Kamala Harris—Less than Worthless

“All the greatest things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom; justice; honor; duty; mercy; hope.” – Winston Churchill

In our entire American history I doubt that we have witnessed an administration as pitiful as the one we suffer from now. Yep, not even under Jimmy the peanut Carter!! Inept does not cover it. Stupidity does not cover it. The pure unadulterated hatred they show for this country and it’s people, shown by their actions, is mind blowing.

Our nations leaders from both parties, but in particular the New Socialist Democrat Party, have bought ridicule from around the globe upon this once proud and powerful nation. We are no longer leaders but followers of the evil New World Order.

I have spoken so much about the mentally challenged and deranged, inept, corrupt, perverted and treasonous so called Commander in Chief, Sniffer Joe, but now I want to mention and talk about giggly, dumb, immoral and unethical Vice President, Kamala Harris. I won’t go into depth on her oral expertise which bought her much success and wealth in her early career as she knelt her way up the sorry food chain of Californian politics.

I want to concentrate on her achievements as Vice President. Oops. Cannot do that as this would be the end of todays blog as there have been – wait for it – zero!

So let’s look at her many, many failures. I don’t have the time today to go through them all but I will highlight some!

As we all know, since this administration stole the 2020 election, our mainly southern border has become so porous as to really not exist. Millions of illegals and probably hundreds, if not thousands, of America hating extremists and criminal elements have poured across like Niagara Falls on a good day! Regardless to Covid status, they are all welcomed, fed, clothed, bussed to free housing and benefits and released among good tax paying citizens. Well, Bidens great plan was to put Harris in charge of that issue !! That was oh so long ago and she hasn’t got round to actually doing anything yet. She has had a few tax payer funded junkets to some South American countries like Guatemala where she promised them money but nothing else apart from stating she is trying to fix the underlying problems that make these illegals want to come here. (let me tell her why they come:/ It’s the American agenda under this POS leadership that is bringing them here. Easy crossing. Money and housing plus food and education are all awaiting them free of charge!)

Lately Kamala, the giggling hyena, has been oh so very focused on the LGBTQI agenda. All this while Americans, gay and straight, are suffering through major hyper inflation again caused by the anti American agenda of the current president and his extreme leftist party. How is that for equality? She seems to think the LGBTQI Equality Act, written to protect transgender people, is more important than say Russian aggression and criminal acts against humanity in Ukraine or inflation or gas prices etc. In her words the deranged Harris just stated in a Tweet,

“Let’s send the Equality Act to President Biden’s desk, we must increase protections for LGBTQ+ Americans across the country. The onslaught of state bills targeting transgender Americans and their families is wrong.”

This woman, some say brainless slut, is unable to multi task. She could become more dangerous if she tried juggling more than say one ball at a time! Her answer to our problems appears to be, let’s get more transgender men into female sports!! Her stupidity reminds me of something equally stupid her fellow libtard and traitor John Kerry said about the current war in Ukraine,

“Massive emissions are consequences to the war but equally importantly, you’re going to lose people’s focus, you’re going to lose big country attention because they will be diverted and I think it could have a damaging impact on global warming!” 

Irrelevant that men, women and children are being massacred. The blowhard and cowardly liar extraordinaire is only concerned with furthering the lie of global warming as the left, including Kerry, get richer and richer off it.

Harris has been an utter disaster since becoming Vice President, including traveling to the wrong border, making movies with child actors, and temporarily sporting a fake French accent. Oh. Have I mentioned that giggle?

She is traveling to Poland and Romania next week. Being as she has not accomplished one solitary thing as VP to date, I am not sure what expectations Europeans can have. Even simple tasks have been left unfinished or started so why would anyone think she could avert a possible WWIII? Remember, she was in Munich just a few days ago and she told them that,

“they had to remember they were a part of Europe, that there was a war and therefore this meant there was a war in Europe. War’s bad.” 

Wow! Words of wisdom? Not! Embarrassing? Heck yeah!

One thing is certain. Kamala Harris is 100% unqualified to be Vice President.

She is 100% unqualified to be a public servant.

She is 100% irrelevant as a politician.

Heck, let’s say it. She is 100% incapable of being a true American.

I believe she has put black politicians back several decades. Her pitiful dealings on the international and domestic stage are nothing anyone would expect from a Vice President of the United States of America.

She is a liability for the country but also for Biden and the ever more dangerous Democrats who know that their days in power are done. Her constant negative press and constant bumbling every time she opens her mouth or travels abroad or even round the country, makes her a liability coming into the mid terms and then the 2024 presidential election cycles. Working for her as a member of her staff is also hazardous to your health. She runs a dysfunctional office and belittles her staff. As one stated, she makes you feel like a piece of sh*t. Nice huh?

Anyway America. Not much longer to put up with this woman or her Boss, the Big Guy! They will become a lame duck administration come November as the whole country moves away from the left towards the center and right.

Quick question for you all!! Which of the two pictures below are the real Kamala Harris? I am going with the furry one!

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

Why College Degrees Are Working Against Many Job-Seekers

No degree is the new degree.

‘Would you rather hire someone who ran a marathon, or had a college degree?’

I remember when I saw the question posed on LinkedIn. It got hundreds of responses, almost all of whom said they’d pick the marathoner.

It turns out, the story most young people have been told about the value of degrees on the job market isn’t true, and it’s getting less true every day.

A few years ago, I talked to a business owner who turned down a candidate I passed along because he had a Master’s degree. He told me, “He seems smart and has some skill, but he’s been in school too long. It will take me too much time to get those habits out of him. Plus, I’ve found people with advanced degrees tend to be entitled and assume they’re worth more than they are.”

The famous venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz developed a framework for evaluating which entrepreneurs were most likely to succeed with their startups. One of the strongest indicators was being a college drop-out. The courage and out-of-the-box thinking needed to overcome social pressure and quit school was a bullish sign.

All of these stories share one takeaway in common: a college degree doesn’t do a good job of signaling employability. In fact, choosing not to get one can be a better signal.

And no wonder. Employers routinely report that college grads lack basic skills they look for in new hires. (See herehere, and here, for example). In fact, less than 10 percent of employers think colleges do a good job of preparing students for the working world. (Study cited here.)

A lack of useful skills is only part of the problem. Grads are saddled with debt, often taught absurd ideas from professors disconnected from the real world, and encouraged to see themselves as victims. Add to that binge-drinking and increasingly draconian policies around health and politically correct speech, and campuses have become a place to pick up bad habits and bad ideas.

Employers want to know you can create value. ‘BA – Communications’ on a resume doesn’t convey much. But you know what does?

A good opt-out or drop-out story.

I have seen hundreds of young people with no degree and no experience get jobs that said a bachelor’s and 2-3 years of experience were required. They won these jobs because they showed something more valuable than a few static bullets on a resume. They explained why they chose not to go to college, and that they did an apprenticeship, internship, self-guided study program, or project instead.

Employers love it. They get excited. Instead of someone simply taking the path of least resistance and muddling through college because their parents paid for it, they see individuals willing to forge their own way, think clearly about costs and benefits, and take initiative.

That’s why college alternative programs often boast placement rates of 90 percent or better immediately upon graduation, while just 40 percent of university students have jobs within three months after graduation.

Young people who prioritize real-world experience, self-directed learning, and creating an interesting life for themselves are increasingly sought after over those who do the normal college thing.

What began as a counter-signal for startup founders and high-tech jobs is spreading to more and more roles as hiring managers discover the best traits are better correlated with opt-outs than the college-educated. The most dynamic companies need to see more than the same piece of paper everyone else has.

It’s not that college is too good for many young people; it’s that more and more young people are too good for college.


Isaac M. Morehouse

Isaac Morehouse is the CEO of Crash and Founder of Praxis. He is a member of the FEE Faculty Network. He blogs at IsaacMorehouse.com.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.


Welcome!   In this issue we are emphasizing coverage of Ukraine (as there is a direct connection to unscientific climate and energy policies).

Here is the link for this issue, so please share it on social media.

Particularly note the ***asterisked*** items below.

— This Newsletter’s Articles, by Topic —


*** Short video: Biden 2019: ‘If I’m President, Putin’s Days of Tyranny and Trying to Intimidate U.S. and Eastern Europe are Over’

*** Putin’s Real Goal is Toppling US

*** Answers to 6 Big Questions About Putin’s Nuclear Threats

*** What is Swift and why is banning Russia so significant?

How to get to a place of peace for Ukraine

More than 150 senior Russian officials sign letter condemning Putin’s Ukraine invasion

Lies and Truth about Ukraine

Ukraine’s finest hour

A Ukrainian Climate Scientist is Uniquely Positioned to Explain the Real Global Threat

As Russia Wages War, US Army Announces Woke Mandatory Training

Ukraine’s Deadly Gamble

Ukraine and Energy Policies:

*** US must lead again on energy before it is too late

*** Short video: Anyone with a ‘functioning frontal cortex’ knew the dangers of a Russian energy superpower

*** The West’s Green Delusions Empowered Putin

*** Germany Goes For Full Energy Policy Overhaul Amid Ukraine Crisis

Stop Letting Russian Funded Environmental Groups Dictate America’s Energy Policy

Energy Policy Is Too Important To Be Left to Climate Activists

Putin blows up NetZero and the green reset

Ukraine Trigger: New Energy Order, Digital Transformation, Health Architecture

Ukraine And Energy Realism

Biden’s green agenda becoming casualty of Russia’s Ukraine invasion

Biden embarrassing the US as energy agenda is exposed by Russian invasion

Europe’s ‘green’ transition put it at Russia’s mercy

European Industry Faces Shrink or Shut Decisions on Energy Pain

Stop these Fuelish Policies

Energy Realism Emerges In Germany While The US Doubles Down

We need to talk about energy

Stop Worrying About Chernobyl – It’s The Russian Invasion That’s Deadly

Former Head of MI6 calls for ‘immediate lifting of fracking moratorium’

European Ships Sail For South African Coal After Russia Sanctions

UK is sitting on gas gold mine which would blitz bills & Putin monopoly

US President State of the Union  Address:

*** President Biden’s State of the Union report card: Experts give their grades

*** The Delusional SOTU

*** Senator McConnell: President Biden Needed To Pivot — But Chose Not To

*** The Five Biggest Takeaways from Biden’s First State of the Union Address

The Climate Crisis Disappearing Act

Gov. Kristi Noem Responds to Biden’s State of the Union Address

Iowa Governor Slams Biden in Republican State of the Union Response

Video: ICAN CEO Delivers States of the Union Response

Biden Disinforms on the State of the Union About COVID Vaccines

Biden Using Ukraine As An Excuse for His Own Failures

Biden’s SOTU reassured nobody

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Note 1: We recommend reading the Newsletter on your computer, not your phone, as some documents (e.g. PDFs) are much easier to read on a large computer screen… We’ve tried to use common fonts, etc. to minimize display issues.

Note 2: For recent past Newsletter issues see 2020 Archives & 2021 Archives & 2022 Archives. To accommodate numerous requests received about prior articles over the twelve plus years of the Newsletter, we’ve put together archives since the beginning of the Newsletter — where you can search by year. For a detailed background about the Newsletter, please read this.

Note 3: See this extensive list of reasonable books on climate change. As a parallel effort, we have also put together a list of some good books related to industrial wind energy. Both topics are also extensively covered on my website: WiseEnergy.org.

Note 4: I am not an attorney or a physician, so no material appearing in any of the Newsletters (or any of my websites) should be construed as giving legal or medical advice. My recommendation has always been: consult a competent, licensed attorney when you are involved with legal issues, and consult a competent physician regarding medical matters.

Copyright © 2022; Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (see WiseEnergy.org)

A World Gone Covid Crazy! Planned or Happenstance?

“I do a lot of reading, meditating, and praying to stay as grounded as I can be in this crazy world.” – Jada Koren Pinkett Smith, American actress.

“Fear kills more people than death.” – George S. Patton

We have seen our nation and the world literally going crazy over Covid. We are now living in a crazy Covid culture world. Covid has become the spear in the global cultural war against science and the truth. We are now witnessing Covid craziness.

Have you seen people driving alone in the cars wearing a mask? Have you witnessed your colleagues getting fired because they weren’t vaccinated? Have you lost your business because of Covid mandates that have taken away your customers? Have you seen nations impose emergency measures to stop their people from protesting against jab mandates?

Well we have and it isn’t pretty.

QUESTION: Was this craziness planned or by happenstance?

Rabbi Isser Weisberg said in an interview with Jami Glazov that “The World is Going Nuts – Exactly as Planned“.


Glazov calls what we are witnessing a new “technological Bolshevism.” Bolshevism is Communism writ large. Communism demands the people obey the government or be sent to prison.

Planned or Happenstance?

In an IndependentMinute.com column wrote:

Nine out of 10 deaths in England were reportedly those people who have been fully vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccines, according to reports.

While England recorded 9 out 10 deaths from those who received two COVID-19 vaccines shots, 4 out 5 deaths also came from people who triple-vaccinated. This is according to the data published by the U.K. Health Security Agency.

The Expose site an independent British news outlet reported on February 22, a table that would show a confirmation the vast majority of deaths were among the vaccinated on page 41.

This report revealed that about 73.5% of the population of England has been fully vaccinated, and 56.9% have received a booster shot, as of Feb. 28.

Click her to view the table from the UKHSA report.

George Orwell in his dystopian novel 1984 wrote:

“Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.”

The world is experiencing a deep seated form of “doublethink” in which many believe their governments are telling the truth about Covid, the vaccines and effects of getting jabbed. They believe that what their governments are telling them is scientifically true.

But science demands truth, while Covid mandates demand obedience.

Hence Covid doublethink = scientific obedience.

John F. Kennedy said,

A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”

Kennedy also said that the enemy of the truth isn’t the lie but rather it is the myth persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.

This century’s great myth is Covid.

The Bottom Line

We have witnessed four pandemics during our lifetime. The last two were H1N1 and SARS under the Obama administration.

Former Senior Advisor to the President and current Ambassador to Japan, Rahm Emanuel said,

You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.

Covid gave Biden, the Biden administration, politicians from the city, to county, to state and in Washington, D.C. an unprecedented opportunity to do things that they or no-one before could do-shutdown an entire nation!

Watch as Nancy Pelosi says that the American people who have a low opinion of Biden and his Covid mandates are ignorant:

The Democrats used Covid to do things that are unheard of and they continue to do so. Recently FEMA updated its guidance on what to do during a nuclear explosion. FEMA’s Ready.gov website on nuclear explosions states:

Stay inside for 24 hours unless local authorities provide other instructions. Continue to practice social distancing by wearing a mask and by keeping a distance of at least six feet between yourself and people who not part of your household.

[ … ]

If you are sick or injured, listen for instructions on how and where to get medical attention when authorities tell you it is safe to exit. If you are sick and need medical attention, contact your healthcare provider for instructions. If you are at a public shelter, immediately notify the staff at that facility so they can call a local hospital or clinic. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 9-1-1 and let the operator know if you have, or think you might have, COVID-19. If you can, put on a mask before help arrives.

Engage virtually with your community through video and phone calls. Know that it’s normal to feel anxious or stressed. Take care of your body and talk to someone if you are feeling upset. Many people may already feel fear and anxiety about the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). The threat of a nuclear explosion can add additional stress. Follow CDC guidance for managing stress during a traumatic event and managing stress during COVID-19[Emphasis added]

Fueled by the legacy and social media the Covid crisis turned into Covid craziness and has now morphed into a full blown case of “Covid Derangement Syndrome.”

If you want to understand what Covid Derangement Syndrome is then picture a government jack boot stomping on your mask covered face – for ever.

The American people are waking up to this dystopian Covid Derangement Syndrome. American voters have a choice in November 2022 between control and freedom.

Choose wisely!

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

Ayatollah Khamenei: Homosexuality is part of the ‘moral deprivation’ of Western civilization

Many in the West would agree with Khamenei that homosexuality is immoral. Iran, however, goes farther. As the global center of Shia Islam, Iran prescribes the death penalty for homosexuality as per Islamic law. Meanwhile, the West has advanced to being tolerant to a fault. Instead of condemning the human rights abuses of barbaric cultures and focusing on the victims rather than on political correctness, the West makes unnecessary apologies for its advances. The West needs to stand up and celebrate the freedom of speech, free will, religious freedom, human rights and equality for all, but instead the West is moving backwards, accepting the claim that any criticism of Sharia is “Islamophobic.

Iran, Pakistan and other Sharia-adherent countries persecute and kill homosexuals, abuse women as inferiors, and treat infidels as objects who need to be killed, or subjugated and converted.

It is true that many religions view homosexuality as a form of moral deprivation, along with a range of other sins, but Western civilization respects free will and does not support murder as punishment for homosexual activity.

Yet rather than lead with confidence in its evolution, Western countries allow themselves to be duped, beaten down by the “Islamophobia” subterfuge.

Iran’s Khamenei Says Homosexuality Example of West’s Immorality

Reuters, March 1, 2022:

DUBAI (Reuters) -Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei described homosexuality as part of the “moral deprivation” widespread in Western civilisation, during a televised speech on Tuesday.

“There is severe moral deprivation in the world today such as homosexuality and things that one cannot bring oneself to even talk about. Some have rightly called Western civilisation a new age of ignorance,” Khamenei said.

Western rights groups have often criticised Iran, where homosexual acts among men can be punished by the death penalty.

Tehran has dismissed the criticism as baseless and due to a lack of understanding of its Islamic laws.

“The same moral vices of the age of ignorance (in pre-Islamic Arabia) exist today in the so-called civilised Western world in an organised and more widespread way….


China buys more Iranian oil now than it did before sanctions

Islam is the Only Winner in the Ukraine War

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Welcome to the Pentagon – No Non-Marxists Allowed!

“Perhaps wisdom…is realizing how small I am, and unwise, and how far I have yet to go.” – Anthony Bourdain

The Pentagon just instituted mandatory transgender training for all Army personnel.  Soldiers are being schooled in transgender pronouns and officers are being trained to be on the lookout for soldiers to whom they should be offering gender transition surgery.

This is pure communism.  How do I know?  Because transgender activists themselves have told us so, on video.  There’s a video on YouTube with four trans activists saying, among other things.  “Trans liberation calls for communist revolution.”  In the video, they discuss ways to bring about a “communist society” to benefit trans people.  Revolution would “require the abolition of society as it currently is.  When we demand that society be arranged in certain ways, this is part of the project.”  There you have it, in-your-face Hegelian dialectical negation in spades, and proof that transgenderism is at root communism.  It couldn’t be any clearer.

The Pentagon threw former Space Force commander Matthew Lohmeier out of the military for writing a bookcalling out the Pentagon for going communist.  In the book, he describes how communist countries extract false confessions from POWs.  The results are self-loathing and paralysis from being conflicted.  Uttering a false confession sets up an internal struggle whereby you conquer yourself – you beat yourself in your own mind.  (p. 87-88)

The Pentagon is essentially treating the entire military as POWs.  The Pentagon is using the communist technique of extracting false confessions from them.  The Pentagon had already been demanding white soldiers confess their so-called ‘white privilege’.  Now it’s demanding they confess they are not biological males or females, but their gender is just a construct they can change on a whim.    The mandatory transgender training uses the language of the Left – ‘people are assigned male or female at birth’ – with the implication that gender is not a biological reality but is just all in their head and it doesn’t have to stay that way.  This is patently false and, as a policy analyst observed, arguably the vast majority of people in the military do not agree, but the Pentagon demands they utter a false confession.   You can have the surgery and take the drugs the rest of your life, you can jump through all those hoops and pretend, but you will never change biological reality.

I’ve said often there will always be transgender people and nobody should hate them or wish them harm.  But that doesn’t mean I want them in control of public policy or the Pentagon.

In other Woke Pentagon news lately, experts again warned the Pentagon’s dalliances with climate change and diversity are undermining the military’s ability to wage war.  A military family echoed the warning, saying the U.S. military will get smashed by any country that focuses on winning wars instead of electric vehicles and sensitivity training.

The National Defense University hosted a lecturemaking the case for ‘global justice’ and ‘democratic socialism’ and saying we cannot meet the challenge of China unless we adopt ecological and post-colonial socialism.  Karl Marx would be proud.

Marines are saying privately the military’s COVID vaccine mandate is crushing military readiness and, is in reality, a political purge.  Personnel who requested religious exemptions are being denied and booted out.  The message: people with strong religious convictions need not apply.

Finally, the Pentagon is still chasing after supposed white supremacy and extremism in the ranks in the false belief there are zillions of Timothy McVeigh’s out there just waiting to be discovered.  Despite all the effort the Pentagon is pouring into this, the number identified remains miniscule, according to the military’s own data.

The Pentagon is no longer a military, but is instead chasing after phantoms and ideological unicorns found only in the putrid imagination of Karl Marx.  Let us hope a future administration will stop the insanity and right the ship before the Vladimir Putins of the world get the wrong idea about us.

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET Weekdays

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

The Clintons’ Russia-Ukraine Grift

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was quick to cast blame as war unfolded in Ukraine. On MSNBC last week, she blasted former President Trump for “giving aid and comfort to Vladimir Putin” with an offhand remark that the Russian president was a “genius.” Mrs. Clinton conveniently omitted mention that not too long ago, she and her husband had raked in millions working both sides of a Russia-Ukraine grift.

Judicial Watch broke the story of former president Bill Clinton’s multi-million-dollar haul from speech fees while his wife presided over U.S. foreign policy. In a joint investigation with the Washington Examiner, Judicial Watch found that Mr. Clinton gave 215 speeches, taking in $48 million. According to documents obtained by Judicial Watch in Freedom of Information Act litigation, State Department officials charged with reviewing proposed Bill Clinton speeches for possible conflicts of interest did not object to a single one.

The speech fees included a jaw-dropping $500,000 check from the Russian investment firm Renaissance Capital for a single speech. Years later, leaked emails revealed the close connection between Renaissance Capital and Putin’s inner circle. Reuters reported that the emails show top Renaissance officials awarding an unspecified stake in the firm to Matthias Warnig, a close Putin ally. “Warnig served as an officer in East Germany’s Stasi secret police at the same time as Putin was a KGB officer in Dresden in the late 1980s,” Reuters noted.

The Clintons also cultivated a relationship with Putin-connected oligarch Victor Vekselberg, who donated an estimated $75,000 to the Clinton Foundation. In 2018, Vekselberg was one of seven oligarchs sanctioned by the Trump Administration for activities related to the Russian government’s “malign activity…including continuing to occupy Crimea and instigate violence in eastern Ukraine.”

According to findings by investigative reporter John Solomon, Vekselberg also was involved in the Uranium One controversy—another lucrative source of cash for the Clinton network. Uranium One was a Canadian uranium mining firm with U.S. holdings that the Russians wanted to buy. The vehicle for the purchase was Rosatom, the Russian state atomic energy corporation. Because uranium is a strategic asset, the U.S. government had to approve deal. Enter Vekselberg and Secretary of State Clinton.

At the time of Bill Clinton’s $500,000 Russian speaking engagement, the former president sought permission from the State Department to meet with Vekselberg and Arkady Dvorkovich, a senior official of Rosatom, during the Moscow trip. Russia needed sign-off from the State Department on the inter-agency panel responsible for deciding the fate of the deal.

You don’t need to be a genius to connect the dots between a $500,000 “speaking fee,” a trip to Moscow, and Russia’s goal of cornering a big chunk of the global uranium market.

The sale of Uranium One to Rosatom was approved by both the U.S. and Canadian governments. In the years surrounding the deal—including before it became public knowledge—entities connected to Uranium One donated $145 million to the Clinton Foundation.

The Clintons had a Ukrainian benefactor as well. According to a New York Times report, Ukrainian oligarch and steel baron Victor Pinchuk steered between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation, loaned his private plane to the Clintons, flew to LA to attend Mr. Clinton’s big 65th birthday party, and went to a dinner party at the Clintons’ home. Pinchuk hired Doug Schoen, Mr. Clinton’s former consultant, to arrange meetings with State Department officials to discuss Ukraine. Pinchuk also donated $150,000 to the Trump Foundation.

Pinchuk has been embroiled in controversies in Ukraine for years, but he has never been charged with a crime. In 2013, the Commerce Department began investigating complaints that Pinchuk and others were illegally dumping steel on the U.S. market. The investigation went nowhere. According to recent reporting, Pinchuk and his fellow Ukrainian oligarchs have put aside their sometimes bitter rivalries and are working to support Ukrainian independence.

As for Mrs. Clinton, last week she declared that Americans should be “calling out those people” who have given aid and comfort to Vladimir Putin and his allies. Good idea. She can start by looking in the mirror.



Micah Morrison is chief investigative reporter for Judicial Watch. Follow him on Twitter @micah_morrison. Tips: mmorrison@judicialwatch.org

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. Investigative Bulletin is published by Judicial Watch. Reprints and media inquiries: jfarrell@judicialwatch.org

Biden’s Iranian Nuclear State

Due to President Trump’s crippling economic sanctions Iran was bankrupt. Iran would have had no choice but to make an acceptable deal on their nuke program, because they could not have withstood another four years of crippling economic sanctions. And if diplomacy failed their was always the option for an airstrike on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

The Biden Administration came into office and discarded America’s massive leverage against Iran. They then proceeded to engage in an appeasement campaign with Iran, the likes of which we have perhaps never seen for an American administration. In the days ahead, the Biden Administration will sign off on a deal with Iran, that is even worse than the deal that was signed in 2015.

Biden’s Coming Iran Deal Will Be Even Worse than Obama’s

By National Review, March 4, 2022

President Joe Biden vowed this week to isolate Russia, yet his negotiators stayed at the table with their Russian counterparts in Vienna, putting the finishing touches on an Iran nuclear deal 2.0 that will benefit Russia and Iran and endanger the U.S. and its allies.

The new agreement is even worse than the 2015 deal made by the Obama administration. Biden’s version would lift U.S. terrorism sanctions on Iran, the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, and leave Tehran’s illicit nuclear infrastructure intact without first demanding a full accounting of Iran’s secret nuclear work.

Under the deal, Iran would get access to more than $100 billion, which it could spend on terrorism, missiles, and the pursuit of regional hegemony. Enforcement remains weak or non-existent, so there is no barrier to Iran’s crossing the nuclear threshold at a time of its choosing. Terrorism sanctions imposed on the Central Bank of Iran, the National Iranian Oil Company, and a host of other banks and companies will be suspended without any evidence that these institutions are no longer engaged in financing terrorism.

The State Department may even rescind the terrorist designation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps despite its continuing sponsorship of terrorism and history of targeting Americans — a slap in the face to nearly 1,200 Gold Star family members who recently pled with the White House not to release any funds to Iran until the regime first paid $60 billion in judgments owed to American victims of Iran-sponsored terrorism.

But wait, there’s more: America may trust Russia to maintain custody of Iran’s enriched-uranium stockpile with a promise to return the stockpile to Iran if the U.S. ever reimposes sanctions. The full contents of the near-final agreement remain unknown, so it is not clear whether Biden will lift U.S. sanctions prohibiting Moscow from transferring conventional arms and missiles to Iran — part of an executive order issued by former president Donald Trump.

How did we get here? At the end of 2020, Iran was down to just $4 billion in accessible foreign-exchange reserves thanks to the historic success of the Trump administration’s maximum-pressure campaign. The regime was reeling from the loss of its terror mastermind, Qasem Soleimani, and its nuclear-weapons architect, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh. Iran wasn’t enriching uranium to higher levels — not 20 percent, let alone 60 percent — nor had it curtailed U.N. inspectors’ access to key facilities. Meanwhile, the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency was on course to refer Iran to the U.N. Security Council for noncompliance with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty over Tehran’s refusal to cooperate with an ongoing probe into concealed nuclear materials, sites, and activities.

The maximum-pressure campaign was working in draining Iran’s reserves and pushing the regime to the brink of economic collapse. But Team Biden had a different strategy in mind: Be nice. The administration stopped enforcing sanctions, eased Iran’s access to frozen funds, and halted pressure on Iran to declare its secret nuclear work. Iran responded by racing forward with its nuclear program and ordering its terror proxies to step up attacks against U.S. forces and allies in the Middle East. For months, Biden’s critics urged a change in strategy — a return to maximum pressure before Iran could erase all U.S. leverage and turn the tables on Washington.

Then came the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Vladimir Putin wasn’t the only dictator in the world to perceive American weakness. Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei pressed forward with Iran’s nuclear advances, betting Biden would do nothing but offer more carrots. He bet correctly.

The original deal left Iran’s nuclear-enrichment capabilities intact, provided no restrictions on the development of nuclear-capable missiles, and came with expiration dates — or “sunsets” — on key international restrictions. The first sunset, lifting a U.N. ban on transferring conventional arms to Iran, arrived in late 2020. The next one, lifting a U.N. ban on transferring missile parts to Iran, arrives next year. The deal then allows Iran to conduct the very same nuclear work that we see today in the years that follow.

RELATED ARTICLE: Russians Announce U.S.-Iran Deal as Tanks Roll Across Europe

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

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Fear Of Donald Trump Kept Putin From Invading Ukraine

Under President Trump America had effective deterrence. Those days are long gone. Millions of Americans tragically voted for Joe Biden in 2020, despite the evidence of his unfitness being overwhelming. Today, due to the Biden Administration’s incompetence and appeasement, World War 3 could break out in China, Russia, and Iran. Read this op-ed by former Trump Administration Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe.

Fear Of Donald Trump Kept Putin From Invading Ukraine. Here’s How Trump Pulled It Off

By The Federalist, March 3, 2022

Trump not only successfully deterred Russia from acting against Ukraine, he effectively deterred a lot of bad behavior across the planet.

A recent Harvard-Harris poll found that 62 percent of Americans believe that Russia would not have invaded Ukraine if Donald Trump were still in the Oval Office. As former senior intelligence officials under President Trump, we agree with that view.

Russia invaded Georgia in 2008 when George W. Bush was president. Russia took Crimea in 2014 when Barack Obama was president. Russia has now invaded Ukraine with Joe Biden as president. However, when Donald Trump was president, Russia did not seize territory from any of its neighbors.

During his four years in office, Trump not only successfully deterred Russia from acting against Ukraine, he effectively deterred a lot of bad behavior across the planet. He focused on ending America’s foreign wars rather than launching new ones. At the same time, he brokered the Abraham Accords to expand peace in the Middle East.

The exercise of American power to deter adversaries is a complicated business. It involves a mix of military, economic, political, and diplomatic strategies and actions that together communicate the costs of threatening U.S. national interests.

Ultimately, the art of statecraft boils down to whether a president projects American strength that deters adversaries, or projects American weakness that emboldens our adversaries.

So how did Trump succeed in containing Putin while the Russian autocrat has run wild with others in the White House? Why was he so successful at spreading peace elsewhere? We believe the long answer begins with these ten ways that Donald Trump projected American strength and kept the bad guys in check:

  1. Rebuilt the American Military
  2. Crusaded for American Energy Dominance
  3. Set the Tone by Launching Surgical Missile Strikes in Syria in Early 2017
  4. Developed Strong Relationships with Middle Eastern Nations Based on Mutual Interests
  5. Was Ruthless with the Taliban While Winding Down the Afghanistan War
  6. Crushed the ISIS Caliphate
  7. Demonstrated a Consistent Willingness to Take out the Bad Guys
  8. Stood Up to China
  9. Strategically Used Unpredictability as an Asset in Foreign Affairs
  10. Advanced Tough Russia Policies and Provided Lethal Aid to Ukraine while Maintaining an Open Dialogue

Each of these points are worthy of unpacking in-depth, but there are several that illustrate the dramatic difference in approach between Trump and Biden, starting with Afghanistan.

When President Trump initiated the process of ending America’s longest war, senior officials huddled in the Situation Room to discuss tactical challenges on the ground. The president reminded the group of America’s humiliating withdrawal from Saigon at the end of the Vietnam War, and said we must do whatever it takes to leave in a safe, orderly, and dignified way. When military leaders bemoaned the costs and logistical challenges of bringing home our equipment, the president said that he did not care if it was a helicopter or a styrofoam cooler. If it had an American flag on it, it was either coming home or getting destroyed to keep it from falling into the hands of our enemies. He vowed that we would leave on our terms, or we would not leave at all.

Tragically, President Biden’s approach – which included the decision to abandon the strategically important Bagram Air Base prior to the evacuation – cost the lives of 13 American servicemembers and led to the Taliban parading victoriously through Kabul with billions of dollars of American combat equipment. The administration’s stunning incompetence – detailed in an official U.S. Army report – made the United States look weak and vulnerable on the world stage, and Putin was watching.

The world took notice when Trump ordered the killing of Iranian terrorist general Qassem Soleimani, who had operated with impunity throughout the Middle East until the U.S. military sent two Hellfire missiles through his vehicle. As a candidate for president, Biden released a statement condemning the righteous attack as a “hugely escalatory move” that brought us to “the brink of a major conflict across the Middle East.” This, of course, proved to not be the case, but it illustrated Biden’s unwillingness to do what it takes to establish credible deterrence.

This principle of deterrence applies across the globe, which explains why the Chinese military has sent a record number of airplanes into Taiwan’s air defense identification zone since Biden took office.

To the specific case at hand, Trump was much tougher on Russia than the media have led people to believe, while Biden has been far softer.

Trump deployed such aggressive sanctions against Russia that President Obama’s Secretary of Defense Robert Gates called them the toughest in history, and he withdrew from one-sided treaties that hamstrung the U.S. while Russia violated the terms.

Biden has taken the opposite approach, appeasing Putin by handing him his top two geopolitical priorities on a silver platter. He unconditionally extended the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, allowing Russia to continue building tactical nuclear weapons while constraining our ability to modernize. And while Trump imposed sanctions to stop Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline in its tracks, construction was allowed to resume when Biden took office.

President Trump understood the power of building American energy dominance. By slashing onerous regulations, Trump sparked an American energy boom that ensured we would never be reliant on any other nation to meet our energy needs. Geopolitically, America’s increased export capacity reduced Putin’s leverage over our European allies, who depend on Russia for 40 percent of their gas and more than a quarter of their oil.

Trump approved the Keystone XL oil pipeline at home and shut down Russia’s Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline in Eastern Europe. Biden reversed both decisions, meaning he has been harder on America’s energy producers than he has been on Russia’s. To add insult to injury, as the Russian army pushed into Ukraine, Biden’s climate envoy John Kerry hoped aloud that “President Putin will help us to stay on track with respect to what we need to do for the climate.”

Vladimir Putin’s appetite for expansion did not wane during the four years Trump was in office, and the world was not just miraculously a safer place. Bad actors like Putin simply knew that they had to restrain themselves or deal with the consequences. In nearly every way possible, President Biden has weakened the United States and our allies and empowered Putin. As a result, Russia is on the march, even as the Ukrainian people have inspired the world with their courage and resilience. And in the wings, America’s greatest threat – Xi Jinping’s China – waits, and watches.


TRUMP PEACE: Saudi crown prince: ‘We don’t look at Israel as an enemy, we look to them as a potential ally’

Russians Announce US-Iran Deal as Tanks Roll Across Europe

Trump Peace: Israel, UAE Closing in On Free Trade Agreement

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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PELOSI: GOP Reps Need To ‘Shut Up’ About Dead U.S. Troops In Afghanistan

Enemy of the people.

Voting democrat is an act of war. No rational, decent American votes for this treasonous Scumbaggery.

Nancy Pelosi Says GOP Reps Need To “Shut Up” About Dead US Troops In Afghanistan

By: Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge, March 4, 2022:

Pelosi was referring specifically to reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert who both heckled Joe Biden during his gaffe filled squinty eyed State of The Union address.

Boebert couldn’t take any more of Biden talking about dead troops in a jingoistic fashion and when he said the “waste of war” put soldiers “in a flag draped coffin,” Boebert yelled out “THIRTEEN OF THEM,” referring to the troops who died during Biden’s catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan.


Pelosi, who was seen rubbing her hands in glee and unable to remain seated as Joe Biden spoke about sick and dying U.S. troops, said Thursday “Let me just say this. I agree with what Sen. Lindsey Graham said: ‘Shut up.’ That’s what he said to them. I think they should just shut up,” referring to the two GOP reps.

Boebert responded to Pelosi, asserting she will not “shut up”:

Biden’s speech earlier this week was watched by 38 million Americans, equating to the lowest rating for a president’s first State of Union in thirty years, according to Nielsen Research.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Pfizer Vaccines’ 8 PAGES of Side Effects, ‘I’ve never seen anything like it. I can’t even get my head around this’

I can’t say it enough. This is the worst medical experiment on humankind in history.

Pfizer vaccine data. Pfizer wanted you to wait till 2085 to know that the vaccine you took has 9 PAGES of side effects. Start with page 30. I’ve never seen anything like it. I can’t even get my head around this.

Thread Reader, March 4, 2022:


I can’t say it enough. This is the worst medical experiment on humankind in history.

Pfizer vaccine data. Pfizer wanted you to wait till 2085 to know that the vaccine you took has 9 PAGES of side effects. Start with page 30. I’ve never seen anything like it. I can’t even get my head around this.

1223 reported fatalities during a 3-month period, out of 42K reports? Was this covered up? I am really confused. This is not what we see in real life. Oy.


While protection against hospitalization is still strong, the vaccine offered almost no protection against infection, even just a month after full vaccination.

In a large new set of data cited by the New York Times, Pfizer’s COVID vaccine showed negative vaccine effectiveness (VE) in children age 5 to 11 after 35 days, with children age 5 to 11 over 40% MORE likely to test positive 42 days after vaccination.

While protection against hospitalization is still strong, the vaccine offered almost no protection against infection, even just a month after full vaccination.

Why was Pfizer FORCED to release safety data?

Pfizer wanted this info delayed 75 years.

9 (NINE!) pages of recorded adverse vaccine events.

The government paid for this vaccine.

Large German health insurance company analyzed data from 10.9 million insured individuals regarding vaccination complications.

The new data is “alarming,” says BKK board member Schöfbeck in a report by WELT.

CLICK HERE: To read the rest……


US Unprecedented Excess NON-COVID Death Toll Keeps Climbing

Targeted doctor tells how government suppressed COVID treatments

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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VIDEO: Biden’s Handlers Won’t Open Domestic Production, May Buy Iranian Oil

“Tell me you hate America, without telling me you hate America.”

The Biden administration is still fighting congressional efforts to stop the importation of Iranian oil. In a surreal exercise, Biden expects the rest of the world to sanction Russia even as we keep buying Russian energy products. And if that’s not enough, the former Mayor of South Bend is down with Iranian oil.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said Wednesday that “all options are on the table” during a discussion about oil prices after MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle asked if President Biden would consider “working something out with Iran.”

Do all options also include the 25th Amendment?

Biden will get oil anywhere and from any of our enemies… just not from Americans.

While Biden gives meaningless quotes about Russia and Ukraine, the Russians are negotiating an even worse version of the Iran Deal that Biden is expected to sign on to.

The Russians may be getting kicked out of the Paralympics and the cat shows, but Putin is still in the driver’s seat at the White House

The rest of it, the hollow saber-rattling, the sanctions, and the propaganda are a show. The reality can be seen quickly enough if you follow the power and the money.



What’s Wrong With Being Sworn In On The Qur’an?

‘Everybody’s Not Muslim Here’: N.J. Man Complains About Call to Prayer Broadcast Over Loudspeakers

Group Biden Removed from the Terror List Hopes That, Allah Willing, Its Missiles Will Soon Reach New York

Fatwa: Muslims should not care about conflict between non-Muslims in Ukraine

Ukraine, Which Votes at UN With Jihad Terrorists and Against Israel, is ‘Disappointed’ in Israel

Syrian, Iraqi, and Afghan Muslim migrants pass themselves off as international students in Ukraine to enter EU

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: General Flynn, Biden Cold War 2.0, Only U.S. Can Defeat Psycho Putin

Donald Trump’s National Security Advisor, Retired General Mike Flynn, tells Graham Ledger that Joe Biden opened the door for Vladimir Putin to invade and attack Ukraine. And, now that Biden has done that, only the United States can close that door – one way or another.

Also, in this episode of The Ledger Report, Graham speaks with the man behind the People’s Convoy to Washington DC which has reached the pinnacle of its long and very important journey to restore Constitutional America.

Please subscribe free to The Ledger Report by clicking here: www.GrahamLedger.com

EDITORS NOTE: This The Ledger Report video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Russian Collusion Exposed: Russia Funded Environmental Groups to Oppose Fracking in Europe and U.S.

From 2018 Congressional Report: 

A Republican staff report by the Senate suggests that Russian funds have been funneled through off-shore corporations and passed on to U.S.- based environmental activist organizations with the intent to effect political change.

[ … ]

In January 2017, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued a report stating there is “clear evidence that the Kremlin is financing and choreographing anti-fracking propaganda in the United States.”

[ … ]

Hillary Clinton in 2014 said: ‘We [the State Department and the U.S.] were up against Russia pushing oligarchs and others to buy media. We were even up against phony environmental groups, and I’m a big environmentalist, but these were funded by the Russians to stand against any effort, ‘Oh that pipeline, that fracking, that whatever will be a problem for you,’ and a lot of the money supporting that message was coming from Russia.’

2018: CFACT & Climate Depot’s billboard went up: — ‘Russia funneled Green groups millions of dollars to oppose fracking & cripple American energy. – How’s that for COLLUSION?’

2018 CFACT report: Russian efforts to disrupt U.S. energy markets exposed – By Bonner Cohen, Ph. D.

2018: CFACT report: Real Russian collusion the MSM ignores– By Paul Driessen

March 2022: Michael Shellenberger: “15 years ago Europe exported more natural gas than Russia does today. Now, Russia exports 3x more gas than Europe produces. Why? Because climate activists, partly funded by Russia, blocked fracking.” 

The Russia “collusion” no one seems to want to remember. Here are excerpts from a 2-18 U.S. Congressional report from the Committee on Science, Space and Technology. It details how Russian

From March 1, 2018 U.S. Congress Report: United States House of Representatives – Committee on Science, Space, and Technology – Russian Attempts to Influence U.S. Domestic Energy Markets by Exploiting Social Media Majority Report

Excerpt from 2018 Congressional Report: Fracking Threatens the Kremlin’s Agenda

Republicans and Democrats agree the Kremlin is manipulating environmental groups in an attempt to carry out their agenda

The Kremlin has a motive to disrupt U.S. energy markets and influence domestic energy policy, since American energy represents a direct threat to Russian energy interests. Russia’s efforts to influence U.S. energy policy are well documented in the public domain. U.S. presidential candidates, European officials, and the U.S. intelligence community have all publicly noted that Russia and its government corporations are funding a covert anti-fracking campaign to suppress the widespread adoption of fracking in Europe and the U.S., all in an effort to protect the influence of the Russian oil and gas sector.22

The substantial increase in domestic production has resulted in an abundant supply of American energy, which is increasingly making its way into the global marketplace. While this stands to provide substantial economic benefits to the U.S., it simultaneously represents a direct threat to Russian energy interests. First, an abundance of American supply in the global energy marketplace stands to reduce Russian market share and thus revenues generated from oil and gas activities. Second, by providing supply alternatives for European countries dependent on Russian supply and infrastructure, American energy stands to disrupt the Kremlin’s ability to leverage energy consumption for geopolitical influence.

Russia provides roughly 75 percent of the natural gas imported by countries in Central and Eastern Europe while the countries in Southeast Europe “receive almost all of their natural gas from Russia.” 17 “Russia’s Gazprom has acknowledged for the first time a threat to its dominant position in European gas market from an expected influx of liquefied natural gas (LNG) produced in the United States under [the Trump] administration.” 18 Shortly after this acknowledgment, U.S. LNG made its way to Poland 19 and Lithuania. 20 In fact, Poland recently signed a five-year deal with the United States to import liquefied natural gas into the country in an attempt to decrease dependency on Russian energy supplies. 21 …

As the threat of American energy continues to grow, so does the Kremlin’s incentive to influence energy operations in Europe and the United States. Moreover, as they have demonstrated, the Kremlin will use any and all tools at their disposal to preserve Russia’s dominant energy status and to maintain its stranglehold over Eastern and Central Europe. …

Former Secretary of State and then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, with access to intelligence reports, made a private speech in 2014, according to documents from WikiLeaks, which included statements about the struggles of dealing with Russian-backed environmental groups. According to a media report, Secretary Clinton said the following: “We [the State Department and the U.S.] were up against Russia pushing oligarchs and others to buy media.
We were even up against phony environmental groups, and I’m a big environmentalist, but these were funded by the Russians to stand against any effort, ‘Oh that pipeline, that fracking, that whatever will be a problem for you,’ and a lot of the money supporting that message was coming from Russia.”24 …

In January 2017, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released a report that contained “clear evidence that the Kremlin is financing and choreographing anti-fracking propaganda in the United States.” 25 The report found that the Russian-sponsored news agency RT (formerly Russian Today) “r[an] anti-fracking programing, highlighting environmental issues and the impacts on public health,” which “is likely reflective of the Russian Government’s concern about the impact of fracking and the U.S. natural gas production on the global energy market and the potential challenges to [Russian energy companies’] profitability,” such as state- controlled Russian energy giant Gazprom.26 …

A Republican staff report by the Senate suggests that Russian funds have been funneled through off-shore corporations and passed on to U.S.- based environmental activist organizations with the intent to effect political change. 27 …

More recently Senator Ben Cardin released a voluminous report on Russian manipulation of the media over decades. Specific to oil and gas, the Cardin report cited a “study by the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies [which] reports that the Russian government has invested $95 million in NGOs that seek to persuade EU governments to end shale gas exploration,” which illustrates how American energy directly clashes with the Russian energy agenda.28 Senator Cardin’s work reiterates that “according to NATO officials, Russian intelligence agencies also reportedly provide covert support to European environmental groups to campaign against fracking for natural gas, thereby keeping the EU more dependent on Russian supplies.”29

Additionally, as further evidence of Russian attempts to spread propaganda in the United States, U.S. Department of Justice officials have demanded that the U.S. based affiliate of RT register as a foreign agent under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).30 FARA requires that agents representing the interests of foreign governments in any political or quasi-political capacity disclose public communications aimed at influencing American political debate or public policy.31 Through local programs all over the world, RT and other news agencies operate as a government-funded arm of Russia in its attempts to destabilize and disrupt democratic institutions and the free market. Under FARA, the American people have the right to evaluate the “statements and activities of [persons acting as foreign agents] in light of their function as foreign agents.”32

To that end, the Kremlin is attempting to make, as Senator Cardin’s report states, “useful idiots” of unwitting environmental groups and activists in furtherance of its energy influence operations.33

End Excerpts

2018: CFACT & Climate Depot’s billboard went up: — ‘Russia funneled Green groups millions of dollars to oppose fracking & cripple American energy. – How’s that for COLLUSION?’

2018 CFACT report: Russian efforts to disrupt U.S. energy markets exposed – By Bonner Cohen, Ph. D. – In January 2017, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued a report stating there is “clear evidence that the Kremlin is financing and choreographing anti-fracking propaganda in the United States.”

2018: CFACT report: Real Russian collusion the MSM ignores– By Paul Driessen

Driessen Excerpt: The US Senate “Billionaires’ Club” and Environmental Policy Alliance “From Russia with Love” reports, articles by investigative journalists like Ron Arnold and Lachlan Markay (here and here), studies by the US National Intelligence Director and Iowa State University, and a March 2018 report by the US House Science Committee reveal money laundering by Putin cronies and ongoing propaganda efforts by Russian media groups to undermine American drilling, fracking, pipeline and agricultural programs. … Hefty portions of Klein funds come from Russia: Rosneft, the Russian-government-owned oil and gas giant that is one of Wakefield’s largest clients; Spectrum Partners, a Moscow-based energy investment firm with major assets in Russian oil and gas; the IPOC Group, an international growth fund owned by Russian minister of telecommunications and Putin friend Leonid Reiman; and other Russian companies. (Other Sea Change donors include the Gates Foundation, eBay’s Omidyar Network Fund, David Rockefeller’s personal foundation, the Walmart Foundation and the extended Simons family.)

The Science Committee Report explains how the Russian government funnel money through surrogates to US environmentalist organizations to fund attacks on the fossil fuels industry. It also reveals how Russian operatives create and spread propaganda on US social media platforms, to manipulate American opinions about pipelines, fossil fuels, fracking and climate change.

Standing up to Putin means ditching Net-Zero (& Green New Deal) – ‘The West can’t win a geopolitical conflict…with an economy powered intermittently by wind & solar’

Rupert Darwall: In late 2019, Boris Johnson banned commercial fracking. Earlier this month, the British government ordered that concrete be poured into the country’s two exploratory shale wells and for them to be abandoned. The move was blasted by Cuadrilla Resources CEO Francis Egan, who pointed out that the Bowland shale formation could supply 50 years of current U.K. gas demand. … Germany’s and the EU’s net-zero policies will deepen their dependence on Putin’s goodwill as they increase their exposure to unreliable wind and solar, phase out coal, and – in the case of Germany and Belgium – prematurely close their nuclear power stations. Strategically, that’s a win for Putin.

© Climate Depot. All rights reserved.

Another White House Blunder On Ukraine

Jen Psaki, the White House spokesperson, said on Thursday, March 3rd, that the US is providing intelligence to Ukraine to help them target Russian troops and military equipment.  This revelation demonstrates just how dangerous the White House has become, inviting Russian retaliation for something that, if we did it, we should be doing secretly.

There is a difference between supplying weapons to a friendly country and directly helping that country in a war to target the enemy.  That makes you a party to the hostilities.

Americans, of course, almost universally support Ukraine and want it to drive out the Russians who have invaded sovereign Ukraine territory.  And everyone in the US is appalled about Russian forces targeting civilians, and by so-called Russian (and Russian Chechen) death squads who are out to murder Ukraine’s political and military leaders.

From the beginning had Biden made it clear we would support Ukraine militarily in any invasion of its territory, there is a good chance Putin would have backed off.

Biden not only failed to do so, but his weakness in the face of a major challenge opened the door for Putin’s attack.

But now that is water over the proverbial dam.  Biden screwed up, saying all we would do was sanctions. Before the invasion he stepped up arms deliveries to Ukraine, which only told the Russians they had better hurry and invade before the price would be too high and their losses too great.

Even then the Russians have encountered surprising, stiff and gallant resistance from Ukrainian forces. But how long Ukraine can stay in the fight we just don’t know –no one does.

Russian leaders also have been making claims that are increasingly wobbly and unjustified, saying they are clearing Ukraine of Nazis and then saying the biggest Nazi of them all is the United States.  Both Vladimir Putin and his foreign minister Sergey Lavrov know that these claims are nonsense and that even the Russian people, who have profound reason (after 20 million dead) to hate the Nazis, know these claims to be false.

In fact the potential for revolt in Russia is at an all time high.  The full impact of what has befallen Russian troops has yet to reach home, but despite Russians attempts to block social media, internet and news outlets, Russians know their way around censorship mechanisms, and they also know when news is shut down their government and army is misbehaving.

One of the most callous moves by the Russian army is to prevent their dead soldiers coming home in body bags.  So they have sent in mobile crematoria, to turn their dead soldiers into ashes that can be scattered to the winds.  Cremating dead soldiers before they can be returned home to their families is a crime that will not escape Russia’s public.

If Biden wanted to do something useful he could calmly refute the Russian claims.  President Emmanuel Macron has talked to Mr. Putin as recently as today (March 3rd, 2022), and he not only came away empty handed but he told Putin to his face that he should not “lie to himself.”

And Biden could also talk about the behavior of Russian forces, the tragedy for civilians, the scale of both Ukrainian and Russian losses, and how the Russian people are not being told the truth.

But we have a President who is, at best, incapable of rising to the right level.  He is no Churchill, or Reagan, and certainly no Lincoln.  Nor does he have the guts of a Zelenskyy.

China has been urging the Russians to back off and cut a deal with Ukraine.  The Chinese are not humanitarians.  They are afraid that the outcome of Russia’s invasion, even if Russia “wins”, is negative for China because the US will re-militarize and target China.  Moreover, if Europe gets into a general war as a result of a Ukrainian collapse and humanitarian disaster, China will lose its markets and its power too.

America surely wants Ukraine to win, but we should keep our lips zipped on how we are helping Ukraine militarily while telling the Russians it is time to stop the attack.

It is one thing to screw the Russian economy or sanction its leaders.  It is another to speak directly to the Russian people and turn them against Putin.  Instead of the White House foolishly revealing dangerous secrets, it is time to reach out to the Russian people.


Stephen Bryen

Senior Fellow

RELATED ARTICLE: “Countdown to Conflict” with China timeline

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.