WATCH: Parade of Migrants Stream Across Border into Arizona

A predictable catastrophe. The Democrat Party believes that the people pouring across the boarder are potential voters for them. As such, they will not stop  this boarder crisis. And you ain’t seen nothing yet. Wait until the Spring.

WATCH: Parade of Migrants Stream Across Border into Arizona

By Breitbart, March 8, 2021

A video tweeted by U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) shows a steady stream of migrants marching into the U.S. from Mexico. The senator said the migrants are responding to “Joe Biden’s open border, catch and release policy.

The tip of the iceberg near Yuma, AZ as immigrants begin to flood into the US responding to @JoeBiden’s open border, catch and release policy,” Senator Johnson tweeted. “How many have COVID?”

It is not clear how many migrants marched through before and after the video ran.

Yuma Sector Border Patrol agents teamed up with Yuma County Sheriff’s Office deputies last week to disrupt another human smuggling incident where they found 18 migrants packed in a human smuggling stash house.

The agents arrested the migrants and transported them to the Yuma Station for processing. In addition, the agents arrested 29-year-old Rodolfo Rodriguez, a U.S. citizen, in connection the stash house operation.

A criminal background investigation revealed Rodriguez has an extensive criminal history. His crimes include a felony for aggravated harassment, Yuma Sector officials stated.

Border Patrol agents arrested approximately 100,000 migrants in February who illegally crossed the U.S. border from Mexico, Breitbart Texas reported.


RELATED ARTICLE: Texas Gov. Abbott Deploys Texas National Guard to Counter Biden Admin’s Chaos At The Border ‘Open Border Policies’

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense permenently banned us. Facebook, Twitter, Google search et al have shadowbanned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Help us fight. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever. Share our posts on social and with your email contacts.

VIDEO: Lin Wood Was RIGHT!

The transcript of an interview with a whistleblower put out by attorney Lin Wood on Populist Press reveals bombshell accusations of massive corruption, child sex trafficking, and a cabal that completely redefines the concept of The Swamp. Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney joined Two Mikes to explain why every American must read this blockbuster release.

©Populist Press. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Intolerance is a Virtue

Tolerance is a virtue and intolerance is hate, or so we are told. This ideology has led to the toleration of evil. After all, who wants to be a hater? Those who condemn the evil caused by the doctrine of political Islam are called intolerant and haters.

But we must realize that intolerance of evil is a virtue.

Things to be intolerant of: killing Christians and Yazidis in the Middle East and Africa; jihad of rape, inbreeding, child marriage and female genital mutilation.

To reduce human suffering, we must all become intolerant of evil.

©Bill Warner. All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Why Trump Is Still A Force To Be Reckoned With

When Presidents Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush lost their re-election bids, they quietly faded away and became nothing but footnotes in history. They primarily occupied their time by building their presidential libraries. None considered a second run for the presidency. They had had enough. However, the same cannot be said about former President Trump. Building a library is the last thing on his mind. Retaking the White House and cleaning up the Washington Swamp is of paramount importance to him.

Trump came into office as an outsider, and was pushed out of the nation’s capitol through trickery and treachery. He is still a force to be reckoned with and is ready for another fight with the Congressional establishment. Frankly, he is willing to go the distance, even beyond a second term in office. Thank God too, as there is nobody else with the stamina and nerve to take on the Swamp.

Why is Trump still a viable candidate? Simple. Millions of Americans still believe the election was stolen, the Democrats couldn’t pin anything on him in the Mueller Investigation and two fake impeachments, and Trump is a fighter. He has learned a lot from his first administration and will likely do things differently, most notably taking out the Congressional garbage who tried to demonize him, and RINOs who didn’t cooperate with his agenda. Enough is enough.

A recent Suffolk University/USA TODAY Poll indicates Trump voters are also prepared to turn on those politicians who crossed him. According to the poll, 8 in 10 Trump supporters would be less likely to vote for a Republican candidate who supported Trump’s impeachment, as ten did in the House. By a wide 2-1 margin, Trump voters say they want him to run for president again. If he did, 76% would support him for the nomination and 85% would vote for him in a general election. So Trump has the comfort of knowing he has a rather loyal base of followers supporting him. Carter and Bush did not.”

There will likely be a backlash to the Democrats running the country. Even though President Biden ran on a platform of “Unity,” in two months he has already alienated a lot of people. So much so, there is a good chance the Republicans will take back the House in 2022. In other words, Iranians shouldn’t get too comfortable with the United States again, Canadians will get the Keystone XL pipeline back, the southern border wall will be completed, illegal immigrants will be stopped at the border, Obama Care will finally be put out of its misery, jobs will return, and the economy will blossom again.

Trump recently unveiled his intentions at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Orlando on February 28th where he gave the keynote address. Prior to the event, there was considerable speculation about what he would say, such as the future of the GOP, the conservative movement, and President Biden’s policy on amnesty and our borders.

Trump came out swinging by making it clear he has no intention of creating a third party which he insisted was fake news. The GOP is his party and he made it clear he would remain in charge.

He went on to challenge President Biden’s first month in office, which Trump claimed was the most disastrous in history. In particular, he challenged Biden’s record on immigration whereby he cancelled immigration rules and triggered a migration of illegals to the United States, thereby making this a “sanctuary nation.”

Trump also warned the CPAC attendees of several other Biden initiatives, such as; challenges to the 2nd Amendment (the right to bear arms); re-involvement with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Paris Climate Accord; closure of the Keystone XL pipeline; reversal on energy independence which he predicted would rise the price of gasoline to $5-$7 per gallon, and; the damaging effect of transgender sports. He also called on Biden to re-open the schools for the sake of our children.

As to the direction of the Republican Party, Trump noted the GOP was still growing, but he insists, “America comes first.” He outlined three areas to be addressed in order to win in 2024:

  1. ELECTION REFORM – he made it clear, “This election was rigged,” which should be a litmus test for the loyalty of all Republicans, particularly those in Congress. He also openly criticized the Supreme Court for not looking into voting irregularities, “The Supreme Court didn’t have the guts or courage to address this.” As to his recommendations, he suggested we have only one election day (no extensions), only legitimate absentee ballots (no mail-in voting), Voter ID, Signature matching, and having citizenship verified. Had these steps been implemented, Trump would have likely won the election handily.
  2. ENACT LEGISLATION TO PROHIBIT CENSORSHIP – In particular, this means disbanding “Big Tech” companies who control social media and ban conservative talk.
  3. WEED OUT THE RHINOs – No doubt, the GOP needs strong new leadership. To this end, he openly called out RINOs (Republicans In Name Only), such as Senators Romney, Sass, Collins, Murkowski, Toomey, and certain members of the House, particularly Rep. Liz Cheney. Trump plans on campaigning heavily for conservative Republicans, particularly in primaries, in order to eradicate RINOs from the party. To support this, he touted his endorsement record and how many candidates he helped elect to office.

Trump teased the crowd by saying, “I may decide to beat them (the Democrats) a third time,” and, “You haven’t seen anything yet,” both meaning it is likely he will run again, much to the chagrin of the Democrats and the RINOs who want to lead the party on a different path. In the end, the chances of Trump running for office again is likely as the CPAC attendees gave him an overwhelming 97% approval rating, making it clear he was their man. This was reinforced a couple of times during his speech by the attendees chanting, “We love you!,” a positive sign of the attendees’ support for the former president.

Trump’s numbers at CPAC mirrored the Suffolk University/USA TODAY Poll, mentioned earlier, where 55% of CPAC picked him in a straw poll to be their candidate for president.

By his presentation at CPAC, Trump made it clear he is still firmly in control of the GOP, but this time he is redefining the Republican culture to make sure everyone is pulling on the same oar, both on the campaign trail and, if elected, during his administration. This would be substantially different than his first term where he had to fight not only the Democrats, but the RHINO Congressional leadership, e.g., Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. Trump’s message is clear, “Get on board the Trump train or get out of the GOP.”

So, will Trump be the candidate in 2024? Certainly. After all, who else has the strength and courage to confront the Washington Swamp? And if he is successful, he will cultivate a new generation of strong Republican leaders to succeed him.

Yes, he is most definitely a force to be reckoned with, as he strikes fear into the hearts of Democrats as well as RINOs. Needless to say, his clean-up America mantra has been wildly embraced by the Trump faithful and will likely play well with the American populace. Now it will be interesting to see how the RINOs and Democrats react.

Keep the Faith!

P.S. – For a listing of my books, click HERE.

EDITORS NOTE: This Bryce is Right podcast is republished with permission. All rights reserved. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

VIDEO: Will Minnesota be the first Muslim State in America?

Many Somalis sure hope so, while some Minnesotans are saying an emphatic no!

For longtime readers of my other blog, Refugee Resettlement Watch, you know that beginning in the 1990’s the US State Department and its ‘religious’ charity contractors, specifically Lutheran and Catholic resettlement contractors, have been placing Somalis, many from Dadaab the big UN camp in Africa where Ilhan Omar previously resided, into the state of Minnesota.

Once the population grew, some Somalis placed elsewhere in the US migrated to Minnesota to be with their own kind of people.

The decision to place Somali ‘refugees’ into Minnesota had a lot to do with employers looking for cheap labor and for the fact that Minnesota had a generous welfare system.

That expanding Somali population is now having a political impact as many seek elected office.

When I traveled in the state in 2016, I realized that the rest of America had no clue about what was happening in a state where residents take pride in their kindheartedness — Minnesota nice—they all told me.  I came home thinking that someone needed to make a documentary about the state and what was happening there.

Well here it is!  Know that Biden/Harris have removed restrictions on Somali refugees, restrictions that President Trump had placed on their migration to America.

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Face-Masks Are Here To Stay

As a child of the 1950s, I have seen a lot of changes in terms of safety over the years:

  • Back then, nobody wore seat belts in automobiles. Most cars didn’t even have them. Today, they are standard equipment, along with air bags. In most states, you can be issued a ticket for not wearing them, but as a kid from a different era, I still resist using them as it doesn’t feel natural to me.
  • I loved riding my bicycle just about everywhere. I took it to school every day, rode it to my Little League games, to go fishing or visit a neighbor, etc. At that time nobody wore a helmet, and yet I didn’t know of anyone falling off their bike and hurting themselves. Today it is a requirement with some states issuing fines for not wearing them. As for me, I refuse to wear a helmet as I never wore one as a child. I still think they look stupid, but people have embraced them as the government enforces their use.
  • We rode on skate boards and went down steep driveways, all without helmets and leg or arm pads, none of which existed at the time. If you were going to crash, you simply learned to slow down and fall on grass. It was no big deal. Now it is.
  • In Little League, we wore canvass “ear muffs” to protect our heads at the plate. When we would have a pick-up game though, we just wore baseball hats, just like the major leagues. Today, Little League includes full helmets with face guards.

We also played hockey without face masks, including myself as a goalie; we went down winter hills on sleds without any protection; we shot BB guns and slingshots in the fields (and No, we didn’t “shoot our eyes out”); we learned to shoot bow and arrows; we lit firecrackers; went fishing and used knives to clean our catch, and; we even played lawn darts (aka, “Jarts”). Remarkably, we all survived unscathed and enjoyed ourselves immensely. In truth, it was a glorious time to be a kid. When I describe this to parents today, they look at me like I have three eyes, that I am some kind of glutton for punishment.

The same is true with surgical face-masks. In the depths of the many influenza outbreaks we have had, very few people wore face-masks. Today, thanks to COVID-19, we are told by our government to wear them everywhere. President Biden wants to send a face-mask to each American and have us wear them until at least 2022. There are also new requirements to wear face-masks on government property, including our national parks.

The question though becomes, “When can we stop wearing them?” There are some medical institutions now questioning the effectiveness of face-masks on COVID-19; others suggest we need to wear multiple layers of face-masks.

My feeling is, face-masks are here to stay. It is now the “new normal,” just like seat belts, helmets, and other safety equipment. Even if 100% of the American public was properly vaccinated, we would still be asked to wear face-masks. Why? Because government officials will claim there is a new “strain” of some kind which will likely come and go in perpetuity. So, in all likelihood, the government will never tell us to put the masks away. It is not in their best interest to do so as it represents a form of control and is deemed to be politically correct to wear, particularly among Democrats.

Even if the government declared “the coast is clear,” people will likely continue to wear face-masks in supermarkets, social gatherings, at work and school, and wherever. The government has created a new habit, which people will be reluctant to give up. Years from now, you will tell your grandchildren, “I remember when I was a kid, we never wore face-masks, not until the government mandated their use.” They will look at you and say, “Wow, you are really old, aren’t you?”

You will know face-masks are a permanent fixture of our society when you start seeing television commercials featuring designer masks. They will likely be embraced by the fashion industry who will use it as an excuse for changing our wardrobe. Over time, we’ll look like a nation of holdup artists ready to stickup gas stations and convenience stores.

As for me, like I said, I’m a child of the 1950s. I will continue to resist seat belts and helmets. Heck, I’ll even play a game of lawn darts if anyone has them. And I have no intention of wearing face-masks 24/7. I guess I like to live on the edge.

(I would like to give a tip of the hat to A.R. in Dunedin for the inspiration for this piece).

Keep the Faith!

P.S. – For a listing of my books, click HERE.

EDITORS NOTE: This Bryce is Right podcast is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

VIDEO: Donald Trump Jr’s Speech Brings Down The House at CPAC 2021

WATCH Donald J. Trump Jr’s rousing speech:

©All rights reserved.




Jeff Crouere is the host of, “Ringside Politics,” which airs weekdays on WGSO 990-AM in New Orleans. He is a political columnist, the author of America’s Last Chance and provides regular commentaries on the Jeff Crouere YouTube channel and on



George Parry is a Contributor to The American Spectator, The Federalist, and the Philadelphia Inquirer. George is a former federal and state prosecutor. George served as: Special Attorney for the Organized Crime and Racketeering Section, U.S. Department of Justice ; Unit Chief, Investigations Division, Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office ; Special Organized Crime Prosecutor, Blair and Cambria counties (central Pennsylvania) ; and a Legal Analyst for KYW-TV in Philadelphia.

TOPIC: Beware of the Thing That Is Coming!


Tristan Justice is a staff writer at The Federalist focusing on the 2020 presidential campaigns. He has also written for The Washington Examiner and The Daily Signal. Tristan graduated from George Washington University where he majored in political science and minored in journalism.

TOPIC: Biden Estimated 250,000 COVID Deaths This Month. He Was Off By 178,000.

©Conservative Commandoes Radio. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Leaked Insider Tape Reveals Salesforce’s ‘Cancel Culture’ Plans

Project Veritas released a new video today leaked by a Brave Salesforce Insider exposing the company’s executives adhering to “Cancel Culture” mentality following the events at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. The Salesforce executives were recorded on Jan. 13.

Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

  • Bret Taylor, Salesforce President and COO: “Since the events of the 6th [of January], I think one of the things that really impacts Salesforce is the national conversation about the role of technology in inciting that mob, disseminating misinformation and fomenting extremism.”
  • Taylor: “What we’ve done in light of the events of Jan. 6 is recognize a much broader range of messages have the potential to incite politically motivated violence.”
  • Taylor: “We’ve engaged with the RNC to communicate that no messages on behalf of President Trump and no messages questioning the validity or integrity of the election are allowed on our platform under the guidelines that they may incite violence.”
  • Taylor: “We’re looking across our customer base to make sure our technology is not being used by businesses or platforms that are inciting political violence.”
  • Eric Loeb, Salesforce Executive VP of Government Affairs: “We are pausing all PAC contributions…the pause or suspension certainly includes the suspension of any contributions to members of Congress that voted to object to the [presidential election] certification.”
  • Salesforce emailed Project Veritas to announce they made a “business decision” to end the existing working relationship. No explanation or reasoning was provided.

You can watch the video here:

Taylor’s statements leave room for questions about whether or not journalists who exposed incontrovertible evidence of Voter Fraud in 2020 will now be deplatformed by Salesforce.

The fact that Salesforce recently informed Project Veritas that the existing business relationship is coming to an end due to a “business decision” indicates how far Salesforce is willing to go.

It is time we fight back against those who wish to cancel the truth. We cannot stand idly by as these tech oligarchs continue to define what speech is acceptable or not.

Project Veritas is fighting back, and this is just the beginning.

EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas video report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Watch Florida Governor DeSantis Roll Out ‘Election Integrity Measures’

2020 showcased just how incompetent election officials can be and just how much of a failure some states are when it comes to administering an election.

Florida had a great election in 2020, but even in our Great State there are actions we can take to make our elections more secure and restore confidence in our elections for our citizens.

So in response – as many states do nothing (looking at you Georgia) to address their flaws and failed processes – Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is stepping up to lead and he is being proactive by announcing common sense election integrity measures that will strengthen elections in Florida.

Watch his news conference (below) and read the article posted below. Then forward this email to 10 friends!

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Rolls out Election Integrity Agenda: Targets Ballot Drop Boxes, Ballot Harvesting

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) announced several reforms Friday designed to ensure election integrity.

Appearing in West Palm Beach, DeSantis backed legislation that would:

  • Address ballot drop boxes
  • Address ballot harvesting
  • Ban “mass mailing of vote-by-mail ballots”
  • Require requests for vote-by-mail ballots to be made each election year
  • Require a signature on a ballot to match “the most recent signature on file.”

The legislation would also promote transparency in the counting process, allowing political parties and candidates to observe the signature matching process.

Counties would no long be able to receive grants from private third-party organizations for “get out the vote” initiatives.

Breitbart News extensively covered donations by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to the Center for Technology and Civic Life, an organization that spent hundreds of millions of dollars on increasing turnout in heavily Democrat areas.

“We have led on this issue from the very beginning,” DeSantis said Friday. “The results speak for themselves, but we also can’t rest on our laurels.”
DeSantis said the intent is to ensure “citizens have confidence in the elections.”

“We want everyone to vote, we don’t want anyone to cheat,” he said, adding he wants to “strike the appropriate balance.”

DeSantis noted paying for ballot harvesting is already illegal in the state, but he said it does not currently address those who “volunteer” to round up ballots.

“My view is: We should have no ballot harvesting,” he said, promoting cheers from attendees at the West Palm Beach hotel.

DeSantis also intends to require “real-time reporting of voter turnout data at the precinct level,” and allow citizens to see “how many ballots have been requested, how many have been received, and how many are left to be counted.”

©Christian Ziegler. All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Green New Deal type policies have put Texas in a crisis!



Congressman Allen West is a Christian constitutional conservative, combat veteran, and former Member of the US Congress. He now serves as Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas. He is a NewsmaxTV contributor, Senior Fellow of the Media Research Center, and contributing columnist for Townhall and CNS News.

TOPIC: Green New Deal type policies have put Texas in a crisis!


Dan Gainor is the Vice President for Tech Watch, Business and Culture for the Media Research Center and a veteran editor whose work has been published or cited in the following media. Dan will discuss Rush Limbaugh and what he meant to the conservative movement and how he changed the American political landscape.

TOPIC: Senate Impeachment Trial and why Trump prevailed again!


Joel L. Thayer Is an attorney with Phillips Lytle LLP. He’s also served as Policy Counsel for ACT — The App Association, where he advised the Association and its members on legal and regulatory issues concerning spectrum, broadband deployment, data privacy, and antitrust matters. He also held positions on Capitol Hill, as well as at the FCC and FTC.

TOPIC: China would love to control the world’s private information!

©Conservative Commandoes Radio. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Beijing Wants to Sway US Policy Using Climate Change, Experts Warn

REMEMBERING OUR FRIEND: Phil Haney on the Anniversary of his Mysterious Death

On the one-year anniversary of the mysterious death of one of the founders of the DHS, Phillip B. Haney, who was about to release a new book, that has yet to be found about the Obama administration and what he was up to.

Please watch and share to all who may benefit. Watch:

©The United West. All rights reserved.


Rush Limbaugh died on February 18, 2021. He was a great statesman and one of the best friends free America ever had.

©Bill Finlay. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: REST IN PEACE RUSH: Limbaugh Discusses Cowardice On The Right With James O’Keefe

PODCAST: What Do Democrats Want?

I happened to watch the opening statements by the Democrat House members prosecuting former President Trump in Impeachment 2.0. Their arguments were laughable as they deliberately took the president’s comments out of context. They often quoted him in piecemeal, without describing his comments in its entirety. It was always my assumption the prosecutor’s job was to seek the truth in order to apply equal justice under the law. This is obviously not the case here as I believe the House prosecutors have deliberately distorted the truth and spread falsehoods.

This charade of a trial is designed at discrediting President Trump, in an attempt to prevent him from running for president again, but it is also aimed at suppressing his supporters whom the Democrats characterize as “domestic terrorists.” This demonstrates the lengths the Democrats will go to get their way.

Over and over again, I have heard the Democrats claim this or that was a “threat to Democracy.” Interestingly, they simply refuse to admit we live in a “Republic” and not a “Democracy.” Nonetheless, I see them as a true threat to the continuation of the USA as we know it.

I also do not consider Joe Biden a legitimate president for two reasons; first I have seen nothing to suggest the presidential election wasn’t stolen; years from now, historians will tout this as the biggest fraud ever enacted in the nation’s history. Second, I look upon Mr. Biden as an old man in his dotage, lacking the mental acuity to fulfill the job. It seems rather obvious to me someone is pulling his strings as he is certainly not capable of ramrodding the many executive orders he signed in the early days of his administration. I seriously doubt he understands everything he has thus far signed and the damages he has caused, particularly in the area of unemployment.

What we are witnessing is a genuine threat to our freedoms, particularly our cherished first and second amendments. The Democrats are attacking freedom of speech as they want to eliminate dissent. They will do this by enacting “domestic terrorism” legislation to suppress those who do not accept Democrat policy. Such legislation will also be used to shut down talk radio/TV. The “Fake News” will also do their part to spread propaganda and coerce political correctness, and social media will continue to discourage independent thought, and endorse Democrat positions.

The “right to bear arms” as defined by the second amendment will come under attack as well, not for safety or mass shooting reasons, but to disarm the populace. The one thing the Democrats fear is an armed public which could stop them from implementing their agenda. Hence the need for gun control legislation. Biden has made this a priority of his administration, which explains why he will attack the NRA and gun manufacturers. Although he wants legislation, look for executive orders to get the ball rolling. In response, the American public is on a record buying spree of weapons before Biden can issue his first order.

The Biden administration has already re-instituted more regulations aimed at expanding the federal bureaucracy primarily in the areas of environment, energy, housing, even the pandemic. Like the Obama administration, the government will become larger and more repressive thereby inhibiting business.

Punishment is the order of the day though as the Democrats attempt to shut down anyone opposing their programs, such as Florida Governor Ron DeSantis who has been successful in containing the COVID-19 virus while allowing schools and businesses to flourish. This is in sharp contrast to Democrat governors in other states who have much worse records. In response, the Biden administration is threatening domestic travel restrictions to/from Florida, thereby attacking its economy. DeSantis will not back down and take legal action to refute such initiatives. The point is clear though; the Democrats will try to punish anyone opposing them. This conflict with Florida is just the first of many under the Biden administration.

This is obviously not the first time we’ve seen the Democrats try to bully their opponents, most notably their spying on the Trump campaign, siccing the “Fake News” to hound him, implementing two “fake” impeachments against the president, and stealing the election.

Biden claims he wants unity. The reality is the Democrats want submission to their view of the world and morality, which is a form of slavery. Some people are willing to acquiesce to this new culture, people who we label as “sheeple.” However, the 74 million people who voted for Trump will not. This is why the Democrats are working overtime to suppress Trump voters and why they want to prevent Trump from running again as he is the only person willing to stand up to them.

In a strange way, it is good that Biden became president so the American people can readily see how dangerous the Democrats have become. It will be interesting to see how this affects the 2022 election. In theory, there should be a major push-back. Then again, elections have been altered before.

If I have learned anything about the Democrats over the years, they will go to any length, and say and do anything to get their way, legal or not. They are not interested in freedom or even Democracy. It is about pushing their agenda to reshape the United States. It is all about control. So much so, they will make “Big Brother” seem rather small.

Keep the Faith!

P.S. – For a listing of my books, click HERE.

EDITORS NOTE: This Bryce is Right podcast is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

BREAKING VIDEO: Zuckerberg Takes ‘Anti-Vax’ Stance in Violation of Facebook’s Policy

Project Veritas released a new video today provided by a Brave Facebook Insider exposing Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s contradictory position when it comes to COVID-19 vaccines.

Here are some of the highlights from the video:

  • Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO in July 2020: “But I do just want to make sure that I share some caution on this [vaccine] because we just don’t know the long-term side effects of basically modifying people’s DNA and RNA…basically the ability to produce those antibodies and whether that causes other mutations or other risks downstream. So, there’s work on both paths of vaccine development.”
  • During a public live stream with Dr. Fauci in November 2020, Zuckerberg had a different take: “Just to clear up one point, my understanding is that these vaccines do not modify your DNA or RNA. So that’s just an important point to clarify.”
  • Facebook announced last week that they are “expanding [their] efforts to remove false claims on Facebook and Instagram about COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccines and vaccines in general during the pandemic.”
  • Facebook said it would remove claims that vaccines change people’s DNA.
  • Facebook claims it wants people to “discuss, debate and share their personal experiences, opinions and views” as it pertains to the pandemic but will remove vaccine concerns from its platform that had once been expressed by their own CEO.

It is unclear if Facebook still stands by Zuckerberg’s concerns in July and whether or not the company would ban this video of Zuckerberg from its platforms because of vaccine policy violations.

Project Veritas continues to seek Brave Insiders working within Big Tech to come forward with more newsworthy information.

Contact us at with tips that we should pursue.

You can also reach out through Signal: 914-653-3110.

©Project Veritas. All rights reserved.