EMAILGATE: Hillary Clinton knew Benghazi was an attack by a ‘al-Qaida-like group’ all along

 from Gateway Pundit reports:

Wikileaks discovered 67 emails between Hillary Clinton and “Diane Reynolds” who we now know to be her daughter Chelsea. In one email Hillary tells Chelsea (Diane) she is sitting in a meeting on Libya waiting for “the other shoe to drop.”

In another email Hillary wrote Chelsea during the Benghazi attacks telling her Americans were killed by an al-Qaeda like group.

Hillary later lied and blamed the attack on a YouTube video. [Emphasis added]

Note the email below between Secretary of State Clinton and her daughter and the classification by the U.S. State Department.

How is real-time information about an ongoing operation/terrorist attack that has killed a U.S. Ambassador and his communications aide “unclassified?” Why is this information being shared with someone without the proper security clearance?

benghazi email


Florida Court Order Adds Pressure on Clinton-Related Emails – WSJ

New Emails: Clinton’s State Department Gave Special Access to Foundation Donors

Federal Court Orders Hillary Clinton to Answer Email Questions under Oath

JW Forces Release of “Deleted” Clinton Emails – Hidden Emails Include Benghazi Material

Wikileaks: 67 Emails Between Hillary and Chelsea Clinton under HER FAKE NAME “Diane Reynolds”

BREAKING: SMOKING GUN Docs Show What Hillary Clinton Knew About Benghazi All Along (WHOA!)

Here they are: Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever

From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer

The lie that is Hillary: A list of her ‘accomplishments’ reveals a suspect pattern

44 Reasons to NOT Elect Hillary Clinton

VIDEO: Hillary is Satan’s mop for wiping up the last remaining resistance to him in America

Hillary Clinton is evil. There is no other way to say the reality. She is evil. Hillary is Satan’s mop for wiping up the last remaining resistance to him in America.


Hillary Clinton (left) and Lucifer.

Hillary Clinton is evil. There is no other way to say the reality. She is evil.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen made the perfect distinction between someone who is bad, and someone who is evil. A bad person does bad things — steals, lies, cheats. An evil person seeks to destroy goodness, virtue, honor, decency, morality and truth.

That the United States will have an evil person such as her as the next leader is a heart-stopping notion. Obama was the warm-up act to this evil woman. Like goodness, there is a hierarchy to evil as well. Not all evil is equally malicious, just as all good is not equally sublime. And barring an act of God, she will be the next president of the United States. This Luciferian candidate has the Luciferian media backing her nearly completely. And a nation which has given itself over to every Luciferian act imaginable sees no big deal.

For Donald Trump to pull this out at this point would be the greatest comeback in U.S. political history. Look at this map, if you can stomach it. Between the states where Clinton has a commanding lead — meaning more than 20 points — and then the states heavily leaning in her favor — meaning more than 10 points — she already has more than the required 270 electoral college votes to win — 272, to be exact.

And on top of all this, even if she lost Ohio, Florida, Georgia and North Carolina, she would still win the White House, because those states are still toss-ups. mostly leaning slightly toward her, but still uncertain.

The point is: She doesn’t need to win those states to win the presidency. She is so far down the road with electoral college votes from huge, populous states already in the bag that the reality exists that she has it in the bag before the battle has even begun.

Could things change in some “never before seen in history” kind of way? There’s always hope — but we are moving out of the realm at this point of a reasonable hope to a virtually despairing hope. Faithful Catholics have to begin picturing their faith lives under evil Hillary. Trump’s almost comical characterization of crooked Hillary doesn’t even come close.

This is the woman who declared out loud that religious beliefs were going to have to change — to accommodate her diabolical world view. And she’s just the agent of Hell to do it. This is the woman who has said repeatedly that it isn’t freedom of religion but only freedom of worship. To evil Hillary, clusters of faithful Catholics in faithful parishes here and there are temples of sedition, little groups that recognize her for who she is and fight her attempts to destroy goodness and truth and beauty.

Understand, this woman is a tool of Satan. She revels in the blood of innocent children, she accepts awards named after enemies of Christ, like Margaret Sanger, the racist founder of Planned Parenthood. She understands very clearly that the Catholic Church is her enemy because she sets herself up against Our Blessed Lord.

She has no fear of God. She has no love for the supernatural. Like her whole rotten, stinking Democratic Party of sodomy-loving, baby-slaughtering, child-perverting, communism-embracing, anti-God fellow travelers, the devil is her father.

Father John Hardon, a saint of a man who died here in Detroit 16 years ago, warned of this very catastrophe coming to America. He correctly understood and announced that just as Our Lord has His disciples, so too does Satan.

This moment has been being prepared for over many decades. A persecution is imminent, and it will be led by this woman and her tribe of fellow evildoers. But not all Catholics will be swept up in her plans for the simple reason that most Catholics — including large swaths of the clergy — have already abandoned the One True Church, outside of which there is no salvation.

And woe to those baptized, especially the ordained, who offer a pinch of incense at the altar of false gods. Hillary is Satan’s mop for wiping up the last remaining resistance to him in America, a country that once held so much promise to be converted to the true Faith until it was betrayed into the hands of the demonic by twisted, traitorous priests and bishops.

It was, and in many cases still is, bishops who rolled out the red carpet to these demons under the guise of caring about race and poverty and immigration and the death penalty and gun control and stemming violence. But as the old saying goes, Satan always comes dressed up to the party, and he is about to drop his façade.

Even today, there is hardly a word from any of those wearing miters decrying the evil this woman propounds. Her education is straight from Hell, her policies bathed in the blood of innocent children and world population control. She advances evil in every manner conceivable — and still from our bishops we hear crickets, or idiotic statements about immigration or health care or religious liberty.

The bishops of America over the past 40-plus years helped create this monster, this destroyer, and she and her whole party belong to them. If God does not end this before she is sworn in to show His might, then He will use it in its unfolding to show His glory in the coming martyrs.

In either case, God be praised.

RELATED ARTICLE: What a School Letting Students Opt Out of Pledge of Allegiance Says About Our Patriotism


Huma Abedin’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood are no joke

The Clinton campaign is attempting once again to sweep important questions under the rug about top aide Huma Abedin, her family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and to Saudi Arabia, and her role in the ballooning Clinton email scandal.

The New York Post ran a detailed investigative piece over the weekend about Ms. Abedin’s work at the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs from 1995 through 2008, a Sharia law journal whose editor in chief was Abedin’s own mother.
This is not some accidental association. Ms. Abedin was, for many years, listed as an associate editor of the London-based publication and wrote for the journal while working as an intern in the Clinton White House in the mid-1990s.

Her mother, Saleha Abedin, sits on the Presidency Staff Council of the International Islamic Council for Da’wa and Relief, a group that is chaired by the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi.

Perhaps recognizing how offensive such ties will be to voters concerned over future terrorist attacks on this country by radical Muslims professing allegiance to Sharia law, the Clinton campaign on Monday tried to downplay Ms. Abedin’s involvement in the Journal and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Clinton surrogate group Media Matters claimed predictably there was “no evidence” that Ms. Abedin or her family had ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, and that Trump campaign staffers who spoke of these ties were conspiracy theorists.

To debunk the evidence, Media Matters pointed to a “fact-check” piece that cited as its sole source… Senator John McCain. This is the same John McCain who met Libyan militia leader Abdelkarim Belhaj, a known al Qaeda associate, and saluted him as “my hero” during a 2011 visit to Benghazi.

Senator McCain and others roundly criticized Rep. Michele Bachmann in 2012 when she and four members of the House Permanent Select Committee Intelligence and the House Judiciary Committee cited Ms. Abedin in letters sent to the Inspectors General of the Department of Defense, Department of State, Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, warning about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the United States government.

In response to those critiques, Rep. Bachmann laid out the evidence in a 16-page memo, which has never been refuted by Senator McCain or the elite media.

The evidence, in my opinion, is overwhelming: Huma Abedin is nothing short of a Muslim Brotherhood princess, born into an illustrious family of Brotherhood leaders.

Her father, Syed Zaynul Abedin, was a professor in Saudi Arabia who founded the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs, an institution established by the Government of Saudi Arabia with the support of the Muslim World League.

The Muslim World League was “perhaps the most significant Muslim Brotherhood organization in the world,” according to former federal prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy. Its then-General Secretary, Umar Nasif, founded the Rabita Trust, “which is formally designated as a foreign terrorist organization under American law due to its support of al Qaeda,” he wrote.

That is not guilt by association but what federal prosecutors would call a “nexus” of like-minded people who shared the same goals.

A Saudi government document inspired by Ms. Abedin’s father explains the concept of “Muslim Minority Affairs,” the title of the Journal Mr. Abedin founded, and its goal to “establish a global Sharia in our modern times.”

Simply put, Huma Abedin worked for thirteen years as part of an enterprise whose explicit goal was to conquer the West in the name of Islam. No wonder the Clinton campaign wants to sweep this issue under the rug.

Mrs. Clinton has sometimes referred to Huma Abedin as her “second daughter.” Whether it was because of their close relationship or for some other reason, Mrs. Clinton has done much to further the Muslim Brotherhood agenda while Secretary of State, and can be counted on doing more as president.

As Secretary of State, she relentlessly pushed the overthrow of Libyan leader Mohammar Qaddafi, a dire enemy of the Brotherhood, even when President Obama and his Secretary of Defense were reluctant to go to war.

Along with Obama, she pushed for the overthrow of Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak and his replacement by Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohammad Morsi.

She pushed for direct U.S. involvement in the Syrian civil war, including the arming of Syrian rebels allied with al Qaeda.

As I reveal in my new book, she worked side by side with the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the umbrella group where 57 majority Muslim states pushed their agenda of imposing Sharia law on the non-Muslim world, to use hate crime laws in the United States to criminalize speech critical of Islam, in accordance with United Nations Resolution 16/18.

Their first victim in the United States was a Coptic Christian named Nakoula Bassiley Nakoula, the maker of the YouTube video Hillary and Obama blamed for Benghazi.

New Abedin emails released to Judicial Watch this week show that Huma Abedin served as liaison between Clinton Foundation donors, including foreign governments, and the State Department.

When foreign donors had difficult in getting appointments with Mrs. Clinton through normal State Department channels, Clinton Foundation executive Douglas Band would email Huma Abedin, and poof! the doors would open as if by magic.

Donald Trump has criticized this as “pay for play.” But it also raises questions as to whether Huma Abedin and Mrs. Clinton were in fact serving as unregistered agents for foreign powers who sought to impose their anti-freedom agenda on the United States.

The United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Egypt outlawed the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization in 2014. But by then, the damage had been done.

Do Americans want eight years of a President Clinton, who will do even more to empower the Muslim Brotherhood and impose its agenda on America?

DeceptionEDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in The Hill. The featured image is of Huma Abedin is by Greg Nash.

Mr. Timmerman is a Donald Trump supporter. He was the 2012 Republican Congressional nominee for MD-8 and is the author of Deception: The Making of the YouTube Video Hillary & Obama Blamed for Benghazi, published by Post Hill Press.

American Unions Have Turned into Roach Motels by Diana Furchtgott-Roth

This is National Employee Freedom Week, organized by the Nevada Policy Research Institute and the Association of American Educators, to support workers’ choice to leave their unions.

The National Labor Relations Board has made it easier for workers to join unions. But if you want to leave, that’s a different story.

By the Rules

It’s easy get into a union. The NLRB has reduced the time between a petition for union representation and a vote by workers from about 40 days to as few as 10 days. New union “quickie election” rules took effect in April 2015.

Although it takes as few as 10 days to vote to join a union, it can take years to vote one out.Similarly, the NLRB has approved the use of “micro-unions,” small groups of workers who want to belong to a union, even if the entire workforce does not choose to do so. In 2014 the Board allowed unions to organize any small group of employees as long as they had “a community of interest.”

For instance, on August 9 a three-judge panel at the U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals sided with the NLRB in approving a unit of Fed-Ex drivers in South Brunswick, NJ, as a bargaining unit, leaving out dockworkers and package loaders.

Now let’s look at how hard it is to get out of a union.

No Escape

If the NLRB truly had workers’ interests at heart, it would make it equally easy for workers to leave unions. But although it takes as few as 10 days to vote to join a union, it can take years to vote one out.

Take the case of NTN-Bower in Hamilton, AL, one of the largest manufacturers of precision roller bearings in the United States. Employees first asked for a decertification election in 2013. But it took five elections over the course of two years for the 140 workers to remove the United Auto Workers.

It’s no easier for state employees to get rid of a union. State employees don’t even need to be part of a union, because wages are set by the state.

A group of personal care assistants (PCAs) in Minnesota is trying to leave the Service Employees International Union-Healthcare Minnesota. PCAs, who get Medicaid funds to look after disabled and sick people, are paid by the State of Minnesota.

In 2014, 3,500 workers chose to be represented by the SEIU. Minnesota is taking 3% (up to a maximum of $948 a year) out of the paychecks of those who voted for the union and sending the funds to the SEIU.

Although only 3,500 people voted to join the SEIU, it bargains on behalf of all 27,000 state PCAs. In order to even have a vote to leave, they need to get signatures of 30% of the group, or 8,100 people.

Kim Crockett, director of the Employee Freedom Project at the Center of the American Experiment, a Minnesota-based policy organization, told me in a phone conversation, “Even though the 2014 Harris v. Quinn Supreme Court decision protects PCAs from mandatory dues, the SEIU now represents them against their will. So even if you are not a dues-paying union member, you are in the bargaining unit.”

If people are dissatisfied with their union, there’s nowhere they can go to opt out.

The SEIU-Minnesota Healthcare had revenues of over $10 million in 2015, according to the form filed by the union to the Labor Department. It spends only 28% of these funds on bargaining.

In 2015 the union spent $189,706 on political activities and lobbying. It paid $140,004 to James Bialke, Chief of Staff; $117,532 to President Jamie Gulley; and $96,475 to Vice President Jigme Ugen. Expenditures include $5,754 for a dinner at the Hillcrest Golf Club and $39,941 at Image Pointe, an apparel store.

Consumers are protected from fraud by numerous organizations, including the Consumer Product Safety Commission and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.  But if people are dissatisfied with their union, there’s nowhere they can go to opt out.

In National Employee Freedom Week, it should be as easy for workers to get out of unions as it is to get in.

This first appeared at Economics21.

Diana Furchtgott-Roth

Diana Furchtgott-Roth

Diana Furchtgott-Roth, former chief economist of the U.S. Department of Labor, is director of Economics21 and senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute.

Floridian Douglas J. Band: The Man Behind the Clinton Foundation

Sarasota, Florida has become the epicenter of the Clinton Foundation scandal. Why? Because the man who created the Clinton Global Initiative hails from this normally low key Sunshine State city. His name is Douglas J. “Doug” Band.

trump band

President Bill Clinton and Douglas J. Band (right).

There would be no “Clinton Foundation” or “Clinton Global Global Initiative”, if it weren’t for Doug Band.

According to Wikipedia:

Band is the youngest of four children of David and Myrna Band. A native of Sarasota, Florida, Band earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Florida with a major in English and a minor in Ethics.

[ … ]

Band is an American businessman and lawyer. He was the former personal assistant and counselor to President Bill Clinton and he assisted in creating the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI).

Jon Susce, publisher of the Sarasota Phoenix, in an email stated, “A  friend told me recently he played golf with Band here in Sarasota and during the course of the match Bill Clinton called Band 4 [four] times. My friend also suggested to Band that he write a tell all book and he could retire a multi millionaire—-Band said he would not live to enjoy [the] profits and anyways Band was already a multimillionaire through [his] Clinton connections.”


Douglas J. “Doug” Band

The Washington Post notes in their article “A porous ethical wall between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department“:

IN ANOTHER election year with an opponent who is not so obviously unqualified, last week’s revelations about connections between Hillary Clinton’s State Department and the Clinton Foundation would have been bigger news. Though it is an exaggeration to claim that Ms. Clinton ran her agency as a pay-to-play operation, the latest unearthed emails from the Clinton State Department nevertheless reveal that the ethical wall she was supposed to have built between herself and her family’s organization was not impermeable enough.

Two email conversations revealed by the conservative activist organization Judicial Watch show that staff on both sides of that wall were in contact. Both conversations involved Douglas J. Band, head of the Clinton Global Initiative in 2009, when the emails were written, and top Clinton aides. In the most concerning, Mr. Band pressed Clinton confidantes Huma Abedin and Cheryl D. Mills to connect Gilbert Chagoury, a major Clinton Foundation donor, with a senior State Department official. Mr. Chagoury says that no meeting took place and that he just wanted to pass information about the political situation in his native Lebanon to the relevant diplomatic official.

Still, Ms. Abedin responded encouragingly to Mr. Band’s request.

[Emphasis added]

band with clinton

David Band, center, stands next to former President Clinton in 2009. The other adults in this picture are Myrna Band, Amy and Steve Band, Greg and Alexandra Bank, Doug Band and Roger Band. The Bands hosted Clinton for a fundraiser. CORRESPONDENT PHOTO / CORRESPONDENT PHOTO / MARY M

The Band family is no stranger to fraud and scandal. 

Kevin L. McQuaid in a January 2011 Sarasota Herald Tribune article titled “An elite Sarasota society is fractured” wrote:

David S. Band’s life for decades has been the stuff of envy, but these days, there is a lot not to be jealous over.

The attorney-turned-real estate investor faces more than a half-dozen lawsuits alleging fraud and other misdeeds. Several real estate deals have gone bad, costing him millions of dollars in unexpected expenses, lost income and future appreciation.

The business setbacks have also soured a string of decades-long friendships and fractured Sarasota’s wealthy elite, a once tight bunch that has fueled the region’s artistic and cultural institutions.

Read more.

The Band’s invested in and owned a share in Sarasota News Now (SNN) Channel 6 until it went bankrupt.

Sarasota Magazine reported in October 2009:

[Bill] Clinton mentioned that he had been to Florida “a zillion times’ during his campaigns, and had always wanted to come to Sarasota, the hometown of his longtime assistant, Doug Band, son of well-known Sarasotans David and Myrna. (Doug’s brother, Roger, is a doctor who also frequently accompanies Clinton on overseas trips to keep him healthy.)

Doug Band is the man behind the Clinton Foundation. He is the brains and legal strength that created it. It appears he may have forgotten what he learned in his ethics classes at the University of Florida?


Newly released Clinton emails shed light on relationship between State Dept. and Clinton Foundation

Scandal at Clinton Inc.: How Doug Band drove a wedge through a political dynasty

Billionaire sex offender Epstein once claimed he co-founded Clinton Foundation

A porous ethical wall between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department

Our World: Soros’s campaign of global chaos

Iran takes Obama’s ransom and then takes more hostages

Surrounded by his yes-men at the Pentagon on August 4, President Obama, with trademark smugness, hammered the media and his political opponents for claiming that his $400 million cash payment to Iran in January was tied to the simultaneous release of four American hostages.

“We do not pay ransom for hostages,” the President declaimed.

Just two weeks later, State Department spokesman John Kirby acknowledged in response to a reporter’s question that Iran’s release of the hostages was “contingent” upon the $400 million cash payment.

Much of the elite media continues to see Emperor Obama clothed in all his finery. But increasingly, the American people now see him for what he is: a bald-face liar.

This president is a master at projecting his own failings on his opponents. Dripping with contempt, he accurately explained why ransom payments were bad, and why his administration — and no administration past or future — would engage in such behavior. Except that he did.

The problem, of course, is that paying ransom to hostage-takers only encourages them to take more hostages. It was true when Jimmy Carter released billions of dollars of Iranian assets as he was heading out the door of the White House in January 1981, and it is true today.

The money-for-exchange in January wasn’t the first time that President Obama has caved in to the demands of terrorists. One week before the ransom payment, Iran captured a U.S. naval patrol boat and 10 American sailors, claiming they had strayed into Iran’s territorial waters, and brazenly paraded them blindfolded on Iranian TV — just as Khomeini’s “students” did with U.S. diplomats in 1979.

By design or good fortune, the incident occurred early in the morning of Obama’s last State of the Union speech. Obama pretended it hadn’t happened and dispatched Secretary of State John Kerry to apologize to the Iranians.

The message sent to Iran’s Islamic thugs was simple: you hit us and the United States will reward you, not punish you.

Iran is responding predictably — by taking more hostages.

Gholamreza “Robin” Shahini, 46, traveled to Iran this May to visit his family in the northern city of Gorgan just days after graduating from San Diego State University.

He had come to the United States 16 years earlier, became an American citizen, and worked his way up. He eventually bought a pizza shop that he sold to go back to school.

In mid-July, goons from the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps burst into his mother’s home, presented a search warrant, and took him into custody. He was only allowed to meet with a lawyer when he had a medical emergency last week.

On Monday, he was brought into court and charged with “acting against national security,” “participating in seditionist protests in 2009” and “collaborating with the Voice of America,” family members tell me. A hard-line publication called him an American spy and absurdly claimed he had been sent to Iran “on a mission from the U.S. government … to create chaos in the country.”

Those are serious charges that could lead to a lengthy jail sentence, and perhaps – given the Islamic regime’s current execution rampage — much worse.

In his August 4 comments, President Obama claimed that his administration “stood up an entire section of interagency experts who devote all of their time to working with these families to get these Americans out, but those families know that we have a policy that we don’t pay ransom.”

Another lie.

No one from the administration has met or even spoken with any member of Robin Shahini’s family. Worse, State Department spokesman John Kirby and Secretary of State John Kerry have refused to answer questions from reporters about the case.

I attempted to reach various offices at the State Department last week when I initially wrote about Shahini’s plight but received no reply. Today, after contacting Kirby, an official said that the State Department has “seen reports of the detention in Iran of a person reported to be a U.S. Citizen,” and was “looking into it.”

One additional lie that has gotten little attention: Kirby today repeated Obama’s claim that the $400 million “was Iran’s money,” and was the resolution of a dispute over Iranian payments to the United States for military equipment before the 1979 Revolution.

The problem is, the $400 million in the Iran’s frozen Foreign Military Sales account at the Pentagon was paid out to victims of Iranian state terrorism in December 2000 by then President Bill Clinton. At least, that’s what the Clinton administration told the families.

“We all believed that Iran would pay our damages, not U.S. taxpayers,” said Stephen Flatow, a New Jersey real estate lawyer whose 19-year-old daughter was murdered by Iranian-backed terrorists in a 1995 bus bombing. “And now, 15 years later, we find out that they never deducted the money from the account. It makes me nauseous. The Iranians aren’t paying a cent.”

This obscene $400 million cash payoff to Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps has provided much-needed cash for Iran’s terrorist operations overseas and is an insult to the American victims of Iranian state terrorism and their families.

Worse: it has put a price tag on any American citizen who travels to Iran, starting with the roughly 30,000 Iranian-Americans who visit family in Iran every year.

Once you start rewarding terrorists, their demands just never seem to end.

Kenneth Timmerman is author of Deception: The Making of the YouTube Video Hillary and Obama Blamed for Benghazi, and was nominated for the Nobel Peace prize in 2006. He is a Donald Trump supporter.


Obama’s Cash Deal Encourages Iran to Take More Hostages

Tim Kaine Boycotted Netanyahu Speech, Backed Iran Deal

Clinton’s VP pick Kaine: Promoting jihadis in America in exchange for cash

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in The Hill.

Muslim Migrant who died fighting for the Islamic State got Federal Welfare and Food Stamps

That is the headline, but what has the Leftwing media done in Maine?  They are attacking the governor because he released the information thus not respecting the Islamic terrorist’s privacy in death!  Ahhhh!

Robyn Merrill

Robyn Merrill (left) speaking at the State House in support of continued state welfare for the many refugees and asylum seekers arriving in Maine.

By the way Governor LePage is one of only a few governors who have had the guts to criticize the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program over the years.

Here is the news at Maine Public Radio:

Gov. Paul LePage has pounced on the recent unsealing of court documents showing an Iranian refugee who resettled in Maine and later joined the terror group ISIS.

But the governor’s eagerness to use Adnan Fazeli’s radicalization here to rail against welfare benefits for refugees may have led him to run afoul of a federal law designed to protect the identities of welfare recipients and their families.

State officials have not confirmed that Fazeli, or his family, received welfare benefits when he lived in Maine between 2009 and 2013. According to federal laws governing food stamps and cash assistance, they’re not supposed to.

“It’s concerning if that was indeed reported by Maine officials because federal law is clear that people’s confidentiality should be protected,” says Robyn Merrill, director for Maine Equal Justice Partners, an advocacy group for the poor.

Merrill’s concerns were raised by a report in the Boston Herald in which Maine state officials are quoted as saying that Fazeli, and his family, received cash and food stamp benefits. [Here is one of several stories about the terrorist on welfare in Maine—ed]

Those benefits, known also as SNAP and TANF, are federal programs, funded mostly with federal tax dollars.

According to federal rules, the identities of benefit recipients are confidential — only law enforcement, immigration officials and state administrators are allowed to know who receives the benefits.***

Those same officials, according to the law, “must adequately protect the information against unauthorized disclosure.”

The Herald story also contained an interview with LePage, who told the newspaper that the Fazeli case prompted him to order a review of all benefit programs for refugees.

More here.

***Now how does the claim by Maine Equal Justice Partners square with a law we told you about in the previous postwhere the federal ‘Work Opportunity Tax Credit’ is available to businesses that hire people (refugees!) who are on welfare, including food stamps.  If there is supposed to be secrecy surrounding one’s status as a welfare recipient, how is a company which wants to take advantage of the Work Opportunity Tax Credit know which welfare programs the refugee (the prospective employee) is receiving?
It seems everyone is allowed to know who is on welfare, but you! the taxpayer paying for it all!

For new readers, our Maine archive is here.


Iranian refugee who lived in Freeport fought, died for ISIS

Report: Illegal Migrants From Terror-Linked Countries Surging at Southern Border

“Anti-refugee rhetoric” fueling controversy in southern elections

German asylum seekers refuse to work: ‘We are Merkel’s guests’

Decisions on Muslim migration made by leftist politicians have become a scourge on the German people and other European citizens, who have witnessed the slow metamorphosis of their peaceful communities while they pay with their tax dollars for the recklessness of their leaders such as Angela Merkel. Tens of thousands of crimes and assaults have been committed by Muslim migrants in Germany, but these are less of a concern to the politicians who walk with their security detail and their bank accounts intact.

Even in the midst of the Muslim migrant crisis in Germany, Mayor Bernd Pohlers of the eastern town of Saxony Waldenburg, where the asylum seekers refused to accept work, stated his concern about this latest piece of news playing “into the hands of those opposing the mass migration,” evincing yet again the all too familiar stench of political posturing and a cruel disregard for those who cast their votes in trust.

“German asylum seekers refuse to work insisting ‘We are Merkel’s GUESTS’”, by Siobhan McFadyen and Monika Pallenberg, UK Express, August 18, 2016:

ASYLUM seekers in Germany are refusing to undertake work to counteract boredom – using Chancellor Angela Merkel’s generous hospitality as an excuse.

According to mayor Bernd Pohlers of the eastern town of Saxony Waldenburg, the asylum seekers refused to accept the work that was offered to them after they arrived in the country.

The local council spent £600 arranging for the men to have uniforms but were stunned when they were told they would not complete it because they were “guests of Angela Merkel”.

While asylum seekers are not allowed to work under immigration rules within the EU, they are allowed to do voluntary work.

However officials in the district of Zwickau came up with a plan to help encourage those without employment to get back to work and to help them become more accepted within the local community.

In order to do this they created voluntary jobs which included a nominal payment of £18 for 20 hours work.

But all of the male residents of the local refugee accommodation who initially agreed to get involved in the charitable activities quit after discovering there was a minimum wage £7.30 (€8.50) in Germany.

The men had been picked up and offered transportation from their paid-for housing where they are also given food and then dropped home.

Mayor Pohlers said: “It was subsequently argued by these people that they are guests of Mrs. Merkel and guests do not have to work.

“Furthermore, they were of the opinion that there is a minimum wage (€8.50) in Germany, and that this had to be paid by the City Waldenburg.”

Despite attempts at mediation the asylum seekers refused to return to work.

Mayor Pohlers added: “In a specially convened meeting with an interpreter the authorities explained the rules again.

“Unfortunately, no agreement could be reached on the continuation of the measure.”

Now all seven of the jobs have been scrapped.

The mayor spoke out in a bid to highlight the issue of the asylum crisis in Germany.

He said he is aware his statements could play into the hands of those opposing the mass migration.

However after having raised money from the local community to help aid the asylum seeker’s transition into the community, he felt compelled to speak out…..

RELATED ARTICLE: Italians reject plans for mosque next to the Leaning Tower of Pisa

Trump names ‘firebrand’ Stephen K. Bannon as CEO of his campaign team


Stephen K. Bannon

NEW YORK, New York /PRNewswire/ — Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon will take a temporary leave of absence from Breitbart and will resume work with Breitbart the evening of November 8, 2016

“Steve is a huge piece of manpower and we know he will perform brilliantly in his new role as CEO of the Trump presidential campaign,” said Breitbart CEO and President Larry Solov. “We look forward to continuing to deliver the kind of first-in-class news coverage that has generated well-over one billion pageviews so far this year.”

Breitbart in a in a column titled “Vanity Fair: Stephen K. Bannon ‘Hard Not to Like’” notes:

From Vanity Fair:

Breitbart, indeed, is a brand built on anger. And when I first started following the site, it was impossible for me to see anything beyond that anger. In contrast to the modulated tones of NPR, where I worked for years, the pulsating furor of Breitbart, and of its users, was mesmerizing and terrifying, not unlike a horrible roadside crash.

But it would be a mistake to dismiss Breitbart as a mere collection of bomb-throwers. In some sense, the organization is also the first significant American outlet to articulate and represent, in a large-scale way, a new philosophy of nationalism and populism that has found strong purchase in American society, and in many other parts of the globe. The Breitbart philosophy revolves around the core belief that a wildly corrupt ruling class, of both parties, has abandoned American workers in favor of policies that line its own pockets and the pockets of corporate interests. And its white-hot anger stems from how the leading institutions of American life have engineered all sorts of arrangements hostile to American workers: trade deals that favor the interest of large multinational companies over American workers, open-border policies that serve the needs of agro-businesses at the expense of low-wage Americans, and, more generally, a set of globalist policies that support transnational business interests without regard for the deteriorating status and position of middle America.

Read more.

It appears that by expanding his team Trump will keep up the rhetoric and pressure on Hillary Clinton. The appointment of Steve Bannon indicates there will be no letting up.

What happens when you throw gas on a fire? You get an insurgency to Make America Great Again.

Can’t wait for the first presidential debate.


Trump’s Breitbart hire sends tremors through Capitol Hill

Child Rape Case Inspires Lawmaker to Fight Philadelphia’s Sanctuary City Policy

The Real Tragedy of Milwaukee Riots

Hillary likely has Parkinson’s Disease

I received the below information from an unnamed source in the law enforcement community. Under today’s date, I received additional information stating a major announcement is forthcoming from the Clinton Campaign on Hillary Clinton’s health matters which have now become of major interest to citizens across the country.

Further released information today from a law enforcement source claims Hillary’s physical condition is deteriorating, and there are serious questions now being raised as to whether or not she is able to continue the campaign.

ALEX JONES network aired a special report today advising they were contacted directly by Secret Service providing details on candidate Clinton (I strongly urge you to listen to the ALEX JONES REPORT on this matter). Over 59% of citizens polled claim they want full and complete verified records released on the matter of her health. This poll result is a major, sobering, and disturbing concern to the Clinton Campaign and the Democrat National Party.

The information below is damaging to Clinton, and alarming to a growing number of Americans. The ALEX JONES REPORT provides supporting information to that mentioned below and directly from Secret Service observing her. I was further given preliminary details strongly suggesting that Hillary Clinton is experiencing “subcortical vascular dementia,” caused by damage to the deep layers of white matter in her brain. This condition is triggered by thickening and narrowing (atherosclerosis) of arteries that feed the subcortical area of the brain. At this juncture it is anyone’s guess whether the hardening of the arteries caused her numerous falls over the past four years or concussions as a result of said falls caused the hardening of the subcortical area of her brain; like the question of which came first, the chicken or the egg? What is of high certainty are the numerous and repetitive presentations becoming extremely difficult to cover-up; slurred speech, forgetfulness, thought confusion, small seizures, slipping and/or additional falling.

These physical symptoms are reasons for a lack of press conferences and very controlled public settings. No cameras with flash are now permitted in close proximity to Hillary, as the flash will trigger seizure activity. Her increased sleep schedule during the week and definitely through weekends may be a direct result of various medications administered to manage the reported Parkinson’s disease and the physical challenges associated with Traumatic Brain Injury secondary to severe concussion and atherosclerosis of arteries to the brain.

Some terribly serious concerns are arising, and possibly to the point that her continuation as a viable candidate for the presidency is now in question – or at least in the very back rooms of Clinton and Democrat politics.

Hillary very likely has Parkinson’s disease:

Here is her trained body man seen carrying a diazepam auto-injector after her DNC speech.

Here she is exhibiting involuntary facial movements, tremor, and rigidity, when interrupted by hecklers. Notice how her body man (not a SS agent) gets to her immediately, and tells her to “keep talking” and she immediately snaps out her trance and says “I’m going to keep talking”.

Here she is experiencing diskinesia when startled by a sudden question.

She plays it off as a joke, but her body keeps moving. People are wrongly calling this a “seizure”. This is not a seizure. This is diskinesia. It is a symptom of levodopa treatment for Parkinson’s disease. The diazepam auto-injector her body man carries is a rapid but temporary treatment for the diskinesia if it happens in public. The side-effects of the diazepam treatment are fatigue, muscle weakness, confusion, and difficulty walking.

Were you wondering why hecklers at a rally are a major security concern? It’s because anything startling can trigger her episodes. That’s why her handlers immediately rushed on stage when they saw her freeze up and start making involuntary mouth movements.

Hillary has forbidden press from taking video or photos of her getting on or off her plane. This rule has been in effect for years, even going back to when she was heading the state department. The reason? She often needs to be assisted or even carried up and down the stairs. This has been stated by numerous whistle-blowers, including former SS agents.

If you’re wondering why there aren’t more examples, I will point out that Hillary has held only one press conference (one!) in the last 260 days — unheard of for a presidential candidate. She has made no public appearance that was not under 30 minutes, and entirely scripted, down to the questions asked, since her last debate with Bernie Sanders — during which she took an unscheduled 45 minute “bathroom” break in the middle.

Hillary Clinton is a very sick woman, and is likely dying. She has at least one degenerative disease, and is receiving regular treatments that affect mood, personality, energy level, and the ability to think and reason clearly. She is taking levodopa, valium, and possibly other drugs as well in order to appear normal in public. She is also concealing all of this from the public.

She may in fact be taking so much Valium to offset the levodopa treatment that she is experiencing periodic withdrawals, which would explain her horrible temper and the episodes of rage which have been described by former staffers, SS agents, and assistants.

Anyways, here’s Martin Shkreli, former CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals, speaking to the point.

Some people have commented on her “coughing fits” and that she might have cancer or something else.

Personally, I think this is also involuntary movement. That crater in her mouth isn’t a chancre caused by stage 2 syphilis, as some have suggested. It’s a lozenge. She has coughing fits. Specifically, involuntary upper respiratory spasm, difficulty swallowing, and inefficacy of normal coughing. These symptoms are consistent with Parkinson’s disease.

Hillary Clinton has Parkinson’s Disease, has had it for a while, is undergoing treatment for it that involves the use of mood-altering drugs, and she is concealing all of this from the public.

RELATED ARTICLE:  Hillary Clinton Blamed Concussion for Memory Failure according to FBI Report


Physician: Mainstream Media ‘Strangely Silent’ About Hillary Clinton’s Health

Impaired Efficacy of Cough in Patients With Parkinson Disease

Persistent Cough

Throat Clearing

EMAILGATE: How George Soros controls Hillary, her campaign and the U.S. Dept. of State

Emails have been trickling out from Wikileaks that continue to show unusual influence and connections from globalist George Soros within the Hillary State Department and with current members of the Hillary for president campaign.

As we have previously reported Donald Trump is under attack by 187 organizations directly funded by the George Soros Open Society Foundations. Many of these same organizations are working to elect Hillary as president.

A specific email shows how much Hillary Clinton, the U.S. Department of State and now members of Hillary’s campaign staff have embraced Mr. Soros.

An email was sent by Mr. Soros to then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (see the original email here). Soros sent the email on January 23rd, 2010. On January 24th the email was forwarded by Jonas Rolett, who is the special advisor to George Soros who chairs the Open Society Foundations, which are funding the anti-Trump effort. Rolett sent the message to Richard R. Verma, former U.S. Ambassador to India, stating, “Here’s the text of the message [from George Soros]. I’m available to talk at any time.”

Verma then sent the email to Hillary’s former senior State Department advisor and current campaign manager – Huma Abedin.

Also copied on the email are:

  1. Jacob J. Sullivan, who is an American policymaker and the top foreign policy advisor to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 election campaign,
  2. Philip H. Gordon, who from 2013 to 2015 served in the White House as Special Assistant to the President and White House Coordinator for the Middle East, North Africa, and the Persian Gulf Region,
  3. and William J. Burns the president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and a former U.S. deputy secretary of state under Hillary Clinton.

Below, with my emphasis, is the full text of the message:

Dear Hillary,

A serious situation has arisen in Albania which needs urgent attention at senior levels of the US government. You may know that an opposition demonstration in Tirana on Friday resulted in the deaths of three people and the destruction of property. There are serious concerns about further unrest connected to a counter-demonstration to be organized by the governing party on Wednesday and a follow-up event by the opposition two days later to memorialize the victims. The prospect of tens of thousands of people entering the streets in an already inflamed political environment bodes ill for the return of public order and the country’s fragile democratic process.

I believe two things need to be done urgently:

1. Bring the full weight of the international community to bear on Prime Minister Berisha and opposition leader Edi Rama to forestall further public demonstrations and to tone down public pronouncements.
2. Appoint a senior European official as a mediator.

While I am concerned about the rhetoric being used by both sides, I am particularly worried about the actions of the Prime Minister. There is videotape of National Guard members firing on demonstrators from the roof of the Prime Ministry. The Prosecutor (appointed by the Democratic Party) has issued arrest warrants for the individuals in question. The Prime Minister had previously accused the opposition of intentionally murdering these activists as a provocation. After the tape came out deputies from his party accused the Prosecutor of planning a coup d’etat in collaboration with the opposition, a charge Mr. Berisha repeated today. No arrests have been made as of this writing.

The demonstration resulted from opposition protests over the conduct of parliamentary elections in 2009. The political environment has deteriorated ever since and is now approaching levels of 1997, when similar issues caused the country to slide into anarchy and violence. There are signs that Edi Rama’s control of his own people is slipping, which may lead to further violence.

The US and the EU must work in complete harmony over this, but given Albania’s European aspirations the EU must take the lead. That is why I suggest appointing a mediator such as Carl Bildt. Martti Ahtisaari or Miroslav Lajcak, all of whom have strong connections to the Balkans.

My foundation in Tirana is monitoring the situation closely and can provide independent analysis of the crisis.

Thank you,

George Soros

Connecting the dots is critical if one is to understand how deep and how broad are the connections between George Soros and Hillary Clinton. His influence with Mrs. Clinton and her campaign staff is a clear and present danger to the national security of the United. States.

RELATED ARTICLE: Wikileaks’ Assange – TPP Not Only Trade, 83% Is Fascists Controlling Our Daily Lives – YouTube

Fact Check: Were Obama and Hillary Founders of ISIS? You Bet!

Even the left-stream media is now acknowledging that Donald Trump “has a point” when he blasts Hilary and Obama for creating ISIS.

“Hillary Clinton is vulnerable. ISIS did gain strength during her time as Secretary of State,” said ABC News correspondent Martha Raddatz.

Conservative talk show host Hugh Hewitt tried to give Mr. Trump an out. “I know what you meant,” he suggested. “You meant that he [Obama] created the vacuum, he lost the peace.”

Video: Obama: Increasing Support to Fight ISIS in Syria

“No,” Trump replied. “I meant, he’s the founder of ISIS. I do. He was the most valuable player. I give him the most valuable player award. I give her, too, by the way, Hillary Clinton.”

Trump is correct – and quite literally, so.

First, a document. Then some history.

Thanks to Judicial Watch, we now have an August 2012 defense intelligence report on the civil war in Syria and the situation in Iraq that openly states that the policy of the United States and its allies was to support the Salafist opposition to Syrian president Bashar al-Assad.

That opposition, at the time spearheaded by Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) and the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), soon morphed into the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, ISIS.

The report appears to have originated from U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) in Iraq, well before their intelligence product was tarnished by political interference from top commanders in 2014 aimed at diminishing the threat from ISIS.

Here’s what the report, originally stamped SECRET, actually says:

 AQI, through the spokesman of the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), Abu Muhammad al- Adnani… is calling on the Sunnis in Iraq, especially the tribes in the border regions (between Iraq and Syria), to wage war against the Syrian regime…

Opposition forces are trying to control the eastern areas (Hasaka and Der Zor) adjacent to the Western Iraqi provinces (Mosul and Anbar), in addition to neighboring Turkish borders. Western countries, the Gulf States and Turkey are supporting these efforts… [emphasis mine]

There is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist principality in Eastern Syria (Hasak and Der Zor), and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want…

It is no secret that the United States was supporting the Syrian opposition in 2012 and even until very recently. In December 2012, thanks in large measure to the active lobbying of Mrs. Clinton and U.S. Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford, Obama declared that the United States considered the opposition as “the legitimate representative of the Syrian people.”

What was secret until the release of this August 2012 defense intelligence report is that the United States knew that the Syrian opposition was dominated by al Qaeda in Iraq and the Islamic State of Iraq, groups that merged and morphed into what today we call ISIS.

So Donald Trump is literally correct. Obama and Hillary created ISIS. They figure among the founding fathers of the world’s most brutal terrorist organization. They deserve ISIS Most Valuable Player awards for their efforts.

Some of America’s enemies, such as Ayatollah Khamenei of Iran, have also accused the United States of creating ISIS – but as a tool for encroaching on Iran’s efforts to dominate the Muslim world. In fact, Obama and Hillary’s policies have simultaneously favored Iran and its rise to regional dominance, standing aside as Iran filled the vacuum in Iraq with its own militias and allowing Iranian troops and weapons to flow onto battlefields in Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Libya and beyond.

Other documents obtained by Judicial Watch show that the United States was also complicit with arms shipments from Benghazi to the jihadi rebel groups in Syria.

These particular shipments were distinct from the more publicized case of al Entisar, a Libyan fishing vessel that arrived in Iskanderiyah, Turkey, crammed with weapons in late August 2012.

The shipments described in this recently declassified document were sent directly to small Syrian ports under rebel control and included RPG grenade-launchers, sniper rifles, and ammunition for 125mm and 155mm howitzers.

As I revealed two years ago, the U.S. backed arms shipments to ISIS and its allies in Syria appear to have been run out of the White House by then-counterterrorism advisor (and current CIA director) John Brennan. Running the clandestine arms shipments outside official channels allowed Obama and his allies – including Mrs. Clinton, who supported the arms shipments – to withhold that information from Congress.

Deflecting attention from these arms shipments is precisely why Obama and Hillary hatched their “blame-it-on-a-YouTube-video” narrative as the cause of the Benghazi attacks. It was a deliberate deception to trick the American people and cover-up their misdeeds.

Obama’s disastrous withdrawal of U.S. combat forces from Iraq in December 2011 clearly enhanced the ability of AQI and ISI to seize control of large portions of Iraqi territory and certainly contributed to the birth of ISIS. It also opened the door for Iran to fill the vacuum.

But as the August 2012 defense intelligence report states, that was the plan all along. Obama and Hillary wanted to create an ISIS-controlled enclave in Syria, “in order to isolate the Syrian regime, which is considered the strategic depth of the Shia expansion (Iraq and Iran).”

Donald Trump was right. Again.

Listen to Timmerman on Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM:


Wikileaks Confirms Hillary Sold Weapons To ISIS

Media in frenzy over Trump claim that Obama and Hillary founded ISIS, ignores DIA document showing how they did

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on Kenneth R. Timmerman is the author of Deception: the Making of the YouTube Video Hillary and Obama Blamed for Benghazi, released on July 19 and is now in its 4th printing.

More of the Same Will Not Help You

Want extreme poverty?  Then by all means, vote for Hillary Clinton.  There is an old saying that the proud citizens of Michigan have said to me many times.  “As Detroit goes, so goes the nation.”  That proclamation is an old holdover from the days when Detroit was the undisputed motor capital of the world.  There was a time when Detroit automaker General Motors was the largest and most influential company of any kind on earth.  Detroit’s other manufacturing heavyweights included Ford, Chrysler, Dodge and the largest network of auto supplier companies in the world.

Until the end of the year 1966, Detroit was the wealthiest city in America and perhaps the world on a per capita basis.  After a lengthy history of successful republican mayors, in the year of 1962 Detroit voters took a political left turn and elected progressive democrat Jerome Cavanagh.  After only five years of a preponderance of socialist leaning policies and the negatives outcomes that accompany them, Detroit experienced the largest urban riot in American history in 1967

Quite often, rather than seeking real solutions to the problems plaguing the onetime industrial behemoth, Detroit city government totally turned away from the blessed capitalist principles that had made that city an American cornerstone of industry.

So after five decades and counting, it would seem that the voters in Detroit and other urban centers would grow tired of such weariness and seek a more economically viable situation.  But just like their socialist leaning counterparts in places like Venezuela, they seem unable to comprehend that maybe trying something different might render a more positive living outcome.  Unfortunately, far too many urban oriented Americans have allowed many generations of their children to be brainwashed to the point that they are seemingly unable to appreciate, or even desire a better way.

In fact, people in places like Detroit are more in favor of centralized heavy handed government over America.  Therein lies their overwhelming support for Mrs. Clinton for president.  Also, American government schools have done a masterful job of brain damaging so many students that on one hand they decry past slavery, yet on the other they complain of the lack of opportunity.

But when principles and viable solutions to lack, that have worked are presented, the brainwashed urbanites show vigorous disdain and often hurl accusations of racism.  Meanwhile, their standard of living continues to decline and the misery of poverty continues to be their way of life.

Before the first election of president Barack Obama I had warned listeners to my syndicated radio commentary (The Edwards Notebook) that Obama wants to do to America what has been done to Detroit.  Unfortunately, I was correct about Mr. Obama’s intentions toward America.  At every single opportunity, the president either blocked needed projects like the Keystone pipeline. He also continued to enact a record number of executive orders, making it more difficult to open or operate a viable business in the United States.

If Obama and Mrs. Clinton have their way, the United States will go the way of Venezuela.  Ultimately, as the American government centralizes more power in Washington D.C. it becomes a bigger drain on our overall economy and more indifferent to our unalienable rights.

Speaking of unalienable rights, urban dwellers who stupidly support president Obama no matter what are being trashed by Obama’s open border policy.  He allows a nonstop flow of both illegal immigrants and American hating Muslim refugees into the country and directly compete with black Americans for the shrinking level of opportunities available due to Obama’s dreadful economic policies.  But still, America’s black urbanites are in favor of the president and are prepared to support and vote for Margaret Sanger award winner, Mrs. Clinton in her quest for the presidency.

Unfortunately, every year more and more indoctrinated college graduates join the ranks of socialist loving black Americans who clamor for the most progressive candidates and equate that with being black. It seems that the more political candidates promote ideas that gravitate toward economic misery, the more black Americans are ready to vote for them and then will turn around and blame republicans for their worsening problems.  One of the biggest indicators of the success of government school brainwashing efforts, is how black Americans support the flooding of our republic with illegal immigrants and hateful Muslims.  They even approve of illegal immigrants and hateful Muslims being allowed to vote.

No wonder Russian dictator Nikita Khrushchev decades ago go said “we shall bury you.”  He was pointing out what would happen if or when, progressives control the education of America’s children they would be brainwashed into supporting America’s decline and demise.

As you consider the crossroads our nation now faces, please remember that if you want to live life more abundantly, there must be a noticeable reduction in the size, scope and influence of the centralized federal government.  If not, we could soon witness America ending up like Detroit or even worse, like Venezuela.  Choose, but choose wisely, for the life you affect will be your own.

EDITORS NOTE: Readers may join Ron Edwards Fridays on AM 1180 KCKQ on at 5:00 PM EST and 2:00 PM PST.

Mr. Trump Make America Great Again by ending Obama’s ‘policy of cheating small businesses’

american small business league logoDear Mr. Trump,

I would like to offer some suggestions based on U.S Census Bureau data that will help you “Make America great again” and “Jump start America.”

The Census Bureau data indicates there are over 28 million small businesses in America and that they are responsible for over 90% of the net new jobs. The Small Business Administration released a report that found businesses with fewer than 20 employees account for 90% of all U.S. firms and are responsible for more than 97% of all new jobs.

American small businesses are responsible for over 50% of the private sector work force, over 50% of the GDP and over 90% of all U.S. exporters are small businesses.

I have made a five-minute video of Obama, Bush, Secretary Clinton and your pal, Ted Cruz, talking about the importance of small businesses to job creation.

Clearly, if you want to create more jobs you can’t do it without helping small businesses. The single largest federal economic stimulus program ever passed by Congress, specifically for small businesses, is the Small Business Act. Today that federal law mandates that a minimum of 23% of the total value of all federal prime contracts be awarded to small businesses. Within that goal is a separate 5% goal for woman-owned small businesses, a 5% goal for minority-owned small businesses and a 3% goal for service disabled veteran owned small businesses.

Here’s the problem, a long series of federal investigations have found most of the money that is supposed to go to small businesses is actually going to Fortune 500 firms and their subsidiaries.

NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, Fox News, RTTV and Mother Jones have all reported on the abuses.

So here is my suggestion, why don’t you promise America’s 28 million small businesses and the 50% of the private sector work force they employ, if you are elected President, you will guarantee they will receive the 23% of all federal contracts the law requires.

If you end the Obama Administration policy of cheating small businesses and small businesses owned by women, minorities and service disabled veterans, I’m sure they will be very very appreciative.

Lloyd Chapman
American Small Business League

Florida: Islamic State mass murderer’s father given VIP seat at Hillary rally

Considering the facts that Seddique Mateen has proclaimed that Allah would punish gays, as well as expressing support for the Taliban, his choice of a candidate is interesting. “Hillary Clinton is good for United States versus Donald Trump, who has no solutions,” he says, when in reality Trump has one famous solution for jihad terrorism: a temporary moratorium on immigration from state with high rates of jihad terror activity. A supporter of the Taliban, of course, would dislike a solution of that kind. It would interfere with his cherished goals.

Meanwhile, why didn’t the WPTV reporter ask him where his daughter-in-law is?

Seddique Mateen hillary rally

Seddique Mateen (red circle) sitting in VIP section at Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee, Florida.

“Orlando shooter’s father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee,” by Tory Dunnan, WPTV, August 9, 2016 (thanks to all who sent this in):

KISSIMMEE, Fla. – Hillary Clinton spoke to a crowd in Kissimmee, just south of Orlando. She was supposed to be talking jobs, but started the speech off paying tribute to those affected by the Pulse Nightclub shooting.

“I know how many people, families, loved ones, and friends are still grieving, and we will be with you as you rebuild your lives.”

WPTV happened to notice the man, who has a mustache and was wearing a red hat, behind Clinton. It was Seddique Mateen, the father of Orlando mass shooter Omar Mateen.

NewsChannel 5 asked Mateen what he was thinking about when Clinton spoke about the Orlando incident.

Seddique Mateen banner“We’ve been cooperating with the federal government, and that’s about it,” he said. “Thank you.” Mateen didn’t want to answer any other questions, but just hours later, we ran into him by chance at a rest stop on the way back to West Palm Beach. He wanted to do an interview and show us a sign he made for Clinton.

“Hillary Clinton is good for United States versus Donald Trump, who has no solutions,” he said.

Seddique Mateen with charlie rangleWe asked what went into his decision to go to the event right near Orlando, where the Pulse Nightclub shooting happened.

“I spoke a lot about that and wish that my son joined the Army and fought ISIS. That would be much better,” he said.

When questioned whether Clinton’s campaign knew he was going to the event and sitting directly behind the presidential candidate, Mateen said, ” It’s a Democratic party, so everyone can join.”

Finally we asked if he thought some people would be surprised to see him there, especially given the proximity to Orlando.

“Why should they be surprised? I love the United States, and I’ve been living here a long time,” Mateen said….


Murdered DNC staffer was Wikileaks’ source, Assange admits in interview | Christian Times Newspaper

Forced underage marriages on the rise in Switzerland