Facemasks are the Symbol of Submission to the Brute Force of Big Government Bullies

“We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.” – Ayn Rand

For the first time in history we are seeing more and more individuals, groups, corporations and religions submit to the brute force of big government bullies.

The facemask is not unlike the Nazi armbands worn in Germany leading up to the take over of the government by Adolph Hitler, or the red star pins worn during the reign of Joseph Stalin and the Mao cap worn even today by Chinese Communists.

We are entering the darkest period in the history of these United States of America.

QUESTION: How did this happen so quickly?

ANSWER: The political weaponizing of a pandemic to give the state the power to do anything it damn well pleases. Covid-19 is the “ultimate inversion.”

CNN reported that Joe Biden, if he becomes president, wants to enforce a “mask mandate” in all 50 states.

The Ultimate Inversion

The state has taken control our our lives, our liberties and our happiness.

Ayn Rand in her 1957 book Atlas Shrugged wrote:

When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion–when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing–when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors–when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you–when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice–you may know that your society is doomed.

Here is a short list of things that big government bullies are forcing upon you and me:

  1. They want to cancel our culture of freedom, liberty, life, prosperity and replace it with big government mandates.
  2. They want to cancel Christmas. By doing so they would deny God and his powers over us.
  3. They want to replace God with government. Government that would control and enslave us for its purpose, not ours.
  4. They want to use this pandemic to expand their control over us.
  5. They DEMAND that we wear a face mask as a symbol of our submission to government power.
  6. They want to replace our pursuit of happiness with government largess thus making us beholding to them, not independent workers.
  7. They want to stop us being with family, friends, co-workers so that we further submit to their bullying.
  8. They want and must control our very lives in order to gain power over us.
  9. They demand we obey by closing our businesses, restricting our ability to travel and living a normal life.
  10. Finally, they must impose upon us more and more mandates, rules, laws and regulations in order to become our new slave masters. They do this in the name of social justice, not equal justice under our laws.


As Ayn Rand said, “Government control of a country’s economy — any kind or degree of such control, by any group, for any purpose whatsoever — rests on the basic principle of statism, the principle that man’s life belongs to the state.”

The “C” in Covid stands for control. Control of our lives, our livelihoods and ultimately our economy. A national mask mandate is the first step to statism.

The goal of the nanny state bullies is to control our nation’s economy and thereby control US. They use fear to control we the people. Covid is 90% political and 10% virus.

Enough is enough. It is past time for patriots to stand up and be counted. Time to fight back against the government bullycrats.

James Grundvig wrote, “As we enter the last month of the year, the geopolitical tectonic plates continue to shift and roll, transforming the world as we once know it. The struggle for freedom to express its voice amid the din of propaganda or share its ideas under blanket censorship becomes increasingly difficult. Now, with the U.S. Presidential Election corrupted and thrown into doubt, who can the people trust? What institutions can they believe in?”

It is time to understand that we must choose to live free. If we don’t then we will surely die under the boot heels of politicians and control by a corrupt bureaucratic system.

The counter revolution is near. Be prepared.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

The President is Calling on All Patriots to Descend on Washington, D.C. on January 6th, 2021

“There are but two parties now: traitors and patriots. And I want hereafter to be ranked with the latter and, I trust, the stronger party.”Ulysses S. Grant

And, see this rousing video posted on December 19th and in less than 24 hours look at those numbers!


I will leave this pinned at the top and as news about the January rally develops, I’ll post it here.


EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Election Battle Update — Stay the Course!


VIDEO: The statistical improbabilities of a real Biden win.

Every Legal Vote in an email sent out the following Election 2020 update:

What is the pathway to victory? Staying the course, showing steel resolve, and focusing on the two tenets of velocity and agility to adapt to the changing situation.

I’ve been asked about the pathway over and over again. The 12th Amendment and the Constitution give general left and right guidelines but they are not an exact technical manual on process.

That’s up to us, the American People. What can you do?

  • Show steel resolve by talking to everyone you know – and ensure all state legislators and leaders are hearing from you. The six states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada are filled with fraud and these situations must be fully exposed and lawfully resolved.
  • Please go on everylegalvote.com and fill out the take action letters – very quick, very easy, very impactful.
  • Work on MagaDrags to show support for Election Integrity – Please contact the national committee asap to organize one in your area. Email: dtib@magadragtheinterstate.com
  • Get ready and participate on January 6, 2020. Trump has asked everyone to come to DC for a rally!
  • Watch Eye Opener with Michael Lewis – well done over view of the fraud and Peter Navarro’s analysis of the election fraud.

We’re also working on a rally at Chief Justice Roberts House – the Supreme Court Chief Justice has failed us. In a remarkable and unprecedented news release the Supreme Court denied allegations about his behavior. I have one brief response to John Roberts: “Mr. Chief Justice, You Lie!” to borrow from a heroic South Carolina U.S. Representative.

We were robbed in the greatest fraud in American History – by the same group that lied about Russia Gate. Soon to be former AG Barr says no misconduct by CIA in Russia Gate. And I have one thing to say to AG Barr, “Former AG Barr, You Lie!” I’m shocked by AG Barr’s comment – he knows that is a factual lie. Brennan and Comey put together a fake, Top Secret, Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA), after the November 2016 assessment – I was one of the senior reviewers in DoD of this package before it went to the White House – they knew the Russia story was a fraud in the Summer of 2016 from
their admission in their own handwritten notes released by DNI Ratcliffe this summer. I and others reviewed a fake Top Secret Document in December 2016 prepared personally by Brennan and Comey – making a fake or false statement is a crime by 18 USC. Shame on you AG Barr. I trusted you until your ignorant self serving comment. I had to amend my 27 pages with Mr. Durham after the factual basis of the fake ICA became known. Myself and many others were being fooled by a willfully fake and false ICA based on a lie and willfully meant to deceive government officials.

Other Important Updates

  • County Voting Officials are not complying with court orders and are keeping evidence from the American People.
  • Is the Solar Winds Breach part of the take down of America? Who did the Solar Winds cyber attack? I feel (with some experience and knowledge of these events) the Solar Winds attack was part of the next step of the Color Revolution to cripple and topple the United States. Phase I was the China Virus, Phase II was the assault on our election process, Phase III could very well be Solar Winds and shortly a broad crippling of our critical infrastructure. And don’t believe the lie of Russia Russia Russia one more time. Russia was very likely involved – but very likely as a junior partner to the main culprit, China. And Iran and Venezuela were very likely part of the attack as weenie hut junior partners. The main game is China.
  • Something big is coming – stand by
  • Kevin Freeman does an excellent overview of the fraud and an immediate plan of action for a broad class action lawsuit – a huge and powerful action in
    taking down this fraud. Please watch.
  • Are there two Americas? You bet there are – and we are the majority – let’s be sure to act like it.

Reasonable people and courts are asking for evidence of election fraud. Many elements of compelling evidence has been presented. But much of the evidence has still not been handed over by corrupt county and state election officials. The President should invoke the September 2018 Executive Order and seize this evidence from the Counties and the States to present to the courts.

Should we re-run the election in the six states with military overview? I don’t think that’s unreasonable and absolutely should be on the table. Simply put – at this time, no President can assume the Presidency in January with this level of fraud – it must be dealt with before anyone assumes the Presidency.

And re-running the election in the six contested states should be an immediate action. If we delay the inauguration, so be it. And that doesn’t mean Nancy temporarily gets the seat. Extraordinary times and fraud require extraordinary responses – Lincoln did many such things to save the Union – it’s that time again.”Hooray for the Union, down with the traitors, and up with the stars” as Lincoln’s 1864 song went.

COL (Ret) John R. Mills
Former Director, Cybersecurity Policy, Strategy, and International Affairs,
Office of the Secretary of Defense
on behalf of EveryLegalVote.com

©Every Legal Vote. All rights reserved.

How RINOs Undermined the President

Yesterday I wrote about Elizabeth Neumann, a former Republican big wig at the Department of Homeland Security who claimed she supported the President initially because she is pro-lifebut decided to work against him because he cut back on immigration and talked mean “racist” talk. Talk, she says, that makes America less safe.

So much for her devotion to life as she actively worked on behalf of pro-abortion Biden/Harris, making innocent babies less safe. See here.

Neumann has described herself as “first and foremost a follower of Jesus Christ,” and her 2016 decision to vote for Trump as “primarily because of the pro-life issue.”

She subsequently re-examined her earlier convictions (?) and concluded that admitting 125,000 refugees a year is more important than babies!  She claims America is safer when we open our borders.

I’m posting this here because I am not sure how many of you see Refugee Resettlement Watch and because I have a category here specially made for posts like this—political rats.  That is a category I originally made when I wrote about the Lincoln Project, but it has come in handy.

Anti-Trump RINO Pushing Biden’s 125,000 Refugees-a-year Agenda; says it will Strengthen America

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Buttigieg Defends Transportation Credentials By Revealing He Has Played Tons Of Mario Kart 64

SOUTH BEND, IN—Pete Buttigieg has come under fire for what many are calling a lack of credentials to be our nation’s Secretary of Transportation. But Buttigieg defended himself, pointing out that he has played tons of Mario Kart 64, making him an expert in the field.

“You don’t think I know roads? Try Rainbow Road,” he said indignantly. “I’ve spun out around corners thanks to a well-placed banana peel. I’ve fired off a blue shell on
Choco Mountain at just the right time, sending my foes careening to their doom. I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe: green shells bouncing off guard rails and hitting Peach in the face. Red shells firing off into the blue waters of Koopa Troopa Beach. Noobs smashing into the moles of Moo Moo Farm.”

“Am I qualified? Yes. I’d say I am.”

When critics pointed out that playing a video game with a tenuous connection to transportation doesn’t make him an expert, he had the perfect comeback, retorting, “Did I mention I am a gay man?”


‘We Must Follow The Science!’ Screams Actor Who Believes Xenu Dumped Frozen Aliens Into Volcanoes And Exploded Them With Bombs 75,000,000 Years Ago

New Tesla To Run Exclusively On Liberal Tears

Millions Of Women Agree To Take Vaccine After It’s Disguised As An Essential Oil

Romans 9 Now Includes Disclaimer That Doctrine Of Election Is Disputed

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

WATCH: “The Plot to Steal America”

Man In America wrote:

2020 has been a year like no other… everything we know, everything we trust, and everything we come to rely on has changed.

WATCH: “The Plot to Steal America”

RELATED VIDEO: OOPS! China Brags About Deals With Biden Family

©Man In America. All rights reserved.

The Democrats Greatest Sin is Coveting

“You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.” Exodus 20:17

“Hostile to the church, friendly to Jesus Christ. These words describe large numbers of people, especially young people, today. They are opposed to anything which savors of institutionalism. They detest the establishment and its entrenched privileges. And they reject the church—not without some justification—because they regard it as impossibly corrupted by
such evils.” – John Stott, Preface to Basic Christianity

John Stott in his book Basic Christianity wrote:

“Much that we take for granted in a civilized society is based upon the assumption of human sin. Nearly all legislation has grown up because human beings cannot be trusted to settle their own disputes with justice and without self-interest. A promise is not enough; we need a contract. Doors are not enough; we have to lock and bolt them. The payment of fares is not enough; tickets have to be issued, inspected and collected. Law and order are not enough; we need the police to enforce them. All this is due to man’s sin. We cannot trust each other. We need protection from one another. It is a terrible indictment of human nature.”

Human sin is the source of public policy. The more perceived sin the more public policy. But what about the sins of our policy makers?

Is it not a sin, real or perceived, that denies citizens their rights under the U.S. Constitution? Is it not a sin, real or perceived, that denies citizens their rights under each independent state’s Constitution?

Question: Who sins the most, citizens or their elected leaders?

What do Democrats covet?

Primarily the Democrats covet what their constituents have and hold near and dear.

Coveting leads to all the other sins.

By coveting one must deny God and place government ahead of Him. Take the examples of New York and California who denied the rights of religious peoples to worship using their weapon of choice the Covid Hoax.

Let’s look at how the Democrat Party covets:

  1. They covet your wealth by taxing you, your property and your profits. A direct violation of the Tenth Commandment.
  2. They covet your freedom. They will take away your freedom to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
  3. They covet your family. They want the government to become your family. Single parenthood has become the rule rather than the exception since the Great Society initiative of LBJ. This violates the Fifth Commandment to honor your mother and father.
  4. They covet how you live. The Green New Deal, if it becomes law, will determine how you heat your home, what kind of car you drive, what type of energy America will produce. Control the light switch and you control the people.
  5. They covet your mind. They do not allow dissent within their ranks. Once they take power, like in California, they pass law upon law to control each citizen, their livelihoods and their families.
  6. They covet your speech. You are not allowed to speak without their permission. Censorship becomes the norm. Lies become the truth.
  7. They covet what one group has over another group. Hence, the idea of white privileges. White privilege is a way of taking away your success for being an educated and hard working individual.
  8. They covet your gender. You cannot be a male or female. You must be forced to select a gender identity of their choosing, not your choosing. If you believe that marriage is between one man and one woman you are ostracized and banned from the mainstream culture.
  9. They covet your right to life. They support killing the unborn in the name of some twisted right to choose lie. Killing a child in the womb or outside of the womb is murder and violates the Sixth Commandment.
  10. Finally, they covet power. Power requires that all ten of the Commandments be violated. There are no commandments from God. Only commandments from government.


We are seeing this scenario play out in cities and states controlled by Democrats across America. Whether it is Atlanta, Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, Los Angeles or San Francisco. Or in states like Oregon, Michigan, Illinois, Georgia, California and New York. The Ten Commandments are violated daily with new laws. Laws that covet everything and anything.

Satan covets your very soul. So do Democrats. For your soul is your being. If your soul is theirs then you are forever lost.

If you disagree you will be sent to a gulag or re-education camp. Or worse you will be unjustly murdered by the state as happened in the former Soviet Union by the tens of millions. This is a clear and present danger to the Sixth Commandment.

Democrats, or any other elected official, who believes he is God is really Satan’s helper.

2020 has been the year when we have seen many violations of the Ten Commandments. One is bearing false witness against a sitting president.

Let’s see what 2021 has in store for us if Democrats take control. God forbid!

How do we stop this spiral down the rat hole? Dr. Paul David Trip wrote:

[E]very act of human wickedness committed against another human being starts with the breaking of intimate, vertical relationship with God.

When we forget God we embrace a horizontal relationship with the world and embrace worldly sin. We can only be saved by looking up, not to the left, or the right.

We must each seek what Dr. Trip calls a “Heavenly relationship.” Without it we are lost.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

We infiltrated Antifa, and Found all They Needed was a Dad

We sent our cartoon reporter into the heart of Antifa. What happened next is touching.

Antifa: Anti-friend or Anti-foe? Let’s anti-find out, as BNN reporter Guy Curtis goes deep undercover to find out who the real Antifa is. Are they violent criminals with no hope of rehabilitation, or do they just need a dad?

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire video by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Biden Not ‘President-Elect’ Until Congress Counts Electoral Votes on January 6, 2021

Let us say it all together, “Joe Biden is not the president-elect.”

Americans have been bombarded with fake news about Biden’s status in the 2020 presidential election. Facebook, Twitter, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, PBS have all declared Biden the winner. But this is far from over.

We have reported on massive election fraud from multiple sources. The media refuses to do so, therefor we must tell the truth.

One America’s Pearson Sharp has more on how President Trump could still be declared the winner of the 2020 election.


©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


RELATED VIDEO: Why did the SCOTUS not take the Texas suit against the election results?

Warnock: ‘Dismantle the Value System’ of American ‘Empire’

In a 2017 video of a sermon he delivered in his Ebenezer Baptist Church, Rev. Raphael Warnock, one of two Democratic Party candidates for Senate in the upcoming Georgia runoffs, preached that he “came to dismantle the value system” of the American “empire.”

“I want you to hear me now, because most of Christian America is focused on two or three issues,” Warnock stated. And one of those issues is abortion, which Warnock the purported religious leader supports.

“Meanwhile, the Bible spends most of its time talking about how to treat the poor, the struggling, and the stranger,” he continued. “And so, don’t misinterpret what Jesus is saying. Jesus is saying you will always have the poor with you, not because God ordained it; not because it is what it is, and that’s the way it has to be. The poor are with you because of the evils and the excesses of the empire. And I came to dismantle the value system of the empire.”

Fact check: the U.S. is in no way an empire, and the poor in America are better off than the poor anywhere in the world precisely because of our capitalist “value system.” No other economic system — certainly not the socialism Warnock would like to implement — other than capitalism elevates people out of poverty.

“I already told you that I came to preach good news to the poor, to open the eyes of the blind, and to set the captives free, and to preach the year of the Lord’s freedom,” he went on. “In other words, I came to dismantle the value system of the empire. But here’s the problem: the religious folk who should be fighting with me against the empire are in cahoots with the empire.”

No, the problem is Warnock‘s value system, a corrupt, big-government, elitist Progressivism that suppresses freedom, dooms prosperous societies, and enriches demagogue hypocrites like Warnock.

Raphael Warnock

30 Known Connections

Blaming White Racism & “Environmental Hazards” for Black Crime (2019)

In an October 2019 panel discussion at the Memorial Church of Harvard University, the moderator asked Warnock to speak about the “overlap” between crime and climate change. In his response, Warnock stated that the climate movement had “for too long been suburban and white and middle class.” Asserting also that civil rights leaders should remain ever-mindful of the “intersectionality” of race and climate change, he turned his attention to the case of Freddie Gray, a longtime Baltimore criminal who in April 2015 had died as a result of spinal-cord injuries that he suffered while in custody, unstrapped by any seat belt, inside the cargo area of a moving police van. Attributing Gray’s criminal history to impaired brain function caused by environmental factors that disproportionately affect poor people, Warnock said:

“Freddie Gray in Baltimore. You remember that case? Freddie Gray who died in the custody of the police and became one of those flashpoints for this issue about encounters between the police and ordinary citizens, his story didn’t begin there. Freddie Gray grew up in Baltimore, where I was a pastor for almost five years. He was a victim of environmental hazards in the built environment. Lead poisoning. In substandard housing. In a country where we have known for decades what lead poisoning does and how it leads to behavioral issues in the classroom and learning difficulties. And then, so he becomes part of the prison pipeline. So these civil rights issues, human rights issues, climate change both in the natural world and built environment, are all part of this larger issue that speaks to the soul of America.”

To learn more about Raphael Warnock, click here for his profile link.


Judge Denies Georgia GOP Lawsuit That Sought To Eliminate Voting Drop Boxes In Runoff

Perdue, Loeffler Take Lead In Latest Georgia Runoff Poll

Republicans ‘Need To Cling To Donald Trump’ And Hot Button Issues To Win Georgia Senate Races, Say Pollsters

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Tlaib: ‘I hope that you realize the opportunity that Allah has given us to show the power of Muslims in Georgia’

Expect many more such demonstrations of power in the coming years.

“Tlaib: ‘I Hope You Realize Just the Opportunity Here That Allah Has Given Us to Show the Power of Muslims in Georgia,’” by Patrick Goodenough, CNS News, December 14, 2020:

(CNSNews.com) – Muslim leaders, including Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) and Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), expressed the hope and expectation on Sunday that Muslim voters would be a deciding factor in the pivotal Senate runoff election in the state of Georgia early next month. The early voting period begins on Monday.

Participating in an online “vote-a-thon” co-hosted by the Georgia chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and Georgia Muslim Voter Project, Tlaib said: “I hope that you realize just the opportunity here that Allah has given us to show the power of Muslims in Georgia.”

“I want people to be like, oh my God, I didn’t even know Muslims are in Georgia,” she said. “Exactly! Because we’re going to show them in droves of numbers.”

“I want to, mash’allah [what Allah has willed] be able to say, ‘Look at the voting in these precincts and guess what? It was the Muslim vote that delivered Georgia,’ ” Tlaib said.

Omar said Muslim voters in Georgia had played a big part in delivering the result on November 3 that necessitated the runoff, and voiced the hope that the same would apply on January 5.

“I do hope that when the election is decided on January 5, and people are able to analyze who came out and voted, we will hear that the Muslims in Georgia were a big part of making the right decision in this historic election,” she said.

Omar and Tlaib in 2018 became the first two Muslim women to be elected to the U.S. Congress.

In next month’s runoff, Republican Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler are fighting off challenges from Democrats Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock respectively. The outcome will determine control of the Senate for the next two years at least.

Another participant in the livestreamed event on Sunday was Palestinian American activist and Women’s March co-founder Linda Sarsour.

“You, the Muslim community in Georgia, by yourselves, can literally swing this entire election and send two Democrats to the U.S. Senate, which makes Kamala Harris the deciding vote,” she said. “And you can actually alleviate harm and suffering on millions of immigrants in this country, particularly on the issue of immigration reform.”

“Let history be made, and let the story be told: On January 5, 2021, it is the Muslim American community, the votes from the Muslim American community in Georgia, that literally helped us win back that Senate and put us back on the path towards winning justice for our community,” Sarsour said….


Hate Group SPLC Provided Funding to Fulton County, Georgia for 25 Absentee Ballot Drop Boxes

LISTEN! LEAKED AUDIO: Wayne County Dominion Training

Far-Left Radical Stacey Abrams Brags She Has 1.2 Million Absentee Ballots to Deploy for Ga. Runoff

Here’s Your Islamophobia: Imam Says His Congregation Has Been Called Rude Names

France: Muslim arrested at train station with two handguns, balaclava, Qur’an and prayer rug

Iran: Islamic groups firebomb 14 Baghdad alcohol shops, ‘these groups want the last Christians to leave the country’

Canada: UAE cleric dropped from speaker list at Muslim convention featuring Muslim Brotherhood-linked groups

Greece: Muslim migrant arrested for drugging and raping two teen minors

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Careless Republican Senator Immediately Struck Blind For Referring To Biden As President-Elect

WASHINGTON D.C.—Fear spread among Republicans as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was immediately struck blind upon referring to Joe Biden as “President-elect.”

In reaction to the Electoral College vote, McConnell said on the floor of the Senate, “Today, I want to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden.” Right after he said it, McConnell yelled, “Ahh! I can’t see!” Most Republicans took this as punishment for McConnell’s faithlessness in the true presidential election winner, President Trump, and no other Republican followed suit in referring to Biden as the winner.

“It surely is an act of God!” exclaimed Senator Marco Rubio, but reportedly at the same time that McConnell was struck blind, some witnesses saw Trump running by, yelling, “You think Biden won? Have some eye acid!”

Many say McConnell will be able to restore his sight by referring to the election as the “Big Steal” and proclaiming that Trump won in a landslide. Others say he’ll need some sort of eyewash.

In a somewhat similar incident, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thought she was struck blind for engaging in capitalism by selling merchandise on her website, but it turns out that she just had a bucket stuck on her head.

RELATED POLITICAL SATIRE: California Considering Tax On Breathing

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Abraham Lincoln To Be Removed From Penny, Replaced With BLM Fist

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Joe Biden’s Treasury Secretary-designee Janet Yellen has announced plans to remove Abraham Lincoln from the penny and replace the racist, anti-BLM president with the Black Lives Matter fist.

Starting next year, all pennies will have the racist president scrubbed from existence and replaced with the much less racist symbol of the far-left movement.

“Abraham Lincoln never once said the words ‘Black Lives Matter,’ and so must be canceled,” Yellen said. “As my first act in office, I will demand he be removed from the penny, the five-dollar bill, and anywhere else his racist presence rears its ugly, hatted head.”

“Yes, he freed the slaves — but he didn’t raise his fist and say ‘Black Lives Matter!’ while he did it. Cancel this man.”

The Lincoln Memorial will be plowed down and replaced with a statue of Karl Marx, who was in no way racist and definitely would have said Black Lives Matter if he knew more black people, sources confirmed.


Elon Musk Unveils Plan To Put A Meme On The Moon By 2022

Centuries-Old Theological Debate Solved By Facebook Argument

Thomas Sowell Slams Santa Claus For Plan To Flood Market With Free Toys

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Chinese Spy Assigned To Date Eric Swalwell Begs To Be Sent To Labor Camp Instead

BEIJING—Sources within the Chinese government confirmed today that the spy who was assigned to date Rep. Eric Swalwell and get information from him abruptly returned to China and begged to be sent to a labor camp instead.

“Please — don’t make me go back!” she begged after returning to China in 2015. “I’ll do anything! I’ll break rocks! I’ll build a railroad! I’ll — I’ll even make shoes for Nike! Just don’t make me go back and date that man again!”

“It’s cruel and unusual punishment. Which, I guess, is allowed here, but still. It’s not a good look,” she said.

An international human rights board agreed, putting pressure on the Chinese government to stop forcing spies to date Eric Swalwell and other U.S. congressmen. “We call on the Chinese to resort to traditional methods of punishment like labor camps, torture, and just straight-up executing citizens rather than the cruelty of sending spies to America to date congressmen.”

President Xi Jinping, ever a gracious ruler, granted her request, and she has been sent to a forced labor camp rather than having to go back to date a U.S. congressman like Eric Swalwell. Though several Americans have reported getting strange messages scrawled on the inside of their Nikes like “Christine Fang here please send help” and “Eric Swalwell really did fart on live TV.”


Elf On The Shelf Outed As Chinese Spy

Cleveland Indians Change Name To ‘Cleveland Genderless Sports Players With No Discernable Racial Features Or Specific Ethnic Background’

Bombshell Report Indicates Parents May Have Bribed Kids To Smile For Christmas Photo

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

“Always Winter, But Never Christmas”

In C. S. Lewis’s book, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, he describes a beautiful place (Narnia) under the spell of an evil character (the White Witch)—who symbolizes the Devil. Lewis writes of her that it was she who has made it “always winter, but never Christmas.”

“Always winter, but never Christmas”—what a great phrase to describe this world, without the loving, powerful, and positive influence of Jesus Christ.

Could you imagine life in such an intolerable state where we had to endure the brutal conditions of the winter season—but never having Christmas to look forward to?

Well, this winter, there are some tyrannical state and local officials who are using the coronavirus as a pretext for shutting down churches and family gatherings. To the degree that these regulations are imposed on the people in those states, it will be always winter, but never Christmas. At least this season.

These are the same people who might as well have a sign on their desks for the world to see, declaring, “Do as I say, not as I do.”

We’ve all heard the stories of mayors and governors who urge people to stay home while they are out and about getting haircuts, shopping, and eating at restaurants with large groups. One mayor actually recorded a video urging people to stay home at Thanksgiving. The kicker—he recorded it while vacationing at a family timeshare in Mexico. We don’t have to make this stuff up. Thankfully, people are catching on to the hypocrisy.

Meanwhile, the war on Christmas seems to continue this year, as always. Here are just some examples:

  • The woke now tell us that putting up Christmas lights demonstrates “systemic biases.” An ordinary display of Christmas lights in Minneapolis triggered one snowflake neighbor to write an anonymous letter protesting the non-ostentatious display: “The idea of twinkling, colorful lights are a reminder of divisions that continue to run through our society, a reminder of systemic biases against our neighbors who don’t celebrate Christmas or who can’t afford to put up lights of their own….We must do work of educating ourselves about the harmful impact an outward facing display like yours can have.” As if penning satire, the writer called for shutting down the display to “respect the dignity of all people, while striving to learn from differences, ideas, and opinions of our neighbors.”
  • Abortion clinic staffers erected a sacrilegious Christmas tree display. Instead of a star or an angel at the top of the tree, they placed a forceps that is used to kill unborn babies. Christmas is all about celebrating the birth of a Baby; instead, abortionists use the celebration to promote their work of killing babies. As Lifenews.com notes of this incident: “It is not the first time abortion activists have sought thrills by mocking Christmas, a holiday celebrating the birth of an unplanned child to a young unwed mother. In 2010, a pro-abortion group sold ‘Abornaments,’ a desecration of plastic fetal models depicting unborn children at various stage of development before birth, online. Some of the ornaments were plastic fetal models decorated with red noses and reindeer antlers hanging from coat-hangers.” Depravity knows no bounds in the abortion industry.
  • Fewer poor people will be helped this year, thanks to the grinches at one of the Christophobic groups that runs around our country looking to abolish any remaining vestiges of our Judeo-Christian heritage in public places. Onenewsnow.com (of the American Family Association) writes: “The Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) put an early end to Liberty Middle School’s Operation Christmas Child program—a project organized by Samaritan’s Purse that allowed students at the school fill shoeboxes with Christmas gifts for underprivileged children living in oppressed and embattled nations around the world.” Well done, FFRF. You successfully protected innumerable poor children from receiving Christmas cheer this year.

A great contrast to these anti-Christmas sentiments can be found in the words and actions of many of this nation’s founders and leaders.

Just take one example. John Jay was a key founding father. He wrote some of the Federalist Papers, and he served as the nation’s first Chief Justice. He gave a Christmas address before his fellow representatives of the state of New York in 1776, in which he mentioned God and faith 33 times. For instance, he said, “And we should still have enjoyed the blessings of peace and plenty, if we had not forgotten the source from which these blessings flowed; and permitted our country to be contaminated by the many shameful vices which have prevailed among us.”

Ultimately, C. S. Lewis’s novel is a beautiful Christian allegory showing how Jesus Christ has come into the world to undo the works of the Devil. Thank God for Jesus. Otherwise, it would be always winter, but never Christmas.

©Jerry  Newcombe. All rights reserved.