Is America Headed Toward a Second Civil War?

The Battle Hymn of the Republic

There are multiple indicators that America is headed toward a second Civil War.

This new Civil War is not about the Southern states secession from the Republic. Rather this new Civil War is about those who want to fundamentally transform America. It’s between those who embrace liberty against those who are hell bent on imposing a tyrannical government upon American citizens.

It is in essence a battle between patriots and tyrants.

One group of Americans, the patriots, believe that the United States is a Constitutional Republic where the power lies in the hands of each legal citizen not government. Patriots put their trust in God, not government, for their redemption. This group embraces free and fair elections, the imperative that only legal citizens of the U.S. have a right to vote and want voter IDs to identify themselves, and others, as legal voters.

The second group, the tyrants, believe that the United States is a democracy where 51% of the voters can dictate to the other 49% how to live, work and play. This group is willing to allow illegal non-citizens and dead people to vote. This group calls any voter ID laws racist. This group has no problem allowing elections to be stolen. This group believes that God is the opiate of the people and that government, not God, is in control.

The Second Civil War – Patriots vs. Tyrants

A new ABC News/Ipsos poll found that 55% of respondents say they are pessimistic about the direction of the country for the next 12 months. This is significant because it represents a nearly 20 percentage point drop in the same poll that was taken in May, when 36% of Americans were pessimistic and 64% were optimistic about the nation’s future. Declines in optimism were from Republicans, independents, and Democrats.

This is the beginning of a new awakening that there is something fundamentally wrong with where we are headed as a nation, culture and a unique society. There are many who are worried that their children and grandchildren will not be growing up in a free society.

The current policies of the Biden administration are leading us to a totalitarian government bent on control of its citizens using every means available to it.

This administration is using its powers to imprison those who disagree with it. Big Tech is wantonly censoring certain views. Freedom of speech is threatened. Individual choices are being replace by government mandates, e.g. vaccine passports.

The free market is being replaced with government imposed lockdowns. Tyranny is raising its ugly head using fear as their hammer to pound on our religious liberties, freedom of speech and unalienable right to keep and bear arms.

History Repeats Itself

We are seeing history repeat itself.

America in 2021 is reminiscent of Germany in 1933.

The anti-Fascists are in-fact Fascists. Antifa and Black Lives Matter are the new Brown Shirts and SS of Nazi era Germany.

In the 1947 book “Nuremberg Diary” Gustave M. Gilbert, a psychologist who had access to the prisoners during the trials, describes a discussion with Herman Goering, one of the most powerful figures in the Nazi Party.

Gilbert asked Goering “how did the Nazi Party force the German people to go to war”, to which Goering responded:

“…It is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.”

Goering was reminded by Gilbert that,

“in a democracy the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives.”

Goering responded that,

“[V]oice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”

We are seeing this happen today with Biden and his handlers creating fear using Covid, the January 6th mostly peaceful demonstration in Washington, D.C. and the false flag of “white supremacism” to “drag people along” to attack their neighbors and friends for being patriots.


It is only a matter of time before there is a second Civil War.

This new civil war will be between patriots and tyrants.

The goal of the tyrants is to destroy America and with it western civilization. The goal of patriots is to protect and defend our Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.

The methodology of the tyrant is to rewrite history, e.g. Critical Race Theory, and literally tear down Civil War memorials to keep the young from understanding American history, especially the Civil War that reunited the Republic and freed the slaves.

The more government tries to take control the more the people will push back against it.

Violence may be necessary to restore our freedoms. As Thomas Jefferson wrote:

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

Time will tell if it becomes a shooting war. We hope that it doesn’t. However, if Biden continues down the path he and his handlers are on, nothing can stop him short of a revolution.

Are you a patriot or a tyrant? Choose wisely.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Winning the Second Civil War: Without Firing a Shot.

The Ledger Report: Trump Alone Can Not Save The Republic – YOU Must Activate!

Fauci Can’t Get His Own Facts Straight, Yet the Government Wants to Decide What’s ‘Misinformation’ on Social Media

Misinformation is much more destructive when it emanates from a monopolistic “Ministry of Truth.”

This week, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) and the Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Anthony Fauci squared off in the public arena yet again.

The two have frequently sparred over pandemic policy in Congressional committee hearings over the past year and a half, and their debates have often been contentious. But this interaction involved a particularly frazzled Fauci. In the brief exchange, Fauci looked around for assistance in the room, called Paul a liar, and shouted “you don’t know what you’re talking about!” as Paul proceeded to question him.

In his opening statement, Paul referenced an academic paper that further calls into question the origins of the COVID-19 variant that upended the world. “We hypothesize that the direct progenitor of SARS-CoV may have originated after sequential recombination events between the precursors of these SARSr-CoVs,” stated the numerous scientists and doctors who authored the research.

The data is the latest in a long line of evidence that has emerged indicating the viability of the theory that the disease not only came from a lab, but that the NIH actually funded the laboratory and research that may have produced it. But in a May hearing, when originally pressed on it by Dr. Paul, Fauci denied that his agency funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).

Those statements were brought into doubt. The NIH did fund research at WIV that analyzed bat specimens collected from caves in China to study their potential for infecting humans. The grant was made in a roundabout way through a nonprofit called EcoHealth.

“Dr. Fauci, knowing that it is a crime to lie to Congress, do you wish to retract your statement of May 11 where you claimed that the NIH never funded gain-of-function research and move on?” Paul asked.

In response, Fauci stated, “Senator Paul, I have never lied before the Congress, and I do not retract that statement. This paper that you’re referring to was judged by qualified staff, up and down the chain, as not being gain-of-function.”

It appears that instead of arguing the actual data, Fauci is now resorting to semantics around the definition of “gain-of-function,” but even to a scientific layman it is becoming increasingly clear that Fauci misled the American public for some time on this matter. He knew he authorized the funding and was not forthcoming on that fact—even when asked by a sitting Senator.

Paul was having none of it. “I will be sending a letter to the Department of Justice asking for a criminal referral because he has lied to Congress. We have scientists that were lined up by the dozens to say that the research he was funding was gain-of-function,” Paul told Sean Hannity.

This would certainly not be the first time Fauci has been caught giving the American people false information, not by a long shot.

From the very beginning of the crisis, Fauci found it appropriate to lie to the people and control valuable information around the pandemic.

As people rushed to purchase masks and other protective wear, he gave statements discouraging the use of masks and claiming they were not effective at blocking the illness. The government of course quickly reversed its position and continues to mandate masks in public places to this day, despite the availability of vaccines.

For his part, Fauci claims he doesn’t regret lying to the American people, theoretically endangering millions of lives according to his current position, because there was a shortage of PPE at the time.

Evidence suggests there could be another layer to the story that complicates the narrative over Fauci’s flip flop. But if we listen to Fauci’s account, he essentially believed it was alright to prioritize some lives over others and lie to people in the process.

The audacity of believing it is morally appropriate to play God with people’s lives and determine who should have access to public health information in a crisis is appalling, and it is a trend Fauci continued.

Last summer he advised schools to close nationwide, despite the fact that the actual science always showed children were all but immune from the disease. Instead of giving local districts the basic information needed for prevention and allowing them to determine which measures were appropriate, Fauci again felt it proper to use his significant influence to pressure schools to close nationwide.

Fauci’s unprecedented guidance directing lawmakers to simply shut down businesses and schools, we now know, led to devastating increases in domestic abuse, mental illness, suicide attempts, and poor education for countless children.

Paul confronted Fauci on many of these topics as well, and each time the Senator from Kentucky was eventually proven right—though neither he nor the American people received an apology for the false narratives or the horrible ramifications of them in our society.

To add insult to injury, the government has nominated itself as the sole arbiter of truth when it comes to information on the coronavirus. The Biden Administration has claimed misinformation on social media platforms is “killing people” and has openly been pressuring Facebook to remove posts that do not align with their narrative.

“We’re flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spread disinformation. We’re working with doctors and medical experts…who are popular with their audience with accurate information. So, we’re helping get trusted content out there,” said White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki.

This is concerning for multiple reasons. First and foremost, it is a violation of free speech and the free market for the government to tell any private business how to run its operations. Plain and simple.

Additionally, the government has no business being in a position of determining what the truth is or is not. They’ve been caught lying more times than we can count and are likely to continue, given how misleading the public often serves to increase their own power.

The government’s track record of inaccuracy by no means begins with COVID, but has certainly grown with it. This is the last entity we should trust with a monopoly over information.

Fauci’s disastrous track record of misinformation, laid bare throughout his many rounds with Rand Paul, shows why the government has no business trying to be a monolithic source and arbiter of truth. Misinformation is much more destructive when it emanates from a monopolistic “Ministry of Truth.” And truth has a much greater chance at out-competing falsehood in a free marketplace of ideas.


Hannah Cox

Hannah Cox is the Content Manager and Brand Ambassador for the Foundation for Economic Education.

RELATED ARTICLE: Why the Threat to Free Speech Suddenly Looks Much Bigger

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Jew Haters in Power Were Very Carefully Taught

In 1949, the trailblazing anti-racist musical “South Pacific”––created by composer Richard Rodgers and lyricist Oscar Hammerstein II––debuted on Broadway to wild critical acclaim, running for over five years in nearly 2,000 performances.

A particularly powerful and influential song from the musical, “You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught,” carried the message that hatred does not arise spontaneously in the human species, but rather is inculcated––taught, sermonized, infused––by parents, teachers, coaches, political figures or other impassioned haters. Here are the still-relevant lyrics:

You’ve got to be taught to hate and fear,
You’ve got to be taught from year to year,
It’s got to be drummed in your dear little ear,
You’ve got to be carefully taught.

You’ve got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a different shade,
You’ve got to be carefully taught.

You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate,
You’ve got to be carefully taught!

The show takes place on a South Pacific island during World War II, which make the lyrics relevant and understandable. This is why the world-famed composer (who was Jewish) and lyricist (whose father was Jewish) didn’t include the hatred for Jews that children have been taught for literally thousands of years.


When Americans see Joe Biden––or whoever is running the show for him and Kalamity––appointing a virtual Who’s Who of Jew- and Israel-haters to the highest positions in his regime, and promulgating policies specifically designed to destroy Israel, it is clear that all of these appointees, as well as Ole Joe and Kalamity themselves, were very “carefully taught.”

And when Americans see the growing number of elected anti-Semitic Democrat haters––Ilhan Omar (MN), Rashida Tlaib (MI), Ayanna Pressley (MA), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY), Cori Bush (MO), Jamaal Bowman (NY), the list gets longer every day––it is equally obvious that these DNA haters were very carefully taught and imbibed their toxic hatred with mother’s milk.

For a refresher, please see the documentation I’ve supplied of the alarmingly large number of vicious Jew-haters and Israel-loathers––the DNA anti-Semites––who Biden & Co. have put into the highest positions of the U.S. Government––look ‘em up!

Feb. 2, 2021: Joe’s Jews

In the interests of space limitations, I share Dan O’Donnell’s exhaustive research into Joe Biden’s Six Decades of Racism, particularly when it comes to Blacks, and the Geller Report on how Biden has repeatedly betrayed Israel for the past many decades. No doubt this is why Vernon Jones, a Black former state representative and lifelong Democrat from Georgia, called Biden “a full-blooded bigot.”

Some other articles for your reading list:

Again it is crystal clear that Biden and all his appointees and the Squalid Squad who follow the Democrat racist line were all “carefully taught!”


If you’ve either lived through or studied Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 1940s, it is clear that a resurgence of the same kind of Jew hatred is now rearing its head in 2021. Of course, it started thousands of years ago, but it reappeared dramatically in 2009, when the Race-Baiter-in-Chief, Barack Obama, utilized his community-organizer, rabble-rouser tactics in the Oval Office, fomenting racial divisiveness, fabricating conflicts where none existed, and using his bully pulpit––with the collaboration of the bought-and-paid-for leftwing media––to manufacture “hate” crimes that were once, quite accurately, considered indisputable criminal acts.

All of Obama’s fancy footwork depended on the gullibility of the American public and its desire to see the first Black president––okay, half-black, half lily-white––succeed.

This magical thinking has been used before, for instance when the proponents of Socialism-cum-Communism ultimately realized that this tyrannical system of government failed horribly in every country it’s been practiced throughout history, but still fantasized that they can do it better.

Similarly and in spite of centuries of failures––even Hitler failed at extinguishing the Jews––the Jew-haters think that they’ve finally figured out a way to rid the world of the people who make them green with envy because of their accomplishments and success and disproportionate contributions to the world.

In this century––largely as a result of global communication through the technology that puts fanatical haters in touch with each other––the Jew-haters have made some disturbing inroads.

We now have a true pandemic of virulent anti-Semitism not only throughout the world but right here in America, including on most college and university campuses where massive Arab endowments have dictated anti-Semitic curricula and politics, which accounts for so many craven professors and administrators caving to the money and actually colluding with the Jew-hating students to vilify Jews and Israel.

Yes, in America, where the corrupt media turn a blind eye to the “carefully taught” racists and indefensibly ignore the innocent, often aged Jews who are attacked in the streets or have their synagogues lit on fire or are murdered in cold blood and thrown off a third-story balcony, as was 65-year-old retired doctor and mother and grandmother Sarah Halimi, in France.

But who does the degenerate media applaud?

All of them carefully taught!


Again, because of space limitations, I will list some of the recent horrors that fall directly on the heads of Joe Biden and his racist handlers and appointees for both their promotion of Jew hatred and abject failure to condemn––and to stem––the tsunami of anti-Semitism now emblematic of his racist regime. This is a very small sample:

I rest my case.


Jews like me who know Jewish history also know that we have been through this before and not only prevailed but flourished, just as we will through this upheaval. Yet, the fight goes on with those “carefully taught” Jew-haters who spend their days and nights and social occasions and professional time––even holidays––obsessing about those damn Jews.

How could it be, they wonder, that in a world of nearly eight-billion people, this miniscule people––only 15 million!––gains prominence in every country in which they land (even when they arrive with no money and not knowing the language), and inevitably manage to do amazing, world-changing things. For instance––again, this is the very, very short list!

Too many to name, too little space. Here’s another small taste: 10 Inventions by Jewish People that Changed the World and here: An Informal List of Jewish Inventions, Innovations and Radical Ideas.

These astounding contributions provide immense benefits to all those “carefully taught” Jew-haters who have never figured out how to rid themselves and the world of the people who make them feel so bad about themselves, so inadequate, so un-chosen, so jealous!


Strangely, it is liberal Jews, and there are many of them––read my article: Suicidal Jews––who vote for the Jew-hating Democrats and raise not one objection when these floridly racist politicians are thunderously silent as their colleagues spew their anti-Semitic bile and then proceed to enact policies that are viciously antagonistic to Israel, the most egregious being their fanatical mission to allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons…a state whose mullahs have declared for decades that their intention is to wipe Israel off the map and kill every last Jew in the world.

This is because the “values” leftist Jews and Democrat pols share override their interest in anti-Semitic American professors, violent Jew-hating racist groups like Black Lives Matter, or genocidal mullahs––values like saving the whales, the colossal hoax of global warming, and slaughtering infants in the womb right up to the moment of birth, ala New York Democrats, and equally if not more grotesque, infanticide after the baby has been born, ala the depraved Democrat Governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam.

These are the people who have been bleating “my body, my choice” for decades when it comes to abortion, while today they support the Biden regime’s call for mandatory injections of the experimental, non-FDA-approved, clinically controversial and even dangerous Covid-19 vaccines that stand for the opposite: my body––not my choice!


If you have a thought, an opinion, a grievance, or a disagreement with this or that policy emanating from the White House, take one minute––literally 60 seconds––to call:

The White House hotline: 1-855-948-2311.

Comments: 1-202-456-1111
Switchboard: 1-202-456-1414

Or send an e-mail to: Contact Us | The White House

You can do this every day! The White House accumulates Yes and No piles and often bases policies––or should––on the will of the American people.

Here is a listing and map of what the U.S. Senate election will look like in 2022.

Here is a listing and map of what the U.S. House of Representatives election will look like in 2022.

Keeping in mind that the Democrat Party is now the official party of racism and hatred of Jews and Israel, it is imperative that you vote for whomever is running against a Democrat and whomever is running against Republicans in Name Only (RINOs), for instance Lisa Murkowski (AK), Liz Cheney (WY), Anthony Gonzalez (OH), Susan Collins (ME), Mitt Romney (UT), Pat Toomey (PA), et al.

And don’t send any of them a red cent!

It is now clear that Jewish organizations which once strongly advocated for Jewish issues and fought anti-Semitism aggressively no longer do so unless they involve politically correct issues that won’t inspire the vindictive wrath––and financial support––of Jewish Democrats.

Writer Seth Mandel elaborates on the rot inside American-Jewish organizations, as well as the Jews who are complicit in Jew hatred.

Those organizations include, among others: the UJA-Federation; the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) whose head, Jonathan Greenblatt, is a former employee of George Soros, the Clintons, and Barack Obama; the American Jewish Committee (AJC); the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC); the Hillel chapters on college campuses and the Reform movement.

So don’t count on these organizations and don’t send them another dollar!

Martin Niemöller, a German theologian and Lutheran pastor during Hitler’s reign of terror, is famous for words that resonate to this day:

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

It is not only Jews whose freedoms are threatened by the scourge of the racist regime now occupying the White House, it is every freedom-loving, non-racist American in this country––the vast majority! Never has the political action of We the People been more urgent. Time to act!

©Joan Swirsky. All rights reserved.

Reporters Claim a Democrat Bias is Just a Bias to Facts!

After you stop reading and laughing at the heading of this blog read the rest of the insanity coming from the mouths of so called reporters and journalists, the majority of which have no right to call themselves either.

The MSM has become, to all extent and purposes, a mouth piece for the New Socialist Democrat Party.

Everyday we see examples of this, from CNN town halls with mentally incompetent Sniffer Joe and the insane leftist Don Lemon to NBC news anchor, Lester Holt stating that “ fairness is overrated” adding “it’s not necessary to always give two sides equal weight and merit.”


Nikole Hannah-Jones from left wing New York Times magazine stated “ all journalism is a form of activism.”

PBS NewsHour White House correspondent Yamiche Alcindor stated “ it is my duty as a journalist to bend the moral arc towards justice.”

Left-wing White House reporter April Ryan stated “ I will no longer be objective” after President Trump entered the White House.

The MSM a long time ago had morals, principles and standards that have long been jettisoned in favor of joining in the huge propaganda campaign from the extremists of the New Socialist Democrat Party, especially since that traitor and testosterone challenged Barrack Hussein Obama was in office. They have done nothing but lie about anything contrary to the drive to create the breakdown of the USA and the birth of the Socialist States of America, their dream.

I guess it is good that these liberal, lying, no good, overpaid and useless so called journalists are coming clean. That they see themselves as puppets of the administration now in power.

Their political ambitions cover a wide gamut from local politics to international, with Israel being the target of many of them. Recently a letter signed by hundreds of these so called journalists was published far and wide claiming Israel was an oppressive, violent apartheid state. They used the language of treasonous members of the House like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., and Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich. I have copied a list of some of the publications represented by these sick people and they include the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, BuzzFeed, the Associated Press, the Los Angeles Times, ABC News, NBC News, NPR, The Atlantic, The Boston Globe, and the Chicago Tribune.

Not too many surprises here huh?

Jake Tapper, a particularly obnoxious reporter with the Communist News Network otherwise known as CNN stated he would never have anyone on his show who had supported, still supported or may support the huge lie that the 2020 election was stolen! He called them election liars.

As per the heading of this humble blog many reporters state that their reporting is not a bias towards the Democrats but a bias towards facts!!


Further they stated “We are biased in terms of facts. We in the media are biased in terms of we support vaccines. We in the media hire LGBT employees. We are biased against bans against trans or gay people.”

You knew it would not be long before LGBTQI etc. or race were bought into the argument.

Washington Post columnist Perry Bacon Jr. stated “So if we can be honest about those biases … That’s why journalists behaved the way they did when Trump – we are in favor of the person who won the election being president.” Huh??? Great comment Perry! Those English classes didn’t really work for you!!!

They all lied about the lab leak of the China virus mocking and blocking all who thought it was at least plausible.

They all mocked President Trump when he stated he would get the vaccines developed and manufactured in a year. They said they couldn’t trust them. He was lying. Don’t take the vaccine.

How things changed when the election was stolen. Now it’s all about the Biden success in getting the Chinese coronavirus under control. What a joke but wow – what a group of plain disinformation lies.

It is apparent that approximately 85% of the media bends left. Most not just left leaning but bent over left. The First Amendment gives them the right to speak, say and write what they want, but their code of ethics states they should not take everything as given but check, check and check again. Tell the unbiased truth regardless of where it goes. That, sadly, had nothing happened for years and is steadily getting worse. It is important for any socialist state to have a compliant media and this has been achieved.

It is a sad day every day in American and world journalism.

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

Human Rights Campaign Not Interested in Rights of Biologically Female Athletes

There was a time when almost all of us held at least one truth to be self-evident: the biological reality that boys and girls are different. But today, statements like that are “controversial.”

The controversy is no coincidence. Groups like the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) (2.00) have worked hard to make commonsense, ancient concepts into something contentious. HRC claims to be fighting for people’s rights, but it is actually rejecting the right of other Americans to express support for traditional understandings of marriage or gender. Now, HRC is taking aim at Florida, filing a lawsuit to force the state to allow biological boys to compete as transgender girls in school sports, and they’re threatening similar litigation in Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee.

HRC’s lawsuit asserts it’s “unfair” to ensure only girls play girls’ sports. They refuse to consider what’s fair for girls. As any kid in gym class knows, a moderately athletic boy can run faster, do more push-ups, and lift heavier weights than most every girl. And research shows that no amount of testosterone suppression or supplemental estrogen closes that gap.

Creating a level playing field is both scientific and constitutional. Giving girls equal protection and equal opportunity necessitates a protected space where girls aren’t at extra risk of injury and aren’t forced to share locker rooms and hotel rooms with males. HRC’s lawsuit undermines the protections that have allowed women to become some of the world’s best athletes.

Some people are fighting back. One female athlete lost out on her scholarship and a spot on a university team, so she sued. Unfortunately, HRC is supported by powerful interests, with a pocketbook lined by “platinum partners” like AppleGoogle, and Coca-Cola, all of which have earned 1.00 scores from 2ndVote. While corporations are powerful, we the people weaken them by spending money based on our values. If HRC is going to fight against the Judeo-Christian and Constitutional principles on which America was founded, they should at least have to fight alone. Tell these corporations that donating to HRC means you’ll take your business elsewhere.

EDITORS NOTE: This 2ndVote column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Munich 1972 and 2016 – The Shameful Conduct by Germany During the Munich Olympics 49 Years Ago Up to More Recent Times

Finally, after 49 years, the Olympics has a moment of silence to honour the Israeli athletes murdered by Palestinian terrorists at the Munich Olympics 1972.

Here is the essay I wrote for Frontpage Magazine five years ago about Germany’s sad response to the murder of Jews in Munich, and how its moral failure has only continued to the present time.

MUNICH 1972 AND 2016

The long history of German incompetence in the face of Islamist terrorism.

We all know about Germany under Angela Merkel deciding to admit about a million immigrants from lands where jihadism, Sharia law, terrorism and hatred of women, Jews and gays are endemic.

Most of know that on New Years’ Eve last, some 1000 of the recent immigrants, predominantly young males from a culture of rape, began sexually assaulting hundreds of German young women in Cologne.

Fewer know that German police took days to acknowledge the extent of the mass rapes and sexual attacks and in this they and the German media have been following the lead of Sweden whose police and media, according to a recent article in Britain’s _The Spectator, _have been actively _covering up _the facts on the nature and extent of Muslim sexual attacks on their women.

German police declared within one day that the German-Iranian shooter who killed 9, including children, in the Munich mall attack this week acted alone, and inferred that this was mental illness not terrorism.

This happened during a period where police and security services were on “high alert” due to information about a possible terrorist attack.   Unlike most shooters who are killed on site as they continue to shoot, this shooter was found a kilometer away from the mall, and police quickly said that not only did he act alone but that it was suicide.   He had been walking around with a Glock 17 semi-automatic handgun and 300 rounds of ammunition in his rucksack.   I ask whether it is reasonable to accept such a fast conclusion from police that it was suicide and not terrorism.

I do not understand why the country that makes Mercedes cars that can drive themselves cannot, during a period of high alert, protect public gatherings, or find a shooter in a dense urban environment and must rely on the killer committing suicide a kilometer away – unless of course your ideology says all Muslims are culturally equal to all Western Europeans and that it is appropriate to accept a million mostly unvetted, mostly Muslim, migrants during wartime (radical Islam has declared war, and Hollande accepts this but not Obama and it would seem that Merkel does not accept it either).  The ideology of tolerance (which I term “tolerism” in my book of that title) says that tolerance and compassion and empathy, and yes, “submission” to a million demographic soldiers of the Islamic retaking of Europe, will somehow ease the problem.

The perpetrator shouted, “Allahu Akbar” –  the terrorist battle-cry.   Munich police chief Hubertus Andrae, however, told a news conference there were no indications the gunman had links with ISIS, identifying the attack as a “classic shooting rampage” and not terrorism.    Why do we insist that we are only worried about links to ISIS and not links to cultural jihadism and conquest?

Police were quick to emphasize that the shooter also shouted that he was a “German”, all but ignoring that he, or perhaps his parents, was, or were, from Iran, the major terrorist exporting nation in the world.   Even if he was not _directed_ by Iranian terrorists, one cannot say that he was not _inspired_ by the constant anti-western propaganda and warlike statements coming out of Iran.   One would think that Germany, in light of its crimes during the Nazi era but also due to its role in selling chemicals to Iraq and Syria for its chemical weapons program, and, as disclosed in a report by the World Nuclear Organization, providing 24% of the parts for the Iranian Busheir 1 nuclear plant, be more diligent in pursuing world peace by stopping its tolerance for Islamic warmongers.

The purpose of this article is to re-examine the 1972 terrorist attacks in Munich and reflect on the Munich mall Islamist terrorist attack . For it is my contention that a review of the facts will disclose that the undue tolerance and political correctness sweeping Europe has made it very difficult to protect Germans, as well as their visitors, from Islamist violence.

Let us examine the historical context of the murder of the Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics.  Eight Palestinians from a terrorist organization called Black September, a group within Yasser Arafat’s Fatah and PLO, took Israeli athletes hostage at the Munich Olympics, and, in the course of the attack, 11 Israelis and one German police officer were killed.

While terrorist attacks have become very common, we must remember that the Munich massacre was something much more unique at the time.  Author Steven Reeve, who did a 2001 study of the attack and its aftermath, writes that Munich was one of the most significant terror attacks of recent times, in that it “thrust the Palestinian cause into the world spotlight, set the tone for decades of conflict in the Middle East, and launched a new era of international terrorism.”   And as Arab Muslims continued to find terrorism useful to attain the support of Europeans and the United Nations, then it was sure to follow that terrorism would be used against the West.

Accordingly, it must be understood how incompetent was the response of the German authorities and how mild was the response of the International Olympic movement.

Two of the Israelis were killed immediately upon the hostage-taking.  The hostage-takers then demanded the release and transfer to Egypt of a large number of Palestinians and others jailed in Israel.   Israel’s response was absolute – no negotiations with terrorist murderers.   Israel offered to send a special forces unit to Germany to try to free the hostages, but Germany refused.  Instead Germany undertook an operation which was so incompetent that it would be laughable if the consequences hadn’t been so tragic.  (We must credit the Germans, however, with the moral step of offering to the Palestinians a substitution of some high-ranking Germans in place of the Israelis, which the Palestinians refused.)

First, the Germans dispatched to the Olympic village some members of the border-police, completely untrained in any sort of counter-terrorist response, and without any plan of attack.  They took up positions, awaiting orders that never came.  Second, German television camera crews starting filming the police squad on the roof of a building, and once the terrorists saw the footage on television, and showed they knew where the police were, the operation was abandoned.

The German authorities pretended to give in to the terrorists’ demand for transportation to Cairo;  but instead of taking them to the international airport, the Germans transported them to a military airbase, where they planned to attack them.

The Germans selected five snipers, but none of them had any special training and were only chosen because they shot competitively on weekends.    A Boeing jet was positioned on the tarmac, and the Germans placed five or six armed police, dressed as flight crew, in the plane.  They were to overpower the terrorists who would be inspecting the plane, and the other snipers were to kill the remainder of the terrorists who would be in the helicopters which delivered them from the Olympic site.  The armed police, however, again had no counter-terrorism training, and at the last moment just as the helicopters arrived, the police panicked and voted among themselves to abandon their mission, which they did, without even contacting their central command.   When the terrorist leaders inspected the empty jet, they knew they had been duped, and a chaotic scene ensued.  But the German snipers, who had no radio contact with each other, and hence no coordination of their efforts, were not even equipped with steel helmets or bullet-proof vests.  In the end all of the hostages were killed, and all but three of the terrorists.

After a one-day suspension, the Games continued.  At a memorial service, IOC President Avery Brundage spoke about the strength of the Olympic movement, but chose not to refer to the slain Israeli athletes!  And the Arab nations objected to a plan to fly flags at half mast!

The bodies of the five Palestinians who were killed were, for some reason, delivered to Libya, where they received heroes’ funerals with full military honors.   The three surviving terrorists were jailed, but less than two months later, a German Lufthansa jet was hijacked and the Germans quickly traded two of the terrorists for release of the hijacked plane.

We should understand that 911 and the various terrorist attacks in Europe are part of the same problem that Israel faces.  Sadly, the European Left (and increasingly the American Left) seeks to distinguish the two and continues to work to sacrifice Israel to the Islamist beast, in the hopes that it will be sated and not come after them.

The tolerant elites of Europe have ignored all history, and welcomed some one million migrants into Germany alone, from Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia and other dysfunctional Muslim countries.    Britain’s _Express_ newspaper (consisting of the _Daily Express_ and the _Sunday Express)_ reported in February on a leaked government report that the refugees to Germany (numbering some one million people) committed some 200,000 crimes last year!   Most were minor crimes, but some were murders, assaults, thefts, sexual assaults, etc.   It takes a special kind of ideology of naïve faith in tolerance (which I term _tolerism) _to destroy the safety of your own people in favor of some notion of “rights” of migrants, most of whom were inadequately vetted.

Significantly, German security forces have been on alert since a teenage migrant stabbed and injured five people on a train in Bavaria on Monday, in an attack claimed by so-called Islamic State.

The authorities had warned of the danger of further incidents.  Yet, to the best of my knowledge, German authorities are not implementing what Israel did way back in 2001, where those entering malls are checked for weapons by highly trained security guards.   Not checking, not understanding the difference between mental illness and cultural incitement, 24 hour conclusions ruling out “terrorism”, are all signs of incompetence.  Incompetence to save Israeli athletes in 1972 and incompetence to save their own people in 2016.  And the reason for the incompetence is the foolish ideology adopted by the children and grandchildren of Nazi murderers that the problem of terrorism was a deserved problem of the Israeli Jews and that it wasn’t their problem.

©Howard Rotberg. All rights reserved.

Can the Hamas-Linked AP Any Longer Be Considered a News Source?

My latest in PJ Media:

The Associated Press (AP) is one of the largest, most respected, most venerable news sources on the planet. It is also increasingly clear that the AP, in these overheated days, has reduced itself to acting as a press agency for Hamas. This tendency has become so pronounced recently that among all the massively biased far-Left propaganda outfits that make up the establishment media, the AP has essentially disqualified itself from being regarded any longer as even close to being a reliable source for news.

The first indication that the AP had run off the rails came during the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas, when Israeli forces bombed a building in Gaza that housed a Hamas operations base and an AP office. The AP protested, claiming that it had no idea, none whatsoever, that it was sharing a building with Hamas, and this organization of intrepid journalists was put into the embarrassing position of having to be informed by Israel’s Ambassador to the United States and the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, about the operations of Hamas right under their noses.

But it’s almost certain that they knew already, and said nothing about Hamas’ presence in their building because of sympathy with the jihad terror organization and a shared antipathy to Israel. This became clear again on July 13, when the AP ran a tear-jerker entitled “Israel bars jailed Palestinian from daughter’s funeral,” claiming: “Israel refused to let a prominent jailed Palestinian lawmaker attend her daughter’s funeral on Tuesday, despite a campaign by activists and human rights groups for her to be released on humanitarian grounds.”

Those terrible Israelis! And it gets even worse. According to the AP article, the “jailed lawmaker” was “Khalida Jarrar, 58, a leading member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine,” who “has been in and out of Israeli prison in recent years. A military court sentenced her to two years in March for being a member of an outlawed group. With time served, she is set to be released in October.” Her late daughter Suha “worked on issues related to gender and climate change for the Al-Haq human rights group.”

Suha “worked on issues related to gender and climate change”! Why, she was a saint on earth, and the evil Israelis wouldn’t even let her bereaved mother pay her respects! However, the AP left out a few telling details. According to Gidon Ben-zvi in Algemeiner, Suha Jarrar worked for the same terrorist organization of which her mother was a member: “Suha Jarrar worked for al-Haq, a highly controversial organization with ties to the U.S.-designated terrorist group Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine [PFLP], of which her mother was a member. Al-Haq has asserted that terrorists have a ‘right’ to receive salaries from the Palestinian Authority.”

There is more. Read the rest here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Where I Come From We Judge People by the Content of Their Characters

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Character: The mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.

After having served in the U.S. Army for 23-years I have learned to judge individuals by the content of their character, not by the color of their skin.

I served in a military where men of all colors swore an oath to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution. Those with whom I served, and all those who have served honorably, are my brothers for he who sheds his blood with me is forever my brother.

As an officer, and commander of multiple units, I was responsible to judge the characters of those who served under me. I had the authority, under Article 15 of the Uniformed Code of Military Justice, to be the judge, jury and punisher of those soldiers who broke military laws and regulations. Just as I was subject to the same codes, laws and regulations.

Having served in combat I know about the content of others, and my own, characters. There is nothing like the heat of battle to bring out both the best and worst in men, and now women, in our military.

Understanding the character of individuals is a fundamental key to effective leadership.

Sadly today, character has taken a backseat to the color of one’s skin.


  • If you are white you are automatically labeled a racist.
  • If you are black you are automatically given a free pass on the content of your character.
  • If you are neither white or black, you are considered to be irrelevant or marginalized.

In a column titled “The Vague Grounds of ‘Systemic’ Racism” David Carlin asks:

Is “systemic racism” real?  Or is it an abuse of language, stretching the meaning of the word “racism” beyond its legitimate bounds?

The Oxford English Dictionary‘s first recorded utterance of the word racism was by a man named Richard Henry Pratt in 1902. Pratt was railing against the evils of racial segregation.

Segregating any class or race of people apart from the rest of the people kills the progress of the segregated people or makes their growth very slow. Association of races and classes is necessary to destroy racism and classism.

Racism has become a construct that has been turned into an effective weapon used by some to create racial division both in America and globally.

Their goal isn’t to unite Americans but to divide us. Their goal isn’t to unite the world it’s to divide it.

A divided people are easily manipulated and controlled.

It is an easily used word to win an argument with someone whom you disagree with. If you want to shut down any discussion with a white, black, Hispanic, oriental or American Indian then just call him or her a “racist.”

Racism is the ultimate political club.

When we judge people by what they do, by their character, then we are judging outcomes, not the color of one’s skin. Do good, do well and you are contributing to yourself, your family, your community, your state and the nation.

Do badly and you harm yourself and others.

You see, character has a moral basis. It is a religious construct.

1 Corinthians 15:33 warns,

Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”

Character is a choice between doing good or doing evil.

Without character what are we but mere animals?

How do you judge people?

Where I Come From by Alan Jackson

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

CNN Airs Hour-Long PSA On Warning Signs Of Dementia

CINCINNATI, OH—As part of a campaign to raise awareness and improve public knowledge on treatment options, CNN aired an hour-long public service announcement on the warning signs of dementia Wednesday night.

The PSA, which ran over an hour, showed tragic footage of an old man ranting and making nonsensical, confusing statements.

CNN says they hope the footage will encourage family members of the elderly to get them tested for the early warning signs of dementia. The cable news channel displayed a phone number for a hotline people can call if they believe someone they know might be suffering from symptoms of the condition.

“If you or a loved one act like this man,” said Don Lemon, “please, we beg you, get help. Slurred speech, inaccurate statements, an inability to remember where you are—these are all signs that your loved one might be suffering from dementia, whether he’s retired or the president of the United States.”

“… and we’d take the rhubarb and we’d put it in the pie, right in the ol’ pie,” the old man said suddenly, in a rare moment of lucidity. “It was incredible. You wouldn’t think rhubarb would taste good, but it’s the sweetness. The strawberries. The strawberries. The strawberries. That’s what makes it work! Airplanes! Airplanes are neat, you know, but they’re a myth. How do they get them up there? They don’t—d-d-don’t even have feathers.”

Many of the attendees were touched by both the PSA and the old man.


Biden Hires Interpreter To Translate His Speeches Into English

FBI Discovers Building Full Of Dangerous Extremists Organizing Acts Of Terror Across Country

Report: FBI Helped Thanos Get Six Infinity Stones In Attempt To Bust Him On Plot To Kill Half The Universe

Riot Police Unsure If Their Tear Gas Worked Since Libs Were Already Crying

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Gallup Poll: Biden Hits Lowest Approval Rating of His Presidency

Joe Biden Says He Was On The Judiciary Committee “150 Years Ago.”

According to a new poll released by Gallup, decrepit President Joe Biden’s approval rating is now at the lowest point of his presidency.

The poll taken from July 6-21 shows that the fraudulently-elected Biden has a 50% approval rating, plunging six points from a 56% rating in June.

Unsurprisingly, the puppet of subversive radicals Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett received a near-unanimous 90% approval rating from his fellow Democrats, versus only 12% of Republicans (which begs the question: how is it possible that even one Republican could approve of the far-left Biden’s agenda so far?). Forty-eight percent of Independents approved of Biden’s term up to this point.

That Biden has numbers even this high is testament to the propaganda power of the mainstream media (which is in fact the state media) and other cultural influencers on the left. Because any clear-eyed, objective view of the Biden administration’s accomplishments so far would reveal only massive economic failure, unprecedented racial division among Americans, the complete collapse of our southern border, and international humiliation.

Biden has been more disastrous for the country in his first six months than Barack Obama was in his entire first term. And he’s just getting started.

Joe Biden

100 Known Connections

Refusing to Condemn the Massive Nationwide Violence of Black Lives Matter & Antifa

Countless thousands of Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa rioters spent the spring, summer, and fall of 2020 tearing apart scores of American cities and burning large swaths of those cities to the ground, purportedly in response to the May 25 death in Minneapolis of a black man named George Floyd following his physical altercation with a white police officer. Through these many months of mayhem, Biden chose not to condemn the rioters and looters for their violence. Indeed, he remained silent until August 26 — when it was becoming apparent that his silence was causing his performance in political polls to drop. But even Biden’s criticism of BLM and Antifa was tepid: “The needless violence won’t heal us,” he said.

To learn more about Joe Biden, click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Are Biden’s Handlers Making Room for Right-Wing ‘Terrorists’ at Guantanamo?

My latest in PJ Media:

The establishment media agrees that Biden’s handlers’ freeing of Taliban jihadi Abdul Latif Nasser from Guantanamo, where he had been held for nineteen years, was the first step toward taking care of more unfinished business from the Obama administration and finally closing the notorious prison camp. But is that really the plan? Or might Guantanamo be filled up with a new group of terrorists?

The signs aren’t hard to find. CNN reported Wednesday that “the Justice Department repeatedly has documented the emergence of what could be called small, right-wing extremist groups.” One of the examples offered in the report is that of Robert Morss, a Pennsylvania resident who was arrested in connection with the January 6 Reichstag Fire. According to CNN, when Morss was arrested, police “found in his car a notebook with a page titled, ‘Step by Step to Create Hometown Militia.’ Beneath it Morss allegedly scribbled bullet point reminders, fleshing out the idea of forming a violent cell – ‘bring assault rifle’ and ‘set up your kit’ — and notes on ‘formation.’”

Then there were Ian Rogers and Jarrod Copeland, who were “so devoted to former President Donald Trump and so angry about the 2020 election result, that they allegedly plotted to blow up the Democratic headquarters building in Sacramento. One commented over an encrypted messaging thread, where the two discussed planning, that he realized they would be perceived as domestic terrorists, and the second man had previously joined an anti-government militia group.”

Whether these three men actually did anything criminal, or planned to do so, is a matter for the courts to decide. But ominously, a prosecutor wrote about the Rogers/Copeland case that “all of the political and social conditions that motivated them to plan what they themselves described as a terrorist attack remain.”

What are those conditions? Raw Story gave a clue to the answer to that in a risibly hysterical piece Monday that began:

A very particular, cultish and dangerous brand of domestic terrorism has been honed, and we should call it what it is: Trumpist terrorism.

 We’ve rarely if ever experienced domestic terrorism organized not only in the service of an ideology — white supremacy — but in the name of one person, a cult figure for whom people will kill and die, devoted to his cause and taking perceived orders from him.

 But that is what is happening now.

There is more. Read the rest here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Inspiring: US Women’s Soccer Team To Boycott Scoring Goals Until Racism Is Defeated

TOKYO—People were stunned after the U.S. women’s soccer team lost to Sweden in the Olympics this week by a score of 3-0—until the team revealed they are boycotting scoring any goals until racism is defeated.

“Yeah, we didn’t score any goals against Sweden last night, but that was totally on purpose,” said star player and beloved activist Megan Rapinoe. “This isn’t the time to score goals—when America is still racist. We totally could have beaten Sweden but we decided as a team that no goals will be scored until complete equality has been achieved in America. Also, we demand a hefty raise.”

Onlookers were stunned during the second half of the game when Rapinoe dribbled the ball all the way to Sweden’s unprotected goal and whispered “This is for you, people of color,” before kicking the ball straight into the air and running headfirst into the goalpost.

“This may be one of the most powerful performances in the history of sports,” said Teen Vogue‘s sportswriter who has never watched sports.

The U.S. Women’s team is demanding to remain in the Olympic tournament and promises to continue its streak of zero goals. Inspiring!


To Improve Olympic Chances, US Women’s Soccer Team Replaced By 15-Year-Old Boys Team In Wigs

Disney’s Animatronic Biden Praised As ‘Incredibly Realistic’ After It Short Circuits, Has Speech Malfunction

Joe Biden Buys All Of Hunter’s Artwork In Hopes Of Meeting The President

To Get Kids Interested In The Vaccine, Biden Holds Photo Op With Teen Pop Sensation Hanson

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

CNN Introduces Premium Subscription Service That Blocks All CNN Programming From View

ATLANTA, GA—CNN has unveiled an exciting new subscription service, CNN+, that blocks all CNN programming from view for the low, low price of $15 per month.

The move is expected to save CNN from bankruptcy, as the highly anticipated feature already has millions of sign-ups. Many thought CNN would not recover from the post-Trump years, but it appears people will actually pay not to have to ever see CNN again.

“We’re giving the people what they want,” said Brian Stelter. “And what they want, apparently, is to see a whole lot less of me.”

Subscribers will never again have to see a CNN broadcast, whether they’re at the airport, a hotel lobby, or they accidentally surf on by the channel while trying to turn into a real news station. Advanced streaming technology allows CNN+ to detect when a subscriber is in the vicinity of a public television playing CNN, and the system will automatically block all programming from view.

People who subscribe to the higher tiers of the subscription platform will get additional perks, like three throws at Brian Stelter perched above a dunk tank. Oh, and it’s filled with alligators!

Babylon Bee subscriber Dan Dillon contributed to this report. If you want to get involved with the staff writers at The Babylon Bee, check out our membership options here!


8 Ways To Entice Your Bored Congregants Back To Church

Space Returns Unwanted Amazon Delivery

As Rocket Returns, Amazon Workers Shuffle Back Into Place After Enjoying 10-Minute Break

Debate Erupts Between Trusted Medical Doctor And Dr. Fauci

Following The Science: Texas Issues Travel Ban On Democrats To Prevent Dangerous COVID Outbreak

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by the Babylon Bee is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Apologists for Communists

As the Cuban crisis unfolds, we are seeing an unprecedented number of protesters. Some of these dissidents could lose their lives for their bravery.

A friend of mine from church is from Cuba. Carlos was a political prisoner for 18 months in his home country. His crime? Trying to escape Cuba. Eventually he did get to escape.

I asked him about today’s protests. He said, “62 years later—this is the first time the people arose. It’s not over. At least they’re not afraid to protest any more. At this point they have nothing to lose.” One would add—except for their lives.

He said that the word from inside Cuba is that many protesters have been killed “left and right.”

Some of those Cuban protesters have even carried American flags—as a symbol of freedom. Protesters against Communism in Hong Kong a year or two ago also waved American flags. Ironically, many American leftists protest the flag. But in the face of Communist oppression, these dissidents see the American flag in a positive light.

There are some American apologists for the Cuban Communists. New York Congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) sent out a tweet (7/15/21) claiming to sympathize with the Cuban protesters. But she blames the U.S. embargo against Cuba for their situation, while never condemning communism—the fountainhead of all the Cubans’ miseries.

I asked Carlos what he thought about statements like AOC’s. He said, “It’s hard to listen to these people. They have no clue. They never lived it.”

I asked him about Cuba’s alleged progress for its citizens, like its much-touted health care system. He said, “Everything they hear is from the government press. There’s no free press in Cuba.”

Responding to AOC’s tweet, one commentator noted that most Cubans live on $44 (U.S.) per month. In contrast, when Fidel Castro died in 2016, his net worth was estimated at $900,000,000.

Black Lives Matters (BLM) also spoke out about the Cuban crisis—and blamed the U.S. embargo against Cuba, not the Communism that enslaves the Cubans. BLM had previously tweeted “Rest in Power #FidelCastro” after the brutal dictator’s death in 2016.

Florida Senator Marco Rubio, whose own family fled Castro’s Cuba, tweeted the other day, “My office stands ready to help the leaders of the Black Lives Matter organization emigrate to #Cuba.”

The founder of the misguided 1619 Project actually claimed that Communist Cuba has solved racism in the island state and was a model to the rest of the Americas.

Nikole Hannah-Jones, architect of the 1619 Project, said, “If you want to see…the most equal multi-racial country in our hemisphere, it would be Cuba.” So Communist Cuba solved the race problem.

Outspoken socialist Senator Bernie Sanders defended Communist Cuba on “60 Minutes” last year: “It’s unfair to simply say everything is bad…When Fidel Castro came to office, you know what he did? He had a massive literacy program. Is that a bad thing? Even though Fidel Castro did it?” So Communist Cuba solved the illiteracy problem. What a marvelous Utopia, according to these dictator-coddling leftists.

Perhaps the biggest argument against the apologists for the Communists are the Cuban dissidents themselves. Through the years many of them have paid a high price to try and fulfill their God-given desire to be free.

I live in South Florida, and one time I came across an unbelievable sight at the beach. This was in August 1994 when many desperate refugees were trying to flee from Cuba on makeshift rafts.

I stumbled across one of these ramshackle contraptions off the shores of Deerfield Beach (north of Ft. Lauderdale). It is about 300 miles or so away from Cuba. This raft reflected the anguish that its makers must have felt.

It was composed primarily of three wooden doors. There was some sort of Styrofoam-like substance at the bottom to keep it afloat. One of the doors was at the bottom of the structure and the other two made up the raft’s sides, with pieces of wood nailed across to serve as crossbeams. Some of the wood used included wooden shutters. It was literally as if someone had torn apart his own home (under cover of darkness) in order to put this thing together.

Then they would have had to float or row in the treacherous waters, in the grueling sun, with the potential threat of sharks along the way, to try and get here into America. Why? So that maybe—just maybe—they could get a chance to enjoy what you and I enjoy every day.

Freedom. The chance for a better life. Something entirely lacking in Cuba, despite the fawning (and vacuous) portrait of some mythical worker’s paradise painted by socialists like Bernie Sanders and AOC. We should pray for the Cuban people to be free one day. Hopefully sooner than later.

©Jerry Newcombe. All rights reserved.

Senator Rand Paul to Request ‘Criminal Referral’ from DOJ into Doctor Anthony Fauci

Finally. No one will say it but Fauci is a war criminal for the CCP and it’s Democrat coup.

BREAKING: Rand Paul to Request ‘Criminal Referral’ from DOJ into Doctor Anthony Fauci

By Hannity Staff, July 2, 2021:

Senator Rand Paul confirmed Tuesday night his plan to request a “criminal referral” from the Department of Justice into Doctor Anthony Fauci for “lying to Congress” during hearings at the US Capitol.

“You kicked off your questioning of Dr. Fauci emphasizing federal law makes lying to Congress, a felony punishable by up to five years in prison. Is it your belief based on the evidence, Senator, that he lied before Congress and broke the law?,” asked Hannity.

“Yes, and I will be sending a letter to the Department of Justice asking for a criminal referral because he has lied to Congress,” Paul replied.

Watch Paul’s comments above.

From Fox News:

Chief White House medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci defended himself against criticisms of his messaging and handling of the coronavirus pandemic in a new interview, calling the condemnation “craziness.”

On the New York Times podcast “Sway,” Fauci said he had spent his life trying to save lives and his critics were trying to paint him as “Hitler.” 

“The more extreme they get, the more obvious how political it is … ‘Fauci has blood on his hands,’” the infectious diseases expert said of his critics. “Are you kidding me? … Here’s a guy whose entire life has been devoted to saving lives, and now you’re telling me he’s like Hitler? You know, come on, folks.”

Frustrated Americans have hit Fauci after months of his apparent flip-flopping on COVID-19 mandates. His recently leaked emails, obtained by the Washington Post and BuzzFeed News, revealed that he had told colleagues that masks are essentially ineffective, which many noted didn’t square with his later public support of national mask mandates. Fauci renewed his argument that those refuting him are actually refuting science, doubling down on his insistence that science evolves and he’s evolved with it.

“The people who are giving the ad hominems are saying, ‘Ah, Fauci misled us,’” Fauci said. “First he said, ‘no masks,’ then he said ‘masks.’ Well, let me give you a flash. That’s the way science works.”

Read the full report here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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