My Problem with Sarah Palin

With Sarah Palin once again hinting at a presidential run, pundits and politics wonks are all the more aflutter with 2016 talk. The predictable slings and arrows of the surly left are coming her way, while her excited fans are firing up the troops. Then there are those who say that while they like the ex-governor, they don’t believe she could win the presidency. My focus, however, is a bit different: I have an objection to Palin — one relating to something of which most are unaware.

Before getting to that, please indulge me as I ask a few questions that establish where we all stand. Are you adamantly pro-life, or might your position change if (as in polling) the question is framed as a woman’s “right to choose”? Do you stand foursquare against amnesty, or could you be persuaded to accept a “path to citizenship” for illegals? Do you uphold the proper and only definition of marriage, or have the unrelenting attacks on tradition worn you down to a point where you might conclude, “Well, none of this affects me, anyway”?

If you’re unwavering on all those issues, as I am, you’re a real Sarah Palin conservative.

Or are you?

You see, I’m pretty sure how Palin would answer those questions — and one answer is a real problem.

On October 26, 2008, Palin had an interview with Jorge Ramos of Spanish-language network Univision. She was asked about amnesty: “So you support a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants?” Her answer:

“I do because I understand why people would want to be in America. To seek the safety and prosperity, the opportunities, the health that is here. It is so important that yes, people follow the rules so that people can be treated equally and fairly in this country.”

Sarah Palin supported amnesty…in so many words.

See if you can put enough lipstick on that pig.

Now, since our country is subject to a somewhat planned invasion that’s changing its face and involves the importation of leftist voters-to-be, I consider any pro-amnesty position a deal-breaker. I’ve been front and center on the issue, so much so that Pat Buchanan saw fit to quote me in his book Death of the West. I even stated, “Marco Rubio is dead to me” after he supported the Gang of Eight amnesty group in 2013.  And, believe me, I once had high hopes for the photogenic, articulate Rubio. But my principles aren’t negotiable (especially the one in question here).

Some may now say that Palin had to play ball, as she was running for the White House in 2008 with amnesty poster boy John McCain.

But as they say back home, that dog don’t hunt — certainly not grizzly in Alaska.

Remember that Palin has been billed by supporters as a breath of fresh air, the un-politician, a principled crusader and transformational figure. Her whole stated appeal is based on the notion that she’s not just another politician who goes along to get along.

But on Oct 26, 2008 she gave a quintessential politician-like answer. And on one of the biggest issues of our time.

Yet there’s more than just Palin’s words on immigration. There are also her actions — or perhaps inaction. As’s Victor Medina wrote in 2013 citing Lou Dobb’s reportage, “Palin did not appear to act on the fact that Alaska hosted two ‘sanctuary cities.’” As Dobbs put it, related Medina, “Alaska and Oregon both have state-wide policies that forbid state agencies from using resources to enforce federal immigration law. Apparently, this is by design from the highest levels” (emphasis added).

Now, since I’ve learned the hard way that criticizing Palin alienates some of my usual readers, I’ll state that I bear her no special animus. She’s no different from 1000 other politicians who either don’t understand the true impact of immigration (and a lot of other things) or have principles whose malleability is proportional to the power at stake. But that’s the point.

Palin is no different from 1000 other politicians.

This brings us to her true appeal. And if you’re a fan of hers, please try to take a step back, if you can, and view the matter from an emotional distance.

Question: can you cite for me one novel or unusually insightful thing Palin has ever said?

Just one.


Politics wonk that I am, I can’t think of anything. Don’t misunderstand me, there’s nothing wrong with most of what she does say; it’s conservative boilerplate, and that’s where you generally start. But that again is the point.

Palin says nothing 1000 politicians haven’t said before her.

So I ask, what’s her true appeal, really?

Let’s be honest, if we can’t point to even one thing that makes a much ballyhooed politician substantively different from less touted co-ideologists, the process of elimination tells us where the greater appeal must lie.

It’s not Palin’s oratory, either. Oh, it’s not bad, but she’s no Reagan or Alan Keyes. The difference is what she is.

No one would be talking about Palin if she weren’t attractive and female.

This is true even if, by chance, John McCain would have been willing to choose a “Scott” Palin to be his running-mate (which he wouldn’t have).

It’s the phenomenon I expounded upon in “Cultural Affirmative Action” and “The New Chivalry”: “when people in the market and media privilege others — sometimes unconsciously — based upon the latter’s identification with a ‘victim group.’”

And most every politically aware person grasps this phenomenon to some degree. The late Geraldine Ferraro addressed Barack Obama’s meteoric political rise in 2008 and said, “If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position.” And Ferraro had noted herself that she wouldn’t have been the 1984 vice-presidential candidate were she not a woman. It’s the same reason, by the way, why Fox News hires a large number of attractive female hosts and pundits. Do you think it’s a coincidence? Is the largely conservative audience so taken with them solely because of their minds?

The fact is that it’s impossible to not benefit from fairer-sex status in politics today; it even elevates your brand among conservatives, though it’s difficult convincing many conservatives they’re thus influenced. With many motivations being unconscious, it’s common for people to not be completely aware of what drives them. How many Americans voted for Obama in 2008 without fully grasping the degree to which electing “the first black president” and wanting to feel unbigoted and open-minded influenced them?

This isn’t to say Palin fans don’t have some legitimate reasons to support her, only that the kind of heroine worship and savior-status attribution evident in some quarters — support vastly in excess of what boilerplate conservatism warrants — is due to a purely emotional reaction stoked by image and hope. Many conservatives, knowing that having a female or minority presidential candidate is advantageous today, want to believe in the Great Female Hope. Moreover, there is this politically correct notion, now seamlessly woven into our culture, of female specialness and superiority. So many today are looking for a woman to save us.

Then there’s simply the matter of conservative female politicians’ relative rarity (even many GOP women officeholders are quite liberal); it’s easier to be seen as a standout when you stand out.

So the perhaps unwelcome message here is this: as with the 2008 Barack Obama, Palin is a cult of personality.

If even now you count yourself a Palinista, realize that I’m not emotionally invested in the matter. After all, I know that political remedies won’t cure what at bottom are cultural problems, anyway. It’s also true that like so many other politicians, Palin demonstrates the ability to evolve. And at least she’s evolved in the right direction: two years ago she called the 2013 Gang-of-Eight Rubio “Judas” in a tweet. I only wonder what she now really thinks, deep down, about the 2008 Palin.

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Twitter or log on to

Sarah Palin Too Toxic for 2016?

Sarah Palin saying “Of course” she’s interested regarding running for the presidency in 2016 has people buzzing. During that interview, Palin said we need a candidate who is ready for Hillary. I agree. Romney would be Mr. Nice Guy/gentleman unwilling to attack the girl.

As for Palin running, a woman wrote: “I have never given up on her (Sarah Palin). I am sooooooo hoping that she will be our spokesperson. My husband says the press and Obama have tainted her so much that it would be impossible for her to run. I say that ‘with God, all things are possible.”

To this woman, I say, “Right on sister!” No offense to her husband, but I find his mindset frustrating. We complain that there are far too few politicians with the cojones to push back against Obama’s unprecedented arrogance, lawlessness and tyranny. Despite their newly acquired control over the House and Senate, the GOP appears to be attempting to pull the wool over our eyes regarding amnesty. In their Spanish response to Obama’s SOTU, the GOP brought up immigration, desiring to “create permanent solutions” without mentioning immigration in the English version. What is up with that?

So tell me folks, how many politicians on our side truly are who they say they are; standing up for our principles and values – fighting for freedom and the Constitution? We lament that many politicians on our side are obsessed with winning an approving pat on the head from the MSM; reduced to political impotence. Oh if only there was a little blue pill for dis-functioning Republicans/conservatives.

Palin has proven that she does not give a rat’s derriere about what the MSM thinks of her. We pray for a voice on the big stage with the guts to stand up for Conservatism.

Sarah Palin fills the bill in spades; one of the few unafraid to get into Obama’s grill. I love it!Unapologetic to the Left (Democrats, Hollywood and MSM) Palin’s attitude is, “Say it loud. I’m conservative and proud.”

Not too long ago, a conservative savior arrived on the seen, exciting and inspiring millions. I remember being on the Tea Party Express national tour bus. We kicked off the tour in a dust bowl, Searchlight, NV with Sarah Palin as our headliner. Twenty five thousand people showed up, many camping out days ahead to reserve their spot. I witnessed the moving scene of seniors who had to park almost a mile away approaching the event using walkers; all coming to see their Sarah.

The Left launched an over the top viscous shock and awe champion to crucify Sarah Palin, her family and her disciples. When the Left sought after Palin supporters, sadly, many cowardly said, “I never knew her.” There is something deja vu about this scenario.

So, Palin courageously comes along and does everything patriots have been longing and praying for someone to do. Her reward is patriots distancing themselves from her. Classy. Real classy.

Since taking the national political stage by storm with her amazing VP nominee acceptance speech, the Left as gone crazy, insane with pure unadulterated hatred for Sarah Palin; no attack was too evil or too low. Every Palin family member was in-play including Trig Palin, her Down Syndrome child.

Intellectually challenged actress Pamela Anderson said, “I can’t stand her. She can suck it!”

Obama supporters showed up at Palin events wearing t-shirts which read, “Sarah Palin is a C***” in huge letters. The t-shirt was even featured on Obama’s website with no rebuke from the MSM or Democrats.

Howard Stern idiotically blamed Palin for the Arizona shooting and called her a “F***er and a c***!”

HBO show host Bill Maher called Palin a “dumb twat” Maher has used the c-word when referring to conservative women including Palin. This vile little man has also called Palin a MILF (Mother I’d Like to F***).

Despite the Left’s best efforts to humiliate and destroy her, Palin has hung tough, remaining faithful to the mission of the Tea Party; the preservation of our freedom, liberty and culture — traditional conservative principles and values; God, family and country.

And yet, there are those on our side who suggest that we kick Palin to the curb because she has become “too toxic”.

The field for 2016 is pretty crowded. I am not ready to select a candidate. However, if Palin throws her bonnet into the ring, my heart is with her 100%. He need a hero.

Greek Anti-bailout Party Win Threatens U.S. Hegemony

Greece just announced that its euroskeptic party Syriza has won the general elections by a big margin.

So what, you say?

First, what happens in Europe happens here later. But there’s a lot more to this story than that.

You see, while European politicians almost never wax so bold as to out-rightly complain about the U.S. forcing them to impose sanctions on Russia, they all know that these Russian sanctions are what led to the drop in the euro’s value, since Russia retaliated by imposing its own sanctions on Europe. Now, Germany won’t complain. The lower the euro goes, the more goods it exports. And since Merkel is generally seen as the head of the EU shadow government, that signals a major struggle between her and those in the EU who wish to give in to Syriza’s demands.

The most portentous of those demands is a restructuring of the Greek national debt. If the EU caves, then Greece gets to pay only part of their debt and leaves Europe (mostly Germany) paying the rest. Once they get away with this, they simply start the profligate spending process all over and the EU pays on into eternity.

So what does that have to do with the U.S. oligarchic government?

Think Russian sanctions.

Eventually, other countries will no doubt follow suit. After all, if one country gets to shed part of its debt Scot-free, why not another, and another?

Now one of the worst-off countries in the EU is France. Suppose the unthinkable happened and that huge economy decide to demand restructuring, or worse, defaulted.

That would be a calamity for the EU and the world economy, of which we are a part. But President Hollande has long complained that its debt burden to the EU is too onerous. He sounds as if he too might want to restructure. And how could they deny him this?

Further, Hollande is one of those European leaders who has complained of the Russian sanctions, which have come back to bite Europe in the derrière.

It looks as if Europe is headed toward a showdown with the US. At some point, it seems likely that individual nations will cry “enough” and tell the US to shove it.

If that happens, U.S. prestige will slide closer and closer to the gutter and our own sanctions against Russia will be less and less meaningful.

But what if the EU restructures everyone’s debt?

Would they do that?

Remember that the European Central Bank began a quantitative easing program just in time to greet the Greek elections with the money needed to meet Syriza’s demands — despite their pretense of denying this. Coincidence? To answer that question, consider that this quantitative easing came at exactly the wrong time economically. The euro was already dropping like a rock. Quantitative easing has an inflationary tendency. By contrast, the U.S. QEs started at a time when the US dollar was healthy and could hold up without a major loss of value. Not to mention the power of the petrodollar.

It looks like they knew they’d be forced to meet the Greek restructuring demands (although they continue to say they won’t, the usual pattern in these cases). If so, they may well be forced to meet the demands of many more countries.

Now the euro has dropped more today on news of the Greek election results.

As for the implications for the US, meeting these demands could easily collapse the EU. If that happens, it’s every nation for itself.

The chances that each individual nation would follow US demands to maintain the sanctions against Russia are slim to none. It is more likely that an increasingly rebellious Europe would tell the US to do what Victoria Nuland told the EU to do to itself.

But that is only the beginning of woes if you are an élite within the beltway.

They would almost certainly refuse to go along with US demands permission to launch an air strike against Iran – as will be demanded by Netanyahu before Congress. Or other subsequent military actions when they are truly needed to defend our homeland. After all, they’ve heard us cry “wolf” too many times in the past.

The U.S. oligarchy would then be alone, encircled as it were, just the kind of encirclement our elites hoped to impose on Russia.

What went around would have come around.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of Alexis Tsipras, leader of the Syriza Party. Photographer: Kostas Tsironis/Bloomberg.

Ingoglia and Gruters: The Right Men in the Right Place at the Right Time

Did I use the word “right” enough times in my headline? The Republican Party of Florida has elected a new Chairman and Vice Chairman. I know both men well. Both men are much needed in a party that has gone adrift since 2008.  Florida twice went in the Democratic Party presidential race column. These men have the character, values and abilities to turn Florida deep red in 2016.

How can they easily do this? Ingoglia and Gruters need to focus their 2016 GOTV effort on a gold mine of 1 million untapped Florida voters.

Tom Trento in his column “A ’1 Million Voter Pot of Gold’ that will Turn Florida Deep Red” writes:

Florida, over the past two Presidential election cycles, has been carried by President Obama by a narrow margin. If Republicans lose Florida in 2016 then they cannot win the Presidency, regardless of the Republican nominee. That is a cold hard fact. Voters are won based on public policy issues that motivate them to go to the polls and pull the lever or touch the voter screen for the political party that best reflects their values and beliefs.

It makes no sense for Republicans in Florida to “chase” special interest left-of-center groups in a hope to get their vote, which will never happen. In makes a lot of sense to “chase” the obvious demographic that is with Republicans on most issues, the Christian vote. If more Conservative Christians get seriously involved in Florida politics, then the state will turn solid RED (Republican).

Many believe it is time for the Republican Party of Florida to stop “chasing” the little fish and cast a wider net, going for the big fish – Evangelical Christian voters. This voting block is needed to turn Florida a deep red state in 2016.

Ingoglia and Gruters understand that President Reagan had a simple but compelling strategy based on his three legged stool:

  1. Strong pro-national defense.
  2. Pro-free market economic policies.
  3. Pro-family policies.

To ignore one of these legs makes the stool unstable. History can repeat itself with a strong pro-American presidential candidate. For Floridians 2016 is now in the sunshine.

There is hope in Florida, for a change.


How to Elect a Pro-Israel, Pro-American President in 2016

Who are the most liberal and conservative candidates for President in 2016?

Who are the most liberal and conservative candidates for President in 2016?

crowdpac rick perryStartup is a new political website that ranks 24 potential candidates for President in 2016. According to Crowpac’s methodology there are no moderate politicians running, to date. Crowdpac ranks the 2016 Presidential candidates in a unique and comprehensive way using a 20 point scale, with 10L a perfect liberal record and 10C the perfect conservative record. Their website states:

Crowdpac is the definitive resource for objective data on US political candidates. Our unique data model shows you where politicians stand on the issues, based on what they say, how they vote and who gives them money. Crowdpac’s mission is to help everyone participate more easily and effectively in the political process. Crowdpac is independent, non-partisan and for-profit. This is the new politics.

In the liberal camp the spread between being more liberal with Bernie Sanders at 8.3L or less liberal with Joe Biden at 4.4L is 3.9 points. On the conservative side the spread is 7.5 with Rand Paul being the perfect conservative at 10.0C and Governor Chris Christie the least conservative at 2.5C. Liberal candidates are much more like minded than are the conservative candidates. The separation between the least liberal candidate (Biden) and the least conservative candidate (Christie) is 8.1 points, according to Crowdpac’s scale.

The infographic below provides an overview of the rankings:

ranking liberals and conservatives

For a larger view click on the image.

crowdpac hillary clintonCrowdpac polls show that liberals are backing Hillary Clinton by a large margin, while conservatives are still making up their minds. The polling spread between the two top liberal candidates (Clinton and Warren) is 49.5%, while for the top two conservative candidates (Bush and Christie) it is 5.8%. Bush and Christie are the most liberal candidates on the conservative scale.

Many have written that President Obama is the most liberal President in the history of the United States. He is also one of the most unpopular as are his policies. So what does the data from Crowdpac really telling us? Are voters looking for a conservative liberal or liberal conservative or neither?

Time will tell.


public office seats won and lost

This chart shows the number of seats won (blue) or lost (red) at the state and federal levels by U.S. Presidents since 1953. The graphic is courtesy of the Washington Post.


Political Startup Ranks the Most Conservative, Liberal 2016 Candidates

Conservative Lawmakers Prepare to Split From Republican Study Committee

Does The Democratic Party Have a Future?

Betrayal! RINOs Secretly Crafting Broad Amnesty Bill, McConnell Says Forget Reversing Obama’s Amnesty; GOP Suicide Countdown Begins

Republicans Bracing for Obama’s Massive Spending Hike

EDITORS NOTE: The features images are courtesy of

Senator Ted Cruz: We need Bold, Positive Leadership

On Monday, January 12th, Sen. Cruz addressed the Heritage Foundation’s 2015 Conservative Policy Summit to discuss a bold, positive agenda for the new Congress. View video below.

A ‘1 Million Voter Pot of Gold’ that will Turn Florida Deep Red

Florida, over the past two Presidential election cycles, has been carried by President Obama by a narrow margin. If Republicans lose Florida in 2016 then they cannot win the Presidency, regardless of the Republican nominee. That is a cold hard fact. Voters are won based on public policy issues that motivate them to go to the polls and pull the lever or touch the voter screen for the political party that best reflects their values and beliefs.

It makes no sense for Republicans in Florida to “chase” special interest left-of-center groups in a hope to get their vote, which will never happen. In makes a lot of sense to “chase” the obvious demographic that is with Republicans on most issues, the Christian vote. If more Conservative Christians get seriously involved in Florida politics, then the state will turn solid RED (Republican).

Here are the 2012 demographics showing that one million Christians Do Not Vote:

19,000,000 …….. FLORIDA POPULATION (2010 US Census)

15,000,000 ……… VOTING AGE CITIZENS (over 18)

12,000,000 ……… REGISTERED VOTERS (80% of voting age pop.)

12,000,000 ……… VOTING AGE CHRISTIANS (80% of voting age pop.)

8,474,179 ……… TOTAL NUMBER OF VOTES CAST IN 2012

4,235,270 …….…. OBAMA VOTES IN 2012 – (50%)

4,162,081 ….……   ROMNEY VOTES IN 2012 – (49.1%)



3,000,000 ………. CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN VOTERS (20% of pop)






NOTE: *Typically 50% of evangelical Christians are registered to vote and ONLY 50% of those registered actually do vote. That means that ONLY 25% of very serious, conservative Christians actually vote.

It is critical that the Republican Party of Florida provide positive incentives for these 1 million Christians to register as Republicans and vote Republican in 2016 and beyond. If the Republican Party of Florida does this Florida will remain deep red for the foreseeable future.

How to Elect a Pro-Israel, Pro-American President in 2016

The State of Israel and Jewish people worldwide are facing increased Jew-hatred, homeland terrorism and possible military attacks from many elements of the Islamic world. A dispassionate analysis indicates that Israel’s only stable national security partner is the United States of America.  Therefore it is essential that the national security relationship between these two countries is immediately repaired, strengthened and secured for many decades to come.

What is the Israel Security Project?

The Israel Security Project (ISP) is a two-year social media activist campaign to secure a pro-America, pro-Israel President of the United States while developing an “army” of Zionist activists to help build the national security bonds between America and Israel so that our relationship is strong, vital and maximized in order to defeat world threats including the Islamic State’s onslaught toward a Global Caliphate going right through Jerusalem.

Why initiate the Israel Security Project?

The United West team has successfully proven their capabilities over seven years and are uniquely positioned with significant national security relationships in both the USA and Israel to educate, motivate and lead elected officials and regular citizens to impact elections and achieve stated objectives.

How will the Israel Security Project social media component operate?

The United West will focus on the two primary areas of social media and grassroots activism to implement the Israel Security Project. Our social media component features a daily commercial one-hour radio show strategically broadcast in the Palm Beach/Broward Florida market from North Miami in the south to north Palm Beach in the north; an internet TV show broadcast worldwide with segments featured on Breitbart TV; investigative TV documentaries also broadcast on various internet outlets, worldwide. Additionally, all of our second-tier social media elements, like Face Book and Twitter are integrated into our first-tier social media productions resulting in a media digital footprint that reaches millions of viewers per year.  Demographically, our listening/viewing audience boasts a disproportionate number of elected officials, conservative community leaders, grassroots activists, military personnel and evangelical Christians.

How will the Israel Security Project grass roots component operate?

The United West has a proven track record mobilizing grass roots activists in America, strategic parts of Europe and now in Israel. Through our social media expertise we will have immediate and ongoing access and communication with thousands of Zionist activists in the USA, Israel and parts of Europe to implement the various phases of the Israel Security Project that results in a pro-America, pro-Israel, pro-West President.

What is the Israel Security Project “Christian Component?”

One of the distinguishing aspects of our Israel Security Project is Tom Trento’s Christian bona fides. Tom, an evangelical Christian is a graduate of two outstanding Christian schools, holds earned degrees in law enforcement, theology and philosophy of religion and has been a leader in the Christian community for over 30 years. The United West is an organization comprised primarily Jews and Christians but all associates are Zionists. In our two-year ISP campaign The United West will maximize Tom Trento’s deep Christian reach in order to build an “army” of Zionist activists standing with the State of Israel.

How is the Israel Security Project funded?

The United West is a non-profit 501 c-3, educational organization that is completely funded by donations.

For more information:

Year of The Black Tea Party

Black Americans with strong values are no longer welcome in the Democratic Party of BHO … time for them to come on over to the TEA Party where faith in God is welcome!

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is courtesy of Maggie’s Notebook.

black tea party

FLORIDA: One State Committeeman has the cure for ‘Charlie Crist Republicanism’


Photo courtesy of the Associated Press.

November 2014 was a wave election, which gave Republicans the largest majority in the U.S. House of Representatives since the Civil War and control of the U.S. Senate. The midterm election was indeed historic for Republicans, not unlike the wave elections of 1980 and 1994.

Citizens across America, and Florida, voted against the policies of President Obama and what is known in the sunshine state as “Charlie Crist Republicanism.” As Florida’s Republicans know Charlie Crist did more to destroy the Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) than anyone before him. Charlie Crist Republicanism included an expansion of government, a pro-environmentalist agenda, increased state debt and a scandal involving long time Crist ally, and former RPOF Chairman, Jim Greer.

christian ziegler 2

Christian Ziegler, State Committeeman Republican Party of Sarasota County

One young Republican understands this and is doing something about it. His name is Christian Ziegler.

Ziegler is the State Committeeman representing the Republican Party of Sarasota County, Florida. Ziegler understands that Charlie Crist Republicanism is politically extreme. It began in 2009 when former Governor Crist in Fort Myers embraced not only President Obama but also President Obama’s domestic policies (e.g. stimulus package). It went downhill from there for Republicans, with Crist eventually becoming a member of the Democratic Party of BHO and embracing all that comes with it. Domestic policies that are anti-family, anti-individual freedom, anti-property rights, anti-religious, anti-gun ownership, anti-law enforcement, anti-fossil fuel and anti-life and liberty.

Charlie Crist Republicans are pro anything that is anti-American and anti-Constitutional.

So what can one young Republican do about it? On January 8, 2015 Ziegler offered his fellow Republican Executive Committee members a draft resolution that is a cure for the malaise affecting the Republican Party of Sarasota County and, in a much larger sense, a malaise still affecting the Republican Party of Florida.

This malaise is keeping Independents and moderate Democrats from pulling the Republican lever at the voting booth. It is putting the Republican Party into a smaller tent rather than attracting those who desperately want something other than the Democratic Party of BHO (formerly the Democratic Party of JFK). Ziegler’s draft resolution (below) is simple but straight forward. It is statesman like.

Ziegler explains:

Each member of the Republican Executive Committee signs an oath to our organization that they will not support a Democrat over a Republican while in their role as a local party leader. This ensures that we are all working together, for one common mission – To help elect Republicans.

The Republican Party of Sarasota County spends a lot of time, effort and finances to help individuals get elected. This resolution would help ensure that the resources of the Republican Party are not being used against our mission by allowing the party to withhold future support to any Republican candidate or elected official who goes against our mission by supporting Democrat candidates over Republican candidates.

Each candidate may still publicly support a Democrat over a Republican, but when doing so, they’ll have to weigh the potential loss of future support from the Republican Party.

To put it into private sector terms – As a business, would you ever invest and promote the supplier of your biggest competitor?

Ziegler said, “I think it is long overdue and it’s going to strengthen the Republican Party.” What voters want is elected Republicans who honor their party platform and are loyal to their party’s principles. “My job, as state committeeman, is to support Republican candidates and Republican values,” notes Ziegler. In other words his job and the job of every member of the Republican party is to support Republicans and the party’s political platform. To do otherwise is living a political lie. Who can trust someone who professes to be one thing but does another once elected? That is what the 2104 midterm wave election was all about.

Voters want a clear choice, their expectations are high as are their fears of government.

Larry P. Arnn, President of Hillsdale College, in his article “Wave Elections: What They Mean” writes:

Increasingly large majorities of the people consistently profess themselves afraid of their government. They think it too big. They think it does not account to them—that it is beyond their control and does not operate with their consent. They think it should be smaller, even if that means they receive fewer services. It seems that the growth of government has not made people feel safe and happy.

[ … ]

We require today a devotion to two things that are on the surface contrary. The first of them is constitutionalism, and the second is statesmanship.

Constitutionalism and statesmanship do not mean abandoning one’s Republican values for short term political gain. It also does not demand compromise, as compromise is the art of losing slowly. Republicans experienced this in 2006 and again in 2008, when they lost first the Congress and then the White House. Have they learned?

German sociologist, philosopher, and political economist Max Weber (1864–1920) wrote, “The decisive means for politics is violence. Whoever wants to engage in politics at all, and especially in politics as a vocation, has to realize these ethical paradoxes.”

Political principles tame the violence and create standards within which those who practice politics as a vocation must ethically adhere. Ziegler understands that.

The full text of the draft resolution that is scheduled to be voted during the April 2015 RPOS Executive Committee meeting is below.


WHEREAS, Article 2, Section B of The Constitution of the Republican Party of Florida, as adopted by the Republican Party of Sarasota County, sets the mission of the Republican Party of Sarasota County “to support the principles, objectives, and platforms of the Republican Party and to secure the election of all duly nominated Republican candidates”

WHEREAS, The Chairman, State Committeeman, State Committeewoman, Precinct Committeemen, Precinct Committeewomen, and Volunteers of the Republican Party of Sarasota County work tirelessly and donate financially to elect Republicans to local, state and federal office.

WHEREAS, Section B of The Republican Party of Florida Oath of Party Loyalty and Ethical Conduct Document, as adopted by the Republican Party of Sarasota County, states: “In a non­partisan election (other than a judicial election) in which a registered Republican is participating, I will not actively, publicly, or financially support the election of any candidate other than a registered


The Republican Executive Committee of Sarasota County condemns any registered Republican candidate or elected official actively, publicly, or financially supporting the election of any candidate other than a registered Republican in a partisan or nonpartisan election in which a registered Republican is participating.

In addition, if a registered Republican candidate or elected official is found to be actively, publicly, or financially supporting the election of any candidate other than a registered Republican in a partisan or non­partisan election in which a registered Republican is participating, The Republican Executive Committee of Sarasota County will impose a ban from party activities & resources for a period beginning at the time or violation and extending through their next campaign for office. “Party Activities & Resources” include, but are not limited to:

  • Events hosted by the Republican Party of Sarasota County
  • Monthly meetings of the Republican Executive Committee of Sarasota County
  • Events hosted by Republican Clubs chartered by the Republican Party of Sarasota County
  • Access and use of the Republican Party of Sarasota County Headquarters (HQ) by the candidate, the elected official or their representative(s).
  • Electioneering & Voter Information Efforts such as the Voter Guide, Direct Mail, Phone Calls, Door ­to­ Door Voter Contact, Placing their materials in the Republican Party HQ, and Email Communications.

Our Political Class: 114th Congress

I have a theory that ties in with John Boehner’s third election as Speaker of the House on Tuesday.

Could it be that the newly elected congressmen and women are greeted by one of the members who has been there long enough to be the chairperson of one of the many committees of the House and quickly informed that they now belong to a very exclusive group in which they can, with relative safety, ignore the voters who just elected them?

In the House there were 58 freshman members and in the Senate, there were 13, some of whom were formerly members of the House. In total, the opening session of Congress welcomed 246 Republicans and 188 Democrats.

Those contesting for the job of Speaker in addition to Boehner were Reps. Ted Yoho and Daniel Webster of Florida and Louie Gohmert of Texas. The Democrats nominated Rep. Nancy Pelosi. Four Democrats did not vote for her. Meanwhile Webster received 12 votes, Gohmert earned three, and Yoho won 2. Of the 408 votes cast, Boehner won 216.

My other theory is that enough members of the House had concluded that Boehner had done as good a job as possible under the circumstances and saw no reason to turn the job of Speaker over to someone who might rock the boat. His opposition came mostly from the strongly conservative bloc in the House.

What we likely have in the 114th Congress is a very pragmatic leadership who are not likely to do anything dramatic regarding immigration, energy, or any of the other issues about which conservatives want action. In both the House and the Senate, they know what they are up against. They will put forward legislation, but all it will do is demonstrate what we already know about Obama.

In his first speech on the floor of the Senate, Mitch McConnell (KY-R), the Majority Leader, said “Bipartisan compromise may not come easily for the President. The President’s supporters are pressing for militancy these days, not compromise.” Those supporters are the Far Left. I doubt that he or John Boehner met with the President that much over the past six years.

The Founding Fathers created a republic in which the business of legislating was intended to move slowly, subject to debate and the need for compromise. Obama has made it clear he has no intention to work with Congress, especially now that it is controlled by the GOP. So gridlock will continue and conservatives will stay angry.

Regarding my theory that our political class doesn’t really worry that much about what the voters want, do you recall the omnibus budget that was passed in the last hours of the previous Congress? That was 2,000-plus pages crammed full of things we are not likely to ever learn about until well after the money is spent. Does that suggest that the members of Congress think it wiser to keep us in the dark? Yes.

AA - Boehner and ObamaThink of it another way, Over the course of the last six years with Obama as President, the House passed some fifty resolutions calling for the repeal of ObamaCare. Were we supposed to take that seriously? Are we going to see legislation repealing, for instance, Obamacare’s medical device tax? Maybe. I will be very interested to see any legislation aimed at undermining ObamaCare because I believe the 114th Congress would prefer to wait for the courts to do that for them.

Boehner knew early on that Obama was a President who had little regard for Congress or, for that matter, the Constitution.

Despite a major rejection of the Democratic Party and Obama’s policies in the 2013 midterm elections, Obama has been acting as if the Party won those elections and they had confirmed his agenda. He has let it be known he has no intention of negotiating, preferring to use his veto power, unilateral executive orders, and to get what he wants via various federal agency regulations.

One of the most important functions of the 114th Congress will be oversight of departments and agencies. Has anyone heard from the Justice Department’s Lois Lerner lately? Any word about the Benghazi tragedy?

Little wonder that, after being elected to his third term as Speaker, Boehner said “All I ask is that we disagree without being disagreeable.” There are 435 members in the House of Representatives and Boehner is responsible primarily for its Republican members. If there are Democrats who are willing to cross the aisle, he will welcome their votes. As in the Senate, they will be needed on occasion.

Regarding the passage of legislation, Boehner said “It’s the real work. It’s a grind. The battle of ideas never ends and frankly never should. We Americans never quit,” adding “Let’s once and for all prove the skeptics wrong.”

It is worth keeping in mind, as Karl Rove reminded us in a Jan 7 commentary, “Every Republican senator and virtually every congressman challenged as insufficiently conservative won their primaries.” The voters have spoken.

As unhappy as many conservatives are with Boehner and those they call RINOs (Republicans in Name Only), Boehner did not sound like a man expressing great joy at having been reelected to what appears to be a very difficult job. That this is his third term suggests that his colleagues in the House have a measure of respect for him that his critics do not.

The House and Senate used to be exclusively an old white man’s club. Now the Speaker and the Senate Majority Leader are looking at an extraordinarily diverse membership.

The same day Boehner was reelected Speaker the Congressional Black Caucus hosted a swearing-in ceremony to welcome new and returning members of the House and Senate. There were 46 of them.

Rep. Mia Love (R-Utah) will make history as the first black Republican woman in Congress. She and the others represent the largest Black Republican class in Congress since the Reconstruction era. Makes you wonder what those blacks rioting in the streets are so angry about? More than 125 blacks have been elected to Congress over the past forty years, including of course, Barack Obama.

The 114th Congress has been hailed by The Hill as the “Most diverse Congress in history to take power.” There are a record number of female lawmakers at 104, alongside 420 men. Hispanic lawmakers will number 33 with 30 in the House and Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) in the Senate. There are 12 Asian-Americans and Oklahoma has contributed two Native-Americans.

The Hill reports that “A vast majority of lawmakers identify as Christian, either Protestant or Catholic, along with 16 Mormons.” There are 28 Jews, two Buddhists, two Muslims, and one Hindu.

Think you’d like to have John Boehner’s job or Mitch McConnell’s? To all that diversity add political points of view that range from Far Left to Far Right.

Let me return to my original theory. In the House, though they must face election every two years, I suspect they quickly conclude that there is no satisfying the voters so they might as well vote as they wish. In the Senate where they face election every six years, that goes double or triple.

These are professional politicians. Of the new Congress, ten have been governors, 32 were mayors, and 251 served in state legislatures. It’s a job they have chosen and, frankly, I am glad it is them, not me.

© Alan Caruba, 2015

The Presidential Horse Pucky Dance

The election of a new President is coming up in 2016. I think America is ready for a different kind of candidate.

List of 25 heroes who sided with the Constitution and voted against Boehner for speaker

jeff miller

Jeff Miller, R-Florida Distinct 1.

Below is a list of American representative’s who fearlessly sided with our Founding Fathers. They did so under the rule of Constitutional governance in a historic rebuke of John Boehner for his prior capitulation President Obama.

I did not see my representative Congressman Jeff Millers’ name on this list. Apparently Congressman Miller supports John Boehner’s agenda also by voting for another 2 years of Boehner as Speaker.

Miller was an executive assistant to Democratic state Agriculture Commissioner Doyle Conner from 1984 to 1988. He was a life long Democrat until he switched parties in 1997. Jeff Miller is no longer my representative, he is a guy collecting a paycheck from my district. I will not now, nor in the future vote for him, give him monetary support or emotional support. I will bash him on radio shows in his district. I will eviscerate him in newspaper articles in his district and in emails across the nation which reach 256,000 people. This career politician also voted to dismember the retirement checks of military personnel but still the sheeple voted for him. In 2016 I will send a mass mail out to all his constituents reminding them of this fact.

As the Washington Post noted this is the “biggest defection from an incumbent speaker in at least 100 years“, with 25 House Republicans voted for someone other than John Boehner to serve as speaker in the 114th Congress. God Bless these great Americans. Ensure they are given donations and receive ample moral and financial support in the future. Invite them to speak at TEA Party and 9-12 meetings. As for those who voted in support of Boehner rebuke and ostracize them. They are cowards.

Here’s the full list, in order:

  1. Rep. Justin Amash (MI) – @RepJustinAmash
  2. Rep. Brian Babin (TX) – @Babin4Congress
  3. Rep. Rod Blum (IA) – @BlumforCongress
  4. Rep. Dave Brat (VA) – @DaveBratVA7th
  5. Rep. Jim Bridenstine (OK) – @RepJBridenstine
  6. Rep. Curt Clawson (FL) – @RepCurtClawson
  7. Rep. Scott DesJarlais (TN) – @DesJarlaisTN04
  8. Rep. Jeff Duncan (SC) – @RepJeffDuncan
  9. Rep. Scott Garrett (NJ) – @RepGarrett
  10. Rep. Chris Gibson (NY) – @RepChrisGibson
  11. Rep. Paul Gosar (AZ) – @RepGosar
  12. Rep. Louie Gohmert (TX) – @RepLouieGohmert
  13. Rep. Tim Huelskamp (KS) – @CongHuelskamp
  14. Rep. Walter Jones (NC) – @RepWalterJones
  15. Rep. Steve King (IA) – @SteveKingIA
  16. Rep. Tom Massie (KY) – @RepThomasMassie
  17. Rep. Mark Meadows (NC) – @RepMarkMeadows
  18. Rep. Rich Nugent (FL) – @RepRichNugent
  19. Rep. Gary Palmer (AL) – @Palmer4Alabama
  20. Rep. Bill Posey (FL) – @CongBillPosey
  21. Rep. Scott Rigell (VA) – @RepScottRigell
  22. Rep. Marlin Stutzman (IN) – @RepStutzman
  23. Rep. Randy Weber (TX) – @TXRandy14
  24. Rep. Daniel Webster (FL) – @RepWebster
  25. Rep. Ted Yoho (FL) – @RepTedYoho

RELATED ARTICLE: Why So Many Republicans Wouldn’t Vote for Boehner as Speaker

A Dark Day for America

Today we analyze the details that made this a very dark day for America.

Up first is the absurd re-election of John Boehner as Speaker of the House of Representatives. Instead of a conservative juggernaut to stop and defeat the neo-Marxist and culturally destructive policies of President Obama the 114th Congress chose the failed and pseudo-conservative John Boehner, Congressman from Ohio to his third term as Speaker. This sets a terrible precedent as we race into the Presidential election of 2016, 671 days from today. Not only will the Constitutional Conservative viewpoint be suppressed but Boehner will continue with his “K” Street tactics and cut deals with Obama that increase the size of our national debt, allow illegal aliens to walk through our borders and enable the Muslim Brotherhood to have more detrimental impact to our national security.

This is not good.

Neither is it good that today, the Judges of Florida legalized gay marriage in spite of a constitutional amendment that has been in place since 2008. This is wrong on two levels both legally and culturally. Notwithstanding all the politically-correct emotion connected to “same-sex” marriage the data and common sense affirm the Judeo-Christian understanding of marriage, a union between a man and a woman is essential to a morally sound civilization.

Check out the show and see why we say, this is a “Dark Day For America.”

RUN LOUIE WIN! – Congressman Gohmert for Speaker

On Sunday morning January 4, Congressman Louis Gohmert announced on Fox News that he is running against John Boehner for Speaker of the House of Representatives. THIS IS GREAT NEWS FOR ALL REAL CONSERVATIVES!

Through the years, Judge Gohmert has proven himself as a Constitutional Conservative from issues of taxes, culture and national security. In fact Congressman Gohmert is one of the few elected officials to deeply research and fight the Obama Administration on the still unresolved tragedy of SEAL Team SIX shoot down of their helicopter, call sign: EXTORTION 17.

This video was taped off a TV as the network footage has not yet been released. Join, Tom Trento and The United West team for our Monday Jan 5, show (4pm eastern) entitled: “Who is Louie Gohmert and Why He Should be Speaker!”

Our special guests are Billy and Karen Vaughn who have worked very closely with Congressman Gohmert for several years on national security issues.

To learn more go to