The Unrealistic Myth of Carbon Neutrality

“The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.” – John F. Kennedy

Carbon neutrality is a state of net-zero carbon dioxide emissions. The term net zero means achieving a balance between the carbon emitted into the atmosphere, and the carbon removed from it. This balance – or net zero – will happen when the amount of carbon we add to the atmosphere is no more than the amount removed.

Proponents of carbon neutrality believe it can be achieved by: 1.) balancing emissions of carbon dioxide with its removal or 2.) by eliminating all carbon emissions from society.

FACT: Carbon is the most common element in the human body, making up 18% of the body by mass. Its role is mostly structural, forming the “backbone” of many organic molecules.

In an article titled “What Does Carbon Do for Human Bodies?” Glenn Singer reported:

Cellular respiration is a process through which the body releases energy stored in glucose, which is a compound composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. That energy is used to produce adenosine triphosphate, or ADP, which scientists call the “energy currency” of the cell. During respiration, the body oxidizes glucose and energy is released. The oxygen in the compound is reduced to water, while the carbon atoms in the glucose are released as carbon dioxide.

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Scientists estimate that a human being breathes about 20,000 times a day, thanks to the components of the respiratory system — the nose, throat, windpipe, voice box and lungs. The air that people breathe consists of several gases, with oxygen most important for cell growth and energy. Carbon dioxide, a waste gas, is produced when carbon is mixed with oxygen during cellular metabolism.

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A carbon-based substance, activated charcoal — very fine particles — can be a life-saver. It is a highly porous substance, able to bind many harmful substances, and often is used in hospital emergency rooms to treat drug overdoses and chemical poisonings.

So, humans are biologically carbon dioxide producers by just breathing in and out. So, what does this mean for those who want to eliminate all carbon emissions from society? Do they want to kill all humans to reach carbon neutrality?

The Biden administration, “Aims at 50-52 Percent Reduction in U.S. Greenhouse Gas Pollution from 2005 Levels in 2030.

According to the EPA Greenhouse gases are:

  • Carbon dioxide (CO2) Carbon dioxide enters the atmosphere through burning fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, and oil), solid waste, trees and other biological materials, and also as a result of certain chemical reactions (e.g., manufacture of cement).
  • Methane (CH4) Methane is emitted during the production and transport of coal, natural gas, and oil.
  • Nitrous oxide (N2O) Nitrous oxide is emitted during agricultural, land use, industrial activities, combustion of fossil fuels and solid waste, as well as during treatment of wastewater.
  • Fluorinated gases [A]re emitted from a variety of industrial processes.

Therefore, according to the EPA, in order to reduce greenhouse gas pollution by 50-52% we must: stop using all fossil fuels, stop making cement, stop transporting coal, natural gas and oil, stop growing crops and raising cattle, pigs, chickens, etc., stop industrial activities, stop treating waste water and finally end all industrial processes.

Carbon Neutrality is a Myth

The truth is that mankind cannot become carbon neutral without hurting mankind itself.

To understand this let’s look at the state of California’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS). According to the RPS website:

The Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) is one of California’s key programs for advancing renewable energy. The program sets continuously escalating renewable energy procurement requirements for the state’s load-serving entities. Generation must be procured from RPS-certified facilities. The California Energy Commission verifies RPS claims.

According to the RPS’ Regulations Specifying Enforcement Procedures for the Renewables the definition of “Procure” means:

to acquire electricity products from eligible renewable energy resources, either directly from the eligible renewable energy resource or from a third party, through executed contracts or ownership agreements.

Paige Lambermont in an article titled “California Will Continue to Reap the Blackouts It Sows” reported:

It doesn’t take an engineer to see the worrying trend towards electrical deficit brewing over the horizon as blackouts already hamper the state.

One major cause of the rise in usage of wind and solar power in California is the state’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) which requires that by 2030 all “electric load-serving entities” procure 60 percent of their electricity from renewables, and that by 2045 that share becomes 100 percent. Because of this requirement, utilities use far more of these intermittent resources, resources that although “greener” are less reliable, than they otherwise would. To compensate, California cycles their baseload resources up and down as the sun ceases to shine or the wind ceases to blow, making blackouts more likely.

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California imported nearly one-third of its electricity from other states in 2018. This is all fine and good when neighboring states have power to spare, but when they don’t their own capacity needs are fulfilled first.

Lambermont concluded with this warning,

If actions are not immediately taken to both keep current reliable baseload capacity, and remove legal limitations on the construction of new ones, both nuclear and natural gas, then California’s current power predicament may become a regular occurrence.

Without a major tidal shift in California energy policy, this problem is not currently destined to right itself.

The Bottom Line

Amazon aims for total carbon neutrality. Apple aims for total carbon neutrality. FedEx plans to replace its entire gas and diesel powered delivery trucks and replace them with electric powered vehicles.  In 2030 Mercedes committed to selling EVs exclusively “where the market allows.” Porsche aims to be totally carbon neutral. In 2025 Jaguar will become an all electric brand. Honda is planning to sell only electric vehicles in America. In 2027 Alfa Romeo plans on selling only electric vehicles in China, Europe and the U.S. In 2035. General Motors pledged to sell only electric vehicles unless “the market demands otherwise” and aims for its global products and operations to be carbon neutral. Mercedes aims to be carbon neutral in 2039. And finally, Ford, Honda, Mazda, Mitsubishi Motors, Subaru, Toyota and the Volkswagen Group aim for total carbon neutrality by 2050.

Do you see where this is all going? 

If you want to destroy an economy, eliminate jobs, stop heating homes, stop manufacturing cars, trucks, and SUVs that use gasoline or diesel fuels, stop flying planes that use jet fuel, stop manufacturing, end farming, stop getting clean water, and all of those related industries, then just go carbon neutral.

Stopping the use of power plants using coal, natural gas and oil will literally shut down America. Our nation will become worse than a third world country, we would return to the stone age before mankind discovered fire.

QUESTION: Is this idea of carbon neutrality good for you and me or bad for you and me?

ANSWER: NO! Carbon neutrality is about government making decisions that are best left up to individual consumers.

We will let you make the decision on that. We just provide the facts and truth behind carbon neutrality.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

Angel Families: Mayorkas, Biden Criminally Aiding Illegal Aliens

Angel Families, whose loved ones have been killed by illegal aliens, have released a statement slamming Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and decrepit President Joe Biden — declaring them criminal accomplices to illegal immigration.

In a speech last week, the open-borders enthusiast Mayorkas stated that Biden’s national immigration agenda centered around “justice and equity” for illegal aliens with the administration’s so-called “sanctuary country” orders shielding most illegal aliens from arrest and deportation.

Angel Families with Advocates for Victims of Illegal Alien Crime (AVIAC) blasted Mayorkas and Biden in response. “No one is or should be above the law,” the statement read:

When it comes to the 15-30 million individuals who entered the country illegally, refused to leave when their visa expired or were denied asylum, and disappeared into the country, they are considered by the president, every Democratic legislator (and some Republicans) most of the media and many state and local governors and state legislators and particularly DHS Secretary Mayorkas to be above the law…

But since the start of the Biden administration, even those who have committed additional crimes are protected. DHS Secretary Mayorkas made it very clear that being here illegally is not a crime…

The truth is that this administration and Mayorkas, in particular, decided to open the borders and possibly even worse to protect those who have already committed crimes. As of this writing, DHS has refused to release the statistics on internal enforcement deportations. Spoiler Alert: They will be atrocious.

The Angel Families add that they have “called for [Mayorkas’s] resignation, firing, and impeachment” as they consider the DHS chief and Biden “criminals as well.”

“Those who protect [Mayorkas], and his policies shouldn’t be held above the law either,” they rightly conclude.

Alejandro Mayorkas

13 Known Connections

No More Immigration Raids at “Protected Areas” & “Sensitive Locations”

In an October 12, 2021 memo issued to the Citizenship & Immigration Services (CIS) and Customs & Border Protection (CBP) agencies, Mayorkas announced that the DHS would now end all mass immigration-enforcement operations at worksites in the United States. Asserting that such operations should target employers of illegal migrants, rather than the migrants themselves, Mayorkas wrote: “The deployment of mass worksite operations, sometimes resulting in the simultaneous arrest of hundreds of workers, was not focused on the most pernicious aspect of our country’s unauthorized employment challenge: exploitative employers. These highly visible operations misallocated enforcement resources while chilling, and even serving as a tool of retaliation for, worker cooperation in workplace standards investigations.”

In an October 27, 2021 memo, Mayorkas ordered immigration officers to likewise refrain from arresting any illegal aliens at additional “protected areas” and “sensitive locations” like food banks, homeless shelters, churches, hospitals, schools, playgrounds, childcare centers, school bus stops, and places where disaster or emergency relief is provided. “When we conduct an enforcement action—whether it is an arrest, search, service of a subpoena, or other action—we need to consider many factors, including the location in which we are conducting the action and its impact on other people and broader societal interests,” Mayorkas told immigration officers in the memo. “For example, if we take an action at an emergency shelter, it is possible that noncitizens, including children, will be hesitant to visit the shelter and receive needed food and water, urgent medical attention, or other humanitarian care.”

In response to Mayorkas’ memo, Federation for American Immigration Reform president Dan Stein said in a statement: “The [ICE] agency still exists, but it has been stripped of all of its functions with regard to the enforcement of immigration laws. Nearly all illegal aliens are already off-limits to enforcement due to a Sep. 30 memo, and as a result of Mayorkas’ ‘expanded and non-exhaustive list of protected areas,’ where ICE agents are [not] permitted to do their work, the secretary has essentially nullified an entire body of constitutionally enacted laws.”

To learn more about Alejandro Mayorkas, click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Deliberate Treachery of Lower Standards

I have a niece who, when she was six, said, “Mommy, those people have low standards.”  If she were still six these days, she’d be really upset because, everywhere you turn, people are trying to lower standards.

A Minnesota middle school abolished failing grades.  No more “F’s” because they are systemically racist.  However, I submit to you that coddling students is not the best way to prepare for them the school of hard knocks.  But the idea is picking up steam, especially in California.

The Arlington County School Board in Virginia wants to abolish the grading of homework because minority students supposedly don’t have the resources to complete their assignments.  Which doesn’t make any sense, because Arlington hands out free laptops to students.  Moreover, it didn’t take a lot of resources for the math class to succeed in the movie ‘Stand and Deliver’ which was based on a true story.  All it took was a dedicated teacher with a vision and students willing to try.  Arlington’s move is based on “implicit bias” theory which, although it snookered Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, is a house of cards when you start looking into it.  It all started with a science experiment showing white people have infinitesimally delayed reaction times when shown pictures of black people in distress.  From that slender reed, the entire cottage industry of implicit bias theory was born.  How stupid is that.  It’s never been shown that association tests like this can predict real-world behavior.

Turning to higher education, accrediting bodies for medical schools have proclaimed that “individualism and meritocracy” are “malignant narratives” that “create harm” and, proclaimed further that race has “no genetic or scientific basis.”  The proclamations were made in the interest of “advancing health equity”.  Critics warn the new approach will turn doctors into unqualified quacks who will miss diagnoses and not order tests because they mistakenly believe racial differences play no role in susceptibility to certain diseases.

Classics majors at Princeton will no longer have to be proficient in Latin and Greek to graduate.  The argument is not that the languages have become superfluous.  Instead, the argument is that lowering the standard would undo systemic racism and promote equity.  Not to be left out, the English Department at Rutgers just emancipated students from traditional English grammar.  The Department made the move in solidarity with Black Lives Matter and out of the belief dumbing down grammar standards is the “way to contribute to the eradication of systemic inequities facing black, indigenous, and people of color.”

I can’t think of anything more racist than telling people they’re too stupid to succeed because they’re a certain color.

Moreover, I can’t take all this talk about how lowering education standards supposedly helps minorities seriously.  This is because I know there are government documents laying out a deliberate plan to dumb down America.  There are people who are trying to make Americans stupid compliant sheep and wards of the state run by wannabe masters of the universe.  It’s all laid out in a book by the woman who found the documents.  The book is entitled “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America” and the author is Charlotte Iserbyt who worked in the federal Department of Education where she found the documents.

How are lower standards good for anybody?  Anyone with any sense can see they’re not.  If a six-year-old can see it, why can’t you?

I’ll have more to say about the phony systemic racism narrative tomorrow.

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©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: REPORT: Student outcomes and earnings in higher education policy – American Enterprise Institute

“Increased Immigration Flows” Under Biden Cause Record-Breaking Court Backlog

The Biden administration’s controversial open border policies are slamming the overwhelmed U.S. Immigration Court system, creating the largest backlog of cases in history. A new report issued by Syracuse University’s Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) reveals that the backlog is “growing faster than ever, burying judges in an avalanche of cases.” At the end of December pending cases reached a shocking 1,596,193, according to government figures obtained by TRAC under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). To put things in perspective, researchers point out that if every person with a pending immigration case gathered, it would surpass the population of Philadelphia, the nation’s sixth-largest city. Migrants with open cases will wait nearly five years for a court decision determining their status in the U.S.

While the system has seen backlogs under past administrations of both political parties, it has never experienced anything this dire. In fact, the TRAC report states that “a disturbing new trend has emerged during the Biden administration that demands attention: since the start of the Biden administration, the growth of the backlog has been accelerating at a breakneck pace.” For instance, at the start of the George W. Bush administration, the backlog stood at 149,338 and it grew “substantially” under Barack Obama. The problem “only accelerated” under Donald Trump but nothing compares to Biden. In recent months the rate of backlogs in the nation’s Immigration Court system has “exploded,” the TRAC report states, supporting the assessment with government data. Between October and December 2021, the quarterly growth in the number of pending Immigration Court cases shattered records.

In that short period, the backlog increased by nearly 140,000 cases, the government records obtained by TRAC show. “Even during the most dramatic growth in pending cases during the Trump administration, the largest 3-month increase in the backlog only once approached 100,000 in the June-August 2019 period,” the report says. The backlog fluctuated up and down in the following year until it skyrocketed in the last few months of 2021 under Biden. Researchers call it a “dramatic acceleration in the growth of the backlog.” The alarming government figures suggest that Immigration Courts “are entering a worrying new era of even more crushing caseloads— all the more concerning since no attempt at a solution has yet been able to reverse the avalanche of cases that Immigration Judges now face,” the TRAC report states.

The COVID-19 pandemic has played a role in the crisis because it caused a partial court shutdown, but researchers found that the key problem is the “recent deluge of new cases filed by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).” Immigration enforcement has been limited dramatically under the Biden administration, which has also issued a policy to allow more new immigrants into the U.S., thus the unprecedented and expanding backlog. The dramatic increase in court cases began around June and will inevitably get worse if the administration does not make changes. “If the current pace during the first quarter of FY 2022 of newly arriving Notices to Appear (NTAs) continues, the Court will receive 800,000 new cases – at least 300,000 more than the annual total the Court has ever received during its existence,” TRAC estimates.

The U.S. Immigration Court system operates under the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR), which functions under the attorney general. There are 60 immigration courts throughout the nation and around 580 judges that conduct removal hearings or determine if a migrant can remain in the U.S. In its 2022 budget submission to Congress, the DOJ requests $891,190,000 for the EOIR. In the document, the agency lists “increased immigration flows,” particularly family units, unaccompanied alien children and putative asylum seekers from Central America, among the EOIR’s biggest external challenges.

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Misdiagnosing COVID: Where Biden and the Media Got It Wrong

The U.S. Supreme Court dropped the hammer on the president’s vaccine mandate almost two weeks ago, but the administration must have had a hard time saying goodbye. It took 12 full days, but OSHA, the government’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration, finally got around to shutting down the private employer “jabs for jobs” rule it never had the grounds to write. A defeated Biden formally withdrew his “emergency temporary standard” this week — which, as it turns out, was never an emergency, but thanks to the justices, it sure was temporary.

If only America could take back the other 365 days of bad COVID policy, Rep. Greg Murphy (R-N.C.) said on “Washington Watch.” “We all talked at the beginning about ‘follow the science.’ The sad thing is… with this particular administration… it’s become political science rather than real science.” And, like a lot of Americans, Murphy is upset that our country is now paying for it. As part of the GOP Doctors Caucus in the House, he sent a letter to the head of NIH, Acting Director Lawrence Tabak, about the dangerous side effects of the administration’s far-Left policies.

The group of almost 20 members asked for specific data from the agency on the “adverse reactions” of the COVID lockdowns. As the collection of doctors points out, the government’s decision took a mental and physical toll on children (not to mention setting American students back scholastically). It held cardiac and cancer patients hostage while they waited for the care they needed during the elective surgery stoppage. Then, there were psychological effects of closing businesses and firing people based on their vaccination status. Our country witnessed a rise in domestic violence — and, as we all saw, violence in general.

“Let’s see how many years of life lost we had because of our actions of COVID,” Murphy argued. “Let’s look at the lockdowns. Let’s look at people being kept away from families, their churches, their friends, and the depression that ensued, subsequent substitutes that ensued [like drug abuse]… I want to help restore faith in medicine to the American public,” he said. “I also want real answers… In my opinion, I think we should have had a much more selective approach of helping those who are at high risk rather than just a shotgun approach to everybody.”

In his mind and the rest of the caucus, we owe it to the American people to stop and think about the “short- and long-term ramifications of this administration’s restrictive, repressive, and often damaging COVID-19 policies.” So much of what’s been done in the last two years as part of the government’s virus response would fall in the category of abnormal. But unfortunately, what we’re not hearing in the media is a discussion of what went right, what went wrong, and what needs to be the done as we address future pandemics.

Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) is doing his best to correct that, hosting a special event this past Monday called “COVID-19: A Second Opinion.” Bringing together the best doctors, the discussion centered around ways the public had been misled. They covered a lot of ground — from vaccine mandates to comorbidities of the virus — and, not surprisingly, they got very little attention from the liberal media. “They can’t afford to be proven wrong,” the senator said Tuesday on “Washington Watch.”

“Eight hundred eighty-nine thousand Americans have perished in COVID, and of course, we’ve been listening collectively to a group of public health officials — many of [whom] don’t practice medicine. Few, if any, of them have ever treated a COVID patient. And so, what I tried to do is provide the American public with [the truth] coming from doctors who have actually had the courage and compassion to treat thousands of COVID patients. They expose themselves to the virus. They’ve treated patients successfully using cheap, generic, widely available drugs that have been around for decades with an incredibly strong safety profile… And that’s really not who the legacy media has listened to.”

All the Biden administration wants to do is send people home afraid, he argued. Force them to isolate and maybe take some Tylenol. And just pray you don’t get really sick. “They are the ones who suppress this [information], who have kept people from accessing early treatment… So this is a travesty that has occurred. I hope Americans start waking up.”

RELATED ARTICLE: NY Nurse recordings reveal possible botched administration of COVID Vaccine on Children

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Russia’s Gas Grip Has the World over a Barrel

If the White House didn’t orchestrate Justice Stephen Breyer’s retirement, then they certainly won’t be unhappy about its timing. A vacancy on the Supreme Court is exactly what the PR spin doctors ordered for Joe Biden, who’s had trouble changing the news cycle from the president’s latest debacle-waiting-to-happen: Ukraine. And while it might turn a few heads in the short term, it won’t do anything to quell the long-term problem of Vladimir Putin. As the rest of the world scrambles to pull Europe back from the brink of war, the burning question in most nations’ minds isn’t whether America can stop Putin — but whether an America led by Joe Biden can.

The situation 5,500 miles away on the Russian border is changing by the minute. Even for leaders in the know — like North Dakota Senator Kevin Cramer (R) — it’s been hard to keep up. And the U.S. president certainly isn’t helping matters. One minute Biden takes a firm hand against Putin, the next time, he’s throwing down a welcome mat for a “minor incursion.” On Tuesday, Biden put on his stern voice, warning that Putin’s force build-up on the Ukrainian border “would be the largest invasion since World War II. It would change the world.” Then he shrugged, grabbed a chocolate ice cream cone, and left.

In the background of frantic global meetings, the military preparations continue. As Russia drills its soldiers — practicing bombing runs, shooting exercises, and steering warplanes, ships, and paratroopers into the area — Putin took a more menacing tone. His righthand men, like foreign minister Sergey Lavrov vowed revenge if United States and its allies don’t shut up and look the other way. “If the West continues its aggressive course,” Lavrov threatened, “Moscow will take the necessary retaliatory measures.” Insisting Russia wouldn’t be stymied by “endless discussions,” the foreign minister went on to mock the world’s response, laughing that “our Western colleagues have driven themselves up into a militarist frenzy.” Ukraine is probably more scared by what he called “the Western scare” than anything.

Meanwhile, as the U.S., Britain, Australia, Germany, and Canada call their diplomats home, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is desperately trying to stop the nationwide panic as words between the two sides get more and more heated. Behind the scenes, he continues to plead for more support — including with a bipartisan delegation of U.S. senators. Cramer, who just returned from Kyiv, reiterated what an important trip it was, especially in light of Biden’s mixed messages. “It just seems like he’s always fumbling around and sending chaotic signals, which I think are complicating matters a little bit. And I’m sure that his trying to keep the NATO coalition together [is] part of the challenge… But it isn’t helped by these [conflicting statements].”

The group of four Democrats and three Republicans were hoping to clean up some of their president’s mess. “It was an important trip,” Cramer explained on “Washington Watch.” “We were able to do a couple of things. First of all, of course, to get information on the ground. And we did… But also, and probably more importantly, [we wanted] to relay a unified voice from Congress itself… And I think to that end, we were pretty successful. The Ukrainian leaders, including President Zelensky, saw this unified front, [and] I think [it] gave him a sense of confidence.”

Zelensky’s concern — and perhaps all of Europe’s — centers around Putin’s energy monopoly in the region. “Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country,” the late Senator John McCain half-joked. And under Donald Trump, we might have had the leadership to treat it like one. Now, with so many nations wholly dependent on Russia’s gas — and no reliable alternative (thanks to America’s energy retreat under Biden) — talk of sanctions becomes even more complicated. Already, Russia is cracking down on its supply, sending energy prices soaring — and inflicting major pain on countries like Germany. It’s a tricky business threatening Russia’s economy, Cramer agreed. We need a response that “punishes the people that need to be punished” without the effects harming our allies.

“That’s part of the reason Germany has been so difficult to work with on this situation,” the senator acknowledged. They’ve allowed [Russia’s] Nord Stream 2 pipeline [to come into Europe] and [give] Putin more leverage over — not just Germany — but all of Europe when it comes to natural gas and energy. I always say coming from an energy-producing state [that] energy security is national security. To make Europe more captive to Vladimir Putin is really shortsighted. It may seem like a good idea in the short run, but not in the long run.”

And America bears some of the responsibility for that. Under Joe Biden, we’ve helped give Russia the keys to its new energy empire, turning off our own spigots and undoing all of the energy independence under Trump. We have a solution to this problem right here at home — a 41 percent cleaner alternative, Cramer pointed out ironically. “We have an American solution to this situation that Germany and Europe [need]. We [have] to be more actively involved in a geopolitical trade solution that provides the energy security that we all seek. And we haven’t made that case.”

At the end of the day, America has to have standing with the world to lead. The fact of the matter is, we’ve lost that standing under Joe Biden — and a number of countries could pay for it with their very existence. Let’s pray that doesn’t happen.

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Hoosiers Overwhelmingly Support Term Limits for Congress in New RMG Research Poll

INDIANAPOLIS, MN/PRNewswire/ — Seventy-six percent of registered Indiana voters support term limits for Congress according to a poll conducted for U.S. Term Limits (USTL) by RMG Research. The poll of 500 registered Indiana voters was conducted on January 14-16, 2022. The poll showed support for congressional term limits was broad-based among all demographics and party affiliations. Sixty-seven percent of respondents favor the Indiana legislature adopting legislation that would call for an amendment-proposing convention to adopt term limits under Article V of the United States Constitution. Sixty-nine percent of the respondents want their state legislator to support legislation that would set term limits.

Recently in Indiana, House Joint Resolution 2 (HJR 2) was introduced in the State House by Rep. Chris Jeter (HD-88), co-authored by the House Majority Caucus Chair Greg Steuerwald (HD-40), and House Minority Whip Justin Moed (HD-97) that would have Indiana join other states in issuing a call for an amendment-proposing convention for congressional term limits under Article V. By using Article V of the U.S. Constitution, 34 state legislatures can team up for a convention to propose a congressional term limits amendment. The Term Limits Convention initiative is being spearheaded by the nonpartisan, grassroots nonprofit advocacy group U.S. Term Limits.

“Term limits for Congress is the one issue that unites all Americans,” said Nick Tomboulides, Executive Director of U.S. Term Limits. “As this poll indicates, Indianans want to see action on this issue and see the legislature pass legislation for a constitutional convention for term limits.”

“In the era of entrenched, career Washington politicians who make a fortune off the backs of taxpayers, term limits for Congress is a must,” said Micah Beckwith, Indiana State Chair for U.S. Term Limits. “Supporting term limits will help return our republic to a purer and more idealistic citizen legislature, precisely what our founders envisioned to ensure liberty for generations to come. Contact your Indiana state representative and state senator today and tell them to help make term limits for Congress a reality.”

The poll also showed that sixty-six percent of Hoosiers are more likely to vote a state legislator who supports implementing congressional term limits. This also cut across party lines and showed that despite intense political polarization, support for congressional term limits is the one issue all Indianans are united on.


U.S. Term Limits is the oldest and largest grassroots term limits advocacy group in the country. Our goal is to educate and connect term limits supporters with their legislators as we work to pass term limits on all elected officials, particularly on the U.S. Congress. Find out more at


RMG Research: Long recognized as one of the world’s leading public opinion pollsters, Scott Rasmussen is committed to enhancing the public dialogue through data-driven analysis that explores the underlying currents of public opinion.

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Columnist TIM BRYCE, and Financial Advisor BERKLY BADGER


The decline of Nonprofits & Religious Institutions, Education, Morality, Food, Politics, Finance, Medicare & Social Security, Medical issues, Insurance, Retirement, Music, Comedy, Reunions, Technology, Election Registration and more.

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PODCAST: The Texas Synagogue Attack and Alien Voting

In this episode, we address 3 major immigration developments. We analyze the new alien voting law in New York City, discuss the massive expansion of publicly-funded healthcare to illegal aliens in California, and answer how the the Texas synagogue terrorist was able to enter the country in the first place.

Listen to Episode 48 of Understanding Immigration.


FAIR’s bi-weekly podcast bringing you the most important news about immigration hosted by Communications Manager Matthew Tragesser, Government Relations Manager Preston Huennekens, and Director of Research Spencer Raley.

RELATED ARTICLE: British Terrorist Situation in Texas Underscores Failures of Current Intelligence and Immigration Systems

EDITORS NOTE: This FAIR podcast is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Biden attacks reporter, ‘What a stupid son-of-a-bitch!’ Inflation is a ‘great asset, more inflation!’

At the fraudulent Biden’s latest presser:

“Do you think inflation will be a political liability ahead of the midterms?” Doocy shouted to the president as the press was being escorted out of an event.

“That’s a great asset, more inflation,” Biden scowled sarcastically. “What a stupid son of a b—-.”

It’s on the White House website. The WH generally scrub their transcripts what they don’t like. So we know – they mean to reframe inflation as a “good” thing. They have so little respect for the American people and clearly even less for their ability to think, they think they can sell this poison.


CNN’s Collins: ‘Pretty Clear Biden Knew He Was on a Mic’ During ‘SOB’ Comment

Ukraine Slams Biden For Urging Americans To Leave: ‘Americans are safer in Kyiv than they are in LA’

RELATED VIDEO:  Doocy Responds In HILARIOUS Fashion To Biden’s SOB Comment


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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DISASTER: Biden Admin’s Mass Release of Single Adult Males Illegals Across USA

DISASTER: Biden’s December Illegal Border Crossing Numbers Worse Than 3 Previous Years Combined

Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration finally released the December numbers for illegal border crossings along the U.S.-Mexico border, which showed a dramatic uptick compared to previous years.

By: Ryan Saavedra, Daily Wire, January 15, 2022:

“The number of unique individuals encountered in December 2021 was 135,040, a 5 percent increase in the number of unique individuals encountered the prior month,” U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said in a statement. “In total, there were 178,840 encounters along the Southwest land border in December, a 2 percent increase compared to November.”

The 178,840 illegal border crossings for December 2021 was higher than the December totals from 2020, 2019, and 2018 combined when there was a total of 175,353 illegal border crossings.

Mark Morgan, former acting CBP commissioner and Heritage visiting fellow, responded to the news in a statement, saying, “More than a year ago, even as Joe Biden was preparing to roll back President Donald Trump’s effective border security policies, he claimed he did not want to end up with ‘two million people on our border.’ After a year on the job, it’s undeniable that Biden has failed even by his own basic measure.”

“In 12 months, CBP recorded more than two million encounters along the southwest border, a shocking and historic number,” Morgan added. “But that number does not include an estimated 600,000 or more ‘got-aways,’ individuals who cross the border illegally but which Border Patrol is unable to detain. And then there are the ‘turn-backs,’ those who make an effort to cross the border but eventually give up and return to their country of origin. Under Biden, that number was around 400,000. Under Joe Biden, more than three million people have tried to violate America’s sovereignty and illegally enter our country. This is not only the worst border crisis in American history—it’s the worst 12 months for any president when it comes to border security.”

Former acting ICE director Tom Homan said during an interview accused Biden’s border policies to contributing to deaths along the southern border. Homan’s remarks came after a Texas Department of Public Safety officer was killed during a U.S. Border Patrol incident over the weekend.

“Prayers out to Special Agent Salas and his family, it’s always tragic to lose one of the finest,” he said. “But look, I’ve said it many times before: people want to beat up on President Trump, but his [Biden’s] immigration policies are inhumane. Let me be clear when President Trump pushed illegal immigration to a 35, 40 year low, depending on how much you look at illegal immigration… it was down 83%. That saves lives because the most vulnerable people will not make that journey if they know they won’t succeed.”

“And Joe Biden comes in office, destroys all his policies. And what’s the result? Under President Trump last year, there was a total of 254 migrants died crossing that border —the first year under President Biden, that is more than doubled to 557,” he added. “That’s a 119% increase… Add to that over 100,000 overdose deaths, most of it from fentanyl that the DEA says, ‘come across the border.’ Add to that 59 CBP officers who die from COVID because Joe Biden is ignoring Title 42 when it comes to hundreds of thousands of children and family groups to come across with COVID, that affects these agents. So let me tell you something, Joe Biden’s policies are not humane. It’s killing people at a huge rate – more than I’ve ever seen in my career.

RELATED ARTICLE: VIRGINIA: Afghan Muslim refugee convicted of sexually assaulting 3-year-old girl at Quantico Marine base

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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VIRGINIA: Afghan Muslim refugee convicted of sexually assaulting 3-year old girl at Quantico Marine base

Note that Afghans arrived at “Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia, Aug. 27, 2021. The Department of Defense, through U.S. Northern Command, and in support of the Department of State and Department of Homeland Security,” provided “transportation, temporary housing, medical screening, and general support for up to 50,000 Afghan evacuees at suitable facilities, in permanent or temporary structures, as quickly as possible.”

“According to court papers, Tariq tried to explain through interpreters that his conduct was acceptable in his culture.” He’s right, but Westerners who fear the “Islamophobia” label avoid discussion of this.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: I have been informed that `Aisha remained with the Prophet  for nine years (ie till his death). (Sahih Bukari 5134)

This leads to the acceptance of child marriage in the Muslim world and the justification of acts of pedophilia. Of course, not every Muslim ascribes to such acts, but since this is encoded in the Sharia, it cannot be rejected or reformed.

The West has now flung its doors open to masses of unvetted migrants from Afghanistan and other countries where such behavior (and much more, including misogyny, Islamic supremacy, Jew-hatred, the persecution of Christians, etc.) is acceptable.

Afghan refugee convicted of sexually assaulting 3-year-old girl at Quantico

Associated Press, January 24, 2022:

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) — A federal jury has convicted an Afghan refugee of sexually assaulting a 3-year-old girl at Quantico Marine Corps Base where he was housed.

[Mohammed] Tariq was arrested in September at Camp Upshur in Quantico after Marines observed him fondling the girl, who was not related to him, above her clothes on her private parts.

According to court papers, [Mohammed] Tariq tried to explain through interpreters that his conduct was acceptable in his culture. Efforts to have his statements suppressed were rejected by the judge.

Tariq, who was brought to Virginia after working alongside U.S. troops in Afghanistan… [Emphasis added]



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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

OSHA Pulls Private Vaccine Mandate After Supreme Court Loss

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) will withdraw a rule mandating that private businesses with more than 100 employees require that they be vaccinated against COVID-19 or undergo weekly testing against the virus.

OSHA will formally withdraw the rule on Wednesday, according to a document published Tuesday in an advanced version of the Federal Register. The rule, announced in November by President Joe Biden, was immediately challenged by several states and private companies, and the Supreme Court issued a stay on Jan. 13 while federal appeals courts consider its legality.

“After evaluating the Court’s decision, OSHA is withdrawing the Vaccination and Testing ETS as an enforceable emergency temporary standard,” the agency wrote in the Register.

The OSHA announcement was first reported by Bloomberg Law.

When he announced the rule, Biden argued that it would reduce the spread of COVID-19 by increasing the number of Americans who received vaccinations against the virus. Vaccines are less effective at reducing the spread of the newly-dominant Omicron variant, although they are still effective at preventing hospitalization and death.

“Some of the biggest companies are already requiring this,” Biden said in defending the rule. “United Airlines, Disney, Tyson food and even Fox News.”

However, OSHA suspended the rule’s enforcement in November, after the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a stay. It never went back into effect.

Other portions of the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate plan have also been held up. A federal judge in Texas issued an injunction on Friday preventing the government from mandating that all federal employees and contractors receive COVID-19 vaccines. The judge, Jeffrey Brown, ruled that Biden could not issue such a mandate “with the stroke of a pen and without the input of Congress.”

Several lower court judges also blocked the federal government’s vaccine mandate for healthcare workers whose employers receive Medicare and Medicaid funds. However, the Supreme Court ruled that that mandate can remain in effect while its legality is debated at lower courts.



Congressional reporter.

RELATED DATA: VAERS COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports: 1,053,828 Reports Through January 14, 2022

RELATED ARTICLE: Supreme Court Blocks Biden’s Vaccine-Or-Testing Rule For Businesses, Allows Healthcare Worker Mandate To Move Forward

RELATED VIDEO: Dr. Peter McCullough: Top 5 Key Points About Covid-19.

Biden Administration Quietly Burdened Americans with $201 Billion in Hidden Taxes Last Year, Report Finds

Biden has also imposed 131 million hours of new annual paperwork on Americans.

President Biden campaigned on moderation and a “return to normal.” Yet, on the regulatory front, the Biden administration has been far more aggressive than previous administrations—both Republican and Democratic. At least, that’s the finding of a new report from the center-right American Action Forum (AAF).

Analysts Dan Goldbeck and Dan Bosch reviewed President Biden’s first year in charge. They found that through regulatory actions and executive orders, this administration imposed more than $201 billion in regulatory costs—and 131 million hours of new annual paperwork on Americans.

That’s nearly 40 times more costs imposed than during President Trump’s first year. Yet in perhaps a more apt comparison of presidents from the same party, the report finds that Biden’s regulatory expenses are even three times greater than those incurred during Obama’s first year.

Why are Biden’s regulatory costs skyrocketing? Well, AAF notes that the massive increase under Biden was largely fueled by one uber-expensive regulation regarding greenhouse gas emission standards for automobiles. This example highlights why Americans should care about all of this. After all, aren’t regulations just imposed on businesses?

Not so fast.

While the paperwork might officially regulate General Motors, it is customers who ultimately bear much of this multi-billion-dollar burden via higher prices. In pursuing its “green” agenda via regulatory fiat, the Biden administration is imposing hidden/indirect taxes on American families.

Yet, as AAF’s data show, this isn’t a unique aspect of Joe Biden’s presidency. While it ebbs and flows under different presidents, the regulatory state continues to grow and expand. Americans should be well aware that these incursions come with direct costs for them even if their tax bill doesn’t go up on paper.

When we overlook these costs because the surface-level burden falls on businesses, we fall victim to a common fallacy and fail to properly scrutinize the actions of our government.

This error is what Henry Hazlitt dubbed “the fallacy of overlooking secondary consequences.” In Economics in One Lesson, he rightly decried “the persistent tendency of men to see only the immediate effects of a given policy, or its effects only on a special group, and to neglect to inquire what the long-run effects of that policy will be not only on that special group but on all groups.”

So, yes, it’s understandable that the latest regulations added to the Federal Register might not naturally grab the attention of most Americans. But we should all still care about the unseen burden the federal government imposes on the public with each new rule, regulation, and dictate its bureaucrats come up with.


Brad Polumbo

Brad Polumbo (@Brad_Polumbo) is a libertarian-conservative journalist and Policy Correspondent at the Foundation for Economic Education.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

POLL: 60% of Americans Would Vote FOR ANYONE but Biden if Election Held Today

My takeaway – 40% (and I think that is inflated) of America is mentally ill.

Poll finds 60 percent would vote against Biden if election was held now

By: Mark Moore, NY Post, January 23, 2022:

Six in 10 Americans would vote for someone other than President Biden if the 2024 presidential election was held today — a rate higher than his predecessors Barack Obama and Donald Trump, according to a poll released Sunday.

Asked if the election were held today, 60 percent said they would “probably” or “definitely” vote for someone else, compared to 36 percent who said they would “definitely” or “probably” re-elect Biden, the survey by Fox News shows.

Fifty-two percent said they would vote for someone other than Trump if it were February 2020, and 51 percent said they would select somebody other than Obama if it were August 2011.

The survey also shows the deep dissatisfaction Americans feel for Biden’s handling of the economy, the COVID-19 pandemic, border security and foreign policy.
Joe Biden.
Only 36 percent said they would “definitely” or “probably” re-elect President Biden.
Rick Loomis/Getty Images

The president’s job disapproval rating is at 52 percent, a slight rise from last month, but a 9 percentage point increase from April, while his approval rating is trending in the opposite direction — from a high of 56 percent in June to 47 percent in this poll.

Asked about Biden’s handling of the economy, 58 percent to 41 percent disapprove. When it comes to the COVID-19 pandemic, 52 percent to 46 percent disapprove; 59 percent to 37 percent disapprove of his handling of border security; and 54 percent to 41 percent disapprove of his handling of foreign policy.
2024 poll.
60 percent said they would “probably” or “definitely” vote for someone else other than President Biden in 2024.
Fox News

As bad as Biden’s approval ratings are, Vice President Kamala Harris’ are worse.

The survey found that 54 percent of Americans disapprove of the job she is doing, and only 43 percent approve.

In June, her approval rating was at 50 percent and her disapproval rating was 47 percent.

Vice President Kamala Harris’ approval ratings are even worse than President Biden’s.

But the overall discontent with the Biden administration doesn’t translate into a significant advantage for congressional Republicans in the 2022 midterm elections.

Forty-four percent said they would vote for the Republican candidate if the election were held today, compared to 43 percent who would go with the Democratic candidate.

Republicans get high marks from voters on their ability to deal with taxes, the federal budget deficit, immigration, crime, and the economy, while Democrats get good grades on climate change, racism, health care, the pandemic and education.
Barack Obama.

Some 51 percent said they would select somebody other than former President Barack Obama if it were August 2011.

But most Americans — 85 percent — said their top concern was inflation and higher prices, above all other issues.

Concerns over high crime came came in second with 81 percent, followed by political divisions at 78 percent, the coronavirus pandemic at 72 percent, North Korean missile tests at 68 percent, the standoff between Ukraine and Russia at 62 percent, migrants at the southern border at 59 percent, voter suppression at 58 percent and voter fraud at 53 percent.

Forty-three percent of Americans believe inflation and high prices will still be plaguing the nation for “more than a year,” while 44 percent think coronavirus will continue to be a major issue for “more than a year.”
Donald Trump.

The poll shows 48 percent blame the federal government’s policies for inflation. Forty-two percent say it’s the result of coronavirus and 9 percent blame both equally.

The poll surveyed 1,001 registered voters between Jan. 16-19.

It has a plus/minus 3 percentage points margin of error.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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