Twitter Bans Nick Fuentes

What took them so long? When reviewing the list of people banned by Twitter, you have to wonder how the President of the United States could be “permanently suspended” (is that an oxymoron?), but Nick Fuentes remained. He must have done a careful dance to avoid somehow violating Twitter’s “terms of service” until now. And even now, Twitter won’t tell anyone what was the last straw.

Fuentes, at the ripe old age of 22, has already made quite a name for himself. His initial videos, which he started posting as a college freshman, weren’t terribly alarming. He would initiate debates over immigration with people who disagreed with him, and appeared to be having the time of his life. This quality, the gleeful troll upsetting Leftist pieties, at first probably disarmed some of his critics. In a 2019 interview with Milo Yiannopoulos, those qualities come through loud and clear.

What also comes through, then and now, is a young man who openly admits he wants to live in a society that is majority white, condemns homosexuality, and claims America’s media and financial sectors are dominated by Zionists. Should people like Nick Fuentes be permitted to share their opinions on public online forums?

The answer to that is clearly open to debate, but along with Ben Shapiro – no fan of Fuentes – we’ll error on the side of inclusion. Not only because speech, no matter how much we disagree with it, remains protected under the First Amendment. Not only because the Section 230 exemption requires publicly used platforms like Twitter to refrain from editorial censorship. But also because of the double standard.

It doesn’t matter if you agree with the double standard. Free speech laws aren’t designed to protect speech you agree with.

Why is it that other nations, from Japan and Israel to virtually any Islamic nation, are permitted to scrupulously preserve their culture, whereas critics of culturally disruptive mass immigration to the United States are branded as racists? Why is it that Islam condemns homosexuality, but if some Christians share those beliefs, they are subject to lawsuits and online censorship? Why is it that members of Congress such as Ilhan Omar can condemn alleged Zionist influence, but Nick Fuentes cannot?

There’s another reason it is a mistake to ban someone like Nick Fuentes from platforms like Twitter, and it is what this will do to him. Everyone pushed off the mainstream platforms doesn’t just lose their audience and years of work. They are reminded that free speech isn’t free. They are reminded that only narratives that meet with corporate approval are tolerated. They are reminded that there is a shocking degree of unanimity among what corporations tolerate.

Finally, they are reminded that if you are a Leftist and say offensive, outrageous things, you are tolerated, whereas on the Right, not only are you not tolerated, but you are held up as supposed evidence that the entire Right thinks like you do, and should therefore be destroyed. Nick Fuentes no longer has reason to be reasonable.

This is no way to unite the nation. Allowing people like Nick Fuentes to speak their minds, exposing them if they’re loose with the facts, engaging them if they’re proposing solutions or expressing preferences that are unpalatable or ill conceived, is a pathway to reconciliation. It’s also the American way.

EDITORS NOTE: This Winston84 Project column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Desperate Humanity Sends Robot Back To 2004 To Stop Mark Zuckerberg From Ever Inventing Facebook

CAMBRIDGE, MA—With humanity languishing under the evil tyranny of Facebook, everyday citizens have pooled their resources together to send a killer robot back in time to 2004 to prevent Mark Zuckerberg from inventing the wicked technological scourge in the first place.

“We’ve created the ultimate bionic A.I. humanoid to find Zuckerberg and prevent this dark future before it begins,” said Bubba Crullers, head technician on the project. “We’re not trying to kill him or anything– instead, we’ve programmed the robot to befriend young Mark and try to get him really into World of Warcraft, or introduce him to a really beautiful but controlling girlfriend, or make him take up bass guitar and join a lousy punk band, or convince him to study abroad in Tibet and become a monk.”

“Whatever works– we don’t care. We just have to stop Facebook.”

Experts predict that as soon as the robot’s mission is completed, utopia will instantly break out around the earth, no one will ever believe any misinformation about anything ever again, and conservative uncles will have more time to watch World War II documentaries.

(Update: According to sources, the robot has completed its mission, which unfortunately caused young Zuckerberg to focus his energy on uploading his consciousness to a globally-connected supercomputer and he now rules the world. So, that backfired. All hail Zuck!)

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Dangerous Anti-Science Extremists Hold Super-Spreader Event In D.C.

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The World Health Organization has issued a travel warning for anyone traveling to D.C. this week since according to several reports, a plane full of COVID infected anti-science extremists from Texas have flown to the nation’s capital and are conducting deadly super-spreader events there.

“According to eyewitnesses, these Grandma-killing monsters didn’t even wear masks on the plane,” said WHO Director Bill Who. “It’s absolutely frightening to think that there are still kooky science deniers like this still running around out there spreading COVID from their disgusting maskless mouths.”

According to the Secret Service, several of these extremists attempted to literally murder Vice President Kamala Harris with COVID by meeting up with her and shaking hands while not wearing masks.

“This is sociopathic,” said local elderly D.C. resident Joe Biden. “It makes ya wonder what kind of misinformation these genocidal maniacs have been reading on the Facebook.”

Authorities say the extremists are still at large and should be considered extremely dangerous.


Here’s A List Of 10 Great Jobs You Can Get With That $100,000 College Degree

Pharaoh Blames Plague Of Locusts, Water Turning To Blood On Climate Change

Ben And Jerry’s Introduces Fun New Flavor ‘Push The Jews Into The Sea Salt And Caramel’

‘He’s Literally Killing People’: Biden Orders Arrest Of Mass Murderer Tom From MySpace

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Straight From The Marxist Playbook: Evidence Of Election Manipulation Mounts

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Marxist community organizer Saul Alinsky taught Democrats that the path to political power is not to solve society’s problems, but to exacerbate them, to use them to create an atmosphere of perpetual crisis. As Obama’s former chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, put it: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”

Democrats did not let the COVID-19 pandemic go to waste. Instead, they used the national health emergency as an excuse to implement unprecedented changes in America’s long-standing election process. One of those changes was sending millions of unrequested mail-in ballots to every dead or alive person on voter rolls, a change that opened the door to virtually unlimited opportunities for massive election fraud.

Alinsky believed that socialism is so morally and intellectually superior that its proponents must prevail at the ballot box at all costs. When the post-1960s Democratic Party adopted Alinsky as its most revered political strategist, it embraced his belief that Democrats should employ any means necessary to win elections. The primary means through which Democrats have carried out that reprehensible mandate is by election rigging.

In 2016, I began compiling a file of documented instances of suspected or actual election fraud in major Democrat strongholds. Following are partial findings of 2020 election audits in Arizona and Georgia. What appears below is but the tip of a massive iceberg of methodical election fraud just now being uncovered. Because the audit findings are so damning, Democrats are in full panic mode, and their propagandists in the once-respected mainstream media are leaving no stone unturned in attacking the audit results.


● In a July 15 tweet, One America Network’s host Christina Bobb reported that an audit of 2020 voting in Arizona found that 11,326 voters were NOT on voter rolls on Nov. 7 but WERE on the rolls on Dec. 4, and were marked VOTED on Nov. 3. Biden won Arizona by less than 11,000 votes.

● Last week, The Gateway Pundit reported that a 2020 election audit team discovered that a large number of paper ballots in Maricopa County were printed on the wrong weight of paper stock. As revealed in this audit hearing video, an official Maricopa County newsletter states that its paper ballots are printed on a thick, specially-coated “VoteSecure” paper that prevents bleed-through of ink from pens used to mark voting selections. The audit team determined that 168,000 ‘ballot on demand’ ballots—most of which were cast on Election Day—were printed on a thin paper stock that allowed bleed-through, and were not in proper printing alignment.

● The Gateway Pundit also reported that the audit team found 74,000 ballots that were received and counted, but have NO RECORD of ever having been mailed out.


● On July 13, Tucker Carlson reported a break-in at a 24/7 law enforcement-protected warehouse containing 140,000 Fulton County election ballots: “Depending on who you ask, the building contains evidence that either confirms of refutes the claim that voter fraud affected the outcome of the 2020 election in Georgia.” The break-in occurred shortly after deputies of the Democrat-controlled Fulton County Sheriff’s Department inexplicably left their posts. Who is responsible for the break-in and what did they take?

● According to Carlson’s report, numerous falsified audit tally sheets containing fabricated vote totals were found:

“A batch containing 59 actual ballot images for Joe Biden and 42 for Donald Trump was reported as 100 for Biden and zero for Trump. Seven batches of ballot images with 554 votes for Biden, 140 votes for Trump and 11 for Jo Jorgensen had falsified tally sheets that showed 850 votes for Biden, zero for Trump and zero for Jorgensen.”

● Are the stunning claims in Carlson’s report credible? You can decide for yourself by watching it, which I strongly encourage.

Finally, there are many documented instances where small groups of dishonorable Republicans have conspired to commit voter fraud. But to the best of my knowledge, there is nothing even remotely close to the nationwide Democrat Party election fraud operation cited in the first section of my recent Blue State Conservative article “Why I Will Bet Everything I Own That The 2020 Election Was Rigged.” The explosive information in that section is so shocking that it’s repeated below for the reader’s convenience.

Three weeks prior to the 2016 election, investigative journalist James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas released video in which high level Democrat operatives bragged about running a nationwide voter fraud operation financed by the DNC and the Clinton campaign:

  • “We’ve been busing in people [illegal voters] for 50 years and we’re not going to stop now.”
  • ”[We know] this is illegal.”
  • “I think backward from how they would prosecute us, and then try to build out a method to avoid [getting caught].” 
  • “We implement the plan across every Republican-held state.”
  • ”[Our operation] causes massive changes in state legislatures and Congress.”
  • “Hillary knows what’s going on.”

One of the DNC operatives caught in the Project Veritas sting is a longtime Democrat named Bob Creamer. Found guilty in 2005 of tax violations and bank fraud, Creamer is no fringe player in Democratic Party politics. According to the Daily Caller News Foundation, official visitor logs show the convicted felon visited the Obama White House 342 times, including 47 personal meetings with President Obama.  

Although Creamer was forced to resign in disgrace, the Democrat dirty tricks operative was honored with a front row seat at President Obama’s Farewell Address in January 2017. Click here to see an NBC News screengrab of Creamer and his wife seated directly in front of the podium where President Obama spoke. In the Democratic Party, involvement in a nationwide voter fraud operation is worthy of being awarded the most coveted seat in the house. To think that Democrats didn’t use every dirty trick in the book to rig the 2020 election defies logic.

©John Eidson. All rights reserved

Jen Psaki Banned From Social Media For Spreading Misinformation

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Biden administration has decided to crack down hard on those who spread covid misinformation on social media. Because of this, Press Secretary Jen Psaki has been promptly and permanently removed from all social media platforms.

“We take this ban very seriously,” a Biden official said. “Ol’ Jen had an enormous reach online, and our system received so many notifications of misinformation by her that she was automatically removed.”

Psaki now has a lifetime ban on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TiKTok, and even lower traffic sites such as AOL Instant Messenger.  The social media ban is as thorough as it is severe in hopes of teaching others a lesson about spreading misinformation.

Many people were surprised to see the government ban the press secretary, but it seems that even they were fooled by the onslaught of misinformation. They just regret that they didn’t see it and ban her sooner.

“Our algorithms confirmed that Jen Psaki spreads more misinformation in one press conference than most other people do in their entire lives,” said Mark Zuckerberg after he confirmed Facebook would permanently be removing her from the social network. “We expected it to just get far-right QAnon crazies, but the algorithm doesn’t lie. All hail the algorithm!”

“All hail the algorithm!” chanted his army of Facebook interns standing dutifully nearby.


President Xi Getting Pretty Jealous Of Biden Administration’s Ability To Censor Speech On Social Media

Satan Confirms Hell Only Serves Pepsi Products

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Facebook Introduces New ‘Report Post To The White House’ Button

MENLO PARK, CA—As part of an attempt to slow the spread of misinformation on its platform, Facebook has introduced a new “report post to the White House” button.

The feature allows you to flag posts for the Biden administration to review for misinformation. Handy for opinions you disagree with, comments critical of the government, and any expressions of freedom or other anti-government sentiments, the button will instantly cause any post to be reviewed by the current administration. Biden staffers can then check whether or not the post violates its standards of truth and flag the user for further monitoring by the government.

“We applaud Facebook, our new fourth branch of government, for taking these steps,” said Jen Psaki. “This will go a long way to helping us suppress information we find displeasing.”

Those who get flagged multiple times will be candidates for reeducation in Biden’s Gulags for Spreaders of Misinformation or a reduced “social credit score.”


ALARMING COVID SURGE: Cases Double From 2 To 4 In Just One Week

Scientists Warn That Within 6 Months Humanity Will Run Out Of Things To Call Racist

Jen Psaki Banned From Social Media For Spreading Misinformation

To Avoid 1st Amendment Concerns, Biden Administration Announces They Will Let Facebook Run The Gulags

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Maxine Wants Prosecutions: ‘We Must Not Allow Trump to Win’

Sunday on CNN, anti-Trump hysteric Rep. Maxine Waters decried Republicans and former President Trump for purportedly posing a threat to minority voting rights.

“This is a dangerous time for our democracy,” Waters correctly pointed out, but not for the reason she then explained. “This is a dangerous time because Trump, who served as the president of the United States for four years, has basically led this country to a point where he’s got believers and supporters who thinks that he is the president and he should be the president. And somehow, it’s been stolen and it’s got to be taken back.”

It is a dangerous time for democracy, because Waters’ party stole the presidential election through demonstrable, massive voter fraud. We know it, and they know it, so they must pretend that investigations into the election fraud are threats to democracy.

“As a matter of fact, on my way to the christening of the John Lewis Navy Ship, on that road leading into where the ships are being, you know, made, there were signs, big signs, on the street held by, you know, some of these men who support Trump,” Waters fretted. “One sign said that Trump is the president. And is the president. And then, another sign touted the Proud Boys and saying that they were good people and that they had not done anything wrong.”

The Proud Boys, an organization of diverse patriots, hasn’t done anything wrong except stand up to the left’s shock troops like Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM).

“But in the final analysis, our attorneys generals [sic], whether they’re in New York or in Georgia, they’ve got to go after him about how he’s cheated, you know, on his taxes. How his family has taken advantage of having a non-profit that they use like it was their own money. On and on and on.”

What does any of this have to do with election fraud? Nothing. She’s desperate to nail Trump on something, but

“One way or the other, we’ve got to stop Trump and his allies. It’s more than undermining our democracy. They’re dangerous and they’re out to do harm,” Waters continued ludicrously. “And so, we’re in a bad time in this country, trying to manage all of this. But we must manage it. We must protect our democracy. We must not allow Trump to win.”

Waters and the Democrats are terrified that Trump and his supporters will win, because they are a threat to the left’s lust for power.

Maxine Waters

167 Known Connections

Denouncing the Declaration of Independence

In a July 4, 2021 tweet, Waters suggested that the Declaration of Independence was a racist document because it was written at a time when slavery was practiced in the United States. She wrote: “July 4th… & so, the Declaration of Independence says all men are created equal. Equal to what? What men? Only white men? Isn’t it something that they wrote this in 1776 when African Americans were enslaved? They weren’t thinking about us then, but we’re thinking about us now!”

To learn more about Maxine Waters, click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

What She Didn’t Say: WCC Church Sends Members To Sabotage Israel

Islam is a totalitarian ideology, its laws believed to be the literal word of Allah and, therefore, immutable in every respect through eternity. Their adherents are under obligation to “rule the entire world and submit all of mankind to the faith of Islam. Any nation or power that gets in the way of that goal, Islam will fight and destroy.”  Among the many methods of warfare is lying.  War is deceit, Allah is the “master of all scheming,” and deception has become an artform in Islam. Further, because lying is permissible in Islam, lies are not discernible because the deceiver bears no conscious guilt.

Although it is true that deception within Islam is subtle and sophisticated, it is only effective on willing subjects, those who already have a root of bitterness toward Israel, the Jews and/or Western civilization.  Islam serves to formulate their contempt and justify it.

With this as background, an internet acquaintance sent an Israeli video to a friend who had taken a Holy Land tour years before.  The friend replied she had been to the West Bank (ancient Israel’s Judea and Samaria) and had “nothing but contempt for Israel.” Her statements are presented in bold face, and I will provide the backstory – what she didn’t say.

“We went to a Christian Palestinian school and heard how the Israeli soldiers terrorized the school children.  The IDF constantly goes into the West Bank to arrest and terrorize Palestinians, especially the young children.”

She was already deceived.  What she didn’t say was why soldiers would spend their time entering the area to arrest children.  Does she choose to be oblivious of the many countries that use their children in armed conflict, 14 noted, 7 in Africa.  Closer to home,  America’s left is using our school children against our country, and encouraging groups like BLM and Antifa to burn cities and harm our protective forces, the police.  Children do commit crimes worthy of arrest, in the West Bank and worldwide, and those not arrested in America may be our own undoing.

In Islam, the entire family unit is compelled to further the cause of Allah and the Palestinians are notorious for putting their women and children in harm’s way, at rocket launches or on roofs of building where explosives are stored, so that their deaths, whether self-inflicted or caused by retaliatory fire, will increase the casualty count for world pity. Older children are used to discharge ignited kites and incendiary balloons over Israel, while smaller children are placed on road embankments with a supply of rocks to throw at passing cars, often causing crashes and death.  They are also used in tunnel construction, expendable should the tunnels collapse. The children are raised without interests in reading, music, or Little League games, but with an obsession for Mohammed’s 1400-year war against the Jews, willing to accept martyrdom should they go up in smoke.

The silence of the Christian schools and of the World Council of Churches (WCC) amounts to complicity in the ruination of the Palestinians’ children and the murder of Israeli’s.

The friend attached a film that showed the IDF handling themselves in exemplary fashion, with one speaking calmly to the five-year-old boy, not harassing or brandishing weapons, while the other five or six were standing at a distance, unmenacingly, not looming over the child.  Questioning is not harassment, and the boy was holding the hand of another, in his late teens, perhaps an older brother.  Of course, the child is frightened because he did something wrong, but had he been terrified, he’d have tried to hide behind his brother.  He may have caused a fatal crash and knew he was being reprimanded – or feared worse, depending upon the lies that permeate their culture.  There is no doubt that the soldier would be stern to make him understand that he’d caused irreparable harm, perhaps killed a child like himself.  He was escorted to the IDF car calmly with his brother, presumably heading for headquarters.  Although he would be lectured about right and wrong, there is no doubt that he would be given a chocolate bar.

The IDF take their representation of Israel very seriously and see themselves as goodwill ambassadors. The Israeli soldier understands that this could be the difference between a child who recalls a reasonable outcome or one who will seek jihadi revenge.  Research shows that there is a total disconnect between the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) accusations against Israel and the reality on the ground.

“The Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI) is now present in the small village of Yanoun,” wrote the person with contempt for Israel, implying that their presence was necessary to keep an eye on Israeli abuse.

What she didn’t say is that Yanoun is one of many Bedouin encampments, often with camels, that settle illegally on Israeli land that is impermissible to all because it lacks infrastructure – electricity, sewage, water, health and welfare services.  America has many areas not zoned for housing, and all sovereign countries are justified in granting or withholding building rights.  The Israel High Court approved the order to demolish the village, according to laws that apply to all, and Israel usually offers alternative housing to the nomads, but they refuse.  The EAPPI, founded by the World Council of Churches, has been maintaining a round-the-clock presence in Yanoun since 2003, working with the Palestinians against Israeli law.  They maintain an antisemitic, adversarial position toward the State of Israel, which includes lying about a mismanaged, Palestinian-caused water shortage.  They appear to be trained in Islamic lies.

One frequent accusation is that the IDF soldiers rape Arab women, a familiar act of violence by Arab men worldwide – again, this is projection.  It is documented that one anti-Israel activist, a professor, asked an Israeli soldier if he knew how many Palestinian women were raped by IDF forces.  The soldier replied, “none,” as far as he knew.  She triumphantly responded that he was right, because, she said, ‘You IDF soldiers don’t rape Palestinians because Israelis are so racist and disgusted by them that you won’t touch them.’”

“Jewish people have come into Yanoun and burned down their olive trees.  The people have been so terrorized that there are only about 50 Palestinians left,” she continued.

What she didn’t say is why Israelis raze certain homes and destroy trees.  Families of murderous terrorists lived in those homes and constructed terror tunnels under the groves to penetrate Jewish villages and murder the residents.  This is an all-too-familiar theme in Palestinian children’s propaganda stories.  Any destruction, therefore, becomes necessary as security as well as a means of punishment and deterrence.

According to Regulation 119 of the Defense (Emergency) Regulations that Israel inherited from the British Mandate (1947), the military commander may order the destruction of any house, structure or land suspected of being the source of “any firearm fired illegally, bomb or hand grenade or any explosive thrown, blown up or detonated.”  Did no one tell the woman that immediately after the Six-Day War, Israel offered to negotiate land for peace with Jordan, Syria, and Egypt, but was refused each time?  Israel did not want the responsibility of administration over the area, but while it was thrust upon her, she improved infrastructure, schooling and life expectancy for the Palestinians.  Nevertheless, Israel began the destruction of terrorists’ homes after the first Intifada of violent riots (1967).  By 1994, Israel began turning over administration to the Palestinian Authority.

“We went to a Christian Palestinian school . . .,” she said, and spoke negatively.

What she didn’t say is that the ecumenical accompaniers serve the World Council of Churches (WCC) in Palestinian areas.  They report of soldiers who search teachers, harass residents, and close the schools, but never reveal the causes – the Palestinians’ daily violence, tear gas and riots.  Apparently, it breaks the hearts of those reporting that Palestinian children are escorted in and out of their communities, but there is no comparable sympathy for Israeli children escorted in and out of their shelters or hospitals after the Palestinians explode their weapons or themselves in a crowd.

EAPPI fears for the West Bank children who are harassed, but not for the Israeli children who are blown up in school buses by Palestinian terrorists, or for such as the three Israeli teenagers who were kidnapped on June 12, 2014, and killed, their  bodies found in the West Bank field on June 30, 2014 – and other similar events.

The WCC, which trains volunteers to promote boycotts of Israel and engage in antisemitic rhetoric, is funded by several Western governments, the EU, and the UN.  Their EAPPI program, which consists of 350 member churches in 110 countries and 500 million Christians worldwide, has been in place for 15 years, with a stated mission of “Christian unity,” which shamefully includes anti-Israel advocacy.  Their activism has explicit antisemitic overtones, as they have repeatedly compared Israel to Nazi Germany, accused Israel of apartheidism, and continue to instigate a broad-based boycott, divestment and (total) sanctions (BDS) on Israel.  Their numerous lies and accusations include blaming Israel for planting knives in Palestinians who were shot after attempting to stab Israelis, and for attempting Palestinian depopulation.  While the WCC claims not to “countenance” Israel with Nazi Germany, they do not discourage their representatives’ denunciations, and continue to favor boycott products of Jewish “settlements.”

This warrants an additional note about “settlements.”  The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), adopted by the UN General Assembly on September 13, 2007, by a majority of 144 states in favor, 4 votes against, and 11 abstentions, recognized that indigenous people (also known as first people, aboriginal people or native people) have the right to the lands, territories and resources, which they have traditionally owned, occupied or otherwise used or acquired and that the exercise of these rights shall be free from discrimination of any kind.  According to international law, the Jews are the indigenous people of the lands referred to as Judea, Samaria, Palestine, Israel, and the Holy Land, and therefore fulfill the criteria required by international law. The Jews are the original ethnic group that settled Judea and Samaria 3,500 years ago, when the land was bestowed upon the Jews by the Almighty.  Statements to the contrary are political, not legal.

What she didn’t say was that the Arabs from the neighboring states, who now call themselves Palestinians, are the invaders, interlopers, and aspiring conquerors, and the WCC is a blight on America for not supporting one of America’s most dedicated allies.

One final word about the woman who has “nothing but contempt for Israel.”  We would give her the benefit of the doubt to suggest that she doesn’t know the facts, but the reality is more likely that she visited the West Bank under the auspices of the WCC in support of their anti-Israel agenda.  Once ripe for deception, she is now a zealous missionary of outright lies and half-truths.

©Tabitha Korol. All rights reserved.

Patricia Crone: ‘There is no doubt that Mohammed existed.’ Here’s why she’s wrong.

People who disagree with the historical investigations discussed in Did Muhammad Exist? have not infrequently sent me this 2008 article by Patricia Crone (who died in 2015), who was one of the pioneering scholars of historical revisionism regarding the standard account of Muhammad’s life, and yet in this article seems to retreat from her previous views and accept the canonical Islamic depiction of Muhammad and Islam’s origins. Since Crone appears to present a formidable case against the points raised in Did Muhammad Exist?, it seemed prudent to me to answer them. Here is the first part of her article, followed by my response. More to come.

Order the new revised and expanded version of Did Muhammad Exist? here.

What do we actually know about Mohammed?

by Patricia Crone, Open Democracy, June 10, 2008:

It is notoriously difficult to know anything for sure about the founder of a world religion. Just as one shrine after the other obliterates the contours of the localities in which he was active, so one doctrine after another reshapes him as a figure for veneration and imitation for a vast number of people in times and places that he never knew.

In the case of Mohammed, Muslim literary sources for his life only begin around 750-800 CE (common era), some four to five generations after his death, and few Islamicists (specialists in the history and study of Islam) these days assume them to be straightforward historical accounts. For all that, we probably know more about Mohammed than we do about Jesus (let alone Moses or the Buddha), and we certainly have the potential to know a great deal more.

There is no doubt that Mohammed existed, occasional attempts to deny it notwithstanding. His neighbours in Byzantine Syria got to hear of him within two years of his death at the latest; a Greek text written during the Arab invasion of Syria between 632 and 634 mentions that “a false prophet has appeared among the Saracens” and dismisses him as an impostor on the ground that prophets do not come “with sword and chariot”. It thus conveys the impression that he was actually leading the invasions.

Mohammed’s death is normally placed in 632, but the possibility that it should be placed two or three years later cannot be completely excluded. The Muslim calendar was instituted after Mohammed’s death, with a starting-point of his emigration (hijra) to Medina (then Yathrib) ten years earlier. Some Muslims, however, seem to have correlated this point of origin with the year which came to span 624-5 in the Gregorian calendar rather than the canonical year of 622.

If such a revised date is accurate, the evidence of the Greek text would mean that Mohammed is the only founder of a world religion who is attested in a contemporary source. But in any case, this source gives us pretty irrefutable evidence that he was an historical figure. Moreover, an Armenian document probably written shortly after 661 identifies him by name and gives a recognisable account of his monotheist preaching….

To say that “in the case of Mohammed, Muslim literary sources for his life only begin around 750-800 CE (common era), some four to five generations after his death” is to drastically overstate the case. There are Islamic accounts of early historians of Muhammad such as Urwa ibn al-Zubayr (who died in 712) and Ibn Shihab al-Zuhri (who died in 741). Some Western historians, notably Gregor Schoeler, take this as evidence that material attributed to them is trustworthy and goes back to people who actually knew and interacted with Muhammad. The problem with this is that we actually don’t have the writings of either man; we only have ninth-century traditions that are attributed to them. There is no possible guarantee that material attributed to them did not undergo legendary elaboration in the intervening period.

As for the claim that “we probably know more about Mohammed than we do about Jesus,” there is virtually no doubt that the four Gospels date from the first century, that is, within 60 to 70 years of the life of Jesus. Within 60 to 70 years of the life of Muhammad, we have nothing about him except a few bare mentions of the name, which may not actually refer to him at all.

It is likewise false that Muhammad’s “neighbours in Byzantine Syria got to hear of him within two years of his death at the latest; a Greek text written during the Arab invasion of Syria between 632 and 634 mentions that ‘a false prophet has appeared among the Saracens’ and dismisses him as an impostor on the ground that prophets do not come ‘with sword and chariot.’” Crone here is referring to the Doctrina Jacobi, which speaks of an unnamed Arab prophet. One thing that can be established from this document is that the Arabian invaders who conquered Palestine in 635 (the “Saracens”) came bearing news of a new prophet, one who was “armed with a sword.” But in the Doctrina Jacobi this unnamed prophet is still alive, traveling with his armies, whereas Muhammad is supposed to have died in 632. What’s more, this Saracen prophet, rather than proclaiming that he was Allah’s last prophet (cf. Qur’an 33:40), was “proclaiming the advent of the anointed one, the Christ who was to come.” This was a reference to an expected Jewish Messiah, not to the Jesus Christ of Christianity (“Christ” is “Messiah” in Greek).

The Doctrina Jacobi could still be referring to Muhammad. Or it could be referring to a figure whose stories were incorporated into the Muhammad legend. The fact that the details of this unnamed prophet don’t coincide with what Islamic tradition says about Muhammad strongly suggests that it would be hasty to assume that a one-to-one identity between the Saracen prophet and Muhammad. If Muhammad existed and the stories about him recorded in the ninth-century hadiths were circulating in the 630s, why did the Doctrina Jacobi get it all wrong? Maybe he was just stupid, or ill-informed; or maybe many traditions were circulating, some of which became part of the Muhammad legend, and some did not.

The “Armenian document probably written shortly after 661” is a chronicle attributed to the Armenian bishop Sebeos. It portrays a “Mahmet” as a merchant and preacher from among the Ishmaelites who taught his followers to worship the only true God, the God of Abraham. So far, so good: that sounds exactly like the prophet of Islam. But other elements of Sebeos’s account have no trace in Islamic tradition. It depicts “Mahmet” as insisting on the Jews’ right to the Holy Land—in the context of claiming that land for the Ishmaelites, acting in conjunction with the Jews. Many elements in Islamic tradition do show Muhammad proclaiming himself a prophet in the line of the Jewish prophets and enjoining various observances adapted from Jewish law upon his new community. He even originally had the Muslims praying toward the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, before the revelation came from Allah that they should face Mecca instead. It is odd, however, that this account gives no hint of any of the antagonism toward the Jews that came to characterize Muhammad and the Muslims’ posture toward them; the Qur’an characterizes Jews as the worst enemies of the Muslims (5:82).

Sebeos’s account is also wildly unhistorical. There is no record of twelve thousand Jews partnering with Arabians to invade Byzantine holdings, as he describes. And from Sebeos’s account, one gets the impression that as late as the 660s, the Muslims and the Jews were spiritual kin and political allies. This doesn’t correspond to anything in Islamic tradition or the conventional account, and the divergence suggests that Sebeos was writing about traditions that differed from those that coalesced into the canonical Islamic story. If Muhammad were a historical figure who said and did the things the Hadith depict him saying and doing, this divergence becomes hard to explain: either Sebeos had a wildly inaccurate view of those he was writing about, or the codification of Islamic tradition came later.

Find out more in Did Muhammad Exist?.


Islamic Reformer Claims ‘Islamism’ Arose Only with Afghan War, Dodges Question About Quran’s Violent Passages

Greece: ‘Islamic Police’ enforce Sharia rules in the center of Athens, ‘terrorize’ people

Uganda: Muslim converts to Christianity, his brother attacks him with a machete

UK: Mosque leader tells children ‘jihad is compulsory’ while making stabbing motions

UK: Muslim brandishing toy gun and screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ kicks in doors of London bank

Israel: Islamic party says Temple Mount is ‘solely the property of Muslims, and no one else has any right to it’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Social media and the fourth deadly sin

Modern life seems to be inextricably tied to certain classic sins in a way that defeats their separation.

In case you’re wondering, the fourth deadly sin in the classical lists of seven sins is envy. Sociologist Anne Hendershott has written a whole book about it—The Politics of Envy—and the editors of the Spring 2021 issue of The Human Life Review excerpted part of a chapter that shows how social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram leverage this particular deadly sin to their advantage.

But not always to the advantage of the users, it turns out.

First, let’s distinguish between envy and jealousy. Although the two words are now used almost interchangeably, envy originally meant the feeling of resentment or anguish one person has when faced with another person’s superior possessions or characteristics. Envy requires a specific person to be envied, while a jealous husband, for instance, may not be worried about any particular other man interested in his wife—he’s just suspicious of all of them.

Hendershott points out that while envy has always been a part of the human condition, in times past it was limited to people you knew or knew about. But in the digital age, there are as many targets of potential envy as there are people on Facebook, and the opportunities for envy are multiplied indefinitely.

Covetousness is related to envy, but in addition has the honour to be prohibited explicitly by God in Commandment No. 10 (or 9 if you’re Catholic). Advertisers have been exploiting covetousness for centuries, but until recently they had to do the tedious work of creating an artificially attractive and enviable portrayal for each ad: “Here’s this good-looking guy who just got the gal, and if you used his kind of toothpaste you could be where he is now.”

But with social media, all the Facebook techies have to do now is provide the proper tools, and people will naturally put their best faces forward in what Hendershott calls the “highlight-reel” version of themselves: the best-looking picture taken at the party, the most expensive vacation setting, etc.

And envy is a strong motivator for certain other kinds of people to go and look at the enviable types, eat their hearts out, and in so doing add advertising revenue to the coffers of big tech.

What does envy do to the envious?

One would not expect a lot of positive effects, and several studies bear this out. Hendershott says that a 2015 study carried out by a Denmark organization called the Happiness Research Institute found that people who take a break from social media report being happier.

Apart from studies that show a general inverse correlation between social-media use and happiness, another study of Danish teenagers found no strong correlation between the hours of social-media use and happiness. Digging deeper, the researchers did find that the way social media was used did influence happiness.

When they divided the users into active ones who posted a lot of material themselves, and passive ones who just poked around viewing the postings of others, then a big difference showed up. The active users tended to be happier than the passive ones who just looked at friends’ pages without posting much of their own lives.

Certain aspects of modern life seem to be inextricably tied to certain classic sins in a way that defeats their separation. Where would modern capitalism be without greed, for instance? Or advertising without covetousness? Does this mean we simply have to shrug our shoulders and accept the harm caused by media-induced sin? Or could something be done about it?

Just in the last week or so, I have read in different places some proposals to regulate social media, or at least the artificial-intelligence algorithms that are used to train users to be more reliable and complacent consumers of targeted advertising. And I have also read strong arguments against such regulation, based mainly on the idea that any regulation of social-media content beyond what the private platform operators do themselves violates the First Amendment’s protection of free speech.

But when someone makes a one-to-one correspondence between, say, Patrick Henry making a speech before a crowd of fellow Virginians in 1774, and Cristiano Ronaldo, a professional Portuguese athlete who plays “football” (soccer in the US) and is currently, according to Wikipedia. the most-followed person on Facebook today with 149 million followers, I’d say we’re definitely in apples-and-oranges territory, or maybe even apples and geodes.

What the comparison leaves out is the incredibly sophisticated AI-based machinery that Facebook and company use to train and otherwise manipulate both followers and leaders in modern social media—machinery that was entirely absent in the days before the internet and electronic media in general.

The comparison that makes more sense to me is one between what the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does today and what might be done by a similar governmental entity in the future. The FDA came about largely because the sophisticated chemical adulterants used by manufacturers in the early 1900s were not something that your average consumer was even aware of, let alone could defend himself against. So the FDA was charged with using the same advanced chemical and biological science available to the manufacturers to make sure that the foods and drugs sold to the public were not harmful, using a negotiated and agreed-on definition of harm.

It seems to me that given enough political good will (always a scarce commodity, but especially so today), we could define objective levels of psychological harm: depression, anxiety, even rates of suicide. And we might be able to determine to what extent these conditions were attributable, not simply to the user posts on social media, but the sophisticated methods used to heighten their impact on certain people who are thereby harmed.

And then we could go in and say to the tech companies, “This set of algorithms is okay, but that set is off-limits, because it leads to X suicides, Y instances of depression, Z cases of porn-induced erectile dysfunction, etc.”

In order to do any good, the regulatory agency would have to have a cadre of sophisticated techie types just as smart as the ones the private companies have, and that might be hard. But only such types can see through the opaque fog of algorithms to tell what’s going on, and which ones are harmful.

Republished with permission from Engineering Ethics.


Karl D. Stephan

Karl D. Stephan received the B. S. in Engineering from the California Institute of Technology in 1976. Following a year of graduate study at Cornell, he received the Master of Engineering degree in 1977… More by Karl D. Stephan

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Bill Gates, China and COVID-19

“A Thorough Knowledge Of The Bible, Is More Valuable Than A College Education!” – 26th U.S. President, Theodore Roosevelt.

Today’s blog comes from a friend of mine, Pastor Bob Brown, who runs an organization called One Nation Under God. Some of you will remember him from our huge “Save America Foundation” event in Tampa. A great speaker and truly good man. His site has many great articles but this one hit me and I knew you, my informed readers, will want to read it to. I will put all links and credits at the end but ask you share from this blog.


The Corona Virus, COVID-19, was Patented in 2006, under U.S. Patent # 2006257852,
called “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome ” (S.A.R.S. is also called a Corona Virus), which is owned by GlaxoSmithKline, a major vaccine manufacturer.

There is also an European patent on this same virus, and its vaccine; Patents # EP3172319A1 & B1, applied for in November 2014, and granted in November 2019 – just ONE MONTH before the debut of the COVID-19 outbreak.

The Chinese Military and Communist Party ONLY further manipulated this VERY SAME Corona Virus, to allow its transmission to humans (SOMETHING THAT IS ILLEGAL, AND ALSO MAKES IT A BIOLOGICAL WEAPON)! Using a Biological Weapon against the world, politically correct verbiage aside; IS AN ACT OF WAR – Regardless of whether or not your politicians have the moral courage to DECLARE that SO in public!!!

The European patents for this virus, are owned by the Pirbright Institute (which is owned by Bill and Melinda Gates, who have been Very Publicly Telling Us that they seek to MANDATE, and then to Vaccinate, The ENTIRE WORLD with “THEIR” vaccines)!!! Only AFTER worldwide Vaccination is complete, does self-appointed World Emperor, Bill Gates think that it would be ok to go back to planet normal!!!

Is this HOW Almighty God Intends for us to deal with, and to Treat – Diseases, Plagues, and Sickness? Read our Bible Study on “Divine Healing, and The Laying On Of Hands”, at for WHAT Almighty God SAYS about Healing and Curing Sickness and Disease!

Note: Most flu vaccines increase the risk of getting the Flu by 36%, according to a recent U.S. Army Study on vaccinated servicemen (if in fact the vaccines did not “GIVE” the 36% percent of our troops the Flu, tested in this Study)!

Remember they stopped giving the Polio vaccine because it was determined that the vaccines were actually transmitting the disease (Vaccine Induced Polio) to the Non-Vaccinated public, instead of curing it!!!

In other words, Vaccinated people were having a genetic reversal occur of the pathogen in their  bodies, and were actually excreting a viral form of the pathogen to non-Vaccinated people around them!!!

In medical terms: The vaccine-derived attenuated virus is normally excreted from vaccinated  people for a limited period; thus, the spontaneous reversal of the vaccine-derived virus to a virulent form and its spreading in the environment, can lead to unvaccinated people becoming infected!!!

Shockingly, in 1960, rhesus monkey kidney cells were used to prepare  the Polio Virus vaccines, which were then later determined to be infected  with the Simian Virus-40 (or SV40), which is a naturally occurring virus that infects monkeys. In 1961, SV40 was found to cause tumors in  rodents!!! More recently, the virus was found in certain forms of cancer  in humans (brain, bone tissue, pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma, and  some types of non- Hodgkin’s lymphoma)!!! Hundreds and Hundreds of Millions of people have been Inoculated and Vaccinated with “Animal DNA” over the last 70 years!!!

What does God Think and Say about those who Defy His Natural Order? READ Romans 1:18-32!!!

Back to the 19th Chinese Originated Viral Infectious Disease (or COVID-19):

COVID-19 only infects humans, because like our previously discussed polio vaccines, they have been genetically manipulated, in laboratories – ON PURPOSE – to specifically infect humans!!! WHY would humans want to infect other humans? Because these “Scientists and Doctors” are Following Satan instead of Almighty God (John 10:10 / Romans 1:18-32 /  Exodus 15:26 / Psalm 91:1-16)!!!

There are some very Wealthy, but very EVIL people, that want to Kill and Control MOST of the people on this earth!!!

So let’s indulge in a fantasy for a moment, and imagine; If YOU were an Evil and Twisted Billionaire, with lots of Mad Scientists on your payroll, HOW would YOU control the ignorant and pathetic masses of people around you?

How To Control The World in Ten Easy Steps:

  1. Develop a virus that will run rampant like the seasonal flu, yet with minimal fatalities (about one third the deaths that annual flu strains cause).
  2. Obtain a patent on the virus, and for it’s vaccines, in European and in American patent offices. YOU now OWN the Disease and it’s CURE!!!
  3. Assist the Chinese Communist Party (The Second Largest Naval Military Powerhouse on the planet – after the U.S. Military and Navy; but without any of the moral scruples or “weak minded” religious views getting in the way), in the infiltration of American Universities, where bio-labs are working on your “patented” flu strains.
  4. Assist Chinese Communist Party Military Officers, acting undercover as  “Foreign Exchange Students”, to steal and transport your viruses back to Military Biological Weapons Labs in China, where they can be Manipulated with Bat DNA to make a simple and benign virus, now transmittable to human hosts!!!
  5. Have China release the viruses worldwide, once patent and vaccine manufacturing are in place; and then work extensively with your paid agents in The World Health Organization  (W.H.O), Center for Disease Control (C.D.C.), and in worldwide media outlets to “Hype” the disease way out of proportion, and well beyond its Actual and True casualty impact.
  6. Use allies in government offices, and in healthcare, to “cook the books”, and give financial incentives to those treating YOUR disease, and to direct resources and manpower at areas with “your false” inflated infection and fatality data.
  7. Shut Down and Control societies, businesses and manufacturing under the guise of a “Major Health Crises”; thus producing hoarding and artificial shortages of certain goods and services. 
  8. Limit individual rights and freedoms, use all available means to appeal to “Sensationalism” and to instill “Irrational FEAR” wherever and whenever possible. Promote the wearing of masks, so that people will “believe” that there is an invisible threat, EVERY time they SEE someone wearing a mask!!!
  9. Blame China as the “Bad Guy”; and when all Hope appears to be lost, Offer a viable, but “Untested”, VACCINE to the masses, using “Deemed Credible” Medical Experts; with the Promises of both Preventing  future outbreaks, and / or, of Substantially Reducing the symptoms and death rates during future and similar Pandemics. (NOTE: Vaccines given to “The Sheeple”, will be later discovered to have an unfortunate side effect: they will have STERILIZED 80-90 percent of school age children, worldwide (those with strong natural immunity), and have caused an Exponentially Greater fatality rate, than COVID viruses ever could). In Essence: Create an Artificial Crises, then Use FEAR to Mandate Worldwide  Vaccines; then after Financial Profits have been Realized – WAIT for Vaccines to Drastically Lower Western Society, and Developing Nations’ Population Levels – BOTH by short term attrition, through Vaccinated Caused Deaths (one year), and through Long Term Attrition, through Vaccinated Caused Sterility!!! Patience PAY$$$!!!
  10. Allow China to dominate Militarily, and Politically in the “Carefully Created Power  Vaccum”; acting as The New Powerhouse for a European Orchestrated and Controlled New World Order!!!

Call this fantasy, if you’d like. But there are some very rich and very powerful people, who are currently Very Drunk with the wine of this very particular fantasy (Revelation 18:3)!!!

Never forget that the W.H.O. has been accidentally “sterilizing” tribes in Africa, since the mid 1980’s (or  causing “insignificant research casualties, necessary for the greater good of Stabilizing the World’s Human Population at Sustainable Levels”)!!!

I’ll bet you that the people “tricked” and sometimes “forced” to take these vaccines in order to be “Exterminated in slow motion”, over one generation, don’t feel insignificant (Matthew  10:26-33 / Genesis 1:26-31)!!!

ALL men and women, and ALL boys and girls, are Precious in Almighty God’s Sight!!! Creating a Pandemic and a Vaccine, in order to MURDER Billions is of Satan, and NOT of  Almighty God or of His Son – Our SAVIOR (John 10:10)!!!

You can read about WHAT Almighty God has to Say, about this, and future “Pandemics”, in Two Great Bible Study Series:

  1. Jesus Christ’s Olivet Prophecy (Parts 1-4)
  2. The Beast of Revelation, and The King of The North (Parts 1-4)

Both are always available, at No Cost, at!!!

Prepare Yourself NOW!!!

We recommend staying Physically and Spiritually Healthy (See below for details on how to Biblically achieve both). Store up a reasonable amount of food, medicine, and supplies as a Prudent and Wise Ant (Proverbs 6:5-11). Contemplate how you could or might have to, withstand future food shortages, riots, looting, and forced inoculations, under your  national laws, under your current financial and employment status; and lastly, we ask you to realistically evaluate your safety and security infrastructure and contingency plans, for your current dwelling’s location.

The Biblical Answer to The Beginning of Sorrows (Matthew 24:1-51), is 90 percent Spiritual; but make NO MISTAKE, Jesus Showed us that it is also 10 percent Physical Preparation and ACTION (Matthew 13:41-43, 25:1-46)!!!

Learn HOW to Keep Alert, and HOW To Stay SAFE in the days, months, and years ahead – EXACTLY AS Jesus Christ Taught Us To DO!

In Jesus Christ’s Mighty Name,

Pastor Bob Brown

©All rights reserved.

Putting Covid Deaths Into Perspective!

350,000 deaths were attributed to COVID-19 here in America in 2020. Now, we all know this number was highly inflated for political and financial gain. Hospitals, cities, counties, states and many organizations benefitted from a Covid related death as opposed to say a Flu death! Shocking huh? Always follow the money! We all know medical professionals with stories of the corruption in reporting Covid and even crazy cases like here in Florida where a motorcyclist died in an accident and cause of death was listed as Coronavirus! Then the New York Nursing Home deaths, almost a deliberate act by their socialist leaders. We will never know the true number or even believe what we hear anymore.

Now, let’s agree that maybe 200,000 people, give or take a few, actually died due to Covid and nothing else. That means taking out those that were going to die like congestive heart failure patients etc. and those they lied about.

Now, let’s look at a statistic that plays directly off the tyrannical and oft times insane Covid era rules and regulations on movement etc..

93,000 people died of a drug overdose that same year, 2020. A 29% increase over 2019. This alone is a staggering number of deaths and the pathetic government policies obviously exasperated the number. People with addiction problems were locked down, unable to attend meetings, clinics, drug counselors and generally any help.

Heroin and fentanyl led the numbers where prescription painkillers once ruled. Fentanyl is a powerful opioid developed to treat terrible pain in patients suffering for instance cancer. This drug was named in 60% of the cases in 2020!

Suicides are an unknown as the CDC, in typical big government style, has not reported statistics for suicides in 2020. This is either on purpose so they can fudge the numbers or as I say, just typical big government laziness! The number being supplied however is just under 50,000. No breakdown on age, sex, race etc. is available yet.

42,060 people died in car accidents in 2020, an increase strangely enough of 7.2% over 2019. Guess the lockdowns didn’t help here either huh?

The final data on flu season in the States 2019/2020 was released by the CDC in April as Covid-19 continued to spread throughout the United States. Between October 1, 2019 and April 4, 2020, the flu resulted in:

  • 39 to 56 million illnesses
  • 410,000 to 740,000 hospitalizations
  • 24,000 to 62,000 deaths
  • 195 pediatric deaths.

( Not sure how they have such wide margins! )

My point here is that people die, 3,358,814 in the USA alone in 2020.

Now – the total number of deaths world wide attributed to Covid-19, ( and as I said earlier that number was greatly upwardly massaged to scare people and promote the leftist agenda ) according to the WHO is copied here below. Notice how they change the figure greatly as I mentioned. “On 30 January 2020 COVID-19 was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) with an official death toll of 171. By 31 December 2020, this figure stood at 1 813 188. Yet preliminary estimates suggest the total number of global deaths attributable to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 is at least 3 million, representing 1.2 million more deaths than officially reported.

So world wide deaths attributed falsely or not to the China Virus is less than the total number of deaths from multiple causes in America in 2020!

For this we ruined our strong economy, jobs, businesses, lives and removed freedoms, rights and liberties in a constant barrage of attacks on our constitution and our constitutional rights.

It is way past time here America to make a stand against the tyrannical government that seized power illegally in the 2020 election fraud cycle. It is time to say NO MORE! We are Americans and by very definition a free personage with liberties and choices. Some are God given, others a constitutional right. Defend them with a firm resolute mind or risk losing them forever.

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

10 Things That Are Worse Than The Civil War According To Joe Biden

The American Civil War was pretty bad, but there are a lot of things that have happened since then. Some of them are even worse than the Civil War. Just ask Joe Biden. Over his short presidency, he has already compared all ten of these things to the Civil War:

1. Republicans asking people to show ID at the polls – Literally just as bad as Gettysburg.

2. The Jan. 6 attack on the capitol, where millions died – Literally just as bad as Antietam.

3. His favorite ice cream shop being out of chocolate chocolate chip – Biden freaked out over this one, calling it “the worst attack on democracy since Lincoln was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald.”

4. Matlock getting canceled – Hoo boy, was he furious about this.

5. That one time a reporter asked him an actual question – The one time this happened in all of human history, he said it was “just like that Gettysburg thing.”

6. “You know, the thing!” – We aren’t sure what he was talking about here, but it was definitely worse than the Civil War.

7. Taco Bell discontinuing the Caramel Apple Empanada – OK, he’s got a point here.

8. Catholic priests denying him Communion for not believing Catholic things – A true outrage and definitely worse than the ACW.

9. When the world was destroyed in World War 3 back in February 2020 – You probably don’t even remember this war between us and Iran. Because you’re dead.

10. The New York Post reporting on his son’s laptop – Pickett’s Charge has nothing on this national tragedy.

Is Joe right about these? What things have happened in your life that are worse than the Civil War? Let us know in the comments!

RELATED POLITICAL SATIRE: Gettysburg Monuments To Be Replaced With Memorial To The Millions Killed By Voter ID Laws

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Gettysburg Monuments To Be Replaced With Memorial To The Millions Killed By Voter ID Laws

GETTYSBURG, PA—President Biden issued an executive order today instructing the National Park Service to begin tearing down all the monuments at Gettysburg National Military Park so they can be replaced with memorials to all the millions killed by Republican laws asking people to show ID to vote.

“These new voting laws are way more deadly than the Civil War ever was,” Biden said during a press conference announcing the new executive order. “We need to make sure we remember all those killed by Republicans’ murderous laws asking people to show ID and mail in their ballots in a reasonable timeframe.”

Monuments will include large marble renderings of polling places and ballot boxes. Plaques will invite visitors to the hallowed Voting Law Memorial National Park to reflect on the millions of people literally murdered by Republicans who want them to show a photo ID to confirm the person casting the vote is legally allowed to vote.

“This will be a sacred ground for future generations to reflect on how bad these laws are.”

One reporter questioned whether Biden’s math was accurate, since “it seems unlikely that these laws are as bad of an attack on democracy as the Civil War was,” but Biden snapped back, calling the reporter a “no-good, snot-nosed Pomeranian baby” and reminding him that he knows this is worse than the Civil War, since he has lived through both.


Popular New Ejection Porch Automatically Launches Vaccine Evangelists Into The Stratosphere

BLM Changes Name To ‘Black And Brown Lives Matter Unless They Are Being Oppressed By Communists’

Biden Warns Cubans Not To Come Here For Freedom As He Is Getting Rid Of That

Cuba Officially Promoted To ‘Not Real Communism’

Bad News: Teachers Are Teaching CRT. Good News: They’re Teaching It About As Well As They Teach Math

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Soviet Fascism’s Expansion in America

Ideology runs the world. The Obama legacy and his Global Program is much bigger than you think. It is a copy of Stalin’s project for a One World Socialist Government Under the Kremlin’s Rule—well-crafted and decorated with buzz words. A repetition of the design created by Stalin/Andropov and described by me for years. Their devoted disciple Vladimir Putin is promoting it today. Very little has changed in the world of ideology since Stalin/Andropov design—Russia and China are working together again. They are connected by an umbilical cord of the Ideology, and they are building, participating and developing a Global Spy Ring against America today …

The Chinese Covid-19 has brought enormous harm to the population of the globe-over 3 million deaths and millions of family’s much suffering. America lost 650 thousands of its citizens, more than we lost in WWI, WWII and the Cold War combined. Yet, the Chinese virus has brought even more surprises—our “superior technology” can’t find the origin of the virus for almost two years.  It is an infuriating story! All of that happened because we don’t know the Chinese Intel. Yes, we don’t know Chinese Intel, because we demonstrate no knowledge of Russia, her Intel, and the Socialist/Communist modus operandi.

Ideology Runs the World–Knowledge is Power

I realized that shortly after immigration to the U.S. when my English allowed me to learn politics in America. Leon Trotsky was right saying that “permanent revolution has its own art.” Yes, and the main part of this Art is the ideology and the Socialist/Communist modus operandi. Living half of my life in Soviet Russia, I felt the constant control and power of the ideology there. But only in America, by studying and researching the subject, while writing my books and columns, have I finally grasped the sinister and diabolic essence of the ideology and its modus operandi.

American pundits relentlessly assured us after the Cold War that we are a Superpower militarily and we had defeated Fascism and Communism. It is not completely correct. We defeated Nazi Germany by conquering it militarily, and we made Russian Socialist economy to collapse, but we have not crushed nor rooted out the ideology of Fascism or Communism. They are two sides of the same coin of a totalitarian regime and intellectually and cerebrally we have not been able to defeat them yet. American history of the last decade proves it—Fascism and Communism are well and very alive globally even in 2021 American politics. You can see their longevity in America and the world today, as I will try to analyze the platform they share…

We are quite well familiar with the ugly crimes committed by Nazi Germany. Americans saw the trenches full of corpses, and know about Doctor Mengele experimenting with children’s bodies and heard about the Nuremberg Trials. We are now in a deep discussion of Holocaust, the killing of 6 million Jews—a major feature of Nazi ideology—Anti-Semitism. Yet, we had no clue and know nothing about the crimes committed by Stalin’s Soviet Socialism, which I have renamed Soviet fascism. Russian writer Solzhenitsyn counted 60 million killed by Stalin, other researches have believed up to 80 million were killed and perished during Stalin’s Purges and Show Trials. Stalinism introduced to America a deep seated hatred, viciousness, and unprecedented venom of violence…

There is a direct line in the course and events from the current crises in America and Russia in the 20th century. There are two direct lines of the course and events from the current crises in America to Russia and China in 21st century. All of that, I have described in my books and columns during the last thirty-five years. But my books have been sabotaged and banned many times to prevent you from knowing the Truth. Despite the corruption of our media and the FBI, I have continued writing my columns, published in E-magazine by American patriot and retired military man—Dr. Rich Swier. My sincere gratitude to him for his love of America and courage…

Reading my column: From Uncle Joe #1 to Uncle Joe #2, March 8. 21, you will get the information nobody in America is talking about, the data of the Stalinist crimes in the 20th century directly connected to the events in the current America today. The invasion on our Southern border by the migrants and thousands of unaccompanied children is part of WWIII designed by Stalin/Andropov—a successful continuation of Stalinism in America. Don’t be surprised by the thousands of migrants from hundred countries, highly organized: they have reflect the KGB activity globally. Remember: Putin is weaponizing migration globally. When a man from American Space Program called China “our friendly adversary,” my jaw has dropped. America doesn’t know the enemy! America doesn’t understand who is creating the chaos and why there is a violent crime surge in the major cities of the country! The answer is clear to me…

Putin’s Socialist Revolution in America

Today in June 2021 America is ignorant of Putin’s Socialist revolution in America. The revolution is organized and proceeding in two directions: from the top by the President’s executive orders and from the bottom by an incredible violence in the states run by the Democrat party. Those who know the Russian history, her Intel and the Socialist/Communist modus operandi can see the repetition of the same attributes of the Russian Socialist Revolution 1917 in America—redistribution of money. Read my books and columns.

The narrative of the ‘virus escaping from the lab’ is laughable—nothing can escape from the military installation, run by an intelligent agency created by Stalin in the 20th century. Tell me about the event or something that has escaped Putin’s KGB? Both Putin’s KGB and the Chinese Intel have been built with a design, uniting the Military and Intel to work in tandem—the Intel is a para-military agency. The years after Stalin’s death had given both agencies the opportunity to greatly develop themselves technologically and otherwise, which they did.  If you know Russia, her Intel, and the Socialist/Communist modus operandi, you will recognize a common platform and agenda the two share.

To remember the arsenal of tools used by Socialist Charlatans in fighting Western civilization, I deliberately repeated their modus operandi: lies, deceit, and fraud, propaganda, symbols, and slogans, manipulations, provocations, intimidation threat, and violence… Watch the third Manchurian President, Biden. He can’t read a teleprompter, the text his staffers prepared for him. He is a total fraud and the Dems are building a cult of personality of a demented man the way they did it with Obama. People are in fear to ask them questions, like it was under Stalin in the Soviet Russia—nobody dared asking Stalin any questions…

Watch Biden’s administration and you will find this modus operandi, these tools are being used permanently to solidify Control and POWER. The Democrats are operating in the best traditions of Stalinism, deceiving, defrauding, and misleading you—misleading is a primary tool of Stalinism. Moreover, they operate in concert with Russia/Chinese Intel against the American interests… You witness them every day… Just look at this couple…

The Odd Couple: Dr. Fauci and Nancy Pelosi

While it seems that they are the odd couple, in fact, they are not. In respect to Dr. Fauci, he is definitely a working contradiction and he is in trouble. Republicans suspect him acting against the American interests and raising the need for investigation, they are ramping up calls for Dr. Fauci to resign. Some in the American gov. and medical elite want to prevent the investigation of coronavirus origins, because it will open a can of worms: They want the lab probe and Investigation of COVID origins to disappear. Who is behind COVID origins cover-up? You can answer the question knowing Russia, her Intel, and the Socialist/Communist modus operandi… I believe that COVID-19 was deliberately engineered to kill. Read my column 12.21.20 Russian/Chinese Intel: Carousel and COVID-19 in America

I am not a scientist and am approaching the issue from the stand point of national security risk. As a matter of fact, I didn’t like Dr. Fauci in the beginning, when I found out that he has a long-term relationship with the W.H.O. Director General Tedros Ghebreyesus. This alliance had threaten me, because I knew who Tedros was and wrote about him, 10-15 years ago. History again plays a role, by presenting additional information and knowledge. Please remember: when you hear the word Oil—think Russia. The one of the major commodity for international trade in Russia is Oil. That is why Russia’s foreign policy and trade are intertwined:

In the beginning of the 1970s, Soviet/Russian expansion in the aquatoria of Gulf of Aden has started by initiating a civil war in Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Yemen to bring Socialism in those countries to secure the oil trade to the world. It was a continuation of Stalin’s WWIII in Africa with the same formula and practice: Recruitment, Infiltration, Drugs, and Assassinations. It was the time when Dr. Tedros was recruited, many other people from Somalia, Kenya, and Yemen had become KGB agents. Knowing the history of Soviet/Russia expansion and modus operandi could open many dead cases, never resolved in America. I would advise the FBI to check the ‘Squad,” Rep. Omar and her Somalian community…

Now I can answer why investigation of coronavirus origins “can open a can of worms.” I know what it means, writing about the real Russia Collusion with the Dems leadership, I was writing about it for the last thirty-five years, pursuing the Truth and my writings being sabotaged and banned many times. Yes, Russian Collusion is a fact in reality of America—a Collusion of Russia with the leadership of the Democrat Party.

Everything you have witnessed during the last five years was an attempt of Socialist Charlatans to cover-up their collusion in the best traditions of Stalinism to accuse Trump of the crime they had committed.… Remember Stalinist postulate: Never admit crime committed, instead accuse the opponent in this exact crime. I hope you grasped the crux of the story: collaboration with the Dem’s leaders made Americans the Ginny pigs by Putin’s social engineering of Socialism in America…

This cover-up continues today when Speaker Nancy Pelosi was rushing for 9/11 commission style–a farce for many reasons. But, it was also Pelosi’s attempt to start Stalinist Purges in America. The goal of the Jan. 6th commission is not intended to objectively investigate the case, rather politicize and criminalize the Republican Party, as Stalin had done with the leaders of the opposition. “It is a Travesty to compare an event on Capitol January 6, 2021 to attacks on 9/11, when more than 3 thousands children never saw their parents again. On Jan. 6, our Congress returned to work within hours.” Besides, the 9/11 commission failed miserably. Read here: From Uncle Joe #1 to Uncle Joe #2 March 8. 2021. The real insurrection happened much earlier, it was described by me in my columns. We still don’t know who killed Ashli Babette a supporter of Trump. I suspect it was done by the KGB agent to help Pelosi…

I also suspected Pelosi before that, when she executed the Trump Impeachment. I was stunned by her announcement of Impeachment in November 2019–she has stolen from American citizens our favorable festivity—Christmas celebration. Then, I didn’t know the reason of her hurrying to Impeach Trump in the very heart of the Christmas Season. I had no staff to investigate the reason. Later on, when Pandemic came, I got the reason of her behavior—she had known that the coronavirus was on its way to America. I don’t know who had informed her. It could be Erik Swalwell, who slept with the Chinese spy, or Dr. Fauci who was in a constant contact with the Chinese Communist Party. At any rate, our country is deeply infiltrated by its enemies, they are demonizing America and dividing us!

The Dems are waging a war against the First and Second Amendments. They want us to be silent and disarmed, like the people under Stalin and Hitler, where Purges and killings prevailed. There are other signs of Soviet fascism in in America: When crooks demand ransom you should know they are coming from “the Axis of Evil.” Read my column about “the Axis of Evil” under the Kremlin’s supervision. Soviet fascism has no race or ethnicity, it attacks the language of all targets and profanity reigns. There is no more Russian language of Pushkin or Chekhov—Russian language is now a jargon. Watch the English in America and you will notice the same changes. I had warned you about Putin playing Biden like a Stradivarius. You can see it in 2021–Soviet Fascism never sleeps…

My fellow Americans!

The fate of our unique and precious Constitutional republic, designed and left to us by our Founders is in peril! We the People Must save the republic for the next generations. Act accordingly!

The torch is yours!!!