Sign the Petition to the NFL: Discipline Colin Kaepernick

Last week, San Francisco 49ers football player Colin Kaepernick disrespected the United States, the NFL and his team by refusing to stand during the playing of our national anthem in a pre-season game.

Now we learn that he has also demonstrated a great disrespect for police officers. According to, since at least August 10, Kaepernick has been wearing socks during practice sessions that show a pig in a police hat. At right is a photo of Kaepernick wearing the sock.

As a player who wears a professional football uniform, Kaepernick is a public representative of the National Football League and the San Francisco 49ers football team. His actions continue to embarrass all professional sports and bring reproach on his team.

America is also stunned at his overt disrespect for the nation that guarantees him the freedom to earn millions of dollars each year.

It is important for the NFL to take necessary steps to insure that its players, coaches, and teams show proper respect for our country and our police officers. If Kaepernick is allowed to continue his deeply offensive actions, it will only lead to other such movements by other players in the future.


Sign the petition calling on the NFL to take disciplinary action against Colin Kaepernick for his disrespectful actions while engaged in official NFL activities.

Sign the Petition NOW!

RELATED ARTICLE: Head of police organization blasts Kaepernick, NFL

RELATED VIDEO: Tomi Lahren on Colin Kaepernick.

EDITORS NOTE: Readers may wish to support the American Family Association financially with a tax-deductible donation. The easiest way to do that is through online giving. It is easy to use, and most of all, it is secure.

Islamoswimsuits don’t float in France

How did a burkini ban imposed in more than 30 seaside municipalities become the center of international scorn? France, reeling in the aftermath of allahu akhbar mass murders, suddenly becomes the bad guy? Videos, some of them staged provocations, of innocent Islamically dressed women, victims of “police brutality” on French beaches replace the horrifying reality of the dead and the maimed on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, and hardly anyone notices the paradox?

First of all, it’s not a burkini. The catchy misnomer is good marketing but it does not describe the hijabathing suit that covers a woman from head to toe, leaving only the face, the hands, and the feet exposed. Unless it’s supposed to mean a transition from burqa to bikini? More likely vice versa! As it stands today, it’s nautical miles away from a bikini and the gaggles of ladies performing in front of the French embassy in London and similar locations are paddling in bad faith. “No one can tell me what to wear,” they declaim, echoing sharia -friendly slogans we’ve heard before. Europe is pockmarked with neighborhoods controlled by sharia promoters who most certainly do tell women what to wear. And punish them if they do not comply. In one of countless “honor” murders in France the parents of a young man who burned a woman alive defended him with this straightforward explanation: she wore makeup.

Hala Gorani (CNN International) invited two Muslim women to comment on the French burkini ban.  One, dressed in Western clothes, is against the burkini and against the ban. Walking in a neighborhood in Bradford she heard men who did not know she understood their language tearing her apart for showing her face. The other guest, her head and neck enclosed in an opaque winding sheet and the rest of what must be her body hidden inside a thick-skinned jilbab, summed up the French burkini ban as “white men telling brown women what to wear.” The current French government is a stickler for parity but that doesn’t penetrate the young woman’s hijab. From her viewpoint, the president is a white man, the male and female cabinet ministers are a white man, the naughty burkini ban is a white man’s insult to Muslim women.

Islamically correct neighborhoods in our modern Western countries are modelled on Islamic nations in which women are most vehemently told what they can wear. Tourists, businesswomen, wives of heads of state, female politicians, and journalists cover their arms and legs and wrap their heads in scarves more accurately described as hijab when they tread those grounds.

Fallacious sisterhood

burka clad woman beachDaughters or granddaughters of bra-burners frolic on a makeshift beach in front of a French embassy, arm in arm with their Muslim sisters whose mothers or grandmothers fled oppressive Islamic lands. Egged on by the usual battalions of reporters in prestigious media, they scold the intolerant French. Nobody can tell you what to wear? Tell me, American and British sisters, can you go topless on your beaches? Can you wear street clothes in the swimming pool? Of course not, and everyone knows. It’s my choice to cover myself? Women who “freely choose” to hide their bodies also accept a wide range of constraints and impositions that may include genital mutilation and purdah. But this ad hoc Sisterhood equates the choice of Islamically hiding one’s body with Women’s Liberation! Contraception, abortion, sexual freedom, the right to be a bus driver, party all night, stay alone in a hotel without being branded a prostitute…and the right to swathe my body in yards of fabric to stifle its improper sexual invitation.

What’s not French about a burkini? asks one sassy progressive. Didn’t Victorian bathing costumes cover women from head to toe?

All the right-thinking commentators, newspapers of reference, international TV networks, and cutesy protestors shook fingers of reprobation at the French, repeating the same storyline, the same clichés, being shocked by the same (probably staged) incident, and not daring to dip a toe into the ocean of evidence that stretches out to the horizon.

The basic premise is: everything Islamic is by definition harmless, benevolent, justified, justifiable, and totally disconnected from that nasty “terrorism” mistakenly connected to the noble religion of Islam and its Muslim populations. There is nothing reprehensible about encouraging or forcing women to hide their bodies, the choices of Muslims are always free and compatible with life in modern democracies, any suggestion to the contrary is a disgraceful stigmatization and, what’s more, feeds the flames of “terrorism.”

It follows that the burkini ban is an act of gratuitous hostility by right wing mayors. The honorable ladies and gentlemen of the Human Rights League (a paragon of anti-Zionism) and the (questionable) Collective against Islamophobia rightfully challenged the shameful ban. Decent people everywhere sighed with relief when the highest administrative court, le Conseil d’Etat, suspended the ban in one commune, Villeneuve-Loubet. Case closed? Not so fast. Most of the mayors are maintaining the ban. The plaintiffs will have to challenge all of them collectively or each one individually. The debate has not ended with the August 26th decision, it has just begun. Lawmakers are preparing bills that will stand up to scrutiny by the Courts. Despite the lack of support from his own administration, Prime Minister Manuel Valls has not backed down. 64% of French people polled in the heat of the controversy support for the ban. By next summer France will have a president from the Républicains party. And Islam will be a decisive issue in the elections.

What’s wrong with France?

Disgusting racists, far right extremists, xenophobes, retrograde repressive stubborn fools that don’t understand where the world is going? Diversity is the marching order. Respect for differences, moving over and making room for refugees and immigrants, appreciating their rich cultural heritage, living side by side in peace and harmony, that’s the way to go. So why don’t a majority of French people want to go there?

Is it because they’re hooked on laïcité? If ostentatious religious symbols are really the issue, the municipal decrees would really target the kippa, the cross, a priest’s collar, a nun’s headdress and, who knows, certain tattoos and esoteric symbols. Religious outfits don’t disturb the peace. I never saw an Orthodox Jewish woman in long sleeves and thick stockings on a French beach, but if she did spread a towel and roast in the sun, would it bother anyone?  The problem is not religion it’s Islamic conquest, animated by genocidal hatred. And the Collective against Islamophobia is a bad actor in this drama.

Religiously speaking, the burkini is haram for the sharia compliant. See “the True Salaf” for precisions on how the female should be covered and cloistered. Incidentally, this long-winded repetitive contemporary guide sheds light on the free choice vaunted by covered Muslim women. Abu Hammad al Hayiti explains that it is Allah, not a father or a brother or a husband that prescribes hijab/jilbab. And the young ladies cherished by TV cameras dutifully inform us that no one is forcing them to dress that way. Though the burkini is definitely not sharia compliant its use can be condoned strategically as a step in the right direction. Hence the difficulty faced by French society in formulating sociologically and legally the terms of their resistance.

The burkini ban did not come out of a clear blue sky.

In the past 16 years, France has been the target of incessant and increasing Islamic hostility. First directed against Jews and then gradually extended to law enforcement, medical personnel, firefighters, teachers, institutions, and now undifferentiated civilians targeted in mass murders committed by European-born Muslims. Successive governments have tried awkwardly and ineffectively to protect citizens while bending over backwards at every blow to maintain social cohesion. Counter-productive foreign and domestic policies have, to say the least, contributed to this vulnerability to attack and subversion. The breaking point was reached in January 2015 and exacerbated by the massacres in November of that year, then Nice in July 2016, followed by the slaughter of a priest in a Normandy church, not to mention dozens of other atrocities springing from the same source, and dire warnings of more to come.

The Tunisian (with a French residence permit) who killed 86 and maimed or wounded more than a hundred in Nice on the 14th of July, came from Mkasen, a hotbed of Islamism a short distance from Sousse. The jihadi who gunned down 38 people, mainly British tourists, on a beach in Sousse in July 2015 also came from Mkasen. Daesh promised to perpetrate the same kind of executions on French beaches this summer. Heavily armed policemen and soldiers have been patrolling major beaches. All over France, festivals have been cancelled for security reasons. Tourism has dropped radically.

An event organized in a waterpark outside of Marseille open exclusively to women in burkini and children-girls of any age, boys up to the age of ten-blithely disregarding laws against discriminatory separation of men and women, was ultimately cancelled. It would take an entire volume to list all the occasions when this kind of disrespect for French law was tolerated. This time, with nerves still raw from the shock of Nice, the affront was too great.

On August 13th, the court validated a burkini ban imposed by the mayor of Cannes on July 28th. This kind of decree formulated by a local authority responsible for law and order is not a sophisticated text intended to stand for eternity. That same day, three Maghrebi brothers from Bastia (Corsica) decided to privatize a little beach in Sisco so the women could swim in full Islamic dress. They are accused of chasing other beachgoers away with physical and verbal abuse. Two Sisco men stood their ground. It ended with a huge fight, cars were burned, a man from Sisco was stabbed with a harpoon, it took several hours and 100 policemen to restore order.

Opinion makers and decision makers know about this. But most prefer to disconnect. They disconnect the Islamoswimsuit from the Salafists that prey on the Muslim community, strong arm imams, push their way into mosques, occupy territory, and exert relentless pressure for compliance. They disconnect the hijabathing suit from those nice Muslim men that no one would have suspected who turn out to be jihad mass murderers. They disconnect the escalation of Islamic dress that covers more and more Muslim women, by stages, from loose unrevealing clothes, to hijab, plus jilbab, and all the way to the niqab. And even though the niqab is banned in France, some defiant women continue to wear it, and small riots break out if the police intervene. Opinion makers disconnect the credible threats of beach massacres, the riot at Sisco, isolated assaults at other beaches and vacation spots this summer. They wrap the whole story in the image of a smiling attractive Muslim in a bright blue hijabathing suit, just doing her thing.

Inoffensive. That’s what the tolerant Western mind thinks. Everyone should be free to do as he pleases as long as it doesn’t harm the other. But that is not the meaning of hijab for those who impose it on Muslim women. A woman in hijab is “closed” and women with bared heads are consequentially “open,” the face & hair are the sex, and a bared “sex” is an invitation to penetration. Inoffensive? What of the countless “honor” killings? Women savagely murdered by family members because they were Westernized. Education Minister Najat Vallaud Belkacem, in frontal opposition to the prime minister, decried the burkini ban that “stigmatizes Muslims and fans the flames of racism.” The minister has just presided over a program of  mass murder & hostage drills in public schools because she knows, the government knows, people with sharp intuition know Daesh is planning to attack French schools. In full atrocity mode.

International public opinion, enflamed by what is perhaps a well-orchestrated campaign to portray France as shamefully Islamophobic, has practically ignored the Allahu Akhbar murder of a beautiful Eurasian from the UK by a French national named Smail Ayad. Mia Ayliffe Chung, Ayad, and two other men shared a small room with four bunk beds in a backpacker’s hostel in Queensland (Australia). The killer, who was reportedly infatuated with her, flew into a rage because she rejected his advances and took part in a glamour photo shoot. Backpackers at the hostel say he had been threatening for two weeks to massacre all of them. They thought it was a joke.

Another disconnect. And a tragic joke.


What’s Behind the French Burkini Ban

With The Terror Threat Growing, Europe Changes Course

EDITORS NOTE: Ms. Poller is the author of “The Black Flag of Jihad Stalks the Republique”     

Hear No Evil See No Evil Report No Evil

For years the Obama administration has been conducting a non-effort war effort against the Taliban, Isis and other Muslim terrorist groups in Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, as well as here in the United States.  In fact, the president and his cronies in Congress and the U.S. State Department all have one thing in common. They have so far refused to allow the military to go hard after Muslim terrorists around the world.  Specifically, they have made it almost impossible for our military to properly do the job of killing menacing enemies and break things, because of politically correct rules of engagement.  Thus they prevent our mighty soldiers from imposing their will upon Islamic terrorists who are forcing themselves upon every nation that allows them to.

In addition, there is the rampant Muslim practice of raping boys and women.  I cannot leave out the fact that millions of black Christians and even black Muslims are living out their horrific days in chains as forced labor and sex slaves.  Why there has not been a world wide effort to squelch the Islamic threat to civilization is way beyond me and my usually immense ability understand situations as they arise.  But one thing is for sure, as America has by design been drifting away from her core common sense and Christian principles, she has been saddled with a litany of stupid and in some cases detrimental decisions.  Thus endangering our national sovereignty and personal unalienable rights.

The Constitution of the United States plainly states, We The People of the United States in order to form a more perfect union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United states of America.  Article III Section three of the Constitution says Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them, or adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.  No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt Act, or a confession in open court.

The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood or Forfeiture except during the Life of the person attained.  Not only has the Obama administration both adhered to our enemies, (Iran comes to mind) but has given them both aid and comfort.  Iran comes to mind again, along with illegal immigrants with Isis terrorists in their midst.  During the so-called negotiations with Iran Secretary of State John (Lurch) Kerry did nothing but adhere to every single demand the Islamic enemy leaders of that nation uttered.  In total, somewhere in the neighborhood of $2 billion dollars was handed over to Iran.  Recently, the Imam in the White House admitted that he realized that at least some of the money given to Iran will be used to fund terrorists.  This after Iran for years has been chanting death to America and Israel.  Iranians have added the boastful threat of blasting the United States mainland with long range missiles.

If Obama’s money handover to an enemy like Iran that is actively working with and funding bigoted American hating Islamic terrorists isn’t treason, then we need to apologize to Benedict Arnold.  Not only is President Obama guilty of treason, but Secretary of State John Kerry is guilty as well.   In an appearance in Bangladesh Kerry plainly stated that the media could “do us all a service” if they didn’t cover terrorism “quite as much.”  “No country is immune from terrorism, “Kerry said at a press availability in Dhaka, Bangladesh.  “It’s easy to terrorize.  Government and law enforcement have to be correct 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.  But if you decide one day your going to be a terrorist and your willing to kill yourself, you can go out and kill some people.  You can make some noise.  Perhaps the media would do us all a service if they didn’t cover it quite so much.  People wouldn’t know what’s going on.”

If Kerry’s request wasn’t so insane, it would be hilarious.  Could you imagine the outcry that would occur if the Secretary of State during the Reagan administration had requested the media not cover the atrocities the communist the communist government of Poland or Russia waged against the citizens of those nations at that time?

Unfortunately, the current administration and the elite leadership in the House and senate are void of common sense and honor.  The U.S. Justice Department and State Department are similarly plagued with dishonor and I must add a severe lack in the willingness to act first and foremost on behalf of protecting We the People or American interests in general.  The shameful effort to hear no evil, see no evil or not wanting evil reported is reflective of an unwise, unpatriotic and an unwillingness to defeat enemies who are acting on their threat to defeat America and wipe Israel off the map.  To place the interests of our enemies above the need to defeat those enemies is the real unwise legacy of the Obama administration that must be taken into consideration, considering that fact that Mrs. Clinton wants to carry on the destructive missions of the Obama regime.

RELATED ARTICLE: Muslim Refugee Raped A Boy, Said It Wasn’t A Crime Because It’s ‘Culturally Acceptable’ In Homeland

EDITORS NOTE: For real wisdom, please join Ron Edwards Fridays at 2:00 PM PST, 5:00 PM EST on AM 1180 KCKQ Reno, Nev. Or as I Blow Away the Myths and Reveal the Truth.

VIDEO EXPOSE: Black Lives Matter Kills People

In this powerful and timely Firewall, Bill Whittle provides shocking evidence that demolishes the central, Big Lie of Black Lives Matter and then goes on to explain why a lie that size needs to be told by people like Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Loretta Lynch.

EDITORS NOTE: Speaking this kind of truth plainly requires courage, and it also requires your help: keep them coming by becoming a Citizen Producer:

Weiner’s Compulsive Sexting a ‘Teachable Moment’ for Parents and their Children

Washington, D.C. – Donna Rice Hughes, President of Enough Is Enough™ (EIE), the pioneering internet safety organization, advises parents to learn from the Anthony Weiner sexting scandal and become vigilant about the predatory and emotional dangers posed by careless sexting.

“In the case of former Rep. Anthony Weiner, sexting appears to have become a compulsive addiction,” said Donna Rice Hughes. “When someone continues behavior that leads to loss of a job, career, relationships and public humiliation, as is the case with Weiner, professional intervention, accountability and support is needed.  It is so sad to see people in leadership succumb to sex addictions when there is so much to lose and so much help available.”

Research shows that sexting is considered by both youth and adults to be the new “normal,” but the considerable risks involved with sexting are simply not worth it. Sexting is now the 6th top ranked issue in the list of health concerns for U.S. children.(1) In the case of minors, sexting images of underage teens and tweens is considered child pornography which is a felony.



“Parents can use public cases such as Weiner’s as teachable moments:  Sexting is not “okay.”

It is not safe, it is not admirable, and can lead to public humiliation and worse, in some cases. It can lead to the very real dangers of sexted images landing in the hands of sexual predators, cyberbullies and sextortioners in which lives can be shattered,” said Mrs. Hughes, who led EIE’s development and production of the Emmy award winning Internet Safety 101 curriculum to educate and empower parents to protect children from online dangers. The program, also available in Spanish, can be found on Vimeo and Amazon.

A report from the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy found that:

  • Although most teens who send sexually suggestive content are sending it to boyfriends and girlfriends, others say they are sending such material to those they want to hook up with or even to someone they only know online.
  • Teens are conflicted about sending/posting sexually suggestive content–they know it’s potentially dangerous, yet many do it anyway.
  • Teens are sending sexually explicit messages and images, even though they know such content often gets shared with those other than the intended recipient.
  • Young people who receive nude/semi-nude images and sexually suggestive texts and emails are sharing them with other people for whom they were never intended.
  • Teens admit that sending/posting sexually suggestive content has an impact on their behavior.

Other research shows:

  • Peer pressure and popularity are key factors in why teens sext, despite knowing the potential risks.(2)
  • Growing evidence has identified a relationship between viewing pornography and violent or abusive behavior in young men. These findings are from a large survey of 4,564 young people aged 14 to 17 in five European countries which illuminate the relationship between regular viewing of online pornography, sexual coercion and abuse and the sending and receiving of sexual images and messages, known as “sexting.”(3)

Enough Is Enough offers  tips for parents to protect kids from sexting including:

  • Regularly talk to your kids about what they are doing online and outline the risks;
  • Teach them to think before they post and that nothing online is truly private;
  • Set expectations about online behavior;
  • Utilize parental control tools offered by your mobile carrier.

(More information on preventing sexting can be found at

EIE highly encourages parents to get a copy of the Internet Safety 101™ Program and learn how to help their teens and tweens avoid the serious negative impacts of sexting and other dangerous online activities.

enough is enough logoABOUT ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

Enough Is Enough® is a national bi-partisan non-profit organization who has led the fight to make the Internet safer for children and families since 1994. EIE’s efforts are focused on combating Internet p*rnography, child p*rnography, sexual predation, and cyberbullying by incorporating a three-pronged prevention strategy with shared responsibilities between the public, Corporate America, and the legal community.

To learn more please visit:

Clinton Family Matters

Hillary Clinton’s take from speaking after leaving the State Department totals $21,667,000.

This does not include any donations to the Clinton Foundation.  This “Candidate of the People” has put in her pockets nearly 22 million dollars since leaving the State Department!  This figure only represents April 18, 2013 through March 13, 2015.  This is from official public records.  In one day alone she made two speeches which totaled over $500,000 in speaking fees!

When Hillary Clinton left public office she said that, “Bill Clinton and I are broke!”  Really??

How many more lies can a candidate utter, without recourse?

According to William Murray of the God is Not Government PAC:

“Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her husband are bigger fish, so the Saudis handed over a lot more money to their ‘charity’……between $25,000,000 and $50,000,000.  There is no way to tell the exact amount because the Clinton Foundation reports in ranges to disguise the true amount of funding from despotic nations.”

“It turns out the Saudi’s are not the only despotic nation giving the Clinton Foundation cash.  The nation of Brunei donated from $1,000,000 to as much as $5,000,000 to the Clintons, and Kuwait donated $5,000,000 to $10,000,000.  The Sultanate of Oman donated $1,000,000 to $5,000,000 and Qatar donated $5.8 million to the Clintons.”

There are more examples.  All of the funds to the Clintons came from Sunni Muslim nations!

Not to bore you with statistics, but there are additional speaking fees.  Bill Clinton collected $1 million for two appearances sponsored by the Abu Dhabi government that were arranged while Hillary Clinton was the Secretary of State; this was at a time when Abu Dhabi was trying to get special status from Homeland Security at an airport.  Of course there are additional examples of Sunni monies.

Even Fox News has Sunni Muslim investors!

Mohammed bin Salman, Deputy Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, told the Jordanian News Agency that Saudi Arabia will “provide with full enthusiasm 20 percent of Hillary Clinton’s election.”  Really?!! From a government that squelches women’s rights, for starters!!

Later, that same day, the news agency dropped the story, but numerous publications had already picked it up.  When questioned, the news agency refused to explain and then a day later claimed their site had been hacked.  Really?  Hacked?

So someone hacked the Jordanian News Agency Internet site and inserted one sentence in Arabic in one story and did nothing else?  The bottom line of what really happened:  They quoted bin Salman on something he said, but that he later regretted and ordered removal!

In all, the Clinton Foundation admitted accepting tens of millions from Sunni-loving Saudi governments.  All of those kings were enemies of secular President Assad of Syria, whom Hillary directed a war against.  Is that a coincidence???

So a Sunni Muslim “cash cow” has graciously accepted the role of funding a future presidential candidate.  Impossible, you say.  Fact; for real.

According to “The Daily Jot,” “Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign is not denying that the Clinton Foundation took money from people in exchange for meetings at the State Department. Clinton’s campaign, however, is attacking the veracity of the story by saying that Associate Press, who broke the story that Clinton operated a ‘pay to play’ scheme for favors and access to her at the State Department, only studied a small sample of the number of meetings where there was money offered for favors. The fact remains, however, that AP found a documented pattern and a notable system of corruption. This story confirms what was reported by government investigative watchdog, Judicial Watch.

Judicial Watch released 725 of new State Department documents and 20 previously unreleased emails, in which the former Secretary of State’s top aide Huma Abedin “provided influential Clinton Foundation donors special, expedited access to the secretary of state. In many instances, the preferential treatment provided to donors was at the specific request of Clinton Foundation executive Douglas Band.”

Judicial Watch says,

“These records further appear to contradict statements by Clinton that, ‘as far as she knew,’ all of her government emails were turned over to the State Department.” These and the AP investigation reveal an elaborate scheme to enrich the Clintons while she was Secretary of State.

Judicial Watch states:

“The Abedin emails reveal that the longtime Clinton aide apparently served as a conduit between Clinton Foundation donors and Hillary Clinton while Clinton served as secretary of state. In more than a dozen email exchanges, Abedin provided expedited, direct access to Clinton for donors who had contributed from $25,000 to $10 million to the Clinton Foundation. In many instances, Clinton Foundation top executive Doug Band, who worked with the Foundation throughout Hillary Clinton’s tenure at State, coordinated closely with Abedin. In Abedin’s June deposition, she conceded that part of her job at the State Department was taking care of ‘Clinton family matters’.”

RELATED ARTICLE: Experts poke holes in Clinton Foundation’s promised donor ban

It’s Time for the GOP to Put Veteran Black Republicans Back in the Game

Imagine the Chicago Bulls of the NBA during the early Michael Jordan years. He was their top draft pick in the 1984 NBA draft. Jordan’s early years were filled with many, lows before he experienced the joys of winning six NBA championships.

During the Bulls’ down years, can you imagine Jordan’s first two coaches, Kevin Loughery or Stan Albeck, reaching out to student basketball players from the University of Illinois to ask them how to correct the Bulls’ problems on the court?

Do you think the Bulls would have gathered together five guys who played basketball at the local recreation center to get their thoughts on what the Bulls needed to do? The guys at the rec center always dreamed of playing professionally, but for whatever reasons, never got close to fulfilling their childhood dreams.

I am sure that Jordan and his teammates would have openly rebelled, if this had happened with them. I am also quite sure they would have been greatly insulted and would probably have all sought to play for other teams.

As improbable as this scenario is for most people to believe, this happens all the time within the Republican Party when it comes to the rare engagement with the Black community.

One need look no further than Trump’s meeting last week with a few unknown Black Republicans. The meeting was with members of the Black and Latino communities. I am focusing only on the Blacks in attendance, simply because I have more first-hand knowledge about the Black community.

There was not one Black who attended the meeting that had any presidential campaign experience! Not one attendee had any real campaign experience. Not one attendee displayed any institutional knowledge of or experience with seasoned Black Republicans.

In essence, those Black Republicans in attendance were like the basketball players from the rec center mentioned above. They may have fantasies of playing in the big leagues, but they have no real experience to play on that level. Yet, they are being asked to advise a presidential candidate. Really? I mean, really?

Memo to Republicans: This is offensive to Black Republicans who have dedicated their lives to being a professional political operative. I challenge my readers to find any example of a presidential campaign meeting with a group of Whites under the same scenario.

No presidential campaign would ever allow a group of Whites to meet with and advise a candidate, who have absolutely no political or presidential experience whatsoever.

Yet, they feel it is appropriate to approach the Black community in such a manner, simply because they are not serious about the Black vote.

This is yet another example of Republicans trying to do the right thing, but doing it the wrong way.

So, what should the party and the Trump campaign be doing?

If the party wanted to prove to Blacks that they are serious about real engagement with the Black community, they would be meeting and engaging with people like Odysseus Lanier, Ron Langston, Allegra McCullough, and Fred McClure, to name a few.

Lanier is a founder of one of the largest Black CPA firms in the country and a lifelong Republican. He is also an alumni and former chairman of the Board of Trustees for Alabama A&M University, a major historically Black university.

Langston served former President George W. Bush as the National Director of the U.S. Minority Business Development Agency from March 2001 to January 2009. He is considered one of the nation’s foremost experts on small and minority business.

McCullough served former president George W. Bush as Region 3 Administrator for the U.S. Small Business administration. She was then promoted to the position of Associate Deputy Administrator, Government Contracting & Business Development for the same agency. She is considered an icon to the small and minority business community nationwide.

McClure was a top aide to former president George H.W. Bush and for many years was rated as one of the top lobbyists in D.C. He now runs the presidential library of the former president.

These are just a few of the top Black Republicans that many of the Blacks and party leaders involved in this election cycle seem to have forgotten. If you play in the NBA or Major League Baseball (MLB) and you don’t know who Spenser Haywood or Curt Flood are, you should be banned from playing in those respective leagues.

Without Haywood or Flood, you would not have free agency or players being paid the millions of dollars they are making today. Likewise, how can you call yourself a Black Republican and not acknowledge the contributions and the political acumen of the people listed above.

How can any serious presidential campaign have absolutely no engagement with Black Republicans like Lanier, Langston, McCullough and McClure? Unless and until the Republican Party reengages with Blacks like those listed above, on every level, no one, let me repeat NO ONE will ever believe that party leaders are serious about the Black vote.

When all is said and done, there is more said than done!

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in Black Press USA.

Divided or United? As Goes My Team, So Goes My Nation

Below is a letter by a good friend of mine. Please take the time to read.

Jim McKinney retired in 2013 as an Army Foreign Area Officer with over 30 years of service. He most recently served as a Political-Military Advisor to the Commander, US Army Central in the Middle East, Senior Defense Official/Defense Attaché to Slovenia, Deputy Chief of Combating Terrorism for US Pacific Command, and the senior Security Assistance Officer for US Embassies in Albania and the Republic of Georgia among many other special operations, counter-terror, strategic and tactical assignments around the globe.

Divided or United? As goes my team, so goes my nation.

My faith in the San Francisco 49ers organization is shaken after nearly 50 years of unwavering loyalty. The immature, elitist and divisive action of a single individual has soured my love of a team and a sport that I believe so much represents the struggle, the importance and the hope of America.

I never questioned my commitment to the 49ers, or my love of football, until this morning when I read of the disrespect for the National Anthem from an overpaid, underachieving, privileged and divisive professional athlete.

I am saddened so many Americans lack understanding of what the Anthem represents. I am saddened because this protest shows a failure leadership on our team, in our education and in our nation. So many have worked so hard, and sacrificed so much to improve America. We have come so far from the dark days of the past – we have done so much to make the world better.

Some of my best memories are of watching the 49ers. By 5 years old, I was hooked. I learned to respect the individual toughness, work ethic and rewards of putting one’s soul into what they believed. I saw the importance of unity and its effect on a team – division led to loss, unity led to success. As I grew, I began to understand the struggles on the field transcended the game – they were lessons for life.

Other memories in my early years were more frightening. My father, a cop, faced off against race riots, anti-war protests, shootings, and domestic bombings. Vietnam cost our nation self-confidence, our sense of security, our dignity, and sadly many of our bravest for little or nothing in return. The struggle for equality seemed insurmountable, but with good will and for the right reasons things changed. In all cases, the team that worked together best – with the right purpose, unity and willingness to sacrifice – won, and the divided team – without understanding of purpose, and unwilling to sacrifice – lost.

As a young soldier during the ’81 season, I watched the moment that would create legends and a dynasty – “the catch.” For me, the 9ers became America’s team, representing the work ethic, the synergy that makes good into great, and the reward for unity of purpose.

For the next decade, the 49ers made football better, as I believe America made the world better. The west-coast offense, four Super-bowls, the fall of the “Wall”, the collapse of communism – the protection of individual human rights became the standard, not the exception.

My wife and five children have traveled the world supporting my military career, and our team. They struggled overseas with the challenges few Americans will ever understand – move after move, unsafe food supplies, limited medical support, no electrical power or water for days at a time, and the threat of bombings, kidnappings or assassinations. But we served a good purpose, honed our strength, and maintained our unity – and we succeeded. We always kept faith in the 49ers, and in America.

My oldest son, Tristan, went to his first 9er game at two years old. I was assigned to Berlin, Germany. We watched the game in the Olympiastadion, the very stadium where Jesse Owens embarrassed the Third Reich in 1936, 55 years before. Later I taught him the importance of what happened in that nation so many decades before. And I taught him what happened in that city just the year before, as the example of healing divisions, standing for beliefs, and how important America was in the struggle against tyranny. America stood firm in Berlin for 45 years, for the right reasons.

My youngest son, William, plays football. No – he lives football. He works hard with a purpose – to play high school and college ball. His dream is to one day be quarterback for the 49ers. He has the toughness, the work ethic and the sense of purpose to get there. William and I were to meet Tristan and their bother Brennen to see the game Friday night.

Brennen was to fly in from FT Carson, Colorado. He left as a fourth year engineering student to serve our nation as an infantry soldier. He serves honorably for a cause our family believes in – defending this nation and our Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

My boys bought tickets for me – a Father’s Day gift. The last 49er game I attended was that 1991 Berlin American Bowl in a newly unified Germany. Friday’s game was the first in 25 years for me, and the first ever for Will and Brennen. We hoped for a good game, and mature leadership on the field, but mostly we just wanted to be together.

Unfortunately, my boys bought the tickets before Brennen received orders for Afghanistan. In a strange twist of fate, Brennen arrived at Camp Dwyer, Helmand province the 26th of August, the day of the game. In a quandary of loyalty and desire, I told my family earlier this week that we couldn’t go without him. I said we would find the money and the time to go when he returned, and go together. That was before the game.

After the game, my faith in my team – and in my America – was fully shaken. I served over 30 years in the defending the rights guaranteed to all US Citizens in our Constitution, and to make the world a better place. Freedom of speech is paramount – and I swore an oath to defend it with my life, if necessary. We are blessed to live in a nation that allows such protest. Like so many, I have lost good friends and close family in this never ending and epic struggle to defend these freedoms. My son this very moment is risking his life to defend the hopes and promises outlined in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. But we believe with free speech and expression come the responsibility to think before you act – and you reap what you sow. And we believe in unity, not division. To see the lack of leadership in my team, the lack of faith in our nation, as my son stepped onto the battlefield made me weep.

America is not perfect, but understanding the vision of our founding documents and respecting the laws, the institutions, and the people who sacrifice for them is essential for unity.

Colin Kaepernick launches ‘Allah Akbar’ clothing line — Hillary and Trump respond

kapernick hoodie and tshirt

Kaepernick modeling his Allah Akbar ISIS-T (no relation to ICE-T) with hoodie.

Colin Kaepernick launched his own line of casual clothing products for those who hate America, a growing market.

The first items out of the Kaepernick clothing line is the “Allah Akbar” ISIS-T with hoodie (pictured right). The Allah Akbar combo includes a matching black t-shirt featuring the Islamic State flag coupled with a stylish black and grey camouflaged hoodie. A fashion statement for the urban terrorist and perfect for concealing a suicide vest.

According to Fashion Magazine the Allah Akbar line of clothing is being made by female slaves captured by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. All proceeds will go to funding the cost of bringing Islamic State soldiers of Allah, posing as Syrian refugees, to America.

Why launch the Allah Akbar line of clothing with the Islamic State flag on it?

World Net Daily reports,

According to widespread reports, still unconfirmed, he [Kaepernick] and his girlfriend, Nessa Diab, an MTV DJ, may be planning an Islamic-style wedditng [sp]. During Ramadan, he posted a greeting on Instagram wishing his friends the best for the holiday: “kaepernick7 I know a lot of people who were fasting during Ramadan, wishing you a Happy Eid!

Read more.

Kaepernick showed his true colors, no pun intended, when he refused to stand for the National Anthem played at a preseason game between the San Francisco 49ers and Green Bay Packers. In an August 29, 2016 op-ed titled Colin Kaepernick, Islam, and the media by OneNews Now guest columnist Bryan Fischer quoted Kaepernick saying,

I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color.

Kaepernick insists he will continue to disrespect the flag and this country until there is “significant change.” (See related video)

The Islamic State’s al-Ḥayāt Media Center noted Kaepernick’s hate for the Great Satan (America) in a press release stating:

We are pleased that Colin Kaepernick (a.k.a. Colin Bin Laden or CB-L) has embraced Islam. We welcome his Allah Akbar line of clothing for the urban terrorist! We thank CB-L (not to be confused with NF-L) for opening a clothing factory in territory controlled by our soldiers. This will give us much needed revenue to continue the fight against the ‘Great Satan’ (a.k.a. America)!

Our soldiers, disguised as Syrian refugees in America, will be wearing Colin’s clothing at anti-Trump rallies.

With Colin on our team we can now have an impact with male NFL fans, a fertile recruiting ground.

As a Muslim, CB-L understands that women cannot be allowed to view men wearing tights and therefore we look forward to the NFL banning women and scantly clad cheerleaders from all football stadiums.

We have asked the NFL to allow our soldiers of Allah to use their stadiums to perform executions of kafirs (none believer) NFL fans. We also note that football stadiums are a perfect venue to throw sodomites (gays) off of the top tier of the bleachers.

Allah be praised! Allah Akbar is the new normal.

Hillary Clinton, after receiving treatment for an unreported health issue, thanked Kaepernick for “pointing out how racist America truly is.” Former Secretary of State Clinton said, “Kaepernick stands with me against America. I co-founded the Islamic State and appreciate Colin’s work to make terrorism the ‘new normal.’ We need to worry more about the alt-right than the soldiers of Allah, may peace be upon him, in our midst. I look forward to Colin releasing a new Allah Akbar line of pant suits. I will be honored to wear one.”

Colin KaepernickIn addition to his clothing line Colin Bin Laden will be producing a new line of toilet paper with the American flag on it with the brand Kaepernick paper (KP). This way those who hate America may wipe their collective behinds with KP as a means of protest against the racist, bigoted and Islamophobic alt-right.

According to sources Colin is making a donation of unlimited rolls of his Kaepernick paper (KP) to all Hillary 2016 campaign offices nationwide. Huma Abedin said that she uses KP in her home. Abedin said, “we wipe our colins daily with KP.”

Donald Trump speaking at a large rally of over 10,000 in Phoenix, Arizona, which was ignored by the media, said, “We will destroy the Islamic State and radical Islam. Call me Islamophobic and a card carrying member of the alt-right. I wear those titles as a matter of pride. While Kaepernick sits on his a__ during our National Anthem, I stand with the American people! Make America Great Again.”

kaepernick opression cartoon

The oppression of blacks in America. Cartoon by Branco.

RELATED ARTICLE: WATCH: Kaepernick Says Cops Get ‘Paid Leave for Killing Black People’–SF Police Union Responds With BRUTAL Letter to Athlete

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire originally appeared in Daesh NFL Magazine the new outreach to the future NFL soldiers for Allah.

Open Letter to Max Blumenthal RE: Calling lovers of Israel ‘Judeo-Nazis’

Dear Mr. Blumenthal:

On behalf of my fellow Zionists and myself, let me declare that neither they nor I are “Judeo-Nazis,” as you have chosen to call the Chosen People who have the audacity, actually tenacity, to want to live. The true Nazis made sure that millions upon millions of us did not have that basic human right to live, including my grandparents, Louis and Berta Katz, their little son, Arthur Werner, and their one-month-old granddaughter, Bianca Louise, among so many others in just our family.

I invite you to debate me in person on the Jewish right-to-live, which excludes the right to be stabbed, the right to be bombed in buses, the right for babies to be murdered in their cribs, the right to be punctured by missile shrapnel coated with rat poison, and the right to be bombarded with rockets raining on our Jewish homes. The Jewish right-to-live movement also excludes the intricately-planned invasions of Israeli schools and homes through dozens of tunnels stocked with ampoules of tranquilizers and yards of rope with which to drug and bind our beloved children on none other than the date of Erev Rosh HaShonah 2014 … tunnels ten stories underground costing scores of millions of dollars.

I dare you to explain to an audience how much Palestinians love their own children when they spend millions of dollars and endless hours to kidnap our Jewish children rather than to embrace and educate their little ones. I dare you to defend using Palestinian children as human shields and miniature warriors-in-the-making to carry out suicide-homicide missions from which their adult leaders shrink in fear for their own lives.

If you had a shred of love for the Arab children in the womb and outside bathed in hatred against Jews, then you would lift up your voice to protect them from the relentless abuse of hate they hear and face from birth emanating from their parents and other persons whose malice is ceaseless against the Jews.

Mr. Max, we are not Judeo-Nazis or haters. We are Jews who love children of all origins, including those with Jewish heritage in their blood, which has been shed far too much far too often and for no reason other than their bodily vessels are Jews. The reason that little Arthur Werner Katz, of whom only one tiny photo survived the Holocaust, was murdered on November 3, 1943, in the Riga Ghetto, is the exact same reason that Israeli children are targeted today – for the crime of committing Judaism.

The reason that newborn Bianca Louise Vleeschhouwer, of whom no photo was ever taken in her one month of life, was gassed to death with her Mom and Dad at Sobibor on May 28, 1943, is for the crime of committing Judaism. The numbers murdered are incomprehensible, and the reason is immutable hatred of Jews, transferred from generation to generation. Then, as now, the Arab nations steadfastly supported the elimination of the Jewish People, but the State of Israel does not reciprocate this evil. Multitudes of Arab children live through the generosity of skilled Jewish physicians whose tireless work heals young bodies broken by disease and trauma.

I reiterate … we are not Judeo-Nazis. We are Jews, who bring life and health to other Jews and to Arabs. This is the Divine Will that we follow as “a light unto the nations,” not the darkness of hatred spewed endlessly into the ears of children who are less important to the Palestinian people than tunnels engineered to kill other children born into the wrong faith.

KKK launches Hillary 2016 Get-Out-The-Vote campaign in Harlem — Trump responds [+Video]

There has been much bantering about who the Ku Klux Klan is really supporting for president. That question has been answered by Will Quigg, the Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan’s California chapter.

It appears that the winner of the “burning cross vote” is Hillary Rodham Clinton.


Will Quigg, a grand dragon of the KKK’s California branch. Photo: Robert Tait for The Telegraph.

Quigg endorsed Hillary over Trump because,

“We want Hillary Clinton to win. She is telling everybody one thing, but she has a hidden agenda. She’s telling everybody what they want to hear so she can get elected, because she’s Bill Clinton’s wife, she’s close to the Bushes. [But] once she’s in the presidency, she’s going to come out and her true colors are going to show.”

The Hillary campaign in a press release noted that the KKK has donated $20,000 to Mrs. Clinton’s campaign in the name of and to honor former Democratic Senator from West Virginia, and KKK member, Robert C. “Bob” Byrd, someone former Senator Hillary Clinton called a “true American original… friend and mentor.”

The Hillary 2016 campaign noted:

The Democratic Party co-founded the KKK just as Mrs. Clinton and President Obama co-founded the Islamic State (a.k.a. ISIS).

It is only fitting that we humbly accepted this donation from the KKK in the name of multiculturalism, diversity and with a spirit of embracing our differences.

This donation will be used to get out the vote in Harlem and other black communities such as Baltimore and Philadelphia.

We will be giving away “I Stand with Hillary” t-shirts (below) to every black voter who registers as a Democrat and pledges to vote for Hillary.

Broder Brothers

The community with the largest black voter turnout will be recognized by the KKK at a special reception during their upcoming national convention to be held in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Mrs. Clinton plans on attending the convention as the keynote speaker. Hillary will be speaking on “How I love the Smell of Burning Crosses in the Morning”, no connection to the movie Apocalypse Now or pun intended.

robert byrd kkk

Senator Robert C “Bob” Byrd, Democrat, West Virginia.

Diana Nash, co-founder of the Black Lives Matter movement, noted,

It is time to join forces to defeat the evil, racist, anti-globalization, anti-woman, anti-Muslim Donald J. Trump. We blacks have much more in common with the KKK than we do with the GOP. In the name of restorative justice we are proud to join with our brothers in the KKK. They have been an inspiration for our movement.

While the KKK burns crosses we burn entire communities like Ferguson, Missouri.

While we understand that at one time the KKK systematically and intentionally targeted the demise of blacks (and southern Republicans), we have now joined together with Grand Dragon Quigg for the “affirmation of Black folks’ contributions to this society, our humanity, and our resilience in the face of deadly oppression.”

Mr. Quigg has pledged to only systematically target Trump supporters.

Blacks and the KKK have been oppressed for far to long by our common enemy – the police (a.k.a. pigs).

We have joined together to form new movement called “White Sheets Matter” (WSM).

Donald Trump Tweeted:

@KKK-StandsWithHillary @DemocraticParty I concede. Hillary has beaten me and now is wholly owned by the Ku Klux Klan. She’s a Grand Dragon at getting out the #BurningCross voters.

The battle for the KKK vote has ended. Democrats are donning their hoods and white sheets to get out the vote on November 8th.

RELATED ARTICLE: White Lives Matter to be listed as hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center: ‘Everything about it is racist’

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire originally appeared in Coronet Magazine, the original publication of the Ku Klux Klan.

When do-gooders don’t do good!

Two stories I want to bring to your attention were posted over the last couple of days that call in to question whether the resettlement industry (both the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement and its NGO contractors) is even taking proper care of the migrants they are responsible for.

So the next time you hear the pleas of government-funded bleeding heart humanitarians saying that we need to bring more poor souls to America, remember these reports and know that some refugees are very sorry they came!

[Congress could tweek the Refugee Admissions Program if it had the will! see below!]

The first story is at World Net Daily about how the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement has LOST some of the so-called unaccompanied alien children they claim are refugees—one little boy in particular—but reportedly thousands.

After telling the story of ‘Missing child W,’ reporter Leo Hohmann reports on comments from Jessica Vaughan, an immigration expert at the Center for Immigration Studies:

Sadly, the case of missing child “W” is not unique, says an expert in federal immigration policy.


10-year old Walter was supposedly placed in this South Carolina home, but no one there knows anything about him.

‘Asking as few questions as possible’

The problem has become endemic under the Obama administration’s slack procedures for dealing with unaccompanied minors from Central America, said Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies for the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington. And local communities often end up getting stuck with the problem – and the cost.

“From the beginning, instead of putting the welfare of the kids first, the priority of the Obama administration has been to turn over the kids to anyone who would claim them, asking as few questions as possible, and deliberately oblivious as to whether the child was being placed in a safe environment,” Vaughan told WND.

For the sake of political expediency, she said the government wants a rapid turnover, and is willing to sacrifice all checks and safeguards to ensure the safety of the kids.

“The contractors [this includes the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service—both receive millions of tax dollars to care for the children.—ed] who were awarded public funds to handle the kids admit that they have lost track of most of them, and a U.S. Senate investigation has found that some were turned straight over to indentured labor camps or to abusive adults,” said Vaughan, who in February testified before a House subcommittee on the problem of child migrants being swept up into human trafficking networks.

“The Obama administration wants the public to believe that we are saving these kids, but in reality their policies are enriching human smugglers and traffickers and resettlement contractors, while putting too many of the kids in more danger,” she said.

Continue reading here.

Then there is this story by Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart which chronicles some of the horror stories from refugees placed in the care of nine major federal resettlement contractors—stories, some of which, we have reported on these pages over the years.

Leahy begins:


Refugee Mulugeta Zemu Mana wishes he never came to America!

When Eritrean refugee Mulugeta Zemu Mana was recently arraigned in a courtroom in Twin Falls, Idaho, on charges of aggravated battery, he told the presiding judge, “The only guilt I have is the day I decided to come to this country.”

Mana’s lack of gratitude and anti-Americanism is a painful revelation of the social turmoil and economic pain among the 70,000 refugees, half of whom are Muslim, who arrive in the U.S. every year.

But it is also the predictable outcome of the lucrative, federal taxpayer financed refugee resettlement industry which is now headed by former Clinton and Obama administration appointees. The industry rejects America’s traditional policy of assimilating refugees into the country, and instead treats refugees more as revenue-generating opportunities that boost their income and political power.

There is much more here.

Where is Congress?

One fix that Congress could quickly make is to set up a repatriation fund so that unhappy ‘refugees’ (and other immigrants too) could tap into it for a plane ticket home.

And, I don’t want to hear any squawking about the cost—it would be much cheaper than incarcerating them or keeping them on welfare!

The true humanitarian do-gooders should have no objections! Right?

LOL! There is one other side benefit:  such a plan would help sort out the resettlement contractors by helping to identify which are doing the best job of taking care of the refugees they have acquired in their federal contracts.


Northhampton, Massachusetts will become new resettlement site

The refugee contractors want more refugees and more MONEY for FY2017 (Part I)

Norway building border fence with Russia, too many refugees coming through arctic

Reception and Placement Abstracts: get them and use them!

First African refugees arrive in Montana; Helena advocates say they will wait until after November for theirs

Is there no resistance to new refugee office in Ithaca, NY?

The Left’s War on American Dreamers

I admit it. I have this corny obsession with the baseball movie, “The Natural.” At the end of the movie it is the bottom of the ninth ending with two outs. Roy Hobbs is at bat. The game and his teammate’s hope of playing in the world series is on Roy’s shoulders.

In his youth, life threw Roy an unexpectedly curve ball which shattered his dream of baseball stardom. Several years pasted. Beat up by life and having lost his confidence, Roy decided to give his baseball dream one last try.

For a nefarious reason, a scout signed the older player who never played major league baseball to a contact with a last place major league team. Roy started his baseball career at an age players typically retire. Despite his age and an old gun shot wound, Roy’s gift for baseball was still alive and well. With his natural talent and leadership, Roy led his team from last place to the championship game.

No matter how much good you attempt to do there are always haters who try to destroy you and your dream. Evil people poisoned Roy to stop him from playing in the championship game. A doctor cautioned Roy that due to his age and old wound, playing in the final game of the season could kill him. Feeling physically weak, Roy drug himself to the final game. Because of his time away in the hospital, Roy’s timing at the plate was off. Every at bat Roy struck out.

There he was in the bottom of the ninth ending with two outs and two strikes. The second was a fowl ball which broke Roy’s famous bat (Wonder Boy). Roy instructed the bat-boy, “Go pick me out a winner Bobby.” Bobby brought the bat that Roy helped him carve from a chunk of wood. 

Sweat rolled from Roy’s brow. A small blood stain appeared on Roy’s uniform from his stomach wound. Roy’s final swing was an amazingly powerful home-run, sending his team to the world series. That scene always makes me cry. Hitting that mammoth home run was the culmination of Roy’s years of disappointments, loss of confidence and frustrations. It is also touching that by fulfilling his baseball dream, Roy touched many lives in a positive way; fulfilling the dreams of his old coach, teammates and others

It is unfortunate that liberals have distorted the individual pursuit of a dream to be viewed as selfish and somehow even racist. Crabs must be cooked alive. Any crab trying to climb out of the pot is pulled back by the others. Liberals are like the crabs, always seeking to pull achievers back to spread mediocrity equally.

Roy generously spent time with Bobby helping him carve his bat (Savoy Special). Roy had no idea that would be the bat he’d use to fulfill his dream. Many times helping others to pursue their dreams unexpectedly contribute to you fulfilling your dream.

With liberals dominating government, education and entertainment, it is unfortunate that so many things traditionally viewed as good are now viewed as bad; selfish and racist. For example. Our nation was built upon small business owners willing to risk everything in pursuit of a better life for their families and themselves. And yet, Obama has been hostile towards small business owners, scolding them saying, “You didn’t build that.” Obama was implying that somehow they owe a debt to society. This supposedly justified him over-regulating, over-taxing and redistributing their hard earned wealth to buy the votes of the lazy and entitlement minded.

Frankly, American small business owners should be celebrated rather than demonized. By pursuing their dreams, they bless their fellow Americans with jobs, goods and services. This is called trickle-down-economics. Trickle-down-economics is another thing liberals have twisted to be viewed as bad; selfish, racist and sexist. However, trickle-down is a good thing and how all economics work.

Since he was 9 years old, my 88 year old black dad benefited from trickle-down economics. The natural entrepreneur shined shoes for 5 cents a shine on the corner of Baltimore and Gay Streets. He shined shoes at the Greyhound Bus station for $1 per day. He earned around $4 in tips by putting on a good show; twirling his brushes and popping his shoe shine cloth. After the shine he used a whisk broom to brush down his customer’s suit. Dad chuckled saying he always found a spot on the back of the gentleman’s suit which required a little extra attention. Dad, a little boy, made $1.25 per week working with the fish man who sold fish from his horse pulled wagon.

The proud American dreamer still beams telling me how he paid rent to Aunt Nee who raised him. When Dad purchased a sport shirt for 45 cents, he bragged to his buddies that he was buying his own clothes. Dad said he was outraged when they raised the admission into the movies from 10 cents to 11. He budgeted 5 cents for the movie snack bar. Dad jokingly said youth today are smarter than him. Instead of working to earn money, they hit someone over the head. I thought, or Obama takes it from achievers to give to the lazy and irresponsible.

Folks, here is a perfect example of an American tragedy created by Democrats. My cousin who recently passed away at age 68 was a product of generational welfare; total government dependency. She had 6 kids, 25 grandchildren and 32 great grandchildren. Dad said she never held a job. The vast majority of her offspring are following in her footsteps. Imagine all of the natural gifts and talents laying dormant in that family; unfulfilled. The democrats provide them with just enough free stuff to survive and keep them loyal democrat voters. It is truly tragic folks.

My sister-in-law is a grandmother. A few years ago, she decided to pursue her dream since her youth of becoming an actress. After taking acting lessons, performing in local productions and trips from her hometown Baltimore to New York, she has landed a few impressive acting jobs. This does not surprise me. She has always been a natural.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image of a woman entrepreneur is courtesy of Facebook.

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen

Emerson Self Reliance book coverIn his 1841 essay “Self-Reliance”, Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote:

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.

With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do.

He may as well concern himself with his shadow on the wall. Speak what you think now in hard words, and to-morrow speak what to-morrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said to-day. — ‘Ah, so you shall be sure to be misunderstood.’ — Is it so bad, then, to be misunderstood?

Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood.

Wikipedia notes:

Emerson presupposes that the mind is initially subject to an unhappy conformism. Throughout the essay he gives a defense for his famous catch-phrase “Trust thyself”. This argument makes three major points: that each person has his own self-contained genius, that society and worldly influences must be resisted in favor of one’s own individuality, and that self-worth has great importance and value.

Emerson understood that forced consistency destroys the individual mind and spirit.

Gerald Russello writes in his column Open season on religious persons? that the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent refusal to rule on a religious freedom case demonstrates government’s determination to force conformity.

In Stormans, Inc. v. Weisman, the Supreme Court refused to review a federal court’s decision that upheld a Washington State regulation forbidding pharmacists from refusing to provide contraceptives or abortifacients contrary to their religious belief.

This refusal, in other words, lets the federal appellate court decision stand, which would permit Washington State to force the consciences of pharmacists.  The case is potentially a dark precedent because it allows states to discriminate against religious believers, even when the discrimination against them is clear – and even when no one was adversely affected by the assertion of religious conscience.

The next president will be either one who believes in self-reliance or one who believes in foolish consistency. That president will not only change government itself but also appoint, perhaps three, Supreme Court justices, whose judicial temperament will or will not “force conformity.”


There are groups in America that want forced conformity such as: the Democratic Party, the Communist Party of the USA (who has nominated Hillary Clinton for president), Islamic Supremacist organizations, career statesmen of both political parties and one candidate for president.

It is important for Americans to ‘Trust Thyself” rather than trust government. As Ronald Reagan said, “Government is the problem, not the solution.”

In other words always Trust Thyself!

Why are Black Democrats More Popular in the GOP than Black Republicans?

If Black Republicans ever want to be taken seriously by the Black community, they have to stop accepting the silly ultimatum being offered by the Republican Party. Some in the party think Blacks have to choose between their community and the GOP. The proper thing to do is to be both Black and Republican. This isn’t an ‘either-or’ scenario; Black Republicans must represent their community and the GOP at the same time.

Some Black Republicans that appear on television must be so starved for money that they are willing to sell their souls for 30 pieces of silver. You can always make more money, but you can’t make more integrity.

Republicans obsessive love affair with hiring Black Democrats continues to come back to bite them in the butt. Back in February, ordained minister and reality TV villain Omarosa Manigault appeared on a segment on Fox News to bolster support for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. The former Clinton aide spent more time name-calling and obsessing over another guest’s cleavage than giving strong reasons why the Black community should vote for Trump.

Omarosa should have been barred from anything to do with the Trump campaign after this embarrassing interview. How can Blacks take this campaign seriously with surrogates like this?

Some will accuse me of taking one bad interview and going off the deep end. Oh really? Check out Roland Martin’s interview with Ashley Bell, a newly hired Black staffer at the RNC. The train wreck starts at 10:10. I cringed while watching this interview. This is what happens when you hire inexperienced people who make you feel comfortable, versus someone who is a bonified professional.

Need more proof? Okay. My good friend, former Congressman Jack Kingston from Georgia is also a Trump surrogate. Kingston is White. This interview is bordering on insanity and racism. I know Jack very well and he is neither, but when you speak of things which you have no knowledge of, like the Black community, this is what you get.

I have provided media training to some of the biggest names in business, politics, entertainment, and sports and have offered to do the same for the Republican Party, but of course, to no avail.

Some racially-tinged jokes and campaign antics that are funny to White folks are simply not funny to Blacks, and Diamond and Silk are prime examples. Diamond and Silk are two Black women, who are Internet sensations from North Carolina. They also support Trump. So, in usual Republican fashion, they have become “the flavor of the month.” They are Democrats and are now being flown across the country and being paid to “entertain” mostly White audiences.

Memo to White folks: “Blacks don’t think this is funny.” Diamond and Silk give us flashbacks of the minstrel shows of old.

Most Black Republicans complain in private, but don’t have the guts to complain publicly. These are the Blacks that this party hires and promotes. You can’t complain about your opponent’s behavior and remain silent when one of your own behaves in a similar manner.

The only Black involved in the election cycle with any professionalism and credibility is Katrina Pierson, Trumps national spokesperson. The rest do not even meet the minimum requirement to be in the role they occupy. They provide nothing more than race insurance for the party (“We hired a few Blacks, therefore we can’t be racist.”).

None of them possess any institutional memory or knowledge of the Republican Party. None of these Blacks would be deemed qualified for similar positions in the private sector.

But these Blacks are simply a reflection of the organizations that hire them. The Republican Party has shown absolutely no interest in engaging with the Black community. As a matter of fact, I find it quite offensive that Trump would give remarkably strong speeches laying out a rationale for Blacks to vote for him, but doesn’t think enough of Blacks to show up in our community.

What Trump is doing is equivalent to a male going before a group of all males to deliver a speech about women’s issues. But Black Republicans are so politically bruised and battered that they are simply thrilled that Trump invokes the Black community’s name, regardless of the offensive manner in which it is done.

As long as the party continues to hire Blacks who think we “need” groups like the NAACP or the National Urban League to validate our existence as Black Republicans, we will continue to lose the Black vote.

Republican candidates and leaders need not speak before these groups to “prove” that they are not racist. They simply need to speak before Black Republican groups to prove that we are valued and a welcomed member of the party.

The bar has been set so low relative to engagement with the Black community that far too often Black Republicans heap praise on Republicans simply for “showing up” or “mentioning us as a group by name.” I find this bigotry of low expectations thoroughly repulsive and it is the fault of Black Republicans for accepting this treatment.

As I am fond of saying, “the best way to get attention in the Republican Party as a Black is to be a Black Democrat.”

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in Black Press USA.