ISRAEL – Cornerstone of the West

In this micro-classroom video, The United West presents Mark Langfan’s amazing geopolitical analysis of Israel’s strategic security value to all Western countries! If you OBJECTIVELY view this demographic, geographic and cultural presentation you MUST conclude that Israel is not (as many try to make you think) the cause of INSTABILITY in the world, but indeed Israel is the cause of STABILITY in the world. The facts speak for themselves.

Now, only if our American leaders would understand this information and develop policy based upon FACTS and not FANTASY.




Lieberman: US Aid Funds Palestinian Authority Stipends for Killers of Americans
Ahead of Israel Visit, Hagel Urges Gulf Arabs to Unite Against Iran

President Obama is “Gaslighting” the American People

Gaslighting by Dr. George Simon, Ph.D.:

Gaslighting is a sophisticated manipulation tactic which certain types of personalities use to create doubt in the minds of others. Here’s how it works and what to watch out for.

In a stage play and suspense thriller from the 1930s entitled “Gas Light,” a conniving husband tries to make the wife he wishes to get rid of think she is losing her mind by making subtle changes in her environment, including slowly and steadily dimming the flame on a gas lamp. In recent years, the term “gaslighting” has come to be applied to attempts by certain kinds of personalities, especially psychopaths — who are among the personalities most adept at sophisticated tactics of manipulation — to create so much doubt in the minds of their targets of exploitation that the victim no longer trusts their own judgment about things and buys into the assertions of the manipulator, thus coming under their power and control.

Effective gaslighting can be accomplished in several different ways. Sometimes, a person can assert something with such an apparent intensity of conviction that the other person begins to doubt their own perspective. Other times, vigorous and unwavering denial coupled with a display of righteous indignation can accomplish the same task. Bringing up historical facts that seem largely accurate but contain minute, hard-to-prove distortions and using them to “prove” the correctness of one’s position is another method. Gaslighting is particularly effective when coupled with other tactics such as shaming and guilting. Anything that aids in getting another person to doubt their judgment and back down will work.

Read more.

You’re not crazy. The Obama Administration will just keep GASLIGHTING you until you think you are.




Gun Control Works

Jot down what you think may have been the #1 cause of death in the world in the past 100 years then watch this clip. Bet you never thought of this!

Gun Free Zones Work. The number one killer of innocent people is gun control and gun free zones.



EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is courtesy of Politico.

All Home Intruders are White Men, Alarm Companies Say

Just when we thought the rash of Scandinavian youths knocking out poor minorities couldn’t get any worse, it turns out that white men are now knocking off innocent homeowners. How do we know this? Commercials.

Commercials tend to reflect the state of affairs in customers’ lives. That’s why it’s noteworthy that alarm companies are using the marketing angle of “White man breaks in home to scare family.”

Here is a list of the villains from some of the top alarm company commercials on Youtube:

1. Broadview Security Commercial: “Backyard”



2. Brink’s Home Security: “Wrong Door”

A scene from Home Alone? No, this sad-looking white home intruder is about to terrorize you.



3. Broadview Security: “The Ex”

A romantic scene from The Notebook? No, this is a white home intruder.



4. Adt Home Security: “In my mind’s eye | Burglary”

A trio of white intruders.



5. Brinks Home Security: Spot #2



6. Broadview Security: “The House Party”

clone of James van der Beek breaks into a woman’s home.



7. Brinks Home Security – 3 spots

This Edward Burns-look alike is an angry white home intruder.



8. Slomin’s Home Security: Scary Van

Another trio of white home intruders. There are obviously a lot of white home intruders.



9. Brink’s Home Security: “Treadmill”

Jason Statham, is that you?



10. Brink’s Home Security: “Just To Be Sure”



11. ADT Home Security – Monitored Alarm Systems



12. GEICO Commercial: Affordable Home Security

Breaking with the trend, this GEICO commercial features a non-white home intruder.


Every Mohammedan is Boko Haram

There is only one Islam, the Islam of Mohammed and Allah.



RELATED VIDEO: Today we call the members of Islam, Muslims. The more correct and historic name is Mohammedans. This naming gives deep insight into the true nature of Islam, Mohammedanism.




British-born Boko Haram “ringleader” was “radicalised at UK university”
Cameroon: Boko Haram murders one Chinese road worker, kidnaps 10 more
Israel: Islamic jihadists firebomb bus full of schoolgirls

We Must Have Demonstrations

We will never defeat Islam by emails, books and web pages. We must enter the public marketplace of ideas, including demonstrations.


Hostile 8 minute Climate Debate with TV Anchor on CCTV

TV Anchor Anand Naidoo (formerly of Al Jazeera & CNN):  But we are feeling [global warming], we have seen hurricanes, for instance hurricane Sandy. We have seen more Tornadoes in the Midwest in America. We have seen ocean levels rise in Bangladesh.

MoranoFirst of all, you used the word ‘facts’ earlier, I hope you are not using that now. Every bad weather event is not proof of global warming? There is no way to falsify the AGW theoryWe are actually going through the longest period a category 3 or larger hurricane hitting the U.S. since 2005. That is the longest period in at least a century. Big tornadoes F3 and larger since the 1950s and 1970s have been on a decline. There might be more tornadoes counted, because we have better monitoring but actual damaging tornadoes, huge decline.  The most damaging decade for hurricanes was the 1940s. Droughts are on a decline in the U.S. (over past century)

Morano mocks every weather event being blamed on global warming: ‘Look, in 1846, in Australia, Aborigines blamed the bad climate on the introduction of the White man in Australia. During World War 2, some blamed the war for causing unusual weather patterns. In 1933, Syria banned the Yo-Yo because they thought it caused drought. In the 1970s, the exact same things (bad weather) we are talking about today, were  blamed on man-made global cooling.


Marc Morano: You can distinguish between natural variability and the human impact.  Nothing unusual is happening in our climate.

Sea level has been rising since the last 10,000. There has been no acceleration. In fact a new paper in the journal Nature since 2002, there has been a deceleration in sea level riseNothing alarming is happening with sea level rise. (More here and here)

President Obama claims we are feeling global warming here and now. But on every metric, you can talk tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, droughts. Not only are we not ‘feeling it now’, we are on no trend or declining trends on 50 to 100 year times scales.

Anchor Anand Naidoo:  But we are feeling it, we have seen hurricanes, for instance hurricane Sandy. We have seen more Tornadoes in the Midwest in America. We have seen ocean levels rise in Bangladesh.

Morano: First of all, you used the word ‘facts’ earlier, I hope you are not using that now. Every bad weather event is now proof of global warming? There is no way to falsify the AGW theory.

We are actually going through the longest period a category 3 or larger hurricane hitting the U.S. since 2005. That is the longest period in at least a century. Big tornadoes F3 and larger since the 1950s and 1970s have been on a decline. There might be more tornadoes counted, because we have better monitoring but actual damaging tornadoes, huge decline.  The most damaging decade for hurricanes was the 1940s. Droughts are on a decline in the U.S. (over the past century.)

Anchor Anand Naidoo: Are you saying nothing should be done?

Morano: Yes.  There so-called solutions would have no detectable climate impact. Our President Obama, is on record as calling our failed cap and trade bill would make our planet 4 or 5 degrees cooler for our grandchildren.  His then EPA director went to the US senate and testified that not only would the cap and trade bill not impact global temperature, it would not even impact global co2 levels. What they are proposing is pure symbolism. It is medieval witchcraft because they are saying we can alter through acts of congress, the EPA and United Nations treaties.

Every coal plant built today is radically cleaner than ones built 30 or 40 years ago. Natural gas fracking is replacing coal in many instances and that is causing dramatic reductions. Our emission levels are dropping due to technology. Not big government solutions brought up on by fear by people like John Holdren.

Look, in 1846, in Australia, Aborigines blamed the bad climate on the introduction of the White man in Australia. During World War 2, some blamed the war for causing unusual weather patterns. In 1933, Syria banned the Yo-Yo because they thought it caused drought. In the 1970s, the exact same things (bad weather) we are talking about today, were  blamed on man-made global cooling.

Anchor Anand Naidoo: But if you say nothing should be done, doesn’t this play into the hands of big energy, oil companies?

Morano: When faced with a non-problem – as Lord Monckton once said – the best thing to do is have the courage to do nothing. On every metric they are failing. When current reality fails to alarm, they make a bunch of scary predictions. That what this report is, it is a political report. Please be careful with the word ‘fact’ that was a disturbing word you used earlier.


Anchor Anand Naidoo: You may call it a political report. It is fact. 300 scientists were involved in compilation of the White House report. There were hundreds more scientists involved in the UN report. What are your qualifications in the climate?


Morano: My qualifications are I have a background in political science which is the perfect qualification to examine global warming claims. But I don’t rely on myself, I have actually worked with teams of scientists. I authored a report of over 1000 international scientists that have dissented from so called man-made global warming claims.

Anchor Anand Naidoo: But this is climate science.

Morano: But the [Obama climate report] report you are referencing included Nature Conservancy, the Union of Concerned Scientists. It was written to cause a political agenda. And the American people are not stupid.

Anchor Anand Naidoo asks about Climate Depot funding:

Morano: One donation from the from Natural gas industry – carbon based energy – to the Sierra Club of $26 million exceeded my [parent company CFACT’s total annual] budget by about five times – just one donation to Sierra Club.

I used to work for Senator Inhofe, when he was asked ‘how much does big energy’ give you? His answer was ‘not enough when you look at how well financed the greens are’

The Koch brothers, are only 59th giving in American politics. That is where they come in. You have billionaire democrats like Tom Steyer. Are you looking at into that? Are you worried about their bias right now?

Your last guest (Michael Dorsey) talked about minorities and African Americans the disproportionate impact of ‘global warming.’ The biggest impact that minorities, seniors, and people on fixed incomes face — are so-called ‘solutions’ which drive up the cost of our energy.

In the UK people have died this past winter because of commitment to green energy based on global warming fears.

President Obama has done us a favor in a way, because no one is going to take this report seriously. Al Gore has made global warming a partisan issue and Obama has furthered that cause.

Anchor Anand Naidoo: Well, I am not sure that no one is going to take this seriously.

Morano: Well, the usual suspects will.

Anchor Anand Naidoo: Obviously there are various viewpoints on this. Marc Morano, thank you very much for joining us.

Morano: Thank you very much.

End partial transcript

Texas Gun Store Marquee – ” I Like My Guns Like Obama Likes His Voters – Undocumented “

A gun store outside of Houston, Texas went for some shock and awe with its front marquee this week, at the expense of its characterization of President Barack Obama’s electoral demographic. The sign out front of Katy, TX’s Tactical Firearms reads, “I like my guns like Obama likes his voters: undocumented.” Tactical Firearms changes its sign every week, and the one-liners usually come from the staff. According to the owner, this week’s sign is reference to the fact that Texas does not require firearm registration. “Thank god for our First and Second Amendment rights,” he said in a statement to local news agencies. “It’s meant as a joke. It’s meant to be funny.”


This is not Tactical Firearms‘ first foray into the politics of gun control. Last fall the shop hosted a debate among then-CNN host Piers Morgan, Ted Nugent, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, and State Senator Dan Patrick.

John Boehner: The King of Do Nothing

The IRS is now free to abuse citizens at will….the congressional “investigation” is over and congress did nothing!


Grover Norquist: Veni Vedi Visa (I came, I saw, I took your Job)

In this episode we break Grover’s immigration H1-B, VISA scam.


Actually, it’s a brilliant scam where Wizard Norquist and his minions construct a false premise, then conceptually sell this bogus idea as the next best conservative idea to hit Washington. He then secures his target clients, collects eye-popping retainers and does the “K” Street shuffle on the heads of spineless politicians, who mechanically sign the law that the Wizard puts in their power-loving hands.

What a mess this guy has made out of the formerly honorable Conservative movement in America. Norquist has made a bit of a name for himself as a Beltway stand-up “comedian.” But none of his jokes have ever reached the level of side-splitting yuck, yucks, as when he says, with a straight face no less… “Immigration is the number one economic asset for America!”

Now, that IS funny…and destructive for serious Constitutional Conservatives… of which, the Wizard of “K” Street is not one.

As we move through this micro-series you will see how Norquist’s nefarious work impacts YOU on a daily basis in the areas of: Immigration, Islam, Israel and Iran (the Four Is).

George Will Demolishes Arguments for Common Core in Under Two Minutes

“Conservative pundit George Will delivered a fierce attack on Common Core, characterizing the educational standards as a way for progressives to further promote their political views,” notes Katrina Trinko from The Foundry.

“This is a thin end of an enormous wedge of federal power that will be wielded for the constant progressive purpose of concentrating power in Washington so that it can impose continental solutions to problems nationwide,” Will said on Fox News’ “Special Report.” He also warned Americans that the federal standards posed a significant threat to local autonomy.

“The advocates of the Common Core say, if you like local control of your schools, you can keep it, period. If you like your local curriculum you can keep it, period, and people don’t believe them for very good reasons,” Will remarked.


Islam’s Role in Boko Haram’s Kidnapping of Schoolgirls

Creeping Sharia reports, “…mostly Christian schoolgirls forced to convert to Islam then sold to jihadists as servants and sex slaves via Islam’s Role in Boko Haram’s Kidnapping of Schoolgirls — on The Glazov Gang | FrontPage Magazine.

This week’s Glazov Gang was joined by Dr. Mark Durie, a theologian, human rights activist, pastor of an Anglican church, and an Associate Fellow at the Middle East Forum.

Dr. Durie joined the show to discuss Boko Haram’s kidnapping of 276 schoolgirls in Nigeria and the Islamic roots of that barbaric act. He shed light on the Islamic theology that inspires and sanctions Muslims to enslave and rape kafir women.

He also analyzed Islam-Denial in our culture, the subjects of abrogation and taqiyya, the forces that brought him into this battle, and much, much more.



To learn more about Boko Haram read: FACT SHEET: Boko Haram Nigerian Islamist Group – Clarion Project

RELATED STORY: Terrorists Who Kidnap Little Girls

Sympathy for the “Washington, D.C. Devils”

I have a little sympathy for the Washington, D.C. Republicans even though they irritate me more than gravel in my oatmeal. Are Republicans Dancing with the devil?

Visit “All the Presidents Men 2011” to understand who is really responsible for our current policies. Connect the dots for yourself.


Islamophobia or Fear of Islam?

Islamophobia is an imaginary mental disorder. Fear of Islam is a reality-based awareness.




Terrorists Who Kidnap Little Girls
Kyle Shideler at Free Fire Blog: CAIR Spokesman Whitewashes Islamic terrorism, Compares Boko Haram to Mere Criminals
Deceptive Islamist Support for Nigerian Girls
Nigeria kidnapped girls ‘shown’ in new Boko Haram video – BBC
Nigeria: Jihadists screaming “Allahu akbar” stormed church, started shooting everyone
Does Hollywood and America Finally Get It About Sharia?
Islamic leader: Muslims should humiliate Christians so they’ll convert to Islam
World Wide Christian Leaders Abandon Their Own in Nigeria
CAIR and Lawfare: An Interview with Brooke Goldstein

World Wide Christian Leaders Abandon Their Own in Nigeria

By Wallace S. Bruschweiler and Alan Kornman

The period 1938 to1945 should have been a lesson for all future generations.  The European Jews sitting back and accepting to be marched to Nazi slaughter-houses is absolutely not to be repeated in today’s day and age.

Abubakar Shekau, leader of the Islamic supremacist group Boko Haram declared war on the Christians in this shocking video.

How will we justify our inaction(s) to the next generations – what and how will the future history books describe the Christian massacres in Syria, Sudan, Pakistan, Indonesia, Iraq and Nigeria. What kind of justifications will we have to invent, to answer in the future, the questions asked by our children?

Here we are – when Hillary Clinton served as President Obama’s Secretary of State, she vigorously opposed for over two years placing the al-Qaida affiliated terrorist group Boko Haram on the State Department’s official list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations,  John Kerry to his credit did it in November 2013.

The Response

Andrew McCarthy writes in the National Review, “Mrs Clinton and President Obama have convinced themselves that they know more about Islam than Muslim terrorists do, and that the peaceful, pliable, progressive Islam they have concocted somehow renders the jihadists’ Islam false.” Unfortunately, there are over 300 Nigerian girls and young women who would beg to differ!

Boko Haram’s Islamic justified barbaric actions speak for themselves.  Yet Christians around the world remain militarily passive to the existential threats posed by Islamic Jihad. This reminds me of the disgusting repeated ‘non decisions’ to bomb the railways tracks leading to Dachau, Auschwitz, etc. during World War II.

Nigeria, as many other nations in Africa and the Middle East, is an artificial political entity (remember Biafra).  A large number of these African and Middle East countries are formed by a significant  number of tribes with completely different ‘standards’ and kept together by corruption and terror.

Kidnapping, slavery, forced marriages, rape, forced conversions, mass murder, and torture no longer move people of conscience into military action.  Instead our leaders, on the world stage, give us nice words of righteous indignation that sooth’s the souls of the unaffected and washes the guilt of responsibility off our collective shoulders.

Ronald Reagan described, “America is a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere.” This beacon of light has dimmed and is flickering close to complete darkness.

“For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill, the eyes of all people are upon us; so that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken, and so cause Him to withdraw His present help from us, we shall shame the faces of many of God’s worthy servants, and cause their prayers to be turned into curses . . .”— John Winthrop, aboard the Arbella, 1630

What Happened On The Ground In Nigeria

April 14, 2014

The New York Post reports, “The girls in the school dorm could hear the sound of gunshots from a nearby town. So when armed men in uniforms burst in and promised to rescue them, at first they were relieved.

“Don’t worry, we’re soldiers,” one 16-year-old girl recalls them saying. “Nothing is going to happen to you.”

The gunmen commanded the hundreds of students at the Chibok Government Girls Secondary School to gather outside. The men went into a storeroom and removed all the food. Then they set fire to the room.

“They … started shouting, ‘Allahu Akhbar’ (‘Allah Is Greatest’),” the 16-year-old student said. “And we knew.”

What they knew was chilling: The men were not government soldiers at all. They were members of the ruthless Islamic extremist group called Boko Haram. They kidnapped the entire group of girls and drove them away in pickup trucks into the dense forest.

Three weeks later, 276 girls are still missing. At least two have died of snakebite, and about 20 others are ill, according to an intermediary who is in touch with their captors.

What’s not in this May 6 story is the girls were Christians.  Many were sold to their Boko Haram captors for $12.75 US, forced to convert to Islam, and threatened with a sure death if they did not comply.  Others have been taken across borders to Cameroon and Chad, they said. Their accounts could not be verified, but forced child marriage is common in northern Nigeria, where it is allowed under Islamic law but not the country’s Western-style constitution.

May 7, 2014

As many as 300 people died in a Nigerian border in what officials described as a large and vicious attack by the Islamic terrorists of Boko Haram.

Nigeria’s Daily Post, citing Nigerian Senator Ahmed Zannah, said that the attack lasted for over 12 hours. Islamic terrorists believed to be part of Boko Haram, drove into the town on trucks and opened fire on crowds of people. Then, they razed the town itself. Zannah said that “The attackers stormed the communities in the night when residents were still sleeping, setting ablaze houses and shooting residents who tried to escape from the fire.”

This Nigerian town was attacked by Boko Haram because it was a staging area for security forces looking for the 300 kidnapped Christian girls from April 14, 2014.

May 6, 2014 – President Obama Reacts 23 Days After The Mass Kidnappings

The Los Angeles Times, Christi Parsons, reports, “The Obama administration will send military, intelligence and law enforcement advisors to Nigeria to help the beleaguered government find and rescue more than 270 teenage girls who were abducted by the Boko Haram terrorist group last month, the White House said Tuesday.

The team will share U.S. intelligence and provide investigative help, not military force, in the search for the students, who were kidnapped April 14 from a rural high school in Nigeria’s Muslim-dominated northeast.

The deployment will mark the first public American assistance in a case that has sparked international outrage. The U.S. announcement came after the leader of Boko Haram vowed in a video to sell the girls as slaves, and after gunmen reportedly took at least eight more girls from another village overnight.

President Obama spoke out on the abductions for the first time Tuesday, calling them “heartbreaking” and “outrageous.”  For 23 days the President of the United States of America was silent MIA.  American Muslim civil rights  groups were virtually silent for at least 20 days after the Nigerian Christians girls were abducted. Only until the non-Muslim world began to take notice did these, so called Muslim civil rights groups speak out and engage in damage control.

Muslim Brotherhood supporter Ahmed Bedier, made the outrageous claim, “Islam did not fail the people of Nigeria…Islam is not the problem…Islam did not fail here, Islam is not the problem…Islam is not the problem the government of Nigeria is the problem.”   Boko Haram’s official Arabic name, Jamā’at ahl as-sunnah li-d-da’wa wa-l-jihād (جماعة أهل السنة للدعوة والجهاد) translates The Congregation of the People of Tradition Proselytism and Jihad says otherwise.  If this is not political Islam Mr. Bedier, then it is up to the followers of Islam to take responsibility and clean up Dar al Islam (House of Islam) and stop blaming others.

Amnesty International Reports

Amnesty International claims Nigeria’s military may have had prior warning about the attack on the school, but failed to act.  Amnesty said it had verified reports from several credible sources who said that security forces knew about the raid four hours before it took place.  It said, “An inability to muster troops – due to poor resources and a reported fear of engaging with the often better-equipped armed group – meant that reinforcements were not deployed.”

In a statement the Foreign and Commonwealth Office said Britain’s aim was not only to help find the girls, but to eradicate Boko Haram, whose five-year insurgency has left at least 1,500 people dead in 2014 alone.

The Nigerian military still appear to have no idea exactly where the abducted girls are.

President Goodluck Jonathan has said that Boko Haram has “infiltrated… the armed forces and police”, sometimes giving the militants a head start.”

“The Nigerian military is a shadow of what it’s reputed to have once been.” said James Hall, a retired colonel and former British military attache to Nigeria. “They’ve fallen apart.”


History is repeating itself as lessons that should have been learned in 1938 go unheeded at this present time.

Christians of all denominations have been put on notice.  In Nigeria 300 Christian girls were kidnapped, sold into slavery, forced marriages, and conversions to Islam, or face death.

In February of this year Boko Haram burned alive 58 Christian boys.

The atrocities targeting Christians from Islamic Jihadists are numerous and well documented.

The only solution is for the Christian Church in total to protect their own fellow Christians wherever they are being persecuted, murdered, and forced to convert from their faith at gun point.

Ms. Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s powerful words below should be read and reread by the Vatican and the Christian community at large the world over.

“I am often told that the average Muslim wholeheartedly rejects the use of violence and terror, does not share the radicals’ belief that a degenerate and corrupt Western culture needs to be replaced with an Islamic one, and abhors the denigration of women’s most basic rights. Well, it is time for those peace-loving Muslims to do more, much more, to resist those in their midst who engage in this type of proselytizing before they proceed to the phase of holy war.

It is also time for Western liberals to wake up. If they choose to regard Boko Haram as an aberration, they do so at their peril. The kidnapping of these schoolgirls is not an isolated tragedy; their fate reflects a new wave of jihadism that extends far beyond Nigeria and poses a mortal threat to the rights of women and girls. If my pointing this out offends some people more than the odious acts of Boko Haram, then so be it.”


Al-Qaeda’s American Spokesman Adam Gadahn: ‘It Is Essential To Fight America’
Kyle Shideler at Free Fire Blog: CAIR Spokesman Whitewashes Islamic terrorism, Compares Boko Haram to Mere Criminals
Deceptive Islamist Support for Nigerian Girls
Nigeria kidnapped girls ‘shown’ in new Boko Haram video – BBC
Nigeria: Jihadists screaming “Allahu akbar” stormed church, started shooting everyone
Does Hollywood and America Finally Get It About Sharia?
Islamic leader: Muslims should humiliate Christians so they’ll convert to Islam
World Wide Christian Leaders Abandon Their Own in Nigeria
CAIR and Lawfare: An Interview with Brooke Goldstein

EDITORS NOTE: The featured photo is courtesy of SCUPE.