President Trump addresses U.N. General Assembly – FULL SPEECH (C-SPAN)


7 Top Takeaways From Trump’s UN Speech for Friends and Foes Alike

The Daily Signal Podcast: In UN Speech, Trump Makes Powerful Case for American Sovereignty


Remarks by President Trump to the 72nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly

United Nations
New York, New York

10:04 A.M. EDT

PRESIDENT TRUMP:  Mr. Secretary General, Mr. President, world leaders, and distinguished delegates:  Welcome to New York.  It is a profound honor to stand here in my home city, as a representative of the American people, to address the people of the world.

As millions of our citizens continue to suffer the effects of the devastating hurricanes that have struck our country, I want to begin by expressing my appreciation to every leader in this room who has offered assistance and aid.  The American people are strong and resilient, and they will emerge from these hardships more determined than ever before.

Fortunately, the United States has done very well since Election Day last November 8th.  The stock market is at an all-time high — a record.  Unemployment is at its lowest level in 16 years, and because of our regulatory and other reforms, we have more people working in the United States today than ever before.  Companies are moving back, creating job growth the likes of which our country has not seen in a very long time.  And it has just been announced that we will be spending almost $700 billion on our military and defense.

Our military will soon be the strongest it has ever been.  For more than 70 years, in times of war and peace, the leaders of nations, movements, and religions have stood before this assembly.  Like them, I intend to address some of the very serious threats before us today but also the enormous potential waiting to be unleashed.

We live in a time of extraordinary opportunity.  Breakthroughs in science, technology, and medicine are curing illnesses and solving problems that prior generations thought impossible to solve.

But each day also brings news of growing dangers that threaten everything we cherish and value.  Terrorists and extremists have gathered strength and spread to every region of the planet.  Rogue regimes represented in this body not only support terrorists but threaten other nations and their own people with the most destructive weapons known to humanity.

Authority and authoritarian powers seek to collapse the values, the systems, and alliances that prevented conflict and tilted the world toward freedom since World War II.

International criminal networks traffic drugs, weapons, people; force dislocation and mass migration; threaten our borders; and new forms of aggression exploit technology to menace our citizens.

To put it simply, we meet at a time of both of immense promise and great peril.  It is entirely up to us whether we lift the world to new heights, or let it fall into a valley of disrepair.

We have it in our power, should we so choose, to lift millions from poverty, to help our citizens realize their dreams, and to ensure that new generations of children are raised free from violence, hatred, and fear.

This institution was founded in the aftermath of two world wars to help shape this better future.  It was based on the vision that diverse nations could cooperate to protect their sovereignty, preserve their security, and promote their prosperity.

It was in the same period, exactly 70 years ago, that the United States developed the Marshall Plan to help restore Europe.  Those three beautiful pillars — they’re pillars of peace, sovereignty, security, and prosperity.

The Marshall Plan was built on the noble idea that the whole world is safer when nations are strong, independent, and free.  As President Truman said in his message to Congress at that time, “Our support of European recovery is in full accord with our support of the United Nations.  The success of the United Nations depends upon the independent strength of its members.”

To overcome the perils of the present and to achieve the promise of the future, we must begin with the wisdom of the past.  Our success depends on a coalition of strong and independent nations that embrace their sovereignty to promote security, prosperity, and peace for themselves and for the world.

We do not expect diverse countries to share the same cultures, traditions, or even systems of government.  But we do expect all nations to uphold these two core sovereign duties:  to respect the interests of their own people and the rights of every other sovereign nation.  This is the beautiful vision of this institution, and this is foundation for cooperation and success.

Strong, sovereign nations let diverse countries with different values, different cultures, and different dreams not just coexist, but work side by side on the basis of mutual respect.

Strong, sovereign nations let their people take ownership of the future and control their own destiny.  And strong, sovereign nations allow individuals to flourish in the fullness of the life intended by God.

In America, we do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example for everyone to watch.  This week gives our country a special reason to take pride in that example.  We are celebrating the 230th anniversary of our beloved Constitution — the oldest constitution still in use in the world today.

This timeless document has been the foundation of peace, prosperity, and freedom for the Americans and for countless millions around the globe whose own countries have found inspiration in its respect for human nature, human dignity, and the rule of law.

The greatest in the United States Constitution is its first three beautiful words.  They are:  “We the people.”

Generations of Americans have sacrificed to maintain the promise of those words, the promise of our country, and of our great history.  In America, the people govern, the people rule, and the people are sovereign.  I was elected not to take power, but to give power to the American people, where it belongs.

In foreign affairs, we are renewing this founding principle of sovereignty.  Our government’s first duty is to its people, to our citizens — to serve their needs, to ensure their safety, to preserve their rights, and to defend their values.

As President of the United States, I will always put America first, just like you, as the leaders of your countries will always, and should always, put your countries first.  (Applause.)

All responsible leaders have an obligation to serve their own citizens, and the nation-state remains the best vehicle for elevating the human condition.

But making a better life for our people also requires us to work together in close harmony and unity to create a more safe and peaceful future for all people.

The United States will forever be a great friend to the world, and especially to its allies.  But we can no longer be taken advantage of, or enter into a one-sided deal where the United States gets nothing in return.  As long as I hold this office, I will defend America’s interests above all else.

But in fulfilling our obligations to our own nations, we also realize that it’s in everyone’s interest to seek a future where all nations can be sovereign, prosperous, and secure.

America does more than speak for the values expressed in the United Nations Charter.  Our citizens have paid the ultimate price to defend our freedom and the freedom of many nations represented in this great hall.  America’s devotion is measured on the battlefields where our young men and women have fought and sacrificed alongside of our allies, from the beaches of Europe to the deserts of the Middle East to the jungles of Asia.

It is an eternal credit to the American character that even after we and our allies emerged victorious from the bloodiest war in history, we did not seek territorial expansion, or attempt to oppose and impose our way of life on others.  Instead, we helped build institutions such as this one to defend the sovereignty, security, and prosperity for all.

For the diverse nations of the world, this is our hope.  We want harmony and friendship, not conflict and strife.  We are guided by outcomes, not ideology.  We have a policy of principled realism, rooted in shared goals, interests, and values.

That realism forces us to confront a question facing every leader and nation in this room.  It is a question we cannot escape or avoid.  We will slide down the path of complacency, numb to the challenges, threats, and even wars that we face.  Or do we have enough strength and pride to confront those dangers today, so that our citizens can enjoy peace and prosperity tomorrow?

If we desire to lift up our citizens, if we aspire to the approval of history, then we must fulfill our sovereign duties to the people we faithfully represent.  We must protect our nations, their interests, and their futures.  We must reject threats to sovereignty, from the Ukraine to the South China Sea.  We must uphold respect for law, respect for borders, and respect for culture, and the peaceful engagement these allow.  And just as the founders of this body intended, we must work together and confront together those who threaten us with chaos, turmoil, and terror.

The scourge of our planet today is a small group of rogue regimes that violate every principle on which the United Nations is based.  They respect neither their own citizens nor the sovereign rights of their countries.

If the righteous many do not confront the wicked few, then evil will triumph.  When decent people and nations become bystanders to history, the forces of destruction only gather power and strength.

No one has shown more contempt for other nations and for the wellbeing of their own people than the depraved regime in North Korea.  It is responsible for the starvation deaths of millions of North Koreans, and for the imprisonment, torture, killing, and oppression of countless more.

We were all witness to the regime’s deadly abuse when an innocent American college student, Otto Warmbier, was returned to America only to die a few days later.  We saw it in the assassination of the dictator’s brother using banned nerve agents in an international airport.  We know it kidnapped a sweet 13-year-old Japanese girl from a beach in her own country to enslave her as a language tutor for North Korea’s spies.

If this is not twisted enough, now North Korea’s reckless pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles threatens the entire world with unthinkable loss of human life.

It is an outrage that some nations would not only trade with such a regime, but would arm, supply, and financially support a country that imperils the world with nuclear conflict.  No nation on earth has an interest in seeing this band of criminals arm itself with nuclear weapons and missiles.

The United States has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea.  Rocket Man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime.  The United States is ready, willing and able, but hopefully this will not be necessary.  That’s what the United Nations is all about; that’s what the United Nations is for.  Let’s see how they do.

It is time for North Korea to realize that the denuclearization is its only acceptable future.  The United Nations Security Council recently held two unanimous 15-0 votes adopting hard-hitting resolutions against North Korea, and I want to thank China and Russia for joining the vote to impose sanctions, along with all of the other members of the Security Council.  Thank you to all involved.

But we must do much more.  It is time for all nations to work together to isolate the Kim regime until it ceases its hostile behavior.

We face this decision not only in North Korea.  It is far past time for the nations of the world to confront another reckless regime — one that speaks openly of mass murder, vowing death to America, destruction to Israel, and ruin for many leaders and nations in this room.

The Iranian government masks a corrupt dictatorship behind the false guise of a democracy.  It has turned a wealthy country with a rich history and culture into an economically depleted rogue state whose chief exports are violence, bloodshed, and chaos.  The longest-suffering victims of Iran’s leaders are, in fact, its own people.

Rather than use its resources to improve Iranian lives, its oil profits go to fund Hezbollah and other terrorists that kill innocent Muslims and attack their peaceful Arab and Israeli neighbors.  This wealth, which rightly belongs to Iran’s people, also goes to shore up Bashar al-Assad’s dictatorship, fuel Yemen’s civil war, and undermine peace throughout the entire Middle East.

We cannot let a murderous regime continue these destabilizing activities while building dangerous missiles, and we cannot abide by an agreement if it provides cover for the eventual construction of a nuclear program.  (Applause.)  The Iran Deal was one of the worst and most one-sided transactions the United States has ever entered into.  Frankly, that deal is an embarrassment to the United States, and I don’t think you’ve heard the last of it — believe me.

It is time for the entire world to join us in demanding that Iran’s government end its pursuit of death and destruction.  It is time for the regime to free all Americans and citizens of other nations that they have unjustly detained.  And above all, Iran’s government must stop supporting terrorists, begin serving its own people, and respect the sovereign rights of its neighbors.

The entire world understands that the good people of Iran want change, and, other than the vast military power of the United States, that Iran’s people are what their leaders fear the most.  This is what causes the regime to restrict Internet access, tear down satellite dishes, shoot unarmed student protestors, and imprison political reformers.

Oppressive regimes cannot endure forever, and the day will come when the Iranian people will face a choice.  Will they continue down the path of poverty, bloodshed, and terror?  Or will the Iranian people return to the nation’s proud roots as a center of civilization, culture, and wealth where their people can be happy and prosperous once again?

The Iranian regime’s support for terror is in stark contrast to the recent commitments of many of its neighbors to fight terrorism and halt its financing.

In Saudi Arabia early last year, I was greatly honored to address the leaders of more than 50 Arab and Muslim nations.  We agreed that all responsible nations must work together to confront terrorists and the Islamist extremism that inspires them.

We will stop radical Islamic terrorism because we cannot allow it to tear up our nation, and indeed to tear up the entire world.

We must deny the terrorists safe haven, transit, funding, and any form of support for their vile and sinister ideology.  We must drive them out of our nations.  It is time to expose and hold responsible those countries who support and finance terror groups like al Qaeda, Hezbollah, the Taliban and others that slaughter innocent people.

The United States and our allies are working together throughout the Middle East to crush the loser terrorists and stop the reemergence of safe havens they use to launch attacks on all of our people.

Last month, I announced a new strategy for victory in the fight against this evil in Afghanistan.  From now on, our security interests will dictate the length and scope of military operations, not arbitrary benchmarks and timetables set up by politicians.

I have also totally changed the rules of engagement in our fight against the Taliban and other terrorist groups.  In Syria and Iraq, we have made big gains toward lasting defeat of ISIS.  In fact, our country has achieved more against ISIS in the last eight months than it has in many, many years combined.

We seek the de-escalation of the Syrian conflict, and a political solution that honors the will of the Syrian people.  The actions of the criminal regime of Bashar al-Assad, including the use of chemical weapons against his own citizens — even innocent children — shock the conscience of every decent person.  No society can be safe if banned chemical weapons are allowed to spread.  That is why the United States carried out a missile strike on the airbase that launched the attack.

We appreciate the efforts of United Nations agencies that are providing vital humanitarian assistance in areas liberated from ISIS, and we especially thank Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon for their role in hosting refugees from the Syrian conflict.

The United States is a compassionate nation and has spent billions and billions of dollars in helping to support this effort.  We seek an approach to refugee resettlement that is designed to help these horribly treated people, and which enables their eventual return to their home countries, to be part of the rebuilding process.

For the cost of resettling one refugee in the United States, we can assist more than 10 in their home region.  Out of the goodness of our hearts, we offer financial assistance to hosting countries in the region, and we support recent agreements of the G20 nations that will seek to host refugees as close to their home countries as possible.  This is the safe, responsible, and humanitarian approach.

For decades, the United States has dealt with migration challenges here in the Western Hemisphere.  We have learned that, over the long term, uncontrolled migration is deeply unfair to both the sending and the receiving countries.

For the sending countries, it reduces domestic pressure to pursue needed political and economic reform, and drains them of the human capital necessary to motivate and implement those reforms.

For the receiving countries, the substantial costs of uncontrolled migration are borne overwhelmingly by low-income citizens whose concerns are often ignored by both media and government.

I want to salute the work of the United Nations in seeking to address the problems that cause people to flee from their homes.  The United Nations and African Union led peacekeeping missions to have invaluable contributions in stabilizing conflicts in Africa.  The United States continues to lead the world in humanitarian assistance, including famine prevention and relief in South Sudan, Somalia, and northern Nigeria and Yemen.

We have invested in better health and opportunity all over the world through programs like PEPFAR, which funds AIDS relief; the President’s Malaria Initiative; the Global Health Security Agenda; the Global Fund to End Modern Slavery; and the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative, part of our commitment to empowering women all across the globe.

We also thank — (applause) — we also thank the Secretary General for recognizing that the United Nations must reform if it is to be an effective partner in confronting threats to sovereignty, security, and prosperity.  Too often the focus of this organization has not been on results, but on bureaucracy and process.

In some cases, states that seek to subvert this institution’s noble aims have hijacked the very systems that are supposed to advance them.  For example, it is a massive source of embarrassment to the United Nations that some governments with egregious human rights records sit on the U.N. Human Rights Council.

The United States is one out of 193 countries in the United Nations, and yet we pay 22 percent of the entire budget and more.  In fact, we pay far more than anybody realizes.  The United States bears an unfair cost burden, but, to be fair, if it could actually accomplish all of its stated goals, especially the goal of peace, this investment would easily be well worth it.

Major portions of the world are in conflict and some, in fact, are going to hell.  But the powerful people in this room, under the guidance and auspices of the United Nations, can solve many of these vicious and complex problems.

The American people hope that one day soon the United Nations can be a much more accountable and effective advocate for human dignity and freedom around the world.  In the meantime, we believe that no nation should have to bear a disproportionate share of the burden, militarily or financially.  Nations of the world must take a greater role in promoting secure and prosperous societies in their own regions.

That is why in the Western Hemisphere, the United States has stood against the corrupt and destabilizing regime in Cuba and embraced the enduring dream of the Cuban people to live in freedom.  My administration recently announced that we will not lift sanctions on the Cuban government until it makes fundamental reforms.

We have also imposed tough, calibrated sanctions on the socialist Maduro regime in Venezuela, which has brought a once thriving nation to the brink of total collapse.

The socialist dictatorship of Nicolas Maduro has inflicted terrible pain and suffering on the good people of that country.  This corrupt regime destroyed a prosperous nation by imposing a failed ideology that has produced poverty and misery everywhere it has been tried.  To make matters worse, Maduro has defied his own people, stealing power from their elected representatives to preserve his disastrous rule.

The Venezuelan people are starving and their country is collapsing.  Their democratic institutions are being destroyed.  This situation is completely unacceptable and we cannot stand by and watch.

As a responsible neighbor and friend, we and all others have a goal.  That goal is to help them regain their freedom, recover their country, and restore their democracy.  I would like to thank leaders in this room for condemning the regime and providing vital support to the Venezuelan people.

The United States has taken important steps to hold the regime accountable.  We are prepared to take further action if the government of Venezuela persists on its path to impose authoritarian rule on the Venezuelan people.

We are fortunate to have incredibly strong and healthy trade relationships with many of the Latin American countries gathered here today.  Our economic bond forms a critical foundation for advancing peace and prosperity for all of our people and all of our neighbors.

I ask every country represented here today to be prepared to do more to address this very real crisis.  We call for the full restoration of democracy and political freedoms in Venezuela. (Applause.)

The problem in Venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented, but that socialism has been faithfully implemented.  (Applause.)  From the Soviet Union to Cuba to Venezuela, wherever true socialism or communism has been adopted, it has delivered anguish and devastation and failure.  Those who preach the tenets of these discredited ideologies only contribute to the continued suffering of the people who live under these cruel systems.

America stands with every person living under a brutal regime.  Our respect for sovereignty is also a call for action.  All people deserve a government that cares for their safety, their interests, and their wellbeing, including their prosperity.

In America, we seek stronger ties of business and trade with all nations of good will, but this trade must be fair and it must be reciprocal.

For too long, the American people were told that mammoth multinational trade deals, unaccountable international tribunals, and powerful global bureaucracies were the best way to promote their success.  But as those promises flowed, millions of jobs vanished and thousands of factories disappeared.  Others gamed the system and broke the rules.  And our great middle class, once the bedrock of American prosperity, was forgotten and left behind, but they are forgotten no more and they will never be forgotten again.

While America will pursue cooperation and commerce with other nations, we are renewing our commitment to the first duty of every government:  the duty of our citizens.  This bond is the source of America’s strength and that of every responsible nation represented here today.

If this organization is to have any hope of successfully confronting the challenges before us, it will depend, as President Truman said some 70 years ago, on the “independent strength of its members.”  If we are to embrace the opportunities of the future and overcome the present dangers together, there can be no substitute for strong, sovereign, and independent nations — nations that are rooted in their histories and invested in their destinies; nations that seek allies to befriend, not enemies to conquer; and most important of all, nations that are home to patriots, to men and women who are willing to sacrifice for their countries, their fellow citizens, and for all that is best in the human spirit.

In remembering the great victory that led to this body’s founding, we must never forget that those heroes who fought against evil also fought for the nations that they loved.

Patriotism led the Poles to die to save Poland, the French to fight for a free France, and the Brits to stand strong for Britain.

Today, if we do not invest ourselves, our hearts, and our minds in our nations, if we will not build strong families, safe communities, and healthy societies for ourselves, no one can do it for us.

We cannot wait for someone else, for faraway countries or far-off bureaucrats — we can’t do it.  We must solve our problems, to build our prosperity, to secure our futures, or we will be vulnerable to decay, domination, and defeat.

The true question for the United Nations today, for people all over the world who hope for better lives for themselves and their children, is a basic one:  Are we still patriots?  Do we love our nations enough to protect their sovereignty and to take ownership of their futures?  Do we revere them enough to defend their interests, preserve their cultures, and ensure a peaceful world for their citizens?

One of the greatest American patriots, John Adams, wrote that the American Revolution was “effected before the war commenced.  The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people.”

That was the moment when America awoke, when we looked around and understood that we were a nation.  We realized who we were, what we valued, and what we would give our lives to defend.  From its very first moments, the American story is the story of what is possible when people take ownership of their future.

The United States of America has been among the greatest forces for good in the history of the world, and the greatest defenders of sovereignty, security, and prosperity for all.

Now we are calling for a great reawakening of nations, for the revival of their spirits, their pride, their people, and their patriotism.

History is asking us whether we are up to the task.  Our answer will be a renewal of will, a rediscovery of resolve, and a rebirth of devotion.  We need to defeat the enemies of humanity and unlock the potential of life itself.

Our hope is a word and — world of proud, independent nations that embrace their duties, seek friendship, respect others, and make common cause in the greatest shared interest of all:  a future of dignity and peace for the people of this wonderful Earth.

This is the true vision of the United Nations, the ancient wish of every people, and the deepest yearning that lives inside every sacred soul.

So let this be our mission, and let this be our message to the world:  We will fight together, sacrifice together, and stand together for peace, for freedom, for justice, for family, for humanity, and for the almighty God who made us all.

Thank you.  God bless you.  God bless the nations of the world.  And God bless the United States of America.  Thank you very much.  (Applause.)


10:46 A.M. EDT

VIDEO: The Aborting of Judge Kavanaugh

Tom Trento, National Security Expert, Director of The United West.

Tom Trento comments on the obvious attacks on Judge Brett Kavanaugh because he may agree on the issues of abortion with the other four Justices on the Supreme Court.


Have you ever witnessed an abortion…or seen the graphic, disturbing photos? Well, today, you are front & center to the full-throated, scorched earth aborting of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. It aint pretty, in fact abortion is society’s ultimate example of man’s crass inhumanity to his fellow man.

One group of Elitists target another human because that person somehow stands in the progressive way of the Elitist. Save your breath with empty, non-scientific platitudes or logically indefensible legal theories.

BOTTOM LINE – A successful abortion DESTROYS another human being.

As you witness the transparent aborting of Judge Kavanaugh – understand –the Democrat Party has elevated abortion to a political art-form of human destruction, but today, their target is not a growing little girl in her mothers womb, but a fully- grown man, a man the progressive elites believe may obstruct their unfettered access to the alter upon which they worship.

If a group of godless people can harden their heart to clear science, obvious morality and instead endorse, proclaim, fight for the wholesale destruction of unborn children, can not those same people target a Godly gentleman who just may stand in the defense of those innocent boys and girls?

EDITORS NOTE: The featured photo is by Jon Tyson on Unsplash.

VIDEO: Judicial Watch Statement on Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearing

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement in response to the latest efforts to delay Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation by the Senate:

Let’s be clear, Leftists are trying to blow up the Senate confirmation process in this latest attack on Kavanaugh. This latest gambit is about delaying the nomination past the elections. There is no legitimate reason that these last-minute allegations can’t be summarily evaluated, and a Judiciary Committee vote taken within days. There is no reason to further delay Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

Leftist lawbreaking, rule-breaking, violence, and disruption marred the public Kavanaugh confirmation hearings. One can only imagine the disruptive show trial Leftists plan with the Kavanaugh accuser. The Senate should shut this circus down and move the Kavanaugh confirmation along.

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton addresses the Left’s attempt to destroy Judge Kavanaugh in the Judicial Watch Weekly Update:

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is by Sebastian Pichler on Unsplash.

VIDEO: Castro’s Torture of Americans in Vietnam — An interview with former POW Michael D. Benge

Michael D. Benge a former POW in North Vietnam tells Jamie Glazov a horrifying untold story – and unveils the POWs left behind.


Cuban War Crimes in Vietnam by Elise Cooper

My Visit to Cuba — An American in Havana

Testimony of Michael D. Benge before the House International Relations Committee Chaired by the Honorable Benjamin A. Gilman, November 4, 1999

My name is Michael D. Benge. While serving as a civilian Economic Development Officer in the Central Highlands of South Viet Nam, I was captured by the North Vietnamese during the Tet Offensive on January 28, 1968. I was held in numerous camps in South Viet Nam, Cambodia, Laos and North Viet Nam. I was a POW for over five years, and spent 27 months in solitary confinement, one year in a “black box,” and one year in a cage in Cambodia. I served for almost 11 years in Viet Nam. I was released during Operation Homecoming in 1973. I am a Board Member of the National Alliance of Families for the Return of America’s Missing Servicemen. And, I am a POW/MIA activist; that is, I am one who is actively seeking the truth regarding the fate of our Prisoners of War and Missing in Action.

I was not tortured by the Cubans, nor was I part of the “Cuban Program.” There were 19 American POWs that I know of who were tortured by the Cubans in Hanoi during the Vietnam War. These brave men include Colonel Jack Bomar and Captain Ray Vohden, who will testify, and also Commander Al Carpenter, who is with us today. They named their torturers “Fidel,” “Chico” and “Pancho.” The torture took place in a POW camp called the Zoo, and the Vietnamese camp commander was a man they called the “Lump.” He was called that because of the presence of a rather large fatty tumor in the middle of his forehead.

No, I was not tortured by Cubans in Vietnam, but I was interrogated by the “Lump,” and a person who appeared to be a Latino and who spoke a few words of Spanish to the “Lump” during my interrogation in the early part of 1970. Upon my return to the US, I was shown a picture taken in Cuba of the “Lump,” who was with an American antiwar group. Yes, it was the same person who had interrogated me in 1970. I was told by a Congressional Investigator that he was the man who was in charge of funneling Soviet KGB money to American antiwar groups and activists, such as Jane Fonda. After researching my paper, this made more sense, for who would be better suited to liaison with the Cubans. This was my first piece of the puzzle.

I decided to research the “Cuban Program” after repeated claims by the Administration, Senators John McCain and John Kerry, Ambassador Pete Peterson, and members of the Department of Defense (DOD) that the Vietnamese Government was “cooperating fully” in resolving the POW/MIA issue. This is far from the truth.

If the Vietnamese communists were fully cooperating as purported, they would have told us the true fate of the 173 US servicemen who were last known to be alive and in the hands of the North Vietnamese communists. They would have helped us resolve the fate of over 600 American servicemen who were lost in Laos, of which over 80% were lost in areas under the total control of the North Vietnamese. If the Vietnamese were fully cooperating, we would not be here today, for they would have revealed the names of the Cubans “Fidel,” “Chico” and “Pancho,” who were responsible for the torture of 19 American POWs; beating one so severely that it resulted in his death.

Upon their return to the US, the POWs in the “Cuban Program” were told by our government not to tell of their torture by the Cubans, but they resisted, as they had in the “Cuban Program, and some broke the silence. Regardless, the “Cuban Program” was swept under the rug by the US Government.

Thus, I chose to research the “Cuba Program” — one segment of the POW/MIA issue–to prove my point that the Vietnamese communists were not fully cooperating as purported. I first produced a draft paper in 1996 for presentation at the annual meeting of the National Alliance of Families.

Commander Chip Beck, who at that time was with the Department of Defense POW/Missing Personnel Office (DPMO), became interested in my research, and tried to find out what DPMO knew. He was basically told by DPMO to back off. Congressman Bob Dornan also became interested. He held hearings, and requested that DPMO provide them with their analysis of the Cuban Program. A compilation was presented, and Mr. Robert Destatte from DPMO testified as to his and DPMO’s analysis. Commander Beck also testified; after which, he was told by DPMO that his services were no longer needed.

With the release of DPMO’s compilation and analysis, and the declassification of additional documents related to Cuba’s involvement in Vietnam, I reassessed this information. In the DPMO compilation, there were memoranda stating that the CIA had identified Cuban military attaches Eduardo Morjon Esteves and Luis Perez Jaen with backgrounds that seemed to correspond with information on “Fidel” and “Chico” provided by returned POWs. Reportedly, Esteves served under diplomatic cover as a brigadier general at the United Nations in New York during 1977-78. Documents indicate that the FBI and DIA were “tasked” to ID these people; however, neither the CIA, the DIA, nor the FBI could produce a decent picture for identification by the returned POWs. It makes one wonder as to their level of effort.

Nonetheless, just from my reading the documents in the DPMO compilation, I found the profile of a man that that seemed to match almost perfectly the POWs’ description of the Cuban called “Chico.” However, this profile also partially fit the POWs’ characterization of “Fidel.” The profile was that of Major Fernando Vecino Alegret.

On August 22, 1999, the Miami Herald published an article on the “Cuban Program” based partially on my report. However, the reporter got it wrong and said that I believed Raul Valdes Vivo, the DGI agent attached to COSVN (ref. my submitted report), might be “Fidel.” Independent of my report, a Cuban exile in the Miami area identified Fernando Vecino Alegret as “Fidel,” based on information emanating from contacts within the exile community and Cuba. He also produced a picture of Alegret that was subsequently identified by Col. Hubbard, who said he was 99% sure he was “Fidel.” Alegret is now Cuba’s Minister of Education, and Fidel Castro has issued a denial that Alegret was ever in Vietnam. However, DIA documentation in DPMO’s compilation proves otherwise.

In Mr. Destatte’s testimony, he claims he “was never responsible for any investigations or analysis related to the “Cuban Program.” “Responsible” is the key word here that Mr. Destatte parses.

The Administration and the Department of Defense POW/Missing Personnel Office (DPMO) has mastered the art of obfuscation. I grew up on a farm in the West, and I used to try to catch greased pigs at the county fair, and I can assure you that trying to pin down DPMO to truthful facts is sometimes much more difficult than trying to catch a greased pig.

Mr. Chuck Trowbridge of DPMO is also implicated as participating in the investigation and analysis; however, it has never been revealed who was in fact in charge. One would hope that someone at DPMO is in charge.

Mr. Destatte testified to DPMO’s conclusions and that the “Cuban Program” was nothing more than a program “to provide instruction in basic English to PAVN [North Vietnamese Army] personnel working with American prisoners.”

I have taught English to Vietnamese, and have been tortured by the Vietnamese, and I can tell the difference between the two. One might conclude from Mr. Destatte’s testimony that neither he nor Mr. Trowbridge know the difference. I can also read English and understand what I read. One might also conclude that they may have a problem here too. Perhaps they should have taken basic English instruction from the Cubans.

Mr. Destatte also had the audacity to testify that the Vietnamese high-command was unaware that the Cubans were torturing American POWs, and it was stopped once they found out. However, it is crystal clear from the POW debriefings, as well as the Air Force Intelligence Analysis, that the “Cuban Program” was sanctioned by the Vietnamese. This then leads one to ask, “How did Mr. Destatte reach his conclusion?”

Mr. Destatte reached his conclusion by asking North Vietnamese communist Colonel Pham Teo, who told Destatte he was in South Viet Nam in 1967-68 and knew nothing of the “Cuban Program.” However, he had heard rumors that it was an English language instruction program that had “gone awry.” Mr. Destatte testified that the Vietnamese explanation “is…fully consistent with what we know about the conduct of the Cubans in question.”

Evidently, Destatte chose to believe a Vietnamese communist colonel over American POWs who had been brutally tortured in the “Cuban Program” and had clearly stated in their debriefings that the Vietnamese were well aware of and participated in their torture. Destatte choses to believe a member of a draconian regime, which had systematically murdered 70-80,000 political prisoners after they took over power in Vietnam in 1975, and who had broken every agreement ever made with the US and South Vietnamese governments.

What bewilders me, as it should you, is that Destatte’s superiors at DPMO had the audacity to let him testify before Congress to this foolishness. This exemplifies the quality of DPMO’s investigation and analysis of the “Cuban Program.”

I am neither a trained investigator nor an analyst, but I do know how to research. And I have concluded that at best, DPMO’s investigation and analysis of the “Cuban Program” was not up to professional standards, and DPMO’s conclusions are shameful! However, they did a great job of obfuscating the issue.

Since the “Cuban Program” was sanctioned by the Vietnamese, what then was the diving force behind it?” According to POW debriefings, supported by CIA and other reports, the “Cuba Program” was part of a Hanoi medical university’s “psychological study.” It was conducted to obtain full compliance from the American POWs, and to force them to make propaganda statements against the American government and the war in Vietnam. The real reason for the termination of the “Cuban Program” was so “Fidel,” “Chico” and “Pancho” could return to Cuba as planned in time to prepare a presentation for the October 18-21, 1968, Communist Internationale Second Symposium Against Yankee Genocide In Vietnam. This symposium in Cuba was a continuum of the Bertrand Russell War Crimes Tribunal kangaroo court and dog-and-pony show held in Denmark the previous year.

My paper is based partially on what DPMO gave to Congressman Dornan’s Committee, as well as on documents obtained from the DIA and the CIA through the Freedom of Information Act, and it is thoroughly referenced. I would like to submit a copy of it and the referenced material to the Committee at this time for the record.

However, I have just scratched the surface, but I found enough documents to indicate that there should be a plethora of others related to the Cuban involvement in Vietnam if they are ever declassified as 2 US Presidents have decreed. I also recommend that this matter be thoroughly investigated by professional investigators, not DPMO analysts.

Besides evidence contrary to DPMO’s stated position on the “Cuban Program,” the documents I examined reveal:

the possibility that a number of American POWs from the Vietnam War had been held in Los Maristas, a secret Cuban prison run by Castro’s G-2 intelligence service. The Cuban who claims to have seen them later escaped and made it to the United States, and was reportedly debriefed by the FBI;
a Cuban Official had offered the State Department to ransom some American POWs from Vietnam, but there was no follow up;

that Cubans, along with Russians, guarded a number of American POWs in Laos;

the Cubans photographed a number of American POWs in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia;

that besides the “Cuban Program,” the Cubans were very heavily involved in Vietnam. They had several thousand “engineers” in Vietnam constructing, repairing and guarding the Ho Chi Minh Trail where a large number of Americans disappeared;

the possibility that American POWs were “treated” in Cuban hospitals in Hanoi;

the Cubans had a permanent DGI agent assigned to the COSVN headquarters in Cambodia, the North Vietnamese command center directing the war in South Vietnam. This is a fact not found in the history books on the Vietnam War. He was assigned there on the insistence of Rauol Castro, the head of Cuba’s military and the brother of the real Fidel. This fact belies Mr. Destatte’s testimony that “the Soviet and Cuban governments did not successfully dictate policies or actions to the North Vietnamese government;”

two unrelated documents telling of American POWs being taken from Vietnam to Cuba;

the Cubans were also actively engaged in subversive activities, infiltrating a number of communist youth into the US, and were funneling KGB money through Vietnamese communist agents to antiwar groups and individuals in the US;

as recent as 1996, the Vietnamese trained Cuban Special Forces to undertake limited attacks in the USA

Instead of hiring analysts at DPMO, DOD should hire some good professional investigators, such as former FBI or police investigators, and some people who know how to do systematic research. However, everytime DPMO gets good ones, it seems to find a way to get rid of them.

My paper raises more questions than it answers, but only history will prove me right or wrong; however, I think I am on the right track. Only through full disclosure by the US government agencies, which were gathering information on the depth of Cuban involvement in the Vietnam war and with American POWs, will we know the truth.

As you can see from my document, the Cubans were heavily involved in the Vietnam War. They were in charge of building and maintaining a good portion of the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Recently, I was invited as a representative of the National Alliance of Families to a briefing at DPMO by its head, Bob Jones. Among things he discussed was his proposal for DPMO to sponsor a meeting between the US, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos to discuss American Servicemen lost along the Ho Chi Minh Trail. I suggested to Mr. Jones that he should also invite Cuba to the conference, for they were heavily involved. He told me that I was ridiculous, for the Cubans weren’t involved in Vietnam. I recommended to him that he read both the material presented to Congress on the Cuban Program and Raul Valdes Vivo’s book.

I was brought up with old fashion values. My mother taught me at a young age that no matter how hard you search for the truth, you won’t find it unless you want to.

We are not seeking revenge. We will leave that issue to the courts. We are also not seeking to get someone fired, we leave that up to you to judge. We are only seeking an honest accounting for the POW/MIAs. We, like every American should, only seek honest answers from our government and its representatives, and competent investigations as to the fate of the POW/MIAs so that their families might find closure to their long suffering grief.

Ignorance? Arrogance? Disinterest? Lack of caring? Incompetence? Obfuscation? I rest my case.

Respectfully Submitted

Michael D. Benge
2300 Pimmit Dr., #604-W
Falls Church, VA 22043

EDITORS NOTE: Please support The Glazov Gang because we are a fan-generated show and need your help to keep going. Make a contribution or set up a monthly pledge.

Pitch Forks and Torches For America — The Fight for Our Survival

Its time for American patriots to spawn a whole new attitude…..and aggressive attitude….we are not in a polite debate…we are in a fight for the survival of America.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

Bongino: Sen. Mazie Hirono Obviously Has Never Heard of the Biden Rule [Video]

“Because Mazie Hirono has a difficult time with the Biden Rule and the Democrats’ unprecedented obstruction, they now want to ruin the life of Brett Kavanaugh? Is this guy not entitled to defend himself?” —Dan Bongino


Venezuela’s Dictator Dines With Salt Bae While His People Starve

“The Week’s” Matthew Walther Wants To Disarm Police Officers

Colion Noir Reports on Gang Retaliation in Chicago

“Imagine being in a community where you’re surrounded by people who are willing to retaliate at the drop of a dime for helping out with the police investigation.”

Colion Noir investigates the problems plaguing Chicago that the politicians ignore and the media never talks about. City officials say residents should work with police to identify criminals and violent gang members, yet they don’t consider that doing so could put someone’s life at risk of retaliation. But there are good people in Chicago – outside of the politicians – who are working to address this problem. Among them are Chicago Guns Matter’s Rhonda Ezell and Pastor Brooks and Pastor Grooms of New Beginnings Church of Chicago.

Noir speaks with them to understand the complex relationship between the police and inner city residents, the fear of retaliation that perpetuates gang control and a media willing to the stoke the flames of violence in a city that’s seen more than 2,100 shootings this year alone. This is about solutions—about changing a cycle. About bringing an end to people living in fear of retaliation.

BREAKING NEW VIDEO: Deep State Unmasked

Today, Project Veritas brings you the beginning of our Deep State: Unmasked series. Finally – the resistance, the Deep State, and the leakers, will be personified and publicized for all to see.

No anonymous sources or redacted forms. Just the latest Project Veritas undercover video.

This video features a State Department employee, Stuart Karaffa, engaged in radical socialist political activity on the taxpayer’s dime, while advocating for government resistance.

In fact, Karaffa says “Resist everything. Every level. F*** s*** up.”

Karaffa is a leader in the Washington DC Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).

In this video, Stuart explains that he uses work hours, at the Department of State, to conduct activism for the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA):

“… I’m careful about it. I don’t leave a paper trail, like I leave emails, and like any press s**t that comes up I leave that until after 5:30. But as soon as 5:31 hits, got my like draft messages ready to send out.”

He doesn’t believe that he will be caught and punished by the appropriate authorities, saying, “Maybe someday I’ll go to board of elections jail, probably not.”

He admits further, “I have nothing to lose. It’s impossible to fire federal employees.”

Stuart Karaffa is just the first federal government employee that Project Veritas has filmed in an undercover series unmasking the Deep State. Watch the video to see Karaffa’s brazen attitude about the law. More videos coming soon.

Please click here to help Project Veritas by donating to our cause!

RELATED ARTICLE: Deep State EXPOSED In State Department – We Have Their Names

VIDEO: Ginsburg Calls Kavanaugh Supreme Court Confirmation Process ‘Highly Partisan Show’

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg lamented the Supreme Court confirmation process for Judge Brett Kavanaugh, saying last week she wishes she could “wave a magic wand” and have the process “go back to the way it was.”

Speaking at the George Washington University Law School on Sept. 12, Ginsburg called the hearings a “highly partisan show” and “wrong.” She noted the vote on her confirmation was 96 to 3, despite her spending “about 10 years of my life litigating cases under the auspices of the ACLU.”

Ginsburg’s remarks came prior to Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation that Kavanaugh assaulted her at a party in the 1980s when they were both teenagers in high school. Watch the video to hear her remarks.


The Reckless Coverage of Kavanaugh Allegations Is Why Americans Don’t Trust the Media

‘I Support Him’: Woman Who Has Known Kavanaugh Since They Were Teens Speaks Out

The Daily Signal Podcast: Old Friends Rally Around Kavanaugh

What to Expect When the Supreme Court Returns

The Daily Signal depends on the support of readers like you. Donate now

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is courtesy of the Daily Signal.

VIDEO: Why Facebook Banned Me For Opposing 9/11

In this new Jamie Glazov Moment, Jamie discusses Why Facebook Banned Me For Opposing 9/11revealing how it’s now against Facebook’s “community standards” to try to stop Jihadist attacks.

[Update: Under pressure, Facebook has lifted its ban of Jamie. But telling this surreal story is more urgent than ever.]

EDITORS NOTE: This column and video originally appeared on Jihad Watch.

Google’s Search for a Leftist America

We all know where Big Tech stands on conservatism. If we didn’t, we got a pretty good idea when the founder of one of the world’s most successful web browsers was hounded out of his own company by LGBT absolutists. Brendan Eich should have been the first indication that the internet, that supposed “safe space” where everyone’s ideas are welcome, wasn’t the open-armed web of old. Now, a half-decade later, it’s no longer a question of “if” there’s political bias, but how serious is it?

It’s the world’s worst-kept secret that companies like Google want to smother the conservative message under their big pillow of progressivism. We’ve seen the fallout of their algorithmsfollowed the money, or worse, been censored ourselves. For most fans of Trump, combatting bias is as natural as breathing, in this latest trench of political warfare. So when footage was leaked of the internal meeting Google held the Friday after Trump was elected, it wasn’t a surprise that most executives were upset. What was a surprise, at least to most people, is how deeply and openly disgusted they were by millions of Americans’ values.

Co-founder Sergey Brin talked about how “offen[ded]” he is by the election of Trump, pointing out that it “conflicts with many of [Google’s] values.” Eileen Naughton, the VP of Google’s version of HR, explained how the company would accommodate people who want to move out of the country during Trump’s presidency. There was talk of upping Google’s contributions to radical causes. But, in perhaps the most revealing part of the video, CFO Ruth Porat (who broke down in tears) vowed to use the “great strength and resources and reach we have to continue to advance really important values”– implying A) that the values of Trump supporters aren’t important and B) that Google plans to use its power to stop them.

If you haven’t watched the footage, you should. Reading the headlines or quotes isn’t nearly as insightful as hearing the emotion behind them. Just imagine, in a company of 88,000, sitting in a staff meeting where your boss calls you a “fascist and extremist.” “I challenge anyone to watch that video and say with a straight face that a Trump-supporting Google employee would be able to “freely express their opinions,” Fox News’s Adam Shaw tweeted. Of course, if Hillary Clinton had won, you can bet there’d be strong feelings from conservatives at FRC too. But the difference is, we aren’t a public company controlling internet messages under the auspice of neutrality.

Interestingly, when Breitbart leaked the tape, it rocked more than Google. Even the media was stunned at the pervasive and polarizing progressivism. Google executives went into full damage control mode, releasing a statement insisting that they they’re not nearly as intolerant as they sound. “Nothing was said at that meeting, or any other meeting, to suggest that any political bias ever influences the way we build or operate our products,” a statement read. Google is, they promise, “a trustworthy source… for everyone, without regard to political viewpoint.” But, Brent Bozell wonders, how on earth can we trust them?

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) isn’t sure Americans can — at least, not until they come before Congress and explain. “Google controls 90 percent of all internet searches,” he reminded me last night on “Washington Watch.” “They control what we’re seeing… and if they’re using their own personal beliefs when it comes to [political] philosophy to control some of that, it’s disturbing. And that’s why they should have to come before a [congressional] committee… The American public has the right to now. We need transparency in this. These are questions that need to be answered, and they should not be afraid to come and answer them.”

Google, like other online platforms, is a monopoly — a place where the ruling liberals do everything they can to consolidate power — including, as Kara Swisher points out in the New York Times, violating their own ethics. As far as she’s concerned, the real scandal at Google is the one nobody’s talking about.

“I’m talking about the fact that Google is considering re-entering the Chinese market after leaving it with a lot of righteous indignation less than a decade ago. Reports say it might once again offer a range of services, including a censored version of its flagship search engine.” In 2010, she explains, Google pulled out of Hong Kong, saying (at least publicly, “Our objection is to those forces of totalitarianism…Fast forward to today, when Google is being… accused of censoring speech in the United States, when what it is really doing is mulling a return to censorship in China…”

Google seems to have no problem climbing down off its high horse to grab the thing it needs in China. Remember, she says, what Brin said in 2010:

“Regardless of how you feel about digital ecosystems or about Google, please do not take the free and open internet for granted from government intervention. To the extent that free flow of information threatens the powerful, those in power will seek to suppress it.’

Well said, Mr. Brin. Say it again.”

Tony Perkins’ Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC senior writers.


Google Employees Wanted to Rig Search Results for ‘Islam,’ ‘Muslim,’ and ‘Iran’

Google Built China A Prototype Search Engine That Allows Government To Spy On Citizens’ Search Queries.

Flashback: 5 Times Google Displayed Political Bias.

Wire: ‘Public Perception’ Turning Against Tech Giant.

FRC on the Road…

Freedom on the Menu at #VVS18

VIDEO: #WalkAway March on Washington, October 26-28th

The following video, with commentary, was posted by Indicrat on YouTube:

To register for the #WalkAway March and related events click here.


It’s time for the Silent Majority to become unsilent. Join us in DC this October 26-28th. Arrive on Friday, October 26th and have dinner with us. We’ll have the march and rally on DC on Saturday, October 27th, and have brunch on Sunday, October 28th.

Gay Conservative (Ex-Liberal) Brandon Straka Starts Powerful Anti-Left Movement #WalkAway— When actor James Woods tweeted the hashtag “#WalkAway” in June, even the alt-right missed the enormity of what lay beneath it. The Democrat Party had, in fact, struck an iceberg. 5 million people on Facebook and YouTube have seen the video by now.

A very handsome gay man, who you just assume is about to scold you on progressive talking points, instead says this: “Once upon a time, I was a liberal. Well, to be honest, less than a year ago, I was still a liberal. “I reject a system which allows an ambitious, misinformed and dogmatic mob to suppress free speech, create false narratives, and apathetically steamroll over the truth.” And then this devastating line—the Rosa Parks moment of the video: “I reject hate.” If Democratic strategists were still able to watch the rest of the video without suffering a nervous breakdown, they’d see that it quickly got worse. “These are the reasons why I became a liberal. And these are the same reasons why I am now walking away.” Meet Brandon Straka, the unlikely liberator and new face of the “silent minority” of Americans who’ve been cast out by family and friends, fired from jobs, and forced into silent social ghettos for their failure to “get it” about how hateful and dangerous Donald Trump is, and why he and all his supporters should be subjected to an ever-expanding social and professional fatwah. Since Straka published his confessional, his life as a New York City hairdresser and aspiring actor has been overtaken by a tidal wave.

While speaking to The Epoch Times about the explosion of his #WalkAway campaign, Straka had to go style a client’s hair, all while fielding a constant barrage of newcomers’ testimonial letters, videos, and emails—over 1,000 a day. They gather at his two Facebook groups, “The Unsilent Minority” and “WalkAway Campaign.” Those who have the courage post their own testimonials about the moment when the abuse, rage, and ugliness of the Democrats caused them to finally leave the party and “walk away.” “This is so much more than a hashtag on Twitter,” he said. “This is a testimonial campaign, a grassroots movement that is going to change the political landscape of this country.” And that’s the astonishing twist here: If these people have been driven into the arms of Donald Trump, who’s left on the left? Those who are walking away are not Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables,” but rather, in many cases, lifelong Democrats who simply could not take it any longer and have longed for this very moment, when somebody like them would make it safe for them to come out of the closet and speak their minds. From urban gay men to staunch liberal grandmothers, from a punk drag queen with black lips to a tattooed lesbian with a mohawk, those posting testimonials all had a breaking point, a moment when they decided to “walk away.”

For gay, affluent, native New Yorker Ricky Roberts, the moment came after the Orlando nightclub shootings. “Trump said he was going to protect gay men, and he did, [with] the travel ban. Hillary was telling Americans not to ‘pick on all Muslims because of this.’” That did not feel like protection to him. “I swear to God, wanted to throw my shoe through the TV. At that point I was like, I can’t do it anymore. I really can’t. You know, listen, I’m a gay guy from NYC, but before that, I’m an American, a patriot, now an uncle.

From immigration to everything, they are just a disaster.” “They’re anti-American, anti-common sense, rational—anything good, they’re against it.” Straka, who grew up in a small town in Nebraska, was on board with the fear and loathing campaign around Trump until he began asking people back home why they had voted for him. To his astonishment, they told him about Obama-era regulations that had crippled their small businesses. He started to research media canards like the one about Trump supposedly mocking a disabled reporter. When he found that it was a total distortion, he kept going, anger rising. He eventually became “completely ‘red-pilled.’” Isolated, he told himself that he would have to give up his lifelong dream of becoming an actor if he hit the “publish” button on his video, but, encouraged by one conservative gay friend, he decided to do it. “This was a matter of the media specifically manipulating people’s deepest fears based on legitimate traumas. Many gay people have experienced serious homophobia and physical violence.

Can you imagine manipulating a domestic violence survivor’s fears just for political purposes? It’s insane.”

Tom Fitton: ‘FBI has Contempt for the Rule of Law’ (VIDEO)

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton appeared on “Outnumbered Overtime” on the Fox News Channel to discuss newly revealed text messages between fired FBI official Peter Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page.

RELATED ARTICLE: Judicial Watch: Justice Department Discloses No FISA Court Hearings Held on Carter Page Warrants

VIDEO: Obama fired heroes of Benghazi. Made them find their own way home from Germany.

Former President Barack Obama in a speech on September 6th blamed “the politics of resentment and paranoia,” which he said had found a home in the Republican Party, for “wild conspiracy theories – like those surrounding Benghazi.”

Now we learn how badly Obama treated the heroes on Benghazi.

VIDEO: How Do We Make Society Better? Left vs. Right

How do you want to improve America? By focusing on improving and refining yourself? Or by transforming society? The answer to that question will reveal whether you’re on the Left or the Right.

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