Biden transition official wants speech restrictions, criminalization of burning of Qur’an

I’m not in favor of the burning of any book, and I believe that people ought to read and understand the Qur’an rather than burn it. However, note that Stengel is calling for legal “guardrails” against “speech that incites hate.”

If someone burns a Bible, no one cares. If someone burns a Qur’an, there are riots and death threats. So for Stengel, burning a Bible would not be “speech that incites hate,” but burning a Qur’an would be. Saying that “speech that incites hate” must be criminalized is tantamount to calling for the heckler’s veto to be enshrined in law. Stengel says: “Yes, the First Amendment protects the ‘thought that we hate,’ but it should not protect hateful speech that can cause violence by one group against another.”

So if Muslims riot over burned Qur’ans, we must outlaw burning Qur’ans. That would only signal to Muslims that they can get us to bend to their will by threatening violence, and ensure that we will see many more such threats. In Richard Stengel’s ideal world, non-Muslims are cowed into silence by Muslims who threaten to kill them if they get out of line, and by non-Muslim officials who react to the threats by giving the Muslims what they want.

Note also that Leftist and Islamic groups in the U.S. have for years insisted, with no pushback from any mainstream politician or media figure, that essentially any and all criticism of Islam, including analysis of how Islamic jihadis use the texts and teachings of Islam to justify violence and make recruits among peaceful Muslims, is “hate speech” and “speech that incites hate.” Thus Richard Stengel will silence that as well, and the global jihad will be able to advance unopposed and unimpeded.

In a year or two I might have told you “I warned you this was coming,” but by then I probably won’t be able to.

“Joe Biden transition official wrote op-ed advocating free speech restrictions,” by Steven Nelson, New York Post, November 13, 2020:

President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team leader for US-owned media outlets wants to redefine freedom of speech and make “hate speech” a crime.

Richard Stengel is the Biden transition “Team Lead” for the US Agency for Global Media, the US government media empire that includes Voice of America, the Middle East Broadcasting Networks and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.

Stengel, an Obama administration alumnus, wrote last year in a Washington Post op-ed that US freedom of speech was too unfettered and that changes must be considered.

He wrote: “All speech is not equal. And where truth cannot drive out lies, we must add new guardrails. I’m all for protecting ‘thought that we hate,’ but not speech that incites hate.”

Stengel offered two examples of speech that he has an issue with: Quran burning and circulation of “false narratives” by Russia during the 2016 election.

“Even the most sophisticated Arab diplomats that I dealt with did not understand why the First Amendment allows someone to burn a Koran. Why, they asked me, would you ever want to protect that?” Stengel wrote.

“It’s a fair question. Yes, the First Amendment protects the ‘thought that we hate,’ but it should not protect hateful speech that can cause violence by one group against another. In an age when everyone has a megaphone, that seems like a design flaw.”…

“Since World War II, many nations have passed laws to curb the incitement of racial and religious hatred. These laws started out as protections against the kinds of anti-Semitic bigotry that gave rise to the Holocaust. We call them hate speech laws, but there’s no agreed-upon definition of what hate speech actually is. In general, hate speech is speech that attacks and insults people on the basis of race, religion, ethnic origin and sexual orientation,” Stengel wrote.

“I think it’s time to consider these statutes. The modern standard of dangerous speech comes from Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969) and holds that speech that directly incites ‘imminent lawless action’ or is likely to do so can be restricted. Domestic terrorists such as Dylann Roof and Omar Mateen and the El Paso shooter were consumers of hate speech. Speech doesn’t pull the trigger, but does anyone seriously doubt that such hateful speech creates a climate where such acts are more likely?”…


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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Radical ’Heroes Act’ Is a Leftist Wish-List

By FRC’s Ruth Moreno

On November 12, Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) held a joint press conference calling for the passage of the Heroes Act. The Senate, House, and White House have been dealing with this far-left bill for months, but Schumer claims that the results from the 2020 election prove the necessity of passing the Heroes Act as a “starting point” on a new round of coronavirus relief legislation. Yesterday on “Washington Watch,” FRC President Tony Perkins spoke with House minority whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) to discuss the Heroes Act and the Democrats’ latest attempt to push it through Congress.

Though formally titled the “Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act,” the $2-$3 trillion Heroes Act is much more than a relief package. It bails out mismanaged Democrat-led cities and states on the taxpayer’s dime, making Americans pay for the incompetence and overreach of Democratic leadership.

Worse, the Heroes Act applies “nondiscrimination” provisions which redefine the term “sex” to include “sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, childbirth, and related medical conditions.” In service of the Left’s radical social agenda, this redefinition undermines both pro-life values and broader pro-family values. It also precludes the exemption of religious organizations and private schools from qualifying for the relief the bill provides.

This, as Whip Scalise pointed out, comes in the midst of a time when many public schools are refusing to even teach students in the classroom.

“If somebody is going to take your money but not educate your child safely in person when other school systems are willing to, then parents ought to be able to go to those places that will safely educate their child while taking the money,” Scalise said.

As he observed, the Heroes Act would also release “untold thousands” of criminals from prison. The number of criminals that would be released is truly unknown, because the bill does not explain exactly to whom it would apply.

Also woven into the Heroes Act is the full text of the Safe Banking Act, which grants the marijuana industry direct access to banking services. Under the Controlled Substances Act, this is currently prohibited.

One must wonder, as Tony asked Whip Scalise, what any of this has to do with the coronavirus.

“There are bills that would get huge bipartisan votes that would just renew paycheck protection program loans for small businesses,” Scalise said, adding that “There are millions of families that don’t want to be unemployed and their businesses are about to go under. You could save those jobs. That’s where our focus ought to be.”

Instead, Democrats are pushing partisan legislation under the guise that it’s what the American people want. Despite what Sen. Schumer and Speaker Pelosi may say, the still-disputed 2020 elections were not a “mandate” for the passage of the Heroes Act.

According to exit polls reported by the New York Times, 35 percent of American voters said their top political priority was the economy. Twenty percent of voters said it was racial inequality, followed by the coronavirus pandemic at 17 percent.

Seventeen percent is not a mandate. Americans want coronavirus legislation and relief, but it should not come at the expense of other important issues. And though the presidential race and certain Senate races are still lacking a clear winner, Republicans’ 10-seat gain in the House of Representatives proves that Americans are certainly not onboard with the Democrat’s radical agenda being pushed by Pelosi. Democrats spent enormous sums of money trying to flip House seats blue, but in states like Florida and Texas, the electorate came out in defense of common sense and traditional American values. Adding to this, Republicans will most likely hold on to the Senate, and even picked up gains in state legislatures around the country. When races are examined around the country, at all levels, the voters actually delivered a mandate for a conservative agenda — not the Heroes Act!

The 1,800-page long Heroes Act stands against just about every traditional American value imaginable. In addition to legislating bailouts, freed criminals, marijuana banking, and a complete redefinition of the family, the Heroes Act also includes Planned Parenthood loans, taxpayer-funded abortion, cash for illegal immigrants, and even election-altering provisions (the Heroes Act guts voter ID laws and other state measures which protect the integrity of elections). The bill also includes anti-free speech “hate crimes” provisions.

Indeed, after the 2020 elections, Sen. Schumer and Speaker Pelosi should know better than to force upon Americans something as radical as the Heroes Act.

 EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Never bet against me’: President Trump makes first post-election comments.

Trust Trump.

‘Never bet against me’: Trump makes first post-election comments, lays out path to victory

“It’s probably two weeks, three weeks” to know outcome, President says

By Joseph Cur, Just the News, November 13, 2020 – 12:30pm

That’s what President Trump told Washington Examiner reporter Byron York on Thursday, in his first post-election comments on the state of the 2020 presidential race.

Trump was optimistic, laying out a scenario in which he pulls out wins in key battleground states and gets to the magic number of 270 votes in the Electoral College.

“We’re going to win Wisconsin,” the president said in the exclusive phone interview. “Arizona – it’ll be down to 8,000 votes, and if we can do an audit of the millions of votes, we’ll find 8,000 votes easy. If we can do an audit, we’ll be in good shape there.”

“Georgia, we’re going to win, because now, we’re down to about 10,000, 11,000 votes, and we have hand-counting,” he said, referring to a call by Georgia’s secretary of state do perform a full audit on the election. “Hand-counting is the best. To do a spin of the machine doesn’t mean anything. You pick up 10 votes. But when you hand-count – I think we’re going to win Georgia.”

Trump also presented a rosy view on North Carolina, where he leads by more than 70,000 votes. He predicts a win there unless, he said jokingly, “they happen to find a lot of votes. I said, ‘When are they going to put in the new votes in North Carolina? When are they going to find a batch from Charlotte?’ ”

That leaves Pennsylvania (where Trump trails 60,000 votes) and Michigan (where he’s behind by more than 145,000 votes).

The two big states,” Trump said, adding, “They’re all sort of big.”

Trump then complained about the process in Pennsylvania.

“They wouldn’t let our poll watchers and observers watch or observe,” he said. “That’s a big thing. They should throw those votes out that went through during those periods of time when [Trump observers] weren’t there. We went to court, and the judge ordered [the observers] back, but that was after two days, and millions of votes could have gone through. Millions. And we’re down 50,000,” he said.

The president told York he has contemplated losing. “I’m a guy who realizes – five days ago, I thought, ‘Maybe,’” he said. “But, now I see evidence, and we have hundreds of affidavits,” referring to the testimony included in lawsuits by his campaign.

“When I asked him how quickly he might turn things around,” York wrote, “he said, ‘I don’t know. It’s probably two weeks, three weeks.’”

“He knows the situation. He has heard many people tell him it’s over and time to concede. But at the very least, it is important for his most devoted supporters to see him fighting to stay in office. And he closed with a good-natured warning for everyone who has told him there is no hope: ‘Never bet against me,’” York wrote.

RELATED VIDEO: Will Trump Still Win the Presidency?


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At the flip of a switch, results can be change on an industrial scale. Why would anyone with such control at his fingertips ever relinquish power?

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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Is Joe Biden an Abomination to God?

Proverbs 6:1619 NKJV.

These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren.

I have recently been made aware at a men’s fellowship group of a Bible quote in Proverbs by my good friend Bob Armstrong. Joe Biden says he is a Catholic. I am a Catholic.

Because I am a Catholic I unequivocally believe in the sanctity of life, the sanctity of marriage as between one man and one woman and in the God given right to practice my religion freely in these United States of America.

As I read these words in Proverbs I wondered if Joe Biden is an abomination to God?

Joe Biden, as the head of the Democrat Party, believes in abortion, gay marriage and members of his party have suppressed freedom of religion using Covid as a useful excuse.

Let’s look at the six things that God hates and you decide if Joe Biden is an abomination to God.

  1. A proud look. A proud look speaks of a person who would want his or her will above the will of God and the will of others. It speaks of people who are arrogant and full of themselves. Does Joe Biden care more about enriching himself than feeding the poor?
  2. A lying tongue. Satan is identified as “the father of lies” (John 8:44 NLT). It’s as clear as day: God is truth, and Satan is the father of lies. Therefore when we lie, we are behaving more like the children of the devil than the children of God. Does Joe Biden lie?
  3. Hands that shed innocent blood. The most innocent of blood is that of the unborn in the womb.
  4. A heart that devises wicked plans. Look at the 2020 election and you be the judge.
  5. Feet that are swift in running to evil. Does Joe Biden denounce evil (e.g. the riots that have destroyed cities across America) or does he embrace evil?
  6. A false witness who speaks lies. Joe Biden has declared himself the president elect of the United States before the legal votes of all states have been counted and certified.
  7. One who sows discord among brethren. Does Joe Biden hate those who did not vote for him as the leader of the Democrat Party?

One may say that all of us violate each of these things that the Lord hates. This is so. None of us is without sin.

However, it is only those of us who understand that we are sinners and do everything we can to repent, only then will we be looked at with favor by God.

Many are quick to blame politicians for many of our woes. Perhaps we should blame ourselves for electing un-Godly men and women? For American was created by and for a moral people.

As President John Adams stated:

Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

Yes, politicians are sinners. Some more than others. Is Joe Biden a moral man? Is Joe Biden a religious man?

The question remains: Is Joe Biden an Abomination to God?

Please add your thoughts for or against in the comments section below.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Cuomo Develops Vaccine That Makes People Immune To Trump’s Vaccine

ALBANY, NY—Many thought it was great news when they heard about the effectiveness of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine, but one person is alarmed by this development: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. In fact, Cuomo says he has scientists developing a vaccine that will render President Trump’s vaccine ineffective.

“We are doing great here in New York, and I have done everything perfectly,” Cuomo told the press, “just ask anyone in the media — especially my brother Chris. So we don’t need Trump coming in here and mucking everything up with his vaccine that’s been unproven except for multiple tests by the FDA.”

Cuomo hopes to have the vaccine-vaccine ready next week and will make it mandatory for all citizens of New York. “No one is getting cured by Trump,” Cuomo stated. “Not on my watch.”

Other governors have expressed interest in Cuomo’s vaccine-vaccine, such as California Governor Gavin Newsom. “Trump is just trying to endanger everyone by giving them the freedom to leave their houses when they want and do what they want,” Newsom said. “Californians just aren’t ready to abandon my guidance on their everyday activities.”

President Trump seemed unperturbed by the resistance to his vaccine, though. “Those states didn’t vote for me,” he said, “so I hope they all die.”

Behold: The Babylon Bee’s glorious best-Of book is finally here!


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EDITORS NOTE: This political satire by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

When ‘Unity’ Means ‘Shut the Hell Up’

On Saturday evening, presidential front-runner Joe Biden—who doesn’t actually become president-elect until vote counts are certified—gave a preliminary victory address.

In that address, he spoke of his mandate to govern: a mandate, he said, that extended to marshalling the “forces of decency … fairness … science … hope.” Which is a pretty vague mandate, as it turns out.

But there was another overarching mandate Biden expressed: a mandate to come together, to unify as Americans. “To make progress, we must stop treating our opponents as our enemy,” Biden said. “We are not enemies. We are Americans.”

All of that is nice. Who wouldn’t like a country in which we could enjoy cultural events together without being lectured about the alleged evils of the country, in which we could attend family events without being castigated as bigots, in which we could disagree and still enjoy one another?

The left is actively working to undermine the integrity of our elections. Read the plan to stop them now. Learn more now >>

Who wouldn’t like an America in which our neighbors no longer see us as cancel-culture targets, in which we no longer have to fear our compatriots rioting and looting over supposed systemic injustices, in which our social interactions are not limited by our voter registration?


Americans are right to have some rather serious trust issues with calls for unity in our polarized time. After all, former President Barack Obama pledged American reunification right up until he began treating tea partyers as unspeakable threats and political opponents as crypto-racists. Everything was hopey and changey right up until the time … it wasn’t.

So, in order to earn our trust, Biden would have to call his own side out for raising the temperature. And he has steadfastly refused to do so.

He hasn’t called out Black Lives Matter for the suggestion that America is systemically racist; he has cheered it on. He hasn’t condemned Antifa; he has deemed it a philosophy rather than a dangerous movement. And he certainly hasn’t said a word about the continuing attacks on Trump supporters.

We will wait in vain for Biden to chide former first lady Michelle Obama for declaring that 70 million Americans “voted for the status quo, even when it meant supporting lies, hate, chaos, and division.” Our bones will likely bleach before Biden tells Hillary Clinton that Trump supporters aren’t deplorables.

No, “unity” in the Biden formulation isn’t a recognition of what we have in common; it’s a demand that we silence ourselves in order to mirror Biden’s priorities.

Unity, you see, can be achieved one of two ways: through recognition of the other, through a determination to understand those who think differently than we do; or through ideological domination. It’s rather obvious which pathway Democrats will choose. After all, social ostracization is one of their most powerful tools. Why disarm now?

Americans can only come together when we share a common philosophy, history, and culture. Democrats have spent years attempting to tear away those commonalities in favor of coalitional interest-group politics.

They’ve declared American philosophy racist from inception; they’ve declared American history a litany of brutalities; they’ve declared American culture bigotry embodied. Now they want unity—the unity of absolute victory.

Ironically, it’s that very desire—the desire for monolithic control—that will be their undoing.

Unless Biden is serious about unity—unless he’s willing to cross the aisle and recognize the humanity of those with whom he disagrees, and to call out those on his own side who won’t—Biden’s term is likely to be contentious, polarizing, and ultimately unsuccessful.



Ben Shapiro

Ben Shapiro is host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief of He is The New York Times best-selling author of “Bullies.” He is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, and lives with his wife and two children in Los Angeles. Twitter: .

RELATED ARTICLE: Media Should Not Have ‘Called’ This Election

A Note for our Readers:

Election fraud is already a problem. Soon it could be a crisis. But election fraud is not the only threat to the integrity of our election system.

Progressives are pushing for nine “reforms” that could increase the opportunity for fraud and dissolve the integrity of constitutional elections. To counter these dangerous measures, our friends at The Heritage Foundation are proposing seven measures to protect your right to vote and ensure fair, constitutional elections.

They are offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free today.

Get the details now when you download your free copy of, “Mandate for Leadership: Ensuring the Integrity of Our Election System.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Domestic Violence More Than Doubled Under Lockdowns, New Study Finds

New research shows that domestic violence surged during quarantine.

The unintended consequences of the COVID-19 lockdowns have been severe: mass unemployment, increased drug overdoses and suicides, and widespread social unrest are but a few of them.

On Monday, the National Bureau of Economic Research released a paper detailing another: increased domestic violence.

Analyzing government-mandated lockdowns in India, researchers Saravana Ravindran and Manisha Shah found evidence of a 131 percent increase in complaints of domestic violence in May 2020 in “red zone districts,” or districts that experienced the strictest lockdown measures, relative to districts that had less strict measures (“green zones”).

The researchers, who used a difference-in-differences empirical strategy, found the increase in domestic violence complaints was consistent with a surge in Google search activity for terms related to domestic violence over the same period.

The authors’ findings “contribute to a growing literature on the impacts of lockdowns and stay-at-home policies on violence against women during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

The findings, which also found a decline in reported sexual assaults because of decreased mobility, are similar to those from research that found lockdowns led to a 100 percent increase in intimate partner violence calls in Mexico City. A study analyzing data from police departments in four US cities showed smaller increases in domestic violence, 10-27 percent, during lockdown periods.

Globally about one-third of women experience “intimate partner violence” (IPV), which negatively impacts female earnings, labor participation, earnings, mental health, and household consumption.

The global increase in domestic violence during the lockdown period has received relatively little attention, though CNN recently reported on the increase south of the US border.

In Mexico, federal lawmakers shut down most of its economy on March 23, urging people to stay indoors. Activists told the network the action spurred “an onslaught of domestic violence,” and data show 911 calls for domestic violence are up 44 percent from the same time the previous year.

“The lockdowns triggered violence in so many ways,” Perla Acosta Galindo, Director of Más Sueños A.C., a women’s community center, told CNN. “People can’t work, there’s alcoholism, overcrowding; it’s a lot.”

To some degree, the COVID pandemic has been portrayed as a morality play. Some would have you believe those who care about people support lockdowns; those who don’t care about people oppose them. We’re presented with false choices: we can support the economy or protect American lives.

These types of arguments only serve to divide. They can also obscure a basic truth: there are human costs to lockdowns, besides the economic ones, that can ravage lives just as badly as any disease.

The Washington Post, for example, recently reported on ”a hidden epidemic within the coronavirus pandemic”: drug overdoses. One Ohio coroner said he can’t process the bodies fast enough.

“We’ve literally run out of wheeled carts to put them on,” Anahi Ortiz told the paper.

Statistics suggest the trend is national in scope. Data from the Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program show that overdoses were up 18 percent in March, 29 percent in April, and 42 percent in May from the same periods the previous year.

These statistics should come as no surprise. Social scientists have been writing about the deadly consequences of social isolation for years.

It’s not just higher stress levels, disrupted sleep patterns, and altered immune systems. One 2015 study determined that social isolation substantially increased the risk of stroke (32 percent) and heart disease (29 percent).

Social isolation is also linked to suicide. While there is no comprehensive 2020 data on suicides, anecdotal evidence suggests many are struggling to cope with quarantine life. In May, during the peak of the lockdowns, one California doctor told local media his hospital has seen “a year’s worth of suicide attempts in the last four weeks.”

As the French economist Frédéric Bastiat stressed, every policy, “produces not only one effect, but a series of effects.” The immediate and intended effects are what he calls “the seen,” while the indirect, unintended consequences are “the unseen.” “The seen” usually gets all the attention, while “the unseen” often goes neglected.

In this case, “the seen” are the victims of the virus and those who hopefully avoid spreading or catching the disease because of the lockdowns. They are, without a doubt, worthy of our care and attention.

But we also must not ignore “the unseen”: the millions of human beings who, as a result of the lockdowns, have become victims of domestic violence, drug overdoses, depression, suicide, and more.

As Antony Davies and James Harrigan wrote, “The uncomfortable truth is that no policy can save lives; it can only trade lives.” It may one day be determined that the lockdowns saved more lives than they destroyed, although recent evidence suggests the correlation between lockdown severity and COVID-19 deaths is weak. But let’s not underestimate the devastating human toll of this policy.

The lives ruined or snuffed out by the lockdowns deserve better than that. They deserve to be seen.


Jon Miltimore

Jonathan Miltimore is the Managing Editor of His writing/reporting has been the subject of articles in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, Fox News, and the Star Tribune. Bylines: Newsweek, The Washington Times,, The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, The Federalist, the Epoch Times.


4 Life-Threatening Unintended Consequences of the Lockdowns

The Lockdowns Crushed Minority-Owned Businesses the Most

Another Deadly Cost of COVID-19 Lockdowns: “A Hidden Epidemic” of Drug Overdoses

CDC: A Quarter of Young Adults Say They Contemplated Suicide This Summer During Pandemic

Social Isolation Is Damaging an Entire Generation of Kids

Four Newborns Die After Being Denied Heart Surgery because of COVID Travel Restrictions

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Democrats Propose Sending Republicans To ‘Unity Camps’

U.S.—Leading Democrats are pushing for unity in our nation, and they’ve found a new way to implement the unity in a mandatory way: “Unity Camps,” special institutions designed to teach and train Republicans to unify.

“There’s nothing that’ll make Republicans want unity more than a nice, relaxing stay in one of our Unity Camps,” said Joe Biden. “Heck, in my day, we’d have killed to go to camp. I remember one summer, I was sitting in the pool watching my leg hair change color in the water. All the kids liked to run their fingers through it. Anyway, we were supposed to go to Camp Waggakopo the next summer, but Dad needed me on the farm and told me I could go to the academy the following year.”

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has suggested using forced labor at the camps, compelling Republicans to run on giant hamster wheels to generate enough energy to run the country under a Green New Deal.


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Girlfriend Keeps Referring To Herself As ‘Wife-Elect’ Despite No Official Word From Boyfriend

10 Ways To Put Christ Back In Christmas This Year

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Liars always Cheat and Cheaters Always Lie!

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945.

A friend sent me a meme that shows a mother scolding her child saying, “If you don’t stop lying you’ll grow up to be a factchecker for Facebook!”

The meme was intended as political satire but, sadly, has turned into political reality.

We are seeing lying and cheating at unprecedented levels before, during and now after the 2020 presidential election.

Lying and cheating are two lanes on the road to perdition. Lying and cheating go with one another like hate goes with fear. The intent of lying is to fool people. The goal of cheating is to steal from people. In the case of the 2020 election cycle we have witnessed both at levels never seen before.

I find it most interesting and revealing that Democrats, the media, the tech giants like Facebook, Twitter, Google, are spreading lies while doing everything in their power to cover up the massive election cheating. They are stealing the truth from the American people.

This is the greatest forced “thought crime” in my lifetime.

I have witnessed this level of lying and cheating in the former Soviet Union, Communist China, Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, Syria, and Russia, to name a few. I never thought I would ever see it here in America.

Liars Cheat and Cheaters Lie

Bill Little is doing a series of videos titled The Stolen Election – American Pravda. Watch the first in his series that analyses just one interview between ABC’s George Stephanopoulos and the Governor of South Dakota Kristi Noem.


If anyone was listening to the entire interview then watched Bill Little’s analysis they would clearly come away with the truth, that they have been lied to and cheated on before, during and after the 2020 election. I can hardly wait for Bill’s next episode.

Here are some examples of how this election was stolen:

  1. The pollsters and media were lying before the election in favor of Biden over Trump.
  2. The exit pollsters, media and social media were lying as people were stealing votes on November 3rd.
  3. The media, social media, Democrats, Biden, Harris lied that Biden won and Trump lost.
  4. Finally, the media, social media, Democrats, Biden and Harris suppressed the truth of massive election fraud by lying.

The recounts, and subsequent lawsuits filed by the Trump campaign, have proven that massive cheating and theft, destruction of Trump votes in multiple swing states, dead people voting, mail-in-ballot fraud have happened and are real.


As Shannon L. Alder wrote, “Lies don’t end relationships the truth does.”

Democrats have ended their relationship with those who believe in transparent, free and fair elections. The truth always prevails. The truth sets one free from the bondage of the liars and cheaters of the world. Just ask any citizen of the former Soviet Union.

When you lie and then cheat,  and get caught at it, you lose the respect and trust of the American people.

When President Trump labeled the media as “the enemies of the people” he understood the core problem. Lying and cheating. Trump understands, perhaps better than anyone that there are liars and cheaters in the U.S. Congress, in both the Republican and Democrat parties and most certainly at the polling places in cities such as Detroit, Las Vegas, Atlanta, Minneapolis, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York City and on and on.

Justice demands that liars and cheaters be punished both in this life and in the next. Not to punish lying and cheating only leads to more lying and cheating.

America cannot be a nation, nor remain a nation, if it is controlled by liars and cheaters.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Meet 5 of the Newly Elected Republican House Members

Conservatives won House races on Election Day and many of these new members are expected to bring fresh perspectives to Capitol Hill as they represent millennials, minorities, the disabled, and immigrants, among others.

Here are five of the House’s incoming freshman Republicans.

1. Kat Cammack, 3rd District of Florida

Kat Cammack defeated Democrat Adam Christensen to win Florida’s 3rd Congressional District with 57.2% of the vote.

Cammack, 32, is a former aide to Rep. Ted Yoho, R-Fla., having served as his chief of staff, deputy chief of staff, and campaign manager. She now will succeed Yoho, who is retiring after four terms.

The left is actively working to undermine the integrity of our elections. Read the plan to stop them now. Learn more now >>

Born in Denver into a family of cattle ranchers, Cammack is a strong Second Amendment advocate and committed to supporting farmers and ranchers.

The congresswoman-elect completed her bachelor’s degree at Metropolitan State University in Denver before earning a master’s of science degree in national defense and strategic studies at the Naval War College.

Cammack says she became active in politics in 2011 after her family lost their ranch, which she blamed on the Obama administration’s Home Affordable Modification Program, a program intended to help homeowners refinance underwater mortgages.

During her time working for Yoho, she established four new Veterans Affairs clinics in Florida; crafted Project Putnam, intended to “improve the economic, social, educational, and overall development of Putnam County”; and oversaw Yoho’s North Central Florida Human Trafficking Task Force.

Matt Harrison, Cammack’s husband, is a firefighter and paramedic. Together they founded the Grit Foundation, a nonprofit supporting veterans, first responders, and local law enforcement.

2. Madison Cawthorn, 11th District of North Carolina

Madison Cawthorn, 25, will become the youngest member of Congress in modern history when he is sworn in in January.

Cawthorn defeated Democratic candidate Morris Davis to win North Carolina’s 11th Congressional District with 54.5% of the vote.

Born and raised in the 11th District, which encompases much of the westernmost part of the state, Cawthorn hoped to join the Navy and attend the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, to which Mark Meadows, former North Carolina congressman and current White House chief of staff, had nominated him.

Cawthorn was forced to change his life plans when he sustained serious injuries in a car accident in the spring of 2014 that put him in the intensive care unit of a hospital for five weeks.

Cawthorn’s extensive injuries left him partially paralyzed and in a wheelchair. The young congressman-elect says he can relate to people who feel they “have been dealt a bad hand.”

Before running for Congress, he worked as a staff assistant in Meadows’ district office and attended Patrick Henry College in Purcellville, Virginia, for a time. In 2019, he started his own small real estate investment business.

In a campaign video, Cawthorn said that, as a millennial, he plans to bring a fresh perspective to Congress and is committed to saying “no to high taxes [and] no to socialism.”

3. Byron Donalds, 19th District of Florida

Byron Donalds defeated his Democratic opponent, Cindy Banyai, in a landslide, capturing 61.3% of the vote in Florida’s 19th Congressional District.

On his website, Donalds, 42, claims to be “everything the fake news media [say] doesn’t exist: a Trump-supporting, liberty-loving, pro-life, pro-2nd Amendment black man.”

Donalds was raised by a single mother in Brooklyn, New York, and credits her for instilling in him a passion to “leave future generations better than the current [one].”

He settled in Florida after graduating from Florida State University in 2002 with degrees in finance and marketing. He worked in insurance, banking, and finance for a number of years in southwestern Florida and became politically involved in 2016 when he was elected to serve in the state House of Representatives.

In 2017, he was named a “Champion of Economic Freedom” by the nonprofit Americans for Prosperity, and in 2018, the American Conservative Union Foundation honored him with its Award for Conservative Excellence.

Donalds is chairman of the Insurance and Banking Subcommittee of the Florida House of Representatives. Criminal justice reform, education, and elder affairs are three of the issues he has focused on during his time in the state House.

The father of three sons, Donalds and wife Erika live in Naples, Florida. He has served as a youth leader in his church and serves as a volunteer coach for local youth basketball and football leagues.

Donalds has received a 100% rating from Florida Right to Life.

4. Yvette Herrell, 2nd District of New Mexico

New Mexico native and small business champion Yvette Herrell won the election in New Mexico’s 2nd Congressional District with 53.9% of the vote, with 95% of the vote reported.

This was Herrell’s second congressional bid. In 2018, she was defeated by Democrat Xochitl Torres Small by a narrow margin of 3,800 votes out of more than 199,000 cast, according to In their rematch, Herrell won the seat despite being outspent 3 to 1.

Herrell, 56, has committed to “take New Mexico’s values to Congress and work across party lines,” noting endorsements on her website from both former Democratic Rep. Harry Teague and former Republican Rep. Steve Pearce.

Herrell, a Heritage Action for America sentinel, served in New Mexico’s House of Representatives from 2011 to 2019. As a member of the Cherokee Nation, she will be the third Native American woman to serve in Congress, according to the Las Cruces Sun-News.

As an entrepreneur, real estate agent, and former small businesses owner, Herrell says she is prepared to fight against big government overreach. In 2018, the Rio Grande Foundation’s Freedom Index ranked her in first place for upholding principles of economic freedom among more than 100 political leaders in the state.

Herrell doesn’t shy away from a discussion of the border wall and says she is committed to completing it and to standing with Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Border Patrol agents. She also advocates for the growth of America’s military and says New Mexico would be an “ideal location” for the military to develop its new Space Force branch.

5. Maria Elvira Salazar, 27th District of Florida 

Congresswoman-elect Maria Elvira Salazar was born to immigrant parents who fled Cuba and came to America to escape Fidel Castro’s dictatorship. Salazar, who turned 59 two days before the election, grew up in Miami and Puerto Rico, where her parents instilled in her the value of freedom.

She defeated Democratic freshman Rep. Donna Shalala in a rematch of their 2018 contest to win Florida’s 27th Congressional District, capturing 51% of the vote, according to Miami’s Channel 4, a CBS affiliate. Shalala served as secretary of health and human services for eight years in the administration of then-President Bill Clinton from 1993 to 2001.

Salazar has lived the American dream, attending the University of Miami before going on to Harvard University to earn a master’s degree in public administration. She has had a successful career as a journalist, becoming a prominent anchor for CNN Español and later covering the Persian Gulf War and El Salvador’s civil war, the latter for Univision.

Salazar served as a Pentagon and White House correspondent for Univision for a number of years before becoming the bureau chief for its Central America division.

As the senior political correspondent for Telemundo in Cuba, Salazar interviewed Castro at the Cuban mission to the United Nations in 1995.

The winner of five broadcasting Emmy Awards, Salazar has been praised for her “passion for freedom and uncovering oppressive, communist, and socialist regimes in Latin America, especially in Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua,” as noted on her website.

Salazar, who has two daughters and lives in Miami with her husband, is a staunch anti-socialist, writing on her website: “Socialism isn’t a romantic ideal as those on the left want us to believe.” She promises to “fight so everyone can pursue the American dream.”


Virginia Allen

Virginia Allen is a news producer for The Daily Signal. She is the co-host of The Daily Signal Podcast and Problematic Women. Send an email to Virginia. Twitter: @Virginia_Allen5.

A Note for our Readers:

Election fraud is already a problem. Soon it could be a crisis. But election fraud is not the only threat to the integrity of our election system.

Progressives are pushing for nine “reforms” that could increase the opportunity for fraud and dissolve the integrity of constitutional elections. To counter these dangerous measures, our friends at The Heritage Foundation are proposing seven measures to protect your right to vote and ensure fair, constitutional elections.

They are offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free today.

Get the details now when you download your free copy of, “Mandate for Leadership: Ensuring the Integrity of Our Election System.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.


Data Anomalies Plus Coverups Equal a Bunch of Unanswered Questions

Despite what the media says, the 2020 presidential election is far from decided. According to the preliminary vote counts, Joe Biden is leading slightly in several states that are the key to the Electoral College.

If the vote counts are correct, then Joe Biden will become president in January. But are they? Some data anomalies suggest we need to take a closer look. Last night on “Washington Watch,” I interviewed Dr. William “Matt” Briggs, a fellow at the Heartland Institute, former statistics professor at Cornell University, and author of Uncertainty: The Soul of Modeling, Probability, and Statistics.

Dr. Briggs said statistical information can help the Trump legal team’s court challenges by identifying possible instances of fraud. For instance, mail-in ballots in Michigan saw an eight-fold increase from 2016 in people who voted only for president and filled in nothing else. In 2016, two percent of people voted only for president, but in 2020, it was 16 percent.

And remember, we’re talking about mail-in ballots, where voters have all the time in the world to research other candidates and questions to fill in their ballot.

The discrepancy is “huge,” said Briggs. Too big, in fact, to be “easily explainable just in terms of simple changes in behavior.” He said that’s an anomaly that must be explained.

And it’s not just in Michigan. Briggs pointed out irregularities in Pennsylvania. “At one point in time, in the evening of the next day, three separate counties removed votes for Trump. That has to be explained,” he said.

Someone in the media will object that these questions are cynical, partisan ploys to undermine democracy. “You’re just mad that your candidate lost,” they’ll say. But Dr. Briggs made the case that answering these questions is important to instill trust in the election results.

“The explanation doesn’t necessarily have to be fraud. But when we find these kinds of things, some kind of explanation is needed,” he said. “It may be a perfectly innocent explanation. On the other hand, it may not be.” In other words, it shouldn’t be out-of-bounds to ask whether the emperor is wearing clothes.

Briggs continued, “this stuff has been formally researched before. It’s not unusual, these types of questions.” Rather, ballot marking where only the president is picked “conforms to other instances of known fraud,” he said.

Rough estimates like this are the data science version of a “sniff check.” If something smells funny, then we should “follow the science” and dig a little deeper. That’s what President Trump and his legal team are doing. And they have the legal right to do it.

As Americans, we have a right to verify, as I quoted Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell yesterday, that “all legal ballots must be counted; any illegal ballots must not be; the process should be transparent and observable by all sides, and the courts are here to work through concerns.”

The only real threat to democracy here is the alarming (but predictable) hostility towards openness and transparency among the self-proclaimed defenders of openness and transparency. Ignore the media’s cries to “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.” Let’s have a fair count and then award the White House to whoever really won.

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action podcast is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Election Integrity vs Election Theft

This is not a banana republic. This is the United States of America.

Here we are on the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower Compact (November 11, 1620)—the document that initiated American democracy that culminated in the Constitution and our freedoms.

And yet election integrity is at risk. How this is resolved may well determine what kind of a country we become and what kind of a legacy we leave for our children and posterity.

As one man put it, “The importance of getting it right outweighs the importance of rushing to judgment.” Who was this? Some rube with the Trump campaign? No, actually, that was former Clinton cabinet member Warren Christopher on November 11, 2000, speaking on behalf of the Gore campaign during the hotly contested Bush-Gore election.

The media, including Fox News, have already called this race for Joe Biden. Many are calling him “president elect.” Is it not more honest to call him, at best, the “projected president elect”? Besides, who died and gave the media the authority to decide who is president?

There’s always cheating in elections, I suppose. It seems that conservatives always have to get a percentage or more of extra votes to counteract the cheating. Hmmmm. If the left is so great, why do they so often have to cheat to win?

There are serious and credible allegations of voter fraud in some of the key swing states. The swing states include Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

Here are some examples:

  • Citizen Free Press reports: “Giuliani tells Maria Bartiromo [Fox News] this morning [11/8/20] that as many as 900,000 invalid ballots were cast in Pennsylvania, and that the Trump campaign will reveal the full slate of evidence in court.”
  • Trump attorney Sidney Powell added that they’ve identified 450,000 ballots in PA that only had Biden on them (not any vote for candidates of other offices on the ballot).
  • In Pennsylvania, supposedly 840 voters were 101 or older; 39 lived through the Civil War; 45 were born in the 1800s. These are among the 21,000+ dead people in Pennsylvania that are reported to have voted. As some wag noted, “I see dead people voting.”
  • Despite court orders, poll counters in Philadelphia and Detroit reportedly have prevented Republican vote counting monitors from seeing the ballot counting. Furthermore, in some instances, workers have boarded up windows, eliminating any pretense of transparency.
  • A software “glitch” in Michigan has caused thousands of votes for Trump to be applied as votes for Biden. Ian Miles Cheong tweets (11/6/20): “The software used to tabulate the votes in one county sent at least 6,000 Trump votes to Biden. 47 counties used the software. Other states may have, too. Was it a glitch or a ‘feature’?”

Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan said,

“This is the first time in American history, where you have a party systematically set out to win an election after the election. That’s what they’re doing, and it has to be stopped.” [Emphasis added]

Perhaps love of abortion is a key motivator in all this. As Gary Bauer of American Values noted that if someone has no problem with killing babies up to the moment of birth (and even after, in some cases), why would they have a problem with cheating in an election?

Judge Darrell White is a conservative Christian and the founder/director of Retired Judges of America. I once interviewed him for Christian television in reference to America’s Christian heritage.

He told me, “Our founders were not atheists.  They pledged their lives, their fortunes, their sacred honor on behalf of themselves, but also, on behalf of posterity. That’s us and our grandchildren, and we hold the truths of the Constitution and the sacred guarantees that are ours as Americans. We hold them not as owners, but in trust. We are trustees for the next generation.” [Emphasis added]

As trustees, it is up to us to make sure that we preserve our national heritage and genuine trust at the polls. White adds that “our founders clearly had a biblical worldview”—a major component of which is a belief in the “notion of the depravity of man.”

The division of powers by the founders was based on their knowledge that man is sinful. James Madison, a key architect of the Constitution, put it succinctly: “All men having power ought to be distrusted.” That’s not cynical. It is because of that view we enjoy the freedoms we enjoy.

The day could come when we lose that freedom because of a monopoly of power by the Ruling Class, by big tech (which has systematically censored conservative and Christian content), and by big media.

Since there are still many serious, credible allegations of voter fraud, every American, including those on the other side of the aisle, should welcome this inquiry to make sure it was an honest election.

Love him or hate him, Trump is fighting for our nation’s election integrity.

©Jerry Newcombe. All rights reserved.


The Death of the American Republic – The American Spirit is Next

What you saw on the morning of November 7, 2020 were the convulsions of America the Beautiful before her death. A massive voter-fraud has been going on within our electoral system to make the U.S. into a Venezuela or USSR. The credibility of the entire electoral process was poisoned. On the afternoon of November 7, 2020, Joe Biden was declared 46th President by the media that abetted his candidacy. No one had understood nor been aware why Joe chose November 7, 2020, no one commented on the date. I got it the moment Joe proclaimed his winning. I knew the reason because I am a former Soviet attorney, writing about Russia and Putin’s KGB for the last thirty-five years. It was all a part of Putin’s vendetta against America for the collapse of the Soviet Union to make a demented Biden as President and a giggling twit as VP. Oh boy! Putin will play his puppet Biden like a Stradivarius!

Writing about Russia and her Intel for years, I warned you by my refrains: Knowledge of Russia and her Intel is a MUST. I also warned Republicans to learn, because I saw the Democrat Party’s transformation from JFK’s to Lee Harvey Oswald’s and knew the result. Then in Russia, I worked within the legal community at the time of the KGB Chairman Yuri Andropov and had known his plan to subvert and take over America. Then in the 1960s I didn’t believe his design would succeed, and was stunned to see its gradual implementation when I immigrated to America. Before my eyes the CBS 60 minutes was transformed by Socialist propaganda, the Universities and Colleges are unrecognizable, Newsweek and Time lost their objective attitude to events, and Truman’s Party died. I knew why it happened: Vladimir Putin was a devoted disciple of both Stalin and Andropov and continued their legacy.

If you think that the Collapse in 1991 of the Soviet Union has changed Russia, you are wrong, you don’t know Russia and her Intel. As a matter of fact, it wasn’t a collapse of the USSR, it was a collapse of the Socialist economy that couldn’t produce and compete with capitalism. Yet, the collapse didn’t touch the security apparatus (the real power in the country)—the KGB. Using the instability and chaos in Russia during those days, Socialist KGB took over and catapulted Vladimir Putin to presidency—and the circle of authority was established. Today Russia is run by the KGB apparatus. The old socialist economy was replaced by a crony capitalism under the secured KGB’s total control… Considering the political setting worldwide, an awareness of the Russian leader’s shenanigans is imperative. Putin, armed with the legacy of Stalin’s postulates and Socialist modus operandi has achieved a great deal across the world. Socialist Lies: From Stalin to the Clintons, Obamas, and Sanders, XLIBRIS, 2016

 Vladimir Putin and the Political Setting of Socialism/Communism

Had you read my books and this column, you would be familiar with Putin and his career. Putin, a counter-intelligence officer of the KGB, had never changed his political view. As a lawyer with a major in the International Law, he has instilled Socialist mentality throughout the world since 1975. Socialism has its modus operandi: lies, deceit, and fraud combined with symbols and slogans. Socialism is a lawless system, a cult, a religion. The Soviet Socialist economy collapsed in 1991 because it was built on lies, deceit and fraud. Yet, Putin’s vendetta continues running the Socialist ideas. There is an axiom in political philosophy: peaceful coexistence between Capitalism and Socialism is a myth—they are absolute mortal enemies and one of them must be defeated. It is a law of survival hence, Russia and China will be together fighting capitalism. The major role in this fight for now belongs to the devoted disciple of Stalin and Andropov—Vladimir Putin.

Andropov’s Project: Operation Barbarossa

Andropov’s design was a simple and arrogant one: to infiltrate simultaneously the media and all American security apparatus. In my writings I called it—Operation Barbarossa, because I didn’t believe in its validity. I was wrong. Fixing America was begun with the first American Manchurian President elected in 1992. He created the Dems/apparatchiks and delegated George Stephanopoulos (in my opinion the KGB agent) to culminate the changes that had been occurring in America’s media. Bill Clinton has polluted the courts system and Socialist propaganda machine indoctrinated majority of Americans. The second American Manchurian President was elected in 2008 and continued to build up the process of transformation to Socialism. Barack Obama did it openly before your eyes. All of that was possible due to a massive infiltration of Putin’s KGB in the midst of our entire society. Read my book Socialist Lies: From Stalin to the Clinton’s, Obama’s, and Sanders, XLIBRIS, 2016.

History is the Mother of all sciences and I knew the Russian history of Socialist Revolution. It occurred hundred years ago November 7, 1917 at the time of the deadliest pandemic in history – the Spanish flu which infected an estimated 500 million people worldwide. It took the Socialist/Communist forces a hundred years to develop the similar conditions of the events in the world. And here we are. Don’t be surprised by the Chinese COVID-19 Pandemic launched by Socialist and Communist forces to inflict psychological desperation and fear to intimidate and paralyze you. We are dealing with the hundred-year agenda to transform the American Constitutional Republic to Socialism. Vladimir Putin is the major force to achieve the result.

November 7, 2020: Putin’s Vendetta

When Biden spoke as President-elect on November 7, 2020 I was the only person realizing that Joe Biden is Putin’s puppet. The date itself proved the fact. For the entire 2020, I was warning you in dozens of my columns about Putin’s Socialist Revolution in America. It is here today executed by the cartel of a Deep State-Biden-KGB in America. It is Putin’s symbolic vendetta to emphasize the significance of the Socialist ideology and the Russian Socialist Revolution November 7, 1917. It is Putin’s vendetta for the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Do you grasp now Putin’s mentality and the crimes committed by him against America for years? Read my book: What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction, XLIBRIS, 2012

The Socialist ideology has its modus operandi and I was stunned by finding that Biden has followed its exact modus operandi in his speeches: lies, deceit, and fraud. Biden by himself was a total fraud, a demented old political crime family boss (the Big Guy). Moreover, there was a main Stalin’s postulate. Never admit crime committed, instead accuse the opposition in this exact crime. It was incredible to watch Joe Biden exercise that precise Stalin legacy. Obama and Biden have released a cascade of accusations and witch hunts during last five years, trying to make Trump an enemy of the American people. Analyzing all charges against Trump you will find that exact crimes had been committed by the Democrats. Trump had never teamed up with Putin, dishonest Charlatan, Joe Biden did work for Vladimir Putin. Here are some evidence:

Obama delegated Joe Biden as a point man to Ukraine in 2013-2014. Biden traveled to Ukraine with his son Hunter. Neither Biden nor his son Hunter speaks Ukrainian or knows Ukrainian Law, which is completely different from American Case Law. Nevertheless, Hunter became connected to pro-Russian oligarch Zlochevsky-Burisma Holdings. Burisma Holding is the appendix of former Ukrainian President Yanukovych, a close friend of Vladimir Putin, who ran to Russia to escape the Ukrainian’s people wrath for destruction of the Ukrainian Republic…

Hunter Biden in 2014 was appointed to Burisma’s board, while at the same time his father was leading the Obama administration’s diplomatic dealings with Ukraine. Zlochevsky was a Minister of Energy in the Yanukovych government, which means he is the Russian asset, like Yanukovych himself.

How could this happen and how did Hunter Biden get an immediate connection to pro-Russian oligarch Zlochevsky? There is only one answer to the question: the Obama administration had cooperated with the previous pro-Russian administration in Ukraine; that way Hunter Biden had been tied with pro-Russian oligarch. But that also means that the American Embassy in Kiev had been working towards the same direction providing Aid and Comfort to Putin’s KGB…which is Treason against America… My conclusion: Joe Biden has worked for Putin, helping Putin to destroy and end the young Ukrainian democracy… Read A Global Spy Ring: Obama, Putin, and Biden, July 9, 2020

By the way, Joe Biden himself had emailed Vadim Pozharskyi, a top executive from Ukrainian gas firm Burisma (in my opinion a KGB agent). Secret Service logs include a travel entry for Biden on April 3-6, 2014.v. We the People Daily, The Secret Service Just Won The Election For Trump, 10.24.2020. Tony Babulinsky’s credibility and his testimony have confirmed Biden’s long-term help to Putin. Do you remember Biden’s Quid-pro-Quo? Biden’s threat to Ukrainian government about $1 billion to fire the Ukrainian prosecutor is also a vivid evidence of his work in Putin’s behave to cover-up Biden’s entire involvement.

Aware of that, let me give you my ideas of how it was done by Putin’s KGB in America. 20 years ago, I gave you the realization of WW III being waged by Socialist forces against Western civilization: Recruitment and Infiltrations, Drugs and Assassinations. All of that was successfully implemented by Putin and his Intel in America. We have the KGB agents on a powerful posts in all Dems states. In Minnesota we have AG Keith Ellison, in Texas we have Beto, in New Jersey Cory Booker, let alone the Squad in the Congress and seventy Socialists counted by Alan West. The election 2012 was a fraud committed by the Governor of Pennsylvania Ed Rendell and the KGB agent Rahm Emanuel. Kamala is Soros’s close friend!!! Add to that Obama’s weaponized Intel. Knowing Socialist’s modus operandi just imagine massive fraud committed by them against Trump to cover-up the Dems’ Treason! The coup against Trump is still underway in 2020…

Introducing the term Socialist Charlatans, I hoped to show you the enemy within. Listen to Sen. Schumer and Stacy Abrams to realize the meaning of the term Socialist Charlatans. The chaos in America is made by them in concert with Putin. The Socialist fraud in this election, implemented by the Dems/KGB cartel, has enormously undermined and weakened our country for decades. It must be stopped to expose the criminals. The remedy is knowledge of Russia, her Intel, and Socialist’s modus operandi. Authentication of the mail-in-ballots and certification of them is imperative. We must save the American Republic today! Tomorrow will be late!

To be continued and at

©Simona Pipko. All rights reserved.

Good news from the election: Americans are not racists — The United States has clearly overcome its ‘original sin’

It is not very easy to find good news in the American election. Or to announce whatever good news one has found in a tone that is not surly. But it seems to me there is very good news here on the perennial accursed topic of race, what Barack Obama rightly called America’s original sin.

As Kurt Mahlberg wrote recently on Mercatornet, perhaps the biggest surprise of all is that “at this year’s election, Trump gained ground with almost every demographic except — wait for it — white men.” He did better among blacks, Latinos, Jews, even LGBT voters. And as Mahlberg observed, this outcome seemed to displease and baffle many pundits; he acerbically quoted Paul Krugman’s characteristic tweet that: “The more I look at this election, the less I imagine I understand.”

Fair enough. Pundits get things wrong and occasionally even admit to being baffled. Honesty is good. But Krugman’s tone is not really one of self-examination or reconciliation; it reads more like a condescending snarl at dumbo minorities who don’t know what’s good for them.

Mahlberg finds two things to like in this outcome. First, he says “everyday Americans just don’t buy woke-think” including non-white, non-male, non-straight etc. And as a result: “Whatever the final outcome of this election, the future on the right hand side of politics is looking bright and energetic.”

I think he is right on both points. But horses before carts, people. The really good news is buried behind Krugman’s bafflement and Mahlberg’s consolation, is incredibly good news. It is that America is not a racist swamp. If it were, all these minorities including the one that’s not, which is women, and the one that soon won’t be, which is non-whites, would be huddling round the Democrats for protection and warmth. As many long did. And not without cause.

It will not do to deny the obvious. For a great many years the United States was the land of the free, provided you were not dark-skinned. Various pallid ethnic minorities encountered a certain degree of bigotry, from the Irish in the 19th century to southern and eastern Europeans into the early 20th, especially if they were Jewish. But they generally found that life was better the moment they set foot in America and it just kept improving. The bigotry was real, but not nearly as bad as, say, anti-Semitism in the Russian empire. And every day in every way it became less oppressive.

For blacks and others with dark skin, and for Native Americans, the situation was different. Dreadfully different. So appallingly different that one blanches at descriptions of it. It was true and there’s no denying it.

As a result, it was the Republican Party that got the overwhelming majority of the few votes blacks were able to cast even in the North from the end of the Civil War down through the Great Depression. But the black vote then swung massively to the Democrats, even though they were still the party of white supremacy in the south, because the New Deal included them with an unprecedented degree of fairness and they were hardest hit by hard times. The GOP remained formally committed to civil rights to a greater degree than the Democrats until the Johnson Administration in the mid-1960s. But after that the Democrats dropped the Confederate flag literally and figuratively and good for them doing so.

Now here the conventional story becomes disturbing. Supposedly, when the parties basically switched clothes around the time of Richard Nixon, trading electoral bases, it was because as the Democrats became enlightened on race the GOP started blowing nasty dog whistles to which tens of millions of Americans nastily responded.

If true it would confirm Hillary Clinton’s claim about the “basket of deplorables”. But it was not true. Because if there is no denying that America denied freedom to blacks, there is also no denying that the freedom in question was real, precious and ultimately extended to blacks and other minorities too.

I do not say that all Republicans voted from pure motives. I do not say that no Republicans were racist. (Of course I do not say all Democrats voted from pure motives either, or that none of them were racist, including a surprisingly large, vocal and loathsome fringe that hates white people.) But one of the things that has poisoned American politics, and here I do take on a surly tone briefly, is the torrent of abuse unleashed at conservatives for being unreconstructed haters.

If many supported Trump, and excused or even welcomed his belligerent tone, it is not because they were racist. It’s because they were sick of being unfairly called filthy names as a matter of course. And who would not be?

Of course if their reaction were driven by a guilty conscience it would be inexcusable. But it was not. It was driven by resentment at being abused relentlessly and without cause. And if Democrats want to know who lowered the tone of American politics, in addition to looking to their own unwavering support for Bill Clinton, they should examine carefully their own harsh rhetoric not just about Republicans but about systemic racism, pervasive bigotry, haters and so on.

I have found this “narrative” depressing as well as infuriating. Not so infuriating that I ever excused or backed Trump; I will not be dragged down into the boiling mud. But it was so unfair and so discouraging given the amazing progress Americans have made on race, to some extent pulling the rest of the world with them. Oh, we mock and jibe, but what other Western nation has had a non-white head of government?

It was only 40 years from the riots of the 1960s and the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr to the election of Barack Obama. What comparably inspiring story exists in the annals of human history? And yet in the face of it, those most ostensibly committed to racial harmony kept irresponsibly sowing the seeds of bitter division, telling black Americans their white neighbours despised them, that they could not get a break, that America stinks and always will and so on and so on in a foul torrent. But it wasn’t true and the intended audience increasingly knows it.

My silver lining thus is not that more blacks and other official victim groups voted Republican. I do think it’s a good thing. But my silver lining is why they did it. It’s because the whole story of America as unredeemable, deplorable, loathsome and structurally oppressive is just wrong. And I welcome the growing recognition of it because I welcome the thing being recognized.

What becomes of American partisan politics going forward? I don’t know. I don’t know whether Biden can heal, Trump will finally go away, the old bipartisan consensus on unaffordable spending will continue, America will fall as Rome fell. In any case I want good government not partisan victory, and know that those who put their faith in politics generally face disillusionment in short order. But it’s not the point.

The point is that America’s original sin really does seem to have been healed. Its lingering effects have not, and will not easily be erased. But the millions who voted for Trump, even those currently suffering a mental breakdown at his defeat, are not racists. Especially not those who are themselves not white and are not ashamed to be seen with those who are.

So there’s some very good news amid the wreckage and anxiety.


John Robson

John Robson is a documentary film-maker, columnist with the National Post, Executive Director of the Climate Discussion Nexus and a professor at Augustine College. He holds a PhD in American history from… 

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

In Victory Speech, Biden Assures Americans Elections Were ‘Mostly Legitimate’

U.S.—Very legitimate President-elect Joe Biden assured all Americans in his victory speech last Saturday night that the elections held nationwide were “mostly legitimate.” His comments come as a rebuke to those who were saying totally baseless things about voter fraud, illegal ballots being counted, and poll workers counting ballots in a boarded-up building with no oversight.

“It’s time to put away the harsh rhetoric, to lower the temperature, to see each other, to listen to each other again,” Biden said. “Well, everyone who accepts this totally legit election—I mean, c’mon man. Everything was by the book.”

All election experts and hosts from CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NPR, and the AP immediately backed up every point of Joe Biden’s speech condemning the few scattered millions of people who still had some lingering doubts.

“You want to know how I know those stories about tabulation software glitches and dead people voting are part of a disinformation campaign?” asked CNN’s Brian Stelter on his program. “Facebook and Twitter are censoring them. That’s how you know what’s real and what’s not.”

“Just listen to the election experts and people censoring other points of view like me,” he added.

At publishing time, rumors about the Trump campaign filing several lawsuits disputing the election results were being censored by social media companies.


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EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. All rights reserved.