VIDEO: Central Outreach and Advocacy Center Executive Admits to Registering Countless People Using Same Address in Georgia

Project Veritas released a new video today exposing the Executive Director for Atlanta’s Central Outreach and Advocacy Center (COAC), Kimberly Miller, admitting to the organization’s routine practice of registering homeless people to vote using the same address.

Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

  • Kimberly Miller, Central Outreach and Advocacy Center executive director: “So, the majority of the people we serve don’t have an address, so we allow them to use our address if they register to vote and to get Georgia State ID.”
  • Miller: “Because you have to have proof of residence, and so although we are not a shelter, we do allow them to use 201 Washington Street [Atlanta, Georgia].”
  • Miller: “So, I can’t even begin to tell you how many people have that address on their ID. We’ve never run into any problem with that until this election. One of our board members got wind that they thought we’re doing things not on the up and up because so many have the address, but we’ve not heard any repercussion from it since.”
  • Miller: “So, but it’s just a way to – I mean people have to have an address – the only way they can get ID, which you’ve gotta have to do anything else, is to have an address. So, we allow that. We’ve done that for years.”
  • Adam Seeley, Central Night Shelter board member: “A couple thousand people had our address registered as their mailing address for their voter registration.” 

You can watch the full video here:

How can the voters of Georgia trust this sort of election process?

Does Central Outreach and Advocacy Center take any steps to ensure that their address isn’t being abused in elections?

As you and I both know, a few thousand votes can make all the difference in the state.

EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: “Reverend” Warnock is Worse that Radical! Georgia, Hold the Line for America.

Georgia – The January 5th Senate Runoff is NOT just about Georgia… it is about holding any possible control of keeping America from becoming Venezuela, Cuba, or siding with the Jihadis!




©The United West. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: The Vortex — Class Warfare. It’s going to ramp up in 2021!


Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary.

Happy Feast Day of Mary, Mother of God. And as we move into this no-so-shiny new year, Her children are going to be depending on Her more than ever.

What the commies have done in America is what they’ve managed to do everywhere their presence has fouled the planet. They’ve created a war between the classes, but in this case, it’s getting really bad.

What we see unfolding before us is a system where the elites oppress the peasants — and yes, this includes the hierarchy over the faithful.

The cultural elites are — in no particular order — the media, government, Hollywood, Silicon Valley and corporate America. Expand that traditional pool and toss in the U.S. hierarchy because, well, birds of a feather.

What the elites all have in common is one simple principle: They are better than the peasants. Therefore, everything they pronounce is automatically correct and people must obey.

Let’s take that principle and apply it across the board and see just how true it is:

  • The media: Whatever they tell you is true, and if your dare challenge the narrative — you smelly, unwashed peasant — you are an ignorant, gun-loving, homophobe, racist, white supremacist.
  • The government: They pass the laws, jack up your taxes, ignore the pleas of the little man and pay for all of it with your money, you stinking peasant.
  • Hollywood: The entertainment industry is populated with perverts, child sex traffickers and rapists. Then they take their private lives and put them on giant screens and demand you accept it all as normal, you ignorant, puritanical peasant.
  • Silicon Valley: Giant Tech is about free speech unless you speak the truth. They are the ones who fact-check you and decide “truth,” you dangerous revolutionary peasant.
  • Corporate America: If you want to do business with us, in any form, you will accept our embrace of gay sex, the employees will not object, and you will take the diversity training classes and you’ll like it, you defiant peasant.

So, carrying the principle into the hierarchy … You will pay us with your donations. But we will close your parishes; deny you authentic teaching; give you gay clergy and liturgical abuses; order you to wear masks, receive in the hand, make a reservation for Mass and stand miles away from each other. And you’ll do it, you disobedient peasant.

What ties them all together is the double standard they all wield in their own favor but to clamp down on and crush you.

Whether it’s the phony face mask mandate, eating out at restaurants, promotion of child sex trafficking, canceling out your vote by election fraud, of refusing you access to the sacraments, the elites clearly understand that you are on earth to serve them, not the other way around.

It’s class warfare, and what most of the peasants don’t understand is this: The “comforts” of life they’ve enjoyed up to now have been little else than a narcotic — something to deaden the intellects and excite the passions — so you don’t pay attention to them installing themselves as monarchs.

Once they have locked down that power — which they are pretty darn close to securing — you can expect the disappearance of the so-called middle class. This happened in the Soviet Union as well as China, Venezuela, Cuba and everywhere else on the planet. The middle class is a testament to the ingenuity and creativity of man and, well, we can’t have that now, can we?

Likewise, in the Church, how dare you ask for financial transparency. It’s frankly none of your business how much of your money we use for attorneys, erratic catechesis or gay sleepovers at the seminary.

We are the only ones — the hierarchy — who get to speak of “clericalism” — because we know that we don’t really mean what we are saying, so don’t get any ideas about becoming uppity laity — using our own empty platitudes against us.

Another striking parallel between the episcopal elites and the cultural elites is the constant appeal to superiority of being “college-educated.” In politics, you hear it all the time: “Oh, the college-educated would never vote that way — only those dumb hicks, the commoners, the working class deprived of a college education would vote that way.”

You get this exact same attitude in the Church if you’ve ever run into the lesbian in charge at the chancery. Oh, you’ll have to confer with Sister Perpetua Bull Dyke. She has a Ph.D. in liturgy and she says adoration is forbidden. Her office is just down the hall, and she’s the one with the man’s haircut — and build.

Remember, the elites are the ones who want to defund the police for you but hire private security for themselves with your money. The episcopal elites are the same ones who want your weekly money for the parish, but not actually not you in the pews.

Unchallenged, this will result in full-on communism within a generation, as the next generation will be “educated” to believe this is just how things are. In fact, that has already begun.

On the political side, Trump was or is the antidote to all this, which is why the landslide election in his favor had to be stolen. But in the Church, no champion has emerged, nor is there likely to be one any time soon — at least not in the natural order.

There are no conditions in place for the rise of a Catholic “Trump.” The Church doesn’t work like that. It’s neither a democracy nor a republic. It’s a hierarchy. And once the hierarchy has become corrupt as hell, as this one has, there is little option but to hunker down and live out the faith in small communities.

That doesn’t mean that the evil should not be challenged, exposed and the wicked perverts not exposed to the broad light of day, but it does mean the motive cannot be an overthrow of institution.

In America, the government belongs to the people, and they can revolt against it and overthrow when they see fit. But Catholics can’t do that in the Church because we know that the Church doesn’t belong to the hierarchy. They have proven themselves to be little else than spiritually murderous hirelings, and God will be their judge, jury and executioner — for eternity.

So faithful Catholics who are also American patriots are going to have to live out this kind of schizophrenic reality — fighting the enemies of Christ outside of the Church one way, while battling the enemies of Christ inside the Church in another. But both need fighting.

After all, fighting and rebelling against injustice is what peasants do. And remember, we didn’t ask for this class warfare; it was brought to us by the elites in the Church as well as outside the Church.

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Across America Car Caravans Forming, Will Arrive in Washington on January 6th! [Video]

UpdateStop the Steal calendar and contacts here.

The Epoch Times has a very informative story about the car caravans organizing in the eastern half of the United States to descend on the Capitol to protest the Election Steal.

At the request of President Trump they will join hundreds of thousands who will arrive by bus, train, or plane in what I’m guessing may be the largest rally for any President ever.

From the Epoch Times:

Car Caravans Forming for ‘Historic’ Protest in Washington

Sixty-year-old Robin, a retail merchandiser in rural Virginia, hasn’t visited the nation’s capital in more than two decades or ever taken part in organizing a political event, although she was quick to volunteer to manage a stop for one of the four vehicle caravans headed to Washington for what many are calling a historic protest on Jan. 6, 2021.

In an unprecedented request, President Donald Trump asked his supporters to travel to Washington for a “big protest” on Jan. 6, when a joint session of Congress will be held, during which lawmakers will vet the Electoral College votes cast three weeks prior.

A number of House Republicans have committed to challenge the slates of electors from six states where the president has disputed the validity of the election’s outcome.

This story was written before news broke yesterday that Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri would support the President in the Senate.

But frankly, we better see Senators Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Marsha Blackburn, Tom Cotton, Rand Paul and other REPUBLICANS standing up for us as well.

Car Caravans Forming for ‘Historic’ Protest in Washington

Sixty-year-old Robin, a retail merchandiser in rural Virginia, hasn’t visited the nation’s capital in more than two decades or ever taken part in organizing a political event, although she was quick to volunteer to manage a stop for one of the four vehicle caravans headed to Washington for what many are calling a historic protest on Jan. 6, 2021.

In an unprecedented request, President Donald Trump asked his supporters to travel to Washington for a “big protest” on Jan. 6, when a joint session of Congress will be held, during which lawmakers will vet the Electoral College votes cast three weeks prior.

A number of House Republicans have committed to challenge the slates of electors from six states where the president has disputed the validity of the election’s outcome.

This story was written before news broke yesterday that Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri would support the President in the Senate.

But frankly, we better see Senators Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Marsha Blackburn, Tom Cotton, Rand Paul and other REPUBLICANS standing up for us as well.

“Be there, will be wild!” the president wrote on Twitter on Dec. 19. A week later, he added, “See you in Washington, DC, on January 6th. Don’t miss it. Information to follow!”

A Michigan man who goes by the nickname Dr. ENoCH on Twitter is organizing the larger caravan effort, which encompasses 20 cities along four routes. He told The Epoch Times that considering the size of the two prior post-election Trump events in Washington—which the president didn’t call for or endorse ahead of time—the Jan. 6 event is on pace to become the biggest Trump rally so far.

“There are two things that Trump’s ever asked us to do. One was to vote for him and now, the other one is to be in D.C. on the 6th,” Enoch said. “That’s why I started organizing this.”

Here is info. from DR ENoCH on Twitter:

Continue reading because there is a lot of information in the Epoch Times story about who is organizing and where.  They may ask for your e-mail address before you can read it for free.

If you have a problem, you can get the story here.

What do you do if you can’t travel to Washington?

I know it is hard for most of you to go to Washington, DC on the spur of the moment. But you must find other avenues of activism in this last week.

Start calling all of your elected officials in Washington, your Members of the House and your Senators and tell them you believe the election was stolen. Shut down the phone lines! 

Go to Stop the Steal for contact information and what you might say to your elected officials.

Use social media even if you hate it.  Most Members of the House and Senate have Twitter and Facebook accounts.  Find them and tell them what you think.

They have local offices too, so on Wednesday, rally with as many people as you can round up in front of their local offices, even a few people will make an impact. Take pictures of your protest and post them on whatever social media you have. Get your local newspaper/TV to cover your local protest.

At minimum, watch the events unfold on January 6th on CSPAN, Newsmax, or One America News. History is being made, don’t miss it!

And, when the dust settles, vow to become engaged in supporting a powerful Patriot movement, a MAGA movement, to get rid of anyone in the Washington swamp who was complicit in the great Election Steal of 2020, or who was too chicken to speak up.

Happy New Year!

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Rep. Collins blasts Warnock, Abrams ahead of Georgia elections

Republican lawmaker tells ‘Hannity’ that Abrams has voter suppression allegations backward.


©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Vice President Mike Pence’s speech at TPUSA SAS 2020 Event

Turning Point USA’s SAS 2020 is addressed by the Vice President of the United States!

Vice President Pence said during his speech:

“Stay in the fight for election integrity. Stay in the fight to defend all that we’ve done.”

©Turning Point USA. All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Straw Wars — A Political Case Study



Rita Dunaway is a constitutional attorney, the author of Restoring America’s Soul: Advancing Timeless Conservative Principles in a Wayward Culture, and co-host of the weekly radio program, “Crossroads: Where Faith and Culture Meet.”

TOPIC: Straw Wars: A Political Case Study


Liz Peek is a Fox News Contributor, and a columnist for The Hill and She is a weekly guest on several Fox Business shows including Varney & Company, Making Money with Charles Payne, After the Bell, Evening Edit and appears frequently on Neil Cavuto’s Coast-to-Coast, Fox & Friends, Fox & Friends First and other shows. In the past she has written for the bipartisan, the New York Post, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Sun, and numerous other publications.

TOPIC: Dems won’t nominate socialist senator to run against Trump


Tristan Justice is a staff writer at The Federalist focusing on the 2020 presidential campaigns. He has also written for The Washington Examiner and The Daily Signal. Tristan graduated from George Washington University where he majored in political science and minored in journalism.

TOPIC: Beto O’Rourke Gets The Facts Wrong About Shootings

©Conservative Commandoes Radio. All rights reserved.

COVERUP OF THE CENTURY: Leaked Documents Expose Extent Of Communist China’s Coronavirus Lies/Disinfo/ Censorship

Thousands of internal directives and reports expose how Chinese officials stage-managed what appeared online in the early days of the outbreak.

Called “The Wuhan Files,” the report reveals evidence of mishandling and purported destroying of evidence, based on a 117-page document marked “internal document, please keep confidential.”

The documents reveal that China’s censorship on information about the outbreak began in early January, before coronavirus had even been decisively identified.

China deliberately misled the world in the early stages of Wuhan’s Covid-19 outbreak, suppressed evidence, and mishandled the pandemic, stated a report published by CNN.

The Times reported that the documents include more than 3,200 directives and 1,800 other files from the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC), the country’s Internet regulator located in the eastern city of Hangzhou. Also included were files and code from Urun Big Data Services, a Chinese company that produces software used by the government to track online discussions and oversee troops of online commenters.

And the Democrat media cabal and their tech giant handmaidens were only to happy to submit to the Chicoms. It’s bloody treason.

Leaked documents reveal extent of China’s attempts to control coronavirus message

By: i24NEWS, December 20, 2020:

Chinese censorship on information about outbreak began in early January, before decisive identification

China’s attempts to influence opinion regarding the coronavirus pandemic have been brought to light through secrete government directives and “reclaiming the narrative” after The New York Times and ProPublica reviewed hacked documents.

A hacker group known as CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Unmasked shared the documents, which reveal the Herculean efforts that the actual CCP invested in maintaining control of the Internet. “The Times and ProPublica verified the legitimacy of many of the documents, some of which had been acquired independently by China Digital Times, a website that follows Chinese Internet controls,” according to The Jerusalem Post/.

The documents show as early as January – before the coronavirus had been decisively identified – Chinese authorities clamped down on information to make the virus look less severe, and the government more capable.

This was particularly true when Li Wenliang, the doctor who had initially sounded the alarm about the new viral outbreak died of COVID-19 on February 7, sending Chinese sensors into overdrive.

“They ordered news sites not to issue push alerts about his death, and told social platforms to gradually remove his name from trending topics pages and activated legions of fake online commenters to flood social sites with distracting chatter,” reported The New York Times.

Beijing was caught off-guard at the outpouring of emotion and became deeply concerned about creating a “butterfly effect,” in turn causing officials to get to work suppressing inconvenient news.

The Times also maintained that propaganda workers produced reports that ensured people saw nothing other than the calming message from the Communist Party, i.e. that the government had everything under control.

In addition to employing hundreds of thousands of people part-time to promote information that parrots the CCP’s ideology, WeChat, China’s version of WhatsApp also censored data at the beginning of the pandemic, according to The Post.

Wired reported that by March, WeChat blocked mentions of international groups, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Red Cross, in addition to censoring references to outbreaks in other countries.”

RELATED ARTICLE: You Can Kill Covid With a Flick of a Light Switch, Study Shows

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Congressman Ted Budd — What I’m doing in rejecting electoral votes on January 6th is ‘totally Constitutional’

Another member of Congress Rep. Theodore Paul “Ted” Budd (R-NC) joined the Republican led effort to reject electoral votes from states with rampant fraud. One American News Networks’ John Hines spoke with the lawmaker to learn more about his decision.


Ted Budd represents North Carolina’s 13th Congressional District and is serving his second term in the 116th United States Congress.

Ted brings an outsider’s perspective to Washington, having never held elective office. When an opportunity presented itself after redistricting opened up North Carolina’s 13th Congressional District in 2016, Ted decided to run and bring a businessman’s outlook to our nation’s capital.

Ted sits on the Financial Services Committee, where he uses his real world experience to roll back the restrictive regulations that strangle job creation in our country. Working at a young age on his family’s cattle and chicken farm and for their janitorial and landscaping business, Ted learned the importance of work ethic and common sense decision making. He brings his strong belief in God, family, and country to his job each and every day.

Ted and his wife Amy Kate have three children and live in Davie County, NC. He holds an MBA from Wake Forest University and a Masters in Educational Leadership from Dallas Theological Seminary.

©One America News Network. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: How the 2020 Election was Presented to Us vs. How It Really Was

A demonstrator stands with supporters of President Donald Trump outside the Pennsylvania Convention Center where votes are being counted, on Nov. 6, 2020, in Philadelphia.

WATCH: How the election was presented to us vs. how it was.

RELATED ARTICLE: POLL: 78% Of Republicans Believe Presidential Election Was Fraudulent

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog entry was posted in Leftist election rigging by Eeyore. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Defending the “Defender in Chief.” John Yoo on Trump’s Fight for Presidential Power

Given the controversy over the election fraud surrounding the presidential election it is perhaps time to look back at what President Trump is really trying to do since his election. Professor John Yoo explains in his book Defender in Chief: Donald Trump’s Fight for Presidential Power stated,

[T]he Founders would have seen Trump as returning to their vision of presidential power, even at his most controversial and outrageous.

On July 29, 2020 The Hoover Institution published the following commentary and video.

On the occasion of his new book, Defender in Chief: Donald Trump’s Fight for Presidential Power, Hoover visiting fellow and Berkeley Law School professor John Yoo joins the show to make a spirited case against the criticisms of Donald Trump for his supposed disruption of constitutional rules and norms. The conventional wisdom is that Donald Trump is a threat to the rule of law and the US Constitution. Mainstream media outlets have reported fresh examples of alleged executive overreach or authoritarian White House decisions nearly every day of his presidency. In the 2020 primaries, the candidates have rushed to accuse Trump of destroying our democracy and jeopardizing our nation’s very existence. In his book and on this show, John Yoo argues the opposite: that the Founders would have seen Trump as returning to their vision of presidential power, even at his most controversial and outrageous. It’s a fascinating and often humorous discussion that could not be more timely.

©The Hoover Institution. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: We’re in a communist revolution here in the USA – and 95% of the public are completely in the dark.

Counterpunch With Trevor Loudon posted the following commentary and video on YouTube:

We’re in a communist revolution here in the USA – and 95% of the public are completely in the dark.

The mainstream media will never call out communists – no matter how blatant they are. That’s why our country is being turned upside down and hardly anybody seems to know why.

Well Trevor Loudon does. After 40 years of studying communism Trevor knows a revolution when he sees one. And he knows how to fight back.

Subscribe to “CounterPunch.”  Tell all your friends. We have one last chance to save America – and the world and no time to waste! – Subscribe for updates.

©CounterPunch. All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Senator Graham Doesn’t Trust The Courts Who Spied On Trump — But Trusts Them With Gun Control!



Congressman Bob Barr represented Georgia’s 7th District in the House of Representatives from 1995-2003. He now practices law in Atlanta, Georgia and is Chairman of Liberty Guard a non-profit, pro-liberty organization. He also heads the Law Enforcement Education Foundation and a consulting firm, Liberty Strategies.

TOPICL: Graham Doesn’t Trust The Courts Who Spied On Trump — But Trusts Them With Gun Control!


Tim Bryce is is a freelance writer residing in the Tampa Bay area of Florida. An avid writer and speaker discussing everything from business and management, to politics and morality, to systems and technology in our ever changing world. In addition to his columns and blog entitled “The Bryce is Right’ which is read by thousands of people worldwide. Tim has also been published in a wide range of publication from the WASHINGTON TIMES to the HUFFINGTON POST..



Matt Margolis is the author of The Scandalous Presidency of Barack Obama and the bestselling The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama. He is also a contributor for PJ Media. His new book, Trumping Obama: How President Trump Saved Us From Barack Obama’s Legacy WAS published on July 30th. Matt is a full time architectural designer and longtime blogger. In November 2003, Matt founded Blogs for Bush, one of the most popular political blogs during the 2004 presidential campaign, earning him an invitation to the Republican National Convention.

TOPIC… ‘Damning’ Report on James Comey

©Conservative Commandoes Radio. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: What a Biden Administration portents for Israel and the Middle East

My analyses of what a Biden foreign policy means for Israel, the Middle East, and a wider world, based on Biden’s appointees.


©Barry Shaw. All rights reserved.

Election Battle Update — Stay the Course!


VIDEO: The statistical improbabilities of a real Biden win.

Every Legal Vote in an email sent out the following Election 2020 update:

What is the pathway to victory? Staying the course, showing steel resolve, and focusing on the two tenets of velocity and agility to adapt to the changing situation.

I’ve been asked about the pathway over and over again. The 12th Amendment and the Constitution give general left and right guidelines but they are not an exact technical manual on process.

That’s up to us, the American People. What can you do?

  • Show steel resolve by talking to everyone you know – and ensure all state legislators and leaders are hearing from you. The six states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada are filled with fraud and these situations must be fully exposed and lawfully resolved.
  • Please go on and fill out the take action letters – very quick, very easy, very impactful.
  • Work on MagaDrags to show support for Election Integrity – Please contact the national committee asap to organize one in your area. Email:
  • Get ready and participate on January 6, 2020. Trump has asked everyone to come to DC for a rally!
  • Watch Eye Opener with Michael Lewis – well done over view of the fraud and Peter Navarro’s analysis of the election fraud.

We’re also working on a rally at Chief Justice Roberts House – the Supreme Court Chief Justice has failed us. In a remarkable and unprecedented news release the Supreme Court denied allegations about his behavior. I have one brief response to John Roberts: “Mr. Chief Justice, You Lie!” to borrow from a heroic South Carolina U.S. Representative.

We were robbed in the greatest fraud in American History – by the same group that lied about Russia Gate. Soon to be former AG Barr says no misconduct by CIA in Russia Gate. And I have one thing to say to AG Barr, “Former AG Barr, You Lie!” I’m shocked by AG Barr’s comment – he knows that is a factual lie. Brennan and Comey put together a fake, Top Secret, Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA), after the November 2016 assessment – I was one of the senior reviewers in DoD of this package before it went to the White House – they knew the Russia story was a fraud in the Summer of 2016 from
their admission in their own handwritten notes released by DNI Ratcliffe this summer. I and others reviewed a fake Top Secret Document in December 2016 prepared personally by Brennan and Comey – making a fake or false statement is a crime by 18 USC. Shame on you AG Barr. I trusted you until your ignorant self serving comment. I had to amend my 27 pages with Mr. Durham after the factual basis of the fake ICA became known. Myself and many others were being fooled by a willfully fake and false ICA based on a lie and willfully meant to deceive government officials.

Other Important Updates

  • County Voting Officials are not complying with court orders and are keeping evidence from the American People.
  • Is the Solar Winds Breach part of the take down of America? Who did the Solar Winds cyber attack? I feel (with some experience and knowledge of these events) the Solar Winds attack was part of the next step of the Color Revolution to cripple and topple the United States. Phase I was the China Virus, Phase II was the assault on our election process, Phase III could very well be Solar Winds and shortly a broad crippling of our critical infrastructure. And don’t believe the lie of Russia Russia Russia one more time. Russia was very likely involved – but very likely as a junior partner to the main culprit, China. And Iran and Venezuela were very likely part of the attack as weenie hut junior partners. The main game is China.
  • Something big is coming – stand by
  • Kevin Freeman does an excellent overview of the fraud and an immediate plan of action for a broad class action lawsuit – a huge and powerful action in
    taking down this fraud. Please watch.
  • Are there two Americas? You bet there are – and we are the majority – let’s be sure to act like it.

Reasonable people and courts are asking for evidence of election fraud. Many elements of compelling evidence has been presented. But much of the evidence has still not been handed over by corrupt county and state election officials. The President should invoke the September 2018 Executive Order and seize this evidence from the Counties and the States to present to the courts.

Should we re-run the election in the six states with military overview? I don’t think that’s unreasonable and absolutely should be on the table. Simply put – at this time, no President can assume the Presidency in January with this level of fraud – it must be dealt with before anyone assumes the Presidency.

And re-running the election in the six contested states should be an immediate action. If we delay the inauguration, so be it. And that doesn’t mean Nancy temporarily gets the seat. Extraordinary times and fraud require extraordinary responses – Lincoln did many such things to save the Union – it’s that time again.”Hooray for the Union, down with the traitors, and up with the stars” as Lincoln’s 1864 song went.

COL (Ret) John R. Mills
Former Director, Cybersecurity Policy, Strategy, and International Affairs,
Office of the Secretary of Defense
on behalf of

©Every Legal Vote. All rights reserved.