New Investigators Examine the Origins of the Mueller Investigation

There must be “consequences” for those claiming Russian collusion if Mueller report shows none.  – Tucker Carlson

Democrats continue to show day in and day out, they’re nothing but sore losers. At some point, they have to realize that they have been beat by President Trump in the 2016 election. They’re getting beat … on issues that actually matter, and I think they’re a sad excuse for a political party right now. At some point, they have to decide if they want to govern.  – Sarah Sanders

This is not a game! This is the president of the United States. This nation deserves full-time leadership and no further effort to subvert, to overthrow the presidency of Donald J. Trump.  – Lou Dobbs

When during their exhaustive 22-month investigation did Mueller and his team of Hillary supporting Democratic prosecutors realize they had no case?  Probably no later than at the end of 2017, but I’d guess from the beginning.  By the time Mueller was appointed on May 17, 2017, the FBI had been trying unsuccessfully for nearly a year to corroborate the bogus Steele dossier’s allegations.

Democrats and their complicit media are far worse than sore losers.  They have done everything in their power to destroy President Trump from the day he declared his candidacy.  They hate him, they hate his supporters and they hate anyone who righteously campaigned for him.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein

It is clear that the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI participated in a fraud on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) in order to surveil U.S. citizen Carter Page.  Signing on behalf of the DOJ were Deputy Attorney General (DAG) Sally Yates, then-Acting DAG Dana Boente, and then current DAG Rod Rosenstein who each signed one or more FISA applications.

Rod Rosenstein approved the application to extend surveillance of former Trump campaign associate Carter Page. The NYTs claimed the FBI and DOJ’s application was based partially on research by investigator Christopher Steele, who compiled the spurious dossier.

When Rosenstein testified in a House hearing about FBI and DOJ abuses, he was asked by former judge Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) about the FISA warrant he signed and Rosenstein looked to FBI Director Wray for the answer – a move that disturbed Gohmert.  Rosenstein said he signed Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) documents to spy on Carter Page and told Congressman Gohmert that he didn’t need to read every document he signed, that he merely needed to understand what’s in it.

Now that Rosenstein has stepped down, he is doing everything he can to cover his backside. But he was the one who gave an open letter of appointment to Robert Mueller to conduct an investigation confirmed by then FBI Director James Comey before the House Permanent Select Committee on March 20, 2017.  And it was Rosenstein who wrote the letter to President Trump stating Comey needed to be fired.

That started this entire nightmare-from-hell for not only the President, but his administration, supporters and the entire country.  The people who ran the DOJ were vicious dogs, and yes, our bloated government uses “national security” to cover up their crimes.

There is far too much on Rod Rosenstein that doesn’t make sense.  He is far too chummy with Mueller, Comey and Wray to really want true justice.  And few believe he didn’t want to wear a wire and record our President.

The Sordid Mueller Investigation

The Mueller investigation is finally over and $35 million American tax dollars have been spent on researching and investigating the cooked up lies of Hillary Clinton and the DNC “paid for” Steele dossier which led to this fictitious probe.  And all those tax dollars were paid to attorneys who hate Donald Trump.  Andrew Weissmann was the man given authority to hire the rest of the investigators for Robert Mueller, and Weissmann should have been disbarred long ago after the Enron case where he bent or broke rules to get false guilty pleas.

The resulting investigation prosecuted Americans for everything except the “collusion” it was supposed to uncover, many of whom will suffer lasting affects.

Weissmann was Mueller’s legal Pit Bull and the two of them worked hand in glove using the same rotten modus operandi they’ve effectively employed for over thirty years.  Those in their crosshairs even plead guilty to charges that weren’t crimes.  They also plead guilty to save family members, and they pleaded guilty when they’d previously been investigated by the government and found innocent. They pleaded guilty when those on the left did far worse and were never charged…i.e., Podesta’s and Biden’s.  Financial destruction was imminent for all targeted by Mueller.

Sidney Powell wrote the tell-all book, Licensed to Lie, and it exposed the corruption of justice especially in the Enron case.  Powell served in the Department of Justice for ten years in Texas and Virginia and has devoted her private practice to federal appeals for the past twenty years.  “All of the cases Weissmann pushed to trial were reversed in whole or in part due to some form of his overreaching and abuses,” Sidney Powell told The Washington Times. “The most polite thing the Houston bar said about Weissmann was that he was a madman.”  In early 2018, Sara Carter reported that Weissmann and Mueller were connected to two of the largest scandals in FBI history, and they got away with it.

Bill Barr’s Investigators

What are the odds that the Durham investigation will bring the corrupt players to justice?  Certainly, there is hope with the new Attorney General William Barr.  However, knowing government machinations, I am not holding my breath.  Yet…justice is so longed for, and John Durham looks to be the man who could give it to us!

John Durham, the prosecutor appointed by AG Barr to investigate how Trump-Russia allegations emerged and spread within federal law enforcement, has already been looking into whether the FBI’s former top lawyer, James Baker, illegally leaked to reporters.

The U.S. attorney from Connecticut appears to have begun that work more than seven months ago, to judge from an underreported transcript of an October congressional interview with Baker.  Could it be that Acting U.S. AG, Matthew Whitaker, who succeeded Jeff Sessions and held the post from early November 2018 to February 14, 2019, tapped John Durham?

Mr. Durham has a long history of serving as a special prosecutor investigating potential wrongdoing among law enforcement and national security officials. He was appointed to the federal bench in 2017 by President Trump. Attorney Durham has even investigated the use or misuse of FBI informants.

In fact, one of his best-known investigations was of the FBI’s handling of the mass murderer and Boston mobster Whitey Bulger.   It was Robert Mueller, Mr. Integrity, who kept four innocent people in prison for decades in order to keep Whitey Bulger from being exposed as an FBI informant. Four people who were innocent were kept in jail for years in order to protect the status of murdering Whitey Bulger as an FBI informant.

In 1999, AG Janet Reno appointed Durham to investigate if FBI informants Bulger and his buddy, Stephen Flemmi had corrupted their FBI handlers.  In December 2000, Durham revealed secret FBI documents that convinced a judge to vacate the 1968 murder convictions of the four other FBI informants because they’d been framed by Robert Mueller’s FBI.  Two of those four men died in prison.  Mueller kept four innocent people in jail for years to protect the informant status of Whitey Bulger, a mass-murdering Boston mobster who ended up dying in California, and it ended up costing American taxpayers $100 million plus in civil judgments.  For the full story, purchase John Milkovich’s book, Robert Mueller: Errand Boy for the New World Order.

Former federal prosecutor, Nora Dannehy agreed to join Durham two months ago.  Dannehy prosecuted complex political corruption, including cases resulting in the convictions of former Connecticut Gov. John G. Rowland and former state Treasurer Paul Silvester. In 2008, she was assigned to Washington to investigate whether prosecutors in the President George W. Bush justice department had been fired for political reasons.

William Barr has enlisted the help of the CIA to investigate whether the FBI’s surveillance of the Trump campaign was motivated by partisan bias.

CIA director Gina Haspel, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, and FBI director Chris Wray are all participating in the investigation, which Barr first announced publicly during a congressional hearing last month.

Is this a danger sign or an indication that someone highly knowledgeable is on the case?  Christopher Wray is part of the Deep State; he’s covered for many of the corrupt in the FBI and made derogatory remarks regarding our President.  He should never be involved.  As for Gina Haspell, we don’t know where she stands.

John Huber

For eighteen months we’ve not heard a peep out of John Huber, he’s MIA and as a U.S. attorney who oversees federal prosecutions in the District of Utah, we should have heard something.  Even Jim Jordan has commented that Huber is like “Where’s Waldo?”  Where’s Huber?

There has been nary a public peep from U.S. Attorney John Huber, the man Jeff Sessions assigned to get to the bottom of things.  Likely witnesses say Mr. Huber has never contacted them, and members of Congress say they are still in the dark despite regular pleas to see progress.

Victoria Toensing, a former Justice Department prosecutor and now a private lawyer, with her husband, Joe diGenova, said of the Huber investigation, “It is a head fake, a farce.  It was an attempt by Sessions to get Republicans off his back. I’m embarrassed for them because they fell for it, and I hope something happens now.”  Link

Allegedly Huber is working collaboratively in the internal investigation with Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz, but we have no idea when that report will be made public.


Barr told a Senate Appropriations subcommittee hearing, “I am going to be reviewing both the genesis and the conduct of intelligence activities directed at the Trump campaign during 2016. I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal, I think spying did occur, yes.”  The mainstream media hates that he used the word “spying,” but Barr has openly said it’s a perfect word to use.

And now, Barack Obama’s corrupt officials, including former Attorney General Eric Holder are all lashing out at AG Bill Barr because he has launched a massive investigation into the origins of Spygate.

They’re even harping at each other because of their fear of what John Durham’s investigation might lead to… perhaps grand jury indictments for many of them.

We can only hope!


Trump Empowers Barr to Declassify Russia-Probe Secrets, RealClearPolitics

Barr’s Investigation Could Prompt Clash Between DoJ, CIA, New York Times

Female Russian-Brit Academic Sues FBI Source for Honeypot Slur, Daily Caller

UK Spies Briefed Before Trump on Dossier, Telegraph

Emails Show State Department, DoJ, Steele Connections, Powerline

Special Counsel Team Reluctant to Have Mueller Testify Publicly, CNN

Carter Page FISA Application Approved in ‘Unusual’ Way, Examiner

William Barr: More Nationwide Injunctions in Trump Era Than in Entire 20th Century

The Leaky Vessel of Trump-Russia Collusion Is Sinking

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A Forgotten Voice in the Alabama Abortion Debate

The goal of the new, strict Alabama abortion law is to potentially overturn Roe v. Wade. The law would penalize abortion doctors, and it contains no exception clauses, except for the life and health of the mother.

In all of the brouhaha about the new Alabama law, there is a long-stilled voice that has been forgotten. That of the repentant Roe of Roe v. Wade.

Of course, Norma McCorvey was the Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade. After converting to Christ and the pro-life position (about 15 years after the Supreme Court decision), she proclaimed to the world that the whole case had been based on a lie (a few lies, really). Chief among the lies was that she was raped (gang-raped at that), and that was why she needed an abortion.

By the time, Roe v. Wade was decided on January 22, 1973, Norma had already had her baby (a girl), whom she gave up for adoption. Justice William Rehnquist, one of two dissenters in the decision, voted against it because it was a moot point. Roe’s baby had already been born.

The opinion of Roe of Roe v. Wade is significant for the abortion debate, including the Alabama law, because abortion was accepted on a wide scale throughout the country, only by judicial fiat. It was not something “we the people” voted on.

Look at how divided the country continues to be on the subject of abortion. Well, why not? We the people did not decide that case on that fateful Monday. Dissenting Justice Byron White, the only Justice appointed by JFK, said that Roe was an “act of raw judicial power.”

Those who live by court decisions should die by court decisions. And Roe herself, after her pro-life and Christian conversion, tried to legally overturn Roe v. Wade since it was all based on lies. Therefore, if the new Alabama law helps overturn Roe, so be it.

Yet one person called the Alabama law “a major step towards the death of democracy.” Oh brother. The Constitution shows that the courts, including the Supreme Court, were never designed to legislate or execute our laws.

There obviously was a time when Roe favored abortion. She was in opposition to Henry Wade—the pro-life attorney general of Texas, where Norma was living at the time of the lawsuit that worked its way up to the high Court.

In an interview with D. James Kennedy Ministries television, she said, “My story began many, many years ago in 1969 when I found myself pregnant, on the streets. I was into drugs, and I really didn’t have any other alternatives in line. I did not believe in God, and I’d fallen away from the church at a very early age.”

Jumping ahead, change came about because of new neighbors moving in. Unwelcome neighbors at first. What transformed her in particular was meeting a little girl who truly loved God.

Norma continued, “In retrospect, when I look back on those days, and I see what a sad person I was, I have to really kind of smile and think about little Emily: a little seven year old girl who came up to me at my office one day and told me that if I knew God that I wouldn’t be going to the place downstairs. She befriended me when Operation Rescue moved in next door to the abortion clinic where I worked. And at first I didn’t like them there because they reminded me of what we were doing. I worked in an abortion clinic. We killed children for a living.”

She added, “I was a child-killer. I was an executioner.…There’s a fellow in the Bible; his name was Baal. He was into child sacrificing, and that’s basically what you’re doing out there today—you are sacrificing your child for a career, or high school or college.”

Norma found forgiveness through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, who died for sinners, paying the penalty for our sins, for those who believe: “And I think once you’re forgiven by God, you should forgive yourself. But then you really should not put yourself in that kind of situation either.”

Norma warns against what happens in an abortion: “You are totally different after you’ve had an abortion. Abortion kind of sucks your soul dry; it makes you a very angry person inside, from what I’ve seen.”

This is why for the last several years of her life until her death in 2017, Norma McCorvey fought against abortion on demand. She would have welcomed Alabama’s new law as a way to try to undo the damage of Roe.

She said: “We want the child-killing to stop….There are other alternatives, other than abortion; there’s adoption….We don’t want to see Roe v. Wade to be the law of the land anymore. We want our children back.”

RELATED ARTICLE: Alabama and Georgia Abortion Laws on Right Track

Group of Somali Males with Hammers Attack People in Minneapolis


Mob with Hammers Descends on Minneapolis East Bank LRT Patrons

A mob of eight to 10 males wielding hammers descended upon bystanders at the East Bank Light Rail station on Friday night injuring several, according to recorded police dispatch audio.

The incident was apparently reported to 911 just before 10 p.m. on Friday according to the audio and other social media police scanner reports. A 9:48 p.m. Facebook post on 2nd Precinct Minneapolis Crime Watch page said that University of Minnesota (U of M) police were requesting assistance from Minneapolis police (MPD) and Metro Transit police for “a group of 8-10 males chasing people with hammers” and that some people were injured. A Facebook post a minute later on Minneapolis Scanner page said that the three police departments were responding to “multiple [911] calls” about “10-12 Somali teen males armed with hammers chasing people,” also with “several injuries reported.” Both Facebook pages regularly post summaries of police scanner audio.



Muslim kills fellow Muslim at Mosque in Tampa, FL

Al Jazeera Gets Twitter To Silence Critics Of Its Video Implying Jews Benefited From Holocaust

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column is republished with permission.

Muslim kills fellow Muslim at Mosque in Tampa, FL

in a Jihad Watch column titled “Shooting at mosque parking lot in Florida leaves one dead” writes:

“The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a deadly shooting early Monday morning at the Islamic Society of Tampa Bay….Authorities say the public is not in danger. They believe the two men knew one other and were both attending prayer services at the mosque.”

Police “believe the two men knew one other and were both attending prayer services at the mosque,” and assured that the public is not in danger.

Beyond this particular incident however is another danger and a worrying trend regularly seen within Islam: violence against fellow Muslims. In an article “Muslim Killing Muslims by the Droves”,  about 12 million Muslims have been killed by their coreligionists since 1948. Violence is sanctioned in Islamic texts while condemned in Western democracies. The West should be a peaceful haven for everyone.

Although this case may  possibly have absolutely nothing to do with a religious squabble, it is concerning that the West continues to import the broader ills of the Islamic world. At the height of the refugee crisis in 2016,  a refugee center in Germany was burned down following a dispute among residents over Ramadan meals.

“Shooting in Islamic Society of Tampa Bay parking lot during Ramadan event leaves one man dead”, by Sean O’Reilly, ABC Action News, May 20, 2019:

TAMPA, Fla. — The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a deadly shooting early Monday morning at the Islamic Society of Tampa Bay.

Deputies say just before midnight, two men got into an argument in the parking lot outside the mosque during a Ramadan event attended by several hundred people.

At some point during the argument, one of the men fired at the other.

An off-duty deputy, who had just finished working security detail at the event, heard the gun shots and rushed to the parking lot.

The Sheriff’s Office reports the deputy found one man holding a gun and another man who had been shot at least two times. The deputy detained the suspect shooter until additional units arrived on scene.

Paramedics rushed the victim to Tampa General Hospital where doctors pronounced him dead.

Authorities say the public is not in danger. They believe the two men knew one other and were both attending prayer services at the mosque.….

RELATED ARTICLE: Al Jazeera Gets Twitter To Silence Critics Of Its Video Implying Jews Benefited From Holocaust

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission.

Alaskan Teen Amassing Weapons to ‘Beat Hitler’s Count’

An 18-year old from Alaska amassing weapons and silencers was arrested after declaring on social media “Let’s beat Hitler’s count” and referring to “shooting up” a synagogue, The Daily Beast reported.

In addition, the man, named as Michael Lee Graves, posted an image of a person with a massive head injury with the caption, “The perfect treatment for Muslims. Fixes them up good and new.”

Prosecutors in the case say the man showed all signs of a mass shooter preparing for a massacre.

The FBI had been following Graves since late April when they received a tip about his social media postings. The same day that tip came in, they were notified by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives about a package sent to Graves that contained an illegal device intended to convert a “semi-automatic Glock-type pistol into a machine gun.”

The package was intercepted by U.S. Customs and Border Protection addressed to Graves.

A further search of his apartment revealed he had collected 11 firearms as well as two homemade silencers. On one of the silencers was an image of a swastika along with the number 1488, a code known to be used by neo-Nazis as a sign of Hitler and Nazi ideology.

Crimes such as these, which are ever increasing in the U.S., fall under the FBI’s definition of domestic terrorism, which is categorized as:

[Crimes] perpetrated by individuals and/or groups inspired by or associated with primarily US-based movements that espouse extremist ideologies of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature. [emphasis added]

Statistics about the quantity of those that ascribe to such extremist ideologies may be debatable, but the potential actions of these individuals are of the utmost concern because of their proven deadly outcomes.

President Trump said after the New Zealand mosque massacres, “I think it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems.”

Possibly true, possibly not. More resources need to be put into the Department of Homeland Security along with the FBI to find out.

In the meantime, it’s time to call out white supremacist violence for what it is: terrorism, and treat it as such.


Rebranding the White Supremacy Movement in the US

Military, Police and the Extremists Among Them

CAIR: Hard on White Supremacists, Soft on Islamist Supremacists

Law Center Asks Supreme Court To Decide How Far Schools Can Promote Islam And Disparage Christianity

ANN ARBOR, MI – As a Christian and 11th-grader at La Plata High School in Maryland, Caleigh Wood was taught that “Most Muslims’ faith is stronger than the average Christian.”  She was also required to profess in writing, the Islamic conversion creed, “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.”  Ms. Wood believed that it is a sin to profess by word or in writing, that there is any other god except the Christian God.  She stood firm in her Christian beliefs and was punished for it. The school refused her request to opt-out or give her an alternative assignment.  She refused to complete her anti-Christian assignment and consequently received a failing grade.

As a result, in January 2016, the Thomas More Law Center (TMLC), a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of Ms. Wood claiming the school had violated the First Amendment Establishment Clause and her right not to be forced to profess faith in another religion.  Both the Federal District Court and the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of the High School’s Islamic curriculum.

In response, on Monday of this week, (May 13), TMLC filed a Petition for Writ of Certiorari asking the Supreme Court to decide whether any legal basis exists to allow public schools to discriminate against Christianity while at the same time promote Islam.

   Richard Thompson, TMLC’s President and Chief Counsel, observed: “Under the guise of teaching history or social studies, public schools across America are promoting the religion of Islam in ways that would never be tolerated for Christianity or any other religion. I’m not aware of any school which has forced a Muslim student to write the Lord’s Prayer or John 3:16: ‘For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

On the other hand, schools have become willing instruments of Islamic indoctrination, and in Caleigh Wood’s case, the weapon of choice was the PowerPoint presentation. Caleigh and her 11th grade classmates were taught:

  • “Most Muslim’s faith is stronger than the average Christian.”
  • “Islam at heart is a peaceful religion.”
  • Jihad is a “personal struggle in devotion to Islam, especially involving spiritual discipline.”
  • “To Muslims, Allah is the same God that is worshiped in Christianity and Judaism.”
  • “Men are the managers of the affairs of women” and “Righteous women are therefore obedient.”

Those statements came directly from the PowerPoint presentation to Caleigh’s class. The underlining was in the PowerPoint.

Thompson continued: “Many public schools have become a hot bed of Islamic propaganda. Teaching Islam in schools has gone far beyond a basic history lesson. Prompted by zealous Islamic activism and emboldened by confusing court decisions, schools are now bending over backwards to promote Islam while at the same time denigrate Christianity. We are asking the Supreme Court to provide the necessary legal guidance to resolve the insidious discrimination against Christians in our public schools.”

Read TMLC’s Petition for Certiorari here.

Thank you for your continued support of the Thomas More Law Center.

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VIDEO: The Vortex — The Hive Wins. Until they all stand before God.


So all the data is in, the reports all written, the arguments all made and the final document issued and proclaimed. Disgraced Cdl. Donald Wuerl — the lying, cheating former archbishop of Washington, D.C. — has won.

Last summer, as he sat for an interview with the lying, plagiarizing, homosexualist priest Fr. Thomas Rosica at the Knights of Columbus annual soiree/gala, he first downplayed the bombshell news of Theodore McCarrick’s evil.

Then, in full lack of shamefacedness, he had the gall to propose that the solution to the evil that was becoming public lies with the bishops.

It was clear from that statement and interview that the old guard of homosexual men and their lies who seized control of the Church back in the 1970s would win the day.

Last Thursday, Pope Francis handed them the laurel wreath of victory and published a document that indeed says the bishops will investigate themselves. You can just hear the champagne corks popping in bishops’ residences all over the country right now.

Rock on, back to normal — hey Bob, get back on Grindr and let the boys know party at the mansion tonight. But this cannot be too much of a surprise. The Pope had already indicated in the run-up to the dog and pony show sex summit in February that the laity would be kept far away from this crisis.

Nope, the bishops will fix everything, he said, seemingly forgetting — or ignoring — that it was the bishops who created the crisis — and more than one crisis at that.

By way of quick review, when the McCarrick news broke last June, the narrative and the practice of homosexuality and abuse cover-up by the bishops began to break down somewhat.

Then in August, Abp. Viganò released the first of a series of nuclear bombs, confirming what many, many already knew, that the highest reaches of the hierarchy were dominated by active homosexual men — and he named names.

These men, he charged, had created, and in some cases contributed to, the environment by which a man like McCarrick could advance. And he accused Pope Francis directly of being part of the problem, a problem he termed as a “homosexual current” in the Church.

A current that has allowed the establishment of homosexuality among the clergy as the norm is no longer a subculture, but actually the dominant culture.

And this was true at every level of the Church — seminaries, chanceries, everywhere. Faced with the one-two punch of McCarrick then Viganò, the U.S. bishops began fumbling about trying to come up with a response.

The suggestions were all over the map as no real consensus emerged. In the meantime, men like Wuerl were denying it was any kind of crisis.

Likewise, Chicago’s Cdl. Cupich was trying to force the media’s attention away from the story by giving on-camera interviews saying one assinine thing after another — notably, that we were not going to go down this “rabbit hole” because we had to talk about the environment instead, and of course, labeling concerned Catholics enemies of the Pope because they hated “Latinos,” which of course, Francis is not. He’s three-quarters Italian.

But after his initial stumbles coming out of the gate, Cupich and Wuerl took full control and brought their brother bishops to heel.

In the fall, Cdl. Daniel DiNardo, president of the U.S. bishops, went to Rome and met with the Pope with a few ideas to address the situation, namely that the laity play a pivotal role in investigations.

Francis politely told DiNardo and his small entourage to drop dead and showed them the door — no laity involvement, period.

Then in November, at the bishop’s annual meeting, about 15 seconds into the proceedings, as the bishops had nestled into to discuss possible solutions, a letter came from the Pope saying, “Forget everything you are talking about. Stop. Shut up. I’ll decide how to handle all this at a sex summit I’m calling for February.”

You could hear the shock in the silence in the room. First, DiNardo, their president, was shot down. And now the entire body had been told to drop it.

So much for synods and “decentralization” of the Church, huh?

As an aside, the Feds need to pay attention to this little fact, this is an organized, centralized syndicate that takes its orders from a central command.

At that November bishops’ meeting in Baltimore, as the gasps subsided, none other than Pope Francis waterboy Blase Cupich jumped up and seized the microphone.

Completely usurping parliamentary rules, and not to mention the authority of Cdl. DiNardo, he ordered — not too strong a word — he ordered the bishops that all this discussion was over and Rome would settle it.

He followed his orders from the homohive in the Vatican and got the can kicked down the road to the dog and pony show of last February, which resulted in this document we now have.

So what’s the upshot of the document? Simple, nothing of substance has changed. When bishops are abusing their authority, covering up sexual assaults of seminarians, for example, that matter will be investigated by the metropolitan bishop of the cover-up bishop.

How would this have played out in the past?

Well, McCarrick was the metropolitan in his area. Heck, if some sexually abusive or cover-up bishop has been reported to him, he wouldn’t have investigated him. He would have hopped in bed with him and then promoted him.

Joseph Bernardin was the metropolitan of Chicago. Anyone think that kingpin of the homosexual hive would have done anything about an accused bishop, besides set up a date with him?

This is disgusting, a complete betrayal of the faithful. This motu proprio isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on.

All over the Church, the gay bishops and their boyfriends, the homoclerics, the pastors with their live-in boyfriends in the rectories, the religious houses swarming with homosexual men, everywhere, they are partying it up tonight.

So a few thoughts have come up over the nearly past year since all of this became public.

  1. Pope Francis needs to resign.
  2. The Feds need to launch a full and complete nationwide RICO probe.
  3. For the past six or seven years, Church Militant was, sadly, right all along.
  4. Wuerl and Cupich are McCarrick clones, and their continued presence means the homohive is still in full control.
  5. The choice of whoever got D.C. — which we now know is Wilton Gregory — would reveal if there was any real reform even being considered.
  6. The February sex summit was nothing else than a giant PR scam controlled by the homohive, and the international media pretty much fell for it.
  7. The laity need to wake up, rise up and organize a massive grassroots resistance against the modernists and homosexual hive in the hierarchy.

Given how its all played out, anyone want to disagree with any of these statements?

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant video is republished with permission.

U.S. Congress Surrenders to Jihad

The U.S. Congress has taken two actions this week which indicates that they have become Muslim Brotherhood (MB) occupied territory.  Not that the MB and/or its offshoots like ISIS and al-Qaeda are sitting in the Congressional chambers aiming their AK-47’s at the honorable members.  No, that is not really needed—not when the members themselves or so willing to do the jihad’s bidding on their own accord.

The first piece of idiocy was the discussion about bringing Libyan General Khalifa Haftar to the States to try him as a war criminal.

Their alleged justification for exercising U.S. jurisdiction on a General on the other side of the planet is based on the belief that Haftar might somehow hold U.S. citizenship.

Why do they think General Haftar is a war criminal?  Because the Muslim Brotherhood/Qatar told them so (via al-Jazeera and the Washington Post, which takes dictation from al-Jazeera on Middle East issues).

What is happening is that while General Haftar’s forces are bombing and shelling legitimate military targets, civilians are being killed.  Did we not kill a few civilians during WWII?  War is dirty.  But it is even dirtier now in the Middle East.  Here is why:

Ever notice why the Israelis are accused of war crimes every time they try to defend themselves against Hamas attacks?  This is because Hamas stashes all of their weapons in schools, hospitals, etc., and fire their missiles from heavily populated areas.  They’ve even been known to round up children and force them to gather around obvious targets, such as missile launching mechanisms.  Then, when the Israelis strike the offending legitimate military target, the brave Hamas “fighters” film it on their cellphones as the children are being blown apart.  They then upload these images to the internet.  Al-jazeera blast it all over the world, then CNN, Washington Post, New York Times and the usual suspects here in the states dutifully do the rest.

The Houthis have been doing the same thing in Yemen causing world public opinion to come down on the Saudis for “war crimes.”


The city in Libya that general Haftar is attacking is controlled by radical Islamist militias composed of al-Qaeda, ISIS, and Ansar ash-Shari’a personnel.  Does anyone seriously think that they aren’t doing the same thing that the Houthis and Hamas do in terms of making sure that there are plenty of civilian casualties for al-Jazeera to show the world?

General Haftar brought his troops up to Tripoli from eastern Libya precisely because of the terrorist militias that control the place.  We should be rooting him on and even offering him help—even though our spineless European friends kid themselves into believing that the figure-head Sirraaj “government” in Tripoli is actually worth preserving.

The July 2018 issue of the “close to MI6” British magazine, Eye Spy, has also noted that “Analyst warn that he (Sirraaj) remains largely a figurehead with little control over militias” (page 13).

The same issue of the same magazine wrote that even though former dictator Qadhafi halted his nuclear program in 2003 (when he saw what the U.S. did to his buddy Saddam Hussein), he failed to eliminate his weapons grade yellow cake.

As for Libya, the general consensus of the intelligence community is that a great many nuclear materials have not been fully recovered in Libya” (Eye Spy, p. 13).

To sum up, General Hafter is not only trying to liberate the citizens of Tripoli from the criminal grips of the terrorist gangs, he is also trying to prevent any of these militia groups from getting their hands on Qadhafi’s left over nuclear materials.

So, by our beloved and erudite members of Congress talking about shutting Haftar down over “war crimes,” they are essentially voting to let al-Qaeda and the like have at those nuclear materials, as well as the Uranium mines that the Iranians were trying to get their fingers into as early as 2015 (Eye Spy, p. 12).


The other bit of Shari’a compliance our honorable never-take-any-payments-from-Qatar members of Congress exhibited this week was when they invited Jamal Khashoqji’s fiancé to come and testify before the Democrat-dominated House Foreign Affairs committee.

I have reported before that the Democrats were going to try every trick in the book to use Trump’s cordial relations with Saudi Arabia and his lack of over-bearing enthusiasm for terrorism sponsor Qatar as a possible tool with which to pummel Trump, if not to bring him down, now that their long-hoped for Mueller report has fizzled out.  This most recent stunt has to be seen in that light.

Khashoqji, a high school best buddies with Usama bin Laden, was ten times more dangerous.  The two believed in the same goals, Shari’a for all, and exterminate the Jews.  They just followed different paths with Khashoqji’s path being far more subtle, hence the greater danger.

The fact that he was working for Qatari intelligence as well as Turkish intelligence and the terrorist organization the Muslim Brotherhood should have been enough to warrant him the same consideration  we gave to his buddy Usama bin Laden.

The Saudis, who felt threatened by Khashoqji’s ambitions for regime change, certainly thought so.  So they took him out.  We took out Usama bin Laden.  At least the Saudis did it on what amounted to Saudi national territory (Embassies and Consulates are considered to be the actual soil of the country running the embassy or consulate).

The only people making a big deal out of the Khashoqji affair are the #1 and #3 top state sponsors of terrorism, Turkey and Qatar, terrorist group MB, al-Jazeera, and their puppets in the West (MSM).

The Congress persons wasting Congressional time and taxpayers funds for this circus should be exposed and censored.

Trump Administration, Other Pro-Gun Heavyweights Lend Support on Pending Supreme Court Case

As NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox reported in March, the U.S. Supreme Court has taken up a challenge by an NRA state affiliate to a New York City gun control scheme that effectively prohibits lawfully licensed handgun owners from leaving the city with their own firearms. The plaintiffs in the case have raised a number of objections to the regime, the foremost of which is that it violates the Second Amendment. The case is New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. New York City.

Given the uniquely oppressive and bizarre nature of the challenged restrictions, many observers believe the real question in the case isn’t whether New York City will lose but on what grounds and how badly. The City itself, in fact, recently made a desperate attempt to avoid a ruling on its laws by claiming to the court that it was in the process of revising the regulations to address the issues raised in the case. The court rejected that gambit, and proceedings in the case have continued, with a number of stakeholders filing friend of the court (amicus curiae) briefs this week to help inform the justices’ deliberations.

Chief among them was none other than the Trump administration, with the Department of Justice (DOJ) filing a brief in support of the plaintiffs. The DOJ offered two possible bases for finding New York City’s regulations unconstitutional, including that the “transport ban infringes the right to keep and bear arms guaranteed by the Second and Fourteenth Amendments.”

The government’s brief offers the most detailed account to date of how the Trump administration views the Second Amendment. Critically, it makes clear that the Second Amendment does not end at the property line of one’s own home.

“The Second Amendment guarantees both the right to ‘keep’ and the right to ‘bear’ firearms,” the brief states. “Read naturally, the right to ‘bear’ firearms includes the right to transport firearms outside the home; otherwise, the right to ‘bear’ would add nothing to the right to ‘keep.’”

The administration also seeks to establish a method for resolving future cases that is faithful to the Supreme Court’s opinion in District of Columbia v. Heller, which has been largely ignored by lower courts. The Second Circuit Court of Appeals decision being challenged in the New York City case, like many other lower court Second Amendment decisions before it, used a judicial balancing test that Heller specifically rejected to uphold the disputed gun control measures.

The government’s brief, on the other hand, urges the court to “look first to the text of the Second Amendment, the history of the right to keep and bear arms before ratification, and the tradition of gun regulation after ratification” to judge the validity of a gun control law.

Applying this test to New York City’s travel ban, it states:

Few laws in the history of our Nation, or even in contemporary times, have come close to such a sweeping prohibition on the transportation of arms. And on some of the rare occasions in the 19th and 20th centuries when state and local governments have adopted such prohibitions, state courts have struck them down. That is enough to establish that the transport ban is unconstitutional.

Also filing in support of the plaintiffs was a coalition of pro-gun states led by Louisiana and including Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgie, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and West Virginia. Like the DOJ’s brief, the states’ brief urges the Supreme Court to use text, history, and tradition to find that New York City’s travel ban violates the Second and Fourteenth Amendment.

Alternatively, the states’ brief argues, if the court should adopt the Second Circuit’s approach to applying a tiered level of scrutiny, it should subject the law to a rigorously applied heighted scrutiny. “New York City could not possibly meet such scrutiny here,” the brief concludes.

One hundred and twenty pro-gun members of Congress, led by Bradley Byrne (R-Ala.), urged the court to rule in favor of the plaintiffs as well. Emphasizing that “[t]he Second Amendment enshrines the fundamental right of citizens to protect themselves from violence and tyranny,” the congressional brief joined the chorus criticizing the dismissive treatment the Second Amendment has received in the lower courts.

“This case,” according to that brief, “is a quintessential example of how courts of appeals have treated the right to keep and bear arms as a second-class right by not reviewing regulations infringing on the right with any meaningful scrutiny.” It then argues that whether the court applies text, history, or tradition or a suitably stringent level of scrutiny, the challenged New York City regime must fail.

The NRA weighed in on the case with an amicus brief of our own. That brief amplifies the arguments of the government, the states, and the pro-gun members of Congress. It points out that “[i[n the decade since [Heller] was handed down, most lower federal courts have openly flouted [the Supreme Court’s] instructions” on how to resolve Second Amendment cases.

It goes on to state that “because Respondents’ transport ban restricts both the right to keep and to bear arms, and because it is unsupported by any even remotely analogous restriction historically accepted by the People as consistent with the Second Amendment, this Court should strike it down categorically, like in Heller, without resorting to the interest-balancing ‘tiers of scrutiny.’”

Tellingly, even certain well-known gun control groups – including the Giffords Law Center and the Brady Campaign – filed briefs that made no attempt to argue that New York City’s travel ban survives Second Amendment scrutiny. Rather, their briefs merely urge the court to rule narrowly in the case and in a way that preserves ample leeway for states and localities to continue to regulate firearms.

This case illustrates what the legacy media and other anti-gun interests are hoping gun owners ignore: that the election of President Trump, his appointments to the U.S. Supreme Court, and the work of the National Rifle Association all continue to play a vital role in preserving the right to keep and bear arms.


NRA Applauds Attorneys General and Governors Amicus Brief in Supreme Court Challenge

Out of Style: Levi’s Fawns Over Shannon Watts in Pantmaker’s Latest Gun Control Effort

Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Only What We Want Ye to Hear

Retired Justice Stevens Continues Crusade Against Guns

Gov. Abbott Signs NRA-Backed Tenants’ Rights Bill

NRA Supports Guns Save Life’s Challenge to Illinois’s FOID Act

EDITORS NOTE: This NRA-ILA column is republished with permission.

Texas: Illegal Alien from Kenya Charged in Murder of at Least a Dozen Elderly Women


Imagine settling your mother into a senior living facility and learning that she was murdered for her jewelry by an African man who was living here illegally.

Some families are now suing the facilities!  But, first the news about what is happening in a case that could become one of the largest serial murder cases in Texas history.

By the way, at least the AP story mentions in its headline Billy Chemirmir’s immigration status while other news accounts call him a “Texas resident.”

From the Associated Press (there are actually 12 indictments),

Man in country illegally charged with 11 murders in Texas

DALLAS (AP) — A Dallas man previously arrested in the death of an 81-year-old woman has been charged with killing at least 11 more elderly women whose jewelry and other valuables he stole, authorities said Thursday.

Kim Leach, a spokeswoman for the Dallas County district attorney’s office, said 46-year-old Billy Chemirmir was indicted Tuesday on six more counts of capital murder in the deaths of women ranging in age from 76 to 94.

Chemirmir, a Kenyan citizen who was living in the U.S. illegally, also is charged in nearby Collin County with two counts of attempted capital murder for similar attacks there, according to county court records.

A Collin County grand jury also returned five capital murder indictments against Chemirmir on Tuesday.

Chemirmir has been in custody since March 2018 in the death of the 81-year-old Dallas woman, Lu Thi Harris. Police in Plano were investigating Chemirmir in connection with suspicious death and suspicious person calls at a senior apartment complex in that Dallas suburb and found evidence linking him to Harris’ death in Dallas, authorities said. Plano is in Collin County.

Because one ninety-year-old survived, the case unraveled! At least a couple of the murders happened at The Tradition where allegedly Chemirmir posed as a maintenance man.

The break in the case came when Chemirmir forced his way into the Plano apartment of a 91-year-old woman that March, telling her to “go to bed. Don’t fight me,” according to an arrest affidavit filed in Collin County. The woman was smothered with a pillow into unconsciousness and robbed. However, paramedics revived her and she told investigators that her attacker had stolen a box containing her jewelry. Police identified Chemirmir from a license plate number and were able to find and tail him days later, when they watched him throw a jewelry box into a trash bin. They traced the box to Harris, according to the affidavit.


Police said then that investigators were reviewing about 750 unattended deaths of elderly women for possible links.


In addition to the murder charges, Chemirmir is being held on a charge of being in the country illegally.

More here.

Several news accounts say that there is no information available about how Chemirmir happened to be in the US in the first place. Did he overstay a visa? Come across our border illegally? Win the diversity visa lottery? What?

Here is a story at the Dallas Morning News about families suing the senior living facilities that they allege did not protect their mothers.

This must be Kenya criminals week at Frauds and Crooks, see my post yesterday about the Kenyan Medicaid scammer, a woman who should not have been living among us either.


Radio Silence from Mainstream Media on Kenyan Mass Murderer in Texas

VIDEO: President Trump’s Merit Based Immigration The Right Plan for America

Trump Rolls Out Merit-Based Plan to Transform Immigration System

Pompeo: ‘America First’ Foreign Policy Is What the Founders Envisioned

Trump Takes a Promising First Step to Resolving Our Balkanization Crisis

Pelosi Losing It over Immigration Plan, Thinks Merit Is Somehow ‘Condescending’

Catholic voters welcome Trump administration’s proposal to modernize our immigration system

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission.

VIDEO: Dallas Diocese Raided by State Investigators

DALLAS ( – The Dallas diocese — long wracked by clerical sex abuse scandals — was raided by Dallas police officers wielding a 42-page search warrant at 7:30 a.m. Wednesday.

Police investigators conducted searches of three facilities, including a warehouse, St. Cecilia’s parish and the diocese’s headquarters. The warrant became necessary, said Dallas Special Investigations Division Major Max Geron, because of perceptions the diocese was withholding information critical to their outside investigation.

The police investigation was prompted by an affidavit from last August in which credible accusations of sexual abuse were leveled against Fr. Edmundo Paredes, the pastor at St. Cecilia Catholic Church in the Dallas diocese city of Oak Cliff.

According to the affidavit, Paredes allegedly molested at least three boys in the 1990s. Paredes is also accused of stealing from the parish. Paredes’ location has been unknown since last August, but some sources say he may have returned to his native home in the Philippines.

Thirty-one men appeared on a list of priests credibly accused of sexual molestation in the diocese since 1950 that was publicly issued by the diocese last January. However, Dallas police said they weren’t allowed to coordinate their efforts with the investigation team hired by the diocese, leading Dallas detectives to conclude that the diocese wasn’t fully cooperative.

Detectives are also seeking information related to five other priests suspected of sexually abusing minors, said Geron in a Wednesday afternoon press conference.

As reported by The Dallas Morning News:

The affidavit says Parades “groomed him by taking him and other altar servers out to eat between masses and bought them things.” But in 1994, when the victim was a juvenile, the sexual assaults begin: The victim told police “Parades touched him on his genitals and Parades placed his mouth on [his] genitals.”

Police interviewed several parishioners, officer staff members and priests, all of whom corroborated that Paredes brought “several juveniles” into the rectory during evenings and weekends. The affidavit says, too, that “some office staff members met with now-retired Chancellor Edlund, in 2006, regarding their concerns over Parades having juveniles inside the church offices and inside his residence.”

Church Militant will offer updates as news continues to break on this story.

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant column with videos is republished with permission.

Trump Seeks to Unify GOP Around Immigration Goals

President Donald Trump hopes to unite Republicans behind new immigration goals that focus on border security and a merit-based system that keeps legal immigration at current levels.

The president is set to deliver a Rose Garden address on the plan at 2:30 p.m. Thursday.

Trump wants more people coming to the country to fill new jobs in the expanding economy, and is concerned that Democrat lawmakers routinely stick together, especially in the Senate.

Senior administration officials contend Trump’s plan will make legal immigration more fair and is in the national interest. They contend that it will bring in, and keep, the best and the brightest legal immigrants.

The number brought in because of family already here—so-called chain migration—is expected to decline under the plan.

Senior administration officials noted Wednesday that Democrats already have come to the table with their non-negotiables, while Republicans still have several points of disagreement.

The president aims to find points that almost all Republican lawmakers can agree on.

The officials estimated that the merit-based changes would shift the immigration population from 13% employment-based to almost 60% employment-based.

Three categories would focus on “extraordinary talent” visas and vocation visas, and on keeping “extraordinary students” from abroad after they graduate from U.S. colleges.

The visas would be issued on a point-based system, more in line with Canada, Japan, New Zealand, and other countries, officials said.

While moving immigration policy toward a meritocracy, the plan still would prioritize spouses and children to achieve family reunification. But, senior administration officials said, the plan would not give an immigrant an unfair advantage to enter the United States simply because he or she has a relative already here.

Because the immigration-neutral, merit-based plan is aimed at uniting the president’s party, it doesn’t include language about the Obama administration’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or about a guest worker program.

Republicans have been divided on both issues.

The White House hopes to push Democrat opponents of the plan either to negotiate or argue for the status quo.

The border security portion of the plan includes a border wall and closing loopholes to end the policy known as catch and release.

Trump is frustrated with the current system, which releases hundreds of thousands of illegal border crossers pending a hearing because of a shortage of federal immigration judges.


Fred Lucas

Fred Lucas is the White House correspondent for The Daily Signal and co-host of “The Right Side of History” podcast. Send an email to Fred. Twitter: @FredLucasWH.


Lindsey Graham Proposes to Tighten Asylum, Immigration Procedures to Relieve Border

Ex-ICE Chief on 3 Things Trump Can Do Now to Secure the Border

Dear Readers:

With the recent conservative victories related to tax cuts, the Supreme Court, and other major issues, it is easy to become complacent.

However, the liberal Left is not backing down. They are rallying supporters to advance their agenda, moving this nation further from the vision of our founding fathers.

If we are to continue to bring this nation back to our founding principles of limited government and fiscal conservatism, we need to come together as a group of likeminded conservatives.

This is the mission of The Heritage Foundation. We want to continue to develop and present conservative solutions to the nation’s toughest problems. And we cannot do this alone.

We are looking for a select few conservatives to become a Heritage Foundation member. With your membership, you’ll qualify for all associated benefits and you’ll help keep our nation great for future generations.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission.

PODCAST: Should Incarcerated Prisoners & Terrorists Vote?

The short answer is simple, No. Let us not forget that in the beginning of our Republic, only land owners could vote in elections. The premise here was that only RESPONSIBLE people should vote as they would do what was best for the country overall. This was expanded over the years to all citizens, including former slaves, women, and younger people (when the voting age was lowered to 18 in 1972). Nonetheless, it was assumed these people would vote RESPONSIBLY, but this hasn’t proven to be the case as we have a relatively poor turnout during elections, and many of those who vote are misinformed about history, current events, and how our government works.

Then along comes radical socialists like presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders who, in a recent CNN Town Hall meeting, insists convicted prisoners and terrorists, like the Boston Marathon bomber, should have the right to vote from prison. He said, “Yes, even for terrible people, because once you start chipping away and you say, ‘Well, that guy committed a terrible crime, not going to let him vote. Well, that person did that. Not going to let that person vote,’ you’re running down a slippery slope.”

The fact people are incarcerated means they are a danger to society and, as such, forfeits their rights, such as freedom, owning a gun, and, Yes, voting. Consider this, will the imprisoned terrorist or prisoner vote as RESPONSIBLY as the hard working person who pays taxes, obeys the law, and supports his/her family, not to mention their community? Come on, honestly, who would vote with the best interests of the community and country in mind? It’s a no-brainer.

Let’s be clear about something, if a person has served his/her time and is released free and clear (no probation or supervision), then I personally see no problem returning to society and allowed to vote.

Are the Democrats so desperate for votes, they would give convicts and terrorists the same voting privileges as everyone else? Unfortunately, Yes. In fact, their ultimate voting scenario would be to allow illegal immigrants to vote, prisoners to vote, and 16 year olds to vote. What’s next, voters who have died but somehow manage to mysteriously cast votes? Oh, yea, that’s already been done. Sorry. All of this is designed to rig elections, not to do what is fair and RESPONSIBLE for the country.

From my perspective, we already have too many IRRESPONSIBLE voters, people who couldn’t pass a simple civics test if their life depended on it. I am still convinced people should pass such a test to be allowed to vote. (It wouldn’t hurt if they were land owners as well.)

So, should incarcerated terrorists and convicted prisoners be allowed to vote? Of course not. We all know it is a silly question. Only someone wanting to undermine our country would insist on it.

Keep the Faith!

EDITORS NOTE: This Bryce is Right podcast is republished with permission. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

Virginia: Somali Uber Driver Accused of War Crimes

It is all over the news so I’m sure you’ve seen it, but what struck me was a CNN cable news report this morning (you know I watch them for a little bit every day) and a female reporter asked Yusuf Abdi Ali“Do you deserve to live here?” 

Wow!  CNN actually asked that question a couple of times (of course he didn’t answer).  What is going on with CNN?  The lengthy report actually tells us how he came to be living in the US and it involves fraud in the US refugee program.

As I said on several previous occasions, if you want to find a topic to satisfy a yen to write a blog, write a blog and call it New American Somali Watch?’

 Material is available on a daily basis!
From CNN,

Accused of War Crimes and Torture, Uber and Lyft Hired Him

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Where does an alleged war criminal accused of torture and directing mass executions look for work while living in the United States? For Yusuf Abdi Ali, there was an easy answer: Uber and Lyft.

Within a couple of days of applying to be a ride-share driver, Ali said he was approved to shuttle passengers from place to place. He’s been doing it for more than 18 months, according to his Uber profile.

“I do this full time,” said Ali, who drives in suburban Virginia. He explained that he prefers to drive during weekends because “that’s where the money is.”When CNNreporters recently caught a ride from Ali, the former Somali military commander was listed on Uber’s app as an “Uber Pro Diamond” driver with a 4.89 rating.

Ali said he has driven for Lyft, too, but he prefers working for Uber. His white Nissan Altima had only an Uber sticker on it. Asked if the application process was difficult, Ali replied that it was a breeze.

“They just want your background check, that’s it,” said Ali, who was unaware that undercover CNN reporters were riding with him and recording the trip on video. “If you apply tonight maybe after two days it will come, you know, everything.”

Ali’s work as a ride-share driver raises new questions about the thoroughness of Uber and Lyft’s background check process and the ease with which some people with controversial pasts can get approved to drive.


Ali has not been convicted of a crime, but a basic internet search of his name turns up numerous documents and news accounts alleging he committed various atrocities while serving as a military commander during Somalia’s civil war in the 1980s.

His past was detailed in a documentary by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation that featured eyewitnesses in northern Somalia who described killings allegedly committed under the direction of Ali, also known as “Colonel Tukeh.”


Uber and Lyft’s background checks are mostly performed by a separate company called Checkr, which uses applicants’ names and Social Security numbers to search for information in a national sex offender database, federal and local court records and databases used to flag suspected terrorists and others, representatives from the companies said.

A Checkr spokesperson told CNN that its background checks “rely on public criminal records that have been adjudicated in a court of law rather than unverified sources like Google search results. Similarly, most employers don’t request background checks that include pending civil litigation due to its subjective nature.”

This week, Ali is defending himself against a civil suit filed in federal court in Virginia by a man who claims he was one of Ali’s victims in 1988. Farhan Mohamoud Tani Warfaa alleged in court documents that Ali tortured and shot him and ordered bodyguards to bury his body. The guards recognized that Warfaa, a farmer, had not died and accepted a bribe from his family to release him, according to documents.

Now here is what I was most interested in—how did he come to be living among us as a ‘new American?’

According to public accounts, Ali moved to Canada after the Somali military regime he worked under collapsed in 1991. He was deported after news about his alleged war crimes in Somalia became public through that CBC documentary.

Ali entered the United States on a visa through his Somali wife who became a US citizen. In 2006, his wife was found guilty of naturalization fraud for claiming she was a refugee from the very Somali clan that Ali is accused of torturing.

There is much more, continue reading here.

What I would like to know is where is the wife?  If she was convicted of naturalization fraud 13 years ago, did we deport her?  I bet not!

It is even worse! Only a few years ago Ali worked as a security guard at Dulles International Airport


New York State Luring Refugees to Populate Dying Cities

Jayda Fransen Found Guilty Of Speech “Stirring Up Hatred”

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission.

6 Things to Know About the Prosecutor Investigating Spying on Trump Campaign

John Durham, known for prosecuting FBI agents connected to infamous mobster James “Whitey” Bulger, is now a fourth attorney general’s pick to lead a special investigation into suspected government misconduct.

The Justice Department confirmed to media outlets that Attorney General William Barr named Durham, now U.S. attorney for the District of Connecticut, to look into why and how department and FBI officials began investigating associates of President Donald Trump before the 2016 election.

Durham’s resume includes investigating the mafia and crooked politicians.

Attorneys general from the Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama administrations all previously appointed Durham to lead special investigations.

The liberal Left continue to push their radical agenda against American values. The good news is there is a solution. Find out more >>

Barr reportedly selected him to head the probe weeks ago, as the FBI came under intensified scrutiny for spying on one Trump campaign adviser and sending a confidential informant to talk to another.

In the aftermath of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report clearing the Trump campaign of conspiracy with Russia to influence the election, many Republican lawmakers called for an investigation into how the probe of Trump and his team commenced.

Two known incidents loom large: The FBI obtained a warrant under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to put Trump campaign aide Carter Page under surveillance. The FBI also sent a confidential informant to talk to George Papadopoulos, another Trump campaign aide, in a bar. The woman told Papadopoulos that her name was Azra Turk, and he later described her as “flirtatious.”

Here are six things to know about the prosecutor picked by Barr.

1. Career Prosecutor

Durham, 68, began his career as a Connecticut state prosecutor working from 1978 to 1982 in the New Haven State’s Attorney’s Office.

A registered Republican, he next served in nonpolitical positions through 35 years in the U.S. District of Connecticut, based in New Haven.

From 1982 to 1989, Durham supervised the New Haven field office of the Boston Strike Force in the Justice Department’s Organized Crime and Racketeering Section. For the next five years, he was chief of the criminal division for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in New Haven.

From 1994 through 2008, he served as deputy U.S. attorney, and then, through 2017, as counsel to the U.S. attorney.  

Trump’s first attorney general, Jeff Sessions, appointed Durham as acting U.S. attorney for Connecticut in October 2017, and Trump nominated him for the post the next month. He took office in February 2018.

2. Busting Mafia-FBI Connection

In 1999, then-Attorney General Janet Reno appointed Durham to investigate corruption in federal law enforcement in Boston.

He examined whether two Boston mob figures, Bulger and Stephen “The Rifleman” Flemmi, had corrupted the FBI agents whom they served as informants.

Durham’s investigation led to a 10-year prison sentence for retired FBI agent John Connolly Jr., found guilty of helping the two gangsters avoid prosecution.

As part of this investigation, Durham produced documents showing four men had been framed by FBI agents and convicted of murder in the 1960s. Two died in prison, but two others won a $100 million civil judgment against the Justice Department.

3. Special Probes of CIA and Terror Detainees

In 2008, then-Attorney General Michael Mukasey appointed Durham as a special prosecutor to conduct what turned into a three-year probe of the destruction of CIA interrogation tapes. He didn’t recommend any prosecutions.

In an overlapping probe, then-Attorney General Eric Holder named him as a special prosecutor to investigate alleged mistreatment of terror suspects by CIA interrogators and government contractors.

The second probe came after the Justice Department released a report noting possible past abuse by CIA interrogators. Durham concluded by closing most of the cases, but called for continued inquiries into the deaths of two prisoners.

4. Devoted Catholic, Red Sox Fan

Despite handling high-profile cases, Durham typically keeps a low profile.

Earlier this year, according to The Day newspaper in New London, Connecticut Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Leonard C. Boyle noted the only reason that Durham would make a public speech to a crowd at the University of St. Joseph, a Roman Catholic school in West Hartford, Connecticut.

“Other than an overwhelming commitment to the cause of justice, the two great devotions of John’s life are his Catholic faith and his family,” Boyle said of Durham.

Durham and his wife Susan have four sons and eight grandchildren. He reportedly is a big Boston Red Sox fan.

The New Republic, a liberal magazine, wrote of Durham in 2011 that he “earned a nonpartisan, camera-shy, ‘white knight’ reputation.”

5. Public Corruption

Durham led some of the biggest public corruption cases in Connecticut.

Among them was the case of Connecticut Gov. John G. Rowland, a Republican who resigned in 2004 after federal prosecutors found he illegally took gifts from state contractors. Rowland pleaded guilty and was sentenced to a year in prison for offenses committed as governor.

Durham also led an investigation of Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim, a Democrat, who was convicted on racketeering and bribery charges in 2003. Ganim spent six years in prison.

6. Lauded by Democrats

Democrats recently excoriated Barr for even using the word “spy” to talk about actions by the Obama administration’s FBI and Justice Department against the Trump campaign before the presidential election in November 2016.

However, Democrats could have a difficult time in attacking Durham.

Confirmed as U.S. attorney in February 2018 by a voice vote in the Senate, he had gained praise from Democrats when Trump nominated him.

Among these admirers were two of Trump’s biggest critics, Connecticut’s two Democratic senators—Richard Blumenthal and Chris Murphy. The two men had recommended Durham to serve as U.S. attorney.

“John Durham has earned immense respect as a no-nonsense, fierce and fair prosecutor, and we are pleased that the White House has agreed with our recommendation that he serve as United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut,” a joint statement by Blumenthal and Murphy said. “As an Assistant United States Attorney, John Durham has proven himself time and time again in some of the most challenging and sensitive cases.”

It looks like Barr has found just such another case for Durham.


Fred Lucas

Fred Lucas is the White House correspondent for The Daily Signal and co-host of “The Right Side of History” podcast. Send an email to Fred. Twitter: @FredLucasWH.

Dear Readers:

With the recent conservative victories related to tax cuts, the Supreme Court, and other major issues, it is easy to become complacent.

However, the liberal Left is not backing down. They are rallying supporters to advance their agenda, moving this nation further from the vision of our founding fathers.

If we are to continue to bring this nation back to our founding principles of limited government and fiscal conservatism, we need to come together as a group of likeminded conservatives.

This is the mission of The Heritage Foundation. We want to continue to develop and present conservative solutions to the nation’s toughest problems. And we cannot do this alone.

We are looking for a select few conservatives to become a Heritage Foundation member. With your membership, you’ll qualify for all associated benefits and you’ll help keep our nation great for future generations.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission.