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134 search results for: FBI Catholic Church


Florida’s Wall of Shame: Dr. Al-Halabi, Nezar Hamze and Wilfredo Ruiz

In late March 2016, Rabbi Barry Silver reached out to his Muslim friends Wilfredo Ruiz (CAIR), Professor Bassem Al-Halabi (ICBR Mosque), Deputy Sheriff Nezar Hamze (CAIR), former Israeli Army Officer David Shimon and all agreed to have a panel discussion on Islamophobia, Shariah Law, and Islam on July 20, 2016 at Congregation L’Dor Va-Dor. The […]


For The Confused Media: A Dummy’s Guide To Immigration And Refugee Problems

By Wallace Bruschweiler and William Palumbo – With the Syrian (so-called) refugee crisis ubiquitous in the headlines, the media has found itself dealing with immigration issues on a daily basis.  Unfortunately, extreme confusion abounds.  The media’s total inability to draw basic distinctions regarding immigration to the United States, both legal and illegal is harming the […]


For the Confused Media: A Dummy’s Guide to Immigration and Refugee Problems

By Wallace Bruschweiler and William Palumbo —  With the Syrian (so-called) refugee crisis ubiquitous in the headlines, the media has found itself dealing with immigration issues on a daily basis.  Unfortunately, extreme confusion abounds.  The media’s total inability to draw basic distinctions regarding immigration to the United States, both legal and illegal is harming the […]


Congressional Fact Sheet on Muslim Migration to U.S.

You’ve heard me mention several times that on the day before the Paris Islamic terror attack, Don Barnett and I briefed staff of Congressmen and Senators on Capitol Hill on the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.  The briefing was organized by ACT for America.  Again, this was before Paris and the whole refugee world was turned […]


Federal Refugee Program Brings Jihadi Threat to America

According to the Pew Research Religion and Public Life Project (Pew Research) there are an estimated 2.7 million Muslims in America. Pew Research reported in 2013 over I million legal immigrants entered the U.S. of which 100,000 were Muslim. More than 1.3 million Muslims have been brought into the U.S. via the billion dollar U.S. Refugee Admissions […]


Congressman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) Demands Influx of Muslim Refugees Cease

The genocide of Syrian and Assyrian Christians by ISIL, Al Q’ieda, and Muslim Brotherhood trained Radical Islamic Terrorists, on the Plains of Ninveh in Iraq, has resulted in 3.5 million Muslim and Christian refugees seeking relief.  In addition to the hundreds of thousands Muslim refugees who have already been given entry into the U.S. by […]


Obama’s Massive Resettlement of 6 Million Muslims to the U.S.

This below intelligent analysis is not intended to offend over a billion kind, considerate, peaceful, supportive, religious, and law abiding Muslims, and especially the Islamic partners of the United States in the Middle East and worldwide who have been our allies and our trusted friends for over 60 years. Our Muslim brothers-in-arms protected me and […]


Pope Francis: “You can’t make a toy out of the religions of others…In freedom of expression there are limits”

The Pope is speaking generally of religions here, but clearly he is only talking about one religion, and not his own. For those who insult the Pope’s religion, and there are many, have no reason to “expect a punch” from believers, and the Pope must be aware of that. Moreover, in these remarks he flatly […]


The Ultimate Camping Trip

“May you live in interesting times,” an expression (a curse) that may be traced back to post-World War II England, but is apt today, when times have become all too interesting – chaotic and troubling.  We must be reminded of the July 7, 2005 bombings of a bus and three tube trains that killed 52.  […]


Former Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates criticizes Obama in his Memoir by Frank De Varona

Former Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates criticizes President Barack Obama and members of his administration in a just published memoir called Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War (2014). This is the first book that describes in great detail the Obama administration’s policy deliberations by a person who served in the Cabinet. Gates, a former director […]


President Obama: 487 documented examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption & cronyism!

Dan from Squirrel Hill has posted the most amazing list of lies, lawbreaking, corruption and cronyism by President Obama during his time in office. Dan placed it into the public domain. Anyone may freely copy it in any part or in its entirely, without asking Dan’s permission, and without paying any money. He does ask you […]