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135 search results for: FBI Catholic Church


Eugenics, Euthanasia, Infanticide, and the Lord’s Work

New York’s Catholic Democratic Governor had the World Trade Center in lights to celebrate its abortion-on-demand-until-the-day-of-birth law. This law was framed as empowering women through guaranteeing “Reproductive Health.” Women in New York must be really powerful since New York’s abortion rate is twice the national average. This and eight other similar state laws were largely ignored as merely codifying Roe v Wade. But […]


VIDEO: The Vortex—The Mission

THE MISSION! It never changes — but sometimes the method does.  RELATED ARTICLE: The spiritual and moral bankruptcy of ‘progressive’ Christianity TRANSCRIPT The mission of this apostolate — St. Michael’s Media/Church Militant — is singular: to be used to save souls — period. That mission plays out in the day-to-day in a number of different […]


Other Than the Shooter, Who is Responsible for Synagogue Carnage?

After the tragic Saturday shooting that claimed 11 lives at a Pittsburgh synagogue, there has been, lamentably, a predictable response. Seizing upon the incident, leftists are blaming President Trump and his supporters for creating a “climate of hate.” In response to this and the notion that it justifies suppression of speech, others will say that […]


“These Vulnerable Creatures”: A Review of “Gosnell”

Brad Miner reviews “Gosnell,” the dramatic film about the arrest and trial of the abortionist who was “America’s Biggest Serial Killer.”  There have been notorious murderers brought down for reasons other than their most horrific crimes. Al Capone, mob boss, was felled by tax evasion; Dr. Kermit Gosnell, abortionist, by illegally selling prescriptions for painkillers. I’d […]


Scorecard: The 45 Goals in ‘The Naked Communist’ to turn America into a Socialist State

It is very important that everyone realize just how far the Communist Manifesto and its goals have been advanced in the United States since the still relevant book “The Naked Communists” was written over 50 years ago. George Soros and other rich leftists use some of their billions to finance over 250 socialist/communist/leftist groups in […]


VIDEO INTERVIEWS: 29 Takeaways From America’s Biggest Conservative Conference

The Daily Signal followed the main speakers and debates at this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference, which wrapped Saturday. We’ve pulled together a quick guide to our coverage of CPAC, the largest annual national gathering of conservative activists, held again just outside Washington at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland. […]


Leftist Socialism: The Toothfish of Modern Politics

Patagonian Toothfish, the rejected ugly, oily, bottom dwelling toothy fish was rebranded Chilean Sea Bass and became an expensive delicacy for gullible millennials. So it is with Socialism, a rejected, ugly, oily, bottom dwelling ideology that enriched the elite and enslaved the masses was rebranded Social Democracy and became a rallying cry for naive 21st century […]


Refugee lobbying consortium hired Podesta Group

The Refugee Council USA, a group of ‘non-profits’, it is revealed, paid Podesta $100,000 to influence Congress.  Was that your taxpayer dollars they used? RCUSA the lobbying arm of the nine federal resettlement contractors*** and the same group that marched for CAIR in Washington recently hired the lobbying firm—Podesta Group-–to influence certain Senators to continue their advocacy for refugee […]


Why President Trump’s Executive Order is Vital to Protecting America

President Trump’s executive order regarding seven terror-infested countries could not be more critical to ensuring the safety of all Americans. Those who oppose this executive order do so at their own peril and that of their fellow citizens. First of all, there is no “Muslim ban,” contrary to what the fake news media would have […]


VIDEO: On the War against the First Amendment

The ground we’ve lost during the Obama years — and the dangerous consequences for national security. I’ve posted this video before, but here is a transcript as well. Below are the video and transcript to Robert Spencer’s speech at the David Horowitz Freedom Center’s 2016 Restoration Weekend. The event was held Nov. 10th-13th at the Breakers Resort in Palm […]


60 Minutes spewing B.S. on refugee screening/costs to taxpayers

I can’t even bring myself to watch the recent 60 Minutes program on the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program, but think I need to say something about a couple of bits of B.S. from CBS’s written report on the show. First on security and health screening, this is what 60 Minutes reports: Director of […]