Biden and the Alexandra Ocasio Cortez’s Green Energy Agenda

Alexandra Ocasio Cortez (AOC) is neither a climatologist or scientist. Before she was elected to Congress she was a bartender.

Nothing wrong with being a bartender but creating a program called ‘The Green New Deal’ is above her pay level.

Nevertheless the Biden White House is in the process of implementing AOC’s Green New Deal which was voted down by the Senate in 1979 by a vote of 57 Republicans against, and 47 Democrats voting present.

Not one Democrat Senator voted for it.

Can you think of any country other than the U.S. under Biden’s management that would vote to give up its energy independence?

Can’t think of one, because it never happened before.

Shortly after being sworn in as president Biden cancelled the Keystone XL pipeline. While electioneering he promised to do so and promised to put the fossil fuel business out of business. Few people understood by going to war against oil and gas that the U.S. would no longer be energy independent; or that U.S. security would be compromised plus high inflation would follow.

Everything we eat, drink or use is affected by the price of energy.

Before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, gasoline prices increased by about a dollar a gallon and natural gas rose as well. Biden’s claim that inflation is a result of the Russian-Ukraine war doesn’t wash.

We can thank AOC and the commitments Biden probably made to her to get her and the ‘Squad’  to support  his election has resulted in our current state of affairs.

The White House has been pleading with Venezuela and Saudi Arabia to pump more oil to make up for Biden’s monumental error. How does this help climate change considering the U.S. produces cleaner energy than either of these countries?

It is high time for Congress and the Senate to take action to make the U.S. energy independent again and end Biden’s war on energy and the American people.

©Robert Heller. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: House GOP demands investigation into alleged Russian influence in U.S. environmental groups


Psaki Face-Plants When Asked if Biden Owns an Electric Car.

Laid off Keystone Pipe Workers: Let us go back to work, prices will go down!

FAKE NEWS ALERT: President Donald J. Trump’s Boeing 757 Was Not ‘Mothballed’ and More …

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

The story is Fake News about my plane being “mothballed” in Stewart Airfield in Newburgh, New York because “I didn’t think I would need it until 2025.” My plane, a Boeing 757, is going through a major scheduled maintenance program, which will be completed in approximately 90 days. It will then be put back into service. I was not allowed to use it during the Presidency, and didn’t.

We are seeing attacks increasing against the 79 million who voted for President Donald J. Trump. President Trump has consistently called the media “fake news” and the media continues to prove him right. It’s like watching dumb and dumber when reading the New York Times.

On June 6th, 2020 our good friend, fellow citizen journalist and black Conservative activist in his column “Disciples of the Gospel of Democrats and Fake News Media” wrote:

At the root of my sadness is the fact that my black family and friends are disciples of the Gospel of Democrats and Fake News Media. Whatever these two wicked entities tell them, they believe. God says allowing someone or something to trump His word is idolatry.

Eagles fly alone. “…all that will live godly in Christ Jesus suffer persecution.” (2 Timothy 3:12) Christians are martyred around the world. Therefore, complaining about deceived fellow blacks disapproving of my politics is hardly worth mentioning.

Still, it is extremely frustrating that facts nor commonsense seem to penetrate my family and friends blind loyalty to the far-left-extremist, hate-generating, anti-Christian, and anti-American Democratic Party.

[ … ]

We must stand together as Americans while praying for God’s strength to be like Daniel in the Bible. Tell the Democrats, fake news media, ANTIFA, and Black Lives Matter that we “ain’t” kneeling nor worshiping their vile false gods of social-justice, socialism and communism.

While Lloyd has passed away, his legacy of telling the truth lives on.

The Attack on Individualist Conservatism

The attacks against Trump are in reality an attack on every freedom loving patriot. Individualism and Conservative/Christian values founded this nation.

As Ayn Rand pointed out:

“America’s founding ideal was the principle of individual rights. Nothing more—and nothing less. The rest—everything that America achieved, everything she became, everything “noble and just,” and heroic, and great, and unprecedented in human history—was the logical consequence of fidelity to that one principle. The first consequence was the principle of political freedom, i.e., an individual’s freedom from physical compulsion, coercion or interference by the government. The next was the economic implementation of political freedom: the system of capitalism.”

Individual rights trump the “vile false gods of social-justice, socialism and communism.”

Daniel Greenfield in a FrontPage column titled “UN Warns ‘Individualistic Conservatives’ Threaten the Planet” warned:

If you blinked you might have missed the momentous occasion of the release of the second part of the UN IPCC’s sixth assessment report of how we’re all going to die unless we all board jets and attend global warming conferences. Or give lots of money to those officials who do it for us.

Since no one reads these things anyway, by the time the fourteenth chapter of the second part of the sixth assessment rolled around, everyone was drunk and decided to take shots at conservatives.

Chapter 14 was on North America and warned of the threat posed by “individualistic” conservatives who refuse to accept “collective responsibility” for driving pickup trucks.

[ … ]

The IPCC, or Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which changes its predictions of the incoming apocalypse more often than a phone psychic, is very upset about misinformation. [Emphasis added]

Do you seen the pattern? First is was don’t criticize Biden, Covid mandates or report on the ill effects and deaths from getting the Covid vaccine. Then is went to don’t report on or criticize Biden and his administration for the failed pullout from Afghanistan, the Russian invasion of the Ukraine and sky rocking energy prices.

Then it was Biden’s DOJ who classified parents as “domestic terrorists” when they attend school board meetings and spoke out about what their children are taught in public schools and the pornographic books in public school libraries and have gay crossdressing males giving classes promoting homosexuality and the LGBT lifestyle to elementary students.

Now it’s all about if you drive a truck you are destroying the planet and you are labeled an evil “individualist conservative.:

It is now the truth versus myths and lies told by the media, social media, Biden, Democrats and the Democrat Party.

Today speaking the truth has become a revolutionary act indeed.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

UN Warns ‘Individualistic Conservatives’ Threaten the Planet

Let’s be clear, individualistic conservatives is the very definition of Americanism, or better yet, American exceptionalism.

As America’s greatest political philosopher Ayn Rand wrote,

“America’s founding ideal was the principle of individual rights. Nothing more—and nothing less. The rest—everything that America achieved, everything she became, everything “noble and just,” and heroic, and great, and unprecedented in human history—was the logical consequence of fidelity to that one principle. The first consequence was the principle of political freedom, i.e., an individual’s freedom from physical compulsion, coercion or interference by the government. The next was the economic implementation of political freedom: the system of capitalism.”

UN Warns Individualistic Conservatives Threaten the Planet

Save the world from free speech. Before it’s too late.

By: Daniel Greenfield, FPM, March 11, 2022:

If you blinked you might have missed the momentous occasion of the release of the second part of the UN IPCC’s sixth assessment report of how we’re all going to die unless we all board jets and attend global warming conferences. Or give lots of money to those officials who do it for us.

Since no one reads these things anyway, by the time the fourteenth chapter of the second part of the sixth assessment rolled around, everyone was drunk and decided to take shots at conservatives.

Chapter 14 was on North America and warned of the threat posed by “individualistic” conservatives who refuse to accept “collective responsibility” for driving pickup trucks.

Once upon a time, we agreed to disagree about things. Those were the good days.

The liberalism of, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”, has long since been replaced by, “You’re spreading misinformation and I’m going to tell on you to Mark Zuckerberg.”

The IPCC, or Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which changes its predictions of the incoming apocalypse more often than a phone psychic, is very upset about misinformation.

Misinformation contradicts the science and under the IPCC’s current chair, Hoesung Lee, who has a PhD in Economics from Rutgers, and was, according to the IPCC, named one of TIME’s 100 Most Influential People in the World, the UN body is all about the science.

Even though economics is as much of a science as the chicken entrails of global warming.

But say what you will about Lee, who used to work for ExxonMobil, he still has better credentials than former chair, railroad engineer, and sexual harasser Rajendra Pachauri. As a Nature orbituary put it, Pachauri, who shared a Nobel Peace Prize and sexual misconduct allegations with Al Gore, died “following a prolonged battle with multiple heart ailments and charges of sexual harassment.”

Forget climate change, it’s the sexual harassment allegations that will really kill you.

“If there’s no action before 2012, that’s too late,” Rajendra Pachauri said in 2007. In 2009, he claimed, “we have just about 6 years left in which we will have to bring about peaking of emission.” It’s 2022, Pachauri is dead, and the planet is very much alive. Sadly, so is the IPCC.

With a past history like this you can understand why the IPCC is sensitive about misinformation.

If there were a Nobel prize for misinformation, the IPCC would win it hands down. And that’s the only Nobel prize that it deserves. Unless there were another Nobel for blowing the most hot air.

A year after Pachauri was ousted over his personal contribution to global warming, Hoesung Lee took over and began warning that it’s not too late to save the planet from cheap energy and a decent standard of living.

Six years later he’s still at it.

IPCC WGII 6, the latest alphabet soup report that no one read, directs the blame for the imminent destruction of the planet at “resistance from individuals with conservative political ideologies” and “individualistic worldviews” who oppose “regulation”.

Save the world from free speech. Before it’s too late.

The IPCC’s preferred solution to the conservative problem (at least the one that it’s willing to put in print) is more media censorship. The report complains about the “journalistic norm of balance” that give “equal weight to climate scientists and contrarians” and are “unevenly amplifying certain messages that are not supported by science”.

I don’t know which planet the IPCC is reporting from, where the media provides equal weight to both the establishment and its critics, but it isn’t this one. But the one thing we know about the IPCC from all its reports on the state of the planet is that it doesn’t know much about Earth.

The media is already saturated with the IPCC’s chicken little propaganda. Big Tech companies actively censor those who dissent from the notion that only high taxes can change the weather. To say nothing of the even more outrageous suppression of any other point of view within the scientific community and Corporate America than the one making Big Green investors very rich.

Nevertheless the IPCC report complains that “much online social media discussion of climate change takes place in ‘echo chambers’”. These echo chambers, unlike the ones operated by the IPCC and the establishment, are obviously a threat to all intelligent life on earth.

A category that no one involved in the IPCC and the media qualify for anyway.

The censorship will continue until everyone comes to believe that the world is ending as many years from now as it takes to create a sense of crisis while still making it possible to cash in.

The UN solution to all of those “individualistic” and “conservative” Americans is for “the rest of the human collective” to adopt “collective conduct” from “indigenous” people. Unfortunately the United States has no indigenous people, only immigrants from various eras, tribes traveling across a land bridge from Siberia, paddling canoes, and then Columbus and his three ships.

But the UN might want to check in on Africa and see how the “indigenous” people of that continent exercise their “sense of duty or responsibility toward human and other-than-human relations” by wiping out endangered species and killing entire tribes with equal gusto.

Or Hoesung Lee might want to look toward Manchuria where his distant ancestors came from and examine just how that region shows us that we can “(re)learn from Indigenous cultures to (re)consider our responsibility/ies to the land”.

The idea that a native population is less likely to pollute the earth and water, hunt animals to extinction, and treat their territory like a trash heap is more white nonsense, as Lee knows.

The noble savage is the romanticized invention of European fourth-generation colonists who condescendingly presume that their neighbor is less likely to want an SUV or a weekend at the shore because his ancestors had a lower technological level and less civilizational scope.

The native population consists of stone, iron, and bronze age colonists who wiped out whatever indigenous peoples there were and then got down to the business of killing each other until the Europeans showed up. Your average American and Canadian tree hugger has as much of a mystical relationship with the great outdoors as a California casino owner or the Hawaiian businessman whose many times great-grandfather killed and enslaved the natives he found living there after he finished making the long imperialist canoe journey to colonize the islands.

The lead authors of the North American chapter who urge us to learn magical indigenous skills of collectivism are largely the descendants of European immigrants. And they know a whole lot more about collectivism than North American Indians who were a good deal more independent, conservative and individualistic than the hive mind of two dozen authors behind a UN report.

But if the UN really wants to model respect for the land, it should lead the way by demolishing its Manhattan headquarters and returning Turtle Bay back to the turtles.

The one mystical quality that the IPCC does have is magical thinking.

After failing to convince Americans that the planet will burn unless everyone gives environmental consultants more money to change the weather, the IPCC is convinced that suppressing political dissent will surely convince those individualistic conservatives.

As everyone knows, using your power to silence people wins the argument every time.

It’s not American individualism that threatens the planet. The environmental movement not only stole trillions and spent it on trips and worthless windmills and solar panels, it brought the planet closer to war by making the world dependent on Middle Eastern and Russian fuel. After generations of wars that could have been avoided with cheap nuclear energy and domestic drilling, there is yet another war that is being fought over energy resources in Ukraine.

Conservative individualism doesn’t threaten the planet, environmental collectivism does.

The UN’s attack on the individual is the collective’s war on the individual, the state versus the individual and it defines the eternal struggle of mankind.


“The Anti-Industrial Revolution,”Return of the Primitive: The Anti-Industrial Revolution

Execrable Psaki Briefs TikTok Influencers: ‘Russians Hacked 2016 Election’

ADL’s Anti-Semitism Report Ignores Islamic Jew-Hatred

Multiple Long-Range Ballistic Missiles Fired At U.S. Consulate in Erbil, Iraq, Reportedly From Iran

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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AWED MEDIA BALANCED NEWSLETTER: We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Welcome! We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Here is the link for this issue, so please share it on social media.

Particularly note the *** asterisked *** items below.

— This Newsletter’s Articles, by Topic —


*** Ukraine Bioweapon Labs

*** This Invasion Is Brought to You by…Western Environmentalists

Why Did the US Embassy Official Website Just Remove All Evidence of Ukrainian Bioweapons Labs?

Greenwald Slays ‘Fact Checkers’ After Nuland’s Ukraine Biolab Bombshell

Zelensky rubbishes Biden’s war on Russia

The end of the age of globalization

Russian Sanctions and sovereignty

Video: Making Sense of The War In Ukraine

Ukraine Worked With Democrats Against Trump in 2016 to Stop Putin. The Bet Backfired Badly

Ukraine and Cyber Attacks:

Russia Threatens Cyberattacks Against The West

Hackers Successfully Penetrated 21 U.S. LNG Producers Just Before Ukraine Invasion

A Large Scale False Flag Cyber-Attack Is Now Imminent

Anonymous Claims More Than 2,500 Targets Hacked in First Week of #OpRussia Offensive

Ukraine and Energy Policies:

*** War in Ukraine: We Need to Talk About Fossil Fuels

*** The Green Immoralists

*** Ukraine and the Great Energy Reset

Short video: Horrific Decision

Biden Sells Alaska Back To Russia So We Can Start Drilling For Oil There Again

Biden White House Frantically Looks Abroad For Energy That Americans Can And Should Produce At Home

Democrats’ War on American Energy Hurts Families and Cuts Our Global Leverage

Russia warns of $300 oil, threatens to cut off European gas if West bans energy imports

Biden Bans Russian Oil, Blames U.S. Oil for Sitting on Sidelines

Ukraine — What You Can Do:

*** Pray for the safety of the Ukrainian people

*** A well-rated source to make a Ukraine donation

COVID-19 — Repeated Important Information:

My webpage ( with dozens of Science-based COVID-19 reports

*** World Council of Health: Early COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines

*** COVID-19: What You Need To Know (Physicians for Informed Consent)

*** If you have received a COVID-19 injection, here’s how to Detox

*** Place Your US Order for Free At-Home COVID-19 Tests

COVID-19 — Therapies:

*** Video: Dr. Andrew Hill and Ivermectin Suppression Likely Killing Millions

*** Dr. Campbell video: Ivermectin in Florida and Brazil

*** Ivermectin and the Price of Life

*** Video: MD and Former WHO Consultant Exposes Takedown of Ivermectin

*** Data Show FDA Process for Emergency Authorization of Pfizer, Merck COVID Pills Not Based on Science

Nasal Spray Kills COVID-19

Omicron escapes the majority of existing SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies

Triaging “Ivermania” (some legal cases involving ivermectin)

COVID-19 — Injections:

*** MIT Study: Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19

*** Pfizer COVID Vaccine Has 1,291 Side Effects Reveals Released Documents

*** COVID infections in Britain are rising again, and 90 percent of the dead are vaccinated. Have mRNA jabs ruined our chance at herd immunity?

*** Dr. John Campbell has been red-pilled

*** Video: Dr. Campbell’s serious concerns re some of the Pfizer documents

Pfizer February 2021 “Post Marketing” Vaccine Side Effects Tally Raises AlarmsJudge Unseals 400 Pages of Evidence, Clears Way for Pfizer Whistleblower Lawsuit

Neurological Injuries Soar After Shots : Strokes, Bel’s Palsy, Paralysis, MS

Study: Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Goes Into Liver Cells and Is Converted to DNA

The federal government paid hundreds of media companies to advertise the COVID-19 vaccines while those same outlets provided positive coverage of the vaccines

Fox News & Newsmax took Biden Money to Push Deadly COVID Vaccines

Facebook Called Out For Vaccine Marketing Alliance

Official New Zealand Ministry of Health Data shows the Fully Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

CDC/FDA Smoking Gun of Smoking Guns

17 Reasons why it is irrational to trust the medical community re the COVID vaccines

COVID-19 — Injection Mandates:

CDC Director Finally ‘Comes Clean’ on Covid Vaccine Mistakes

Critique of “What Economics Can Tell Us About Mandating Vaccines”

UK Deaths by Vaccination Status in 2021

Covid Deaths Continue to Decline in the Unvaccinated But Not in the Vaccinated

Correction, Mr. President: It’s a Deadly Pandemic of the Vaccinated Too

COVID-19 — Masks:

*** Short video: Florida Surgeon General — Masks do not save lives

*** Masks and performative pseudoscience

*** Instead of Admitting Mask Mandates Harm Kids, CDC Lowers Expectations for Speech Development

Study: Cloth masks allow 90% of particles to filter through giving them little ability to prevent  COVID transmission

New Poll Shows Most Americans Want Mask Mandates Gone

COVID-19 — Models and Data:

*** CDC Withheld Troves Of Critical Data To Suppress ‘Vaccine Hesitancy’

Study: Effectiveness of the BNT162b2 vaccine among children…

How did 1± million US COVID-19 deaths become normal?

COVID-19 — Misc:

*** Video: An amazingly detailed history the COVID-19 virus

*** Video: Dr. Naomi Wolf Interviews Edward Dowd

*** Return to Normal Driven by Politics, Not “The Science

*** Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Peter McCullough Accuse CDC of Scientific Fraud

*** Doctor: Public Relations has created the current state of medicine

Maternity wards are shuttering across the US during the pandemic

Sweden REMOVED all restrictions. Covid infections COLLAPSED

WHO is World Government. Power grab scheduled for May 1, 2022

Study: A Third of People Report Lingering Symptom 6-12 Months After COVID-19

New Book: Covid-19 – The Great Deception

Banned Film Exposes the Real Reason for the COVID Pandemic

Short Video: SNL COVID Skit

Greed Energy Economics:

*** Why “cheap” solar increases the price of power

Battery System Capital Costs, Losses and Aging

Wind Energy:

*** The shell game methodology behind America’s reported wind energy production

*** Changes to the regulation of wind turbine noise (Australia)

Do wind turbines change the weather? (See also here.)

Satellite outage knocks out thousands of wind turbines

Dominion’s deception hits new high with offshore wind

Solar Energy:

Brussels, we have a land problem

One of this year’s biggest Virginia solar bills is all about forests and farms

Duke’s proposed Net Metering 2.0 rule change in North Carolina meets opposition

Nuclear Energy:

*** Nuclear, coal, gas: ‘no taboos’ in Germany’s energy about-face

America’s Energy Future: Oil, Natural Gas and Nuclear

Belgian Greens make U-turn to consider nuclear plants extension

Fossil Fuel Energy:

*** Climate Act War on Fossil Fuels Based on Enviro Fairy Tales

*** Recent USGS oil and gas estimate for the Bakken and Three Forks Formations in the Williston Basin of Montana and North Dakota — an enormous amount!

*** Peer-Reviewed Study: ‘Climate Impacts’ of Fossil Fuels in Today’s Energy Systems

Fossil Fuels Should Evoke Pride, Not Pandering, From Supporters

Biden Continues To Flip-Flop On Crude Oil Policies – OpEd

US Oil and Petroleum Imports from Russia Explained

Why Is New England Paying The Equivalent Of $180 Oil For Natural Gas?

Boris Johnson’s ‘climate change pass” for natural gas welcomed

German operators prepare for extending runtime of decommissioned coal plants

Biden’s ‘We Are Going to Get Rid of Fossil Fuels’ is a Primary Cause For Shortages and Inflation

Misc Energy:

*** 33 controversial conclusions about energy, environmental, and climate issues

*** Biden’s new deal with Iran is more dangerous than the original

*** A Serious Proposal on US Energy

Why Rust Batteries May Be the Future of Energy – Iron Air Battery Technology

Green Is Dead: EU Energy Roadmap Has Shifted From Decarbonization To Energy Security

America’s Deteriorating Energy Grid Will Be Major Driver In Great Reset

High Energy Prices Are the Fruits of A Biden Sellout

Manmade Global Warming — The IPCC’s Latest:

*** A Stunning Lack of Evidence for Shocking Claims

*** The IPCC goes all in with implausible scenarios and political exhortation

*** There is no Climate Crisis

Global Warming And Pandemic: Two Scams Seen Merging To Try To Scare Us To Death

U.N.’s New Climate Change Report Underwhelms

Ian Plimer details the latest IPCC climate change data

Climate Risk, Climate Policy, and the Ukraine Crisis

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions:

*** The astronomical costs of pursuing a Net Zero utopia

*** The end days of climate hysteria

Carbon Dioxide Is Life, Not A Pollutant

Union of Concerned Scientists: Hub of Rational Inquiry or Political Activism?

Russia Funneled Cash to Anti-Fossil Fuel Climate Extremists: 2018 Report

Short video: CO2 And Tornadoes

Manmade Global Warming — Misc:

*** The Supreme Court Should Rein in the EPA

*** Putin blows up NetZero and the green reset

*** The Strategic Threat from Net-zero Emissions

Major Update: Sample Books on Climate Change

New Book: The Great Climate Change Debate

Climate Cleanup at the Supreme Court

Big Troubles at

New Comic Book for Children about CO2 (written by realists)

Study: Infrared Forcing by Greenhouse Gases

Free online book: The Rational Climate e-Book

US Election: (10 major election reports by our team of experts, plus much more!)

*** High-powered group targets Trump lawyers’ livelihoods

*** We are still in need of the qualities of great leadership

Economic concerns hurt Biden’s approval, keep Democrats in peril ahead of midterms

US Election — Arizona Issues:

*** Election Report on Mesa County (AZ) Electronic Machines

ETI Applauds AZ Legislature for Sending Commonsense Voter I.D. to the Nov Ballot

Defend and Decertify 2020 AZ Elections! Secure ‘One Man, One Vote’ Now!

US Election — Wisconsin Issues:

*** Did You Know Green Bay’s Election Was Run From A Hotel Room?

*** Wisconsin Special Counsel Alleges Massive Misconduct in 2020 Election

Wisconsin Special Counsel Finds ‘Widespread 2020 Election Fraud’ in Nursing Homes

Wisconsin’s Voting Machines Were Connected To The Internet During The 2020 Election

US Election — Other State Issues:

Heritage’s Election Integrity Take Action Page (by State — with more to come)

*** VoterGA Provides Conclusive Evidence Showing Fulton 2020 Election Results Were Electronically Manipulated

Florida Continues to Lead the Nation in Strengthening Election Integrity Laws

Florida Legislature Passes Election Integrity Legislation

Texas Sees Higher Voter Turnout After Election Integrity Law

Texas county finds 10,000 uncounted ballots from last week’s primary

Dominion Kicked out of Tennessee County…

Tenessee Election Integrity Group Releases Key Timeline in Their Attempts to Work with Local Election Officials…

Analysis of Supreme Court’s Response to NC Gerrymandering Case

The tale of Tina Peters (Colorado), and the dark days ahead for whistleblowers

Other US Politics and Related:

*** Biden has managed to drive both Israel and Saudi Arabia toward Russia

*** Report: An Eleven Point Plan to Rescue America

The Unfaithful Are In Control

Democrats Demand Big Tech Censor Trump’s Truth Social

The Curious Case of Stefan Halper, Longtime ‘Zelig’ of American Scandals Who ‘Crossfired’ Trump

US Politics and Socialism:

*** Five for Freedom: A Simple Message For Reclaiming America

*** Short video: How to End Systemic Racism

President Trump answers Bill Barr

Misc Science:

*** Science Needs Honesty, Not Affirmative Action

*** Confronting the threat to compounded hormone therapy

The Biden Administration’s Shocking Scientific Abuses at EPA

Federal Govt (2005): Final Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review

FEMA: In case of a nuclear explosion ‘maintain social distancing’ and ‘wear a mask’

Religion Related:

Protest Against “After School Satan Club” for 5-Year-Olds

Boise real estate agent accused of running $82M Ponzi scheme that defrauded investors

Russia’s Putin distorts shared Christian roots to justify war

Education Related:

*** Short video: Marissa Streit — Why I Dedicate My Life to Saving America

*** School System Reform: How and Why is a Price-less Tale

Careers without College

Academic Freedom

Law Student Complains about a Question; Professor Sentenced to Re-education Camp

Even With ‘Defund the Police’ Discredited, Some Schools May Still Shun the Police

Misc Matters:

*** The Media Are Children Behaving Badly

The Creation of Silicon Valley

Former CNO Thomas Hayward Remembered For Professionalizing Navy, Taking on Soviets

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Note 1: We recommend reading the Newsletter on your computer, not your phone, as some documents (e.g. PDFs) are much easier to read on a large computer screen… We’ve tried to use common fonts, etc. to minimize display issues.

Note 2: For recent past Newsletter issues see 2020 Archives & 2021 Archives & 2022 Archives. To accommodate numerous requests received about prior articles over the twelve plus years of the Newsletter, we’ve put together archives since the beginning of the Newsletter — where you can search by year. For a detailed background about the Newsletter, please read this.

Note 3: See this extensive list of reasonable books on climate change. As a parallel effort, we have also put together a list of some good books related to industrial wind energy. Both topics are also extensively covered on my website:

Note 4: I am not an attorney or a physician, so no material appearing in any of the Newsletters (or any of my websites) should be construed as giving legal or medical advice. My recommendation has always been: consult a competent, licensed attorney when you are involved with legal issues, and consult a competent physician regarding medical matters.

Copyright © 2022; Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (see

3 ways Russia has shown military ‘incompetence’ during its invasion of Ukraine

Russia’s military is experiencing failures that are unexpected from one of the world’s largest military forces.

Two weeks into Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, it has become apparent Russia’s military is experiencing failures – both technical and strategic – that are perhaps unexpected from one of the world’s largest military forces.

There are multiple issues one could look at in relation to Russia’s poor military performance in Ukraine to date, such as being unable to effectively counter Ukrainian drones, or failing to deliver on the kind of cyber warfare expected.

But failings in three specific categories warrant a closer look.

Organisational failures

The first issue that became quickly apparent was the poor performance of Russia’s armed forces. There has been, at times, a complete lack of logistical support for Russia’s forces on the front lines – bogging down the Russian advance and at times completely stalling it.

There have been numerous reports of Russian tanks and armoured personnel carriers running out of fuel, leading Russian soldiers to request, commandeer and steal diesel to continue progress.

Russian soldiers, many of them conscripts, have been forced to forage for food, with reports of soldiers being forced to steal chickens, and special forces soldiers breaking into shops to loot food.

Rations provided to Russia’s troops have reportedly only been sufficient for a few days, and video has emerged claiming some rations seven years out of date.

Russia had a significant amount of time to prepare its invasion and move logistical support into place, with months of open buildup. But scenes of enormous, stalled convoys being unable to progress speak volumes to Russia’s astonishing mismanagement.

This series of logistical failures are as embarrassing for Russia as they are beneficial for Ukraine.

There have also been extraordinary communication failures, both between military units, and to soldiers prior to the conflict. Reports emerged following the initial stages of the invasion, revealing many Russian soldiers were completely unaware they were invading.

Rather, captured Russian soldiers claim they were under the impression it was a military exercise, up until the moment they came under fire from Ukrainian units.

Many Russian communications have also been transmitted over unencrypted mediums. Russian bombers transmitting over open high-frequency radio have had their conversations listened in on by amateur radio enthusiasts.

Even communication between Russian units on the ground are being transmitted in the open, leading to easy interception by Ukraine. Overall, this paints a clear picture of Russian incompetence.

To top it all off, the lack of morale (with many Russian soldiers surrendering or abandoning vehicles and equipment) has only exacerbated the effects of Russia’s poor military performance.

Lack of air superiority

One of Russia’s most significant failures, and potentially the most damaging to its campaign, has been its inability to achieve air superiority.

In military terms, this refers to a state having a sufficient degree of dominance to conduct aerial operations (such as close air support or air strikes) without significant interference from opposing forces and air defence systems.

Before the invasion began, it was widely anticipated Russia would quickly achieve air superiority. This is because on paper Russia’s air force is vastly superior to Ukraine’s.

Prior to the invasion, Ukraine possessed Europe’s seventh-largest air force. While this sounds potent – and in relative terms, it is – it amounts to some 200 aircraft of all types (fighters, close air support, helicopters, transport aircraft and others). In comparison, Russia possesses about 1,500 combat aircraft alone.

The backbone of Ukraine’s air force are older Soviet era fighters, namely 50 MiG-29s and 32 Su-27s. Meanwhile, Russia employs modern versions of Soviet aircraft, such as the Su-30, Su-33 and Su-35 (updated variants of the Su-27 Ukraine operates).

Russia also has modern strike aircraft such as the Su-34 (another update on the Su-27, optimised for strike operations) as well as long-range strategic bombers like the Tu-22, Tu-95 and Tu-160.

However, images have emerged suggesting Russia’s strike aircraft are reliant on generic, consumer-grade GPS units. If this is true, it only reinforces Russia’s lack of capability.

Just prior to the war, US Intelligence anticipated an invasion would commence with a blistering assault by Russia on Ukraine’s air power.

Yet two weeks into the conflict, Ukraine still reportedly possesses the bulk of its air and missile defences. This has raised questions about why Russia did not make full use of its air power. Is it holding back in case the conflict broadens?

Regardless of the reason, Russia’s lack of air superiority early in the conflict may be one of its most significant strategic errors, to the benefit of Ukrainian defenders.

Russian aircraft are struggling to provide the support needed by Russian ground forces, giving Ukrainian forces an opening to counter Russia’s advance.

Weapons performance and failures

Russia’s high-tech offensive capabilities have also demonstrated lacklustre performance.

The initial stages of the invasion included a strategic bombardment of Ukrainian targets using cruise missiles and Iskander short-range ballistic missiles.

Reports indicate that as of March 1, Russia had fired as many as 320 missiles, the majority being Iskander short-range ballistic missiles – making this the largest and most intense short-range ballistic missile bombardment between two states.

The Iskander is estimated to have a range of 500km and an accuracy of 2-5 metres. Prior to the invasion, it was expected to be an effective and devastating weapon system. Intriguingly, its performance has been lacking.

For example, Iskanders were used to attack Ukrainian air bases, to destroy runways and prevent Ukraine’s air force from operating effectively. But as can be seen below, the previously vaunted accuracy of the Iskander appears far less impressive than what was anticipated.

As the conflict has progressed, Russia has made more frequent use of lower-tech weapons systems, such as unguided “dumb” bombs and cluster munitions. This might indicate Russia has either expended its limited number of high-tech weaponry, or is holding back reserves in case the conflict escalates.

The Ukrainian air force remains in the fight, despite all odds. Russia will no doubt learn from its issues and attempt to correct. Unfortunately, it does still have the advantage with numbers, in terms of both troops and equipment.

However, it’s likely the conflict can’t be sustained for long on Russia’s part, particularly with the impact sanctions are having on the Russian economy. For Ukraine, the delays caused by Russia’s errors may well lead to better outcomes.

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.


James Dwyer

James Dwyer is an Associate Lecturer and PhD Candidate, School of Social Sciences, University of Tasmania More by James Dwyer


Safe in their sofas, virtue-signalling armchair warriors take on the Russians

Eyewitness report: Muslim migrant ‘students’ tried to rape fleeing Ukrainian women, calling them ‘Christian sluts’

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Worse Than The Worst Five U.S. Presidents Combined

In January 2021 just hours into his presidency Biden signed directives banning the Keystone XL pipeline, implemented a sixty-day hiatus for new drilling leases on federal lands, and recommitted the United States to the terms of the Paris Agreement for reducing carbon emissions. After these Biden policy decisions many warned about the impacts of them on ordinary Americans.

Thomas Pyle, President of the American Energy Alliance warned,

“President Biden’s ban on oil and natural gas production on lands owned by all Americans will result in higher energy prices, job losses, and reduced economic growth.”

Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon stated,

“It’s much better for us to be selling energy to our friends than it is to be buying it from our enemies. It’s just a matter of really making sure that we put America first, that we make sure that American leadership and innovation [are] something we showcase and celebrate.”

On March 12th, 2022, just 13 months into the Biden presidency, at a ‘Save America’ Rally in Florence, South Carolina, President Donald J. Trump said,

“You could take the five worst presidents in American history and put them together they would not have done the damage the Joe Biden has done is just 13 months.”

On March 10th, 2022 Katie Pavlich wrote:

Inflation hit another high in February, marking the worst numbers since 1982 for American consumers. The new number, measured by the Consumer Price Index, sits at 7.9 percent. Inflation, which is a tax on the poor and middle class, is expected to keep rising as President Joe Biden and Democrats call for more government spending.

Spencer Brown wrote:

Earlier this week, President Biden called rising fuel costs “Putin’s price hike,” a cute but meaningless phrase that is just more of Biden trying to blame a scapegoat rather than keep his promise that the buck stops with him.

On March 10th, 2022 PBS News Hour reported:

Propelled by surging costs for gas, food and housing, consumer inflation jumped 7.9 percent over the past year, the sharpest spike since 1982 and likely only a harbinger of even higher prices to come.

The increase reported Thursday by the Labor Department reflected the 12 months ending in February and didn’t include most of the oil and gas price increases that followed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24. Since then, average gas prices nationally have jumped about 62 cents a gallon to $4.32, according to AAA.

WATCH: Biden’s Fossil Fuels Blockade.

Recently, decals of a finger-pointing President Biden, with the words “I did that!” in big, bold print, have been appearing on fuel pumps across the country — including New York City — as gasoline prices skyrocket.

So, how did Biden reply to what is so obvious to each and every American?

Biden’s Inflation

American economist and statistician who received the 1976 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his research on consumption analysis, monetary history and theory and the complexity of stabilization policy, Milton Friedman said,

“Inflation is an old, old disease. We’ve had thousands of years of experience of it. There is nothing simpler than stopping an inflation—from the technical point of view.

The only cure for inflation is to reduce the rate at which total spending is growing. There is no way of slowing down inflation that will not involve a transitory increase in unemployment, and a transitory reduction in the rate of growth of output. But these costs will be far less than the costs that will be incurred by permitting the disease of inflation to rage unchecked.”


Milton Friedman explains who is really responsible for inflation:

The Bottom Line

During a March 12th, 2022 “Save America” rally in Florence, South Carolina President Donald J. Trump said:

“You can take the five worst presidents in American history and put them together they would not have done the damage that Joe Biden has done in just thirteen months.”

Biden and his administration are focused on fixing the blame rather than fixing the massive inflation every American is feeling today.

WATCH: You cannot have an American president that has an America-last policy.

America is now facing a quadruple threat to our domestic and national security: Russia, Iran, China and the Biden administration.

The only way to fix the problem is to get the worst president in the history of the United States out of office.

In the interim legal American voters need to give control of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate back to conservative politicians.

Not to do so in November 2022 will see this Bidenflation turn into a Biden disaster with dire consequences both domestically and globally.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Biden Rages: ‘I’m Sick’ of Americans Blaming Me for Inflation, Instead of Putin

U.S. inflation hits new 40-year high, jumping 7.9 percent over past year

Shutting Russia Off From Global Banking Will Hurt The United States

Mayorkas Releases New Rules on Extremism – DHS Will Target Anyone Who Believes Election Was Stolen or Who Challenged Fauci’s Everchanging COVID Narrative

Trump’s ‘Save America’ Rally in Florence, South Carolina

There is nothing that is more therapeutic in these horrific times than a Trump rally. President Trump is going to run in 2024. And he is going to win. Every rational American must get behind the re-election of President Trump with everything they have. The country and the free world are on the line.

Thousands already in Florence for Former President Donald Trump’s ‘Save America’ rally

By WPDE, March 11, 2022

People from across the country have camped out near the Florence Regional Airport ahead of former President Donald Trump’s ‘Save America’ rally that takes place Saturday.

Sharon Anderson said she drove nearly six hours from Tennessee to attend the event.

Anderson has been to 23 rallies so far.

“Donald Trump, he’s fighting so hard for us. 24 hours a day. I want him to look out in that audience and see thousands just like me. That’s his cheerleaders,” said Anderson.

Rick Frazier traveled 10 hours from Ohio.

He’s a part of the group Front Row Joe’s that attend Trump’s rallies.

Frazier said he’s been to 55 rallies so far.

“We like to come to the rallies. And support the President, number 45. Primarily, because I believe in what he’s done for the country. It’s big family. I’m from Ohio. So, we give Ohio state tailgating. And when the folks come to these rallies. It’s like a big tailgate and most of these folks are like-minded. Everybody here comes for President Trump,” said Frazier.

Crews have been setting up most of the week.

They’ve brought in big lights, porta johns, tents for security, food trucks and other equipment.

ABC15 asked organizers as to how many people will attend the rally.

They said they don’t give numbers, but are preparing for thousands.

Florence Police Dept. said they’ll have 24 officers on hand to provide mutual aid to the Florence County Sheriff’s Office.

The Sheriff’s Office hasn’t said if they’ve been given an estimate of how many people will attend the event.

South Carolina Highway Patrol is providing officers to help with traffic.

Frazier said from the looks of how crews are preparing, he expects this rally to be huge.

“This is a big one. I think we’ve got more room here. This is probably one of the larger ones we done since we started in Burlington Ohio. And that was about 8 months, ago, I think they’ll be standing room only,” said Frazier.

Doors will open at 2 p.m. and the event is set to start at 7 p.m.

Also, Trump will be joined by endorsed candidates, members of the South Carolina Congressional Delegation, and other special guests.

Details about the event, including the newly listed speakers, have been highlighted and sectioned below.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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GOP/Dem Bill Spends Millions for Border Security — in Eight Other Countries But Not America

This is the act of a hostile actor. They serve their adversarial paymasters not the America. people. We are under siege.

GOP/Dem Spending Bill Funds Border Security for Eight Foreign Countries

By: John Binder, Breitbart News, March 11, 2022:

A Democrat spending bill, negotiated with Republicans, uses American taxpayer money to fund “border security” measures in eight foreign countries while including no new funds to construct a border wall along the United States-Mexico border.

The government funding package spends about $370 million in taxpayer money to fund “enhanced border security” in Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, and Oman. At least $150 million of that funding is allocated for Jordan’s borders.

Likewise, the package includes taxpayer money to fund border security in Libya, “border security activities” in Nepal, and “border security programs” in Pakistan.

Though Republicans were able to preserve nearly $2 billion in previously-allocated border wall construction funds, the package does not include any new border wall funding.

“The upcoming omnibus spending bill is likely Congress’ last chance this year to do anything meaningful re: Biden’s catastrophic erasure of our border — an erasure that reshapes the whole future of our nation,” Stephen Miller, a senior adviser to former President Trump, wrote in a statement. “Presently, this isn’t even a topic of conversation, let alone action.”

While funding border security overseas, President Joe Biden has halted all border wall construction along the U.S.-Mexico border, gutted interior immigration enforcement, and attempted to end the anti-asylum fraud Remain in Mexico program.

As a result, more than two million border crossers and illegal aliens arrived at the nation’s southern border in all of last year. This year, experts predict more than 2.1 million to arrive — a record.

At the same time, hundreds of thousands of border crossers and illegal aliens are being released into the U.S. interior every few months. From January 2021 to August 2021, for example, more than half a million were released into the U.S. interior.

In January of this year, more than 62,500 border crossers and illegal aliens were released into the U.S. interior — a foreign population more than twice the size of Princeton, New Jersey; nearly twice the size of Lexington, Massachusetts; and more than six times the size of Jackson, Wyoming.


MADNESS: Pfizer is seeking emergency approval for a 4th COVID shot even though Covid is NOT A THREAT

Shutting Russia Off From Global Banking Will Hurt The United States

A Bill Banning Zuckbucks In Virginia Elections Is Headed To Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s Desk

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Quick note: Tech giants are shutting us down. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense, Pinterest permanently banned us. Facebook, Google search et al have shadow-banned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. We will not waver. We will not tire. We will not falter, and we will not fail. Freedom will prevail.

Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW when informed decision making and opinion is essential to America’s survival. Share our posts on your social channels and with your email contacts. Fight the great fight.

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IRAQ: Multiple Long-Range Ballistic Missiles Fired at U.S. Consulate in Erbil

UPDATE: Iran Fires 12 Missiles at US Consulate in Iraq claims to target ‘Israeli spy base’

The attack targeted the new US consulate in the Kurdish city of Erbil.

According to MENA:

US officials, speaking to AFP, said the origin of the missiles was from Iran, echoing a similar ballistic missile attack aimed at US facilities in Iraq in January 2020.

There were no immediate reports of casualties.

The ballistic missile attack caused powerful explosions, which were captured on social media.

Iranian state media claimed the missile strike targeted “secret Israeli bases” in Erbil, and also reported the arrest of members of an alleged Israeli spy cell.

To read more, click here and here.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is likely behind this. The mullahs know that Biden’s handlers want the nuke deal above all things, so as to vindicate Obama and repudiate Trump, and so they’ll stand this as well. Weakness invites aggression.


John Kerry warns of 100 million climate refugees

Germany: Sex offenders are mostly Turkish, Afghan and Syrian Muslims

Germany: Muslim migrant kicks and punches Jewish man, demands he scream ‘Free Palestine’

Trump warned Germany of danger of dependency on Russian oil, German delegation laughed

Iran’s Antisemitic Attack on Zelensky

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

LEFTWING UPDATE: Anti-Imperialist/Anti-Capitalist Rallies in Austin, Texas and Clinton, Inc. controls BLM’s $60 million in assets

ACAT team member Lauren Morris reported on far Left Rallies in Austin, Texas statin,

On the eve of SXSW, members of the far Left who want to nationalize natural resources and banking are holding a rally in Austin. They define themselves as Patriot Socialists who are Anti-Imperialist and Anti-Capitalist. They are extremely well read Marxist Leninist Maoist academics. I anticipate Red Guard Austin attending this event tomorrow. There will be heavy security and they are asking for a $20 donation. They have a chapter in San Angelo, TX. The Islamic arm of this group will also be in attendance and speaking.

Caleb Maupin states that the U.S. is in a state of capitalist monopoly. They denounce violent revolution, but advocate for a complete redesign of the globe under Communist ideology. I would like to hear just how they think that is going to happen this time in history in this country, and what in their view are the steps that have already been achieved, and what is to come. Austin reflects this change appearing to be a crash test dummy. It’s hard to miss at this point.

BLM in effect merges with Clinton, Inc. – Clintonistas now in charge of BLM’s $60 million in assets after BLM meltdown.

  • BLM changes fiscal year to delay financial disclosures
  • Amazon removes BLM from charity platform for lack of financial transparency

BLM replaces tent city at City Hall with storefront on 6th street in Austin.

California teacher who had Antifa flag in classroom fired after video surfaces of him saying he has 180 days to turn his students into communist revolutionaries

Former Girl Scout turned Antifa street warrior profiled in Reuters, but can’t talk about her criminal charges

Antifa protesters disrupt event at University of North Texas where father who objects to castration of his son for gender change was scheduled to speak

Antifa radicals harass pro-lifers at Chicago March for Life, call them ‘fascists’

Antifa militant threatens to kill parent, beat up family, and burn down his house for speaking out against pornographic material in school library

BLM rioters upset with 16-month sentence for Kim Potter (who shot Duante Wright accidentally) throng outside judge’s home – “No good judge in a racist system!”

Antifa picks a fight with Portland biker gang, blame police when things go south; one person dead.

One killed, five wounded at Antifa anti-police protest in Portland

  • Antifa shuts down police press conference on the shooting spree, surround officer

Antifa member criminally charged two years after conservative journalist Andy Ngo attacked.

Eleven Antifa thugs charged with assault, using tear gas, and conspiracy to riot in violent face-off with Proud Boys in California

Suspect arrested in hit-and-run attack of ‘Freedom Convoy’ protesters in Canada has Antifa history

BLM activist attempts to assassinate Jewish mayoral candidate in Louisville; BLM springs him on $100,000 bond

  • BLM bail fund secures release of violent rapists and murderers in Kentucky

Judge finds enough evidence for attempted murder case to proceed against BLM supporter who allegedly drove through a crowd of counter-protesters at violent Yorba Linda demonstration

Perp Walk

After antifa arrests, FBI director under fire for denying violent militants are an ‘organization’.

Antifa manual explains the many uses of skateboards at protests – from smashing windows to quick escapes

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

Spiraling Violence in Chicago: Causes and Solutions

The following is adapted from a lecture delivered on February 28, 2022, at the Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship on Hillsdale’s Washington, D.C. campus, as part of the AWC Family Foundation Lecture Series.

For several years prior to 2020, violent crime in America’s major cities was on the decline. But since the riots that summer following the death of George Floyd, it is heading in the opposite direction.

Murders nationwide in 2020 rose a stunning 29.4 percent over the previous year, the largest annual increase since the FBI began tracking that data in the 1960s. The number of murders in Chicago climbed even more sharply, rising 55 percent. It was as if a switch had been flipped. At least ten major U.S. cities hit new murder highs in 2021, but Chicago led the way with 797, the city’s highest number in 25 years.

Chicago’s violent crime epidemic is not limited to murder. The city’s 3,561 shooting incidents in 2021 were up 63 percent over 2019. Expressway shootings in Chicago-Cook County rose even more dramatically, from 51 in 2019 to 130 in 2020 to 273 in 2021. These expressway shootings pushed Chicago’s actual 2021 murder total north of 800.

Expressway killings aren’t counted in the official city numbers because expressways are under state jurisdiction. But try telling that to Chicagoans. “It’s almost like a modern, 21st century form of dueling,” said Illinois State Police Director Brendan Kelly. “[People get into fights with] each other on social media, they threaten one another and they say . . . ‘Let’s take this out to the expressway.’”

One of Chicago’s expressway murder victims was a dearly loved wife, mother, grandmother, and special education teacher named Denise Huguelet. Sixty-seven years old, she was being driven home from a White Sox game last summer when she became collateral damage in a shootout on the Dan Ryan Expressway.

Then there are the carjackings, 1,836 of them in Chicago in 2021—a 204 percent increase over 2019. One victim was a Democratic state senator. Her husband had a gun and returned fire. In another incident, a Cook County judge had to pull her three-year-old son to safety before the carjackers drove off.

Will McGee was 18 and looking forward to joining the military after graduating from Excel Academy on the South Side, where he’d been voted homecoming king. He had saved up to buy a new Chevy Equinox and was behind the wheel when he was carjacked last November. He surrendered the vehicle and tried to run away but was shot dead in the back. The SUV was found abandoned shortly afterward.

Gangs have stoked the carnage with a sub-genre of hip hop music called “Chicago Drill.” Rival gangs call each other out in Chicago Drill raps, and bullets often fly as a result. Chicago’s gang world used to be dominated by a small handful of gang leaders, and homicides were usually tied to drugs and territorial conflicts. But as the federal government took down the older generation of leaders, gangs fractured and multiplied on a block-by-block level. Today’s gangs are run by young knuckleheads who throw down angry words on little screens and use shooters who in some cases have barely reached puberty and struggle to hold and aim their weapons.

The fact that violent crime increasingly leads to the deaths of innocent citizens is a major reason for the exodus of Chicago’s black population, down one-third since 1980. It also explains why increasing numbers from the surrounding suburbs—and tourists in general—are shunning the city.

So there’s violent crime aplenty in Chicago. But punishment? Not so much.

The Chicago Sun-Times reported that in 2020, police made carjacking arrests in only eleven percent of cases. And Cook County prosecutors working for State’s Attorney Kim Foxx approved felony charges in less than half of that eleven percent.

Chicago reported a 53 percent rate of “clearing” or solving murders in 2019. But that number was inflated. A misguiding technical term was applied to nearly six in ten “cleared” murders: “cleared, closed exceptionally.” The term “closed exceptionally” means that a murder has been declared solved, but without the filing of criminal charges—usually because prosecutors decide police evidence is insufficient.

Too many Chicagoans are dead due in part to a broken criminal justice system.

Denny Zheng was 24. He’d recently completed a master’s degree in statistics at the University of Chicago. Last November, as he walked near the campus in Hyde Park, he was robbed of his laptop computer and cell phone, then shot dead. The charged suspect was 18 years old and on probation for aggravated carjacking and armed robbery. Before his arrest, he sold the laptop and phone for $100.

Ella French was 29 and a Chicago police officer. She was killed during a traffic stop last August. The charged suspect was on probation for felony robbery.

In July, 73-year-old Keith Cooper, a grandfather and a veteran, died of a heart attack after being punched in the head during an attempted carjacking in Hyde Park. The charged suspect, by then an 18-year-old adult, had been on probation for juvenile carjacking.

In December 2020, retired Chicago firefighter Dwain Williams, 65, was slain during a carjacking attempt by a group of young men. One had five juvenile convictions and four pending cases, including one for an alleged home invasion and kidnapping. Another was out on bail before trial for stolen vehicle possession and aggravated unlawful use of a weapon.

In January of this year, eight-year-old Melissa Ortega was shopping with her mother on 26th Street, the main drag of Chicago’s Little Village neighborhood. She was shot and killed in a gang-related shooting gone awry. The charged suspect was a 16-year-old on probation for three armed carjackings within the previous year.

Easy probation has become a license to kill. Why won’t judges properly assess risk, even in juvenile cases? The answer is all too clear: criminal justice has morphed into what advocates on the bench and in prosecutors’ offices describe as “social justice.” But where is the justice for the victims and their families? The rush to empty out jails and prisons is costing lives.

The movement for bail reform only compounds the problem. Since 2017, under Cook County Chief Judge Timothy Evans’ direction, suspects charged with felony gun violations and overtly violent felonies are often released on low-cash or no-cash bail.

Evans has repeatedly argued that only a small percentage of released felony suspects have been charged again before trial. But he has not always been trustworthy in his use of data. In 2020, he released a report claiming there was no significant increase in crime after bail reform was enacted in Chicago. Only 147 felony defendants released before trial on low-cash or no-cash bail within the previous year and a quarter, he asserted, had been charged with new felony offenses. But the actual number was at least four times higher than that according to a Chicago Tribune analysis, which it was able to complete only after winning a public records appeal to the Illinois Supreme Court. Evans’ office had failed to count at least six different felony crime categories as felonies.

What can be done to address Chicago’s violent crime epidemic? Here are some ideas for legal reform suggested by the cases cited above:

  • Reapportion the county budget to build and operate more courtrooms with more judges for speedier trials.
  • Stop releasing people charged with violent felony crimes—including juveniles charged with armed carjacking—on low-cash or no-cash bail.
  • Repeal state legislation that will outlaw most cash bail by 2023.
  • Repeal the 2016 statute that severely restricts the ability of county prosecutors to charge juveniles with felony armed vehicular hijacking.

Unfortunately, the last two recommendations would require action by the Illinois Legislature, which has been under one-party (Democratic) rule for decades and has shown no serious interest in stopping crime.

Chicago should also employ smarter policing tactics, which would need to go hand-in-hand with stronger political support for the police. Residents of black neighborhoods say they want better police and more of them—and contrary to what too many Chicago politicians seem to believe, improved police accountability isn’t incompatible with supporting police in their efforts to make the streets safer.

One way to improve policing is by returning to regular foot patrols in high-crime districts. In February 2013, under Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Police Chief Garry McCarthy, Chicago launched a foot patrol program called Operation Impact in the city’s 20 highest-crime hot zones. After 14 months, murders in those zones dropped by almost half, shootings by 43 percent, and overall crime by 25 percent. Police said targeted gang and narcotics interventions may also have helped.

But Operation Impact didn’t last. Today such a program might require three or four cops to walk a beat together, with back-up in nearby cars. This in turn would require more police funding, not defunding, and real support for the police by Chicago’s mayor and city council.

Chicago politicians, like city politicians elsewhere, too often blame “gun violence” for the city’s murder epidemic, as if guns shoot themselves. Chicago police, to their credit, took more than 12,000 illegal guns off the streets in 2021 alone. But the supply is endless, and now includes “ghost guns”—guns without serial numbers made from mail-order parts. The vast majority of Chicago residents are law-abiding, and they should be able to defend themselves with legally obtained firearms.

In addition to legal reforms and improved policing, it’s time to stop making excuses for what one brave Chicago alderman, Ray Lopez, has called “the borderline collapse of the family unit in many of our neighborhoods” and the effects of “generational gang life.” Political leaders need to stop walking on eggshells when it comes to talking about the breakdown of the nuclear family in low-income black communities. Young men need fathers—without fathers they flounder.

According to City of Chicago data, in every year from 1999 to 2009, more than 80 percent of all black women who gave birth were single. Among Latinos, that figure rose from 45 to 55 percent during that period, while for whites and Asians the numbers were dramatically lower.

More broken homes are directly correlated with more violent crime. Annual Chicago Police Department reports show that the neighborhoods with the highest murder rates are the same neighborhoods in which births to single mothers are highest. Among children raised in households headed by two biological parents, regardless of race, studies find greater educational attainment, higher adult income, and lower rates of incarceration.

Failing public schools also contribute to Chicago’s violent crime crisis. Fewer than two out of ten black fourth- and eighth-graders achieve the “proficient” level in reading and math on the National Assessment of Educational Progress. High school SAT results are equally dismal.

A bright spot worth mentioning is the achievements being made by public charter schools. A University of Chicago study found that students at public charter high schools had better attendance and test scores than those at non-charter public high schools. More was required of them to advance to the next grade and to graduate. Teachers reported a higher level of trust and collaboration with their colleagues and a greater willingness to innovate. Classes were more academically demanding.

Sadly, however, the Chicago Teachers Union has used its broad powers to strike—powers granted by state lawmakers—to restrict competition, insisting on a charter school growth cap in their last two contracts. When the current cap expires in 2024, it should not be renewed by Chicago’s mayor and school board.

What Chicago ultimately needs are school vouchers, which must be enacted by state legislation—an unlikely prospect—or by a voter-approved constitutional amendment.

Another means of curtailing violence in Chicago is through poverty remediation and neighborhood economic development—which doesn’t simply mean government dispensations.

In Woodlawn, at 63rd and Martin Luther King Jr., is a fast-food dive where men step up to passing cars and collect cash in return for drugs. Walking south on MLK, I passed a woman with a thousand-yard glassy-eyed stare. Other pedestrians were loping around in little circles, looking lost.

Investment in such neighborhoods is a wager, and no one likes long odds. But just down the street on MLK, Pastor Corey Brooks is placing his bet. Brooks heads New Beginnings Church and its non-profit arm, Project H.O.O.D., which offers parenting classes, remote learning co-ops, online financial education lessons, and a popular construction industry training program. Eighteen black female electricians graduated from a certification course last summer. Brooks is in the midst of raising millions of dollars for a state-of-the-art community center equipped for career and technical training.

Trade skills are important, but so is meeting workplace expectations. On Halloween in 2020, Brooks’ church organized a Harvest Party for parents and children. I came across Brooks there counseling an agitated young man who was in the Project H.O.O.D. construction training program. The man was upset because his Latino job site supervisor confronted him about being late to work and not filling out timecards. It was a heated conversation, but Brooks held his ground, telling the young man that to keep a good construction job you’ve got to be on time and do what the boss says. He also told him he’d better get used to Latinos, because they’re skilled in the building trades.

In November 2020, I visited Chicago’s Roseland district, southeast of Woodlawn. The same Michigan Avenue that’s home to the Magnificent Mile shopping district downtown looks a lot different on the city’s South Side. Much of it looks like a war-torn city in Syria.

Dutch settlers in the 1840s referred to Roseland as High Prairie. In the 1850s it became an important stop on the Underground Railroad for slaves escaping to freedom in Canada. As recently as the early 1970s, Michigan Ave. in Roseland was a robust marketplace with distinctive architecture. Subsequently, however, as gang violence increased, the area came to be known as the Wild One Hundreds. During my visit, nearly every building on Michigan Ave. was trashed or empty.

Antoine Dobine lives in neighboring West Pullman. Interviewed by NBC News, he recalled that Roseland was

a beautiful area in the 70s. It was like a family atmosphere. But . . . a lot of families left, and a lot of families moved in and didn’t have those same values. . . . We need all these parents who got these gun toters and gangbangers on their couches . . . to say, “Hey, child, get out of my house and put that gun down.” . . . I know there’s people living in these homes that’s sick and tired of things going on like I’m sick and tired, [but they] won’t . . . speak up.

Political change in Chicago is essential. Year after year, two-thirds of the city’s registered voters fail to vote in local elections. The main group that does vote consistently is a group that benefits greatly from the status quo: public employee union members. Voting is suppressed by the fact that local elections are held in odd years during cold winter months, but until the majority of citizens—who are being harmed by the status quo—seizes control of their own destiny, little will change.

Change at the family and individual levels is equally essential. Malik Tiger made such a change, and in doing so came to understand the true meaning of self-determination. He grew up in Roseland, and his father served ten years in jail. By age 17, Malik was charged in his first gun case, and a spiraling pattern of crime, gunshot wounds, and jail time followed. Then he decided he had had enough.

“I feel like at the end of the day, change has to come from within. You have to get tired,” Malik said. “You have to look at yourself in the mirror and be disgusted with who you are.” Through a violence prevention program, he turned things around and landed a job at the Greater Chicago Food Depository.

“I just had a newborn son,” Malik said. “I have my own apartment. I’m doing good for myself.” Bumping into the judge who sentenced him in 2013 on juvenile gun charges, he received encouragement for the changes he’d made. “The judge looked at me as an individual, as a strong black man who was trying to go forward and trying to do the right thing to take care of his family.”

The Left today has badly misappropriated the word “equity,” using it to mean equality of outcome—something to be achieved through affirmative action and economic redistribution. But real equity, in the old sense, cannot be given. Real equity requires the old fashioned virtues. It is inextricable from full ownership of your own course in life.


Matt Rosenberg

Matt Rosenberg is a journalist, author, and former Yellow Cab driver in Chicago, where he lived for 30 years. He has worked for numerous publications, including the Seattle Times as an op-ed columnist and the Chicago-Sun Times, where he worked on the Pulitzer-finalist Mirage Tavern investigation. A former senior fellow at the Cascadia Center, he has written for numerous publications, including The Open StandardCity JournalNational ReviewJewish World ReviewAmerican Greatness, the Chicago Tribune, and the Denver Post. He is the author of the recent book, What Next, Chicago? Notes of a Pissed-Off Native Son.

EDITORS NOTE: This Imprimis Digest column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

TRUMP RISING: Coming to ‘Joe Rogan’ show, 5M views in 24-hours on ‘Nelk Boys’ interview & Russia banning Facebook as ‘Extremist Organization’

What do they say about Karma? It seems that efforts to deplatform, defund, censor, malign, criticize, label and destroy President Donald J. Trump, the TRUTHsocial app and Trumpsters in general is going downhill fast.

There’s a growing thirst to hear from President Trump and groups like Canada’s Nelk Boys and Joe Rogan are getting huge benefits from having President Trump on their shows to talk about Biden and his Build Back Worse agenda.

The Nelk Boys interview with President Trump had 5 million views within 24-hours on YouTube, before Google took the video down.

The people of tired of Biden’s America last policies and want to hear what President Trump thinks about what is happening in America, the economy, the invasion of Ukraine, China and Taiwan, Iran nuclear deal and many other global issues impacting the United States.

Here’s some news that Trump is scheduled to appear on Joe Rogan’s podcast.

YouTube deleted the wildly popular Nelk Boys interview with Donald Trump after it got 5 Million views in 24 Hours.

Not to worry, the Nelk Boys uploaded it to Rumble.

The NELK Boys are a YouTube group from Canada that makes videos centered around pranks, college culture, and lifestyle vlogs. Their main channel currently has over 7 million subscribers.

Watch Trump’s full interview with the Nelk Boys:

The Epoch Times, in a March 11, 2022 article titled “Russia to Brand Facebook Parent Company an ‘Extremist Organization’ Jack Phillips reports:

Russia’s Prosecutor General asked a court to formally designate Facebook and Instagram owner Meta as an extremist organization.

“Consistent with the Federal Law on Countering Extremist Activities, the Russian Prosecutor General’s office has lodged a motion with a court for designating Meta Platforms Inc. as an extremist organization and banning its operations in the territory of the Russian Federation,” said the office on Friday, according to the Interfax news agency.

At the same time, the Russian Investigative Committee said it was probing the social media company “in light of unlawful calls for violence against citizens of the Russian Federation by employees of the U.S. company Meta.”

Finally, remember when German Delegation at the UN laughed at Trump when he warned them about dependence on Russia’s natural gas and oil?


We’re guessing that the Germans aren’t laughing now that they are getting 50% of their oil and natural gas from Putin.

President Trump warned,

Reliance on a single foreign supplier can leave a nation vulnerable to extortion and intimidation. That is why we congratulate European states such as Poland for leading the construction of a Baltic pipeline, so that nations are not dependent on Russia to meet their energy needs…Germany will become totally dependent on Russian energy if it does not immediately change course.

The Western Journal noted,

Trump chose not to give hostile actors power over the U.S., especially when he was the president of an energy rich country. Understanding how essential energy independence is to national security, he wisely set out to achieve it.

One again, Trump was right!

It appears that despite efforts by Democrats, Biden, the Biden administration, the legacy and social media and TV hosts President is more popular and more sought after than ever.

Go figure.

To answer the question we asked at the beginning of this column – “Karma is a bitch.”

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

Americans Can’t Afford Gas, Congress Just Gave Itself a 21% Raise

The $1.5 trillion omnibus bill has plenty of inflationary spending, and the honorable members of the legislature didn’t leave themselves out.

As part of the $1.5 trillion omnibus spending bill released Wednesday, the $5.9 billion fiscal 2022 Legislative Branch funding portion would substantially boost the office budgets of House members to pay staff more…

This legislation would provide $774.4 million for the Members Representational Allowance, known as the MRA, which funds the House office budgets for lawmakers, including staffer salaries. This $134.4 million, or 21 percent, boost over the previous fiscal year marks the largest increase in the MRA appropriation since it was authorized in 1996, according to a bill summary by the House Appropriations Committee. For paid interns in member and leadership offices, the House would get $18.2 million.

It’s not technically a pay hike for congressmembers, but, in particular House members, are notorious for putting family members on the payroll. And for using staffers to run their errands and handle assorted personal projects for them.

In August, Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced staffers’ salaries could exceed those of lawmakers. Members in both the House and Senate, with the exception of leadership, make an annual salary of $174,000. Staffers can make up to $199,300.

That’s convenient since it can act as a pay hike without the negative press.

MRAs tend to be between $1.2 and $1.4 million. A massive MRA increase has all sorts of political and potentially personal benefits. It’s also completely indefensible during an economic crisis.

House Dem leaders are cheering the disgusting pork sandwich as a victory for diversity.

House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD-05) and House Democratic Caucus Chair Hakeem Jeffries (NY-08), released the following statement this morning on the inclusion of a 21% increase in Member Representational Allowance (MRA) funding in the Fiscal Year 2022 Omnibus legislation.

Leader Hoyer and Chair Jeffries have long advocated for this increase to the MRA in order to ensure that Members, leaders, and committees can attract and retain the best and brightest to help them serve the American people while promoting a more diverse workforce.

Is there any obscenity that can’t be justified in the name of diversity?

“We join in thanking Chairwoman DeLauro and Ranking Member Granger as well as the Members on the Appropriation Committee for producing a bipartisan omnibus package that includes this increase in office budgets so that Congressional staff pay can be a priority and enhance this institution’s ability to deliver For the People.”

For the People.

Ask not what Congress can do for you, ask what you can do for Congress.


RELATED VIDEO: Nancy Pelosi Comforts Zelensky With an Offer of Help From … Billie Jean King


Biden: ‘Putin just decides he’s gonna invade Russia’

Capitol Police Funding Went From $375,000,000 to $602,000,000

Canada: Trudeau rejects Zelensky’s request for no-fly zone over fears of Russian escalation, says he’s heartbroken

Saudis, Emiratis Alarmed by U.S. Capitulation to Iran

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Stop Russian Gold? Sure! Create Global Economic Disaster

The war in Ukraine is helping drive the price of oil through the roof, but the economic problems in the United States were created way before Putin’s personal, psychotic “manifest destiny” began to unfold. The Federal Reserve has painted the U.S. economy into a corner.

And now, Washington, D.C. wants to throw gasoline on the financial and fiscal fire by proffering the STOP RUSSIAN GOLD ACT. Insanity!

In this edition of the Ledger Report, Graham speaks with Peter Schiff about the economic mess, Barry Nussbaum about the Russian mess, and Michael Cutler about the mess at the border.

Please subscribe free to The Ledger Report by clicking here:

©The Ledger Report. All rights reserved.

Buttigieg’s ‘Husband’ Leads Kids in Pledge to Gay Pride Flag

In a video recently unearthed from 2019, Chasten Buttigieg, “husband” of Department of Transportation diversity hire Pete Buttigieg, is seen leading children in a pledge of allegiance to the Gay Pride flag.

Buttigieg had the young children recite: “I pledge my heart to the rainbow of the not so typical gay camp, to the gay agenda for which it stands. One camp, full of pride, indivisible, with affirmation and equal rights for all.”

Buttigieg ended the pledge by waving the LGBT rainbow flag. The video is reportedly from a Democrat presidential primary campaign stop during Pete Buttigieg’s failed 2020 candidacy.

The video shows Buttigieg wearing a shirt that reads “not your typical gay camp.” That is the slogan of Iowa Safe Schools’ Pride Camp, whose mission “is to provide a safe and affirming place for LGBTQ & allied youth to learn valuable life skills and network with other LGBTQ youth in a supportive and nurturing environment.” The five-day long camp is open to children as young as 14.

This is nothing less than the sexual grooming, not to mention the political indoctrination, of children. It is unconscionable, and any Republican whose spouse was caught on video doing the equivalent would rightfully be crucified in the media and drummed out of a political career.

But there will be no such outcry toward Pete Buttigieg from the Left because grooming and indoctrination are an essential part of the Marxist agenda to subvert the traditional family and brainwash children to become woke foot soldiers for the Democrats.

Pete Buttigieg

8 Known Connections

Policy Positions

Pete Buttigieg believes that:

  • all women should have an unrestricted right to abortion-on-demand at any stage of pregnancy – subsidized by taxpayers, in cases of economic hardship;
  • public and private employers alike should be legally required to implement affirmative-action hiring and promotion policies that give preference to African Americans and women, as compensation for historical injustices;
  • the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is an excellent statute that can serve a strategic stepping stone toward the eventual implementation of a government-run, single-payer healthcare system;
  • more guns in the hands of private citizens inevitably result in higher levels of crime, thus the availability of firearms should be restricted by whatever means are effective;
  • restrictions on immigration are basically racist because they tend to prevent Hispanics and other non-whites from entering the United States;
  • voter ID laws are racist and are intended to suppress voting by nonwhite minorities;

To learn more about Pete Buttigieg, click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.