Three Mile Island and the Exaggerated Risk of Nuclear Power

The Three Mile Island accident caused no physical harm, but the event changed public perception of the risks of nuclear energy.

You’ve likely heard of the 1979 Three Mile Island nuclear accident. It’s often cited as an example of the dangers of nuclear power. It’s usually mentioned in the same breath as Chernobyl and Fukushima.

But what exactly happened there? Was it truly an exemplar of the grave dangers posed by nuclear power?

The answer is no. No one died. No one was injured. The other reactor on the site was still in operation until September 20 (yes, September 20 of last year). The Three Mile Island incident is an example of both the recallability trap and the sometimes negative results of being too yielding to the demands of the precautionary principle.

The main impact of the Three Mile Island accident has been psychological rather than physical. Big events like this one shape public attitudes for decades. People don’t remember the real impact of the event; they remember the feelings of uncertainty and fear that came with it. Those feelings now taint the public image of nuclear power in the United States.

The accident at Three Mile Island Unit 2 occurred at 4 a.m. on March 28, 1979. There was a malfunction in the reactor’s secondary cooling circuit, and the temperature of the reactor’s primary coolant rose, causing an automatic shutdown of the reactor. Control room instruments didn’t alert operators that a relief valve failed to close. Because of this, the reactor did not cool as it should have, and the core was damaged. Later that day, a small amount of gas was released accidentally, but the released gas traveled through air filters, which removed all of the radionuclides save the relatively harmless and short half-lived noble gases.

The accident created public fear but posed no real threat to the public. According to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), the two million people in the area around TMI-2 at the time of the accident received an estimated dose of only 1 millirem above the usual background dose of radiation, less exposure than they would receive from a chest x-ray and a tiny fraction of the 100-125 millirem normal yearly background dose in the area. This is a minuscule amount of radiation compared to what all of us encounter in the normal course of everyday life.

Because of cancer concerns following the accident, the Pennsylvania Department of Health maintained a registry of people living within five miles of Three Mile Island when the accident occurred. The 30,000 person list was kept up until mid-1997 when it was determined that there had been no unusual health trends or increased cancer cases in the area immediately surrounding the accident.

People were frightened by the event, but there was no physical harm. Only the public perception of the risks of nuclear energy was heightened dramatically. The greatest effects were on the future permitting and construction of reactors and on NRC rules and procedures.

Following this accident, it became far more difficult to construct a reactor in the United States, in part because the politics and economics both shifted. Heightened fear makes approval more difficult and causes people to be less supportive of new construction, and changes on the regulatory side of things increase costs, shifting the economics of bringing new plants online. A 1984 New York Times article on the abandonment of construction of the Marble Hill plant in Indiana cites more than 100 plant cancellations following the Three Mile Island Accident.

Significant changes came to the NRC following Three Mile Island. It expanded its resident inspector program in which two NRC inspectors live near each of the plants and provide oversight of adherence to the agencies’ regulations.

It also expanded both safety and performance-oriented inspections and established an operations center staffed 24 hours a day to provide assistance in plant emergencies. The Institute of Nuclear Power Operations, which is now the Nuclear Energy Institute, was also established to be an internal policing mechanism for the industry, providing a single point of interaction with NRC and other agencies on many issues and allowing them to share a framework for approaching generic issues they all experience.Plants were also required to install additional equipment to monitor certain conditions in order to mitigate future accidents. These and other changes created a far more safety-oriented regulatory environment than previously existed. Safety became a more essential element of the system, but regulatory costs also rose.

This is certainly a case where the downside of the precautionary principle has negative effects. Decisions that account more for the damage caused by rare accidents than by the constant benefits produced operate under an inaccurate cost-benefit analysis. This is even more true in this case, where there was widespread fear but no real off-site damage.

The Mercatus Center’s Adam Thierer made a similar point about the aftermath of Japan’s Fukushima disaster in an October 31 piece titled “How Many Lives are Lost Due to the Precautionary Principle?” wherein he pointed out the hidden costs of overly precautionary thinking. Following Fukushima, Japan stopped using nuclear power, which had previously been 30 percent of its energy. Energy prices rose, and in the subsequent four years, there were 1,280 cold-related deaths. Precautionary thinking can lead to costly unforeseen outcomes.

Reliable and affordable energy is essential—a fact no more apparent than when it becomes less affordable and less reliable. Although the Three Mile Island aftermath isn’t quite so dramatic, it’s a similar concept. Fears of worst-case scenarios prevent the development of important resources.

Overprecaution fueled by outlier events means that less nuclear power is constructed, plants are shut down before they need to be, and the public is misinformed about the safety of this technology.

When major events occur, we often fall into the recallability trap, wherein more dramatic events are remembered more sharply and seen as more likely to occur than less dramatic ones. We might be more afraid of a nuclear disaster or a lightning strike than we are of a car crash or heart attack even though we’re far more likely to be done in by the latter than the former.

Rare but dramatic events tend to feel far more likely than statistics indicate. We misestimate the chances of these things happening. The recallability trap is especially relevant to nuclear power. Although there have only been three major commercial nuclear accidents—Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima—and only one of those was in the United States, the general public views these events as far more likely.

According to a CBS News survey, in 1977, 69 percent of Americans favored building new nuclear power plants, but by 1979, after Three Mile Island, support fell to 46 percent. Following Chernobyl in 1986, support had fallen to just 34 percent. By 2008, it had risen to 57 percent, but in 2011, after Fukushima, it fell back down to 43 percent. The public is strongly influenced by accidents in this space, and public perception is quickly changed when they occur.

Following the Three Mile Island incident, attitudes toward nuclear power in the United States shifted.

The impetus to license new plants was all but gone. Public fear was overwhelming enough to discourage new development. From 1978 to 2012, the NRC didn’t approve the construction of any new commercial reactors. As the chart below shows, new reactors were still constructed following the incident, but new permitting did not occur, although various projects were attempted throughout the period. Much of this gap can be attributed to the Three Mile Island accident. Indeed, in 2019, Exelon, the owner of the Three Mile Island plant, announced it would be closing down its final remaining reactor after years of losing money. Following an incident like this one, people become overcautious.

Nonetheless, in the early 2000s, this finally started to change as the “nuclear renaissance” began. Following a few decades of no development, nuclear power was planning a big comeback. But because of a combination of the fears created by Fukushima and economic realities at home thanks to the financial crisis, the renaissance never materialized.

So, even though no one died or was even harmed in the Three Mile Accident, its impact is still clearly seen today. The accident seemed major and ominous, and because it was seen that way, public pressure made new construction far more difficult than it otherwise would have been.


Paige Lambermont

Paige Lambermont is a Political Science Major at American University. She is also a Media Ambassador for Young Americans for Liberty.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Bernie Staffer Caught Promising Gulags For Trump Voters

Project Veritas published an undercover video on Tuesday exposing a campaign organizer for Sen. Bernie Sanders arguing that “Nazified” Trump supporters and billionaires could be re-educated in Soviet-style gulags if Bernie takes the White House in 2020.

VIDEO: #Expose2020: Sanders Campaign Part 1; Field Organizer “F**king Cities Burn” if Trump Re-Elected

In the video, Sanders organizer Kyle Jurek says, “Germany had to spend billions of dollars re-educating their fucking people to not be Nazis. We’re probably going to have to do the same fucking thing here.” He went on to assert that Joseph Stalin’s gulags “were meant for re-education” and that “the greatest way to break a fucking billionaire of their privilege and their idea that they’re superior, go and break rocks for 12 hours a day.”

Jurek also warned that if Bernie doesn’t get the Dem nomination, “fucking Milwaukee [the convention host city] will burn… We’re going to make [1968] look like a fucking girl’s scout fucking cookout. The cops are going to be the ones fucking beaten in Milwaukee.”

Inside every leftist is a totalitarian screaming to get out.

Bernie Sanders

138 Known Connections

Deriding Capitalism & Exalting Socialism

In a 2019 interview, Sanders said:

“You have more and more growth producing products that we do not necessarily need. I mean you know, at the end of the day, you don’t necessarily need the choice of 23 underarm spray deodorants or 18 different pairs of sneakers, when children are hungry in this country.”

On another occasion, Sanders stated candidly:

“My vision is not just making modest changes around the edge. It is transforming American society. So when I use the word ‘socialist,’ and I know some people are uncomfortable about it, I say that it is imperative that we create a political revolution, and I hope you will be part of that movement, because if you are, we can in fact transform this country.”

To learn more about Sanders, click on the profile link here.

Search our constantly growing database of the left and its Agendas

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover The Networks column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Unsettled — The Refugee Question

“I had a small hope that maybe ISIS would not come,” Thabet says, remembering, as he and the reporter drove the long road toward Mosul. But within hours, everyone he loved and knew had fled. Thirteen thousand Christians vanished, scattered miles from the Nineveh Plain, in hiding. They slept in courtyards, unfinished apartment buildings, churches, camps — while waves of terrorists burned their way through their towns.

In cities like his, the nights often went like this. Priests would climb the sanctuary steps to ring the bells, sounding the alarm that fighters were on their way. Moms and dads shook their kids awake, gathered what they could, and left. It was the last time most of them would ever see their homes again. Even now, after the region was recaptured and secured, the Christians brave enough to stay don’t have an easy life. There’s oppression, isolation, and violence. Families keep their daughters close, worried about rape and abuse.

But leaving, for some, is just as difficult. In the United States, asylum can be hard to come by. After eight years of watching “refugees” stream across our borders unchecked, President Trump is processing these applications with an abundance of caution. Under the previous White House, too many foreigners were gaming the system, slipping into lines where they knew they couldn’t be scrutinized. This administration has been trying to clean up that mess, putting procedures and screenings in place to guarantee that anyone who steps foot on our soil doesn’t pose a threat to the American people.

That new vigilance has paid off. There’s more balance in the faith groups entering the country, for one thing. Under Obama, 97 percent of the Syrian refugees coming to the U.S. were Muslim, while Christians would dribble through one or two at a time. President Trump is trying to give other believers, especially those targeted for persecution, the fair shake the last administration didn’t. Although there’s been a dramatic decrease in the number of refugees, Christians, as of last year, made up 82 percent of them.

But the system isn’t perfect. And that’s one thing evangelicals have struggled with, especially as the global horrors keep growing and pool of victims gets larger. When the White House announced in September that it was cutting its refugee ceiling from 30,000 to almost zero, there were some conservatives who, fed up with Obama’s dangerous policy, thought this was a positive step. Others, like myself, were instantly concerned. As we speak, there’s an unprecedented number of believers — from all faiths — being kicked out of their homelands and displaced. Whether they’re being killed or driven out or put in concentration camps, the survival of entire populations is at stake.

Now, there are some evangelicals who agree with liberals and think America should open its arms to everyone. Obviously, that’s created some friction inside the church and conservative circles — because on one hand, we want to be a place of last resort for the vulnerable. But on the other, we don’t want our country taken advantage of by those who are not interested in being a part of America, rather they want to pull America apart. Ideally, we insisted at the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), the administration would never let the number of refugees drop below 30,000 — which is already a historic low.

“So long as refugee numbers are low,” Mark Krikorian pointed out on NRO, “and not drawing disproportionately from the Islamic world, even governors with pretty hawkish constituencies may well feel free to accommodate the… lobby for continued resettlement.”

Senator James Lankford (R-Okla.) agrees and even took some flak for defending his governor, who, like a lot of Republicans, is giving the green light to refugees resettling in his state. On “Washington Watch,” Lankford explained that it all goes back to the core values that created America. “Dating back to the 1700s, our framers decided that our nation was going to be founded on a different kind of principle: that we’re going to honor people of faith to be able to not only have a faith of their choosing — but to be able to live that faith out or to be able to have no faith at all. And many of the refugees that are fleeing from around the world are fleeing religious persecution, in particular, and running from places around the world where they cannot survive based on their faith, whether that be Kurds… Christians, Yazidis, or other faiths. And so America, as a beacon of place where we honor religious liberty, we should continue to be able to practice that as well in receiving refugees, especially those fleeing religious persecution.”

As he and I talked about, these people are looking for a safe haven. And while the Obama administration didn’t do a very good job screening these people, President Trump changed that. These aren’t unvetted terrorist wannabes who want to destroy America. They’re hurting survivors with no place to go. Our faith leads us to be a place of refuge. That doesn’t mean we blindly embrace anyone who shows up at our borders. But it does mean we’ve got to keep the door open for the victims who truly need it.

Tony Perkins’s Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC senior writers.


America’s Next Top Model Legislation

A Cornhusker’s Stand for Freedom

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC Action column with podcast is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy to introduce resolution supporting Iranian protesters

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has announced he’ll introduce a resolution to support anti-regime protesters in Iran. He tweeted:

According to Reuters, 1,500 protesters have been murdered by the regime in less than two weeks since the protests erupted in November. Thousands more have been injured. Another round of protests  began “after the government admitted to accidentally shooting down a Ukrainian passenger jet.” And while McCarthy seeks to support the protesters, Nancy Pelosi trivializes their motives, as can be seen HERE in a video.

Pelosi presents the protests as if the demonstrators were merely protesting the regime’s allowance of a passenger jet to take off amid the tensions with the U.S. She ignores the cries of the protesters against the regime and denying that the U.S. is their enemy.

“Kevin McCarthy to Introduce Resolution in Support of Iran Protesters,” by Kristina Wong, Breitbart, January 13, 2020:

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) on Monday said he will introduce a resolution in support of protesters in Iran who are demonstrating against the Iranian regime for a third day.

The protests in Iran began after the government admitted to accidentally shooting down a Ukrainian passenger jet, killing 176 passengers and crew, including 82 Iranians.

Iran’s military shot down the plane during their attack on Iraqi bases hosting American troops last week, in retaliation for President Trump killing Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force leader Qasem Soleimani.

Iran fired more than a dozen ballistic missiles at two Iraqi bases. Four missiles failed, one landed outside one of the bases, and the others hit the al-Asad base but did only structural damage. U.S. military leaders said they believe Iran was intending to kill Americans, but early warning systems gave the U.S. advance notice of the incoming missiles.

In the aftermath of Soleimani’s killing, Democrats attacked Trump’s decision, with some critics claiming that it would rally Iranians against America. However, the demonstrations show that Iranians are instead protesting the Iranian regime.

On Monday, Iranian students at the Sharif University of Technology chanted, “kill the mullahs,” according to a BBC News tweet in Farsi.

McCarthy’s resolution comes a day after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) refrained from saying she supported the protesters….


Iran State TV anchor quits: “I apologize for lying to you on TV for 13 years”

Iranians “Turning To Secularism” and Mesbah Despairs

Mexican border police on red alert over report of four Iranians with explosives attempting to cross into US

RELATED VIDEO: Soleimani’s Dirty Deeds

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Democrat Silence on Support for Iranian Protesters

Days into the brave protests by Iranian citizens against their corrupt and brutal regime, Democrat airwaves were silent.

While protesters began calling out the lies of the Iranian regime over its handling of the downing of a Ukrainian Airlines commercial plane and demanding the resignation of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, until Monday, there were no words of support by high-ranking Democrats or any of the 2020 Democrat presidential contenders.

As journalist Yashar Ali, who is of Iranian decent, tweeted:

Instead, Dems were busy tweeting out their disapproval of President Trump’s hit on Iranian arch-terrorist Qasem Soleimani and sending condolences to the Iranian public – most of whom were celebrating the demise of such an evil influence on the world.

In contrast, President Trump’s tweet in Farsi in support of the Iranian protesters, garnered the most “likes” in the history of Persian Twitter, as noted by  Saeed Ghasseminejad, a senior adviser at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

The tweet read: “To the brave, long-suffering people of Iran: I’ve stood with you since the beginning of my Presidency, and my Administration will continue to stand with you. We are following your protests closely, and are inspired by your courage.”

The Democrats’ lack of support for the Iranian protesters did not go unnoticed by the president who retweeted the following meme (causing the likes of CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, to fall into an apoplectic Islamophobia fit).

By Sunday and then on Monday, Democrat radio silence was feebly broken by Joe Biden and Amy Kloucher, respectively, the latter of whom tweeted out weak and vague words of support for the “right to peacefully protest in any country, including Iran.”

Biden mainly used the opportunity to take a dig at Trump and his “reckless policies (that) needlessly endangered our interests in the Middle East.”

While Iranians doing just that were being shot in the streets by the regime security forces, the rest of the 2020 Democrat political contenders remained silent.

It was a shameful response for members of a party which prides itself on being a champion of human rights.

In the meantime, House Minority Leader Republican Kevin McCarthy announced his plans to introduce a resolution in Congress in support of the Iranian protesters:


MSM: Propaganda Machine for the Iranian Regime

Kerry: ‘We Gave [Iran] a Little Bit of Money’

Iranian Protests Call for Resignation of Khamenei: “Death to Liars!”

EDITORS NOTE: This Clarion Project column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Barr’s DOJ Seeks Six Months in Prison for General Flynn

“Governments don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking.  That is against their interests.  They want obedient workers, people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to passively accept it.” –  George Carlin

“The people are the ultimate guardians of their own liberties. In every government on earth is some trace of human weakness, some germ of corruption and degeneracy … Every government will degenerate when trusted to the rulers of the people alone.” –  President Thomas Jefferson

“Among a people generally corrupt, liberty cannot long exist and liberty does not exist in the absence of morality.” –  Edmund Burke

The public perception is that no subsequent investigations and actions can fully offset the fact that the Justice Department (FBI, CIA, State Department is corrupt beyond repair and that they have been trained and used as weapons in partisan political battles. Attorney General William Barr made sure Robert Mueller’s investigation, a la Andrew Weissmann, ran its course and destroyed several Trump supporters and patriots.  Barr also made sure he protected Rod Rosenstein over a full disclosure in the Michael Flynn case.  Rosenstein offered to wear a wire while speaking to Trump in the Oval Office.

Government Corruption

Apparently, there is no justice for criminal elements who have leaked confidential government information to the democrat-controlled press and lied to Congress and the mainstream media.  Neither is their justice for treasonous acts which allowed foreign nations to gather classified information via an illegal server.  Former Obama administration American intelligence officials were known to have purposely lied and yet the five-year statute of limitations on federal crimes was allowed to expire. FBI agents and their wives/paramours were more than happy to promote the fraudulent Christopher Steele dossier.  FBI agents were fired, but way too many remain.  Even former Republican Senators went out of their way to defame our elected President.

“Solemn” and “prayerful,” the socialist House Democrats feign a reluctance to impeach Donald Trump while conducting a ruthless campaign to disenfranchise the 63 million people who voted for him in 2016 and to destroy those who publicly promoted him. In spite of their newfound adoration of our Constitution, they attribute Mr. Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton to America’s archaic electoral process.

And the Republicans, with their global interventionism and Federal subsidies are hardly more respectful of constitutionality than are the Democrats.  Just last week, Republicans Matt Gaetz (FL), Thomas Massie (KY) and Francis Rooney (FL) joined House Democrats in a resolution to limit President Trump’s Iran War Powers.  Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) supported this unconstitutional resolution.  And Senator Chuck Grassley is working to limit President Trump’s tariff powers.

Where is Justice?

What has happened to Lt. General Michael Flynn illustrates the dangers of big government agencies in league with big media.  The FBI logo on the door is, “Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity.”  So where is justice?

Lest we forget, Obama weaponized the IRS, DOJ, CIA and FBI against his non-supporters, decimated our military, forced Obamacare on US citizens, gave us Common Core, ruined our economy and fanned the smoldering embers of racism.

Is it any wonder those who rallied support for Donald Trump were the first to be targeted by Robert Mueller’s Russian collusion witch hunt?  Obama’s FBI targeted General Flynn, President Trump’s new National Security Advisor.  The three-star General had spent 33 years in intelligence and was the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency when he was fired by Obama for criticism of the President’s national security policies.

Railroading the Innocent

Former FBI Director Comey openly admitted he made the decision to send agents to the White House to interview Trump’s new National Security Advisor, General Flynn on January 24, 2017 regarding his phone call with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. He enlisted his Deputy Director, Andrew McCabe who essentially laid a trap for Flynn when he lied to him about the reason for a meeting with FBI agents Peter Strzok and Joseph Pientka at the White House.

White House officials had spent the earlier part of the week with the FBI overseeing training and security measures associated with their new roles so it was no surprise to Flynn that McCabe had called wanting to send over a couple agents to speak with him.

Michael Flynn was well into the “interview” when he discovered he was being interrogated without having been given the opportunity to have his attorney present. Both agents stated that Flynn had not lied to them about his phone call with Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.  In later testimony to Congress, both McCabe and Comey indicated that Flynn had not lied to the agents.

Flynn had asked senior members of the transition team about what, if anything should be communicated to Kislyak about Obama’s recent sanctions on Russia.  He was directed to ask Moscow “not to escalate the situation and only respond … in a reciprocal manner.”  It was a reasonable and measured approach which did nothing to undermine Obama’s sanctions, but sought to limit a harsh response by Russia, and it worked.

It’s a shame that the General never had his day in court.  He would likely have won the case against him.

Obama’s DOJ

Andrew McCabe’s animus toward Flynn was well known.  In 2014, General Flynn backed up a sexual discrimination charge brought by former FBI Supervisory Agent Robyn Gritz against Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe.  Former agent Gritz also submitted a letter directly to Judge Emmet Sullivan on behalf of General Flynn when his original attorneys refused to do so.

Then too, McCabe’s choice of agents to interrogate General Flynn was telling.  Agent Pientka was Bruce Ohr’s handler.  Ohr’s immediate supervisor was Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates.  Ohr is a major player in the conspiracy against President Trump and his wife Nellie Ohr, who worked for Fusion GPS, did the research on General Flynn and collaborated with Christopher Steele on the infamous dossier.  Agent Peter Strzok and his paramour Lisa Page, McCabe’s chief legal counsel, loathed Donald Trump and were Never-Trump Democrat partisans.

Yes, the FBI improperly charged General Flynn, and the House Intelligence Committee that found Michael Flynn innocent also found that Obama’s Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, likely lied to them.  But no charges were made.

Page and Strzok worked closely at the heart of the “small group” activity carrying out the orders passed down from Loretta LynchSally YatesJames Comey and Andrew McCabe.  Lynch and Yates broke all protocols, and ran a back-channel with Strzok to VP Pence’s office.  Yet they cleared him of any wrong doing until Robert Mueller appeared.

Acting AG Sally Yates, an Obama holdover along with other senior officials, was eager to trap the General in a lie.  They had the transcript of Flynn’s phone call to the Russian Ambassador.  When asked by VP Pence if he had discussed the recent Obama sanctions against Russia, Flynn said the subject may have come up, but it was not discussed. Pence opined this to media. Yates called White House Counsel, Don McGahn and said that Flynn had been compromised because of discrepancies between the White House public narrative and Flynn’s phone call.

The military intelligence hero who had never lied to agents about the Kislyak phone call, was told by the Obama holdovers that the transcript showed he lied. If the General’s recollection of the phone call is inconsistent with the transcript, it is not a crime. Establishment politicians, VP Pence and Chief of Staff Priebus, went to the President and General Flynn was forced to resign.

Flynn, it was later found, had not lied under oath.  An intelligence officer who saw the transcript of the call said there was no wrongdoing on the part of NSA Flynn.

The General’s interactions with members and representatives of foreign governments were lawful and consistent with what other presidential transition teams had done.  The FBI and DOJ misinterpreted the law and misused their authority to entrap Flynn during an investigation that was without factual merit or legal justification.  The special counsel then pursued Flynn relentlessly, even though he had done nothing wrong.

Guilty Plea

After continued harassment by the FBI and Mueller’s gang, Flynn pleaded guilty on December 1, 2017.  Although he previously insisted he had done nothing wrong and had broken no laws, he finally surrendered under the emotional and monetary pressures. His guilty plea was limited to one charge was also done in order to protect his son from Mueller’s typical modus operandi of targeting innocent family members.  Government prosecutors can harass, intimidate, persecute, and break almost anyone, even an innocent person and drive them to financial ruin. Brutal tactics by overzealous prosecutors are, sadly, endemic in the halls of justice.

Flynn appeared before FISA court Judge Rudolph Contreras who shortly thereafter recused himself.  Contreras was replaced in December of 2017 by Clinton appointee, Judge Emmet Sullivan.

Sidney Powell was in Judge Emmet Sullivan’s courtroom on December 18, 2018, when General Flynn appeared with his attorney, Rob Kelner, partner of Covington & Burling LLP. The prosecution had stated that Flynn had fully cooperated and answered queries by Mueller’s special counsel in over 90 hours of questioning.  They recommended probation and no jail time. The visceral verbal attacks by Sullivan against Flynn were staggering.  In a vicious diatribe, Sullivan actually called the 33-year intelligence officer a traitor…it was obvious he was not privy to the DOJ game plan to destroy Flynn.

Attorney Sidney Powell

Sidney Powell became General Michael Flynn’s attorney in June of 2019. Her web timeline tells the full story.  Flynn has been waiting for exculpation for nearly three years. Attorney Powell has made it clear that the government has been hiding evidence for more than two years that would clear Michael Flynn of charges.  Sidney still does not have a copy of the transcript or recording of General Flynn’s phone call to the Russian Ambassador.

On September 26, 2019, Powell was on the Lou Dobbs program. She stated that before General Flynn left the White House, there was a memo dated January 30th exonerating him from being “an agent of Russia,” that also cleared him of the Logan Act which they knew was preposterous, and they had cleared him of lying to the FBI agents, so there was no reason for him to have left the White House, but they didn’t tell the President that!  Powell subsequently asked the DOJ for 40 different categories of evidence.  She has never received even one piece.

When Powell became Flynn’s lawyer, she wrote a nine-page letter to AG Barr outlining the entire case and asking for listed Brady/Giglio exculpatory evidence.  Yet, she has received nothing.  Read her letter!

Mueller Prosecutor Brandon Van Grack

In late 2018, Obama donor Brandon Van Grack, Mueller’s Flynn prosecutor, was attempting to hide the “small group” deliberations within the FBI. Van Grack apparently did not want the court to know Andrew McCabe was involved in shaping how the Flynn-302 was written. He claimed the FD-302 report “inadvertently” had a header saying “DRAFT DOCUMENT/DELIBERATIVE MATERIAL.” However, there was a deliberative process in place, seemingly all about how to best position the narrative, as seen in the Feb. 14 Lisa Page and Peter Strzok text messages.

The Michael Flynn FD-302 was officially entered into the record on February 15th, 2017, per the report. The interview took place on January 24th, 2017. The FD-302 was drafted on January 24th, and then later edited, shaped, and ultimately approved by McCabe, on February 14th, then entered into the official record twenty-two days later on February 15th.

The government actually refused to produce the original January 24th, 2017 302 reports by the FBI agents of their interview with National Security Advisor Flynn, along with every other exculpatory document requested by Sidney Powell.

It was a deliberatively deceptive document from the outset. The Feb 15th, 2017 date was the day after McCabe approved it. Federal prosecutors found themselves forced to admit that for nearly three years, they had wrongly identified the authors of the handwritten notes taken by the FBI agents during their January 24, 2017, interview of then-National Security Advisor Flynn. Prosecutors had told defense counsel (and the court) that the notes written by Peter Strzok had been compiled by FBI Agent Joe Pientka, and those taken by Pientka had been written by Strzok.

This embarrassing mea culpa surely should have added strength to Powell’s plea for access to other withheld evidence. After all, if federal prosecutors made such a basic blunder concerning key evidence, what other mistakes lay buried in the undisclosed evidence?

Prosecutorial Revenge

May 17th, 2017, Robert Mueller was assigned as Special Counsel. Then, the FD-302 report was re-entered on May 31st, 2017, removing the header; paving the way for Mueller’s team to use the content therein. Flynn didn’t lie; but the McCabe crew jumped on the opportunity to frame a lose/lose. Either Flynn accepts a version of the 302 report where he lied; or, Flynn has to take the position that Vice President Mike Pence lied to the nation in the CBS Face The Nation interviewLink

Van Grack seems to be deep into corruption involving the Michael Flynn case according to Joe diGenova.  And Van Grack has apparently committed many false and fraudulent activities in efforts to indict General Flynn.

The Deep State still rules, and they hate the man who knows all about their corruption.

On January 7, 2020, Federal prosecutors said that Michael Flynn should serve up to six months in prison for lying to the FBI, a stark reversal from December 2018, when the government said that the former national security adviser should serve no jail time because he provided “substantial assistance” in multiple investigations.  They are angry that Sidney Powell has exposed their corruption against Michael Flynn.

Prosecutors asserted in a court filing that Flynn failed to “complete his cooperation” agreement by trying to “thwart the efforts” of prosecutors handling the case of his former business partner, Bijan Rafiekian. Van Grack is claiming Flynn’s assistance in the Special Counsel investigation was “never substantial.”  Hogwash! They’ve reversed their previous statements of Dec. 18, 2018.

According to Mike Flynn’s brother Joseph Flynn, General Flynn went through 19 sessions with Mueller’s special counsel team and approximately 90 hours of tortuous interviews.  Judge Sullivan has set Flynn’s sentencing date for January 28 after rejecting Sidney Powell’s request for Brady Material. Exculpatory evidence is being denied by the DOJ, and the Clinton appointed judge is accommodating the Deep State.


Lt. General Michael T. Flynn (retired) has been railroaded into a plea of guilt that never occurred.  This honorable patriotic intelligence soldier would never purposely lie to anyone.  He is faithful to God, family and country, and always has been.  The attack on this brilliant veteran has been purposeful because he knows the corruption in the intelligence community.  Pray for him and his family and please, help him with his legal expenses by sending donations to

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RELATED: US v Flynn – Motion to Withdraw | Plea | Plea Bargain

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Congressman Bob Barr represented Georgia’s 7th District in the House of Representatives from 1995-2003. He now practices law in Atlanta, Georgia and is Chairman of Liberty Guard a non-profit, pro-liberty organization. He also heads the Law Enforcement Education Foundation and a consulting firm, Liberty Strategies.

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Tyler O’Neil, Senior Editor of PJ Media and conservative commentator. He has written for numerous publications, including The Christian Post, National Review, The Washington Free Beacon, The Daily Signal, AEI’s Values & Capitalism, and the Colson Center’s Breakpoint. He enjoys Indian food, board games, and talking ceaselessly about politics, religion, and culture.

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To Keep African Americans Safe, Target Criminals, Not Police

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Liberal Media Bias: 93% of ABC, CBS and NBC Coverage of President Trump is Negative

VIDEO: 25 Years of Trump?

catholicvote published the below YouTube video titled 25 Years of Trump? stating:

President Trump has already quietly built a legacy….

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Supreme Court to Hear ‘Bridgegate’ and School Choice Cases

The Supreme Court returned Monday for oral arguments after a lengthy holiday break. During the court’s January sitting, the justices will hear arguments in eight cases, including ones dealing with school choice and the “Bridgegate” scandal.

The justices already have heard arguments in cases involving the Second Amendment, Obamacare, and whether federal law covers claims of discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation.

Later in the term, the court will take up cases involving the president’s ability to fire the head of an “independent” agency, regulation of abortion providers, and the dispute over a subpoena for President Donald Trump’s financial records.

Here are two key cases coming up in January.

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Kelly v. United States

The first case, Kelly v. United States, is set for oral argument Tuesday.

In September 2013, the George Washington Bridge—called the busiest bridge in the world, connecting Fort Lee, New Jersey, and Manhattan—faced major traffic delays.

In a scandal later known as “Bridgegate,” a four-day traffic jam turned out to be a plan concocted by aides to then-New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie to punish Fort Lee’s mayor for refusing to endorse Christie’s reelection bid.

Pursuant to a deal struck by the state and city decades ago, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey designated three of the 12 inbound lanes as “special access lanes” for traffic coming from Fort Lee into Manhattan during the morning rush hour.

Beginning Sept. 9, 2013, the first day of the new school year, Port Authority police reduced the special access lanes to one. The resulting traffic jam created gridlock throughout Fort Lee for the next three days. Pleas from the mayor to the Port Authority went unanswered.

During a subsequent investigation into Bridgegate, the governor’s aides claimed the lane changes were part of a traffic study. But an email from deputy chief of staff Bridget Anne Kelly made the plan clear: It was “[t]ime for some traffic problems in Fort Lee.”

Kelly and Bill Baroni, deputy executive director of the Port Authority, were both fired and later convicted of seven federal crimes.

On appeal, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit affirmed their convictions for wire fraud and defrauding a federally funded program, finding that Kelly and Baroni deprived the Port Authority of its property by concealing their real reason (political retribution) for an otherwise permissible act.

The issue before the Supreme Court is whether Kelly and Baroni defrauded the government of property by claiming a public policy reason supported an official decision when that was not the real reason for the decision.

They admit their actions were “petty, insensitive, and ill-advised,” but argue that “political abuses of power are addressed politically.” They contend that hiding the political motives for an otherwise permissible act did not deprive the Port Authority of its property.

Kelly and Baroni encourage the Supreme Court not to criminalize political “spin” and instead follow the line of past cases in which the justices have “rebuffed efforts to use criminal fraud laws to police the ethical duty of public officials.”

Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue

In 2015, the Montana Legislature created a tax credit scholarship program that would provide scholarships for income-eligible students to use at qualified private schools.

Initially, recipients could use scholarship funds at qualified religiously affiliated schools. However, the Montana Department of Revenue implemented an administrative rule excluding religious schools, citing a provision in the state constitution that bars state funds from aiding religious organizations.

Parents who relied on the scholarship funds to send their kids to religious schools filed a lawsuit in state court challenging the administrative rule. They argued that the rule violates the Religion Clauses of the U.S. Constitution as well as the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause.

The parents maintain that the tax credit program did not violate the state constitution’s “no aid” provision since the tax credit merely incentivized private donations. The district court ruled in favor of the parents, but the Montana Supreme Court reversed and invalidated the scholarship program in its entirety.

Now the parents have asked the U.S. Supreme Court to extend the logic of Trinity Lutheran Church v. Comer, a 2017 ruling, to the school choice area.

In Trinity Lutheran, the Supreme Court ruled that Missouri violated the Free Exercise Clause when it barred a church-run day care center from receiving a public grant to resurface its playground. The justices reasoned that Missouri had improperly singled out the day care center for unfavorable treatment and denied it a public benefit solely because of its religious affiliation.

The parents also point out that the Supreme Court has drawn a distinction between government directly providing aid to religious schools and providing aid to individuals who then have the choice to use those funds at religious schools.

Montana, on the other hand, points to Locke v. Davey (2004), in which the Supreme Court held that, consistent with the Establishment Clause, states could prohibit the use of public scholarship funds for college students studying to become ministers.

The Montana case offers the Supreme Court the chance to harmonize these two prior rulings and provide guidance to the many states that have tax credit scholarships.

The court will hear oral argument Jan. 22.

Expect the high court’s decisions in these two important cases, and many others, by the end of June.


Elizabeth Slattery writes about the proper role of the courts, judicial nominations, and the Constitution as a legal fellow at The Heritage Foundation. Read her research. She hosts SCOTUS101, a podcast about everything that’s happening at the Supreme Court. Twitter: .

Abigail Klose is a graduate of the Young Leaders Program at The Heritage Foundation.

Listen to “SCOTUS 101,” a podcast with Elizabeth Slattery and friends that brings you up to speed on what’s happening at the Supreme Court.


Trump Administration Tells Supreme Court Not to Fast-Track Obamacare Challenge

4 Potential Consequences of Passing the Equal Rights Amendment

A Note for our Readers:

This is a critical year in the history of our country. With the country polarized and divided on a number of issues and with roughly half of the country clamoring for increased government control—over health care, socialism, increased regulations, and open borders—we must turn to America’s founding for the answers on how best to proceed into the future.

The Heritage Foundation has compiled input from more than 100 constitutional scholars and legal experts into the country’s most thorough and compelling review of the freedoms promised to us within the United States Constitution into a free digital guide called Heritage’s Guide to the Constitution.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Film ‘1917’ a tour de force in courage, faith and manhood

tour de force
/ˌto͝or də ˈfôrs/


an impressive performance or achievement that has been accomplished or managed with great skill.

George Orwell wrote:

People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.

After watching the Universal Pictures film “1917” all I could think of is how it was a profile is courage. I also felt that Hollywood had returned to an era where courage, faith and manhood reigned supreme in the United Kingdom.

What was most important to me was the unparalleled value of the lone soldier given an impossible mission. 

Every war has its heroes, some recognized, most unknown. The film “1917” portrayed the dedication of two men committed to getting their mission completed in order to save their fellow men in arms, no matter what the price.

Perhaps what was most poignant about the film was how the two main characters, two simple British soldiers Lance Cpl. Schofield and Lance Cpl. Blake, carrying out their orders while remembering about their families back home. For you see it is about their families which drives them forward to do what they do, be a soldier in service to their nation.

Perhaps the most personal and emotional scene in “1917” is when Lance Cpl. Schofield comes across a young French woman in a German occupied town taking care of a baby that it not her own. This short scene showed the true meaning of being a man and woman. A man with compassion. A woman with true grit.

Some may say that “1917” is filled with “toxic masculinity.” I say bravo for its depiction of men being men. Real men. Ordinary men. Soldiers. Unnamed heroes.

This is what real life is all about. Tough men protecting people who sleep peacefully in their beds.

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RELATED ARTICLE: Why ‘1917’ Is Such a Good Movie

Tents, Homelessness, and Misery: 9 Things I Saw in San Francisco

SAN FRANCISCO—Call me a poop skeptic.

After years of reading about the alleged horrors of San Francisco, I decided I wanted to see for myself if the City by the Bay was really in such dire conditions.

I’d grown up 30 miles south of San Francisco, occasionally popping in for field trips or shopping or sightseeing. Sure, the city had always had homeless people, but the conditions I read about—needles everywhere, “poop maps” documenting the location of human feces—seemed absurd.

How bad could it actually be in one of America’s most famous cities?

In these trying times, we must turn to the greatest document in the history of the world to promise freedom and opportunity to its citizens for guidance. Find out more now >>

Could one of the most famously liberal cities in the nation have disintegrated into disaster?

In 2009, I’d moved away from California. In the decade and change since, San Francisco has undergone a radical transformation. A new wave of top Silicon Valley companies—Twitter, Uber, Facebook—opened headquarters or offices in the city. And while San Francisco hadn’t ever been inexpensive, housing costs soared, with the median housing price more than doubling since 2010.

The 49ers, a football team, retained “San Francisco” in their name, but left famed Candlestick Park, now demolished, for Santa Clara, a California town south and in the middle of Silicon Valley—although San Francisco did gain the Golden State Warriors, a basketball team.

Uber and Lyft, which first came to San Francisco in 2010, now dominate ride-sharing services, their drivers swooping up and down the city’s famous hills.

Yet one change hadn’t occurred: The city has proudly remained a liberal bastion.

Home to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s congressional district, San Francisco is reliably and overwhelmingly blue in every election (with perhaps a few votes going to the Green Party).

In just the past year, the city’s Board of Supervisors declared the National Rifle Association to be a “domestic terrorist organization,” and the school board voted first to paint over, and then to hide, a mural of George Washington in one of the city’s high schools—a mural, incidentally, painted by a leftist who strove to show both Washington’s greatness and flaws.

Such actions are just par for the course for San Francisco, a city of more than 884,000 that in the past decade also banned fast-food restaurants from including toys with most children’s meals; prohibited city-funded travel by local employees to 22 pro-life states; raised the minimum wage from $9.79 to $15.59 an hour; and, after banning plastic bags in 2007, first set a 10-cent fee for each nonreusable bag at stores, and then a 25-cent fee per bag.

Yes, leftist insanity has long been the norm for San Francisco. But the liberal would-be-utopia had once been seen as a great city, not a filthy environment full of struggling people.

In a tweet in December, President Donald Trump wrote: “Nancy Pelosi’s district in California has rapidly become one of the worst anywhere in the U.S. when it come[s] to the homeless and crime. It has gotten so bad, so fast.”

Showing it wasn’t just some “right-wing conspiracy” that San Francisco was falling apart, Oracle, one of the huge tech companies in the region, announced in December that its annual OpenWorld conference was going to Las Vegas for the next three years—costing San Francisco an estimated $64 million in potential revenue. An email from the San Francisco Travel Association, obtained by CNBC, mentioned “poor street conditions” as a factor.

So two days before Christmas, I left my parents’ house and made my way over to San Francisco.

I wanted to see for myself what conditions were really like. Was the middle class being driven away? Was the city as liberal as its politicians suggested? How many people were living on the streets?

Twenty-two thousand steps and four Uber and Lyft drives later, here’s what I saw.

1. Tents on Sidewalks

Before arriving in the city, I’d read that the Tenderloin neighborhood—just blocks from a major mall and retail area—is one of the worst.

Sure enough, as soon as I drift away from the retail and go a couple blocks into the Tenderloin, things get, well, smelly.

(Photos: Katrina Trinko/The Daily Signal)

To my surprise, there are tents everywhere in the neighborhood. Years ago, during the Occupy Wall Street movement, I’d visited an Occupy encampment in Boston.

This seemed similar, although there is one key difference. In Boston, the tents were set up in a park. In San Francisco, the tents are openly obstructing the sidewalk—and not just on one block.

In the course of my day, I see several blocks like this clustered in the Tenderloin neighborhood and vicinity.

Some are just a block or two away from a police station. San Francisco’s new district attorney, Chesa Boudin, told the ACLU in a candidate questionnaire: “Crimes such as public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk, etc. should not and will not be prosecuted.”

I also notice something that I hadn’t seen much during my years in New York City and Washington, D.C.: homeless women, although far fewer than homeless men.

Nationally, homelessness increased by 2.7% in 2019, according to the Department of Housing and Urban Development. “Homelessness in California is at a crisis level,” HUD Secretary Ben Carson said in a formal statement.

Residents of San Francisco likely agree: Three-quarters of respondents to a survey said homelessness in the city was getting worse, and a little over half mentioned it as a top issue, according to a 2019 report from the San Francisco Office of the Controller.

2.  24-Hour Public Restrooms

In 2019, San Francisco decided to try keeping three public restrooms open 24 hours a day in the worst areas. It’s not cheap—to keep them clean, one attendant is present during daytime hours and, presumably for safety, two are present at night.

“History has shown that without attendants, public toilets in some of San Francisco’s most challenging neighborhoods are used for drug activity and prostitution, and become targets of vandalism,” writes the San Francisco Chronicle’s Phil Matier.

Matier also did the math: After looking at the cost of funding the toilets and the amount of times the toilets were used at night, he calculated each restroom use cost the city $28.52.

In addition to three 24/7 toilets, another 21 public toilets are available at certain hours, funded by the city. “The popular program … provides an alternative to using our streets and sidewalks as a toilet,” states the San Francisco Public Works website.

The toilets advertise that people can dispose of needles there, another sign of San Francisco’s relaxed approach to drugs. Thomas Wolf, a former drug addict who lived on the streets of San Francisco for a few months in 2018, is among those now advocating the city change its approach toward drugs.

Wolf “thinks the city is too wedded to harm reduction—making it safer to use drugs—rather than encouraging people to stop using,” the Chronicle reported in December. “He said he was offered free, clean drug paraphernalia by outreach workers, but doesn’t remember ever being offered a treatment bed or even being asked whether he wanted help quitting. Not once.”

Wolf, who has ceased using drugs and now serves on San Francisco’s Street-Level Drug Dealing Task Force and works for the Salvation Army’s Railton Place as a case manager and life skills coach, estimated that 90% of the homeless he lived with in Tenderloin and the adjacent South of Market neighborhood were addicted to drugs or alcohol.

“With harm reduction, the whole point is to use less while respecting your civil liberties,” Wolf told the Chronicle. “When I was out there homeless and leaving my needles in the street and defecating in the street and urinating in the street, was I protecting your civil liberties?”

3. Washing Sidewalks

Walking around the Tenderloin neighborhood in the morning, I encounter workers washing a sidewalk—and asking homeless people to move.

A worker sprays water right up to the brink of a homeless man’s stuff on the sidewalk. The homeless man, who is shoving his belongings into a bag or backpack, starts shouting at the worker, saying (and I’m editing this since we’re a family news outlet), “The f—, man?”

He keeps shouting, bellowing sentiments along the lines of “Who the f— do you think you are, f—ing my stuff, man?” as he continues to pack up.

In early December, the Tenderloin Community Benefit District and San Francisco Supervisor Matt Haney announced the beginning of weekly power-washings in the district, instead of monthly.

David Elliott Lewis, a local who is a community organizer, said, per the press release: “Even though seeing human and animal feces on our sidewalks is a common occurrence, I find it upsetting and disturbing every single time.”

According to, “Tenderloin has been on a winning streak for the ‘poopiest neighborhood’ contest for the past three years. The neighborhood saw 8,644.2 animal/human waste incidents per square mile in 2017, 7,722.8 in 2018, and 6,887.9 so far in 2019.”

Washing sidewalks is hardly the only way the city is addressing the crisis. In the past decade, San Francisco has been on a spending spree to help the homeless.

“Between 2011 and 2012, SF spent $157 million on homeless services. By the 2015-2016 fiscal year, it was up to $242 million. In the most recent 2019-2020 budget proposals, the figure hit more than $364 million. But the consensus remains that more is needed,” reports Curbed San Francisco, which estimates the homeless population now could be as high as 17,600.

4. Tourist Areas

What’s going on with the tourist areas, attractions that long have drawn people from around the country and the world to San Francisco’s shores?

“The loveliness of Paris seems somehow sadly gay/The glory that was Rome is of another day/I’ve been terribly alone and forgotten in Manhattan/I’m going home to my City by the Bay,” Tony Bennett famously warbled in “I Left My Heart in San Francisco.”

But local business owners are concerned tourists aren’t so tempted these days to explore what was once dubbed the “Paris of the West.”

For years, Pier 39—a mix of kitschy shops, restaurants, a carousel, and the odd street entertainer—has been a top tourist destination. Now, businesses fret, times are a-changing.

“We saw a pretty sharp decline since [2016-2017],” Brian Hayes, who owns seven shops and kiosks on the pier, told ABC7 (KGO-TV). “A lot of it is attributed to the homeless.”

“I know myself I’ll go on vacation, I’ll spend more money, but I have to have a good experience and I don’t want to have to look at the homeless and I don’t want to have to see needles on the ground and human feces. It’s not where you want to go on vacation,” Sandra Fletcher, president of Simco Restaurants, which owns five restaurants on the pier and also is facing more trouble drumming up business, told ABC7.

The day I am there, Pier 39 appears to have its usual hustle and bustle. A pack of people gather around an entertainer boasting that he can pull out the balloon he’s swallowed. A kid shrieks on a bungee flying ride.

In a store that sells products only for left-handed people, customers browse. The women’s restroom is decently clean, given that it’s a free public one in a high-traffic area.

A little outside Pier 39, I see a man in a wheelchair gliding along, plaintively asking people if they could help him out. He wears a 49ers cap and a red scarf and a checked sports coat, which I hope keeps him warm in this neighborhood right on the water.

In the few blocks between the Pier and Fisherman’s Wharf—another frequent tourist stop, essentially a line of bayside restaurants and food counters selling seafood—I notice one man sleeping on the ground.

In the area around Fisherman’s Wharf, souvenir shops sell swag and gifts that capitalize on the city’s liberal reputation:

I also browse Union Square, rimmed by some of the top shopping destinations of San Francisco: a gigantic, eight-story Macy’s, a Saks Fifth Avenue boasting of carrying “faux fur” in one of its windows, a Tiffany’s with sparkling jewelry in its whimsical Christmas displays, and a sleek Apple Store. A Christmas tree is lit in the square, and an ice skating rink is open for Californians wistfully wanting to capture some taste of a white Christmas.

About a week before my visit, Union Square was where San Francisco strained to restore its reputation. On the heels of the news of the Oracle convention’s move to Vegas, Mayor London Breed declared that San Francisco is a “world class city” and pledged further steps to address homelessness.

Yet as the Chronicle’s Matier noted, Breed’s comments in Union Square came at the same time that “an image of a man with his pants around his knees defecating in a [San Francisco] Safeway aisle was rocketing around the internet and TV.”

For San Francisco, the Oracle convention wasn’t even the first blow. In 2018, tourism and convention bureau SF Travel announced that a medical association, never named, was looking for another location for its conferences after 2023, despite holding the gatherings in the city since the 1980s.

“Postconvention surveys showed their members were afraid to walk amid the open drug use, threatening behavior and mental illness that are common on the streets,” reports the San Francisco Chronicle.

I see a couple of homeless people around Union Square, but nothing unusual for an urban area. The Union Square neighborhood effectively borders the Tenderloin, however, meaning a confused tourist could easily end up there.

5. A Church for the Homeless

At lunchtime, I pop into a church—one with the glorious architecture, high ceilings, and impressive art characteristic of so many older Catholic churches in the United States.

As the church’s bells chime, the sound of a vigorous snorer fills the lulls in between.

St. Boniface Church, in the Tenderloin neighborhood, allows the homeless to sleep in the pews every weekday through a nonprofit program called the Gubbio Project.

Around since the 1860s, the parish originally was the religious home of Germans in the city. The current church was built in 1902, and although it escaped the 1906 earthquake, it was ravaged by the subsequent fires. Rebuilding was completed in 1908.

“The Gubbio Project uses the back two-thirds of the sanctuary; the church uses the front one-third to celebrate the daily Mass,” the program states on its website. “This sends a powerful message to our unhoused neighbors—they are in essence part of the community, not to be kicked out when those with homes come in to worship. It also sends a message to those attending Mass—the community includes the tired, the poor, those with mental health issues and those who are wet, cold and dirty.”

The day I arrive at St. Boniface’s, the front of the church glitters with Christmas decorations.

During the Communion service—there isn’t a Mass that day—the church is mostly quiet. During one brief moment, someone starts babbling, only to be told to be quiet by others.  When I look back, I don’t see any of the homeless people actively participating in the religious rites.

After the service, I explore the rest of the church. Most of the wooden pews—with no padding for comfort—are occupied by a sleeping person. Three people are lying on the floor in the back.

I speak briefly to Michael Bonner, a new employee of the Gubbio Project. When I ask Bonner how the homeless can be helped and what should be done, he speaks of a lack of motivation, of people “going down a path of not caring anymore” instead of having “a fire burning in you.”

Bonner talks about the need for a work ethic, and how it’s too simplistic to say the homeless problem is an effect of the city’s expensive housing. But he’s also adamant that people need help: “We just can’t give up on the willing,” he says.

I ask him if the homeless people he encounters have loved ones or families who could help. Bonner says most of them are “probably embarrassed to go home” because “you don’t want to hear it from your family anymore” after presumably failing in previous tries to get off the streets.

6.  No Place for the Middle Class

One of the big tensions in San Francisco—and in the wider Bay Area region—in recent years has been the perceived gulf between the affluent and everybody else. As my colleague Jarrett Stepman has chronicled, California increasingly is becoming a place for the poor and the rich, not the middle class.

So out of curiosity, I walk over to Twitter’s headquarters, just a few blocks away from St. Boniface’s, passing City Hall.  Twitter is just one of several companies—others include Salesforce, Facebook, Square, and Uber—that have come to San Francisco in recent years.

No doubt the city has seen a business boom: “Citywide, the unemployment rate fell from 9% in 2011 to 2.6% this year, and the number of jobs grew from 543,600 in 2011 to an estimated 730,900 last year, according to state data,” reports the Chronicle.

The area around Twitter is quiet the day I am there, and there is no sign of anyone living—or begging—on the streets. Beneath Twitter’s headquarters is a bougie food hall and a grocery store that, incredibly, makes Whole Foods seem like an affordable option.

In the food hall, I stop for lunch at The Organic Coup—which was basically everything you’d expect from a shop in a  Francisco food hall. It brands itself as the first “organic fast food restaurant” and urges me to “taste the revolution.”

Apparently, fast-food prices don’t apply in the revolutionary era: My lunch of chicken strips and tater tots, and nary a drink, costs $12.81.

However, the food hall offers plenty of options beyond organic tater tots, including—I kid you not—caviar.

One of my Lyft drivers, whose name I’m not using because I didn’t get his permission to quote him on the record, calls San Francisco a “ridiculous city.”

As we pass a gas station, where regular gas is going for $3.99 a gallon, he notes in frustration that gas where I live is probably significantly cheaper.

My Lyft driver also complains that affordable housing is a joke, saying it means something like a $900,000 for a two-bedroom condo instead of a million. The driver, who moved from Los Angeles to San Francisco 10 years ago, blames San Francisco residents for not allowing more housing, noting it had created a situation where people made a fortune on their own homes’ going up in value but where their children could not afford to buy a home and stay.

The Lyft driver’s attitude isn’t an anomaly: A 2019 survey conducted by the controller’s office found that 35% of respondents were somewhat or very likely to leave the city in the next three years, including 48% of those 35 or younger.

Although the city notes that the 35% number is in line with statistics for the past 14 years, data suggests people aren’t merely talking about leaving the city. According to real estate firm Redfin, San Francisco was second only to New York City among American cities with the dubious distinction of losing the most residents in the third quarter of 2019, the most recent period tracked.

And my driver isn’t wrong to be concerned about housing prices. “In 2010, the median sale price for a single-family house in SF came in at $751,000 … But by October of 2019, the California Association of Realtors estimated that a median-priced SF house sold for $1.65 million, more than double the value of a home the same time ten years ago,” reports Curbed SF.

7.  Life on the Sidewalk

Toward the end of the day, I speak to Anthony Rodriguez, who is sitting on a box next to a man smoking in a tent. Next to the tent is a sofa.

Neither Rodriguez nor the tent man, who doesn’t want to be quoted, knows where the sofa originated.

Rodriguez is from Oakland, a city across the Bay, but says he’s been in San Francisco for about a month.

“That’s one thing about San Francisco,” he observes. “You won’t starve.”

The 51-year-old says he’s been homeless since 2015, when his mother died, and that he had been homeless at times prior to that as well.

Rodriguez tells me a complicated story I have trouble following—and entirely believing—about being discharged from a hospital too soon for an injury he incurred on his knee.

“I started drinking again because it’s cold out,” he mentions.

Overall, he likes San Francisco, especially because he meets so many people.

“If I’m lonely and sad, I always like to come out here,” Rodriguez, who doesn’t want his photo taken, tells me.

He says he has seven children, and that he’s outlived two of his ex-wives. It doesn’t appear that he is in regular touch with any family now.

The company he finds in San Francisco “fills a void for me,” he says, noting that he’s less depressed here.

“The police will wake you up,” Rodriguez says, but adds that it’s usually OK to just go across the street when that happens.

8. Poop and Needles

So am I still a poop skeptic?

After walking all over the city, I’ve seen only one instance of poop (in the Tenderloin neighborhood) and one possible needle (I wasn’t anxious to get close enough to verify)—despite the fact that I kept diligently studying the sidewalk to see if I would spot either feces or needles.

My anonymous Lyft driver, however, says that he regularly sees people shooting up heroin, and notes you can spot the dealers by noticing who has backpacks.

“In San Francisco’s Tenderloin neighborhood, ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ producers filmed drug dealers operating in broad daylight. In the South of Market (SoMa) neighborhood, where many apartments rent for nearly $4,000 a month, the sidewalks were lined with used syringes,” writes Fox News’ Charles Couger.

And in the course of my research, I encounter Twitter accounts that portray a dirtier reality than what I happened to observe:

At the end of the day, the increased power-washing and presence of public restrooms show the city has a real problem with these issues. But if you’re thinking about a trip to San Francisco, I wouldn’t skip it on account of these matters—just make sure you know where the bad neighborhoods are, and be sure to avoid them if you’re concerned.

9.  Misery

In the weeks since I visited San Francisco and started writing this article, I’ve caught myself often thinking about the homeless people I saw—from the man who was barefoot on the street in the Mission District, to those I saw on the sidewalks from my passing car, to the man rushing to pack up his belongings as a worker sprayed the sidewalk near him.

I don’t pretend to know the exact policy solution that will “solve” homelessness—although I hope to do further reporting and interviews this year at The Daily Signal to talk to experts who have insightful ideas on ways to help.

But any visitor to San Francisco can tell the current situation isn’t working—for tourists, for residents, and perhaps most importantly, for the homeless themselves.

No doubt, mental health and addiction, perhaps both in many or most cases, make helping the homeless while respecting individual rights uniquely challenging.

But as clichéd as the term is, it’s genuinely heartbreaking to walk through blocks of people, spending their lives on the streets, often seemingly in a drugged haze—and sometimes passed out entirely.

I can’t imagine tents provide much shelter against the chilly, Bay-driven winds of San Francisco, or that anyone who feels driven to defecate on the street is truly in his right mind.

Seeing this at Christmastime—when most of the country was on the cusp of days of joyful celebrations, ample family time, presents galore, and gourmet meals—was especially upsetting.

The status quo in San Francisco has a real human cost.

The left long has prided itself on having more compassion for, and solutions for, the poorest Americans than the right does.

But if one thing is clear when walking around San Francisco, it’s that this liberal bastion has absolutely failed some Americans who are struggling the hardest right now.

All photos in this article were taken by the author. In a few photos, faces have been blurred to respect privacy.


Katrina Trinko

Katrina Trinko is editor-in-chief of The Daily Signal and co-host of The Daily Signal PodcastSend an email to Katrina. Twitter: @KatrinaTrinko.


Podcast: What It’s Like on the Streets of San Francisco

Jobs, Family, Future: Gov. Kristi Noem Shares What’s on the Mind of America’s Heartland

California Governor’s Proposed Budget Shows Just How Clueless He Is

A Note for our Readers:

This is a critical year in the history of our country. With the country polarized and divided on a number of issues and with roughly half of the country clamoring for increased government control—over health care, socialism, increased regulations, and open borders—we must turn to America’s founding for the answers on how best to proceed into the future.

The Heritage Foundation has compiled input from more than 100 constitutional scholars and legal experts into the country’s most thorough and compelling review of the freedoms promised to us within the United States Constitution into a free digital guide called Heritage’s Guide to the Constitution.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Are Progressives Incapable Of Learning? Anything?

One of the hallmarks of Progressives is that they appear determined to learn nothing from history. In fact, their method for doing so is to not know history at all, and to make sure as few others do as possible, particularly through the education system.

But they also are incapable of learning even from their own, most recent history. And the overarching first lesson of history is that those who do not know it are doomed to repeat it — and unfortunately if those people are in leadership, drag the rest of us with them.

This is playing out in real time as we see the Progressive media and Democrats double down on both the short-term political mistakes they made in the run-up to the 2016 election, and in dealing with tyrants around the world. Progressives either ignore both of these lessons fairly plain from history or they are blind to them. Or perhaps they do not even see them as lessons and so cannot learn from them.

But regardless, the result is the same. They repeat them.

So in the foreign policy realm, the lesson is what happens when we appease evil tyrants.

The utter disaster of trying to appease wicked regimes such as Nazi Germany in the 1930s, which was the policy of good Progessives such as British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, along with French President Édouard Daladier, leader of the Socialst party. This weak appeasement allowed a wicked regime that could have been contained relatively easily in 1938 to overrun most of Europe by 1941, costing tens of millions of lives and leaving half of Europe under the tyranny of the Soviet Union for 50 years.

President Jimmy Carter turned his back on the Shah of Iran, an imperfect leader but a U.S. ally, and made the way for the Mullahs of Iran, an evil regime that has spread terrorism and misery throughout the Middle East along with oppressing its own people. Carter, among the Progressives of his time, had not learned that weakness invited war and aggression and so depleted the U.S. military.

President Ronald Reagan rebuilt the military and the economy from the Carter shambles and approached the Soviet Union from a position of strength, identifying an evil threat. The result was the downfall of that empire that had killed multiple times more than the Nazis did.

President Obama, learning nothing from the Carter debacle or the Reagan victories, openly appeased the tyrants in Iran with the nuclear accords that saved them from the suffocating effects of the sanctions from the 2000s put in place by President Bush in concert with the U.N. That act allowed Iran to strengthen itself and expand its misery, just as appeasing Hitler did.

Today, Iran continues to follow the Stalinist tactic of pushing everywhere that is soft, and continues to push to expand their power and influence until they meet resistance too stiff. They never found resistance during the Obama years and greatly expanded their power and wealth. The nuclear deal delivered them desperately needed cash and lifted economic sanctions, meaning they could funnel more money to Hezbollah and other terrorist proxies.

They want the U.S. totally out of Iraq so they can essentially turn it into a vassal state, giving them influence from the Afghan border to the Mediterranean Sea — the heart of the Middle East. Again, this is in historical line with dictatorial expansionist regimes.

Further, removing us from Iraq and bringing that land into their orbit will align them solidly with Russia in the region, which entered during the Obama vacuum and appeasement years. (Resetting Russian relations, which was another form of appeasement also resulted in Putin invading and occupying Crimea and waging war against Ukraine.)

Obama appeased the tyrants in Tehran and Moscow and they became stronger, and spread their misery, repeating history. Also worth noting, so did China in the Obama years, but they did during the Bush years also.

This was the ashes of Progressives’ foreign policy that Trump was left with. He has created red lines and actually enforced them. Syrian use of chemical weapons against its own population resulted in sharp bombing raids that damaged their ability to do so and killed about 200 Russians. There have been no further chemical attacks.

Our evil enemies know that Trump is willing to use force and has done so against Russia in Syria, along with arming Ukraine (despite the whole impeachment nonsense) and the results is that they’ve been stymied in the lust for expansionist power. They will not push and spread their tyranny if they believe the U.S. will respond with force.

That brings us to the moment where Trump ordered the drone strike on the Iranian general in charge of the Quds force, General Solemeini, who has been responsible for the deaths of hundreds, if not thousands, of American soldiers in Iraq. The military has long wanted him eliminated as he is the author of the bloody actions inside and outside Iran, including the Hezbollah-backed militia operating in Iraq. And he is thought to be responsible for the attack on the U.S. Embassy over the holidays.

Obama passed up on taking him out. And worse, as part of the horrible nuclear deal, he removed Solemeini from the U.S. terrorist list, even though he was right behind the leader of ISIS in deadliness.

The media will and has painted this along the Democrat talking points, per usual, that Trump is acting recklessly, causing more attacks, risking war and acting without Congressional approval (the last one of which is a hoot considering what Obama did without Congressional approval.)

But Solemeini was planning more deadly attacks and was brazen about it. Because Obama had given him a free pass to kill Americans, he did not even try to hide his movements or whereabouts as other terrorists did. He even did selfies of himself in various hotspots.

Iran will likely respond in a strong enough way to show their people they are fighting back, but not so strong as to trigger an escalated U.S. attack. They know how vulnerable they are against the American military.

The response of Democrats, channeling Progressives’ thinking, is that we have just made them mad and risked escalation. They also think we should return to the nuclear deal.

In other words: Appeasement.

Nothing learned at all from the last 50 years.


‘Deadbeat’: Ocasio-Cortez Is Enraging Democrats By Refusing to Pay Party Dues and Funding Primary Challengers

A Republican In a Red State Introduced Legislation to Provide Illegal Aliens a New Benefit

Mr. President, Here’s How You Can ‘Make America Even Greater’

EDITORS NOTE: This Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Bloomberg Dismisses Texas Hero, Insists It Wasn’t His “Job” to Have a Gun or Decide to Shoot

Jack Wilson – a 71-year-old congregant of the West Freeway Church of Christ in White Settlement, Tex. – is a hero to most Americans. When a deranged man savagely murdered two of Mr. Wilson’s fellow worshippers during a service at the church on Dec. 30, Wilson took swift action. He exposed himself to danger to deliver a single shot from his lawfully carried handgun that instantly ended what undoubtedly would have been even more terrible carnage among the hundreds present.

Other congregants were also seen producing lawfully carried handguns in response to the threat. Several closed in on the fallen assailant to ensure he was neutralized. None of them panicked or acted rashly and no errant shots were fired.

The entire episode was over in six seconds and was captured on the church’s livestream.

The evidence is inescapable and available to anyone who cares to view it. Anybody who has ever tried to justify a public policy proposal on the grounds that it could save “just one life” is now on notice that lawful concealed carry saved many lives in just that one episode.

Yet one person who did not bother to watch the video or acquaint himself with the facts is Democrat presidential contender Michael Bloomberg. Commenting on the incident at a campaign stop in Montgomery Ala., Bloomberg did not mention Jack Wilson’s name. Bloomberg did not even acknowledge that the events depicted in video and widely reported in the media – including on Bloomberg’s self-named news site – were authentic.

But if they were, he huffed, it didn’t change his mind that only the police (which apparently include the current and former officers on his own armed protection detail) should be able to carry firearms in public.

“It may true, I wasn’t there, I don’t know the facts, that somebody in the congregation had their own gun and killed the person who murdered two other people,” he said. “But it’s the job of law enforcement to, uh, have guns and to decide when to shoot.” He continued, “You just do not want the average citizen carrying a gun in a crowded place.”

In the best-case scenario, responding police would still have been minutes away from the violence breaking out in the West Freeway Church of Christ. The shotgun-wielding assailant could have killed many more people in that time had he not faced armed resistance of his own.

But Bloomberg’s own words indicate he would consider that an acceptable price to pay to vindicate his arch-statist and anti-constitutional view that the government should have a complete monopoly on the lawful use of lethal force.

What, in Bloomberg’s mind, make police the only people who can be trusted with firearms?

Does he feel that only law enforcement can effectively and safely use firearms?

Jack Wilson answered that question on Dec. 29, 2019, by delivering a single, precise shot at 15 yards that felled its target and only its target, saving innocent lives.

But somehow that’s still not good enough for Michael Bloomberg because Wilson is not an active-duty police officer.

What lesson are we supposed to learn from Bloomberg’s response to the White Settlement events, other than who shoots whom isn’t as important to him as who gets to decide who lawfully wields lethal force?

Are you willing to helplessly take one for Team Bloomberg’s scheme of law and order if you end up in the wrong place at the wrong time?

Note that Michael Bloomberg isn’t taking that risk himself; his payroll includes plenty of armed men to keep him safe.

The Second Amendment is your guarantee that you need not take the risk either, which is why Michael Bloomberg’s worldview cannot be reconciled with that fundamental liberty.

This stands in stark contrast to President Trump, who understands exactly what the right to keep and bear arms is all about and unabashedly respects that right.

“It was over in 6 seconds thanks to the brave parishioners who acted to protect 242 fellow worshippers,” President Trump tweeted on Dec. 30. “Lives were saved by these heroes, and Texas laws allowing them to carry guns!”


Virginia: General Assembly Passes Capitol Gun Ban

Crime in Virginia is Falling – Governor Focuses on Making You a Felon

Virginia Gov. Northam Wants Millions in Tax Money to Ban Guns and Jail Gun Owners!

Missouri: Gun Bills Filed for 2020 Session

EDITORS NOTE: This NRA-ILA column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Canada — Where Calling Soleimani a Terrorist Can Get You Arrested

Watch how Canadian police threaten a journalist that if he called assassinated Iranian General Qasem Soleimani a terrorist, he would be arrested. Rebel Media reporter David Menzies was covering the pro- and anti-Soleimani demonstrations in Toronto over the weekend.

The shocking video shows how police — as well as pro-Iranian demonstrators — are virtually willing to deny this polite journalist his right to free speech and press under Canadian law.

Tehran or Toronto? You decide:

Meanwhile in Iraq, the fallout continues from the U.S. hit on arch terrorist Soleimani, who directed the elite Quds force of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps:

  • After the Iraqi parliament voted to expel U.S. troops from Iraq, President Trump said, “We’ve spent a lot of money in Iraq. We have a very extraordinarily expensive air base that’s there. It cost billions of dollars to build. … We’re not leaving unless they pay us back for it.”The decision ultimately falls on the prime minister and his cabinet. But who can make that decision? Current Iraqi PM Adil Abdul-Mahdi al-Muntafiki resigned last November following weeks of protests about the Iranian presence in Iraq as well as governmental corruption and the dire economic situation in Iraq. A replacement has yet to be chosen.Trump continued to warn that such a move would not end well for Iraq. “We will charge them sanctions like they’ve never seen before ever,” the president said. “It’ll make Iranian sanctions look somewhat tame.”
  • Meanwhile in Iraq, demonstrations against the Iranian presence in Iraq continued, as well as demonstrations against all foreign involvement in Iraq.
  • When Fox News reporter Chris Wallace asked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo if the impeachment of President Trump has “emboldened enemies like Iran and North Korea — is this president more vulnerable because of the impeachment effort?” Pompeo replied, “You should ask Mr. Soleimani.”
  • On Sunday night, rockets continued to be fired into the “Green Zone,” a supposedly protected area which houses Iraqi government buildings and foreign embassies, including the American embassy. One rocket hit a family home, injuring four people.
  • Iran announced it would no longer honor its commitment to limit its enrichment of uranium as required by the 2015  pact it made with the world powers.In a statement, Iran declared, “The Islamic Republic of Iran, in the fifth step in reducing its commitments, discards the last key component of its operational limitations in the JCPOA, which is the ‘limit on the number of centrifuges.’ As such, the Islamic Republic of Iran’s nuclear program no longer faces any operational restrictions, including enrichment capacity, percentage of enrichment, amount of enriched material, and research and development. From here on, Iran’s nuclear program will be developed solely based on its technical needs.”
  • Soleimani’s successor, Esmail Ghaani, 62, who served as Soleimani’s deputy commander of the Quds force since 1979, promised “to continue martyr Soleimani’s path with the same force and the only compensation for us would be to remove America from the region.”


US Versus Iranian Military Might

Iranian Militias in Iraq: Retaliation Against US Will Begin

Iran, Hezbollah Use Mexican Drug Cartels to Infiltrate US

EDITORS NOTE: This Clarion Project column with video is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Is Pelosi Timing the Impeachment Articles’ Release so as to Damage Bernie?

The conventional wisdom regarding Nancy Pelosi’s holding of the impeachment articles is that, as someone put it, she’d pulled the pin on the grenade and then didn’t know what to do. Yet even if she has bumbled into her current predicament, which seems likely, is there now some method to her madness? Has she found a way to turn lemons into at least a thimble of lemonade by using the situation to damage the presidential candidate she doesn’t want to see capture the Democratic nomination — burgeoning Bernie Sanders — and help the establishment choice, Joe Biden?

It’s now being pointed out that if Pelosi releases the impeachment articles next week, as is rumored, it will hurt the campaigns of the five senators seeking the Democratic nomination, as they’ll have to leave the campaign trail to be present for the trial. This is at just the time when one of those senators, Sanders, is surging in the polls; is leading in the first contest, Iowa, which is just weeks away; and who now, many Democratic observers say (and often fear), may very well be the nominee.

In reference to this forced campaign-trail absence, “‘Of course it matters,’ [Sen. Elizabeth] Warren said in an interview this week,” reports Politico. “‘We just did a 3½-hour selfie line. Don’t tell me it doesn’t matter to do face to face.’”

Yet the Massachusetts politician and the three other senators who aren’t Bernie are expendable. Warren’s star has been fading, her lies and fanciful policy proposals having caught up to her. Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) has risen a bit of late, but no one really believes she’ll be the nominee. Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) now just serves as a token allowing the Democrats to say, “Look, our field isn’t entirely white!” (an unpardonable sin in their now “woke” party). As for Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.), well, few people will notice his absence because few even notice his presence.

But Bernie matters. With him hitting his stride and the first contest (on Feb. 3) being significant because it can establish or kill momentum — and with the polls close — his absence is significant.

This has to please the Democratic establishment. Its power brokers hobbled Bernie in 2016, and they surely don’t want him now, either. First, he’s not actually a Democrat but an independent; he’s also anti-establishment, and the Democrat machine wants in the White House a Democrat, and one who’ll play ball. It’s also likely that insiders consider the white and wizened socialist septuagenarian unelectable.

Evidencing this establishment antipathy was a November report stating that Barack Obama had actually vowed to intervene if Sanders seemed poised to be the nominee. In fact, one could just imagine the ex-president on the phone with Pelosi strategizing on how to bury Bernie.

But Pelosi wouldn’t need any prodding. Not only is she a major head on the Democratic-machine hydra who has assuredly pondered how the impeachment articles’ release will affect the primary contest, but there’s another factor:

It’s quite likely that to Pelosi this is not just professional, but personal.

Remember that Bernie is the candidate of Pelosi’s nemesis, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. In fact, the New York socialist upstart has been campaigning by his side, helping to rally younger voters, and is a major factor in his post-heart-attack campaign’s resuscitation.

Also note that it’s Ocasio-Cortez and her radical crew who pushed Pelosi into going forward with impeachment in the first place, an action the House speaker apparently opposed and which has been disastrous for her party. So she certainly must find the prospect of using Ocasio-Cortez’ tactic of choice (impeachment) to damage her candidate of choice quite poetic — and delicious.

Add to this that Ocasio-Cortez is now refusing to pay her Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee dues and has been working to primary establishment Democrats — thus challenging Pelosi’s power — and one can only imagine how much the speaker despises the congresswoman.

Remember, too, that Pelosi is a political operator who’ll “cut your head off and you won’t even know you’re bleeding,” as her daughter Alexandra put it last year. I suspect the speaker may believe that releasing the impeachment articles next week sticks a shiv in Bernie’s back — and by proxy in Ocasio-Cortez’ — and will relish every minute of it.

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RELATED ARTICLE: Takeaways from the US Impeachment Imbroglio