VIDEO: Hillary Clinton: America’s Most Dangerous ‘Enemy Within’

From Florida, I flew out to Reno to entertain at the 2016 Nevada Women’s Expo. In between my shows, I made pit-stops in my hotel room. Folks, I could hardly believe what I was seeing. Every news TV channel I turned to was beating the crap out of Trump trying to brand him an abuser of women. Leaked Hillary emails have revealed that the mainstream media gets its marching orders from the Clinton campaign

Thus, the media fix is in; portray Trump in a red hoodie with a pitchfork; portray wicked-crooked Hillary as angelic, wearing a pure white flowing gown. Never have I seen such a shock-and-awe orchestrated media campaign to demonize a candidate.

On the issue of “abuse of women”, if we had a fair and balanced mainstream media rather than operatives of the Clinton campaign, Hillary’s advisers would have begged her, “Pleeeeease Ma’am, don’t go there!!!” Hillary and Bill’s records of abusing women is horrific (assault, rape, Hillary humiliating a 12 year old girl to get her rapist off and more). And yet, the Clintons arrogantly know they can get away with attempting to brand Trump an abuser of women while they belong in the Infamous Abusers of Women Hall of Shame.

Folks, it is beyond repulsive and stomach turning watching our Leftist enemies deceptively promoting this evil woman as an angel of light.

During the extremely rough flight into Reno for the Women’s Expo (my wife Mary’s nails pressed firmly into my thigh), I watched a DVD of Trevor Loudon’s extremely scary, compelling and yet hopeful new movie, “Enemies Within.”

Trevor’s movie brings home the reality that Communism and Sharia Law could become the law of the land in America. I realize that sounds “far-out”, as we said in the 70s. However, Trevor gives documented evidence to prove his point.

Enemies Within” zooms in on the best-kept secret of modern politics. Almost no one is aware of the fact that fewer than 20,000 U.S. Communists, socialists and extreme “progressives” are able to influence the politicians and even write the laws that control the lives of over 300 million Americans.”

“Enemies Within” features shocking testimony from an awarded Homeland Security agent who was humiliated and punished by our government for doing his job, collecting data on Islamic terrorists operating in the United States. The agent’s data was removed from the system. The agent was investigated, deemed more of a threat to national security than the terrorists.

Trevor’s movie names numerous U.S. Congressmen who are colluding with foreign and domestic enemies.

As said in the Twilight Zone movie, “Wanna see something really scary?” Hillary Clinton could not pass an FBI security check because of her overt ties to organizations with known associations with terrorism. That should scare your socks off folks.

Trevor exposes a long list of high ranking democrats who are in bed with Communist Party USA working to elect as many far left democrats as possible. The movie documents Obama’s communist roots. I remember pundits in both parties having a cow over Victoria Jackson’s song, “There’s A Communist Living in the White House.” 

Watching the movie, I was moved by comments from U.S. Navy Admiral, retired, James “Ace” Lyons. “Never in my lifetime did I believe I would witness this great country of ours being withdrawn from our world leadership role; and taken down by our own administration.”

Obama with Hillary’s blessing has decimated our military; the smallest army prior to WWII; smallest navy prior to WWI. The Chinese are building 60 ships a year. We are building 9-10 ships per year. We have 1700 nuclear weapons in the overall nuclear balance verses the Russians’ 4500. Our tactical nuclear weapons are obsolete. Russia’s tactical nuclear weapons are new.

“Enemies Within” caught Hillary on video vowing to go further than Obama’s implementation of illegal immigration. To gain a permanent progressive majority democrats need more voters. They need illegals. Our enemies within lie is there are 11 million illegals. The truth is there are 20 to 50 million. If the dems can legalize 10, 20, 30 million illegals and give them voting rights, the majority will vote democrat. It would mean game-over for our two party system, the end of America as founded.

Bottom line, we cannot allow our enemies within to succeed in putting Hillary Clinton in the White House. The Democrat party platform touts communism hidden under a shroud of more palatable names. Can America become, in essence, a communist nation under Sharia Law? Yes. Yes. Yes, we can!

The good news is Trevor’s movie, “Enemies Within” offers solutions. Folks, find out how you can stop our enemies evil takeover. Please visit

RELATED ARTICLE: Clinton Campaign Chairman Had Multiple Dinners With Top DOJ Official During Clinton Email Investigation

Hillary Clinton Tops 2015-16 Islamist Money List

Philadelphia – October 20, 2016 – The Middle East Forum’s “Islamist Money in Politics” (IMIP) project is releasing the top-ten recipients of 2015-16 campaign contributions from individuals who subscribe to the same Islamic supremacism as Khomeini, Bin Laden, and ISIS.

Hillary Clinton tops the list, raking in $41,165 from prominent Islamists. This includes $19,249 from senior officials of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), declared a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates on November 15, 2014.

For example, Mrs. Clinton has accepted $3,900 from former CAIR vice-chairman Ahmad Al-Akhras, who has defended numerous Islamists in Ohio indicted – and later convicted – on terrorism charges.

Among other current presidential candidates, Jill Stein has accepted $250. Donald Trump and Gary Johnson have not received any Islamist money.

Other top recent recipients of money from the enemy include Rep. Keith Ellison($17,370) and  Rep. Andre Carson ($13,225). The top-ten list includes nine Democrats, one independent (Sen. Bernie Sanders accepted $9,285), and no Republicans.

None of the above recipients has responded to IMIP’s efforts to inform and warn them about the Islamist ties of these donors.

For full details of all Islamist contributions in a sortable database, click here.

Islamist Money in Politics holds politicians accountable for accepting funds from sources linked to the enemy. It shines a light on Islamist influence in U.S. politics by making public the campaign contributions of 1,356 leading figures in America’s most important Islamist groups. To date, IMIP has documented 2,974 Islamist contributions worth $1.43 million.

Launched in 2014, the non-partisan project continually updates contribution data to educate politicians themselves and the public.

middle-east-forum-logoABOUT THE MIDDLE EAST FORUM

The Middle East Forum promotes American interests through intellectual, activist, and philanthropic efforts.



ISIS Leader ‘Vote Hillary’ — Those who vote for Donald Trump are ‘infidels’ and ‘goat f—-ers’

World News Daily Report published the following:


Amadh Abu Makmud Al-alwani

Top ISIS leader now believed to be the number two behind the terrorist organization, Amadh Abu Makmud Al-alwani, put up a video this week following the second presidential debate asking American Muslim voters to support Hillary Clinton.

The controversial video that was taken down by YouTube only hours after it was uploaded showed top ISIS leader Amadh Abu Makmud Al-alwani threatening those who would decide to vote for Donald Trump and calling them “infidels” and “goat f—-ers”.

“ All Muslims who will show support for the dog-faced Trump are guilty of masiya (mortal sin) ”

– ISIS No.2 leader, Amadh Abu Makmud Al-alwani

He also claimed that even if Hillary was a woman and a “two face devil”, had the “charm of a pig” and was “treacherous as the snake”, that the Democratic presidential hopeful was at least in league with the “allied countries of the Islamic state” such as Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Supporting the “dog-faced” Trump

Al-alwani also warned all Muslims not to take his warnings lightly and that supporters of Trump would be severely punished on earth and in Jannah (afterlife).

“Trump is a dog, he is the scum of the earth. He boasts that he will take our oil and join Russia, Syria and the Shia Iranians against us in our holy fight” he added, visibly angry.

Read more.

NPR sends ‘self-described caffeine addicted 90s hip-hop head’ to report on Montana Muslim Migration


Shereen Marisol Meraji, NPR resident expert on Islam and self-described “caffeine addicted 90s hip-hop head.”

Sheesh! Just like the 60 Minutes ‘story’ I couldn’t bring myself to watch, I can’t listen to this B.S. from race- baiting NPR reporter SHEREEN MARISOL MERAJI. See her bio.

I traveled to Montana and met the truly wonderful people (the same ones she is disparaging) in the Flathead this past summer who have legitimate concerns about how the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program could bring unwanted change (dumped on them from Washington) to their beautiful rural community in far Northwest Montana.

(Do our tax dollars help fund biased NPR? If so, let’s make it our aim in January (when Trump is elected) to cut any funds they still get from us, the taxpayers, for next year.And stop listening to NPR!)

Ms. Meraji reports that everything she heard in Montana that was critical of Islam is “fiction.”  So what makes her an Islamic scholar?  Here is how she describes herself at her twitter page:

Exploring race and identity with @nprcodeswitch and reporting on everything in between. Persia-Rican Zumba dancing caffeine addicted 90s hip-hop head.

Alrighty then…sounds like an expert.

By the way, her disparagement of Act for America should make anyone who is not already a member, run over to their website and join right now!

Here is Act for America! Join now!

Obama administration fears Trump win, approves 100 Muslim refugees for NW Arkansas

The Obama Administration is moving fast to get as many new refugee sites open as possible before January in case Donald Trump is elected.

Arkansas, like West Virginia and Montana, has received very few refugees over the years, but all that will change with the Dept. of State’s (DOS) approval of a new resettlement agency that will ‘welcome’ 100 refugees beginning next month.

All of the new sites*** are needed because Obama has ‘determined’ that the US will admit a huge increase (to 110,000) in the number of refugees admitted to your towns and cities in FY2017.

The Obama DOS is on a crash program now to get as many placed in your towns as they can by Inauguration Day in January (in case Trump is elected) and place as many in the pipeline as they can making it more difficult for a new administration to put the breaks on.

There is only one entity that could slow the flow and they can do it next month and that is Congress (if there is a will)!  Congress (not Obama!) has the ultimate power to DEFUND the large increase in the number of refugees coming in. These contractors, like this new one in Northwest Arkansas have virtually zero money of their own!

The story, here, and below demonstrates how impotent Arkansas’s governor is to do anything to stop the migration to the state.

From KATV Little Rock:

NORTHWEST ARKANSAS (TALK BUSINESS & POLITICS) — The questions surrounding refugees from the Middle East and other parts of the world will soon come to Arkansas as Canopy Northwest Arkansas works to bring 100 or more refugees from around the world to the region.


Emily Linn


In response to news publicity about the global refugee crisis, concerned residents in Northwest Arkansas (NWA) began meeting in January and formed Canopy Northwest Arkansas, a 501(c)3 non-profit with the mission of settling refugees in NWA.

“We consulted with refugee agencies operating nationally and we learned that there’s a need for new communities to open up to refugees. So we started looking into what it might look like for refugees to come to NWA and what we found is that our community has an incredible capacity to welcome refugees and help them really thrive here,” said Emily Linn, director of Canopy Northwest Arkansas.

Linn cited the growing economy in NWA as a reason refugees would do well.

Here comes the poultry industry! Surely, the Chamber of Commerce is not far behind. (I always wonder if they tell the incoming refugees that they are going to a meat or poultry plant town).

“We have great jobs for folks who don’t even speak English, for example, in the manufacturing or poultry processing industry or agriculture. We also have great jobs and we have a need for people to come and work in very high skilled jobs,” she said. “For instance, we have a brand new hospital opening up in Springdale, Arkansas Children’s and the Washington Regional Hospital is growing and expanding, and there’s a need for very highly educated individuals as well, and so we have this wide variety of employment options.”

I keep seeing this nonsense about skilled labor in the refugee flow. It is bogus. If there are doctors and engineers etc. in the flow they must become re certified in the U.S. which is a long and expensive process. The closest any refugee doctor will get to a hospital is scrubbing the floors at night.

Canopy is a subcontractor of LIRS (see my previous post this morning, here).

Canopy Northwest Arkansas partners with the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS), one of nine national resettlement agencies that contract with the State Department to run the refugee resettlement program. LIRS is the agency that will assign refugees to Canopy after the refugees go through an extensive screening process, sometimes lasting more than two years.

Continue reading here.  I see no evidence, at least in this story, that there is any pocket of resistance in Northwest Arkansas.

***Here are some of the new sites we have learned about in recent weeks being set up to accommodate, among other ethnic groups, a large number of Syrian Sunni Muslims.  We heard that there are 47 of these new target sites:

Asheville, NC
Rutland, VT
Reno, NV
Ithaca, NY
Missoula, MT
Aberdeen, SD
Charleston, WV
Fayetteville, AR
Blacksburg, VA
Pittsfield, MA
Northhampton, MA
Flint, MI
Bloomington, IN
Traverse City, MI
Watertown, NY (maybe)

I just created a new ‘tag’ and I should have done it a long time ago, will try to keep it up going forward—New resettlement sites.  For new readers, here is the old list of sites Apparently the feds are not updating the list because they likely don’t want you to know where all of the new offices are located. Secrecy is the watchword of refugee resettlement in America!


Mormon church is getting on the refugee resettlement bandwagon

World’s most vulnerable: are we responsible for them all?

DOS Syrian resettlement pace would bring total in 2017 to over 20,000

Hijrah! A documentary to be released in December

350 refugees a day entering US (less than three weeks in to the fiscal year); Texas is numero uno!

60 Minutes spewing B.S. on refugee screening/costs to taxpayers

I can’t even bring myself to watch the recent 60 Minutes program on the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program, but think I need to say something about a couple of bits of B.S. from CBS’s written report on the show.

US Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson testifies before a House Appropriations Committee Homeland Security Subcommittee hearing on the Homeland Security Department budget on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, on March 26, 2015. AFP PHOTO/NICHOLAS KAMM (Photo credit should read NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images)

Director of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson

First on security and health screening, this is what 60 Minutes reports:

Director of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, on 60 Minutes.Johnson explains that the process begins with United Nations. Long before refugees make the journey to a new home, they are interviewed multiple times by the U.N. for their vital statistics — including where they came from and who they know — and given an iris scan to establish their identity. After that initial assessment, the U.N. then refers refugees to a country for resettlement.B.S. meter….So we are expected to believe and trust that the United Nations, with its vast network of Muslim employees, will screen (interview!) refugees fairly.

The refugees are able to tell their ‘stories,’ but there is no way to establish the truthfulness of those ‘stories’ because no one can call home to Syria.

Then they get an “iris scan” which may have value later if they commit some crime or terrorist act and their identity needs to be determined. But, there is no way this scan has any meaning beyond that.  There is no way to go back to the Syrian government and say, gee, we would really like to see a past IRIS SCAN to compare to the one we just got from a ‘refugee’ living in Jordan for example.

60 Minutes continues:

If that country is the U.S., a State Department resettlement center takes over, runs background checks, and creates a file on the refugee. From there, the Department of Homeland Security, led by specially trained interrogators, conducts additional interviews looking for gaps or inconsistencies in their stories. All that information is then run though U.S. security databases for any red flags. If approved, the refugee goes through medical screening by a team of doctors prior to arriving in the country.

B.S. meter:

We have already heard ad nauseum that our Dept. of Homeland Security (yes, Johnson, your FBI!) has no data from Syria that would allow them to find gaps or inconsistencies in stories.  Did 60 Minutes ever mention what FBI Director Comey and others have been saying for months?

And, then on the medical screening B.S.  Did 60 Minutes mention that, even if they are screened, we let them in with communicable diseases like TB and HIV/AIDS anyway?  You see how this works, they mention the screening, but don’t mention part two!  Your assumption is the screening actually screens out someone!

60 Minutes continues:

The entire process, Johnson says, takes between 18 and 24 months.

B.S. meter….

Did 60 Minutes tell its audience that the Obama Administration (Jeh Johnson) sped up security screening for Syrians and the whole process was taking only 3 months from start to finish over the summer in order to reach Obama’s goal to admit 10,000 Syrians before September 30th?


Gina Kassem

Gina Kassem (U.S. State Department): Refugees want to repay those travel loans to help others get in to the US. Well, Ms. Kassem, how about releasing the data you have, for years! refused to provide the taxpaying public. What is the repayment rate? Did 60 Minutes even think to ask?

60 Minutes on travel loans:

When refugees do arrive in the U.S., they’re expected to repay the government for their plane tickets. As Kassem explains in the clip above, the government asks refugees resettled in the U.S. to repay the fare six months after they arrive, giving them time to find a job. That money then helps additional refugees resettle in the U.S., which encourages the refugees to repay their fare.

“Because they are indebted to the United States for taking then in,” she says, “they want more people in their situation who are fleeing the violence to be able to take advantage of the program.”

B.S. meter….

Here is how it works, our tax dollars go to the International Organization on Migration (now an agency of the UN) to pay for the plane tickets.  And, yes, refugees are ‘expected’ to repay the loan.  But, get this! The federal non-profit contractor*** that resettled them acts as the collection agency and POCKETS 25% of what it collects adding literally millions more of your dollars to the contractors’ pockets.

We have no idea how many refugees are motivated by this nonsense to repay the loan on schedule to help other refugees get here (what a naive comment!) because the State Department steadfastly refuses to release the repayment data.

And, then have some sympathy for the refugee who gets here with a family of 6, is lucky to have one family member working for $9.00 an hour at a slaughter plant and is expected to repay thousands of dollars of airfare expenses beginning 6 months after arrival.

Teaching indebtedness!  One of the reasons I’ve heard the contractors give for their dunning notices to refugees is it’s a lesson in borrowing money in America and paying it back so as to maintain a good credit rating!

If you feel like it, see more of the 60 Minutes B.S. by clicking here.

You know, it is quite a stunning thing to know a lot about something and then see mainstream media blatantly be untruthful!

*** For new readers, these are the nine major federal contractors reaping millions more of your tax dollars acting as collection agents for the airfare loans that by rights should all go back in to the US Treasury!


Houston, TX: Iraqi refugee pleads guilty in ISIS bomb plot (so much for screening!)

More secrecy in Michigan about TB rates in resettled refugees there

FBI says three men planned attack on Somali refugees in Kansas

Testimony to Senator Jeff Sessions on FY2017 Obama plan for refugee resettlement

UK paying “refugees” to go home

Is Watertown, NY next on the list of towns to be seeded with third worlders?

WARNING: The Russian Connection, Part II

Taking Crimea was the usual behavior of an aggressor who senses the absence of punishment. Russia has never stopped its aggressive, criminal behavior since the Socialist coup date in Russia, 1917. After the Reagan presidency Russia resumed its behavior, something I have written and reported on for the last twenty-five years, while our media kept largely silent on such matters, practically withdrawing from the discussion and depriving Americans of the strange, tragic events within the Putin administration.

This lack of knowledge was the primary reason the news from Moscow was misinterpreted—causation and linkage to past behaviors had been lost in the minds of middle class Americans. Yet the killing of innocents, war crimes, and the destruction of the land continued globally for all those years, without a proper definition of the ideology, causing suffering and grief to millions… Knowledge is power, please read my latest articles about the Clinton mafia at

Though that time was lost, the situation has changed dramatically lately in direction of my ideas. Today Stratfor is confirming Russia’s aggressive actions in the Middle East to extend of its Globalization agenda (KGB’s policy of the early 1990s –research on this is reported in my books during those twenty-five years.):

Russia Strives to Cover Its Bases, Stratfor, October 14, 2016

“Moscow is looking to extend its global military reach through basing rights. The intent behind these explorations is fairly straightforward: When locked in a multi-theater confrontation with the United States, what better way for the Russian bear to trample the U.S. security umbrella than with a growing military footprint? “

Stratfor is not alone, James Lewis echoing it and posing questions:  

What’s Putin’s big worry? By James Lewis, October 14, 2016

“Vladimir Putin is putting up spectacular aggressive displays these days, making near-miss air attacks on our recon planes, expanding his military bases in Syria and Iran, and probably helping the Yemeni Houthis launch cruise missiles perilously close to our naval vessels in the Straits of Hormuz.

Putin is strategic in his thinking, and a lot of his anti-American posing is phony, simply because the West poses no genuine threat to Mother Russia.  Certainly not compared to jihad.  The question is, therefore, why Putin is stirring up the biggest post-Soviet fuss ever?  What does he stand to gain from Western scare headlines?”

The recent headlines talk Russia and its meddling in our election should not be surprising. The fact of the matter is that Russia’s aggressive posture is attempts to overwhelm all aspects of human lives—it is a Global War for power of the Mafia-State of Stalinism against Capitalism and Western civilization. The war resurrects all of Stalin’s methods, tricks, and devices that are so familiar to all former citizens of the socialist states. They have been given a foothold in America. I have to remind you again the view of a man who told us how the KGB trained Tsarnaev Brother for all six months of his stay in Russia before returning to Boston and committing the terrorist act, Andrey Piontkovsky. He is talking about the establishment of the mafia-state in Russia:

  “…it has become painfully obvious that the USSR’s policy of perestroika had a clear agenda: The Communist Party and the KGB nomenclature would seek to convert its collective and total political power into huge private fortunes for members of the nomenclature. They did so by tailoring the mafia state to their needs, which was deprived of any market-economy institutions, and, most important, of private property as its foundation.” 

We misinterpreted the negative consequences of the word “perestroika” while Russia was developing the mafia-state government and the ideology of Putinism, I called Soviet fascism.

As you know, I suspect that the same transformation is going on in America for, at least, the last eight years, with our obvious withdrawal from the world stage. Russia’s meddling with our election process was obvious when McGovern ran for president in 1972. The attempt has never ended. Yet, today we are witnessing in the WikiLeaks emails a long-term real collaboration of top Democrats with Russia—watch Podesta, a chief-perpetrator of fraud. The top Democrats also colluded with the FBI and DOJ–the fix is in! Do you remember Bill’s meeting with Loretta Lynch in the airport? Doesn’t it remind you of the Mafia-State in America established by the leftist Democrats that I am writing about? Here is some confirmation:

 Top Democrats Call on FBI to Investigate Trump Ties to Russia Over Hacking

“Top Democrats on four House committees that oversee national security on Friday called on the FBI to investigate Donald Trump’s purported ties to the Russian government and its alleged hacking of Democratic groups and operatives.” NBC News by Alex Seitz-Wald, October 14, 2016. It is important, in this respect to remind you also the warning of Alan West about “seventy Socialists in our Congress.” Just listen to what they are talking about and you will realize the “work” of the Clinton mafia.

The Russian Connection was a subject of my preceding columns for this particular reason, my warning you that knowledge of the KGB modus operandi is a must. Let me demonstrate another trick–Stalinist character assassination of political opponents. As you know nobody ever suspected John McCain of womanizing, but the Democrats dug up a case to compromise the Senator. The same happened to Romney. In addition to that, ironically, Romney stopped developing a critical subject showing Russia as a real “foe No. 1” on the second debate. Both Republicans lost.

Stalinist method of character assassination is known to the historians and this exact method of personal destruction has presented plenty of opportunities to the Democrats, armed with the KGB playbook. Trump is a business man in several businesses revolving around women—his remarks about women are expected. We live in the 21st century America, where the vulgarity of Jerry Springer and the KGB playbook together can achieve a great deal against Trump. And it did–Trump lost weeks defending himself, and now the accusations are snowballing—the Clinton mafia never sleeps. Trump was right; our election is rugged, yet his response surprised me—he didn’t recognize the KGB playbook and has been drowning in the endless trap used by the Clinton mafia, to divert our attention from their criminal behavior.

Now Trump must go to the heart of the matter, to show the existential threat of Hillary’s presidency, and current Democrat Party. The case against Hillary Clinton and the Clinton mafia should be prosecuted with the knowledge of the Russian Mafia-State and its similarity to today’s America. Due to the radical developments within the Democrat Party for the last 4-5 decades, today the issue is not only Russian interference to our election, it is the cooperation of top Democrats with Russia to prevent the Trump presidency. This time the intent is clear. Democrat strategy has embraced the entire America’s fifth column: the Clinton mafia, the media, George Soros and 187 groups sponsored by him, are using Political Correctness to fool and corrupt the ill-informed citizens of America at the time when the “train is going off the cliff.”

Hillary is a vessel of the Clinton mafia to obtain the presidency. Therefore the information revealed by WikiLeaks correspondence within the top Democrats should be his main target, as it proves their connection and collaboration with Russia. Remember the Obama/Putin joint venture: Benghazi and bin-Laden’s murder as their joint operations, described in Socialist Lies: From Stalin to the Clintons, Obama, and Sanders. This is the crux of the matter for Tramp during the last weeks before the election–“our train is going off the cliff.” Ben Carson is right.

Report: Putin Possibly Readying for World War, Recalling Russians to Motherland

By Greg Richter   |   Thursday, 13 Oct 2016
Breaking News at

“Russian President Vladimir Putin could be prepping for a new world war as relations with the United States and other Western countries continue to disintegrate, according to a reported in The New York Post and other media. Putin has reportedly ordered top Russian officials, politicians and their children across the world demanding that they return to the Motherland, the Beirut-based Daily Star claimed.”

The recent crises within America and the world is clear to all. Trump has an agenda to ignore and free himself from the swamp of accusations and to introduce in the third debate the main and crucial topic-narrative of the discussion: “Our train is going off the cliff” and Hillary’s presidency will accelerate its downfall…

To be continued at

Eroding Faith in America

Trust and faith in America is eroding, swiftly.  Our security, freedom and success are built on respect for our laws and our institutions.  The Constitution is the foundation of those laws and institutions.  In spite of America’s many historical mistakes, our flaws and our future failures, the United States of America and the American People have overcome great challenges and inspired the world to be a better place.

We, the American people, must act to protect our Constitution before it is too late.

Congress writes our laws in line with our Constitution. The judicial system ensures those laws follow our Constitution. And the executive branch is obligated to enforce those laws, according to our Constitution.  For more than two hundred and forty years, this balance of power has worked to build the strongest, most influential nation in world history.  This unique system of government gives us the time to look deep into our souls to make America better.  Unfortunately, it also gives us the security and the freedom to forget how important we are in protecting it.  Most of the world does not live under the same protections.

I served our nation as a soldier and a military diplomat for my entire adult life.  I lived in countries where supporting the political opposition was a crime.  I know people who were questioned by authorities for speaking out against corruption, or just speaking the truth about a politician.  People in Central Asia, the Middle East, parts of Asia, Africa, and even South America live under these threats today.  People in Eastern Europe remember socialist, “progressive” subjugation well.  In many, many places, a crime against “society” or good order may still lead to re-education, to prison, or even to death.  I witnessed civil societies fall into chaos in a matter of days, with the innocent and weak suffering the brunt of unimaginable horrors.

In fact, most of the world’s population still lives under laws that restrict the basic civil liberties Americans and Western Europeans take for granted – rights for women, religious or political beliefs.  “Western” views of free speech, democracy, and individualism are not accepted in the vast “global” majority.  Try to demand free, democratic elections in China.  Stand in the open and proclaim Christ is King in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia or Libya.  See how long you last in Cuba, North Korea or Venezuela for speaking against their national leaders.  Watch the violence and bloodshed in Nigeria, India or Bangladesh every election season.  Total those populations, see how much larger they are than Europe and North America.

Our hope and belief that a fair and equal world exists outside of our “Western” cultural traditions is a myth.  That dream is perpetuated by naive idealists, economic globalists and academics that live in intellectually and financially privileged, safe and secure bubbles.  Most of the world is poor. And in-spite of a smart phone, they are not free to think or speak as they wish.

Regardless of the rest of the world, “…it can’t happen in America…” I hear so many say.  That too, is a myth.  We are sliding down a dangerous slope that may shatter our sheltered and protected lives.

Two consecutive U.S. Attorneys General have protected elitist, privileged, senior officials who broke the law.  The Secretary of State broke the law. Regardless of intent, she broke the law.  Members of the IRS broke the law for political purposes.  Regardless of intent, they broke the law.  No punishment, just protection by the executive branch of government.

Do you trust the FBI, the IRS, or the Attorney General?  Do you read conservative media, watch Fox news or listen to Rush Limbaugh?  How long before these are regulated, or it becomes a crime to read Drudge?  How long before a tech company will search your emails and pass to the DOJ to investigate you for your “racist” profile or politically dangerous beliefs?    Do you own a gun?  How long before you are a criminal because you support the 2nd amendment of our Constitution?

Still not convinced it’s happening in America?  When did good Christian values become a bad thing?  When did a leaked private conversation between two people, or a hunting trip, or supporting a campaign become a public right to destroy your life on social media?  How many will lose a job because a “data” profile algorithm shows they are an undesirable, or they support conservatives, or liberals?

The U.S. Attorney General says schools must allow a transgender child access to a bathroom of choice, but your children can’t pray at school?  How long before it’s a crime to tell your son that he is a “he”, not a “she”?  Or authorities must counsel you before you tell your daughter that she should wait for sex, and say no to abortion?  How long before State services take your children for home schooling them in Christian values?  How long before you will be a threat because of your faith?  Who will be the first prosecuted because they are confident climate is affected more by nature than by man?

Social control always starts as a good idea – people like, seek and even crave order.  But throughout history, it always turns out bad. One small group of elites eventually will force the rest to live under their vision – and they use a corrupt justice system to do it. Regardless of what you think of the character of either presidential candidate – these issues are at stake.  Remember this — Forced tolerance is the worst form of intolerance.

But we must keep faith.  America has faced overwhelming odds before – our Revolution, our Civil War, in World War II.  America and her allies fought fascists, national-socialism and a brutal Empire simultaneously. After that, we fought and beat the ultimate attempt at social control, Soviet communism.

Our people have stood against segregation, and the socialist ideologies of control, and we prevailed.  We gave freedom to oppressed people at home, and around world.  America emerged stronger and made a better world.  And we did because we trusted our institutions, and we respect our Constitution.

Since its inception, America has been the hope and dream for the future – where individual freedoms are equal to or greater than a “government.”  Where for the first time in 2,000 years, the people made the rules, not the elite.

We face the same threats we will always face – internal divisions, enemies at the gates, and lack of faith in our government.  Some say “they” – meaning our government – will fight for us.  Do you trust “them”? Who are they?  You and I must make our voices heard. We cannot quit!

There is no one else – We are they!

In America, WE are our government, and if WE don’t take responsibility WE give it to others to do it for us.  We must vote for our freedom, we must vote to protect America – the only nation we can truly affect.   We cannot vote to defend an idealistic myth.

And THEN, we must hold our elected and appointed officials accountable to the Constitution of the United States – that flexible, timeless foundation of law and beacon of light that has made America, and this world, a better place.

With faith in God, the American people will prevail – he will fight for us.

RELEASED: 2015-2016 Congressional National Security Scorecard

(Washington, D.C.): The Center for Security Policy today released its 2015-2016 Congressional National Security Scorecard for the 114th Congress.  The scorecard covers a total of 19 votes in the House of Representatives, and 15 votes in the Senate, and includes votes taken on topics such as the Iran deal, Guantanamo Bay, defense spending, and border security, among others.  This is the twelfth scorecard that the Center has produced since its first in 1994.

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr., President and CEO of the Center for Security Policy, commented:

“As we near the end of the 114th Congress, the Center for Security Policy is pleased once again to give the American people an opportunity, through this scorecard, to assess the extent to which their elected representatives in both chambers of Congress have fulfilled their duty to protect the national security of the United States over the past two years.

While a scorecard such as this is not the exclusive measure of a legislator’s record in this regard, it is an instructive starting point for determining where he/she stood on some of the most consequential issues to face our nation in recent memory.  We invite the American public to avail themselves of this important resource.”

The 2015-2016 Congressional National Security Scorecard can be found here:


The Center for Security Policy is a non-profit, non-partisan national security organization that specializes in identifying policies, actions, and resource needs that are vital to American security and then ensures that such issues are the subject of both focused, principled examination and effective action by recognized policy experts, appropriate officials, opinion leaders, and the general public. For more information visit

Media Bias Makes Him Stronger

Teflon Donald has come out swinging against all those who are the enemies of America. The list includes the media, Hillary supporters, the Democratic Party and those Republicans, like Paul Ryan, who are weak kneed.

Kenneth Timmerman in his “Memo to all weak-kneed Republicans: Get a grip” writes:

Any Republican with an ounce of political savvy should understand that Hillary’s playbook is all about impugning Donald Trump’s character. That is all she’s got. Because if she ran on the issues — her secret endorsement of open borders, for example – she would go down in flames.

It’s time our party got a collective grip on itself.

[ … ]

Have you forgotten why the Tea Party exploded onto the political scene in 2010, and why Donald Trump succeeded in roundly defeating 16 highly-qualified and highly-skilled Republican opponents in the primary?

A movement has sprung up in this country, and the political elites are terrified that it will succeed in pushing the eject button on their cozy Party of Big Government that has ruled, raped, and destroyed this country for too long.

The Selous Foundation’s Cliff Kincaid in his column “Media Bias Makes Him Stronger” noted:

When the media went with the recording of Donald J. Trump’s dirty talk about women, the result was predictable. Some terrified Republicans abandoned ship. But the ship was not sinking. Trump used the personal attacks as fuel for a counter-offensive that had the media—and Hillary—reeling.

[ … ]

The Republicans who abandoned Trump were victims, in a sense, as well. They had gotten scared in the face of a carefully orchestrated attack using a major liberal media organ, the Washington Post. They figured that the only way out, in order to stay on the side of the media, was to dump Trump. But Trump’s aggressive performance in the debate means that the “self-righteous” Republicans who abandoned him are going to suffer even more. Trump supporters turned on Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan after he disinvited Trump from a Wisconsin GOP event. Rep. Joe Heck, a Republican running for an open Senate seat in Nevada, was booed at a rally when he announced he would no longer back Trump’s campaign.

Ryan may survive in his race, since he has a safe Republican seat, but other Republicans who turned their backs on Trump because of the 11-year-old videotape could experience the Trump Train leaving them behind on the way to victory in November.

Kincaid concludes:

Going forward, Trump will have to add to his list of adversaries the cowardly Republicans who would rather please the media than expose corruption in the political process. The evidence indicates that he is prepared to run over them as well.

Win or lose, Trump will emerge as the leader of a new Republican Party that no longer brown-noses the liberal media elites.

This struggle is to restore America. Make America Great Again is not just a slogan. It is an insurgency against those who would define the future against us rather than for us, the American people.

Cast your vote accordingly.


Cliff Kincaid is the Director of the AIM Center for Investigative Journalism. He is also a contributor to SFPPR News & Analysis.

RELATED ARTICLE: CNN’s Stelter Blames Firebombing of NC Republican Office on Trump’s ‘Over Heated’ Rhetoric

Trump to Hillary: Give back the $25 to $35 million you’ve taken from Saudi Arabia

“So Hillary thinks they are funding ISIS, but still takes their money. And you know their views on gays. And you know their views on women.”

If any other candidate in any other context had taken many millions of dollars from an entity that the candidate admitted was also funding a terrorist organization, would that candidate still be in the race?

A huge and largely ignored issue in this campaign is the extent to which the United States government and both the Democrat and Republican parties are beholden to the Saudis, and the influence that Saudi money has had over American domestic and foreign policy, particularly regarding the jihad threat.

Is it wise to have a government that is so financially beholden to a government that is chiefly financially responsible for the spread of the jihad ideology around the world? When one thinks about the way that the U.S. response to the jihad threat has been weak and wrongheaded since 9/11, the Saudi money starts to make it all make sense: the denial of the motivating ideology behind jihad terror, the targeting of foes of the Saudi regime rather than the actual perpetrators of the 9/11 jihad attacks — it all falls into place. And now we’re looking at four more years (at least) of Saudi hegemony.

“Donald Trump: Hillary Clinton Should Return the Money She Got from Saudi Arabia,” by Katie McHugh, Breitbart, October 14, 2016 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

Donald Trump challenged Hillary Clinton to return the tens of millions of dollars she has accepted from Saudi Arabian donors, and called again for a special prosecutor to look into her alleged crimes as Secretary of State.

The hacked emails released by Wikileaks “make more clear than ever just how much is at stake come November 8. Such an important day. Such an important day,” Trump said Friday night in Charlotte, North Carolina. “Get out and vote, everybody. Get out and vote!”

“In an email sent to John Podesta, on August 17, 2014, Hillary wrote that the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia are ‘providing clandestine and financial and logistical support to ISIL.’ Yet, in that same year, Bill and Hillary accepted a check from Saudi Arabia,” Trump said as the audience booed.

“So Hillary thinks they are funding ISIS, but still takes their money. And you know their views on gays. And you know their views on women.”

“I think she should give back the $25 to $35 million she’s taken from Saudi Arabia,” he said. “And she should give it back fast.”

Audience members began to chant, “Lock her up!”

In an email sent over her homebrew, unsecured server to then-Obama White House counselor John Podesta, who now chairs her campaign, Hillary flat-out stated Saudia [sic] Arabia was funding ISIS in Syria.

“[W]e need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region,” Clinton wrote on August 18, 2014.

Saudia Arabia has donated as much as $50 million to the Clinton Foundation while it continues its sharia-compliant policy of executing homosexuals and sending them to prison.

“This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Clinton corruption,” Trump continued. “Hillary bleached and deleted 33,000 of her emails after receiving—after, remember the word, after—after receiving a Congressional subpoena, and had 13 phones disappear.”

“LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP!” the crowd roared….




State Dept: “We continue to urge Pakistan to take actions to combat all terrorist groups operating on its soil”

Uruguay: Muslim who stabbed Jewish man to death while screaming “Allahu akbar” avoids jail, declared insane

Florida: Muslim threatens massacres at schools, beaches, military bases

“He claimed 10 people would carry out the attacks after a ‘couple of us’ had ‘declared to join ISIS’. The writer stated that 5-10 attacks could not be stopped (stating law enforcement ‘cannot be everywhere at once’), and that the attackers planned on ‘not giving up’ and ‘dying.’”

Why he mailed this to the sheriff is unclear: suicide by jihad threat? Something like that could be a possibility. But the idea of law enforcement being overwhelmed by so many jihad attacks and plots that it collapses — that’s precisely the Islamic State’s strategy, as I explain in my book The Complete Infidel’s Guide to ISIS.


Regis L. Walker

“Escambia Man Threatens ISIS Attacks On Schools, Beaches, Bases,”, October 15, 2016 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

An Escambia County man is facing federal charges after allegedly sending a handwritten note to Sheriff David Morgan threatening to attack schools, beaches and more simultaneously.

Regis L. Walker, 30, was charged with mailing threatening communications. The criminal complaint was announced by Christopher P. Canova, United States Attorney for the Northern District of Florida.

According to the criminal complaint affidavit, Walker mailed a threatening letter on notebook paper to Sheriff Morgan at the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office. He allegedly claimed that several people who had joined ISIS would simultaneously attack military bases, beaches, and schools at a nonspecific time and could not be stopped by law enforcement.

He claimed 10 people would carry out the attacks after a “couple of us” had “declared to join ISIS”. The writer stated that 5-10 attacks could not be stopped (stating law enforcement “cannot be everywhere at once”), and that the attackers planned on “not giving up” and “dying.”

Walker appeared to sign the note as “ISIS ALLAH.”…


Hillary Clinton’s long record of enabling the global jihad

Milwaukee: Two converts to Islam charged with trying to provide support to the Islamic State

Chapter and Verse: Hillary Clinton’s Record of Enabling Terrorists

The facts at hand presumably speak for themselves, but a trifle more vulgarly, I suspect, than facts even usually do.

“The Clinton Record,” by John Perazzo, FrontPage, October 14, 2016:

150706-hillary-atomic2Never in American history has anyone as unfit and undeserving as Hillary Clinton run for U.S. President. While she stands on the threshold of being elected to the White House, she quite literally belongs in a prison cell. This article lays out the case against her, chapter and verse….

The Clinton Foundation Scandals

In an effort to prevent foreign governments, organizations, and individuals from influencing the policy decisions of American national leaders, campaign-finance laws prohibit U.S. political figures from accepting money from foreign sources. But as the Washington Post noted in February 2015, the Bill, Hillary, & Chelsea Clinton Foundation “has given donors a way to potentially gain favor with the Clintons outside the traditional political [donation] limits.”9

As of February 2015, foreign sources accounted for about one-third of all donors who had given the Clinton Foundation more than $1 million, and over half of those who had contributed more than $5 million.10 Foreign donors that gave money to the Foundation included: Hezbollah supporter Issam Fares, who once served as deputy prime minister of Lebanon;11 the Dubai Foundation, which also gave money to the families of Palestinian terrorists killed in action;12 the royal family of the United Arab Emirates; a Dubai-based company that promotes Sharia Law;13 a privately-held Chinese construction and trade conglomerate headed by a delegate of the Chinese parliament;14 and the governments of Saudi Arabia, Brunei, the United Arab Emirates, and Qatar.15

Even during Clinton’s tenure (2009-13) as secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation received millions of dollars in donations from seven foreign governments.

Bill Clinton earned a total of $48 million from foreign sources for his appearance and speaking fees during his wife’s term as secretary.16

In August 2016, the Associated Press reported that 85 of Hillary Clinton’s 154 scheduled meetings and phone calls with non-governmental personnel during her time at the State Department were with donors who gave $156 million to the Clinton Foundation. The AP report also revealed that the Clinton Foundation had received $170 million in donations from at least 16 foreign governments whose representatives met personally with Mrs. Clinton.17

In May 2015, the International Business Times reported that the Clinton State Department had approved billions of dollars in arms deals with governments that donated to the Clinton Foundation, including governments that were infamous for their appalling human-rights records.18

But the Clinton Foundation certainly does many wonderful things for needy people around the world, doesn’t it? Well, according to a review of IRS documents by The Federalist, between 2009-12 the Clinton Foundation raised over $500 million in total. A mere 15% of that went towards programmatic grants. The other $425 million went to travel expenses, employee salaries and benefits, and “other expenses.”19 In 2013, the Clinton Foundation allocated only 6% of its revenues to direct charitable aid.20

But hey, who cares? At least Mrs. Clinton never engaged in crude, private trash talk that was recorded on tape. And all of her disparaging, condescending, hate-soaked, fiction-laced denunciations of her political rivals are delivered in measured, solemn, well-rehearsed tones. And she deeply respects women, including the millions of women around the world who have never benefited from the charitable services that the Clinton Foundation purports to provide, because the Foundation only spends a tiny percentage of its funds on actual charity.

Clinton’s Support for the Iran Nuclear Deal

Vowing that Mrs. Clinton will “preven[t] Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon,” the Clinton presidential campaign website assures Americans that “Hillary will vigorously enforce the nuclear agreement with Iran.” Is this a good thing? Consider that the agreement’s key provisions were as follows:

  • Iran was permitted to keep more than 5,000 centrifuges.
  • Iran received $150 billion in sanctions relief.
  • Russia and China were permitted to supply Iran with weapons.
  • Iran was given the discretion to block international inspectors from its military installations, and was promised that it would receive 14 days’ notice for any request to visit a given site.
  • Only inspectors from countries that had diplomatic relations with Iran would be given access to Iranian nuclear sites; thus there would be no American inspectors.
  • An embargo on the sale of weapons to Iran would be officially lifted in 5 years.
  • Iran’s intercontinental ballistic missile program would remain intact.
  • The U.S. pledged that it would provide technical assistance to help Iran develop its nuclear program and protect its nuclear facilities, supposedly for peaceful domestic purposes.
  • Sanctions would be lifted on critical parts of Iran’s military.
  • Iran was not required to release American prisoners whom it was holding on trumped-up charges.21

As a result of this nuclear deal that Mrs. Clinton so enthusiastically supports, Iran is guaranteed of having a near-zero breakout time to a nuclear bomb approximately a decade down the road.

But hey, who cares? At least Mrs. Clinton never engaged in crude, private trash talk that was recorded on tape. And all of her disparaging, condescending, hate-soaked, fiction-laced denunciations of her political rivals are delivered in measured, solemn, well-rehearsed tones. And she deeply respects women, including the scores of millions of women in the U.S., Israel, and elsewhere, whose very lives have been placed in irreversible peril as a result of this deal….

The Benghazi Debacle, and Clinton’s Role in Arming Jihadists in Libya and SyriaThroughout 2012, violent jihadist activity became increasingly commonplace in the city of Benghazi and elsewhere throughout Libya and North Africa. American personnel at the U.S. mission in Benghazi repeatedly asked the Clinton State Department for increased security provisions during 2012, but all of these requests were either denied or ignored.25

On the night of September 11, 2012, a large group of heavily armed Islamic terrorists attacked the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi with great violence.26 In the process, they killed the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, and three other Americans.

For weeks thereafter, Mrs. Clinton and the rest of the Obama administration continued to characterize what had occurred on September 11 in Benghazi not as a carefully orchestrated act of terrorism, but as a spontaneous uprising that evolved unexpectedly from what had begun as a low-level protest against an obscure YouTube video.

For the administration, it was vital to continue putting forth this false narrative because, with the presidential election only a few weeks away, nothing could be permitted to puncture the Obama-Clinton talking points: “Al Qaeda is on the run” and “Osama bin Laden is dead.”27

In reality, however, within mere hours after the September 11 attack, U.S. intelligence agencies had already gained more than enough evidence to conclude unequivocally that it was a planned terrorist incident, and that the YouTube video had nothing whatsoever to do with it.28

On January 23, 2013 — fully 134 days after the September 11 attack in Benghazi — Mrs. Clinton went before Congress to testify as to what she knew about the incident. At one point in the hearing, Senator Rand Paul asked her whether the United States had ever been involved in procuring weapons in Libya and transferring them to other countries including Syria. Clinton replied, “I do not know. I have no information on that.”29

But a March 25, 2013 New York Times story subsequently indicated that the Obama administration had in fact been sending arms from Libya, through intermediary nations and ultimately to Syria, since early 2012. And another Times article described Mrs. Clinton as one of the driving forces who had called for arming the Syrian rebels (who were fighting Syrian President Assad) in precisely that manner.30 In other words, Clinton had lied in her congressional testimony to Rand Paul.

It should be noted that the Syrian rebels whom Clinton and Obama were aiding consisted of Islamic jihadists, many of whom were affiliated with Al Qaeda. In July 2016, Julian Assange of Wikileaks revealed that a batch of hacked DNC emails contained information proving that Clinton, contrary to what she had said in her congressional testimony in 2013, knew as early as 2011 that the U.S. was sending arms from Libya to jihadists in Syria.31

And in October 2016, a Fox News report indicated that Obama and Clinton had also arranged for the provision of weapons to radical jihadists in Libya.32

In September 2014, former Deputy Secretary of State Raymond Maxwell reported that in late 2012 he had witnessed — in the basement of the State Department’s headquarters — a Sunday meeting in which Cheryl Mills (Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff) and Jake Sullivan (Clinton’s deputy chief of staff) were overseeing and directing staffers who were busy purging documents that might implicate Clinton or her top people in the Benghazi attacks.33

But hey, who cares? At least Mrs. Clinton never engaged in crude, private trash talk that was recorded on tape. And all of her disparaging, condescending, hate-soaked, fiction-laced denunciations of her political rivals are delivered in measured, solemn, well-rehearsed tones. And she deeply respects women, including: (a) the Libyan and Syrian women whose lives were destroyed by the jihadists whom Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama supported, and (b) the wives, mothers, sisters, and daughters of the four Americans who were slaughtered by jihadists in Benghazi.

The Radical Islamist Affiliations of Clinton’s Closest Aide

Hillary Clinton’s closest aide for many years has been Huma Abedin, whose late father, Syed Abedin, was affiliated with the Muslim Students Association (MSA). The MSA grew out of the jihadist Muslim Brotherhood, which Islam expert Robert Spencer has described as “the parent organization of Hamas and al Qaeda.”34

Huma’s mother, Saleha Mahmood Abedin, is a prominent member of the Muslim Sisterhood — the Muslim Brotherhood’s division for women. She is also a board member of the International Islamic Council for Dawa and Relief, a pro-Hamas entity that is part of the “Union of Good,” which the U.S. government has formally designated as an international terrorist organization. Saleha once wrote an article blaming America for having provoked the Islamic “anger and hostility” that led to the 9/11 attacks.35

From 1996-2008, Huma Abedin was employed by the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA), a Saudi-based Islamic think tank founded by Abdullah Omar Naseef, a major Muslim Brotherhood figure who once served as secretary-general of the Muslim World League, a vehicle by which the Muslim Brotherhood promotes the ideology of Islamic supremacism. Naseef also had ties to Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, with whom he communicated.36 Abedin was the assistant editor of IMMA’s in-house publication, the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs (JMMA). At least the first seven of those years overlapped with Abdullah Omar Naseef’s active presence in the IMMA.37

It is vital to note that the IMMA’s “Muslim Minority Affairs” agenda was, and remains to this day, a calculated foreign policy of the Saudi Ministry of Religious Affairs. It is designed, as former federal prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy explains, “to grow an unassimilated, aggressive population of Islamic supremacists who will gradually but dramatically alter the character of the West.”38

But hey, who cares? At least Mrs. Clinton never engaged in crude, private trash talk that was recorded on tape. And all of her disparaging, condescending, hate-soaked, fiction-laced denunciations of her political rivals are delivered in measured, solemn, well-rehearsed tones. And she respects women, including the hundreds of millions of women in Muslim nations who are oppressed by the very same Sharia Law that is promoted by the organization to which Huma Abedin devoted 12 years of her life.

The Deadly Consequences of Clinton’s Absurd Fictions About Islam & Terrorism

In 2011 the Obama administration, in which Mrs. Clinton was obviously a major player, decided to purge, from the training materials and curricula of all federal intelligence and criminal investigators, every single item suggesting that “jihad” or “Islam” were in any way related to terrorism.39 Instead, the new objective would be “countering violent extremism,” improving “cultural competency training across the United States Government,” and promoting “cultural awareness.”40 All told, the FBI removed more than 1,000 presentations and curriculum items that were deemed “offensive” or “Islamophobic.”41

The FBI’s decision to change its training materials and interrogation methods went on to have deadly serious, real-world consequences. A particularly noteworthy case involved jihadist Omar Mateen, who in June 2016 entered a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida and murdered 49 people while wounding 53 others. The FBI had investigated Mateen extensively for 10 months in 2013 because he had family connections to Al Qaeda, he was a member of a Shi’a terrorist organization, and he had issued terroristic threats on a number of occasions. But eventually, the FBI canceled that investigation because, in accordance with the tenets of its revised training materials, it concluded that Mateen posed no threat to anyone; that his biggest problem was the psychic pain he was suffering as a result of “being marginalized because of his Muslim faith.” As a result of this absurd line of reasoning, 49 innocent people from Orlando are now lying in their graves.42

Hillary Clinton agrees completely with the notion that it is both counterproductive and morally unjustified to suggest any connection between Islam and terrorism — the same delusional, preposterous mentality that enabled the Orlando mass murder to take place.

But hey, who cares? At least Mrs. Clinton never engaged in crude, private trash talk that was recorded on tape. And all of her disparaging, condescending, hate-soaked, fiction-laced denunciations of her political rivals are delivered in measured, solemn, well-rehearsed tones. And she deeply respects women and homosexuals, including the 49 people who were slaughtered in the Orlando nightclub.

Clinton’s Role in the Rise of ISIS and the Stratospheric Growth of Worldwide Terrorism

ISIS, which evolved out of Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), grew into the most powerful, well-funded horde of bloodthirsty barbarians in world history, right under Mrs. Clinton’s nose, and precisely during her watch as secretary of state. While ISIS launched its campaign of mass rapes, beheadings, slaughters, and tortures of unimaginable brutality — and gained control over enormous portions of Iraq and Syria — Clinton and President Obama did absolutely nothing to thwart it.43

Moreover, the rise of ISIS coincided with the expansion of terrorism to unprecedented levels all over the world. According to the Global Terrorism Index, fatalities caused by terrorism increased from 3,361 in 2000, to 11,133 in 2012, to 18,111 in 2013, to 32,658 in 2014. More than half of the 2014 killings were carried out by ISIS and Boko Haram, the latter of which has pledged allegiance to ISIS.44 In other words, worldwide terrorism has spiraled out of control under Obama, Clinton, and Clinton’s successor, John Kerry.

But hey, who cares? At least Mrs. Clinton never engaged in crude, private trash talk that was recorded on tape. And all of her disparaging, condescending, hate-soaked, fiction-laced denunciations of her political rivals are delivered in measured, solemn, well-rehearsed tones. And she deeply respects women everywhere, including the many thousands who are killed by terrorists across the globe each year.

Clinton’s Role in Squandering America’s Victory in the Iraq War

ISIS’s meteoric ascent to power occurred as a direct result of President Obama’s decision to rapidly withdraw all U.S. troops from Iraq — against the advice of experienced military leaders — in 2011. Retired Army General John M. Keane, the last American commander in Iraq, had recommended that 23,000 U.S. troops be left in place to secure the U.S. war victory. But Obama, wanting to be remembered most of all as the president who ended wars rather than fought them, left no forces behind. Beaming with pride, he frequently took credit for bringing American military involvement in Iraq to a formal close.45

Of course, when ISIS later grew into a genocidal monster, Obama tried to claim that his withdrawal from Iraq had been forced upon him by a December 2008 deal in which President Bush and Iraqi president Maliki signed a “status-of-forces” agreement stipulating that all U.S. troops must leave Iraq by December 2011.46

But status-of-forces agreements are often amended and renegotiated, based on evolving security concerns. Obama left no U.S. forces in Iraq for one very simple and obvious reason: he didn’t want to. As Obama himself stated during a 2012 debate with Republican challenger Mitt Romney: “What I would not have done is left 10,000 troops [a far cry from the 23,000 recommended by General Keane] in Iraq that would tie us down. That certainly would not help us in the Middle East.”47

It is vital to remember, moreover, that Iraqi president Maliki would have been quite willing to accept a new status-of-forces agreement in 2011, had it stipulated that the U.S. would leave behind a contingent of troops large enough to effectively secure the peace. But when Obama and Clinton proposed to leave a mere 2,000 to 3,000 troops in Iraq, Maliki had no choice but to refuse. As National Review explains: “[T]he problem was that the Obama administration wanted a small force so that it could say it had ended the war. Having a very small American force wasn’t worth the domestic political price Maliki would have to pay for supporting their presence.”48

When Obama was deciding to pull all U.S. troops out of Iraq, Hillary Clinton was in 100% agreement with him. As Fox News reports: “Clinton was a leading and outspoken supporter of the Obama administration’s decision to withdraw U.S. forces from Iraq…. Clinton touted the United States’ commitment to Iraq in 2011 and said the Obama administration has ‘a plan in place’ to ensure Iraq’s security.”49

Instead, Iraq turned into a beehive of jihadism, terrorism, and mass murder.

But hey, who cares? At least Mrs. Clinton never engaged in crude, private trash talk that was recorded on tape. And all of her disparaging, condescending, hate-soaked, fiction-laced denunciations of her political rivals are delivered in measured, solemn, well-rehearsed tones. And she deeply respects women everywhere, including the millions whose lives were destroyed when a stable Iraq descended once again into anarchy and terror.

Clinton’s Horrible Judgment Regarding Another Terrorist Enemy

As a member of the U.S. Senate, Mrs. Clinton opposed President Bush’s January 2007 decision to deploy an additional 21,500 troops in a military “surge” designed to turn the tide of the Iraq War — which had devolved into a bloody quagmire — back in America’s favor:

  • In December 2006, when Bush was still contemplating the surge, Clinton said: “Everyone knows there is no military solution to the difficulties we face in Iraq.”50
  • In January 2007, Clinton complained that the surge was “taking troops away from Afghanistan, where I think we need to be putting more troops, and sending them to Iraq on a mission that I think has a very limited, if any, chance for success.”51
  • In August 2007, Clinton said: “The surge was designed to give the Iraqi government time to take steps to ensure a political solution to the situation. It has failed to do so…. It is abundantly clear that there is no military solution to the sectarian fighting in Iraq. We need to stop refereeing the war, and start getting out now.”52
  • When General David Petraeus issued a September 2007 report on the remarkably successful results that the surge was yielding, Clinton obstinately told Petraeus that his assertions required “a willing suspension of disbelief.”53

Contrary to Clinton’s erroneous predictions and dispiriting rhetoric, the troop surge proved to be a monumentally important strategy that finally enabled the U.S. to crush the Iraqi insurgency. Prior to the surge, it had not been uncommon for 3,000 or more Iraqi civilians and security-force members to die at the hands of terrorist violence during any given month. By May 2008, the monthly mortality figure stood at 19, and it fluctuated between 7 and 25 deaths per month over the ensuing 14 months.54

In his 2014 memoir, Robert Gates — who had served as Secretary of Defense under both George W. Bush and Barack Obama — wrote that Hillary Clinton’s opposition to the troop surge had been based on how she thought her own political fortunes would be affected by taking that position. For example, Gates described a “remarkable” exchange that he had witnessed, where Clinton, speaking retrospectively, “told the president that her opposition to the [2007] surge in Iraq had been political because she was facing him in the Iowa primary” and could not afford to be perceived as pro-war.55

But hey, who cares? At least Mrs. Clinton never engaged in crude, private trash talk that was recorded on tape. And all of her disparaging, condescending, hate-soaked, fiction-laced denunciations of her political rivals are delivered in measured, solemn, well-rehearsed tones. And she deeply respects women everywhere, including the millions to whom she tried to deny the protection of American forces in the troop surge….

Clinton’s Reprehensible Treatment of IsraelIn 2010, Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren said that during the first two years of the Obama-Clinton administration, “Israel’s ties with the United States” had reached “their worst crisis since 1975 … a crisis of historic proportions.”60

Some may recall how Mrs. Clinton betrayed Israel in the aftermath of an infamous 2010 incident where terrorist members of a Turkish organization known as the IHH — which has ties to Hamas, Al Qaeda, and the Muslim Brotherhood — participated in a six-ship flotilla of pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel activists who sailed to Gaza for the purpose of breaking Israel’s naval “blockade” there. (That “blockade” was, in reality, a policy whereby Israel insisted on examining all imports passing through Gaza, so as to prevent the ruling Hamas government, which has sworn its permanent allegiance to the destruction of Israel and the genocide of Jews, from importing weaponry from abroad). The flotilla’s lead ship was owned and operated by IHH. When its crew refused to comply with repeated Israeli demands that it submit to an inspection of its cargo, Israeli commandos boarded the vessel and were violently attacked by IHH terrorists. In the melee that ensued, nine IHH members were killed, and seven Israeli soldiers were wounded. Thereafter, Clinton, by her own telling, “spent … literally years trying to get the Israelis to finally apologize to the Turks on the flotilla.”61

In the summer of 2014, Israel engaged in a massive military operation designed to weaken the destructive capacity of Hamas terrorists who were launching more than 100 potentially deadly missiles per day from Gaza, deep into Israel. Before long, Israel discovered that Hamas, in recent years, had constructed a massive network of at least 60 underground missile storage-and-transport tunnels throughout Gaza. A number of those tunnels extended, underground, into Israeli territory — for the purpose of facilitating terror attacks, murders, and kidnappings against unsuspecting Israeli citizens. According to a Wall Street Journal report, Hamas had spent between $1 million and $10 million to build each of those tunnels, using as many as 350 truckloads of cement and other supplies per tunnel.62

Then, in a bombshell revelation in August 2014, Dennis Ross, who had served as Secretary of State Clinton’s senior Mideast policy adviser, revealed that Clinton had personally assigned him the task of pressuring Israel to ease up on its military blockade of Gaza. “I argued with Israeli leaders and security officials, telling them they needed to allow more construction materials, including cement, into Gaza so that housing, schools and basic infrastructure could be built,” said Ross. “They countered that Hamas would misuse it, and they were right.” As one analysis aptly puts it, “Ross’s admission shows that it was [Clinton] who sent her personal envoy to push for a policy that ultimately enabled Hamas to build the terror tunnels.”63

But hey, who cares? At least Mrs. Clinton never engaged in crude, private trash talk that was recorded on tape. And all of her disparaging, condescending, hate-soaked, fiction-laced denunciations of her political rivals are delivered in measured, solemn, well-rehearsed tones. And she deeply respects women, including the millions of Israeli Jews whose lives were placed in peril by Hamas’s underground tunnels and illegally imported weaponry.

Clinton Turns Libya into a Terrorist Hell Hole

During her tenure as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton pushed hard for the U.S. to take military action designed to drive Muammar Gaddafi from power in Libya.64 According to former Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who served under President Obama, Clinton played a major role in convincing Obama to lead a protracted NATO bombing campaign against Gaddafi in 2011 — a campaign that lent support to opposition rebels consisting of ISIS, Ansar al-Sharia, and other local militant groups. In other words, Clinton and Obama — in their quest to unseat Gaddafi — were aiding murderous jihadists in Libya.

What is remarkable about this, is the fact that Gaddafi at that time no longer posed any threat to American national security. Indeed, just prior to the Al Qaeda-led uprising that Clinton and Obama supported, Libya was providing the U.S. with important intelligence data. Moreover, it was a prospering, secular Islamic nation that had a national budget surplus of 8.7% and was producing 1.8 million barrels of oil per day.

By the time the Obama-Clinton bombing campaign was finished, Libya’s economy had shrunk by 42% and was operating at an annual deficit of 17.1%; oil production was down by at least 80%.65

According to Foreign Policy In Focus, the Obama-Clinton strategy “plunged” Libya “into chaotic unrest” and “turned [it] into a cauldron of anarchy.”66 Today Libya is a nation teeming with jihadists, and ISIS is becoming increasingly powerful there.67

But hey, who cares? At least Mrs. Clinton never engaged in crude, private trash talk that was recorded on tape. And all of her disparaging, condescending, hate-soaked, fiction-laced denunciations of her political rivals are delivered in measured, solemn, well-rehearsed tones. And she deeply respects women, including the millions in Libya who are now drowning in a tsunami of terrorism.

Clinton’s Plan to Import 65,000 Syrian Refugees into the U.S. As Quickly As Possible

“We have to stem the flow of jihadists from Europe and America to and from Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan,” says the Clinton presidential campaign website.68 While this sounds like a grand idea, it begs a very obvious question: Why has Hillary Clinton explicitly called for bringing at least 65,000 refugees from Syria into the United States as quickly as possible,69 even though:

  • ISIS has vowed to deploy terrorist operatives to infiltrate the flow of Syrian refugees heading to Western nations?70
  • more than 1,500 terror-linked refugees, asylees and migrants entered the U.S. in 2014 alone?71
  • more than 30,000 illegal immigrants from “countries of terrorist concern” entered the United States through America’s Southwestern border with Mexico in 2015?72
  • Michael Steinbach, deputy assistant director of the FBI’s counter-terrorism unit, has made it clear that it is virtually impossible to screen out terrorists who could be posing as refugees and coming to America?73
  • FBI Director James Comey has said that the federal government does not have the ability to conduct reliable background checks on the Syrian refugees, and has warned that “there will be a terrorist diaspora [from Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East] sometime in the next two to five years like we’ve never seen before”?74
  • Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson has admitted that the U.S. will not “know a whole lot” about the refugees it accepts?75
  • CIA director John Brennan has said that ISIS “is probably exploring a variety of means for infiltrating operatives into the West, including in refugee flows …”?76

As a direct result of the policy that Mrs. Clinton herself has spelled out, scores of thousands of people from the very seat of ISIS’s power will soon be streaming into the United States at a record pace.

But hey, who cares? At least Mrs. Clinton never engaged in crude, private trash talk that was recorded on tape. And all of her disparaging, condescending, hate-soaked, fiction-laced denunciations of her political rivals are delivered in measured, solemn, well-rehearsed tones. And she deeply respects women, including the countless American women whose lives may be imperiled by an influx of Syrian terrorists posing as refugees.

Taking a long-range view of American migration and refugee policy, Mrs. Clinton understands that eventually, when these Syrian refugees and their relatives, and then their descendants, become registered voters, they will vote heavily Democrat, as the vast majority of immigrants from the Middle East have always done.77

And if some Americans have to get murdered along the way by terrorist infiltrators, so be it. To Mrs. Clinton, that is simply one of the costs of doing (political) business….

UK troops face criminal inquiry over detention of Iraqis accused of murdering British soldiers
Florida: Convert to Islam threatens Islamic State jihad massacres at schools, beaches, bases

Muslim known to FBI arrested for bomb threat against LaGuardia airport

His bomb threat turned out to be false, but it still served to “strike terror in the enemies of Allah” (Qur’an 8:60).

But not to worry, Monroe Police Detective David Lee is on the case: “He does have some issues.” Of course: it’s just another manifestation of the global outbreak of mental illness.


Abdurrahman Issam Qadan

“Police: Man claiming to be ISIS supporter makes false bomb threat in Monroe,” by James Nani, Times Herald-Record, October 12, 2016:

VILLAGE OF MONROE – An Oregon man who claimed early Wednesday morning that he was on his way to leave explosives at LaGuardia Airport has been charged with falsely reporting an incident and making terroristic threats.

Abdurrahman Issam Qadan, 26, of Tigard, Ore., was stopped by a Village of Monroe police officer at about 1 a.m. along Route 17M near the entrance of ShopRite, police say. The officer was on patrol and thought the man was acting suspicious, police said.

Qadan told the officer that he had affiliations with ISIS, an acronym for the Islamic State terrorist group. According to police, Qadan said that he had gotten into a fight with his girlfriend while she was driving them to LaGuardia Airport in Queens. Qadan got out of the vehicle with his belongings, which included a duffle bag.

Police say the officer asked where the duffle bag was, and Qadan said he placed it behind the Mobil gas station on Route 17M next to an oil tank. He also said the bag had explosives in it.

Qadan told the officer that he planned to place the bag with explosives at the airport but when he got out of the car he decided to dispose of it behind the gas station instead, police said.

Qadan warned police not to go near the bag because the explosives could explode, police said. The officer also found a laptop and cell phone near the bag, which was leaning against an oil tank.

A state police bomb unit was called to the scene and a perimeter was set up around the gas station. Parts of Route 17M and Route 208 were shut down.

A search by the bomb squad of the items found no explosives. Qadan, later interviewed by investigators with the FBI Joint Terrorist Task Force at the Monroe Police headquarters, admitted he lied about the explosives, according to police.

Monroe Police Det. David Lee said he couldn’t say whether Qadan suffered from any mental issues, but said something did seem off about him.

“He does have some issues,” Lee said….

Lee said Qadan has been on the FBI’s radar in the past.

“They were interested in him before the incident,” Lee said. “He wasn’t a direct target, but there had been other people he had been associated with.”….


UNESCO passes resolution declaring Temple Mount Muslim, not Jewish

Robert Spencer in PJ Media: St. Louis Muslims Put Up Misleading ‘HEY ISIS, YOU SUCK’ Billboard

PODCAST: Trump Unshackled

The line of the week goes to Donald J. Trump, who declared “the shackles are off!” He was talking about the shackles imposed on him by the politically correct GOP and the Hillary campaigning media.

Yes, despite WikiLeaks releasing thousands of emails proving that Hillary Clinton is indeed a crook, indeed a liar, indeed two-faced, and indeed guilty regarding Benghazi, somehow the media tells us that Trump is one who’s in trouble. And the sad thing is, the brainwashed, intellectually deficient among us believe it.

We’ll also discuss the latest with Wells Fargo and other big banks, who lately are teetering amongst media reports of fraud and averse market conditions. Finally, we remember the attack on the USS Cole, just nine months before 9-11-2001.

Join us Saturday for these topics and more…

Topics of Discussion:

  • Shackles are Off!
  • WikiLeaks Highlight Reel – Don’t Blame Russia!
  • Global Banking Crisis deepens
  • Qatar’s $1 million birthday gift to Bill Clinton
  • National and International Headlines…

and more . . .

RELATED ARTICLE: Warning – The Shackles are Off!