Will the Queen of Corruption make a 3rd Run for the Presidential Crown?

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

“The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” – Albert Einstein

“I like to see the difference between good and evil as kind of like the foul line at a baseball game. It’s very thin, it’s made of something very flimsy like lime, and if you cross it, it really starts to blur where fair becomes foul and foul becomes fair.” – Mystery author, Harlan Coben

In an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal, former Clinton pollster Mark Penn predicted that Hillary Rodham Clinton would run as the “universal-health-care-promoting progressive firebrand of 1994.”  He actually guaranteed that she is going to make a third run for the presidential crown.  (That 1994 universal health care program Hillary dreamed up had a “gatekeeper” which made it rather difficult to get specialty care.  Congressional Republicans opposed the plan, the public saw it as too complex and bureaucratic, and her plan drew strong opposition from the drug and health insurance industries.)  She’s now on the bandwagon for single payer just like Obama and his communist friend from the past, Dr. Quentin Young.

Steve Bannon predicted that Hillary Clinton is running in 2020 and told Fox Business host Trish Regan, “I even think Hillary Clinton or Bloomberg or some centrist comes in here… She’s running. She’s just trying to decide how to fit her way in.”

Hillary has dreamed of being the President of the United States since she was in high school. She just can’t contemplate a life in which the media isn’t clamoring for her opinion.

So, is it just theatre for the masses by the Democratic socialist presidential candidates until Queen Hillary declares her candidacy and runs again?  Will they give up the spotlight for her because she was “cheated” out of the 2016 win?  Will Fauxcahontas Warren, who is now the frontrunner, bow to Hillary’s desire to run again?  Will they all genuflect to the Queen’s third run for the crown?  Or, will they say, “Nuh-uh…you tried twice, you’re done!”

Media attention is being showered on the Clinton women for their latest book, perhaps a perfect time to announce another presidential campaign.

Stephen Colbert Interview

Hillary and daughter Chelsea recently appeared on the Stephen Colbert show promoting their latest book, “Gutsy Women.” I’ve included only two of their many media appearances.  Watch as Hillary cackles through the entire Colbert interview.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful just once to see one of these nighttime hosts ask her about how she managed to make the Clinton Foundation so wealthy via “pay to play?”  And wouldn’t it be interesting to see her response to why she destroyed 33,000 emails with bleach bit?  And how about her destruction of several cell phones with a hammer?

Don’t forget the FBI examination of Clinton’s private home server which found over 100 emails containing classified information that the Chinese hacked in real time, including 65 emails deemed “Secret” and 22 deemed “Top Secret.” An additional 2,093 emails not marked classified were retroactively classified by the State Department.

Oh, and don’t forget Donna Brazil feeding Hillary the questions prior to the debates with Donald Trump.  Top it off with her sale of 20% of our uranium to Russia’s Rosatom and FBI Director Mueller actually carrying a sample of same to Russian oligarchs for her.  And of course, there’s Benghazi, and Vince Foster, and Mena, Arkansas, and White Water and on and on and on.  No one in the mainstream media would dare ask her any of these questions.

The Washington Post reported that the probe into Hillary’s email server has just been revived by the State Department.

Watch her eleven-minute interview with Colbert and how she’s lauded by the host and the audience even when she knowingly prevaricates regarding President Trump and his phone conversation with Ukrainian President Zelensky.

Hillary claims that everyone has known for a long time that Donald Trump is a corrupt businessman, that he and his campaign asked for aid from Russia, and that the President is putting his own personal and political interests ahead of the national security of the country with the Ukrainian phone call.  This is why there is an impeachment investigation, although Pelosi has never called for a vote, and probably never will.

Colbert produced the document Hillary Clinton wrote regarding the 1974 impeachment investigation of President Richard Nixon.  Roger Stone reported in his book, Nixon’s Secrets, that Judiciary Committee staffers confirmed general counsel and chief of staff to the House Judiciary Investigative Committee, Jerry Zeifman’s statements about Hillary.  He claimed that as a 27-year-old staffer, she tried to manipulate the political process and strip President Nixon of his constitutional rights to a fair hearing.  Both American Thinker and World Net Daily claim this is true.  However, leftist web and hoax sites claim Zeifman’s statements are untrue.

Whatever the truth, Hillary learned quickly that it pays to destroy incriminating evidence.

Jane Pauley Interview

On Sunday, September 29th, 2019, Hillary appeared on Jane Pauley’s CBS Sunday morning show.  Watch the 90-second video.

For a woman who lived through a valid impeachment in 1998 during the Clinton administration, she claims that given the latest revelation via the whistle blower, there should be an impeachment inquiry opened.

She contends that President Trump is extorting a foreign government for his own personal purposes.  Whoa!  Excuse me Hillary, but how many foreign governments paid you because you had power as the Secretary of State and could influence their futures? It was VP Joe Biden who actually “extorted” the President of Ukraine.  The record shows that between 2009 and 2013, and while secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation received at least $8.6 million from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, which is based in Kiev, Ukraine.

Obviously, Hillary believes it was okay for her husband, President Bill Clinton and his Vice President Al Gore to contact foreign governments, i.e., communist Red China, for campaign contributions in exchange for nuclear secrets.  But a legal phone call to the Ukrainian president by Donald Trump is an impeachable offense.

Article II of the Constitution gives the president sweeping power to conduct foreign affairs, negotiate with leaders of other nations, make demands or offer promises.  The Constitution does not grant the power of review, approval or disapproval to spies or other unelected officials in the executive branch.  President Donald Trump was completely within the powers of his office.

Saul Alinsky Effect

The left lies, and so does the right, but the left has mastered the act of accusing their enemies of doing exactly what they have done.  The old Marxist taught them well.

Saul Alinsky was a community organizer as was our former President, Barack Hussein Obama.  Alinsky claimed community organizers should be among other things, narcissistic, amoral and able to promote things they don’t believe in (in other words good at lying).  Obama learned only too well, and so did Hillary Clinton.  She met Alinsky in 1961 when her Park Ridge Methodist youth minister, Don Jones, took his class to meet Saul.  Alinsky’s methods and philosophy have had a profound influence on the politics of the United States. Recent history would suggest that this influence is just short of catastrophic.

Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals was published in 1971 and is not so subtly taught in universities and colleges today.  Hillary Clinton wrote her Wellesley College thesis on Alinsky, interviewing him personally for her research.

The core of Alinsky’s method is destruction, destruction of the “system” that allows a disparity of wealth, i.e. individualism. There is little doubt that Alinsky’s idea of a better “system” is one that brings forced equivalence or Marxism. The Alinsky end game is a global utopia in which the “people” have “power.” Unfortunately, this utopianism has been the foundation of several uber-violent movements of the last century which have resulted in over 100 million deaths.

Psychological Projection

The Democratic socialists and their comrades in the mainstream media use a tactic taught by Alinsky…to blame your enemy for what you have done.  This is psychological projection, sometimes called dissembling.

Almost everything the left says these days is projection. They accuse Trump of exactly what they’re doing, and Hillary is a master at this.  She said, “You can put half of Trump supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables … racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it.”  This isn’t a message of unity. It’s a message of hate, and it’s lies.

Hillary Clinton hates Trump and every American who cast a ballot for the blue-collar real estate mogul.  She claims that Donald Trump will not be re-elected, and that many “funny things” happened in the election in 2016.  She says she won’t “accept” him remaining in office.

The entire left, including the mainstream media lies to America on a daily basis.  How many times have we heard that our President is a racist when his entire past proves he hasn’t a racist bone in his body…?  Their constant lies are the propaganda that serves to brainwash Americans.

The Stolen Election

As it stands now, there is not one Democratic presidential candidate who could best Mr. Trump. Hillary still believes the 2016 election was stolen from her; she can’t accept the loss.  In nearly three years after the votes were counted and the states were called, and months after Robert Mueller found no collusion with Russia, she still has the nerve to insist that Trump is an “illegitimate president.”

In 2016, during the third debate when Trump said he might not accept the election results, Hillary went berserk.  “That’s horrifying,” she replied. “Let’s be clear about what he is saying and what that means. He is denigrating — he is talking down our democracy. And I am appalled that someone who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that position.”

And three years later, who is the one still contesting the results and “talking down our democracy?”  (We’re a Republic, not a democracy.)


Graft, corruption, spying, and cheating were all part of the Democratic Party’s plan to elect Hillary Clinton as President.  The totalitarian actions of those who hated Trump destroyed the once smooth transition of executive power from one party to another.

The hatred for Mr. Trump went beyond anything this nation has ever seen.  The intelligence community, the entire Party of Democratic socialists, and the mainstream media refused to accept the results of the 2016 election and plotted the demise of our duly elected president.

If you think 2016 and the succeeding years were evil and depraved, if the Queen of corruption once again enters the race, there will be no holds barred.

Trump’s Enemies Keep Forgetting

One of my all-time favorite songs is by my fellow St. Louisian, Michael McDonald, former lead singer of the Doobie Brothers.  “I Keep Forgettin’ (Every Time You’re Near), is from his first solo album which was released in 1982.

The song is about a man who was having a romantic affair with a woman and when it comes to an end; he can’t seem to accept the reality that its over.  He seems to get into an emotional rage every time he sees her or is reminded of her; even though he knows its over, it is hard for him to accept it.

According to the song,

“I keep forgettin’ we’re not in love anymore
I keep forgettin’ things will never be the same again
I keep forgettin’ how you made that so clear

Every time you’re near
Every time I see you smile
Hear your hello
Saying you can only stay a while<

Hey, I know that it’s hard for you
To say the things that we both know are true.”

This song could have very easily been written for the Democrats and never Trumper Republicans after the 2016 presidential election.

They can’t believe that Trump was elected president.  He wasn’t part of the “political” good old boy’s club.  He hadn’t “paid” his dues in either party.  He didn’t play all the conventional games leading up to a presidential candidacy.

And Trump definitely didn’t run on “conventional” issues.  He wanted to control both legal and illegal immigration; he wanted to remove the U.S. from endless wars; he wanted to punish China for stealing from America; and he questioned the raison d’etre of international groups like the United Nations and NATO.

Democrats and never Trumper Republicans keep forgettin’ why Trump was elected president; they keep forgettin’ things will never be the same again. They keep forgettin’ how the American people made it so clear.

Trump promised that he would put the American people first, not foreigners.  Trump promised to remove those living in the U.S. illegally.  Trump promised to greatly reduce the number of work visas that displaced American workers.  Trump promised to get America out of endless wars.  Trump promised to put America and its interest first; without consideration for how others feel.

Somehow, Democrats and never Trumpers keep forgettin’ why he is president.

It had much more to do with the American people’s dislike for Hillary Clinton.

The Republicans Trump defeated during the 2016 primary were pretty much all open borders, for America being the policeman of the world, and had a go easy on China policy.

Trump’s ascendancy was a direct repudiation of the status quo.  Trump’s defeat of Hillary was a totally rejection of the business as usual mindset.

The American people wanted someone who would stand and fight for American values, even if it meant not being popular anymore; even if it meant breaking with conventional norms; and yes, even if it meant going it alone.

In 2016, Americans felt like no one was looking out for the little guy.  Then Trump comes along and says, I agree with you; you have been screwed by both parties.  I understand your feelings.

Vote for me and I will fight for you.

When you look at today’s Democrat primary candidates, they seem to keep forgettin’ that Americans feel alienated; that no one is concerned about the state and quality of their lives.

They hear Democrats putting the interests of those in the country illegally above those who are American citizens.  They hear Democrats offering open borders to foreigners; they hear free healthcare to non-citizens; they hear free college tuition to non-citizens; and they see preferential treatment given to non-citizens in our court system.

So, the Democrats and never Trumpers response is to create phony impeachment charges against Trump.

Not to show American workers that their interest is of primary concern to their candidacy; not to stop supporting the importation of foreign workers to displace American workers; not to secure our borders and remove all those in the country illegally.

This is why Trump’s support is so strong among those who voted for him.  We are not stupid; we are not all bubbas; we are not ignorant and clueless.  We are willing to put up with some of the drama surrounding this president because we see him fighting for our interests.

When you remove those in the country illegally, American worker’s wages go up.  When you put tariffs on Chinese goods and services, it devastates China’s economy, forcing them to the negotiating table.

I can guarantee you that you have not seen one news story about how Trump’s tariffs have devasted the Chinese economy.  Yes, it’s hurting some U.S. businesses, but this is temporary.

So, to my media friends who seem incapable of understanding why Trump’s support is so strong and solid; let me ask you a few questions.

With Trump in the White House, why do you keep forgettin’ America does not want more of the status quo?

With Trump in the White House why do you keep forgettin’ things will never be the same again?

With Trump in the White House why do you keep forgettin’ that voters made that so clear in 2016?


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Justices Return for a Momentous Supreme Court Term

© All rights reserved.

VIDEO: The Vortex — Pagan Prayer and Tree Planting at the Vatican — Where is this all heading?


And yes, controversial is the most apt term to describe these proceedings.

For example, on Friday, which happened to be First Friday, Pope Francis oversaw a tree-planting, Mother Earth-worshipping ceremony in the Vatican Gardens performed by Amazonian natives.

A group of natives opened up a blanket representing Mother Earth and placed various little statues around the perimeter.

Then, a feathered female shaman lifted her hands in the air and began some prayer ritual to some deity, or Mother Earth, or whoever — but definitely not Jesus Christ.

As the female shaman prayed to whoever or whatever, the rest of the group knelt down in prayer or worship — again, not to Jesus Christ, Lord of the Universe.

The entire sham was covered over by saying the ritual was a consecration of the Amazon Synod to St. Francis, on whose feast day this abomination occurred.

The hijacking of St. Francis by the modernists in the Church and turning him into an effeminate garden ornament is one of the greatest spiritual crimes of the century, but that’s for another Vortex.

There was nothing, absolutely zero, Catholic about this pagan rite carried out just yards from where St. Peter was crucified upside down for the Faith, making this sacred ground.

And big-name modernist members of the hierarchy were present — Brazilian Cdl. Cláudio Hummes, leader of this synod, and Philippine Cdl. Luis Tagle, another supporter of the Church having an Amazonian face.

Of course, Pope Francis was present, who looked extremely awkward when the female shaman went over to him and slipped a black ring onto his finger.

That black ring is a tucum ring, and it actually has a double meaning; it’s part of the whole Mother Earth worship system, but it is also associated with liberation theology.

The shaman’s encounter with the Pope wrapped up with a pretty awkward fist-bump-looking exchange.

And if that wasn’t enough, the next woman pagan worshipper, carrying a wooden statue of a naked pregnant woman, didn’t even know how to make a proper sign of the cross.

But hey, if you’re going to have a Church with an Amazonian face, then you don’t need to know how to cross yourself, you just need your rattle and your Mother Earth blanket, as well as a hefty dose of pagan prayers.

Other gods being prayed to on holy ground, officially watched over by the successor of St. Peter, is yet another example of how far from tradition this pontificate has moved.

When a cardinal relayed to us last week that “there is no faith left in Rome,” he actually may have been understating the issue.

If only it was a question of just no faith.

This is pagan faith, worshipping not actually gods, since there are no other gods, but demons, as St. Paul warns the early Catholics in Corinth when the issue arose of eating meat sacrificed to idols: “I mean that what they sacrifice, [they sacrifice] to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to become participants with demons. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and also the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and of the table of demons.”

Yet, this is precisely what a Church with an Amazonian face, to quote the non-stop blather emanating from the Vatican, looks like.

The likes of Cláudio Hummes are using the power of the Church to try and destroy the Church.

They have some non-Catholic vision of the Church being not tied to the same principles and truths that have been divinely revealed, or taught throughout the 2,000 years of sacred history, but rather a Church that takes on the appearance and practices of the world and local culture, whatever that looks like.

The Church has oftentimes adopted some local practices or customs from various cultures. The city of Rome itself is a testament to that.

When the Church was freed from persecution by Constantine, and eventually granted the city’s basilicas, which were government buildings, to be used as churches, they didn’t start worshipping the gods of Rome.

Aspects of Roman law and culture and so forth were slowly incorporated into the life of the Church as She emerged from being an underground Church, but She never prayed the prayers to the Roman gods.

What occurred in the gardens of the Vatican this weekend was pagan worship and prayers — period.

And any pretense that it was all fine and OK and no big deal is just that: a pretense.

In a way, it’s more than symbolic, the tree that Francis planted here and then stood in silent prayer before.

It’s a living symbol, a concrete expression of modernism, paganism, worldliness — all of them — boring their roots deep into the Church.

A future pope would be well-advised to grab hold of that tree one day and rip it up by its pagan roots.

Realize that we are going to have to suffer through all of this kind of stuff at least until the next Conclave, which doesn’t itself look too promising to bring any relief.

This past weekend, the Pope made 13 new cardinals, 10 of whom are under 80 and therefore eligible to vote for his successor.

Following Saturday’s elevation, the College of Cardinals is now, for the first time, stacked with a majority of Francis appointees — virtually, although not completely, guaranteeing that Francis II will be who walks out on the loggia at the next papal election.

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant video is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

How much does your ISP spend on lobbying?

Internet service providers in the United States have spent more than $1.2 billion on lobbying since 1998, and 2018 was the biggest year so far with a total spend of more than $80 million.

Comparitech researchers compiled and analyzed 51 ISPs’ lobbying expenses from the US Senate’s Lobbying Disclosure Act database, which dates back to 1998.

Here are the highlights of our analysis:

  • 2018 was the biggest year yet for ISP lobbying at $80 million.
  • Top spenders include AT&T, Verizon, and Comcast, which have amassed lobbying expenses of $341 million, $265 million, and $200 million, respectively since 1998.
  • Since 2011, yearly spending on lobbying across all ISPs hasn’t strayed below $72 million.
  • The largest amount spent by any provider in any year was AT&T in 1999, at almost $23 million. AT&T’s acquisition of Ameritech Corp accounted for much of this, and the merger eventually led to the creation of America’s largest telecom company.
  • Total spend from 2016 to 2019 is set to exceed lobbying expenses between 2012 and 2015, which totaled $295 million.
  • Lobbying in favor of mergers and acquisitions accounted for many of the biggest expenses for individual ISPs in a single year.
  • $1.2 billion has been spent by ISPs on lobbying since 1998.

CLICK HERE FOR ISP Spending on Lobbying, by year.

Top 25 ISP Lobbying Spenders in 2018

ISP 2018 Lobbying Expenses
AT&T $15,820,000.00
Comcast $15,072,000.00
Verizon $10,489,000.00
Charter Communications $9,390,000.00
Deutsche Telekom (T-Mobile USA – 2007) $8,105,000.00
Cox Enterprises $3,450,000.00
CenturyLink $3,360,000.00
Sprint Corporation $3,130,000.00
América Móvil $2,270,000.00
DISH Network $2,060,000.00
Ligado Networks $1,710,000.00
Viasat, Inc. $890,000.00
Frontier Communications $526,583.00
Granite Telecommunications $510,000.00
U.S. Cellular $500,000.00
Altice USA $400,000.00
Puerto Rico Telephone Company $360,000.00
General Communication, Inc (GCI) $320,000.00
Iridium Communications $210,000.00
Liberty Cablevision of Puerto Rico $200,000.00
ATN International $180,000.00
C Spire $120,000.00
Telephone and Data Systems, Inc (TDS) $110,477.00
Mediacom Communications $90,000.00
Level 3 Communications (Now CenturyLink) $85,000.00

What is ISP lobbying?

Lobbying expenses include any money used to influence local, state, or federal legislators and regulators. According to the IRS, that includes expenses incurred to participate or intervene in any political campaign for or against a candidate for public office. Attempts to influence the public about elections, legislative matters, and referendums also count as lobbying.

Much ado has been made about big telecom’s influence on politics, particularly when it comes to prominent issues like broadband privacy and net neutrality. Many politicians and their organizations receive campaign donations from telecoms. A separate study of contributions made in the last election cycle shows that despite big telecom giving to both sides of the aisle in the past, those contributions now almost always go to Republican candidates.

In exchange, telecoms have the ear of lawmakers and regulators at the local, state, and national levels. They lobby against smaller competitors. They lobby against online privacy laws in towns and states. They lobby the FCC for less industry regulation. They lobby financial regulators to push through mega mergers. And lobby groups even go to court for ISPs, in some cases suing states that try to enforce their own net neutrality rules.

According to OpenSecrets.org, Telecom Services spent $1.6 billion on lobbying since 1998. That includes companies other than the 51 in our list, hence the larger number. It’s the 12th biggest industry in America when it comes to lobbying expenses.

Top 5 ISP Lobbying Spenders

The ISPs that spent the most on lobbying since 1998 are all household names:

  1. AT&T = $341,167,168
  2. Verizon = $264,973,043
  3. Comcast = $200,199,323
  4. Sprint Corporation = $80,759,621
  5. Deutsche Telekom (T-Mobile USA since 2007) = $69,617,598

Top 5 ISP Lobbying Spenders in 2018

These ISPs spent the most on lobbying last year:

  1. AT&T = $15.8 million
  2. Comcast = $15.1 million
  3. Verizon = $10.5 million
  4. Charter Communications = $9.4 million
  5. Deutsche Telekom (T-Mobile USA) = $8.1 million

Top 5 ISP Lobbying Expenses in One Year

ISPs lobby the government for multiple reasons, but the big ticket items usually involve mergers and acquisitions.

  1. AT&T in 1999 = $22,960,000 (acquisition of Ameritech Corp)
  2. AT&T in 2006 = $22,405,497 (acquisition of BellSouth)
  3. Verizon in 1998 = $21,260,000 (trying to get approval from the FCC to offer long-distance services)
  4. AT&T in 2011 = $20,230,000 (attempted merger with T-Mobile)
  5. Comcast in 2011 = $19,260,000 (acquisition of NBC Universal)

Notes and limitations

Cable One, Rise Broadband, and Stealth Communications haven’t been included as no lobbying expenses were found.

Smaller organizations that submitted lobbying expenses, but were below the threshold, haven’t been included as the specific figures are not available.

Any reports submitted that are below the threshold and don’t have specific figures have been omitted. These are denoted in our data by “$0.00” to indicate the fact that there were lobbying expenses in this year by the company but we don’t have the exact figures.

ISPs and their subsidiaries

These are the ISPs and their subsidiaries included in our analysis:

Adak Eagle Enterprises LLC

Adak Telephone Utilities

Altice USA

Altice USA, Inc, Altice USA (CABLEVISION), Altice Group, Cablevision Systems Corporation (S.A)

América Móvil

Tracfone Wireless

American Broadband & Telecommunications

No subsidiaries.


AT&T, Inc, BellSouth Corp, SBC Communications, Ameritech Corp, Southwestern Bell, Excite@Home, AT&T Broadband

NOT other subsidiaries that don’t relate to internet services.

ATN International

No subsidiaries.

Avantel S.A.

No subsidiaries.

Bluewater Wireless

No subsidiaries.

C Spire

Cellular South


CenturyTel Service Group, Qwest Communications, Embarq Corp, CenturyTel, Inc.

Charter Communications

No subsidiaries.

Chickasaw Telephone

No subsidiaries.

Cincinnati Bell

No subsidiaries.


Comcast Cable Communications

Some subsidiaries (i.e. NBCUniversal Media) not included as not relevant to ISPs.

Consolidated Communications

FairPoint Communications

Cordova Telephone Cooperative

No subsidiaries.

Cox Enterprises

Cox Communications/California

Cricket Wireless (Subsidiary of Leap Wireless)

2007 – 2012 for subsidiary Cricket Wireless, 1999 – 2006 for Leap Wireless

Cricket Wireless is a subsidiary of AT&T but not included in AT&T figures.

Deutsche Telekom / T-Mobile USA

From 2007 Deutsche Telekom has operated as T-Mobile USA. However, was also lobbying as its parent company, Deutsche Telekom, prior to this (back to 2000).

DISH Network

Echostar Communications.

Some subsidiaries not included (i.e. Echostar Satellite as it’s for TV/movies/music)

Farmers Telephone Cooperative

No subsidiaries.

Frontier Communications

Electric Lightwave

Known as Citizens Utilities until 2000 and Citizens Communications from 2000 to 2008.

General Communication, Inc (GCI)

No subsidiaries.

Gila River Telecommunications

No subsidiaries.

Granite Telecommunications

No subsidiaries.


Hughes Network Systems – subsidiary of Echostar Corp.

Some other subsidiaries not included as not relevant to ISPs.

Iridium Communications

Subsidiary, Aireon LLC, is related to air transport so omitted.

Level 3 Communications

Acquired by CenturyLink in 2017, completing in 2018.

WilTel Communications

Ligado Networks

Part of Harbinger Capital Partners. Previous name LightSquared, Inc.

Mediacom Communications

No subsidiaries.

Mescalero Apache Telecom, Inc.

No subsidiaries.


No subsidiaries.

NineStar Connect

No subsidiaries.

Pixius Communications

No subsidiaries.

RCN Corp

Bought by TPG Capital which may explain why no figures from 2010 onwards.

Silver Star Communications

No subsidiaries.

Smithville Communications

No subsidiaries.

Sprint Corporation

No subsidiaries.

Suddenlink Communications

Bought by Altice USA in 2016, hence no data from this date.


Inc. Parent – Telephone & Data Systems, Inc. (2008 and prior)

Totah Communications

No subsidiaries.

U.S. Cellular

Part of the above company but has separate lobbying expenses.


Verizon Wireless, Verizon Business, GTE Corp, Bell Atlantic

ViaSat, Inc.

Up to and including 2010, the industry the company was lobbying was Defense Electronics so not included.

Windstream Communications

No subsidiaries.

WorldNet Telecommunications

No subsidiaries.

RELATED ARTICLE: Companies Push Liberal Social Agenda At Supreme Court

EDITORS NOTE: This Comparitech column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Human Life International lists Products that use Aborted Fetuses – Warning gruesome!

Two current issues that separate the two major political parties are climate change and abortion.

One party believes that the climate is changing but mankind has little to do with the changes. The other party believes that it is mankind that is destroying the planet and therefor mankind must be punished (with taxes and regulation) or even cannibalized in order to save the planet. A closely related issue is abortion. Why? Because by having fewer babies, or no babies at all, one can save the planet from extinction according to the policies of one major political party candidate for President of the United States, Senator Bernie Sanders.


Planned Parenthood and Environmentalists have joined forces to save planet earth by controlling global population. In the Planned Parenthood Global booklet titled Health Has No Borders on page 10 describes the intersection of the abortion industry and environmental movement, as a global partnership:

Women’s health is directly linked to the state of their environment. When rural environments become unsustainable, it is women whose lives are most disrupted. To address this issue, Planned Parenthood partners with local environmental advocates to integrate women’s health and empowerment into the work that they do. [Emphasis added]

Health Has No Borders describes how Planned Parenthood partnered with environmental advocates like Fundaeco (Foundation for Ecodevelopment and Conservation) in Guatemala:

In Guatemala we work with Fundaeco, one of the country’s largest environmental organizations. Before partnering with Planned Parenthood Global, Fundaeco had done some community organizing, but felt they had hit a brick wall in disseminating their message. To truly get their campaigns going, they determined they needed to focus not just on the local environment, but on the human rights of the local population.

Enter Planned Parenthood Global.

We made an initial investment to pilot three community health centers in one of the protected areas in southeast Guatemala. To ensure local ownership, these health centers were created by donations of land or supplies from local villages within the protected areas. [Emphasis added]

The founder of Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger wrote:

The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.

This mantra is being carried out globally, and funded by local governments and organizations such as the United Nations.


On July 19, 2015 we published an article titled Kraft, Pepsi, and Nestle Using Aborted Babies For Flavor Additives in which listed dozens of companies that use fetal tissue to enhance the flavor of their products. Note: Food and beverages do not contain any aborted fetal material; however, they may be tastier because of it.

Since that time the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) has published a series of undercover videos detailing how Planned Parenthood sells the body parts of fetuses to companies for profit. Here is just one CMP video:

Andrea Byrnes from Human Life International published a column titled Products That Use Aborted Fetuses.

Byrnes writes:

Do some products contain fetal parts? The short gruesome answer: Yes.

Today’s consumer products are not the soap and lampshades of recycled Nazi concentration camp victims. The new utilitarian use of people is a sophisticated enterprise, not visible to the human eye.

Byrnes looks at three areas where fetal body parts are used:

  1. Food and Drink
  2. Cosmetics
  3. Vaccines and Medicine

While actual fetal body parts are not contained in food and drink products they are contained in cosmetics, vaccines and medicine. Byrnes reported:

The fountain of youth…is babies.

Commercially, it’s known as Processed Skin Proteins (PSP), developed at the University of Lausanne to heal burns and wounds by regenerating traumatized skin. The fetal skin cell line was taken from an electively aborted baby whose body was donated to the University.

[ … ]

The Vaccine Card at the Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute (SCPI) website lists over 21 vaccines and medical products that contain aborted fetal cell lines. The Card is updated yearly, and also lists ethical vaccine alternatives when there are any.


“Eugenists imply or insist that a woman’s first duty is to the state; we contend that her duty to herself is her first duty to the state. “ – Margaret Sanger, Eugenist and founder of Planned Parenthood.

In a column titled New York Times’ ‘1619 Project,’ the MacArthur Foundation and Eugenics we wrote about the 1998 book “Archons And Acolytes: The New Power Elite” written by Clarence C. Walton wrote:

Eugenics became a fashionable cause, and courses in the subject were soon introduced by a number of colleges and universities. The Rockefeller Foundation provided ample financial support, generously funding international conferences and research projects, and earning unwanted praise from the Nazis who welcomed the international respectability that their eugenicists needed. Today the Ford and MacArthur Foundations have also made population control a major objective of their funding efforts. In the first phase of the eugenics movement, artificial birth control (with Margaret Sanger identified as its major force) became the preferred method for controlling population growth.” [Emphasis added]

Eugenics was created in the United States and its goal was and remains “population control.” Eugenics was quickly adapted by the Nazis to further their ideology of a “genetically superior” Aryan race.

Today eugenics is called genetics. It’s goal is the same, a genetically pure race.

A genetically pure race requires the ultimate in government control. The Green New Deal provides for tyrannical government control over every aspect of our lives and lively hoods. The battle cry is “save the planet.” Their success will measure in the reduction of numbers of people globally. It’s ultimately about the elites, in government and research labs, determining who lives and who dies.

About Andrea Byrnes:

Writer Andrea Byrnes was the first producer of U.S. March for Life coverage at EWTN Global Catholic Network, which she continued to supervise for seven years. She attended her first HLI conference in 1989, where she first met Servant of God Dr. Jerome Lejeune. She and her husband would later pray for Lejeune’s intercession for her son’s health difficulties discovered before birth, and thanks be to God, he is thriving.


Mapped-out: Where It’s Dangerous in America to Be Born Alive

Stillborn Baby Showed Signs of Life, But This Doctor Put Him in the Morgue Fridge to Freeze to Death

Babies Born Alive After Abortion Can be Left to Die in 16 States

Planned Parenthood Fights To Hide Evidence Of Selling Fetal Tissue In Daleiden Trial

Moroccan Feminists Vow To Abort Their Babies to Protest Laws Protecting the Unborn

Comprehensive List Of Companies That Use Aborted Fetal Cells As Flavour

Meet the Company Buying Planned Parenthood’s Baby ‘Specimens’

Prager U misses the key piece on leftist-Tolerance

NC Legislators Working To Overturn Gay Marriage: “Tell It To Satan!”

RELATED VIDEO: The Vortex — Pagan Prayer and Tree Planting at the Vatican.

The Purge of Conservatism from America

At the hospital for my annual physical exam, Adam Schiff was on TV in the waiting room. Schiff presented himself as alerting the American people to the “mafia boss” outrageous impeachable demands Trump made during his phone call with the president of Ukraine. Oozing with obnoxious superiority and arrogance, Schiff insidiously deceived viewers to assume he was reciting Trump’s actual words from the phone call. Schiff was lying. Not a single word of what Schiff told the American people that Trump said was in the transcript.

Proving his innocence, Trump released the transcript of the phone call. And yet, fake news media is elated that Democrats are outrageously moving forward with impeaching Trump based solely on Schiff’s lies about what Trump said. It was beyond infuriating watching Schiff boldly smear the president, carried live on all 3 major networks and cable outlets. Consequently, soccer moms and dads who are busy earning a living will erroneously conclude Trump did something wrong.

I wholeheartedly support Trump saying Schiff should be forced to resign. It is high time that we punish Schiff and his fellow traitorous scumbags. Why aren’t Republicans helping Trump fight the deep-state’s relentless silent coup to reverse the 2016 presidential election?

Trump is the head and we are the body of his unprecedented restore America’s greatness movement. Progressives believe if they can cut on off the head (Trump), they will render us powerless, fearfully scattering and running to the tall grass for cover. Impeaching Trump would be a major victory in progressives’ quest to criminalize and purge conservative thinking from America.

Disturbingly, progressives have concluded that they simply will not tolerate Christianity, patriotism or push-back against their transformation of America. Progressives’ behavior tells us that if it takes violence to purge conservatives from America, so be it.

A 60 something year old friend said a large young man ripped his red MAGA cap from his head at the beach. The deranged bully ripped up the cap and said he was taking it home to burn it. My friend said he replaced his MAGA cap with a variety of Trump caps which read “Trump 2020”, “Keep America Great”, “MAGA” and so on. Undeterred, he wears his Trump caps everywhere.

Progressives demand that we ignore thousands of years of wisdom, commonsense and scientific truths to surrender to their perverted definitions of male and female, while redefining right and wrong.

For example: I caught a glimpse of Bruce Jenner on TV dressed as a woman. I felt sorry for the guy. Clearly, he has mental issues. And yet, anyone daring to state this obvious truth risks totally financial and social destruction. Using public shaming and tyrannical new laws, progressives are purging speaking truth; bullying us into embracing biological lies and mental illness. We must refuse to allow them to do this to us.

Everywhere you turn, progressives are aggressively demanding the purge of truth and reality. A commercial for “House Hunters” on HGTV featured a lesbian couple. Recent stats say over decades, Americans who identify at LGBT has grown to 5%. If HGTV’s goal was to truly reflect statistical diversity, it would have been more honest to feature a dwarf couple. Because progressives have strategically and relentlessly lied about the percentage of the population that is homosexual, many millennials absurdly believe at least 23% of the population is homosexual.

Google, Facebook, Twitter, entertainment media, major corporations, public education, fake news media and the Democratic party have partnered to purge conservatism from America.

The purge of conservatism has infected families. I cannot stomach watching children in TV sitcoms and movies treating their parents like peers without authority; children speaking disrespectfully to parents. Fathers are routinely portrayed as idiots. This is a stealth tactic of progressives to instill their lie that government and progressive school teachers are superior providers of guidance rather than parents.

Progressive educators have usurped your God-ordained parental authority to raise your children. “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)

Every attack on Trump is really an attack on us, the American people. This is why it is crucially important that we stand firm in our support of Trump against progressives’ no-holds-barred lie-filled campaign to impeach him.

Awhile ago, I wrote an article noting that Trump is only human. I questioned how much of the American left and deep state pounding away at his character 24/7 can one man take? I called upon Christians to please keep our president in their prayers and affirming their support of his America-first agenda. Rush Limbaugh recently expressed a similar concern. Rush said he believes progressives hope to make Trump physically ill. We must not allow that to happen folks.

My fellow Americans, president Trump needs your prayers and support more than ever. Please let Trump know that We the People remain rock-solidly entrenched in his corner. I would love to see y’all at the March for Trump rally October 17th. We will not be purged from our country.

Pro-life Hour met with counter-demonstration in Ottawa

Posted by Eeyore

This is a few moments from two intersections where a one hour pro-life expression took place. At one corner there was a counter-demonstration which seemed to attempt to profane the Catholic Church, suggesting that for them, it is more than a right-to-abort issue, and perhaps more of a complete rejection of Western values.

Marines Activated Coup Underway Desperate Rats Are Cornered

According to numerous sources including the official website of the US Marines, United States Marine Corps reserve units via MARADMINS number 550/19, signed on Oct. 3, 2019, authorized by Brigadier General Daniel L. Shipley, Director, Manpower Plans and Policy, “MARINES ARE ORDERED TO ACTIVE DUTY ISO DEFENSE SUPPORT OF CIVIL AUTHORITIES.” I wrote about this quite some time ago and strewn throughput my commentary and analysis in various articles and reports. Seems this may have arrived. Watch for FALSE FLAGS to add to the chaos as yet another distraction to the real events at hand clogging up the news cycle as well as to wreak havoc.

Desperate Rats Are Cornered

The next step of the de-class is at the door step. The deep state, Democrats and fake news correspondents, are now cornered as forecast. They have NOTHING left as I have commented on all too often. Their last resorts of sorts are upon us which may also lead to the unthinkable plot to assassinate our President. Awaken others to get with the program. We will prevail. We will win. But there is along way to go until November 2020.

Buckle up and get to work. Join a local political group and get active. As always, be vigilant. Be prepared. Surround yourself with like minded individuals who understand the times and expand these circles. Pray for our President, his family and for our nation. We are at war. Stay the course. Trust the plan and remember, freedom, it’s up to U.S.

RELATED ARTICLE: Here Are The Things RINO Mitt Romney Hope Conservatives Never See (Videos)


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VIDEO: Discussing Black on Jewish crime in NYC

Posted by Eeyore


Anti-Semitic Hate Crimes Are Up In NYC’s Neighborhoods Of Orthodox Jews – NPR

Brutal Assault Is Latest in String of Attacks on Religious Jews in NYC

Four anti-Semitic Hate Crimes Committed in New York City This Week

NYC: Man Arrested in Murder of Homeless Men was from Dominican Republic

We Must Fight the Sexualization of Children by Adults

Childhood used to be a time of innocence. But as our culture has become more and more sexualized, children have become the casualties of adult exploitation.

The New York Times just reported that more than 45 million online photos and videos of children being sexually abused were reported by tech companies, more than double what they found the previous year.

In culture, education, and health care, American children also are increasingly targeted for sexual messages, images, and themes at younger ages. Sometimes, this is even supported by taxpayer money through government-led initiatives.

Our culture is saturated with sexual content that was once considered too risqué for children, and social media has accelerated the spread of pornography to young viewers.

The American Academy of Pediatrics reports that in the United States, 42% of children between 10 and 17 have viewed pornography online.

Social media also has become prime hunting ground for sex traffickers. In March 2019, Instagram was reportedly the leading social media platform for child grooming by sexual predators.

A recent poll of 2,000 teens found that nearly 75% had received pornographic direct messages from strangers, even if they had a private account. And 55% of victims of sex trafficking in 2015 met their abuser through a website, app, or text.

The sexualization of children is occurring in brick-and-mortar spaces too as “drag queen story hours,” in which cross-dressing adult entertainers interact with children in taxpayer-funded local libraries, have appeared across the country.

In education, the United Nations promotes Comprehensive Sexual Education around the world. In America, groups such as Planned Parenthood, Human Rights Campaign, and the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network promote “comprehensive” sexual education, which includes instruction about homosexual practices, transgender theory, and abortion.

Colorado mandates such curriculum for students in elementary school and recently considered stripping away parental opt-out provisions.

Sexual orientation and gender identity curriculum is not limited to sex education. California, New Jersey, and Illinois passed laws requiring schools to teach about the “political, social, and economic contributions of … lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people,” which frequently include dubious assertions about the sexual orientation or gender identity of historical figures that are irrelevant to their achievements.

The House of Representatives recently passed the Equality Act, which would amend Title IV of the Civil Rights Act to include sexual orientation and gender identity as protected characteristics. This curriculum could be required if the Equality Act were to become law.

The Department of Education under the Obama administration pressured schools to implement transgender policies that pose risks to children’s privacy and safety. In Georgia, Pascha Thomas’ 5-year-old daughter was sexually assaulted in a restroom at an elementary school that adopted a gender identity-based access policy without notifying parents.

Efforts to expose children to age-inappropriate content and make parental notification and opt-out difficult or impossible undermine parents’ constitutional right to control their children’s education on sensitive topics such as human sexuality. Public schools should not become a place where children are exposed to radical sexual ideology.

Finally, the increased prevalence of transgender ideology in culture and education has narrowed the treatment options for children with gender dysphoria.

Transgender activists pressure both doctors and parents to consent to “gender-affirming medical treatment” for children who otherwise likely would grow to accept their bodies. Such treatment typically starts with puberty blockers at age 8, cross-sex hormones at 14, and genital surgery for boys as young as 17. In one case, a 13-year-old girl was given a double mastectomy.

The detrimental side effects of hormones, such as increased depression, loss of bone density, and sterility, are well-known. Yet 15 states have banned counseling for gender-dysphoric children that would help them become comfortable with their biological sex.

The Equality Act, if passed, would make medical professionals liable to lawsuits for gender identity discrimination if they declined to do “sex reassignment” procedures on children, regardless of conscientious objection or best medical judgment.

The Trump administration reversed policies under the Obama administration that created the same liabilities, but parents continue to find that the medical system and the legal system are working against them. In Ohio, a couple lost custody of their daughter because they refused to allow her to take testosterone.

Combating the premature sexualization of children by adults requires focused attention from both lawmakers and courageous parents.

On Wednesday, Oct. 9, The Heritage Foundation and Family Policy Alliance will co-host a Summit on Protecting Children from Sexualization to examine these issues in-depth. The summit also will debut the National Parents Resource Guide on the Transgender Trend. RSVP for the event or watch the livestream here.


Andrea Jones is a member of the Young Leaders Program at The Heritage Foundation.

Emilie Kao is director of the Richard and Helen DeVos Center for Religion & Civil Society at The Heritage Foundation. Twitter: .


In Georgia, Parents Win Battle Over Transgender Bathrooms at School

‘Transgender mandate’ struck down by federal court

Canadian Court Strips Father of Rights, Allowing Teen to Transition Against His Wishes

Common Core Promotes Socialism and LGBTQ Lies

Teacher Fired Over Trans Pronouns Sues School

I Spent a Year as a Trans Man. Doctors Failed Me at Every Turn.

‘Hundreds’ of young trans people seeking help to return to original sex.

RELATED VIDEO: The Candace Owens Show: Walt Heyer. Walt Heyer lived as a transgender woman for eight years. In this episode of The Candace Owens Show, he shares his experience with gender dysphoria, sex change, regret, and his moving story of healing and restoration.

A Note for our Readers:

In the wake of every tragic mass shooting or high-profile incident involving gun violence, we hear the same narrative: To stop these horrible atrocities from happening, we must crack down on gun laws.

But is the answer really to create more laws around gun control, or is this just an opportunity to limit your Constitutional right to bear arms?

The researchers at The Heritage Foundation have put together a guide to help you better understand the 8 Stubborn Facts on Gun Violence in America.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Rashida Tlaib Comes Out for Jim Crow-Style Laws, Arrests of Her Political Foes

My latest in PJ Media:

Wait long enough, and everything comes around again. Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), one of the wokest womyn in the world, has this week blazed bold new trails by calling for the revival of not one, but two tried-and-true practices that have inexplicably fallen into neglect in American politics: Jim Crow segregation laws and the arrest of one’s political opponents.

This brave leader said in a Detroit speech that if Trump Cabinet members failed to comply with congressional subpoenas, “they’re trying to figure out, no joke, is it the D.C. police that goes and gets them? We don’t know. Where do we hold them?” Tlaib added: “This is the first time we’ve ever had a situation like this,” and that consequently, she and other Democrat leaders were “trying to tread carefully” into this “uncharted territory.” She volunteered her own district for this noble undertaking: “I will tell them they can hold all those people right here in Detroit.”

Oh, but this territory is amply charted. Tlaib’s vision for America’s future apparently looks a great deal like the past – and present – of authoritarian regimes the world over. The new diverse, inclusive America of Tlaib and her colleagues apparently includes the 2 a.m. pounding on the door and the hustling of a bewildered, pajama-clad conservative by jackbooted stormtroopers into a waiting police van. Then they get hustled off to Detroit, the name of which will take on an air of menace and foreboding, like “Treblinka” and “Kolyma.” And why not? We already have telescreens all over airports and other public spaces pumping CNN propaganda into an unwitting populace 24/7 now; arrests and, presumably, camps for dissenters is the logical next step. After all, that’s what happened in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, and still happens in North Korea and Communist China. The wise Tlaib knows that our future is their past.

Nor is that all. Tlaib Tuesday toured Detroit’s Public Safety Headquarters and told Detroit police Chief James Craig that facial recognition analysts “need to be African Americans, not people that are not. I think non-African Americans think African Americans all look the same.”

That meant, of course, that Tlaib herself, since she is not African American, thinks all African Americans look the same, but she can be forgiven for being so overwhelmed by her passion for justice that she got a bit confused. Here again, the visionary Tlaib knows that William Faulkner, despite being a white male Southerner and hence obviously racist and manifestly evil, was actually right when he said, “The past isn’t dead. It is not even past.” The old Jim Crow laws of the South in Faulkner’s time are Tlaib’s new vision for America: if she gets her way, you won’t be judged by the content of your character, but by the color of your skin.

There is much more. Read the rest here.


They Won’t Stand Up to Rep. Omar, But They’ll Call Trump an Anti-Semite

Michigan: All meat in Dearborn public schools is now halal

Bloomberg Calls Islamic Terrorists Who Chant “Death to America, Death to Israel” “Ragtag Rebels”

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

VIDEO: What is the future of Artificial Intelligence? Will AI become your personal oracle?

National Association of REALTORS held a conference in Seattle. One of the speakers talked about artificial intelligence (AI) and how it will inevitably impact everyone. According to the National Association of REALTORS:

Watch Offrs.com Founder, Rich Swier, present on Predicting What Every Home Owner Will Do Next (Starting with Listing Their Home) at iOi Summit 2019 in Seattle, WA. Since 2012, offrs.com has been a leader in Big Data and Predictive Analytics for real estate agents and brokerages nationwide.

Offrs.com serves thousands of real estate professionals from major national franchise brands and large independent real estate brokerages across the U.S.

Will AI become your personal oracle?


To learn more about Offrs.com click here.

RELATED ARTICLE: Google – creator of covert ‘god-like’ AI tool

Why Impeachment Isn’t Merited

President Donald Trump is a bull in a china shop. He says inadvisable things to inadvisable people, mainly because he is inadvisable—literally no one can advise him.

The vast majority of things Trump says are ignored or brushed off by those who understand the difference between bloviation and manipulation. Still, Trump’s constant stream of noise can make it difficult to tell the difference between the two.

So when an intelligence community whistleblower came forward with an allegation that, on a call with the Ukrainian president, Trump proposed a quid pro quo with the Ukrainian government—release of military aid in exchange for a Ukrainian investigation into Joe Biden and son Hunter Biden—the allegation didn’t appear absurd on its face.

The timeline, after all, seemed to match up: Trump allegedly suspended military aid to Ukraine personally a week before talking with the Ukrainian president, only to release the aid after the holdup was met with public scrutiny.

Then, the Trump administration released a transcript of the call, in which Trump used the typical New York real estate wheeler-dealer language of favors: favors related to investigations surrounding CrowdStrike, the firm tasked with analyzing the hack of the Democratic National Committee in 2016, an investigation that concluded with allegations of Russian interference; favors related to helping Rudy Giuliani investigate the origins of the 2016 Trump-Russia investigation; favors related to investigating the Bidens. The theory seemed to be gaining credibility.

Then it seemed to fall apart. It turned out that the Ukrainian government apparently had no clue that Trump was even withholding military aid—and without such a quid, there couldn’t be a pro quo. The Ukrainian president publicly proclaimed that Trump hadn’t pressured him.

The whistleblower report turned out to be thirdhand gossip rather than firsthand information. And allegations of a cover-up imploded as the Trump administration released information ranging from the transcript to the whistleblower report itself.

And so, Democrats have begun to move the goalposts. Now Democrats are claiming that the State Department is engaged in obstruction, just minutes after claiming that Trump’s Department of Justice had engaged in obstruction. Democrats allege that Trump’s behavior—without allegations of criminal conduct—is enough to justify impeachment.

Now, after Trump predictably took to Twitter to rail against the whistleblower and the Democrats, Democrats claim his behavior amounts to “witness intimidation.”

As the grounds for the impeachment inquiry broaden, it’s becoming clear that the Democrats’ enthusiasm for impeachment outweighed their supporting evidence. They leapt before they looked—and now they’re trying to backfill an impeachment inquiry that must end with an impeachment vote or lay bare the emptiness of the original attacks themselves.

Perhaps Democrats will come up with something. That’s always possible, given the amount of leaking and loose talk around the White House. But barring some sort of cataclysmic revelation, the impeachment effort seems to be stalling out.

And based on the current evidence, it should.



Ben Shapiro

Ben Shapiro is host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief of DailyWire.com. He is The New York Times best-selling author of “Bullies.” He is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, and lives with his wife and two children in Los Angeles. Twitter: @benshapiro.


Pelosi Hasn’t Really Started the Impeachment Process

Everything You’re Hearing About Impeachment Is a Lie

The Whistleblower, Impeachment, and New York’s Orwellian Speech Policy

Government to Expand DNA Collection From Migrants Caught at Border

Trump’s New Order Will Give Seniors Better Health Care Choices, Lower Costs

A Note for our Readers:

In the wake of every tragic mass shooting or high-profile incident involving gun violence, we hear the same narrative: To stop these horrible atrocities from happening, we must crack down on gun laws.

But is the answer really to create more laws around gun control, or is this just an opportunity to limit your Constitutional right to bear arms?

The researchers at The Heritage Foundation have put together a guide to help you better understand the 8 Stubborn Facts on Gun Violence in America.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

The Humanitarian Hoax of Eternal Childhood: Killing America With Kindness

The Humanitarian Hoax is a deliberate and deceitful tactic of presenting a destructive policy as altruistic. The humanitarian huckster presents himself as a compassionate advocate when in fact he is the disguised enemy.

The humanitarian hoax of eternal childhood is a deliberate political strategy to destroy America from within by regressing its chronological adults to emotional children unable to think and behave as rational adults. It is a sinister psychological operation (PSYOPS) designed to invert the growth process and deny Americans the emotional maturity required to support ordered liberty and a free society.

The United States of America is the greatest experiment in individual freedom the world has ever known. Our Founding Fathers drafted a Constitution that rejected monarchy, oligarchy, theocracy, and any form of statism that deprived individual citizens of their individual rights. The United States of America celebrates individualism in a socio-economic structure that demands the adult attitudes of self-sufficiency, autonomy, and willingness to compete in a system of free market capitalism.

Freedom is an adult enterprise. Individual rights that support freedom require the individual responsibility of rational adult maturity. A society of emotional children cannot sustain itself. This is the key to understanding the insidious scheme to destroy America from within. Does this surprise you? It surprised me.

The 50th and concluding article in the Humanitarian Hoax series brings me back to its beginnings.

In 2011 I published a philosophy book, Dear America: Who’s Driving the Bus? that presents a useful paradigm to help us all live our lives as more rational and responsible adults. I had written the manuscript in 1995 to help people understand why they behave the way they do. Unable to find an interested publisher, I put the manuscript away in a drawer.

Sixteen years later I decided to self-publish the manuscript, and my editor remarked that Dear America is very political. What? POLITICAL?

I was very surprised. I hadn’t written the book as political analysis, but rather as a self-help guide for individuals and families desiring to live more constructive lives. The paradigm helps people understand why they do what they do, and explains how it is possible to change behavior. My contention is that problems cannot be solved effectively without understanding the nature of the problem thoroughly – my goal has always been consciousness raising.

What I did not understand in 1995 or in 2011 is that the pervasive pressures for regression I was witnessing throughout society on individuals and families was deliberate. It is difficult for the civilized mind to process such intentional destruction. Of course Dear America is political! Regression has a political purpose. Let me explain.

The globalist elite have been trying to control America since Eisenhower warned the nation against the military/industrial complex. The Deep State is the intelligence arm of the globalist elite who are the industrial component of the military/industrial complex.

The globalist elite identified the essential difference between political ideologies: free market capitalism requires emotional growth and independence, collectivism requires eternal childhood and dependence. This was a political bonanza for the globalists and their tactical decision to collapse America from within using mass social engineering. The battle plan was to regress America’s chronological adults to eternal childhood where they could be easily manipulated and controlled – it is revolution without bullets.

Regressed Americans could be seduced to willingly surrender their individual freedoms for free stuff, and the United States would finally collapse under globalist control. The globalists and their conspirators took direct aim at the three supporting pillars of American greatness and our constitutional republic: faith, flag, and family.

It took 60 years to undermine our traditional American values and make collectivism/socialism/communism fashionable. The 2020 Democrat candidate parade demonstrates the success of the globalist effort. How did they do it?

The humanitarian hucksters promised the people the glories of eternal childhood dependence as liberation! They promised to “liberate” Americans from the burdensome adult responsibilities of freedom. The hoax weaponized narcissism and launched Civil War II: The War Between The Selves. WHAT?

Dear America: Who’s Driving the Bus? discusses the infantilizing of America. The book describes the universal psychological growth process and is a reminder that we are each individually the sum of our parts and that we are collectively a society that interacts with each of those parts. A state of mind is not fixed. It is constantly shifting along the growth continuum, anywhere from total, infantile narcissism to responsible adulthood.

“Civil War II is not a race war, an economic war, or a war between states. It is a psychological battle between states of mind that will determine who has the power in our society, who is in control. . . .We all begin as children: helpless, dependent, self-absorbed, and completely lacking boundaries. We exist in a state of fusion unable to distinguish self from other. The task of childhood is to emerge from this state of total narcissism. . . The child learns to identify ’self’ by discovering the reality of ‘other.’

Chronological age is an uncontested biological accomplishment. Psychological growth is another matter entirely. . . Psychological growth is the universal challenge of childhood. Every society in the world needs its children to grow into physical and psychological adulthood in order to continue the cycle of life. Theoretically, if a society were to remain a nation of children it would necessarily collapse and extinguish itself.” (Dear America p.13-15)

Narcissism is the natural and appropriate attitude of infancy and early childhood, but it is inappropriate when one advances into adulthood. . . . The responsible adult works for what she wants. The narcissistic adult either snatches it, or demands that someone provide it, usually her family, or the government via social programs funded by the taxpaying, responsible adult. The narcissistic adult is as demanding as the infant.” (Dear America p. 26)

The globalist elite and the corrupt radical leftist Democrats have revived Soviet collectivism and made dependence fashionable. The Leftists are using educational indoctrination and media programming to infantilize America, shatter traditional American values, and sell collectivism to narcissistic adults.

“Civil War II begins as a personal, internal war and eventually finds its way into external society. First, the child battles ’self’ for control, and then she battles ‘other.’ The inner children of our minds are very egalitarian; they will struggle for control with any rational adult, our own or somebody else’s.” (Dear America p. 18)

The natural and normal inner struggle to grow up psychologically has been deliberately interrupted and politicized to subvert the growth process. The globalist elite need Hillary’s “unaware and compliant public” – a population of infantilized adults who think like children and can be easily controlled. The swagger and adult confidence of Americans in the 50s who made America great has been perversely subverted to achieve childish submission, fear, and fragility that even requires safe spaces from opposing ideas on college campuses.

Children who are indoctrinated toward collectivism/socialism are not allowed to compete (it might hurt someone’s feelings). They are pushed toward passivity and not allowed to strive for excellence. Participation rather than achievement is awarded – every child receives a trophy because awarding achievement might hurt someone else’s feelings. The meritocracy has been abandoned and replaced with a focus on feelings, participation, and group think. Individualism is deliberately rejected in the regressive leftist Democrat vision of America.

Thought precedes behavior. If an individual thinks like a child that individual will vote like a child. If the individual thinks like an adult, that individual will vote like an adult. The 2020 election is a referendum on American sovereignty, independence, and national identity. If our society has been infantilized to the point of collectivism, we will soon find our childish society run by the globalist elite who have been intentionally regressing Americans for six decades through educational indoctrination and mainstream media programming.

All of the 50 Humanitarian Hoax articles in the series are connected by the overarching globalist effort to destabilize America and reduce her people to eternal childhood. The sinister PSYOP (psychological operations) strategy has successfully divided America between rational adults demanding national sovereignty, and infantilized adults demanding socialism and eternal childhood.

Only infantilized adults could accept the weakening of the military, open borders, sanctuary cities, relativism, “convenient” Google Chromebook education, Pearson Education indoctrination, Black-Only College Graduations, the Equality Act, or any other subject covered in the Humanitarian Hoax series as being in the national interest.

The Humanitarian Hoax series exposes Obama’s hope and change as an Orwellian attempt to turn America upside down and inside out. The humanitarian hoaxes are all deceitful political attempts to dupe America into accepting socialism and then, of course, the dystopian new world order of global citizenship promoted by the United Nations.

The November 2020 presidential election will determine the future of America. President Donald J. Trump represents adult independence, freedom, and national sovereignty. The Democrat candidates represent childish dependence and the globalists’ unceasing efforts to replace American democracy with socialism. Here is the dirty political secret of the globalist elite humanitarian hucksters.

Socialism is the prerequisite for the imposition of one world government. One world government is a return to feudalism where the few globalist elite rule the world under the auspices of the corrupt United Nations.

The future will shock the infantilized voters who naively believed their support for collectivism would be liberation, social justice, and income equality. Free stuff is never free – the price for eternal childhood is eternal servitude. The cost of “free” stuff is your freedom.

Civil War II has been waged by the globalist elite to bring socialism to America. The transformation of America was well underway after eight years of Obama’s deceit, and would have been complete if Hillary had been elected. When Donald Trump was elected President in 2016 the globalist elite and their Democrat/RINO conspirators went berserk. The inexorable Democrat march toward socialism was halted. What did they do?

The conspirators launched a coordinated campaign of character assassination against America-first President Donald Trump, and attempted coup d’etat.

Civil War II that began as a personal, internal war has found its way into society. We have arrived at the tipping point of the war between emotional adulthood and eternal childhood – between national sovereignty and globalism. The decisive battle will be fought at the ballot box on November 3, 2020.

President Donald Trump understands the political threat that eternal childhood poses to American productivity and American sovereignty. He understands that American greatness depends on an adult population who embrace the responsibilities and attitudes of adulthood.

President Trump’s promise to drain the swamp is exposing the sinister globalist plan to collapse America. POTUS has boldly taken on the Deep State, the Democrats, the colluding RINOS, and the fake news media.

In 1775 when America was still fighting for its independence, Paul Revere warned the colonists that the British were coming. The colonists understood the attack on their freedom and the need to repel the British.

Today, 243 years later, America is fighting for its independence once again. President Trump is warning America of a far more insidious attack on its sovereignty that began decades ago with the humanitarian hoax of eternal childhood. This battle is fought without bullets. It is a psychological battle between states mind that must be won psychologically to defeat the sinister globalist challenge to our freedom.

Dear America, we must grow up psychologically. We must be adult. We must defeat narcissism. We must reject socialism. We must reject globalism. We must reject the humanitarian hoax of eternal childhood to keep America great, sovereign, and free.

EDITORS NOTE: This Goudsmit Pundicity column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Bill de Blasio’s Great White Lie

When peddling left-wing equality policy, there’s no selling point quite like claiming there are too many whiteys about. So when there aren’t, you simply dissemble. A case in point is the effort by Mayor Bill de Blasio to “diversify” NYC’s “Elite Eight” public high schools.

De Blasio and his schools chancellor, Richard Carranza, are unhappy there aren’t “enough” blacks and Hispanics at the elite schools, so they’d cooked up a scheme to eliminate the institutions’ admissions exams (which, ensuring that only the most capable students gain entrance, are the only reason the schools are elite in the first place).

While de Blasio has started waffling on the plan — interestingly, coinciding with his presidential run’s termination — you can’t effect such a radical change without some powerful “social justice” angle. So de Blasio’s consistent selling point is, as the New York Post reported uncritically last week, that “he believes that removing the test is ‘the single best way to resolve’ the disproportionate rate of whites and Asians at leading city schools….”

Now, since de Blasio has said of the scheme’s future that they’re going to “start over and listen to everyone,” listen to this, mayor:

You’re peddling a far from innocent white lie — a great big one.

For there certainly is a “disproportionate” number of whites at the elite schools. They’re under-represented.

(Note: since “under- over-represented” is a propaganda term implying there’s something wrong with numerical group outcome disparities, I’ll henceforth use “under population percentage,” UPP; and “over population percentage,” OPP.)

Bearing in mind that non-Hispanic whites constitute 32 percent of NYC’s population and Asians only 14 percent, consider the Elite Eight’s relevant student body statistics:

The two outliers are Staten Island Technical High School, where whites are 49 percent of the student body and Asians 47 percent; and the High School Of American Studies At Lehman College (HSAS), where the white/Asian breakdown is 57-21. Yet perspective is needed.

Unlike the other four boroughs, Staten Island is 65 percent non-Hispanic white and only 7.5 percent Asian; thus, whites are still UPP, and Asians OPP, at its elite school.

As for the HSAS, the New York Post informs that its enrollment is only 387 and that it specializes in history; in other words, it wouldn’t appeal as much to Asians, who tend to be STEM oriented (just ask Andrew Yang, who says he knows “a lot of doctors” because he’s Asian), as it would to liberal-arts-enamored white kids.

Regardless, the white student-body average of the Elite Eight is 27.75 percent and the Asian average 53.5 percent. And though I’ll confess to not being up on Common Core math, I suspect that 27.75 is still less than 32 and 53.5 is still more than 14.

The kicker is that at the Brooklyn Latin School, there are as many Hispanics as non-Hispanic whites (14 percent and 14 percent) and slightly more blacks (15 percent); and at the Queens High School for the Sciences at York College there are as many blacks as whites (6 percent and 6 percent) and slightly more Hispanics (7 percent).

In contrast, there’s not one elite school at which Asians aren’t greatly OPP. Even at HSAS, their 21 percent places them 50 percent above their group’s share of the city’s population, and well outstrips its percentage (4.5) in the school’s borough, the Bronx.

So to state the obvious, making whites’ presence in the elite schools “proportionate” would require granting them affirmative action.

Of course, since it’s inconceivable that NYC’s powers-that-be — Chancellor Carranza in particular — aren’t aware of these statistics, a conclusion is inescapable: They’re lying. Why?

The NYC social engineers’ equality-scheme pretext is that performance differences are due to historical biases and discrimination and to privilege. Yet it’s hard making the case that Asians benefit from such. Could you imagine how far leftists would get parading around bloviating about “yellow privilege”? As it is, angry Asian protesters in Brooklyn this summer swarmed Carranza’s car shouting “Fire the racist!”

The bottom line is that the social engineers need the white boogeyman. Without him as whipping boy, their scheme’s whole rationale collapses.

Another lesson from this story concerns the New York Post’s uncritical repetition of de Blasio’s Great White Lie. Being a more conservative paper, it’s unlikely the Post is practicing deception here. Very likely is that it’s exhibiting a common phenomenon: conservatives’ unwitting acceptance of many liberal suppositions.

No, conservatives don’t believe in trumping meritocracy or forced integration, but they may not question assertions of whites’ numerical dominance in a prestigious realm. I mean, isn’t that a given? No, it’s a prejudice.

All this said, awareness of the Elite Eight’s actual demographics won’t deter de Blasio and Co. (it never has); they worship equality of outcome and will just conjure up rationalizations such as, perhaps, how Asians are better able to tap into the system of “white privilege.” Public awareness, however, would help dissolve whatever limited support and moral authority they might enjoy.

But never fear, oh ye social engineer, there’s always another meritocratic mountain to destroy. For example, the average male/female ratio at NYC’s elite schools is 58-42. And, come to think of it, why hasn’t this been de Blasio’s and Carranza’s focus all along? They must be sexists.

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