Ketanji Brown Jackson (KBJ) on the Board of Directors of a K-12 Day School that Teaches Babies are Racists

“The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie–deliberate, contrived and dishonest–but the mythpersistent, persuasive and unrealistic.” ― John F. Kennedy, Commencement Address at Yale University, June 11 1962.

In order to oppress, a group must hold institutional power in society. In this way, the group is in the position to impose their worldview on others and control the ideas (ideologies), political rules (the technical mechanisms), and social rules for communication (discourses) that we are all taught (socialized) to see as normal, natural, and required for a functioning society. This domination is historical (long-term), automatic, and normalized. – Sensoy, Ozlem, and Robin DiAngelo, Is Everyone Really Equal?: An Introduction to Key Concepts in Social Justice Education.

Senator Ted Cruz questioned Biden’s SCOTUS nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson (KBJ) about her seat on the Board of Directors of Georgetown Day School (GDS), a private school in Washington, D.C.

Georgetown Day School teaches its students Critical Race Theory (CRT) and has CRT not only in the school’s curriculum but multiple books in its library on CRT.

On the Georgetown Day School’s Welcome page you will  find this statement:

Nearly 75 years ago, Georgetown Day School was founded as the first integrated school in Washington, DC, and our School’s longstanding commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion are grounded in that history.

When you go to the GDS’ Our Philosophy page you find this statement:

GDS graduates leave the School with a love of learning, an abhorrence of bigotry and intolerance, a broadly rounded fund of knowledge, the ability to enter the great conversations of life, and the willingness and capacity to bring needed change to a troubled world.

Sitting on the board of directors of GDS then KBJ must know about the purpose and philosophy of the school.

Watch Senator Cruz’s examples of CRT in the day school that KBJ oversees:

Note that KBJ says that the board of directors doesn’t approve the curriculum. However, the board of directors certainly approves GDS’ mission and philosophy statements.

Senator Marsha Blackburn also pointed out that the school teaches its children that they,

“can choose their own gender and teaches them about so-called White privilege.”

The Three Great Myths of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

On June 25, 2021, Biden signed an Executive Order on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the Federal Workforce. According to a White House fact-sheet, the Executive Order, among other items:

  • “Establishes a government-wide initiative to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in all parts of the Federal workforce. 
  • charges all Federal agencies with reviewing within 100 days whether employees who are members of underserved communities face barriers to employment, promotion, or professional development within their workforce.
  • Directs agencies to seek opportunities to establish or elevate Chief Diversity Officers within their organizations.
  • Expands diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility training throughout the Federal workforce.
  • Directs agencies to ensure that the Federal health benefits system equitably serves LGBTQ+ employees and their dependents by expanding access to comprehensive gender-affirming health care.”

This single action created a massive bureaucracy to push the three myths of diversity, equity and inclusion.

Surely Ketanji Brown Jackson knows about the Biden Executive Order and at some point may have to rule a case about these myths.

The Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson, reads:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

What Jefferson, and the founding fathers, understood that while men are created equal by God, once born they, via nature and nurture, become different not equal. Some are stronger, have a higher IQ, are more prone to success, have families, have children and grandchildren and have hopes and dreams for the future.

It doesn’t matter what the color of ones skin is, what matters in the long run is the content of ones character. Sadly Georgetown Day School isn’t teaching this to its students.

However, Jefferson understood that the role of government was to protect and defend our individual rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If government fails to protect these rights then the Declaration of Independence demands:

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotismit is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Perhaps the three greatest and most “persistent, persuasive and unrealistic” myths are diversity, equity and inclusion. These myths have taken the idea of “equal justice under the law” and turned it on its collectivist head. These myths threaten “abuses and usurpations” and are leading America toward “absolute despotism.”

These myths are race based and by definition racist policies.

Those who promote “diversity, equity and inclusion” want these myth for some but not for all Americans.

Please watch the below presentation by James Lindsay on Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and systemic power dynamics:

These three myths have become the rallying cry for the Biden administration, the Democrat Party, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, social media, the legacy media and Hollywood. Anyone who doesn’t support any or all of these myths is labeled a right wing radical, homophobic, Islamophobic, racist, white supremacist and domestic terrorist.

The Bottom Line

In an The National Interest article Adam Milstein, James Jay Carafano and Elan S. Carr wrote:

A recent Heritage Foundation study found strong anti-Israel bias in the social media posts of “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” (DEI) officials at colleges and universities throughout the United States. These officials criticize Israel far more frequently and far more severely than they do China. Their posts about Israel exceed those mentioning China by a factor of three, and almost all of their statements about Israel express condemnation, whereas nearly two-thirds of their comments on China convey praise.

These disturbing findings should surprise no one. U.S. campuses have become hotbeds of hostility toward the state of Israel as well as toward the idea of American exceptionalism, and in the radical religion of the campus, far-left professors are the priests and DEI officers are the choir.

America was founded as the new Israel. Our Founding Fathers believed in the power of the God of Abraham and said so in both the Declaration of Independence and in the U.S. Constitution and in the First Amendment there to.

On February 14th, 2022 The Daily Conservative reported:

A private school in Rhode Island has excluded white children from an event, allowing only those who “identify as a student of color or multiracial” to attend.

The Wheeler School in Providence, Rhode Island, excluded white students from attending the guest speaker event.

“In a February 7, 2022, email to sixth, seventh, and eighth graders, the school invited only non-white students to attend a ‘Students of Color affinity group’ speaking event with actress and author Karyn Parsons, who is best known for her role as Hilary Banks in NBC’s The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air,” reports Breitbart News.

Diversity, equity and inclusion are anti-American, un-America and anti-Semitic myths designed to separate us, make us unequal and shut some out of the political, cultural, legal and social systems.

Remember all men are created equal but after that it is up to them to do what is right, good and healthy.

During the National Prayer Breakfast of 1963, President John F. Kennedy said,

“Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.”

Finally, George Washington University associate professor Elisabeth Anker in a CBC Radio interview said,

“Freedom is a slippery concept…On the far right, [individual freedom] is often translated into somebody who refuses to be bound by norms of equality, treating all people equally or norms to remedy inequality, whether that’s trying to remedy racial discrimination or gender discrimination…Freedom is often used almost as a national entitlement, as a claim for what people have…It’s been taking a lot of people by surprise to see people in Canada, who often seem so much more accepting of social interdependence, to start pushing back against it with the language of individual freedom.

Yes, Elisabeth freedom is a national entitlement, equity is a myth. For you see,

Free people are not equal and equal people are not free.

And so ends this lesson on political mythology 2022 being taught to children who attend Georgetown Day School.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Biden’s Gender confused SCOTUS female Nominee can’t define the word ‘woman’

War on Parents: KBJ Edition

Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson was questioned by members of the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday. Republicans disputed her answers on critical race theory and sentencing for child pornography.

Senator Ted Cruz zeroed in on critical race theory, pointing out that Judge Jackson sits on the board of a private school in Georgetown that teaches CRT.  “If you look at the Georgetown Day School’s curriculum, it is filled and overflowing with critical race theory,” Cruz said, singling out a book that teaches white babies are racists.  Judge Jackson fobbed off, saying she has nothing to do with the school’s curriculum.  She also claimed to reject the idea, saying, “Senator, I do not believe that any child should be made to feel as though they are racist or as though they are not valued … that they are victims or they are oppressors.”  So will she resign her board seat now that she knows her school teaches just the opposite?  Don’t hold your breath.

So the War on Parents continues, in Georgetown and elsewhere.  In Santa Barbara, teachers can access instructional materials from Black Lives Matter in a secret teacher portal online.  You know, the trained Marxists who said on their website they want to destroy the family? A school district in Virginia has a secret program for elementary school students to experiment with transgenderism.  A private schools association is pushing transgenderism and other explicit LGBTQ content to children as young as four years old.  Disney employees walked out yesterday to protest what they consider to be the CEO’s inadequate response to Florida’s new legislation to prevent the sexualization of very young children in school – the so-called ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill. The Biden administration wants to end a Trump effort to collect data on teachers who commit sex crimes against their students.  A Michigan school district has the discretion to allow an assistant principal out on bail on child sex crimes to return to work at school pending trial.

Secret programs to sexualize very young children, failing to keep predator teachers away from kids – does all this sound right to you?  It sounds outrageous to me.

But it’s all OK because they’re not your kids, anyway; they’re state property, right?  York schools in Pennsylvania joined former Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe and several others who have recently said parents should not have any say in what is taught in school, the state takes precedence over parents.  A York school board member said in January parents don’t know what is best for children and schools don’t work for the parents.  A writer for New York Magazine called parents “household tyrants”.

So, you’re kids aren’t your kids, they’re OUR kids and, what’s more, they’re just playthings, fodder for our far-left sexual and racial agendas.  An advocacy group which promotes the LGBTQ agenda said, “there’s no such thing as other people’s children.”

I wish I could take all this seriously, but I can’t.  I see how destructive it is and how it is all derived from Marxism.  Critical race theory taught in Georgetown Day School and elsewhere, as I’ve documented many times before, is derived from critical theory, which was invented by Frankfurt School cultural Marxists for the express purpose of tearing society apart.  Transgender activists explicitly tell you on video their goal is to use transgenderism as a bludgeon to usher in a communist society.  Communist theorist Georgi Lukacs preached a sexual revolution to bring about communism.  Karl Marx himself said, “The education of all children, from the moment that they can get along without a mother’s care, shall be in state institutions.”

So it seems like all these insane ideas for sexualizing young children only came up in the last 15 minutes, but they’ve been in the works by communist planners for decades.  Now that you know where this is all coming from and that Marxist revolutionaries have seized control in this area, what are you going to do about it?

Parents, the Left has pulled out all the stops to get this done.  It’s a fight to the finish.  But if you love your children, and don’t want to see the state corrupt them and destroy society in the process, you will stand up and fight.

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET Weekdays

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.


Twitter Censors Tucker

Fox News host and Daily Caller cofounder Tucker Carlson was censored by Twitter after pointing out the factual accuracy of tweets regarding transgender Assistant Secretary for Health and “Woman of the Year” Rachel Levine.

Carlson posted screenshots Tuesday of tweets written by satirical news outlet The Babylon Bee as well as Turning Point USA founder and executive director Charlie Kirk. The Babylon Bee lost access to their Twitter account after publishing an article entitled “The Babylon Bee’s Man Of The Year Is Rachel Levine.” The tech company decided that the award violated its “hateful conduct policy.”

Similarly, Kirk was locked out of his account for “hateful conduct” until he removed a tweet where he accurately wrote, “Richard Levine spent 54 years of his life as a man. He had a wife and a family. He ‘transitioned’ to being a woman in 2011, Joe Biden appointed Levine to be a 4-Star Admiral and now USA Today has named ‘Rachel’ Levine as a ‘Woman of the Year’ Where are the feminists?”

Neither The Babylon Bee nor Kirk said anything incorrect in their tweets, which Carlson pointed out posting screenshots of the original tweets.

Carlson was subsequently censored, with Twitter stating that “This Tweet violated the Twitter Rules” in a large blue banner on his personal account. Thankfully, Carlson is still able to tweet to his almost 5 million followers.

Some Twitter users were quick to denounce the move, one writing that, “after Tucker Carlson pointed out that the Babylon Bee & Charlie Kirk Tweets containing basic facts about human biology were accurate, Twitter decided to censor Tucker too,” sharing a screenshot of the banner now in place over the “hateful” tweet.




RELATED VIDEO: Twitter also censored a Christian political satire site The Babylon Bee. CEO of The Babylon Bee Seth Dillon’s Appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight.

RELATED ARTICLE: Kid Rock Says ‘F**k Fauci’ During Interview With Tucker Carlson


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden’s Gender confused SCOTUS female Nominee can’t define the word ‘woman’

Just when you thought that it couldn’t get any worse with Biden and his nominees, it does. Watch as Senator Marsha Blackburn, a woman, asks Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson, a woman, to define the word “woman”:

Talk about gender confused. How can a woman, any woman, let alone a judge not define what a woman is? What would this judge do if a case came before her about two women marrying? Oh wait, that’s already happened in 2015 when Ruth Bader Ginsberg, a woman, who married two gay men just before she ruled, along with the majority, to legalize gay marriages in Obergefell v. Hodges.

But don’t worry we found a young biologist and will be sending him to visit with Jackson.

Watch: Kindergarten Cop Best Movie Quote – Boys Have A Penis, Girls Have a Vagina (1990)

Here’s some more help on what is a woman from Miriam-Webster:

aa female person a woman or a girl
ban individual of the sex that is typically capable of bearing young or producing eggs

It seems like there’s a lot of gender confusion out there. We believe that Twitter is the most gender confused.

Here’s a billboard that explains in simple words why this is all happening.

WARNING: Biden, the Democrats, the LGBTQs are all grooming your children and grandchildren to embrace sodomy and gay marriage. How do we know?

Days after the New York Post surprising report on emails retrieved from Hunter Biden’s laptop revealing exchange of emails between Joe Biden’s son and an official from the Ukrainian Burisma company, the internet is focused on another “scandalous” report related to files found on Hunter’s laptop, that include child pornography videos and pictures.

Watch as Senator Ron Johnson on Fox News suggesting that there’s child pornography on the computer that belongs to Hunter Biden, the son of Joe Biden.

And guess what? It gets worse, if that’s possible. Jackson is soft on sex offenders, particularly child predators/pedophiles/pederasts.

They’re all teaching and indoctrinating your children and grandchildren to become gender confused. They want to eliminate the biological fact that there are only 2 genders, male (XX) and female (XY).

But don’t worry there’s one man who isn’t gender confused. His name is Ron DeSantis and he’s the Governor of the State of Floirda. Read his letter to the NCAA on men competing in women’s sports.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Senator Ted Cruz to Jackson, ‘Do You Believe Babies Are Racist?’


Gender Ideology Run Amok

Gender Ideology Harms Children

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Twitter blocks Babylon Bee for naming Rachel Levine its ‘Man of the Year’

“Truth is not hate speech,” says the Babylon Bee’s Seth Dillon. Gee, where have I heard that before? We used to say it all the time in defense of our work against jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women. The social media giants’ war against the freedom of speech today is based on actions against “Islamophobes” in years past.

Twitter suspends Babylon Bee for naming Rachel Levine ‘Man of the Year’

by Ariel Zilber, New York Post, March 21, 2022:

Twitter locked the account of a right-leaning parody site, The Babylon Bee, after it awarded Rachel Levine, the transgender Biden administration official, the title of “man of the year.”

The Babylon Bee story was a reaction to USA Today’s naming of Levine, who is US assistant secretary for health for the US Department of Health and Human Services, as one of its “women of the year” last week.

Twitter says it will restore the account, which has more than 1.3 million followers, if the Bee deletes the tweet, but Dillon says he has no intention of doing so.

“We’re not deleting anything,” Dillon tweeted from his personal account. “Truth is not hate speech. If the cost of telling the truth is the loss of our Twitter account, then so be it.”…

Twitter cited its policy on “hateful conduct,” which states: “You may not promote violence against, threaten, or harass other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease.”…


Twitter Suspends The Babylon Bee

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Zelensky ‘Consolidates’ All Channels Into Government Propaganda, Bans 11 Political Parties

More jihad in Israel: Muslim stabs two cops in Jerusalem, Hamas applauds it as ‘heroic act’

Israel: Muslim rams his car into Israelis, then goes on stabbing spree, murders four people

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

HHS Secretary Becerra Promotes Critical Race Theory-Based ‘Health Equity’ as Top Priority

During an address on Friday marking the dubious milestone of his first year in office, Health and Human Services (HHS) Sec. Xavier Becerra identified “health equity” as his department’s top priority.

“Health equity has to be part of everything we do,” Becerra said. “You will see health equity pervades everything we do.”

You will recall that “equity” is not the same as “equality.” Equality is by definition anti-discrimination. Equity is discrimination — present discrimination against the white power structure in retaliation for past discrimination. Health equity operates under the assumption that the medical profession has been historically racist, and that health care needs to be “relearned” in order to “center on” black lives.

The American Medical Association (AMA) issued a 54-page manifesto called “Advancing Health Equity” which teaches medical professionals how to agitate toward critical race theory-centric policies and practices.

“A rich tradition of work in health equity and related fields, including critical race theory (defined in the glossary), gender studies, disability studies, as well as scholarship from social medicine, gives us a foundation for an alternative narrative,” it says, citing a Guide to Counter-Narrating the Attacks on Critical Race Theory, “one that challenges the status quo, one that moves health care towards justice.”

Prioritizing the radical aims of Progressive “social justice” in what should be the science-based, non-discriminatory field of medicine is going to lead to a whole new level of death and misery for countless patients. Yet that is the “top priority” of our Health and Human Services chief.

Xavier Becerra

39 Known Connections

In October 2002 Becerra supported the Chicano Coalition for Peace and Social Justice, a group that had been infiltrated by the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). In 2005 he joined Raul Grijalva and Luis Gutierrez in backing the efforts of Latinos for Peace, an anti-Iraq War front group for the CPUSA.[1] That same year, Becerra co-sponsored Rep. John Conyers‘s HR 676, a bill calling for the creation of a government-run, “single-payer” healthcare system.

In August 2008 Becerra was named as a member of the Barack Obama presidential campaign’s National Latino Advisory Council, along with such notables as Raul GrijalvaLuis GutierrezEliseo Medina, Linda Sanchez, Hilda Solis, and Nydia Velazquez.

Becerra was one of 15 congressional co-sponsors of the America Votes Act of 2012, which sought—on the twin premises that Voter ID laws are racist and voter fraud is exceedingly rare—to allow voters to sign an affidavit attesting to their identity if they lacked the identification documents required at their polling place.

In early 2013, Becerra was one of a number of prominent leftists who urged President Obama to award, posthumously, the Presidential Medal of Freedom to the late Fred Ross Sr., a Saul Alinsky-trained radical who mentored both Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta.

To learn more about Xavier Becerra, click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

INFANTICIDE: Democrats Propose Law That Would Allow BABIES TO BE KILLED Up to 28 days After Birth

Sick to my stomach. Imagine, this is the party in charge. We’ve played nice for too long.

Babies could be killed 28 days after birth under proposed Maryland law, attorney warns.

Senate Bill 669 could be interpreted to allow for infanticide through the first month after the baby is born, a legal analyst says.

ANNAPOLIS, Maryland (LifeSiteNews) – Legislation proposed in the Maryland Senate would allow babies to be left to die for as long as the first 28 days after birth, according to analysis from a pro-life attorney.

Senate Bill 669 is also known as the Pregnant Person’s Freedom Act of 2022, but the problems go beyond the use of “person” in place of accurate references to women having babies. Senator William Smith, a Democrat, sponsored the legislation, which will have a hearing on March 15.

“[T]he bill also proposes a revision of the fetal murder/manslaughter statute that would serve to handcuff the investigation of infant deaths unrelated to abortion,” American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) attorney Olivia Summers wrote in her analysis.

This is because the legislation prohibits investigations and criminal prosecutions for women and medical professionals for a “failure to act” in relation to a “perinatal death.”

“In other words, a baby born alive and well could be abandoned and left to starve or freeze to death,” Summers wrote, “and nothing could be done to punish those who participated in that cruel death.”

She said that the language used is unclear, so the law could be interpreted to “prevent investigations into the death of infants at least seven days AFTER their birth, and may extend to infants as old as four weeks!”

The Maryland Code does not define “perinatal,” Summers said. A 2020 law does define “perinatal care” as the “provision of care during pregnancy, labor, delivery, and postpartum and neonatal periods.”

A definition on MedicineNet, a website owned by WebMD, defines it as “the 20th to 28th week of gestation” to “1 to

Summers, with the ACLJ, noted in her analysis that the state already has a safe haven law that allows parents to leave a newborn baby with a responsible adult without fear of prosecution.

“Under the Safe Haven law, a distressed parent who is unable or unwilling to care for their infant can safely give up custody of their baby, no questions asked,” the Maryland Department of Human Services explains. “Newborns can be left at hospitals or law enforcement stations.”

“There is absolutely no reason for Maryland Senate Bill 669’s attempt to prevent someone who lets their baby die from being investigated,” Summers said. ”This bill just further exposes the complete lack of regard abortion advocates have for innocent human life.”

“If they truly want to protect life and women, then legislators could simply extend the length of the safe harbor provision already in place,” she said.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Four Disney Employees Arrested in Human Trafficking Operation

Maybe now we see why the Disney chairman opposes a ban on teaching sexual practices and perversions to kindergarten through six graders.

‘This Is Huge’: 4 Disney Employees Arrested in Human Trafficking Operation

By: Jack Davis, The Western Journal, March 18, 2022:

Four Disney employees have been arrested in a six-day undercover sting by the Polk County, Florida, Sheriff’s Office.

Officials said 108 suspects were arrested in what authorities dubbed “Operation March Sadness 2,” which targeted human trafficking and prostitution, according to WFLA-TV. Four of those arrested were charged as child sex predators, according to Newsweek.

“This is huge,” Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd told WFLA. “Four arrests of this magnitude is simply remarkable.”

Disney employee Xavier Jackson, 27, of Kissimmee, Florida, was among those arrested, according to WKMG-TV.

“He thought he was chatting with a 14-year-old girl, and he sent photos of himself doing things that are totally inappropriate,” Judd said, according to the station.

Jackson faces charges that include three counts of transmission of material harmful to a minor and unlawful use of a two-way communication device.

“Did I mention that he just happens to be a lifeguard at the Polynesian Resort for Disney?” Judd said, according to WESH-TV.

“You think there’s a few children around there? That’s right, I didn’t stutter. He was a lifeguard at the Polynesian Resort. And was bragging about that.”

Other Disney employees arrested include a 24-year-old man who worked at the Cosmic Restaurant, a 45-year-old IT worker, and a 27-year-old software developer, Judd said, according to WTVJ-TV.

Disney said all of its arrested employees have been placed on unpaid leave.


Disney Sexualizes Little Kids As “Woke” CEO Bob Chapek Advocates For Sex Ed And Transgenderism in Kindergarten

Disney CEO Iger Lives in Fantasyland

My letter to the CEO of Disney

Biden SCOTUS Nominee’s Sickening Record of Child Porn Leniency, Letting Them Off the Hook

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW when informed decision making and opinion is essential to America’s survival. Share our posts on your social channels and with your email contacts. Fight the great fight.

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Ukraine: Money-Laundering Hub of the New World Order

Is this why the Uniparty is working so hard to save their dirty money?

Ukraine: Money-laundering hub of the New World Order

By Shari Goodman, WND, March 18, 2022:

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine about three weeks ago, our corporate media has been cheering on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and the Ukrainians while demonizing Russia and Putin as another Hitler. What the media fail to cover and identify is the New World Order, or NWO, Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum and the role each played in provoking Russia in a much broader conflict between the New World Order and the nationalists.

Zelensky won the presidency in 2019 after being heavily bankrolled by a corrupt Ukrainian oligarch by the name of Igor Kolomoiskly. Since his election, Zelensky has cleverly attempted to play the middle ground in a war between two superpowers.

In 2014, Ukraine’s democratically elected president, Victor Yanukovych, was toppled by our CIA in favor of a puppet who would serve the New World Order’s purpose for using the nation as a money-laundering hub.

Ukraine was hardly a democracy prior to the invasion. Opposition journalists are routinely jailed there. There is no freedom of the press in Ukraine. It is not by coincidence (and contrary to the paid for hire fact checkers) that the sons of Democrats in leadership positions (Biden, Pelosi, Kerry) either sat on the boards of energy companies in Ukraine or were doing business in Ukraine. When a new Ukrainian prosecutor, Kostiantyn Kulyk, opened an investigation into the business dealings of Burisma where Hunter Biden (with no energy experience) sat on the board, Joe Biden, as vice president, threatened to withhold financial aid to Ukraine and triumphantly bragged about it on camera. Imagine that! The very quid pro quo Democrats used to falsely charge President Trump is precisely what Biden is guilty of in Ukraine.

TRENDING: Ukraine’s Plan B – as in ‘Berlin’

It is widely believed the NWO, which appears to control the European Union, NATO, the Crown and the U.N., was instrumental in toppling the regimes of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, Gadhafi in Libya, the shipment of ammunition to ISIS in Syria in an effort to topple the regime of Syrian President Bashar Al Assad and the installment of Joe Biden here in the United States. Putin, who at one time attempted to work with the World Economic Forum, believed he was next in line. He suspected the NWO was using Ukraine as a proxy to create a color revolution in Russia while America was funding bioweapon labs with pathogens in Ukraine.

During the DNC’s General Session a week ago, intellectually challenged Kamala Harris triggered the already anxiety-laden Putin and the entire Russian military when she implied that Ukraine was already in NATO by proclaiming, “I will say over and over again the U.S. stands firmly with the Ukrainian people in defense of the NATO alliance.”

Additionally, while the Biden administration at first denied the existence of biological weapon labs in Ukraine, Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland later admitted under oath in a congressional hearing that there were in fact 20 to 30 bio labs in and around Ukraine. We are to believe that these labs with dangerous pathogens were there for scientific study in a highly unstable country that just happens to share a border with a nuclear arch enemy of ours.

Interestingly, throughout this conflict our media has not mentioned the existence of a New World Order as envisioned by Klaus Schwab and the role they may be playing behind the scenes. It is unsettling that our entire source of information is dependent on six corporations engaged in censorship largely due to their participation in the NWO. The six corporations are News Corp, Time Warner, Comcast, Sony, Viacom and Disney. All are funded by two major hedge funds, BlackRock and Vanguard. While our media has kept Americans in the dark when it comes to the New World Order and the power behind the movement, it is vitally important for Americans to learn about this new ruling class, the billionaire oligarchy behind it, its ties to the World Economic Forum, The World Economic Global Institute, it’s mission and the pivotal role it has played here at home and throughout the globe.

Klaus Schwab, a German economist, formed the WEF in 1971. Its mission is to erase national sovereignty as well as capitalism and replace it with a one-world centralized authoritarian communist government under the auspices of the billionaire oligarchy that meets in Davos yearly. Nearly every major political figure throughout the Western world in over 100 countries has graduated from the World Economic Forum’s Global Institute (the likes of Justin Trudeau, Macron of France, Angela Merkel of Germany, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Gavin Newsom, Pete Buttigieg, George Soros, Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand, among many others). In addition to the many global leaders, there have been nearly 20,000 Global Shapers placed throughout the world in positions of leadership in government, banking, education, corporations, the media and nearly all of our institutions. There are hundreds of Global Institute Hubs throughout the globe (one most likely near you) where Global Shapers are there to advance policies of a Communist global agenda. These shapers have not been elected to office, yet their policies, often at odds with the mores and values of the communities involved, are advanced and pushed upon an unsuspecting public.

As Schwab has openly stated, in his version of the future, “you will own nothing and be happy.” The notion that our private property rights are in jeopardy is a frightening vision and at odds with the right to pursue a life of liberty as enshrined in our Constitution. There is no freedom without private property.

A few months prior the release of COVID-19 from the Wuhan lab in China, Karl Schwab and Bill Gates held a simulation of a worldwide pandemic at a symposium they termed Event 201, envisioning millions of lost lives and the opportunity for a Great Reset to follow. They proclaimed a pandemic would present for the New World Order the perfect set of circumstances to reset the globe’s political and economic future by the year 2030.

Unfortunately for them, the virus proved to have a survivability of 99.8%, and now that the fear of COVID is no longer viable, masks are scientifically unworthy, and the need for lockdowns has been eliminated, the NWO has moved on to what they call Phase II of the Great Reset. By deliberately poking the Russian bear, the United States under the direction of the NWO has lit a match that has cost the lives of innocent Ukrainians and with it the possibility of igniting a worldwide nuclear World War III.

When a chorus of uni-party legislators (Lindsey Graham, Maria Elvira Salazar and many others) deliberately and callously call for the assassination of Putin and for a no-fly zone over Ukraine, they are not taking their talking points from a feeble Joe Biden. Instead, they are taking their marching orders from George Soros who has called for America’s involvement in Ukraine as a call to war. It should be a warning to the rest of us. They are willing to sacrifice America in Phase II of the Great Reset in their quest for global dominance. Standing in opposition to them is another alliance consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS).

This is not the first totalitarian movement seeking global domination, but unlike other evil movements in past years, today’s evil power grab carries the risk of global annihilation.

We would be wise to resist the call to war.


Biden Regime Preparing For ANOTHER Mass Migrant Influx of 170,000 Border Crossers After Suspending Trump’s Title 42

UN Votes to Establish Ties with Taliban Terror Org

Biden’s New Iran Deal Will Allow Putin To Circumvent Sanction While Paving The Pathway To A Nuclear Weapon For Iran

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Senator Josh Hawley: SCOTUS Pick Jackson Has ‘Pattern of Letting Child Porn Offenders off the Hook’

In a series of tweets on Wednesday, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) called out President Biden’s nominee for the Supreme Court, Ketanji Brown Jackson, for having “a pattern of letting child porn offenders off the hook for their appalling crimes.”

Detailing Judge Jackson’s rulings, interviews, articles, and speeches, Hawley called attention to the “alarming pattern when it comes to Judge Jackson’s treatment of sex offenders, especially those preying on children.”

“As far back as her time in law school, Judge Jackson has questioned making convicts register as sex offenders – saying it leads to ‘stigmatization and ostracism,’” Hawley noted. “She’s suggested public policy is driven by a ‘climate of fear, hatred & revenge’ against sex offenders.”

Hawley cited a few cases as examples of her leniency towards the sentencing of child porn sex offenders.

“In United States v. Cooper, in which the criminal had more than 600 images and videos and posted many on a public blog, the Guidelines called for a sentence of 151-188 months. Judge Jackson settled on 60 months, the lowest possible sentence allowed by law,” Hawley tweeted.

“In United States v. Downs, the perp posted multiple images to an anonymous instant messaging app, including an image of a child under the age of 5. The Guidelines recommended 70-87 months. Judge Jackson gave him the lowest sentence allowed by law, 60 months,” he said in another tweet.

Hawley called Jackson’s record “disturbing,” and added, “sending child predators to jail shouldn’t be controversial.”

“In every single child porn case for which we can find records, Judge Jackson deviated from the federal sentencing guidelines in favor of child porn offenders,” Hawley wrote.

Ketanji Brown Jackson

8 Known Connections

Lamenting the Excessively Harsh Treatment of Sex Offenders

In 1996, Jackson anonymously wrote a “Note” for the Harvard Law Review in which she: (a) claimed that U.S. courts tended to treat convicted sex offenders too harshly, and (b) urged judges to “change their analytical framework for evaluating the constitutionality of certain state sex offender statutes.” “[I]n the current climate of fear, hatred, and revenge associated with the release of convicted sex criminals,” Jackson wrote, “courts must be especially atten­tive to legislative enactments that ‘use[ ] public health and safety rhetoric to justify procedures that are, in essence, punishment and detention.’” Arguing that the laws regarding punishment for sex crimes were excessively onerous, she added: “Although many courts and commentators herald these laws as valid regulatory measures, others reject them as punitive enactments that violate the rights of individuals who already have been sanctioned for their crimes.”

To learn more about Ketanji Brown Jackson, click here.

RELATED ARTICLE: Biden’s SCOTUS Pick Supports Critical Race Theory

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

DHS a No-Show on Afghan Visa Fraud

My commentary today is predicated upon a Department of Justice (DOJ) press release titled, “U.S. Navy Reserves Officer Appeared on Charges of Alleged Bribery and Visa Fraud.”

The statement raises many more questions than it answers — both about the specific case and more broadly about how the Biden DOJ pursues, or refuses to pursue, investigations involving elements of the immigration system.

The effective and accurate screening of aliens who seek to enter the United States is a key responsibility and primary purpose of our immigration system. Indeed, 8 U.S. Code § 1182 enumerates the classes of aliens who are inadmissible because they would pose a threat to public health, public safety, national security, and/or the jobs and wages of American workers.

The issuance of visas is a critical element of the immigration system that is supposed to properly vet aliens and also make certain these aliens are entitled to the categories of visas for which they apply.

The preface of the “9/11 and Terrorist Travel – Staff Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States” report begins with the following paragraph:

It is perhaps obvious to state that terrorists cannot plan and carry out attacks in the United States if they are unable to enter the country. Yet prior to September 11, while there were efforts to enhance border security, no agency of the U.S. government thought of border security as a tool in the counterterrorism arsenal. Indeed, even after 19 hijackers demonstrated the relative ease of obtaining a U.S. visa and gaining admission into the United States, border security still is not considered a cornerstone of national security policy. We believe, for reasons we discuss in the following pages, that it must be made one.

Page 61 of that report contained this passage:

Exploring the Link between Human Smugglers and Terrorists In July 2001, the CIA warned of a possible link between human smugglers and terrorist groups, including Hamas, Hezbollah, and Egyptian Islamic Jihad. Indeed, there is evidence to suggest that since 1999 human smugglers have facilitated the travel of terrorists associated with more than a dozen extremist groups. With their global reach and connections to fraudulent document vendors and corrupt government officials, human smugglers clearly have the “credentials” necessary to aid terrorist travel.

Furthermore, on May 18, 2004, I testified at a hearing conducted by the House Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security ad Claims on the topic, “Pushing the Border Out on Alien Smuggling: New Tools And Intelligence Initiatives.”

The title of that hearing was a reference to how an effectively administered visa program can push U.S. borders out to the consulates and embassies where visas are issued, thereby enhancing national security.

Nevertheless, for unfathomable reasons, the Biden administration has inexplicably worked to undermine border security and immigration law enforcement from within the interior of the U.S. during an especially perilous era.

America faces multiple threats posed by adversarial nations that seek the demise of our nation. America is also threatened by many transnational gangs, narcotics trafficking organizations, and terrorist organizations.

Now we come to the DOJ press release that begins with this excerpt:

A Florida man who serves as a Commander in the U.S. Navy Reserves appeared today on criminal charges related to an alleged bribery scheme involving special visas for Afghan nationals.

According to court documents, Jeromy Pittmann, 53, of Pensacola, Florida, currently residing in Naples, Italy, was paid to draft, submit, or falsely verify false letters of recommendation for citizens of Afghanistan who applied to the U.S. Department of State for Special Immigrant Visas (SIVs).

There is a limited supply of SIVs each year for Afghan nationals employed as translators for U.S. military personnel. Pittmann is alleged to have signed over 20 false letters in which he represented, among other things, that he had supervised the applicants while they worked as translators in support of the U.S. Army and NATO; that the applicants’ lives were in jeopardy because the Taliban considered them to be traitors; and that he did not think the applicants posed a threat to the national security of the United States. In exchange, Pittmann is alleged to have received thousands of dollars in bribes

Pittmann made his initial appearance today. He is charged with accepting bribes and conspiring to commit visa fraud. If convicted of both counts, he faces up to 20 years in prison. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

Assistant Attorney General Kenneth A. Polite Jr. of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division; U.S. Attorney John J. Farley for the District of New Hampshire; Inspector General John F. Sopko of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR); Special Agent in Charge Eric Maddox of the Economic Crimes Field Office of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS); and Special Agent in Charge Stanley A. Newell of the Transnational Operations Field Office of the Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS) made the announcement.

SIGAR, NCIS, and DCIS are investigating the case.

Let’s begin by noting that the defendant in this case is charged with providing false statements in conjunction with at least 20 applications for visas for aliens who are seeking entry into the U.S. from Afghanistan, a country that has an established nexus with international terrorists groups.

Consider that Biden’s catastrophic policies have created a national security nightmare for America and Americans.

As a rule, such investigations of visa fraud are conducted by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and may also involve agents of the U.S. Department of State.

In this case, however, there is no mention of any ICE agents or State Department agents being involved in the investigation or prosecution. This is significant because in pursuing such investigations, it is of great importance to have agents on board who have expertise in the subject matter to facilitate the investigation or prosecution of violations of the laws involved.

The apparent lack of ICE agents in this case may explain why other criminal charges are not being sought in this case that may well have serious national security implications.

While it is true that the defendant is being charged with accepting a bribe and visa fraud, under the provisions of 18 U.S. Code § 1546 the defendant may face up to 25 years in prison for each of the approximately 20 applications that were filed if the fraud was committed to facilitate terrorism.

This brings us to fact that the press release made no mention as to whether or not any of the aliens actually entered the U.S. or if any were charged with committing fraud or conspiring to commit fraud.

The defendant is alleged to have accepted bribes in exchange for his false statements. However, there is no mention of who provided the money to him. Was an alien smuggling ring involved in this scheme? If so, what is being done to identify all of the participants in such a ring? This sort of investigation is routine for ICE agents but not for those who are involved in this specific case.

I hate to speculate, but given comments made by the DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas indicating he would not pursue most fraud investigations, we cannot ignore the very real possibility that DHS, of which ICE is a component agency, simply refuses to provide assistance in this case or other cases like it.

©Michael Cutler. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Terror-Pres: Biden Gives Amnesty to 75K Afghans in U.S. Despite Vetting Failures

New York Serial Killer Dismembers Woman and Woke Media Fears to Misgender Him

The New York Times and the BBC have pronoun problems.

Harvey Marcelin is a depraved serial killer who has murdered at least three women, spent over 50 years in prison, and whose recent grisly deeds have just hit the news. But if you were to read about Marcelin in the New York Times or the BBC, you would have thought he was an elderly lady.

That’s right, two of the biggest news brands in the world are so committed to the cult of wokeness that they’re afraid of misgendering a psychopath who literally dismembers his victims.

The Times appears to almost revel in Marcelin’s recently-adopted pronouns, including them twice in its headline: “She Killed Two Women. At 83, She Is Charged With Dismembering a Third”. While both outlets eventually provide readers with enough clues that Marcelin is actually male, their two articles rack up an impressive 20 she/her pronouns collectively along the way.

As Brendan O’Neill of Spiked remarks, two of the Western world’s most established media institutions “are implicitly downplaying the gravity of this terrible incident by depicting it as essentially a scrap between two old ladies.”

We have reached a point, mourns O’Neill, when “the emotional needs of a murderous male take precedence over the experiences of a brutalised woman”. He continues:

They have sacrificed a woman’s truth to the narcissistic delusions of a violent man. Like religious fanatics, they believe their articles of faith are holier than the realities the rest of us see with our own eyes.”

It is difficult to overstate the psychological trick these pronouns play on readers in the context of a serial killer. Having read both the Times and the BBC’s reports, the treachery of Marcelin’s career only hit me when I recast it with the correct words (he and him), as below.

On March 4, police searched Harvey Marcelin’s Brooklyn apartment to discover saw blades and a human head — that of 68-year-old Susan Leyden. Law enforcement found the remainder of Leyden’s body which Marcelin had scattered across various parts of Brooklyn.

Harvey Marcelin has since been charged with second-degree murder and concealment of a human corpse.

Marcelin’s butchery began in 1963, when he murdered his girlfriend in Harlem and was given a life sentence. Less than a year after he was released from jail on lifetime parole for that crime, in 1985, he stabbed another woman to death. Released on parole again in 2019, Marcelin soon met Susan Leyden online and knew her for around two years before taking her life, according to police.

As the Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh points out, it is reasonable to assume that Marcelin’s adoption of a female persona is wrapped up in his murderous fantasies of women. In a 1997 parole board hearing, Marcelin admitted to having “problems” with women — an almost ubiquitous trait among male serial-killers-of-women. Indeed, how common is it to hear of a female serial killer who targets women?

And yet, Walsh scolds, “the New York Times, not to mention the cops, the court system — everybody — they’re all making sure to respect this lunatic’s delusional fetish and even participate in it.” Walsh sees the Marcelin affair as an extreme, though not unprecedented, example of “a problem that permeates our society” — namely:

“We don’t tell people ‘no’. We’re not allowed to say ‘no’ anymore. Nobody says ‘no’. We’re so allergic to ‘no’ that we won’t even say it to a damned serial killer who asks us to affirm his alleged gender identity.”

Because of our unwillingness to say “no”, Marcelin will now likely be put in a women’s prison — which is presumably part of his motive for assuming a female identity in the first place. “Any reasonable person can see that this is almost certainly why he is calling himself a woman,” adds Walsh, “so that he can be housed with women, his prey of choice”.

Woke dogma is now so entrenched in the West that entire institutions now record crimes committed by men as crimes committed by women — if the serial killer merely claims to be a woman. In the process, we are recording for ourselves a false history, misdiagnosing the problems our society faces — and both falsely framing and endangering women. All to avoid hurting someone’s feelings.

Maybe we should start telling the truth instead.


Kurt Mahlburg

Kurt Mahlburg is a writer and author, and an emerging Australian voice on culture and the Christian faith. He has a passion for both the philosophical and the personal, drawing on his background as a graduate… More by Kurt Mahlburg

RELATED ARTICLE: Harvey Marcelin: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Sometimes Conservation is a Bear

How do we find the best solutions for both bears, and people too?

That’s what Gabriella Hoffman set off to find out on the latest episode of CFACT’s Conservation Nation series. Hoffman traveled to Montana and Wyoming to interview stakeholders and find out what’s really going on with Grizzly and Black Bear conservation.

Watch the full episode.

Environmentalists would have you believe that to properly conserve nature, humans must have zero interaction with it. Nothing could be further from the truth. When people are properly managing lands and wildlife, both people and animals thrive. That’s exactly the point those on the ground in Big Sky Country working with the bears had to say.

Listen to their stories for yourself!

Hoffman also brought this “conservation is conservative” message to several college campuses as well, including Florida State and Appalachian State University in North Carolina. Speeches at Michigan Technical University, George Mason University, Boston University, and the Ohio State University are also scheduled.

Students got to hear about how hunting and fishing helps drive conservation efforts, and why proper use of our federal lands (by allowing energy production on them!) helps fund National Parks and drive energy independence.

If only some representatives from the Biden Administration could have attended and learned something!

Finally, every week, CFACT promotes a commonsense conservation message through Hoffman’s District of Conservation podcast, sponsored by CFACT. Check out some of the latest episodes, like this one that covers how Virginia is now open for hunting on Sundays, and this one that lambasts Biden’s energy and land use policies for playing into Putin’s hands when it comes to gas prices.

Share these videos and podcasts with a friend, and let’s spread the word that real conservation requires humans to be involved through free markets, smart ideas, and local stakeholders.


Craig Rucker is a co-founder of CFACT and currently serves as its president.

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

TEXAS: Ranchers’ Lives Disrupted by Migrant Trespassers, Break-Ins, Gun Threats, Assaults, Destruction of Property

In a troubling exclusive that mainstream media continues to avoid, Breitbart reports about the crisis at the Southern border.

The role of government is to improve the lives of its citizens and prioritize national security, but that’s not Joe Biden’s concern.

In a relatively short space of time, Biden’s leadership has been catastrophic for America. His mishandling of Afghanistan, his reckless open-door immigration policy, his disastrous pursuit of a new Iran nuclear deal, his incompetence in dealing with Russia, and more — there is just no end in sight to the damage that Biden continues to do to American interests.

Few among media have adequately covered the crime and national security risks posed by the wide-open Southern border. On top of everything else, there is a jihad threat. In 2019, the Mexico “terror path” was proven, as jihadis infiltrated the refugee stream and entered the U.S. Judicial Watch stated:

More evidence has emerged that Middle East jihadists are entering the United States through the Mexican border. The organization long has presented evidence that terrorists have entered through Texas and reports of ISIS training camps not far from the U.S. border.

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Border Crisis Disrupts Texas Ranchers’ Lives ‘Worse than Ever,’ Says Governor

by Bob Price, Breitbart, March 14, 2022:

EAGLE PASS, Texas — Thousands of migrants marching through Texas ranches as far as 80 miles from the U.S. border continues to disrupt the lives of those who live and work in these regions. Governor Greg Abbott told Breitbart Texas the chaos and crime in these areas are “worse than it has ever been.”

“Their lives have been disrupted like never before,” Governor Abbott said in an exclusive interview late last week. “There are people coming in across the border and going onto the land, cutting fences that hold in cattle, sometimes cattle are lost as a result of it.”

He said these trespassers are “breaking into homes, destroying property, sometimes, pointing a gun at people’s heads. It is worse than it’s ever been.”

The governor said the volume of migrant crossings adds to the created chaos on ranches in south Texas. He added that this is not simply unaccompanied minors or family units that are making the trek through the ranches.

“These are people who are trying to not get caught,” Abbott explained. “People who are coming here, some of whom have criminal records. We know that because of some of the people we have arrested.”

Breitbart Texas spoke with officials with the Texas Military Department about the arrests taking place by brush team soldiers on ranches.

“Over the past 90 days, the brush team has supported more than 1,000 apprehensions along the Texas-Mexico border,” TMD Director of Communications Rita Holton told Breitbart. “Approximately 30 percent of these individuals apprehended had a prior criminal record for activities such as sexual assault, drug smuggling, and human smuggling.”

A TMD military officer who commands the brush team operations told Breitbart they are the “last line defense” against the migrants who intend to get into the U.S. interior without being screened or apprehended.

“We use a variety of sensors and techniques to identify where these folks are coming from and where they are going,” the officer stated. “We are on our feet eight to 15 miles per night using ‘old school tracking’ and the technology available for our mission.”

He explained groups range in size from five migrants to more than 50 at a time. “Some of these have criminal histories that include narcotics smuggling or sexual assault.”…



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9/11 plotters in plea deal talks that could avert death penalty

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Pakistan’s Federal Civil Aviation Minister says he wants to become a jihad suicide bomber to kill enemies of Islam

India: Muslim man arrested for hiding under burqa to molest girls 

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All  rights reserved.

SHOCKING: Video of Unconstitutional FBI Raid on Project Veritas Journalist’s Home


Project Veritas is releasing never-before-seen footage today of last November’s FBI raid on the home of one its journalists.

The shocking footage shows the tense moments when several agents banged on the door screaming, “Open up!” Once the journalist opened the door, several FBI agents shouted, “Let me see your hands!”

Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

  • Shocking footage published Tuesday afternoon shows the moment FBI agents raided the home of a Project Veritas journalist last November. In the video, the armed agents are heard shouting “let me see your hands!”
  • In addition to clutching their weapons, multiple agents are seen searching the home of the Project Veritas journalist, rummaging through the closets, bedroom and the kitchen.
  • The journalist can be heard multiple times on the footage, most audibly exclaiming “my hands are up,” as agents enter the home.
  • The raid and seizures were executed at the behest of the Biden Administration’s Department of Justice despite Attorney General Merrick Garland’s vow to respect press freedoms.
  • The Reporters Committee for the Freedom of the Press decried the raid on Project Veritas in court and through public statements, as has the ACLU.

You can watch the video HERE.

Back in November, the ALCU issued letters to the court saying the raid had “serious consequences for press freedom.”

The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press issued a motion to unseal information pertaining to the Department of Justice’s unusual decision to carry out raids against journalists.

The Society of Professional Journalists and the Committee to Protect Journalists also issued statements expressing concern for the “harmful precedent” set by the raids.

Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe said, “What you have just seen is an effort by the government to intimidate and silence us as journalists…We will stand firm to vindicate our own First Amendment rights, fight for the rights of our fellow journalists, and all Americans. We cannot and will not be intimidated. Stay tuned, because we are just getting started.”


EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas video report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.