Pray. Vote. Stand.

Starting September 23, FRC launched seven weeks of focused prayer for the family, church, business, government, media, education, and entertainment. We’re inviting people across America to join us in taking the pledge to pray, vote, and stand. Have you signed up? If you haven’t, I encourage you to visit and add your name to the thousands committed to lifting up our nation in prayer, committing to vote in the midterm elections, and stand for our biblical values.

Each week, we’re offering a special prayer guide, tailored to each area. This week’s focus is the church. Won’t you join us in seeking God’s face in this critical time?

Tony Perkins’ Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC senior writers.


GOP Picks Cotton to Lead Justice Fight

State Dept. Charges ahead with Visa Policy

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in Tony Perkins Washington Update. It is republished with permission.

P.T. Barnum Had Nothing on the Democrats’ Freak Show

The Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus that I attended in my youth showcased acts like the freak show in which people with all sorts of bizarre physical features would attract millions of morbidly curious wide-eyed visitors.

But even Tom Thumb and the Siamese twins, the bearded lady and the dog-faced boy, and the head of Medusa that “turned men into stone” had nothing on the oddities of the 2018 circus that billed itself as the U.S. Senate’s Judiciary Committee’s Hearing to determine if Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s selection for the Supreme Court, is fit for that august position.

Those oddities, however, were not physical, but rather deformities of character, integrity, honor.

After an exhaustive interview process, a marathon of visiting members of Congress for personal interviews, and being investigated six times by the FBI for his position as U.S. Circuit Judge on the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia (and other lofty positions), the married father of two adorable young daughters seemed headed straight to take his place beside the president’s former pick, conservative jurist Neil Gorsuch.

But wait! What is this slithering worm in the ointment?

It was the prospect of a majority of conservative justices on the highest court in the land eventually overturning their most cherished law—the “right” to kill in-utero embryos, fetuses, and babies…right up to the ninth month of pregnancy! And we all know how proud State Legislator Obama was about his legislation in Chicago that allowed doctors to snuff the lives out of living, breathing infants who survived the gruesome abortion procedure.

As far as the left is concerned, you can take military strength, low taxes, high employment (for blacks, Hispanics, women and youth), the genuine protection of our borders, equitable treaties between the U.S. and other countries, huge inroads in foreign policy, on and on and on, and throw them all in the garbage in comparison to the absolute Holy Grail of leftism: abortion.


The Democrats’ initial plan to quash the Kavanaugh nomination was to grill him so relentlessly and to examine his judicial decisions so microscopically that personal and professional flaws would be found to disqualify him for the job. It turned out, to their everlasting anguish, that he passed all the tests with flying colors and the only remaining procedure was a vote in the Senate which promised to be narrow but successful.

Then quite suddenly—literally out of the blue, it seemed—came a challenge to Judge Kavanaugh’s heretofore sterling reputation: an accusation from a female professor in California that when teenager Kavanaugh and his friend were 17 and drunk, he groped her 15-year-old self and her bathing-suit-clad body and put his hand over her mouth when she tried to scream. Her report was a little sketchy—not sure of the date or venue—but quite sure of the perpetrator.

Where did this challenge come from? Why none other than the Senate Judiciary Committee ranking member Senator Dianne Feinstein from California, who said that almost two months earlier she had received a letter from the aggrieved professor, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, but was asked to keep it secret.

Obviously Sen. Feinstein or a member of her staff leaked the confidential letter to a member of the always-accommodating leftist media…and the race was on for all the Progressives to express their terminal outrage and demand—DEMAND!—to question the judge about this 36-year-old accusation.

Don’t ask these evolved politicians the color of their neckties two days ago or what they ate for dinner three nights ago, but trust them when they say that a memory from drunk teenagers almost 40 years ago is credible. Can’t make this up!

Better than the dog-faced boy!


RING ONE: Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, to the greatest show on earth. Watch the magic taking place in the center ring as the craven leftwing media elevate innuendo over truth, lies over objective reality, fantasy over rationality.

Yes, they have tried and utterly failed to destroy the Trump presidency since the day citizen Trump and his gorgeous wife Melania came down the escalator to announce his intentions to run for president. In fact, nothing the media have done, said, invented, distorted, fabricated and twisted has diminished the president’s blazing effectiveness and successes. The media bosses—aka media whores—are leftists and globalists at heart and have aided and abetted every effort to undermine the president and have paid their shills (anchors, reporters, commentators, et al) to do the same.

But watch as they continue to contort themselves into knots never before seen in the human species!

RING TWO: In the second of our three rings is the left’s newest darling, the 51-year-old woman, wife, mother, widely traveled jet-setter (who’s afraid to fly, she says), and aggrieved party. Observe the professor, Christine Blasey Ford, as she speaks in a widdie biddie, liddle three-year-old voice, implying, at least to me, that the accused predators of her teens must have been attracted to what was then goo goo gurgles that sounded like an 18-month-old widdle baby!

But wait! In all the media blather, why has no mention been made of what famed radio host Michael Savage has alleged, that Dr. Ford is deeply tied to the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)?

“She just so happens to head up the CIA undergraduate internship program at Stanford University,” Savage reveals. And her brother Ralph, “used to work for the International Law Firm of Baker, Hostetler…the firm that created Fusion GPS,” the company that wrote the [phony] Russian “dossier” that was fraudulently used to try to destroy the Trump presidency.

Savage continues: “Baker Hostetler is located in the same building where the CIA operates three companies…all operated by Ralph Blasey II, the father of Christine. Also that Christine’s Grandfather was Nicholas Deak—former CIA Director William Casey acknowledged Deak’s decades of service to the CIA.”

For that matter, why have the media not investigated or brought to public awareness Professor Ford’s extensive writings on—ta da—abortion? According to Mary L. Davenport, M.D., Dr. Ford “has 21 articles listed in PubMed…six of them are on Mifepristone, the abortion pill.”

Mmmm….CIA connections, a fetish with abortions. Nothing to see here. After all, she was “credible.” Really? Does that mean she was able to read her answers without drooling? Refer to her hippocampus without laughing out loud?

But the question remains: what don’t we know about her background? What notes did her therapist take that have not been publicly revealed? Does she have borderline personality disorder? Is she a sociopath, the type who can look directly in your eyes and lie through her teeth or pass any number of lie detector tests without blinking an eye?

Will the FBI investigation this week include those therapist’s notes and more in-depth information about the professor who can’t seem to remember where or when the groping incident took place and cannot explain why the people she claims were present during the incident all deny being there and, in one case, knowing her!

RING THREE: In the third ring of our three-ring circus is ranking Judiciary Committee member Senator Dianne Feinstein, the arch manipulator of the hearings. After the judge presented an airtight explanation of his whereabouts on the evening in question, even providing a decades-old calendar proving he was nowhere near the teenage get-together, Sen. Feinstein, writer Roger Simon reports, “was up to her old tricks…reading a litany of recent accusations against Kavanaugh so ludicrous even the New York Times wouldn’t print them.”

As Monica Showalter spells out, about Sen. Feinstein’s decision to sit on Dr. Ford’s letter for 60 days: “Sen. Dianne Feinstein dropped herself to the bottom of the barrel as a political hack.  Her performance, from start to finish, was a disgrace.  It was so bad, so loathsome, even to the left, that it’s hard to think it won’t cost her Senate seat, where she is in a tight race this November… being challenged by a crazed far leftist of the worst Sacramento-swamp stripe. Couple it with her employment of that Chinese spy for 20 years and her defense of the Steele dossier, and an ugly Jurassic partisan hack picture emerges.”

And the inimitable Senator John Kennedy (R-LA), clearly directing his remarks to Sen. Feinstein, had this to say: “To the person who leaked Dr. Ford’s letter, to the person who breached Dr. Ford’s anonymity, and to the person who did not tell her she could have avoided this by testifying privately in her home in California, you know who you are. You should bow your head in shame, in my opinion, and you should hide your head in a bag every day for the rest of your natural life.”

Oh… and Sen. Feinstein’s husband, Richard Blum, has served the university of Palo Alto as a member of the University of California Board of Regents since 2002. Kinda ironic that this is where Christine Blasey Ford works!


Hard to know if D.C. is a magnet for political freaks or if the very business of politics itself produces them. Whatever…in 2018, there seem to be 20 circuses worth of these Democrat miscreants, pathological liars, career victims, and raving hypocrites.

They were all on display during the hearings, still saturated in Trump Derangement Syndrome, still entertaining the unicorn fantasy of a Blue Wave in November, still displaying all the character defects that led their role model Hillary to go down in ignominious defeat in November of 2016.

First is Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ), whose obsessive, nearly psychotic hatred of President Trump—much like that of his fellow Arizonan, the late John McCain—compels him to try to sabotage every facet of the president’s agenda. Also like McCain, he is an easy touch for the attention and kudos of the left, who he collaborates with at every turn.

As JudyBeth Wagoner explains: “Soon-to-be United States ex-Senator Jeff Flake just can’t overcome his bitterness as a swamp creature being drained from the Washington swamp. He continues to inject his worthless progressive sentiment into the national conversation, even though his representation was rejected by his own constituents…[he] went to Washington by presenting himself as a conservative Tea Party candidate. Once there he betrayed the people who put him in office and became a flaming progressive establishment hack.”

So there was the hack, “trapped” in an elevator—cameras and microphones at the ready to capture the entire phony scene—with an aggrieved woman pleading with him to take women’s grievances seriously. The clearly orchestrated scenario impelled the senator—Roger Simon calls Sen. Flake “the captain in the #NeverTrump resistance movement from within the Republican Party”—to ask for another week so the FBI could investigate further.

Well whaddaya know? That shrieking harpy was none other than Ana Maria Archila, the co-executive director for the Center for Popular Democracy and the Center for Popular Democracy Action Fund, the latter heavily funded by Trump-loather George Soros.

And did I fail to mention this little factoid that makes every Flake move and word stink to high heaven? Specifically, as reported by Joe Hoft for Gateway Pundit, the last person Sen. Flake called before asking for another week of Supreme Insanity was Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein—which “sends a clear message that the Deep State is now involved in the Supreme Court nomination process.” The anti-Trump Deep State, I might add.

“The fact that Flake contacted Rosenstein (Redactenstein) should worry the entire country,” Hoft continues. “Who in Rosenstein’s corrupt DOJ or FBI should be investigating anything related to the President? God help this country…”

Perhaps Karin McQuillan explains the Flake phenomenon best. “Jeff Flake is an ambitious man. His ambition is to sabotage President Trump, the Republican Party, and Trump voters by any means possible. Flake sides with the Left on cultural issues, on immigration, on the war on coal. [He] was a reliable ally for Obama on those causes and more…his only major accomplishment was joining the ‘Gang of 8’ open borders initiative.”

“Flake plotted a mini-coup on Friday morning to snatch away Kavanaugh’s moral victory over the Democrats’ smear campaign. [He] is doing the most despicable thing any of us have seen in politics in our lifetimes—using uncorroborated and implausible allegations from 36 years ago to launch scummy attacks against a decent man,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC). “No amount of rhetoric about ‘healing the country’ can cover Flake’s perfidious deed.”

Then there is Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) who repeatedly lied and lied and lied about serving in the military in Vietnam. Think about that. Is that not the definition of unbalanced, irresponsible, pathological? Yet, when confronted with the truth, he repeated the lie! As writer Daniel John Sobieski has pointed out: “Sen. Blumenthal asked Kavanaugh to explain the judicial concept of ‘falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus,’ a phrase that means ‘false in one thing, false in everything’ and allows jurors to discount the entire testimony of someone caught lying on a particular point. This pearl of wisdom came from a man who himself lied that he served in Vietnam, something Sen. Tom Cotton has rightly noted and condemned. In fact, Blumenthal…sought at least five military deferments and eventually landed a spot in the Marine Reserve, where he was essentially guaranteed not to serve in the conflict itself, The New York Times reported.”

Then there is Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL), the man who is famous for comparing brave American soldiers to Nazis.

And who can forget Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ), whose recent notoriety, as detailed by Debra Heine, describes the senator’s own written words, not 36 years ago, but in the student-run Stanford Daily newspaper in 1992 in which Booker admitted to taking advantage of an intoxicated classmate: “New Year’s Eve 1984 I will never forget. I was 15. As the ball dropped, I leaned over to hug a friend and she met me instead with an overwhelming kiss. As we fumbled upon the bed, I remember debating my next ‘move’ as if it were a chess game. With the ‘Top Gun’ slogan ringing in my head, I slowly reached for her breast. After having my hand pushed away once, I reached my ‘mark,’” he continued, without explaining what he meant by “mark.”

Booker returned to the subject of “date rape” a few months later: “But by my second column, as I raised my noble pen to address the issue of date rape, I realized that the person holding it wasn’t so noble after all,” he wrote. “With this issue as with so many others, a dash of sincere introspection has revealed to me a dangerous gap—a gap between my beliefs and my actions.”

What? No trial for this self-admitted groper for what Heine calls his own lurid sexual misconduct allegations? And this man is judging Judge Kavanaugh!

There are so many other guilty-until-proven-innocent Democrats, the most egregious of whom is Sen. Kristen Gillibrand (D-NY), a lawyer who uttered perhaps the most blazingly idiotic statement of this entire travesty of a hearing: “I believe Dr. Blasey Ford because she’s telling the truth.”

According to writer Michael Anton, The Gillibrand Standard is now that “accusation suffices to destroy. Not only is no corroborating evidence necessary, to ask for such evidence makes one just as guilty as the accused. Especially monstrous is to ask questions of the accuser; that is to repeat or compound the alleged crime. The accusation, once stated, immediately takes on metaphysical certainty. To doubt is to blaspheme.”

There is “but one limiting principle to the Gillibrand Standard,” Anton continues: “It shalt be used only against the Right and Republicans. Credible accusations—with evidence, witnesses, contemporaneous police reports—against Democrats and liberals are not merely to be ignored but also stonewalled and attacked, alleged victims and witnesses alike smeared.”

Incidentally, as reported by Seth Barron in The City Journal, “in 11 years of serving in Congress, Gillibrand has sponsored just one bill that became law—the naming of a post office in Washington Heights after deceased councilman Stanley Michels.”

Astoundingly, both she and the above-mentioned species actually win elections!


Personally, I’m confident of Judge Kavanaugh’s ascension to the Supreme Court of the United States. And there is more good news ahead.

Writer Larry Schweikart believes that when Sen. Feinstein hatched her malevolent plot in July, “when Christine Ford’s letter first arrived on her desk, it was at that time almost certain that she believed—based on polling—that the Democrats stood a chance of taking the Senate in November.” The strategy she devised was to delay, delay, delay the Kavanaugh nomination.

Today, he continues, “not only will the Democrats stand no realistic chance of winning the Senate, but it increasingly looks as though they will lose another five to seven seats, and if [Sen. Feinstein’s] trick has incensed enough Republicans to turn out, they could face a 60-seat majority next January.”

Schweikart concludes by saying that “California Senator Dianne Feinstein has done something even President Donald Trump could not do: Awaken the sleeping giant of the Republican electorate to defeat the Democrats in the 2018 midterms—she has mobilized a somnambulant Republican base and filled it with a terrible resolve!”

RELATED VIDEO: The Narrative Against Kavanaugh Will Backfire on the Left.

EDITORS NOTE: This column with images originally appeared in the Canada Free Press.

VIDEO: Radical Billionaires Love Andy Gillum


George Soros and Tom Steyer are pouring millions of THEIR dollars into the Florida Governor’s race, to advance their radical, Progressive agenda.


Who is Steve Phillips and why is he backing Andrew Gillum for Governor of Florida?

FL GOP Gives 10 Reasons Andrew Gillum is Too Radical/Corrupt for Governor but Misses Number 11

Does Andrew Gillum have a lobbyist-fueled slush fund? The voters of Florida deserve answers!

Birds of a Feather? Democrat Socialist Andrew Gillum’s links to Florida’s Islamic Socialists

It’s official: U.S. admits lowest number of refugees since Jimmy Carter’s Refugee Act signed into law

Yesterday ended Donald Trump’s first full fiscal year for refugee admissions as FY18 officially came to a close.

President Trump breaks the George W. Bush record for the lowest refugee admissions. However, I’m going to say it over and over again—-lowering the numbers for a few years is meaningless without a serious push for robust reform of the entire US Refugee Admissions Program!

Trump and GW BushThe previous low admission year record belongs to George Bush who put the breaks on the US Refugee Admissions Program in 2002 with 27,070 arrivals due to fear of another 9/11.

Expect the media today to make comparisons to the mythical 110,000 refugee CEILING that Obama proposed as he was walking out the door.  They never mention that their hero had a couple of low years when he admitted tens of thousands below the ceiling he had proposed (click that link above and see the chart).

George Bush’s home state of Texas was the top resettlement state in the nation this past year! (Turning red states blue and the Rs can’t see it!)

Here is a map from Wrapsnet this morning:

Screenshot (703)

map fy 18 total

Since the numbers are hard to read, Wrapsnet has an accompanying list.

Here below are the Top Ten Welcoming States. By the way, for most of the years I’ve been writing about the refugee program, California, New York and Florida were always at or near the top:

  • Texas (so much for withdrawing from the program!)
  • Washington
  • Ohio
  • California
  • New York
  • Arizona
  • North Carolina
  • Pennsylvania
  • Kentucky
  • Georgia

Since I know some faithful readers will be wondering, Minnesota was #11 , Michigan was #13, Florida #14, Maryland #19, Virginia #21 and Tennessee #23.

The bottom five states are below.  I always chuckle when I consider that former Vice President Joe Biden of Delaware was one of the pushers of the Refugee Act of 1980 and yet his own home state is near the bottom always.  In fact, 21 may be the highest number it ever ‘welcomed’ in one year!

  • Delaware (21)
  • District of Columbia (1)
  • West Virginia (1)
  • Hawaii (0)  LOL! the state the loves diversity!
  • Wyoming (0) the state that has wisely stayed out of the program for these last 38 years!

Inquisitive readers might want to visit Wrapsnet and play around with the data.  Click on the ‘reports’ tab and then go to ‘Interactive reporting.’  You then put in your own parameters for the search.  You can find out which towns and cities in your state received refugees.

EndNote: Since the fiscal year ended on a weekend, there could still be a few changes in the final tally.  I’ll update this report if I see that in the next few days.


Libertarian think tank continues criticism of Trump refugee policy

UN High Commissioner for Refugees: Politics driving EU migration debate

Hyatt Hotels follows the lead of the Southern Poverty Law Center to silence speech they don’t like

EDITORS NOTE: The featured photo by Radek Homola on Unsplash.

Who is Steve Phillips and why is he backing Andrew Gillum for Governor of Florida?

In a column titled “The Rainbow Conspiracy Part 12: Steve Phillips And Democracy Alliance Team Up To Flip Florida” Trevor Loudon reports:

Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in Florida by just under 113,000 votes. For the left, Florida’s 27 Congressional Districts and 29 Electoral College votes are a tempting prize indeed.

If the Democrats can flip Florida in 2018/2020, they will almost certainly win the White House.

San Francisco lawyer and key Democratic Party operative Steve Phillips is targeting the Sunshine State. Florida has an open gubernatorial race this year and Phillips wants to use this election to inspire the state’s black and Latino voting base to vote all the way down to the bottom of the ballot. Phillips realizes that if he can steer his chosen candidate into the governor’s mansion this year, Florida will likely go blue in 2020.

If that happens – no more President Trump.

Who is Steve Phillips?

Loudon’s research found the following about Steve Phillips:

Steve Phillips has known Andrew Gillum for years. Gillum has served on the board of Phillips’ PowerPAC+ since at least 2012.

Steve Phillips wrote in July 2013:

 At PAC+, we will continue to work to identify and back candidates in strategic races and states across the country. In Florida, for instance, our Board member Andrew Gillum is running for Mayor of Tallahassee next year, and candidates such as Andrew, who is just 33 years old, can comprise the nucleus of a new group of political leaders who can methodically take power and reorder the state’s policies and priorities in coming years.

Andrew Gillum is an extreme radical. Part of Florida’s existing “political nucleus,” former Florida State Sen Tony Hill endorsed Gillum for Governor, November 9 2017.

“I am extraordinarily excited to endorse Mayor Andrew Gillum for Governor today. I have known him since his days on Florida A&M University’s campus as a student leader and activist — long before he became Mayor of Tallahassee. Back then you could tell he had a special quality that inspired his peers and elders, and he carries that spirit and passion with him in this race to take back Florida. He will deliver solutions to our most pressing challenges and be a true champion for Jacksonville.”

Replied Gillum:

“Senator Hill has long been a mentor and friend to me, and it’s humbling to receive his endorsement today. .. I can’t wait to campaign with him in Jacksonville and all over the state.”

[ … ]

Gillum has an ally, a semi-secret nest of billionaire leftist donors known as the Democracy Alliance.

Gillum’s long-term mentor Steve Phillips was involved in the Democracy Alliance from its very beginning. In 2004, billionaire socialists Herb and Marion Sandler established America Votes in partnership with even richer socialist donor George Soros “to coordinate various get-out-the-vote drives during the 2004 election.” When the Democracy Alliance was formalized the following year, the Sandlers sent their son-in-law Steven Phillips as their representative to the October 2005 meeting at the Chateau Elan near Atlanta, Georgia.

Read more.

Who is Andrew Gillum?

Trevor Loudon found the following about Democrat Socialist Gillum:

Andrew Gillum, while serving as director of Youth Leadership Programs for People for the American Way, graduated from the same Rockwood Social Transformation Project program in 2012.

Unsurprisingly New Florida Majority endorsed Andrew Gillum over his Democratic competitors.

Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum released the following statement, June 13 2018:

“I’m honored to receive New Florida Majority’s endorsement! They’re on the front lines of taking back our state for working people, and I’m proud to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with them in fighting for our families, jobs with living wages and dignity, a thriving public education system that pays teachers what they’re worth, and quality, affordable health care as a constitutional right for every Floridian.”

Andrew Gillum had previously met with New Florida Majority in April of 2018.

Of the NFM activists named above, Gihan Perera, Valencia Gunder, Renee Mowatt and Dwight Bullard all are affiliated in some way with Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

Loudon concludes, “Lifelong revolutionary Steve Phillips is backing Abrams, Gillum and Jealous for good reason. Phillips’ purpose is to realize a goal set back in his student Maoist days – the New American Majority. Phillips understands that ‘candidates of color’ at the top of the ticket will lift the minority vote. That will help flip Congressional and Senate seats in several key states – including Florida.”


Hillary Clinton Causes Cracks in the Gillum Coalition – Sunshine State News

Economic Idiocy…Gillum Style

EDITORS NOTE: This column is republished with permission. The featured image is courtesy of Trevor Loudon’s New Zeal Blog.

U.S. Senate on a Perilous Path Thanks for Flake

In 1982, Greg Watson turned in a thesis to his professor at Texas Christian University.  In it, he argued that an unratified constitutional amendment first proposed by Madison as part of the Bill of Rights could still become law. His efforts earned him a C.  Not because of poor writing skills or shoddy workmanship, but because his professor thought his contention was in error.

So upset was Watson over his grade that he wrote every state legislator in the country about having his or her state ratify Madison’s constitutional amendment.  The letter caught the attention of a state legislator in Maine who moved it in his state, and shortly thereafter, Maine became the first state in modern American history to ratify one of James Madison’s amendments.  Others followed, and by 1992, the Twenty Seventh Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibiting congressional salaries from being altered without an intervening election became law, just as Watson had predicted.

Watson’s story is a wonderful example of the greatness of the power of one.  It is a testament of what happens when a single individual, motivated by the vision of new reality, mobilizes and convinces others that his is the correct way to proceed.

Yes, Senator Jeff Flake moved a mountain on Friday, or at least the United States Senate, when he announced that he would be voting Judge Kavanaugh out of committee but demanding an FBI investigation be performed prior to his casting a favorable vote at the floor of the Senate. His actions, however, did not rise to the level of a Watsonian performance.

Flake’s motivation was based on fear and submission to intimidation tactics, or personal gain, not the promotion of a unique insight.  On Friday morning, shortly after announcing that he would be voting to confirm Judge Kavanaugh, Flake was accosted by a group of rabid feminists who reproachfully and illogically insisted that a vote for Kavanaugh was equivalent to an assertion by Flake of his disbelief of those women’s stories regarding their own alleged sexual assaults.

Of course, the claim of any association between Jeff Flake’s vote on the confirmation of a competent judge and any opinion on a totally unrelated sexual assault upon another party is patently absurd. And the fact that a senator would be allowed to be accosted by a group of very aggressive advocates, regardless of the issue being espoused, within the capitol grounds is equally as unbelievable. But whatever the pressures upon Flake to capitulate, he did, and he did so in deference to fear, guilt, or personal ambition.

Moreover, the contention that Democrats are searching for some greater truth or guidance before making their decision is untenable. Between Senator Feinstein’s near month long suppression of an anonymous complaint, to the concealment of the complaint from the nominee, to the circus environment the Democrat caucus developed during the nomination process, to the numerous, ridiculous comments made by individual senators in the Judiciary Committee during and after the proceedings, it is evident that theirs was an all out effort to embarrass and subvert the nominee.  The search for truth does not figure into the Democrats’ plan.

But still, one may ask, what’s the harm in just doing yet another FBI investigation?  If he’s innocent as he says he is, then what’s the harm?  The questions drip with hypocrisy in the face of the damage that has already transpired.  All that this delay is causing is to allow more time for the forces of evil in this country to continue their unabashed and shameless assault on a nominee with an impeccable record of service to his country, his family, and his community.

No, despite what the media is saying, Dr. Christine Blaisey Ford is not a credible witness.  Yes, her testimony was compelling, and it was emotional, but there were more holes in it than in a block of Swiss cheese, and that’s without the benefit of a cross-examination.  Honestly, if Dr. Ford, who is no psychologist despite her claim, were subjected to a cross examination, I believe she would not have even been able to finish her testimony.

Additionally, there is absolutely no good that will come from an FBI probe.  It is an investigation based on events that allegedly took place thirty-five years earlier, brought by a seriously flawed informant with ulterior motives, without time certain, nor location, and where there is no possibility for the collection of forensic or physical evidence to support or dispel the allegation.  The FBI’s efforts are dead before they even started.

Clearly, the only thing the delay will accomplish is to allow more time for the further salacious destruction of Judge Kavanaugh’s reputation and the degradation of the Senate by a bunch of reckless Senate Democrats. And it will allow more time for those nefarious detractors to conjure up more false stories about the judge and to further throw the process into disarray.

Nor will the further protraction do anything to heal the country, nor give comfort to those who would otherwise not have voted for the Judge.  There is no Senate Democrat who will suddenly change his or her mind merely because of an inconclusive FBI investigation.  Just the opposite.  When the FBI investigation fails to find anything new, the only thing that will come of it is the opportunity for Kavanaugh’s opponents to criticize the investigation for not finding anything!

No, Jeff Flake offered no improvement upon the horrible situation in which this country finds itself.  Unlike Greg Watson who was able to bring insight and wisdom to light, all Flake accomplished was the opportunity for the Senate and the nomination process to sink to new lows with ne’er an opportunity for something good to come out of this mess.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in The Federalist Pages. The featured image is by Jomar on Unsplash.

Kavanaugh/Ford Hearing: Democrat Twofer — Destroying #MeToo whilst Shredding Due Process

After watching the entire Committee on the Judiciary’s Kavanaugh/Ford hearing I came to the conclusion that there were four losers:

  1. The reputation of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and her family has been forever tarnished.
  2. The reputation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh and his family has been forever tarnished.
  3. The #MeToo movement and women in general have been discredited.
  4. The ideal of due process, innocent until proven guilty, is at risk if Judge Kavanaugh is not voted out of the Judiciary Committee and confirmed by a U.S. Senate vote.

Democrats won a twofer. They sold out the #MeToo movement while at the same time shredding due process under the law. Republicans won a twofer. They exposed the Democrat’s strategy to destroy the lives of two people in the name of political gamesmanship.

The Battle of the Year Books

 in a column titled “Thank You, Senate Democrats” wrote:

But once again, the Democrats stole defeat from the jaws of victory as Senator Sheldon Whitehouse broke one of the sacred rules of public interrogation, he asked questions of his witness to which he did not previously know the answer.  Whitehouse thought he would be cute and display a huge blowup of Kavanaugh’s high school yearbook page, and thinking that the cryptic entries dealt with sexual activity sought to pursue them.

What does “Renate alumnius” mean?

No, it did not mean that Kavanaugh had claimed to have sexual relations with Renata.  (Here’s where Kavanaugh could have said, “No, Senator, I have no control over what your perverted brain may be thinking, but this reference is not to sexual activity,” but he didn’t.)

What does “Ralph” in “Beach Week Ralph Club” mean, and doesn’t that mean that you were a problem drinker?

Senator, it means vomiting, and no, I was not a problem drinker.

And then Whitehouse tried to cross the bridge too far.

And what about the word “boofed”?

Senator, it means flatulence.  We were 16.  We thought it was funny.

Everyone laughed.  And all of a sudden, the absurdity of a Senator dissecting the senior page of a judicial nominee became painfully clear.  And the Democrats’ efforts at discrediting the nominee came to an end.

What was not brought up by Republican members of the Judiciary Committee, and rightly so, were entries from Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s yearbook. In the Vox article “Christine Ford’s high school yearbooks reportedly reference drinking and sex. That’s irrelevant” Anna North wrote:

But the content of the yearbooks, at least as reported by RealClearInvestigations, has no bearing on whether Ford’s allegations are true. Among the reported revelations in the books are the following:

  • “a photo of an underage Ford attending at least one party, alongside a caption boasting of girls passing out from binge drinking”
  • references to “sexually promiscuous behavior” by girls at Holton-Arms, including with boys at Georgetown Prep
  • “beer bottles and beer cans and scenes of boys and girls drinking at parties”
  • “a photo of Ford and other girls at a Halloween party alongside a caption boasting of ‘pass[ing] out’ after playing ‘Quarters’ and other binge-drinking games”
  • “the young Holton coeds dressed as Playboy bunnies and posing seductively atop desks, school-uniform skirts hiked up”

While Democrats on the Judiciary Committee wanted to make the case that a single page in ONE high school year book from Brett Kavanaugh was relevant, Republicans showed great judgement by not bringing Dr. Ford’s high school year books up. While Judge Kavanaugh attended a Catholic prep-school it appears, using yearbooks from her time at Holton-Arms, that Dr. Ford’s prep-school was promoting binge drinking, passing out and promiscuity.

Win Kavanaugh and Republicans.

Demands for an FBI Investigation

The Democrats repeatedly requested that an FBI investigation be initiated into the allegations made by Dr. Ford and two other women. Judge Kavanaugh denied under oath all three allegations. As multiple members of the Judiciary pointed out an FBI investigation is not definitive. Multiple times Senators Grassley, Mike Lee and Sasse pointed out that the FBI does not reach conclusions when investigating sexual misconduct. It was also pointed out that under Maryland law their is no statute of limitations on sexual assault. Therefore each of the three accusers can, and should, go to the appropriate local law enforcement agency to have their claims investigated.

In the September 25, 2018 Real Clear Politics article titled “Biden in 1991: FBI “Do Not Reach Conclusions” When Investigating Sexual Misconduct” Ian Schwartz noted:

NTK NETWORK: Senate Democrats have been calling for the FBI to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, but video unearthed by NTK Network shows one of their own, then-Sen. Joe Biden, pushing back on the notion that an FBI investigation would reach any kind of conclusion. The remarks were made during the Senate Judiciary Committee’s confirmation hearing for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas in 1991.

Biden at the hearing:

“I said from the beginning, this is about whether or not sexual harassment occurred,” Biden said. “And lastly, Judge, with me, from the beginning and at this moment, until the end, the presumption is with you. Now we are going to hear more witnesses. They are going to come in and corroborate your position and hers. And we will find out whether they are telling the truth or not, as best as we are capable of doing, just like you as a judge are when you look them in the eye and make a judgment.”

“Judge, this is less directed at you than it is to my pontificating colleagues, Democrat and Republican alike, so, Judge, I have not made my judgment, based upon this proceeding, because we have not heard all the evidence,” Biden continued.

“The last thing I will point out, the next person who refers to an FBI report as being worth anything, obviously doesn’t understand anything. FBI explicitly does not, in this or any other case, reach a conclusion, period. Period,” Biden said. “The reason why we cannot rely on the FBI report [is] you would not like it if we did because it is inconclusive. They say, ‘He said, she said, and they said. Period.”

“So when people wave an FBI report before you, understand they do not, they do not reach conclusions,” Biden said.

Here is the video:

It is the role of the Judiciary Committee in a bipartisan effort to investigate allegations and draw conclusions based upon their findings.

Win Kavanaugh and Republicans.

Breaking the Trust of Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh

It was repeatedly stated by Dr. Ford that her letter to her Congresswoman which was provided to the ranking Minority member of the Judiciary Committee Senator Diane Feinstein, was to be kept confidential. It was stated by Senator Lindsey Graham that the letter was withheld from the committee until the 11th hour. Watch:

Win Kavanaugh and Republicans.

Bottom Line

After the full hearing on Thursday, September 28, 2018 before the Judiciary Committee the following things are clear:

  1. Dr. Ford believes that she was sexually assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh.
  2. Brett Kavanaugh and three of the witness to the alleged assault of Dr. Ford, under threat of perjury, have stated that Judge Kavanaugh was not at the party that Dr. Ford attended.
  3. No further investigation is needed on the incident given the testimony of Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh. It is she said and they said.
  4.  Efforts to move away from the facts outline by Judge Kavanaugh’s opening statement and the opening statement and testimony of Dr. Ford are sufficient for members of the Judiciary Committee to fulfill its role of advice and consent under the U.S. Constitution.
  5. Judge Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford are being used as part of a search and destroy operation crafted by the Democratic Party leadership and its key funders/supporters.

A vote on Judge Kavanaugh by the Judiciary Committee is appropriate and necessary to move the nomination to the floor of the U.S. Senate. A vote on the floor of the U.S. Senate is appropriate to move the the confirmation process forward.


5 Big Moments in Christine Blasey Ford’s Testimony Against Brett Kavanaugh

9 Key Moments as Brett Kavanaugh Responds to His Accusers

Why a Presumption of Innocence of the Accused Is Crucial to Civilization

GOP Nominees: Fords in Their Future?

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is by Louis Velazquez on Unsplash.

Free speech victory: 9th Circuit rules that Seattle’s rejection of AFDI anti-terror ad violates First Amendment

An important victory for the increasingly embattled freedom of speech. Read Pamela Geller’s reaction and background on this case here.

“AFLC Victory Over Government Apologists for Islamic Jihad: Ninth Circuit Unanimously Rules that King County’s Rejection of ‘Faces of Global Terrorism’ Ad Violates the First Amendment,” American Freedom Law Center, September 27, 2018:

Seattle, Washington (September 27, 2018) — Today, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit unanimously ruled that King County’s rejection of a “Faces of Global Terrorism” ad submitted by Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, and their organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), violated the First Amendment.

In it ruling, the Ninth Circuit held that the County’s rejection of the ad based on its disparagement standard was viewpoint discrimination and that its rejection of the ad based on its disruption standard was unreasonable, all in violation of the First Amendment.

The lawsuit was filed by the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) in the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington at Seattle on behalf of Geller, Spencer, and AFDI.

The ad at issue was modeled after an advertisement submitted by the federal government and accepted for display by the County in 2013.  The State Department ad depicted the “Faces of Global Terrorism” in an effort to “stop a terrorist” and “save lives.”  The advertisement offered an “up to $25 million reward” for helping to capture one of the FBI’s most wanted terrorists.

The terrorists identified in the ad were also found on the FBI’s most wanted global terrorists list, which is posted on the FBI’s website.  At the time, this list included pictures and “wanted posters” for thirty-two terrorists.  Of the thirty-two listed terrorists, thirty were individuals with Muslim names or were wanted for terrorism related to organizations conducting terrorist acts in the name of Islam.

According to news reports, the federal government terminated its “Faces of Global Terrorism” ad campaign after receiving complaints from politicians and advocacy groups that took offense that the list of wanted global terrorists pictured in the ad appeared to include only Muslim terrorists.

Shortly after the government pulled the ad, Geller and Spencer, on behalf of AFDI, submitted an ad to the County that included the same pictures, names, and message as the government’s earlier display.  The County transit authority refused to run the ad in part because it claimed the ad was not wholly accurate about which government agency ran the rewards program and the amount of the awards, prompting AFLC to file this lawsuit.

After the courts agreed with the County, AFDI submitted a revised ad, this time making certain the ad was presented in such a way that removed the inaccuracy argument.  The County still refused to run the ad on the grounds that it was disparaging to Muslims and that it would be disruptive to the transit authority.

The trial court once again ruled in favor of the County.  AFLC appealed to the Ninth Circuit, and the Ninth Circuit reversed, concluding that “[b]ecause neither of the [County’s] reasons for rejecting Plaintiffs’ revised ad withstands First Amendment scrutiny, we reverse the district court’s grant of summary judgment to the County and remand with instructions to enter summary judgment for Plaintiffs on this claim.”

AFLC Co-Founder and Senior Counsel Robert Muise commented:

“This is an important victory for free speech.  Too often we are seeing government officials restricting speech based on claims that it is demeaning, disparaging, or offensive.  The First Amendment does not allow such censorship, as the Ninth Circuit’s opinion makes clear.  Under the First Amendment, the government is not permitted to impose special prohibitions on speakers who express views on disfavored subjects or on the basis of hostility towards the messenger or the underlying message expressed.”

David Yerushalmi, AFLC Co-Founder and Senior Counsel, added:

“It is clear from the record and the Ninth Circuit’s decision that King County, which initially accepted the federal government’s ad only to have the feds pull the ad for fear of offending Muslims, is suffering from the debilitating disease of political correctness.  And there is little doubt that County officials also dislike the messenger—our clients—who are doing a great service by alerting all Americans to the dangers of sharia and its followers.”

AFLC has represented Geller, Spencer, and AFDI successfully in federal lawsuits across the country, most notably in New York, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C., where the courts have ordered the transit authorities to run AFDI’s anti-terrorism ads.  In each of those cases, the transit authorities were forced to pay substantial legal fees to AFLC.  In Chicago, the transit authority initially refused to run an AFDI “anti-jihad” ad, only to capitulate after stating in a letter that while transit authority officials considered the ad “morally reprehensible,” they were aware of AFLC’s successful litigation.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on Jihad Watch. The featured image is a comparison of the FBI and AFDI ads.

Mobs on the Menu for Cruz

Politics, chef Fabio Trabocchi said, are like elbows — “best left off the dining table.” Tell that to the zealots on the Left, who seem bent on taking their beef with Republicans to every restaurant in the union.

Two nights ago, Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) joined a club no Republican wants to be a part of: the target of dining flash mobs. Unfortunately for him and his wife, Heidi, this wild new form of protest — chasing conservatives away from their meals — is becoming the norm for Trump’s opponents. Like Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Neilsen, White House advisor Stephen Miller, state attorney general Pam Bondi (R-Fla.), and Governor Rick Scott (R-Fla.) before them, the Cruzes just wanted to eat in peace. Instead, they couldn’t even sit down at D.C.’s Fiola after a dozen raving Trump opponents encircled them and started yelling about his support of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

“We believe survivors!” a dozen voices screamed in unison. “Fascist, racist, anti-gay!” one said. Another called him a “piece of filth.” On a video the group called “Smash Racism” proudly posted, you can see the restaurant staff looking on in shock. “We’re not trained to deal with this,” Fiola’s co-owner, Maria Trabocchi, later told the Washington Post. “How do you deal with things like this? It’s crazy times.” Employees called the police, but not before the Cruzes endured a barrage of insults. “God bless,” Cruz told the crowd. “Can you let my wife through?”

Trabocchi said the restaurant has served both parties proudly for years — and will continue to do so. But he does worry: what will happen if things turn violent? That’s a legitimate concern now after the group released this statement: “This is a message to Ted Cruz, Brett Kavanaugh, Donald Trump and the rest of the racist, sexist, transphobic, and homophobic right-wing scum… You are not safe. We will find you. We will expose you. We will take from you the peace you have taken from so many others.”

The rallying cry of Democratic leaders — “to get up in the face of some congresspeople” as Senator Cory Booker (D-N.J.) — isn’t shaming the Right, it’s exposing the viciousness of the Left. How many conservatives disrupted former Secretary Kathleen Sebelius’s dinner after she issued the HHS mandate? Or pushed around DOD Secretary Ash Carter when his social policies jeopardized the military? How many conservatives turned congressional baseball practices into gun fights — or walked into a liberal organization with enough ammunition to kill the whole staff?

If you’re looking for the real hate — it’s on your Left!

Tony Perkins’ Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC senior writers.


The Hyatt of Hypocrisy: Banning Gosnell

Conservatives Looking for Justice in Kavanaugh

RELATED VIDEO: Protesters ambush Senator Ted Cruz.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in Tony Perkins Washington Update. It is republished with permission.

FL GOP Gives 10 Reasons Andrew Gillum is Too Radical/Corrupt for Governor but Misses Number 11

The Republican Party of Florida has released a new video about the Socialist candidate Andrew Gillum for governor of the sunshine state. It provides ten reasons that Gillum is too radical and corrupt for Florida.

There is an 11th reason that Andrew Gillum is to radical for Florida.

In The Washington Free Beacon article “DeSantis Calls Out Media for Double Standard in Coverage of Florida Governor Race” Jeffrey Cimmino reported:

Ron DeSantis, the Republican nominee in Florida’s gubernatorial race, on Monday [September 24th] castigated the media for not covering the election fairly, claiming they are trying “to create a narrative” around him while not challenging his Democratic opponent, Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum.

“Have you asked Andrew Gillum why he had CAIR, the Council [on] American-Islamic Relations, to Tallahassee in 2016?” DeSantis asked a gathering of reporters. “He spoke to welcome them. They were an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror financing trial, the largest terror financing trial in history. He welcomed them. He thanked them for what they were doing.”

“Why were they in Tallahassee? To protest the anti-BDS legislation that the legislature was doing, which was protecting our relationship with Israel,” DeSantis continued.

Read more.

In our column “Birds of a Feather? Democrat Socialist Andrew Gillum’s links to Florida’s Islamic Socialists” we wrote:

Gillum’s Connection to Florida Islamic Supremacist Organizations

According to Discover the Networks the Council on American Islamic Relations(CAIR),

[W]as co-founded in 1994 by Nihad AwadOmar Ahmad, and Rafeeq Jaber, all of whom had close ties to the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), which was established by senior Hamas operative Mousa Abu Marzook and functioned as Hamas’ public relations and recruitment arm in the United States. Awad and Ahmad previously had served, respectively, as IAP’s Public Relations Director and President. Thus it can be said that CAIR was an outgrowth of IAP.

[ … ]

Writes Islam scholar Stephen Schwartz: “CAIR should be considered a foreign-based subversive organization, comparable in the Islamist field to the Soviet-controlled Communist Party USA, and the Cuban-controlled front groups that infiltrated ‘Latin American solidarity’ organizations in the U.S. during the 1980s. It has organized numerous community branches and has had immense success in gaining position as an ‘official’ representative of Islam in the U.S.”

Mayor Andrew Gillum appeared at the February, 2016 Muslim Capital Day hosted by the Florida chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations(CAIR) and EMERGE USA. According to the CAIR website:

More than 200 Florida Muslim community leaders, businessmen and women, and students participated in the eighth Florida Muslim Capitol Day event this past Thursday [February 11, 2016] at the State Capitol. This year’s event was co-sponsored and prepared in close collaboration with EMERGE USA, another key American Muslim organization.

Attendees of the event were honored by a personal welcome from Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum on the Wednesday evening before the event at the Islamic Center of Tallahassee. The mayor’s words were inspiring as he applauded the Muslim community’s participation in this civic engagement event that stressed the importance of political involvement in a political climate that is, unfortunately, filled with xenophobic rhetoric.

What is Florida based EMERGE USA?

According to Discover the Networks:

Over the years, EMERGE has held a number of events at terror-linked mosques, like: (a) Masjid Al-Qassam (a.k.a. Islamic Community of Tampa), which was founded by Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Sami al-Arian, and (b) Masjid Darul Uloom (based in Pembroke Pines, Florida), where “Dirty Bomber” Jose Padilla was a student and the late al-Qaeda Global Operations Chief Adnan el-Shukrijumah was a prayer leader. EMERGE has also sponsored speeches made by various Muslim extremists, such as Sayed Ammar Nakshawani, who has called for the destruction of Israel.

EMERGE’s executive director, Nauman Sabit Abbasi, is the president of public relations for the Islamic Foundation of South Florida (IFSF), a radical mosque that seeks to “establish a powerful base for the growth of Islam in North America,” and whose youth leader once wrote on the Internet: “[Y]es, Allah … has Decreed that we will over-take the World in numbers…” Abbasi’s Facebook page urged to people to “support the true leadership of the world who are at war with Zoinists.”

We asked: Is Andrew Gillum Florida’s version of the nation’s first “Islamic Socialist Candidate?”

RELATED ARTICLE: Gillum Staffer Calls Republicans “Dumbf****”

‘You Are Not Safe’: Antifa Group Threatens Ted Cruz After Disrupting Dinner With His Wife

The Washington, D.C., chapter of Antifa sent a message to Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, early Tuesday morning after chasing him out of a restaurant, telling him that he is “not safe.”

Cruz was dining Monday night with his wife, Heidi, when a large crowd of protesters flooded the restaurant, shouting, “We believe survivors.” They were referring to allegations of sexual misconduct against Judge Brett Kavanaugh, the Supreme Court nominee, who Cruz supports. Cruz and his wife promptly left.

A recording of the incident soon was tweeted by Smash Racism DC, a branch of Antifa based in Washington, with the hashtag “#CancelKavanugh.” Hours later, Smash Racism DC doubled down on its harassment of the senator.

“No—you can’t eat in peace—your politics are an attack on all of us. You’re [sic] votes are a death wish. Your votes are hate crimes,” Smash Racism DC wrote.

“Tonight Senator Ted Cruz arrived at Fiola, an upscale restaurant mere steps from the White House, to enjoy a hearty Italian dinner,” the group wrote. “He could have dined on a lavish four course meal for only $145 while millions of Americans struggle to buy groceries. He might have sampled from the top shelf wine list as migrant children languish in cages.”

The comment was seemingly about President Donald Trump’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy that separated juveniles from their parents after they illegally crossed into the United States. However, Cruz proposed legislation to keep illegal immigrant families together.

The Antifa group wrote of Cruz:

He’d have laughed with his wife while women and members of the LGBTQ community collectively gasp in horror as Senator Cruz pushes forward on Bret [sic] Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination. At least he could have had activists not interrupted his evening just as he was being seated. Instead, activists from Smash Racism DC, Resist This, DC IWW, members of DC Democratic Socialists of America, Anarchists, women, sexual assault survivors, and members of the LGBTQ community interrupted Ted Cruz’s peaceful meal.

Smash Racism DC defended the disturbance, writing that it “does not compare in scale to the interruptions his actions as a Senator have had on millions of American lives.”

The group then sent a threat directly to Cruz, Kavanaugh, and Trump:

The comment was seemingly about President Donald Trump’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy that separated juveniles from their parents after they illegally crossed into the United States. However, Cruz proposed legislation to keep illegal immigrant families together.

The Antifa group wrote of Cruz:

He’d have laughed with his wife while women and members of the LGBTQ community collectively gasp in horror as Senator Cruz pushes forward on Bret [sic] Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination. At least he could have had activists not interrupted his evening just as he was being seated. Instead, activists from Smash Racism DC, Resist This, DC IWW, members of DC Democratic Socialists of America, Anarchists, women, sexual assault survivors, and members of the LGBTQ community interrupted Ted Cruz’s peaceful meal.

Smash Racism DC defended the disturbance, writing that it “does not compare in scale to the interruptions his actions as a Senator have had on millions of American lives.”

“This is a message to Ted Cruz, Bret [sic] Kavanaugh, Donald Trump and the rest of the racist, sexist, transphobic, and homophobic right-wing scum: You are not safe. We will find you. We will expose you. We will take from you the peace you have taken from so many others.”

The series of tweets was signed “Sincerely, Some Anti Fascist Hooligans.”


Molly Prince

Molly Prince is a reporter for The Daily Caller News Foundation. Twitter: @mollyfprince.

RELATED ARTICLE: Alert: Ted Cruz, Wife Attacked — Escape After Staff Struggle With Door

VIDEO: Protesters ambush Senator Ted Cruz.

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EDITORS NOTE: Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, contact The featured image of Sen. Ted Cruz, pictured in 2015 addressing a crowd in Columbia, South Carolina. (Photo: Richard Ellis/Zuma Wire/Newscom)

Does Andrew Gillum have a lobbyist-fueled slush fund? The voters of Florida deserve answers!

Today it seems that many Democrats want the FBI to investigate things that happened decades ago. However, there is one investigation that Congressional Democrats aren’t interested in. The FBI investigation surrounds the City of Tallahassee and it’s Mayor Andrew Gillum. Gillum is a Socialist running for governor of the sunshine state against Congressman Ron DeSantis. Gillum is endorsed by Bernie Sanders who is also under a federal grand jury investigation involving a loan to his wife Jane.

In a September 21, 2018 Florida Politics article titled “New GOP website blasts Andrew Gillum for ‘lobbyist slush fund’” Phil Ammann reported:

Referring to a dubious bank deposit from 2016, Republicans are blasting Democrat Andrew Gillum with a new website calling out his “lobbyist-fueled slush fund.”

On Friday, the Republican Party of Florida launched, a website that calls on the gubernatorial candidate — and front-runner in several polls — to “tell the truth about his luxury Costa Rica vacation in 2016,” as well as a “suspicious” $15,000 deposit.

[ … ]

Earlier this month, Gillum’s campaign unintentionally released personal bank statements — part of what POLITICO called a “public relations transparency effort” — which shows Gillum receiving a $15,000 deposit during a period under investigation by the Florida Commission on Ethics.

The bank statement in question covers April 21 to May 23, 2016, during which Gillum took a questionable May 2016 trip to Costa Rica. While Gillum is not personally under investigation, the trip is being watched in an FBI probe looking into corruption at Tallahassee’s Community Rehabilitation Agency.

Read more.

Skyler Swisher a contact reporter for the South Florida Sun Sentinel in an article titled “What do we know about the FBI cloud over Andrew Gillum’s campaign?” wrote:

What about the receipts?

Gillum’s campaign has released receipts in response to questions about the trips, but not all of the expenses are documented.

For the Costa Rica trip, Gillum released a document showing he made a $400 ATM withdrawal to cover his share of the accommodations, along with credit card expenses for entertainment during the trip. The campaign says about a dozen people stayed at the $1,400-a-night villa. If that was the case, Gillum and his wife’s pro-rated share would have been about $933. The campaign also released airline ticket information, but it didn’t show specifically who paid for the tickets.

For the three-night New York trip, Gillum’s campaign released an unsigned invoice for a two-night stay at the Ameritania Hotel in Manhattan. On the third night, the campaign says Gillum stayed with his brother at the Millennium Hotel, but the campaign did not offer any documentation of who paid for that room.

The campaign also did not release receipts for any entertainment or meals for the New York trip, including the boat tour.

Christopher Kise, Corey’s attorney, disputed in an interview with The Associated Press the account given by Gillum.

Kise told the AP that Corey won the Costa Rica accommodations through a charity auction, and he has not received any payment from Gillum. Kise said Corey also did not purchase the “Hamilton” ticket or swap it for a Jay-Z ticket.

Read more.

 writing for the Tallahassee Democrat on June 1, 2018 wrote:

Ethics watchdogs said the trip smacks of the appearance of impropriety, and that the public will never know whether city business was discussed. Gillum’s friends and staff said the trip was personal in nature.

“No city business was discussed and the mayor paid for all of he and Mrs. Gillum’s expenses, including food and drink, and his portion of the villa,” said Jamie Van Pelt, the mayor’s chief of staff.

But during that Costa Rican vacation,Corey sent a calendar invite to Gillum scheduling a May 16 meetup at the Edison between himself, Gillum and the now infamous undercover FBI agent Mike Miller, according to emails obtained by the Tallahassee Democrat. [Emphasis added]

It appears Socialist Andrew Gillum is living the high life, perhaps using other peoples’ money? Sound familiar?

RELATED ARTICLE: Gillum’s own chief of staff criticizes Tallahassee crime rate – Politico

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is by Emily Morter on Unsplash.

Rally in Washington Will Urge Disillusioned Democrats, Leftists to ‘Walk Away’

The founder of the movement that showcases stories of why people are walking away from leftist ideology and the Democratic Party is bringing a march and rally to Washington next month to send a message he hopes the mainstream media won’t be able to ignore.

It’s a milestone for what he calls the #WalkAway Campaign.

“We are only just over 3 months old, and at this point on all social media platforms, we have over 370,000 people who are members of the #WalkAway Campaign who have created testimonials that are a part of it,” Brandon Straka, founder of the campaign, told The Daily Signal in a phone interview.

“No one from the left-wing media has ever even reached out to me for a comment, let alone an interview or to have me on to talk about it,” Straka said, adding:

What they have done instead is put out stories saying it is a fake campaign, that it’s Russian bots, that it’s Russian propaganda, that it’s paid actors, that the testimonials are fake, that they’re stolen images from Shutterstock with fake testimonials attached, just anything you can imagine.

The march and rally will be held Saturday, Oct. 27. The event will start near the Democratic National Committee headquarters building on Capitol Hill and end on the lawn of the Capitol. The date is 10 days before the midterm congressional elections.

The event includes a gala dinner the night before and a closing brunch the next day.

Some venues and speakers have yet to be finalized, Straka said, but he hopes the rally, march, and related events will send a message that the mainstream media will be forced to recognize.

“We are going to fight back, and that’s when I came up with the idea for the march on Washington, because we are going to get [tens of thousands] … of people together to walk away from the Democrat Party, and we are going to do it in a live demonstration that they cannot dispute,” he told The Daily Signal.

Straka, 41, who calls himself a “gay conservative,” did not always describe himself as such.

“In 2017, I had what is commonly referred to as a ‘red pill experience’ because I was a lifelong liberal and a lifelong Democrat,” he said of his ideological epiphany.

A “red pill experience” is a term some use to describe finding the truth behind a situation, even if it’s hard to accept.

“I voted for Hillary Clinton and I was devastated when Donald Trump won the election, because I had completely bought into the liberal media narrative that Trump was a racist, a bigot, a homophobe, the second coming of Hitler, and that his followers were no better,” Straka told The Daily Signal. “I literally believed the left-wing narrative—hook, line, and sinker.”

Then his onetime babysitter challenged Straka about a post he shared on social media about Trump allegedly mocking a handicapped reporter.

“After I posted about the disabled reporter, she just came to me, and she said, ‘Have you seen this?’ It was a clip from YouTube called ‘Debunking That Trump Mocked the Disabled Reporter,’” Straka said, adding:

It was a compilation of footage showing Trump doing that same exact voice and gesture as he did that day, in numerous circumstances over the years, imitating numerous people, but the commonality was that he was imitating someone who was caught in a lie, or someone who had done something shady, or somebody who was groveling, but … it became clear when you watched it that he wasn’t imitating someone’s disability.

He was imitating someone who happened to be disabled who was caught in a lie.

A self-described actor, singer, and hairstylist turned political activist, Straka told The Daily Signal that the dishonesty of the left was a significant factor in his conversion:

I started doing a lot of research and discovering how dishonest they had been time and time again throughout [the Trump]  campaign, but also just in general.

I really started to see, finally, things started to make sense. Because as a liberal, I was always concerned with social justice and equality and all of these things. But at the same time, a lot of it wasn’t making sense to me because … it’s like the news, and the liberal society would have you believe that black people can’t go to their mailbox without being attacked by police officers and fighting gunfire, and I am not seeing it. …

And I started to really understand that they use race, they use homophobia, they use a war on women, they use all of these things as divisive, wedge issues to further their narrative.

Once again, it all started to make sense to me what was happening.

On May 26, Straka released a video of himself explaining why he was walking away from the Democratic Party and building a platform for folks who shared similar experiences.

“I realized that there is something larger here, because I know I am not the only person who is feeling this way. I know I am not the only person who is having this experience and feeling isolated and lonely and fearful,” Straka said.

He said he hopes the #WalkAway Campaign will foster a supportive community for those who want to leave the Democratic Party.

“There is more of us. I know it,” Straka said. “So I decided rather than just make this about me putting out a video, I am going to create a campaign, and I am going to encourage other people to make their own videos and kind of build this network of support.”

Christopher Wright of the Potomac Tea Party said his organization, which wrote an open letter in support of the #WalkAway movement, will be represented at the October event. He said he hopes those in Straka’s movement will find a home in his.

“Our message is, you have friends in the tea party. Please look at our open letter. It’s on our website,” Wright said. “Our main message is: Take a look at America’s founding principles and consider the tea party. You’ve got friends here.”


Portrait of Rachel del Guidice

Rachel del Guidice

Rachel del Guidice is a reporter for The Daily Signal. She is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, Forge Leadership Network, and The Heritage Foundation’s Young Leaders Program. Send an email to Rachel. Twitter: @LRacheldG.

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EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of #WalkAway Campaign founder Brandon Straka. (Photo courtesy of Brandon Straka)

THE RAVAGES OF LEFTIST THOUGHT CONTROL: The “Newspeak” of Orwell’s 1984 is here.

On September 12, 2018 the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) posted an article in its official website, Twitter Ads Rejects Tweets for “Hateful Content.”

The CIS article noted:

Yesterday Twitter rejected four Center for Immigration Studies tweets for use in the Center’s Twitter Ads campaign, alleging hateful content. (Several others were approved.) All four tweets use the statutory phrases “illegal alien” or “criminal alien,” and all of the tweets referenced law enforcement, either at the border or in the interior. One of the tweets contained a powerful Daily Caller video showing illegal aliens in camouflage carrying large backpacks across the border unimpeded.

Two days later, on September 14th The Daily Caller posted a report updating the situation: Twitter Allows Center For Immigration Studies To Promote Tweets About Illegal Aliens That Were Previously Rejected.

Twitter apparently reversed its decision when Mark Krikorian, the Director of CIS, appeared on Fox News to discuss the issue.

Here is an excerpt from The Daily Caller article:

The four tweets that could not get promoted, but are still on Twitter, contained the terms “alien,” “illegal alien” or “criminal alien” along with reference to law enforcement, according to a statement from CIS Wednesday.

A promoted tweet is a normal tweet bought by advertisers that can have a greater outreach on people, according to Twitter’s website.

“After two days of media coverage and no response to our question on what caused the denial, Twitter has approved the tweets,” CIS Director of Communications Marguerite Telford told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “Turns out media coverage transforms tweets with ‘hateful content’ into acceptable tweets. But what if the story is not covered by The Daily Caller and Fox News? Present social media policies promote inconsistent, secret filtering policies that can and do block what is often just one side of important public debates.”

CIS Executive Director Mark Krikorian appeared on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Wednesday to discuss the promotion ban along with what the organization did to find out why its tweets were considered as hateful.

“We looked at them and they all had ‘illegal alien’ or ‘criminal alien’ in them,” Krikorian told Carlson. “And so we said, ‘That must be it.’ What we did is sent them a nice note, and said, ‘Please let us know specifically what’s hateful about this because other ones weren’t that you did accept money for.’”

While it is important to note that Twitter reversed its decision, there is no cause for joy but consternation that this happened at all.

Twitter is a widely used means of communication.  It has become a virtual town square and its managers have total control over who gets to stand on the “soapbox.”

As Twitter notes, A promoted tweet is a normal tweet bought by advertisers that can have a greater outreach on people. 

In other words, promoting a tweet is the equivalent of providing a megaphone to the person or advertiser to reach more people.  Consequently, denying the speaker the use of that megaphone muffles the message.

Americans have foolishly come to blame the widespread censorship of language as examples of “Political Correctness.”  This is a dangerous notion.  Political Correctness (PC) was originally sold to Americans as a way of being polite by not using insulting or humiliating language.

However, this has now morphed into a means of thought control through the control of language.

Humans think with words. When you eliminate words, you eliminate the thoughts that the words represent.  All that is required is that a term, such as “alien” be branded “hate speech” by an unknown arbiter of language, and it is scrubbed from the vernacular.

There is absolutely nothing fair or compassionate about this.

Last year I wrote an article about how this now threatens the very foundation of our nation, Language Wars: The Road to Tyranny Is Paved with Language Censorship.

Across the United States “Safe Spaces” have been created on college campuses that stifle free speech and debate.  My degree was in Communications Arts and Sciences.  I participated in debates in high school and college and had I not become a federal agent, I had given serious consideration to teaching debate on the college level.

Debate is a celebration of the First Amendment that creates a sort of free market for ideas, a form of intellectual capitalism, where the participants bring their ideas to the marketplace of public opinion where all sides can express their thoughts freely.

Through this process the ideas that have greater merit are likely to advance.

It is easier to promote bad ideas when there are no alternatives.  Hence, we have “Safe Spaces” that are anything but “safe.”

Twitter is not alone in this totalitarian method of stifling free speech.

The Associated Press (AP) has issued a Style Book to not only guide writers in consistent use of punctuation and footnoting, but in purportedly acceptable language.  “Illegal alien” is not deemed acceptable for AP and, as they advertise on their website, their Style Book can be found in boardrooms, classrooms and newsrooms across America.

Control of language, coupled with extreme surveillance of its citizens that included the installation of telescreens (television monitoring devices) in the citizens’ homes that broadcast a constant barrage of programming from the omnipresent “Big Brother” created the ultimate police state in Orwell’s 1984.

Today our cell phones and other devices that apparently eavesdrop on us, are far more intrusive than Orwell could have envisioned.

A detailed explanation of Newspeak is found in the following excerpt from the Appendix to Orwell’s novel, under the title The Principles of NewspeakWhile admittedly a bit lengthy, it provides a clear explanation and warning as to just how dangerous and insidious Newspeak and other such censorship is:

The purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits proper to the devotees of Ingsoc (English Socialist Party) but to make all other modes of thought impossible. It was intended that when Newspeak had been adopted once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought — that is, a thought diverging from the principles of Ingsoc — should be literally unthinkable, at least so far as thought is dependent on words. Its vocabulary was so constructed as to give exact and often very subtle expression to every meaning that a Party member could properly wish to express, while excluding all other meanings and also the possibility of arriving at them by indirect methods. This was done partly by the invention of new words, but chiefly by eliminating undesirable words and by stripping such words as remained of unorthodox meanings, and so far as possible of all secondary meanings whatever. To give a single example. The word free still existed in Newspeak, but it could only be used in such statements as ‘This dog is free from lice’ or ‘This field is free from weeds’. It could not be used in its old sense of ‘politically free’ or ‘intellectually free’ since political and intellectual freedom no longer existed even as concepts, and were therefore of necessity nameless.

Quite apart from the suppression of definitely heretical words, reduction of vocabulary was regarded as an end in itself, and no word that could be dispensed with was allowed to survive. Newspeak was designed not to extend but to diminish the range of thought, and this purpose was indirectly assisted by cutting the choice of words down to a minimum.

Two years ago I wrote an analysis of the origins of eliminating the term “Alien” from discussions about immigration in my article,  Jimmy Carter: Originator of the Orwellian Term “Undocumented Immigrant.”

Not only did Carter alter the language used by immigration enforcement agents, he even ordered INS agents not to arrest illegal aliens during the Census in the population centers with the greatest number of illegal aliens.  Those areas tended to vote for Democratic candidates and would gain more seats in the House of Representatives and hence, more votes in the Electoral College by getting more illegal aliens counted.  He illegally harnessed immigration to skew the electorate by obstructing immigration law enforcement.

Most Americans don’t realize that the term DREAM Act is actually an acronym (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act).  The supposed hate word “Alien” became palatable when it could be linked to The American Dream.  This is sheer hypocrisy, but then this Orwellian use of language is not about ethics, but about thought control.  There is certainly nothing ethical about that!

The Immigration and Nationality Act, defines the term “Alien” as “Any person, not a citizen or national of the United States.”  There is no insult in that term or its definition, only clarity.

Rebels who stage a coup d’etat generally first seize the means of communication to control the flow of information.  Knowledge is power, and to strip the citizenry of its power, its access to information must be tightly controlled though censorship.

Between fake news and the implementation of control over language by the social media, America stands at the precipice of the loss of our freedoms and our way of life.

The Fourth Amendment has been gutted in the name of national security, even as the “War on Terror” that justified many of these measures, does not include secure borders or effective immigration law enforcement mandated by the 9/11 Commission.

In fact, the Left now seeks to abolish all immigration law enforcement to ostensibly protect the immigrants, leaving the U.S. vulnerable.

The question that must be asked is, are we more at risk at the hands of terrorists or at the hands of the Ministry of Truth?


Google: Big Brother in the United States, Neutered in China

Social Media Censorship of Infowars Exposes Larger Problem of Silicon Valley Bias [+Video]

RELATED VIDEO: Fear Factor Democrat Style

EDITORS NOTE: This column first appeared on FrontPage Magazine.

Google: Big Brother in the United States, Neutered in China

Google is one of America’s largest companies. It prides itself on having liberal values — values so left-wing that the company ranks a 1 in all of 2ndVote’s categories.

One of Google’s so-called “values” is environmental protection. It cares about the environment so much that it supports raising taxes through carbon taxes and the Paris climate deal.

It also is engaging in sketchy “Big Brother” behavior in the U.S. Europe…even as it lets China censor the truth about smog in the Communist nation.

First, via The Washington Times, what’s going on in the U.S. and Europe:

Google’s Street View cars — the global cruisers that collect data for the making of more accurate maps — now have a new mission, and it’s one that’s sure to make the Green groups cheer. The tech company’s bolstering its fleet with updated pollution-recording devices from the San Francisco company, Aclima, to patrol streets in Europe and in the United States, and monitor fluctuating levels of air quality.

And from The Intercept, the deal in China:

Sources familiar with Dragonfly said the search platform also appeared to have been tailored to replace weather and air pollution data with information provided directly by an unnamed source in Beijing. The Chinese government has a record of manipulating details about pollution in the country’s cities. One Google source said the company had built a system, integrated as part of Dragonfly, that was “essentially hardcoded to force their [Chinese-provided] data.” The source raised concerns that the Dragonfly search system would be providing false pollution data that downplayed the amount of toxins in the air.

In other words, Google is real dedicated to saving the environment when it doesn’t involve actually stopping the world’s worst polluter. It is real dedicated to stopping global warming or climate change or whatever it’s called now — as long as it doesn’t involve standing up to one of the world’s most heinous dictatorships.

Then again, Google’s “Big Brother” approach to environmentalism is pretty much in line with China’s view of individual liberty. Perhaps that’s why Google is neutering itself to partner with China.

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