Bernie Sanders On BLM Founder: ‘No One Should Get Rich Enough Off Politics To Buy Multiple Homes’

MONTPELIER, VT—In an address from one of his homes, Bernie Sanders condemned BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors for getting rich off politics and buying four homes.

After it came out that the co-founder of the movement had purchased multiple large homes, Sanders quickly held a press conference condemning her “callous and unfair profiteering.”

“No one in politics should be able to profit off their followers and buy four homes,” Sanders said as he looked out at the quaint Vermont lake near one of his many, many houses. “Four homes? That’s ridiculous. Who needs four homes!? No one, that’s who. Three homes, now, fine, you might have an argument. I could see needing a home near your office, a home in your hometown, and maybe a quiet retreat up in the mountains. Near a lake perhaps. That makes sense. Any politician could use three houses. You’re practically still poor at that point.”

“But four? People who own four homes are the problem with this country.”

Sanders then said he was proposing legislation that anyone who owns four homes be banished to Toledo, Ohio for the rest of their days, while people who own just three homes have statues erected in their honor for their brave fight against capitalism and injustice.


Amazon Creates Online Looting App To Allow The Timid To Loot From Home

Man Can’t Wait To Get Vaccine So He Can Go Back To Isolating While Wearing A Mask But Now Doing So While Vaccinated

More Conservatives Deciding Not To Get Vaccinated After Learning Liberals Will Stay Away From Them

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Minneapolis City Council To Offer Looting Passports

MINNEAPOLIS, MN—The Minneapolis City Council has voted unanimously for the equitable distribution of looting passports to peaceful protestors.

“It can be confusing for citizens to know if a crime is acceptable or not based on the ebb and flow of the City Council’s agenda,” said Councilperson Maria Saliva. “With looting passports, protestors can know when it’s OK to loot stores and destroy businesses in the name of social justice.”

Looting passports could not come at a better time, as eight months have passed since looting was in vogue, and many peaceful protestors are in dire need of updated name-brand clothing and bigger TVs.

When asked whether he believed looting passports could be seen as unfairly punishing honest business owners, President Biden replied, “Well, you can’t swat a cow gator without priming the barrel bark, which gobbles up the huffles for good ol’ spazamaturble. You know?”

At press time, the City Council was discussing the logistics of distributing the passports based on a citizen’s melanin levels.

“Obviously, fighting the oppression of white supremacy and ushering in a utopia of equity for all begins with looting,” stated a council member for Minneapolis from his suburban mansion surrounded by police.


Report: Biden Infrastructure Plan Now Includes $300 Million To Bail Out Essential Looters

The Babylon Bee Presents: The Top 10 Wokest Bible Characters

‘Am I Being Detained?’ Shouts Libertarian Toddler As He’s Carried Off To Bed

Democrats: ‘Voting Needs To Be So Easy That Even The Most Uninformed Idiot Can Do It’

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Buttigieg Proposes Separate Highway Lanes For Each Race

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has proposed a novel plan for promoting equality in our nation’s highways system, which literally has racism built into its DNA. His new plan promises to even things out for people of color by giving each race their own lane.

“Each race will be asked to stay in their lane,” Buttigieg said. “The fastest lanes, of course, will go to the most oppressed races, who can’t accomplish anything without the white man’s help.”

Lanes for persons of color will be luxurious wide lanes with no speed limits and no cops, since cops are racist. Lanes for white people will be packed with traffic and terribly maintained, so basically just what they are now in Democrat cities. In fact, Buttigieg says, any roads for white people that are currently in good condition will have cracks, potholes, and other imperfections added to them to ensure equality across the board.

“Everyone will have equal roads,” Buttigieg said. “But some are more equal than others — separate but equal.”

At publishing time, Buttigieg had confirmed there would be a special lane for the unvaccinated as well.


Media Relieved To Be Covering The Good Kind Of Riots Again

‘It Is Still Not Safe To Go Outside,’ Says Fauci’s Head In A Jar In Year 2739

Good Samaritan Sees Man Being Oppressed By Police, Rushes Over To Loot A Target

Experts Are Super Smart And 100% Reliable, Experts Confirm

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Claims Anyone Can Go To A Gun Show And Buy A Nuclear Missile With No Background Check

WASHINGTON, D.C.—During a press conference today in which President Biden announced new executive action on gun control, he made an emotional plea to Americans, making his case that the action was needed.

In particular, he claimed that gun shows are “free-for-alls” where anyone can just go in and pick up a nuclear missile.

“Anybody can just walk right into a gun show and pick up an intercontinental ballistic missile, no questions asked,” Biden said. “Back in my day, we would play with nuclear missiles with the neighborhood kids. One time, we nuked this poor kid off the face of the planet. It was hilarious. You should have seen the look on his face.”

“But it’s a different time now, and nukes do not belong in the hands of civilians.” Libertarians everywhere quickly slammed Biden for this comment, pointing out that owning nuclear weapons is constitutionally protected.

Fact-checkers said they would have checked Biden’s statement, but they were all coincidentally having lunch during his press conference. They have promised to fact-check him next time.


Return To Normal: Texas Announces They Will Go Back To Shooting People Wearing Masks On The Assumption They’re Stagecoach Robbers

Ron DeSantis Dyes Hair, Gets Spray Tan In Preparation For 2024 Presidential Run

Clever Minneapolis Business Owner Disguises Store To Look Like It’s Already Been Looted

Biden Bans High-Capacity Assault Stairs

As Covid Numbers Dwindle, Desperate Fauci Begins Eating Sack Of Bats

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Google Removes Entire State Of Georgia From Google Maps

MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA—Tech giant Google announced today that they are removing the entire state of Georgia from their Google Maps platform, effective immediately. This comes in response to the state’s recent voter law that many are calling racist.

“We cannot allow these racist laws to stand,” said a spokesman from the Google Office of Diversity, Inclusion, Anti-Racism, Climate Change, Immigration Reform, and LGBTQ Affairs. “That’s why we must act quickly to get states like Georgia off the map, both literally and figuratively.”

Starting today, the state of Georgia will be replaced with a blue body of water labeled “Sea of Racism” on all Google Maps platforms. Driving directions given by the site will be altered. For example, directions from South Carolina to Florida via I-95 will state: “continue south through the stupid Sea of Racism without stopping for 112 miles.”

Google will also be updating searches for locations inside the state. A search for directions to Atlanta, GA now returns the following message. “Location not found. Would you like to travel to a Google-approved destination such as Seattle, Minneapolis, or Beijing?”

The spokesman went on to clarify that Google hasn’t completely abandoned the state. “Google will still provide one-way driving directions out of the state for anyone who currently resides in Georgia,” he noted. “Also, we will still provide directions to any out-of-state celebrities or businesses who want to donate money to the Georgia Democratic Party.”


Spirit Airlines Installs Ejection Seats For Toddlers Who Take Off Their Masks

60 Minutes Releases Exclusive Secret Photos Of Ron DeSantis Clubbing Baby Seals With Hitler

Biden To Tear Down Wall, Replace With More Compassionate ‘Rigid Vertical Border Monument’

Dr. Fauci Predicts At Least 3 More COVID Variants May Be Required To Completely Break America’s Spirit

Man Wins Game Of ‘Guess Who?’ By Having His Characters Keep Switching Genders

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Uh-Oh! Looks Like Someone Has Exceeded His Allowable Mileage For The Day!’ Says Pete Buttigieg To SUV Owner On Dashboard Display

U.S.—With Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg proposing a national tax based on how many miles you drive in your car, budget-minded drivers will be able to activate new features in their cars that will warn them when they’re about to exceed their budgeted miles for the month.

“This is a great way to keep the poors from driving too much,” said Buttigieg. “Er- I mean… to ensure social justice and equity on the roads! Yeah!”

Experts predict the proposed tax will  encourage the country bumpkins in rural areas to move to the city and become good, public transportation-using liberals.

“We don’t really know what those country folk are doing outside the city with all that driving,” said the Transportation Secretary. “Probably going to barn-raisings and corn shuckings and racist “Q” meetings and Bible studies. They don’t need all that. Bad for the environment.”

New mandates will require all cars to be equipped with Buttigieg’s special “mileage limit indicators” by 2022. Drivers will be able to insert cash or a credit card if they wish to keep driving.


The Bee Explains: Catholics Vs. Protestants

Arkansas Passes Controversial Bill To Ban Chopping Off Kids’ Legs If They Think They’re A Mermaid

Mother Who Gave Life To 3 Beautiful Children Doesn’t Wonder Whether She’s ‘As Good As A Man’

Hollywood Screenwriter Unsure How To Inject Woke Politics Into Movie About A Giant Monkey Punching A Giant Lizard

In New Sesame Street Episode, Elmo Joins Antifa And Torches Local Businesses

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Black Lives Matter Leader Smears Sh*t on Abraham Lincoln Statue

These people are evil.

Lincoln freed the slaves. The United States of America is the only country to go to war to abolish slavery.

Black Lives Matter Leader Smears Feces on Abraham Lincoln Statue

By: Grace Baker, Mar 25, 2021:

Black Lives Matter leader Terry Joe Wilson, 37, was arrested Tuesday night for vandalizing former President Abraham Lincoln’s statue in Idaho.

And no, he didn’t spray paint it. Instead, he smeared feces all over it, along with paint and signs.

RELATED ARTICLE: Vicious USA Today ‘race and inclusion’ editor FIRED for controversial tweet about Boulder shooting


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Service Stations Begin Widening Signs In Preparation For Higher Gas Prices

U.S.—Service stations across the country have begun widening their signs in preparation for higher gas prices, sources confirmed Thursday.

The wider signs allow for prices up to eight digits long, “an absolute necessity” for the Biden presidency, according to local fuel station franchise owners.

“We’re gonna need a bigger sign,” gas station owner Amir Wallenfeld said in an interview with a local news station in Los Angeles. “This should get us through the first few years of the Biden presidency, though we’re looking for a bigger one should he be reelected in 2024, should he live that long.”

“There, that oughtta do it,” he said as he updated the price of regular gasoline to $82.89. “Oh, wait, no — sorry, just got an alert on my phone.” He then climbed up and added a “1” to the front of the price. “It’s a good thing we thought ahead!”

Sources have also confirmed that the national debt clock will be widened to prepare for Biden’s coming spending policies.


‘Mr. Biden, Why Are You A Total Loser?’ Asks New White House Reporter Ronald Crump

15-Year-Old Boys’ Soccer Team Demands Equal Pay For Beating U.S. Women’s Team

Op-Ed: Women Should Be Paid The Same As Men For Playing Soccer: NOTHING.

Biden Cedes Presidency To Kamala Harris Since Women Do Everything Better Than Men

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Kamala Harris To Hold Discussion With Harvey Weinstein On Empowering Women And Girls

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Howard University has announced a very special virtual event that will be broadcast to college students this week. One of the hotly anticipated discussions will feature Kamala Harris and Harvey Weinstein as they talk about empowering women and girls.

“Listen– I like girls. All kinds of beautiful young girls– empowering them, I mean,” said Weinstein, who will be broadcasting from an upstate New York prison where he’s serving time for empowering too many girls.

Female VP Kamala Harris, who is empowered, also expressed excitement about the upcoming talk, saying: “HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! A-HEE HEE HEE!”

The conversation will last 1 hour, and then Cruella Deville and Michael Vick will hold a special live discussion on humane puppy treatment.


Planned Parenthood Launches ‘Born Lives Matter’ Campaign

Colorado Baker Faces Long Line Of People Outside Waiting To Be Oppressed By Him

New York Times Attacks Babylon Bee For Being More Accurate Than They Are

Guinness World Records Carefully Monitoring Cuomo And Whitmer For Most Seniors Killed

‘Biden Is Doing 100% Fine,’ Claims New York Times After President Trips Down Stairs, Off Cliff, Into Alligator Pit

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

WATCH: Teachers’ Union Makes A Few ‘Simple’ Demands

Our First Comedy Sketch is Live!

Mark your calendar for this historic day. The Babylon Bee is dipping its toes in sketch comedy. In our first video, watch as teachers’ union members pummel their lawyer with a few “simple” demands before they’re willing to reopen schools.

And if you are a paid Babylon Bee subscriber, you can also see the bonus extended version! Subscribe to the Bee for more premium content here.

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EDITORS NOTE: This political satire video by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

9 Disasters From History That Were Actually Motivated By White Supremacy

Every time something bad happens, we start thinking, “What was the real motivation here? Was this just a terrible tragedy, or was it really… [dramatic pause] … WHITE SUPREMACY?” The answer of course, is almost always white supremacy, but we still have to ask.

Here are nine disasters from history that were actually motivated by white supremacy:

1. The Ice Age – Evil white ice decided to dominate the globe, spreading its racist glaciers everywhere. Truly despicable.

2. The sinking of the Titanic – Just when we thought the white ice was defeated, white supremacy sunk the Titanic, killing 1,500 people.

3. That time the Starbucks barista got your order wrong – When you asked for skim milk and they gave you 2%, that was a clear example of white supremacy at work.

4. D-Day – Evil white men from America, Canada, Britain, and various other predominantly white countries attacked Germany, oppressively implying that their moral values weren’t as good as the white man’s.

5. The Eruption of Mount Vesuvius – A lot of people died, so probably white supremacy.

6. The Fukushima nuclear disaster – An anti-Asian hate crime motivated by white supremacy if ever we’ve seen one.

7. That game of Catan where your friend played as white and totally jacked Longest Road from you and hatefully colonized Catan, oppressing the natives and getting ten victory points before you. – Your orange colony of color was just minding its own business when your buddy ruthlessly oppressed you.

8. Thanos’s snap – Well, this one’s more purple supremacy, but still.

9. Anything bad that has ever happened – Finally, just to make sure we have all our bases covered, anything bad that has ever happened that we missed.

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Putin Challenges Biden To Stair-Climbing Contest

MOSCOW—Vladimir Putin has challenged Joe Biden to a contest of wits, strength, and cunning: a stair-ascending contest. The winner of the contest will gain control of the other country.

“Stair-ascending contest, me and you, right now, let’s go,” said Putin as he met with the American president. “He who wins become supreme glorious leader forever of other puny weak man.” Biden agreed to the contest, though it wasn’t clear he knew who this man was or where they were.

“3… 2… 1… climb!” shouted the referee before firing off a pistol. Biden got off to a rocky start as he was startled by the gunshot and scurried off in the wrong direction. Putin, meanwhile, just walked up the stairs. Biden started gaining on him as his handlers corralled him and pointed him in the right direction, but he kept falling over and tumbling down the stairs.

It all looked good for Russia until Putin had to stop a few times to sign execution papers for journalists who criticized him, squandering his lead.

Finally, Biden jumped in a stair lift and started to close the gap, but it was too little, too late, and Putin emerged at the top of the 30-step staircase victorious.

Well, thanks to Biden losing the stair contest, we are now part of Russia. We also just want to say that Vladimir Putin is one fine fellow and a fantastic man, and he deserved to win and we welcome him as our new leader for life.


What Gender Are You? Take The Quiz!

Exclusive: We Have Obtained A Copy Of Joe Biden’s Day Planner

9 Disasters From History That Were Actually Motivated By White Supremacy

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Suspected Of Contributing To Border Crisis By Hanging Signs Saying ‘Free Stuff, Come On In’

EL PASO, TX—Many are starting to call the migrant surge at the southern border a “crisis” as more people continue to arrive and detention centers overflow. It is currently unclear who caused this crisis, but some critics are suggesting it may have something to do with all the “Free Stuff, Come On In” signs Biden has been hanging on the side of the border wall.

“For months now, Joe Biden has been sneaking down here at night, hanging up ‘Free Stuff’ posters along the border wall,” said Amos Gutierrez, an ICE agent on the border. “I’m not saying the border surge is Biden’s fault or anything, but the signs may have something to do with it.”

Studies show that most migrants are just coming here to work hard and provide for their families, but some have shown an increase in people who are just coming here for free stuff– likely due to the signs.

“We don’t want hard-working, self-reliant people coming into the country,” said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. “We need people who are looking for free stuff so they’ll vote for us forever. Did I say that out loud? Good morning! Sunday morning!”

Biden has promised to temporarily take down the “Free Stuff” signs until the media can finish their important work of making the crisis disappear.


Migrant Child Dreams Of Someday Crossing Border To Enjoy Dr. Seuss Books, Pepe Le Pew Cartoons, Aunt Jemima Pancakes

Biden Unveils Ambitious Plan To Pay National Debt By Capturing A Leprechaun And Using His Gold

Biden Says Mask Wearing Must Continue Until Everyone Has Learned Complete Obedience To Government

Billions In Damages As Military Allows Women To Park The Tanks

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

College English Courses To Replace Study Of Shakespeare With Group Readings Of ‘Antiracist Baby’

U.S.—After an aggressive campaign from English teachers across the nation condemning William Shakespeare for “misogyny, racism, homophobia, and classism,” one local university has decided to remove Shakespeare from their English literature curriculum.

They will be replacing him with group readings of Ibram X. Kendi’s seminal masterpiece, Antiracist Baby.

“The fact that Shakespeare is considered the greatest English writer in history is beside the point,” said English Professor Crandie Xanthamum. “The important thing is that he’s problematic.”

Experts are hailing the change as “a tremendous step towards decolonizing the white whiteness of Western English” and also as a needed adjustment since Antiracist Baby is much closer to the reading level of most first-year college students today.

Students report being thrilled with the change, saying they also look forward to next year’s course in the works of Homer– which will be replaced with readings of Loryn Brantz’s Feminist Baby.


Woman Who Thought Being A Princess Was Too Hard Wants To Run For President

Terrified Biden Wanders Around The White House Wondering Where Obama Went

New M1 Abrams Tanks To Come Equipped With Changing Tables

In Edgy Grammys Performance, Fully Clothed Woman Sings Beautiful Song

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Cartels Give Biden Another ‘Human Trafficker Of The Month’ Award

WASHINGTON, D.C.—A group of cartel members presented Joe Biden with its prestigious “Human Trafficker of the Month” award today, marking the third month in a row the new president has received the award.

Democrat presidents are constant recipients of the honor, usually winning the award many dozens of times throughout their time in office, and Biden appears to be no exception so far. The award honors an individual who does a great job at ensuring that thousands more children and vulnerable Central American and Mexican residents will be smuggled across the border each and every day. The cartel cited Biden’s immigration policies and disastrous handling of the border crisis as key factors in their decision to give the award to him once again.

“El Presidente Biden es muy bueno!” said one narco as he handed Biden the plaque. “We thank you, Mr. President, for your lax border policies and promises of free money for migrants that is allowing us to smuggle them across the border in record numbers. You are truly a friend to the cartel.” The drug kingpin then pulled out his revolver and fired it into the air, a custom that represents bestowing honor and praise upon an individual in the cartel community — usually reserved for drug dealers who have an exceptionally good month.

Biden thanked them for the award and then got his phone out to play “Despacito” in their honor.

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.