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1337 search results for: wind power


VIDEO: Texas Freeze Shuts Down ‘Renewable’ Power

Texas is experiencing a serious deep freeze which is causing people to lose power. Texas investors larded their state with solar panels and wind turbines to rake in federal subsidies and tax credits.  Wind and solar are not only inefficient, a cold snap can shut them down all together. CFACT’s Marc Morano discussed the Texas […]


U.S. Treasury, Commerce Department, USG Agencies Hacked Through SolarWinds [Dominion IT Provider] Software Backdoor

Communications at the U.S. Treasury and Commerce Departments were reportedly compromised by a supply chain attack on SolarWinds, a security vendor that helps the federal government and a range of Fortune 500 companies monitor the health of their IT networks. Given the breadth of the company’s customer base, experts say the incident may be just […]


A New Study Could Spell Trouble For The Future Of Wind Energy

Wind energy resources have been in sharp decline in regions all across the world, according to a study conducted by Chinese researchers. After analyzing data from more than 1,000 weather stations around the world, a team of researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences found that 67 percent had witnessed an extensive decrease in wind power potential […]


Conservative Review: Trump already has the power to stop anyone at our border

Daniel Horowitz at Conservative Review lays it out for us.  President Trump already has all the power he needs to close our borders. Presumably inspired by all the news about a now 4,000-strong migrant caravan heading toward Mexico with the apparent aim to assault our southern border (see my post yesterday), Horowitz says this (emphasis is mine): President […]


Wind Turbines, the Military, National Security and Sausages

There’s a well-known observation that close inspection of how legislation is made, is very much like watching sausage being created. In both cases it’s very unappetizing. This process was on display recently with the machinations going on with the annual federal legislation for our military: the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). To understand the missed […]


The ‘Broken Window’ Democrat Party and Rise of ‘Political Crime in America’

James Q. Wilson and George Kelling in 1982 wrote in The Atlantic an article titled “Broken Windows.” Wilson and Kelling introduced the Broken Windows Theory (BWT) which used broken windows as a metaphor for disorder within neighborhoods. The theory links disorder and incivility within a community to subsequent occurrences of serious crime. Wilson and Kelling wrote: [A]t the […]


Frédéric Bastiat: Government Power Was His Mortal Enemy by Lawrence W. Reed

“Sometimes standing against evil is more important than defeating it,” wrote novelist N.D. Wilson. “The greatest heroes stand because it is right to do so, not because they believe they will walk away with their lives. Such selfless courage is a victory in itself.” In the last six of his 49 years of life, brought […]


License to Kill: Wind and Solar Decimate Birds and Bats

According to a study in the Wildlife Society Bulletin, every year 573,000 birds (including 83,000 raptors) and 888,000 bats are killed by wind turbines — 30 percent higher than the federal government estimated in 2009, due mainly to increasing wind power capacity across the nation.[i] This is likely an underestimate because these estimates were based […]


VIDEO: Wind Turbines Can Harm Humans

Carmen Krogh at Ideacity Conference in Toronto on wind turbines. To learn more please read “Wind Turbines can Harm Humans: A Case Study” by Carmen M.E. Krogh, Roy D. Jeffry, Jeff Aramini and Brett Horner. RELATED ARTICLES: How a NC Wind Project Undermines U.S. National Security An Open Letter To Amazon about the NC Desert […]


True Costs of Wind Electricity by Planning Engineer and Rud Istvan 

Wind turbines have become a familiar sight in many countries as a favorite CAGW mitigation means. Since at least 2010, the US Energy Information Agency (EIA) has been assuring NGOs and the public that wind would be cost competitive by now, all things considered. Many pro-wind organizations claim wind is cost competitive today.  But is it? Yet incentives […]