Tag Archive for: criminal illegal aliens

NORTH CAROLINA: Biden’s Weaponized DOJ Prosecutes & Fines Printing Company $30,000 for Upholding Immigration Laws

A North Carolina printing company Printful, Inc. must pay more than $30,000 for violating installed Marxist President Joe Biden’s “protect illegal immigrants policy”

Biden’s weaponized U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) sued the printing company when they asked to see an employees Green Card which authorizes work and legal status in the United States.

Biden’s DOJ stated the individual had already proved her permission to work by submitting a Social Security card and driver’s license.

Civil Rights Division’s Immigrant and Employee’s Rights poster poster reads “If you have the right to work, don’t let anyone take it away.”

It directs applicants to call 1-800-255-7688 if an employer:

  1. Does not hire you or fires you because of your national origin or citizenship status
  2. Treats you unfairly while checking your right to work in the U.S., including while completing the Form I-9 or using E-Verify
  3. Retaliates against you because you are speaking up for your right to work as protected by this law.

A social security number is only valid 90 days when entering the USA as a legal permanent resident.

It is only re-adjudicated as an indefinite social security number after the Department of Homeland Security approves and issues the Green Card and or EAD or Employment Authorization Document.

A social security number and a drivers license does not authorize an individual who is a new legal immigrant to work in the USA. Thus the company was following congressional law when they requested proof of legal residency.

Biden’s weaponized DOJ are violating congressional law and maliciously prosecuted this company as a warning to other companies not to ask for proof of legal permanent residency.

The DOJ’s Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division stated: “Companies cannot reject workers’ valid documents or require specific or unnecessary documents based on citizenship status when checking their permission to work.”

A Green Card is not an unnecessary document it’s a mandatory document to be presented by a new legal permanent resident for job applications including entering the military.

The company must now pay a civil penalty of $27,500 to the U.S. Treasury and an additional $6,200 in back pay and lost wages to the employee.

This printing company has endured a malicious prosecution designed to protect illegal immigrants by Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke.

Elon Musk was also sued by Biden’s weaponized DOJ when he refused to hire illegal immigrants at Space X. A job that requires US citizenship and a security clearance due to the sensitivity of the positions.

Trump must totally dismantle this Marxist DOJ immediately upon taking office as our President in January 2025. Kristen Clarke must be fired on day one.

©2024. Geoff Ross. All rights reserved.


Over 500 Illegal Immigrants Charge, Break Through Razor Wire In Texas

As the Border Crisis Intensifies, Almost 70% Link Migrants to Violent Crime

Trading Guns for Citizenship

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Obama Appointed Judge Rules Illegals Can Carry Guns

The Democrat war on Americans escalates.

Apparently their gun control mania only applies to law abiding American citizens.

Illegal Immigrant Can Carry Guns: Federal Judge

By: Epoch Times, March 19, 2024:

An illegal immigrant was wrongly banned from possessing guns, according to a recent ruling.

A federal law, Section 922 of Title 18 of the U.S. Code, bars illegal immigrants from carrying guns or ammunition. Prosecutors charged Heriberto Carbajal-Flores, the illegal alien, in 2020 after he was found in Chicago carrying a semi-automatic pistol despite “knowing he was an alien illegally and unlawfully in the United States.”

U.S. District Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman rejected two motions to dismiss, but the third motion, based on a 2022 U.S. Supreme Court ruling, triggered the dismissal of the case on March 8.

“The noncitizen possession statute, 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(5), violates the Second Amendment as applied to Carbajal-Flores,” Judge Coleman, appointed under President Barack Obama, wrote in her 8-page ruling. “Thus, the court grants Carbajal-Flores’ motion to dismiss.”

Lawyers for Mr. Carbajal-Flores had argued in the most recent motion to dismiss that the government could not show that the law in question was “part of the historical tradition that delimits the outer bounds of the right to keep and bear arms.”

In 2022, the Supreme Court determined that the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment “presumptively protects” conduct that is covered by the amendment’s “plain text.”

Continue reading.


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IN FOCUS: Federal Judge Rules 2A Applies to Illegal Aliens with Dan Lyman – OAN

Deep State PLOT to REMOVE TRUMP Happening NOW


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

REPORT: Biden Regime Providing Interest Free Loans to Illegals Aliens to Travel to America

A reader sent us an email with a link to a Law Enforcement Today article by: Noah Webster.

DL wrote in the email, “Not just interest-free; there is no penalty if they don’t pay them back. According to the article, free money for mortgages, too. We should all leave the country and come back illegally. But ‘We The People”‘ would probably be tossed in jail. In the comments section of the article, people are demanding we detach from the UN over this.”

Biden regime in cahoots with UN in providing interest free loans to illegals to travel to the US

WASHINGTON, DC- Despite the ridiculous border situation, The Liberty Daily reports that the Biden regime is apparently lending money overseas to illegal aliens so they can enter the country illegally. In the meantime, millions of Americans struggle to pay for their basic needs every week.

The administration is working in cahoots with the United Nations IOM Migration Program, along with the United States Refugee Admissions Program, to hand out taxpayer money to illegal aliens to assist them in getting to the United States. Oh, and the “loans” never have to be paid back.

The program’s website offers “penalty and interest-free loans” to anyone wishing to come to the United States. American citizens pay 7.5% on mortgage loans if they are actually able to find a home to purchase. The illegals are only required to sign a “promissory note” agreeing to pay back the loan prior to leaving their country of origin. If they don’t pay back the loan, it’s no problem since there are no penalties attached.

“IOM arranges travel for refugees using funds furnished by the Department of State and is mandated to subsequently receive refugees repayments on behalf of the Department of State,” the website states. Again, there are no penalties attached for nonpayment.

“Repayments made are remitted to a revolving fund created between the Department of State and IOM for use by the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) to defray the cost of future refugee travel.”

One might think that with Republicans in charge of the House and therefore having the “power of the purse,” they could defund this program. Thus far, Republicans have not chosen to do so. That fact got some “X” users fired up.

“Why does the House fund these programs?” one X user asked. “CALL your representatives and tell them to STOP funding the INVASION–make yourselves HEARD.”

Another asked, “How is this not treason?”

Among the stated goals of the UN’s IOM program (why the hell are we still in the UN?) is to protect illegals who invade our country from being exploited by “abusive and predatory lending markets.”

The days when building your credit was worthwhile and rewarded are long gone. The answer is no longer if you illegally enter the country.

The program initially started back in 1958, and at that time, arriving refugees had to repay the loans, with that being a condition of admittance to the United States. Now, illegals are receiving the equivalent of PPP loans given out during the pandemic that were not required to be paid back.

Another poster on X asked, “Is there no limit to how criminal the American government is?”

“This is treacherous actions against U.S. citizens,” said another. “Attempting to implement UN ‘migration rights’ with no respect for nation’s sovereignty. End UN membership. Toss them out of the U.S. Lockdown ALL borders.”

Still, others wondered how the Biden regime gets away with operating in such a lawless manner while “nobody does anything” about it.

‘This is pure treachery, and it has to be stopped,” said another. “They are using taxpayer money to pay the way for illegals to get here.”

“Another reason NOT to extend the continuing resolution,” said another, referring to how Congress has been funding the budget for what seems like forever.

This is just another kick to the collective groin of American taxpayers.

©2024. Law Enforcement Today. All rights reserved.


Doocy Presses KJP On Release Of Migrants Who Allegedly Beat Texas National Guardsman

Al Sharpton Calls Out Biden For Attending ‘Ritzy’ Fundraiser With Ex-Presidents, Snubbing Working Class

Judge Denies Hunter Biden’s Bid To Dismiss Tax Charges

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Supreme Court Lets Texas Enforce Law Allowing Police To Arrest And Deport Illegal Immigrants

The Supreme Court allowed Texas’ law enabling local police to arrest illegal migrants to take effect Tuesday.

After extending a pause on the law multiple times, the Supreme Court allowed Texas’ SB 4 to take effect Tuesday, declining the Biden administration’s effort to halt it while litigation continues. The Department of Justice (DOJ) first filed its lawsuit against Texas to prevent enforcement of the law in January.

“The Court gives a green light to a law that will upend the longstanding federal-state balance of power and sow chaos, when the only court to consider the law concluded that it is likely unconstitutional,” Justice Sonia Sotomyaor wrote in a dissent joined by Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson. “This law implicates serious issues that are subject to ongoing political debate, and Texas’s novel scheme requires careful and reasoned consideration in the courts to determine which provisions may be unconstitutional.”

Justice Elena Kagan also wrote in a dissent that she would not have allowed the law to take effect.

U.S. District Court Judge David Alan Ezra, a Reagan appointee, blocked Texas’ law from taking effect in February, finding it “threatens the fundamental notion that the United States must regulate immigration with one voice.” The Fifth Circuit issued an administrative stay early March allowing the law to take effect while it considered the appeal, prompting the Biden administration to file an emergency application with the Supreme Court.

“So far as I know, this Court has never reviewed the decision of a court of appeals to enter—or not enter—an administrative stay,” Justice Amy Coney Barrett wrote in a concurrence joined by Justice Brett Kavanaugh. “I would not get into the business.”

“Texas’s motion for a stay pending appeal was fully briefed in the Fifth Circuit by March 5, almost two weeks ago,” Barrett wrote. “Merits briefing on Texas’s challenge to the District Court’s injunction of S. B. 4 is currently underway. If a decision does not issue soon, the applicants may return to this Court.”




RELATED ARTICLE: Federal Judge Blocks Texas Law That Would Allow Law Enforcement To Arrest Illegal Migrants


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How Illegal Immigration Defeats the Pro-Life, Pro-Family Movement

The impact of illegal immigration fill our TV screens, crime blotters, and morgues every day. But too few Americans appreciate how lawlessness at the border advances other liberal policies. Illegal immigration gives Democrats extra votes in Congress and greater control over all three branches of government. It forces you to spend even more of your tax dollars on transgender procedures and masks the failure of big-spending government programs. Most offensively, it drowns out your voice in your own government.

Democrats draw artificial power for all of their plans — including expanded abortion and transgender procedures — from a seemingly unrelated issue: counting illegal immigrants in the U.S. census. Under the Constitution, the number of congressional seats, Electoral College votes, and federal funding each state receives depends on its population. Lumping in illegal immigrants and resident aliens with native-born Americans gives sanctuary states undeserved power. This opaque issue exploded into the open last week, when Senate Republicans introduced a measure to give you back the full sovereignty you are due as an American citizen — and Senate Democrats shot it down.

Senator Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.) introduced the Equal Representation Act (S. 3659 and H.R. 7109), which would ask census-takers if they are U.S. citizens — and count only U.S. citizens when apportioning congressional seats. Chuck Schumer’s Senate would not allow a vote, but on March 8, Hagerty attached it as an amendment to a $460 billion spending package. Senate Democrats predictably voted against an honest census en bloc, 45-51. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) joined with the Democrats to give them an anti-accountability majority. Senator Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) claimed the measure attempted to “attack vulnerable, underrepresented groups,” because “our country has never excluded undocumented individuals from the apportionment process.”

But Hirono is wrong. The U.S. Census Bureau explains the Constitution’s enumeration clause (Article 1, Section 2) did not count “Indians not taxed,” because these individuals lived “under some sort of separate sovereignty recognized by a treaty, and did not vote or perform other duties related to citizenship.” This held until the American people granted U.S. citizenship to all tribal members born on U.S. soil in the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924, signed by President Calvin Coolidge. By definition, non-citizens have not been granted citizenship — although three states and the District of Columbia allow non-citizens to vote in elections, and only seven states prohibit it (New York City would be on that list absent constitutional limitations.) Non-citizens should not have any impact on the course of U.S. politics. Yet the same politicians continually crowing about mythical Russian attacks on “Our Democracy” want illegal immigrants to shape the course of our everyday government.

Counting non-citizens in the U.S. census has a palpable impact on Congress, transferring power from conservative states to liberal ones. A report from immigration scholars found that counting non-citizens in the census redistributes eight congressional seats: It gives extra seats to California (3), Texas (2), New York, New Jersey, and Florida (one each); and it takes seats away from Alabama, Idaho, Michigan, Missouri, Minnesota, Ohio, Rhode Island, and West Virginia (one seat each). Illegal immigrants alone transfer one seat each from Ohio, Alabama, and Minnesota to California, Texas, and New York.

Imagine a Congress without Eric Swalwell, Ted Lieu, and Maxine Waters. In their place, we would have an extra Jim Jordan, and Alabama voters wouldn’t have had to choose between conservative incumbents Barry Moore and Jerry Carl on Super Tuesday. The scholars similarly broke down some of the congressional districts with the largest share of non-citizens. Among them is New York’s 14th district, represented by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Thus, the legally dubious policy of counting non-citizens in the census empowers the most radical left-wing voices. The prescient John Zmirak wrote in 2019, “Open Borders Equals Abortion.” Today, open borders equals abortion, porn in school libraries, and transgender surgeries for children.

It bears noting, these figures came from 2019, before the Biden administration added an unprecedented number of illegal immigrants to the U.S. population. Without mass deportations, the next redistribution of voting power will be even greater.

Of course, none of these radical representatives truly represent illegal immigrants. Leftists count illegal immigrants much the way slave states lobbied to count slaves: Slaveowners wanted to make their slaves do double labor, working in the fields and giving slave states more political power. Child labor and human trafficking remain a concern for illegal immigrants, as well. “Undocumented migrants” hold down labor costs, undercutting U.S. citizens’ wages (especially black citizens) while handing blue states a greater share of the federal budget and political representation.

Although the immediate impact falls on Congress, counting illegal immigrants in the census also affects the other two branches of government. These illicit congressional seats give states additional votes in the Electoral College, which determines the presidency. Since the president appoints Supreme Court justices, an inaccurate Census creates a whole-of-government distortion of democracy.

Counting illegal immigrants not only gives liberals the votes to implement left-wing policies, it forces you to pay for them. Census figures directed $2.8 trillion in federal spending through 353 federal programs in 2021, the U.S Census Bureau reported. Before the pandemic, the greatest census-related cost to U.S. taxpayers came from Medicaid: The lower a state’s median income, the more money it gets, so it pays to pad the numbers. Now, consider: Medicaid programs in 26 states and the District of Columbia cover so-called “gender-affirming care” (cross-sex hormone injections and/or transgender surgeries). A total of 83% of America’s sanctuary states cover transgender procedures through Medicaid. Overcounting their population means you foot more of the bill for these life-altering procedures. Additionally, eight of the 10 states that cover abortion-on-demand through Medicaid are sanctuary states — and AOC has led the charge to overturn the Hyde Amendment, which prevents federal taxpayer dollars from funding most of these abortions.

This policy should concern fiscal conservatives, as well. Counting non-citizens in the census generally subsidizes high-tax, high-regulation states at the expense of low-tax, fiscally responsible states. Data from the 2020 census showed U.S. citizens fleeing California, New York, and Illinois (all high-tax, sanctuary states) in favor of Florida, South Carolina, and Tennessee. These citizens take federal funding with them — unless blue states can plug the gap with illegal immigrants and non-citizens, effectively transferring wealth from U.S. citizens to foreigners and their left-wing political leaders. “While people continue to flee Democrat-run cities, desperate Democrats are back-filling the mass exodus with illegal immigrants,” said Hagerty.

The Left has reacted radically each time someone suggests this policy, which would bolster citizenship and move America one step closer to constitutional order. The U.S. Census asked about citizenship until the question was removed from the 1960 census. The Left’s histrionics when President Donald Trump tried to reinsert the question into the 2020 census underline how closely they guard their ill-gotten money and power. After the vote, Haggerty declared, “Democrats’ unanimous opposition to this commonsense measure confirms that they’re using illegal aliens and sanctuary cities to increase their political power.” Indeed, I have long argued that the Left’s position on every policy in Washington can be explained based on whether it increases or decreases their political power. It is the one thing that explains everything the Left does.

Jesus said, “The children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light” (Luke 16:8). This scriptural truth plays itself out daily in Washington, D.C. While Christian voters hide our talent in the earth, those dedicated to foisting extreme policies on the nation use every lever to impose their agenda. They are apparently willing to pile up the bodies of Laken Riley, Kate Steinle, and an untold number of angel families in the process.

Christians would point out that the Bible repeatedly condemns false weights and measures (Leviticus 19:36Deuteronomy 25:13Proverbs 16:11Proverbs 20:10; and Proverbs 20:23), thereby excluding efforts to mix non-citizens into a census intended to represent the American people. The Bible provides precedents for taking a census only of citizens (Exodus 30:12Numbers 26:4II Samuel 24:1) and excluding some residents (Numbers 1:49). Enrollment in this census sometimes qualified non-citizens (II Chronicles 2:17) and citizens alike (Numbers 14:29) for unique civic responsibilities.

The story strikes me personally, as members of my own spiritual tradition prepare to observe Lent. During this time, we say a beautiful ancient prayer which begins, “O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, despair, lust of power, and idle talk.” The thousands of crimes the government documents at the hands of illegal immigrants illustrates the ways an insatiable thirst for fleeting, earthly power hurts some, kills others, and destroys the souls of those so afflicted.


Ben Johnson

Ben Johnson is senior reporter and editor at The Washington Stand.

RELATED ARTICLE: Four people caught running ‘large-scale’ marriage scam to get green cards for 600 migrants: DOJ

RELATED VIDEO: Biden would rather put Americans in extreme danger than admit Trump was right

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Senate Democrats UNANIMOUSLY VOTE AGAINST Proposal to Prohibit Illegals From Voting

For those you still scratching your heads as to why the Democrats have blown up our borders and ushered in a foreign invasion.

Senate Democrats Block Bill That Would Ban Illegal Immigrants From Voting

Sarah Arnold | March 10, 2024 4:00 PM

With the 2024 presidential election coming up and millions of illegal aliens storming the southern border, Republicans are taking a stand from letting another 2020 election happen. 

However, Democrats are trying to squash the GOP’s efforts of upholding election integrity. 

This week, Senate Democrats shot down proposed legislation that would exclude illegal immigrants from being counted on the census for the purposes of apportionment for House seats and the Electoral College. 

Proposed by Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-TN) to add an amendment to the $460 billion spending package, the legislation would require the Census Bureau to include a U.S. citizenship question in any future census. It would ban any illegal immigrants and non- U.S. Citizens from being counted for congressional district and Electoral College apportionment.

However, 51 Democrats and Independents voted against the bill. 

45 Republicans voted in favor of the legislation with the exception of Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska). 

“Today I forced Chuck Schumer to hold a vote on whether illegal aliens should be counted for determining the number of congressional seats and electoral votes each state gets. Democrats’ unanimous opposition to this commonsense measure confirms that they’re using illegal aliens and sanctuary cities to increase their political power,” Hagerty said in a statement. “With this vote, Senate Democrats chose to trample on the rights of each American’s voice. I will continue to fight and press this issue in the Senate.”

The bill would be similar to a Trump-era legislation that would also have had a citizenship question on the 2020 census. 

However, Democrats were critical of Trump’s plan, claiming that questioning a person’s citizenship was wrong and intended to benefit Republicans in future elections.

Continue reading.



Mississippi’s Secretary of State demands answers on Biden executive order ‘attempting to register’ illegals to vote

DEMOCRAT RULE: Pittsburgh Police to Stop Responding to Most Emergency Calls


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Why Are Individual States Forced to Do ‘the Federal Government’s Job’ Securing the Border?

The rate at which illegal immigrants are coming into the U.S. is already astonishing on its own. And yet, with each new headline, the circumstances become even more flabbergasting. What has many American citizens scratching their heads is the fact that many states are treating those who are in the country illegally better than those who are here legally.

The American dream used to be about working hard to accomplish great things in a great country. Regardless of your background, if you were an American citizen, you could work your way to success. But now, American citizens are getting the short end of the stick. Taxpayers work tirelessly to provide for themselves and their families only to see their hard-earned dollars fund the housing, food, education, and medical bills of illegal immigrants.

For most Americans, buying a home is a long-term goal many spend years working toward. But just recently, California proposed legislation that seems to further mock those in this country who save money to do things the right way. The legislation, The Post Millennial wrote, “would expand the zero-down, no-payment home ‘loan’ program [California] has to illegal immigrants.” Originally, this program was not offered to migrants.

In response, California State Senator Brian Dahle (R) said, “Assembly Bill 1840 is an insult to California citizens who are being left behind and priced out of homeownership.” He added, “I’m all for helping first-time homebuyers, but give priority to those who are here in our state legally.” But isn’t that the cry of many Americans as illegals take over our streets?

Some states are trying to take matters into their own hands, since the Biden administration seems intent on making the crisis worse. However, as states try to protect their communities from this invasion, their efforts are thwarted time and time again by those who seem to have little regard for this country’s laws.

Arizona, for instance, had a Republican-sponsored bill that would allow police to arrest illegal immigrants in the state. But the Arizona Border Invasion Act was vetoed by Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs (D) who claimed “the legislation was anti-immigrant and likely unconstitutional.” She continued, “I know there’s frustration about the federal government’s failure to secure our border, but this bill is not the solution.”

But do you know, Governor Hobbs, how frustrating your actions are?

As the Arizona Senate Republican Caucus expressed in a statement: “From human smuggling to child sex trafficking, rapes, murders, drug trafficking, fentanyl overdoses, high-speed chases, subsequent deadly crashes, and other atrocities, local law enforcement personnel have reached their breaking point trying to protect the lives of our citizens from this invasion.”

And I wish I could say it was just Arizona facing these threats, but states like Texas are going through similar madness.

On Monday, the Supreme Court had temporarily blocked a law in the Lone Star State that would also allow police to arrest illegal immigrants. The Hill reported, “In an order signed by Justice Samuel Alito, the high court blocked Texas from enacting the law until March 13, giving the state until March 11 to respond to the Justice Department’s request asking to pause the law from taking place.”

It’s not surprising “the Biden administration is against” this law “because they want people to be coming into this country illegally,” Family Research Council President Tony Perkins said on Tuesday’s episode of “Washington Watch.” But “what effect will this have on the border crisis the Biden administration has enabled?”

Texas State Representative David Spiller (R) responded first by noting that, if the bill were to go into effect, “Texas will have the authority, as no other state does … to secure [its] own borders” by being able to “arrest and order the return of people that arrive here in [the] state, in our country illegally.” But he added that the Supreme Court decision was something he considered “reasonable” since the law will likely still be able to go into effect in a couple days.

Even so, it doesn’t alter the fact that Texas is “doing the federal government’s job to secure our border,” he pointed out. “But in the meantime, Texans will protect Texas.” Which, unfortunately, seems to be the most that can be done at the moment.

As Perkins said, we’ll have to keep “watching this closely as it makes its way through the court system.” And as this crisis continues to unfold, we’ll have to watch closely to see who the Biden administration will ultimately defend.


Sarah Holliday

Sarah Holliday is a reporter at The Washington Stand.

RELATED VIDEO: Mayorkas Orchestrated the Illegal Invasion

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Federal Appeals Court Says Texas Law Allowing Police To Arrest Illegal Migrants Can Take Effect

A federal appeals court reversed on Saturday a lower court’s freeze on a Texas law enabling local police to arrest illegal migrants.

Last week, U.S. District Court Judge David Alan Ezra blocked Texas’ SB 4 from taking effect while the Department of Justice’s lawsuit against Texas proceeds. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a temporary stay over the weekend, which would allow the law to take effect on March 9 if the Supreme Court does not intervene.

“Texas has the constitutional right to defend itself because of President Biden’s ongoing failure to fulfill his duty,” Republican Texas Gov. Gregg Abbott said last week. “We will not back down in our fight to protect Texas. This case will ultimately be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court.”

Ezra, a Reagan appointee, ruled last week that the state’s law “threatens the fundamental notion that the United States must regulate immigration with one voice.”

“If allowed to proceed, SB 4 could open the door to each state passing its own version of immigration laws,” he wrote. “The effect would moot the uniform regulation of immigration throughout the country and force the federal government to navigate a patchwork of inconsistent regulations.”

The DOJ sued Texas over its law in January. Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed it into law in December in response to record levels of illegal crossings.





‘That’s A Problem’: Retired Border Patrol Chief Says Biden, Harris ‘Never’ Spoke To Him About Migrant Crisis

‘How Is That Possible?’: Martha MacCallum Presses Kirby On Why Biden Had Never Spoken To Ex-Border Patrol Chief

Joe Scarborough Practically Hyperventilates Over People Criticizing Biden’s Border Walk

Federal Judge Blocks Texas Law That Would Allow Law Enforcement To Arrest Illegal Migrants


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.

Experts Worry that Illegal Immigration Is Affecting the Education System

Since the beginning of the border crisis in which millions of illegal immigrants have flooded into the country, American citizens have been affected in various ways, most notably by the spike in crime.

Some sanctuary cities have recognized that crime is out of their control and have sought changes in their sanctuary policies. Saturating news headlines are cases of illegal immigrants stealing, assaulting, raping, or even murdering innocent American civilians. In addition, taxpayers are funding the housing, food, and health care of people who aren’t legally in the U.S., with taxpayer money funding gender transition procedures as well.

Experts are also pointing to how illegal immigration is affecting the education system, as Meg Kilgannon, senior fellow for Education Studies at Family Research Council, explained on Thursday’s episode of “Washington Watch with Tony Perkins.”

FRC President Tony Perkins highlighted that “the ongoing border crisis undermines our nation’s education system” and is “often left unmentioned.” But the reality, Kilgannon said, is that both poor and wealthy districts are affected by the illegal immigrant students coming in.

“Americans are very generous,” she said, “and it’s hard for us to turn down a student at the schoolhouse door if they present themselves to learn.” But even so, most schools don’t have a choice on whether they accept the illegal migrants, which then places an added and significant “strain on the budget,” Kilgannon added. And she explained how a lot of them come in without an ability to speak English, which requires special services.

Financial strains, in particular, are hard on the high poverty areas, Kilgannon described, because they’re already struggling to fund their schools. They hardly have enough money for the legal American citizens, she noted, but additionally, “it affects wealthy areas too because of the drug crisis.” As drug overdoses at schools increase, Kilgannon discussed the growing controversy over “whether or not the school is notifying parents when children overdose at school.”

She added, “But the reason that kids are overdosing at school is because, for one thing, there’s poor control over the environment by the people who are running the schools. But there’s [also] an increase in drugs coming across the border. … There’s more availability of these drugs, and it’s causing all kinds of pressures to be put on many, many areas of our society. And of course, it’s happening to our school system as well.”

As a former state legislator, Perkins highlighted that what he used to see were parents who had to deal with very strict rules about which schools they could attend based on the district they lived in. But with illegal immigrants, he shared that those same rules don’t apply. “I mean, we’re making our own citizens have to live within the boundaries and the rules, but then someone who’s not even a citizen of this country can come in and go wherever they want, and we have to pay for it,” he said. Kilgannon agreed and stated “there are so many rules that they do not have to follow that regular American citizens have to follow.”

Perkins observed that it looks like “these schools are just expected to absorb the cost of the Biden administration’s immigration policy.” Kilgannon referred to it as “an unfunded mandate,” which can be defined as “regulations or other requirements imposed by a higher level of government on a lower one, but without accompanying appropriations to cover the cost of compliance.” Both Perkins and Kilgannon reflected on whether “local governments could take action against the Biden administration for that reason.” Kilgannon added, “I certainly would want to if I were running a school system that was dealing with these kinds of things.”

In addition, Perkins briefly mentioned how these education concerns caused by illegal immigration only add to the concern over declining test scores and proficiency rates with each year. Considering this push for schools to cater to the Biden administration’s open border policy, he concluded, “I would just think at some point a state’s got to draw the line and say, ‘We’re not doing it.’ … [T]his is absolutely out of control.”


Sarah Holliday

Sarah Holliday is a reporter at The Washington Stand.


Poll Shows Biden Unpopular among Voters as Immigration, Inflation Worsen

Biden’s Border Invasion Will Inflate Democrats’ Electoral College Majority

RELATED VIDEO: Understanding Immigration Podcast

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Poll Shows Biden Unpopular among Voters as Immigration, Inflation Worsen

A sprawling new survey is revealing that voters are getting sick of the Biden administration, and Trump’s popularity is holding strong. According to the latest Harvard CAPS/Harris poll, President Joe Biden’s approval rating is floundering, underwater at 45% (23% strongly approve, 22% somewhat approve), with his disapproval rate (39% strongly disapprove, 15% somewhat disapprove) remaining fairly steady since January of 2022. Nearly half of voters (48%) said that Biden is getting worse as a leader, while 27% (mostly Democrats) said he’s improving and 25% said he’s pretty much the same.

Furthermore, voters are disappointed with Biden’s performance on key issues. The 81-year-old president’s approval rating is low regarding his management of immigration (35%), inflation (39%), the economy (43%), rising crime rates (41%), and others. The only area where voters said Biden has done a good job was in responding to COVID-19. When asked what Biden’s biggest achievement has been as president, more voters (30%) said he hasn’t had a big achievement than voters (28%) who agreed that lowering the cost of prescription drugs is the biggest feather in Biden’s cap.

The Biden administration’s biggest failure is, according to voters, its border policy. Forty-four percent of voters (including about a third of Democrats and nearly half of Independents) believe Biden’s biggest failure was overseeing “an open borders policy and a historic flood of immigrants.” Runners-up for the title of “biggest failure” include weak leadership, “rampant inflation,” “a shameful withdrawal from Afghanistan,” and a failure to tackle surging crime rates.

Immigration, inflation, and the economy are the top issues that voters are concerned about heading into the next presidential election. Thirty-six percent of voters expressed concern over immigration, 33% over inflation and price increases, and 24% over the economy and jobs. Inflation was rated the most important issue to voters personally with 42% of voters responding that they have been personally impacted by rising prices, up four percentage points just since January. Immigration and crime were next, at 18% and 11% respectively. Additionally, 54% of voters said their personal financial situations were suffering under Biden and upwards of 70% said they fear that inflation is “here to stay.”

On immigration, 63% of voters said that the border crisis is worsening (including 42% of Democrats and 65% of Independents) and a staggering 71% said that the U.S. needs tougher laws against illegal immigration (including 56% of Democrats and 76% of Independents). A majority of voters also believe the federal government already has the power and authority it needs to fix the illegal immigration crisis and that Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is simply not enforcing existing border control laws. Sixty-two percent of voters (including nearly half of Democrats) support impeaching Mayorkas “under the charge that he is willfully not enforcing immigration laws and securing the border…”

Also according to the survey, Biden would lose against former President Donald Trump if the election were held today. Forty-eight percent of voters said that they would pick Trump over Biden, with 9% saying they weren’t sure. When that 9% were asked which way they lean, Trump would beat Biden 53% to 47%. Significantly, Trump would earn 52% of the Independent vote and even 13% of the Democratic vote.

When third-party players are introduced, Trump still comes out on top, with former Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr. taking a substantial portion of the vote (nearly 10%) that would otherwise go to Biden. Trump also garnered nearly 80% support among GOP voters for the Republican presidential nomination, with former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley earning a paltry 14%. Biden would also beat Haley (41% to 39%, 19% undecided) if the two were to go head-to-head.

Even if Trump were to be convicted of the numerous indictments leveled against him by leftist prosecutors and Biden’s Justice Department, voters would still likely go for him over Biden. A whopping 54% of voters said they’d vote for Trump even if he were convicted of inciting the riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. Only 46% said they’d back Biden, which is actually down from 52% just a month ago. Fifty-two percent of voters said they would still vote for Trump if he were convicted of election interference charges in Georgia, but voters were split on whether to vote for him if convicted of allegedly mishandling classified presidential documents, with 50% backing Trump and 50% backing Biden.

A clear majority of voters (58%) also believe that the prosecutions against Trump are politically motivated. Even a surprising 42% of Democrats said they think that the Biden administration is “using the legal system in biased ways to take out a political opponent.” Voters were split when asked if Trump poses a “threat to democracy,” with 50% saying he doesn’t and 50% saying he does, which is down from 52% a month ago.

When asked if Trump will impact the nation “for the better,” 56% of respondents said yes, while 44% said he’s “a danger to democracy and will hopelessly divide the country if elected.” Nearly 60% of respondents also agreed with the statement, “I miss Donald Trump’s policies on the economy, immigration and crime,” and 62% agreed that Democrats “are trying to unfairly scare the voters over Donald Trump by labeling him as a dictator.”

When asked, nearly 60% of respondents said that they think Trump did a good job as president — that includes a majority in every age range polled, a majority among urban, suburban, and rural voters, 53% of independents, and even 29% of Democrats. Trump was also rated among the political figures with the highest net favorability, while Biden, his son Hunter, and other Democrats like Vice President Kamala Harris, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), California Governor Gavin Newsom (D), and others received some of the lowest scores.

This comes as numerous other polls show Trump leading Biden in November and concern over illegal immigration skyrocketing.


S.A. McCarthy

S.A. McCarthy serves as a news writer at The Washington Stand.

To learn more please visit: BIDENOMICS IS BAD ECONOMICS


EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

IMMIGRATION RELATED VIDEOS: ‘I live with the cartels’

FAIR on the Front Lines: Immigration-Related Videos

In February 2024, FAIR headed to the U.S.-Mexico border to analyze the impact of the Biden Border Crisis. The area around Eagle Pass and Del Rio, Texas has seen some of the highest levels of illegal immigration in recent months, as nationwide border encounters soared to a record 370,925 in December. That section of the Rio Grande has also been the center of a confrontation between the State of Texas and the federal government. To read more about our trip and the work being done in Texas, click here.

The Reality of Life Along The Rio Grande
Linda Bryant has riverfront property on the Rio Grande in Texas. Illegal aliens cross from Mexico onto her property multiple times per week. She shared with FAIR what it’s like living along the open southern border.

Texas Border Sheriff and Attorney Detail How Biden’s Border Crisis Has Ravaged Their Community

Kinney County Sheriff Brad Coe and County Attorney Brent Smith shared with FAIR how Biden’s border crisis has ravaged their community and what they’re doing to protect residents who no longer feel safe in their own homes.

Texas Rancher Tells FAIR the Dreadful Reality of Life at the Border Under Biden and Mayorkas
Texas border rancher Wayne King says life has been turned upside down for him and other border residents ever since President Biden took office. This is his firsthand account of what it’s like to live on a ranch near the open southern border.

Understanding Immigration Podcast

The Federation for American Immigration Reform’s podcast bringing you the most important news and information about U.S. immigration.

RELATED ARTICLE: Poll Shows Biden Unpopular among Voters as Immigration, Inflation Worsen

EDITORS NOTE: This FAIR column with videos is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Campaign Co-Chair Suggests Deporting Illegal Immigrants Would Hurt The Economy

Democratic Texas Rep. Veronica Escobar on Friday suggested that deporting illegal immigrants would have adverse economic consequences.

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump both visited the border and delivered remarks on Thursday. Escobar, co-chair of Biden’s 2024 reelection campaign, criticized Trump’s rhetoric and underscored the economic importance of immigrants in the workforce, advocating against deporting them on “CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta.”

“Democrats have been willing over the decades to not just address border security as a whole, but also to address our workforce needs and to make sure that we remain a country of immigrants. Immigration is good for us economically,” Escobar asserted. “Republicans have created the current situation and we need solutions. But what Trump is signaling is horrific. He really does want to take us back to an era where people feared being in their own country simply because they belong to a minority group.”


Illegal immigration has massively increased under Biden as millions of migrants from around the world cross the southern border. One of Biden’s first actions in office was to issue executive actions revoking Trump-era border policies, including the Muslim travel ban and the border wall project.

“He‘s willing to violate the Constitution, violate our civil rights, violate constitutional rights,” Escobar told Acosta. “And let me tell you, it is impossible to deport every undocumented person in this country. There simply are not the resources nor is it advantageous to us. I mean, I’m sure you’ve seen the reports, Jim, that it has been immigrant labor, the immigrant workforce that has actually propped up our economy. The challenge we face is that Congress has not created legal pathways for them.”





Majority Of Americans Support Building Border Wall For First Time In Poll’s History

Federal Judge Blocks New Texas Law to Arrest Illegal Immigrants


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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EAGLE PASS, TEXAS: President Donald J. Trump ‘We’re going to take care’ of the dangerous border!

President Donald J. Trump visited Eagle Pass, Texas,  ground zero and the epicenter for criminal illegal aliens crossing the border.

Eagle Pass, Texas has become a symbol of Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.’s now clear policy to destroy America, its culture and it people by flooding our nation with millions of cartel members, criminals, Chinese Communists, and Islamic terrorists who hate us and our Constitutional republic.

President Trump during his visit to Eagle Pass, Texas confirmed that he spoke with the parents of Laken Riley. Laken Riley was a student at the University of Georgia who was brutally murdered by an illegal alien from Venezuela.

While President Donald J. Trump visited Eagle Pass, Texas, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. visited Brownsville, Texas.

Here’s why Biden avoided Eagle Pass, Texas

President Donald J. Trump at the Eagle Pass, Texas border 

Here are a series of posts on X of President Donald J. Trump at Eagle Pass, Texas where he met with Governor Abbott, Franklin Graham, the Texas National Guard, and U.S. border patrol agents:

The Bottom Line

It is now clear that there are only two choices on the 2024 Presidential ballot.

  1. Voting for Biden who wants our borders to remain open and he wants to use American taxpayers dollars to financially support millions of cartel members, criminals, Chinese Communists, and Islamic terrorists who hate us and our Constitutional republic.
  2. Voting for President Donald J. Trump who wants to close the border, build the wall, deport millions of cartel members, criminals, Chinese Communists, and Islamic terrorists who hate us and our Constitutional republic,  in order to make Americans and America great again.

This post on X says it best:

Choose wisely on November 5th, 2024.

©2024. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


CHUCK DEVORE: Dueling Visits Show Biden’s Border Crisis Is The Defining Issue Of 2024

Biden Visits One Of Border’s Slowest Sectors To Blame Congress, Talk Climate Change

‘Doesn’t Have A Clue’: Texas Lt Gov Dan Patrick Rips Biden’s Border Guidance, Lays Out What State Would Do

‘To Let More People In?’: Judge Jeanine Snaps After Dem Panelist Says Biden Needs Congress To Solve Border Crisis

RELATED VIDEO: Donald Trump: This is the ‘worst border ever in the history of the world’

States Put Billions Toward Illegal Immigrants at Taxpayer Expense: Expert

As of June 2023, some immigration experts estimated that roughly 17 million illegal immigrants resided in the U.S., with at least 16% of the population arriving under the Biden administration. While migrants from all over the world cite many reasons for coming, one of the biggest is that illegal immigrants are getting several benefits when they arrive. Many have argued that the well-being of those who are here illegally seems to be prioritized over those who are here legally.

Several sanctuary cities offer migrants free housing, food, schooling, and medical care. States such as California have gone as far as to provide free gender transition procedures for illegal immigrants. Other states that are running out of space have asked residents to open up their own homes to undocumented individuals and families. Several airports, schools, and hotels that American citizens use as part of their daily lives have even been transformed into shelters.

Some have argued it’s hard to ignore the rise in crimes such as robbery, murder, and threats of terrorism that the wide open border welcomes. Among Christians, this crisis has sparked a conversation as to how to go about this chaos in a loving manner. But while all of these concerns are worth addressing, there is another group facing the consequences of Biden’s lack of border control ?” namely, U.S. taxpayers.

Ira Mehlman, media director at the Federation for American Immigration Reform, shared on “Washington Watch with Tony Perkins” on Tuesday that there’s an estimated $150.7 billion burden on taxpayers, which is directly tied to the illegal immigration. As a result of Democratic policies, Mehlman said the illegals showing up in the sanctuary cities are “entitled” to the services, which “costs a lot of money.” He added that the money needed to take care of the migrants is “money that the [states don’t] have to begin with.”

Mehlman highlighted that cities like New York chose to cut down on education and police budgets in order to spend money on the migrants. NYC budgeted $12 billion “between now and the end of 2025,” he explained. “New York is now spending more on care of the migrants than they are spending on police, fire, and sanitation combined.”

Additionally, Mehlman noted that one of the ways taxpayers are getting the short end of the stick is through the health care system. “Under the Affordable Care Act, illegal aliens were not eligible for taxpayer-subsidized health insurance programs. And that was deliberate,” he said. “Now, you have states like California … deciding that they are going to use state taxpayer money in order to subsidize health care for illegal aliens.”

Mehlman described a lot of what’s happening as “self-induced crises.” But the states facing the consequences of their own policies then “turn around and ask everybody else to bail them out.” And the issue with that, he said, is that “whether the money is coming out of state … local coffers, or … from the federal government, it’s still the people’s money. It’s our hard earned dollars.”

Ultimately, taxes are “supposed to be providing services for us,” he urged. “Instead, they’re taking this money and creating new magnets for people to come here and abuse the system.”

Tony Perkins, president of Family Research Council, pointed out that amid this financial fiasco, the Biden administration still wants to send “$60 billion over to Ukraine.” He concluded, “Let’s shut off the border [and] we might have a little extra money to work with.”


Sarah Holliday

Sarah Holliday is a reporter at The Washington Stand.



EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Biden’s Illegal Alien Who Murdered Laken Riley BEAT HER SO BADLY, He Disfigured Her Skull

The Democrat party is murdering Americans.

They won’t close the border and return to Trump’s policies.

Affidavit reveals Migrant charged with murdering Laken Riley BEAT HER SO BADLY, he disfigured her skull…

The Venezuelan illegal implicated in the homicide of Laken Riley is accused of inflicting such severe injuries with an unrecognizable instrument that her skull was disfigured, recent affidavits claim.

26-year-old Jose Antonio Ibarra, who is facing a series of charges including murder and assault, is believed to have had no prior acquaintance with the 22-year-old nursing student. He allegedly abducted and murdered her during her jog on the University of Georgia campus on Thursday.

Initially, her death was attributed to blunt force trauma, but newly filed legal documents allege that Ibarra inflicted “severe physical harm with an object,” though the exact nature of the object has not been disclosed.

Additionally, Ibarra has been charged with aggravated battery for causing serious disfigurement to her body, specifically to her skull.


RELATED ARTICLE: States Put Billions Toward Illegal Immigrants at Taxpayer Expense: Expert

RELATED VIDEO: I reminded the President the number one issue is the open border: Speaker Mike Johnson


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. All rights reserved.