YouTube Censors U.S. Senate Testimony on Voter Fraud in Nevada

On December 16, Attorney Jesse Binnall testified before the U.S. Congress on what his team alleges were instances of voter fraud in Nevada. His five minute testimony is packed with details; it is a must-watch video for anyone wanting to learn more about what may have really happened during the 2020 presidential election, not only in Nevada, but across America.

Apparently YouTube agreed. Click here to get the message “This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s Community Guidelines.”

What guidelines?

Online videos of Binnall’s testimony can still be found, undoubtedly with suppressed views, on the Facebook page of the Nevada Republican Party, as well as probably on this C-Span archive if you’re willing to rut around until you find it, and even HERE – get this, on a sparsely viewed YouTube channel – 116 subscribers – called “Jazz Rock Fusion & Synthesizer Music.” Apparently this lover of music loves freedom as well, because this is the channel’s only political video among scores of soundscapes and jams and assorted tunes. Thank you!

Binnall’s road to the U.S. Senate passed through the courthouses of Nevada, where the cards were stacked and rigged against his team at every stage, from factfinding to getting a fair hearing. Here’s a transcript of Binnall and his team’s Nevada appearance before a Nevada judge on December 3. But what was a labored, obstructed and ultimately fruitless effort in Nevada was distilled into five minutes of some of the most damning testimony you will every hear on December 16 before a U.S. Senate committee.

Which is why YouTube banned it back when it was hot, back when it was going viral. This is a key strategy of online censors today – they stamp out the fire when it’s hot and spreading fast, but they let the embers of truth burn on the obscure sites and platforms. If a fire ever reaches critical mass, they turn back on the fire hose. And sadly, it’s working.

For those who won’t forget, or who don’t want to pretend that nothing happened, find these embers of truth. Find these source videos. And find the transcripts. A transcript of Binnall’s testimony can also be found on an official U.S. Senate website, but only in the less searchable PDF format. For that reason, Binnall’s five minute’s of remarks, in their entirety, are written here:

Jesse Binnall’s Opening Statement – U.S. Senate Hearing on Election Fraud – December 16, 2020:

Thank you Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member Peters, and members of the committee.

This year thousands upon thousands of Nevada voters had their voices canceled out by election fraud and invalid ballots. Here’s how it happened:

On August 3, 2020, after a rushed special session, Nevada legislators made drastic changes to the state’s election law by adopting a bill known as AB 4. The vulnerabilities of this bill were obvious. It provided for universal mail in voting without sufficient safeguards to authenticate voters or ensure the fundamental requirement that only one ballot was sent to each legally qualified voter. This was aggravated by election officials’ failure to clean known deficiencies in their voter rolls.

Because of AB 4, the number of mailed ballots rocketed from about 70,000 in 2016 to over 690,000 this year. The election was inevitably riddled with fraud and our hotline never stopped ringing. While the media and the Democrats accused us of making it all up our team began chasing down every lead. Our evidence came both from data scientists and from brave whistleblowers. Here’s what we found:

Over 42,000 people voted more than once. Our experts were able to make this determination by reviewing the list of actual voters and comparing it to other voters with the same name, address, and date of birth. This method was also able to catch people using different variations of their first name such as William and Bill and individuals who registered both under a married name and a maiden name.

At least 1,500 dead people are recorded as voting as shown by comparing the list of mail voters with the Social Security death records.

More than 19,000 people voted, even though they didn’t live in Nevada. This does not include military voters or students. These voters were identified by comparing the list of voters with the US Postal Service’s National Change of Address database, among other sources.

About 8,000 people voted from non-existent addresses. Here we cross-reference voters with the coding accuracy support system [CASS], which allowed our experts to identify undeliverable addresses.

Over 15,000 votes were cast from commercial or vacant addresses. Our experts found these voters by analyzing official US Postal Service records that flag non-residential addresses and addresses vacant for more than 90 days.

Incredibly, almost 4,000 non-citizens also voted as determined by comparing official DMV records of non-citizens to the list of actual voters in the2020 election.

The list goes on. All in all, our experts identified 130,000 unique instances of voter fraud in Nevada, but the actual numbers are almost certainly higher. Our data scientists made these calculations not by estimations or statistical sampling, but by analyzing and comparing the list of actual voters with other lists, most of which are publicly available.

To put it simply, they explain their methods, so others can check their work. Our evidence has never been refuted, only ignored.

Two Clark County Technical employees came forward, completely independent of each other, and explained that they discovered that the number of votes recorded by voting machines and stored on USB drives would change between the time the polls were closed at night and when they were reopened the next morning. In other words, votes were literally appearing and disappearing in the dead of night.

When we attempted to verify the integrity of these voting machines, we were only allowed a useless visual inspection of the outside a USB drive. We were denied a forensic examination.

Finally, our investigation also uncovered a campaign to illegally incentivize votes from marginalized populations, by requiring people to prove that they voted in order to receive raffle tickets for gift cards, televisions, and more.

Our determined team verified these irregularities without any of the tools of law enforcement such as grand jury, subpoenas, or FBI agents. Instead, we had less than a month using critical thinking and elbow grease to compile our evidence. We tried to obtain testimony or documents from Clark County officials, but they obstructed and stonewalled. When we filed suit, state officials and even courts delayed proceedings for days, but then offered us merely hours to brief and argue our cases.

In wrapping up Mr. Chairman, these findings are disturbing, alarming, and unacceptable in a free society. Our free and fair election tradition is a precious treasure that we are charged with protecting. Government by the consent of the governed is hard to win and easy to lose. Every single time a fraudulent or illegal vote is cast, the vote of an honest citizen is canceled out. Thank you.

EDITORS NOTE: This Winston84 column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Merry Christmas from Conservative Commandos 2020

Merry Christmas to all from the Conservative Commandoes Radio Show.

©Conservative Commandoes Radio. All rights reserved.

Americans in Name Only (AINO)

Who am I?

Identity is the universal conundrum of the human experience. We want to know who we are, where we came from, and if our lives have meaning. So, who are we?

We begin with our most basic identity. “It’s a boy!” “It’s a girl!” After sexual identity comes family identity, national identity, religious identity, educational identity, professional identity, and so on. Our identity gives us standing. We have identification cards that verify our identity. We have passports, licenses, diplomas, marriage certificates, and so on.

We verify our identity because we value our identity personally, and because ordered liberty requires verification that we are who we say we are. We trust that a hospital board certified surgeon is operating on us. We trust that a licensed pilot is flying our plane. We trust that those entrusted with our health and safety are trustworthy. American life is based on the ability to verify identity, and has established strict penalties for violating identity verification.

American jurisprudence is rooted in the motto “Trust and verify.” We give sworn testimony with an oath. “I swear by Almighty God that the evidence I shall give will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.” Intentionally lying under oath is the crime of perjury – a felony punishable to up to five years in prison.

Identity is an integral part of the universal human experience because it defines reality. We either are, or we are not, who we say we are. In politics and international affairs, identity has both domestic and international implications.

National identity is the universal conundrum of world politics. We want to know who we are, where we came from, and if our lives have meaning. The 2020 American presidential election is redefining our national identity. What does it mean to be an American?

The three supporting pillars of American life, family, faith, and flag are being challenged. The traditional two-party system of Republicans and Democrats no longer represents patriotic disagreements on best policies and practices to preserve and protect our constitution and founding principles.

Today, the division is between globalism and American sovereignty. Our national identity as a sovereign constitutional republic is being challenged by globalists whose objective is planetary governance. The Democrat party is represented by corrupt, China-centric globalist Joe Biden. The Republican party is represented by populist, America-first patriot President Donald J. Trump.

RINO, the acronym for Republican in Name Only, has become part of everyday political language in America today. RINOs reject President Trump’s America-first agenda, and embrace Democrat China-centric globalism. I propose a new acronym, AINO, American in name only.

America is being convulsed by massive voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election designed to defeat Americanism and impose globalism. It is a redefinition of what it means to be an American. If the AINO coup d état succeeds, our national identity as Americans will be surrendered and replaced by a new identity as global citizens.

The ancient Chinese military strategist, Sun Tzu, teaches that war is deceit. The ruling Communist Chinese Party (CCP) is at war with America today, its goal is to make America its proxy.

When American companies started manufacturing in China they did it for cheap labor/increased profits – their interests were economic. But manufacturing in China means being in business with the CCP. China’s interests were always political. The CCP is a replacement socio-political system that exploits American greed to achieve its political objective of world dominance.

Short-term American greed is being exploited for long-term Chinese gain. It is the same short-term/long-term interests and thinking that distinguishes east from west. Multiculturalism requires mutual respect – replacement systems are singularities.

President Trump and his legal team are exposing the international and domestic conspiracy to fraudulently award Joe Biden the presidency.

Greedy technocrats, corporatists, mainstream media moguls, corrupt Congressional Republican RINOs, and Democrat AINOs have finally found common cause and come together in a unified attempt to stop POTUS from exposing them all! The bipartisan political corruption of the Washington swamp is so massive and so deep, it is positively staggering.

Patriotic Americans embrace their national identity as citizens of a sovereign constitutional republic. Patriotic Americans reject the political class and their globalist reset of enslavement. The reset that the majority of Americans voted for in 2016 and yes, again in 2020, is the draining of the treasonous, China-centered political swamp.

Sun Tzu was right – war is deceit. American identity is the core contention of the 2020 election and war on America. American patriots must stand with President Trump and fight the war of deceit, disinformation, and coup d état to preserve our American identity because we are Americans, not Americans in name only.

See Linda’s Pundicity page and website. Contact Linda at

©Linda Goudsmit. All rights reserved.

Pelosi Announces Every $600 Check Will Come With Free Slice Of Cake

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Nancy Pelosi has announced that every $600 stimulus check will come with a free slice of cake for Americans to eat.

She made the announcement in a speech yesterday after the stimulus bill was criticized for not doing enough for the middle class. The amendment to the $900 billion stimulus bill, coupled with the reasonable $2.3 trillion spending bill for the federal government, means that in addition to getting $600 created out of thin air, each American will get a slice of chocolate cake.

“Americans have been suffering, so we need to let them eat cake,” she said in front of Congress yesterday. “We closed down their businesses for the past nine months, so it’s the least we can do. Really. I do mean that. The least.”

Congress considered ice cream for every America, but Pelosi vetoed it as it was too expensive to give every American a $13 quart of the brand she eats. There was also talk of giving the option of vanilla cake, but that was shot down as being racist.


Report: There Will Be Beer In Hell But Only IPAs

Everyone In Congress Getting $100,000 Bonus For Coming Up With Such A Great Relief Bill

New Calvinist Video Game Just 40 Hours Of Non-Interactive Cutscenes

Taco Bell Unveils Doritos Locos Vaccine

Horde Of Vengeful Animatronics Breaks Out Of Closed-Down Disneyland To Attack Governor Newsom

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Donald Trump Is The Babylon Bee’s Christian Of The Year 2020

For the third year in a row, The Babylon Bee is proud to present our coveted Christian of the Year award to Donald J. Trump.

In 2020, dedicated pastors led their churches through a brutal pandemic. Bold missionaries gave their lives to spread the gospel overseas. Anonymous Christians served their communities without fame or fanfare. But only one man has stood against the spiritual attack of fake news and rigged elections: Donald J. Trump.

The Devil threw everything he could at God’s chosen man, from a Russia hoax and phony impeachment to Twitter censorship and Antifa riots. Trump stood bravely against them all– fighting back with the light of truth and his massive rallies. He even managed to deliver us a lifesaving vaccine in record time, even though none of us will take it because it’s probably the Mark of the Beast.

This year we dedicate this award and our eternal gratitude to the man who did “more for black Americans than Lincoln” and “more for Christianity than Jesus.” He is the funniest president of all time, and perhaps the greatest man who ever lived.

Runners Up

Sidney Powell

Rudy Giuliani

Jerry Falwell Jr.

Rick Warren

Beth Moore

The Mandalorian

Ben Shapiro

Joel Osteen’s Inspiration Cube

Elon Musk

EDITORS NOTE: This column by The Babylon Bee column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Is Going to Church “High Risk, Low Reward?”

Some leftist government officials, in the name of trying to fight the spread of COVID-19, have come down hard on churches.

For example, California Governor Gavin Newsom declared (5/7/20),

“We’re looking at the science, epidemiology, looking again at frequency, duration, time, and looking at low risk-high reward, low risk-low reward.” [Emphasis added]

He has defined abortion clinics as essential. But churches were categorized as non-essential. Christian legal groups have had to fight with the governor to be able to practice religious freedom, which the Constitution guarantees. Newsom was not alone in his attempt to hamstring the churches.

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam mandated that only ten people could attend church. But not to worry, said the Theologian-in-Chief of the Old Dominion state: “For me, God is wherever you are. You don’t have to sit in the church pew for God to hear your prayers.”

In November, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear ordered a halt of in-person worship services—even after having been hit with a federal judge’s restraining order earlier this year for doing the same.

All of this leads to an interesting question: What, if anything, do churches contribute to society? Are churches just “high risk, low reward”?

I spoke recently on the radio with Dr. Byron Johnson, Director of the Institute for Studies of Religion at Baylor.

Johnson told me, “Churches are phenomenally important to society. The bulk of volunteering in America is done by people that come from places like churches. Americans give more than a billion dollars a day to charities. A significant portion of that comes from people that sit in pews of congregations.”

What else does church do for society? Since 2001, Gallup polls have conducted annual “November Health and Healthcare Surveys.” The results of 2020 showed a drop in overall mental health for Americans. Not surprising, in light of the lockdown. reports (12/13/20) that church-goers were one exception: “… frequent church attendees were the only group in the U.S. that did not experience a mental health decline in 2020….Forty-six percent of Americans who regularly attend religious services said their mental health is ‘excellent,’ an increase from last year’s 42 percent.”

The Journal of the American Medical Association-Psychiatry published an article (5/6/20) on the potential impact of church attendance decreasing the number of “deaths from despair.”

The researchers found that church attendance does indeed help lower the frequency of deaths from despair (including from drugs, alcohol, and suicide). They conclude: “…attendance at religious services at least once per week was associated with a 68% lower hazard of death from despair among women and a 33% lower hazard among men compared with never attendance.”

They add, “The findings suggest that frequent attendance at religious services is associated with lower subsequent risk of deaths from despair.” Go to church and you’re less likely to kill yourself. Or others, for that matter.

Of course, the church was founded by Jesus Christ, Whose birth we celebrate at this time. Christmas is a reminder that a manger in Bethlehem 2000 years ago once contained a baby that was fully God and fully man, who went on to live a perfect life and offer Himself as a sacrifice on behalf of sinners, so that those who believe in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.

Being assured of heaven in the next life has a positive impact on how we live this life. Church-going involves offering gratitude and sacrifices of praise for the ultimate Christmas gift—the Savior Jesus Christ.

One man of note personally viewed attending church a high priority in his life, even if his schedule was hectic, and the roads were muddy, and getting there was a challenge.

George Washington, the father of our country, was a devout church-goer, back in a day when it was much more taxing to attend. He normally went to the Anglican/Episcopal Church. However, when the Commander-in-Chief was leading the rebellion against the head of that denomination, King George III, Washington became more ecumenical in his worship practices.

He visited Christian churches of all kinds, including Presbyterian ones. The Morristown Presbyterian Church in New Jersey has a stained glass window of Washington receiving communion at that church, an event that occurred during the War. After the War, until his death, he regularly attended church—making Christ Episcopal Church in Alexandria his home church for the last decade of his life.

In Washington’s case, church attendance may have been “high risk” only in the sense of the difficulty of getting there and back. But as is often the case, it was “high reward.”

If only some of our modern political leaders would learn from George’s example. Contrary to the opinion of today’s secular leaders, church tends to be high reward for the attenders and society at large.

©Jerry Newcombe. All rights reserved.

POLITICAL CORRECTNESS ALERT: University of Michigan ‘Words Matter Task Force’ says “picnic” is offensive

United States Constitution Amendment I.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The United States Constitution, Amendment I forbids the abridging of the freedom of speech. One of the departments of the University of Michigan seems to disagree.

The University of Michigan (UM) has issued an updated report on December 8, 2020 from its Information Technology Services (ITS) department titled “Words Matter Task Force Recommendations.” It seems that the UM ITS department wants to abridge their students, employees, vendors and faculty’s freedom of speech.

The Executive Summary of Words Matter Task Force Recommendations states:

Given the importance of communication and the ITS core value of inclusivity, the Words Matter Task Force was formed and charged with identifying terms used within ITS that are, or can be construed to be, racist, sexist, or non-inclusive.

What Words Are Now Considered Racist, Sexist or Non-Inclusive at UM?

Note in the table below that that the words man, men, picnic, he, she, grandfathered, and phrases like long time no see are now considered offensive. See the chart below of words and phrases that are now banned at UM.

The purpose of the is to impact language globally. According to the report:

The University of Michigan has the opportunity to influence change with vendors, suppliers, and associations. ITS can share with strategic partners the business case for using inclusive language, and prepare them on new terms they may hear ITS staff members use. There are a few scenarios that offer opportunities for communication and relationship building, including proactively reaching out to vendors to make them aware of changes they may experience when interacting with ITS; requesting a change from vendors toward inclusive language; and starting a conversation with other university partners to increase adoption. An email template example was developed that Service Owners can use to inform and prepare external partners. See Appendix D.

This is political correctness gone wild at a premier American university.
Mario Goveia in an email wrote:

As an alumnus of the University of Michigan during an era when knowledge and understanding were prized and robust differences of opinion were encouraged as a learning tool, I’m now being asked to think twice before I speak or write, in case I offend someone.

I just learned that the University’s “Information and Technology Services Department” has a “Words Matter Task Force”, which has decided that the word “PICNIC” is OFFENSIVE along with a whole list of other words deemed offensive.

This kind of thinking may explain how Biden-Harris got elected with their objective of turning us into a nanny state.  The Biden-voters in the task force suggested the use of “gatherings” instead of “picnic” without explaining why!

If you disagree you’re obviously a racist!

The US is being transformed from a “glass is always at least half full” country into a “glass is always less than half empty” country.

Inclusive Language

This list is not exhaustive and will continue to grow. 

Term Alternative Term
-men-, -man- -people, -person, or a wholly different word.

(e.g., “man-hours” can become “person-hours”)

blacklist/whitelist allowed/prohibited, include/exclude, allowlist/deny list
black-and-white thinking binary thinking, all-or-nothing thinking
brown bag lunch and learn
crack the whip manage the effort closely
crazy, insane outrageous, unthinkable, nonsensical, incomprehensible, ridiculous, egregious, irrational
crippled weakened, deteriorated
disabled when referring to a system: deactivated, broken
dummy placeholder, sample
gender-neutral he or she gender-neutral they, referring by name
grandfathered (in) legacy status, legacies in, exempted, excused
gypped/jipped defrauded, swindled, cheated, ripped off
handicapped restricted
girl/gal, boy/guy person, or use the person’s name
guys/gals (e.g., Hi guys!) everyone, folks (e.g., Hi everyone!)
honey, sweetheart, sweetie use the person’s name
long time, no see “It’s been a while,” “I haven’t seen you in ages!”
low man on the totem pole last in the pecking order, the bottom of the heap
master/slave leader/follower, primary/replica, primary/standby
native built-in, innate
off the reservation outside the norms, rogue, break with the group, off on your own
picnic gathering
preferred pronouns pronouns
privileged account elevated account
sanity check quick check, confidence check, coherence check
sold down the river betrayed, thrown under the bus
straw-man proposed conceptual design
uppity arrogant, conceited

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.



San Francisco Sees More Overdose Deaths Than Covid Deaths in 2020

Data show alarming trends in drug overdoses and suicide as people—especially young people who are least at risk from COVID-19—are forcibly cut off from friends, families, and communities.

It’s quite likely that wherever you are reading this, you are currently subjected to lockdowns, restrictions, regulations, or executive orders to one degree or another, as government officials respond to the coronavirus pandemic with increasing coercion and control. Indeed, The Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday that US states and cities have “imposed the most extensive restrictions on business and social gatherings” since the spring.

Many argue that these new restrictions are essential for slowing the current surge in coronavirus cases in certain areas, but some public health researchers have pointed out that lockdowns and related government orders that focus entirely on containing COVID-19 cases lead to worse public health outcomes in other areas. This collateral damage from lockdowns is already glaringly apparent. In particular, data show an alarming trend toward drug overdoses and suicide in 2020, as people—especially young people who are least at risk from COVID-19—are forcibly cut off from their friends, families, and communities.

The desperation is revealed in startling new statistics. According to the Associated Press, a total of 621 people have died of drug overdoses this year in San Francisco, compared to 173 deaths in the city from COVID-19. The number of San Francisco drug overdose deaths is up from 441 in 2019. California has enacted some of the strictest public health orders in the country this year, and is still seeing its cases rise.

One survey by YouGov found that 39 percent of respondents who were recovering from an addiction prior to lockdowns have relapsed. Other research shows increasing rates of drug and alcohol abuse in 2020, and the CDC reports that overdose deaths are accelerating during COVID-19.

Federal surveys show that 40 percent of Americans are now grappling with at least one mental health or drug-related problem.

Martin Kulldorff, a biostatistician and epidemiologist at Harvard Medical School, has been critical of widespread lockdowns since the beginning of the pandemic, warning that these coercive strategies would lead to other serious public health harms and increased mortality.

“The current lockdown strategy has led to many excess deaths, both from COVID-19 and from the collateral damage on other health outcomes,” Kulldorff recently told Newsweek. “A focused protection strategy, as outlined in the Great Barrington Declaration, would minimize disease and mortality by better protecting older and other high risk people while letting the young live near normal lives.”

Kulldorff also suggests that new data showing US excess deaths in 2020 for people ages 25-44 are mostly due to the collateral damage caused by lockdown policies.

In addition to rising drug and alcohol abuse and overdose deaths, suicidal thoughts and attempts are also increasing this year. The Washington Post reports that depression and anxiety have surged since the arrival of the coronavirus.

“Federal surveys show that 40 percent of Americans are now grappling with at least one mental health or drug-related problem. But young adults have been hit harder than any other age group, with 75 percent struggling,” the Post reports. “Even more alarming, when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently asked young adults if they had thought about killing themselves in the past 30 days, 1 in 4 said they had.”

The Post explains that we won’t have accurate data on suicide rates for 2020 until another couple of years, due to slow reporting mechanisms. But state and city data for some areas suggest disturbing suicide numbers this year, including in Oregon’s Columbia County where suicides by summertime had already exceeded the area’s 2019 total, and DuPage County near Chicago reports a 23 percent increase in suicides over last year. Other large counties in the US have seen similarly ominous trends, and in Japan, more people died of suicide in the month of October alone than have died from COVID-19 this entire year.

As families weigh the trade-offs this holiday season between social isolation to slow the spread of coronavirus and the harms that this separation can cause, many of them are choosing to ignore public health warnings to avoid travel and holiday gatherings. The New York Times reports that millions of people have passed through airport security checkpoints this week, while The Wall Street Journal indicates that nearly 85 million Americans are expected to travel between Dec. 23 and Jan. 3, a decline of just under 30 percent from last year.

More families may be seeing the damage these lockdowns and related policies are causing their loved ones and are no longer willing to comply with draconian orders to stay away from others. Their decision may be made easier when they see public health officials and politicians personally violating the holiday travel and gathering warnings and rules they thrust on others.

COVID-19 should be taken seriously as a public health threat, but so too should the harms of lockdowns and government orders that are leading to record numbers of drug overdose deaths and suicides, along with other types of collateral damage such as rising global poverty and declining cancer screenings.

While public health and elected officials remain singularly focused on COVID-19, families gathering this holiday season recognize that ensuring the overall health and well-being of their loved ones extends beyond one virus.


Kerry McDonald

Kerry McDonald is a Senior Education Fellow at FEE and author of Unschooled: Raising Curious, Well-Educated Children Outside the Conventional Classroom (Chicago Review Press, 2019). She is also an adjunct scholar at The Cato Institute and a regular Forbes contributor. Kerry has a B.A. in economics from Bowdoin College and an M.Ed. in education policy from Harvard University. She lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts with her husband and four children. You can sign up for her weekly newsletter on parenting and education here.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Congress Finally Reaches Stimulus Agreement: Every American Will Receive A Coupon For $5 Off At Applebee’s

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a historic compromise, the Senate and U.S. House of Representatives have finally settled on a stimulus package for Americans struggling and out of work. In addition to bailouts, money for pet projects, and payouts to unions, Congress has authorized a very special $5 off coupon to Applebee’s.

“We are proud to have come together for the American people,” said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. “I am told that all those ditch diggers and plumbers in the Midwest are crazy about Applebee’s! Won’t this hit the spot after a long day of doing whatever it is you people do for a living? You’re welcome!”

Some critics of the plan have suggested that giving Americans a coupon after forcing them to shut down their businesses for 9 months feels like a slap in the face. In response, Representative AOC said: “Well, we wanted the stimulus payments to be eleventy-billion dollars for every person, but the evil Republicans didn’t allow it!”

According to AOC, there is a silver lining in spite of the disappointing legislation. “This is a great opportunity for Americans to try sex work!” she said. “Who needs a small business when you can just open an OnlyFans account?”

In a press release, Applebee’s thanked the Government for its support. “We are looking forward to serving all Americans at our fine dining establishments! Please note that the promotion expires on January 20th and we can only allow 3 patrons in our dining rooms at all times. We’ll see you soon!”


God Compensates Job With $600 Stimulus Check

Jupiter And Saturn Fined For Not Obeying Social Distancing

FDA Approves Fake Vaccine For Staged Photo Shoots

Nation’s Christians Prepare To Celebrate Final Christmas Before Biden Bans It Again

Moderna Vaccine Rejected Since It Also Works On White People

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Orwell’s 1984 and Today

The following is adapted from a speech delivered at a Hillsdale College reception in Rogers, Arkansas, on November 17, 2020.

On September 17, Constitution Day, I chaired a panel organized by the White House. It was an extraordinary thing. The panel’s purpose was to identify what has gone wrong in the teaching of American history and to lay forth a plan for recovering the truth. It took place in the National Archives—we were sitting in front of the originals of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution—a very beautiful place. When we were done, President Trump came and gave a speech about the beauty of the American Founding and the importance of teaching American history to the preservation of freedom.

This remarkable event reminded me of an essay by a teacher of mine, Harry Jaffa, called “On the Necessity of a Scholarship of the Politics of Freedom.” Its point was that a certain kind of scholarship is needed to support the principles of a nation such as ours. America is the most deliberate nation in history—it was built for reasons that are stated in the legal documents that form its founding. The reasons are given in abstract and universal terms, and without good scholarship they can be turned astray. I was reminded of that essay because this event was the greatest exhibition in my experience of the combination of the scholarship and the politics of freedom.

The panel was part of an initiative of President Trump, mostly ignored by the media, to counter the New York Times’ 1619 Project. The 1619 Project promotes the teaching that slavery, not freedom, is the defining fact of American history. President Trump’s 1776 Commission aims to restore truth and honesty to the teaching of American history. It is an initiative we must work tirelessly to carry on, regardless of whether we have a president in the White House who is on our side in the fight.

We must carry on the fight because our country is at stake. Indeed, in a larger sense, civilization itself is at stake, because the forces arrayed against the scholarship and the politics of freedom today have more radical aims than just destroying America.

I taught a course this fall semester on totalitarian novels. We read four of them: George Orwell’s 1984, Arthur Koestler’s Darkness at Noon, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, and C.S. Lewis’s That Hideous Strength.

The totalitarian novel is a relatively new genre. In fact, the word “totalitarian” did not exist before the 20th century. The older word for the worst possible form of government is “tyranny”—a word Aristotle defined as the rule of one person, or of a small group of people, in their own interests and according to their will. Totalitarianism was unknown to Aristotle, because it is a form of government that only became possible after the emergence of modern science and technology.

The old word “science” comes from a Latin word meaning “to know.” The new word “technology” comes from a Greek word meaning “to make.” The transition from traditional to modern science means that we are not so much seeking to know when we study nature as seeking to make things—and ultimately, to remake nature itself. That spirit of remaking nature—including human nature—greatly emboldens both human beings and governments. Imbued with that spirit, and employing the tools of modern science, totalitarianism is a form of government that reaches farther than tyranny and attempts to control the totality of things.

In the beginning of his history of the Persian War, Herodotus recounts that in Persia it was considered illegal even to think about something that was illegal to do—in other words, the law sought to control people’s thoughts. Herodotus makes plain that the Persians were not able to do this. We today are able to get closer through the use of modern technology. In Orwell’s 1984, there are telescreens everywhere, as well as hidden cameras and microphones. Nearly everything you do is watched and heard. It even emerges that the watchers have become expert at reading people’s faces. The organization that oversees all this is called the Thought Police.

If it sounds far-fetched, look at China today: there are cameras everywhere watching the people, and everything they do on the Internet is monitored. Algorithms are run and experiments are underway to assign each individual a social score. If you don’t act or think in the politically correct way, things happen to you—you lose the ability to travel, for instance, or you lose your job. It’s a very comprehensive system. And by the way, you can also look at how big tech companies here in the U.S. are tracking people’s movements and activities to the extent that they are often able to know in advance what people will be doing. Even more alarming, these companies are increasingly able and willing to use the information they compile to manipulate people’s thoughts and decisions.

The protagonist of 1984 is a man named Winston Smith. He works for the state, and his job is to rewrite history. He sits at a table with a telescreen in front of him that watches everything he does. To one side is something called a memory hole—when Winston puts things in it, he assumes they are burned and lost forever. Tasks are delivered to him in cylinders through a pneumatic tube. The task might involve something big, like a change in what country the state is at war with: when the enemy changes, all references to the previous war with a different enemy need to be expunged. Or the task might be something small: if an individual falls out of favor with the state, photographs of him being honored need to be altered or erased altogether from the records. Winston’s job is to fix every book, periodical, newspaper, etc. that reveals or refers to what used to be the truth, in order that it conform to the new truth.

One man, of course, can’t do this alone. There’s a film based on 1984 starring John Hurt as Winston Smith. In the film they depict the room where he works, and there are people in cubicles like his as far as the eye can see. There would have to be millions of workers involved in constantly re-writing the past. One of the chief questions raised by the book is, what makes this worth the effort? Why does the regime do it?

Winston’s awareness of this endless, mighty effort to alter reality makes him cynical and disaffected. He comes to see that he knows nothing of the past, of real history: “Every record has been destroyed or falsified,” he says at one point, “every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. . . . Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” Does any of this sound familiar?

In his disaffection, Winston commits two unlawful acts: he begins writing in a diary and he begins meeting a woman in secret, outside the sanction of the state. The family is important to the state, because the state needs babies. But the women are raised by the state in a way that they are not to enjoy relations with their husbands. And the children—as in China today, and as it was in the Soviet Union—are indoctrinated and taught to spy and inform on their parents. Parents love their children but live in terror of them all the time. Think of the control that comes from that—and the misery.

There are three stratums in the society of 1984. There is the Inner Party, whose members hold all the power. There is the Outer Party, to which Winston belongs, whose members work for—and are watched and controlled by—the Inner Party. And there are the proles, who live and do the blue collar work in a relatively unregulated area. Winston ventures out into that area from time to time. He finds a little shop there where he buys things. And it is in a room upstairs from this shop where he and Julia, the woman he falls in love with, set up a kind of household as if they are married. They create something like a private world in that room, although it is a world with limitations—they can’t even think about having children, for instance, because if they did, they would be discovered and killed.

In the end, it turns out that the shopkeeper, who had seemed to be a kindly old man, is in fact a member of the Thought Police. Winston and Julia’s room contained a hidden telescreen all along, so everything they have said and done has been observed. In fact, it emerges that the Thought Police have known that Winston has been having deviant thoughts for twelve years and have been watching him carefully. When the couple are arrested, they have made pledges that they will never betray each other. They know the authorities will be able to make them say whatever they want them to say—but in their hearts, they pledge, they will be true to their love. It is a promise that neither is finally able to keep.

After months of torture, Winston thinks that what awaits him is a bullet in the back of the head, the preferred method of execution of both the Nazis and the Soviet Communists. In Koestler’s Darkness at Noon, the protagonist walks down a basement hallway after confessing to crimes that he didn’t commit, and without any ceremony he is shot in the back of the head—eradicated as if he were vermin. Winston doesn’t get off so easy. He will instead undergo an education, or more accurately a re-education. His final stages of torture are depicted as a kind of totalitarian seminar. The seminar is conducted by a man named O’Brien, who is portrayed marvelously in the film by Richard Burton. As he alternately raises and lowers the level of Winston’s pain, O’Brien leads him to knowledge regarding the full meaning of the totalitarian regime.

As the first essential step of his education, Winston has to learn doublethink—a way of thinking that defies the law of contradiction. In Aristotle, the law of contradiction is the basis of all reasoning, the means of making sense of the world. It is the law that says that X and Y cannot be true at the same time if they’re mutually exclusive. For instance, if A is taller than B and B is taller than C, C cannot be taller than A. The law of contradiction means things like that.

In our time, the law of contradiction would mean that a governor, say, could not simultaneously hold that the COVID pandemic renders church services too dangerous to allow, and also that massive protest marches are fine. It would preclude a man from declaring himself a woman, or a woman declaring herself a man, as if one’s sex is simply a matter of what one wills it to be—and it would preclude others from viewing such claims as anything other than preposterous.

The law of contradiction also means that we can’t change the past. What we can know of the truth all resides in the past, because the present is fleeting and confusing and tomorrow has yet to come. The past, on the other hand, is complete. Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas go so far as to say that changing the past—making what has been not to have been—is denied even to God. Because if something both happened and didn’t happen, no human understanding is possible. And God created us with the capacity for understanding.

That’s the law of contradiction, which the art of doublethink denies and violates. Doublethink is manifest in the fact that the state ministry in which Winston is tortured is called the Ministry of Love. It is manifest in the three slogans displayed on the state’s Ministry of Truth: “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” And as we have seen, the regime in 1984 exists precisely to repeal the past. If the past can be changed, anything can be changed—man can surpass even the power of God. But still, to what end?

Why do you think you are being tortured? O’Brien asks Winston. The Party is not trying to improve you, he says—the Party cares nothing about you. Winston is brought to see that he is where he is simply as the subject of the state’s power. Understanding having been rendered meaningless, the only competence that has meaning is power.

“Already we are breaking down the habits of thought which have survived from before the Revolution,” O’Brien says.

We have cut the links between child and parent, and between man and man, and between man and woman. No one dares trust a wife or a child or a friend any longer. But in the future there will be no wives and no friends. Children will be taken from their mothers at birth, as one takes eggs from a hen. The sex instinct will be eradicated. Procreation will be an annual formality like the renewal of a ration card. . . . There will be no loyalty, except loyalty toward the Party. There will be no love, except the love of Big Brother. There will be no laughter, except the laugh of triumph over a defeated enemy. . . . All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always—do not forget this Winston—always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever.

Nature is ultimately unchangeable, of course, and humans are not God. Totalitarianism will never win in the end—but it can win long enough to destroy a civilization. That is what is ultimately at stake in the fight we are in. We can see today the totalitarian impulse among powerful forces in our politics and culture. We can see it in the rise and imposition of doublethink, and we can see it in the increasing attempt to rewrite our history.

“An informed patriotism is what we want,” Ronald Reagan said toward the end of his Farewell Address as president in January 1989. “Are we doing a good enough job teaching our children what America is and what she represents in the long history of the world?”

Then he issued a warning.

Those of us who are over 35 or so years of age grew up in a different America. We were taught, very directly, what it means to be an American. And we absorbed, almost in the air, a love of country and an appreciation of its institutions. If you didn’t get these things from your family you got them from the neighborhood, from the father down the street who fought in Korea or the family who lost someone at Anzio. Or you could get a sense of patriotism from school. And if all else failed you could get a sense of patriotism from the popular culture. The movies celebrated democratic values and implicitly reinforced the idea that America was special. TV was like that, too, through the mid-sixties.

But now, we’re about to enter the [1990s], and some things have changed. Younger parents aren’t sure that an unambivalent appreciation of America is the right thing to teach modern children. And as for those who create the popular culture, well-grounded patriotism is no longer the style. . . . We’ve got to do a better job of getting across that America is freedom—freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of enterprise. And freedom is special and rare. It’s fragile; it needs protection.

So, we’ve got to teach history based not on what’s in fashion but what’s important—why the Pilgrims came here, who Jimmy Doolittle was, and what those 30 seconds over Tokyo meant. You know, four years ago on the 40th anniversary of D-Day, I read a letter from a young woman writing to her late father, who’d fought on Omaha Beach. . . . [S]he said, “we will always remember, we will never forget what the boys of Normandy did.” Well, let’s help her keep her word. If we forget what we did, we won’t know who we are. I’m warning of an eradication of the American memory that could result, ultimately, in an erosion of the American spirit.

American schoolchildren today learn two things about Thomas Jefferson: that he wrote the Declaration of Independence and that he was a slaveholder. This is a stunted and dishonest teaching about Jefferson.

What do our schoolchildren not learn? They don’t learn what Jefferson wrote in Notes on the State of Virginia: “I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just,” he wrote in that book regarding the contest between the master and the slave. “The Almighty has no attribute which can take side with us in such a contest.” If schoolchildren learned that, they would see that Jefferson was a complicated man, like most of us.

They don’t learn that when our nation first expanded, it was into the Northwest Territory, and that slavery was forbidden in that territory. They don’t learn that the land in that territory was ceded to the federal government from Virginia, or that it was on the motion of Thomas Jefferson that the condition of the gift was that slavery in that land be eternally forbidden. If schoolchildren learned that, they would come to see Jefferson as a human being who inherited things and did things himself that were terrible, but who regretted those things and fought against them. And they would learn, by the way, that on the scale of human achievement, Jefferson ranks very high. There’s just no question about that, if for no other reason than that he was a prime agent in founding the first republic dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

The astounding thing, after all, is not that some of our Founders were slaveholders. There was a lot of slavery back then, as there had been for all of recorded time. The astounding thing—the miracle, even, one might say—is that these slaveholders founded a republic based on principles designed to abnegate slavery.

To present young people with a full and honest account of our nation’s history is to invest them with the spirit of freedom. It is to teach them something more than why our country deserves their love, although that is a good in itself. It is to teach them that the people in the past, even the great ones, were human and had to struggle. And by teaching them that, we prepare them to struggle with the problems and evils in and around them. Teaching them instead that the past was simply wicked and that now they are able to see so perfectly the right, we do them a disservice and fit them to be slavish, incapable of developing sympathy for others or undergoing trials on their own.

Depriving the young of the spirit of freedom will deprive us all of our country. It could deprive us, finally, of our humanity itself. This cannot be allowed to continue. It must be stopped. 


Larry P. Arnn

Larry P. Arnn is the twelfth president of Hillsdale College. He received his B.A. from Arkansas State University and his M.A. and Ph.D. in government from the Claremont Graduate School. From 1977 to 1980, he also studied at the London School of Economics and at Worcester College, Oxford University, where he served as director of research for Martin Gilbert, the official biographer of Winston Churchill. From 1985 until his appointment as president of Hillsdale College in 2000, he was president of the Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship and Political Philosophy. He is the author of Liberty and Learning: The Evolution of American EducationThe Founders’ Key: The Divine and Natural Connection Between the Declaration and the Constitution; and Churchill’s Trial: Winston Churchill and the Salvation of Free Government.

© Imprimis Digest. All rights reserved.

When demons conspire to take over a nation . . . there’s only one option

December  21st was the darkest day of the year, the Winter Solstice, and at day’s end, in the black of night, a light appeared in the southwest sky.

Some called it the Bethlehem Star, a perfect alignment of planets that only occurs every 800 years. It penetrated the darkness of 2020 at a time when we all needed a sign that heaven hears our cries. Who doesn’t feel the weight of this Dark Winter, brought to us by those princes of darkness – Soros, Gates, Bloomberg, Biden, Clinton, Obama, Trudeau, Fauci and their brethren in the CCP?

These oppressors promise us they will not let up with their COVID deception in 2021.

No, they plan to double down until all is destroyed.

This must happen so they can launch what they call the Great Reset, a grand plan to “build it back better,” as they say.

This is a Tower of Babel moment, writ large.

The builders envision a complete reordering of society – the economic system and the entire social order – affecting every facet of your life, your work, your child’s education, entertainment, how you travel from one point to another, even how you are allowed to practice your religious faith. You will have no say in this grand redesign of the global order. No, it’s not up for a vote.

Klaus Schwab, director of the World Economic Forum and one of the main pushers of the Great Reset, has publicly stated that COVID-19 presents the “narrow window of opportunity” that elites have been waiting for to launch the plan.

No one will be able to hide from it. “No person will be left behind” promises the United Nations, which is cooperating with the WEF, the Vatican, the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and most of the world’s governments to bring it about.

Laughably, the folks at the New York Times labeled the Great Reset a “conspiracy theory.” They take us for fools.

The forces of darkness call everything they want to keep hidden from the masses a conspiracy theory. Why? Because it’s just vague enough to be impossible to deny. How does one prove he or she is not a conspiracy theorist?

It’s just another clever lie.

One could make the argument that the oppression we feel right now hits us so strongly because it’s hard to live in a society where so many lies are accepted by so many as truth.

The left never debates the facts anymore, they just label you a conspiracy theorist. Just shut up and “do what you’re told,” says Dr. Fauci, who continuously mocks Americans who persist in believing they have individual rights under the U.S. Constitution. To believe such fantasies makes you “literally a murderer,” says New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, one of many governors being played like pawns by the global crime families.

These global reseters have a clearly defined agenda, a conspiracy. On the one hand they brag about their plans for us, without once consulting us, while on the other hand they denigrate those who call them out on their deceptive sugar-coating of what amounts to a global power grab. We are not “conspiracy theorists,” as much as we are whistleblowers, blowing the whistle on their conspiracy.

Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary traces the word “conspire” to the Latin term com spirare or “to breathe, more at spirit.” So you see there is something spiritually driven at the core of every conspiracy, which Webster defines as follows:

“Plot. Contrive; to join in a secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrongful act or to use such means to accomplish a lawful end. Scheme. To act in harmony.”

Luciferian conspiracies

To truly understand evil, you must understand the nature of conspiracies because evil people never tell their intended victims the truth about their plots. They will leak out partial truths but they always withhold the big truth, which if known would ensure the plot’s failure.

Now, if God is Truth and wants His people to “walk in the truth,” then Satan is the opposite. He wants as many people as possible to be shielded from truth and walk in falsehood.

Satan was described from the beginning as “the most crafty” of the beasts. He used clever lies to entice the first humans into doing something he knew would harm them. When his victims believed the lie, Satan pulled off the world’s first successful conspiracy.

By their nature, conspiracies are Luciferian, because the real agenda lies cloaked in darkness.

Every communist revolution throughout history has been conspiratorial and therefore Luciferian. They use deception to win power. Once in power, their lies are exposed but it’s too late. They use their power to brutally repress their enemies.

Communists typically launch their revolutions in a time of crisis. The crisis is used to distract from the details behind their fake revolutionary promises. When the Soviets took over Russia, they promised “bread and peace” during a time when the Russian people were war weary, beaten down by the ravages of World War I. Many people had lost loved ones. Many more had lost their means of making a living. They were hungry and desperate.

This is what’s going on right now in the world, with the Great Reset waiting in the wings. They are using the COVID virus to shut down people’s businesses and jobs, pushing them into poverty.

We have a Luciferian cabal that is trying to use this crisis, a virus unleashed on the world by their comrades in communist China, to bring the world to its knees. When we are sufficiently beaten down, they will launch a new economic system that enslaves the vast majority of people on the planet.

Communist revolutions have been going on since the French Revolution, but they have always been conducted on the national level. The Great Reset is the first time in history that a communist revolution has been attempted at the global level. And it won’t be pure communism, it will be modeled after China’s variation on the theme. Some call it state capitalism, where the state picks the private enterprises it wants to partner with and dooms the others to forced impoverishment.

This impoverishment is already taking shape under the COVID rules, where Walmart, Amazon and Costco, along with other big-box stores are favored while small businesses are forced to close or operate under impossible conditions.

Whether this conspiracy – it’s no longer a theory at this point – is successful or not could very well be determined by whether the United States joins in. If Donald Trump stays in office, that’s a non-starter. Trump delivered two speeches last year, one before the United Nations and the other before the World Economic Forum, in which he set aside all ambiguity as to where he stands. He told the globalists to basically go to hell. “The future does not belong to globalists. It belongs to patriots,” he said. His America-first philosophy is the antipathy of the globalist Great Reset.

Like Barak Obama before him, Joe Biden is totally on board with the Great Reset. He speaks its language and he has appointed cabinet members who are 100 percent aligned with the goals of the Davos crowd at the World Economic Forum.

The epic struggle in which we are engaged has nothing to do with Trump and Biden but everything to do with the two visions for the future that these men represent.

So, if the dueling forces of good and evil are embodied in these two men, we should know what to expect in the days, weeks and months ahead.

Unless one side concedes, we are heading for a clash of worldviews.

Time for an exorcism?

Even if Trump’s America-first, God and country vision prevails, it’s not going to be easy. It will happen with much pain, almost like an exorcism of demons from a possessed human body. Why? Because this is a spiritual battle. Demons don’t leave without a fight.

In fact, a Catholic priest, Fr. Chad Ripperger, who specializes in spiritual warfare and exorcisms, made some interesting comparisons in a recent video presentation,

Ripperger says the conspirators trying to rope the world into a Great Reset are “basically in league with Satan. They believe the same things that he does. They want the same goals. I think what we’re seeing is, there’s some stark comparisons between what I see in the behavior of some of these people and what I see in a session.”

When Ripperger speaks of a “session,” he is speaking about an exorcism.

“For example, right now, things are leading up to a crescendo,” he explains. “And that’s what you tend to see right before a person has been liberated. So there’s this buildup of the diabolic manifestation that becomes much more drastic, much more open, much more out there, sometimes even more preternatural right towards the end, and then the person is actually liberated.”

If America is to be liberated from the globalists and communists who make up the deep state, Ripperger sees the same process playing out as a man being liberated from the demons that torment him.

“Once Satan thinks he has the upper hand, he presses it all the more. He doesn’t wait, he doesn’t take his time, he will in certain circumstances take his time but once he thinks he has control over a situation he’s going to drive it until he gets ultimately what he wants,” the priest said.

He went on to explain that many of the people in politics and business who are being used by Satan right now are involved in horrific sins, things like human trafficking and using people in the most depraved ways.

“And I think that’s slowly starting to come out.  If you read about it, it’s in the public record about some of the behavior of some of the people that have been the most vociferous during this time frame, and it reminds me a lot of how the demons themselves, when they get caught in something, or their shame gets revealed in something they have committed, they sometimes become very vociferous and very angry about it and try to push the envelope even more,” Ripperger said.

“Once their sin is revealed and people see it, then what they do is, they’ll try to create a distraction onto something else,” he continued. “So one of the things an exorcist has to constantly be on guard about during a session is, when you start getting to a certain point where the demons actually, where you’re starting to gain certain control over them or you’re starting to get somewhere in the session where it looks like he’s going to start telling you some information, he’ll actually start doing things to distract you or he’ll dig into the person, the demons.”

[FACT: When Hillary Clinton was caught sending compromising emails over a private server, she concocted the Russia hoax against President Trump, in an attempt to deflect attention away from her own guilt. This was revealed in personal notes from former CIA chief John Brennan that were declassified in October.]

Another deceptive trick of demonic forces is to “claim victory” before the victory is actually in hand.

“The other thing that’s very common is, claiming that they are victorious or that they’ve already won when they really haven’t yet, or that they actually have rights, or that there’s certain things that they have that other people can’t take away from them. So it’s very similar to a lot of things we’re actually seeing, on their [evil] side.”

Ripperger also commented on what he sees happening on the other side, among those aligning themselves with the forces of light.

“As for those on our side, on the side of the angels, people who actually want things that are best for this country, I think there is in the minds of people a feeling of vulnerability right now. That’s because people recognize that the checks-and-balance system in our country has essentially broken down, meaning people in one part of the government are just doing whatever they want. We’ve seen mayors setting aside constitutional rights of citizens so the actual checks and balances are broken down.”

This collapsing of the rule of law creates mounting anger among the people who want to see America’s crime families brought to justice.

“There’s kind of a slow burn with people in a sense that people are angry at systemic crime,” he said. “Certain families who are just systematically getting away with crime year after year and nothing is ever done about it.

“How much evidence do you need when the public sector knows ten times more than what it takes to get people convicted in a court?” he said. “You wonder what is it going to take for certain people to be put away for their crimes, especially when the crimes involve tremendous damage, basically treason, selling out the country and things of that sort.”

Demoralizing the people of God

People got their hopes up that the Supreme Court would step in and rule against the evil ones, the thieves, only to see them dashed. Again, Ripperger sees a parallel to the exorcism.

“That demoralization is precisely what you see when demons are attacking people. One of the things we have to do when people are possessed, is constantly get their focus back on God. Don’t let the demons drag your focus into the stuff that you’re suffering and the things that you’re dealing with, keep your focus, because that’s when things start to go downhill. It’s also one of those things that the shift in the focus is what the demons are always trying to get us to do, and to be demoralized.”

Efforts at demoralization are evident in the way certain mayors, governors and members of Congress brow beat the people to stay home for Christmas in compliance with draconian COVID rules while they themselves disregard these rules and in some cases even brag about how they flaunt such rules.

“Demons are liars so never believe them. My concern is the people on the other side are being used to make us feel demoralized and distracting us so we lose our focus.”

Prayer is a must, he said, when engaged in this kind of spiritual warfare.

“There’s a reaction from the demons; they get more angry when we respond to God’s grace and begin to rise up in prayer.

“They take everything personal. That’s how demons function. That boils down to the fact that, demons are narcissistic, that’s pretty much the description of demons and that’s the description of communists. The riots. It was all perceived. The actual facts showed they weren’t in the right, but when we rise up in prayer that means God will answer our prayers, you just have to be very persistent. But the demons know that if you are praying what they are working for will get stripped from them, and that’s why they get so angry, they get really irritated that you are even fighting against them. Demons are typical bullies just like these other people are — once you rise up against them they’re basically cowards and they flee.”

So stay prayed up, don’t lose hope, stay focused on the hope of hopes, Jesus Christ. Wise men were led to Him by that Bethlehem star 2,000 years ago, the same star which re-appeared this week. Right when we needed it.

©Leo Hohmann. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Let us join together in the song ‘Hotel California’

Released in 1976 by The Eagles, “Hotel California” sold 42 million copies worldwide. Downtown Los Angeles typifies what cities in California look like today. After decades of Democrat rule, a third of the state’s residents live in poverty.

When I was a student at Georgia Tech in the mid-1960s, Atlanta was a safe and vibrant city.

Now, after six decades of welfare programs that kill the human spirit and a half-century of the anything-goes ‘sex, drugs and rock & roll’ progressive culture that took America by storm in 1968, Atlanta has changed in dramatically troubling ways.

Like California’s cities, Atlanta has homeless people defecating on public streets and is marked by large pockets of urban decay, where our society’s most vulnerable people endure squalid living conditions in neighborhoods overrun with drugs, crime, poverty and despair. Like other big cities in America, Atlanta has been run exclusively by Democrats since the 1960s.

Finally, in wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah, let us join together in song once more, this time a rendition about what the party of government dependency has done to one of the most beautiful states in America.

Please join me now in singing California Here I Come.

PODCAST: 2020 Year-End Wrap-Up

This is my last column for the year as I prepare to enjoy the holidays and rest up for 2021. As has become customary, I’m using this opportunity to review my top essays from the past year.

As you know, I write on a variety of subjects, such as management, systems, technology, social issues, politics, and observations of our changing world. Sometimes my work is instructional and informative, other times it is controversial or humorous. I certainly hope it isn’t boring. By the number of subscribers I have, their comments, and the hits I have on my web sites, I do not believe this is the case.

This has been a fiery political year and, as such, my political columns did very well. Nonetheless, what follows is based on my “hits” on my web pages.

My top columns for the year were:

  1. IN PRAISE OF THE BBQ PIT BOYS – By far, this was the favorite of my readers and I was pleased to see it win, even though I was bit surprised by its popularity. I think it was the subject matter that made it a success, slow cooking, or perhaps the “The BBQ Pit Boys” show itself is so popular, I rode on their coattails. Either way, I was glad to see people enjoy this essay on the enjoyment of BBQ.
  2. WHAT HAPPENS IF TRUMP LOSES? – This was my most popular political piece, which people are still reading five months after I released it.
  3. AS FLORIDA GOES, SO GOES THE COUNTRY – This was my last column before the 2020 election. In it, I accurately predicted Florida would go to President Trump. I had thought Florida would set the tone for the swing states, and I may still be right, providing we ever find out about the fraudulent voting.
  4. WHO IS REALLY DIVIDING THE COUNTRY? – This was also published shortly before the election. In this one, I contended America hate was not generated from President Trump, as the news media claims, but by the far left instead.
  5. BEWARE OF THE LINCOLN PROJECT – Another political essay which described a group of former “Republicans” bent on seeing President Trump removed from office. These were actually Democrats in disguise.
  6. THE AFTEREFFECTS OF THE 2020 ELECTION – Some predictions of what to expect following the 2020 elections.
  7. THE LOSS OF A SPOUSE – reflections on the pain of losing a spouse, something I experienced not long ago.
  8. I WILL NOT FORGET – written in July, this represented a listing of the accomplishments of the president, as well as the roadblocks thrown up by the Democrats. Something I realized afterwards is that Americans have a short attention span.
  9. ARE WE BETTER OFF UNDER TRUMPONOMICS? – As evidenced by a Gallup Poll in February, the answer is “Yes.”
  10. THE POLITICAL CONSEQUENCES OF GEORGE FLOYD – This represented the kickoff to the “Summer of Hate.”



I also provide an audio version of most of my columns for those people on the go, courtesy of YouTube. I would like to believe people listen to me at the gym or beach, but more realistically, people tend to tune in while they are traveling or at work. Interestingly, the popularity of my audio segments is not the same as my written columns.


  1. WHAT HAPPENS IF TRUMP LOSES? – Like the printed version, this was my top political piece.
  2. BEWARE OF THE LINCOLN PROJECT – Also a favorite, just like the printed version.
  3. THE AFTEREFFECTS OF THE 2020 ELECTION – This is still taking hits.
  4. AS FLORIDA GOES, SO GOES THE COUNTRY – a lot of people tuned in to hear my prediction.
  5. UNITY? DON’T MAKE ME LAUGH – Something former VP Joe Biden claims he wants, but people know better.
  6. IN PRAISE OF THE BBQ PIT BOYS – This segment did well, but nothing like the printed version.
  7. WHO IS REALLY DIVIDING THE COUNTRY? – An important piece which did well.
  8. I WILL NOT FORGET! – both the printed and audio versions took the #8 spot.
  9. THE AFTEREFFECTS OF THE 2020 ELECTION – listing predictions pursuant to the election.
  10. THE SUMMER OF HATE – Interestingly, the audio version did better than the printed counterpart.



I will be on sabbatical for awhile until I am ready to get back in the saddle. Merry Christmas.

Keep the Faith!

P.S. – For a listing of my books, click HERE. These make great holiday gifts!

EDITORS NOTE: This Bryce is Right podcast is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

Open Letter to Florida Senators Rubio and Scott to Contest the Electoral College Vote and the 2020 Election Fraud

Dear Senators Marco Rubio and Rick Scott,

We haven’t heard from either of you doing anything about the leftist criminal election fraud which has taken place.  Will you do the right thing and join others, like Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz,  in refusing to confirm the Electoral College vote in Congress?

We are urging President Trump to not concede; to stay in the fight against the massive, criminal election fraud which has occurred and to form a 3rd Party if the Obama/Biden Coup is confirmed.

President Donald J. Trump did not lose this election, therefore he must not concede!

We, the 74+ Million Trump supporters know about the massive election and voter fraud that the Obama/Biden Cabal has forced upon the election process and we will continue to fight against it.  We know President Trump won if a fair and legal election process had taken place.

He lived up to every promise made and would not let us become a Socialist State!  We want to Keep America Great and to continue on the  path of always putting America First.

If the Obama/Biden Coup succeeds in stealing this election, then we will urge President Trump to form a Trump Constitutional Party (or some such name) and we will join him right away.  We are very angry at the COWARDLY establishment, elitist, ruling class Republican Party which, with only a few exceptions, has failed to stand with President Trump and support him during this massive, criminal, election and voter fraud that the leftist socialist Democrats and their Chinese Communist Party supporters have foisted upon us.

We are also very disappointed in the 3 of the 5 supposedly conservative SCOTUS Justices who failed to act on the Texas Law Suit joined by 18 other states.  It is very clear that this election fraud situation has negated the votes of the many millions of voters in those states who voted for President Trump and they have Standing to file suit against the criminal fraud that has occurred.

We the people love and stand by our President and are urging him to  stay in the fight. We know the left has been driven by EVIL, HATE and LIES whereas our side is driven by GODLY, Biblical VALUES and TRUTH. Therefore, we know we will triumph in the end. We are proud “Deplorables” and Patriots unafraid to call ourselves nationalists not because we are racist as falsely accused by leftist lies, but because we love our country and want to continue as a nation of laws under a Constitutional Republic as intended by our Founding Fathers and our Constitution.

We are not racists because we put our God and Country first. We will not support Socialism because we believe in “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”.

How about you Senator Scott and you Senator Rubio – what are your positions? 

What are you doing/will you do about this criminal election fraud?

For the 400+ Members of the Conservative WH 912 Group,

Royal A. Brown III, LTC, U.S. Army (Ret.)
President, Winter Haven 912

Mandalorian Bounty Hunter Criticized As Anti-Science For Removing Mask

MORAK—A Mandalorian bounty hunter has taken some flak online after footage revealed he took off his mask while on the jungle planet Morak this past week.

The surfaced footage showed the bounty hunter taking off his mask while in close proximity to Imperial officers and his colleagues, in a poorly ventilated, indoor dining area. He took off his mask while walking to his table, too, clearly showing his anti-science stance. Had he taken it off only while seated and eating, no one would have taken issue with it.

“We must cancel the Mando, as he’s clearly anti-science,” said an Imperial officer reviewing the footage. “The science shows we must all wear masks all the time. Take Stormtroopers for instance. The helmets obviously don’t provide any protection from blaster rifles, but we’d rather be safe than sorry. It’s just a very simple way to love your neighbor.”


The far-right religious Mandalorian sect also criticized the bounty hunter, but apparently for religious reasons rather than medical ones, saying, “This is NOT the way” and “Masks are part of our religion.”

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.