming Islam for this,” Strangio tweeted. “No.”

Another ACLU attorney who specializes in religious liberty issues scolded Republican lawmakers who tweeted out their condolences. “Remember when you co-sponsored extreme, anti-LGBT First Amendment Defense Act?” the ACLU’s Eunice Rho tweetedat Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., and other Republicans,

House Speaker Paul Ryan was careful not to jump to conclusions about the attacker on Sunday morning. “We pray for those brutally attacked in Orlando,” Ryan tweeted. “While we must learn more about the attacker, the victims & families will not be forgotten.”…


Trump: Obama should resign, Hillary withdraw over refusal to say “Radical Islam”

Facebook removes SIOA page; Reddit bans users who say Orlando jihadi was Muslim

Donald J. Trump: On Terrorism, Immigration and National Security [Video]

Donald J. Trump gave a major national security speech at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire on June 13, 2016 one day after the massacre in Florida by Omar Mateen, a Muslim who pledged allegiance to the Islamic State.

David Horowitz characterized Trump’s speech as follows:

Donald Trump’s speech on national security, which he delivered the day after the terrorist attack in Orlando, Florida, will change the dynamic of this election.

The speech was specific, detailed, and on the money. Trump showed how strategic securing the border is, how important stopping immigration from terror zones like Syria is, and how deadly political correctness has become.

Political correctness – which transforms the Islamic world, which has a lot to answer for, from aggressors into innocent victims – functions as a shield for Islamic terrorists, and handcuffs law-abiding citizens prompting them not to report suspicious activities by Muslims for fear of being called racist.

Read more.

Watch Donald J. Trump’s speech:


Thank you for joining me today.

This was going to be a speech on Hillary Clinton and how bad a President, especially in these times of Radical Islamic Terrorism, she would be.

Even her former Secret Service Agent, who has seen her under pressure and in times of stress, has stated that she lacks the temperament and integrity to be president.

There will be plenty of opportunity to discuss these important issues at a later time, and I will deliver that speech soon.

But today there is only one thing to discuss: the growing threat of terrorism inside of our borders.

The attack on the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida, was the worst terrorist strike on our soil since September 11th, and the worst mass shooting in our country’s history.

So many people dead, so many people gravely injured, so much carnage, such a disgrace.

The horror is beyond description.

The families of these wonderful people are totally devastated. Likewise, our whole nation, and indeed the whole world, is devastated.

We express our deepest sympathies to the victims, the wounded, and their families.

We mourn, as one people, for our nation’s loss – and pledge our support to any and all who need it.

I would like to ask now that we all observe a moment of silence for the victims of the attack.


Our nation stands together in solidarity with the members of Orlando’s LGBT Community.

This is a very dark moment in America’s history.

A radical Islamic terrorist targeted the nightclub not only because he wanted to kill Americans, but in order to execute gay and lesbian citizens because of their sexual orientation.

It is a strike at the heart and soul of who we are as a nation.

It is an assault on the ability of free people to live their lives, love who they want and express their identity.

It is an attack on the right of every single American to live in peace and safety in their own country.

We need to respond to this attack on America as one united people – with force, purpose and determination.

But the current politically correct response cripples our ability to talk and think and act clearly.

If we don’t get tough, and we don’t get smart – and fast – we’re not going to have a country anymore — there will be nothing left.

The killer, whose name I will not use, or ever say, was born to Afghan parents who immigrated to the United States. His father published support for the Afghan Taliban, a regime which murders those who don’t share its radical views. The father even said he was running for President of that country.

The bottom line is that the only reason the killer was in America in the first place was because we allowed his family to come here.

That is a fact, and it’s a fact we need to talk about.

We have a dysfunctional immigration system which does not permit us to know who we let into our country, and it does not permit us to protect our citizens.

We have an incompetent administration, and if I am not elected President, that will not change over the next four years — but it must change, and it must change now.

With fifty people dead, and dozens more wounded, we cannot afford to talk around the issue anymore — we have to address it head on.

I called for a ban after San Bernardino, and was met with great scorn and anger but now, many are saying I was right to do so — and although the pause is temporary, we must find out what is going on. The ban will be lifted when we as a nation are in a position to properly and perfectly screen those people coming into our country.

The immigration laws of the United States give the President the power to suspend entry into the country of any class of persons that the President deems detrimental to the interests or security of the United States, as he deems appropriate.

I will use this power to protect the American people. When I am elected, I will suspend immigration from areas of the world when there is a proven history of terrorism against the United States, Europe or our allies, until we understand how to end these threats.

After a full, impartial and long overdue security assessment, we will develop a responsible immigration policy that serves the interests and values of America.

We cannot continue to allow thousands upon thousands of people to pour into our country, many of whom have the same thought process as this savage killer.

Many of the principles of Radical Islam are incompatible with Western values and institutions.

Radical Islam is anti-woman, anti-gay and anti-American.

I refuse to allow America to become a place where gay people, Christian people, and Jewish people, are the targets of persecution and intimidation by Radical Islamic preachers of hate and violence.

It’s not just a national security issue. It is a quality of life issue.

If we want to protect the quality of life for all Americans – women and children, gay and straight, Jews and Christians and all people – then we need to tell the truth about Radical Islam.

We need to tell the truth, also, about how Radical Islam is coming to our shores.

We are importing Radical Islamic Terrorism into the West through a failed immigration system — and through an intelligence community held back by our president.

Even our own FBI Director has admitted that we cannot effectively check the backgrounds of the people we are letting into America.

All of the September 11th hijackers were issued visas.

Large numbers of Somali refugees in Minnesota have tried to join ISIS.

The Boston Bombers came here through political asylum.

The male shooter in San Bernardino – again, whose name I won’t mention — was the child of immigrants from Pakistan, and he brought his wife – the other terrorist – from Saudi Arabia, through another one of our easily exploited visa programs.

Immigration from Afghanistan into the United States has increased nearly five-fold in just one year. According to Pew Research, 99% of people in Afghanistan support oppressive Sharia Law.

We admit many more from other countries in the region who share these same oppressive views.

If we want to remain a free and open society, then we have to control our borders.

Yet, Hillary Clinton – for months and despite so many attacks – repeatedly refused to even say the words “radical Islam,” until I challenged her yesterday to say the words or leave the race.

However, Hillary Clinton – who has been forced to say the words today after policies she supports have caused us so much damage – still has no clue what Radical Islam is, and won’t speak honestly about what it is.

She is in total denial, and her continuing reluctance to ever name the enemy broadcasts weakness across the world.

In fact, just a few weeks before the San Bernardino slaughter, Hillary Clinton explained her refusal to say the words Radical Islam. Here is what she said: “Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people, and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.”

Hillary Clinton says the solution is to ban guns. They tried that in France, which has among the toughest gun laws in the world, and 130 were brutally murdered by Islamic terrorists in cold blood. Her plan is to disarm law-abiding Americans, abolishing the 2nd amendment, and leaving only the bad guys and terrorists with guns. She wants to take away Americans’ guns, then admit the very people who want to slaughter us.

I will be meeting with the NRA, which has given me their earliest endorsement in a Presidential race, to discuss how to ensure Americans have the means to protect themselves in this age of terror.

The bottom line is that Hillary supports the policies that bring the threat of Radical Islam into America, and allow it to grow overseas.

In fact, Hillary Clinton’s catastrophic immigration plan will bring vastly more Radical Islamic immigration into this country, threatening not only our security but our way of life.

When it comes to Radical Islamic terrorism, ignorance is not bliss – it’s deadly.

The Obama Administration, with the support of Hillary Clinton and others, has also damaged our security by restraining our intelligence-gathering and failing to support law enforcement. They have put political correctness above common sense, above your safety, and above all else.

I refuse to be politically correct.

I will do the right thing–I want to straighten things out and to Make America Great Again.

The days of deadly ignorance will end, and they will end soon.

As President I will give our intelligence community, law enforcement and military the tools they need to prevent terrorist attacks.

We need an intelligence-gathering system second to none. That includes better cooperation between state, local and federal officials – and with our allies.

I will have an Attorney General, a Director of National Intelligence, and a Secretary of Defense who will know how to fight the war on Radical Islamic Terrorism – and who will have the support they require to get the job done.

We also must ensure the American people are provided the information they need to understand the threat.

The Senate Subcommittee on Immigration has already identified hundreds of immigrants charged with terrorist activities inside the United States since September 11th.

Nearly a year ago, the Senate Subcommittee asked President Obama’s Departments of Justice, State and Homeland Security to provide the immigration history of all terrorists inside the United States.

These Departments refused to comply.

President Obama must release the full and complete immigration histories of all individuals implicated in terrorist activity of any kind since 9/11.

The public has a right to know how these people got here.

We have to screen applicants to know whether they are affiliated with, or support, radical groups and beliefs.

We have to control the amount of future immigration into this country to prevent large pockets of radicalization from forming inside America.

Even a single individual can be devastating, just look at what happened in Orlando. Can you imagine large groups?

Truly, our President doesn’t know what he is doing. He has failed us, and failed us badly, and under his leadership, this situation will not get any better — it will only get worse.

Each year, the United States permanently admits more than 100,000 immigrants from the Middle East, and many more from Muslim countries outside the Middle East. Our government has been admitting ever-growing numbers, year after year, without any effective plan for our security.

In fact, Clinton’s State Department was in charge of the admissions process for people applying to enter from overseas.

Having learned nothing from these attacks, she now plans to massively increase admissions without a screening plan, including a 500% increase in Syrian refugees.

This could be a better, bigger version of the legendary Trojan Horse.

We can’t let this happen.

Altogether, under the Clinton plan, you’d be admitting hundreds of thousands of refugees from the Middle East with no system to vet them, or to prevent the radicalization of their children.

The burden is on Hillary Clinton to tell us why she believes immigration from these dangerous countries should be increased without any effective system to screen who we are bringing in.

The burden is on Hillary Clinton to tell us why we should admit anyone into our country who supports violence of any kind against gay and lesbian Americans.

The burden is also on Hillary Clinton to tell us how she will pay for it. Her plan will cost Americans hundreds of billions of dollars long-term.

Wouldn’t this money be better spent on rebuilding America for our current population, including the many poor people already living here?

We have to stop the tremendous flow of Syrian refugees into the United States – we don’t know who they are, they have no documentation, and we don’t know what they’re planning.

What I want is common sense. I want a mainstream immigration policy that promotes American values.

That is the choice I put before the American people: a mainstream immigration policy designed to benefit America, or Hillary Clinton’s radical immigration policy designed to benefit politically-correct special interests.

We’ve got to get smart, and tough, and vigilant, and we’ve got to do it now, because later is too late.

Ask yourself, who is really the friend of women and the LGBT community, Donald Trump with his actions, or Hillary Clinton with her words? Clinton wants to allow Radical Islamic terrorists to pour into our country—they enslave women, and murder gays.

I don’t want them in our country.

The terrorist attack on the Pulse Night Club demands a full and complete investigation into every aspect of the assault.

In San Bernardino, as an example, people knew what was going on, but they used the excuse of racial profiling for not reporting it.

We need to know what the killer discussed with his relatives, parents, friends and associates.

We need to know if he was affiliated with any radical Mosques or radical activists and what, if any, is their immigration status.

We need to know if he travelled anywhere, and who he travelled with.

We need to make sure every single last person involved in this plan – including anyone who knew something but didn’t tell us – is brought to justice.

If it can be proven that somebody had information about any attack, and did not give this information to authorities, they must serve prison time .

America must do more – much more – to protect its citizens, especially people who are potential victims of crimes based on their backgrounds or sexual orientations.

It also means we must change our foreign policy.

The decision to overthrow the regime in Libya, then pushing for the overthrow of the regime in Syria, among other things, without plans for the day after, have created space for ISIS to expand and grow.

These actions, along with our disastrous Iran deal, have also reduced our ability to work in partnership with our Muslim allies in the region.

That is why our new goal must be to defeat Islamic terrorism, not nation-building.

For instance, the last major NATO mission was Hillary Clinton’s war in Libya. That mission helped unleash ISIS on a new continent.

I’ve said NATO needs to change its focus to stopping terrorism. Since I’ve raised that criticism, NATO has since announced a new initiative focused on just that.

America must unite the whole civilized world in the fight against Islamic terrorism, just like we did against communism in the Cold War.

We’ve tried it President Obama’s way. He gave the world his apology tour, we got ISIS, and many other problems, in return.

I’d like to conclude my remarks today by again expressing our solidarity with the people of Orlando who have come under attack.

When I am President, I pledge to protect and defend all Americans who live inside of our borders. Wherever they come from, wherever they were born, all Americans living here and following our laws will be protected.

America will be a tolerant and open society.

America will also be a safe society.

We will protect our borders at home.

We will defeat ISIS overseas.

We will ensure every parent can raise their children in peace and safety.

We will make America rich again.

We will make America safe again.

We will make American Great Again.

Thank you.

The media talks about “homegrown,” terrorism, but Islamic radicalism, and the networks that nurture it, are imports from overseas.

Yes, there are many radicalized people already inside our country as a result of the poor policies of the past. But the whole point is that it will be much, much easier to deal with our current problem if we don’t keep on bringing in people who add to the problem.

For instance, the controversial Mosque attended by the Boston Bombers had as its founder an immigrant from overseas charged in an assassination plot.

This shooter in Orlando was the child of an immigrant father who supported one of the most repressive regimes on Earth. Why would we admit people who support violent hatred?

Hillary Clinton can never claim to be a friend of the gay community as long as she continues to support immigration policies that bring Islamic extremists to our country who suppress women, gays and anyone who doesn’t share their views.

She can’t have it both ways. She can’t claim to be supportive of these communities while trying to increase the number of people coming in who want to oppress them.

How does this kind of immigration make our life better? How does this kind of immigration make our country better?

Why does Hillary Clinton want to bring people here—in vast numbers—who reject our values?

Immigration is a privilege, and we should not let anyone into this country who doesn’t support our communities – all of our communities.

America has already admitted four times more immigrants than any country on earth, and we continue to admit millions more with no real checks or scrutiny.

Not surprisingly, wages for our workers haven’t budged in many years.

So whether it’s matter of national security, or financial security, we can’t afford to keep on going like this. We owe $19 trillion in debt, and no longer have options.

All our communities, from all backgrounds, are ready for some relief. This is not an act of offense against anyone; it is an act of defense.

I want us all to work together, including in partnership with our Muslim communities. But Muslim communities must cooperate with law enforcement and turn in the people who they know are bad – and they do know where they are.

I want to fix our schools, roads, bridges and job market. I want every American to succeed. Hillary Clinton wants to empty out the Treasury to bring people into the country that include individuals who preach hate against our own citizens.

I want to protect our citizens – all of our citizens.


Trump and Democratic Political Incorrectness

Horowitz: Donald Trump’s Speech Is a Game Changer

4 Reasons Why We Need Another 9/11 Commission After Orlando

What If the Orlando Murderer Was a Christian?

Planned Parenthood, Leader in Violence Against Humans, Defends Islamic Terrorism

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of Donald Trump on cover of his new book ‘Crippled America.’