Soviet Fascism’s Expansion in America

Ideology runs the world. The Obama legacy and his Global Program is much bigger than you think. It is a copy of Stalin’s project for a One World Socialist Government Under the Kremlin’s Rule—well-crafted and decorated with buzz words. A repetition of the design created by Stalin/Andropov and described by me for years. Their devoted disciple Vladimir Putin is promoting it today. Very little has changed in the world of ideology since Stalin/Andropov design—Russia and China are working together again. They are connected by an umbilical cord of the Ideology, and they are building, participating and developing a Global Spy Ring against America today …

The Chinese Covid-19 has brought enormous harm to the population of the globe-over 3 million deaths and millions of family’s much suffering. America lost 650 thousands of its citizens, more than we lost in WWI, WWII and the Cold War combined. Yet, the Chinese virus has brought even more surprises—our “superior technology” can’t find the origin of the virus for almost two years.  It is an infuriating story! All of that happened because we don’t know the Chinese Intel. Yes, we don’t know Chinese Intel, because we demonstrate no knowledge of Russia, her Intel, and the Socialist/Communist modus operandi.

Ideology Runs the World–Knowledge is Power

I realized that shortly after immigration to the U.S. when my English allowed me to learn politics in America. Leon Trotsky was right saying that “permanent revolution has its own art.” Yes, and the main part of this Art is the ideology and the Socialist/Communist modus operandi. Living half of my life in Soviet Russia, I felt the constant control and power of the ideology there. But only in America, by studying and researching the subject, while writing my books and columns, have I finally grasped the sinister and diabolic essence of the ideology and its modus operandi.

American pundits relentlessly assured us after the Cold War that we are a Superpower militarily and we had defeated Fascism and Communism. It is not completely correct. We defeated Nazi Germany by conquering it militarily, and we made Russian Socialist economy to collapse, but we have not crushed nor rooted out the ideology of Fascism or Communism. They are two sides of the same coin of a totalitarian regime and intellectually and cerebrally we have not been able to defeat them yet. American history of the last decade proves it—Fascism and Communism are well and very alive globally even in 2021 American politics. You can see their longevity in America and the world today, as I will try to analyze the platform they share…

We are quite well familiar with the ugly crimes committed by Nazi Germany. Americans saw the trenches full of corpses, and know about Doctor Mengele experimenting with children’s bodies and heard about the Nuremberg Trials. We are now in a deep discussion of Holocaust, the killing of 6 million Jews—a major feature of Nazi ideology—Anti-Semitism. Yet, we had no clue and know nothing about the crimes committed by Stalin’s Soviet Socialism, which I have renamed Soviet fascism. Russian writer Solzhenitsyn counted 60 million killed by Stalin, other researches have believed up to 80 million were killed and perished during Stalin’s Purges and Show Trials. Stalinism introduced to America a deep seated hatred, viciousness, and unprecedented venom of violence…

There is a direct line in the course and events from the current crises in America and Russia in the 20th century. There are two direct lines of the course and events from the current crises in America to Russia and China in 21st century. All of that, I have described in my books and columns during the last thirty-five years. But my books have been sabotaged and banned many times to prevent you from knowing the Truth. Despite the corruption of our media and the FBI, I have continued writing my columns, published in E-magazine by American patriot and retired military man—Dr. Rich Swier. My sincere gratitude to him for his love of America and courage…

Reading my column: From Uncle Joe #1 to Uncle Joe #2, March 8. 21, you will get the information nobody in America is talking about, the data of the Stalinist crimes in the 20th century directly connected to the events in the current America today. The invasion on our Southern border by the migrants and thousands of unaccompanied children is part of WWIII designed by Stalin/Andropov—a successful continuation of Stalinism in America. Don’t be surprised by the thousands of migrants from hundred countries, highly organized: they have reflect the KGB activity globally. Remember: Putin is weaponizing migration globally. When a man from American Space Program called China “our friendly adversary,” my jaw has dropped. America doesn’t know the enemy! America doesn’t understand who is creating the chaos and why there is a violent crime surge in the major cities of the country! The answer is clear to me…

Putin’s Socialist Revolution in America

Today in June 2021 America is ignorant of Putin’s Socialist revolution in America. The revolution is organized and proceeding in two directions: from the top by the President’s executive orders and from the bottom by an incredible violence in the states run by the Democrat party. Those who know the Russian history, her Intel and the Socialist/Communist modus operandi can see the repetition of the same attributes of the Russian Socialist Revolution 1917 in America—redistribution of money. Read my books and columns.

The narrative of the ‘virus escaping from the lab’ is laughable—nothing can escape from the military installation, run by an intelligent agency created by Stalin in the 20th century. Tell me about the event or something that has escaped Putin’s KGB? Both Putin’s KGB and the Chinese Intel have been built with a design, uniting the Military and Intel to work in tandem—the Intel is a para-military agency. The years after Stalin’s death had given both agencies the opportunity to greatly develop themselves technologically and otherwise, which they did.  If you know Russia, her Intel, and the Socialist/Communist modus operandi, you will recognize a common platform and agenda the two share.

To remember the arsenal of tools used by Socialist Charlatans in fighting Western civilization, I deliberately repeated their modus operandi: lies, deceit, and fraud, propaganda, symbols, and slogans, manipulations, provocations, intimidation threat, and violence… Watch the third Manchurian President, Biden. He can’t read a teleprompter, the text his staffers prepared for him. He is a total fraud and the Dems are building a cult of personality of a demented man the way they did it with Obama. People are in fear to ask them questions, like it was under Stalin in the Soviet Russia—nobody dared asking Stalin any questions…

Watch Biden’s administration and you will find this modus operandi, these tools are being used permanently to solidify Control and POWER. The Democrats are operating in the best traditions of Stalinism, deceiving, defrauding, and misleading you—misleading is a primary tool of Stalinism. Moreover, they operate in concert with Russia/Chinese Intel against the American interests… You witness them every day… Just look at this couple…

The Odd Couple: Dr. Fauci and Nancy Pelosi

While it seems that they are the odd couple, in fact, they are not. In respect to Dr. Fauci, he is definitely a working contradiction and he is in trouble. Republicans suspect him acting against the American interests and raising the need for investigation, they are ramping up calls for Dr. Fauci to resign. Some in the American gov. and medical elite want to prevent the investigation of coronavirus origins, because it will open a can of worms: They want the lab probe and Investigation of COVID origins to disappear. Who is behind COVID origins cover-up? You can answer the question knowing Russia, her Intel, and the Socialist/Communist modus operandi… I believe that COVID-19 was deliberately engineered to kill. Read my column 12.21.20 Russian/Chinese Intel: Carousel and COVID-19 in America

I am not a scientist and am approaching the issue from the stand point of national security risk. As a matter of fact, I didn’t like Dr. Fauci in the beginning, when I found out that he has a long-term relationship with the W.H.O. Director General Tedros Ghebreyesus. This alliance had threaten me, because I knew who Tedros was and wrote about him, 10-15 years ago. History again plays a role, by presenting additional information and knowledge. Please remember: when you hear the word Oil—think Russia. The one of the major commodity for international trade in Russia is Oil. That is why Russia’s foreign policy and trade are intertwined:

In the beginning of the 1970s, Soviet/Russian expansion in the aquatoria of Gulf of Aden has started by initiating a civil war in Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Yemen to bring Socialism in those countries to secure the oil trade to the world. It was a continuation of Stalin’s WWIII in Africa with the same formula and practice: Recruitment, Infiltration, Drugs, and Assassinations. It was the time when Dr. Tedros was recruited, many other people from Somalia, Kenya, and Yemen had become KGB agents. Knowing the history of Soviet/Russia expansion and modus operandi could open many dead cases, never resolved in America. I would advise the FBI to check the ‘Squad,” Rep. Omar and her Somalian community…

Now I can answer why investigation of coronavirus origins “can open a can of worms.” I know what it means, writing about the real Russia Collusion with the Dems leadership, I was writing about it for the last thirty-five years, pursuing the Truth and my writings being sabotaged and banned many times. Yes, Russian Collusion is a fact in reality of America—a Collusion of Russia with the leadership of the Democrat Party.

Everything you have witnessed during the last five years was an attempt of Socialist Charlatans to cover-up their collusion in the best traditions of Stalinism to accuse Trump of the crime they had committed.… Remember Stalinist postulate: Never admit crime committed, instead accuse the opponent in this exact crime. I hope you grasped the crux of the story: collaboration with the Dem’s leaders made Americans the Ginny pigs by Putin’s social engineering of Socialism in America…

This cover-up continues today when Speaker Nancy Pelosi was rushing for 9/11 commission style–a farce for many reasons. But, it was also Pelosi’s attempt to start Stalinist Purges in America. The goal of the Jan. 6th commission is not intended to objectively investigate the case, rather politicize and criminalize the Republican Party, as Stalin had done with the leaders of the opposition. “It is a Travesty to compare an event on Capitol January 6, 2021 to attacks on 9/11, when more than 3 thousands children never saw their parents again. On Jan. 6, our Congress returned to work within hours.” Besides, the 9/11 commission failed miserably. Read here: From Uncle Joe #1 to Uncle Joe #2 March 8. 2021. The real insurrection happened much earlier, it was described by me in my columns. We still don’t know who killed Ashli Babette a supporter of Trump. I suspect it was done by the KGB agent to help Pelosi…

I also suspected Pelosi before that, when she executed the Trump Impeachment. I was stunned by her announcement of Impeachment in November 2019–she has stolen from American citizens our favorable festivity—Christmas celebration. Then, I didn’t know the reason of her hurrying to Impeach Trump in the very heart of the Christmas Season. I had no staff to investigate the reason. Later on, when Pandemic came, I got the reason of her behavior—she had known that the coronavirus was on its way to America. I don’t know who had informed her. It could be Erik Swalwell, who slept with the Chinese spy, or Dr. Fauci who was in a constant contact with the Chinese Communist Party. At any rate, our country is deeply infiltrated by its enemies, they are demonizing America and dividing us!

The Dems are waging a war against the First and Second Amendments. They want us to be silent and disarmed, like the people under Stalin and Hitler, where Purges and killings prevailed. There are other signs of Soviet fascism in in America: When crooks demand ransom you should know they are coming from “the Axis of Evil.” Read my column about “the Axis of Evil” under the Kremlin’s supervision. Soviet fascism has no race or ethnicity, it attacks the language of all targets and profanity reigns. There is no more Russian language of Pushkin or Chekhov—Russian language is now a jargon. Watch the English in America and you will notice the same changes. I had warned you about Putin playing Biden like a Stradivarius. You can see it in 2021–Soviet Fascism never sleeps…

My fellow Americans!

The fate of our unique and precious Constitutional republic, designed and left to us by our Founders is in peril! We the People Must save the republic for the next generations. Act accordingly!

The torch is yours!!!

The Jew Haters in Power Were Very Carefully Taught

In 1949, the trailblazing anti-racist musical “South Pacific”––created by composer Richard Rodgers and lyricist Oscar Hammerstein II––debuted on Broadway to wild critical acclaim, running for over five years in nearly 2,000 performances.

A particularly powerful and influential song from the musical, “You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught,” carried the message that hatred does not arise spontaneously in the human species, but rather is inculcated––taught, sermonized, infused––by parents, teachers, coaches, political figures or other impassioned haters. Here are the still-relevant lyrics:

You’ve got to be taught to hate and fear,
You’ve got to be taught from year to year,
It’s got to be drummed in your dear little ear,
You’ve got to be carefully taught.

You’ve got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a different shade,
You’ve got to be carefully taught.

You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate,
You’ve got to be carefully taught!

The show takes place on a South Pacific island during World War II, which make the lyrics relevant and understandable. This is why the world-famed composer (who was Jewish) and lyricist (whose father was Jewish) didn’t include the hatred for Jews that children have been taught for literally thousands of years.


When Americans see Joe Biden––or whomever is running the show for him and Kalamity––appointing a virtual Who’s Who of Jew- and Israel-haters to the highest positions in his regime, and promulgating policies specifically designed to destroy Israel, it is clear that all of these appointees, as well as Ole Joe and Kalamity themselves, were very “carefully taught.”

And when Americans see the growing number of elected anti-Semitic Democrat haters––Ihlan Omar (MN), Rashida Tlaib (MI), Ayanna Pressley (MA), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY), Cori Bush (MO), Jamaal Bowman (NY), the list gets longer every day––it is equally obvious that these DNA haters were very carefully taught and imbibed their toxic hatred with mother’s milk.

For a refresher, please see the documentation I’ve supplied of the alarmingly large number of vicious Jew haters and Israel loathers––the DNA anti-Semites––who Biden & Co. have put into the highest positions of the U.S. Government––look ‘em up!

  • 2, 2021: Joe’s Jews
  • April 13, 2021: More About Joe and the Jews
  • May 29, 2021: The Oldest Hatred Now Fulminates and Flourishes at 1600

In the interests of space limitations, I share Dan O’Donnell’s exhaustive research into Joe Biden’s Six Decades of Racism, particularly when it comes to Blacks, and the Geller Report on how Biden has repeatedly betrayed Israel for the past many decades. No doubt this is why Vernon Jones, a Black Representative and lifelong Democrat from Georgia, called Biden “a full-blooded bigot.”

Some other articles for your reading list:

Again it is crystal clear that Biden and all his appointees and the Squalid Squad who follow the Democrat racist line were all “carefully taught!”


If you’ve either lived through or studied Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 1940s, it is clear that a resurgence of the same kind of Jew hatred is now rearing its head in 2021. Of course, it started thousands of years ago, but it reappeared dramatically in 2009, when the Race-Baiter-in-Chief, Barack Obama, utilized his community-organizer, rabble-rouser tactics in the Oval Office, fomenting racial divisiveness, fabricating conflicts where none existed, and using his bully pulpit––with the collaboration of the bought-and-paid-for leftwing media––to manufacture “hate” crimes that were once, quite accurately, considered indisputable criminal acts.

All of Obama’s fancy footwork depended on the gullibility of the American public and its desire to see the first Black president––okay, half-black-half lily white––succeed.

This magical thinking has been used before, for instance when the proponents of Socialism-cum-Communism ultimately realized that this tyrannical system of government failed horribly in every country it’s been practiced throughout history, but still fantasized that they can do it better.

Similarly and in spite of centuries of failures––even Hitler failed at extinguishing the Jews––the Jew haters think that they’ve finally figured out a way to rid the world of the people who make them green with envy because of their accomplishments and success and disproportionate contributions to the world.

In this century––largely as a result of global communication through the technology that puts fanatical haters in touch with each other––the Jew haters have made some disturbing inroads.

We now have a true pandemic of virulent anti-Semitism not only throughout the world but right here in America, including on most college and university campuses where massive Arab endowments have dictated anti-Semitic curricula and politics, which accounts for so many craven professors and administrators caving to the money and actually colluding with the Jew-hating students to vilify Jews and Israel.

Yes, in America, where the corrupt media turn a blind eye to the “carefully taught” racists and indefensibly ignore the innocent, often aged Jews who are attacked in the streets or have their synagogues lit on fire or are murdered in cold blood and thrown off a third-story balcony, as was 65-year-old retired doctor and mother and grandmother Sarah Halimi, in France.

But who does the degenerate media applaud?

The “woke”-infatuated corporations,

The paid-by-China national sports teams,

The leftist media whores,

Even the publishing industry

And the Jew-hating thugs from Black Lives Matter and Antifa––whose year-long riots have destroyed the cities of New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, on and on––all run horrifically by Democrats.

All of them carefully taught!


Again, because of space limitations, I will list some of the recent horrors that fall directly on the heads of Joe Biden and his racist handlers and appointees for both their promotion of Jew hatred and abject failure to condemn––and to stem––the tsunami of anti-Semitism now emblematic of his racist regime. This is a very small sample:

I rest my case.


Jews like me who know Jewish history also know that we have been through this before and not only prevailed but flourished, just as we will through this upheaval. Yet, the fight goes on with those “carefully taught” Jew haters who spend their days and nights and social occasions and professional time––even holidays––obsessing about those damn Jews.

How could it be, they wonder, that in a world of nearly eight-billion people, this miniscule people––only 15 million!––gain prominence in every country in which they land (even when they arrive with no money and not knowing the language), and inevitably manage to do amazing, world-changing things. For instance––again, this is the very very short list!

Too many to name, too little space. Here’s another small taste: 10 Inventions by Jewish People that Changed the World and here: An Informal List of Jewish Inventions, Innovations and Radical Ideas.

These astounding contributions provide immense benefits to all those “carefully taught” Jew haters who have never figured out how to rid themselves and the world of the people who make them feel so bad about themselves, so inadequate, so un-chosen, so jealous!


Strangely, it is liberal Jews, and there are many of them––read my article: Suicidal Jews––who vote for the Jew-hating Democrats and raise not one objection when these floridly racist politicians are thunderously silent as their colleagues spew their anti-Semitic bile and then proceed to enact policies that are viciously antagonistic to Israel, the most egregious being their fanatical mission to allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons…a state whose mullahs have declared for decades that their intention is to wipe Israel off the map and kill every last Jew in the world.

This is because the “values” leftist Jews and Democrat pols share override their interest in anti-Semitic American professors, violent Jew-hating racist groups like Black Lives Matter, or genocidal mullahs––values like saving the whales, the colossal hoax of global warming, and slaughtering infants in the womb right up to the moment of birth, ala New York Democrats, and equally if not more grotesque, infanticide after the baby has been born, ala the depraved Democrat Governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam.

These are the people who have been bleating “my body, my choice” for decades when it comes to abortion, while today they support the Biden regime’s call for mandatory injections of the experimental, non-FDA-approved, clinically controversial and even dangerous Covid-19 vaccines that stand for the opposite: my body––not my choice!


If you have a thought, an opinion, a grievance, or a disagreement with this or that policy emanating from the White House, take one minute––literally 60 seconds––to call:

The White House hotline: 1-855-948-2311.

Comments: 1-202-456-1111
Switchboard: 1-202-456-1414

Or send an e-mail to: Contact Us | The White House

You can do this every day! The White House accumulates Yes and No piles and often bases policies––or should––on the will of the American people.

Here is a listing and map of what the U.S. Senate election will look like in 2022.

Here is a listing and map of what the U.S. House of Representatives election will look like in 2022.

Keeping in mind that the Democrat Party is now the official party of racism and hatred of Jews and Israel, it is imperative that you vote for whomever is running against a Democrat and whomever is running against Republicans in Name Only (RINOs), for instance Lisa Murkowski (AK), Liz Cheney (WY), Anthony Gonzalez (OH), Susan Collins (ME), Mitt Romney (UT), Pat Toomey (PA), et al.

And don’t send any of them a red cent!

It is now clear that Jewish organizations which once strongly advocated for Jewish issues and fought anti-Semitism aggressively no longer do so unless they involve politically correct issues that won’t inspire the vindictive wrath––and financial support––of Jewish Democrats.

Writer Seth Mandel elaborates on the rot inside American-Jewish organizations, as well as the Jews who are complicit in Jew hatred.

Those organizations include, among others: the UJA-Federation; the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) whose head, Jonathan Greenblatt, is a former employee of George Soros, the Clintons, and Barack Obama; the American Jewish Committee (AJC); the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC); the Hillel chapters on college campuses and the Reform movement.

So don’t count on these organizations and don’t send them another dollar!

Martin Niemöller, a German theologian and Lutheran pastor during Hitler’s reign of terror, is famous for words that resonate to this day:

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

It is not only Jews whose freedoms are threatened by the scourge of the racist regime now occupying the White House, it is every freedom-loving, non-racist American in this country––the vast majority! Never has the political action of We the People been more urgent. Time to act!

©Joan Swirsky. All rights reserved.

White House: If You Post ‘Misinformation’ Online You Should Be Banned From All Social Media Platforms

We have been fighting in defense of free speech for the better part of this young century. Once the Western press refused to run the Danish cartoons back in 2005, the handwriting was on the wall. It’s why I organized Muhammad art exhibits and ran national ads defending free speech, to wake people up. It certainly woke up the left.

This is totalitarianism. The illegitimate regime imposing illegal suppression of our most basic freedoms. What’s next for us? Prison?

Psaki: If You Post Misinformation Online You Should Be Banned From All Social Media Platforms

ByDaily Wire News • Daily Wire, Jul 16, 2021:

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said on Friday that users “shouldn’t be banned from one platform and not others” if they post “misinformation online.”

Psaki made the remark when asked by a reporter about the administration’s efforts to push tech companies to crack down on what the Biden administration claims is online “misinformation.” Psaki also said that the administration also contacts media companies when they have a problem with something that media companies are reporting.

“So a couple of the steps that we have, you know, that could be constructive for the public health of the country are providing for Facebook or other platforms to measure and publicly share the impact of misinformation on their platform, and the audience it’s reaching, also with the public, with all of you, to create robust enforcement strategies that bridge their properties and provide transparency about rules, you shouldn’t be banned from one platform and not others, if you, for providing misinformation out there,” she said. “Taking faster action against harmful posts, as you all know, information travels quite quickly.”



REPORTER: You went through kind of top line details on this yesterday, but can you elaborate a little bit on the Facebook … the administration to Facebook, flagging disinformation? And then there’s also some reporting that we’ve had that Facebook maybe hasn’t been as proactive as the White House would like it to be in response to some of the flags. And so is there a process of how flagging works, and then whether Facebook has been amenable to those requests?

PSAKI: Sure. Well, I would say first, it shouldn’t come as any surprise that we’re in regular touch with social media platforms, just like we’re in regular touch with all of you and your media outlets about areas where we have concern, information that might be useful, information that may or may not be interesting to your viewers, you all make decisions, just like the social media platforms make decisions, even though they’re a private sector company and different, but just as an example. So we are regularly making sure social media platforms are aware of the latest narratives dangerous to public health that we and many other Americans are seeing across all of social and traditional media. And we work to engage with them to better understand the enforcement of social media platform policies. …

REPORTER: And then has Facebook been as proactive as the White House would like in terms of its response to those flags?

PSAKI: Well, I think, as I noted yesterday, Phil, there is more, there are more steps that everyone can take. And I would just note again, this is a responsibility of officials speaking, of course, on behalf of the government, it’s the responsibility of members of the media. It’s the responsibility of citizens and civic leaders and people who are trusted voices in communities around the country, that has a broad definition, social media platforms is one of them. And as we know, it is also, they’re are also areas where a lot of people get news and information. Sometimes those are accurate news items reported by some of your outlets or accurate information shared by a neighbor. Sometimes there is information that is not, it is hard to discriminate, as we know, this is not a new issue. But it is an issue that is impacting people’s lives. So a couple of the steps that we have, you know, that could be constructive for the public health of the country are providing for Facebook or other platforms to measure and publicly share the impact of misinformation on their platform, and the audience it’s reaching, also with the public, with all of you, to create robust enforcement strategies that bridge their properties and provide transparency about rules, you shouldn’t be banned from one platform and not others, if you, for providing misinformation out there. Taking faster action against harmful posts, as you all know, information travels quite quickly. If it’s up there for days and days and days, when people see it, you know, there’s it’s hard to put that back in a box. And of course, promoting quality information algorithms. I don’t know how they work, but they all do know how they work. So those are some of the steps that we think could be constructive for public health, for public information for public and you know, the right of the public to know. Go ahead.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW when informed decision making and opinion is essential to America’s survival. Share our posts on your social channels and with your email contacts. Fight the great fight.

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I am with you! Who seeks the Truth.

I am with you!

I am with you,

Who seeks the Truth.

With you,

Who turns away from crowds,

Whose chanting chorus

Like prelude to bloody fights,

That shake the grounds.

I am with you,

Who doesn’t let the sacred Truth Collapse its order.

The Truth that’s covered by the hand

Of Power, Fraud, Deceit and Murder!

This Truth will not present itself,

You have to find it if you care.

It may be forged, or dumped, erased,

To make believe it was not there.

…There is no path

That leads to Truth.

I am with you

To search and dare!

To be immune to their chant

That swallows many in despair.

The scout for Truth

Is life long quest.

We never shall put it to rest!

Excerpted from: “Speed Flight Poetry” 06/19/20

©Katherine Woodward 2020. All rights reserved.

Socialism’s Defenders: Their Stupidity May Cause Your Brain To Spasm

You might want to take an aspirin before reading further, because the economic stupidity described below is guaranteed to send your brain into painful spasms. Reader discretion is advised.

David Harbour, star of the hit movie Black Widow, said during an interview with The Guardian that he doesn’t think “there’s anyone who could disagree with socialist ideology.”

“If you work at Starbucks and you make the coffee, then you should own it,” said Harbour. “You’re the one making the coffee!” The actor went on to explain that his concept of ideal socialism is “a kindergarten-type society where we share things.”

Earth to David Harbour! Earth to David Harbour! The baristas at Starbucks do not “own” the coffee they serve to customers. The coffee is owned by the people who risked their savings to invest in a Starbucks licensed store, or other people who risked a portion of their savings by investing in the company’s stock.

Starbucks baristas are not slaves exploited by a greedy capitalist enterprise—they are free at any time to seek employment elsewhere. They exchange their services for compensation that’s agreeable to both sides. Their only “ownership” in the company’s end product is dumping a bag of coffee beans into a coffee machine owned by someone else, and then serving a filled cup, which is also owned by someone else, to thirsty customers. Because they are not on the hook for rent, property insurance, legal & accounting services, utility bills, advertising, business license fees, corporate taxes or anything else, Starbucks baristas incur no financial risk in brewing and serving coffee.

Contrary to the kindergarten-like thinking of economically ignorant Democrats like David Harbour, socialism has never created a single free and prosperous society, but has destroyed many—if you doubt that, ask anyone who has fled Cuba or Venezuela or the former Soviet Bloc countries of Eastern Europe.

Socialism has an unbroken trail of failure wherever it has taken root. Each new generation of social utopians think they are smart enough to make socialism work for the first time in human history. But each new false start has led to nothing other than widespread depravation and ruthless oppression.

Despite its empty promises, socialism isn’t about creating a society that’s “fair to all.” Rather, it’s a cynical way for totalitarians to consolidate ironclad political power before a propagandized citizenry realizes what happened.

Finally, socialism is doomed to fail wherever it’s tried, because it is in eternal mortal conflict with the basic human instinct that those who work harder, educate themselves, employ their ingenuity and risk their capital have an inborn expectation to do significantly better than those who don’t. That is an immutable human trait that will never change.

More about socialism’s Big Lie can be found in my recent Blue State Conservative article “Bummer: Cuba’s Freedom Uprising Couldn’t Come At a Worse Time For the Party of Marx, Lenin, Alinsky and Obama.”

©John Edison. All rights reserved.

A POEM: ‘That Land’ . . . My Emigration From the Former Soviet Union

The poem “That Land” was written in 2020, almost four decades after my emigration from the former Soviet Union… And never the less it became one of the multiple closures of that distant but global event. Refined culture and art, the eloquent and volumetric language, the kindness, brilliancy and humbleness of people, all this left a mark in my soul and my heart that will never be erased…

But of course like a coin, life always presents two sides. The choice is ours and I had made mine.


I came from the country
Where lives do not count,
Where most of the people
Are nailed to the ground.
Where husbands and wives
Cannot trust to each other.
All are viciously watched
By the eye of “Big Brother.”
Yes, I came from the country
Of beautiful gardens,
With the flickering fountains
In the breathtaking castles.
Brilliant poets,
Magnificent music and arts…
Still the land of oppression
Land that frazzles the hearts.
Land that bleeds tirelessly,
Irrigating the earth,
Where tears like water
Pouring hard all across.
Where people are carrying
Their cross to the end.
Disobeying is deadly
And the life is being spent.
If you wish to survive
Keep your smile and pretend.
Nothing is left to strive,
All your heights have been bent…

Excerpted from: “Speed Flight Poetry“, 7/17/20

©Katherine Woodward 2020. All rights reserved.

Fox Will be Eating Crow if Arizona Audit Demonstrates Massive Election Night [Week!] Fraud

First, I assume you are all following the news coming out of Arizona about the thorough audit of the disastrous November election.  The best coverage I see is daily (sometimes several times a day) at Gateway Pundit.

Fox News’ behavior on election night and in the days and weeks following the debacle caused me to ditch them in favor of Newsmax and other news sources (I can’t get OANN where I live unfortunately).  And, before I hear from readers, I get most of my news from reading a wide variety of online news outlets.

I have probably watched my once favorite media personality, Tucker Carlson, maybe twice since November.  The second time was the night before last when I just happened to see Carlson’s segment on information coming out of Georgia about the likelihood of fraud there and I fumed—so where have you been Tucker?  (I’ll put that segment at the end of this post if you missed it.).

And, then it occurred to me that perhaps sending Tucker out to report on the likelihood that there was massive fraud (in at least Georgia) allows Fox to try to save itself if a bomb drops and the Arizona certification in favor of Biden turns out to be a big lie with Fox clearly having helped Biden secure victory.

Here is the news from Newsmax that prompted me to think that Fox bigwigs are beginning to cover their asses.

Author Michael Wolfe seems to be a real creep and I have no intention of buying his book, but this sounds plausible to me….

Author: Fox News Gleefully Brought Down Trump

Fox News took glee in shockingly calling Arizona for Joe Biden before any major network, putting an end to Donald Trump’s reelection chances, author Michael Wolff claims in his new book “Landslide.”

Once the favorite news outlet of conservative Americans, Fox turned its back on its right-leaning audience last November when it decided to call Arizona shortly after polls closed — with all other networks, including Newsmax, standing down because the race was “too close to call.”

Trump’s advisers say Fox’s Arizona decision was done to create a sense of inevitability of Joe Biden’s win, limiting Trump’s ability to justifiably contest other close states like Pennsylvania.

In his book, Wolff says Rupert Murdoch, the chairman of Fox News, personally made the Arizona decision and set off a behind-the-scenes firestorm.

According to Wolff, Murdoch’s son Lachlan, the CEO of Fox Corp., was informed of the Arizona bombshell and telephoned his father to ask if Fox should report that Trump had lost the Grand Canyon State.

“His father, with signature grunt, assented, adding, ‘F*** him,’” Wolff wrote.

Next, Wolff reports in his book, Fox News anchor Bill Hemmer called top Trump strategist Jason Miller to inform him the network was kicking Trump to the curb and going ahead with the Arizona call.

Miller rose from his seat, shouting “What the f***?” Wolff writes.

But despite pressure from the Trump administration to retract the Arizona call, Fox refused.

Fox News has called Wolff’s claims of Murdoch’s involvement “wildly inaccurate” and “completely false.”

Wolff also asserts that Murdoch hated Trump, despite Fox’s support of him.

“Trump just made his skin crawl. But then, partly because of Fox News, Trump became the president of the United States, and Murdoch was forced to essentially suck up to him,” Wolff told Der Spiegel. “That was incredibly painful to Murdoch.”

More insider intrigue here, then this:

James Murdoch has told members of the press that he and his Democrat siblings will someday control Fox News and plan on re-making it into establishment media.

I am done with Fox News.

Of course watch whatever you wish, but consider whether you want to enrich the Murdoch’s any further.

Here is Gateway Pundit praising Tucker for at least touching on the subject of the massive election fraud everyone with a brain knows took place.

Sorry if I am a cynic on the subject of Tucker, but I think he is their tool to begin to get ready for what I think will ultimately happen—that they will have to admit that they were wrong when they called Arizona for dementia Joe.

By sending Carlson out now on the subject, they will be able to say to faithful viewers that they did in fact report on the massive 2020 election fraud (more than six months too late!).

RELATED ARTICLE: Senator Demands Biden Electors Be Recalled After Explosive Revelations

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved

CNN Says Cuban Protests Likely Due To Climate Change

ATLANTA, GA—During a news report Wednesday, CNN anchors blamed the Cuban protests on “climate change,” saying the mass demonstrations against the communist government were likely due to global warming.

The cable news station told its dozens of viewers that global warming drove thousands of Cubans out of their homes, with the heat making them deliriously chant things like “Libertad!” and demand change from their socialist rulers. According to the station’s pundits, there’s “no way” protesters could be opposed to the love and compassion of a socialist government, leading them to conclude that the culprit here must be a rapidly warming globe caused by humans.

“It’s very tragic how climate change caused this terrible protest,” said CNN news reporter Ronald Mahogany, wincing at footage of Cubans holding the American flag and marching against their government. “We must demand action on climate from our government immediately if we want to stop further protests from taking place all over the globe. We’re just lucky this hasn’t happened in North Korea yet.”

“This all could have been prevented if we had just listened to Greta.”

At publishing time, CNN reporters had suggested an alternate theory, claiming that if it isn’t climate change, it must be Trump’s fault somehow.


AOC Lectures Homeless Man On How Fortunate He Is Not To Have To Pay Rent To Evil Landlords

Governor Abbott Bribes Charter Plane Pilot To Take Texas Democrats Back To California

‘Voter ID Is The Greatest Attack On Democracy’, Says Man Trying To Seize Complete Federal Control Of Elections

Texas Democrats In D.C. Shriek In Terror When Asked To Show IDs For Capitol Tour

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Left’s Romance With Cuba’s Archipelago

The Biden administration’s clear hostility toward the Cuban people is part of a long “progressive” tradition.

Editors’ note: As we witness the Cuban people taking to the streets to confront the barbaric communist regime that has tortured them for decades, we witness the leftist Biden administration — and leftist groups such as Black Lives Matter — signal support for Cuba’s Stalinist tyranny and engage in a callous disregard for the Cuban people. It’s no surprise, for instance, that the Biden administration just issued a statement telling Cubans they are not welcome in United States, while illegal aliens are, of course, most welcome.

While the Biden administration clearly turns its back on the Cuban people while they risk their lives for freedom, FrontPage Mag editors have deemed it vital to run, below, an excerpt from Jamie Glazov’s book United in Hate: The Left’s Romance with Tyranny and TerrorThe excerpt is the fifth chapter, titled “Castro’s Slave Camp: Affection for New Killing Fields.” It provides a documented — and frightening — history of the Left’s love affair with Castro’s monstrous tyranny. Don’t miss this essay below.

Castro’s Slave Camp: Affection for New Killing Fields

Crazy with fury I will stain my rifle red while slaughtering any enemy that falls in my hands! My nostrils dilate while savoring the acrid odor of gunpowder and blood. With the deaths of my enemies I prepare my being for the sacred fight and join the triumphant proletariat with a bestial howl.
—Che Guevara, Motorcycle Diaries.

Until July 26, 2008, Fidel Castro ruled Cuba with an iron grip for nearly five decades. On that July date in 2008, he stood to the side because of health problems and made his brother, Raul, de facto ruler. Raul officially replaced his brother as dictator on February 24, 2008; the regime remains just as totalitarian as before and can, for obvious reasons, continue to be regarded and labelled as “Fidel Castro’s” regime. [1]

Having seized power on January 1, 1959, Fidel Castro followed the tradition of Vladimir Lenin and immediately turned his country into a slave camp. Ever since, Cuba has distinguished itself as one of the most monstrous human-rights abusers in the world.

Half a million human beings have passed through Cuba’s Gulag. Since Cuba’s total population is only around eleven million, that gives Castro’s despotism the highest political incarceration rate per capita on earth. There have been more than fifteen thousand executions by firing squad. Torture has been institutionalized; myriad human-rights organizations have documented the regime’s use of electric shock, dark coffin-sized isolation cells, and beatings to punish “anti-socialist elements.” [2] The Castro regime’s barbarity is best epitomized by the Camilo Cienfuegos plan, the program of horrors followed in the forced-labor camp on the Isle of Pines. Forced to work almost naked, prisoners were made to cut grass with their teeth and to sit in latrine trenches for long periods of time. [3] Torture is routine.

The horrifying experience of Armando Valladares, a Cuban poet who endured twenty-two years of torture and imprisonment for merely raising the issue of freedom, is a testament to the regime’s barbarity. Valladares’s memoir, Against All Hope, serves as Cuba’s version of Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago. Valladares recounts how prisoners were beaten with bayonets, electric cables, and truncheons. He tells how he and other prisoners were forced to take “baths” in human feces and urine. [4] Typical of the horror in Castro’s Gulag was the experience of Roberto López Chávez, one of Valladares’s prison friends. When López went on a hunger strike to protest the abuses in the prison, the guards withheld water from him until he became delirious, twisting on the floor and begging for something to drink. The guards then urinated in his mouth. He died the next day. [5]

Since Castro’s death cult, like other leftist ideologies, believes that human blood purifies the earth—and since manifestations of grief affirm the reality of the individual, and thus are anathema to the totality—mourning for the departed became taboo. Thus, just like Mao’s China and Pol Pot’s Cambodia, [6] so too Castro’s Cuba warned family members of murdered dissidents not to cry at their funerals. [7]

The Castro regime also has a long, grotesque record of torturing and murdering Americans. During the Vietnam War, Castro sent some of his henchmen to run the “Cuban Program” at the Cu Loc POW camp in Hanoi, which became known as “the Zoo.” Its primary objective was to determine how much physical and psychological agony a human being could withstand. The Cubans selected American POWs as their guinea pigs. A Cuban nicknamed “Fidel,” the main torturer at the Zoo, initiated his own personal reign of terror. [8] The ordeal of Lt. Col. Earl Cobeil, an F-105 pilot, illustrates the Nazi-like nature of the experiment. Among Fidel’s torture techniques were beatings and whippings over every part of his victim’s body, without remission. [9] Former POW ______ John Hubbell describes the scene as Fidel forced Cobeil into the cell of fellow POW Col. Jack Bomar:

The man [Cobeil] could barely walk; he shuffled slowly, painfully. His clothes were torn to shreds. He was bleeding everywhere, terribly swollen, and a dirty, yellowish black and purple from head to toe. The man’s head was down; he made no attempt to look at anyone. . . . He stood unmoving, his head down. Fidel smashed a fist into the man’s face, driving him against the wall. Then he was brought to the center of the room and made to get down onto his knees. Screaming in rage, Fidel took a length of black rubber hose from a guard and lashed it as hard as he could into the man’s face. The prisoner did not react; he did not cry out or even blink an eye. His failure to react seemed to fuel Fidel’s rage and again he whipped the rubber hose across the man’s face. . . . Again and again and again, a dozen times, Fidel smashed the man’s face with the hose. Not once did the fearsome abuse elicit the slightest response from the prisoner. . . . His body was ripped and torn everywhere; hell cuffs appeared almost to have severed the wrists, strap marks still wound around the arms all the way to the shoulders, slivers of bamboo were embedded in the bloodied shins and there were what appeared to be tread marks from the hose across the chest, back, and legs. [10]

Earl Cobeil died as a result of Fidel’s torture.

Maj. James Kasler was another of Fidel’s victims, although he survived the treatment:

He [Fidel] deprived Kasler of water, wired his thumbs together, and flogged him until his “buttocks, lower back, and legs hung in shreds.” During one barbaric stretch he turned Cedric [another torturer] loose for three days with a rubber whip. . . . the PW [POW] was in a semi-coma and bleeding profusely with a ruptured eardrum, fractured rib, his face swollen and teeth broken so that he could not open his mouth, and his leg re-injured from attackers repeatedly kicking it. [11]

The reign of terror against American POWs in Vietnam was just a reflection of Castro’s treatment of his own people. In addition to physical hardships even for those who don’t wind up in prison or labor camp, his police state has denied Cubans any freedom at all. Cubans do not have the right to travel out of their country. They do not have the right of free association or the right to form political parties, independent unions, or religious or cultural organizations. The regime has outlawed free expression; it has consistently censored publications, radio, television, and film. There is a Committee for the Defense of the Cuban Revolution (CDR) for every single city block and every agricultural production unit. The CDR’s purpose is to monitor the affairs of every family and to report anything suspicious. A Cuban’s entire life is spent under the surveillance of his CDR, which controls everything from his food rations to his employment to his use of free time. A vicious racism against blacks accompanies this repression. In pre-Castro Cuba, blacks enjoyed upward social mobility and served in many government positions. In Castro’s Cuba, the jail population is 80 percent black, while the government hierarchy is 100 percent white. [12]

Cuban Communism follows Lenin’s and Stalin’s idea of “equality,” wherein members of the nomenklatura live like millionaires while ordinary Cubans live in utter poverty. The shelves in the stores are empty, and food is tightly rationed for the average citizen. Teachers and doctors drive taxis or work as waiters to support their families. Under the system of tourist apartheid, ordinary Cubans are not allowed inside the hotels designated for tourists and party functionaries. There are, of course, police inside every such hotel to arrest any unauthorized Cuban citizen who dares to enter.

The $5-billion-a-year Soviet subsidy that just barely kept the Cuban economy afloat during the Cold War is long gone. And notwithstanding the $110 billion that the Soviets pumped in over the decades, Cuba has become one of the poorest nations in the world. Its sugar, tobacco, and cattle industries were all major sources of exports in the pre-Castro era. Castro destroyed them all. [13] Because of his belief in “socialism or death,” Cuba is now a beggar nation. Even Haitian refugees avoid Cuba.

Denied the right to vote under Castro, Cubans have voted with their feet. Pre-Castro Cuba had the highest per-capita immigration rate in the Western hemisphere. Under Castro, approximately two million Cuban citizens (out of eleven million) have escaped their country. Many have done so by floating on rafts or inner tubes in shark-infested waters. An estimated fifty thousand to eighty-seven thousand have lost their lives. [14] Not content to trust the sharks, Castro has sent helicopters to drop sandbags onto the rafts of would-be escapees, or just to gun them all down. Epitomizing this barbarity was the Tugboat Massacre of July 13, 1994, in which Castro ordered Cuban patrol boats to kill forty-one unarmed Cuban civilians—ten of them children—who were using an old wooden tugboat in their attempt to flee Cuba. [15]

Naturally, the Left initiated a romance with Castro and his slave camp, just as it did with Lenin’s and Stalin’s Gulag. American leftists even, in 1969, formed the Venceremos Brigade, a coalition whose members traveled to work in Cuba to show their solidarity with the Communist revolution. These fellow travelers participated mostly in sugar harvests in the first pilgrimages, while later brigade members engaged in various types of agricultural and construction work. High-profile Western leftists, meanwhile, including Susan Sontag, Jean-Paul Sartre, Norman Mailer, and Abbie Hoffman, also made pilgrimages to Cuba. [16]

As earlier believers had done with Stalin, Castro’s devotees heaped grossly disproportionate praise upon him. Leo Huberman and Paul Sweezy made their pilgrimage to Cuba in the fall of 1960. The two believers ended up receiving all the attention they craved from their father-god, marveling at how “lucky” they were to spend “two long evenings with Fidel, in relaxed surroundings and with only a few present.” After their visit, they reported that

Fidel is a passionate humanitarian, not in the fraudulent sense that he loves all humanity but in the meaningful sense that he feels compassion for human suffering, hates injustice because it causes unnecessary suffering, and is totally committed to building in Cuba a society in which the poor and the underprivileged shall be able to hold up their heads and enjoy a fair share of the good things of life. He treats people within this framework—kindly, sternly, implacably, according to their actual or potential role in creating or hindering the creation of the good society. [17]

Castro personally drove his guests around to certain locations he wanted them to see. The two believers recall this tour with great awe and emotion:

On the way out of Havana he made a long detour through the wealthiest residential streets of the Miramar district. As he drove around, he kept saying, as much to himself as to the rest of us, “Look at how they live”; and in that brief phrase there was expressed not so much a feeling toward “them” as a sense of outrage at a system that could enable a few to live like kings while the great majority stagnated in ignorance, squalor, and often outright hunger. [18]

While trying to digest the notion that this secular messiah was driving them around, Huberman and Sweezy witnessed that they were not alone in their reverence:

Accompanying him as he goes among his people, one not only sees it; all of one’s senses are overwhelmed by it. To watch the faces light up as their owners suddenly recognized the driver of our car; to hear the delighted cries of “Fidel, Fidel”; to experience the rush of people, young and old alike, whenever the car stopped, even if only for a red light, people drawn like iron filings to a magnet, wanting to shake his hand, touch his sleeve, wish him well; to smell the sweaty bodies of hundreds of construction workers who swarmed around the car when it was halted by an obstruction in the road, pouring out to him their problems and urging that he take action to clear away obstacles to the more rapid completion of their project—those were indeed unforgettable experiences. [19]

One assumes that Huberman and Sweezy, had they been in Moscow in March 1953 and witnessed Soviet citizens sobbing hysterically upon learning of Stalin’s death, would also have considered that an “unforgettable experience.”

It is eerily apparent from their tone and choice of wording that Huberman and Sweezy are completely immersed in one of the key dynamics of the believer’s diagnosis: the surrendering of self to a stern and all-knowing secular god. Castro is driving them, leading them, explaining all to them. They have no minds of their own, disagree with absolutely nothing, and, like the rest of “the people” in their imagination, are completely in his hands. They are all worshipping Castro, trying to touch his sleeve, surrendering their wills to his supremacy. In this desperate attempt at a religious epiphany, Huberman and Sweezy shed their own individuality and submerge their entire beings into the collective veneration of the tyrant before them.

Huberman and Sweezy did not even consider the vital questions they ought to have asked themselves while observing the cult of personality in action: What if one of these individuals had stood apart from the crowd and voiced his dissent? What if he had announced that he did not think like the others and that he did not approve of Castro or support his policies? What would happen to such an individual? These are the questions that we would expect someone concerned with human dignity, freedom, and “social justice” to ask. But Huberman and Sweezy seem completely unaware that expressions of support for a regime, and expressions of love for a leader, are utterly meaningless in a country where any contrary expression will be punished by imprisonment, torture, and execution.

Jerry Rubin joined the chorus of devotees during his trip to Cuba in 1964, when he engaged in negative identification vis-à-vis Castro’s chief executioner, Che Guevara. Rubin proudly recalls:

We were 84 Amerikan students visiting Cuba illegally in 1964. We had to travel 14,000 miles, via Czechoslovakia, to reach Cuba. . . . As Che rapped on for four hours, we fantasized taking up rifles. Growing beards. Going into the hills as guerrillas. Joining Che to create revolutions throughout Latin America. None of us looked forward to returning home to the political bullshit in the United States. [20]

Berkeley activist Todd Gitlin traveled to Cuba with an SDS delegation to a Cultural Congress in 1967. In the belly of the totalitarian beast, where he was well aware that dissidents were rotting in jail and being tortured beyond imagination, Gitlin too experienced the intoxication of negative identification. Leaving Cuba proved quite painful for him. He recalls:

What was palpable was the pain of re-entry to my homeland. . . . At the Mexico City airport, having a drink with Dave Dellinger and Robert Scheer, I looked out the window and saw a billboard advertising Cutty Sark. I had to change seats: after twenty-three days where public space was turned to revolutionary use, capitalist propaganda disgusted me. [21]

What disgusted him, of course, were the withdrawal symptoms he was experiencing—analogous to a drug addict coming off his fix. For twenty-three days he had experienced his euphoria of shedding his inner self and submerging himself within the totalitarian whole. In Cuba he had found a home where even the slightest dissent would be crushed instantly and the concept of the individual was non-existent. The advertisement he saw, therefore, was a horror to him, since it symbolized a free society where individuals could use their free will to pursue their own tastes and desires. This reality is anathema to the believer.

As Gitlin so well revealed, Western leftist intellectuals were greatly inspired by the persecution of intellectuals in Cuba, just as the earlier generation had been by the persecution of intellectuals in Stalin’s Soviet Union. Charmed by the notion of a society in which their own talent—as well as their entire being—would be extinguished, they continued the practice of labeling the totalitarian monstrosity the opposite of what it was.

Acclaimed American cultural critic Susan Sontag was one of many true believers who similarly engaged in this practice. After a trip to Cuba in 1968, she claimed that “No Cuban writer has been or is in jail, or is failing to get his work published.” [22] She stated this falsehood with full awareness that dissident Cuban writers languished in Castro’s Gulag, and that not one work that was critical of the regime had been published in Cuba. Instead, she boasted that “the Cuban revolution is astonishingly free of repression. . . . Not only has the Cuban revolution not begun eating its children . . . it has no intention of doing so.” [23]

Sontag believed she had found utopia in Castro’s Cuba. Here human beings had been able to shed many elements of capitalist oppression, which included, as Sontag noted with satisfaction, the socially manufactured need to sleep. Sontag observes how it is completely “common,” ten years into the revolution, “for people to go without sleep—talking and working several nights a week.” [24] She also notes, with approval, how “Even deprived of the right to go into private business or to see pornographic films, the great majority of Cubans feel vastly freer today than they ever did before the revolution.” [25] These insights raise several crucial questions: Why did Sontag believe she could speak for the “great majority” of Cubans? How exactly did she know that they felt “freer”? How about the ones who didn’t feel freer? And what exactly would happen to an individual who did try to go into private business or watch pornography? Did Sontag believe that Armando Valladares, and the thousands of other political prisoners who languished in isolation cells while covered in feces, felt “freer” as well?

As leftist intellectuals like Sontag followed the tradition of venerating regimes that imprisoned, tortured, and executed intellectuals, so counterculture leftists who supported gay rights worshipped a tyranny that persecuted homosexuals, dishing out prison sentences of up to twenty years for homosexual behavior. [26]

Castro’s persecution of homosexuality is part of the phenomenon of totalitarian puritanism. As discussed in the believer’s diagnosis, human beings must submit every aspect of their lives to the greater whole of the totalitarian order. Homosexuality is especially reviled in totalitarian structures: because it cannot lead to procreation, it is seen as being solely the pursuit of individual pleasure for its own sake. As Paul Hollander notes in the case of Cuba,

Evidently the persecution of homosexuals can be explained not only by cultural traditions or machismo—plausible as it might seem to be—but also by the totalitarian puritanism of the new regime and its zealous pursuit of conformity in all walks of life. Apparently prior to the revolution no comparably massive and systematic repressive measures were taken against them. [27]

While adamant about the right to “free love” and sexual self-determination in their own society, believers sacrificed—and continue to sacrifice—these principles in regard to Cuba, the Taliban regime, the Palestinian Authority, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and any other society that has won their affection. This is because they see sexual freedom, like intellectual freedom, only as a weapon to be used to destroy their own society. They don’t care about these rights and freedoms in and of themselves. Once Ground Zero has been accomplished and the utopia they dream of is under construction, they see them as no longer important—and even dangerous to hold onto, since they threaten to destroy the road to earthly redemption. Ernesto Cardenal, the Sandinista minister of culture and one of the nine comandantes who ruled Nicaragua after the 1979 revolution, represented the Left best in this regard. After returning from a trip to Cuba, he reported that Cuba’s homosexuals “were actually happier in the concentration camps [that Castro had built for them], a place like that where they were all together must have been almost like paradise for them.” [28]

In true leftist tradition, Western believers continue to shower adulation on Castro  to this day. Humberto Fontova has written a succinct account of the Left’s continuing dalliance with Castro in Fidel: Hollywood’s Favorite Tyrant. Here is just a portion of his compilation of leftist praise for the death-cult leader:

“Cuba’s own Elvis!”—that’s how Dan Rather once described his friend Fidel Castro. Oliver Stone, another friend, describes Fidel as “very selfless and moral” and “one of the world’s wisest men.” “A genius!” agreed Jack Nicholson. Naomi Campbell said meeting Castro was “a dream come true!” According to Norman Mailer, Castro is “the first and greatest hero to appear in the world since the Second World War.” Jean-Paul Sartre said, “Castro is at the same time the island, the men, the cattle, and the earth. He is the whole island.” . . . Actress Gina Lollobrigida cooed, “Castro is an extraordinary man. He is warm and understanding and seems extremely humane.” Francis Coppola simply noted, “Fidel, I love you. We both have the same initials. We both have beards. We both have power and want to use it for good purposes.” Harry Belafonte added: “If you believe in freedom, if you believe in justice, if you believe in democracy, you have no choice but to support Fidel Castro!” [29]

Steven Spielberg visited the father-god in Havana in the fall of 2002. He called the meeting with Castro “the most important eight hours of my life.” [30]

Castro’s Cuba has been an exhilarating gift to the American Left, presenting it with a totalitarian death-cult to worship with a wonderful geographical bonus: it is close to home, just ninety miles from the Florida coast.

Notes:[1] Raul Castro served the Cuban tyranny faithfully and was just as vicious—if not more so—as Fidel. For an account of Raul’s career as executioner and hardliner in Fidel’s despotism, see Humberto Fontova, “Cuba’s New and Improved Tyrant,”, February 27, 2008.

[2] For one of the best accounts of the brutality of the Castro regime, see Pascal Fontaine, “Cuba: Interminable Totalitarianism in the Tropics,” in Courtois et al., The Black Book of Communism, pp. 647–665.

[3] Ibid., p. 657.

[4] Armando Valladares, Against All Hope: A Memoir of Life in Castro’s Gulag, trans. Andrew Hurley (San Francisco: Encounter Books, 2001), p. 137.

[5] Ibid., p. 379.

[6] For China’s case, see chapter 7 of this book; for Cambodia’s, see John Perazzo, “Left-Wing Monster: Pol Pot,”, August 8, 2005.

[7] Valladares, Against All Hope, p. 378.

[8] Stuart I. Rochester and Frederick Kiley, chapter 19, “The Zoo, 1967–1969: The Cuban Program and Other Atrocities,” in Honor Bound: American Prisoners of War in Southeast Asia 1961–1973 (Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1999).

[9] Fontova, Fidel, pp. 141–142.

[10] Rochester and Kiley, Honor Bound, p. 400.

[11] Ibid., p. 404.

[12] Fontova, Fidel, p. 88.

[13] Ibid., pp. 14–15 and 49.

[14] Ibid., pp. 8 and 56–57.

[15] Ibid., pp. 157–163.

[16] For a comprehensive account of the Left’s adoration of Castro’s Cuba, see Hollander, Political Pilgrims, pp. 223–267.

[17] Leo Huberman and Paul Sweezy, Cuba: Anatomy of a Revolution (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1961), p. 176.

[18] Ibid.

[19] Ibid., p. 177.

[20] Rubin, Do It, p. 20. In fact, Rubin did return to the “political bullshit in the United States.” He ended up earning private fortunes working on Wall Street and becoming a business entrepreneur, something that the victims of Vietnamese and Cuban tyranny had no opportunity to do.

[21] Quoted in Collier and Horowitz, Destructive Generation, p. 272.

[22] Susan Sontag, “Some Thoughts on the Right Way (for Us) to Love the Cuban Revolution,” Ramparts, April 1969, p. 18.

[23] Ibid., p. 14.

[24] Ibid., p. 10.

[25] Ibid.

[26] For discussions of Castro’s persecution of homosexuals, see Valladares’s Against All Hope; Fontaine, “Cuba,” p. 656; and the memoir Before Night Falls by the Cuban gay writer Reinaldo Arenas, trans. Dolores M. Koch (New York: Viking, 1993).

[27] Hollander, Political Pilgrims, p. 261.

[28] Collier and Horowitz, Destructive Generation, pp. 246–247.

[29] Fontova, Fidel, p. 11.

[30] Ibid., p. 154.

EDITORS NOTE: This The Glazov Gang column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Gov. DeSantis Team Offers ‘Don’t Fauci My Florida’ T-Shirt, Leftists Heads Explode

Heads exploding but no worries, so little brain matter.

DeSantis Team Offers ‘Don’t Fauci My Florida’ T-Shirt, Triggers Leftists

By Hank Berrien • Daily Wire • Jul 14, 2021:

Governor Ron DeSantis listens during a roundtable discussion with theme park leaders about safety protocols and the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, Wednesday, August 26, 2020. Executives from Walt Disney World, Universal Orlando and SeaWorld Orlando participated.
Joe Burbank/Orlando Sentinel/Tribune News Service via Getty Images

On Monday, Florida GOP Governor Ron DeSantis’ campaign team rolled out a series of items they were merchandising, including a T-shirt that read, “Don’t Fauci My Florida.”

That triggered wild-eyed ire from leftists eager to pillory DeSantis, who has been a staunch opponent of the harsh lockdowns that ravaged the financial coffers of other states and left them economically gasping for breath.

As The Wall Street Journal reported in April, “With rare exceptions, the states that shut down the longest suffered the most economic harm. … Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis let nearly all businesses stay open after May. Florida’s private GDP had shrunk only 1.1% by year-end, dragged down by weak international and domestic tourism. New York’s food and accommodation industry shrank more than twice as much as Florida’s and the most in the U.S.”

Some sample comments on social media targeting the T-shirt and merchandise included: “Ron literally trying to make money off people dying… stay classy florida.” “May the virus be with you!” “Monsters are running FL. It breaks my heart.” “Is this the scuzbucket store?”

A woman who has served as a correspondent for National Public Radio, contributing editor at Vanity Fair, and an editor for The Hollywood Reporter, sniped, “How did I miss some of the dumbest and most deadly merchandise on offer?”

On Tuesday, the DeSantis team noted that one of the other items offered on Monday had become quite popular, showing a red koozie quoting DeSantis: “How the hell am I going to be able to drink a beer with a mask on?”

That quote came when someone asked DeSantis about him watching the Super Bowl without a mask. DeSantis replied, “Someone said, ‘Hey, you were at the Super Bowl without a mask’ … but how the hell am I going to be able to drink a beer with a mask on? Come on. I had to watch the Bucs win.”

In August 2020, Kentucky GOP Senator Rand Paul, angered by Dr. Anthony Fauci having lavished praise on New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo for his response to the coronavirus pandemic while studiously ignoring DeSantis’ successful response, fired off a tweet targeting Fauci. Paul tweeted, “FL and NY have an identical number of per capita coronavirus infections but FL has 5X less per capita deaths. Will Dr. Fauci be praising @GovRonDeSantis’ response to the pandemic? Will he point out that @NYGovCuomo’s response allowed a fivefold greater per capita death rate?”

As of August 3, 2020, according to The New York Times, New York had reported 421,008 cases of coronavirus with 32,401 deaths; Florida had reported at least 487,100 cases with 7,083 deaths. That amounted to 7.7% of the cases reported in New York eventuating in death, while in Florida roughly 1.5% of the cases resulted in death.

In May, speaking at a news conference in Satellite Beach, Florida, DeSantis ripped into the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), blasting, “If you look at some of the stuff that they’ve done on school openings, where they’re basically doing the teacher’s union’s bidding, when they say these kids should be masked in summer camp outdoors. I’m sorry, that’s not science, that’s politics.” He also slammed the CDC for the calamitous effect its policies had caused for Florida’s massive cruise industry, asserting, “Do you want one unelected bureaucracy to be able to have the power to indefinitely shut down a major industry in this country?”

DeSantis spoke of how keeping Florida open instead of instituting harsh lockdowns had paid dividends, asserting, “You have a surplus of jobs, and particularly in restaurant, lodging, hospitality, that people want to hire. I mean, you see these signs all over the place. Look, that’s a good problem to have. But we also just want to make sure, look, if you’re really unemployed, can’t get a job, that’s one thing, but making sure that you’re doing your due diligence to look for work and making sure those incentives align better.”

“But I can tell you this, our state was predicted to get hit worse on Covid economically than any other state because of our service economy and our tourism base,” he continued. “And what we were able to do by keeping Florida open, we saved hundreds of thousands of jobs in the restaurant, hotel, hospitality industry. We saved thousands of businesses. You know how I know that? Because every time I go out, someone will come up to me and say, ‘Thank you for saving my job,’ or ‘Thank you for saving my business.’ So we’ve been able now with 4.7 percent unemployment, that’s significantly less than the national average of 6% and way less than lockdown states like New York and California have.”

“So we’re doing it right,” he stated. “We obviously want to make sure those folks are able to succeed in terms of getting the people they need, but just think of where we could be. I mean, this is a good problem to have compared to seeing people — in some parts of the country, these businesses are dead. They’re never coming back. This is the heavy hand of government crushing family businesses, ruining jobs and destroying millions of people’s lives. We chose another path in Florida; it was the right path; it was the successful path, and yes, we want to make sure that these things are — there’s actually restaurants that have to close one day a week because they don’t have enough folks.”

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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MARVEL’S BLACK WIDOW: An Epic Anti-Communist & Anti-Woke Film

The phrase better dead than red was used to express unconditional opposition to communism.

As I watched the latest film from Marvel Studio titled “Black Widow” I was impressed by its good guy/gals beating the bad guy/gals. It was a classic battle against good vs. evil.

The evil being the Commies.

The featured characters are Natasha Romanoff, a.k.a. Black Widow, played by Scarlett Johansson, Yelena Belova, played by Florence Pugh, Iron Maiden played by Rachel Weisz and Red Gradian played by David Harbour.

These four characters are initially presented as a happy American family of a mother, father and two daughters. However, the mother and father are in fact Soviet agents. After escaping with classified information and returning to the Soviet Union we learn that none of them are related to one another. The daughters Natasha and Yelena are genetically conceived to become agents. One, Natasha, for the Avengers and the other Yelena for the Russians.

Better Dead Than Red

What makes this film most interesting is the character Dreykov, played by Ray Winstone. Dreykov is a master manipulator who uses both genetics and brainwashing to create an all female force of secret agents for the Russians.

These female commie agents are then strategically  located around the world to further the socialist/communist agenda.

Picture Joe Biden as Dreykov and Kamala Harris as a brainwashed commie agent!

What struck me is we are seeing our own children being brainwashed in our public schools, colleges and universities. Add to this the brainwashing which occurs in the media and enriched by the tech giants Facebook, Twitter, Google and LinkedIn.

What we have today is a perfect storm of good versus evil in America and throughout the world. What is needed is millions of good gals, a.k.a. Black Widows, to take down the evil empires that imprison those who stand against them. To understand just look a Cuba.

In his seminal work “Democracy in America” Alexis de Tocqueville wrote:

“[N]ow that I am drawing to the close of this work, in which I have spoken of so many important things done by the Americans, to what the singular prosperity and growing strength of that people ought mainly to be attributed, I should reply: To the superiority of their women.”

The American women need to stand up and be counted to insure their superiority. Women globally, need to demand that the family is the foundation of any culture, not government. Women need to take an uncompromising pro-marriage stand as a faithful union between one man and one woman.

We need Black Widows to take back Western Civilization. If not then we will simply join others on the ash heap of history.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

Soviet Socialism in Stalinist America

We are at war and this is the subject of my new book. I am planning this article to be the last chapter of my book. The title has not been decided yet.  Opening this book on any page randomly will shower you with hidden information about behind the scenes activities of different leaders and their ideological tricks. These are the articles I have written over the period 2014-2021. They chronicle the history of world politics in the 20th-21st centuries vis-à-vis Russia. Knowledge of Soviet Socialism, which I renamed Soviet fascism, spread by the Russian/Chinese Intel is imperative to win the war as the infiltrated and contaminated Democrat Party has joined that Evil force to destroy us from within…

You will learn how a Global Spy Ring was systematically attacking our culture, democratic institutions, courts, and businesses to weaken and destroy our Constitutional republic for decades. We can no longer ignore their all-out assault on our society and culture, because it is highly successful today in bringing 35 % of Americans toward disrespecting our Founders and the unique political system that they had designed and left to us. This is the result of Stalinist propaganda and systemic indoctrination impacting our schools and Universities. The predicament in the country is explosively dangerous now.

The George Floyd disorder of burning, destroying and killing was a harbinger of the Socialist Revolution manufactured by the Dem-run States while they protect even violent criminals. The end-game is Control and Power. Reading the book you will learn how a Global Spy Ring in concert with the Democrat Party while accusing Republicans and their leadership in Treason, have been covering-up Treason that they themselves have committed during several decades…

To save American Constitutional republic, awareness of the Russian/Chinese counter-Intelligence operation in America is a Must! Yes, this knowledge of our enemies, the KGB as a violent-doer in details is the crux of the matter today in securing our Constitutional republic for the next generations…This topic is the late-motive of my entire new book. And this is the reason the new book begins with the explanation of Marxist Theory. Please, read my column Slavery has no Color: Karl Marx, and Stalinist/Socialist Charlatans, June 23, 2020.

It is not an accident that Marx titled Socialism/Communism as a Theory in the 19th century. The Dictionary says:

 Noun: theory is a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something. Similar: hypothesis, thesis, conjecture, supposition, speculation.

Yes, the theory is not a FACT, it is a system of ideas intended to explain something. Marxist theory wasn’t popular in the 19 century. Russian Socialist Revolution in the 20th century made Socialism/Communism a FACT. This is the major issue, I have been writing in my columns and books–Josef Stalin made Marxism popular, the famous murderer of the 20th century did it. Yes, Stalin was using Marxist rhetoric, while building his Soviet Socialism with the help of numerous and ubiquitous intelligence agencies as the custodians or guards of the Soviet Socialist economy. The Soviet people called the structure of Stalin’s Soviet Socialism—Stalinism…

Communists and Socialist Charlatans

You were the witnesses of how Stalinist Soviet Socialism has Collapsed and how a New Socialist KGB has emerged from the ashes as the new Russian Government… Yes, the KGB has emerged as a new Russian government with the KGB counter-intelligence officer–President-Vladimir Putin. This was a crucial moment in the world history—Stalinist Socialism couldn’t sustain itself and collapsed. I use the term KGB as a-violence-doer or the KGB Mafia/Army, describing the manner and methods of Stalinism. Those events are monumental to perceive America today, in the 21st century.

I am deliberately bringing to your attention my article: Slavery has no Color: Karl Marx, and Stalinist/Socialist Charlatans, June 23, 2020. The research of civilization and its History by Marx and his four stages of development in civilization are partially correct—minorities lacking those four stages of development are unable to live in civilized world… Yet, the freedom and individual liberty by American Constitutional republic showed him wrong. A Republican Trump administration proves it: all minorities groups have flourished under the capitalist Trump administration. This is my first point concerning Karl Marx: he considered all minorities groups as UNDERDEVELOPED or inferior. He was wrong.

The second point…. Reading about Marx’s’ conduct in the mentioned above article, you will hear about his sloppiness, inconsistency, and dishonesty: I even called him the first Socialist Charlatan.  Let me remind you the Socialist/Communist modus operandi: “Socialist mentality is the engine of the Dems armed with Stalinist modus operandi: lies, deceit, and fraud, propaganda, symbols, and slogans, intimidation, manipulations, provocations, threat, and violence…” From Uncle Joe #1 to Uncle Joe #2, March 8, 2021. Don’t you see that exact common trait within Biden’s administration in the 21st century? And there is no accountability for lies, deceit, and fraud any longer in America…

To grasp the Socialist/Communist modus operandi and the core of Stalinism, please, read a powerful poem by Katherine Woodward:


I came from the country
Where lives do not count,
Where most of the people
Are nailed to the ground.
Where husbands and wives
Cannot trust to each other.
All are viciously watched
By the eye of “Big Brother.”
Yes, I came from the country
Of beautiful gardens,
With the flickering fountains
In the breathtaking castles.
Brilliant poets,
Magnificent music and arts…
Still the land of oppression
Land that frazzles the hearts.
Land that bleeds tirelessly,
Irrigating the earth,
Where tears like water
Pouring hard all across.
Where people are carrying
Their cross to the end.
Disobeying is deadly
And the life is being spent.
If you wish to survive
Keep your smile and pretend.
Nothing is left to strive,
All your heights have been bent…

Excerpted from: “SPEED FLIGHT Poetry“, 7/17/20
Katherine Woodward
Copyright 2020

As a matter of fact, the Stalinist Structure of Soviet Socialism was a model for a totalitarian dictatorship, which was expanded by the KGB Mafia/Army throughout the globe in the 20th century: North Korea, China, Syria, Cuba, Venezuela, and Iran. If you want to see the victims of Stalinism in Syria, watch horrifying testimony of the witness providing the pictures of the torched and killed adults and children by Syrian Intel: 60 Minutes, 7.11.21. Socialist/Communist Charlatans are attempting now to implement the same Stalinist structure of a dictatorial regime in America to demolish and overthrow our Constitutional republic and install that Stalinist Socialist model in America. To grasp the core of Stalinism, let me give you a story from the Russian history…

The Story of Russian President Yeltsin

History presents President Boris Yeltsin as quite a controversial figure. I have different opinion. President Yeltsin was a good man. He was the first Communist who openly, publicly returned his Party Book—a very courageous act in 1990. The Stalinist Soviet Socialism had made him a sick man—an alcoholic. That played a major role in his demise in the end of his career. Yet, he loved his country, knew that the youngsters were targeted by Stalinism and tried to free them from the Stalinist past.

One of his first laws had cancelled the textbooks, with revised Stalinist history–a crucial step. Several generations of the Soviet children were indoctrinated by Stalinist fraud during seventy years. Yeltsin has returned the true history to the Soviet people and promoted the Truth. It is once again hard to fight for truth under the current Russian KGB government: you saw thousands arrested in Moscow and other Russian cities. Those who have guts to revolt against Stalinist Intel, have been reading the real history of Russia thanks to Boris Yeltsin. Yet, it will be a long way to defeat the Russian KGB government, help of the world democracies is mandatory.

Joe Biden’s Swamp of Socialist Charlatans

This excursion to the past had illustrated the ubiquitous nature of Stalinism and its mighty Intel. The report about crime committed by the NSA didn’t surprise me. I was writing about the Soviet Style behavior of American Intel for years. Suppression of Conservative voices is familiar to me: the FISA Court made me a foreign agent in 2002. The crime against Tucker Carlson was also a direct violation of his privacy ten year later, both are similar to what I had experienced in the USSR. We used to live under the regime of charlatans, thugs, and criminals. That exact experience helped me to invent the term Socialist Charlatans—they conduct warfare and revolutions like Charlatans. They cheat, deceive, defraud anywhere… in America as well…

The NSA was monitoring Tucker’s computer and leaked Tucker’s emails to the Washington Post. I am writing about the incompetence of American Intel and the FBI for several decades—they don’t know Russia and her Intel. As we can see today, they are infiltrated by that Evil force and have become dysfunctional, unable to pursue American interests. Two major gates of our national security are paralyzed, just watch attacks against the third one—Law Enforcement apparatus. The war against police, started in 2014 by Obama, will continue by Biden to nationalize police, like Stalin did, politicizing everything…

July 9, 2021 Tucker Carlson, Fox News published the opinions of the unified people believing that the 2020 election was rigged. The illustration of the Truth was shocking for many, not for me, I was writing about that and warning you about Stacy Abrams. But Socialist Charlatans from the NSA didn’t like it. Watch also the current dispatch from Afghanistan. Fighting there for twenty years, Intel haven’t learn the enemy: Blood of our servicemen killed in Afghanistan and Iraq is on the hands of the Russian KGB and our incompetent Intel…

Had you read my books and columns, you would know that Taliban and ISIS went through the same KGB schooling of tactics, methods, and dirty tricks. Yet, the Tucker story told me more than only that. It directed me to the earlier harms done to America by Socialist Charlatans. The American Intel had shown its incompetence in 1979 or maybe even before that year. Please, read my column Putin’s KGB on American Soil, January 26, 2018: a debate about The Washington Post and killing of its owner Phillip Graham: the answer is still in the dark…

I was closely following Joe Biden since Obama appointed him a point man for Ukraine 2014. It is my territory of expertise. I have written several articles about Ukraine and Biden’s family, exposing Biden’s collaboration with Putin-he had worked to help Putin to suffocate the young Ukrainian democracy. Now I don’t believe a word read by Biden to us every day. Those words are written by Putin’s troopers in his staff. In my opinion we are watching a Socialist revolution, exercised by the Democrat Party from within in America. It started years ago, yet Stalinist vicious violence had been obvious only in the summer 2020 by BLM, Antifa, other thugs and criminal groups freed from prison. Putin’s organized migrant’s invasion on our Southern border illustrated the unity with Russia in the scam…

While I was writing, the TV brings news from Cuba—a massive people’s demonstration-protests against the Cuban Communist Dictatorship. People are waving the American flag, asking for help. This is a defining moment in the world history. Yes, History of the world knows who had brought the ideology of Socialism/Communism to Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela to our Hemisphere, to within 90 miles of our shore—Russia. Cuba today is the window of opportunities for American democracy to start aggressively fighting back Socialism/Communism in our Hemisphere. Watching President Biden and his administration, you will have a response confirming my opinion. You will also begin to better understand the term Socialist Charlatans! They are playing a game by using COVID and vaccine to divert your attention from the revolution they do exercise now against our Constitutional republic.

Crime and lawlessness in the Democrat-run States surge across major U.S. cities and it will not stop: Violence is a part of Socialist revolution. Moreover, you will see the Soviet style indoctrination of the Army and police… Yet, Republicans are fighting a fraudulent and lifeless if not dead Marxist theory, while an aggressive and alive Russian/Chinese Intel destroys us from within…

We the people!

Freedom’s torch is yours!

To be continued or at

Lego Figures Charged With Insurrection

Washington, DC — As news that one of the dangerous January 6 insurrectionists had a Lego Capitol taken from his home as evidence, further news has leaked that the FBI will likely charge many of his Lego mini-figures with weapons and conspiracy charges.

An unknown number of mini-figures was taken into custody. At least four were reportedly cooperating with law enforcement and may have been long-time FBI informants.

Neighbors report a small firefight had erupted from the basement of the house when officers tried to exercise a search warrant. Fred Fredrickson lives behind the house and claims to have witnessed the entire operation.

“I heard a knocking on his door at about 2 am, but they had the bust down the door because he wasn’t home, y’know? Then I clearly heard them from the basement sayin’ ‘I see you hiding in that fully constructed Roman Coliseum – come out with your little plastic gripper-things up!’ Then I hear ’em going ‘pew pew pew’ and making shooting sounds with his mouth,” he said.

Mr. Frederickson continued, “Then I seen some of them loaded into a Lego City Prisoner Transporter and noticed about half were wearing little red ball caps. You could just make out MAGA on them lil’ hats. I was terrified – they’ve been living next to me for five years!”

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by Panem Et Circenses from The Peoples Cube is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

POLL: Almost Two-thirds of Americans Believe China Should Pay Pandemic Reparations

Nearly two-thirds of Americans believe that the Chinese regime should pay reparations for the destruction caused by the human coronavirus pandemic, according to a TIPP Poll conducted for the Center for Security Policy.

That number rises from 63 percent to 78 percent if investigations reveal that the Chinese government released the SARS-CoV-19 human coronavirus on purpose.

About half of those surveyed believe that the virus “was developed in a lab,” with a quarter of the public convinced that the Chinese government created it “intentionally” in a lab and released it “intentionally.”

While southerners and Midwesterners are most likely to think that the Chinese government created the virus and is responsible for unleashing the pandemic, people in the more liberal Northeast are the toughest when it comes to making China pay reparations if an investigation reveals an accidental release from a government lab.

These are astonishing numbers. They reveal a powerful narrowing of the gap since the pandemic began a year and a half ago. The American people are taking an increasingly hard line toward the Chinese regime.

The Center’s numbers coincide with Politico-Harvard poll

The Center’s poll results generally coincide with the numbers of a new Politico-Harvard poll, which shows that 52 percent of the public believes that the virus that causes COVID-19 came from a “laboratory leak in China.” The Center for Security Policy poll found that 49 percent believe that the virus “was developed in a lab.”

In the Politico-Harvard poll, 59 percent of Republicans, 52 percent of Democrats, and 47 percent of independents say that the virus came from a Chinese lab.

The Center for Security Policy poll found greater polarization on a similar question: 67 percent of Republicans, 42 percent of Democrats, and 52 percent of independents say it came from a lab. This is important. Politico and Harvard are very liberal institutions, yet their poll results showed greater public agreement with what had been the Center for Security Policy’s position all along.

The Politico-Harvard poll also found that 82 percent of the public thinks it is “important” for the U.S. government to investigate the origins of the virus. 0f that 82 percent, 33 percent said it was “extremely important,” 29 percent called it “very important,” and 20 percent termed it “somewhat important.” That poll did not ask about reparations.

“The poll’s findings show what was once a fringe belief held mainly among some on the political right has become accepted by most Republicans, as well as most Democrats, amid heightened scrutiny of the lab leak theory,” according to Politico.

Center for Security Policy analysts have insisted from the beginning that the virus originated in a Chinese Communist Party-run virology lab in Wuhan, China, calling the plague the “Wuhan Virus.”

“Usually, our polls find a big split between Republicans and Democrats, so this is unique,” Robert Blendon, the Harvard professor of health policy and political analysis, told Politico. “More conservative media have been carrying the ‘lab leak’ issue, and it’s been a Trump talking point from the beginning, so we expected people who lean Democratic would say either ‘It’s not true’ or ‘I don’t know.’ But the belief is bipartisan.”


Even if the release was accidental, 63 percent of those surveyed in the Center’s poll said that China should be “required to compensate” Americans and other victims for the damage.

Here – and consistent with the Politico-Harvard poll pattern about a closing gap between the parties – 71 percent of Republicans and 61 percent of Democrats and independents in the Center for Security Policy poll say that China must pay reparations.

This shows that an absolute majority of the Americans polled agree with the Center’s position since the beginning that the Chinese Communist Party must pay for the international death and destruction that it caused.

Americans from the Midwest and South are most likely to suspect that the Chinese regime intentionally released the virus, though people in the more liberal Northeast are the most likely to call for reparations.

In every demographic group except young people age 18-24, more were “not sure” about reparations than were those who opposed reparations.

What if it was found that the Chinese Communist Party intentionally released the killer virus? In all, 78 percent of the public would want reparations.

Here’s the breakdown:



Reparations effect

Reparations would have a two-fold positive effect: they would compensate American taxpayers and citizens for their personal and financial losses, and they would start the process of taking down the CCP.

In April 2020, the Center issued a Decision Brief titled, “Time to decide how Chinese Communist Party pays reparations for pandemic.”

“Anticipating that the U.S. will hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable for the Wuhan Virus pandemic, the U.S. should next decide how to enforce that accountability. The Chinese Communist Party must immediately pay reparations for human and economic damages,” the Decision Brief said.

About the polls

The Center’s poll was conducted by TechnoMetrica, between June 30 and July 2, 2021, and the nationwide study had a sample of 1,424 Americans, 18 or older.  TechnoMetrica’s network of panel partners provided the study sample. Upon the study completion, TechnoMetrica weighted the study dataset by gender, age, race, education, and geographical region to mirror known benchmarks such as the U.S. Census. The credibility interval (CI) for the survey is +/- 2.8 percentage points, meaning the study is accurate to within ± 2.8 percentage points, 19 times out of 20, had all Americans been surveyed.

The Politico-Harvard poll surveyed 1,009 adults from June 22-27, with a margin of error of 3.8 points.


J. Michael Waller

Senior Analyst for Strategy.

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

THE BIG GUY HAS SPOKEN: George Floyd Mural Struck by Lightning, Crumbles to the Ground


The Toledo mural, completed in June 2020, was struck by lightning in the middle of the day on Tuesday, leaving a charred wall where Floyd’s face was before. It was a direct hit; artwork to the left and right of the mural appeared unblemished.

WTVG reported their Doppler Radar did show a lightning strike on the same block as the George Floyd mural at 4:30 the same afternoon.

The lightning strike, which hit directly on George Floyd’s face, reduced the mural to a pile of bricks.

Toledo police were seen outside the building, which used to house the Mugshots Bar, setting up tape around the pile of bricks that once formed the artwork.

The mural was painted almost one year to the date of its collapse last July.


  • Here’s what the George Floyd shrine looked like last summer before God sent a bolt down and reduced it to rubble (notice it directly hit Floyd’s face):

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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