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342 search results for: all electric vehicles


Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin Vows to Stop ‘Ridiculous’ State Ban on Gas Vehicles

The totalitarian Newsom government on the communist state of California has banned gas vehicles. Gov. Glenn Youngkin vows to stop ‘ridiculous’ state ban on gas vehicles Former Virginia Gov. Northam signed legislation in 2021 tying state’s emissions policies to California’s Air Resources Board By: Anders Hagstrom, Fox Business, August 28, 202 Republican Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin […]


Why Nuclear Power Is [Quietly] Making a Big Comeback All Around the World

From California to France to Japan and beyond, nuclear power is all the rage suddenly. The Wall Street Journal recently reported that California Gov. Gavin Newsom was spearheading an eleventh-hour effort to pass legislation to extend a lifeline to Diablo Canyon, a 2,250-megawatt nuclear plant that supplies some 8 percent of the energy produced in the Golden State. […]


Romancing The All Electric Vehicle

Going somewhere for the holiday weekend?  Not if you live in California and drive an electric vehicle, you’re not.  California issued an emergency alert asking people not to charge their EVs because the power grid can’t handle the demand.  This from a state that is moving to ban the sale of gas-powered vehicles. So how’s this going […]


Democrats Passed $7,500 Electric Vehicle Tax Credit, Then EV Prices Were Immediately Raised $7,500

Their contempt for you knows no bounds. Democrats passed $7,500 Electric Vehicle Tax Credit, then prices were immediately raised By: Sara Carter Staff, August 17, 2022: A recent scenario at the Ford Motor Company is the perfect way to explain what Democrats are doing to this country when they pass bills for our “benefit.” On August […]


If Consumers, Businesses Cared About ‘Climate’, The Last Cars They’d Buy Are Hot-Selling Electric Vehicles

Governments are forcing the public to buy EVs even if they don’t want the WOKE nonsense. Holman W. Jenkins, Jr., Wall Street Journal, “A zombie business or industry, in today’s parlance, is one sustained less by creative destruction than by a combination of government bailout, regulation and hidden subsidies. This is what the global auto […]


Charging an All Electric Car Uses 4 Times the Electricity of a Home Air Conditioner

Watch as Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) puts Biden’s Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg on the spot during a hearing on the cost to charge all electric vehicles on Tuesday, July 18th, 2022. Congressman Massie states, “Numbers are important. It would take four times as much electricity to charge the average household’s cars as the average […]


Studies Show The Electric Vehicles Democrats Insist You Buy Are Worse For The Environment And Lower Quality

It was never about the climate. It was always about destroying our way of life, our standing in the world and transferring our wealth to left-wing elites with nonsensical, failed ‘businesses’. Studies Show The Electric Vehicles Democrats Insist You Buy Are Worse For The Environment And Lower Quality By: Helen Raleigh, The Federalist, July 11, 2022: […]


VIDEO: Marxist Reasons For Mandating All Electric Cars

The cost of integrating millions of electric cars into society (like California is mandating) is astronomical. It’s all about controlling your freedom of movement. We are doomed To Repeat Jimmy Carter…price gouging legislation is actually price controls. Please subscribe free to The Ledger Report by clicking here: ©The Ledger Report. All rights reserved. RELATED VIDEO: […]


Do Not Sell Your Gas Vehicle Yet! Read: The Electric Vehicle Scam

We have written about the issues with all electric vehicles (EVs) and the current push to build 500,000 EV charging stations (EVSEs) by 2030 at a cost to taxpayers of $5billion. Here’s Biden admitting that it is because of the Green New Deal’s transition away from fossil fuels that America is seeing increases in gasoline […]


Does Biden’s $5B Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Plan Put Government Totally in Control of Charging Your Car?

Recently we received a link to a study on all electric vehicle (EV) charging stations (EVSEs) in the San Francisco Bay Area. The study was titled “Reliability of Open Public Electric Vehicle Direct Current Fast Chargers” done by David Rempel, Carleen Cullen, Mary Matteson Bryan and Gustavo Vianna Cezar from the Department of Bioengineering, University […]


Will solid-state batteries bail out electric vehicles? Electric cars currently have rather combustible batteries!

Recently, the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration issued a recall for electric-vehicle batteries made by LG Energy Solution of South Korea. Fires have been caused by some of these batteries, which are used in Mercedes, Hyundai, and General Motors products, among others. The problem is that rare manufacturing defects can cause overheating and fires. An Associated Press article describing the […]


The Environmental Downside of Electric Vehicles

An electric vehicle requires six times the mineral inputs of a comparable internal combustion engine vehicle, according to the International Energy Agency. At one time, “Saving the Environment” and “Fighting Climate Change” were synonymous. That is no longer true. The quest for Clean Energy through electric vehicles (EVs) epitomizes “the end justifies the means.” According […]


8 Commonsense Proposals to Alleviate Climate Change

Climate change is real, but you should be skeptical of lawmakers who refuse to repeal legislation that is contributing to the problem. Here’s a thought: Let’s start addressing climate change by ending government policies that make it worse. Let’s repeal laws and regulations that force people and companies to act in inefficient ways that waste […]