‘Long-Held Dream’: Honest Elections Project Director Says Mandated Mail-In Voting Has Little To Do With The Pandemic

Jason Snead, executive director of the Honest Elections Project, joined the Daily Caller’s Stephanie Hamill to discuss the push for mandatory voting by mail.

During the interview, Snead warned of the risks associated with rushing vote by mail months before a presidential election.

He also called out Democrats for pushing the effort, saying that it’s more about politics than the coronavirus pandemic.

“I actually think that a lot of the policies they are proposing have very little to do with responding to the pandemic and everything to do with trying to accomplish a long-held dream that they have had to fundamentally reshape our elections,” Snead said.

The Honest Elections Project says it supports efforts to expand the use of absentee voting during the pandemic, but only if the changes are “adopted in a planned, rational manner protected with appropriate election integrity measures.”



Video columnist.


Trump Explains Tweet Suggesting Election Delay, Says He Doesn’t Want Date Change.

Every NHL Player Stands For The National Anthem During First Game Back

‘It’s Not Just Inexcusable, It’s Genocidal’: PBS Host Says A ‘Real’ AG Would Investigate Trump’s COVID Response

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of The Daily Caller.

HONOR, RESPECT, SUBMISSION: The Contemporary Moral Confusion

The Macmillan Dictionary defines the verb to “honor” (spelled “honour” in Britain and Canada) as “to show your respect or admiration for someone, especially by giving them a prize or title, or by praising them publicly.”

And so, George Floyd, whose adult life was spent in years of crime and jail sentences and in impregnating and then abandoning 5 different women, and participating in an armed home invasion where he held a gun to the pregnant belly of a woman victim, has been honored in the United States.

Important people came to his funeral, young people have his photo on t-shirts. The most bizarre tribute was the launching of an anti-American, Marxist, anti-Semitic movement calling itself “Black Lives Matter”. However, some analysis shows that the movement was not to indicate that Black lives matter as much as all other lives, but that Black lives and Black grievances and Black rights, matter more than other lives. And so an American academic was disciplined for writing a sympathetic email in which she stated that “all lives matter”. Then, a 27 year old mother was shot dead for saying “all lives matter” as some Black Lives Matter violent radicals passed by who refused to submit to the supposed indignity of being thereby placed equal to other people. It seems the goal of equality is now less than the goal of getting whites to submit to this enhanced form of Black Power based on submission to any of their demands.

An estimate of the crowds at the protests and the violent riots that have gone on for many weeks, show that whites compose the majority of protesters, both peaceful and violent. The sad death of Mr. Floyd by an out-of-control cop (who apparently knew Mr. Floyd as they were once co-workers in security for a bar), must surely be condemned but does Floyd deserve to be “honored” which implies, as noted above, “respect” and “admiration?”

The more that whites are induced to acknowledge historical or current systemic racism in America, the greater the amount of power that accrues to Blacks. In his 2006 book, White Guilt: How Blacks and Whites Together Destroyed the Promise of Civil Rights, Shelby Steele, a conservative black academic, criticizes “white guilt” saying that it is nothing more than an alternative interpretation of the concept of “black power”:

“Whites (and American institutions) must acknowledge historical racism to show themselves redeemed by it, but once they acknowledge it, they lose moral authority over everything having to do with race, equality, social justice, poverty and so on. […] The authority they lose transfers to the ‘victims’ of historical racism and becomes their great power in society. This is why white guilt is quite literally the same thing as Black power.”

The columnist George Will wrote: “[White guilt is] a form of self-congratulation, where whites initiate ‘compassionate policies’ toward people of color, to showcase their innocence to racism.”

This white guilt is, then, often related to what is called “virtue signalling”: This is the term meaning, according to Dictionary.com, “the sharing of one’s point of view on a social or political issue, often on social media, in order to garner praise or acknowledgment of one’s righteousness from others who share that point of view, or to passively rebuke those who do not”. It also is said to mean the act of accusing someone of “trying to win praise for showing support for a social cause without actually doing anything meaningful to advance it. This charge is often used against people for being self-righteously “woke” on social media.” The Oxford Dictionary terms it a “pejorative neologism for the conspicuous expression of moral values”, suggesting that it is most often used pejoratively outside of academia.

And so American culture, which gave up so many civil war military deaths to free black slaves, which attempted a Reconstruction, that underwent a Civil Rights Movement (where Jews, now subject to anti-Semitism from Black Lives Matter, marched alongside Martin Luther King Jr., and other black leaders) and a long term affirmative action movement in universities and in corporation, seems receptive to being told it is fundamentally racist and that there is systemic racism. Moreover there seems some consensus among the Left that American athletes and entertainers and politicians should kneel before every event to acknowledge the supposed systemic racism. Moreover, at a recent Women’s NBA game, the players got up and walked around during the playing of the national anthem to emphasize their contempt for the country that allows them to be so richly compensated for playing a game.

It becomes clear, upon a review of the figures, that poor Blacks have more to fear from other blacks than they do policemen. But the video of Floyd’s slow death under the policeman’s knee, that has been seen millions of times, is now a symbol. A symbol doesn’t have to be logical or based on facts, and that is often its strength and utility: Symbolism, said Alfred North Whitehead “is no mere idle fancy or corrupt degeneration; it is inherent in the very texture of human life.”

Symbols are sometimes chosen by the inarticulate, because what articulate person with a confidence that his well-articulated arguments will be heard, would instead choose symbolism? Antifa adopts black clothing and masks and obscene graffiti as its symbols of choice. And the burning of American flags and the shunning of the American anthem are meant to be a symbols of disgust and absolute rejection of traditional America at the hands of those seeking its fundamental transformation.

And, given the acute cultural chaos, the choice of who we honor or respect is very telling. Our cultural chaos is in part based on cultural and moral relativism, so that we are prevented from making expressions of judgment on any group, no matter how immoral that group might be according to traditional standards of the Judeo-Christian ethics. “Respect”, according to the Oxford Dictionary, is defined as “a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities ar achievements.”

This points to the foundation of our problem. We are told to respect all people. Hillary Clinton once infamously advocated that America should adopt what she termed “Smart Power” – “showing respect even for one’s enemies, trying to understand, and insofar as psychologically possible, empathize with their perspective and point of view.”

Black Lives Matter or George Floyd should not be honored or respected. Nor should the Muslim Brotherhood or any Islamist organization. Their conduct is more important than their words or the symbolic uses to which they are put. The bottom line is we should not have a feeling of “deep admiration” for “their abilities, qualities or achievements.”

It seems that the West has learned little from the genocidal, racist, homophobic, anti-woman, anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, anti-freedom Islamists. In a bizarre form of the Stockholm Syndrome, our culture has been giving respect to the worst of the Islamists. Black Lives Matter can be said to have learned that the more violent one becomes the more “respect” one gets: Barack Obama shall forever be known for his “apology tour” to the Muslim world, right after his inauguration where he said: “I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and the Muslims around the world; one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect (my emphasis)… “shar(ing) common principles – principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.”

And so, Obama gave respect to the Islamists and the Democratic Party gives respect to the Black Lives Matters radicals; in both cases American media, academia, and Democratic Party leaders, all give respect to bad people with bad values. Once you make a habit of that cultural relativism, it is all too easy to lose your bearings and think that your enemy, whether domestic or international, shares the same view of acceptable qualities and achievements. And if that is so, how can you refuse to submit to those groups, when allegations of racism are in the air?

America saw nothing wrong with its Secretary of State Hillary Clinton having as her principal assistant, Huma Abedin, a Saudi operative of the Muslim Brotherhood. And if that is the case, we should not be surprised that more Blacks than ever are giving an ear to the anti-Semitic leader of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan.

Major Doctor Hassan the terrorist murderer at Fort Hood, was said by Obama to be an example of “workplace violence” not terrorism. And so Islamists seeking to impose a world-wide caliphate by violent jihad and the adoption of Sharia Law), are welcomed into Congress, even onto the foreign affairs committee (as was Ilhan Omar) and into our universities that have now submitted to the Palestinian obsession with destroying Israel as part of paving the way for eventual Islamist rule.

Submission is made inevitable when the education system has been captured by the Islamists and the Black Lives Matter crowd. As to the latter, one element of submission is to the demand that Black students be exempted from the grammar used in traditional white, educated circles. Educational administrators are seriously discussing whether the rules of grammar are part of the systemic racism against Blacks.

In addition to the sad mis-use of honor and respect, I have written about the way that tolerance has been hi-jacked into the arsenal of the cultural relativists. I have termed excessive tolerance of the intolerant and illiberal the ideology of Tolerism. (see Tolerism: The Ideology Revealed, Mantua Books) and I discuss in depth the ways in which this Tolerism, and undeserved honor and repect have encouraged our submission to the enemy in The ideological Path to Submission … and what we can do about it (Mantua Books).

©All rights reserved.

CENSORED VIDEO: America’s Frontline Doctors Speak Out about COVID-19

LIVE from the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court. America’s Frontline Doctors – Physicians from around the country address the American people about Covid-19 and the importance of reopening schools and our society.

America’s Frontline Doctors address the big tech censorship and double down on their experience with hydroxychloroquine.


©All rights reserved.

Nearly Half Of Young Americans Say It’s Okay To Fire People Who Support Trump (Sounds Like Hitler Youth)

The left succeeded in the long march through the institutions, a term coined by Communist student activist Rudi Dutschke (inspired by Italian communist Antonio Gramsci) to describe the strategy for establishing the conditions for revolution: subverting society by infiltrating institutions such as the academia, media, entertainment et al.

“A republic, if you can keep it.”

Discarded like an old pair of shoes.

This surely sounds like Hitler-Jugend.

Nearly Half Of Young Americans Say It’s Okay To Fire People Who Support Trump

By Glenn T. Stanton, The Federalist, July 31, 2020

The Cato Institute just released a new report showing that 62 percent of Americans are inclined to self-censor what they say politically “because others might find them offensive.” Even moderate leftists report they feel increased fear of offending the offendable, while only the most “staunch liberals,” as Cato described them, feel free to speak their minds. The “very conservative” have been pushed deepest in the closet: they are most likely to refrain from saying what they think politically, at nearly twice the rate of the “very liberal.”

Buried deeper in the report, however, is a stunning data point that might be one of the most troubling current cultural indicators. Forty-four percent of Americans younger than age 30 believe a company is correct in firing an executive because he or she personally donated to President Trump’s reelection campaign.

The companion finding was also disturbing. Twenty-seven percent of people under 30 said they were fine with an executive being fired because he or she donated to the Joe Biden campaign. The means that of Americans under 30 years old, 73 percent think it would be wrong to fire an executive from a company for donating to the Biden campaign, while only 56 percent believe it would be wrong to do so for a Trump donation.

While this problem is most pronounced among those under 30, it isn’t exclusive to young people. Across all age ranges, 78 percent said it would be wrong to fire an executive for making a personal donation to Biden, while only 69 percent believe it’s wrong to fire one simply for being a Trump donor.

This means a remarkably high number of fellow citizens believe it’s virtuous to punish you for your personal political beliefs, even if you express them merely through one private political donation, with the loss of your family’s livelihood.

People throw the word “fascist” around today much too carelessly for it to be useful. If that word can be applied to an everyday person, however, someone who believes you should lose your job based on who you vote for is a pretty sturdy working definition. Of course, this has less to do with the names of the 2020 candidates and more to do with how an alarming number of Americans today seem to know precious little about what it means to live in a representative democracy.

This brings us to the second most disturbing revelation of this report: the declining cognitive and logical rigor of today’s youth. Would these findings have been any different if the question had been, “Would you support firing a business executive solely for holding political beliefs you disagree with?”

There is only one right answer among decent people. “Yes” and “It depends” are unacceptable. But a disturbingly high number of Americans think such a firing would be perfectly fine when triggered by specific politicians’ names.

To consider just how troubling this turn is, let’s improve the polling question to see if it sounds any better: “Would you support an employer, without any threat of job loss, trying to reason with and persuade by way of facts and data why executives should vote for one candidate over another?” It’s scary to think what the polling numbers for this might be.

It was not all that long ago that the liberal clarion value was the misattributed Voltairean principle, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Today that seems to have been replaced with the brutally authoritarian, “I disagree with what you believe, and I will make sure you lose your livelihood because I went digging and found out you made a private campaign contribution to someone I think is evil.”

If, God forbid, the autopsy of the American experiment is ever written, this growing expectation that political submission be a condition of one’s employment will certainly be noted as a significant stage in its demise. It demonstrates that the world’s most hopeful self-government is moving in a very bad direction, and that should profoundly bother us all.

Ghislaine Maxwell Documents RELEASED! Bill Clinton Was on Lolita Island and Epstein, Maxwell with “2 Young Girls”, Sexy Orgies “Regular Occurrence”

FBI Had Evidence of Crimes for Years.

We are just beginning to go through the documents – stay tuned.

Documents related to Ghislaine Maxwell’s dealings with Jeffrey Epstein are unsealed (Reuters)

Materials covered by Preska’s July 23 order included flight logs from Epstein’s private jets; and police reports from Palm Beach, Florida, where Epstein had a home, among other documents.

The source of Maxwell’s wealth is coming under scrutiny. Prosecutors said there were large sums of unexplained wealth. and the cash purchase of the mansion where she was arrested was notable.

Federal prosecutors say that Maxwell toured the property under the pseudonym Jen Marshall, saying she was a journalist looking for privacy, and her name didn’t appear on any of the documents connected to the sale, according to someone with knowledge of the transaction. (more)

Gateway reports:

The documents also reveal the Mueller and then Comey FBI knew about these crimes for years and held evidence at the bureau.

The FBI even had copies of the infamous Prince Andrew photo with the young Ghislaine Maxwell victim…..

Ghislaine Maxwell Documents Unsealed – Bill Clinton Was on Epstein Island with Jeffrey Epstein, Maxwell and “2 Young Girls”

By Cristina Laila, Gateway Pundit, July 30, 2020:

Ghislaine Maxwell’s lawyers tried to keep x-rated evidence related to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein from going public, but a judge denied the appeal and released damning docs on Thursday evening.

Epstein’s pimp, Ghislaine Maxwell is currently in federal custody awaiting trial.

A witness interview revealed Bill Clinton was at Epstein’s pedophile island with Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and “2 young girls.”

Portion of the interview with a witness:

“When you say you asked him why is Bill Clinton here, where was here?”

V: On the island

JS: When you were present with Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton on the island, who else was there?”

V: Ghislaine, Emmy, and there were 2 young girls that I could identify. I never really knew them well anyways. It was just 2 girls from New York.”

JS: And were all of you staying at Jeffrey’s house on the island including Bill Clinton?”

V: That’s correct. He had about 4 or 5 different villas on his island separate from the main house, and we all stayed in the villas.”

JS: “Were sexual orgies a regular occurrence on the island at Jeffrey’s house?”

V: “Yes”

We reported in 2016 before the election that Bill Clinton took numerous trips on Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’ to Epstein’s private “Orgy Island” where underage girls as young as 14 were prostituted for Epstein’s rich and famous clients like Clinton, Kevin Spacey and Prince Andrew.

Clinton’s claim that his Secret Service were with him every during every trip is bogus because according to reports he simply ditched his security detail in order to stealth travel with Epstein.

In May 2016 FOX News reported that Bill Clinton traveled with Jeffrey Epstein on his famous “Lolita Express” at least 26 times and frequently ditched his secret service detail.



Biden promises to allow terrorists in country if he’s president

NFL Tells Players They Can’t Attend Church

‘Disaster’: CBS mail-in voting experiment reveals massive problems

President Trump Issues Executive Order on Big Tech Censorship

EXCELSIOR! Missouri AG intervenes in case against St. Louis couple who defended their home with guns

Video: Biden, at campaign event, again forgets where he is

Chicago Tribune demotes journalist who denounces George Soros role for the violence in Chicago and elsewhere

Twitter Defends BLOCKING Trump’s Tweets on HCQ But Allows Iran’s Supreme Leader Call for Jewish GENOCIDE

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

24 People Have Died Since Violence Erupted Following George Floyd’s Death

During two months of protests and rioting over the death of George Floyd, 24 people have been killed.

Most recently, protests and riots in Portland have escalated in violence, with attacks directed at the courthouse and fires being lit, with officers responding by using tear gas and pepper bullets along with other crown control munitions.

Many cities are reporting crime surges, including Minneapolis, which is experiencing an increase in gun violence in the area where Floyd died.

These are the people who’ve died as of July 30.

David Dorn, 77, died June 2 while trying to protect Lee’s Pawn Jewelry from looters. He served 38 years at the St. Louis Police Department before retiring. He died in the middle of a street after being shot in the torso by suspected rioters, according to the police incident report. The slaying was caught on Facebook Live, according to the St.Louis Dispatch.

Barry Perkins, 29, died after getting stuck on the converter dolly between a FedEx truck’s trailers while the driver of the truck pulled away. The driver, who was rerouted because of the protests, said he didn’t know the man was there. People began “removing items” from the truck and two men standing on the passenger side showed the driver they had guns, so the driver feared for his life, honked the horn and started driving until he was stopped by police. By the time police stopped the truck, Perkins had gotten caught by the trailer tire and was run over, according to KSDK.

David McAtee, 53, the owner of a barbecue restaurant in Louisville, Kentucky, was killed June 1 after police and National Guard members opened fire at a protest. The National Guard was sent to disperse a crowd and said they were shot at, which prompted them to return fire. McAtee’s sister told WAVE 3 News that the crowd gathered at the scene of the shooting did not relate to the protests, and was there meeting at his restaurant.

Dorian Murrell, 18, was shot and killed May 31 by Tyler Newby, 29, in Indianapolis. Newby and his friend told police that they were walking around Downtown after the protests, found a gas canister on the ground and picked it up. They said after doing so, they were approached by a group of about 10 males who asked them what they found. Newby said he was pushed to the ground, pulled out his gun and shot the person standing over him. Murrell’s family member at the scene said there was no physical altercation, according to Indy Star.

Marquis M. Tousant, 23, was shot and killed June 1in Davenport, Iowa after police responded to reports of a suspicious vehicle, before their car was fired upon multiple times, according to WQAD. Police found a semi-automatic handgun underneath Tousant’s body and multiple shell casings surrounding his body. Tousant was also seen on video with a gun at a shooting outside a jewelry store that night. It’s unclear whose weapon fired the shot that killed him, according to QC Times.

Calvin L. Horton Jr., 43, was fatally shot near the police department’s Third Precinct in Minneapolis in what is believed to be the first killing since the protests began according to Minnesota’s CBS affiliate.

James Scurlock, 22, was fatally shot by a bar owner during a fight with several people May 30 in Omaha, Nebraska, amid protests, according to Buzzfeed News. Charges weren’t brought against the shooter, Jake Gardner, who was determined to have acted in self-defense. Gardner’s father had pushed several protesters when asking them to leave the bar.

Victor Cazares, 27, was shot and killed in Chicago during rioting, which was ruled a homicide by the Cook County medical examiner’s office. The town spokesperson said the shootings were caused by “outside agitators who were driving through Cicero seeking to cause trouble,” according to the Chicago Sun Times.

Patrick Underwood, 53, was an officer in the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Protective Service who was gunned down May 29 as he stood guard outside the Ronald V. Dellums Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse in Oakland, Calif. amid protesting.  A second federal officer was shot with him but was not killed. Oakland police chief said the shooting was most likely deliberately targeting uniformed officers, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Jorge Gomez, 25, was shot and killed by Las Vegas police during June 1 protests near the federal courthouse in downtown Las Vegas. Gomez was wearing body armor and armed with three weapons during the protests, and raised his weapon toward officers, LVMPD said according to News 3 Las Vegas.

Tyler Gerth, 27, was allegedly shot and killed by Steven Lopez, 23, a frequent participant in the protests in Louisville. Lopez allegedly shot into the crowd at a protest and killed Gerth, who was a vocal supporter of the protests, according to USA Today.

Summer Taylor, 24, was killed by a man who drove his car into a closed Seattle freeway into a crowd of protesters July 4.

Robert Forbes, 55, died June 6 after being struck by a car while protesting in California City.

Jose Gutierrez, 28, was an innocent bystander allegedly killed by Zion Haygood, who was involved in the widespread looting that was taking place in Chicago and the surrounding suburbs.

John Tiggs, 32, was shot and killed in Chicago while walking into a Metro PCS May 31 to pay a bill during widespread looting. Someone in the store opened fire, killing Tiggs.

Marvin Francois, 50, was shot and killed May 31 while picking up one of his sons from a protest when 3 carjackers tried to steal his car in Kansas City.

Antonio Mays Jr., 16, was shot and killed in a shooting near the Seattle Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP) June 30. Mays was shot after driving his Jeep Cherokee near the barriers of the CHOP, where witnesses said they saw several people begin to fire into the vehicle, according to the NY Post.

Secoriea Turner, 8-year-old girl: Turner was shot and killed on the Fourth of July after at least two people in a crowd opened fire on the car she was in with her mother and her mother’s friend near the Wendy’s where Rayshard Brooks was killed and became a site of protest in Atlanta.

Garrett Foster, 28, shot and killed July 25 in downtown Austin after allegedly approaching a car that turned onto a street where protesters were gathered while holding an assault rifle. The driver fired multiple shots out of his window after Foster pointed the rifle at him, according to Austin Police Chief Brian Manley.

Not yet named: 29-year-old Chicago man was shot and killed in what was ruled a homicide and attributed to “outside agitators” during the riots.

Not yet named: Unidentified male in his 20s was shot and killed by the owner of a gun store in Philadelphia while trying to loot his store.

Not yet namedPhiladelphia man tried to blow up an ATM to loot it and was killed, according to a CBS Philadelphia affiliate.

Not yet named: Detroit man was shot and killed during protests, and police are searching for a woman identified as a person of interest.

To collate this list, the Daily Caller searched public news reports of deaths that occurred following the eruption of violence during protests, which included shootings and looting that were linked to mass unrest.



Culture reporter.


Media Downplays Ongoing Violence In Portland, Claims ‘Right-Wing’ Outlets Are Playing Up The Unrest

School Social Worker, Physical Therapist Charged With Assaulting Wisconsin State Senator During Protest

Authorities Seize IEDs In Seattle — DHS Also Confirms Their Use In Portland Protests

‘That’s A Myth’: Democrats Downplay The Violence In Portland

‘I Was Stabbed For Being A Conservative Journalist’: Videographer Injured At Portland Protests

Federal Agents Set To Deploy In Detroit, Cleveland, Milwaukee To Curb Rising Crime

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

What does Antifa Want in Portland?

60 days of violence. Is there a way out?

Portland has been the scene of 60 consecutive days of violent protests by Antifa and their related allies, mainly other neo-Marxists and anarchists.

The protests in Portland began as a reaction to the unjust death of George Floyd at the hand of a Minnesota police officer and then centered on the narrative of police brutality and support of the Black Lives Matter movement. Now they are focused on the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse in the city’s downtown district.

Nightly footage out of Portland – a city with a copious history of violent Antifa activity (which has also historically been enabled by the mayor and police department) – shows masked protesters armed with bats, hammers, bottles and commercial-grade fireworks (among other weapons), attacking the courthouse with impunity.

he question is, why are the protesters now focused on the federal courthouse?

A little digging turned up an astonishingly sad and ironic fact that could mean that the current tearing apart of a once-thriving American city, and other cities like Seattle (now emulating Portland in solidarity), could actually be based on a simple misinterpretation of a work of art.

According to numerous reports, the protests against the federal courthouse started when Antifa activist Morgan McKniff saw the this poster (see right) in the window of the courthouse on July 11:

A video of the poster was uploaded by McKniff, who describes herself on Twitter as a “citizen journalist” and “[p]robably the general manager of Antifa.”

The video was immediately retweeted by other Antifa activists on Twitter, garnering thousands of views within hours. One of those accounts, the Pacific Northwest Youth Liberation Front (an Antifa group) tweeted out an image of the hand, explaining, “Inside the Federal Courthouse in Portland: White Power symbol on a background of 3s— ’33’ being used to signify ‘KKK.’”

It would become the message behind the courthouse protests for Antifa and their allies.

In actuality, the artwork was a poster for the Trail Blazers, Portland’s NBA team – specifically, player C.J. McCollum, whose jersey number is three.

McCollum‘s forte on the court is shooting three-pointers, “so the OK hand sign in basketball represents a three pointer because of the three fingers,” noted the above Twitter user on a thread explaining the misunderstanding.

The back of the poster features a silhouette of McCollum. As the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Oregon confirmed upon investigation, the artwork was indeed an NBA poster.

Without this knowledge of the background to the protests, the riots have now come down to an opposition to the federal troops, who were sent in to quell the violence after local authorities indicated they were unwilling to do so.

Commenting in The Wall Street Journal about the current optics and how the federal officers have been characterized as “’storm troopers’ or ‘secret agents’ bent on sending ‘peaceful protesters to concentration camps,” Ted Van Dyk, a Democrat who has been active in Democratic national policy and politics for 40 years, noted after watching the Portland riots in real time,

“The current round of violence isn’t being undertaken by civil-justice or other reformers but by radicals using Jacobin street-violence tactics. The idea is to provoke confrontation and violence with constituted authority so as to discredit it, counting on a few gullible local residents to see police as oppressors. The pretense of peaceful protest is rapidly disappearing. Deaths, serious injuries, arson, public and private property damage, and economic dislocation have resulted.”

Others agree with Van Dyk’s assessment, including Gabriel Johnson, a 48-year-old Black man and retired Marine, who finally decided that he had had enough of the protests in his hometown.

What he encountered when venturing into the protest crowd to talk to them one night about the concern for Black lives was truly shocking:

Sadly, the protests have devolved into a Catch-22 situation, summed up by the circular arguments expressed in the following cartoons. The question is, is there a way out of it?


Meira Svirsky

Meira Svirsky is the editor of ClarionProject.org.


Poll: Most Americans Say, ‘We are Afraid to Share Our Political Views’

Ilhan Omar Accused of Using Antisemitic Tropes in Campaign Mailer


EDITORS NOTE: This Clarion Project column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Doctor Video Suffers from Acute Censorship

The who’s who of Big Tech took a turn before Congress this afternoon — and not a moment too soon, considering the mess they’re making of free speech. The men behind Apple, Facebook, Google, and Amazon have a lot of questions to answer about censorship, if House leaders will let Republicans ask. And the first one, considering what happened this week with the frontline doctors’ conference ought to be: Why are you letting your political agenda get in the way of the coronavirus facts?

By the time Facebook had taken it down, their news conference on COVID had beaten out some of the biggest names on the platform. With 17 million views, even the group — America’s Frontline Doctors — was surprised at how desperate people were for information. They’d come to D.C. with one goal: to address some of the rumors about the pandemic and share their views on the best ways to fight it. As men and women who’d spend the last several months treating patients with COVID, their opinion was valuable — to everyone, it turns out, but Facebook.

Mark Zuckerberg’s platform pulled the video, insisting it was full of “false information about cures and treatments for COVID-19.” Twitter and YouTube soon followed suit. Dr. Teryn Clark, one of the participants who joined me on Washington Watch yesterday, was “shocked.” First, because the event got so much attention, and then because it was considered controversial. Their intention, she insisted, was only to help answer people’s questions. “The numbers are starting to look like they don’t add up, people are living in fear. There have been a lot of deaths, but recently, more of the people who have … tested positive with this have not had symptoms, have been younger, healthier, and recovered more quickly. So I think there is really a curiosity in our society as well. ‘It’s not looking like in my community, like it’s supposed to look and like it looks on the news. So what’s the story here?'”

Their main goal, Teryn said, was to share what they’d see up close. “We had, as you said, millions and millions of viewers. And then we were equally surprised when we woke up and all of it had been taken down.” Even the website that hosted their conference was gone, along with all the links to the studies that have been done on hydroxychloroquine. That, she shook her head, is where so many people seem intent on shutting down debate. There are papers, she explains, from our own government talking about the drug’s effectiveness in treating other COVIDs. “I don’t know how it’s controversial that we’re looking at NIH paper [from] the time Anthony Fauci was at the NIH.”

The facts, Teryn argued, are being ignored. And she knows it, because she’s treated actual patients and watched them recover. “I was referring people to the CDC’s own website,” she said, which has a two-page fact sheet on the drug, and even that is cause for censorship. Look, Teryn argued, the medical community has studied this drug for years. “It’s been around a really long time… So it’s not a mystery. It’s not unsafe. It’s effective immediately… I just don’t know how it could be seen that we’re [advocating something] dangerous.”

These 20 physicians, from across multiple specialties, aren’t doing this for media attention. “We don’t have a dog in the fight. We have nothing to gain financially… We’re motivated because we want to help people and we want to [cut] through what some of the medical boards are doing with this medication.” It’s so out-of-control, she explained, that pharmacists refusing to fill the prescriptions. “I’ve never been questioned about a prescription,” she said. “[I could probably write a prescription] for a crazy amount of opioids and get less pushback than I get on this for 20 tablets of this medicine.” It’s unprecedented.

What’s driving this “unusual behavior” in the medical community? Teryn doesn’t know. What she does know is that these social media platforms are just as committed to covering up the facts as anyone. And it’s time to call them out.

RELATED VIDEO: Ron Paul on Why Did They Censor ‘America’s Frontline Doctors’?

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action podcast is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: ‘Mostly Peaceful Protests’

Democrats read Orwell like an instruction manual not a cautionary tale.


War is peace
Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is strength

Peaceful protests don’t turn violent. Only violent protests do.

49 Chicago police officers were injured by rocks, pipes, and fireworks while trying to defend the statue of Christopher Columbus in Grant Park. Despite their valiant defense of the man who discovered America, Mayor Lori Lightfoot sided with the BLM mob and had the statue removed anyway.

3 law enforcement personnel with the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Protective Service may face permanent eye injuries after having lasers shined in their eyes by Black Lives Matter rioters.

These are some of the injuries suffered by large forces in a matter of days. By early June, I had tracked the cases of over 400 injured law enforcement officers in under two weeks of BLM riots.
A month later, there are too many cases and too little reporting to even begin assembling any kind of complete picture.
A week after I complied my list, over 350 NYPD officers had been listed as injured in the BLM riots. By the middle of June, 75 law enforcement officers had been injured in the Denver Black Lives Matter riots.

Rifles, explosives, lasers, power tools, and firebombs are routinely used at the mostly peaceful protests.

Law enforcement officers have come away from what the media continues to falsely describe as “mostly peaceful protests” with fractured skulls, eye and ear injuries, and broken bones. Officers have been hit with bricks, baseball bats, and broken bottles. They’ve been shot, stabbed, and run over by vehicles.

The full total is not in the hundreds: it’s in the thousands. That’s a war zone.

And that’s just the law enforcement officers. No count has been kept of the civilians assaulted by the rioters. No one has assembled a list of store owners beaten and robbed by Black Lives Matter rioters.

Rough estimates place the scale of damage in the billions of dollars. Walgreens alone suffered $75 million in looting damage. Minnesota estimated damage to 1,500 businesses totaling $500 million.

This is wildly inconsistent with the media’s repeated false claims that the Black Lives Matter riots have been “peaceful”, “mostly peaceful”, “largely peaceful” or any other weasel words and modifiers.

Protests that injure thousands of police officers and cause billions in damage are not mostly peaceful.

They are mostly violent.

Carnage on this scale is not an accident or the work of a handful of unrelated people, as the media continues to falsely insist. When riots wound thousands and cost billions, the violence is not the aberration, it defines what the protests are and what they are intended to accomplish.

When marchers at a peaceful protest bring along crowbars, fireworks, and baseball bats, it’s not a peaceful protest. A genuinely peaceful protest would not allow marchers to bring weapons.

“The violence and pain and hurt that’s experienced on a daily basis by black folks at the hands of a repressive system should also be visited upon, to a degree, to those who think that they can just retreat to white affluence,” is not what a peaceful Black Lives Matter protest organizer sounds like.

The calls for violence and the acts of violence that define Black Lives Matter are not peaceful.

If Black Lives Matter were a peaceful organization, it would not draw its inspiration from Assata Shakur, who is wanted for murder by the FBI, and was the first woman on the Most Wanted Terrorist List.

Nationwide riots by a group that draws its inspiration from a domestic terrorist are not peaceful.

The media has covered this up by making a mockery of cause and effect and offering ridiculous euphemisms for violence that explain how mostly peaceful protests have ravaged entire cities.

“Protesters in California set fire to a courthouse, damaged a police station and assaulted officers after a peaceful demonstration intensified,” ABC News offered. According to the media, when a peaceful demonstration “intensifies”, buildings start burning and police officers are assaulted.

But if violence is the result of a peaceful protest “intensifying” then it’s not a peaceful protest. Intensifying a thing brings out its true nature, rather than transforming it into something it’s not.

“Boston’s Peaceful Protests Turn Violent at Night,” a Voice of America headline claims.

Are Black Lives Matter protests werewolves who turn violent when they see the full moon? Does the night have some magical power that turns formerly peaceful protests into violent assaults?

“What changes a protest from peaceful to violent? Aggressive law enforcement,” CNN falsely claims.

If a protest is inherently peaceful, aggressive law enforcement won’t change that. Reopen protests by conservatives faced aggressive enforcement without resulting in rioting and looting.

Some of the worst Black Lives Matter riots have taken place in progressive cities like Portland, Minneapolis, and Seattle, under the watch of lefty politicians and black police bosses. If aggressive policing led to violent riots, the worst rioting should be in the least progressive cities, while progressive cities should be experiencing the least violent protests. Instead it’s the other way around.

The violence of the riots correlates with the left-wing politics of the elected officials in charge.

Cities with the most left-of-center politicians are likely to experience the worst riots. It’s not aggressive law enforcement that causes violent riots, but the lack of decisive intervention against the rioters.

The media has tried to blame the police and the time of day for the riots, instead of the rioters.

A peaceful protest is not defined by the absence of violence, but by the presence of peaceful intent. The repeated false claims that the protests are peaceful completely distort the basic meaning of the word.

The media continually claims that every riot is really a peaceful protest that unexpectedly turned violent. But a peaceful protest wouldn’t turn violent. Only violent protests turn violent. A peaceful protest aims at peaceful change. A violent protest begins with hateful rhetoric and ends with violence.

A Neo-Nazi rally doesn’t turn violent. A Communist march doesn’t turn violent. Black Lives Matter was founded by self-described Marxists. The movement is interlaced with ties to the Nation of Islam. The rhetoric of its marches is violent, punctuated with obscenities, false claims of genocide, and racist taunts aimed at white people. These are not the components of a peaceful, but of a violent racist movement.

Black Lives Matter marches are mostly peaceful in the way that KKK marches were mostly peaceful.

Violent movements are not violent all the time. Not even the most violent fanatic is always violent.

The false claim of “mostly peaceful protests” rests on that strawman. But Charles Manson, John Wayne Gacy, and Jeffrey Dahmer were mostly not killing people. That didn’t make them mostly peaceful. A murderer can spend 99.0% of his time not killing people, only to be deemed evil for the 0.1% of the time during which he happens to be killing people. Mostly not killing people isn’t peaceful.

Rioting, burning, looting and throwing explosives only at night or on the weekend is not peaceful.

Racial nationalist groups, whether it’s the KKK or BLM, have a First Amendment right to protest. They have a right to threaten violence in the abstract, to brandish weapons, and to otherwise engage in posturing. But once that posturing turns into real violence, they don’t deserve the benefit of the doubt.

And they certainly don’t deserve the benefit of the doubt when their hate rallies repeatedly degenerate into violence in cities across the country leading to thousands of injuries and billions of dollars in losses.

The only people who think otherwise are their political allies among Democrats and the media.

Their mostly peaceful protests have devastated cities and they mostly won’t stop lying about them.



U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan RIPS Tech Giants CRACKDOWN on Conservative Speech: “I’ll just cut to the chase, big tech is out to get conservatives… That’s a fact.”

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WATCH ANTI-TRUST HEARING: Biggest Tech Billionaires Testify Before Congress (Full Hearing)

WATCH: Video Democrats CENSORED at Barr Hearing, Here’s What They Won’t Let You See

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

4 Key Points as Big Tech CEOs Testify on Capitol Hill

Republicans and Democrats hammered Big Tech CEOs during a House hearing Wednesday, although for different reasons.

Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Tim Cook of Apple, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, and Sundar Pichai of Google testified via the internet on free speech concerns before the House Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee on antitrust, commercial, and administrative law.

“Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, these corporations already stood out as titans in our economy. In the wake of COVID-19 … they’re likely to emerge stronger and more powerful than ever before,” subcommittee Chairman David Cicilline, D-R.I., said.

Here are four key highlights of the hearing.

Two regimes are fighting an ideological war in America today. But what side are you on? And how can you sharpen up on how to defend your position? Learn more now >>

1. ‘Out to Get Conservatives’

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, opened his comments by saying, “I’ll cut to the chase: Big Tech is out to get conservatives.”

Jordan noted that in 2020, Google removed the home pages of Breitbart and The Daily Caller and threatened to demonetize The Federalist.

Amazon banned a conservative commentator’s book on the coronavirus, Jordan said. Its Amazon Smile charity won’t allow customers to give to conservative groups such as Family Research Council and the Alliance Defending Freedom, but allows donations to Planned Parenthood, he said.

“Google and YouTube announced a policy censoring the content that conflicts with recommendations of the World Health Organization.” Jordan said. “Think about that, the World Health Organization. The organization that lied to us, that shilled for China. If you contradict something they say—they can lie for China, they can shill for China—you say something against them, you get censored.”

The Ohio Republican said such moves by Big Tech companies matter before the November elections:

The power these companies have to impact what could happen in an election, what American citizens get to see prior to their voting, is pretty darn important. We all think the free market is great. We all think competition is great. We love the fact that these are American companies. What’s not great is censoring people, censoring conservatives, and trying to impact elections. If it doesn’t end, there has to be consequences.

Jordan asked Pichai, CEO of Alphabet Inc. and subsidiary Google LLC, whether Google would commit to trying not to tilt the election to Democrats. Pichai seemed slow to respond.

“Congressman, we approach our work—we support both campaigns today,” he said. “We think political ads are an important part of free speech in democratic societies, and we engage with campaigns according to law and we approach our work in a nonpartisan way.”

Jordan said: “It was a yes or no question.”

Pichai responded: “We support work that campaigns do.”

Jordan appeared to become exasperated.

“I understand that,” he said, adding: “Can you today assure Americans you won’t tailor your features to help, specifically help, any candidate over another?”

Finally, Pichai said: “We won’t do any work to politically tilt anything one way or the other. It’s against our core values.”

After Jordan’s exchange with the Google executive, Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon, D-Pa., said: “Thank you, gentlemen. I’d like to redirect your attention to antitrust law rather than fringe conspiracy theories.”

Jordan jumped to defend himself. But Cicilline, using his power as chairman, said: “Mr. Jordan, you do not have the time. Please be respectful of your colleagues.”

“When someone comes after my motives for asking a question,” Jordan said, “I get a chance to respond.”

But Cicilline didn’t allow that.

2. Bezos and Customer Data

Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., noted that last year she asked Amazon’s associate general counsel whether the company used any specific seller data in creating its own product.

The counsel told her no, Jayapal said. However, on Wednesday, Bezos gave a different response than the company lawyer to the same question, she said.

“In July 2019, your employee Nate Sutton told me under oath in this committee that Amazon does not, quote, ‘use any specific seller data when creating its own private brand product,’” Jayapal said. “So, let me ask you, Mr. Bezos, does Amazon access and use third-party seller data when making business decisions? And just a yes or no will suffice, sir.”

Bezos didn’t offer such clarity.

“I can’t answer that question yes or no,” the Amazon CEO said. “What I can tell you is that we have a policy against using seller-specific data to aid our private label business. But, I can’t guarantee you that that policy has never been violated.”

Jayapal noted a Wall Street Journal story that said the company violated the policy.

“Mr. Bezos, you’re probably aware that an April 2020 report in The Wall Street Journal revealed that your company does access data on third-party sellers, both by reviewing data on popular individual sellers and products and by creating tiny product categories that allowed your company to categorically access detailed seller information in a supposedly aggregate category,” Jayapal said. “Do you deny that report?”

Bezos, also the owner of The Washington Post, seemed to question the Journal’s report on his company because of the use of anonymous sources.

“I’m familiar with The Wall Street Journal article you’re talking about. We continue to look into that very carefully,” Bezos said.  “We’re not yet satisfied that we’ve gotten to the bottom of it. We’re going to keep looking at it. It’s not as easy as you would think, because some of the sources in the article are anonymous. But we continue to look into it.”

Jayapal replied: “I take that as you’re not denying that. You’re looking into it.”

3. Facebook Would Take Down ‘Risky’ COVID-19 Post

Rep. James Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., ranking member of the subcommittee, pressed Zuckerberg on Facebook’s threshold for taking down content. He cited Twitter’s suspension of Donald Trump Jr. for posting about drugs to treat COVID-19.

“Exactly what are your standards in, quote, ‘filtering out political speech’ that maybe some people out there don’t agree with?” Sensenbrenner asked.

Zuckerberg said the goal is to “offer a platform for all ideas,” adding:

Frankly, I think we’ve distinguished ourselves as one of the companies that defends free expression the most. We do have community standards around things that you can and cannot say. I think you would likely agree with most of them. They ban categories of harm such as promoting terrorist propaganda, child exploitation, incitement of violence, some more legalistic things like intellectual property violations. They also ban things like hate speech that could lead to dehumanizing people and encouraging violence down the road.

Zuckerberg said he could speak to policies at Facebook, but noted that Twitter and not Facebook had penalized the younger Trump.

“Stating there is a proven cure for COVID, when there is in fact none, might encourage someone to go take something that could have an adverse effect,” Zuckerberg said. “So, we do take that down. We do not prohibit discussion around trials of drugs, or people saying that they think that things might work.”

Sensenbrenner pushed back, stating that such opinions should be open for debate or fact-checkers to probe.

“In general, I agree with you,” Zuckerberg said. “We do not want to become arbiters of truth. That would be a bad position for us to be in and not what we should be doing. But, on specific claims, if someone is going to go out and say that hydroxychloroquine is proven to cure COVID, when in fact it  has not been proven to cure COVID, and that statement could lead people to, in some cases it could be harmful to people, we should take that down. That could cause imminent risk of harm.”

4. Apple CEO ‘OK’ With Huawei

Cook, CEO of Apple, stressed that his company is not a monopoly. He later brought up Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd., among other competing companies, as having an approach that he is OK with.

Huawei is a Chinese government-run company that has been accused of unfair competitive practices.

“If you want to put it simply, products like iPhone just work,” Cook said. “When customers consistently give iPhone a 99% satisfaction rating, that’s the message they’re sending about the user experience.”

He then listed competitors, including Huawei.

“But we also know that customers have a lot of choices and that our products face fierce competition,” Cook said. “Companies like Samsung, LG, Huawei, and Google have built successful businesses with different approaches. We’re OK with that. Our goal is the best, not the most. In fact, we don’t have a dominant share in any market or any product category where we do business.”


Fred Lucas

Fred Lucas is the White House correspondent for The Daily Signal and co-host of “The Right Side of History” podcast. Lucas is also the author of “Tainted by Suspicion: The Secret Deals and Electoral Chaos of Disputed Presidential Elections.” Send an email to Fred. Twitter: @FredLucasWH.

These are trying times in our nation’s history. Two regimes are fighting an ideological war in America today, with polar opposite viewpoints on public policy and the government’s role in our lives.

Our friends at The Heritage Foundation asked world-class speaker, educator, and researcher David Azerrad to walk you through his research and outline the differences between the “two regimes” in our society today—conservatism and progressivism—and their primary differences.

When you get access to this course today, you’ll learn key takeaways like what it means to be a conservative, what “modern progressivism” is, how a conservative worldview differs from a progressive one, and much, much more.

You will come away from this online course with a better understanding of the differing points of view, how they align with your principles, and how to defend your beliefs.

Don’t wait—start taking “The Case for Conservatism” course online now.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Constant Gunshots’: Area Where George Floyd Died Reportedly Becomes Police-Free Zone Plagued By Gun Violence

There has been a reported increase in gun violence, particularly at night in the area of Minneapolis where George Floyd died, the New York Times reported Wednesday.

Police officers have avoided the four-block radius of South Minneapolis where Floyd died, the Times reported. The area contains murals and a garden around a raised fist sculpture, and the words “I can’t breathe” are painted alongside the names of other black victims of police violence on the street, according to the Times.

“What people aren’t recognizing is that people who live there are having a very, very challenging time from the unlawfulness that is occurring after the sun goes down,” City Council Member Andrea Jenkins said, the Times reported. “There are constant gunshots every night.”

“Emergency vehicles can’t get in,” she continued. “Disabled people are not able to access their medications, their appointments, their food deliveries, et cetera. It’s a very challenging situation.”

Ms. Dawkins, a mother of two who lives down the street from where Floyd died, said that during the day the environment is fine, but that she doesn’t feel safe at night, the Times reported.

“But when the other crowd comes at night, I can’t call the police, and that scares the hell out of me,” Dawkins said, the Times reported. “We have kids in this home, so I do want police to protect families … It’s a hard balance. I’m happy this incident brought change, but I want to feel safe.”

Dr. Jackie Kawiecki, who constructed a medic station to treat injured protesters, said night and day in the area where Floyd died is “very different.”

“My nighttime world, after sunset, I have taken care of double gunshot wounds, drug overdoses,” Kawiecki said, the Times reported. She limited the station hours after evading gunfire herself and after a pregnant woman was killed.

Nationwide protests have persisted since Floyd died in May after a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes during his arrest, video shows.





Second Former Minneapolis Police Officer Pushes For Dropped Charges In Floyd Case, Citing No Probable Cause

Trump Administration Reaches Agreement With Oregon Governor To Stop Violence At Portland Courthouse — Appear To Disagree…

‘We Are Not Leaving The Building Unprotected’: US Attorney Says Federal Officers Won’t Abandon Portland

Trump Says He Won’t Withdraw Federal Agents From Portland Until City Is ‘Secure’

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.

PODCAST: Hit or Myth? Dems Call Riots Fake News

You have to give the Democrats credit. They’ve found a way to justify their silence on the riots: refusing to admit they exist! Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) tried that when he ran into a citizen who asked him if he disavowed the Antifa violence in Portland. “That’s a myth,” he insisted, “being spread only in Washington, D.C.” Well, if it’s a myth, Oregon residents will tell you, it’s a pretty convincing one.

To the hundreds of police and federal officers taking cover from mortars, fireworks, and hammers, the idea that Portland’s mayhem belongs in a league with Sasquatch is more than a little deranged. Videos of protestors burning streets, hauling down fences, and lobbing Molotov cocktails at buildings are a lot of things, but faked is not one of them. “Sir,” Austen Fletcher pressed, wondering if he’d heard the congressman right, “There’s videos everywhere online,” Mr. Fletcher continued. “There’s fires and riots, they’re throwing fireworks at federal officers. DHS is there. Look online. It gets crazy, Mr. Nadler.”

Nadler, whose staff is desperately nudging him to the car at that point, is nonplussed. And why not? This is a man who stood on the House floor and called Antifa — a group so dangerous that President Trump declared them a terrorist organization — “imaginary.” Good luck persuading the people of Portland, who’ve woken up to the sounds of sirens and destruction every night for 60 days. It’s not only real, reporters say, it’s a war zone. “I interviewed a veteran,” the Daily Caller’s Jorge Ventura explained on “Washington Watch,” “who told me it actually reminds him of his time in Iraq. That’s how bad [it’s gotten] here.” But to hear it’s a myth? “It was shocking,” Jorge said. “I mean, an Antifa member actually stabbed a black Trump supporter on Friday night.”

“Democrats can’t seem to make up their minds,” Kaylee McGhee writes. “First they deny that protests in Portland and Seattle are violent, [then they] claim that President Trump and the GOP are propagating this ‘myth’ to win over voters… Now, after hours of video evidence and multiple insider reports, Democrats are finally admitting that the riots on the West Coast are indeed riots, but with one caveat: Trump is to blame.”

Jorge, like other conservative journalists, have gone to Portland to see for themselves what’s happening. And to a person they’ll tell you: the things they’ve seen are a whole lot worse than the media’s admitting. “I’ve been covering protests all across the country, and I’ve never seen anything like we’re seeing here in downtown Portland. These groups are very well organized. They have medic teams. They actually have their own kitchen called Riot Ribs across the park that feeds these protesters and actually supplies them with shields and eyewear and other things they need to be out here. It’s just, I’ve never seen anything like it.”

The cache of weapons alone is astounding. “We’re talking about mortars, fireworks, hammers, all types of things that we’ve actually never seen on the ground.” He talked about federal officers injured and hospitalized in the blasts. Other police officers, he explains, who were possibly blinded for life because of the high-powered lasers thugs are training on their eyes. “We saw some power tools being used on the high fences… guarding the federal courthouse… I’ve just never seen the organization level that we’re seeing here in Portland.”

So who, exactly, is fueling the effort? Antifa, Jorge said. No doubt in his mind. They’re “taking in money and donations online.” And that, to a large extent, is what’s supplying these mobs. “One thing that we’ve been noticing here [is] that numbers of people have been driving up to the parks with all types of things. We’ve been seeing gas masks delivered here, eyewear, bats, shields, you name it… [and] a lot of these folks here are not from Portland.” Some are driving in from Seattle, and others are “bigger members of the Antifa group, bringing in these types of weapons into the riots.”

And to the extent that the media is covering the story, they’re only telling one side of it. “I call it a media war,” Jorge explains. If the local journalists or national press uploads videos or pictures to social media, they edit it so that all people see is the police response — not the violence that led up to it. “The New York Times just put out a piece basically putting the blame on Trump and the federal administration. But what we’ve been seeing here on the ground is that’s just really not the case.”

If it’s a myth Democrats are looking for, start there. Because this president isn’t starting the fires. He’s only trying to contain them.

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action podcast is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Donald J. Trump. Jr. on Twitter’s Dialectical Negation of Conservatives No Matter What They Say

Dialectical negation:

The dialectical movement involves two moments that negate each other, something and its other. As a result of the negation of the negation, “something becomes its other; this other is itself something; therefore it likewise becomes an other, and so on ad infinitum”.

Tucker Carlson speaks with Donald J. Trump, Jr. on Twitter’s dialectical negation of conservatives no matter what they say.

This video published by on the Vlad Tepes Blog is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

No Peace — No Justice! The dead have no civil rights.

The chant “No Justice – No Peace” ignores a fundamental fact: there can be no justice without peace.

This is why law enforcement officers may be referred to as “Peace Officers.”

The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution states:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Americans who are fearful of being killed just for stepping out into the streets of cities where violence is commonplace are not likely to peaceably assemble, nor are Americans who are fearful of being violently attacked for voicing their opinions likely to engage in free speech.

Simply stated, without civility, civilized conduct is impossible and hence, the exercise of the freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution, becomes more than problematic — it can result in death!

Nancy Pelosi and her colleagues in the Congress are legislators. In part they are responsible for writing our nation’s laws. Unlike the immutable laws of nature, without enforcement, legislated laws are absolutely meaningless. This is why nearly all laws not only establish how individuals and other entities such as corporations must conduct themselves, but establish the punishment that may be imposed when those laws are ignored or violated to not only punish those who violate the laws but to deter those who would violate the laws.

Law Enforcement Officers, as their title implies, enforce our laws by conducting investigations and arresting those who violate our laws.

Under normal circumstances you would imagine that legislators would support law enforcement because law enforcement assets insure that laws are obeyed.

However, it is clear that there is nothing normal about the circumstances under which we find ourselves in this dangerous era.

Indeed, there are crimes on the books on the city, state and federal level that address the crime of obstruction of justice.

Across the United States increasingly radicalized politicians have supported increasing levels of anarchy — beginning, decades ago, with the creation of so-called “Sanctuary Cities” that obstruct immigration law enforcement by harboring and shielding illegal aliens from detection from immigration law enforcement authorities.

The 9/11 Commission, to which I provided testimony, reported on the clear nexus between international terrorism and multiple failures of the immigration system.

Nevertheless, “sanctuary” policies proliferated and increasingly obstructed immigration law enforcement and even included the issuance of driver’s licenses to illegal aliens who could not verify their identities or backgrounds.

The rhetoric against immigration law enforcement officers, including the Border Patrol and ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) agents, became ever more vitriolic.

Now, the radical Democrats have similarly attacked all law enforcement authorities and seek to dismantle law enforcement across the United States using the death of George Floyd as supposed justification for this lunacy.

There are occasions where law enforcement officers violate laws and codes of conduct. But those transgressions are extremely rare. Furthermore, law enforcement officers who commit such violations face serious consequences.

Peaceful demonstrations have been co-opted by violent rioters and anarchists.

My recent article, “Attacks on Law Enforcement Are Attacks on America,” noted that while there are instances where lives are lost to malfeasance by law enforcement officials, there are horrendous examples to be found in other professions that result in the loss of life. In my earlier article I noted:

Consider that on February 22, 2018 CNBC posted an important report, The third-leading cause of death in US most doctors dont want you to know about.

That report began with these two bullet points:


A recent Johns Hopkins study claims more than 250,000 people in the U.S. die every year from medical errors. Other reports claim the numbers to be as high as 440,000.

Medical errors are the third-leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer.

However, no rational person would call for the defunding of hospitals while the “leadership” of the Democratic Party attack and vilify law enforcement officers and demand the defending of law enforcement agencies because of a precious few instances of malfeasance by law enforcement officers.

Let me be crystal clear — the loss of one life is a tragedy and not to be minimized. However inasmuch as nature abhors a vacuum, defunding, vilifying and demoralizing law enforcement officers create a huge vacuum on the streets of those towns and cities, “led” by radical politicians.

Gangs, anarchistic sociopaths and rioters have rushed in to fill that void with catastrophic lethal results.

Chicago and other major cities have reported dozens of shootings every weekend. The loss of life has been massive and even young children and babies have been slaughtered.

Although out of control anarchists in Portland, Oregon have created an unparalleled level of violence and chaos, incredibly, on July 27, 2020 the Washington Times reported, Rep. Jerry Nadler says Antifa violence in Portland a ‘myth’.  Democrat Nadler chairs the House Judiciary Committee.

Federal officers have been seriously injured and yet the mayor of that besieged city falsely blames federal officers from protecting federal property including the federal courthouse for the violence.

Outrageously, Pelosi and other “leaders” of the Democrat Party call federal law enforcement officers “Storm Troopers” and fallaciously claim that these federal agents drive black unmarked vans, abduct “demonstrators” off the streets and refuse to identify themselves. Some politicians accuse these law enforcement agents of being “Trumps Secret Police.”

All of these agents are clearly identified by the patches and littering on their raid gear. Arrests and not abductions. Furthermore, all law enforcement agencies on all levels use unmarked vehicles. This is not a nefarious but commonplace practice.

The Democrats themselves, however, do have a cadre of unidentified “Storm Troops” — they are the anarchists and rioters who are determined to destroy our nation by wreaking widespread destruction.

Law Enforcement officers have strict guidelines given how they conduct themselves and the laws that they enforce provide mission guidance — determining the ultimate goals of their field operations.

Anarchists, gangs and rioters, on the other hand have no such rules or laws. For them anything goes, as long as they can get away with it. The radical politicians are removing the barriers that law enforcement imposes on criminal and violent conduct on the streets of America’s cities.

With no constraints, these anarchists and thugs are unencumbered and free to attack buildings and innocent victims who get in their way.

Pelosi and company seek anarchy to effect “regime change” in the United States at any cost.

This is only the latest gambit in her play book and the play book she shares with her radical cohorts and propagandists from the “Ministry of Truth” that the mainstream media has become.

The “Russian Collusion” hoax failed and so they have ratcheted up the measures to prevent the election of Donald Trump to his second term as President and they are desperate!

However, while Pelosi may think she is in charge, she must remember that running in front of a train is not the same as leading the train. That train is picking up speed and is likely to run over her and her old-guard radicalized Democrats.

Clearly Pelosi and the mayors of these unhinged cities value power far more than morality. It would appear that they consider the bodies of dead children slaughtered by criminals and gangs as “collateral damage” and speed bumps on the road to their political goals.

I will not claim to be a biblical scholar, but certainly the famous example of the “Wisdom of Solomon” is relevant today. King Solomon was approached by two women who both claimed to be the mother of the same child. Inasmuch as there was no DNA testing back then, the King offered to have the baby cut in half and provide each of the two supposed mothers with an equal share of the child’s remains.

One of the two women immediately agreed to the proposal while the other mother was aghast at the prospect of her baby being killed. Without hesitation she told the King to give the baby to the other woman so that her child would be spared. It was readily apparent who the real mother was. She was the one who put her child’s life above all else.

Today America and Americans are on the line. Blood is being spilled and lives, including the lives of babies are being lost all too frequently.

Pelosi and company not unlike that bogus “mother” want their share no matter the cost to lives or the survival of our nation itself.

It is hard to imagine anything more vile, reprehensible or dangerous than Pelosi’s conduct and the conduct of her anarchist cohorts.

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RELATED VIDEO: The Tactics used between Federal forces and Communist Insurgents in Portland.

George Soros Funnels Another Quarter-Billion Into Black Lives Matter

The violent insurrection is bought and paid for by Soros and the far left. They have declared war on America and they are fully funded.

The wave of protests and civil unrest across the United States is “the moment we’ve been investing in for the last 25 years,” Soros’ Open Society Foundations President Patrick Gaspard told The New York Times.

He is behind it all. Disarming America is key to the overthrow of the American government.

Soros Funnels Another Quarter-Billion Into Black Lives Matter

By Michael Brigham, AAN, July 24, 2020

With America burning and teetering on the brink of socialism leftist Hungarian billionaire George Soros announced he was donating an additional $220 million to the “Black Lives Matter movement,” with much of the money going into efforts to control 2020 voting systems.

“This is the time for urgent and bold action to address racial injustice in America,” said Alex Soros, George Soros’ son and deputy chair of the Soros family’s “Open Society Foundations.”

“These investments will empower proven leaders in the Black community to reimagine policing, end mass incarceration, and eliminate the barriers to opportunity that have been the source of inequity for too long,” said Alex Soros.

Soros’ group blamed America’s founding for racial injustice and vowed to stop it.

“We recognize that the struggle to dismantle systemic racism is an ongoing one; it has existed from the dawn of the republic to the present day, and is embedded in every level of government and in our penal and justice systems,” said Open Society Foundations President Patrick Gaspard.

“But the power surge of people who have taken to the streets to demand that this nation do better—people of all ages, from all backgrounds and in every corner of this country—gives hope to us all,” said Gaspard.

“We are honored to be able to carry on the vital work of fighting for rights, dignity, and equity for oppressed people the world over started by our founder and chair, George Soros,” Gaspard said.

While $150 million of the funds are part of a five-year plan, Open Society Foundations says a $70 million will be immediately spent on plans for “ongoing efforts to fight voter suppression and disinformation and ensure safe and secure elections in the midst of the pandemic.” This likely refers to vote-by-mail programs and overturning ballot security laws.




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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.