PODCAST: FBI Reopens Hillary Investigation, Election Looms As The Polls Tighten Up

Another Friday, another “bombshell” news day.  The FBI reopens its criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server?  Why?  With the most significant election of our lifetime only a week from Tuesday, we also take a hard look at what the polls really tell us, and determine to what extent they can be trusted.

Meanwhile, with each release of the Podesta emails, our worst suspicions about Bill and Hillary Clinton continue to be confirmed. Pay-to-play, unjustifiably massive speaking fees, and outright alarm within the Clinton camp that Hillary had been so lax with a private email server. Of course, the corrupt machine in D.C. has no problem with her candidacy. She’s their ideal candidate.

Around the world, they aren’t waiting for the United States to get our act together. The international security situation is rapidly evolving. We’ll bring you the latest stories from South Africa, Israel, South Korea, Iran, and Germany.

Topics of Discussion:

  • FBI re-opens Hillary’s criminal investigation
  • The Polls Tighten Up
  • South Korea may use Israeli spy satellite
  • South Africa informed UN that it was withdrawing from the ICC (International Criminal Court)
  • Iranians claim to have exposed US spy devices
  • Latest WikiLeaks revelations
  • Israeli Navy close to finalize deal to buy 3 nuclear-capable submarines from Germany

EDITORS NOTE: Readers may listen to USA Transnational Report live on JJ McCartney’s Nightside Radio Studios and on Red State Talk Radio.

FILM: Sing a Little Louder — If not you then who?

sing-louder-posterA bully is an overbearing person (or persons) who is quarrelsome, and browbeats smaller or weaker people into submission. Each individual reading this immediately knows someone who has been bullied, or him/herself has been bullied. The memory and reality of such experience is shame producing and emotionally painful. Maybe it happened to you in school, maybe in later years during a marriage or even at work. The impressions left from such an experience can linger for years even decades unless a supernatural intervention occurs to make things right, to promote healing in the deeply embedded emotional wound, and to allow life to return from the shattered existence that has followed the person. Countries can be bullied, too. Much like an individual a country can become shattered and torn, a mere shell of its once dynamic life.

America has been bullied and shamed over the past eight years for sure, and a strong argument can be made to suggest ever since Ronald Reagan was President. With days remaining until the crucial national elections America is on the ropes in a fight with seemingly no rules for the aggressor(s), the bullies. Who are these bullies? How did they get to be bullies in the first place? The second question is easier to answer than the first. Bullies exist as unchecked overbearing bruits who pick on anyone who gets in their way or even if the victim doesn’t get in the way but is determined to be an easy mark, and can further enhance the image of the all-powerful bully. How the bully became a bully is a bit more complex and multidimensional, but one universal characteristic of a bully is that they want what they want, and they don’t much care how they get it just as long as they get what they want! Until they are stopped; until someone sets a boundary and enforces the boundary; until the bully either changes his ways or comes to realize there shall be certain consequences each and every time they act out their bully ways, the bully will continue, and even become more emboldened. Periodically a bully will attempt to sweet-talk his way or promise something in return for getting his way. More likely the bully simply, well, bullies his way including belittling and shaming his opponent, threatening whoever stands up to him, or actually taking aggressive actions to bring opposition to its’ knees. In between actual incidents the bully works a psychological game of intimidation to keep others in check from jumping in and stopping the order established by the bully.

Our country has fallen victim to the bully of political correctness and progressive/repressive Socialist agenda’s put forward by haters of anti-American principles and values as established by our Forefathers, and written clearly in the Founding Documents they presented to us as a gift. These bullies hate our Judeo-Christian heritage. These bullies hate the values by which America was born, and which made us exceptional. These bullies hate all who don’t think as they do, who don’t subscribe to their agenda in the national sandbox to which they have taken up residence as their own with no room for anyone they don’t like or cFILMan’t use to keep them in power. Money, control, furthering their beliefs at the expense of another’s freedom, changing/recreating the national sandbox into their own utopian place of being, dominating every aspect of not only the sandbox, but the entire playground surrounding the sandbox so as to be the undisputed authority. The bully, and his gang of like minded thugs, may smile and attempt to make nice but always with the motive of stomping and casting away opposition, thereby, promoting dominance of their wants, their agenda. America has been undergoing such a series of attacks to completely eliminate any resemblance of what our Founders strove to create. There is even subtle elimination of people built-into the present day bully game plan; coupled with destruction of property, wealth, health, business, dreams, family. Will Mr. Trump be the one who finally stands up to the bully, or is it a ground swell movement collecting strength from every sector of the national playground to confront and even defeat the bully?

Or will people simply sing a little louder to attempt and block out the sickening and heart wrenching noise of a nation on its’ way to death? Will you stand and begin the singing hoping to influence others to join you? If you don’t stand against the bully, even if it means getting a bloody nose, then who? And if you say not now, then when?

SING A LITTLE LOUDER Inspired by the true story of an elderly man who in his youth witnessed the horrors of the Jewish Holocaust from the pews of his Church. The 12-minute short film provides a stunning message for the twenty-first century and the current genocide that’s taking place with unborn children in America. This film was shot on location in Holland in August 2014 and is being used to help raise awareness for the one in five children who are aborted before they have a voice. Produced in Partnership with Catholic Witnesses.

GLOBAL CATHOLIC NETWORK VIDEO: Donald J. Trump on his faith and religious liberty

IRONDALE, Ala. /PRNewswire/ —  On Thursday, Oct. 27th, EWTN’s “The World Over” with Host Raymond Arroyo aired an exclusive interview with Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump, which will be of interest to people across the United States.

“He reveals the reason he switched his position on the life issue, talks about religious liberty, and speaks to women’s concerns about his candidacy. We also spoke about his prayer life, whether he had a favorite saint, and a lot more.”

Said Arroyo: “Honestly, this is the most relaxed I’ve ever seen him on camera. Viewers will be very interested in what he has to say.”


EWTN Global Catholic Network, in its 36th year, is the largest religious media network in the world. EWTN’s 11 TV channels are broadcast in multiple languages 24 hours a day, seven days a week to over 265 million television households in more than 145 countries and territories. EWTN services also include radio services transmitted through SIRIUS/XM, iHeart Radio, and over 500 domestic and international AM & FM radio affiliates; a worldwide shortwave radio service; the largest Catholic website in the U.S.; electronic and print news services, including “The National Catholic Register” newspaper, and two global wire services; as well as a publishing arm.


Obama Threatens to Veto Military Bill Because It Protects Religious Groups

Federal Judge Asks Why Obama Administration Isn’t Admitting Christian Syrian Refugees

Two Reasons Trump Deserves the Jewish Vote

VIDEO: Three Reasons Why Christians Must Vote!

Look, this 2016 Presidential election is a tough one for serious evangelical Christians. So, as a Theologian, I decided to put a series of videos together, which make the moral and social argument that every patriot Christian must vote on November 8, 2016. In this first video I provide some clarity on a very confounding situation by considering three questions: (1) Can I “fake out” God, (2) Do I want to get my ass kicked by God and (3) What if I was the only person who had to choose the next President of the United States of America?

These questions were not asked in an academic vacuum or in the sterile interior of a stain-glassed sanctuary, but they were asked in the rough-and-tumble grinder of the real world body politic. In a binary, good verses evil construct, no duplicitous games about vacuous third party protests. Nope, tough decisions at a tough time.

Complicating the matter is that many of my good Christian friends are sanctimoniously pontificating about the evils of Hillary and the failures of Trump as they proudly announce their high moral position of sitting this one out or casting a write-in for their Pastor or Priest.

Against this “horns of a dilemma” moment for Bible-believing Christians, I tackle the tough issues and come up with a conclusion and action step that is absolutely applicable for all Christians in America! Watch the video and share your thoughts.

New Video Urging Black Christians Abandon the Democrat Party and Vote For Trump

CHESAPEAKE, Va. /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Four years ago Bishop E.W. Jackson released an explosive video, seen by millions, compelling black voters – especially Christians – to abandon the Democratic Party.

In a new video Bishop Jackson claims that poverty, violence and family breakdown in the inner cities, are the direct result of Democrat policies. The Bishop says, “Their policies have rewarded the absence of men in the home, disintegrated the black family, contributed to more black poverty, gangs, crime, violence and rampant drug addiction.”

Speaking to black Christian voters in particular, Jackson says, “the Democratic Party has also become anti-God, anti-Christian, and anti-Bible. Today’s Democrat Party does not represent the values of black Christians and churches.”

This week Jackson concludes a non-partisan five state tour to turn out the Christian vote in Ohio, Pennsylvania,Virginia, North Carolina and Florida. Says the Bishop, “With the Awakening Tour ending, I now want to speak strictly for myself as an American citizen. I believe that Hillary Clinton as President will be an unmitigated disaster for our country, the black community and Christians of all backgrounds.”

He believes that Hillary Clinton is counting on the short memory of black voters and that they will accept her racial pandering. “Mrs. Clinton thinks that the black community will not remember that she described young black men as ‘super predators,'”says Jackson, “and that she and President Clinton introduced the policies which led to mass incarceration of black men. She really expects to win black voters by telling them that she carries hot sauce in her pocketbook? That is racist and condescending, but that’s who she is.”

In the video, Bishop Jackson urges black voters to give Republicans and Donald Trump a chance since Democrats have failed miserably.

Jackson is calling on Christians to unite across racial and denominational lines to stop Clinton. Says Jackson, “Devout Christians – Catholic, Protestant, black, white, Latino and others – will be persecuted under a Clinton presidency. She believes that our First Amendment claims are a cover for homophobia, Islamophobia, sexism, hatred and bigotry. Donald Trump has promised to defend our religious liberty.”

EDITORS NOTE: Copyright © 2016 Bishop E.W. Jackson, All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Elections Really Are Rigged, Our Last Chance, Top Headlines

Election and voter fraud are myths? Who knew? Despite mounds and decades of evidence to the contrary, the media tell us that Trump is “dangerous” and “undemocratic” for daring to suggest that this election, including the media’s coverage of the candidates, is rigged. We may appropriately quote 1984: “Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.” Right now they have the control; it’s our job to wrest it back from them.

Since the final debate, there’s been hardly a mention of 1) The Clinton Foundation – a criminal enterprise 2) Hillary’s incitement of violence at Trump’s rallies 3) The modern Middle East, half burned down, thanks to Hillary. And yet we are supposed to believe that it’s all Russia’s fault…

America, this is our last chance!

Topics of Discussion:

  • Election fraud is real and common!
  • Amnesty International appoints MB Communications Director
  • U.S. continues to fund leftist Israeli NGOs
  • Philippine’s Duterte announces “separation” from United States
  • Egypt and Russia hold joint military exercises
  • National and International Headlines

and more . . .

VIDEO: Bipartisan opposition to Amendment 2

During the past few weeks we’ve seen politicians from both sides of the aisle warning Floridians against the passage of Amendment 2.

Democrat Darryl Rouson had this to say in a video put out on social media:

Soon after, Republican Carlos Trujillo also urged voters to reject Amendemnt 2:

Senator Jack Latvala also pitched in with a Television Ad; in which he warns: “The constitution is forever.”

These three are joined by Republican Attorney General, Pam Bondi, Democratic Sheriff of Orange County, Jerry Demings, and incoming Speaker of the House, Richard Corcoran.

VIDEO: Hillary Clinton: America’s Most Dangerous ‘Enemy Within’

From Florida, I flew out to Reno to entertain at the 2016 Nevada Women’s Expo. In between my shows, I made pit-stops in my hotel room. Folks, I could hardly believe what I was seeing. Every news TV channel I turned to was beating the crap out of Trump trying to brand him an abuser of women. Leaked Hillary emails have revealed that the mainstream media gets its marching orders from the Clinton campaign

Thus, the media fix is in; portray Trump in a red hoodie with a pitchfork; portray wicked-crooked Hillary as angelic, wearing a pure white flowing gown. Never have I seen such a shock-and-awe orchestrated media campaign to demonize a candidate.

On the issue of “abuse of women”, if we had a fair and balanced mainstream media rather than operatives of the Clinton campaign, Hillary’s advisers would have begged her, “Pleeeeease Ma’am, don’t go there!!!” Hillary and Bill’s records of abusing women is horrific (assault, rape, Hillary humiliating a 12 year old girl to get her rapist off and more). And yet, the Clintons arrogantly know they can get away with attempting to brand Trump an abuser of women while they belong in the Infamous Abusers of Women Hall of Shame.

Folks, it is beyond repulsive and stomach turning watching our Leftist enemies deceptively promoting this evil woman as an angel of light.

During the extremely rough flight into Reno for the Women’s Expo (my wife Mary’s nails pressed firmly into my thigh), I watched a DVD of Trevor Loudon’s extremely scary, compelling and yet hopeful new movie, “Enemies Within.”

Trevor’s movie brings home the reality that Communism and Sharia Law could become the law of the land in America. I realize that sounds “far-out”, as we said in the 70s. However, Trevor gives documented evidence to prove his point.

Enemies Within” zooms in on the best-kept secret of modern politics. Almost no one is aware of the fact that fewer than 20,000 U.S. Communists, socialists and extreme “progressives” are able to influence the politicians and even write the laws that control the lives of over 300 million Americans.”

“Enemies Within” features shocking testimony from an awarded Homeland Security agent who was humiliated and punished by our government for doing his job, collecting data on Islamic terrorists operating in the United States. The agent’s data was removed from the system. The agent was investigated, deemed more of a threat to national security than the terrorists.

Trevor’s movie names numerous U.S. Congressmen who are colluding with foreign and domestic enemies.

As said in the Twilight Zone movie, “Wanna see something really scary?” Hillary Clinton could not pass an FBI security check because of her overt ties to organizations with known associations with terrorism. That should scare your socks off folks.

Trevor exposes a long list of high ranking democrats who are in bed with Communist Party USA working to elect as many far left democrats as possible. The movie documents Obama’s communist roots. I remember pundits in both parties having a cow over Victoria Jackson’s song, “There’s A Communist Living in the White House.” 

Watching the movie, I was moved by comments from U.S. Navy Admiral, retired, James “Ace” Lyons. “Never in my lifetime did I believe I would witness this great country of ours being withdrawn from our world leadership role; and taken down by our own administration.”

Obama with Hillary’s blessing has decimated our military; the smallest army prior to WWII; smallest navy prior to WWI. The Chinese are building 60 ships a year. We are building 9-10 ships per year. We have 1700 nuclear weapons in the overall nuclear balance verses the Russians’ 4500. Our tactical nuclear weapons are obsolete. Russia’s tactical nuclear weapons are new.

“Enemies Within” caught Hillary on video vowing to go further than Obama’s implementation of illegal immigration. To gain a permanent progressive majority democrats need more voters. They need illegals. Our enemies within lie is there are 11 million illegals. The truth is there are 20 to 50 million. If the dems can legalize 10, 20, 30 million illegals and give them voting rights, the majority will vote democrat. It would mean game-over for our two party system, the end of America as founded.

Bottom line, we cannot allow our enemies within to succeed in putting Hillary Clinton in the White House. The Democrat party platform touts communism hidden under a shroud of more palatable names. Can America become, in essence, a communist nation under Sharia Law? Yes. Yes. Yes, we can!

The good news is Trevor’s movie, “Enemies Within” offers solutions. Folks, find out how you can stop our enemies evil takeover. Please visit EnemiesWithinMovie.com

RELATED ARTICLE: Clinton Campaign Chairman Had Multiple Dinners With Top DOJ Official During Clinton Email Investigation

VIDEO: Full Final Presidential Debate with Louder with Crowder Commentary

You are watching the Louder with Crowder Live streaming of the FINAL presidential debate. Enjoy the commentary and play along with the drinking game if you dare.

EDITORS NOTE: Watch more Louder with Crowder videos at http://louderwithcrowder.com. Follow Steve on Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder, like him on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowde… and follow him on Vine: https://vine.co/u/1136892885917368320

Explosive Project Veritas undercover video reveals Clinton camp mischief

Remember the “violent protests” that shut down a planned Trump rally in Chicago in March? Or the anti-Trump protests that closed a road to a Trump event in Arizona?

There was nothing spontaneous about them. They were just following “a script of engagement” written by paid Clinton campaign operatives, according to an explosive new undercover video from James O’Keefe and his investigative team at Project Veritas.

I thought I was beyond being shocked by this campaign. But the Project Veritas exposé of a well-orchestrated strategy to smear Donald Trump using paid thugs and Soviet-style provocations, is just beyond belief.

Key to the strategy is a political “black operations” specialist named Scott Foval, the National Field Director for a left-wing activist group called Americans United for Change.

In undercover video shot by Project Veritas, Foval boasts of having local operatives ready to execute campaign dirty tricks all over the country.

“The [Clinton] campaign pays the DNC, DNC pays Democracy Partners, Democracy Partners pays the Foval Group, The Foval Group goes and executes the s**t,” Foval tells the undercover reporter.

One tactic Foval used with success was “bird dogging,” planting activists at Trump rallies to provoke violence. The goal was to show that Trump supporters were extremists, prone to violence, a theme Mrs. Clinton herself has sounded repeatedly.

The more extreme tactic was to organize protests, as Foval boasted of having done in Chicago, to prevent Trump from even holding a planned rally.

Is it unprecedented in U.S. political history? Probably not. But it sure makes the Watergate break-in and the deletion of 18 minutes of White House tapes by Richard Nixon look like amateur hour.

“It doesn’t matter what the friggin’ legal and ethics people say, we need to win this motherf–ker,” Foval says. “We’re starting anarchy here.”

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich called it “a direct assault on democracy and the rule of law” in an interview with Sean Hannity on Monday night.

If we still had a national media whose mission was to inform the public, this story should be dominating the news cycle.

Foval goes on to describe in detail how he coordinated his anti-Trump storm-trooper actions with the Clinton campaign and a broad array of left-wing groups, including the Alliance for Change, Alliance for Retired Americans, the DNC, and Mrs. Clinton’s Super-PAC, Priorities USA.

“The campaigns and DNC cannot coordinate with Priorities, but I guaran-damn-tee you that the people who run the Super PACs all talk to each other, and we and a few other people are the hubs of that communication.”

Congressional committees should be calling on the FBI to investigate what appears to prima facie evidence criminal collusion between the Clinton campaign, the Clinton Super PAC, and the political dirty tricks operations run by Foval and chief strategist, Robert Creamer.

Creamer is the husband of Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill) and founded Democracy Partners in 2011, a group that brings together different left-wing organizations and coordinates their actions to meet Clinton campaign goals.

“Wherever Trump and Pence are gonna be we have events,” Creamer explains to the undercover reporter. “We have a call with the [Clinton] campaign every day to go over the focuses that need to be undertaken.”

Already, the DNC appears to have gone into panic mode. Foval has been fired by Americans United for Change, the activist group.

This is the type of undercover investigation that Mike Wallace at 60 Minutes once did. The fact that an unaffiliated, non-profit group now must raise funds to pursue this type of investigation shows how corrupt our corporate media have become.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on The Hill.

Churches asked to Show Video Comparing Party Platforms

WASHINGTON, D.C. /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Before Election Day, Family Research Council Action (FRC Action), announced that it plans to finish distributing nearly 4 million voter guides targeting supporters, churches, activist groups, and state/local organizations.

The voter guide outlines how the candidates stand on pivotal issues like Supreme Court nominations, religious liberty, Obamacare, marriage, abortion, taxes, education, the military, and free speech. A short video comparing the two party platforms is being distributed to thousands of churches to show during services prior to Election Day.

“These issues weigh on the minds and hearts of voters,” said Family Research Council Action President Tony Perkins. “It is crucial that voters get the facts before they vote.”

“With the next president selecting up to four Supreme Court justices, this is not a time to seek sanctuary on the sidelines. If we, as Christians, do not take our responsibility to be salt and light and exercise our right to cast an informed vote, we could see a further erosion of our fundamental freedoms,” added Perkins.

“The greatest distinguisher in this election cycle is where the candidates stand on their party’s platform. The GOP has the most conservative platform in recent history while the Democrats have the most liberal. While party platforms are often viewed as political platitudes that have little bearing on how the parties will govern, the reality is the platforms really matter. One study found that Democratic politicians voted about three quarters of the time with their platform while GOP politicians voted nearly 90 percent with theirs,” noted Perkins.

“The platforms are like a rudder on a boat, they guide and provide principles for elected leaders. While the media largely ignores the party platforms after the political conventions, they should play a major role in every voters’ decision-making for 2016,” concluded Perkins.

Click here download a copy of FRC Action’s Voter Guide

Watch a video comparing the 2016 Republican and Democratic Party platforms:

*Candidate positions were compiled from recorded votes and public information sources.

VIDEO: Make America Great Again is a Movement

On Rush’s radio show, VP nominee Mike Pence said when he and Trump pull into a venue greeted by huge crowds and long lines, Trump has often said to him, “This is a movement, and it’s about this country, and it’s about the American people.”

I say, “Amen and right on brother.” How else can you explain Trump defeating a respected black doctor and 15 politicians to win the GOP presidential nomination hands down? GOP voters simply were fed up with broken promises, betrayals and endless fruitless fund-raising. I get it.

Since writing the “American Tea Party Anthem”, I have been on the front lines fighting for freedom since 2008; speaking and singing at over 500 tea party rallies; over 15 national bus tours. Evolving into chairman of The Conservative Campaign Committee, I traveled state-to-state helping conservatives win elections, resulting in gifting the GOP control of the House and Senate.

Over the past 8 years, my wife Mary and I have spent so much time on the road leaving Sammy, our greyhound, with pet/house sitters that he does not even greet us anymore when we return home; only a disinterested glance from his doggy bed.

Like my fellow patriots, I did not know the GOP was playing us; afraid to oppose the black president on some issues while siding with Obama on others. For 8 years the GOP claimed they were powerless to stop Obama from being the most lawless president in U.S. History; powerless to keep their campaign promises to push back against Obama’s tyranny; powerless to stop Obama from using government to punish his opposition; powerless to stop Obama from destroying our economy; powerless to stop Obama from implementing policies which endanger American lives

And then, along came Trump, “I will make America great again!” The same way a dog-whistle can only be heard by dogs, Trump’s promise perked up the ears of the American people. The America-hating Left and political establishment could not hear the renewed hope that Americans heard in Trump’s proclamation.

Fat and happy with the “Washington cartel” status quo, politicians in both parties were outraged that a mere commoner who does not even know how to speak pro-politician would dare enter their domain.

Like millions of Americans, Trump’s “Make America Great Again” movement has given me hope. Leftists who control the airways pound patriots 24/7 with their message that America has unfairly exploited, dominated and destroyed the planet for far too long. Their brainwashing is so effective that American black millionaires believe themselves to be victims of evil America.

In the Left’s battle to enforce planetary justice, they are orchestrating America’s cultural and economic decline. The Left uses everything from bogus new reports and polls to TV sitcoms to dispirit patriots from fighting to restore America. The Left tells us 24/7, “You are outnumbered.” “Throw down your weapons.” “Resistance is futile.” Behold your new god: Progressive Thinking Man.

In the late 1960s, I was a rare black student from the Baltimore projects at the prestigious Maryland Institute College of Art; there on scholarship. I worked various jobs to cover the cost of my books and art supplies. The majority of my fellow collegians were white from wealthy families; totally funded by their parents. And yet, all I heard from them was endless vitriol for their country and parents.

The curriculum at MICA contributed to instilling anti-America, anti-parents and anti-God mindsets. A freshman required course was titled, “The History of Ideas”. In hindsight, I realize the professor was a nut with serious issues. Still, he was a professor so I assumed he was much smarter than my parents. That course shattered everything taught to me by my Christian parents.

Chuckling, Dad recently reminded me what I said to him about God after taking that college course. “Dad, I still believe, but not the way you believe.”

During my college years hating God, country and parents was cool. I still remember a white hippie buddy’s rant, “This f***ing country is so f***ed up. No f***ing way will I bring a f***ing baby into this f***ing country.” While I knew America had issues, I could not understand his passionate anger and deep hatred for our country.

Well guess who has been infiltrating and taking over government, media and education for the past 40 years? Answer: America hating hippies; filling generations with anti-Americanism and a perverted definition of fairness. The Left’s erroneous message is the world outside of America has too little because Americans have and use too much. This explains Obama’s desire to bring America down from her high horse.

Trump’s popularity which bridges all demographics tells me that the Left’s anti-America virus has not reached critical mass. Most Americans long to see a leader who will put our country’s best interest first.

Hillary Clinton is evil incarnate; exposed to “hate everyday Americans.” It is so repulsive watching Hillary’s TV ads and media operatives using standard democrat tactics; divide Americans into bogus victimized groups and portray the democrat candidate as the savior.

As I stated the Left is obsessed with bringing America down from her place in the world and implementing planetary justice. Therefore, the Left hides Hillary’s multiple insidious evil crimes and misdemeanors. Meanwhile, the Left blows up Trump’s shortcomings which are the equivalent of jay-walking or spitting on the sidewalk compared to Hillary’s.

The Left and political establishment still do not understand Trump’s infectious appeal; incapable of hearing the higher sound of hope for a renewed America. Trump is leading a serendipitous movement for such a time as this. No amount of crap thrown at him has stuck. Donald Trump will be our next president of the United States.

My patriot ears heard Trump’s message of renewed hope for America. I penned a parody song titled, “Trump Train”. 

Please enjoy the music video and spread far and wide. Encourage Americans of all stripes to hear Trump’s message and join the movement to “Make America Great Again!”

VIDEO: Paris 2016 ‘Scenes from the Apocalypse’ — The Muslim Migrant Infestation

Culture shock – if you are planning a trip to France, you will have low airfares and hotel costs because quite simply, you will be traveling to a dying nation.  The flood of Muslims into France already has damaged the country almost to a point of no return.

The below video and accompanying photos will show you just one section of the city – the Avenue de Flandres near the Stalingrad Metro Station, a slice of the city that has already experienced the devastation of uncontrolled mass migration of Muslims who share nothing in common with the country in which they have invaded; excuse me, migrated.  The photos are surreal.

Wake-up America because the same plan is unfolding here in our country.  The crime, severe assaults bordering on major and massive civil unrest, the degradation as already experienced across Europe are planned for America.


Muslim migrants on the Avenue de Flandres, 19th Arrondissement

The Paris you know or remember from adverts or brochures no longer exists. While no part of Paris looks like the romantic Cliches in Hollywood movies, some districts do resemble post-apocalyptic scenes of a dystopian thriller.

This footage, taken with a hidden camera by an anonymous Frenchman in the Avenue de Flandres, 19th Arrondissement, near the Stalingrad Metro Station in Paris as well as areas in close proximity, shows the devastating effects of uncontrolled illegal mass immigration of young African males into Europe. I compiled the clips and used some fitting music.

If it weren’t for the somewhat working infrastructure, the scene might as well have been the setting of movie shooting – or a slum in Mogadishu. The streets are littered in garbage, the sidewalks are blocked with trash, junk and mattresses, thousands of African men claim the streets as their own – they sleep and live in tents like homeless people.

20160916001283460265-original_800x600If no portable toilets are in reach, open urination and defecation are commonplace. Tens of thousands of homeless Illegal immigrants, undocumented or waiting for a decision of their asylum application, waste away trying to pass the time in the city. Although their prospects of being granted asylum as Africans are bleak, they’re hoping for a decision that would grant them an apartment, welfare and make France their new home.

The conditions are absolutely devastating. The police have given up trying to control these areas, the remaining French people avoid the areas at all cost, crime and rape is rampant, just recently mass brawls and riots made the news as fights broke out near the Stalingrad metro station.

If current trends continue and the French become minority in their own capital in even more areas, scenes like this might spread to areas frequented by tourists, forever changing the last romantic parts of Paris that match what most people have in mind when they think of the iconic city.

The Media are Instruments of Evil as Evidenced by their Hypocrisy

Did you hear about the blockbuster interview with a woman named Juanita Broaddrick? She’s the woman who says Governor Bill Clinton raped her in 1978, and then two weeks later, Hillary Clinton threatened her into silence.

Yeah, didn’t think you’d heard about it — or if you have heard about it, you barely heard about it.


Did you hear about the blockbuster interview with a woman named Juanita Broaddrick? She’s the woman who says Governor Bill Clinton raped her in 1978, and then two weeks later, Hillary Clinton threatened her into silence.

Yeah, didn’t think you’d heard about it — or if you have heard about it, you barely heard about it.

How about Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, Gennifer FLowers and, of course, Monica Lewinsky? In the latter case, Lewinsky was a White House intern, so Bill engaging in sex with her was tantamount to sexual harassment because of the authority he had over her. Clinton got impeached over his lies to prosecutors in the case involving Lewinsky.

And the reason we are bringing this all up again isn’t to rehash the trash; it’s to point out two things, using this now, once again timely topic, to do so: (1) the hypocrisy of the media, and (2) the unfitness of Hillary Clinton to be president.

While the media is all over Trump for his lewd, disgusting, vulgar, indefensible, filthy comments, they exercised no such rush to judgment over Bill Clintons actual actions. Trump’s words bring down the indignation of the media elite. Bill’s actions elicit a collective yawn from the same folks.

Bill is a serial rapist, adulterer, etc. In the wake of the revelations about Bill and his actions, the Clintonistas rushed to their allies in the media, and at every possible turn kept repeating and repeating it’s just sex, who cares? No big deal. Everybody does it.

When it was revealed that Clinton had perjured himself before the special prosecutor, lied to them under oath that the whole country watched on TV (remember “depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is”?), his surrogates once again went on all the Sunday Morning mainstream media shows and said, “Who cares? It’s just sex.”

So Bill got a pass for not only raping Broaddrick, having sex with an intern (which would have gotten any CEO in the United States immediately fired), and perjuring himself, because the media was happy to parrot the worn-out phrase: “It’s just sex.”

Media elites also — especially — turned a blind eye to Hillary’s specially set-up, infamous war room during their time in Arkansas, where she managed what she called “Bimbo Eruptions” — episodes where any of the numerous victims of Bill would begin to emerge — and Hillary would get to them and threaten them into silence.

None, absolutely none of this raised an eyebrow of any in the media; after all, it’s just sex, and Hillary is just “standin’ by her man,” as came up in the famous CBS News 60 Minutes interview, where Bill and Hill did a rare joint interview when Bill’s sexual problems threatened to sink his 1992 campaign.

So Bill is a serial adulterer and perjurer at best — and a rapist most likely; Hillary enables every bit of this and blasts the female victims, is greatly aided and abetted in her work by the media, which gave her the platform to launch her now infamous “vast right-wing conspiracy” attack — and yet Trump is the one who is somehow unfit for the presidency.

Fast forward to the present, and Hillary has lied to Congress multiple times, destroyed evidence, set up an entire shadow effort through their foundation to get money from foreign nationals to exercise influence peddling, lied to parents of Americans killed in Benghazi, dead partly from her inaction, lied to America about the cause of the Benghazi attack — and Trump is somehow unfit to be president.

Perhaps Trump is unfit to be president, but Hillary is unfit to be a free citizen. The woman should be in jail for her crimes. And in all this the media are complicit. This is why trust of the media is lower than trust in either Hillary or Trump — and that’s a bar so low it’s almost in the gutter.

The media control the minds of Americans who have willingly allowed themselves to develop snapshot/instagram/meme/bumper-sticker intellects. It has become media for the masses. When the intellect is softened, evil moves in and sets up shop. And when the controllers of the media are of evil mind themselves, supporters of intrinsically moral evils, then they can fill people’s minds night and day, non-stop, round the clock, 24/365 with their spiritual poison. And they have.

What has happened in the secular world is what has happened in the Church. Too many Catholics have simply accepted the nonsense that passes for “catechesis” and “evangelization” unquestioningly and without thought. The world and politics and the media will go their own way. But the Church belongs to Christ, and He will not allow it to continue imploding the way we see the secular world doing today.

Hillary will win because the world has become drenched in evil and hypocrisy and it will elect its own, and there is no longer any way to purge these from society, because they have become too commonplace. Mankind controls society, but God controls the Church, so there is a lesson for Catholics to be learned in all this: Hypocrisy and double dealing and sound-bite frilly theology, appealing to emotions and ignoring the intellect — what the vulgar media has become expert in — will not always last in the Church.

Society has no way of cleansing itself, but God does have ways to cleanse the Church, as He has shown in times past. That cleansing may very well be carried out through what we are seeing unfold right now politically.

Persevere in the Faith. Pray for final perseverance. Only those who persevere will receive the victor’s crown.

RELATED ARTICLE: Here are All 25 Answers Hillary Clinton Just Gave About Her Email Server Under Penalty of Perjury

EDITORS NOTE: Originally published at ChurchMilitant.com.

ISIS Says Goodbye Kitty after Fatwa Banning Pets [+Video]

The world’s most notorious terrorist group has turned its ire against the humble kitten following a fatwa banning pets.

The Islamic State has issued a new decree banning cat breeders from operating inside houses in its territory. The group says the new fatwa is in line with its “vision, ideology and beliefs.”

The group’s soldiers are now conducting house to house searches in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul looking for kittens. It is not known what they will do with the kittens if and when they find them.

The fatwa marks a departure from ISIS’ previously pro-cat attitude. The group previously uploaded pictures of its fighters with cats in order to soften its image. In 2015, Dutch jihadist Israfil Yilmaz reportedly received 10,000 online marriage proposals after posting a picture of himself with a kitten and the caption “Soft towards the creation of Allah but fierce and harsh towards the disbelievers.”

People are now forbidden from breeding cats like this one in the Iraqi city of Mosul:


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EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is an illustrative image. (Photo © Saving Private Ryan / Wikimedia Commons)