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341 search results for: all electric vehicles


Electric cars in Turin at the beginning of the 20th century

They were abandoned when the petrol engine triumphed on the market, noisier and more polluting but allowed you to travel greater distances in less time. At a certain point the blue thinned out, a clear, precise landscape emerged. Hector found himself on the street of a city, driven by electric cars, at least a hundred […]


Unintended Consequences: The California Electric Truck Mandate

If you own a trucking company that picks up shipments from California ports, you now have to deal with the consequences of a new law designed to reduce your carbon footprint. Trucking is one of the vital ingredients in our infrastructure that virtually all parts of the economy rely on. About two-fifths of all containerized […]


Biden’s Build Back Bust: Electric Car Company Proterra Goes Belly-up Bankrupt

The center piece of Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.’s Build Back Better all electric vehicles GREEN agenda is a BIG bust. Biden’s Build Back Bust economy has led to, among others, the bankruptcy of Proterra the maker of all electric buses. WATCH: During his first two years in office, Biden repeatedly promoted the company Proterra, including […]


Recent left-wing attempts to subvert maths curricula hold some awkward historical parallels

If you were an author of school textbooks and wanted to teach a small child that 2+2=4, how would you choose to do so? Perhaps you might draw a picture of two easily-understandable items like apples, next to another two apples, followed by a final illustration of four apples, these simple and innocent images linked […]


The Great American Electric School Bus Boondoggle

Washington, D.C. could use another fiscal hawk like the late Sen. William Proxmire of Wisconsin. During his Senate career from 1957 to 1988, Proxmire instituted a regular Golden Fleece Award, with which he mocked “the biggest, most ridiculous or most ironic example of government spending.” Among his infamous recipients was the Department of Justice, receiving the […]


Biden Torched for Cracking Down on Gas Cars, Mandating Buying Electric Vehicles: ‘Biden’s Newest Power Grab’

The Biden Democrat regime doesn’t give a damn about the environment. Hell, they blew up the Nord Stream in what is the greatest man made environmental disaster in history. Now he’s blowing up American strength – the American economy. The Biden regime (John Kerry) wants to mandate the purchase of electric vehicles. Only 19% of […]


Biden’s EPA ‘intentionally creating car shortages’ to force Americans into public transit

“Let’s call it what it is – a ‘gas-powered car ban.’” — Marc Morano, Climate Depot. Watch: Morano on TV on Biden EPA’s EV mandates: ‘This is mandating car shortages for Americans’ to ‘force people into public transit’ Morano excerpt: “This is mandating car shortages for Americans…with the design of forcing more people into public transit. […]


Ford Burns Through Billions, Expects to Lose $12 Billion on Electric Vehicle Line

Despite the losses, Ford continues to push forward and hopes to manufacture two million EVs a year by 2026 and hit an 8% profit margin for its EV division. The company is chasing Elon Musk’s Tesla for EV sales in the U.S. and remains far behind the electric car giant. Tesla, which started in 2003, […]


Gov. Newsom Claims State That Bans Cars and Speech Offers ‘Freedom For All’

You can do anything in California except open a business, walk down the street, or buy a home. Gov. Gavin Newsom, the democratic choice of the enlightened ballot harvesters of California, desperately wants to be president. Despite pledging not to run against Biden, he’s continuing to posture by announcing an “anti-Jan 6” march (whatever the […]


EPIC WOKE FAILURE: NYC’s Electric Garbage Trucks Die In The Cold, Plunge City Into Chaos

And they’re not powerful enough to plow snow. The great harm the left is doing to our cities, infrastructure is …..deliberate As I have often said, the law of unintended consequences are always on our side. Snow go for NYC’s electric garbage trucks that can’t handle winter weather By Sophia Chang, Dec 27, 2022: Don’t count […]


The National Security Implications of Electric Vehicle Fires

 I’ve commented many times on the problems with the Biden administration’s push to ‘transition’ the nation to electric vehicles come hell or high water.  Still more problems have become apparent in recent weeks and they have national security implications. Lots of electric cars caught fire during Hurricane Ian in Florida.  The batteries corroded, causing the […]


Hurricane Ian Annihilates Biden’s Green Agenda: Electric Vehicles ‘Spontaneously Combust Along Florida’s Roadways’

Biden and his Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg have made it their sole mission to “go green” by eliminating every vehicle in America that uses fossil fuels and replace them with all electric vehicles (EVs). Buttigieg even called for a “nationwide ban on gas cars.” Well, it’s ironic that Hurricane Ian showed just how dangerous […]


WARNING: Collapse of Energy, Food & Transportation Systems Prompt Calls for Government Nationalization of Industries

Echoes 1930s push for Great Reset style reforms! The modus operandi of the Great Reset (a.k.a. Build Back Better) is to intentionally collapse the current system with policies designed to create a crisis, havoc, and shortages. … Once the inevitable societal chaos ensues, a huge coordinated push to promote nationalization or government takeover of the […]


Amazon Takes Solar Rooftops Offline Following Major Fires, Electrical Explosions

Grids going down, Rolling blackouts, EVs that can’t be charged – “green ain’t green but it is an epic failure. Another Green Disaster: Amazon Took Solar Rooftops Offline Following Major Fires, Electrical Explosions By: Breitbat News, September 7, 2022: A new report from CNBC reveals that Amazon powered down all of its solar rooftops in […]