VIDEO: There Are Terrorists in Our Midst

“[Terrorists] are here. They are among us. And it is time for our law enforcement to quit ignoring the realities of the fact that there are terrorists in our midst.” —Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin, Family Research Council

VIDEO: There Were No FISA Court Hearings on Carter Page Warrants

No wonder the Deep Staters plotting the overthrow of Donald Trump were able to get as far as they did. The secret court meant to protect all of us from the government’s massive spy machinery was asleep at the switch. At least, I hope that’s all it was.

In response to our Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, the Department of Justice (DOJ) admitted in a court filing last night that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court held no hearings on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) spy warrant applications targeting Carter Page, a former Trump campaign part-time advisor who was the subject of four controversial FISA warrants.

[National Security Division] FOIA consulted [Office of Intelligence] … to identify and locate records responsive to [Judicial Watch’s] FOIA request…. [Office of Intelligence] determined … that there were no records, electronic or paper, responsive to [Judicial Watch’s] FOIA request with regard to Carter Page. [Office of Intelligence] further confirmed that the [Foreign Surveillance Court] considered the Page warrant applications based upon written submissions and did not hold any hearings.

The warrants were first issued in 2016 and subsequently renewed three times.

The Department of Justice previously released to us the heavily redacted Page warrant applications. The initial Page FISA warrant was granted just weeks before the 2016 election.

The DOJ filing is in response to our lawsuit for the FISA transcripts (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:18-cv-01050)).

In February, Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee released a memo criticizing the FISA targeting of Carter Page. The memo details how the “minimally corroborated” Clinton-DNC dossier was an essential part of the FBI and DOJ’s applications for surveillance warrants to spy on Page.

We recently filed a request with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court seeking the transcripts of all hearings related to the surveillance of Carter Page.

It is disturbing that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance courts rubber-stamped the Carter Page spy warrants and held not one hearing on these extraordinary requests to spy on the Trump team.

Perhaps the court can now hold hearings on how justice was corrupted by material omissions that Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the DNC, a conflicted Bruce Ohr, a compromised Christopher Steele, and anti-Trumper Peter Strzok were all behind the ‘intelligence’ used to persuade the courts to approve the FISA warrants that targeted the Trump team.

Most School Shootings in Federal Report Just Didn’t Happen

This is one for the annals of fake news. A federal agency is blundering around with erroneous but inflammatory data on a major topic of national contention, it gets called out by a government-supported news outlet … and it does nothing about it. Our Corruption Chronicles blog peeks into the window of this fun house.

In an amusing story, a government-funded media outlet notorious for its liberal slant found that the overwhelming majority of school shootings listed in a federal report never occurred. The embarrassing blunder involves Department of Education (DOE) figures stating that schools around the U.S. reported an alarming 235 shootings in one year.

National Public Radio (NPR) launched an investigation and actually contacted every one of the schools included in the DOE data, which was gathered by its Office for Civil Rights. The figures focus on the 2015-2016 school year and reveal that “nearly 240 schools…reported at least 1 incident involving a school-related shooting.”

Three months later, after every school was contacted by NPR, the stats changed drastically. More than two-thirds of the reported gun incidents never happened, according to the news outlet. “We were able to confirm just 11 reported incidents, either directly with schools or through media reports,” the article states. “In 161 cases, schools or districts attested that no incident took place or couldn’t confirm one. In at least four cases, we found, something did happen, but it didn’t meet the government’s parameters for a shooting. About a quarter of schools didn’t respond to our inquiries.” A program director at the nonprofit research organization that assisted NPR in analyzing the bogus government data is quoted in the piece saying: “When we’re talking about such an important and rare event, [this] amount of data error could be very meaningful.”

Even though the DOE is the agency responsible for disseminating the erroneous information, in typical government fashion, it shrugged it off as no big deal. When asked for comment by reporters, the agency said it relies on school districts to provide accurate information. Evidently, the federal agency doesn’t bother checking data before publishing it as fact. In the meantime, the DOE has no plans to correct the errors. The article points out that the confusion comes at a time when the need for clear data on school violence has never been more pressing. Dozens of school safety measures have been enacted nationwide on the heels of high-profile school shootings in Texas and Florida and public districts are allocating large sums to boost campus security. “Our reporting highlights just how difficult it can be to track school-related shootings and how researchers, educators and policymakers are hindered by a lack of data on gun violence,” the NPR piece reads.

This is hardly an isolated incident of government inefficiency, but the seriousness of the matter should inspire the feds to provide the public—and policy makers—with accurate information. Instead, the DOE, a typical bloated agency with a $59 billion budget, passed the buck to the so-called civil rights data collection division which apparently plays fast and loose with facts. In the report with the skewed stats, schools were asked: “Has there been at least one incident at your school that involved a shooting (regardless of whether anyone was hurt)?” The DOE should have known better than to blindly publish the information. All it had to do was check out the easily available figures provided by a reputable group that maintains a reliable gun safety database. For the same school year that the DOE listed 235 shootings, the group had only 29. “There is little overlap between this list and the government’s, with only seven schools appearing on both,” the NPR story says.

Portland Mayor Endorses an Attack on Law Enforcement

There is a dangerous lawlessness among leftist politicians and activists. And, in the case of Portland, it is putting at risk the safety of law enforcement. Here’s the latest outrage from Portland, courtesy of Judicial Watch’s Corruption Chronicles blog:

During aggressive protests by criminal Occupy Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) rioters at federal facilities in Oregon, Portland’s Mayor implemented dangerously restrictive police procedures that ordered officers to ignore calls for help from federal law enforcement personnel under attack.

Instead of proactive support, Portland Police Bureau (PPB) were limited to a passive “liaison” role with the Federal Protection Service (FSP). According to records obtained by Judicial Watch, PPB officers were only allowed to respond to life-threatening attacks and 911 calls made by ICE agents and FPS officers. Portland’s Mayor Ted Wheeler also serves as the city’s Police Bureau Commissioner. Wheeler has been a vocal proponent in his commitment to protect criminal illegal aliens, restrict gun rights and support burdensome climate policies. Under his direction, tensions among protestors and federal law enforcement officers started in mid-Junewith a camp at ICE facilities in the downtown area and ended in late July with piles of trash in the street. ICE Council leadership reported hard-left Antifa members were an active contingent among protestors who besieged the federal immigration processing offices, damaged property and injured officers.

Documents obtained by Judicial Watch indicate an alarming hands-off approach instituted by PPB management. On June 19, FPS Commander Lopez asked PPB Deputy Chief Robert Day for assistance. Day’s refusal in the highly redacted document was clear: “At this time I am denying your request for additional resources from PPB.”  Officers were directed “not to proactively patrol the area of the demonstration” and to “only respond to calls at the demonstration site that have an immediate life safety concern.” On June 21, the mayor’s direction was “for PPB to not get involved unless lives are in danger.” ICE agents on the ground reported these were the daily orders given at briefings to rank-and-file PPB personnel.

Mayor Wheeler’s selective enforcement order conflicts with PPB rules. The Biased-Based Policing Policy states, “The Bureau is dedicated to offering courteous and professional service delivery and providing equal protection, a fundamental right under the Constitution, to all members of the community.”  Additionally, all employees are expected to “reduce crime and the fear of crime by working with all citizens.”  Police officers and managers are mandated to “respond to requests for police assistance.”  Law enforcement sources familiar with the situation communicated, “When local police disengage from proactive responsibilities and assistance, one can expect masked, helmeted and shielded protestors to assault and endanger federal officers.” On July 31 the National ICE Council sent a cease and desist letter to the Mayor.

In contrast to the stated commitment of city government to provide equal and effective protection, the owner of the ICE processing building, Stuart Lindquist, was singled out among taxpayers. He received a limited and restrictive law enforcement response during the Occupy ICE demonstrations.  Portland Police documents confirmed, “If Stuart Linquist [sic] or any other Linquist [sic] calls for police assistance that doesn’t fit the ‘life safety concern’ criteria, please refer him or her to the Mayor.”  Mr. Lindquist told Judicial Watch, “It’s quite an issue and of course we were without service for a month and a half. It’s something. This is a liberal town but even so.” Judicial Watch filed two other public records requests with the PBB to determine if Wheeler’s denial of assistance violates federal contractual or Memorandum of Understanding obligations.

MAGA Candidate Ron DeSantis Wins. Will face Democrat Socialist Gillum for Governor of Florida.

Congressman Ron DeSantis won the Republican nomination for the office of Governor of the state of Florida. Rep. DeSantis was endorsed by President Trump. Rep. DeSantis will face Andrew Gillum a Democrat Socialist who was endorsed by Socialist Bernie Sanders.

DeSantis handily won the Republican primary beating his closest competitor Adam Putnam by nearly 20 points. Gillum won the Democrat nomination over his closest opponent Gwen Graham by less than 3%.

The choice for Floridians could not be more stark. A Trump Keep America and Florida Great candidate versus a Democrat Socialist.

The voter turn out favored the Republicans. In the gubernatorial primary the Florida Division of Elections reported that 1,618,371 Republicans voted versus 1,509,793 Democrats.

In comparison Rick Scott won the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate with 1,639,486 Republicans voting in the primary.

It is clear that given primary voter turn out that the Republicans have the edge over the Democrats.

The key is for DeSantis and Scott to join together to drive the Republican voter turnout in the November midterm election. If they do, then both DeSantis and Scott will win.



Bernie Sanders-Endorsed Florida Man Threatens America’s Freest Economy

Democrats Just Did the Unthinkable. They Nominated a Real Socialist for Gov. in Florida.

FBI Corruption Investigation Plagued Tallahassee During Andrew Gillum’s Mayorship

Florida Dem who scored upset primary victory haunted by city’s corruption probe

Mainstream media to Ron DeSantis: OMG, you said “monkey it up” did the following comparison of the policy positions of the two candidates for Governor of Florida:


Ron DeSantis is currently a U.S. Representative for Florida’s Sixth District. He graduated from Yale University and later from Harvard Law School. During his time at Harvard, DeSantis earned a commission in the US Navy as a JAG officer.

During his active duty service, DeSantis supported operations at Guantanamo Bay and deployed to Iraq as an adviser to a US Navy SEAL commander. He earned a bronze star medal for meritorious service and the Iraq campaign medal.

DeSantis is endorsed by President Donald Trump and rallied with him in Tampa earlier this month.


DeSantis says if elected, he will stand up for law-abiding Floridians by defending their Second Amendment rights. DeSantis has an A grade from the NRA.

According to his website, DeSantis will also sign pro-life legislation into law to defend the right to life.

He plans to defend First Amendment rights “against those in academia, media and politics who seek to silence conservatives.”


DeSantis says he will not allow sanctuary cities in Florida. He also plans to enact E-verify to “ensure a legal workforce and higher wages for Floridians.


According to his website, DeSantis will improve water quality and safeguard the state’s natural resources.

In order to protect our coasts, DeSantis says he will stop toxic discharges from Lake Okeechobee and will store and clean polluted water south of the lake.

His plan also includes beach restoration, flood mitigation and restoring the Everglades.


DeSantis’ website says he will improve education by stopping Common Core and prioritizing American civics and the study of the Constitution.

DeSantis says he will promote skills-based education and vocational training.

In order to make sure all of the state’s children have access to high-quality education, DeSantis says he will enhance parental choice programs.


DeSantis’ plan to continue “Florida’s economic momentum” includes maintaining the status as a low-tax state by opposing tax increases.

He also says he will support a constitutional amendment requiring a supermajority vote in the Legislature to raise taxes.

If elected, DeSantis also says he will eliminate unreasonable regulations, reduce bureaucracy and crack down on lawsuit abuse.


Andrew Gillum is currently the Mayor of Tallahassee. He was the first person in his family to graduate college and has 15 years of public service experience.


If elected, Gillum says he will “never back down from common sense solutions to keep our streets, parks, and schools safe from gun violence.”

After the Stoneman Douglas massacre, Gillum says he “led the charge” for policies including:

  • A ban on assault weapons, large capacity magazines and bump stocks
  • Strengthening and requiring universal background checks
  • Closing private sale loopholes
  • Restricting gun access for the mentally ill and known foreign and domestic terrorists
  • Prohibiting gun possession for people with felony and misdemeanor domestic violence and stalking convictions
  • Banning the purchase and possession of armor-piercing bullets

Gillum is a Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate. The NRA has given him a grade of F.


According to his website, Gillum believes that climate change is real and is an urgent threat. He believes the best way to address the impacts of climate change is to “to embrace a plan to transition Florida to clean energy as rapidly as possible.”

Gillum says, if elected, he will work to keep our water clean from toxic algae blooms and fight to protect Florida’s access to clean water sources.


Gillum says he supports the legalization of marijuana, “in order to generate new revenue to pay for teacher and instructional staff pay increases and to reduce the mass incarceration of people with low-level drug offenses.”


Gillum’s website says he supports a “comprehensive immigration overhaul.” That includes abolishing ICE in its current form “to be replaced with a more compassionate and focused agency.”


If elected, Gillum says he will work to address LGBTQ discrimination issues through statewide policies that will ensure equal treatment and equal rights for all Floridians.


Gillum says he will push for equal pay legislation and will protect and encourage women-owned businesses.

Gillum’s website states that he “trusts women to make their own healthcare decisions with their doctor — not politicians.” He says he is the only candidate to propose a law protecting women’s access to no-cost contraceptive care under Obamacare.

#MeToo: Oops, Gay Duo Married by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg Accused of Drugging and Violently Raping a Boy

World Net Daily in an article titled “Gay duo married by Ginsburg accused of raping student” reports:

Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Ginsburg was criticized for publicly advocating for same-sex marriage and officiating a ceremony while the issue was before the court.

There was a formal motion for her to recuse herself from the case, which she ignored.

But now one of the duos she married is dragging her name back into the news.

Read more.

Calvin Freiburger from LifeSite News reports:

HOUSTON, August 23, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Rising baritone singer Samuel Schultz has accused a prominent homosexual couple whose “marriage” was officiated by Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg of drugging and violently raping him in 2010, the New York Daily News reports.

That year, as a 23-year-old graduate student at Rice University, Schultz says he met opera countertenor David Daniels and conductor Scott Walters at a closing night party for Houston Grand Opera’s run of “Xerxes.” According to his complaint, they invited him back to the apartment they were staying in for drinks, where he blacked out after just a couple sips.

Schultz says he awakened the next day “in a bed alone, completely naked,” inexplicably sore, and “bleeding from my rectum.” Daniels and Walters were not there when he woke up, but when they returned, they asked if he “had a good time” and Daniels allegedly said “‘Don’t worry about the BB thing, I’m totally negative.’ BB in this case meant bareback, otherwise known as raping me without a condom.”

Read more.

In our September 2017 column “Perverts, pedophiles and pederasts in high offices” we reported:

Daily Americans are bombarded with negative news about political and religious leaders who have fallen from grace. This has led to a loss of confidence in not only these individuals but the institutions, political parties and churches through which they used their positions of trust to abuse underage children.

Our title includes three distinct classes of abusers. A pervert is, “a person whose sexual behavior is regarded as abnormal and unacceptable.” This category includes both heterosexual and homosexual men and women. A pedophile is, “a person who is sexually attracted to children.” A pederast is, “a man who indulges in pederasty (sexual activity involving a man and a boy).” All pederasts are by definition homosexuals.

We have reported on efforts by groups such as B4U-ACT and the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN) to indoctrinate our children into believing that sex with men by children is not only normal but encouraged (watch the two videos below for a history of these groups).

Dr. Judith Reisman in her 2016 column “They’re mainstreaming pedophilia!” wrote:

Alfred Kinsey’s ongoing sexual anarchy campaign has no end in sight.

Matt Barber, associate dean of the Liberty University School of Law, and I attended the “B4U-ACT” pedophile conference Aug. 17 [2015]. To eliminate the “stigma” against pedophiles, this growing sexual anarchist lobby wants the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to redefine pedophilia as a normal sexual orientation of “Minor-Attracted Persons.”

Adhering to the Kinsey principle of lulling “straights” into a false sense of security, pedophile dress was largely conservative – short hair, jackets, some ties and few noticeable male ear piercings.

Matt Barber and I sat in the back of the meeting room among roughly 50 activists and their “mental health” attending female enablers. “Pedophilia, Minor-Attracted Persons, and the DSM: Issues and Controversies,” keynoted “Fred Berlin, M.D., Ph.D., as founder, National Institute for the Study, Prevention and Treatment of Sexual Trauma; Johns Hopkins Sexual Disorders Clinic.”

However, the sex clinic was initially founded by John Money, Ph.D., to give judges “leeway” to keep child molesters out of jail. Money (deceased), a pedophile advocate, also called for an end to all age-of-consent laws. Dr. Berlin was his disciple.

There are many who fear being labeled bigots, homophobic or intolerant for telling the truth about these perverts, pedophiles and pederasts.

The Catholic Church, the Democratic Party and now Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg are all guilty of promoting sodomy under their twisted social justice mantra. This sexual behavior has dire consequences for both the victims and their perpetrators.

You cannot say we didn’t warn you!

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image of Walters, Ginsburg and Daniels in Washington, D.C. in 2014 is by Simon Pauly.

New Mexico Muslim Terrorist Compound: FBI/Law Enforcement Cover-up?

More details are coming out about the destruction of the Islamist terrorist compound in New Mexico run by Siraj Ibn Wahhaj and one of his wives Jany Leveille.

Siraj Wahhaj

In a Fox News column titled “Remains found at ‘extremist Muslim’ New Mexico compound ID’d as missing 3-year-old boy” Elizabeth Zwirz reports:

A child’s remains located earlier this month at an “extremist Muslim” New Mexico compound were positively identified as Abdul-Ghani Wahhaj, the missing 3-year-old son of one of the arrested suspects, health officials said Thursday.

It was also announced Monday that the 3-year-old allegedly died amid a ritualistic religious ceremony intended to “cast out demonic spirits.”

“It was a religious ritual carried out… a ritual intended to cast out demonic spirits from Abdul-ghani Wahhaj,” Taos County Prosecutor John Lovelace said.

Public defenders argued the father was trying to heal the child by reading passages from the Koran but prosecutors claimed he was denying the boy medication. One of the children taken into custody claimed that the boy had died in February.

Read more.

Jany Leveille, a Haitian migrant.

Pamela Geller writes:

Siraj Ibn Wahhaj and one of his devout wives [Jany Leveille] were charged with abuse of a child resulting in the death of a child and conspiracy to commit abuse of a child.

Law enforcement rushed to destroy the Islamic compound just days after the kidnapping and murder made national news. They destroyed evidence, despise [sic] the fact that the the investigation was new and ongoing. New charges were filed against the devout (“extremist)” Muslims. For  years, the FBI and local law enforcement did nothing about this jihad compound, despite tips and numerous calls from concerned citizens. It took the murder of a child to get them to pay attention. What is the first thing they do after it is discovered a child was murdered on the compound and several starved to almost certain death? They destroy the compound  to cover up both their negligence and what happened at there.

News of what happened there was embarrassing to the Muslim community in the U.S., and making Islam look good seems to be the top priority of law enforcement officials. It’s sharia compliance in New Mexico.

An NBC article titled “Two charged in death of boy in New Mexico compound case” by Phil Helsel notes:

Two people arrested after authorities found 11 children in filthy conditions at a makeshift New Mexico compound earlier this month have been charged in connection with the death of a 3-year-old boy whose body was discovered at the site.

The Taos County Sheriff’s Office said Friday that arrest warrants were served on Siraj Wahhaj, the father of 3-year-old Abdul-Ghani Wahhaj whose body was found on the property in Amalia, and on Jany Leveille, who was one of five adults who had been charged in the case.

The arrest warrants for Wahhaj, 40, and Leveille, 35, are for one count each of abuse of a child resulting in the death of a child and conspiracy to commit abuse of a child, which are first-degree felonies, the sheriff’s office said. The first of those counts carries the possibility of up to life in prison.

Why was the compound destroyed? Who ordered its destruction? Why hasn’t the media covered this story? All question to which will be answered in due time.


SHOCKING RULING: Judge Releases NM Extremists

Iranian-backed terrorist ‘sleeper cells’ are hiding in the U.S.

RELATED VIDEO: New Mexico terrorist compound judge should be investigated | John Cardillo.

United Way Funds 2,901 Planned Parenthood Abortions

Nashville, TN – 2ndVote, the conservative watchdog for corporate activism, released its annual findings on United Way’s financial support for Planned Parenthood.

“Every year, 2ndVote takes an extensive look at United Way affiliates that help fund the world’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood,” said Executive Director Robert Kuykendall. “Our research is designed to give conservatives and pro-life activists a resource to make sure their charitable donations won’t be used to support Planned Parenthood’s abortion business.”

2018’s update to the ‘Pro-Life Guide to United Way’ marks the fourth year 2ndVote has tracked 1,200 United Way affiliates. Analysis of the most recent IRS Form 990 filings and other documentation found 62 United Way affiliates sent $2,756,799 to Planned Parenthood organizations in tax year 2016. 2ndVote’s latest findings indicate an increase of $168,806 from the $2,590,994 United Way funneled to Planned Parenthood in 2015

“According to Planned Parenthood, an abortion can cost up to $950. This means United Way dollars essentially paid for the equivalent of at least 2,901 Planned Parenthood abortions over the course of a single year,” continued Kuykendall.

2ndVote’s research found United Way affiliates in 29 states with financial ties to Planned Parenthood. Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, and Florida are the top five states for United Way support for the abortion giant.

“Year after year, we find United Way’s greatest financial support for Planned Parenthood occurs in so-called battleground states. Given Planned Parenthood’s political presence in these states, it is especially concerning that United Way would be a top donor and financial conduit in these areas,” Kuykendall said.

However, 2ndVote’s investigation has uncovered some good news for pro-life conservatives. The 62 United Way organizations that contribute to Planned Parenthood represent the lowest number for a single year since the project started.

Kuykendall concluded, “Planned Parenthood is being exposed for what it is: an abortion business and a left-wing political operation. We believe that our research is giving conservatives and pro-life activists a resource to hold organizations like United Way accountable. Using our donated dollars as leverage is a great way to get non-profits to stop supporting Planned Parenthood’s abortion agenda.”

The research for this update was conducted using the most recent Form 990 filings of United Way affiliates. At the time of publication, updated 990s for 3 of the previous donors to Planned Parenthood were not yet available.

Ten Democrat Senators push Trump Administration for higher refugee numbers in coming year

This is of course no surprise.

But, if these Senators are yours, know this:

They don’t care about you and your community, about your safety and your wallets. To them this is all about playing games on the international stage. It is all about using refugees to wheel and deal with foreign governments!

What is so maddening to me is that none of these Senators will ever have to live next door to any third world refugees! But, you, the deplorables will!

Dems demand Trump keep door open for refugees as hard-liners push for even fewer

From NBC News:

WASHINGTON — Democratic senators are urging President Donald Trump to keep the door open to refugees as his administration, which has already pushed the number admitted to an historic low, weighs imposing unprecedented restrictions on the number of refugees allowed in the U.S.

In a letter obtained by NBC News, the 10 Democrats on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee warned Secretary of State Mike Pompeo about possible damage to America’s diplomatic clout and strategic interests around the world from any further reduction in refugee admissions.

The Trump administration last year set the lowest ceiling ever for refugees allowed to resettle in the U.S., limiting the number to 45,000 — and then admitted even fewer. After decades of bipartisan support for much higher numbers, said the senators, “We are concerned about the foreign policy and national security impact of any further downward retreat on admission numbers.”

By the way, the support has been “bipartisan” because many Republicans want the cheap labor for their friends including the Chamber of Commerce and the Dems want the “New American” voters!

The letter coincides with an internal debate inside the Trump administration about the cap for refugee admissions for the next fiscal year, with civil servants at the State Department and military officers at the Pentagon pitted against political appointees who favor drastically curtailing the number of refugees permitted into the country.

More here.

And, later I want to tell you more about how the Pentagon is pushing for more refugees too so that they can promise Iraqis a ticket to America in exchange for help there.  And, to hell with what those Iraqis could do in your US town!

All of us who want to see the US Refugee Admissions Program reformed are up against a juggernaut! It is important that you contact the White House. Tell the President what you think!


My recommendation for the admissions number for FY19 is ZERO!  If you missed it, go here and see why I say that.  

RELATED ARTICLE: Italian Interior Minister Salvini threatens to quit; Australia elects immigration hard-liner; and NY Times says Trump wrong on South Africa white farmers


VIDEO: Why Climate Change is Fake News

The Heritage Foundation featured Marc Morano in the below global warming video that has been viewed by millions. The usual suspects attacked it by doubling down on their unsound talking points and calling for the video’s removal.

Marc has a unique talent for correcting the record on global warming. His knowledge of the issue is encyclopedic and he uses it to great effect.

That’s why the global warming crowd wants him silenced.

The media routinely runs the alarming climate pronouncements of left-wing pressure groups as though they were received wisdom.  All too often they are baseless dogma and Morano proves it.

RELATED VIDEO: My viral climate video was smeared as fake news. Here are the facts.

Midterm Wildcard: The Black Vote May Be In Play

In all of the hyper focus on Russia, Mueller, Manafort, Cohen, Stormy, Omarosa and the general gusher of hysterical nonsense from the Democrat-Media Complex, there is a quiet little revolution brewing: The first real cracks in the Democratic Party stranglehold on the black vote are coming into view.

We see signs of this with Kanye West, Kim Kardashian and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, with the rocketing rise of Candace Owens and the black involvement in the #WalkAway movement. We also see it, importantly, in the black church, such as a recent White House faith meeting on prison reform hosted by Trump, where Pastor Darrell Scott called him the “most pro-black president I’ve seen in my lifetime.”

But it is coalescing now in some very tangible ways around actual statistics and actions on the ground that are getting hard for Democrats to ignore, and crack the door open for Republicans and Democrats.

Polls are showing positive movement among minorities in President Trump’s approval ratings, even while he is daily being labeled a racist. While Trump won only 8 percent of the black vote in November 2016, the national NAACP’s own polls now show Trump’s approval rating among blacks at 21 percent — nearly three times higher than his election numbers. That doesn’t necessarily mean he would get 21 percent of the black vote, but it does show substantial movement.

Further, Rasmussen polls now have Trump’s approval ratings among blacks at 36 percent. Rasmussen pulls from a broader and less politicized base of respondents and typically is above the poll averages. But what is important is again the movement. One year ago at this time, Trump’s approvals in this same poll were 19 percent.

And we are even seeing breaks in the NAACP itself at the grassroots level. The Manatee County NAACP in Florida is interviewing all local candidates and has supported one Republican over a Democrat and is planning to support more going forward in the general election.

Rodney Jones, President of the Manatee NAACP, said he is a lifelong Democrat, but that he’s fed up with Democrats taking his vote for granted.

“We don’t see Democrats until election time and that’s the truth,” Jones said on an ABC panel Tuesday night. “I live in the neighborhood. I’ve lived there my entire time and we don’t see Democrats until election time because they come for one purpose and one purpose only, to get votes. After the elections, we don’t see any of them.”

This is not a new sentiment. Frustration with being taken for granted has been growing for some time among black voters. Popular black ESPN commentator Stephen A. Smith said in 2015 that all blacks should vote Republican for one election to send a signal. “I definitely believe that the black vote has been taken for granted.”

Smith said Democrats had successfully painted Republicans as opposed to the interests of black Americans and “we’ve bought it hook line and sinker…vast majorities of black Americans look at the Republican Party as the enemy.” It’s time to make politicians earn the vote of black Americans, he said.

That is what Jones is doing in Florida. He is not running to Republicans, but he is leading his organization to look at issues and choose candidates accordingly. And his group is totally onboard with that. This is a concept that has interesting ramifications because Jones considers himself somewhat conservative on a lot of issues — family, faith, personal responsibility — and he thinks American blacks overall are more so than the hitherto party-line voting suggests.

“We’re not letting Republican or Democrat come into our community and set an agenda for us,” Jones said. “I’m kind of anti-Democratic and Republican…The Democratic Party comes out of the deep south, actually out of the Klan and white supremacy.”

To be clear, Jones is not advocating becoming Republican and he is not at all a fan of Trump, considering him a low-character racist.

But this is part of the point. If American blacks begin thinking independently in a political sense — exactly what Kanye is advocating — they may never be majority Republicans, but they will stop being monolithically Democratic. Issue by issue favors Republicans on many topics.

Pew Research has noted that blacks and Hispanics who identify as Democrats are far less likely to consider themselves liberal than white Democrats. This reflects what Jones and his NAACP chapter are saying.

Making this more problematic for Democrats and opportunistic for Republicans is that the Democratic Party is definitely moving further left, even sprinting left. It’s not clear at all that 90 percent of blacks will be onboard with the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez socialism or the intersectional , 72 genders politics of the party elites. In the same way that Democrats are slowing losing the vast center of the country — geographically and politically — they are risking doing the same with the black vote.

American blacks shifting more to issues than to party loyalty would throw Democratic national politics, and probably local politics, into a tailspin. This would not happen overnight. The Democratic death grip has been generational. But a few points per election would be a tectonic shift. It may already under way, as the black vote for the Democratic presidential nominee peaked in 2008, declined in 2012 and plummeted in 2016.

The door is ajar for Republicans, and maybe President Trump.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in The Revolutionary Act.

Democratic Socialism Doesn’t Exist: Like the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot, Democratic Socialism Exists Only in Myth

With the upset primary victory of self-proclaimed “democratic socialist”Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez over long-time Democrat representative Joe Crowley, democratic socialism is receiving another boost of popularity in certain quarters of the country. Given the increasing popularity of socialism among young voters especially, it’s clear a basic truth (one might even call it an “inconvenient truth”) needs to be explained: so-called democratic socialism is a mythological creature. It is the Loch Ness Monster of political economy.

Socialism, as consistently defined by both those who support and oppose it, is predicated on the absence of private property. In fact, Karl Marx was adamant that socialism would bring about the end of “private ownership of the means of production.” This would mean the end of individuals and corporations owning, improving, and exchanging resources, goods, and services. The elimination of private property is a central feature of socialism. (For an excellent explanation of the differences between capitalism and socialism, I highly recommend this book by J. Barkley Rosser, Jr. and Marina Rosser.)

This emphasis on the elimination of private property is important because candidates like Ocasio-Cortez, or Bernie Sanders before her, continuously misrepresent what a socialist system is. By hailing certain Nordic countries as successful examples of democratic socialism, these candidates mislead people about the true nature of both socialism and capitalism. The fact is that the very countries Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez praise have market-capitalist economies.

Not only are they market-capitalist systems, several of them rank higher than the U.S. in economic freedom comparisons. While most of these countries have higher taxes and spend more on social services than does the United States, those are not the measures of whether or not a system is capitalist or socialist. Every single one of these nations’ economies functions through markets which allow individual ownership and voluntary exchange.

Moreover, what is rarely mentioned by those praising the success of these countries’ publicly-provided benefits is that several of them are now struggling to maintain those benefits. As the above-referenced Rossers note in their book, Sweden has had a worker absenteeism rate of nearly twenty-five percent since 1990, its high tax rates are thought to have contributed to a loss in the country’s labor supply of six to ten percent, and it has been moving to privatize many state functions.

Equally important in debunking the democratic socialist myth, is the fact that no truly socialist system has ever been compatible (or even tried to be) with democracy. Friedrich Hayek explained why socialism was ultimately irreconcilable with democratic processes in his famous work The Road to Serfdom. Hayek explained that the very nature of economic planning—an essential feature of socialism—would gradually lead to the abandonment of democratic processes. Wrote Hayek:

Yet agreement that planning is necessary, together with the inability of democratic assemblies to produce a plan, will evoke stronger and stronger demands that the government or some single individual should be given powers to act on their own responsibility. The belief is becoming more and more widespread that, if things are going to get done, the responsible authorities must be freed from the fetters of democratic procedure.

A simple examination of any country which fully embraced the mantle of socialism will demonstrate the validity of Hayek’s assertion. The history of countries such as the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, and North Korea stand as glaring examples. Even in Venezuela, where Hugo Chavez, a dedicated socialist, was democratically elected as president in 1999, he quickly began moving to undermine the very democratic institutions that had put him into power.

As the economic crisis ravaged Venezuela following his death, Chavez’s successor, Nicolas Maduro, increasingly resorted to undemocratic means to maintain power.

The need of socialism to control all aspects of economic activity will necessarily lead those in power to restrict the available choices and decisions of individuals. This course of action will also require them to reduce the political power of those individuals to protect the plans of those in charge.

Again, history demonstrates this truth. No single country that has attempted to incorporate the abolition of private property and institute state ownership of the means of production has done so through democratic institutions and processes. In every case, this transition was not carried out through the peaceful means of debate, persuasion, negotiation, and votes but through the power of the gun. They literally killed millions of people (intentionally and unintentionally) to accomplish their socialist vision.

Socialist revolutions have always advocated the abolition of markets and private property. The fact that this has always been forced on populations through violence rather than democratic procedures, and the fact that the people within these countries became impoverished, should tell us something about this system.

Ultimately, socialism is incompatible with democracy because democracy, like market capitalism, allows power to flow to the individual. Democracy tolerates dissent, individual differences, and a multitude of different priorities. Market capitalism allows those differences to be managed peacefully through voluntary exchange. As Hayek warned, socialism cannot tolerate such differences nor the democratic institutions that promote their peaceful coexistence.

When candidates like Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez refer to countries with market capitalist economies as “socialist,” it creates confusion about what socialism truly is and how it impacts both individuals and societies.

The experiment of socialism has devastated the social, political, and economic institutions that facilitate both economic growth and democracy in every country in which it has been attempted. In its wake, it has left death and misery for the very people for which it was supposedly enacted.

As with the Loch Ness Monster, there are many who have claimed to have seen democratic socialism and its wonderful benefits. However, like sightings of “Nessie,” on examination, the claims of democratic socialism unravel. What Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez, and their supporters label as democratic socialism is actually market capitalism with a robust (some argue unsustainable) social safety net.

Regardless, it is time to place sightings of this mythical creature in the same category as those of Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, and the Abominable Snowman. That’s where discussions of democratic socialism belong.


James Davenport

James Davenport

James Davenport is an award-winning professor of political science at Rose State College and has also taught economics at the University of Central Oklahoma. You can find him online here.


Millennials’ Rosy View of the Welfare State Dwindles Once They’re Told What It Costs

Democratic Socialism Will Destroy America

A Socialist Nightmare in Venezuela

EXPOSED: Astonishing Fake News Against Rick Scott in Senate Race

I don’t really like the term “fake news” because it has come to mean any story with which the person using the phrase disagrees. That’s not particularly helpful.

But there really is fake news out there, and it is being heavily promulgated by the dinosaur media that is still pretending to be mainstream. It’s not just the big dogs of CNN or the AP or the New York Times. What is going on in Florida media markets is so bad right now as to require equal time if it weren’t newspapers. It’s straightforward Democratic attack ads cast as “news” stories.

The latest came in Sunday newspapers around the state owned by rapidly expanding media conglomerate Gatehouse Media, which publishes 21 newspapers in Florida and has 570 media outlets nationwide. (Gatehouse recently acquired the Tampa Bay Times, Florida’s largest newspaper.)

Gatehouse Media newspapers in Florida.

On Sunday, Gatehouse newspapers generally ran the exact same story with the exact same headline as it came out of their capitol bureau in Tallahassee: Rick Scott turns to those he appointed for campaign cash

They used different dropheads below the headline, depending on their layouts and styles: Well-heeled Floridians appointed to state boards are ponying up funding for governor’s bid to unseat Nelson and ‘It smacks of pay-to-play.’

The reason this epitomizes fake news is not that the same story that ran in all these newspapers is a lie. The thrust of it is accurate enough. It’s fake news because it is not newsworthy. There is no news in this breathless, page 1 Sunday story plastered around the state during a highly competitive U.S. Senate campaign between Scott (worth noting, an early supporter of President Trump) and 40-year D.C. incumbent Sen. Bill Nelson — a race that may determine who controls the Senate.

Here’s the gist. The governor of Florida appoints hundreds and hundreds of people to boards, advisory councils and commissions around the state — university boards, water boards, airport authorities, environmental boards, medical boards, building boards and so on. Naturally enough, he appoints people who agree with him on issues, particularly on issues that relate to those boards. In what is perhaps less shocking than the sun rising in the east, many of those people who agree with the governor also support the governor politically. Some even donate to his election campaign. Oh the scandal of it all!

And yet, there it is. That’s the entire story. Some of the hundreds of appointees who all agree with Gov. Scott politically have donated to his Senate political campaign; exactly as has been the case with every single governor ever.

There’s even less to the story than that. Reporter writes:

“Scott has collected close to $1.4 million from 127 appointees, their spouses and children, who have given either to his Senate campaign or the New Republican PAC supporting his bid…”

So the 127 number covers three categories, not just appointees. Spouses can reasonably be included. Children means adult children, which may be making their own decision on supporting Scott. But they’re still lumped in to inflate the number. How many are just appointees? 50? 80? The story doesn’t say, and one can reasonably infer that is because that number is pretty small compared to what may be a thousand appointees. But to get the real percentage using the reported 127 number as the numerator, we need the total number of appointees, spouses and children as the denominator. That means this is probably a very tiny percentage. Well under 10 percent. That makes it hard to hide the fakeness of the fake story.

This is a picture-perfect definition of non-news. This is the equivalent of reporting on a plane that landed smoothly, taxied to the terminal and all the passengers deboarded safely — and  making that sound shifty and suspicious if it could be reflected badly on a Republican. It’s just that bad.

And maybe a little worse. I wear three hats in relation to this particular fake news story. One, I am one of those appointees by Gov. Scott — to the Board of Trustees of State College of Florida. Neither Scott nor his team has ever asked me for money or brought up political support of any kind in the interviews prior to appointing me to the position. Twice. And, I’ve not donated to Scott’s campaign.

The second hat I wear is as a former long-time journalist in the mainstream media, spending many years covering politics. And the third hat, I now work with select political candidates running for office. So I have seen up close and personal both sides of equation between reporter and political machine. Based on these experiences, I am about 99 percent sure that this story — and the many like it — are actually opposition research by the Nelson campaign, which is then fed to friendly, gullible, allied reporters within Gatehouse Media, in this case, in their Tallahassee bureau.

There is plenty to criticize in the fake story on basic journalistic grounds. But this sentence that the reporter included to show balance reveals just how badly the reporter misunderstands basic reality, to put it in the most kind light.

“Those contributors deny that there’s any link between their appointments and the checks they cut for Scott’s Senate bid. But the campaign data shows a remarkable correlation.”

“Denies” is one of those implied guilty words the media loves to use. And then using the conjunction “but” to start the following sentence implies the denials are suspicious. The real problem is the last word. The correlation actually is long before this reporter “discovered” it (again, being generous) in the campaign finances. The correlation is between the type of principled person Scott appointed and the type of principled person who supports Scott’s campaign for the Senate — which is a blindingly obvious correlation with zero nefarious implications.

This is the latest in an ongoing stream of anti-Scott stories emanating from Gatehouse Media’s Tallahassee bureau. Some others include:

Rick Scott’s donors still mostly a mystery, but what’s revealed belies outsider image (July 6, 2018)

Scott’s use of blind trust challenged as illegal (July 17, 2018) (Even blind trusts aren’t good enough if you’re a Republican.)

Florida Gov. Rick Scott’s investments draw scrutiny (July 21, 2018)

Gov. Rick Scott profits from Hep C drug tied to state prisons, opioid crisis (July 22, 2018)

Low pay casts shadow over Florida’s improving jobs picture (Aug. 4, 2018, as Florida nears an all-time low in unemployment — still negative about Scott.)

These were found quickly in the first couple of pages with a Google search of “Gov. Scott and Gatehouse Media.” A Google search of “Sen. Nelson and Gatehouse Media” does not locate one negative story in the first two pages. But several pieces of puffery.

The point is, this is a glaring pattern with Gatehouse Media; and of course, it is true in the rest of the Florida media, too.

This is why Republicans need to raise so much more money than Democrats to have a level playing field: Gatehouse Media stories such as these, quite possibly planted by the Nelson team, are the equivalent of millions of dollars in free advertising to Nelson. Why spend money on attack ads when you have the media to do it for you?

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in The Revolutionary Act.

Trump Foes Assail Mexican Restaurant Chain After Jeff Sessions Eats There

A popular Mexican restaurant chain in Houston faced such a backlash for serving Attorney General Jeff Sessions that its owners disassociated themselves from Trump administration immigration policy and disabled all social media accounts.

Sessions ate Friday night at the family-owned El Tiempo’s Montrose location, one of eight in Houston.

That night, someone posted a photo on the restaurant chain’s official Facebook page showing executive chef Domenic Laurenzo with Sessions and captioned: “We had the honor to [serve] Mr. Jeff Sessions, Attorney General of the United States. Thank you for allowing us to serve you.”

El Tiempo is owned by Roland Laurenzo and his son, Domenic, also the executive chef.

Soon after the photo with Sessions was uploaded on Facebook, a barrage of hateful comments and harassment directed at the Houston eatery began. The reaction prompted Roland Laurenzo to disable all social media accounts, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, over the weekend.

In a later deleted follow-up post on Facebook, Roland Laurenzo wrote that El Tiempo served Sessions without “thinking about the political situations”:

El Tiempo does not in any way support the practice of separating children from parents or any other practices of the government relative to immigration. The posting of a photograph of the Attorney General at one of our restaurants does not represent us supporting his positions.

The secret service contacted us that a government official was coming to dinner at our establishment and his identity was not know until he walked through the door. The man came to dinner and he was served without us even thinking about the political situations. We were preoccupied with the secret service and catering to their wants and needs.

The only thing on our minds was serving great food and giving great customer service. It was posted without review or approval by ownership and this has lead [sic] to everyone jumping to conclusions that somehow we are involved in this political matter. We don’t approve of anyone separating parents and children.

Sessions was in town on government business, including a speech about violent crime and measures his Justice Department is taking to reduce gang violence, delivered to local law enforcement officials and federal prosecutors at the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Texas.

Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., among others on the left, has urged those who disagree with Trump and his policies to confront his Cabinet officials in public places and cause disturbances.

“People are insulting us in such a dramatic fashion, and we feel like we don’t deserve it,” Laurenzo told KTRK-TV, the local ABC station. “At least temporarily I had it [social media accounts] taken down because I don’t want to be insulted, my children to be insulted, my family to be insulted.”

The backlash wasn’t limited to online. A small group of protesters targeted the restaurant’s Navigation location earlier this week. KTRK (ABC13) reported that fewer than 20 protesters stood outside.

A University of Houston law student, Jessica Lorena, organized the protest. She told Click2Houston: “What we’re trying to do is make sure that we make the people that are attending this restaurant, and its managers, and its owners, uncomfortable.”

One El Tiempo manager reported threats to employees and a suspicious dumpster fire.

Sarah Isgur Flores, Sessions’ public affairs director, declined to comment on the situation to The Daily Signal.

A silver lining for the restaurant chain: The outrage and calls for boycotts prompted folks across Texas to make a special stop at an El Tiempo restaurant, according to local news stations.

El Tiempo was not the only Mexican restaurant where the attorney general ate during his visit to Houston.

The general manager of La Mexicana, Zulema Gonzalez, confirmed that Sessions had a meal there and told the Houston Chronicle: “We treat everybody the same.”


Portrait of Ginny Montalbano

Ginny Montalbano

Ginny Montalbano is a contributor to The Daily Signal. Send an email to Ginny. Twitter: @GinnyMontalbano.

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VIDEO: Human Trafficking Targets ‘Young Intellectually Disabled Girls’

Human Trafficking Research reports:

The Department of State lists the top three states with the most human trafficking activity are CaliforniaNew York and TexasCalifornia Against Slavery reported that 3 of the ten worst child sex trafficking areas in the United States are in CaliforniaSan FranciscoLos Angeles and San Diego.

The below video titled “Human Trafficking” was produced by the Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s office. While the focus of this production is Texas specific, similar stories and cases can be found across the United States.

According to Texas AG Paxton’s website:

Human trafficking is a media buzz word that often conjures images of brothels in Thailand or confusion with the ongoing immigration debate. This innovative digital training tool cuts through the confusion, arms the viewer with an understanding of what human trafficking is and is not, and helps them recognize that this is a Texas problem with Texas buyers, sellers, and victims. It refocuses our attention on adults and children who are regularly exploited but are unlikely to self-identify as victims or seek help. This video walks the audience through actual cases prosecuted in the state of Texas, identifies the tools of traffickers and how they are typically utilized to obtain and maintain victims, and equips viewers with red flags and a reporting protocol. Most of all, it challenges Texans to change the culture in which we live from one that identifies with and honors perpetrators to one that provides safety, security, and genuine reintegration for the survivors of trafficking.

In an October 19, 2015 column titled “Sex trafficking targets young, intellectually disabled girls” Jessica Jagodzinski reported:

In a state that is already notorious as a haven for human trafficking, USFSP professor Joan Reid has documented a disturbing trend: Many of the underage victims are intellectually disabled and “might not even realize they are being assaulted.”

Reid, an assistant professor of criminology, cites a national map compiled by the National Human Trafficking Resource Center, which offers information, aid and support to victims.

The map shows human trafficking trends around the country, with red marking the areas with the most cases.

“Florida is bright red,” Reid said.

In her research, Reid studied case files of 100 underage victims in Tampa and Miami and found that 30 percent of them were girls with intellectual disabilities.

Women and girls usually become prostitutes “through force, threat, use of coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of power and vulnerability,” Reid said.

Intellectually disabled girls are even more threatened, she said, because of their inability to comprehend the extremity of abusive treatment.

Read more.

The map above depicts the data collected from calls made to the National Human Trafficking Resource Center hotline from 2007-2012. Florida is the third highest state in sex trafficking reports. Map Courtesy of The Polaris Project.

DNCC Co-Chair Ellison has ‘narcissistic personality disorder’ according to ex-girlfriend

Ms. Karen Monahan has accused DNCC Co-Chair, current Representative Keith Ellison, who is running for Attorney General in Minnesota, of suffering from narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).

According to the Mayo Clinic:

Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

A narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, work, school or financial affairs. People with narcissistic personality disorder may be generally unhappy and disappointed when they’re not given the special favors or admiration they believe they deserve. They may find their relationships unfulfilling, and others may not enjoy being around them.

Treatment for narcissistic personality disorder centers around talk therapy (psychotherapy).

On August 12, 2018 Ms. Karen Monahan released the following statement:

After a several years of being in a relationship with Keith Ellison, It became clear, I had survived narcissist abuse. Unless you have been through narcissist abuse, it is the most difficult form of abuse to articulate. It leaves survivors (if they survive) with serious health impacts, complex ptsd, depression and so many other devastating impacts. It is a slow insidious form of abuse. You don’t realize it is happening until it’s too late. Now that I understand it and have done so much healing, I can look back at certain moments and experiences in this relationship and they now make perfect sense. I or nobody else can diagnose a person with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). But I am well aware of the traits and I witnessed each one of them.

The complex PTSD started around 2014, I knew something wasn’t right but couldn’t put my finger on it. Every part of me began to change, including my health. I couldn’t remember things as well, my mind was slow at times and then it would race. By time I left the relationship in the middle of January 2017, my hair was falling out, I had severe pain in my neck, back and legs. My social life was suffering due to isolation, my work was slipping and it was all becoming noticeable. I became someone I didn’t recognize, on the inside or out.

I went to the Dr.. as soon as I left the relationship. I was told I was anemic, my red blood cells were very low. My magnesium was low, central nervous system was out of balance and much more. Part of dealing with the aftermath of narcissist abuse is dealing with healing your brain as well. Due to sleeping around with more than one person at the same time as me, I was scared of the possible health impacts. My time, financial cost, lost days just living life daily, my work, family, friendships, mental and physical health and much more, took a toll for a very long time. But I survived and now I am a stronger person than I ever was, even before the abuse.

Throughout the relationship he would say and do things and then gaslight me when I would ask what was going on.. He would make me think I was crazy for suspecting things I had heard or had seen. Come to find out, everything that I would bring up was actually true. The more I would see and hear things, the more I would bring it up. The anger and rage were ramping up. He would say and do things to manipulate me, so I wouldn’t bring certain issue up. A few examples of using power and control, cancel trips, tell me to move on a regular basis and would tell me I made him do it because I wouldn’t stop arguing. Basically, the things I would hear and suspect, which were true, I wasn’t allowed to mention or I would deal with some ramification It got worse as time went on.. The pathological lying, cheating, smearing my name and seeking validation and sympathy from the various females he was preying on, kept getting more and more frequent. He would word certain text where he there was plausible deniability but with everything else, it was so clear. After the relationship, others confirmed various things I was suspect to. That is part of the crazy making with narcissist abuse. One night I confronted him very calm about a lie he had just told me straight to my face. What happened next was a rage that I had never witnessed to that magnitude. He was becoming a person I had never seen before. The next morning, he came into the room I was sleeping in. I was laying across the bed with my headphones on, listening to podcast on my phone. He said he was about to leave town for the weekend and told me to take the trash out. Given the explosive outrage that occurred the night before, I just should shook my head yes. I didn’t look up at him or saying anything. That is when he tried to drag me off the bed by my legs and feet, screaming “bitch you answer when I am talking to you. I said take out the trash, your a bad guest (even though we were living in the same place). He kept trying to drag me off the bed, telling me to get the fuck out of his house, over and over. I froze. He had to leave and get on the plane. He knocked the shoe off my foot and told me I better be gone when he gets back (which was in two days). This happened in 2016. The gaslighting, manipulation, name calling and cheating started in 2014. By time the physical abuse occurred, I was dealing with the PTSD full blown. I secured an apartment within those two days. I borrowed the money I needed and spent that whole weekend searching for an apartment until I found one. I couldn’t move in until a couple months. During the waiting period he asked me several times to please not move out, he would reimburse me for the deposit. In my gut, I knew it was the right thing to do and said “no”.

I saw him morph into a totally different person and was still worried about him. I told him I would go with him if he wanted to get help. There were statements he made that had me afraid for him. We discussed working on our issues and just living in separate spaces. At that moment I was open to that. Things were happening so fast and I still didn’t realize I was dealing with PTSD and had no idea what narcissist abuse was.

He would ask me to stay at his house (most of my stuff was still there) he would come home. The behavior became more irrational and I was truly worried. We were suppose to work on the issues that were occurring in the relationship but more and more odd behavior and texting to various women continued.

Toward the end, I discovered he would have me stay the night and the next night have one of the females he had been cheating on me withal, stay the night.

I needed answers (I am dealing with complex PTSD so nothing seems clear). The last night I stayed the night, ever, I got up in the middle of the night, found one of the ladies scarf and a grocery bag with her name on it. I looked at his text and saw a mountain of lies after lies. Not just to me, but to each of the females. He would send us all the same text in a row. He would lie to one of the women about why he couldn’t see her or go to a movie, etc. but invited me over to go to a movie. That is one example of several. There is much more that I could share but I Won’t at this time. I couldn’t believe this was the person I had been involved with. I was in shock. It was a totally different person. I told him he was lying to not only me but these other women. He wasn’t allowing any of to make a choice with the most sacred parts of who we are. After I found out, there was no remorse. In fact, he continued the lies. He victim shamed me, said I had responsibility in his choices. This is still what he says to this day. About a few days later, the sent me a message stating that if I missed him, we could work it out. That blew me away. For a year and half after I left the relationship for good, he would send text telling me he missed me, he loved me and regretted me leaving. He told me, I would probably regret losing you for the rest of my life. I knew I would never go back. When I would mention what he did or refuse to take him back, I would receive heartless, mean messages or long periods of silence. It took me six months to finally get all my belongings from his place. The silent periods, changing plans, his schedule, needs, etc. left me connected to the trauma for six more months.

When I confronted him about all the lies and texts I saw, he first said I was crazy. I hung up the phone after he made that statement and began sending the screen shots to him. I was met with a cold response, he had no remorse. That was the day I ended it for good . In fact, Given everything that happened, he had the nerve to blame for invading his privacy because I was looking at his text. Invading his privacy and invading his secrecy are two different things in my book. These secrets have serious implications for a person’s health and overall life.

The blaming, taking no responsibility, victim shaming, cruel behavior each time I confronted him, with several attempts to get me to come back to the relationship, lasted this past year and half..

When I mentioned writing about this experience in my memoir, he tried to intimidate and threaten me. After those threats, I would call a couple friends, for about a month after he made them, everytime I left my place, just in case something were to happen to me. I was still dealing with the trauma and aftermath at this time.

I couldn’t silence my gut, in spite of what was happening to me as a result of the gaslighting, constant ups and downs with his moods (which began my ups and downs), the possibility of actually finding something that would end the relationship, I couldn’t ignore the voice inside, telling me something isn’t right. When things were slowly being revealed, he asked me why I wouldn’t stop asking him for the truth. I was met with pushback, circular conversation, manipulation or the silent treatment, each time I would bring it up, then blame me for bringing things up.

I was not the only person impacted by this situation. My kids were also impacted. I tried to hide it from them for several months. They knew something wasn’t right with me when they came to visit but were not quite sure. I told them I was just dealing with depression, that I would be ok. That is until they were using my computer and found substantial evidence showing that I was in an abusive relationship. Imagine how your own children would feel if they found out someone abused their mother. I could barely care for myself much less deal with their pain. They wanted to confront him and ask him why, they wanted to make it public and I had to plead with them and tell them it wouldn’t be good for me, if they did that. They did sent him a text stating they knew what he did to their mom and few other words. I couldn’t stop them from doing that. They also were in shock to watch friends and people who they knew who were part of the political world, sit back and be silent. They watched people who were aware, never reach out, ask if it was true, there were even people willing to find dirt and smear me, all to protect him. That is cruel to do to anu human. Regardless of what a person has or has not done, doesn’t mean they deserve abuse. We see this happen in our criminal justice system everyday. Watching all this, was a wake up call for them, as far as politics and the real world. When things like this happen to a person and family, the last thing they are thinking about is a political party or who is using their pain for political points.

I have offered him restorative justice and for him to seek some sort of help for over a year and half. He would not take me up on it. I told him I have not lost sight of his humanity and he deserved to take that time for himself to heal. I told him time and time again, I didn’t want to share my story publicly, it was more important for healing and restoration to occur with this situation. I told him not only he deserved it, but his family and constituents deserve it as well. For me, that alone would have been justice as far as my situation. But no matter how many times I offered, he wouldnt take me up on it.


SECOND WOMAN Accuses Democrat Keith Ellison of Abuse — Police 911 Report Confirms Incident!

Record of Keith Ellison 911 Assault Call Released

Ellison wins Minnesota AG primary amid late domestic violence allegations

Hypocrites: #MeToo Dems Silent as Vice Chair Ellison Accused of Brutal Sex Assault

COLLUSION: 100 Newspapers Declare War Against The President of The United States

100 Newspapers have declare war against the President of The United States — while at the same time saying they are not the enemies of the American people!

The Boston Globe has been contacting newspaper editorial boards and proposing a “coordinated response” to President Trump’s description of fake news as the “enemy of the people.”

In a Pew Research Center study by Michel Barthel and Amy Mitchell found that “Democrats are 47 points more likely than Republicans to support news media’s watchdog role.”

Pew did not ask those surveyed if they fully support the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

The U.S. Constitution does not protect the presses’ watchdog role. It protects freedom of the press. How the press conducts itself determines if it is printing the truth and not opinion. Given the way the question was asked different people have different views.

The faulty Pew Research report titled “Americans’ Attitudes About the News Media Deeply Divided Along Partisan Lines” found:

Democrats and Republicans, who already tend to place their trust in different news sources and rely on different outlets for political news, now disagree more than ever on a fundamental issue of the news media’s role in society: whether news organizations’ criticism of political leaders primarily keeps them from doing things they shouldn’t – or keeps them from doing their job.

Today, in the early days of the Trump administration, roughly nine-in-ten Democrats (89%) say news media criticism keeps leaders in line (sometimes called the news media’s “watchdog role”), while only about four-in-ten Republicans (42%) say the same. That is a 47-percentage-point gap, according to a new online survey conducted March 13-27, 2017, among 4,151 U.S. adults who are members of Pew Research Center’s nationally representative American Trends Panel. The gap stands in sharp contrast to January-February 2016, when Americans were asked the same question. Then, in the midst of the presidential primary season, nearly the same share of Democrats (74%) and Republicans (77%) supported the watchdog role. [Emphasis added]

It appears, lead by the Boston Globe, that Newspapers are now colluding to keep political leaders from doing their jobs. The President of the United States, members of Congress and the Supreme Court each have a role to play, a job to do.

When any newspaper, social media site, radio or television station engages in keeping America’s elected officials from doing their jobs then it’s not being a watchdog, rather they are now lapdogs.


Newspaper Industry Seeks Character Assassination of President As Antifa Wants to Kill Him

On News Reports