Abrams: GOP Voter Integrity Laws Are Like Jan 6 ‘Assault’ Happening ‘Again and Again’

Wednesday on CNN’s OutFront, voter fraud enthusiast and failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams claimed falsely that Republican state lawmakers putting forth election integrity legislation is a continuation of the January 6 Capitol Hill chaos she calls an “assault on our democracy.”

“My responsibility is to do what I can to ensure that no matter who you are, and no matter who you choose, that you have the freedom to vote in the United States,” Abrams said.

We all know this is a lie. Abrams considers her responsibility to be ensuring that Democrats are free to commit widespread voter fraud so that Republicans never win another election.

“And that is why we have to keep laser-focused on the assault on our democracy,” she continued to blather. “An assault that not only happened on January 6 but has happened again and again since that time in statehouses that have restricted access to the right to vote and constricted not only that but the ability of election workers to do their jobs.”

For the millionth time: voter integrity laws actually expand access to the right to vote. Republicans simply want the process to be fair, open and aboveboard. Abrams knows her Party can’t win that way, so she propagandizes for the narrative that GOP attempts to reduce voter fraud are — what else? — racist.

Stacey Abrams

25 Known Connections

Characterizing Election-Integrity Measures As the Racist Equivalents of Jim Crow Laws

In a March 14, 2021 interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, Abrams characterized Republican efforts to ensure voter integrity in political elections as tactics rooted in racism. Said Tapper: “So Republican state lawmakers in your home state, Georgia, have introduced almost two dozen bills to make it more difficult to vote. They are going to end no-excuse mail-in voting, which has been there since 2005. They will reduce voting on Sundays, ask for stricter ID requirements, take away drop boxes. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer in D.C. — he called this effort by Georgia Republicans ‘racist plain and simple.’ Do you agree, and is there any way for Democrats to stop these efforts?”

Abrams replied: “Well, first of all, I do absolutely agree that it’s racist. It is a redux of Jim Crow, in a suit and tie. We know the only thing that precipitated these charges — it’s not that there was a question of security — in fact, the secretary of state and the governor went to great pains to ensure America that Georgia elections were secure. So the only connection that we can find is that more people of color voted, and it changed the outcome of elections in a direction that Republicans do not like.” According to Abrams, Republicans were “using this false predicate of fraud” in order to promote reforms that would effectively “eliminate access to voting” for nonwhites.

To learn more about Stacey Abrams, click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: “I’m not a racist. I’m just studying.”

This article cites two examples of major U.S. universities condoning abusive treatment of white faculty and students at the hands of campus race arsonists.

Millions of people have watched video of a racially-charged incident that recently occurred in the multicultural center at Arizona State University’s Tempe campus.

Two belligerent black female students angrily demanded that two white male students, who were quietly studying, must immediately leave the school’s recently established multicultural center.

One of the white male students had a sticker on his laptop that read “Police lives matter,” which triggered the black female students to accuse him of being—you guessed it—a racist.

Had the skin colors been reversed, with white students aggressively confronting peaceful black students, the white students would have been summarily kicked out of school for committing a hate crime.

But because the racially confrontational students were black, Arizona State’s woke administration swept the incident under the rug by characterizing it as nothing more than a harmless disagreement.


The race-baiting black students in the video have been well coached by Democrats at inciting racially-charged incidents on college campuses as a means of keeping racial tensions at a boiling point.

There will never be racial harmony in America because Democrats will never allow it.

The type of ugly incident that took place at Arizona State occurs with regularity at leading institutions of higher learning across America, and is invariably given a pass by woke college presidents who give a wink and a nod to race arson politics.


White students peacefully studying aren’t the only targets of campus race arsonists.

Using the police killing of George Floyd as an opportunity to incite anti-white hatred on campus, more than 200 left-wing faculty at Princeton University signed a letter in July 2020 that contained a long list of demands pertaining to alleged “anti-blackness and racism” at the Ivy League school.

Professor of Classics Joshua Katz issued a strongly worded public critique of some of the demands, which included giving unearned benefits, such as additional pay, to all faculty members, except those who were born white.

Led by the school’s spineless president, Chris Eisgruber, Princeton’s perpetually outraged racial grievance community went on the attack, calling Katz a racist and harshly condemning him for daring to express politically unapproved opinions. So much for academic freedom at one of America’s leading universities.

Read more about the tar and feathering of Prof. Katz here.

Please read My Letter to the President of Princeton about “Systemic Racism”

John Edison. All rights reserved

Who is Really Running the Destroy-America Biden Regime?

“Guilty as hell, free as a bird—America is a great country.” – Bill Ayers, Weather Underground founder (Oct. 7, 2021)

The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States. – George Soros, hedge-fund billionaire.

In today’s chaotic political landscape, it is obvious that the Democrat Party in power is comprised largely of far-left radicals, many of them shockingly anti-American and predictably anti-Semitic  (as are all deranged leftists).

After all, with Barack Obama, they thought they were significantly closer to their 100-year goal of a socialist-cum-communist America, and believed that “President” Hillary would fulfill their cherished fantasy.

And then along came President Trump to smash that fantasy to smithereens.

When everything the Democrats tried to sabotage President Trump failed––the Russian hoax, the Ukraine hoax, the Stormy Daniels hoax, the impeachment fiascos, on and on––they pulled out the Wuhan lab surprise, effectively creating a pandemic.

The result was the entire world isolated in their homes, worldwide economies destroyed, and the unprecedented phenomenon of mail-in ballots, which essentially insured that the voter fraud Democrats are so famous for––ACORN, anyone?, and the Dominion voting machines used in “elections” in Venezuela and other banana republics to insure the desired outcomes––would succeed as it had in the past.

And it did. Today, however, with audits being conducted in every significant state, that colossal voter fraud is being proven…stay tuned! And with the arrest of Hillary’s lawyer, Democrats are also looking at the coming arrests of all those higher-ups who colluded in the criminal anti-Trump effort, including Ms. Hillary herself!


In less time than a normal human pregnancy, putative president Biden managed to accomplish the following:

And that’s the short list!


Is it Barack Obama? As writer Steve Weinstein spells out, Obama always had a lazy disregard for the tough work, and as we can see to this very day, is far more interested in displaying the conspicuous consumption that is part and parcel of his nouveau-riche persona than in the gritty fray of politics.

Is it Susan Rice? For sure, a reliable functionary and skilled to the nth degree at lying through her teeth, but with zero evidence of being a strategic thinker.

Is it Ron Klain? A clever guy, now Biden’s Chief of Staff, but more adept at managing a clearly diminished and doddering POTUS than orchestrating the complexities of an attempted coup d’état.

Is it Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s first Chief of Staff, or David Axelrod, the chief strategist of Obama’s two presidential campaigns? Clearly not, since neither was even invited to his lavish birthday party in August of 2021 at the Obama’s $15M waterfront mansion on Martha’s Vineyard ––although Jay Z and Beyoncé were among other very important people who were invited.

Is it Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s longtime senior advisor? She certainly has the brains, ability to think strategically, and fidelity to leftist ideology. She simply doesn’t have the burning hatred it requires to work so diligently for America’s downfall.

Is it Nancy Pelosi? Just the other day, the House Speaker twice referred to the president as Obama. Highly unlikely that this addled octogenarian is calling any shots! In fact, she can hardly cope with the far-left flank of her own Party. But she was certainly not too addled a few weeks ago to meet with the guy (and his son) who bankrolls her agenda and tells her what to do.

Is it Joe Biden himself? There are more than 330-million Americans who have eyes and ears to make that determination. In my opinion, not one of that massive number of people believes that the intellectually––and now cognitively––limited Joe Biden manages more than barely getting through the day.

Is it China’s leader, Xi Jinping, or Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin? It is certainly possible that they are colluding with each other against America, and even “speaking with” those who are directing things from the Oval Office. But both are too busy running their own massive countries to manage toppling a colossus like the U.S.A., especially when things are going so well in the direction they desire.


There are only two people, I believe, who qualify as possible candidates for choreographing the massive coup attempt currently taking place before our eyes. Both have spoken of their contempt ––if not searing hatred––for America, and both have tried mightily over decades to bring down our country. And, most important, both have the brains and power and track records to place them in frontrunner contention.

The first is Bill Ayers, now 76 and a retired professor of education at the Univ. of Illinois at Chicago. Ayers gained early fame when he founded the Weather Underground, a self-described communist revolutionary group that sought to overthrow America, and conducted a campaign of bombing public buildings (including police stations, the U.S. Capitol, and the Pentagon, et al) during the 1960s and 1970s.

In an early eighties interview, Ayers remembered his reaction upon learning that because of government overreach he would not be prosecuted for a Weather Underground bombing spree that killed a policeman. “Guilty as hell, free as a bird—America is a great country,” he exulted.

After that, he joined his version of mainstream society as a professor but was far from through with far-left politics.

In 1995, when Barack Obama was running for state senator in Illinois, Ayers held a fundraiser in his living room––while both insisted that they only knew each other casually. In fact, their cozy relationship had been public knowledge in Chicago for years.

And when prolific journalist and author Jack Cashill wrote Deconstructing Obama––based on his exquisite forensic analysis of Ayers’ former writings––he made an airtight case that it was Ayers who actually wrote Obama’s two bestsellers: Dreams of My Father and The Audacity of Hope.

According to blogger Bernie Quigley, Obama and Bill Ayers were “together from the beginning” [of Obama’s political career]. When Obama met with Ayers at “the salon gatherings of Chicago’s Beautiful People,” he added, “it was the kickoff of a political career which would lead, potentially, in little over a decade, from the house of the most notorious of the violent Amerika-hating revolutionaries from the ’60s still alive, Bill Ayers and [his wife and fellow terrorist] Bernadine Dohrn, to the White House.”

In fact, Quigley writes, between 1995 and 1999, Obama led the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) that Ayers founded––“a program that called for infusing students and their parents with a radical political commitment, and which downplayed achievement tests in favor of activism.’

So, what is Bill Ayers doing now? For one thing, lamenting on his blog the deaths of his fellow terrorists. And last year, upon observing the violence and destruction wrought by Antifa and Black Lives Matter in Portland and Kenosha, he remarked: “Am I the only one, or do you feel eerily that we’re living in Kansas, 1859 ––[when Kansans engaged in a violent guerrilla war between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces which contributed to the coming Civil War]––and that tensions are boiling over, but only years later will people say, ‘Yes, the Civil War began there and then?’”

Clearly not through with politics, is Ayers now whispering into the ears of Joe Biden’s handlers exactly what to do to bring down America? He certainly seems a viable candidate to me.


The second––and most likely––candidate is George Soros, now 91, the still active and vital hedge-fund billionaire whose brilliance is undisputed, whose political involvement and effectiveness in world affairs is second to none, who is considered both indispensable and formidable to his fans and terrifying to his adversaries, and whose financial resources are unlimited.

In a 2018, the editors at David Horowitz’s Discover the Networks wrote an exhaustive, riveting, must-read study of Soros, entitled: Who is George Soros and Why He Hates America. I urge everyone to read this article because it demonstrates the passion, the ideology, and––as the crime shows emphasize, the means, motives, and opportunity––that George Soros has had to pour his heart and soul and massive amounts of money into transforming America from a Democratic Republic into the ideals of his Open Society Foundations, founded in 1993. Those ideals are:

  • The diminution of American power.
  • The subjugation of American sovereignty in favor of global governance.
  • The implementation of redistributive economic policies—both within the U.S. and across national borders.”

The breadth, depth––the sheer magnitude––of what Soros has accomplished, worldwide, since he got deeply involved in politics in the mid-1980s, is breathtaking. “My spending rose from $3 million in 1987 to more than $300 million a year by 1992,” he said.

Imagine what it is today!

The above-cited article called Soros “one of the most politically powerful individuals on earth. Since the mid-1980s, he has used his immense influence to help reconfigure the political landscapes of several countries around the world—in some cases playing a key role in toppling regimes that had held the reins of government for years, even decades.” Not to omit that, famously, Soros broke the bank of England, raking in more than a billion bucks in the deal.

Vis à vis the United States, a strong case can be made for the claim “that Soros today affects American politics and culture more profoundly that any other living person.”

As of 2018, the OSF’s total assets exceeded $1.9 billion. Each year, the Foundations award scores of millions of dollars in grants to over 206 U.S. organizations, which, among other things:

  • Depict America as a nation whose enduring racism must be counterbalanced by racial and ethnic preferences in favor of nonwhites,
  • Disparage capitalism while promoting a dramatic expansion of social-welfare programs funded by ever-escalating taxes,
  • Promote open borders, mass immigration, a watering down of current immigration laws, increased rights, and benefits for illegal aliens, and ultimately amnesty,
  • Assert that virtually all American military actions are unwarranted and immoral,
  • Exhort the U.S. and Israel to negotiate with, and to make concessions to, Arab terrorist groups and regimes that have pledged to destroy America and Israel alike,
  • On and on and on.


Among the central political ideas that unite Democrats––and certainly energize whoever is running the show––is the Cloward-Piven Strategy. Begun in 1966 and flourishing to this day, the founders of this plan, both from Columbia University, loathed America and insisted that capitalism could be collapsed by overloading the government with financial demands that could never be met.

Or as writer Jeff M. Lewis explains in “They Intend to Destroy America,” the plan is to “overload the American public welfare system and create a crisis that will bankrupt the nation, leaving no choice but to adopt a socialist/communist system of government.“

Cloward and Piven also formed voter-fraud schemes like Project Vote, ACORN, etc., still extant only with different names. And surprise, surprise––ACORN’s lawyer was none other than Barack Obama. Birds of a feather, and all that.

Their vision is exactly what we are witnessing today with the mad rush of hundreds of thousands illegal aliens pouring over our southern borders and being secretly ferreted to American cities, all with the promise of free everything––food, housing, medical care, education, even drivers’ licenses! And all with the implicit directive to Vote Democrat!

At the same time, we have the discredited “expert” on all things corona virus, Dr. Anthony Fauci, insisting on what Senator Ron Johnson (R-MN) calls the “totalitarian biomedical security state of forced vaccination.”

We also have:

A Cloward-Piven dream come true! Unsustainable debt, thousands more American streets becoming tent cities of the homeless, sick, hungry, addicted; rising unemployment, a compromised healthcare system, a drastically weakened military, an immobilized populace, a reviled education system, and that is the short list!

Ruth S. King––writer, editor, and international blogger––sees not only a coup, but an authentic insurrection: “When the established government does not recognize dissidents and calls them “domestic terrorists” and limits their speech, controls the media, alters the language, denies legitimate history, trashes tradition and culture, erases national borders, blurs the role of the military, destroys the canons of education, science and medicine, and uses the powers of government to spy on its citizens–that is an insurrection.”

And who is orchestrating this last-gasp attempt of the Left? Isn’t it obvious?

©Joan Swirsky. All rights reserved.

Eighty Million Americans Want Secession from the Union

The Trumpet Brief’s Rufaro Manyepa wrote in a column titled “Eighty Million Americans Want Secession“:

The tolerance, and even yearning, for division is far more dangerous than many realize.

Over 80 million American voters favor secession from the Union, according to a September 30 poll. The data released by the Center of Politics at the University of Virginia shows that 41 percent of Joe Biden and 52 percent of Donald Trump voters “at least somewhat agree that it’s time to split the country.”

America has rarely ever been more divided than it is now.

The division is even destroying democratic ideals. The study showed that about 40 million voters, from both political aisles, “show a willingness to consider violating democratic tendencies and norms if needed to serve their priorities.” They both support the idea of a president acting free of congressional or judicial constraints, something that would only further deepen divisions.

These are alarming political ideals, all built on the dangerous foundation of pro-secessionism.

“The divide between Trump and Biden voters is deep, wide, and dangerous. The scope is unprecedented, and it will not be easily fixed,” said University of Virginia Center for Politics Director Larry J. Sabato.

[ … ]

Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry wrote in the May-June 2020 print issue:

America’s first Civil War cost almost as many American lives as all other American wars combined! But another eruption of violence between Americans would be far worse.

And if the country plunges into infighting, many foreign nations will be ready to pounce. America is the wealthiest nation in history. If it continues to destroy itself, nations like China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, and others will destroy whatever the civil war doesn’t as they vie for the loot. The American superpower will become history, and a third world war involving multiple nuclear powers will follow!

The Trumpet and, before us, Herbert W. Armstrong have warned of World War iii for over 85 years! This war is prophesied in your Bible. America’s division is hastening the fulfillment of what God forecast thousands of years ago!

Read the full column.

©The Trumpet. All rights reserved.

Over 10,500 Physicians Sign Petition To Alert Citizens Of Deadly Consequences Of COVID Policies

Have the Democrats issued 10,000 arrest warrants?

More than 10,000 Physicians and Medical Scientists Sign “Rome Declaration” in Protest, Launch New Information Platform

By: Global COVID Summit, Sep 23, 2021

Read the Declaration HERE.

Over 10,500 physicians and medical scientists worldwide have signed the “Rome Declaration” to alert citizens about the deadly consequences of Covid-19 policy makers’ and medical authorities’ unprecedented behavior; behavior such as denying patient access to lifesaving early treatments, disrupting the sacred, physician-patient relationship and suppressing open scientific discussion for profits and power.

The Declaration was created by physicians and scientists during the Rome Covid Summit, and immediately catalyzed support from doctors around the world. These professionals, many of whom are on the front lines of pandemic treatment, have experienced career threats, character assassination, censorship of scientific papers and research, social media accounts blocked, online search results manipulated, clinical trials and patient observations banned, and their professional history and accomplishments minimized in both academic and mainstream media.

Though the declaration’s signatories are diverse in their specialties, treatment philosophies and medical opinions, they have risen up to take a collective stand against authoritarian measures by corporations, medical associations, and governments and their respective agencies. The objective of the declaration is to reclaim their leadership role in conquering this pandemic.

In concert with the declaration, the signatories have created a “Doctors – and Scientists-only” COVID information platform so that citizens can make informed decisions for their families without interruption, manipulation, politicization, or profiteering from external forces outside of the doctor-patient relationship.

Dr. Robert Malone, architect of the mRNA vaccine platform, reads the Rome Declaration


Court Sides With Unvaccinated Michigan Athletes in Mandate Case

Johns Hopkins Doc: Natural Immunity Outperforms Vaccine Immunity – And the Gap in Effectiveness Is Huge

RELATED VIDEO: Woke Educator Indoctrinates Little Kids with COVID-Friendly Version of Common Nursery Rhyme


Doctor Says Physicians Are Being “Hunted” For Speaking Out by Press & Medical Boards

Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Execs Emails: ‘We Want to Avoid Having Info on Fetal Cells Out There

Pfizer Scientist: ‘Antibodies Are Probably Better’ Than COVID Vaccine

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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EXCLUSIVE COVERAGE: NYC No Vaccine Passport/Mandate — Protest Walk Out #2

Democrats have destroyed:

What’s left?

Sept 27, 2021. Walking to Foley Square for the No Passports/Mandate rally, I passed by City Hall where the sidewalk was busy with NY’s beleaguered Taxi drivers and their on going protest.

Debt forgiveness now. If you want to see the power of drivers, come out The @nyctaxi proposal won’t end the crisis of drivers earning below minimum wage as income is absorbed by high mortgage payments. Thousands will eventually lose our jobs & face liens on bank accounts & our homes. They created the crisis & want to keep us locked in it.

Moving on to Foley, I found a small protest against vaccine passport and mandates. I had expected a much larger crowd.

Jo Rose, co-organizer. Kevin Peters, a co-organizer of the rally, “This is not just about health, it’s about control it’s about surveillance, its about tyranny, and restructuring our entire economy, health system, and education system.” [Epoch Times]

The press was hovering and SVU was lined up to film …. and one protest leader was being very snippy with the press (ABC in particular). I noticed the reporter did manage to find a willing person to answer questions.

Otherwise everyone seemed to be just hanging and chatting so I left after an uneventful 30 minutes.

Flash forward three hours: Who knew (and WHEN did they know it) that the event would grow in to a very large protest.

Definitely frustrated to have missed the actual rally at the end.

Blk speaker: “I don’t care if the vaccine is approved by the FDA, the CIA, the FBI… if it’s not approved by G-o-d, I don’t want it inside of me

We will not comply.

Three hours later the crowd got huge. Elad Eliahu snapshot of the crowd.

“Fuck Joe Biden and de Blasio!”

Estimated crowd size of 1000+ anti vaccine mandate protesters are marching up Avenue of the Americas in NYC. chant “no segregation”

“Wake Up NY”

“We are not going to be forced to be a communist country, we are sick and tired of this crap” said one of the protesters as Hundreds marched through NYC protesting vaccine mandates for teachers.” (scooter caster)

The March uptown

Meanwhile, the plandemic drama continues to grow with warnings of virus mutations, causing the gullible to panic and obey [ NY Daily News]


But, the leftards do not relent, smugly characterizing anti-mandate vaxers as the neanderthals aka the enemy to mankind.

Oct 4, 2021- “The anti vaxers are a hellish stew of MAGAs, QAnon, anti vax, anti mandate, ‘my body my choice’ (which oddly has been a pro choice chant for 50 years) stop the steal, conspiracy theorists, 5G chips in your brain. I just don’t get it“ S Bachom

As this report winds down, caught a link to this video at rumble:

InfoWars /War Room: “… the shocking amount of news that is being ignored by the masses as the true danger of the COVID vaccine is being revealed by victims hurt from the jab.” [https://rumble.com/vndn8j-tens-of-thousands-dying-from-jab-and-no-one-wants-to-talk-about-it.html]

“Inside hospitals, they say the vax is BS; FDA wants to treat the unvaxed like Nazis treated the Jews. For the authoritarian Left – dialogue not allowed  Globalism vs Nationalism. This is now a political war. (NBA player) Not L vs R. GWB was always a globalist. They are politicizing medicine (Bill Mayer) Worldwide goal, no medical freedom.”


“The Global Great Reset: Annihilate/Destroy to Build Back Better.” (the 3 b’s = 666) [SEE GATES IS SATAN IMAGE]

“COVID is the TOOL to bring in the One World Government.”

“FEAR is the tool to get you to accept it.

The Vax says you have no autonomy.

The government is in charge of your body.”

“So my 7 year old daughter was just kicked out of her NYC school due to inability to wear a mask even with a mask exemption from a physician in place. This is the world we are living in where a 7 year old child is denied an education and outcast like a problem due to an illegal mandate and no one bats an eye. Almost a month later my LOI is not approved and I was sending her because I didn’t want to affect her attendance plus she loves school so I promised her one more week. It’s sickening how little they actually care for our children. I will not comply and allow my child to sustain further physical harm from mask wearing!” ( Face Book)

And now, Virtual Students have to get the jab [SEE IMAGE]

… The tyranny rolls on ….

[Where indicated, pictures property of Pamela Hall-VSB]

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Squad: Foiled For Now, But Determined to Carry On

The Squad is the name given to four far-left members of Congress, distinguished particularly by their anti-Israel views and votes. Toward the end of September, three of the four squadrettes – Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Alanna Pressley – helped to block a budget bill because it contained an aid item they opposed: $1 billion for Israel to replenish its store of Iron Dome missiles, which had been depleted during the 11-day war with Hamas this past May. Their efforts ultimately did not succeed, because two days after they held up the budget bill until the Iron Dome funding was stripped from it, a stand-alone bill providing that Iron Dome funding was passed, overwhelmingly, by a vote of 420 to 9.

A report on the Squad’s efforts, ultimately unsuccessful, to block funding for Israel’s missile defense system, is here: “The Squad keeps the dream of dead Jews alive,” by Clifford D. May, Israel Hayom, September 30, 2021:

In case you missed it: Last Wednesday [Sept. 22] members of the “Squad,” far-left House Democrats including Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and Alexandra [sic] Ocasio-Cortez, blocked a bill to keep the federal government operating until it was stripped of funds to replenish Israel’s Iron Dome.

Actually it was Ayanna Pressley, the fourth member of the Squad, who voted “No,” while Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez voted “Present,” then dissolved in tears, apparently overcome by having to vote, or so some claim, against her beliefs so as to not alienate Jewish voters in New York should she, as expected, run for the Senate.

To be clear: The Iron Dome is not a weapon. It is a shield. It intercepts and destroys short-range missiles before they can reach their intended victims.

Developed through a blossoming partnership that produces next-generation military technology for Israeli and US warfighters, this miracle of engineering is now used to protect American troops as well.

Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system intercepts incoming rockets. The missiles do not kill people; they prevent people – the civilians who are targeted by Hamas — from being killed. That is their sole function. The missiles Israel needs to replenish those spent in the May war, the missiles that the Squad and its willing collaborators — Jamal Bowman (D-NY), Pramila Jayarpal (D-WA), Cori Bush (D-MO), André Carson (D-IN), Marie Newman (D-IL), Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ), Chuy Garcia (D-IL), and Thomas Massie (R-KY) (Massie is an odd man out in this group, for he is not anti-Israel but was concerned about the expense) — all voted against, are purely defensive.

The Iron Dome also defends Israelis who are not Jews. Say a missile strikes an Israeli hospital. Those inside will likely include Israeli Arabs, Muslims, Christians, Druze and other minorities. They may be doctors, nurses, or patients, because Israel has no laws separating by race, ethnicity, or religion.

In other words, Israel is not an apartheid state, although that’s the slander you now incessantly hear from the Squad and others intent on demonizing, delegitimizing and, ultimately, destroying Israel.

Clifford May points out that both the medical personnel, and the patients, in an Israeli hospital, include not just Jews, but also Muslims, Christians, and Druze. There is no apartheid in the medical system.

What he might have added, had he had more space, was that there is no apartheid anywhere in Israel. In this so-called “apartheid state,” Arabs sit in the Knesset, serve on the Supreme Court, go abroad as ambassadors for their country. The chairman of the largest bank in Israel, Bank Leumi, is an Arab. Jews and Arabs study together in universities and technical institutes. Jews and Arabs work together In factories and offices. Jews and Arabs receive medical care in the same hospitals, where they are treated by both Jewish and Arab medical personnel. Jews and Arabs play on the same sports teams and in the same orchestras. Jews and Arabs own businesses – from high-tech start-ups to restaurants – together. The only difference in treatment is that Jews must, while Arabs may, join the IDF.

The Squad needs to be read the riot act – and the paragraph just above – so as to shame it into silence, if such is possible with such shameless liars, on the subject of Israel’s so-called “apartheid.”

The Iron Dome saves the lives of Gazans, too, because, without this missile defense system, Israelis would not sit quietly as Hamas, which rules Gaza, rained death on them. They’d counterattack hard and fast, which would make it difficult to minimize civilian casualties to the extraordinary extent Israelis have managed in past conflicts.

The Iron Dome defense system keeps Israeli casualties low. If the Squad were to have had its way, and the $1 billion funding to replenish Israel’s stock of interceptors had not passed, the result would not only have been more Israeli civilians dead, but more Palestinians in Gaza would be dead as well, for Israel would have to launch more deadly attacks, with less warning time, to try to destroy as many of the rockets and rocket launchers as possible. Since both the 15,000 rockets Hamas possesses, and its rocket launchers, are deliberately hidden inside or beside civilian buildings, including schools, hospitals, apartment buildings, Israel would have no choice but to hit these buildings where weapons are hidden.

Clifford May further notes:

And since Hamas routinely employs Palestinians as human shields – an egregious violation of American and international law but beneficial for its public relations efforts – Gaza would soon resemble Syria, Yemen and Libya (countries from which, incidentally, millennia-old Jewish communities have been “cleansed”).

Returning to the apartheid slander: It’s a twist on the “Zionism is racism” resolution first promulgated by Israel-haters at the United Nations General Assembly in 1975. Repealed overwhelmingly in 1991, it was revived at a UN conference in Durban in 2001.

Zionism implies nothing more than the right of the Jewish people to self-determination in part of their ancient homeland. And, as anyone who has walked down a street in Jerusalem knows, Israelis come in all colors, including black Jews from Africa and brown Jews from India and Pakistan.

Last week, the United Nations sponsored another Durban conference. Three dozen nations boycotted rather than participate in one more festival of Israel-bashing and anti-Semitism. Many of the nations that did attend are egregious abusers of fundamental human rights.

38 nations boycotted the Durban IV horror, more than twice the number of countries – 14 – that boycotted Durban III in 2009. These were Albania, Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Estonia, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Honduras, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Moldova, Netherlands, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, UK, US and Uruguay. The European Union also did not participate or speak at the commemoration.

Many of the boycotters were among the most important states: the U.S., Canada, Australia, the U.K. France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden. One wonders whether, with so many states having boycotted Durban IV, will there be a Durban V?

The UN General Assembly was in session last week, too, and among those speaking was the newly appointed foreign minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hossein Amir Abdollahian. He utilized both new and old slanders, saying he was “honored to announce that my nation’s willpower is dedicated to the total elimination of all forms of racial discrimination, including apartheid and Zionism.” In other words, Tehran’s goal is the “elimination” of Israel. Its nuclear weapons development program is the means envisioned to realize that goal.

Like Tehran, Hamas is not coy about its genocidal goals. “Israel will rise and will remain erect until Islam eliminates it as it had eliminated its predecessors,” the Hamas Charter proclaims. “Muslims will fight the Jews,” and even those Jews who “hide behind rocks and trees” will not escape, because the rocks and trees “will cry: Muslim: There is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!”

May might have noted that the prediction quoted by Hamas, about Jews in the end times vainly trying to avoid being killed by hiding behind rocks and trees that then give them away, is one of the best-known hadith, the fons et origo of the anti-Jewish genocidal impulse that is to be found in the immutable texts of Islam, and it cannot be removed, or changed. That hadith will last as long as Islam itself.

Claims that Hamas has moderated over recent years are untrue. “We support the eradication of Israel through armed jihad and struggle,” Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar said in May. “This is our doctrine.”

Here’s the rest of the story that unfolded last week: On Thursday, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer brought Iron Dome up as a standalone bill. There were 290 [sic for 420] votes in favor and nine opposed – eight from members of the Squad plus one Republican (who says he opposes all foreign aid). Just before the vote closed, Ocasio-Cortez changed from “nay” to “present” – and then broke into tears.

One plausible explanation: She plans to run for the Senate and calculates that many New York voters may prefer not to be represented by an ideologue eager to help terrorists murder Jews and kill off the Jewish state.

Perhaps she’ll counter that she favors a two-state solution. Fine, but it’s impossible to imagine Hamas or the Palestinian Authority (which rules the West Bank) accepting such a compromise until and unless they conclude that the dream of exterminating Israel is unattainable. People such as Abdollahian and Ocasio-Cortez keep that dream alive.

By the way, The New York Times asserted that she’d been diverted from her “principles” by “influential lobbyists and rabbis.” Those darn lobbyists and rabbis!

Yes, who were all those sinister “rabbis,” no doubt black-clothed haredim, whom the New York Times claims were threatening poor helpless Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, emailing or telephoning threats, or perhaps even visiting her in the Rayburn House Office Building to make those threats in person, that she’d better vote for the replenishing of Israel’s Iron Dome anti-missile missiles – “or else.” Most likely their numbers and power to intimidate have been exaggerated, or even made up out of whole cloth. But it’s the kind of story that the New York Times, that has so often been caught spreading misinformation about Israel, or attacking Jewish organizations that support Israel, of course would have no compunction about publishing.



Jihad bomber responsible for Kabul massacre was arrested in India five years ago for plotting jihad attack on Hindus

UK: Islamic charity website praises Taliban and encourages Muslims to fund jihadis

France: Muslim who quoted Qur’an while raping his victim takes two prison guards hostage

Fatah top dog: ‘The battle will only be over when the occupation is removed from Palestine in its entirety’

Hamas-sponsored conference plans for time after ‘liberation of Palestine,’ discusses which Jews to kill and not kill

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Joe Biden’s Top 10 Blunders!

“Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

We all know that from day one of this illegal Biden regime acting like a power hungry rabid dictator or as a King, the blunders have come thick and fast. The illegal and unconstitutional acts just keep pouring out of their sick and evil anti American socialist mouths and minds.

I recently read a top 10 list from Newt Gingrich and I wanted to share it with you all. It is well written and worthy of all you readers of this blog. Enjoy and share. Remember that this list is a list that should anger you and ensure you want to fight this attack on our beloved Constitutional Republic.

How much more of this can we take? By Newt Gingrich.

As I’ve watched the events of the past few weeks – and thought about the nature of Joe Biden’s young presidency – I began to ask myself: How much more of this can we take?

In just seven months, President Biden has overseen a remarkable number of complete blunders. To make sense of them all and consider how to overcome them, I decided to make a list of them. Of course, it would take months of time and writing to list all the errors Biden has made in his 48 years in politics, so I decided to start at his inauguration in January. These are roughly in chronological order. It seemed impossible to rank them as so many of them could have lasting, unforeseeable consequences.

1 – Bipartisan Baloney

As I write in my upcoming book, Beyond Biden, which will be released on Nov. 2, the first major mistake Biden made was immediately failing to live up to the pledges he made in his inaugural address. In his inaugural address, Biden said: “Today, on this January day, my whole soul is in this: Bringing America together. Uniting our people. And uniting our nation.”
Had Biden actually led from the center as a bipartisan president, he would have quickly formed a strong coalition in Washington and built a strong majority. But, he didn’t. On day one in office, Biden signed 17 executive orders, most of which were highly partisan, with nine being direct reversals of popular, effective policies set by the previous administration. Biden’s day-one action message to a deeply divided America was that talk of bipartisanship was pure baloney.

2 – Destroying Our Energy Independence

Biden’s second big mistake was his aggressive effort to cripple America’s energy independence. In his early days of office, he recommitted America to the Paris Climate Accords, which restricts America while giving high-polluting countries such as China a pass. He canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline, which cost Americans roughly 30,000 jobs and contributed to rising oil and gas prices. He also canceled oil and gas exploration in the arctic. Because of these destructive actions, Biden later had to crawl back to OPEC nations and grovel for them to increase production to lower prices.

3 – Giving in to Iran.

Desperate to salvage one of his former boss’s few achievements, Biden immediately sought to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal, which will not stop Iran from eventually developing nuclear weapons. It also freed up billions of dollars which Iran can now use in its continued effort to fund terrorism around the globe. This sent a clear message of weakness to our allies in the Middle East and will only benefit Iran – the world’s premier funder of terrorism.

4 – Kowtowing to China.

President Biden has consistently failed to stand up to China, which is our single biggest competitor. We know that the Chinese Communist Party intentionally withheld information about the spread of the COVID-19 virus as early as December of 2019. We know it lied to the world about the existence and origins of the virus – and used the World Health Organization to spread its propaganda. Biden has done nothing to hold the Chinese Communist Party to account – and has unconditionally recommitted American tax dollars to the WHO. Chinese Communist Party Chairman Xi Jinping has no reason to believe the American government will be a serious competitor as long as Biden and the Democratic Party is running the country.

5 – COVID-19 Confusion.

Let’s be clear: The historically rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines is all thanks to President Donald Trump. Biden had nothing to do with empowering our private pharmaceutical sector to create the vaccines – or streamlining the regulatory structure so they could quickly get to Americans who needed them. Biden is responsible for setting incredibly low goals for vaccine distribution, leading a completely confused vaccine messaging campaign at the federal level, and further polarizing the country over vaccines by consistently demonizing Republican governors who didn’t toe federal lines – even when Republican states were experiencing fewer COVID-19 deaths than states with Democratic governors with extreme restrictions and higher infection rates.

6 – Surrender at the Southern Border.

President Biden has overseen the most porous, permissive, and lawless U.S.-Mexico border in generations. In July, illegal crossings at the southern border hit a 21-year high. This is remarkable, as border crossings typically drop off in the summer, because the desert heat becomes so dangerous. At the same time, deportations of illegal immigrants are at a record low. Biden has essentially surrendered the southern border to whoever wants to come in – including drug dealers, human traffickers, potential terrorists, and other violent criminals. The U.S. Border Patrol is deeply demoralized, and Americans are less safe. Thankfully, the U.S. Supreme Court is beginning to roll-back some of Biden’s disastrous decisions and forcing it to re-implement measures that work – such as President Trump’s remain in Mexico policy.

7 – Betrayal at the Border.

I mention this as a separate failure because it is so dramatic and dismissive of Americans’ safety. Biden has allowed record numbers of people to illegally cross the border and stay in America during a global pandemic without any requirement that they be tested for COVID-19 or quarantined before going wherever they want. President Biden and Democrats impose strong restrictions on Americans in the name of defeating the virus, but they impose nothing on the people who are illegally entering the country. This is one of the clearest examples of the contempt this administration and national Democrats have for the American people. It is a complete betrayal.

8 – Bankrupting America.

Just when American jobs were beginning to be revived following the global pandemic, Biden has reinstituted regulations which make it harder to hire people and suggested an $8 trillion spending plan – including $1 trillion in non-infrastructure infrastructure projects and another $3.5 trillion in liberal pipedreams. It is as if he is intentionally reliving the disastrous Jimmy Carter presidency. Biden’s rabid spending will not create jobs. It will continue to hike inflation, weaken the U.S. dollar, weaken Americans’ retirement accounts, and lead the Democrats to instinctively try to raise taxes. He is doing everything he possibly can to hamstring the economy and keep us in the pandemic depression.

9 – Surrendering in Afghanistan.

Of course, the most recent and glaring example of Biden’s failure is his disastrous surrender and withdrawal from Afghanistan. His decision to pull all our military forces out and surrender our most effective evacuation facility (Bagram Airfield) before safely evacuating American civilians and civil servants is a quintessential example of how and why he is incapable of leading America. It forced Biden to then recommit twice as many American soldiers to the evacuation effort as were there before we left (and created a much more dangerous environment). On Thursday, we learned that suicide bombers killed more than 60 people, including 12 U.S. service members, and injured many more at the airport in Kabul. These are the first America service members to be killed by enemies in Afghanistan in the last 18 months. Biden’s failure in Afghanistan is now unfortunately deeply real to at least 12 more American families. He should be ashamed of himself.

10 – Failing to Surrender his Ego.

The last and greatest of Biden’s failures is his inability to acknowledge his own incompetence. Throughout this process, I have been unable to find a single positive thing Biden has done for Americans. He continues to implement and impose his failures on our nation. It is costing Americans their jobs, their peace of mind, and now their lives.

Again, I wonder: How much more of this can we take?

Post note by Fred Brownbill. The above truly is a very small example of this insane administrations failures. Failures in domestic, international and economic policies. It hasn’t just been a failure. It is a purely unmitigated disaster. America is now the laughing stock of the world and our enemies are getting bolder and stronger daily as we grow more cowardly and weaker daily. Taiwan and the Middle East are two areas that are at great risk not just from China in regards to Taiwan but from a nuclear armed Iran who has and will continue to threaten the entire region. The race issue is now so much more dominant as is anger and hatred. The middle ground so loved by Americans is gone. The extremists in the New Socialist Democrat Party have moved so far left as to have removed any common ground.

America. We are down to the last few months to save this constitutional republic from total demise. What ever it takes is what ever it takes.

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

Biden Plan Would Sabotage U.S. Economic Competitiveness in One Huge Way, Analysis Finds

That’s not ‘Building Back Better’—it’s shooting ourselves in the foot.  

President Biden has heralded his $4.5+ trillion spending proposals and accompanying tax hikes as an investment in “leading the world versus letting it pass us by.” Yet, paradoxically, a new analysis exposes one huge way Biden’s plans would make the US less competitive on the global stage.

Key to financing the spending plans is a proposed increase in the corporate tax rate from 21 percent to 26.5 percent. When factoring in state corporate taxes, the US’s average corporate tax rate would reach a whopping 30.9 percent. And according to a new Tax Foundation analysis, this punitive level of business taxation would be the third-highest corporate tax rate among developed countries, outstripped only by Colombia and Portugal.


Why is this a problem?

Well, the US would become a less attractive place for business investment, which is bad news for entrepreneurs, workers, and customers alike. Businesses would understandably be less likely to conduct business in the US when they could go to dozens of other developed countries with lower tax rates. As a result, our economic competitiveness would suffer.

“Returning to near the top of the OECD in corporate tax rates would… disincentivize investment and encourage firms to shift profits and locate elsewhere, resulting in fewer job opportunities for Americans and less tax revenue for the U.S. government,” the analysis explains.


Biden claims his tax-and-spend agenda is meant to reassert America’s dominance. But the costly tax hikes the president seeks would set our economic competitiveness back on the global stage. That’s not “Building Back Better”—it’s shooting ourselves in the foot.


Brad Polumbo

Brad Polumbo (@Brad_Polumbo) is a libertarian-conservative journalist and Policy Correspondent at the Foundation for Economic Education.

WATCHNew Biden Vax Mandate Doesn’t Make ANY Sense (Here’s Why)

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Like this story? Click here to sign up for the FEE Daily and get free-market news and analysis like this from Policy Correspondent Brad Polumbo in your inbox every weekday.

WATCH: Fauci and HHS Officials Plot for ‘A New Avian Flu Virus’ to Enforce Universal Flu Vaccination

Medical Kidnap reported the following as participants at the Milken Institute meeting:

Joining Fauci, Rick Bright, and Michael Specter at this event were: Margaret Hamburg, Foreign Secretary, National Academy of Medicine, Bruce Gellin, President, Global Immunization, Sabin Vaccine Institute, Casey Wright, CEO, FluLab.

Explosive Video of Fauci and HHS Plotting for a New Outbreak to Enforce mRNA.



Michael Specter: Why don’t we blow the system up? I mean obviously, we can’t just turn off the spigot on the system. We have and then say, hey everyone in the world should get this new vaccine that we haven’t given to anyone yet. But there must be some way that we grow vaccines mostly in eggs the way we did in 1947.

Fauci: In order to make the transition from getting out of the tried-and-true egg growing which we know gives us results that can be beneficial, I mean we’ve done well with that. There must be something that has to be much better. You have to prove that this works and then you’ve got to go through all of the clinical trials: phase 1, phase 2, phase 3, and then show that this particular product is going to be good over a period of years. That alone, if it works perfectly, it’s going to take a decade.

Bright: There might be a need or even an urgent call for an entity of excitement out there that’s completely disruptive, that’s not beholden to bureaucratic strings and processes.

Fauci: So we really do have a problem of how the world perceives influenza and it’s going to be very difficult to change that unless you do it from within and say, I don’t care what your perception is, we’re going to address the problem in a disruptive and in an iterative way because she does need both.

Bright: But it is not too crazy to think that an outbreak of novel avian virus could occur in China somewhere. We could get the RNA sequence from that.. to a number of regional centers if not local, if not even in your home at some point, and print those vaccines on a patch of self-administer.

©All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Operation 1984 Has Begun: Feds Issuing Warrants Against People Searching Google

An Important Church and State Battle in Seattle

We have all seen the horrible violence in Seattle in the last year or so. But now there’s a new battle, virtually under the radar.

In 1932, the Union Gospel Mission began serving the poor and downtrodden in Seattle. But now this ministry which has been serving millions of meals through the years and providing many other services may have to shut its doors because of a decision by the Washington Supreme Court.

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is defending the mission. They write:

“A Washington Supreme Court decision forces a religious nonprofit, Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission, to hire employees who do not share the organization’s religious beliefs.”

The mission chose not to hire a potential candidate to work for them, who by his own profession does not share their beliefs. He is not a Christian. So he sued. Yet, Christianity is at the core of what they do.

Scott Chin, the president of the mission, told Virginia Allen of Heritage Foundation’s Daily Signal (9/27/21):

“We are 89 years old and [at] Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission, we exist to love and serve and share the Gospel with our homeless neighbors. We do that by providing food and shelter, addiction recovery services, job placement services, and legal services.”

For example, their website explains one aspect of their mission:

“11,751 of our neighbors in the greater Seattle area are homeless. Every night, Search + Rescue vans drive to the darkest places in the greater Seattle area to hand out life-saving supplies and care to men and women.” Who knows how many homeless they might have spared from freezing to death?

But all of their good works for Christ might grind to a screeching halt because the Washington Supreme Court is ignoring the true meaning of the First Amendment.

On June 12, 1788, James Madison, a key architect of the Constitution, declared:

“There is not a shadow of right in the general government to intermeddle with religion.”

The founders did not intend for the state to run the church, nor did they intend for the church per se to run the state—however, that’s a far cry from saying the church would have no influence in the state.

A month after he was sworn in as our first president, George Washington wrote a group of Baptists: “If I could have entertained the slightest apprehension that the Constitution framed in the Convention, where I had the honor to preside, might possibly endanger the religious rights of any ecclesiastical society, certainly I would never have placed my signature to it.”

In short, if you believe that the Constitution allows for government to interfere with religious organizations, you’ll find no support from the father of our country.

The legal battle is an important one, says Chin: “And so we’ve asked the U.S. Supreme Court to weigh in on this critical issue, ‘Does the government have the power to punish religious organizations for living and operating consistently with their faith in this way?’”

Appealing to the U. S. Supreme Court is always a long shot. But the irony is that the Supreme Court has even spoken on this type of issue.

Imagine a Supreme Court decision in which both the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the late Antonin Scalia agreed upon. Ginsburg was as far left as they get, and Scalia was far right. But they both agreed on this: A religious organization has the autonomy under the Constitution to hire according to its religious beliefs.

This was a 2012 case out of Missouri involving a Lutheran school, Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church & School v. EEOC.

In the unanimous decision (9-0), Chief Justice Roberts wrote:

“The interest of society in the enforcement of employment discrimination statutes is undoubtedly important. But so too is the interest of religious groups in choosing who will preach their beliefs, teach their faith, and carry out their mission. When a minister who has been fired sues her church alleging that her termination was discriminatory, the First Amendment has struck the balance for us. The church must be free to choose those who will guide it on its way.”

Jeremy Dys—Special Counsel for First Liberty Institute, which fights for religious liberty—told me:

“No one should be surprised when a religious organization acts religiously. It is only surprising—and unconstitutional—when the state insists a religious institution shed its faith commitments or be punished.”

If the mission loses this case, imagine the potential impact on the hungry and downtrodden of Seattle. But for the Left, this isn’t about suffering people. Despite First Amendment protections and clear Supreme Court rulings, these dedicated secularists are wholly devoted to undermining the influence of religion and religious organizations in America—and we see the results as our society comes unglued around us.

©Jerry Newcombe. All rights reserved.

The January 6 Insurrection Hoax

The following is adapted from a lecture delivered at Hillsdale College on September 20, 2021, during a Center for Constructive Alternatives conference on “Critical American Elections.”

Notwithstanding all the hysterical rhetoric surrounding the events of January 6, 2021, two critical things stand out. The first is that what happened was much more hoax than insurrection. In fact, in my judgment, it wasn’t an insurrection at all.

An “insurrection,” as the dictionary will tell you, is a violent uprising against a government or other established authority. Unlike the violent riots that swept the country in the summer of 2020—riots that caused some $2 billion in property damage and claimed more than 20 lives—the January 6 protest at the Capitol building in Washington, D.C. lasted a few hours, caused minimal damage, and the only person directly killed was an unarmed female Trump supporter who was shot by a Capitol Police officer. It was, as Tucker Carlson said shortly after the event, a political protest that “got out of hand.”

At the rally preceding the events in question, Donald Trump had suggested that people march to the Capitol “peacefully and patriotically”—these were his exact words—in order to make their voices heard. He did not incite a riot; he stirred up a crowd. Was that, given the circumstances, imprudent? Probably. Was it an effort to overthrow the government? Hardly.

I know this is not the narrative that we have all been instructed to parrot. Indeed, to listen to the establishment media and our political masters, the January 6 protest was a dire threat to the very fabric of our nation: the worst assault on “our democracy” since 9/11, since Pearl Harbor, and even—according to Joe Biden last April—since the Civil War!

Note that phrase “our democracy”: Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and various talking heads have repeated it ad nauseam. But you do not need an advanced degree in hermeneutics to understand that what they mean by “our democracy” is their oligarchy. Similarly, when Pelosi talks about “the people’s house,” she doesn’t mean a house that welcomes riff-raff like you and me.

I just alluded to Ashli Babbitt, the unarmed supporter of Donald Trump who was shot and killed on January 6. Her fate brings me to the second critical thing to understand about the January 6 insurrection hoax. Namely, that it was not a stand-alone event.

On the contrary, what happened that afternoon, and what happened afterwards, is only intelligible when seen as a chapter in the long-running effort to discredit and, ultimately, to dispose of Donald Trump—as well as what Hillary Clinton might call the “deplorable” populist sentiment that brought Trump to power.

In other words, to understand the January 6 insurrection hoax, you also have to understand that other long-running hoax, the Russia collusion hoax. The story of that hoax begins back in 2015, when the resources of the federal government were first mobilized to spy on the Trump campaign, to frame various people close to Trump, and eventually to launch a full-throated criminal investigation of the Trump administration.

From before Trump took office, the Russia collusion hoax was used as a pretext to create a parallel administration shadowing the elected administration. Remember the Steele dossier, the fantastical document confected by the “well-regarded” former British spy Christopher Steele? We know now that it was the only relevant predicate for ordering FISA warrants to spy on Carter Page and other American citizens.

But in truth, the Steele dossier was just opposition dirt covertly paid for by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign. From beginning to end, it was a tissue of lies and fabrications. Everyone involved knew all along it was garbage—rumors and fantasies fed to a gullible Steele by shady Russian sources. But it was nonetheless used to deploy, illegally, the awesome coercive power of the state against a presidential candidate of whom the ruling bureaucracy and its favored candidate disapproved.

The public learned that the Democratic National Committee paid for the manufactured evidence only because of a court order. James Comey, the disgraced former director of the FBI, publicly denied knowing who paid for it, but emails from a year earlier prove that he knew all along. And what was the penalty for lying in Comey’s case? He got a huge book deal and toured the country denouncing Trump to the gleeful satisfaction of his anti-Trump audiences.

What was true of Comey was also true of the entire intelligence apparat, from former CIA Director John Brennan to Congressman Adam Schiff and other Democratic members of the House Intelligence Committee to senior members of the FBI. All these people said publicly that they had seen clear evidence of collusion with Russia. But they admitted under oath behind closed doors that they hadn’t.

General Michael Flynn, Trump’s original National Security Advisor, had his career ruined and was bankrupted as part of this political vendetta. Meanwhile James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Lisa Page, John Brennan, Peter Strzok, and all the rest of the crew at the FBI, the CIA, and other intelligence agencies suffered nothing. When it came to light that an FBI lawyer altered an email in order to help get a FISA warrant—in other words, that he doctored evidence to spy on a political opponent, which is a felony—he got probation.

The recent news that Special Counsel John Durham is indicting Michael Sussman, a lawyer who covertly worked for the Clinton campaign and lied to the FBI, is welcome news. But it seems like small beer given the rampant higher-level corruption that saturated the Russia collusion hoax.

At least 74 million citizens voted for Donald Trump in 2020, which is at least 11 million more than voted for him in 2016. Many of those voters are profoundly disillusioned and increasingly angry about this entire story—the years-long Robert Mueller “investigation,” the two impeachments of President Trump, the cloud of unknowing that surrounds the 2020 election, and the many questions that have emerged not only from the January 6 protest at the Capitol, but even more from the government’s response to that protest.

Which brings me back to Ashli Babbitt, the long-serving Air Force veteran who was shot and killed by a nervous Capitol Police officer. Babbitt was a useful prop when the media was in overdrive describing the January 6 events as an “armed insurrection” in which wild Trump supporters, supposedly at Trump’s instigation, attacked the Capitol with the intention of overturning the 2020 election.

According to that narrative, five people, including Babbitt, died in the skirmish. Moreover, it was said, Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick was bludgeoned to death by a raging Trump supporter wielding a fire extinguisher. That gem of a story about the fire extinguisher, reported in our former paper of record, The New York Times, was instantly picked up by other media outlets and spread like a Chinese virus.

Of course, it is absolutely critical to the Democratic Party narrative that the January 6 incident be made to seem as violent and crazed as possible. Hence the comparisons to 9/11, Pearl Harbor, and the Civil War. Only thus can pro-Trump Americans be excluded from “our democracy” by being branded as “domestic extremists” if not, indeed, “domestic terrorists.”

The Sixth Amendment to the Constitution accords American citizens the right to a speedy trial. But most of the political prisoners of January 6—many of whom have been kept in solitary confinement—are still waiting to be brought to trial. And although the media was full of predictions that they would be found guilty of criminal sedition, none has.

Indeed, the prosecution’s cases seem to be falling apart. Most of the hundreds who have been arrested are being charged with trespassing. Another charge being leveled against them is “disrupting an official proceeding.” This is a felony charge designed not for ceremonial procedures like the January 6 certification of the vote, but rather for disrupting Congressional inquiries—for example, by shredding documents relevant to a Congressional investigation. It originated during the George W. Bush administration to deal with the Enron case.

The indisputable fact about January 6 is that although five people died at or near the Capitol on that day or soon thereafter, none of these deaths was brought about by the protesters. The shot fired by Capitol Police Officer Michael Byrd that hit Ashli Babbitt in the neck and killed her was the only shot fired at the Capitol that day. No guns were recovered from the Capitol on January 6. Zero.

The liberal commentator Glenn Greenwald further diminished the “armed insurrection” narrative in an important column last February titled “The False and Exaggerated Claims Still Being Spread About the Capitol Riot.” The title says it all. Kevin Greeson, Greenwald notes, was killed not by the protesters but died of a heart attack outside the Capitol. Benjamin Philips, the founder of a pro-Trump website called Trumparoo, died of a stroke that day. Rosanne Boyland, another Trump supporter, was reported by The New York Times to have been inadvertently “killed in a crush of fellow rioters during their attempt to fight through a police line.” But later video shows that, far from that, the police pushed protesters on top of Boyland and would not allow other protesters to pull her out.

Four of the five who died, then, were pro-Trump protesters. And the fifth? Well, that was Officer Sicknick—also a Trump supporter, as it turned out—who, contrary to the false report gone viral of The New York Times, went home, told his family he felt fine, but died a day later from, as The Washington Post eventually and grudgingly reported, “natural causes.” No fire extinguishers were involved in his demise.


The January 6 insurrection hoax prompts lots of questions.

Why, for example, did the government mobilize 26,000 federal troops from all across the country to surround “the people’s house” following January 6? Why were those troops subjected to FBI vetting, with some of them sent packing?

Why is there some 14,000 hours of video footage of the event on January 6 that the government refuses to release? What are they afraid of letting the public see? More scenes of security guards actually opening doors and politely ushering in protesters? More pictures of FBI informants covertly salted among the crowd?

My own view is that turning Washington into an armed camp was mostly theater. There was no threat that the Washington police could not have handled. But it was also a show of force and an act of intimidation. The message was: “We’re in charge now, rubes, and don’t you forget it.”

In truth, there is little threat of domestic terror in this country. But there is plenty of domestic conservatism. And that conservatism is the real focus of the establishment’s ire.

It is important to note that while the government provides the muscle for this war on dissent, the elite culture at large is a willing accomplice. Consider, for example, the open letter, signed by more than 500 “publishing professionals” (authors, editors, designers, and so on), calling on the industry to reject books written by anyone who had anything to do with the Trump administration.

These paragons pledged to do whatever they could to stop “enriching the monsters among us.” But here’s their problem: over 74 million people voted for Trump. That’s a lot of monsters.

Many people have been quoting Benjamin Franklin’s famous response when asked what sort of government they had come up with at the Constitutional Convention of 1787. “A republic,” Franklin said, “if you can keep it.” Right now, it looks like we can’t. It looks as if the American constitutional republic has given way, as least temporarily, to an American oligarchy.

As the years go by, historians, if the censors allow them access to the documents and give them leave to publish their findings, may well count the 2016 presidential election as the last fair and open democratic election in U.S. history. I know we are not supposed to say that. I know that the heads of Twitter and Facebook and other woke guardians of the status quo call this view “The Big Lie” and do all they can to suppress it. But every honest person knows that the 2020 election was tainted.

The forces responsible for the taint had tried before. Hitherto, their efforts had met with only limited success. But a perfect storm of forces conspired to make 2020 the first oligarchic installation of a president. It would not have happened, I think, absent the panic over the Chinese virus. But that panic, folded in a lover’s embrace by the Democratic establishment, was not only a splendid pretext to clamp down on civil liberties; it also provided an inarguable excuse to alter the rules for elections in several key states.

“Inarguable” is not quite the right word. There could have been plenty of arguments, and many lawsuits, against the way the executive branches in these states usurped the constitutionally guaranteed prerogative of state legislatures to set the election rules when they intervened to allow massive mail-in voting. But the Trump administration, though foreseeing and complaining about the executive interventions, did too little too late to make a difference.

Among the many sobering realities that the 2020 election brought home is that in our current and particular form of oligarchy, the people do have a voice, but it is a voice that is everywhere pressured, cajoled, shaped, and bullied. The people also have a choice, but only among a roster of candidates approved by the elite consensus.

The central fact to appreciate about Donald Trump is that he was elected president without the permission, and over the incredulous objections, of the bipartisan oligarchy that governs us. That was his unforgivable offense. Trump was the greatest threat in history to the credentialed class and the globalist administrative state upon which they feed. Representatives of that oligarchy tried for four years to destroy Trump. Remember that the first mention of impeachment came 19 minutes after his inauguration, an event that was met not only by a widespread Democratic boycott and hysterical claims by Nancy Pelosi and others that the election had been hijacked, but also by riots in Washington, D.C. that saw at least six policemen injured, numerous cars torched, and other property destroyed.

You will search in vain for media or other ruling class denunciations of that violence, or for bulletins from corporate America advising their customers of their solidarity with the newly-installed Trump administration. As the commentator Howie Carr noted, some riots are more equal than others. Some get you the approval of people like Nancy Pelosi and at least the grudging acceptance of oligarchs of the other party. Others get the FBI sweeping the country for “domestic terrorists” and the lords of Big Tech canceling people who defend the protesters’ cause.

Someday—maybe someday soon—this witches’ sabbath, this festival of scapegoating, and what George Orwell called the “hideous ecstasy” of hate will be at an end. Perhaps someday people will be aghast, and some will be ashamed, of what they did to the President of the United States and people who supported him: the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, for instance, proposing to put Senator Ted Cruz on a “no fly” list, and Simon & Schuster canceling Senator Josh Hawley’s book contract.

Donald Trump is the Emmanuel Goldstein (the designated principal enemy of the totalitarian state Oceania in Orwell’s 1984) of the movement. But minor public enemies are legion. Anyone harboring “Trumpist” inclinations is suspect, hence the widespread calls for “deprogramming” Trump’s supporters, who are routinely said to be “marching toward sedition.”

Michael Barone, one of our most perceptive political commentators, got it right when he wrote of the rapid movement “from impeaching incitement to canceling conservatism.” That is the path our oligarchs are inviting us to travel now, criminalizing political dissent and transforming policy differences into a species of heresy. You don’t debate heretics, after all. You seek to destroy them.

Donald Trump’s accomplishments as president were nothing less than stunning. Trump was, and is, a rude force of nature. He accomplished an immense amount. But he lacked one thing. Some say it was self-discipline or finesse. I agree with a friend of mine who suggested that Trump’s critical flaw was a deficit in guile. That sounds odd, no doubt, since Trump is supposed to be the tough guy who mastered “the art of the deal.” But I think my friend is probably right. Trump seems never to have discerned what a viper’s nest our politics has become for anyone who is not a paid-up member of The Club.

Maybe Trump understands this now. I have no insight into that question. I am pretty confident, though, that the 74 plus million people who voted for him understand it deeply. It’s another reason that The Club should be wary of celebrating its victory too expansively.

Friedrich Hayek took one of the two epigraphs for his book, The Road to Serfdom, from the philosopher David Hume. “It is seldom,” Hume wrote, “that liberty of any kind is lost all at once.” Much as I admire Hume, I wonder whether he got this quite right. Sometimes, I would argue, liberty is erased almost instantaneously.

I’d be willing to wager that Joseph Hackett, confronted with Hume’s observation, would express similar doubts. I would be happy to ask Mr. Hackett myself, but he is inaccessible. If the ironically titled “Department of Justice” has its way, he will be inaccessible for a long, long time—perhaps as long as 20 years.

Joseph Hackett, you see, is a 51-year-old Trump supporter and member of an organization called the Oath Keepers, a group whose members have pledged to “defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.” The FBI does not like the Oath Keepers—agents arrested its leader in January and have picked up many other members in the months since. Hackett traveled to Washington from his home in Florida to join the January 6 rally. According to court documents, he entered the Capitol at 2:45 that afternoon and left some nine minutes later, at 2:54. The next day, he went home. On May 28, he was apprehended by the FBI and indicted on a long list of charges, including conspiracy, obstruction of an official proceeding, destruction of government property, and illegally entering a restricted building.

As far as I have been able to determine, no evidence of Hackett destroying property has come to light. According to his wife, it is not even clear that he entered the Capitol. But he certainly was in the environs. He was a member of the Oath Keepers. He was a supporter of Donald Trump. Therefore, he must be neutralized.

Joseph Hackett is only one of hundreds of citizens who have been branded as “domestic terrorists” trying to “overthrow the government” and who are now languishing, in appalling conditions, jailed as political prisoners of an angry state apparat.

Hayek’s overriding concern in The Road to Serfdom was to combat the forces that were pushing people further along that road to servitude. His chief concern was unchecked state power. In a new preface to the book’s 1956 edition, Hayek noted that one of its “main points” was to document how “extensive government control produces a psychological change, an alteration in the character of the people.”

“This means,” Hayek wrote, “that even a strong tradition of political liberty is no safeguard if the danger is precisely that new institutions and policies will gradually undermine and destroy that spirit.”

This dismal situation, Hayek continues, can be averted, but only if the spirit of liberty “reasserts itself in time and the people not only throw out the party which has been leading them further and further in the dangerous direction but also recognize the nature of the danger and resolutely change their course.”

Note the power of that little word “if.” It was not so long ago that an American could contemplate totalitarian regimes and say, “Thank God we’ve escaped that.” It’s not at all clear that we can entertain that happy conviction any longer.

That’s one melancholy lesson of the January 6 insurrection hoax: that America is fast mutating from a republic, in which individual liberty is paramount, into an oligarchy, in which conformity is increasingly demanded and enforced.

Another lesson was perfectly expressed by Donald Trump when he reflected on the unremitting tsunami of hostility that he faced as President. “They’re after you,” he more than once told his supporters. “I’m just in the way.”



Roger Kimball

Roger Kimball is editor and publisher of The New Criterion and publisher of Encounter Books. He earned his B.A. from Bennington College and his M.A. and M.Phil. in philosophy from Yale University. He has written for numerous publications, including The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times Book Review, and is a columnist for The Spectator WorldAmerican Greatness, and The Epoch Times. He is editor or author of several books, including The Long March: How the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s Changed AmericaThe Rape of the Masters: How Political Correctness Sabotages ArtTenured Radicals: How Politics Has Corrupted Our Higher Education, and Vox Populi: The Perils and Promises of Populism.

EDITORS NOTE: This Imprimis Digest column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Worldview is Central to Determining Views on Abortion

The month of October kicks off “Respect Life Month” in the Catholic Church, and with the U.S. Supreme Court scheduled to hear the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case on December 1, Christians across the country have begun praying in earnest for the case that could overturn Roev. Wade. How will Americans react to the possibility of the Court altering the long-standing Roe ruling concerning abortion?

Many Americans wonder why abortion remains such a high-profile issue after all these years. The explanation is simple. Almost 50 years ago, seven appointed—not elected—justices decided that killing unborn babies should be a constitutionally-protected act. Since that time, more than 62 million unborn babies have been killed in our nation.

Rest assured, that fact has not gone unnoticed by the God who knitted together those babies in the wombs of their mothers.

Recent worldview research provides helpful insight into Americans’ views about abortion. The annual American Worldview Inventory undertaken by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University shows that after a half-century of energetic public debate about abortion, the abortion perspectives of millions of Americans remain surprisingly tenuous and pliable.

Keep in mind that very few adults are capable of applying a biblical worldview to this (or any other) issue. Although 51 percent of Americans think they have a biblical worldview (according to a Center for Biblical Worldview survey), the American Worldview Inventory reveals that only six percent of Americans actually have one. Since most Americans (88 percent) are driven by a Syncretistic worldview—an inconsistent, unpredictable combination of elements originating in various competing worldviews—the nation’s thinking about the morality and permissibility of abortion is more likely to be based on current emotions and popular thought, not on biblical principles related to life.

Indeed, the American Worldview Inventory underscores the morally wayward thinking of Americans. Not quite four out of 10 adults (39 percent) believe that life is sacred. An equal proportion of Americans argue that life is what we make it or that there is no absolute value associated with human life. The remaining two out of 10 adults possess a variety of other views about life, including outright uncertainty as to whether or not life has any intrinsic value.

Views about life are closely related to worldview and faith commitments. For instance, more than nine out of every 10 adults (93 percent) who have a biblical worldview believe that human life is sacred. Eight out of every 10 (81 percent) SAGE Cons (i.e., the Spiritually Active, Governance Engaged Conservative Christians) possess that view as well. Surprisingly, only six out of 10 theologically-determined born-again Christians (60 percent) say that human life is sacred. Those proportions dwarf those among people associated with non-Christian faiths (25 percent) or those who are spiritual skeptics (15 percent).

Many people are surprised to discover that Millennials are not a pro-life generation. Less than one-quarter of them (22 percent) believes that human life is sacred. Meanwhile, twice as many in Gen X and a slight majority of Boomers and their elders contend that human life is sacred.

Americans’ views about abortion continue to shock many observers. For instance, two out of three adults (64 percent) either say that the Bible is ambiguous in its views about abortion or that they don’t know what those views are. For a nation where roughly seven out of 10 adults call themselves “Christian,” that represents a mindboggling degree of biblical ignorance concerning one of the most high-profile social issues of the past half-century.

Not everyone falls into that vacuum of wisdom, though. More than nine out of 10 people who have a biblical worldview—a group known as Integrated Disciples—reject the notion that the Bible contains ambiguous ideas about abortion. Similarly, eight out of 10 SAGE Cons reject that position as well.

But the idea that the Bible is ambiguous about abortion is held by a variety of population segments. More than 70 percent of people who draw heavily from non-biblical worldviews—specifically, Marxism, Secular Humanism, Modern Mysticism, Postmodernism, and even Moralistic Therapeutic Deism—believe the Bible can be interpreted multiple ways regarding abortion. At least seven out of 10 adults aligned with a non-Christian faith or spiritual skeptics also embrace that point of view. And two-thirds of adults under the age of 50 harbor that misconception as well.

Given these perspectives, then, it should not shock us to find that nearly six out of 10 adults (57 percent) believe that a woman who chooses to have an abortion because her partner has left and she believes she cannot reasonably take care of the child is making a morally acceptable decision. Again, the survey shows that such a decision is a direct reflection of one’s worldview. Just two percent of the Integrated Disciples support abortion under such circumstances. In contrast, more than eight out of 10 who are adherents of other worldviews support that decision. That includes 89 percent of those who often draw their worldview from Postmodernism; 88 percent who often rely upon Secular Humanism; 82 percent who draw frequently from Modern Mysticism; and 81 percent who lean heavily upon Marxist philosophy.

Previous research by the Cultural Research Center also revealed that national opinion is roughly equally divided as to whether the Supreme Court should overturn its disastrous Roe v. Wade decision of 1973. The subgroup numbers line up similarly to the segmentation patterns related to the responses to the other abortion-related questions described earlier. In general, those most desirous of the Court overturning the 1973 ruling are led by Integrated Disciples (67 percent consider a reversal of Roe to be a priority) and by SAGE Cons (74 percent). Those who want the Court to affirm Roe are led by groups that are not favorable to Christianity.

The Court’s ultimate decision, whatever it may be, will not satisfy everyone—or, perhaps, even a majority of Americans. But for biblically informed Christians, the abortion issue is not about pleasing a majority of the public or persuading a majority of jurists; it is a matter of understanding and obeying God’s principles and standing for His truth.


George Barna

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Government Strong-Arming Fuels American Distrust

According to Pew Research, in the early 1960s nearly 80 percent of Americans trusted the federal government “to do what’s right just about always/most of the time.” Today, that number hovers around 20 percent.

Is it any wonder why? The Biden administration refuses to control our borders, betrays friends, and bewilders allies in Afghanistan, and is reverting to the failed tax-and-spend policies typical of the Left. But now there’s something else that is troubling millions of Americans: A new and dangerous push for mandatory vaccinations in both public and private sectors.

President Biden is planning to issue a new federal requirement that “all businesses with 100 or more employees have to ensure that every worker is either vaccinated for COVID-19 or submit to weekly testing for the coronavirus.” This would affect no less than 80 million people in the workplace.

Last month, a survey of corporate executives indicated that nearly half “plan to institute a vaccine mandate.” And it’s not just the big companies: Forbes Magazine reports on another recent poll showing that 75 percent of small business owners “would fire workers for failing to comply with their vaccination policies.” Some firms, including some major health care providers and even United Airlines, are already doing this.

What’s going on? Since when did the federal government have the legal right to demand that citizens of a free republic accept a specific and, for many Americans, unnecessary medical treatment? And what happened to the belief that mature adults could make wise decisions for themselves and their children?

Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) is a graduate of Duke University School of Medicine. He joined “Washington Watch” to warn Americans about some of the claims being made by the federal government about vaccines. He mentioned “a study out of Israel [of] two and a half million people” showing “that if you’ve had the disease … the odds of you getting hospitalized [are] seven times less than if you’ve only been vaccinated.”

“This isn’t an argument against being vaccinated,” Senator Paul made clear. In fact, he noted that he believes people in “high risk groups” should be vaccinated. However, he said, “for the people [who] have already had the disease … there is really no evidence that you have to get vaccinated or that the vaccine is better than natural immunity.”

Maybe even more striking is the Senator’s comment that “the Biden administration is not following the science.” Thousands of doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals now have immunity from COVID due to working with victims of the disease for many months before there were vaccines. Why should they be, as Senator Paul said, “slapped away” in “callous disregard” for their brave service?

The senator faulted Dr. Anthony Fauci for much of the problem. “He disseminates more bad information and misinformation than probably anybody ever has in the history of public health,” said Senator Paul, citing the example of Dr. Fauci’s insistence that Americans wear masks of any kind, even though “cloth masks don’t work.”

We Americans are not subjects of a group of our “betters” in a far-distant capital. We are citizens whose liberty has been hard-won and must be vigorously defended. Whatever one believes about vaccines, no elected or appointed official has the constitutional authority to demand that we accept an injection we do not want.

If policymakers want to restore the public’s faith in their government, one way not to do it is to treat free people like wayward children, or worse, subjects who must be quiet and do whatever they are told.


School Boards Want FBI Protection from Parents

Worldview is Central to Determining Views on Abortion

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column and video are republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Poll: Majority Say Biden Doing a ‘Poor Job’ Uniting the Country

In news that will come as a surprise to no sentient being in the entire world, a Rasmussen Reports survey released Tuesday found that the majority of Americans believe catastrophically incompetent President Joe Biden, who had made “unity” a central theme of his election, has done a “poor” job of uniting the country.

Fifty-three percent said he has done a “poor” job,” while 15 percent said “fair.” Another 20 percent said he is doing a “good” job, and 10 delusional percent said “excellent.” Notably, 79 percent of Republicans and 60 percent of independents said Biden is doing a “poor” job at uniting the country. Democrats remain divided: 52 percent say he is doing either a good or excellent job, while 45 percent say poor or fair.

An overwhelming majority of voters, 64 percent, said the country has become “more divided” since the last election, while 23 percent said it has remained “about the same.” Another 11 percent in denial of reality said it has been “more united.” Three percent answered, “not sure.”

Uniting the country has never been Biden’s aim. The aim of his party is not to bring Americans on opposite sides of the political fence together, but to eradicate political opposition.

Joe Biden

112 Known Connections

In Midst of Border Crisis, Biden Calls for Massive Numbers of New Immigrants

The number of youths illegally crossing the border into the southern U.S. had reached staggering proportions since 2012, when President Obama had announced that his administration would no longer deport minors who were in the country illegally, so long as they met certain basic requirements. Whereas in 2011 about 6,000 young people were apprehended by border personnel, government officials now estimated that the corresponding totals would exceed 90,000 by the end of 2014, and 140,000 in 2015 — not including the many tens of thousands more who would avoid capture.

Notwithstanding this crisis — and the fact that the open southern border left the U.S. vulnerable to infiltration by Islamic terrorists who had long been known to be working with Mexican drug cartels — Biden, speaking at a National Association of Manufacturers’ meeting, called for a “constant, unrelenting stream” of new immigrants — “not dribbling [but] significant flows” that could bolster the national economy. “We need it badly from a purely — purely economic point of view,’ said Biden. The vice president later tweeted: “The final thing we need to do together is pass immigration reform … We need it badly.”

To learn more about Joe Biden, click here.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.