U.S. State Department: We will reach 10,000 Syrian Muslim migrant goal in September

CNS News reporter Patrick Goodenough is staying on top of the numbers coming out of the US State Department and has the latest count today.  Thanks to reader ‘heymister24’ for letting us know about the up-to-the-minute numbers.

(CNSNews.com) – The State Department is committed to meeting President Obama’s goal of admitting 10,000 Syrian refugees into the United States this fiscal year, and expects the numbers to “increase exponentially” over the summer, a spokesman said Tuesday.

With four months left in FY2016, the administration has admitted 3,566 Syrian refugees as of Tuesday – or 35.6 percent of the 10,000 target number.

Read it all and see their very informative graph which tells us that in the first 7 days of June:

Of the 761 admitted since the beginning of June, none are Christians. The 761 refugees comprise 759 Sunnis, and two other Muslims.

Remember readers that September 30th is not the end of it. All of those new resettlement sites we have been writing about (Reno, NV, Missoula, MT, Rutland, VT etc.), will get their Syrians next year.  Obama has one more shot at ‘determining’ who comes to the US and how many (for FY2017) just as he is leaving office and he has already said the numbers will be much greater than this year. Could a newly elected President in November, put a halt to the flow in January—YES! But, you can be sure Hillary won’t!

Other articles by Patrick Goodenough are here.

See the graph (Obama is saving Sunni Muslims as a first priority):



Arrests Show Jihadists Infiltrating Syrian Refugees

Alabama county eyed for federal camp to house unaccompanied alien children

Last week’s Islamic terror bust in Germany did involve refugees

Ten things your town needs to know as it is targeted for refugee resettlement

Muslim migrants burn down asylum center

The ‘religion of peace’ strikes again!

We just reported last night that an Islamic terror plot targeted at the German city of Düsseldorf had been thwarted and now here is news that squabbles over a Ramadan wake-up call caused one group of Muslim ‘asylum seekers’ to go on a rampage against another group of Muslims burning down their asylum shelter in their rage.

Ahhhh!  The joys of forced multiculturalism.  It is so beautiful to behold.

From Breitbart:

A massive fire at Düsseldorf’s major international trade fair grounds yesterday has been followed by reports that the blaze was set deliberately by migrants who were angry because of Ramadan.

Officially, some 160 migrants were resident at hall 18 of the Messe Düsseldorf conference centre, but it was a facility plagued by racial conflict which had seen violence spark before. Düsseldorf’s Express newspaper reports these conflicts were not between European German staff and their guests, but between the predominantly Arab residents, and a minority of Afghans who sided with the security staff running the facility — who were mainly Iranian.

According to the testimony of “several burly Moroccan refugees” which the paper had spoken to even as the hall burnt down, the Iranians employed by the German state to look after other migrants from around the world had “deliberately” not woken the Arabs up in time for their Ramadan breakfast following a long run dispute.

Just three weeks ago there had been another, much smaller fire at the exhibition centre as a migrant set fire to his mattress in protest against the accommodation.

Continue reading here and learn how the centuries old religious wars of the Middle East are now being replayed in Europe.

No Bible reading allowed in ‘refugee’ housing either!

All of our ‘Invasion of Europe’ news is archived here.


Alabama county eyed for federal camp to house unaccompanied alien children

Last week’s Islamic terror bust in Germany did involve refugees

Ten things your town needs to know as it is targeted for refugee resettlement

The United Nations fails History 101

Was anybody really surprised when the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (“UNESCO”) adopted a resolution disparaging the Jewish connection to Jerusalem? The UN has been undermining Israel since before its infamous Zionism-is-racism resolution in 1975, and the Arab-Muslim world has spent years denying the Temple ever stood in the Jerusalem. Though Jerusalem always had Jewish inhabitants and never served as the capital of any sovereign Arab or Muslim nation, the UN’s actions have lent credence to the anti-Semitic fiction that Jews are colonial occupiers with no ancestral ties to the city or the land.

Regrettably, many Jews won’t acknowledge the UN’s duplicity because it conflicts with their progressive worldview, which replaced traditional religious belief as they drifted away from Jewish observance, history and cultural literacy. In public schools, children are taught that Franklin D. Roosevelt advocated for European Jewry during the Holocaust (he did not), and in nontraditional Hebrew Schools they are told that liberalism equals Jewish morality.

For many assimilated Jews, Israel’s history begins in 1948 and is viewed through a revisionist lens. They know little about critical chapters in Jewish history, such as the First and Second Jewish Commonwealths, the Jewish-Roman Wars, the genesis of the Diaspora, and the upheaval of the Muslim conquests. Such knowledge is crucial, however, for understanding the legal and historical underpinnings of modern Israel and for responding to anti-Israel propaganda that dominates discussion of the Mideast.

Whereas Islam and Christianity are religions that seek conversion among diverse nations and peoples, Judaism is binding only upon Jews because of common history and heritage.

Progressive antipathy for Israel arises from a refusal to acknowledge the Jewish pedigree of the lands comprising the modern state and her territories. Instead, the discussion focuses on the rights the Palestinian Arabs – people whose national existence and connection to the land are political articles of faith with little or no support in the historical record. The two-state paradigm is flawed because it presumes Palestinian Arab antecedence in an area where it never existed – as there was no ancient Palestinian culture and society.

The Jews, on the other hand, originated in the Land of Israel and have maintained a presence there since time immemorial. Those who deprecate the Jews’ historical rights define them as “just a religion” in order to undercut their national claims. Jewish identity, however, combines national and ethnic characteristics with religious belief and is inextricably tied to the land. Whereas Islam and Christianity are religions that seek conversion among diverse nations and peoples, Judaism is binding only upon Jews because of common history and heritage.

Jewish national identity was forged in the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judah, and it survived the first exile to Babylon. In contrast, there was no nation of Palestine in antiquity or at any time thereafter, and no Palestinian national identity until well after the birth of modern Israel.

The borders of the First and Second Jewish Commonwealths extended well beyond today’s Green Line, and included Judea, Samaria, and large parts of Jordan and Gaza. Knowledge of ancient Jewish geography is essential in light of the Obama administration’s efforts to define Judea and Samaria as ancestrally Arab while branding Jewish settlement there illegal.

The argument that Israeli settlements in Judea and Samaria are unlawful is a political one, not a legal one. U.S. foreign policy before Obama never presumed the settlements to be illegal, but considered them negotiable based on political and logistical concerns, not legal or historical precedent. This earlier policy vision reflected the understanding of prior administrations that Israeli land claims comported with international law. Indeed, UN Resolution 242 did not require Israel to cede all territories taken in 1967, or any at all in the absence of Arab concessions regarding secure, recognized borders.

Judea and Samaria can only be considered inherently “Palestinian” by denying Jewish history in favor of an incompatible, revisionist narrative. These territories were integral parts of ancient Israel, which actually existed, not a fabled country of Palestine, which did not. After Rome’s victory over the Kingdom of Judea in 135, the emperor Hadrian attempted to destroy Jewish national identity by exiling much (though not all) of the population, renaming the country “Syria Palaestina” after the long-gone Philistines, and making it a backwater province of the empire. When Rome disintegrated, the land fell under Byzantine influence, followed by Arab conquest, and then Ottoman control until the First World War.

The name “Palestine” comes from the artificial appellation associated with the Philistines, not from a chimerical Palestinian-Arab people that did not exist. Indeed, there were likely few if any indigenous Arab enclaves outside the Arabian Peninsula at that time (and certainly none in Judea), as the Arab conquests that expanded the borders of Islam would not begin until the seventh century. When the Ottomans were defeated in World War I, their empire was divided into mandatory protectorates, and Britain was designated custodian of the “Palestine Mandate.”

The Mandate for Palestine, which was unanimously approved by the League of Nations in 1922, contemplated a Jewish national home west of the Jordan River and an Arab entity to the east – not a Palestinian state with its capital in Jerusalem.

The Mandate for Palestine, which was unanimously approved by the League of Nations in 1922, contemplated a Jewish national home west of the Jordan River and an Arab entity to the east – not a Palestinian state with its capital in Jerusalem. When Britain created Transjordan on nearly eighty percent of the Jewish homeland pursuant to the Mandate and the Transjordan Memorandum, it arguably fulfilled the League’s intent regarding Arab sovereignty. Nevertheless, Israel agreed in 1947 to the UN’s proposed partition of the remainder, which Transjordan (now Jordan) rejected before seizing Judea, Samaria, and East Jerusalem in 1948.

Israel can claim lawful ownership of these lands today because she was acting defensively in 1967 when she ousted Jordan, an aggressor nation that had taken them by belligerent conquest. Although detractors often cite the Law of Belligerent Occupation and the Fourth Geneva Convention to accuse Israel of unlawful occupation, these standards only apply to sovereign territories seized by belligerent conquerors. They do not apply to Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem because, among other things, they were not recognized sovereign territories when Jordan seized them illegally or when Israel subsequently liberated them.

Under prevailing legal standards, moreover, Jordan’s illegitimate occupation could never give rise to lawful ownership. Thus, when Jordan transferred its putative land rights to the Palestinian Arabs at the beginning of the Oslo Process, it actually possessed no lawful title to convey. The Palestinians therefore cannot rely on derivative Jordanian rights to claim legal interest superior to Israel’s. Nor can they establish more valid chronologic claims given the more than 3,000-year history of indigenous Jewish presence that long predated the Roman, Arab and Ottoman conquests.

When Jordan first seized Judea, Samaria and the Old City, it expelled the Jewish inhabitants and destroyed their synagogues, shrines and holy sites. Until Jordan’s illegal annexation, Jews had lived in Jerusalem, Hevron, the Etzion region, and throughout Judea and Samaria since ancient times. Because Jordan’s land grab violated international law, Israel’s capture of Judea and Samaria in 1967 effectuated liberation from foreign occupation; and Israeli settlements thereafter constituted repatriation to Jewish land.

History, however, is lost on those whose political agenda elevates the revisionist Palestinian Arab narrative and impugns Israel’s national integrity. Although useful idiots on the left pontificate that Palestinian culture is rooted in history and that Jerusalem is Islam’s third holiest city, neither claim withstands critical scrutiny.

There is overwhelming archaeological, literary, and linguistic evidence confirming the continuous presence of Jews in Israel for millennia, including, the ruins of ancient Jewish dwellings, synagogues, and mikvas; treasure troves of ritual objects, artifacts and writings (e.g., the Dead Sea Scrolls); and Hebrew inscriptions aplenty. There are also living landmarks, like the Temple Mount, the Kotel, and the ancient Jewish town of Peqi’in. In contrast, there is no evidence of an ancient Palestinian presence as identified by language, literature, culture, social institutions or archaeological footprint. Today’s Arab population is largely descended from itinerant latecomers attracted by Jewish-created economic opportunities.

The UN embraces the myth that Jerusalem is integral to Islam, but this is a political contrivance not found in Muslim scripture. Indeed, the Quran does not mention the ancient Jewish capital at all, whereas the Tanach contains more than eight-hundred specific references to Jerusalem or Zion. The Dome of the Rock was not built over Judaism’s holiest site because it had any significance in Islamic tradition, but rather to show that the Jews were subjugated and regarded as dhimmi in their homeland. This same doctrinal motivation compels modern jihadists to assert religious supremacy by building mosques over the destroyed sacred places of the vanquished.

The Islamic world sacralized Jerusalem only when the Jews reasserted dominion and control over their ancestral capital. But this claim is political and apocryphal, not scriptural or historical.

Unfortunately, anti-Israel revisionism has been repeated so often that it is believed by those who don’t know any better, and has become dogma in progressive society where political correctness inhibits any challenge. Jews who accept such myths without question are subverting Jewish national claims and sowing the seeds of their own cultural destruction.

Though truth is often said to be a silent casualty of war, its loss has perhaps the loudest and most enduring impact.

EDITORS NOTE: This op-ed column originally appeared in Arutz Sheva.

The Islamic State Made $2.4 Billion Last Year — Stronger than ever!

The Islamic State has diversified its income streams by increasing taxes and does not look like it will collapse soon, according to analysts.

The Islamic State made $2.4 billion in 2015, making it the richest terrorist group in the world by a substantial margin, according to the Center for the Analysis of Terrorism as reported by The Economic Times reported.

Despite losing territory and suffering airstrikes against its oil refineries, the group maintained income by increasing taxes on the estimated eight million people under its control from $360 million to $800 million in 2015. The Islamic State’s income for 2015 was $500 million less than its income the previous year.

The report’s authors concluded that “ISIS’s military defeat is not imminent … as things stand, ISIS economic collapse remains some way off in the mid-term.”

The Islamic State continues to brutally assert dominance over its dominion. On Thursday, 19 Yazidi girls were publicly burned alive in iron cages in Mosul, according to ARA News. “They were punished for refusing to have sex with ISIS militants,” local media activist Abdullah al-Malla told ARA News.

Nor are the Islamic State’s activities limited to the territories it controls in Syria and Iraq.

An alleged sleeper cell consisting of four Syrian men planning terrorist attacks in Dusseldorf was arrested on Thursday. One of the men had turned himself into authorities in Paris on February 1 and provided evidence against his fellow conspirators. It took German police four months to gather enough evidence to arrest the other three.

One of the suspects had filed for asylum. But the head of the German Police Trade Union has said that to run background checks on all refugees entering Germany would be unaffordable and that such a policy is too late.

“It would have been useful in the second half of last year to create conditions for background checks on all people who came to us, in fact, before they traveled [to Germany]. But that is past history now, as we cannot afford it,” he said, according to Russia Today.

At the moment the German Justice Ministry is investigating 180 terror suspects who have either returned from or have links to Syria.

For more information about the Islamic State, see Clarion Project’s Special Report: The Islamic State (ISIS, ISIL) 


Wife of Anti-Islamist Police Chief Murdered in Bangladesh

How Did A Jihadist With a 4-Year Old Get From Syria to Sweden?

ISIS: Don’t Watch TV! It’s ‘Haram’

Paranoid and Losing, ISIS Could Get Even More Brutal

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of The Islamic State’s gold dinar.

Dalai Lama: Germany must not become an Arab country

He gets it!

These Buddhists are smarter and braver than your average Christian or Jew.  We saw that in Burma where the Buddhist monks had the courage to carry protest banners opposing Islam and the arrival of the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) in Burma.


Buddhist monks protesting in Burma.

Now here is arguably the most important Buddhist world leader, the Dalai Lama saying Germany must take in fewer Muslim migrants and only keep them temporarily.

I saw this news last week and tweeted it, but since I’ve been away more of you have sent me the story so I thought I better post it.

From Breitbart:

The Dalai Lama has said there are too many migrants pouring into Europe, warning against the continent becoming Arabised, and claiming the solution is the eventual repatriation of migrants.

Agence France-Presse has reported that the leader of Tibetan Buddhism said: “When we look at the face of each refugee, but especially those of the children and women, we feel their suffering, and a human being who has a better situation in life has the responsibility to help them.

Dalai Lama book

“But on the other hand, there are too many at the moment… Europe, Germany in particular, cannot become an Arab country, Germany is Germany”.

“There are so many that in practice it becomes difficult.”
The Dalai Lama added that “from a moral point of view too, I think that the refugees should only be admitted temporarily”.

“The goal should be that they return and help rebuild their countries.”

Continue reading here.

On this last point, we agree completely especially for the US.  Many people, when they first learn about the refugee program for their towns and cities, think it is a temporary arrangement.  It is not!

See our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ series by clicking here.


Obama’s Real Legacy on Immigration Enforcement

DOJ Wants to Hide the Names of Illegal Aliens Granted Amnesty

Obama adding “bandwidth” to refugee admissions program (or big embarrassment at UN in September!)

Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) a longtime supporter of refugee resettlement is shocked! What no Christians!

No break for NH as feds approve just short of 500 new refugees for the state

PSU Students Happily Support Hamas a U.S. Designated Terrorist Organization

Ami Horowitz went undercover at Portland State University to see just how deep anti-Israeli sentiments ran. Posing as a representative of American Friends of Hamas, Horowitz asked students to donate towards attacks on Israeli schools and cafes. Horowitz ended up getting donation pledges from a majority of the students he stopped.

This video sent out by Christians United For Israel sent shock waves through the pro-Israel community in America and made headlines across Israel. It exposed the horrifying hatred for Israel that has become commonplace on our university and college campuses. The minds of the next generation are being poisoned with a level of anti-Semitism, disguised as anti-Zionism, that hasn’t been seen since the Holocaust.


Christians United for Israel on Campus (CUFI) has quickly become one of the leading pro-Israel campus organizations in America.  We have:

  • Chapters on 142 campuses.
  • Trained activists on an additional 148 campuses.
  • An average of 75 pro-Israel events every semester.

CUFI is making tremendous progress in the fight for Israel, but there’s clearly much more to do. We need your help. Please help us grow CUFI on Campus to push back against this tidal wave of hate and ignorance. The future of the U.S.-Israel relationship depends on winning the battle on campus today.

cufi photo montage

Muslim captured illegally crossing U.S. Southern border tied to Taliban

“Homeland Security officials said that man, who is currently in custody, had been ‘involved in a plot to conduct an attack in the U.S. and/or Canada.’” But remember: preventing people from entering the country illegally is un-American!


“Afghan man captured coming over southern U.S. border had ties to Taliban: report,” by Christopher Brennan, New York Daily News, June 3, 2016 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

An Afghani man captured after crossing the U.S. border illegally has links to the Taliban, according a report.

The man was taken from the Middle East to a smuggling network based in Brazil before being taken up through Mexico and getting caught by Border Patrol 15 miles into Arizona, documents given to The Washington Times by Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) said.

Homeland Security officials said that man, who is currently in custody, had been “involved in a plot to conduct an attack in the U.S. and/or Canada.”

Hunter, who is most well known for “vaping” in Congress, has sent a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson declaring his displeasure that the man’s terrorist connections were not initially found.

In November, shortly after the man and five Pakistanis were arrested, security screeners told KSAZ that “record checks revealed no derogatory information about the individuals.”

Hunter’s documents reportedly revealed that the FBI’s Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment listed the Afghan man as having suspect ties.

The incident led to an investigation by the Arizona Attorney General’s Office, which issued a report about possible smuggling routes from the Middle East to Mexico in March.

The report, obtained by KPNX, said that smugglers in Mexico had received dozens of money transfers from the Middle East or from people with Middle Eastern names….


Germany: Church holds Muslim funeral for slain Islamic State jihadi

1930’s Iran: “Moth-eaten mullahs”

Homosexuality clearly a factor in Catholic priest abuse of little boys

NEW YORK, New York /LifeSiteNews.com – A leading authority on the clerical sex abuse crisis has criticized those who conclude that new data has ruled out homosexuality as a significant cause in the scandal – even though the vast majority of priest abuse was perpetrated against adolescent males.

Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons, a top psychiatrist and expert in handling sexually abusive priests, says criminologists “crossed a line” by pronouncing on the psychological causes behind the data released May 18.

“Analysis of the research demonstrates clearly that the major cause of the crisis was the homosexual abuse of males,” said Fitzgibbons in an interview with the Catholic News Agency.

The new study, conducted by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice and commissioned by the U.S. Bishops, shows that nearly 80 percent of victims were post-pubescent and adolescent males. However, the study concludes that available data “do not support the hypothesis that priests with a homosexual identity … are significantly more likely to sexually abuse.”

The report marks the third such effort by U.S. Bishops to address the causes and manifestations of the clerical sex abuse scandal since it first erupted publicly in 2002.

The data also shows that less than 5 percent of abuse involved prepubescent children, contravening rumor that the scandal largely manifested as acts of pedophilia. But homosexuality, according to Fitzgibbons, was clearly the primary sexual aberration driving the bulk of abuse.

“One can conclude that these priests have strong same-sex attraction,” said Fitzgibbons. “When an adult is involved with homosexual behavior with an adolescent male, he clearly has a major problem in the area of homosexuality.”

The psychologist said that, while the college has done good work collecting data, criminologists “lack the professional expertise to comment on causes of sexual abuse.”

“If the (U.S. bishops) conference wanted an analysis of the causes of complex sexual behavior with adolescents, don’t turn to criminologists,” said Fitzgibbons. “They are not trained to understand those causes – that training is given to mental health professionals.”

Read the full CNA report here.

See Scandal Time (continued) by Fr. Richard John Neuhaus


Government report: Homosexual lifestyle extremely violent

New York: Timothy Cardinal Dolan’s Homosexual Sex Scandal

“Gender-neutral” Bathrooms, the Mixed-up Kid and Homosexual Dad

Vicar shouted ‘I’m from the Vatican, you’re f*****’ as he lashed out at police after nightclub booze binge

Sweden took in 162,000 Muslim migrants in 2015 — 494 got jobs

“Fight those who do not believe in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, even if they are of the People of the Book, until they pay the jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued” (Qur’an 9:29).

margaret murders in sweden by a muslim

In lieu of the jizya, there is welfare. It is the duty of the Infidels to pay for the upkeep of Muslims, as that Qur’an verse makes clear. UK jhadist Anjem Choudary said in February 2013:

“We are on Jihad Seekers Allowance, We take the Jizya (protection money paid to Muslims by non-Muslims) which is ours anyway. The normal situation is to take money from the Kafir (non-Muslim), isn’t it? So this is normal situation. They give us the money. You work, give us the money. Allah Akbar, we take the money. Hopefully there is no one from the DSS (Department of Social Security) listening. Ah, but you see people will say you are not working. But the normal situation is for you to take money from the Kuffar (non-Muslim) So we take Jihad Seeker’s Allowance.”

Malmo Refugees Welcome Sweden

“Sweden Took 162k Refugees Last Year, 494 Got Jobs,” by Jacob Bojesson, Daily Caller, June 1, 2016 (thanks to Steve):

Just 494 out of the 162,000 refugees who applied for asylum in Sweden in 2015 have managed to get a job, according to government figures released Tuesday.

Refugees are eligible to work while their applications are pending as long as they can show a valid identification document and haven’t been rejected for asylum in the past. A majority of asylum seekers would qualify for a work permit, but the national migration office was only capable of issuing one to one-third due to the high demand.

“There was an incredible amount of people who applied for asylum in Sweden, and for us to be able to register everyone we had to disregard certain areas, and employment was one of them,” Lisa Bergstrand, officer at the Swedish immigration office, told Swedish public broadcaster SVT. “We do what we’ve been told to do.”

Getting migrants off welfare and into the job market has been a problem for most European countries during the ongoing refugee crisis.

Germany announced reforms to its labor laws in May to make it easier for migrants to enter the job market. Migrants are exempt from minimum wage regulations and thousands of  “one-euro jobs” —  in which refugees can work for low wages of between $1.13 and $2.80 per hour — have been created.

The center-left government in Sweden has proposed a reform to asylum laws to force migrants into the work force. If an applicant can’t support himself after three years in the country, they won’t be eligible for permanent residency if the reforms pass.


Germany To Strip Job Protection From Citizens To Make Room For Refugees

San Jose: Muslim chases, tackles Trump supporter after rally, then brags on Twitter

Terror scare on UK-bound flight after Muslim passenger screams “Allahu akbar” and “Boom”

Muslim chases, tackles Trump supporter, brags about it on Twitter

According to Gateway Pundit, the attacker appears to be a Somali Muslim from Minnesota named Seyfudin Mohamud. Gateway has that, plus more photos and video, here.

Whether you love Trump or hate him, this is a destructive new feature of American politics. Trump enjoys huge popular support (whether or not it is enough to win him the Presidency), and in response the Left has grown even more thuggish and authoritarian than it already was. Their attack against Trump and those who support him has two prongs: the media claim that his appeal reveals a broad strain of “racism” and “bigotry” among ordinary Americans, and the physical menacing of those who, despite this opprobrium heaped upon their heads, continue to support him.

Those who hate Trump, whatever their own perspectives may be, and who love a free society should be disturbed by this violence. If it continues, those who dissent from the Leftist mainstream line will not only be demonized and marginalized as spreading “hate” — that has been going on for years — but will be aware that by their dissent they are putting themselves in very real physical danger. We’re sliding toward a Leftist autocracy in which “right-wing” dissenters are defamed and brutalized. This is the biggest story of this Presidential campaign year, but the mainstream media is not only not reporting on it, it is aiding and abetting it.


Germany: Refugee background checks “unaffordable”

Sweden took in 162,000 refugees in 2015 — 494 got jobs

RELATED VIDEO: Latino for Trump confronts anti-Trump protester

Here are the still images of anti-Trump Muslim “Houdini” chasing and tacking a Trump supporter leaving the rally in San Jose, California.

ss2 ss3 ss4 ss5 ss6

Do Facebook and Twitter want foes of jihad dead?

Over at PJ Media, I discuss a new example of the double standard Twitter and Facebook employ regarding those whose views they dislike:

Obaid Karki

Obaid Karki, @stsheetrock on Twitter.

The antipathy of Twitter and Facebook to conservatives is well-established. The social media giants’ hatred presumably therefore also applies to opponents of jihad terror, who are universally classified as “right-wing,” however absurd the label.

But do Twitter and Facebook draw the line at death threats against them?

The question arises because of one Obaid Karki, @stsheetrock on Twitter, who describes himself thusly:

I Ain’t Anglosexual Liberal Hippie, Neither Wolf nor Dog, I am a coyote. A Paulite Picassoic Provocateur Constitutionalist Libertarian.

Any doubt that he is quite spectacularly insane will be removed by a perusal of one or both of his incoherent and gleefully obscene websites. Karki is engaging in some bizarre parody of a deranged imam, or perhaps he is trying to make some other kind of inscrutable humor. One of his websites is titled “Obaid Karki St.Sheetrock’s Painfulpolitics Offensive Comedy Hepcat.” The offensive comedy is there, in spades.His other site is called “Suicide Bombers Magazine”, and bears this heading: “Dislaimer: we swear on Elvis’s pickled penis that ‘non-sapient beings’ I mean animals harmed during IED kahbooom.”


But just because Karki is insane or possibly joking doesn’t mean that he can’t be dangerous — especially if he is also making specific calls for people to be murdered.

Last Saturday, he posted this:

Robert Spencer mustn’t [be] featured but lynched from his scrotum along with Zionists scumbags, Pamela Geller, Pat Condell, Daniel Pipes, Debbie Schlussel and JIHADWATCH Jackass duo Baron Bodissey & Geert Wilders for inspiring Anders Behring Breivik to [kill] innocent students in 2011.

Actually, neither Bodissey or Wilders run Jihad Watch — I do — and I didn’t inspire Breivik to do anything, but there is no arguing with a crazy person. But what is interesting about Karki’s post, aside from his loony language, is that he posted this call for me and others to be lynched on Twitter, which has a clearly stated policy against death threats.

Per “The Twitter Rules”:

Violent threats (direct or indirect): You may not make threats of violence or promote violence, including threatening or promoting terrorism.

I therefore duly reported Karki’s threat, but as of this writing, it has not been taken down (in fact, Karki has since posted it again, and has posted variants of it several times).

Maybe Twitter is just slow to deal with the large number of complaints it receives? To buy that argument, you have to buy that they have a two-year backlog.

On May 12, 2014, Karki also posted this:

Robert Spencer must be arrested and lynched along the Zionists Dumbasses Daniel Pipes, Geert Wilders and JIHADWATCH …

You can see from this 2014 Twitter exchange linked above that several people claimed they reported Karki for this threat, as did I.

Not only does Karki still have his Twitter account — while many conservatives have lost their accounts for far less — but the 2014 threat remains there.

Hold on — I misspoke above.

I meant to say you would have to buy that Twitter has a three-year backlog of death threats to police.

Here, read a Karki tweet from September 18, 2013:

Robert Spencer must be shot head not only for comparing Alnoor 24:35 to Corinthians 11:14-15 satanically but for …

So now you have an example of how Twitter responded to death threats against a political opponent.

How about Facebook?

Not only is Karki on Twitter, but he also has a Facebook page containing the same lurid and paranoid content — including the threats. He did claim he was temporarily barred this Sunday:

I am axed outta Facebook for 7 days …

… but, I just read that on his Facebook page. What exactly this axing entailed remains unclear.

At least the social media titans are consistent. The site Epoch Times reported last March:

[W]hile Twitter says it is making strong efforts to shut down terrorist accounts, activists say that not only is the microblogging company not taking down the accounts that matter, but it has even been shutting down accounts of users trying to report terrorists.

The age of Obama has featured a rapid decline in appreciation for the freedom of speech. College students and — in many, many cases — their professors routinely avow that “hate speech is not free speech.” They cannot grasp that if they get their wish allows whatever the government subjectively deems “hate speech” to be criminalized, and the foremost protection against tyranny will have been removed.

At that moment, free society literally ends….


CFR’s Max Abrahms claims Syrian jihad groups growing because they’re moderate

London, Ontario police cars marked in Arabic above Canadian flag

Sadly, Muhammad Ali was a loser

I was an amateur boxer and followed Muhammad Ali’s, formerly Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr., career very closely. Ali was simply amazing, probably the greatest fighter ever.

But as a “religious” leader, an example for others, Muhammad Ali was an abject failure.

In 1964 at 22 years old, with Malcolm X as his mentor, Ali converted from Christianity to Elijah Muhammad’s Nation of Islam and became a black racist activist.

In 1975 Ali once again converted, this time to Sunni Islam, which is the Saudi Arabian form of Islam.

Finally in 2005 Ali converts to Sufism, which is a very mystical aspect of Islam where you try to perfect yourself on earth by following the exact teachings of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad.

Notwithstanding his “goodwill trips to many countries” Muhammad Ali spent the majority of his life promoting the failed, theocratic, supremacist political system known as Islam.

It is reported that at his deathbed he believed he would be with Allah in Paradise because he did more good in his life than evil.

My question for all people to consider, as the world mourns Muhammad Ali, the greatest boxer ever:

Who is it that decides whether more good was done in a life than evil, you…or God?

EDITORS NOTE: On April 28, 1967, with the United States at war in Vietnam, Muhammad Ali refused to be inducted into the armed forces, saying “I ain’t got no quarrel with those Vietcong.” On June 20, 1967, Ali was convicted of draft evasion, sentenced to five years in prison, fined $10,000 and banned from boxing for three years.

Arabic_IslamAli stated that “Islam is not a killer religion” and “Islam means peace.”

The translation of the Arabic word Islam is “submission.” Today we see Islam in general and the Islamic State in particular as anything but peaceful.

The Nation of Islam according to Discover The Networks:

The Nation of Islam (NOI) was founded in Detroit in 1930 by Wallace Dodd Fard, an itinerant salesman. Fard’s movement was composed of  traditional Islamic teachings augmented by, and interlaced with obscure mathematical, Gnostic, and heretical accretions, including an identification of all blacks as “Asiatic.” This message resonated among American blacks who had migrated north, seeking to escape racial oppression and rural poverty.

One of Fard’s earliest converts was Elijah Poole, a grade-school dropout and alcoholic Georgian who had moved to Detroit in 1923. By 1931, Poole had become known as Elijah Muhammad, and upon Fard’s sudden and mysterious disappearance in 1934, he became head of NOI.

Elijah Muhammad moved to Washington, D.C. in 1935 and began proselytizing for NOI in different cities throughout the U.S.  He advocated the creation of a separate black nation on the U.S. mainland, separate from white society in every way — economically, politically, and spiritually.

Read more.

RELATED ARTICLE: A civil rights hero? Muhammad Ali was anything but

CENSORED: Sweden’s Migrant Rape Epidemic Video

CENSORED by Facebook: Video on Sweden’s Migrant Rape Epidemic

On Tuesday, the European Union (EU) announced a new online speech code to be enforced by four major tech companies, including Facebook and YouTube. On Wednesday, Facebook deleted the account of Ingrid Carlqvist, Gatestone Institute’s Swedish expert.

It’s no coincidence. It’s political censorship. It’s outrageous. And it’s contrary to our Western values of free speech, political freedom and the separation of mosque and state.

Facebook blackballed Ingrid because she had posted Gatestone’s latest video, called “Sweden’s Migrant Rape Epidemic,” in which Ingrid asks: Where did peaceful, low-crime Sweden go? Why does Sweden now have the second-highest number of rapes in the world, after only Lesotho?

After enormous grassroots pressure from Gatestone’s readers, the Swedish media started reporting on Facebook’s censorship. Facebook then put Ingrid’s account back up.

Facebook and the EU have backed down — for today. But they’ll be back. What should we do? There is only one thing we can do: continue to produce our well-researched reports, and even more videos!

We need to win the battle of ideas. Can you help?

Where did peaceful, low-crime Sweden go? Why does Sweden now have the second-highest number of rapes in the world, after only Lesotho? Here is Ingrid Carlqvist of is Gatestone Institute


The Face of Evil: Surveying the ISIS Killing Fields in Northern Iraq

1 Year After Steinle Death, San Francisco Unveils Immigration Policy Keeping ‘Sanctuary’ Protections

Georgia: Muslim woman in burqa attacks family with American flag


Gatestone Institute, a non-partisan, not-for-profit international policy council and think tank is dedicated to educating the public about what the mainstream media fails to report in promoting:

  • Institutions of Democracy and the Rule of Law;
  • Human Rights
  • A free and strong economy
  • A military capable of ensuring peace at home and in the free world
  • Energy independence
  • Ensuring the public stay informed of threats to our individual liberty, sovereignty and free speech.

Gatestone Institute conducts national and international conferences, briefings and events for its members and others, with world leaders, journalists and experts — analyzing, strategizing, and keeping them informed on current issues, and where possible recommending solutions.

Gatestone Institute will be publishing books, and continues to publish an online daily report, www.gatestoneinstitute.org, that features topics such as military and diplomatic threats to the United States and our allies; events in the Middle East and their possible consequences, and the transparency and accountability of international organizations.

U.S. Muslim group equates Jewish Halacha/Catholic Canon Law with Islamic Sharia Law

The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), a U.S. based Muslim organization founded in 1994, has published its 2016 Questions for Local City Council, Mayoral, State Legislative & Gubernatorial Candidates Running For Office and a Candidate for Public Office Religious Pluralism Pledge.

In a press release CAIR states:

CAIR seeks to empower the American Muslim community with its questionnaires toolkit by providing sample questions for local city council, mayoral, state legislative, gubernatorial, and congressional candidates running for office.

Candidate responses to CAIR’s election questionnaires will assist American Muslims in evaluating each candidate’s leadership criteria and their ability to unite and engage the community on policies and programs that meet Muslim needs. The questions and the issues included in the questionnaires emphasize the American Muslim community’s concerns, as well as those of its civil rights, immigrant rights and worker rights allies. [Emphasis added]

Discover the Networks reports that, “Despite its attempt to portray itself as a champion of Muslim civil rights, CAIR espouses radical views and has publicly endorsed radical militant Islamic groups around the world. According to many terrorism experts, CAIR is on the wrong side of the war on terrorism.”

The candidate questionnaire and candidate pledge are counter intuitive to those who understand Islamic (shariah) law.

David Yerushalmi in a 2008 column titled Shariah vs. Jewish Law wrote:

I have written extensively on the question of the practice or advocacy of Shariah by Shariah authorities as a violation of the primary federal sedition statute (i.e., 18 U.S.C. § 2385) on the grounds that throughout the long 1200-year history of the development of Shariah, and across all five major schools of Shariah jurisprudence, five salient facts are embedded in a deep consensus among all authoritative Shariah authorities:

[1] The telos or purpose of Shariah is submission. Shariah seeks to establish that Allah is the divine lawgiver and that no other law may properly exist but Allah’s law.

[2] Shariah seeks to achieve this goal through persuasion and other non-violent means.  But when necessary and under certain prescribed circumstances the use of force and even full-scale war to achieve the dominance of Shariah worldwide is not only permissible, but obligatory. The use of force or war is termed Jihad.

[3] The goal of Shariah is to achieve submission to Allah’s law by converting or conquering the entire world and the methodology to achieve this end (by persuasion, by force and subjugation, or by murder) is extant doctrine and valid law by virtue of a universal consensus among the authoritative Shariah scholars throughout Islamic history.

[4] The doctrine of Jihad is foundational because it is based upon explicit verses in the Qur’an and the most authentic of canonical Sunna and it is considered a cornerstone of justice: until the infidels and polytheists are converted, subjugated, or murdered, their mischief and domination will continue to harm the Muslim nation. And,

[5] Jihad is conducted primarily through kinetic warfare but it includes other modalities such as propaganda and psychological warfare.

Dr. Bill Warner, using a real life example, shows how non-Muslims react to the demands of the Sharia, in particular, what non-Muslims need to understand about how necessity can abrogate obligation in this video:

The candidate questionnaire asks:

3. Do you agree the U.S. Constitution and state laws are not threatened by citizens privately following their own religious laws, such as Jewish Halacha, Islamic Sharia or Catholic Canon Law, as long as such religious laws comply with U.S. code?

The question equates Jewish and Catholic beliefs with that of Islamic (shariah) law. But are they equal?

Once signed do these two documents require candidates for public office to submit to Islamic law?

Is signing the pledge and answering yes to all the questions in the CAIR candidate questionnaire promoting sedition?

It would appear so.


The Face of Evil: Surveying the ISIS Killing Fields in Northern Iraq

1 Year After Steinle Death, San Francisco Unveils Immigration Policy Keeping ‘Sanctuary’ Protections

Georgia: Muslim woman in burqa attacks family with American flag

RELATED VIDEO: CAIR tells Muslims to Defy Customs Agents

VIDEO: Islamic State will attack America — 100% Guaranteed!

Day of the Dead Book Two AmericaLt. Gen. Vincent Stewart, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, testified on Capitol Hill in May of 2016 that the Islamic State, “will probably attempt to conduct additional attacks in Europe, and attempt to direct attacks on the U.S. homeland in 2016.”

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper stated, “ISIS leaders are determined to strike the homeland.”

In a shocking new book Day of the Dead: Book Two – America by Dan Gordon, a Major Hollywood Award winning playwright and veteran of several military encounters with terrorists, details how such an attack will occur.

“They will use Mexican Drugs tunnels from Tijuana and the attack will most likely occur in San Diego, California,” Gordon recently told TheUnitedWest.org a counter-intelligence expert based in Florida.

“San Diego is a target rich environment and federal authorities, local law enforcement and the military will be unable and ill-equipped to respond in the timely fashion to prevent a mass casualty attack from ISIS,” Gordon stated.

The United West recommends you read Captain Gordon’s book Day of the Dead: Book Two – America


The Face of Evil: Surveying the ISIS Killing Fields in Northern Iraq

1 Year After Steinle Death, San Francisco Unveils Immigration Policy Keeping ‘Sanctuary’ Protections

Georgia: Muslim woman in burqa attacks family with American flag

Jihad leader claims Brussels, Paris jihad massacres were rehearsals for “big” attack inside U.S.

Terrorist Training Camps in the U.S. | Military.com