How Socialism Discourages Work and Creates Poverty

Socialism diminishes people’s incentive to work to improve their circumstances by depriving them of the fruits of their effort.

Advocacy for “socialism,” which the Socialist Party USA defines as a “social and economic order in which workers and consumers control production,” has made a comeback in American politics in recent years. Public figures such as Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders sing its praises. But the truth is that socialism deeply undermines people’s ability (and motivation) to improve their own living conditions. The misery socialism has caused for millions of people refutes its promises—horrifically.

Socialism, advocates claim, will bring prosperity and better living conditions for everyone, a claim also made for communism, in which the government controls the means of production and the distribution of the results. British philosopher Bertrand Russell wrote that socialism is “calculated to increase the happiness, not only of proletarians, but of all except a tiny minority of the human race.” As have its advocates throughout history, the now-defunct Socialist Labor Party of America depicted socialism as utopian, writing: “Under socialism our farmlands would yield an abundance without great toil; the factories, mines and mills would be the safest, the most modern, the most efficient possible and productive beyond our wildest dreams—and without laborious work.” The website doesn’t specify how such magic would occur.

The website further insists that socialism would improve virtually every aspect of life, stating: “Our natural resources would be intelligently conserved. Our schools would have the finest facilities and they would be devoted to developing complete human beings, not wages [sic] slaves who are trained to hire themselves out for someone else’s profit. Our hospitals and social services would create and maintain the finest health and recreational facilities.”

But socialist policies, when enacted, have catastrophic effects on the lives of the people living under them. To enforce such policies, governments must take control of people’s property—whether by fully nationalizing businesses, mandating what and how much a company must produce, or seizing and distributing their products—thereby violating people’s right to the product of their own effort. The victims include entrepreneurs who have built or purchased businesses, landlords who maintain and manage properties, and everyone who earns a wage, from construction workers to artists.

By violating these rights, socialism diminishes people’s incentive to work to improve their circumstances by controlling or taking away the results of their effort. However hard you work, whatever you achieve, whatever value you create—it won’t be reflected in your earnings.

The novelist Ayn Rand dramatized the effects of such a doctrine in her magnum opus, Atlas Shrugged. In the novel, a small town factory enacted Marx’s slogan “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need” as policy, so that each person’s pay depended on what managers considered as their level of need compared to their colleagues’. They did this based on such factors as the number of children the employees supported, family members’ illnesses, and so on. People began to spend more time sharing their woes with the management than working, and many of the best employees left the company entirely. Within four years, the factory closed. One character explained the hopelessness the policy created: “What was it we were supposed to want to work for? For the love of our brothers? What brothers? For the bums, the loafers, the moochers we saw all around us? And whether they were cheating or plain incompetent, whether they were unwilling or unable—what difference did that make to us? If we were tied for life to the level of their unfitness, faked or real, how long could we care to go on?”

He explained that the company had once been a thriving one that people were proud to work for, but now hard times were the status quo: “We were beasts of burden struggling blindly in some sort of place that was half-hospital, half-stockyards—a place geared to nothing but disability, disaster, disease—beasts put there for the relief of whatever whoever chose to say was whichever’s need.”

This story, although fictional, points to an important fact about human nature: If people can’t change their situation, they won’t try to. Knowing the outcome in advance, they will feel no motivation to make Herculean efforts for miniscule or nonexistent rewards. As economist Ludwig Von Mises put it:

To make a man act, uneasiness and the image of a more satisfactory state alone are not sufficient. A third condition is required: the expectation that purposeful behavior has the power to remove or at least to alleviate the felt uneasiness. In the absence of this condition no action is feasible. Man must yield to the inevitable. He must submit to destiny. [emphasis added]

Socialist policies severely restrict individuals’ ability to improve their conditions, so productivity suffers and living conditions plummet. Historical examples of socialism, as well as modern-day Venezuela and North Korea, show the misery that results.

In Soviet Russia, the government attempted to distribute the results of sixty years of steady GDP growth equally by seizing personal fortunes and dictating wages. But buying power for the average person dropped sharply, and whether a person could actually spend his or her wages was largely dependent on knowing the right people. Economist Mark Harrison explains: “The distribution of consumer goods and services was characterized by shortage and privilege. Every Soviet adult could count on an income, but income did not decide access to goods and services – that depended on political and social status.”

People who lived under the Soviet regime and now live in modern Russia appreciate that they have more opportunities to improve their lives than they used to. Back in 2007, interviewers asked Russians about their memories and opinions of life under the Soviet regime; many of them recalled that the USSR had “fewer possibilities.” One respondent explained, “Now there are so many chances. You can earn enough money even to buy an apartment. Certainly it is very, very difficult, but possible.” Another participant elaborated, “Now I can earn money and there are many ways of doing so. . . . In the Soviet Union, engineers and other technical employees of middle and high rank did not have [a] right to a second job. People who had the time and energy and wanted to provide more for their families could not do it.”

In other words, people were willing to work extremely hard to improve their conditions—but weren’t allowed to.

In Venezuela, socialism has driven a once-prosperous country into the ground. University professors juggle multiple jobs to keep food on the table. Others try to escape a desperate situation; more than six million have fled in recent years, and in 2017 the suicide rate was nearly double the global average. Venezuelans are willing to work to improve their circumstances—but the socialist regime’s oppression and economic destruction consistently frustrate their efforts.

North Korea was conceived as a communist nation following the Second World War, but formally switched to a form of “self-reliant” socialism following the Korean War. The leadership of the Worker’s Party of Korea has brought widespread misery in the form of horrific rights violations, including torture, severe censorship, forced labor, and arbitrary detention. Their policies have also led to nearly half the country suffering from inconsistent access to food and water—in stark contrast to their far more capitalist neighbor, South Korea, which has flourished in recent decades.

Advocates of socialism protest that historical examples of socialism were not “true socialism” or “the right kind of socialism.” But it is socialism—people giving government control of producing things—that undermines people’s ability and willingness to produce and provide for themselves in all these examples.

With free markets, by contrast, people are free to own private property and run businesses without the government dictating production or distribution. People are rewarded for their hard work and ability. By innovating, excelling at work, and creating more and better products or services, they can make more money, which they can use to pay for better living quarters, education, electronics, travel, or other life-improving goods or services produced by others. Hence, in mostly free and capitalistic countries, such as the US, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Hong Kong, people have enjoyed massive economic growth, which has corresponded with a major increase in average living standards.

When human beings struggle, create, and innovate, but their efforts do not improve their own circumstances, they burn out or give up. Marx, Russell, Sanders, and other proponents of socialism and communism claim that their preferred systems are “for the people”—but the truth is that they work against the nature and needs of human beings.


Angelica Walker-Werth

Angelica Walker-Werth is an Ayn Rand Fellow with FEE’s Hazlitt Project and a recent graduate of Clemson University. She is an assistant editor and writer at The Objective Standard and a fellow and research associate at Objective Standard Institute. Her hobbies include gardening and travel.

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EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Abortion and Biden’s SCOTUS Nominee

WATCH: An anti-abortion activist testifies against Jackson’s Supreme Court nomination. Eleanor McCullen, an anti-abortion activist, delivered testimony in opposition of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s nomination, on the final day of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings.

With a bang of a gavel in 1973, 63 million fellow Americans were condemned to die. And the number keeps growing.

Now if the Senate confirms Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, another pro-abortion justice will be added to the Supreme Court.

Last week, Judge Jackson, nominated by Biden to the Supreme Court, faced four days of hearings in the Senate. South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham raised an intriguing point to her: “Every group that wants to pack the court, that believes the court is a bunch of right-wing nuts who are going to destroy America, that considers the Constitution ‘trash’—all wanted you picked. That is all I can say. That so many of these left-wing radical groups who would destroy the law as we know it…supported you is problematic for me.”

Jon Schweppe of the American Principles Project noted, “On abortion and religious liberty, it’s clear where she stands. Jackson co-authored an amicus brief for the Massachusetts NARAL chapter characterizing pro-life sidewalk counselors as ‘indisputably harmful’ and supporting the notion that they should not be allowed anywhere near an abortion clinic.”

He adds, “Why would leftist groups like American Atheists, the Human Rights Campaign, NARAL, Planned Parenthood, the National Education Association and the Southern Poverty Law Center push the White House to nominate Jackson and the Senate to confirm?….Ketanji Brown Jackson is a woke Trojan horse, as the preponderance of evidence suggests.”

When asked to define what a woman is, Judge Jackson declined, claiming she’s “not a biologist.” When asked when human life begins, she said to Louisiana Senator John Kennedy: “Senator, um… I don’t know.”

Gary Bauer responded to her answer: “Of course, this well-educated, Harvard graduate knows life begins at conception. The problem is that she’s all in on abortion on demand.”

The Supreme Court decisions Roe v. Wade (1973) and Casey v. Planned Parenthood (1992) established by judicial fiat a right to abortion. Thus abortion, said Judge Jackson, is “settled law of the Supreme Court concerning the right to terminate a pregnancy. They established a framework the court has reaffirmed.”

One Constitutional authority had some criticisms of Roe v. Wade as a legal opinion. She said that Roe “tried to do too much, too fast—it essentially made every abortion restriction in the country at the time illegal in one fell swoop—leaving it open to fierce attacks. ‘Doctrinal limbs too swiftly shaped…may prove unstable.’”

Who was this radical anti-abortion activist that would dare criticize the left’s most beloved decision? It was Ruth Bader Ginsburg–before she became a justice on the high court who did everything in her power to preserve Roe v. Wade.

Writing for, Micaiah Bilger observes that Judge Jackson has called peaceful pro-life sidewalk counselors at abortion clinics “hostile, noisy and in your face” people.

Bilger added, “Jackson has the support of NARAL Pro-Choice America, which advocates for abortions without limits up to birth…She also ruled against the Trump administration’s efforts to defund the billion-dollar abortion chain Planned Parenthood, and she clerked for pro-abortion Justice Stephen Breyer when he issued an opinion against the partial-birth abortion ban.”

I believe abortion is the single most important political issue of our time. It’s not complicated. Abortion takes a human life every time.

When judges rule in favor of abortion, they are playing God. I find it amazing that the left constantly decries bullying, yet they favor abortion rights. What could be more bullying than dismembering a defenseless, unborn child limb by limb because it is perceived as somehow inconvenient?

Some critics on the left, like Bill Maher, say that the only reason conservatives oppose Judge Jackson is because she’s black. But people need to remember that the founder of the nation’s leading abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, was Margaret Sanger, who spoke at a Ku Klux Klan meeting. She wrote a letter to one of her board members (Dr. Clarence J. Gamble, 12/10/1939): “We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.” No wonder the majority of abortion facilities are in urban areas—to this day.

In our nation’s birth certificate, the Declaration of Independence, our founders said that our rights come from the Creator—and first among these rights is the “right to life.” Indeed, if you’re dead, how can you enjoy any other right?

The Constitution, which is predicated on the Declaration, notes in the preamble that one of its purposes is: “secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.” Our posterity? That is, the yet to be born.

To paraphrase Dr. D. James Kennedy, Judge Jackson should get down on her knees and thank God that her mother wasn’t “pro-choice.”

If you get abortion wrong, you tend to get everything else wrong too.

Alternatives to Woke Corporations

Disney vowed to keep fighting Florida’s new parental rights law that prevents the sexualization of very young children in public schools.  It gets worse.  Disney’s president of entertainment said she supports having “many, many, many LGBTQIA characters in our stories” and wants at least 50 percent of characters to be LGBTQIA and racial minorities.  An executive producer at Disney said it’s no secret the company is regularly “adding queerness” to children’s programming.  [More at Dr. Rich Swier] In fact, Disney is creating a new task force to make more LGBT-aware content for what it calls ‘family entertainment’.  Oh, and I don’t know if you caught this:  Disney employees were arrested in a prostitution, human trafficking, and child predator sting in Florida not too far from Orlando.

This company has gone off the rails.  The problems go back decades when Disney animators started making pornographic versions of Disney cartoons on the sly.  I don’t know why any parent would invite Disney into their living room now that Disney’s political agenda to sexualize young children is out in the open for all to see.  My advice is: don’t.  There are plenty of wholesome entertainment alternatives out there.  One alternative is Angel Studios, creators of the Tuttle Twins animated series.  Another is Sony’s Affirm division which makes faith-based films.  Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire is getting into entertainment, with the Run Hide Fight thriller set in a high school.

Daily Wire is also one of the news sites in the thriving ecosphere of new outlets on the political Right set up as an alternative to the corrupt big media sites which have no problem, for example, hiding the Hunter Biden laptop story to swing the election.  Rumble is a credible alternative to YouTube which censors conservative speech.

I ask people on the Left whether it’s important to get both sides of the story and they invariably say ‘yes’.  I ask them what sources on the Right they consult to get the other side of the story, and they tell me ‘none’ because they’re all ‘fascistic and reactionary’.  Then I confound them by recommending Just the News, which they’ve never heard of and can’t criticize.  Just the News will give you stories you won’t see in the Left-wing media and begin to reverse the damage the Left has done by manipulating half of America into disregarding out of hand everything the Right says, like this was the Soviet Union, or something.

There are alternatives to Amazon for buying books.  I like the independent book sellers on eBay who almost always have everything I want.  Of course there’s Barnes & Noble, and I’ve just discovered World of Books at  No reason to give your money to Jeff Bezos who keeps the insufferably liberal Washington Post on life support.

Back to Ben Shapiro for a moment. Harry’s Razors stopped advertising on the Daily Wire because the publication dared to tell the truth about transgenderism.  So they fought back, starting their own razor company to compete with Harry’s. The introductory video is a scream, with Jeremy of the new company Jeremy’s Razors taking a blowtorch to Harry’s products.  Over 10 million people have seen the video, so far.

Bye-bye, Harry’s. Go Woke, Go Broke.

Finally, there’s no reason to keep giving your money to Big Charities like the United Way that funds the abortion business, or the Girl Scouts which supports transgenderism.  The best answer is to contribute to local charities you know don’t have a political axe to grind, but there are some national charities suggested on my Potomac Tea Party website.  A couple of them run guide dog schools for the blind, and there are several others to choose from.

So if you’re tired of giving your money to people who hate you – who hate America and are trying to destroy your children – vote with your pocketbook and try the alternatives I’ve suggested here today.  If you discover more, please let me know at and I will publicize them.  We can do this thing, and make the likes of Twitter – which has canceled me – come groveling back to us.

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET Weekdays

©Christopher Wrights. All rights reserved.

Cutting Edge Company Gives College Athletes Nationwide the Opportunity to Profit from their Name, Image and Likeness

Postgame™ a cutting edge technical company in Florida has developed a smart phone app that allows college athletes nationwide to connect with brands and profit from their name recognition, images and likenesses (NIL).

In a BOARDROOM article titled “Postgame App Unleashes an Army of NIL-lionairesRussell Steinberg reported”

The app that started as a way to measure student-athletes’ NIL value has grown to include branding services, an NFT marketplace, and “NIL Coin,” its own cryptocurrency.

Hardly a day goes by without significant cryptocurrency or NFT news coming across our feeds. The same could be said for college sports and major name, image, and likeness deals.

After starting as an app that could predict a college athlete’s monetary value, Postgame and founder Bill Jula are combining those two worlds.

NIL Coin, the first cryptocurrency made specifically for college athletes to make money, officially launched on Wednesday. It’s the latest and most profound evolution for a brand that began a year ago by anticipating upcoming changes to the college athletics landscape.

“The idea was to attract college athletes to join our platform to learn a little bit about their value,” Jula told Boardroom. “And then the athletes would download the app, join it, give us their Instagram, their email, their phone, all that good stuff, and then have an understanding of where they stood in the whole ecosystem of NIL and college athletics.”

Read more.

Their new Postgame™ app, available on both the Apple and Android platforms, is now the goto way for college athletes to promote themselves, keep focused on their studies and sport and let PostGame do all the work.

According to the Postgame™ website:

Postgame is the world’s leading NIL agency connecting brands directly with 70,000+ member college athletes (5,500+ in network) – and their millions of fans and followers.

Working with college athlete influencers at scale is challenging.  We have the experience, team and technology to manage this for you.  Check out some of our recent campaign examples >>

There are three levels of campaigns for brands to reach thousands of college athletes on Postgame™:


For brands that want to reach thousands of college athletes quickly to promote a lightweight product or service. This campaign is ideal for creating a quick ‘buzz’ with thousands of posts within a few days.


  • Branding & Awareness
  • Custom Graphics
  • User Content (UGC)
  • Gifting​


For brands that want to work with a smaller number (50-100) higher valued college athletes over a longer period of time. This campaign is ideal for generating quality content and discovering future brand ambassadors.


  • All of Level I
  • Whitelisting (new!)
  • Surveys/Feedback


For brands wanting a more customized campaign with enhanced performance tracking across multiple social media platforms, etc. This campaign expects a little more from the athletes in terms of # of posts and content quality.


  • All of Level II
  • Ambassador Mgt.
  • Dedicated Rep
  • Detailed Reporting

Postgame™ helps college athlete influencers monetize their Name, Image & Likeness (NIL).

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

Hunter Biden’s laptop and how Twitter tipped the scales of the 2020 election

The ‘New York Times’ has finally admitted that the laptop’s emails were genuine.

It is well known that Twitter makes a sport of censorship. There’s even a Wikipedia page dedicated to the topic.

Typical of previous years, the 2022 log of Twitter suspensions is mostly a list of conservative commentators and Republican politicians — though refreshingly, a deranged Middle East dictator, one Ali Khamenei of Iran also made the cut this year.

Sharing “Covid-19 misinformation” (or at least what is presently considered such) is one of the more likely sins to get you banned in 2022, as is — gasp — calling male swimmers “men”.

What Twitter deems a transgression changes slightly from year to year but the themes and the political partisanship is consistent.

In 2020, what really put a bee in Twitter’s bonnet was sharing factual stories that threatened Joe Biden’s entry into the White House. Yes, Twitter interfered in the 2020 election. Egregiously.

The New York Times’s recent, glaring admission that Hunter Biden’s laptop is authentic, though 18 months late, has brought this fact to the fore once again.

We are yet to fully come to terms with Twitter’s misdeeds in those closing weeks of the 2020 contest, and the precedent they have set for public discourse in the West.

But first some background, if you are unfamiliar with what happened.

With all of America on seat’s edge and the world tuned in to the Trump-Biden contest, the New York Post broke a bombshell report on October 14, 2020.

Through intriguing circumstances, a laptop belonging to Joe’s son Hunter had made its way to the Post. On that hard drive were emails indicating that when the senior Biden was Vice President, he massaged US foreign policy in Ukraine to the benefit of his son’s business ventures there.

follow-up story intimated that Joe Biden himself was making a ten percent cut from Hunter’s overseas dealings, despite Joe previously denying any knowledge of what his son was up to abroad.

The evidence strongly suggested that the millions in profit flowing to the Biden family estate from Ukraine, China and Russia were only made possible by the exclusive White House access it granted Hunter’s contacts in those countries.

Additionally, the laptop harboured a trove of debauched images and videos revealing Hunter’s prostitute- and drug-fuelled lifestyle — factors that made the Biden family more vulnerable to blackmail and other clandestine political influence.

So much for the story — what of the censorship?

Infamously, Twitter immediately locked two accounts: the New York Post’s, and that of Trump’s press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, who had tweeted out the report. Anyone else who tried to share the story were either suspended or unable to tweet the link, myself included. As Brendan O’Neill of Spiked has described that “truly extraordinary moment“:

Here we had the spokesperson for the democratically elected president of the United States and the oldest continuously published daily newspaper in America being cast out of social media for the crime of sharing a story that was true.

Not only was the story true — revelations of endemic Biden family corruption would doubtless have swung many undecided voters back to Trump in those dying days of the 2020 race, had they had access to it. This is a hypothesis made even more likely by poll after poll unearthing post-election Biden voter regret.

Twitter was the most flagrant partisan operative in the Hunter laptop saga, but far from the only one.

Facebook limited sharing of the New York Post’s piece until its “fact checkers” had a chance to assess the report. They never did. And they never apologised. In the years previous, however, Facebook did give free rein to flat-out lies about a Trump “pee-pee” tape and his being a Russian asset.

The conspiracy of the corporate press was one of silence. Had the same revelations emerged about Donald Trump Jr, there is no question the media would have reigned fire and brimstone on the Trump family.

But even a generous bribe wouldn’t have tempted most media outlets to report accurately on Hunter’s toxic laptop with a presidential election just around the corner. “The media world has largely ignored the Post’s Hunter Biden story,” one CNN reporter bragged at the time. “We don’t waste our time on stories that are not really stories,” taxpayer-funded NPR likewise scoffed.

Then came 50 former intelligence officials to denounce Hunter’s laptop as a Russian plant, part of a disinformation campaign to get Trump re-elected. They didn’t have any evidence for this, they admitted, just the feels. Now the media had its angle, one they amplified endlessly until Biden’s victory was secured.

With Hunter’s laptop now authenticated, the New York Post recently chased down every one of those 50 intelligence figures for a retraction. Most didn’t respond. A few couldn’t be reached. Several dug their heals in. Not one walked back their perfidious story. “Intelligence”?

Now, with the Russia-Ukraine war in full swing, even more Biden family misdeeds are coming to light. The Daily Mail reported just this week that, per emails on his laptop, Hunter helped secure millions in funding for a US contractor specialising in deadly pathogen research in Ukraine biolabs. The same company has also partnered with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, now acknowledged as the most likely source of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

What else don’t we know about the Bidens? What else are we about to find out?

Most importantly, what is the future of political discourse in the West? Our democracies are rendered hollow if elites in Silicon Valley and on America’s coasts decide before an election what information can and cannot be seen by the public.

There has never been a more pressing need for regulation that will rein in Big Tech’s political partisanship and election interference. And never have everyday people needed more discernment as they assess the news stories put before them.


Kurt Mahlburg

Kurt Mahlburg is a writer and author, and an emerging Australian voice on culture and the Christian faith. He has a passion for both the philosophical and the personal, drawing on his background as a graduate… More by Kurt Mahlburg

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Is TikTok dangerous for teens?

Parents need to monitor how their kids use the world’s #1 most downloaded app and the #1 most visited website.

How much do you know about TikTok? Maybe you’ve heard of it but haven’t used it. Or if you have used TikTok, you may think of it as an app for sharing videos of teens doing funny dances or cute pets doing tricks, which it is. But it is more than that.

For starters, TikTok is now the world’s most downloaded app and the world’s #1 most visited website, ahead of Google (#2) and Facebook (#3). Every day, more than one billion different videos are viewed on TikTok. Experts agree that the key to its success is its unique algorithm. When you join TikTok, you are asked some questions about your interests and what sort of things you’d like to see. TikTok then offers you some of the most popular videos that match your interests and starts monitoring what you do. It takes note of which videos you watch and—crucially—how much time you spend watching them, and which videos you watch more than once. The algorithm then hones your preferences. Within hours, or even minutes, your videos become more specific, more customized to your interests.

The results are uncanny. “TikTok can read my mind” is a common refrain among young people, as the app soon starts serving up videos that are precisely what the viewer was hoping to see: whether it’s a funny cat video, or a video of synchronized swimming, or one about applying glitter make-up, or a video of a pretty girl dancing in a way that appeals to a particular teen boy and wearing precisely the outfit that boy finds most arousing, doing exactly the moves that the boy finds most irresistible. And the same is true of sexual variations. “TikTok knew I was bisexual (or gay, or trans) before I did” is a common trope online.

Is TikTok Harmful?

TikTok is customized. It can be addictive. But is it truly harmful to teens?

That depends on how a teen uses it.

Adolescence can be confusing. Young people are struggling to figure out who they are. Increasingly, they are looking online for clues and for guidance. Doctors at Texas Children’s Hospital used to see one, maybe two teenagers a year presenting with new-onset Tourette syndrome. Between spring 2020 and autumn 2021, that number skyrocketed to about 60. Psychiatrists worldwide—from the South Atlantic island of St Helena, to New Caledonia in the South Pacific, to almost anywhere on the planet where kids have access to the Internet—began reporting a surge of teenage girls self-diagnosing with Tourette syndrome. Many of these girls are shouting out “beans!” at unpredictable intervals. Psychiatrists in England call these girls “Evies” because their behavior resembles that of Evie Meg Field, whose TikTok videos have earned her more than 14 million followers and more than 500 million likes. In a characteristic video, Evie shouts out “beans” uncontrollably. In an earlier era, the sudden appearance of myriad teenage girls shouting out “beans” might have been called mass hysteria. Today, the preferred term is “social media induced illness.”

Other issues can lead quickly down a rabbit hole. Go to TikTok and type “how can I lose weight?” and it will offer many options. The TikTok hashtag #diet has had over 11 billion views. There, you will find videos encouraging viewers that simply doing some planks and leg lifts will result in becoming slim in just 16 days (that particular video has had over 32 million views). Scrolling through the videos, it’s easy to be drawn into a spiral of more videos that speak directly to an individual situation. Alyssa Moukheiber, a dietitian at a residential treatment center for eating disorders in northern Illinois, says, “The TikTok algorithm is just too freaking strong.” The algorithm sucks girls into a world that promises physical perfection for just trying a little harder.

Girls who post videos on TikTok soon discover that their online popularity is linked to their sexuality. Newport Academy is an Atlanta-based treatment center for eating disorders. Crystal Burwell, the program’s director of outpatient services, recently noted that 60% of the girls treated since last summer have posted “sexually inappropriate” videos on TikTok. A similar observation comes from Paul Sunseri, director of the New Horizons Child and Family Institute in El Dorado Hills, California, who is concerned about the growing number of girls who are posting sexualized videos on TikTok. “For a young girl who’s developing her identity, to be swept up into a sexual world like that is hugely destructive,” he says. “When teen girls are rewarded for their sexuality, they come to believe that their value is in how they look.” Sunseri estimates that about one-quarter of the girls at his clinic have posted sexualized content on TikTok.

Boys are not immune. A growing number of teen boys are getting sucked into TikTok’s algorithm, which often means they are seeing TikTok videos of young men who are bigger, more muscular, than they are. That can lead to “bigorexia,” boys becoming obsessed with acquiring the muscle-bound look exemplified by The Rock and the entire cinematic Marvel universe of he-men.

Advice for parents

So, what’s a parent to do about TikTok?

The first step is for parents to have a frank conversation with their daughters—and their sons—about the dangers of TikTok. I have heard teen girls say, “I saw it on TikTok” with the same air of authority as a middle-aged woman a few years back might have said, “I heard it on Dr. Oz.” In both cases, the speaker is citing an authority they believe to be unchallengeable. Parents, make sure your kids understand that a TikTok video is not authoritative, even it has 10 million likes.

At what age should a child be allowed to be on TikTok? Jean Twenge, our nation’s leading researcher on how social media impacts child and adolescent development, recommends that no child under 13 should be on any social media, including TikTok. And I would add that many 13-year-olds aren’t ready. TikTok offers a curated version of their app for under-13s. Don’t use it. That watered-down version is designed to fuel interest in the grown-up version. Twelve-year-olds don’t like to be on the kiddie version of anything. And tweens quickly figure out that if they lie about their age, they can easily access the full version.

As with any social media, the parent must limit, govern, and guide their teen’s use. At this time, we don’t have evidence that 10 or 15 minutes a day on TikTok, or social media in general, is harmful. One study of more than 220,000 teens found that the risk of bad outcomes began to increase after more than 30 minutes of social media a day, on average (see, for example, Figure 3). However, that study was published in 2019, based on data gathered before TikTok became the most-viewed social media for teens. An hour a day on TikTok is definitely too much. Kids have better things to do with their time than spending an hour a day on TikTok. So I advise parents to install parental monitoring apps to limit how much time kids are spending on TikTok.

That’s where many parents push back. One parent told me: “I think it’s important to show my daughter that I trust her. Installing a monitoring app implies that I don’t trust her. Besides, I already use the TikTok Family Pairing option, so that I can see what my daughter is doing in the app.” I remind parents that I see many teens who have created two TikTok accounts. One is the “clean” account which they show to their parents and which their parents follow on the Family Pairing option. The other is the real account, where the daughter is watching, or posting, the videos she doesn’t want her parents to see.

Then the parent says: “My daughter would never create a secret account just to deceive me.” I explain that if all the girl’s friends are doing it and advising her to do it, what is that girl supposed to say to her friends? It’s not reasonable to expect a modern American girl to say, “I know all you guys are doing it, but I won’t do it because I don’t want to deceive my parents.” The parent needs to allow the daughter to tell her friends, “I can’t do that, because my parents have installed this evil monitoring app that sees everything I do!”

Anne Sena is Director of Technology at St David’s School in Raleigh, North Carolina. She recently told me that she uses the Bark parental monitoring app to monitor and limit her teen’s online activities across social media, email, web browsers, and YouTube. She likes that Bark installs a VPN so that the controls are in place when her teen is outside of the home network, for example at a friend’s house or using a network provided by a cell phone. In Sena’s own home, she uses the Circle Home Plus device as well as the Apple’s screen time controls and Microsoft Family Safety to enforce time limits and provide an added layer of search protection on the family’s home computers. There are other similar monitoring and filtering programs out there, including the Canopy app, for parents to choose from.

“That sounds like a lot of work,” one mother told me the other day when I suggested that she follow Sena’s example. And it may be, especially for those of us who are not as knowledgeable about VPNs and screen time controls. But if taking these steps decreases the risk of more teens becoming anxious and/or depressed, I think the extra effort is worth it.

I recently spoke with a young woman who is a senior in college. She admits that she used to spend up to four hours a day on TikTok. But one of her professors inspired her to take control of her time, and she now spends 5 minutes a day, or less, on the app. She says she has reconfigured TikTok to show her only those videos that are closely related to her professional interests. She gives her professor the credit for inspiring her to cut back. I am inclined to give her the credit for finding the courage to govern herself—even when many of her peers can’t, or won’t.

This article has been republished from the Institute for Family Studies blog.


Leonard Sax

Dr. Leonard Sax MD PhD attended public schools in Shaker Heights Ohio from kindergarten through grade 12. He enrolled in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge Massachusetts in the… More by Leonard Sax

RELATED ARTICLE: Keep your kids safe online: All you need to know about internet safety at school and home

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEOS: Warning — Disney Now Adding ‘Queerness’ to It’s Films like ‘Lightyear’

UPDATE: Governor Ron DeSantis questions Disney’s activism against a new law protecting elementary school children:

“To have transgenderism injected into kindergarten classrooms? Or woke gender ideology injected into second grade classrooms? Why is this the hill [for Disney] to die on?”


Recently four Disney employees were arrested in human trafficking operation.

Now we have Disney corporate president Karey Burke says she supports having “many, many, many LGBTQIA characters in our stories.” And Burke wants 50% of Disney characters to be LGBTQIA and racial minorities.

It also appears that Disney doesn’t care for certain pronouns like: ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls. No know those ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls that go to Disney parks. I wonder if Disney can define what a woman is???

On August 15th, 2021 reported:

Lifelong family-oriented supporters of the Walt Disney Company will be sad to learn that Disney is no ally to traditional social values.  2ndVote currently scores the Walt Disney Company at a measly 1.67 — and we’re not optimistic about that score improving in light of the company’s brainwashing of little children with an episode of their famed Muppet Babies television show promoting gender confusion.

There are several problems with Disney’s decision. First, biologically, there are just two sexes. Second, Disney should focus on wholesome entertainment, not overtly political social activism. Third, Disney has actively engaged on the issue of gender identity in a way which attempted to restrict the rights of millions of Americans.

We’ve been tracking Disney’s actions against traditional American values for years. In 2016, the company stood against North Carolina bill HB2, claiming that allowing business owners to choose their own bathroom policies was bigotry. Disney canceled events, costing local business owners a lot of money. More recently, Disney endorsed the Equality Act – a bill that has nothing to do with equality, and everything to do with pushing a very specific cultural agenda. Religious organizations would be under threat because of the Equality Act – a clear violation of Basic Freedoms found in the First Amendment.

When Disney puts its financial resources behind movements that seek to compel anti-American values, Americans suffer.  These movements are potentially harmful to everything from freedom of speech to religious liberty.  The next time you’re looking to enjoy some family-style entertainment, consider an alternative to Disney which won’t play against your traditional values.

The trick to the entertainment industry is that Hollywood Studios (owned by Disney), Universal Pictures (1.00), Netflix (2.29), and other top entities also rank poorly on the 2ndVote scale. They simply don’t support America’s constitutional and human freedoms of religion, speech, firearms, etc. Therefore, we encourage you to support regional theme parks like Kentucky Kingdom (3.00) and Six Flags (3.00) instead. As for digital entertainment, organizations like PureFlix (3.73) have the kind of wholesome, fun entertainment that Disney used to prioritize. We urge you to spend your hard-earned money with those organizations, and contact Disney and urge them to return to entertainment, not left-wing politics.

Now we learn that the Disney Company has made it their mission to push the radical LGBTQ+ agenda in their films and products.

We have written about how Disney has been grooming your children to be gay. Now we have videos of key Disney staff members discussing “adding queerness” to their films, like “Lightyear.”

reported on Florida’s  “Parental Rights in Education Bill,” which prohibits public schools from indoctrinating children grades K-3 with pro-gay, pro-transgender propaganda:

Disney CEO Bob Chapek initially said his company would not take sides in the [Parental Rights in Education Bill] controversy. Then came the loud, expected rhetoric from the rabid LGBTQ left, with their nasty accusations that Disney was anti-gay and hateful for not vocally opposing the law.

Again, the Florida law is simply designed to protect the youngest grade-school children from being taught lies, such as their birth gender might possibly be a freak of nature and that they can change it.

As a result, Disney quickly abandoned its neutral position for one of total surrender. Chapek apologized to his employees in a letter, telling them, “You needed me to be a stronger ally in the fight for equal rights and I let you down. I am sorry.”

As a result, and to the delight of homosexual activists everywhere, Disney has announced it will restore a previously cut lesbian kissing scene in its June Pixar release of the kid’s movie “Lightyear.”

Disney doesn’t think you will care, nor does it think Christian parents and grandparents will take a stand for their children and grandchildren. I think you will.

I encourage you to join with me and other parents in telling Disney you’re not buying what they are selling.

Sign our pledge, committing to boycott Disney Pixar’s movie “Lightyear” when it is released in theatres and streaming avenues.

Watch this series of video discussions from Disney’s All-Hands meeting between Disney executive producer Latoya Raveneau, Equality Florida and Disney’s activism partner Nadine Smith:

Here’s a response to all of this insanity from Florida Governor Ron DeSantis:


Disney exposed: leaked videos show officials pushing LGBT agenda, saying DeSantis wants to ‘erase’ gay kids

Florida Republicans condemn ‘Woke’ Disney, urge more boycotts by Conservatives against ‘Activist Machine’

Texas Teacher Claims 20 Fourth Graders Out Of 32 Students Identify As LGBTQ

White House omitted light Jackson child porn sentence in document given to senators, GOP says: ‘Cover-up’

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

FDA Tells Doctors in 8 States to Stop Using COVID-19 Treatment

If the FDA and the CDC oppose it then it must work. This is the new science.

FDA Tells Doctors in 8 States to Stop Using COVID-19 Treatment

By;: Zachary Stieber, The Epoch Times, March 27, 2022:

U.S. drug regulators have directed health care workers in eight states to stop using a COVID-19 treatment because it may not be effective against an Omicron coronavirus subvariant that’s rising in prevalence.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said stotrovimab, a monoclonal antibody used to treat COVID-19, can no longer be used in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

Providers in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands also have been told to stop using stotrovimab.

Regulators believe that the treatment, which was given emergency use authorization in May 2021, “is unlikely to be effective against the BA.2 subvariant,” the FDA said in a statement.

BA.2 is a subvariant of Omicron, a variant of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, the pathogen that causes COVID-19.

According to genomic surveillance conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, BA.2 was responsible for 12.6 percent of COVID-19 cases in the United States in the week ending on March 5. But the agency projected an increase to 35 percent in the week ending on March 19, and the subvariant was pegged as circulating widely in the northeast.

Based on the estimates, BA.2 is responsible for the majority of the cases in the states where the administration of sotrovimab is now limited.

The FDA had indicated in February that it would limit the treatment.

Several studies have indicated that sotrovimab doesn’t perform well against BA.2, including one published in Nature Medicine.

But GlaxoSmithKline and Vir Biotechnology, the makers of the drug, have said that testing suggested that the treatment retained neutralizing activity against BA.2.

The companies said on March 25 that they were aware of the FDA’s move and are preparing to send a data package to the agency and other regulatory authorities that show a higher dose of sotrovimab works against BA.2……read the rest.


VIDEO: COVID Jab Deadlier Than COVID for Anyone Under 80

Fourth Country Stops All Covid Vaccinations

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Groups Linked to Zuckerberg, Soros Lobby to Keep Accused NY Criminals Out of Jail

Jailbreak organizations with financial ties to leftwing billionaires George Soros and Mark Zuckerberg are lobbying New York lawmakers to preserve the state’s “bail reform” policies that help keep accused criminals out of jail, according to Breitbart News.

Disgraced former Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed into state law measures that allow suspects accused of second-degree manslaughter, criminally negligent homicide, child sex crimes, and making threats of terrorism to walk free from jail without ever having to post bail.

Coinciding with the state law is New York City’s Supervised Release Program, which allows thousands of criminal suspects to be released following their arrests without having to post bail or be monitored by social workers.

As a result, crime in New York City has skyrocketed. Statistics show that although murders are down compared to the same time last year, rapes have increased 24 percent, robberies 46 percent, grand larceny nearly 60 percent, grand larceny auto 85 percent, and transit crimes more than 70 percent.

“The most important city on the globe has become the laughingstock of the globe. And the dysfunctionality of our city has cascaded throughout the entire country,” New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) told a crowd of hundreds of New York Police officers this week.

A number of jailbreak organizations — including the Soros-funded Center for American Progress, the Center for Popular DemocracyUnited We Dream, and MoveOn, as well as the Zuckerberg-funded — are lobbying New York lawmakers to oppose any changes to the bail reform law.

Polling released this week shows that about 56 percent of New Yorkers believe the bail reform law has been bad for the state while just 3 in 10 said it is good policy. Nearly 64 percent said the law has increased crime across the state.

George Soros

364 Known Connections

On July 13, 2020, OSF, in support of the Black Lives Matter movement and its allies, pledged to donate $220 million into initiatives designed to help “build power in Black communities, promote bold new anti-racist policies in U.S. cities, and help first-time activists stay engaged.” The pledge earmarked $150 million in five-year grants for black-led “racial justice” organizations, and $70 million for a range of initiatives such as helping city governments reform policing and criminal justice by implementing a new approach to public safety that includes “moving beyond the culture of criminalization and incarceration.” “This is the time for urgent and bold action to address racial injustice in America,” said OSF deputy chair Alex Soros, George Soros’s son. “These investments will empower proven leaders in the Black community to reimagine policing, end mass incarceration, and eliminate the barriers to opportunity that have been the source of inequity for too long.” Tom Perriello, executive director of Open Society-U.S., said: “The success of this movement, the largest in U.S. history, will be measured over years, not weeks, and we cannot say that Black lives matter and not make a multi-year commitment to a strategy set by and centering Black leaders and organizations who changed America’s sense of what is possible.”

To learn more about George Soros, click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

TAKE ACTION: Christians should boycott Disney’s new move ‘Lightyear’

Disney puts gay kiss back into children’s movie to appease LGBTQ demands.


Earlier this year and to the delight of parents everywhere, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and the state legislature passed the “Parental Rights in Education Bill,” which prohibits public schools from indoctrinating children grades K-3 with pro-gay, pro-transgender propaganda.

Disney CEO Bob Chapek initially said his company would not take sides in the controversy. Then came the loud, expected rhetoric from the rabid LGBTQ left, with their nasty accusations that Disney was anti-gay and hateful for not vocally opposing the law.

Again, the Florida law is simply designed to protect the youngest grade-school children from being taught lies, such as their birth gender might possibly be a freak of nature and that they can change it.

As a result, Disney quickly abandoned its neutral position for one of total surrender. Chapek apologized to his employees in a letter, telling them, “You needed me to be a stronger ally in the fight for equal rights and I let you down. I am sorry.”

As a result, and to the delight of homosexual activists everywhere, Disney has announced it will restore a previously cut lesbian kissing scene in its June Pixar release of the kid’s movie “Lightyear.”

Disney doesn’t think you will care, nor does it think Christian parents and grandparents will take a stand for their children and grandchildren. I think you will.


I encourage you to join with me and other parents in telling Disney you’re not buying what they are selling.

Sign our pledge, committing to boycott Disney Pixar’s movie “Lightyear” when it is released in theatres and streaming avenues.

The Exodus From U.S. Cities Is Gaining Speed, New Census Data Show

The pattern here is clear. Americans are fleeing highly-regulated, highly taxed areas and flocking to freer states.

America’s largest metro areas saw massive declines in population, new US Census Bureau data show.

Three of the top five metros that saw sharp declines between July 1, 2020, and July 1, 2021 were in California. Leading the way was the Los Angeles-Long Beach metropolitan area, which lost 176,000 residents, a 1.3 percent drop. Next was the San Francisco-Oakland-Berkeley metro, which saw a decline of 116,000 residents (2.5 percent decline), followed by San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, which shed some 43,000 residents (2.2 percent drop).

“We are in this new demographic era for California of very slow or maybe even negative growth,” Hans Johnson, a demographer with the Public Policy Institute of California, told the Los Angeles Times. “And it does have implications for everything in our state — from how we live our lives to which schools are getting closed down to how much capacity we might need for transportation networks, and eventually to housing.”

California metros had company, however.

The New York-Newark-New Jersey metropolitan area saw a decline of 328,000 residents, the highest in the nation in raw numbers. The Chicago area, meanwhile, saw a decline of some 92,000 residents.

The reasons people choose to migrate are complex and varied. The Times points out that many people who left California were seeking job opportunities and affordable housing, citing the skyrocketing costs of homes in the Golden State because of NIMBYism and other regulations. Other articles point out that harsh lockdowns drove many young people out of cities during the pandemic. And then there is the rise of remote work, which has allowed many workers to leave metropolitan areas without losing their job.

Jena Lords and her husband were among the 262,000 California residents who gave up on the state. She and her husband had talked about leaving Bakersfield for years before finally pulling the trigger in early 2021 for a variety of reasons.

“The top reason was 2nd Amendment rights,” Lords, 39, told the Times. “There’s also the high cost of living, tax fees, regulations.”

After living for months in an RV, the couple eventually purchased a $140,000 home on a half-acre of land in Idaho, about one hour south of Idaho Falls.

“The hardest thing was leaving our friends and family — and the beach, of course,” Lords said. “It’s amazing, the difference in culture. It’s a real small-town feel.”

Again, the reasons people choose to migrate tend to be complex and varied, as the Lords’ story shows. However, we can see the US flight from its largest metropolitan is part of a bigger trend.

North American Van Lines (NAVL), a trucking company based in Indiana, puts out an annual report that tracks migration patterns in the United States. The states with the most inbound migration in 2021 were South Carolina, Idaho, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Florida. The leading outbound states were Illinois, California, New Jersey, Michigan, and New York.

The pattern here is clear. Americans are fleeing highly-regulated, highly taxed states. They are flocking to freer states.

“States with a lower cost of living and lower taxes continued to pull Americans from more expensive states in 2021,” the report authors state. “With a major shift toward remote work for several occupations, along with continually rising housing costs, people are rapidly moving from the coasts and Midwest to the South and Southwest.”

This is one of the great strengths of the American system. In his book, Free to Move legal scholar Ilya Somin argues that one of the reasons the United States is in crisis is that citizens can no longer keep track of all the activities governments perform, as politicians and bureaucrats serve narrow interest groups.

Unfortunately, Somin points out that changing this culture is difficult. The reality is, citizens have very little power to change government through the ballot box; the odds of a voter changing the outcome of an election with a ballot are astronomically low, even in most state and local elections. Things, however, are much different when citizens “vote with their feet.”

“When you decide what jurisdiction to live in, that’s a decision over which you have real control,” Somin pointed out. “That in turn creates strong incentives to seek out relevant information and evaluate it in an unbiased way. You wouldn’t move to a new neighborhood, let alone a new state, without knowing what it’s like.”

This is a stark contrast to the “rational ignorance” of voters.

Americans are making conscious, deliberate decisions to abandon metropolitan areas that are increasingly expensive, confiscatory, and in some cases increasingly violentfilthy, and dysfunctional.

We heard a great deal about “the Great Reset” during the pandemic. It may be that the reset is something much different than the people using that phrase had in mind.

It may be that “the reset” involves Americans abandoning high-tax, high-regulatory cities and states for freer ones. That’s a reset Americans should welcome.


Jon Miltimore

Jonathan Miltimore is the Managing Editor of His writing/reporting has been the subject of articles in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, Fox News, and the Star Tribune. Bylines: Newsweek, The Washington Times,, The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, The Federalist, the Epoch Times.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Joe Biden Calls Declaration of Independence ‘Corny’

Joe Biden said the Declaration of Independence is “corny” last week.  Shame on him! He’s lost sight of the basics and is taking an awful lot for granted.

The Declaration is a classical liberal document.  Classical liberalism is the most coherent, humane, and sustainable political theory in the entire history of political theory.  Classical liberalism provides civil liberties, the rule of law, limited government, and political and economic freedom.   Abraham Lincoln wrote it is no accident we have freedom and prosperity in America.  They have a “philosophical cause” – “the principle of ‘Liberty to all’ – the principle that clears the path for all–gives hope to all–and, by consequence, enterprise, and industry to all,” Lincoln wrote.

Where did Lincoln find these principles?  In the Declaration of Independence, which states:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. – That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…

Unalienable rights – these are also called natural rights. Under the Declaration, you are born with these rights.  They are not something the government gives you and government cannot take them away from you.  In fact, the government’s job is to protect your rights.  “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men.,” the Declaration says. This means government is supposed to protect your rights from, among other things, the tyranny of the majority.   Political minorities are not supposed to be persecuted under our system, which is pretty important given the number of times political minorities have been trampled throughout human history.

Freedom, prosperity, and unalienable rights – Joe Biden calls these “corny”. Perhaps he would prefer tyranny, poverty, and misery.  Limited government – maybe Joe would prefer the totalitarian governments of the 20th century, the ones that deliberately killed people by the tens of millions, just because they could and nobody had any rights.

One of the rights in the Declaration is the “pursuit of Happiness”. Joe Biden thinks its “corny” you should want to be happy.  Alright, Joe, no more pizza and ice cream for you.

He also thinks it’s “corny” governments should have to derive their “just powers” from “the consent of the governed”.  Joe Biden was in the Senate for 36 years.  What did he think he was doing there if not providing consent of the governed?  The Declaration goes on to list a “long train of abuses”.  The King of England disbanded colonial legislatures when he felt like it, and proclaimed no laws could be passed in the colonies without his assent. What position would Senator Joe Biden have taken if the President disbanded the U.S. Senate?  Or am I just being “corny”? The King also quartered soldiers in people’s homes, that was another of the long train of abuses. I hear there’s a nice beach house in Delaware just sitting there waiting for the military to take up residence.  The King also put the English military over civilian authorities. Since the Declaration is “corny”, I propose we put Mark Milley and Lloyd Austin over Joe Biden.  Joe won’t mind, will he?

Joe also said about the Declaration, “we’ve never lived up to it.”  That may be true, but who has ever completely lived up to an ideal?  Not on this planet.  But the Declaration by declaring “all men are created equal” paved the way for getting rid of slavery.  Blacks in America perfected the Founders’ vision of equality and justice for all.  They saw the principles and rights enunciated in the Declaration and said ‘those principles apply to me, too.’  I doubt former slaves thought equality for all under the law and the pursuit of Happiness were “corny” ideas.

Finally, the ideas in the Declaration were implemented in the Constitution. One of those ideas is limited government, expressed in the Constitution in the office of the President as one of three co-equal branches of government, an office Joe Biden now holds. So, tell me Joe, is that a “corny” idea, too?  You’ve said it is, so what are you still doing in the White House? So many pizzas, so little time.

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©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

How America Morphed From a Force for Good into an Instrument of Evil

“In this country we have one great privilege which they don’t have in other countries. When a thing gets to be absolutely unbearable the people can rise up and throw it off. That’s the finest asset we’ve got — the ballot box.” – Mark Twain, 1905 interview in Boston, Massachusetts.

On Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020 we the people held a presidential election. Since that date many believe that we removed a good man and replaced him with an evil one. Since the inauguration of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. on January 20th, 2021 we have literally seen America fundamentally transformed from a great good in the world to a source of great evil promoted both domestically and overseas.

But this transformation from good to evil did not happen overnight. In fact it was all planned well in advance.

W. Cleon Skousen in his 1958 book “The Naked Communist” listed the 45 goals that the Communists were seeking to achieve in America. Since 1958, and even before, we began to see the evil, known as Communism, infiltrate our schools, colleges, universities, corporations, legacy and social media and in the U.S. House of Representatives with Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Democrat Socialist – NY) and U.S. Senate with Socialist Bernie Sanders and even in our court system with Judge, and Supreme Court nominee, Ketanji Brown Jackson.

To understand here are the key goals outlined in Skousen’s book:

#41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.

#17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

#29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a world-wide basis.

#30. Discredit the American founding fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man.”

#31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of “the big picture.” Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.

#12 Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party

BTW, The latest edition of Skousen “The Naked Communist” book says that the Communists have achieved 44 of the 45 goals. One more, and someone can turn the key and activate The Apparatus” also known as “the Great Reset”.

Our once proud and good nation has now been totally taken over and faces ruin from the evil within.

Let’s look at how we got too this point where pure evil trumps good.

First we overlooked evil

This all began on September 12th, 1905 in New York City when we the people overlooked a organizational meeting held by the Intercollegiate Socialist Society (ISS). This was a meeting to begin the infiltration of our schools at every level to begin growing young socialists who would grow up to become today’s leaders of the Communist movement in America.

The first slate of officers elected at the Sept. 1905 organizational meeting included the following:

President: Jack London; First Vice President: Upton Sinclair; Second Vice President: Graham Phelps Stokes; Secretary: M.R. Holbrook; Treasurer: Rev. Owen Lovejoy; Executive Committee: Rev. George Willis Cooke, Morris Hillquit, Robert Hunter, Harry Laidler, Katherine M. Meserole, George H. Strobell.

Of this group of socialist worthies, only Harry Laidler was actually a current college student. reported:

The Intercollegiate Socialist Society (ISS) was a national non-party group dedicated to the organization of current and former collegians for the socialist cause and the spreading of socialist ideas on campus.

There were at least two isolated cases of socialist organization on campus prior to the establishment of the ISS in September 1905. From about 1901 there was a college socialist club organized at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. In its first year the club had 11 student members and one professor and was limited to confirmed socialists. The membership restriction was loosened in 1904, however, and the club grew, coming to hold weekly discussions on the exploitation of child labor, workplace safety, and other matters of general concern.

The second collegiate socialist club was organized at the University of California at Berkeley. Called the “Social Progress Club,” the group sprung into existence following a lecture by Jack London early in 1905. [fn. Max Horn, The Intercollegiate Socialist Society, 1905-1921: Origins of the Modern Student Movement. (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1979), pp. 18-19.] [Emphasis added]

Adolf Hitler said,

“The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.

And so began the indoctrination of our children to reject capitalism and embrace Marxism.

Goal #17 accomplished. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

Then we permitted evil

As stated in goal #41.

Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.

Replace rights of parent with the state agenda of equity, inclusion and diversity. What occurred simultaneously was the gradual, but inevitable destruction, of the traditional family unit of a mother, father and their biological children.

In an article titled “Antonio Gramsci: the Godfather of Cultural Marxism” Bradley Thomas wrote:

There’s little debate that modern-day American universities, public education, mainstream media, Hollywood, and political advocacy groups are dominated by leftists. This is no accident, but part of a deliberate strategy to pave the way for communist revolution developed more than eight decades ago by an Italian political theorist named Antonio Gramsci. [Emphasis added]

Slowly but shurly our universities, colleges, public, private and even parochial schools began turning children against their parents. The state, represented by the teacher’s unions and their Democrat allies, began the needed process of taking the power of parenthood away.

In March 2022 National School Boards Association, which represents local school boards, worked with the White House and the Department of Justice in drafting a memo that labeled parents who spoke at school board meetings “domestic terrorists” when they objected to a schools curriculum (e.g. teaching Critical Race Theory and supporting political agendas of groups like Black Lives Matter and the LGBTQ+ community), textbooks used in classrooms and certain sexualized books in public school libraries.

Then we legalized evil

In a June 26th, 2021 Politico article titled “6 Years After Same-Sex Marriage, Now What?” Sasha Issenberg wrote,

On June 26, 2015, six years ago today, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down all state laws that discriminated against gay and lesbian unions and made same-sex marriage the law of the land. Unlike other landmark civil-rights decisions, like the court’s 1954 order to desegregate schools, implementation of Obergefell v. Hodges was straightforward and easy. The most any local clerk, county recorder or state health department had to do was to change a few words on an application for a marriage license.

The impact of those small clerical adjustments is now strikingly clear. According to the census, more than half of the country’s nearly one million same-sex partner households are now married. One of them includes a man who was a leading contender for the White House and today serves in the president’s cabinet. Gallup recently found that 70 percent of the American public, including for the first time a majority of Republicans, now support equal marriage rights.

On March 17th, 2016 Dr. E. Michael Jones, a world renowned and best-selling Catholic author, lecturer, and editor of Culture Wars magazine, called gay marriage a “form of political control.”

Today if you support marriage as between one man and one woman you are labeled homophobic. If you say there are scientifically only two genders male (XX) and female (XY) you are ostracized. Even the current nominee for the U.S. Supreme court won’t define the word “woman.”

Evil may soon have a seat on the Supreme Court.

Today we celebrate evil

Today we see evil celebrated by Hollywood, corporations like Disney, Apple, Amazon and Google, the media both legacy and social and in our public schools. America’s children are being taught that our constitution is evil, our founding fathers were white supremacists and their parents are not to be listened too. Instead of learning mathematics, American history, how to read and write today’s children are taught to hate.

Democrat Pete Buttigieg’s husband Chasten led elementary school children in a pledge of allegiance to the rainbow flag. The Biden administration is filled with LGBTQ persons and supporters.

The Eau Claire, Wisconsin school district says parents ‘not entitled’ to know child’s sexuality. In the Eau Claire district’s guidance was a slide stating,

“Some transgender, non-binary, and/or gender-nonconforming students are not ‘open’ at home for reasons that may include safety concerns or lack of acceptance. School personnel should speak with the student first before discussing a student’s gender nonconformity or transgender status with the student’s parent/guardian…Remember, parents are not entitled to know their kids’ identities. That knowledge must be earned.”

Parents are persona no grata.

Parents have now become unwelcome or unacceptable to school boards because of something they have said, done or believe.


#29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a world-wide basis.

#30. Discredit the American founding fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man.”

#31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of “the big picture.” Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.

Finally, we persecute those who still call it evil

Perhaps the best example of how the powers to be deal with those who disagree with them is Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis. In March 2022 the Florida legislature passed and Governor DeSantis signed into law the Parents Rights Bill. DeSantis signed HB1467 requiring schools to publicly disclose all curriculum to parents. DeSantis at the signing ceremony stated:

“Parents have a fundamental role to be involved in the education of their kids. That’s how it’s going to be in the state of Florida.”

When the bill passed the Florida legislature the media immediately labeled HB1467 the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. Watch when a reporter asks Governor DeSantis about the “Don’t Say Gay” bill:

In response DeSantis said,

“In Florida, our parents have every right to be involved in their child’s education. We are not going to let politicians deny parents the right to know what is being taught in our schools. I’m proud to sign this legislation that ensures curriculum transparency.”

America has been fundamentally transformed from a force for good into an instrument of evil by our government controlled education system.

Accomplished: #12 Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.

As Ayn Rand wrote, “The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow.

Today its parents tomorrow its will be your children and grandchildren.

On Tuesday, November 8, 2022 we the people have an opportunity to redeem ourselves. Let us all pray that we do.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


DeSantis Signs Parental Notification Bill, Shrugs Off ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Uproar


How Biden Raised Gas Prices Without Anyone Noticing

  • U.S. pump prices have surged throughout President Joe Biden’s tenure in office, even as Democrats continue to blame the spike on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and Big Oil companies.
  • The average price of gasoline nationwide increased a whopping 48.4% between Biden’s January 2021 inauguration and Feb. 21, three days before Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine.
  • “We haven’t had a federal lease sale in North Dakota in over a year,” Republican North Dakota Rep. Kelly Armstrong, a member of the House Energy and Commerce Energy Subcommittee, told the Daily Caller News Foundation in an interview. “These are real things — that you are sending signals, not just to energy companies, but also to Wall Street.”

President Joe Biden and Democrats have blamed the continued gasoline price surge on Big Oil and Russia’s invasion, but pump prices have climbed throughout his tenure.

While Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has destabilized global energy markets, causing an historic supply crunch, high gasoline prices have been the norm throughout Biden’s first 14 months, federal data showed. Experts have blamed the high prices on the administration’s energy and climate policies disincentivizing domestic fossil fuel production.

Since Russia’s invasion, gasoline prices have increased more than 20%, from $3.53 per gallon to $4.24 per gallon, according to the Energy Information Administration. However, pump prices increased a whopping 48.4% between Biden’s January 2021 inauguration and Feb. 21, three days before Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered troops into Ukraine.

Democrats and the White House initially blamed Russia for the entirety of the price increases, calling it “Putin’s gas price hike,” before also accusing oil companies of profiteering off the crisis.

“While there is no denying that Putin’s war has led to instability on global energy markets, I remain concerned that the oil industry is not doing enough to protect American consumers from rising gas prices,” House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Raúl Grijalva wrote to Big Oil executives on March 18.

However, fossil fuel industry groups and Republicans have slammed the Biden administration for its long string of policies dating back to the president’s first day in office. They accused Biden of waging a war on fossil fuels, causing decreased capital flows to domestic projects.

“The United States has shown its global energy dominance over the past decade,” Independent Petroleum Association of America COO Jeff Eshelman told the Daily Caller News Foundation in February. “Unfortunately, this has been threatened by the current Administration’s policies against domestic natural gas and oil production.”

“Make no mistake, natural gas and oil production here at home benefits not only our nation, but also our worldwide allies,” he added. “For America, it means less reliance on oil imports from unfriendly countries.”

Among Biden’s first actions as president was to revoke the Keystone XL pipeline’s federal permit, which would have transported more crude oil into the U.S. from Canada. The administration also abandoned the Willow Project, a significant oil and gas project in Alaska approved by the Trump administration that would have produced 100,000 barrels of oil per day.

After a federal judge ordered the Biden administration to halt its attempted ban on new federal land drilling leases, the Department of the Interior has dragged its feet and defied multiple court-ordered deadlines to restart the program. The Interior Department also chose not to appeal a recent ruling that prohibited an offshore drilling lease in the Gulf of Mexico the agency facilitated in the fall.

Further, the administration hasn’t developed a new five-year federal leasing program — which is needed to plan future lease sales — to replace the current one which expires in late June 2022according to a Congressional Research Service report from December. The most recent offshore lease sale occurred in 2020 during the Trump administration.

Overall, there are just 601 oil and gas drilling rigs active in the U.S., the latest government data showed. The number of rigs peaked under the Trump administration in 2018 when there were 1,032 active.

The U.S. is also on track to again become a net importer of oil in 2022 after briefly reaching net exporter status in 2020. The U.S. became a net exporter of total energy in 2019, factoring in oil, coal and natural gas trade, for the first time in 75 years.

“We haven’t had a federal lease sale in North Dakota in over a year,” Republican North Dakota Rep. Kelly Armstrong, a member of the House Energy and Commerce Energy Subcommittee, told the DCNF in an interview. “These are real things — that you are sending signals, not just to energy companies, but also to Wall Street.”

“(Drilling projects) take several years to do and a ton of capital the raise,” he continued. “How are you going to do that when you have an administration basically signaling that they want nothing to do with oil and gas?”

North Dakota produced 1.1 million barrels of oil per day in 2021, the third-largest statewide output, according to federal data.



Energy and environment reporter.



‘Slap In The Face’: Dems’ Solution To High Gas Prices Is More Stimulus Checks

Biden Administration Backtracks On Media Reports Signaling Oil, Gas Leasing Resumption

Biden Administration’s Offshore Oil Leasing Policy Will Crush American Energy Security, Experts Say

Police Advise People In Texas Town To Lock Gas Caps

‘Shortfall’: Trump Energy Secretary Casts Doubt On Biden Gas Deal With EU

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact

Woke Criminal Justice Reform Gets Mugged by Reality

What happens when a liberal Woke company runs into the consequences of liberal Woke policies?  It flees, that’s what, and that ought to tell you something about liberal Woke policies and the stupid people pushing them.

Amazon is moving employees out of its office in downtown Seattle because violent crime has increased in the area. Seattle is the place, you will recall, where city officials never met a rioter they didn’t like.  Seattle is also where the city council voted twice to defund the police, and the police can no longer chase criminals, thanks to Woke criminal justice reform.

Seattle isn’t the only Woke place suffering from high crime.  A smash-and-grab gang robbed a jewelry store in the Sacramento area earlier this month, where all Democrats have to worry about is how big their majority in the state legislature will be. In St. Louis, the police budget was to be cut by $4 million and robbery victims now wait three hours to get through to 911.  Austin, where voters refused to re-fund the police, shattered all records for the number of homicides in 2021 – 89 by one count, 101 by another – eclipsing the previous high of 59 in 1984.  Woke Austinians are getting the government they deserve.

Woke criminal justice reform has been repudiated in some places, with some cities moving to re-fund the police.  New York City Mayor Eric Adams also confessed error, moving to reinstate a plainclothes police unit that targets violent crime on the street.

The liberal Woke Brennan Center for Justice just issued a report claiming there is no clear connection between Woke bail reform and recent increases in crime in New York state.  Statistics cited in the report prove otherwise. A review of 100,000 pretrial releases in a recent one-year period under the state’s cashless bail reform law showed 2 percent led to rearrests for violent felonies. Brennan concludes “relatively few people released under the new law went on to be rearrested for serious offenses.”  That’s putting lipstick on a pig. The proper conclusion is that 2,000 more violent felonies occurred that would not have occurred but for Woke bail reform.

Brennan’s report doesn’t mention that former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio confessed error and admitted the Woke bail laws caused crime to go up.  Brennan does mention that New York’s Governor Kathy Hochul wants the law changed back to allow bail to be set in more conditions, but Brennan misses the obvious point:  this is another admission that Woke criminal justice reform just isn’t working.

Brennan’s report doesn’t even try to deal with the spectacular cases of repeat offenders being released in New York who went on to commit more crimes.  A subway mugger was arrested 16 times in one day.  It’s the same story elsewhere.  The father of a 24-year-old graduate student who was murdered in L.A. blamed politicians who let criminals roam free on the streets. Also in L.A., a no-bail policy resulted in a car-theft suspect being re-arrested 13 times in 12 weeks.

So, nice try, Brennan Center, not even close.  At this point, everybody knows defunding the police makes crime go up, and good luck calling 911.  And everybody know no-cash bail lets repeat offenders commit more crimes.  Woke criminal justice reform has completely failed, but now the Biden administration wants to hand out cash to drug addicts.  The consequences are foreseeable to anyone with a lick of common sense and I can’t wait to write about them.

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