VIDEO: In A World Of Runaway Judges — ‘Checks and Balances’ Cut Both Ways

Dinesh D’Sousa in an email writes:

Why is there so much pushback against Trump’s immigration executive order? Instead of using a simple test of constitutionality on the E.O., a federal judge struck down the order on the grounds that there was no “rational basis” for it. But my question for this judge is this: who is in a better position to decide the “rationality” of an executive action—a judge, or the president who gets national security briefings?

[ … ]

If the judiciary is supposed to be a check on executive overreach, the executive branch is also supposed to be a check on judicial overreach. Sorry, but checks and balances cut both ways. I guess someone has to tell Soros’ hoards of paid rioters.

Here is Mr. D’Sousa being interview by Brian Kilmeade on the need for checks and balances:

Sarah Silverman: Trump Voters Are Racist [+Video]

Outspoken comedian Sarah Silverman thinks that Trump voters are racist, she said yesterday while wearing blackface makeup to emphasize her point.

Later, after working herself up into some kind of frenzy, Silverman appeared to call for a military coup in a tweet, while protests against Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos turned violent after Soros’ and the DNC’s minions attacked people with shovels and clubs while burning things and breaking windows.


sara silverman black face

Later she added: ‘We’re all gonna die sounds so dire but we are though (all gonna die).’

Trump supporters and conservatives were quick to tear Silverman’s tweet to shreds, calling for her to be arrested for treason.


RELATED ARTICLE: ‘WAKE UP & JOIN THE RESISTANCE’: Sarah Silverman calls for a military coup to overthrow President Trump

RELATED VIDEO: Riots at University of California Berkeley.

PODCAST: On President Trump, Artful Deals and Embassies

What’s with the U.S. embassy move in Israel? Everyone’s talking about it, and so are our show hosts, Rod Bryant and Jerry Gordon.

Listen to co-host Rod Bryant with frequent contributor Jerry Gordon discuss what’s behind the U.S. Embassy move to Jerusalem, Israel’s troubling version of ISIS to how Israel’s Arrow-3 Star Wars Missile could protect the US against North Korean/Iranian ICBMs.

VIDEO: Shame on those who remain loyal to the ‘Code of the Elites’

Then President Bill Clinton speaks during the State of the Union speech about securing our Nation’s Borders, removing illegals, and providing for our National sovereignty.

The 1:30 seconds clip you will see shows just how today’s politicians place ideology and posturing above We the People and the security of our Nation.  Shame on those from both sides of the political aisle who remain loyal to the Code of the Elites; rather than their oaths to Protect and Defend the Constitution and our country against ALL enemies, foreign or domestic.

EDITORS NOTE: Here is the link to President Trump’s Executive Order: Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States

Trump vs. the ‘Islamic Conquest of the West’ [+Video]

The irrational left, which means virtually all the left, is apoplectic over President Trump’s executive order halting immigration from terrorist-spawning countries. Its minions are complaining that the move is “un-American,” which in their world apparently involves playing Russian roulette with American lives.

The New York Times just ran a teary-eyed piece lamenting “immediate collateral damage imposed on people who, by all accounts, had no sinister intentions in trying to come to the United States,” as the paper put it. The fake news is right there — “by all accounts” — slipped in casually in the hope the reader will slide by it unthinkingly. In reality, there are many people, from intelligence experts to politicians to social commentators to Muslims themselves, warning that there’s no way to truly know these people’s “intentions.”

One of the most striking reports on this front — both because of its content and how the Fake News (mainstream) Media ignored it — was an October 2015 Glazov Gang interview with Dr. Mudar Zahran, a leader of the Jordanian Opposition Coalition now living as a refugee in Britain. While calling himself an “orthodox Muslim,” he nonetheless issued an eyebrow-raising warning:

Keep the Muslim migrants out of Europe.

What’s more, he insists that they must be returned to their native lands.

While Europe was the focus at the time (as the destination of most Mideast migrants), Zahran’s warnings absolutely apply to the US. And what he says is troubling: Many if not most of the migrants are not what they appear (video below).

First, we’d always been told the issue was Syrian refugees uprooted by their nation’s civil war. Yet Zahran stated that many of the Muslim newcomers aren’t even Syrian.

The proof is in the pudding, too. When we read stories about migrants committing crimes — rape, murder, a terrorist act or something else — the perpetrators generally are Afghani, Moroccan, Tunisian, Iraqi, Somali or some other nationality that doesn’t happen to be Syrian. This is just casually mentioned in the reportage’s “who” aspect, and the relevant question doesn’t occur to most readers.

What the heck are these non-Syrian migrants doing in the West when the “refugee” scheme was sold to Westerners with a “help the Syrians” message?

The next part of the con, states Zahran, is that “75 percent of those arriving from Syria come from safe area[s]” because the Syrians “in disaster areas cannot … leave.” But it gets worse. He also asserts that half the Syrian male migrants “have actually held weapons and fought in the Syrian war.”

Then there are the truly malevolent fakefugees. As Zahran put it, “I can authoritively [sic] confirm — I have photos, I have images, I have pictures, I have names of terrorists who actually are already in Europe posting their photos in Europe on Facebook.”

This warning has been echoed by other Muslim figures as well. Also in 2015, Lebanese Education Minister Elias Bou Saab warned that 20,000 jihadis likely lurk in his country’s refugee camps, and Syrian ambassador Riad Abbas claimed that 20 percent of Muslim migrants entering Europe had Islamic State (IS) ties.

How these miscreants could penetrate the West brings us to the third part of the con: Despite leftist claims to the contrary, there is no way to reliably vet the Muslim migrants.

First, nations such as Syria simply don’t have comprehensive, Western-style databases containing information on their citizens. Intelligence officials have acknowledged this, as has the Greek government and even former Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson. As Investor’s Business Daily put it in 2015, “Syria and Iraq, along with Somalia and Sudan, are failed states where police records aren’t even kept. Agents can’t vet somebody if they don’t have documentation and don’t even have the criminal databases to screen applicants.”

Moreover, what good would the data be, anyway? As NYC Syrian community leader Aarafat “Ralph” Succar pointed out in 2015 while warning of IS infiltration in the US, you can bribe Syrian public officials and get government documents stating you’re whoever you want to be. Said he, “You can go to the Syrian government today and say to them, ‘I need a piece of paper that says I’m Tony Caterpillar.’ And they give it to you,” reported the New York Post.

As for the notion these migrants can be vetted, Succar has a simple response: “[A]re you out of your mind?”

Yet even if we could weed out the fakefugees, it wouldn’t matter because vetting informs only about what migrants are, not what they will become or what their children will be. This is relevant not only because radicalization often occurs in the West itself, but because studies show that younger generations of Muslims in the West are actually more jihadist-minded than their elders. “Islam is the problem,” as I recently wrote — the gift that keeps on giving.

And the calculation is simple: If one million Muslim migrants enter a nation over time and just 1/10th of one percent are or will become terrorists, that’s 1,000 dangerous jihadists. Are you willing to bet, your life, that this estimate is liberal and not conservative?

Yet as dangerous as terrorists are, there’s a bigger picture here, a deeper con being perpetrated by the Arab world via the mass migrations. As Zahran warned, “I have to be honest; you read Arab magazines and Arab newspapers [and] they are talking about, ‘Good job! Now we’re going to conquest [sic] Europe.’ So it’s not even a secret.”

Zahran called this process “the soft Islamic conquest of the West” and noted that what Muslims “couldn’t do in the last 20 years, now the West is doing for us for free — and even [is] paying for it.”

The last part of the migration con concerns why leftists “care” so much about fakefugees. Not only is there the ego-driven ideological imperative of preserving their multiculturalist dogma, but consider: The vast majority of U.S. Muslims now vote Democrat, with Obama having gotten 89 and 85 percent of their votes in, respectively, 2008 and 2012. In contrast, pious, church-going Christians favor Republicans by wide margins.

Now note that while Christians are 10 percent of Syria’s population and are being targeted for extermination by IS, only one half of one percent of the “Syrian” migrants admitted under Obama were Christian. Compassion? Does the Left really care about these migrants’ lives?

Or just their future votes?

Whatever the case, the treasonous — or, as some would say, “internationalist” — alt-left often speaks about redistributing the wealth. They clearly don’t mind spreading the terrorism around, either. Why not? The West won’t long feel compelled to send soldiers to the Middle East if we bring enough of the Middle East to the West.

More Muslims have arrived in the US just since 9/11 than did so during our nation’s entire history leading up to it. This, the handiwork of the left, has already resulted in hundreds more Westerners dying in jihadist attacks. How much more blood do you liberals want on your hands?

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Twitter or log on to

RELATED ARTICLE: Smoking Out Islamists via Extreme Vetting – Middle East Quarterly

VIDEO: Fox News’ Tucker Carlson eviscerates former US Conference of Catholic Bishops’ lobbyist

There is so much I could start with today, but this has to be it!  If you want to start your day with a smile, watch this! Hat tip: Rosemary

Obviously Carlson has done his homework on the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program, especially as it relates to the taxpayer-funding the nine major refugee contractors receive to do their “Christian” charity. A national news outlet is finally reporting on the fact that money (your money) runs the US refugee program!

Kevin Appleby laughably claims that ISIS and other Islamists are going to hate us even more now!

Yes, maybe because President Donald Trump has slowed their migration (Hijra!) to America!

To learn more about the extremely controversial EO signed by Trump last night, go here.

We have written about Kevin Appleby many times over the years during his time as a lobbyist for the US Conference of Catholic BishopsClick here to read those posts.

One thing that has always troubled me is the 2013 trip by the USCCB to Central America and subsequent report, penned by Appleby, which predicted the huge wave of invading ‘children’ that swamped our border beginning in earnest within months of the trip.

Maybe the Trump team could investigate what happened on that trip—did the Bishops encourage the migration of the ‘children?’

Who benefited financially from that huge influx of ‘Unaccompanied alien children?’ The USCCB and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (two of the nine major refugee contractors) which have been paid for years to take care of the ‘children’ as their ‘Christian charitable’ work, for refugees and for the illegal alien children.

To learn more about what President Trump’s executive order on refugees contains, click here.


U.S. Cases of refugees arrested or convicted on terror charges, and other heinous crimes

Trump bans Syrian refugees, restricts entry from Muslim states

New Study Emphasizes Islamism as Foreign Fighters’ Main Motivation by IPT

Trump’s Immigration Actions Reverse Obama’s Open Borders Policy

Another way to skin the cat: Starve the UN beast

VIDEO: British Prime Minister Theresa May Praises President Trump, defends principles of Western Culture

British Prime Minister Theresa May spoke at the Republican Party retreat in Philadelphia on January 26th, 2017. PM May stated:

“We must never cease”, Churchill said, “to proclaim in fearless tones the great principles of freedom and the rights of man which are the joint inheritance of the English-speaking world and which through Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights, the Habeas Corpus, trial by jury, and the English common law, find their most famous expression in the American Declaration of Independence”.

So it is my honour and my privilege to stand before you today in this great city of Philadelphia to proclaim them again, to join hands as we pick up that mantle of leadership once more, to renew our Special Relationship and to recommit ourselves to the responsibility of leadership in the modern world.

And it is my honour and privilege to do so at this time, as dawn breaks on a new era of American renewal.  For I speak to you not just as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, but as a fellow Conservative who believes in the same principles that underpin the agenda of your Party. The value of liberty. The dignity of work. The principles of nationhood, family, economic prudence, patriotism – and putting power in the hands of the people.

Watch PM May’s full speech courtesy of Bloomberg News:

As PM May noted:

President Trump’s victory – achieved in defiance of all the pundits and the polls – and rooted not in the corridors of Washington, but in the hopes and aspirations of working men and women across this land. Your Party’s victory in both the Congress and the Senate where you swept all before you, secured with great effort, and achieved with an important message of national renewal.

And because of this – because of what you have done together, because of that great victory you have won – America can be stronger, greater, and more confident in the years ahead.

And a newly emboldened, confident America is good for the world.  An America that is strong and prosperous at home is a nation that can lead abroad. But you cannot – and should not – do so alone. You have said that it is time for others to step up. And I agree.

RELATED ARTICLE: U.S. Cases of refugees arrested or convicted on terror charges, and other heinous crimes

VIDEO: CAIR Florida’s Mubarak and Shibly — What Are You Trying To Hide?

The Council  on American Islamic Relations (CAIR-FL), a  self proclaimed civil rights  group,  is discriminating against non-Muslims at one of their advertised “open to the public” events at the Rosen Center Hotel in Orlando, FL.

The CAIR January 28, 2017 event is titled, “Media Training-How to Interact & Engage with the Media.”  The problem is many people who had RSVP’d and were approved  for tickets, later had their ticket registrations denied without cause or reason.

My question to you Ms. Rahaman, Rasha Mubarak, and  Hassan Shibly – What are you trying to hide from the public?

The Council on American Islamic relations should welcome non-Muslims from the community with open arms of friendship and coexistence, not rejection, secrecy, and intimidation.

CAIR leader Hassan Shibly has a pathological disdain for law enforcement so its only natural that his employees exhibit similar behaviors.  Hassan Shibly is so self absorbed he made a selfie video telling all Muslims to ‘Defy’ U.S. Customs and Border Patrol Agents in the course  of doing  their jobs to keep us all safe.

Maybe Rasha Mubarak is afraid this video of her at Lake Eola Park in Orlando, FL with her friends who  proudly fly the Hezbollah Flag will get even wider distribution.

This is just one more example of the CAIR organization operating more like the mafia than a civil rights group.  CAIR likes to operate from the shadows and with good reason.  This report is just a small ray of sunshine on how CAIR conducts itself when they think nobody is watching.

Below is the same registration denial letter myself and several  other people around Central  Florida have received.  I have numerous emails advertising the event saying the training class is “open to the public.” Groups like CAIR who say one thing and do  the opposite are forever stained with public shame.

cair media event orlando posterCAIR Ticket Letter of Denial

Shaliya Rahaman <>

Jan 23 (1 day ago) to me

Mr Kornman,

Thank you for registering for CAIR-Florida’s upcoming media training on January 28, 2017. As the host and provider of this event, CAIR-Florida has the right to approve or deny individual registration requests.

You are hereby notified that your registration request has been denied, therefore, you are not allowed to attend the event.

Please govern yourself accordingly.


Shaliya Rahaman
Community Outreach & Events Coordinator
Council on American-Islamic Relations Florida
8076 N. 56th Street
Tampa, Florida 33617
P: 813.514.1414

VIDEO: Former Homeland Security agent describes ‘cursory screening’ of Muslim migrants

Just discovered by a citizen activist is this May 2016 discussion about the pros and cons of admitting Middle Eastern refugees to the U.S. at McCuistion, a non-profit organization. We learned that The Foundation for Responsible Television has been producing the McCuistion Program for 20 years.


It is a 28-minute program and you can watch the whole thing below, but what our activist wanted you to hear is near the beginning of the discussion where A.J. Irwin, a former Homeland Security agent and expert on terrorism (see here at wikipedia) describes the screening process that we have been told is so long and so thorough.  (Hat tip: Jim)

Remember, for the Syrians, the Obama Administration sent more agents to the Middle East to reduce the time it takes to bring them in. They processed them to your towns and cities within 3 months.

Begin listening at 2:50 until 4:57 and learn about the screening process that has largely been kept secret from us with euphemisms about how “robust” it is! Watch the full discussion below or click here:

A.J. Irwin:

“…when we send refugee officers over there to interview people, they have a mission and their mission is not to detect fraud or identify terrorists, it’s to process these people and get ’em into the system….

When they sit down at their desks or their cubicle, the line is as far as they can see. And they have the pressure of processing these people. So they don’t spend a whole lot of time talking to them. They get their basic information, they see if they meet the basic requirements – have a credible fear – what it’s based on. And then they move on to the next person. So this process is very rapid and the mission, again, is more service. It is not enforcement; it’s not detection of fraud or national security.”

Be sure to see Senators Cruz and Sessions let loose on Homeland Security rep at hearing last September. Leon Rodriguez, director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services was forced to admit that many Syrians were admitted on the basis of their “personal stories.”  [Donald where are you, this would be easy to stop!—ed]

You know and I know that they all have manufactured stories about how they will be persecuted if we don’t take them to America. I bet the vast majority say that ISIS is after them. Ha! Well if we destroy ISIS, then what? Will they go home?


“New site development guide” for those attempting to make your town a new refugee resettlement site

Is there a Refugee placement office in your town? Updated list available

Muslim woman investigates groups behind “Women’s march,” finds Soros everywhere

European nationalists meet: European migration policy a daily disaster

Bye! Bye! Bob! (Carey) Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement

VIDEO: DHS Whistle-blower ready to help President Trump ‘Drain the Swamp’

In a December 2016 WorldNet Daily column by Leo Hohmann former Department of Homeland Security (DHS) agent Philip B. Haney stated:

CVE [Countering Violent Extremism policy] is similar in many ways to the ‘catch and release’ program Obama has implemented at the border. You have a person in custody, you question them, but then you let them go.

Read more…

That’s exactly what German authorities did with 24-year-old Anis Amri, a native of Tunisia who came to Europe as an illegal alien, first arriving in Italy seven years ago as a teenager. He was convicted of arson and spent four years in prison, was released and made his way to Germany in July 2015.

Hohmann notes:

The CVE program is rooted in United Nations Agenda 2030 principles on migrant rights, which are adopted by sanctuary cities throughout the world. The principles of CVE are being implemented in city police departments worldwide through the U.N.’s Strong Cities Network, as well as through the U.N. New Urban Agenda.

[ … ]

Haney said President-elect Donald Trump must do away with the suicidal CVE policies installed by Obama, because these policies are more concerned with violating the civil rights and civil liberties of Islamic radicals than they are with protecting America.

The first step to drain the swamp in the DHS is to eliminate CVE. Please listen to Haney explain how the DHS must be reoriented to a law enforcement model to keep America and Americans safe:

VIDEO: Muslim Co-Chair of Woman’s March tried to bury film fighting for Women’s Rights

Linda Sarsour, a Palestinian Muslim, tried to bury the showing of the documentary “Honor Diaries.” Honor Diaries features nine courageous women’s rights advocates with connections to Muslim-majority societies who are engaged in a dialogue about gender inequality. The women featured in Honor Diaries are Zainab Khan, Raheel Raza, Juliana Taimoorazy, Nazanin Afshin-Jam, Raquel Saraswati, Fahima Hashim, Nazie Eftekhari, Jazvinder Sanghera and Manda Zand Ervin.

Here is the “Honor Diaries” official trailer:

In April of 2014 Sarsour, who is the co-chair of the Woman’s March held in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, January 22nd, did everything she could to stop the documentary being shown.

Former Fox News host of the Kelly File, Megyn Kelly, did this report on Sansour’s effort to silence criticism of Islam by these women:

In a column titled “Women’s March Organizer is a vicious Jew-hater with ties to Islamic Terror” Pamela Geller writes:

Notorious Islamic Jew-hater Linda Sarsour is one of organizers of Saturday’s Women’s March. Ironic, of course, we have never seen Sarsour stand against the gender apartheid, honor violence, or the oppression and subjugation under Islamic law. No, what Sarsour agitates and incites against is the Jewish state and its people.

This photo from the Women’s March promoting Islamic (shariah) law for women in America says it all…

An oxymoron indeed.

Jihad Watch notes:

According to the Women’s March website, the purpose of their march taking place right after President-elect Trump’s inauguration day is to advocate for “demonized” groups including LGBTQIA, Muslims, etc. The Women’s March has partnered with several Islamic groups, including Hamas-linked CAIR (CT), the Muslim Women’s Alliance, Arab American Association of New York, and the Women for Afghan Women. While the movement strives for intersectionality between various groups – ethnic, religious, or otherwise, these groups cannot coexist without first assessing that their values align.

What seems especially odd about the feminist-LGBTQIA-Islam conglomerate is that the Islamic movements are directly opposed to the aims of mainstream feminists. While mainstream feminists advocate for freedom of expression in clothing, CAIR maintains that Muslim women should wear “loose-fitting, non-revealing clothing, known as hijab, or khimar”. According to CAIR’s guide for educators, Muslim boys and girls may not take same-sex communal after-sport showers, and that Muslim students should not be forced to participate in coed swimming classes. CAIR also insists that Muslims may not want to shake hands with teachers and administrators of the opposite sex – but as a “sign of personal modesty”. How does CAIR know what each Muslim is thinking when he or she refuses to shake a person’s hand? It could very well be out of condescension towards women – which is prescribed in the Quran.

Women are chattel in Islamic countries. They are treated with disdain and honor killings are a way to keep Muslim women in line.

Having Sarsour as a co-chair of the Women’s March is akin to having Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, as co-chair of a LGBTQ March.

Can you say a dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice (a.k.a. misogyny) against the nine Honor Diaries women from the co-chair of the Women’s March? This is juxtaposed against the false claim of “misogyny” made against President Trump!


Netanyahu to Iranians: ‘I’ll never forget beautiful Neda Sultan gasping for her last breath’

Women’s March Organizer Recently Met Ex-Hamas Operative, Has Family Ties To Terror Group

VIDEO: Moderate Muslims Are Not the Solution to Radical Islam

We hear that moderate Muslims are the solution to radical Islam. But when we examine this idea a step at a time, it will not work.

Radical Muslims want Sharia, moderate Muslims reject Sharia

Radical Muslims want jihad, moderate Muslims reject jihad

And so on…

But the problem is that all of the things that radicals want are pure Islam. And every radical idea that moderate Muslims reject is pure Islam. Moderation simply means rejecting the doctrine. Moderation is a form of apostasy. How can moderates reform what they reject? Moderate Muslims are not Islamic and are not capable of reforming Islam.

There is no moderate Islam; there is no radical Islam. There is only Islam.


My Journey Out of Radical Islam by Ammar Anwer

Jihad: The New ‘New Value’ in Turkey’s Educational System

Dear President Trump: Here is Clarion’s Best Advice

The Inside Story of How John Kerry Secretly Lobbied to Get CAIR Removed From UAE’s Terrorist Organization List by Steven Emerson

EDITORS NOTE: This video originally appeared on

VIDEO: It doesn’t get any better than this — Trump and Lee Greenwood singing God Bless the USA

I and millions of other Americans watched the Make America Great Again concert at the Lincoln Memorial on the Washington Mall. The theme of the entire concert was clear. It was a Christian message of the love of God and a love of America. Performer after performer sent a clear message that America one nation, a Christian nation, under God.

In on of those defining moments captured on video is Lee Greenwood singing a song he wrote titled “God Bless the USA.” This song embodies the reason why we have a President-elect Trump. Please watch the video and the moment when you see President-elect Trump singing along with Greenwood mouthing the words God bless the USA.

This song embodies the America spirit.

As I have written Donald John Trump became the leader of a movement against the establishment in Washington, D.C. because he listened to the American people. He heard them and they heard him.

Congratulations President Trump, Vice President Pence and First Lady Melania Trump. Time to make America great, again.

Lyrics to God Bless the U.S.A. by Lee Greenwood

If tomorrow all the things were gone
I’d worked for all my life
And I had to start again
With just my children and my wife

I’d thank my lucky stars
To be living here today
Cause the flag still stands for freedom
And they can’t take that away

And I’m proud to be an American
Where at least I know I’m free
And I won’t forget the men who died
Who gave that right to me

And I gladly stand up
Next to you and defend her still today
Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land
God bless the USA

From the lakes of Minnesota
To the hills of Tennessee
Across the plains of Texas
From sea to shining sea

From Detroit down to Houston,
And New York to L.A
Well there’s pride in every American heart
And its time we stand and say

That I’m proud to be an American

Exposed: Alt-Left Groups Plotting to Detonate ‘Acid Bombs’ at Trump Inauguration

For the past several weeks, our undercover teams have been going deep undercover to get in with the radical, alt-left groups that are planning to disrupt the Presidential Inauguration this week.

We’re used to dealing with devious people doing devious things, but this time, it was frightening for everyone involved.

These people looked and talked like the radical “Weather Underground” terrorists from the 70’s that bombed the Pentagon and NYPD headquarters.

Today, we’re releasing a video of two men, Luke Kuhn and Collin Dunn, plotting to disrupt balls at the inauguration including the “Deploraball” organized by online activists.

They’re primary plan was to release “butyric acid” bombs and set off sprinkler alarms.

Watch the video below:

These are no pranks. Other progressive activists use the same tactics to shut down Japanese whaling ships and close buildings.

Combined with this haunting statement, we all need to be prepared:

“The next four years, we are going to fight Trump and everything he stands for with no quarter asked, no quarter given. No mercy of any kind.”

While we were investigating these groups, something else very disturbing happened that we touch on in the above video . . . listen for the line “Bob Creamer sends his regards.”

We’ll be addressing that in other videos this week as well.

While we have already shared this and other footage with law enforcement authorities, I need your help to share it with everyone else and get the word out.

Post this video on Facebook and tweet a link to it on twitter. Everyone needs to see what’s happening here.

Expect another message from me later today with further action.


A few hours ago, we released a video showing radical, alt-left anti-fascists plotting to disrupt inauguration events by using butyric acid bombs and other tactics.

The news spread like wildfire thanks to your help.

The Drudge Report posted the video immediately and articles went up everywhere from the Washington Times to Sean Hannity’s site.

In response, the group, DisruptJ20, released a statement saying — and this isn’t a joke — they met with a Project Veritas investigator to give “him false information about what they felt was the most humorous red herring available: a false plot to use stink bombs at an event called the Deploraball.”

The group even admitted that they had already purchased tickets to the Deploraball.

It’s rare that you run into people that are simply flat out liars, but the organizers of DisruptJ20 fall into that category and laughably so.

Their plot is stopped and now they’re facing criminal scrutiny — as they should be.

They’re on the run, and I say we keep them on the run by calling in some ground support.

My team and I are packing up for D.C. right now.

We’ll be traveling with a dossier of all of the leaders and activists that we filmed during our sting on DisruptJ20 . . . and we’ll be handing out copies to other patriots in D.C.

The more people we have assisting law enforcement by observing and reporting, the better.

And I need your voice to amplify our call and to let them know, “we’re watching.”

Click here and send this tweet to DisruptJ20:

@Disruptj20 your plot is blown to disrupt @realDonaldTrump’s inauguration. Don’t do anything stupid, @Project_Veritas is watching #Veritas

Thanks again for all that you do, and watch for our next video tomorrow.

VIDEO: The Third Jihad – USA in Denial

In 2007, Clarion Project completed this landmark film The Third Jihad highlighting radical Islamists’ engagement in a “multifaceted strategy to overcome the Western world,” waging a “cultural jihad” to “infiltrate and undermine our society from within.”

On the film’s 10th anniversary you will be astounded at how accurately we predicted the future, in a world where radical Islam was allowed to flourish, in a world where political correctness silenced Islamist detractors and in a world where ‘cultural sensibilities’ trumped free speech.

Week by week we will unfold the story of radical Islam, unveiling its historic, cultural, religious and militant roots and show how they manifest themselves in today’s society.

In episode 2 of The Third Jihad, the Clarion Project look’s at the reality of a country and culture in denial. A country that is not prepared to accept radical Islam as a credible threat to the security and ideals of the USA.

In episode 2, USA in Denial, we look at the reality of a country and culture that is not prepared to accept radical Islam as a credible threat to the security of the USA and the American way of life.

The Third Jihad full version:

As ever, we would ask two things from you: Please send us your comments and please share this video with as many people as you can.