Testimony: BioTech Admits Gate’s GMO Factory Food IS a Gene Therapy

Now the truth comes out. Please read this column about GMO foods and Bill Gates.

Renz Missouri House Testimony – BioTech Admits Gate’s GMO Factory Food IS a Gene Therapy

This has been a monumental week for the truth and freedom movement in our ongoing war against the WEF/CCP/Gates Foundation/etc. Here are just a few highlights:

  1. I had an opportunity to get incredibly important information about the DoD involvement with the creation of SARS-COV-2 and the vaccines on the official record in the state of Missouri;
  2. I was able to put on record that the DMED data has yet to be refuted under oath or where a penalty of perjury would apply by the DoD it accuses of killing it’s own soldiers;
  3. Daniel Horrowitz (if you do not follow Daniel’s work please do – he is an incredible journalist) uncovered and reported that the CDC expected over 1000 adverse events per day to be reported to VAERS per a FOIA document (see the article here). How much clearer can it be that the CDC and big pharma worked together to push a product for profit despite the fact that these products were incredibly dangerous? This is even more damning when you consider that these same people intentionally stoked fear in the public over a disease roughly as dangerous as the seasonal flu;
  4. Redfield has admitted that, not only was SARS-COV-2 created in a lab using gain of Function research but also that this research is going on and WILL be the cause of the next great pandemic. He also called Fauci a liar (see this article for a summary); and
  5. The biotech lobbyists admitted that GMO food like the type Bill Gates wants to manufacture in factories WILL actually alter your genetic code!!!

Here is the press release posted on www.TomRenz.com & www.Renz-Law.com regarding this testimony:

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Biotech lobbyists in Missouri opposed to the HB1169 Gene Therapy Disclosure & Informed Consent Bill ADMIT that GMO food like the type Bill Gates is pushing to manufacture in factories WILL alter your genetics – ARE THESE FOODS GOING TO BE THE NEXT mRNA VACCINES?

HB1169 in Missouri would require disclosure of any product that would produce impacts on the human body similar to a gene therapy drug as well as requiring informed consent disclosure to include all risks and benefits – including adverse events of special interest. The language of the bill can be found at https://house.mo.gov/billtracking/bills231/hlrbillspdf/2467H.01I.pdf. Naturally, big Pharma and their associates oppose disclosure and informed consent.

During official testimony in the Missouri House on the bill the lobbyists for BioTech and WashU (I believe) in Missouri went on record to admit that GMO foods do in fact impact people’s genetic code. They actually opposed the bill on the basis that this law would require them to admit that all of their GMO products ARE in fact impacting people’s genetic code. There was no discussion as to how substantial the impact was or what studies were being done to ensure these modifications were not causing long-term health effects.

This SHOCKING admission is critical in light of the Gates Foundation/WEF push to begin producing all meats and dairy products in factories. If a basic GMO food can cause modification of our genome what could an entirely manufactured food do? Further, do we trust the same people to ensure these products are safe and effective that told us the COVID vaccines would stay in the injection site, have minimal side effects, and prevent the spread of COVID despite admitting to the European Union that they never studied the vaccine’s ability to stem the spread of COVID?

Also in this testimony Renz was able to include discuss the DMED data, DoD involvement with the development of COVID, the DoD involvement with the COVID vaccines, and MUCH more.

Read more.

©2023 Amil Imani. All rights reserved.

The Occupation of America

“The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.” — President John F. Kennedy

Friends and colleagues have asked me why I have stopped writing articles about Islam and its perpetual threat to the United States of America. My answer is simple. America has a much bigger problem than Islam.

For decades, the Democrat Party has shown by both words and deeds that they despise the U.S. Constitution while they bend over backward to embrace Islamists, illegal aliens, and anyone who hates America and feels entitled. The left is interested only in power — even if it means sacrificing our safety and security. The current Democrat Party has declared war on traditional American values and is imposing its Marxist ideology in every aspect of our lives.

In his 1796 farewell address, George Washington warned future generations about the forces that could destroy our republic and much of which rings true today. Washington was rightly concerned about hyper-partisanship, excessive debt, and entanglements in foreign wars. Washington stated, “The name of AMERICAN, which belongs to you, in your national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of PATRIOTISM, more than any appellation derived from local distinctions.”

President Washington’s fears for the future of America were justified, in particular, his concerns with respect to our political parties.

“Washington warned of “the baneful effects of the SPIRIT OF PARTY.” To Washington POLITICAL PARTIES were a deep threat to the health of the nation for they allowed “a small but artful and enterprising minority” to “put in the place of the delegated will of the Nation, the will of a party.”

Never in American history has a group of power-hungry wolves, particularly, the Democrat Party, done far greater harm to the country than has any foreign enemy. Yet, not all blame rests with them alone. Too often, their opposition party, establishment Republicans, has been far too eager to act as co-conspirators.

President Washington’s warnings to future generations of Americans were more than two hundred years ago. Many things have changed since his farewell address.

Today, America is being physically, and culturally eroded and disintegrated. When the next generation of Americans is born, America as we know it will not look the same. Our elected officials no longer work for We the People. Both US political parties have failed us. They have their agenda, which is more important than serving their constituents.

But the most recent betrayal—the worst and most outrageous—against the will of the people occurred on November 3rd, 2020, when over seventy-four million (perhaps a great many more) Americans cast their votes to re-elect President Trump for his second term.

Trump’s striking victory was a reward for his tireless commitment to serving the American people. It was also the crowning achievement of an exceptional campaign whose brilliance and high tone demonstrated the vitality of our Constitutional Republic to the entire world while keeping them spellbound. In choosing Trump, the American people chose the path of change, openness, and optimism. They chose him because they wanted a leader who believed in them and believed in America. A leader who was willing and able to put an end to the corrupt decay of Washington, D. C. and an end to the Deep State.

At a time when the world is in torment and uncertainty, the American people—true to the values that have always been at the core of America’s identity—strongly put their faith in President Trump and the future.

Unfortunately, the Marxist Democrats, under the pretense of Chinese virus hysteria, implemented a national, orchestrated drive to relax accountability in the voting process and allow massive mail-in ballots to pour in, which they evidently exploited with massive voter fraud that enabled them to flip a lopsided presidential election.

The release of a forensic audit of Dominion Voting Systems Software in Antrim County, Michigan has shown that the voting machines are “intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.”

The Marxist Democrats were very persistent and resilient. They resorted to every devilish act and trick to end Trump’s presidency through massive voter fraud. But the evidence they left behind is overwhelming. Trump won this election in a huge landslide and the machine’s algorithm fraud was not enough for Biden to win, therefore the extra illegal mail-in ballots started flowing in at 2:00 am/ 3:00 am and even days after.

We are witnessing an international plot and a coup d’état to exploit a manufactured virus to support a utopian society in order to steer toward a New World Order.

“The ‘Occupation of America‘ was staged by Democrat activists whose first move after occupation due to a questionable election, with the help of the mainstream and social media, was to silence any and all dissent.”

Washington is corrupt. The military, the FBI, the CIA, the Justice Dept. the administrative state, and the judiciary were all out to get President Trump, and he had essentially no support in Congress from Republicans. So, the election was stolen in bright daylight and in front of billions of people worldwide.

Just for a second ponder on the mind-boggling irony of this fraudulent election. President Trump wins the election in a landslide. No question about it. The legislatures and courts ignored the evidence of fraud and the judiciary refused to even hear it. The heathen villains, who hijacked the White House, call up National Guard troops to protect them from a country that is livid about their stealing the election. Meanwhile, the thieves, send the National Guard troops to sleep in a cold garage, while the man who was cheated all the way around offers his hotel to the troops defending the thieves.

In short, Americans have an illegitimate President and a federal government that has proven itself to be harsh to its citizens; taking unconstitutional measures and issuing edicts that amount to nothing short of federally mandated self-destruction.

Meanwhile, China, Russia, the Islamic Republic of Iran, North Korea, and terrorists worldwide celebrate as they watch America commit suicide.

© 2023 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Corrections Transfers—MS13 Gang Members Moved to New Home

Islam is the Enemy of Freedom

A great irony of the age is that the seemingly most diehard proponents of freedom— the useful idiots of our time—are the most dangerous unwitting accomplices of liberty’s enemy—Islam. Keep in mind that the very name “Islam” is a derivation of “taslim,” the Arabic word for “surrender,” surrender to the will and dictates of Allah as revealed by Muhammad and recorded in the Quran.
This non-negotiable surrender to Islam requires the individual as well as the society to disenfranchise themselves of many of the fundamental and deeply cherished human rights.
Below is a brief presentation of what this surrender to Islam entails and why it is imperative that all freedom-loving people arise and defeat the menace of Islamofascism.

Amendment I of the Bill of Rights enshrines some of the most cherished ideals of freedom-loving people:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Islam considers itself the three branches of government. It enacts laws as it sees fit, adjudicates laws, and executes as it deems. Islam is anathema to the provisions of the First Amendment and much more.

  • Islam proclaims itself as the only legitimate religion for the entire world, grudgingly granting minor recognition to Judaism and Christianity from whom it has liberally plagiarized many of its dogma. Jews and Christians are allowed to live under the rule of Islam as dhimmis and must pay a special religious tax of jizya. Buddhists, Hindus, Zoroastrians, Baha’is, members of other religions, agnostics, or atheists are not even allowed to live practicing their beliefs or disbelief.
  • Islam actively suppresses and even prohibits the practice of other religions, including those of the “people of the book,” Jews, and Christians. There is not a single church or synagogue in the cradle of Islam, Saudi Arabia, while thousands of mosques dot the tolerating and welcoming non-Moslem lands. Islamic countries that allow for Jewish and Christian places of worship subject these “people of the book” to numberless subtle and not-so-subtle forms of persecution. Moslems in non-Moslem lands proselytize relentlessly and convert others while any Moslem who leaves Islam is judged as apostate and automatically condemned to death.
  • Freedom of speech is just about non-existent in Islam. The word is Allah’s, and his chosen divines such as Ayatollahs and Imams are the only ones who are to make pronouncements squarely based on Allah’s word, the Quran. Any expression in the least deviance from the Quran, the Hadith, and the edicts of Islamic high divines is heresy and severely punishable. Hence, the stifling of free expression is the major mechanism by which the Islamic clergy retain power and prevent constructive change in Islamic societies.
  • Freedom of the press is completely alien to Islam since a free press tends to express matters as it sees them, rather than as it is stated in the Quran. To Islam, the Quran is the press and the only press. There is no need for critical reporting, no need to present ideas that may conflict with the Quran, and no place for criticism of anything Islamic. The stranglehold of Islam on the individual and society is complete.
  • Peaceful assembly of the people is not allowed. The backward oppressive Islamic societies inflict great hardship on the citizenry and any assembly of the victims presents a threat to the suffocating rule. Islamic governments routinely prevent peaceful assemblies from taking place. Failing to do so, they unleash their hired thugs, the police, and even the military against any assemblage no matter how peaceful and how legitimate is its grievance. The Islamic Republic of Iran which is vying with Saudi Arabia as the leader of true Islamic rule, routinely attacks any and all gatherings of its people, arrests them, imprisons them without due process, tortures them, and even executes them in secret dungeons. Journalists, academics, unionists, students, teachers, and women’s rights groups who dare to petition the government for redress are labeled subversive and are severely punished.
  • Maltreatment of religious minorities and non-religious is criminal indeed. In the Islamic Republic of Iran, for instance, the government has launched a systematic program of genocide against its largest religious minority—the Baha’is. The government is gathering a comprehensive list of Baha’is, their occupations, locations, properties, and the like—actions reminiscent of the Nazis. The government is banning Baha’i students from post-high-school education unless they recant their religion, deprive them of engaging in numerous forms of occupations and trades, deny them from holding worship gatherings, razing their holy places, and much more. The Islamic Republic of Iran is not satisfied with its cruel treatment of the living Baha’is and has launched a war on their dead by bulldozing Baha’i cemeteries in several cities. This is the rule of fundamental Islamism that is awaiting the complacent and snoozing world.
  • Oppression of women, in general, is tragic indeed. Men are allowed to have as many as four wives simultaneously and as many concubines as they wish or can afford. Men can easily divorce their wives and automatically have custody of the children if they so decide. Women have subservient status to men in all areas of the law. Equality under the law has no meaning in Islam. Just one example of the dreadful way of treating women in Islam is a case of a Saudi woman who was gang-raped. The Islamic court convicted the woman to a prison term and lashes for having committed the “sin” of riding in a car with a male who was not her relative. This is a standard form of Islamic Shariah justice—a savage heritage of barbarism that ruled the Arabian Peninsula some centuries ago.
  • Islam has a solution for every “problem.” It deals with homosexuals, for instance, by hanging them en mass and gloating about it, even though homosexuality is just as prevalent in Islamic lands as anywhere else. Recently an Ayatollah made a ruling on homosexuals. He said that they should be tortured before they are hanged. In Islam, the rulings of high-ranking clergy constitute the law and are binding.
  • Not only Islam does not allow freedom of assembly and the press, but it is also intrusively restrictive in every aspect of a person’s life. The way women should dress, the haircut of men, the music people are allowed, movies to watch, television programs to view, and even parties in the privacy of their homes are subject to the ridiculous monitoring of moral police. Islam is hell-bent on outward morality and puritanical conduct while it is rotten to the core just below the pretentious surface.
  • Islam segregates by gender many public places and events such as beaches, sporting venues, public transportation, and even building elevators. Families are often prevented from attending a sporting event together or swimming together at a beach.
  • Egypt, the crown of the Arab-Islam world, demands that citizens declare Islam or only one of the two other religions, Jewish and Christianity, as their religion in order to receive government-issued identity cards. ID cards are required for jobs, healthcare, education, a marriage license, and a host of other things. If you are an agnostic, an atheist, a Buddhist, a Hindu, or a Baha’i, you are forced to perjure yourself to receive the indispensable ID card. In a real sense, Islam the pretender of high moral ground compels people to lie in order to receive what is their birthright as citizens.

I have been sounding the alarm about Islam’s imminent deadly threat for a number of years. The Islamic treasury flush with oil extortion money together with the help of useful idiots is having the upper hand in this battle of survival for freedom. The slaveholder Islam has been transformed into a more virulent form of Islamofascism; it is an inveterate unrelenting enemy of freedom. We need to act now and stem the tide of this deadly threat. Tomorrow may be too late. Freedom is too precious to abandon through complacency, acts of political correctness, or outright cowardice.

©Amil Imani. All rights reserved.

No Negotiation with the Islamic Republic of Iran

We no longer have any choice. We can no longer engage in the same old practices to deal with the massive and debilitating threats that humanity faces. We must band together and pool our resources to meet the challenges. Our planet’s problems are no longer local problems that parochial thinking and practices can address successfully. We cannot squander even an ounce of our sorely needed energy in petty squabbles and personal fights.

Unlike anything encountered in recent memory, the formidably complex and unique situation present in today’s world poses an enormous challenge. It defies any conventional solution, and simply resorting to civil disobedience is the equivalent of fighting off a pack of hungry and blood-thirsty wolves with toothpicks!

The Western leaders and, in particular, President Biden, must know that the Islamic Republic-selected president, Ebrahim Raisi, and his ilk are not interested in any substantial negotiation, any compromise, or a live-and-let-live policy. President Biden should reconsider his good faith gesture of opening dialogue with this brutal, inhumane, and illegitimate Islamic government. The Islamic Republic has no respect for the olive branches being extended to it by the Biden administration; it continues with full speed ahead in its quest for nuclear weaponry — and the power to intimidate the region and the entire world.

The best predictor of the future is the past. The religious fanatic mullahs’ record is one of deception, dissimulation, treachery, violence, and much more. These Quran-trained and directed agents of a wrathful Allah can never be trusted. They are master schemers. They have been in the business of scheming for centuries. They have perfected the art of deception, double talk, double-dealing, and treachery.

The Western world must rid itself of the “happy talk” as we tranquilize ourselves by reasoning that these doddering old-world religious fools may be mischievous but could never do real harm. Oh, sure, they might be arming some Iraqi Shiites, killing a few. U.S. soldiers, provide a little support for Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas terrorists in Palestine, building several bases in South America and Africa, murdering Iranian people, and calling for the eradication of Israel—but they have no global destructive capacity. After all, we pacify ourselves that we’re not exactly talking about criminal masterminds like Hitler, or are we?

I do not claim to have all the answers but have a fair idea of where to begin. It is high time to realize that we are not dealing with the same social factors or even the same people of three decades ago. We need to collaborate on this effort and invite others who can contribute to this cause without placing personal fame and secondary gains ahead of the ultimate goal of re-educating, rebuilding, and liberating Iran.

What we should envision is a secular Iran that will allow the seeds of our ancient wisdom and goodness to grow and flourish again through our art, music, poetry, and social dynamics. The U.S. has, in secular Iranians, its best friends in the entire Islamic world. It is imperative for the U.S. to help these Iranians to dislodge the vicious doomsday Mullahs, not as an act of altruism, but as a prudent measure of enlightened self-interest.

“The negotiators who apply the above principles can reach an agreement—but they may not. Even the above guidelines are no guarantee of productive contacts. As noted, both Americans and Iranians too often arrive at the negotiating table burdened with preconceptions, grievances, ignorance, resentment, and the opinion—based on a special reading of history—that the other side is deceptive, infinitely crafty, and will, in the end, reveal its true nature in hostility, treachery, and lies. The first thing to do is to define carefully.”

Freedom may suffer retreats periodically and tyranny may advance occasionally. Yet, free people everywhere will meet any challenge and pay any price to safeguard the precious treasure of freedom for themselves and the finest bequeath they can leave for the next generation.

©Amil Imani. All rights reserved.

MINNESOTA: Elementary School Hosts ‘Gender Resource Fair’ Featuring A ‘Drag Story Hour’ For Kids

Not even half the students at this school are proficient in reading or math….but sexualizing illiterates is the priority.

Elementary School Hosts ‘Gender Resource Fair’ Featuring A ‘Drag Story Hour’ For Kids

By: Reagan Reese, Daily Caller, March 28, 2023

A Minnesota elementary school is hosting a “gender resource fair” for children and their families featuring a “drag story hour,” according to a school website.

Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) is putting on an April 13 event for transgender and non-binary children at Loring Elementary School featuring local gender non-conforming resources, a bounce house, games and dinner, according to the St. Paul Public Schools website. The elementary school event includes a “drag story hour” for kids.

“We’re hosting a gathering for families and their gender creative young ones,” a flyer for the event, promoted by the local teachers union, read. “Join us for community resources, entertainment, food, games and more.”

Dr. Angela Kade Goepferd, the medical director of Children’s Minnesota Gender Health Program who uses they/them pronouns, is the guest speaker for the event, the flyer showed. The Children’s Minnesota Gender Health Program serves as a “resource” for transgender minors and their families while providing “compassionate and comprehensive care” for the “gender-diverse youth,” the hospital website read.

Very cool event happening next month for families and their gender-creative kids at Loring Elementary! pic.twitter.com/prAovbDM7p

— MFT 59 (@MFT59) March 23, 2023

Across the country, school districts are pushing to promote gender identity lessons to elementary students; an elementary school principal in Minnesota suggested kindergarten through second grade students read “Jack (Not Jackie),” a story about a young girl who realizes she prefers to act like a boy. In Pennsylvania, an elementary school held a training for educators to teach them how to create a “gender-inclusive” classroom and affirm LGBTQ identities.

In the 2021-2022 school year, at Loring Elementary School, 42% of students are proficient in math and 42% of students met grade-level expectations for reading, according to U.S. News and World report, the nation’s largest ranking system.

“Not even half the students at this school are proficient in reading or math and yet somehow the priority is to partner with a local gender clinic and host an event that promotes gender confusion in young children and includes drag queen story hour?” Erika Sanzi, director of outreach for Parents Defending Education, a parental rights group, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Another red flag is that the local teachers’ union is promoting it. This whole thing is ideological in nature and has no place in an elementary school.”

Read more.


RELATED TWEET: “F** You!” Trans Individuals Launch Violent, Bloody Assault on Canadian Conservative Activist During Rally – Vancouver Police Tell Major Lie About Incident Afterwards


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Colorado district equity docs reveal methodical system to deceive parents on in-school social transitions

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CBS News Bans Word ‘Transgender’ in Reports on Nashville Trans-Terrorist School Shooter

TEXAS: Operation Child Safe Nets 2 Arrests For Child Exploitation [Videos]

The Graves of Academe: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Queer and Trans Studies

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Regime Boycotts Israel

Straughn informed the organizers that the State Department canceled her authorization to fly.

This is governmental BDS, but it also reminds me of how the Obama administration gamed the shutdown by forcing the cancelation of all sorts of events and venues just to make a point. If this story is accurate, then part of the Biden admin’s pressure campaign on Israel involved the cancelation of completely apolitical events.

Astrophysicist and deputy project scientist of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope Amber Straughn canceled her scheduled Israel Physical Society conference appearance due to tensions between Israel and the United States.

Straughn told the conference organizers at Bar-Ilan University that the cancelation was due to instructions from the U.S. State Department.

In addition to her appearance at the conference, which was slated for next week, Straughn was also scheduled to give a lecture this week sponsored by the university’s physics department to some 300 students and researchers. She additionally was set to hold a lecture open to the public at Jerusalem’s Bloomfield Science Museum on Friday.

Straughn said at the start of the week that NASA and the State Department might order her to cancel her appearance due to bilateral tensions.

On Tuesday afternoon, a few hours before Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced he was pausing his government’s judicial overhaul legislation, Straughn informed the organizers that the State Department had, in fact, canceled her authorization to fly.

That is really ugly, if true.

One issue with this story is that it’s Haaretz, an extreme left publication, one that is a longtime opponent of Israel and its government, and which has credibility issues. Also it seems like a story out of Bar-Ilan University would not be the immediate vector to Haaretz.

But the premise is credible enough. If this were happening, then it would be part of a broader package of similar canceled events. We’ll see if that turns out to be the case. The lack of response by Jewish groups to this entire situation is disgusting and predictable.

A petition has been created challenging the culture of lies about democratic judicial reform that all of this has been based on.

It notes that…

We have different views on these reforms, but many of them parallel existing practice within the United States and all are compatible with democracy. The U.S. Constitution even allows Congress to eliminate most of the federal judiciary, and President Joe Biden himself has considered “packing” the Supreme Court.

There is room for criticism and debate, and good friends can disagree, even on fundamental issues. But the attacks have gone too far. They echo the worst claims of Israel’s enemies in the “Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions” (BDS) movement — an antisemitic effort to isolate Israel, as the White House is now doing.

It is a slander against the Jewish state to claim that its government is mounting a “coup” because its newly-elected legislature is engaged in the democratic process of lawmaking.

With stories like these, we see that the campaign against democratic judicial reform has become BDS.



SHOSHANA BRYEN: Here’s What Really Lies Behind The Biden Admin’s Icy Israel Relationship

U.S. Bolsters Forces In Middle East Following Series Of Attacks On US Troops In Syria

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Trump Attorney Joseph Tacopina Speaks Out About The ‘Indictment’ [Videos]

Joseph Tacopina, founder of Tacopina, Seigel & DeOreo,  is one of the country’s most respected high-stakes trial attorneys, having successfully tried more than 100 cases in his distinguished career. He frequently represents clients in high-stakes civil, criminal and commercial litigation, zealously advancing their interests and often recovering substantial money damages.

Mr. Tacopina gave a series of interviews about the Trump indictment. This trail is historic and has never happened before. This is the first time any president has been indicted.

Rikki Klieman, CBS News Legal Analyst said that Tacopina is, “One of the great trial lawyers in America who wins cases that nobody else could win.”

Reverend Al Sharpton said of Tacopina is, “One of the best attorneys in the country!”

The New York Times wrote, “Mr. Tacopina is to the defense bar what Donald Trump is to real estate.”

GQ Magazine wrote, “Joe is different…he wins.”


READY TO FIGHT: Trump Lawyer Says ‘Zero Chance of Plea Deal,’ ‘There’s No Crime’

TACOPINA: “[Trump] will not take a plea deal on this case. It’s not gonna happen. There’s no crime. I don’t know if it’s gonna make it to trial because we have substantial legal challenges.”

Trump attorney previews legal process for next week’s arraignment

Rule of law ‘died today’: Trump attorney Joe Tacopina

Donald Trump’s New York attorney Joe Tacopina torches ‘Soviet Union’-style indictment on ‘Hannity.’


Tacopina Seigel & DeOreo is a Manhattan-based law firm that focuses on a full range of criminal defense and civil litigation concerns. Known for our aggressive advocacy, and our frequent representation of high-profile clients dealing with life changing situations, we deliver results with the highest level of professionalism and integrity.

When the stakes are high, sophisticated clients call on us.

As one of New York’s top criminal defense and civil litigation firms, we are widely known for our ability to effectively navigate situations that bring about immense public scrutiny. These results are underscored by our frequent representation of well-known executives, celebrities, athletes, politicians, judges, law enforcement agents, lawyers and other individuals dealing with complex and potentially life-changing concerns.

RELATED VIDEO: ‘They are a menace’: DeSantis targets ‘Soros-backed’ left-wing prosecutors


Shocked and defiant: How Trump is responding to unprecedented indictment

Politico Admits Case Against Trump Is Weak, Watches Our Republic Circle the Drain, Says ‘So What?’

Rep. Jamaal Bowman Says the Quiet Part Out Loud: Indictment Is About Preventing Trump From Running Again

Partner From Law Firm That Represents DNC and is Suing Trump Over Jan 6 on Behalf of Democrats in Congress Arrested for Possessing Child Porn

Whatever Happened to the Dems Saying That ‘Lock Her Up’ Chants were ‘Banana Republic Stuff’?

Trump Supporter Found Guilty, Faces Ten Years in Prison for 2016 Anti-Hillary Meme

If a NY Jury Convicted Trump Supporter for a Meme, What Chance Does President Trump Have?

Congressman Jim Jordan wants to hear from prosecutors who resigned over Trump probe

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

To Future Generations of Americans

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” — Dietrich Bonhoeffer

This commentary aims to address the future generation.

The time to keep silent has passed and the time to speak the truth has begun. As I write this commentary to you today, I am perplexed and frightened to think about what it may be like when you are born. My mind is filled with uncertainty about the future and my soul is filled with the pain and agony of the unknown.

Today, America and European countries are being physically and culturally invaded. When you are born, it won’t even look the same. Our elected officials no longer work for us. Both political parties in the U.S. have failed us as well as European socialism. The U.S. Congress and the Supreme Court are just formalities. It is as though they work against us and our law enforcement agencies appear to have been compromised.

Our government is heavily influenced by globalists, or as they now call it: The New World Order (NWO). We have nearly 60 million illegal aliens living here in the U.S.

Additionally, we have allowed Muslims from the four corners of the world to pour in without considering you and our future. Wherever Islam goes, so goes its ethos. These Muslims are the descendants of the same Islamic butchers who conquered half of the world 1400 years ago with the sword of Islam. These are the same creatures that plundered and burned every country they entered, killing their men, and raping and taking their women while selling them as slaves in the Arabian Desert.

We are witnessing the exact brutalities, savagery and barbarism, mass shootings, and beheadings ever since these leeches entered the Western world in the millions. It is ironic how history keeps repeating itself.

I am telling you this story, partly because it is timely and partly because it is good to know history’s lessons. America and Europe did not have to turn out as they have. Truth and provocative ideas ought to be welcomed in our society. Yet, with provocative ideas and opinions, one must be ready to embrace death. As we have witnessed, Islamic zealots do not tolerate opinions contrary to theirs. Euripides said many years ago, “A slave is he who cannot speak his thoughts.”

However, death is the last thing on my mind. Actions are needed to correct past mistakes and that starts with you. You, the unborn, must know what is happening in your country and world and what has led us to where we are today. You must know this and do everything in your power to save your country from fading away.

So, this is a message to you and future generations: We cannot allow the same ruthless Islamic zealots who have murdered hundreds of millions of innocents to impose an Islamic revolution on our society, to control and reinterpret our history. Also, we cannot allow the guardians of the status quo to define and control our future.

You must strongly adhere to the wisdom of Jesus Christ, who was a messenger of peace, life, and eternal love. A great threat facing free people is the recently energized petrodollar from Islamic countries which embarks on a campaign of recruiting more people under its dark banner. Millions of a disenfranchised underclass in the non-Islamic world, and millions more mentally under-developed may flock to Islam, deluded by its empty promises.

I believe all human beings are privileged to have liberty and life. Prejudiced, medieval-like actions must and should be eliminated in the 21st Century. The pinnacle of cruelty must and should be obliterated in our new era.

Human beings are obliged to look forward to a brighter and more enlightening future and work hard to bring prosperity, not only to this generation but for generations to come. That applies to all of us.

America was founded on aspirations of liberty, freedom, and justice for all. You now must keep it going.

What inspired me to write this commentary was the mere fact that all forms of life start with struggle. We all know that the city of Rome was not built in one day. Similarly, people’s liberty and freedom were not given to them simply because some ruler felt sorry for the masses. They were secured with many bloody revolutions, an inch at a time. That’s how most countries have achieved their liberty and freedom.

Ronald Reagan said: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”

In the monumental task of dealing with Islam and its variations, every individual, group, and government must combine their resources and energies to prevail. We must urge all people to resist Islam’s encroachment and not be deceived by its sanitized version presented in non-Islamic lands. The destiny of civilized life hangs in the balance. Shirking of this responsibility would be an unpardonable act of every enlightened human being and organization that values human liberty and dignity.

©Amil Imani. All rights reserved.

‘Bouncy Houses’ and ‘Goodie-Bags’: Inside the Military’s Drag Queen Events for Kids

The U.S. military under President Joe Biden has hosted numerous drag queen events for children on military bases, advertising the story hours alongside promises of “bouncy houses,” face painting, and “goodie-bags.” After public backlash, one base’s spokesman called gender-bending events “essential” to military morale and readiness.

Now, a conservative Republican congressman plans to hold the Biden administration’s feet to the fire after its top military advisor said drag queen events for children “shouldn’t be happening.”

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) raised the issue of the “deeply unserious things” the administration has foisted on America’s fighting forces with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin during a congressional hearing on Wednesday.

“How much taxpayer money should go to fund Drag Queen Story Hours on military bases?” Gaetz asked Lloyd.

“Drag Queen Story Hours is [sic] not something that the Department [of Defense] funds” or “supports,” asserted Austin.

“Wait a second, that’s actually not what the record seems to suggest,” corrected Congressman Gaetz, pointing to four drag-themed events on U.S. military institutions.

  • Germany’s Ramstein Air Force Base planned to celebrate Pride Month by hosting a “Drag Queen Story Time” for soldiers’ children inside the base library last June 2. The event was canceled after Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) called the decision “completely insane” in a letter to U.S. Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall. Since “decisions over children and their bodies should be left to moms and dads serving our nation, not mediated through publicly funded propaganda,” wrote Rubio;
  • Although that event was canceled, Gaetz highlighted another example of cross-dressing men reading to minors at Malmstrom Air Force Base in deep-red Montana. “To celebrate pride, the Mister Sisters will be hosting a Drag Story Time and a Drag Show, June 30,” 2021, the base announced on Facebook. “The reading will be held at the Base Library at 2 P.M. and the first 25 children will be gifted goodie-bags”;
  • The Army and Air Force’s Joint Base Langley-Eustis in Virginia announced two on-base drag performances last July 30. The base-wide “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Summer Festival” advertised the dance stylings of “Harpy Daniels — the Navy Drag Queen” alongside “bouncy houses and face painting for the children”; and
  • The Nellis Air Force Base near Las Vegas — once described as offering the “most demanding advanced air combat training in the world” — hosted “Drag-u-Nellis,” a privately sponsored drag show for officers, at an on-base facility on June 17, 2021. Nellis AFB Spokesman Col. Bryon McGarry described LGBTQ-themed spectacles as “essential to the morale, cohesion, and readiness of the military,” adding he remains “committed to providing and championing an environment that is characterized by equal opportunity, diversity and inclusion.”

Confronted with the evidence, Austin replied, “I stand by what I just said.” Gaetz quickly parried that Austin’s sworn testimony is “belied by the evidence” and “doesn’t comport with the facts.”

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley asked for copies of the articles Gaetz had entered into the Congressional Record, saying, “I’d like to take a look at those, because I don’t agree with” drag events for children. “It shouldn’t be happening.”

“Thank you for that admission,” Gaetz replied.

“To their credit, they said if I brought them examples of where this was happening on installations, that they would use their power to stop it,” Gaetz told “Washington Watch with Tony Perkins” shortly after the hearing. “In a world of divided government where Joe Biden’s the president, I guess that counts as a win for the day.” But he advised conservatives to “remain diligent that in the name of ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion,’ we don’t create a more divisive and less welcoming fighting force.”

Some of the men who put on cross-dressing events defend their propriety and accuse Republicans of pouncing on the issue. “There’s nothing sexualized about a drag queen reading a book to a group of children,” insisted Daniels Hays, a federal employee who gives cross-dressing performances under the name Muffy Blake Stevens. “Politicians of any stripe [are] using drag queens as their wedge issue to try and ignite their base and say, somehow, we’re coming for” their children. In reality, “none of us are on a crusade to change anyone,” he contended.

But the official Drag Story Hour (DSH) website declares, “DSH captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.”

“Elementary school is the perfect time” to introduce children to extreme gender theory, before children “develop a stable understanding of their gender identity,” one LGBTQ activist told teachers and administrators of schools located on U.S. military bases.

Gaetz’s revelations come on intensifying concern over the Biden administration teaching children transgenderism, “global citizenship,” and equity-tinged critical race theory in the global complex of military-run schools. “The new military education aims to detach military brats from their families and their country, all the better to make them global citizens. It seeks to disrupt stable sexual identities,” wrote Ryan P. Williams and Scott Yenor of the Claremont Institute. The U.S. Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA), teaches more than 66,000 students in 160 schools spread over seven states and 11 foreign countries.

Biden’s dogged promotion of gender nihilism also coincides with one of the worst years of military recruitment on record, a failure Gaetz and others chalk up to the Democratic Party’s determination to replace toughness with liberal social engineering. “The American South [and] the American Southeast make an oversize contribution” to the ranks of enlisted soldiers. “When values are presented that are antithetical to the values that a lot of people grow up with, then I think that can really have an impact on readiness.”

While transvestite events have taken place on military bases for years, official government approbation is a relatively new occurrence.

Navy drag queen “Harpy Daniels,” whose real name is Joshua Kelley, discussed performing drag shows for his fellow sailors in a 2018 interview, in which he also admitted he joined the service to get enough money to keep performing in women’s make-up. “With drag being my number one passion, it quickly became costly,” Kelley said. “The Navy became a great option to get myself situated” financially. Kelley also became an officer in the Gay, Lesbian and Supporting Sailors association chapter aboard a carrier named for Ronald Reagan.

Gaetz asked “Washington Watch” listeners to share examples of wokeness in the military with him via his website, “so we can bring it forward, highlight it, and then defund it” and “get rid of the authorities that even allow this nonsense — whether it’s dividing people on gender or on race or on belief.”

“One of the remarkable things about our military is that they are in a community of common fate,” Congressman Gaetz told Perkins. “Included in that is a common sense of mission and patriotism and love of country,” which the commander-in-chief should not undermine by promoting radical theories on transgenderism, race, or COVID-19 vaccination status.

“It is absolutely important that our military focus on its mission, and that is fighting and winning wars, not promoting drag queen story hours and the rest of this woke agenda,” said Perkins.


Ben Johnson

Ben Johnson is senior reporter and editor at The Washington Stand.


White House To Host ‘Roundtable On Affirming Transgender Kids’

Perverse Media Narrative Incites Trans-Identifying Activists to Violence

LGBT Status Strongly Linked to Mental Illness: Biden Administration

Does Democracy Need Christianity to Thrive?

How One State Judicial Election May Determine the Value of Thousands of Unborn Children

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Tucker Carlson Rips DOJ For ‘Shocking Attack’ On ‘Freedom Of Speech’ In Internet ‘Troll’ Conviction

Fox News host Tucker Carlson ripped the Department of Justice Friday over the conviction of internet “troll” Douglass Mackey for posting memes during the 2016 election.

“After a Manhattan grand jury indicted Joe Biden’s rival in the next presidential race, another jury, also in New York, convicted a Republican social media influencer named Douglass Mackey. What did Mackey do wrong? Well Douglass Mackey’s crime was mocking Hillary Clinton voters online,” Carlson, a co-founder of the Daily Caller and Daily Caller News Foundation, said. “You’re seeing on your screen the meme that Mackey posted on Twitter during the 2016 election. In that meme, Mackey suggests it’s possible to vote for president by text message because only Hillary voters could believe something so absurd. But of course in real life, no one believed that, Mackey’s insult did not alter a single vote in the election. No one has proved otherwise. The government brought forth not a single victim of this crime. It couldn’t.”

The Justice Department announced Friday that a jury convicted Mackey over the internet memes posted during the 2016 presidential election in a press release from the United States Attorney’s office for the Eastern District of New York.


The Department of Justice indicted Mackey in January 2021, claiming he conspired “to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person … in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution.”

“Mackey was joking. Nobody believed he was a federal election official. In fact, his social media profile pictured a Donald Trump app. It was unmistakable this was mockery,” Carlson said. “But in the wake of the 2016 election and the rising hysteria about President Trump, mocking the Democratic Party became a crime. So as a result, tonight Douglass Mackey faces 10 years in prison. The case against Doug Mackey is the most shocking attack on freedom of speech in this country in our lifetime.”

Legal experts raised concerns about the trial of the 33-year-old Mackey, who posted under the alias “Ricky Vaughn,” earlier this year on First Amendment grounds.

“It is also a useful lesson on who will be allowed to speak going forward. As it turns out, a woman called Kristina Wong posted almost an identical meme that year in the 2016 election but unlike Doug Mackey, Wong voted for Hillary Clinton,” Carlson said. “‘Hey Trump supporters,’ she wrote, ‘skip poll lines and text in your vote.’ Same crime, but the Department of Justice under Joe Biden has shown no interest in prosecuting Kristina Wong. Do you see how this works? Have you internalized our new partisan legal standards? That would be the point of the exercise. They want you to know the rules.”

The Justice Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the Daily Caller News Foundation.





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Social Media ‘Troll’ Convicted Of Election Interference For Posting Misleading Memes

‘Clear Threat’: Critics Raise Concern ‘RESTRICT’ Act Empowers Biden While Leaving Chinese ‘Spyware’ In Place

Gavin Newsom Unveils National PAC Targeting Republican-Led States

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.

White House To Host ‘Roundtable On Affirming Transgender Kids’

The White House will host a “Roundtable on Affirming Transgender Kids” Friday as part of its observance of “Transgender Day of Visibility,” according to a fact sheet.

The roundtable is part of a push from the administration to support transgenderism, including childhood medical transitions, in the wake of numerous red states restricting the procedures. The discussion will focus on the experiences of children who identify as transgender and their parents in states that have restricted child sex changes, according to the White House.

“Over half of transgender youth say they have seriously considered suicide in the last year because of the discrimination and rejection they face. In the face of these challenges, research shows that, when transgender youth are affirmed and supported, they thrive,” the fact sheet wrote, citing no evidence for either claim.

The suicidality rates of transgender individuals are vastly exaggerated, according to experts in the field, some of whom believe that overemphasis on the suicide narrative can become a self-fulfilling prophecy that encourages young people with gender identity issues to contemplate suicide. Additionally, studies suggesting that cross-sex medical procedures improve mental health are riddled with bias, confounding variables and methodological errors, according to multiple Daily Caller News Foundation reviews.

The White House also issued what it called a “landmark report” on ways to support LGBT youth and issued new guidance for “gender identity inclusion” for public servants.

The White House did not respond to the DCNF’s request for comment.



Social issues and culture reporter.


Nashville Shooter Scrawled Sick Message on Weapon, But Jesus Himself Thwarted Her Plan

New Study Claims Trans Patients Unhappy With Their New Bodies Suffer From ‘Internalized Transphobia’

CBS Banned Employees From Using ‘Transgender’ When Referring To Nashville Shooter: REPORT

Boston Children’s Hospital head calls for drastic expansion of gender surgeries for minors

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.

Biden Admin’s Sweeping New Rules Would Let Green Groups Lease Federal Land Away From Oil, Ranching

  • The U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) proposed sweeping new rules Thursday that authorize leasing federal land for conservation efforts similar to leases offered for mining, grazing and other projects.
  • While the move was broadly praised by environmental groups, it drew criticism from the Center for Biological Diversity for not going far enough, according to E&E News.
  • “There are so many overlays for conservation on BLM land, some of them in the law and some of them just made up administratively, that a lot of land has already been withdrawn,” Myron Ebell, at the free-market Competitive Enterprise Institute, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. 

The U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) proposed new rules Thursday that would allow public land to be leased for conservation efforts, among other major changes to promote land health.

The proposal would expand land-health standards to the entirety of the 245 million acres managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), prioritize the designation of Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC) and establish a leasing framework for private partners to perform climate restoration and mitigation efforts on public land, according to the DOI. The new rule would make proposed leases for conservation efforts a valid “use” of public land, similar to mining, ranching and other energy projects under the Federal Land Policy Management Act (FLPMA) of 1976, according to the BLM.

“It is our responsibility to use the best tools available to restore wildlife habitat, plan for smart development, and conserve the most important places for the benefit of the generations to come,” DOI Secretary Deb Haaland said in a statement.

Kathleen Sgamma, president of the Western Energy Alliance, an oil trade group, told Reuters she believed that it would be a “stretch” of the FLPMA to introduce conservation leases. This position was echoed by Myron Ebell, director of the Center for Energy and Environment at the free-market Competitive Enterprise Institute, who also argued that the BLM already had significant authority to limit land usage in an interview with the Daily Caller News Foundation.

“There are so many overlays for conservation on BLM land, some of them in the law and some of them just made up administratively, that a lot of land has already been withdrawn … from resource production, recreational access, grazing, timber … a lot of land is already being managed for conservation,” Ebell told the DCNF. He argued that some regions, particularly in the Intermountain West, depend on grazing as a conservation method and that this rule might make it more difficult to get a grazing lease.

“It feels to me like [the proposal] provides a broader authority for the federal government to take more land off the table for productive use, under the guise of conservation,” Jack Spencer, a senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation’s Center for Energy, Climate and Environment, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “One of the problems I see with this is that it is clearly a response to the president’s climate agenda.”

President Joe Biden recently drew criticism from environmental groups over his approval of the Willow Project, a massive oil drilling project in Alaska. The administration argued that its hands were tied to halt the project thanks to its initial approval by the Trump administration, and simultaneously designated 13 million acres of Alaskan federal land off-limits to drilling, despite its location in the Natural Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A).

Though the BLM move was broadly praised by environmental groups, such as the Natural Resources Defense CouncilPew Charitable Trusts and Defenders of Wildlife, it drew criticism from the Center for Biological Diversity for not going far enough, according to E&E News. Randi Spivak, the organization’s public lands policy director, said the effort was akin to “rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic” and was a “missed opportunity” to handle the extinction and climate issues on public lands.

“The agency’s time would be better spent addressing the root problems of public lands degradation and protecting these treasured places for future generations,” Spivak told the outlet. “Instead of addressing destructive mining, fossil fuel extraction and grazing, this rule basically restates what’s already the law. Major improvements are needed.”




RELATED ARTICLE: Biden Interior Secretary Won’t Say If She Prefers Oil From American Over Venezuela

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.

Real Men are Irreplaceable

Elizabeth A. Mitchell: The role of real men on the front lines of the culture war is irreplaceable because the battle is for the soul of humanity.

My father was a boy during the London Blitz.  My grandfather recounts how one day he drove into London to find his office building in rubble.  No files, no reports, no nothing of what was so important just the day before.  My grandmother served as black-out warden for their neighborhood, an hour outside of London.  She recalls how from the end of their road they could see the London skyline burning.  Planes returning to the airbase near their home would pass overhead, and shrapnel, bombs, and long nights spent under the stairs, or in their Anderson shelter, were routine.

In those days of the dogged fight for Western civilization, heroes walked among us.  Soldiers, airmen, seamen, reconnaissance operatives, and brash world leaders with resolve for the fight.

Today, we are in a different kind of battle.  We are in a battle for the soul of humanity itself, and the battle is taking place one household at a time, one neighborhood at a time, one human being at a time.  We are in a fight to retain truth, objective reality, selflessness, and the enduring human spirit.

And, in this battle, acts of greatness must be noticed, affirmed, and encouraged.  Why?  Because the younger generation is watching us.  They are watching us to understand how they should define themselves.  They will be as great as the example we give to them; they will follow the model we set for them.  And they will hope to see us asking them for their very best.

Take my two neighbors, Bob and Brendan.  Bob is a baby boomer, the unelected mayor of our block.  If it snows, Bob is first out with his plow.  He does not define his task as finished when he reaches the end of his own driveway.  A good father and a good neighbor, he does not see life in terms of property lines, but in terms of families helping one another.

Brendan is a successful Millennial, able to work from home or go to the office, able to define a great deal of his reality.  And in the generational transition from Bob to Brendan, the example of Bob is paramount.  Just this morning, we had a magnificent snow day.  No school, no obligations, and plenty of heavy, wet white.  I ventured out with my trusty shovel, and who should come plowing up the driveway?  Brendan.  With his awesome, new Craftsman snowplow.  “It was a wedding present,” he proclaimed proudly.  “I am glad to be able to use it.”

While the evening news is telling us that the new generation of men don women’s swimsuits and win medals at female sporting events, the real men are out snowplowing.

Just last Sunday, on my way home from Mass in a depressed downtown area, where the most beautiful churches in many cities are located, I hit a pothole.  The PSI on my front right tire fell to 1, then 0.  Indecisive, I called my brother, a priest at the seminary, who offered to come and assess the situation.  Just then, I heard shouting.  Freddy, a man standing at the curbside bus shelter, was flagging me down.

“Mam!” he shouted, waving his arms like an airplane ground controller.  “Mam!  You can’t drive that car!”  I pulled to the curb and rolled down my window.  He shouted at me again that I could not drive my vehicle.  So, stuck between the reality of my distress and the fear of trusting a stranger in an unfamiliar area, I took a deep breath and followed Freddy’s instructions.

Like a guardian angel straight from Central Casting, Freddy took care of everything.  Joined at this point by his friend, Anthony, who also appeared out of nowhere, the two men taught me where to place the jack on my car frame, removed my flat tire, put on the spare, and sternly warned me how to make it safely home.  My brother joined them, and the three chatted and exchanged tire analysis and time and effort.  Freddy, it turns out, grew up in Mississippi and learned mechanics in his father’s machine shed.  Anthony stood guard and imparted wisdom.

Freddy and Anthony.  My brother.  Real men.

While the evening news is telling us that the men in the inner city are proving their manhood by lighting dumpsters on fire and expressing rage through violence, the real men are out helping others, unseen by the cameras.

The world, the culture, the nation: these are not collective, faceless entities.  They are made up of individuals.  The qualities and values of our world, our culture, and our nation, individually, comprise the whole.

In the years leading up to the Nazi persecution, St. Edith Stein, who died in Auschwitz, wrote about the menacing and intentional shift of her society from a community to an association.  While a community comes together as subjects for a shared meaningful relationship, an association interrelates as objects for a transactional purpose.

The danger, which lurks in the dark societal redefinition of the Third Reich, is the replacement of communities with associations.  When our view of other human beings becomes de-personalized and merely transactional, the humanity of the whole is lost.

And so, our real men matter a great deal.  As they led a generation to defend Western civilization, so now they can lead a generation in what it means to be a male.  To serve, to protect, to sacrifice, and to ennoble the human condition, are all critical contributions of our best men.

The battle depends upon each one of us.  And the role of our men on the front lines of that battle is irreplaceable.  The fight for our civilization is a battle for the soul of humanity.  One human being at a time.

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Elizabeth A. Mitchell

Dr. Elizabeth A. Mitchell, S.C.D., received her doctorate in Institutional Social Communications from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome where she worked as a translator for the Holy See Press Office and L’Osservatore Romano. She is the Dean of Students for Trinity Academy, a private K-12 Catholic independent school in Wisconsin, and serves as an Advisor for the St. Gianna and Pietro Molla International Center for Family and Life and is Theological Advisor for Nasarean.org, a mission advocating on behalf of persecuted Christians in the Middle East.

EDITORS NOTE: This The Catholic Thing column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. © 2023 The Catholic Thing. All rights reserved. For reprint rights, write to: info@frinstitute.org. The Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own.

Fox News Poll: Trump’s lead grows in GOP primary race, now over 50% support

It doesn’t get any clearer than this. President Trump will be the Republican Party nominee in the 2024 presidential election. He is this country’s only shot to make America America again.

Republican primary voters were read a list of 15 announced and potential candidates for the 2024 nomination and voiced their preferred choices.

By Fox News, March 29th, 2023

Fox News Poll: Trump’s lead grows in GOP primary race, now over 50% support

Former President Donald Trump has expanded his lead in the Republican primary race, while President Joe Biden continues to face uncertainty among Democratic primary voters, according to the latest Fox News national survey.

Republican primary voters were read a list of 15 announced and potential candidates for the 2024 nomination. The survey, released Wednesday, finds Trump has doubled his lead since February and is up by 30 points over Ron DeSantis (54%-24%). Last month, he was up by 15 (43%-28%).

Read more.




Former Trump rival Jeb Bush calls Manhattan grand jury indictment ‘very political’

A Dark Moment in History: Police-State Politics In America


Trump Wins Pardons Himself And Then Destroys The Deep State? – The Charlie Kirk Show

Unleaked audio from DA Alvin Bragg’s office in Manhattan earlier today — The Charlie Kirk Show

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

2024 Presidential Race is Now in ‘Uncharted Territory’

If GOP had real leadership, we’d be rallying round Trump, first, and always. Every Republican candidate considering a run for President and those who have declared, ought to drop out. The time is now.

We need an army to drain the swamp.

Trump ‘Ready To Fight’ as Indictment Throws 2024 Race Into Uncharted Territory

By: The NY Sun, March 31, 2023:

The historic indictment of President Trump thrust the 2024 presidential election into uncharted territory, raising the remarkable prospect that the leading contender for the Republican nomination will seek the White House while also facing trial for criminal charges at New York.

In an acknowledgment of the sway the former president holds with the voters who will decide the GOP contest next year, those eyeing a primary challenge to Mr. Trump were quick to criticize the indictment.

Without naming Trump, Governor DeSantis called the move “un-American.” Vice President Pence, whose life was threatened when pro-Trump rioters breached the Capitol, told CNN the charges were “outrageous.”

That posture speaks to the short-term incentives for Republicans to avoid anything that might antagonize Mr. Trump’s loyal base. Yet the indictment raises profound questions for the GOP’s future, particularly as Mr. Trump faces the possibility of additional charges soon at Atlanta and Washington.

While that might galvanize his supporters, the turmoil could threaten the GOP’s standing in the very swing-state suburbs that have abandoned the party in three successive elections, eroding its grip on the White House, Congress and key governorships.

Mr. Trump has spent four decades managing to skirt this type of legal jeopardy and expressed confidence again late Thursday, blaming the charges on “Thugs and Radical Left Monsters.”


Mr. Trump is “ready to fight,” his attorney, Joe Tacopina, said on Fox News.

Mr. Trump is expected to surrender to authorities next week on charges connected to hush money payments made during the 2016 presidential campaign to women who alleged extramarital sexual encounters.

For now, it remains unclear how the development will resonate with voters. Polls show Mr. Trump remains the undisputed frontrunner for the Republican nomination, and his standing has not faltered, even amid widespread reporting on the expected charges.

Keep reading.




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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.