Flawed Study, NPR and AOC Create Huge Lie About Uber

There are about a thousand lessons to be learned from a flawed MIT study on Uber drivers supposedly making $3.37 per hour; on NPR’s eagerness to run unquestioning a story that raised blaring questions; and of course on AOC’s just boundless font of knee-jerk ignorance.

The lack of common sense and the most basic understandings of economics in the media and in Congress is a sight to behold — if you have a strong stomach.

First, NPR ran a story entitled “Uber, Lyft Drivers Earning A Median Profit Of $3.37 Per Hour, Study Says” in which it explained the study by a trio of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. When I first saw the number, it was clear something was amiss. But then NPR led with this:

“The vast majority of Uber and Lyft drivers are earning less than minimum wage and almost a third of them are actually losing money by driving, according to researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.”

Well that makes no sense. Who would work for half of minimum wage, or even work for a loss? The answer, obviously, is no one. If NPR reporters grasped the free market and voluntary exchange of time and talents for money — capitalism — they would have seen red flags everywhere. But they just ran with the story.

A working paper by Stephen M. Zoepf, Stella Chen, Paa Adu and Gonzalo Pozo at MIT’s Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research says the median pretax profit earned from driving is $3.37 per hour after taking expenses into account. Seventy-four percent of drivers earn less than their state’s minimum wage, the researchers say. Thirty percent of drivers “are actually losing money once vehicle expenses are included,” the authors found.”

That’s just so declaratory. “The authors found,” as though it is fact. But read it again if you didn’t catch it. These MIT researchers are from the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research. Alas, that makes the error clearer. Understand that they almost certainly align with NPR reporters and the Fresh Face Caucus in Congress when it comes to worldview.

Uber’s Chief Economist Jonathan Hall, who apparently actually does understand economics, responded with about the most gracious Medium post possible considering his company had just been slimed with false data. After all, previous studies had found wildly different numbers. He wrote:

“…a study we conducted with Alan Krueger of Princeton found that drivers across 20 of Uber’s largest US markets earned an average of $19.04 per hour, in October 2015. A more recent study with Stanford professors estimated gross hourly earnings of $21.07¹ for all US drivers between January 2015 and March 2017.

Perhaps most surprisingly, the earnings figures suggested in the paper are less than half the hourly earnings numbers reported in the very survey the paper derives its data from. That survey, conducted by The Rideshare Guy in 2017, reports average hourly earnings of $15.68.”

How could this be? Without going into details, you can read his post, Hall found a gigantic flaw in the methodology of the study. So big in fact, that the MIT researchers realized it and they are now redoing their study. NPR now has a large Editor’s Note at the top of their story with a link to Hall’s post — which is something. They should have been much more cautious and less credulous in the first place.

Because alas, it is all too late. By this time, the enormous ignoramus floating through social media unscathed by the adoring mainstream media that created her, had tweeted the NPR story on the flawed MIT study.

Yup, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez struck with this insipidly imbecilic tweet:

“Uber has taken in $12 billion in investment and had revenues of $1.7 billion in Q4 of 2016.

Yet their drivers only take home $3.37 an hour.

Does that sound right to you?

We must update our laws to stand up for workers in an increasingly exploitative tech-based economy.”

I would dearly love for someone to explain what the investment and revenue numbers have to do with what they pay contractors — which was wrong, and obviously wrong. I don’t know why she used 2016 numbers; 2018 figures are available. Maybe that was the first thing that came up in a poorly worded Google search?

In 2018, Uber lost $1.8 billion on $11.3 billion in revenues. So she used revenues from 2016 when the only possible case you can make on employee pay, and it is an exceedingly weak case, is based on profits. Uber is still hemorrhaging money. And investment? No idea what relevance that has either. A big number, I guess?

At any rate, a deeply flawed study, a credulous media and a media darling with a now huge social media following means that a large percentage of the population believes that Uber drivers are losing money or making far less than minimum wage. It will become accepted wisdom — and AOC and others like her will push to fix the grave injustice that does not exist with more government regulation.

And they will instead break it.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in The Revolutionary Act.

Trump Has Secured Funding For More Than Half Of Border Wall

One hundred eleven miles of new or replacement wall is either being built or is in progress on the southern border after Trump’s first two years in office, an administration official tells The Daily Caller.

All told, the administration has secured funding for approximately 445 miles of the total 722 miles desired by the Trump administration, a Caller analysis finds. The analysis holds only if all national emergency and executive action funding is upheld in court challenges.

The administration official stressed that this figure constitutes only 18-foot bollard wall fencing or 32-foot levee wall fencing, which is the barrier that Trump has emphasized as necessary.

The wall accounting begins in Fiscal Year 2017 in which $341 million was obligated for replacement wall in California, New Mexico, and Texas. This money funds construction for 40 miles of new or replacement wall of which 37 miles is completed or in progress.

$1.375 billion was then appropriated in 2018 to build upwards of 82 miles of new or replacement border wall. The administration official noted that approximately 74 miles of new or replacement wall has been completed or is in progress with these dollars. This particular wall was built or replaced in the Rio Grande Valley Sector on the border in South Texas and other locations.

Fiscal Year 2019 saw a major fight between Trump and Congress over border wall funding, with the administration demanding $5.7 billion and Democrats offering up no more than $1.375 billion, not to be used for a wall. Ultimately, after a nearly 35-day partial government shutdown and three weeks of negotiation, Trump accepted $1.375 billion in congressionally appropriated funding and declared a national emergency at the southern border.

Trump’s national emergency declaration and other executive action allowed him to tap $600 million from the Treasury asset forfeiture fund, $2.5 billion of drug enforcement money, and $3.6 billion under his authority as commander in chief.

The national emergency declaration was quickly challenged in court by 16 states, organized by the State of California and filed in the Federal District Court in San Francisco, which appeals to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

Officials could not provide a complete estimate of the wall that will be built with the 2019 funds, though they noted that it costs approximately $25 million per mile, putting an estimate at 323 miles of additional border wall. The administration official cautioned that wall funding costs can vary because of terrain but noted that Trump’s actions lack the restrictions of previous appropriations to build wall in much needed areas, like the Rio Grande Valley Sector.


Saagar Enjeti

Saagar Enjeti

White House Correspondent. Amber Athey contributed to this report.

RELATED ARTICLE: Trump Will Sign Border Bill, Declare National Emergency

“Palestine” — Time to say “No!”

The two-state paradigm’s deadly detriments are now so glaringly apparent that it is becoming increasingly difficult to reconcile calls for Palestinian statehood with genuine concern for the well-being of the Jewish nation-state.

Ladies and gentlemen, when the Palestinians say “two states” they do not mean what we mean—Maj-Gen. (res.) Amos Yadlin , October 2018.

With the impending public announcement of the enigmatic “deal of the century”, pledged by the Trump administration, rumors are swirling throughout the Middle East—and beyond—as to what in fact, its real nature might be. This, together with the dramatic rise in the electoral prospects of the newly formed “Blue & White” alliance between Benny Gantz and Yair Lapid, has once again raised the ominous specter of the return of the two-state principle.

Indeed, although no authoritative preview of the detailed content of the “deal” has been provided by the White House, the little that has been released referred to it as including significant Israeli concessions. Moreover, the leaders of “Blue & White” have repeatedly referred to their approval of the principals of the INSS (Institute for National Security Studies) plan for unilateral concessions in Judea-Samaria and the throttling of all Jewish communities beyond the pre-1967 Green Line. Significantly, the INSS plan explicitly defines the “preservation of the two-state option” as its “strategic purpose”—this despite the fact that in presenting the plan at its public launch in October 2018, the head of INSS, Maj-Gen. Amos Yadlin, conceded that the attempt to implement the two-state formula has failed disastrously in the past, is unfeasible in the present, and whose implementation in the future is dangerous.

Indeed, he warned his audience that the two state prescription is “detached from reality,” recounting that “the attempt to implement the two state solution—with the Oslo Accords (1993), the Camp David Summit (2000), the Annapolis process(2008), the Kerry initiative (2014)—has failed completely, and has led [only] to impasse and bloodshed.”

Yadlin proceeded to lay out the reasons for his dismal assessment: “The internal Palestinian divide between Gaza and Ramallah, Palestinian political weakness, and above all the ideological extremism of the Palestinians, make any prospect of signing a comprehensive agreement unrealistic.”

Failed in past, unfeasible in present, dangerous in future

Echoing precisely what two-state opponents have been insisting on for decades, he pronounced categorically: “There is no-one to agree with, there is nothing to agree on—and the implementation [of any two-state initiative] is dangerous”.

But then, astonishingly, rather than arrive at the rational conclusion that the pursuit of the two-state objective be abandoned and alternative approaches be explored—he did precisely the opposite!

He urged that Israel should undertake a policy, set out in the INSS “plan”, that assumes that there is—or rather that there might be—someone to agree with, and something to agree on—at some unspecified future date and as a result of some unspecified process that would somehow overcome his previously stipulated obstacles of “Palestinian divisiveness, political weakness and ideological extremism.”

Yadlin’s patently perverse and paradoxical position on the two-state doctrine—or rather dogma—underscores precisely why it must be renounced—unequivocally and irrevocably.

Indeed, its deadly detriments are so glaringly apparent that it is becoming increasingly difficult to reconcile calls for a Palestinian state with genuine concern for the well-being of the Jewish nation-state.

Surely then, when even its most avid adherents are compelled to put it on open-ended life support—with only the most tenuous and nebulous arguments to justify its contrived preservation—the time to admit irredeemable failure has arrived—and to move on to alternative paradigms to approach the Palestinian predicament.

Two statism: Immoral, irrational & irresponsible

Indeed, the two-state endeavor is demonstrably immoral, irrational, and incompatible with the long-term existence of Israel as the Jewish nation-state.

It is immoral because it will create realities that are the absolute negation of the lofty values invoked for its implementation.

It is irrational because it will generate the precise perils it was designed to prevent.

It is incompatible with Israel’s long-term existence as the Jewish nation-state because it will almost inevitably culminate in a mega-Gaza on the outskirts of the greater Tel Aviv area.

Why the two-state paradigm is immoral

Typically – indeed, almost invariably – two-state proponents lay claim to the moral high ground, invoking lofty liberal values for their political credo, while impugning their ideological opponents’ ethical credentials for opposing it.

However, given the socio-cultural conditions in virtually all Arab countries, and the precedents set in Palestinian-administered territories evacuated by Israel, the inevitable outcome of the two-state formula is not difficult to foresee. Indeed, there is little reason to believe (and certainly two-state proponents have never provided anything approaching a persuasive one) that any prospective Palestinian state, established on any territory Israel evacuated, will quickly become anything but yet another homophobic, misogynistic Muslim-majority tyranny.

So, why on earth then would anyone who allegedly subscribes to values of gender equality, tolerance of sexual preferences and political pluralism endorse any policy that would almost certainly obviate the ethical tenets they purport to cherish? On what basis could advocating the establishment of such an entity be considered a valid claim for the moral high ground – or indeed for any moral merit whatsoever?

Why the two-state paradigm is irrational

But it is not only in terms of moral outcomes that the two-state paradigm is a perversely self-obstructive endeavor. The same is true for the practical outcomes that it will almost certainly precipitate.

It is hard to say what has to happen before it is recognized that the land-for-peace doctrine, from which the two-state concept is derived, is a perilously counterproductive endeavor – as it has proven in every instance it was attempted, not only in the Arab-Israeli context, but whenever an effort was made to appease tyranny with political concessions and territorial withdrawals.

For whenever that unfortunate formula has been applied, rather than result in peace, it has—as INSS’s Yadlin conceded—produced increased violence and bloodshed. Every time territory has been relinquished to Arab control, that territory has, sooner or later—usually sooner rather than later—become a platform for launching lethal attacks against Israel: Almost immediately in Gaza, within months in Judea and Samaria, within years in South Lebanon and after several decades in Sinai, which is now descending into the depths of depravity and unspeakable brutality – with no good options on the horizon.

In light of the grim precedents provided by previous land-for-peace experiments, together with the no less grim trends in much of Arab society in general and Palestinian society in particular, continued insistence on this fatally flawed formula is both gravely irrational and grossly irresponsible.

Why the two-state paradigm is irresponsible

Accordingly, apart from wishful thinking, dangerously detached from any prevailing (or foreseeable) reality, stubborn adherence to the two-state dogma has no value – neither in terms of its moral merits nor its political pragmatism.

Worse yet, the pursuit of it is totally incompatible with Israel’s long-term existence.

To grasp the fundamental validity of this seemingly far-reaching statement, it is necessary to recognize that today, with the changing nature of Arab enmity, the major existential challenge to Israel’s existence as the Jewish nation-state is no longer fending off invasion, but resisting attrition.

Nowhere was this more starkly evident than in the 2014 Operation Protective Edge in Gaza, where continued bombardment resulted in the evacuation of entire Jewish communities in Israel’s south.

Without compelling evidence to the contrary, there is little reason to believe, and certainly to adopt as a working assumption, that the realities in the south will not be repeated on Israel’s eastern border – with several chilling differences.

The most plausible outcome of an Israeli evacuation of Judea-Samaria is the emergence of a mega-Gaza on the very outskirts of the greater Tel Aviv area and other major urban centers in the heavily populated coastal plain. Indeed, just as in Gaza, once Israel evacuates the area, there is no way it can determine who will rule it—certainly not for any length of time.

But unlike Gaza, which has a border of around 50 kilometers and no topographical command of adjacent territory inside the pre-1967 frontiers, the situation in Judea and Samaria would—to understate the case—be alarmingly different.The “depraved indifference” of the two-state paradigm

Any Arab entity set up there would have a front abutting Israel’s most populous area, of about 500 kilometers and total topographical superiority over 80% of the country’s civilian population, vital infrastructure systems and 80% of its commercial activity.

All of these will be in range of weapons used against Israel from territory evacuated and transferred to Arab control. Accordingly, this grim caveat cannot be dismissed as “right-wing scaremongering”—for it is merely the empirical precedent.

Any force deployed in these areas – whether regular or renegade – could, with cheap and readily available weapons, disrupt at will, any socio-economic routine in Israel’s coastal megalopolis, turning the popular tourist city of Netanya into a Sderot-by-the-sea, and making the attrition in daily life increasingly—perhaps unbearably—onerous.

Of course, no-one can discount the likelihood that if Israel were to evacuate Judea -Samaria, it would fall into the hands of Hamas-like elements, or worse. At the very least, such an outcome is highly plausible. Indeed, the only way to ensure that what happened in Gaza does not happen in Judea-Samaria is for Israel to retain control of this territory – thereby obviating implementation of the two-state formula and the emergence of a Palestinian state.

Surely then, given the grave – indeed, existential – risks inherent in the two-state paradigm, considerably heightened by the precarious position of the current regime in neighboring Jordan, threatened, as it is, by ever-ascendant Islamist elements, would it not be eminently reasonable to consider further advocacy of this perilous prescription as “reckless endangerment” – even “depraved indifference”?

The two state paradigm: The imperative to say “No”

Accordingly, with the catastrophic consequences of continued insistence on the quest for a two-state resolution of the Israel-Palestinian conflict an ever more ominous likelihood, a determined search for plausible and durable alternatives – more moral, more rational and more compatible with the survival of the Jewish nation-state – is now an urgent imperative.

This is the unequivocal position that the Israeli government must convey to the purveyors of the Trump “deal of the century”. This is the unequivocal message that the Israeli electorate must convey to the peddlers of the two-state formula—whether post-dated in the guise of “separation” or not—in the upcoming elections.

For, when it comes to this immoral, irrational, and irresponsible paradigm, the time to say “no”—resounding, resolutely and irreversibly—has come.

Minnesota Rep: We aren’t going to make Food Stamp recipients work!

Egads!  What is going on in Minnesota?  It’s not just MN Rep. Ilhan Omar making news, but now we see that Democrat Rep. Collin Peterson—the dean of the Minnesota delegation!—is making news by telling Trump:

“I’ll guarantee you it’s not going to happen.” 

He is referring to the Trump initiative to tell states they must enforce work requirements for able-bodied adults receiving food stamps!

Peterson’s district is considered the most Republican in the state, but obviously not Republican enough or they wouldn’t have re-elected him to represent them since 2007.

The district has a growing Somali population due to BIG MEAT/POULTRY wanting the cheap refugee labor.

See what he said as reported by Watchdog.org on Tuesday,

House Ag Chairman: Requiring SNAP recipients to work is ‘not going to happen’

The Democratic chairman of the House Agriculture Committee says the Trump administration’s policy requiring states to enforce work-requirements for SNAP recipients “isn’t going anywhere.”

“I’ll guarantee you it’s not going to happen,” U.S. Rep Collin Peterson said.

Peterson’s comments came after U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue testified last week before the House Agriculture Committee about the state of the rural economy. Committee members asked him about the impact of tariffs on farmers, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, the effects of natural disasters, and the expansion of rural broadband access, among other questions.

The Trump administration is revising a 22-year-old federal regulation that has enabled states to acquire waivers exempting able-bodied adults without dependents (ABWDs) from having to work or undergo job training to receive taxpayer-funded food stamps.

Reforming the rule would reduce the taxpayer burden and enable more individuals to move from federal dependency to self-sufficiency, according to the administration.

Peterson’s remarks also came after a new Government and Accountability Office (GAO) report identified at least $1 billion in food stamp fraud. The extent of the fraud is uncertain, the GAO warns, estimating the abuse of the program could be as high as $4.7 billion.

Peterson’s position, according to Kristina Rasmussen, vice president of federal affairs at the Foundation for Government Accountability, isn’t helping SNAP recipients move from welfare to work or to find gainful employment. It’s also supporting an abuse of taxpayers’ money, the FGA argues.


Roughly 20 million lower-income households receive $64 billion in SNAP benefits. But the GAO*** found that instead of being used for food, many stores are defrauding the program by “selling” cash instead of food.

The fraud, known as “retailer trafficking,” costs taxpayers at least $1 billion. However, the real cost could be “anywhere from $960 million to $4.7 billion,” the GAO adds.

By the way, I’ve noticed that food stamp fraud busts have been happening less frequently then say 5-10 years ago when I first started tracking them and when almost all practitioners of this fraud were ‘new American’ followers of the ‘religion of peace.’

I don’t know if that is because food stamp use is down generally or whether the worst frauds have been caught.  It is also possible that the busts are not being reported by the media.

***I mentioned that GAO report here.

question markHave a convenience store or mom & pop gas station near you?  Keep an eye on the comings and goings!  I’m told it is pretty easy to spot the stores where food stamp trafficking is happening—shelves not well stocked, people going in and out all day and night, a new American behind the cash register!  Easiest thing to do is to take your suspicions to the local police and let them set up a sting operation.

How Liberal Companies Are Bringing Blue State Mindsets to Red States

Amazon isn’t the only one fed up with New York’s ridiculous tax rates. Plenty of companies are packing their bags and looking for office space in states with more business-friendly policies. There’s just one problem: A lot of these top firms can’t stand the conservative laws that make their new homes so successful.

AllianceBernstein, another firm fleeing the Empire State’s stifling economy, just announced that it’s relocating its $70 million headquarters to Nashville. But before it moves, the CEO is warning Tennessee: It’s not a fan of religious liberty. And AllianceBernstein is proving it by fighting the state’s faith-based adoption bill.

“AB chose to move to Tennessee because we believe it is a welcoming state that is focused on growing jobs, incomes, and the tax base,” Chief Operating Officer Jim Gingrich said in a statement. But, “the bills being debated in the current session of the legislature send a clear message to certain constituencies that they are not welcome. Other states have tried to pass similar bills,” he claims, “and this has proven to be anti-growth, anti-job, and against the interests of the citizens of those states.”

Is that so? Because the last time financial experts checked, the most socially conservative states also happened to be the most prosperous. For years, places like North Carolina (No. 1), Texas (No. 3), and Georgia (No. 6) have topped Forbes’s Best States for Business list—despite high-profile campaigns for privacy, religious liberty, and life.

What these liberal CEOs don’t understand is that these favorable business climates only come from conservative legislators who understand that real freedom leads to economic growth. That’s why these red states are so enticing to companies, because their social values haven’t just built a foundation for workforce and family success—but thriving corporations, too.

The left loves to throw around this stale talking point that fighting for conservative values hurts states. Hardly! In the aftermath of the fiercest bathroom fight ever in North Carolina, nothing the liberals predicted came to pass. Even after a string of canceled concerts and celebrity boycotts, the Tar Heels are thriving. More than two years after the law, more businesses are moving to North Carolina than away from it.

“The outlook is also strong. Job growth and gross state product growth are expected to rank among the strongest in the country over the next five years,” Forbes points out. As for all of those people moving out of the state because it dared to protect women and children? “The population is growing twice as fast as the U.S. average … “

Why? Because in states where the social structure is better, you don’t need as much government interference. There’s less regulation, more freedom, and lower taxes in places like Tennessee (No. 13). But companies like AllianceBernstein can’t have it both ways.

Too many of these corporate refugees are relocating and trying to impose their extreme politics on their new homes. If conservative states want to keep their economies competitive, they need to make it clear. Businesses can either embrace the social structure that leads to growth and opportunity, or they can do what most Americans would prefer—and stay out of politics all together.

If CEOs don’t like those options, tell them to go back to the high-regulation, high-tax states from which they come.


Portrait of Tony Perkins

Tony Perkins is president of the Family Research Council. Twitter: 

No, We’re Not All Socialists Now

On Sunday, New York Post had an editorial about how many millennials embrace “socialism,” while not really knowing what it means:  “Millennials — ignorant of socialism’s appalling economic and human-rights history — increasingly embrace socialism and its naively unrealistic prescriptions for ending all human want.”

I’m reminded of a college student who wrote his dad: “Dear Dad, No mon. No fun. Your son.”

His dad wrote back: “Too bad. So sad. Your Dad.”

The Post points out that a majority of Democrats view socialism positively—yet the very same poll finds them in favor of small business and free enterprise.  Therefore, many claiming to embrace socialism are apparently not aware that socialism refers to government control of the means of production.

Meanwhile, New York Magazine had a title story: “When Did Everyone Become a Socialist?”

The article claims, “Pinkos Have More Fun.”

Well, I’m certainly not a socialist. And most of the people I know are not either. For the record, can anyone name a square inch on the planet where socialism has improved life for its citizens?







It seems that between socialism and capitalism, the latter has the worse “branding.” Capitalism is supposedly greedy and self-serving. Socialism is supposedly caring and sharing. But that is not the reality.

Young people have been fed a steady diet of pro-socialism in the media and in academia. Brent Bozell of the Media Research Center once told me in a TV interview: “In the movies from a cultural standpoint, the themes are that capitalism is bad; it’s evil, the free market system is evil, the wealthy are the greedy rich.”

Jim DeMint, former US Senator noted, “As secularism replaces faith in America, we become less free and more socialistic; in other words, the government is controlling more things and things are controlled from the top down rather than the bottom up….You have central decision makers. That hasn’t worked any time in history, it always results in some form of tyranny.”

With socialism, the state replaces God. But the Bible says, God alone is God, and we should worship and love Him above all, and not the state, nor anything else.

Dr. Everett Piper, the president of Oklahoma Wesley University, says, “I do believe that socialism is on the rise right now and I think it’s a direct correlation to the loss of a biblical world view – the vacuum. When you create a vacuum it’ll always be filled, and if you take God out it’ll be filled by man. And God always gives us more liberty and freedom than man does.”

The Bible says we should love our neighbor. But is it really loving our neighbor to wish on them a socialistic economic system like that in Cuba or Venezuela?

Dr. Richard Land, president of Southern Evangelical Seminary, notes, “And if you want a modern example of why socialism doesn’t work and what it produces, look at Venezuela. Venezuela was one of the most affluent countries in Latin America; it is now a complete basket case.”

Today’s socialists like to say that Sweden, Norway, and other Scandinavian countries are the model—not Venezuela. I was married in Norway. I have many in-laws that still live there. Its economy is still more of a capitalist one—with high taxes for socialized medicine. But it’s a much smaller country with a limited population. Furthermore, my wife always points out that Norway is coasting on its past Christian work ethic.

Socialism violates the command, “Thou shalt not steal.” The Ten Commandments also say we should not envy—but socialism is built on envy, envy of the wealth of others.

More and more Americans seem comfortable with “the politics of envy.” The New Republic published an article by Alex Shephard (3/1/19), entitled, “The Sensible Politics of Soaking the Rich.” The article shows the picture of Democrat socialist leader, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, newly elected to Congress, who argues that $10 million should be the limit on what people can keep, regardless of their contributions to the market.

Last week at CPAC (a conference of conservatives), Larry Kudlow, the director of President Trump’s National Economic Council, said socialism needs to be confronted quickly: “I want you, and everybody in this room and your friends and your neighbors, I want you to put socialism on trial, that’s what I’m asking….I don’t want us to stand idly by….I don’t want to let this stuff fester. I want it challenged. I want it debated. I want it rebutted. I want to convict socialism.” For example, he called “the Green New Deal” promoted by Congresswoman  Ocasio-Cortez, “central planning on a grand scale.” 

Indeed, the time has come for a necessary national discussion on socialism vs. free enterprise. On big government vs. market-based solutions. Let the debate begin.

EDITORS NOTE: This column is republished with permission. The featured image by TheDigitalArtist on Pixabay.

Heartbeat Bills and Repealing Roe v Wade

The NY legislature has created a new Auschwitz dedicated to the execution of a whole segment of defenseless citizens. Satan is smiling.  Charlie Daniels

Instead of baby we say fetus; instead of killing we say aborting; instead of dissect we say research; instead of extermination chambers we say abortion clinics.  Chuck Norris, 2014

And we call it pro-choice instead of murder of unborn babies.  So many euphemisms to hide the truth of this evil.  Many endangered species are protected and heavy fines and jail time result for the destruction of these creatures.  But our human babies are destroyed at the rate of 4,000 per day and we are now approaching 70 million dead children.  Many Americans are not aware that for nearly all of our country’s existence, taking the life of a baby in the womb was prohibited. 

Everything began to change in 1967 after years of organized campaigns by pro-aborts. In 1962, Sherri Finkbine, of Phoenix, Arizona Romper Room fame, had taken a sleeping pill her husband brought back from London.  It was Thalidomide, a drug known for causing severe abnormalities of embryos.  This drug was prescribed to pregnant women for morning sickness and extreme nausea.  Finkbine traveled to Sweden for an abortion.  Her situation was used in campaigns to legalize the murder of unborn babies.

By 1970, four states, New York, Alaska, Hawaii and Washington passed laws that basically allowed abortion on demand.  Of those four, New York’s was the only law without a residency requirement and the state quickly became the nation’s abortion capital. 

Just recently, New York’s Governor Cuomo was gleeful that he had signed the Reproductive Health Act, (another euphemistic term to describe baby murder) to allow abortion up to and even after birth, should a baby survive the abortion.  Other states are now following New York’s lead once again. The Governor said he was doing nothing more than codifying Roe v Wade.  This however is untrue, Roe only allowed abortion up to viability of the gestating child…24 to 28 weeks of pregnancy.  Yet, nothing in Roe stops the states from killing babies after viability and up to birth.

The New York bill is also part of a broader trend of left-wing states codifying a “right” to abortion in anticipation of a future Supreme Court ruling that could reverse Roe, restoring states’ ability to ban abortion themselves and automatically banning it in the handful of states with pre-Roe bans still on the books as we have in Tennessee.

Prior to Roe, only 20 states allowed abortion and 30 disallowed it.  It was strictly a state issue, and should have remained as such, because “abortion” is outside the scope of powers delegated to the federal government over the country at large.  Had it remained a state issue, many more Americans would be alive today.

Abortion Mills

Many abortion clinics do not even meet basic building codes for emergency access.  Jill Stanek took the following pictures of a Birmingham abortion mill who had two botched abortions in one day.

The abortion industry routinely offers women grisly and unsanitary facilities. Deplorable conditions exist because of a lack of state or county inspections.  The Kermit Gosnell abortion mill was just one of thousands who are never inspected and were filthy.

Abortion is far more dangerous to the woman’s health than carrying the baby to birth.  We don’t know how many women are dying from abortions because the numbers are not being kept.  Neither do we have the numbers of women who have committed suicide because they murdered their own babies.  The CDC even says that only 45 of the 50 states in the United States actually keep abortion records. We really don’t know how many abortions are being done in the United States and we know even less about the complications and deaths.


Many of the heartbeat bills are written requiring abortion providers to listen for a heartbeat, but not all specify ultrasounds. Since the mid-1990s, several states have moved to make ultrasound a requirement prior to abortion, and I’m hoping more will do the same. 

Qualified ultrasound providers can easily find a baby’s heartbeat after only a few weeks of gestation.  Save the Storks has built 40+ Stork Bus mobile medical units to help mothers make the choice to give life to 4,000+ babies. Save the Storks partners with local pregnancy resource centers to inform an expecting mother of all of her options so that she can make the best choice for herself and give life to her baby.

They save four out of five babies whose mothers board the Stork Bus for an ultrasound. Strong laws for ultrasound before abortion could save many more babies.

Fourteen states require verbal counseling or written materials to include information on accessing ultrasound services.  Twenty-six states regulate the provision of ultrasound by abortion providers. Three of those states, Louisiana, Texas, and Wisconsin—require the abortion provider to display and describe the ultrasound image. Guttmacher.org, a pro-abortion website, lists the state laws and policies and requirements for ultrasound.

States have passed several laws inhibiting abortions… waiting periods, restrictions on health insurance coverage, bans after 20 weeks of pregnancy because of infant pain, requirements that clinics meet ambulatory surgical center standards or requirements that abortion doctors have hospital admitting privileges and regulations for clinics to meet ambulatory surgical center standards, ultrasounds and now the heartbeat bills.  If you’ve never watched Silent Scream about an abortion on a twelve-week-old unborn baby, the short movie proves there is extreme pain for these little ones.

Heartbeat Bills

Do I trust abortion providers to tell a pregnant woman her child has a heartbeat?  I don’t, but new laws and regulations can actually save more babies.  The heartbeat bills have nearly all been challenged by federal courts, but states need to keep passing them.  And here’s why…

I asked three attorneys to explain to me the purpose of pushing the heartbeat bills when they are consistently are struck down.  Two of those attorneys spoke in legal terms that still didn’t make it clear as to why the politics of these bills are so important.  Finally, I asked another attorney to please explain it to me in layman’s terms.  The heartbeat bills have to do with the strategy of positioning an issue so that the US Supreme Court will review it.

My friend explained the structure of the federal court system, and stripped it down to the essentials we need to know regarding the necessity of pushing for more heartbeat bills to be passed in state legislatures and signed by the Governors.

1. There are about 93 federal district courts throughout the Country. Most lawsuits filed in federal court are initially filed in a federal district court.

In every lawsuit [which isn’t settled] one side loses. The side which loses generally has the right to appeal his cases.  His appeal is filed in one of 

2. the 13 US Circuit Courts of Appeal [there are some additional “specialty” Circuit Courts which aren’t relevant to this issue]. One side will lose in the appellate court.  But not every party who loses in one of the US Circuit Court of Appeals has the right to appeal to the US Supreme Court.  The US Supreme Court couldn’t possibly hear all of the cases which are heard by all of the 13 US Circuit Courts of Appeal!

3. There are “filters” by means of which the US Supreme Court decides which cases from the 13 Circuit Courts of Appeal they will hear.   One of the best ways to get the US Supreme Court to review an issue is to show the US Supreme Court that there is a “conflict among the Circuits”:  So if you can show the US Supreme Court that so and so Circuits Courts have ruled this way – but such and such Circuit Court ruled the opposite way, you are showing a “conflict” among the Circuits and your chances of getting the US Supreme Court to review the issue skyrocket.

Ultimately, we want a lot of states to file heartbeat bills knowing that they will all get sued and that most of the Circuit Courts of Appeal will rule in favor of the baby killers. However, if the pro-life people can get just one Circuit to rule in favor of LIFE; then, they can show “conflict jurisdiction” to the US Supreme Court and perhaps they will overturn Roe v. Wade.

My attorney friend explained, “It’s a classic strategy – though I personally opt for the nullification remedy.  Still, there is no reason both remedies couldn’t be used – and the US Supreme Court might be more likely to overturn Roe v. Wade if some States have already manned up and nullified Roe v. Wade.  State heartbeat bills are fully constitutional – this is one of the issues reserved to the States or The People.”


There you have it.  We need one challenged state heartbeat bill where a Circuit Court of Appeals rules for the babies.  Thus, we must urge the state legislators to write superb heartbeat bills, pass them in both houses of the legislature, and have them signed by the Governor.  Getting a case to the Supreme Court can take three to five years.  This gives our President time to possibly fill the court with another pro-life justice should either Justices Ginsburg or Breyer leave the court.  Amy Coney Barrett is a great pro-life choice.

RELATED ARTICLE: Hillary Clinton: Killing Babies in Abortions is a “Human Right”

Consumers Beware: PayPal Weaponized the Financial System

Free markets, whether they be economic markets or the marketplace of ideas, represent American ideals. The free exchange of ideas communicates that for the most part, all are welcome to share their unique points of view — until recently. Certain American freedoms seem to be approaching “endangered species” status as big, powerful interests increasingly choose to manipulate their platforms to control speech. As troubling as that is in a constitutional democracy, it’s not just the marketplace of ideas that are under attack, but the access to economic markets via commerce and banking. Case in point: PayPal.

To continue reading, click over to my op-ed on Fox News

Tony Perkins’ Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC senior writers.


Dems Get Their Dox in a Row

House Jumps to the Wrong Collusion

Liberal Firm Brings the Blues to Nashville

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC column with images is republished with permission.

House Jumps to the Wrong Collusion

The president denies it. His enemies can’t prove it. And even his critics say it never happened. So why are Democrats still beating the Russian collusion drum?

It’s certainly not because Americans are pushing the issue, polling shows. In a new Rasmussen survey, most of the country seems ready to move on if the Robert Mueller probe doesn’t prove the Left’s case. A majority of voters think that if the special counsel doesn’t find any evidence, Democrats should “let it go.” If the report isn’t incriminating, only 29 percent of voters think congressional Democrats “should do their own investigation” to see if the Russian government helped Donald Trump win the presidency. Sixty-four percent said the House Majority should turn their attention to other things. After more than two years of non-stop investigations, the American people agree: enough is enough.

Good luck persuading the House Judiciary Committee of that, Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) told me on Monday’s “Washington Watch.” Now that the Democrats are in control, they’re “going to pursue this bogus, ridiculous obstruction of justice.” “I’m surprised that’s where [Chairman] Jerry [Nadler] (D-N.Y.) is choosing to go, because [the case] is so weak… It is just so ludicrous, but now, I can understand when your number one goal is political, and it is not the good of the country, then you’re seeing after [Michael] Cohen’s testimony, there really is nothing to this Russian allegation involving Donald Trump. He never conspired, he never colluded.”

Now, the Left is saying that Americans need a wider net than Mueller. But as Louie told our listeners, there’s no such thing! This probe had an unlimited bank account, a host of attorneys, and “the most far-ranging jurisdiction that’s every been given to a special counsel,” and still it’s clear that there’s nothing to this allegation. So, the Democrats have to fall back to this wild goose chase of obstruction, even though it’s the weakest and most disprovable charge.

“They’re going to keep digging until they find something — anything! Because their whole reputation — what’s left of it — of the Democratic party is replying on what they’ve convinced the rest of the country [which is] that there was Russian collusion.” And since there’s no evidence of that, “they’ve got to come up with something — and that’s what Nadler is trying to do… He’s trying to find something to hang their hat on, and they know that so far, nothing has come out that would be a basis for impeaching the president.”

Tony Perkins’ Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC senior writers.


Dems Get Their Dox in a Row

Liberal Firm Brings the Blues to Nashville

Consumers Beware: PayPal Weaponized the Financial System

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC column with images and podcast is republished with permission.

U.S. Government Media Network Fires Journalists Over Report Critical of Soros

At the request of a scandal-plagued Democratic senator tried for bribery and corruption, the head of the government’s international media networks is abusing his office to punish employees behind a broadcast critical of leftwing billionaire George Soros. U.S.

Agency for Global Media (USAGM) Chief John F. Lansing, an Obama appointee, is utilizing Stalinist techniques to retaliate against the journalists and producers involved in the Spanish-language segment which aired in May 2018 on Television Martí and was available for months online. Eight reporters and editors at the taxpayer-funded media outlet have been fired and Lansing has ordered a review of all content to address “patterns of unethical, unprofessional, biased, or sub-standard journalism.”

An employee at the Miami, Florida-based Martí headquarters said in a local newspaper report “the environment that has been created by the upper hierarchy of the Agency for Global Media is repressive. People write with fear. Adjectives are no longer used.”

Television Martí—and its radio counterpart—operate under the Office of Cuba Broadcasting (OCB) and comprise one of the USAGM’s five international multimedia networks. The others are Voice of America (VOA), Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), Radio Free Asia and Middle East Broadcasting. The media outlets get about $685 million a year from American taxpayers and reportedly reach 345 million people worldwide in 59 languages.

The global media agency was created to counter disinformation spread by oppressive regimes abroad. The USAGM website states that its mission is “to inform, engage and connect people around the world in support of freedom and democracy.” Television and Radio Martí were created to promote freedom and democracy by providing the people of Cuba with objective news and information programming.

The Soros broadcast focused on his efforts to cripple sovereign governments in Latin America. Judicial Watch was cited as a source because it investigated State Department funding of Soros groups in Colombia and published a report on Soros’ initiatives to advance a radical globalist agenda in Guatemala. Judicial Watch also released a special report documenting the financial and staffing nexus between Soros’ Open Society Foundations (OSF) and the U.S. government.

In that document, Judicial Watch connects the dots between U.S.-funded entities and OSF affiliates to further the Hungarian-born philanthropist’s agenda seeking to destabilize legitimate governments, erase national borders, target conservative politicians, finance civil unrest, subvert institutions of higher education, and orchestrate refugee crises for political gain. A few years ago Judicial Watch exposed a scheme in which the U.S. government spent millions of dollars to destabilize the democratically elected, center-right government in Macedonia by colluding with Soros’ OSF.

More than five months after the Spanish-language Soros broadcast aired on Television Martí, the segment caught the eye of disgraced New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez. In an October 31, 2018 letter to Lansing, the senator orders an immediate investigation into the Soros broadcast as well as an audit “on patterns of unethical and unprofessional reporting” at OCB. Menendez also smears Judicial Watch, stating that the Soros segment had “no credible sourcing” and “occasionally cites only a fringe website.”

Lansing uses similar language in a mainstream newspaper article about the recent Martí firings over the Soros video. “The person developing the Soros story was using Judicial Watch as a source as I understand it — the story was not only poorly sourced, it relied heavily on one less-than-credible source,” Lansing says in the article, which states that “Soros has emerged as a leading boogeyman on the right.”

Menendez, who serves on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee despite his sordid history, blocked President Trump’s nomination last year to replace Lansing as USAGM chief. A few years ago, Menendez was charged with federal bribery and corruption stemming from his relationship with a crooked south Florida eye doctor that lavished him with cash, gifts and trips in exchange for political favors. The eye doctor, Salomon Melgen, got convicted of stealing $73 million from Medicare and was sentenced to 17 years in prison. Menendez got off because jurors were unable to reach a verdict and his trial ended in mistrial.

His colleagues on the Senate Ethics Committee determined that the veteran lawmaker not only violated senate rules, but also federal law and applicable standards of conduct. In a public letter of admonition, the committee writes that over a six-year period Menendez knowingly and repeatedly accepted gifts of significant value from Melgen in violation of senate rules and federal law. “Additionally, while accepting these gifts, you used your position as a Member of the Senate to advance Dr. Melgen’s personal and business interests,” the committee writes.

Menendez has been embroiled in other corruption schemes throughout his political career and Judicial Watch has served as a credible source in uncovering them. As far back as 2007, Menendez was investigated by a federal grand jury for illegally steering lobbying business to his former chief of staff Kay LiCausi, with whom he was also romantically linked. In just a few years, her firm reported $1.3 million in business with nearly $300,000 coming from a New Jersey medical center that was later awarded government funding thanks to a push from her former boss and lover.

In 2010, Menendez and his colleague in corruption, New Jersey Democrat Frank Lautenberg, allocated $8 million for a public walkway and park space adjacent to upscale, waterfront condos built by a developer whose executives donated generously to their political campaigns. Perhaps not so coincidentally, the developer’s Washington D.C. lobbyist was a longtime senior aide to Menendez. The senator was also embroiled in a hooker scandal in the Dominican Republic with his incarcerated eye doctor pal and he hired an illegal immigrant sex offender to work in his senate office.

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column with images is republished with permission.

ICE – As Vitally Important As A Border Wall

Why Interior Immigration Enforcement is a crucial element of immigration law enforcement.

President Trump’s logical decision to declare a national emergency to fund the border wall must be highly commended, just as it should reinforce the equally important need for effective enforcement of the immigration laws from within the interior of the United States.

When I testified before the Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus in November 2001, just weeks after the terror attacks of 9/11, my testimony included the concept of what I came to refer to as the “Immigration Enforcement Tripod.”

Under that concept, the Border Patrol enforces the immigration laws between ports of entry, primarily engaging in interdiction of aliens attempting to enter the United States without inspection, the Immigration Inspectors (now known as CBP – Customs and Border Protection Inspectors) enforce and administer the immigration laws at ports of entry and finally, the INS agents, now known as ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) agents enforce the immigration laws from within the interior of the United States, comprising the third leg of the Immigration Enforcement Tripod.

Traditionally the interior enforcement mission has been all but neglected even though, in many ways, it is the most important element of immigration law enforcement program.

Indeed, the official report, 9/11 Commission Staff Report on Terrorist Travel, included this paragraph:

Thus, abuse of the immigration system and a lack of interior immigration enforcement were unwittingly working together to support terrorist activity. It would remain largely unknown, since no agency of the United States government analyzed terrorist travel patterns until after 9/11. This lack of attention meant that critical opportunities to disrupt terrorist travel and, therefore, deadly terrorist operations were missed.

Nevertheless, this lack of interior enforcement persists.  I have come to refer to this as Immigration failures by design, turning America into a de facto “Sanctuary Country.”

Today, nationally, there are merely about 6,000 ICE agents as compared with more than 45,000 TSA employees.

Most Americans are unaware as to just how critical the interior enforcement of the immigration laws is because scant attention has been paid to the work that ICE agents do.

Today I will provide you with my insider’s view of that vital mission that is impeded and obstructed by treacherous Sanctuary Cities and the abject lack of resources dedicated by the federal government to this mission.

To begin with, in creating the Department of Homeland Security after the attacks of 9/11 President George W. Bush created an unwieldy bureaucratic leviathan that blatantly ignored the lessons of 9/11, creating what Republican Congressman John Hostettler referred to as, “Immigration incoherence.”

Hostettler, the then Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Claims made that point in his prepared remarks during a May 5, 2005 hearing on the topic, New ”Dual Missions” Of The Immigration Enforcement Agencies.

I testified at that hearing.

Here are two excerpts from Chairman Hostettler’s prepared remarks:

At no time during the reorganization planning was it anticipated by the Committee that an immigration enforcement agency would share its role with other enforcement functions, such as enforcement of our customs laws. This simply results in the creation of dual or multiple missions that the act sought to avoid in the first place.

Failure to adhere to the statutory framework established by HSA (Homeland Security Act) has produced immigration enforcement incoherence that undermines the immigration enforcement mission central to DHS, and undermines the security of our Nation’s borders and citizens.

[ … ]

The 9/11 terrorists all came to the United States without weapons or contraband—Added customs enforcement would not have stopped 9/11 from happening. What might have foiled al Qaeda’s plan was additional immigration focus, vetting and enforcement. And so what is needed is recognition that, one, immigration is a very important national security issue that cannot take a back seat to customs or agriculture. Two, immigration is a very complex issue, and immigration enforcement agencies need experts in immigration enforcement. And three, the leadership of our immigration agencies should be shielded from political pressures to act in a way which could compromise the Nation’s security.

The enforcement of our immigration laws involves much more than merely arresting illegal aliens who are illegally present in the United States.

ICE agents, who are not sidelined by investigating non-immigration crimes such as violations of customs laws, financial crimes, narcotics, kiddie porn, intellectual property law violations or assisting Secret Service, also conduct employer sanctions investigations into employers who intentionally hire illegal aliens.  In addition to fining unscrupulous employers aliens who work illegally may be deported for their violations of law to deter such violations and to liberate these jobs for Americans and lawful immigrants.

ICE agents conduct background investigations and investigate immigration fraud.

This includes marriage fraud, labor certification fraud and other fraud schemes and fraud conspiracies that may involve crooked immigration lawyers and others who conspire to enable aliens to acquire lawful status by lying on applications for visas and Green Cards.

Immigration Fraud investigations also targets identity crimes and the production of altered or counterfeit identity documents such as passports and Green Cards (Alien Registration Receipt Cards) and other documents relevant to the filing for immigration benefits and visas.

The 9/11 Commission identified immigration fraud as the key method of entry and embedding for intentional terrorists such as the 9/11 hijackers.

ICE agents also conduct human trafficking and alien smuggling investigations and also participate in various multi-agency task forces such as the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), the Violent Gang Task Force (VGTF) and the task force to which I was assigned for the final ten years of my career, the Organized Crime, Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF).  In point of fact, it was OCDETF that successfully investigated Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman.

While making note of multi-agency investigations, it is important to note that contrary to the bogus assertions made by mayors of Sanctuary Cities, when ICE agents cooperate with police departments, illegal alien victims of crimes are not inhibited from coming forward.  The opposite is true.  Visas can be provided to such alien crime victims that enable illegal aliens to remain in the United States if they cooperate with law enforcement agencies including local and state police.  Other visas are available for illegal aliens who assist law enforcement in identifying and arresting criminals and terrorists helping to cultivate informants and cooperating witnesses.

Finally, years ago INS agents worked closely, and highly effectively, with local police to raid houses of prostitution, illegal gambling operations and other criminal enterprises.  Illegal aliens who frequented those illegal operations were arrested and deported, deterring illegal aliens from patronizing those criminal enterprises.  With the loss of illegal aliens clientele, frequently these criminal operations were no longer profitable.  Many were permanently shut down.

Not unlike other crimes, the solution to immigration law violations is effective law enforcement.

The abject lack of ICE agents and resources severely hobbles the interior enforcement mission. Violations of law go undetected, un-investigated and unpunished when there is a lack of resources. 

For decades the leaders of both parties have refused to adequately fund the interior enforcement mission.  Rather than providing the solutions they became a part of the problem, eager to satisfy the globalists while conning Americans and undermining national security.

This betrayal must end.

EDITORS NOTE: This FrontPage Magazine column with images is republished with permission.

ISIS bride who wants to return to U.S.: ‘Spill all of their blood, or rent a big truck and drive all over them’

Not the poor victim that her Hamas-linked CAIR lawyer and the establishment media are making her out to be.

“Dossier details hate-filled social media messages from jihadi bride seeking return to U.S.,” by Rowan Scarborough, Washington Times, March 3, 2019:

A research group that monitors jihadi social media has assembled a detailed dossier on Hoda Muthana, the former Alabama resident who embraced mass killings as a three-time Islamic State bride in Syria but now wants to return to America.

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) tracked and recorded Ms. Muthana’s Twitter and Instagram war cries over four years. She expressed hatred for the U.S. and the world in general, urged American Muslims to “rent a big truck and drive all over them” at veterans parades and labeled American service members “cowards.”

Five years after entering the so-called caliphate as a teenager, a disenchanted Ms. Muthana, amid the shambles of a mostly defeated terrorist army, sits in a Kurdish refugee camp with a young son….

A family attorney, Hassan Shibly, executive director of the Florida chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), retweeted a Baltimore Sun column that compared Ms. Muthana’s return to the forgiveness of Confederate soldiers in 1865….

Some examples of Ms. Muthana’s posts:

• “There are sooo many Aussies and Brits here but where are the Americans, wake up u cowards.”

• “Terrorize the kuffar [a slur of non-Muslims] at home.”

• “Men and women altogether. You have much to do while you live under our greatest enemy, enough of your sleeping! Go on drive-bys and spill all of their blood, or rent a big truck and drive all over them. Veterans, Patriot, Memorial etc Day parades Kill them.”

• “The whole world doesn’t seem to understand that simple equation. The fact that we don’t love, or even like this world or anything in it. And we are hastening to the Next. We’ve given up everything to live in harsh conditions for Allah’s sake, why? Simply because it’s the only place we as Muslims are allowed to live in. Syria is ugly I’m not going to lie. But we are here only for Allah and we pray for patience and perseverance and we are willing to give everything even our lives for His sake.”

• “We have men (and women!) who love death as ardently as you love your lives! I was watching an American documentary on a battle in Afghanistan and the Americans are such cowards. Crying and shaking on the battlefield and saying, ‘our aim is to get everyone home where they belong.’ While our men’s aim on the battlefield is to reunite with our Lord. Our honor is in jihad, either victory or shahadah [martyrdom]. These men cry for their lives while we cry for our death (shahadah)!”…

In a handwritten note obtained by CNN, she regretted everything.

“When I left to Syria I was a naive, angry, and arrogant young woman. I thought that I understood my religious beliefs,” she said. “During my years in Syria I would see and experience a way of life and the terrible effects of war which changed me. Seeing bloodshed up close changed me. Motherhood changed me. Seeing friends, children, and the men I married dying changed me. Seeing how different a society could be compared to the beloved America I was born and raised into changed me. Being where I was and seeing the [people] around me scared me because I realized I didn’t want to be a part of this. My beliefs weren’t the same as theirs.”

She told NBC News: “I am a citizen, and those papers prove it, as I’m just as American as any blond-haired, blue-eyed girl, and I would like to stay in my country and do American things.”…

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column with images is republished with permission. The featured Image is by werner22brigitte on Pixabay.

Apple Denies TrumpTown.com iPhone App. Claims it’s ‘potentially objectionable’

There is growing concern that Silicon Valley is using their platforms to attack the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The Daily Signal is a July, 2018 column titled “The Bias Problem Plaguing America’s Social Media Platforms” notes:

Facebook’s new algorithm for what users see on their timeline has disproportionately harmed conservative publishers. They’re getting fewer readers while their liberal counterparts haven’t been impacted to the same degree.

Recently, Google’s employees easily convinced the company’s management to cut ties to contracts with the military.

And Google has long faced criticism from fact-checkers over manipulating search results to slight conservatives. Google also has deleted or blocked references to Jesus, Chick-fil-A, and the Catholic religion. When will it stop?

It hasn’t stopped it has gotten worse!

TrumpTown.com founders sent the following in an email to its growing membership:

More anti-conservative actions from Silicon Valley

Dear TrumpTown Patriots,

One of our primary goals for TrumpTown was to launch our official iOS app. Early on, we were blessed to find a pro-Trump, conservative developer to make that happen. The TrumpTown iOS app was also the most requested feature from our users, by far.

On February 6th, after our developer put the finishing touches on the app, we submitted it to the Apple app store for review. According to Apple’s own website, a vast majority (90%) of apps are reviewed within 72 hours at the latest.

That certainly wasn’t the case for us. After the first week went by, we knew something didn’t seem right. After 4 agonizing weeks of the app being “in review,” we received an email today from the Apple review team that the TrumpTown Social Network app was officially “rejected.”

The reason given by Apple is vague and confusing at best:

“Your app includes content that many users would find objectionable and offensive. Specifically, some posts include content which contains an excessive amount of violence or gore.”

They go on to say that we can resubmit the app, but only if we “remove all potentially objectionable content from your app.” Yet, they provide zero guidelines as to what qualifies as “potentially objectionable.”

But listen, we’re not stupid. We can read between the lines.

In reality, it seems as if Apple found a vague and ridiculous way to keep TrumpTown from growing — especially as we head into another Trump campaign year. Pretty darn convenient, right?

And here’s what’s crazy about all this:

  1. At any given time on Twitter, there are thousands (if not more) of pornographic and violent images being posted. Yet, they have an app.
  2. People have live streamed suicides and other violent acts on Facebook, on multiple occasions. There are also a myriad of inappropriate pages and groups, including sexually explicit, violence, pro-terrorism, etc. Yet, they still have an app.
  3. The same can be said for Google — which features the largest collection of sexual, violent and otherwise inappropriate images in the world, but they still have an app.

The list goes on and on. So, it’s crystal clear that we’ve been targeted because we’re a pro-Trump platform. Without question.

We started TrumpTown to get away from the anti-conservative censorship thrust upon us by the other networks, only to find the exact same treatment from Apple.

Make no mistake — the liberal, anti-Trump tech bastion we know as Silicon Valley is doing everything they can to silence our conservative voices. A TrumpTown iOS app would have changed the game for us and our users, and they apparently nuked us because they knew that.

Do you think they would have rejected a pro-Democrat social network? Absolutely not.

In summary, we wanted to share this news with you so that you know we’ve been working hard to give you what you want, but this is out of our control.

While we won’t have an iOS app, we’ll remain online and do our best to keep our community growing, as it’s more important now than ever before.

God Bless all of our users and thank you for your support, as always.

TrumpTown Founders

Copyright © 2019 TrumpTown, Inc., All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you signed up for TrumpTown.com

We have seen American corporations support the Nazi party to enforce tyranny. Then it was Nazi Germany, today it is the new American Socialists. Same objectives same socialist ideology.

EDITORS NOTE: This column with images is republished with the permission of TrumpTown.com.

Will the “Deep-State” Destroy Democracy

The unrelenting drive to bring an indictment—any indictment—against Netanyahu has long exceeded the bounds of reasonable law enforcement.

The issue at the center of these investigations seems trivial against the background of the existential crises Israel is facing…The first probe, also known as case 1000, involves gifts of cigars and champagne Netanyahu received from close friends…I strongly believe that the appropriate criteria for criminal prosecution have not been met in the cigar and champagne case against Netanyahu… The other investigations (dubbed 2000 and 4000) pose even greater dangers to democratic governance and civil liberties… In both cases, the prime minister is essentially being investigated for allegedly trying to push the media – with long histories of attacking him and his family – to be fairer…—Prof. Alan Deshowitz, Voters, Not the Police or the Courts, Should Decide Netanyahu’s Future

…what we are left with is an exploration of motives… [which] are not the kinds of questions that prosecutors and police should be empowered to ask elected officials and media moguls as a part of a criminal investigation…The relationship between politics and the media – and between politicians and publishers – is too nuanced, subtle and complex to be subject to the heavy hand of criminal law…police and prosecutors should not intrude on this complex, messy and nuanced relationship between politics and the media, except in cases of clear and unambiguous financial corruption well beyond what is alleged in the current cases… to criminalize these political differences is to endanger democracy and freedom of the press—Prof. Alan Deshowitz, Voters, Not the Police or the Courts, Should Decide Netanyahu’s Future

I disagree with Alan Dershowitz on much regarding Israel. But I found myself identifying almost completely with his analysis of the indictments (subject to a hearing) filed against Prime Minister Netanyahu by the attorney-general, Avihai Mandelblit.

A product of politically partisan peer pressure

Of course, I am sure it is possible to devise some contorted and contrived legalistic interpretation of the acts allegedly perpetrated by Netanyahu that will impart them a stain of nefarious criminality. However, I am equally sure that such an interpretation would fly in the face of fairness and common sense—and would only serve to undermine, even more, the credibility of the Israeli legal system in the eyes of the average man-in-the-street.

Dershowitz—who, as a renowned American legal authority, doesn’t really have a “dog-in-the fight” vis-à-vis the outcome of Israel’s elections or any partisan preference for either side of the pro- vs. anti-Bibi divide—is certainly not the only prominent personality to slam the assault on Netanyahu.

For example, Caroline Glick, then-prominent journalist, today a candidate for the Knesset, powerfully underscored the dubious (to be charitable) nature of the allegations against Netanyahu and the troubling double standards applied to him that they reflect.

Likewise, veteran lawyer, Dr. Haim Misgav, clearly conveyed how flimsy and unconvincing the charges against the Prime Minister are. Rather than prosecutors being “watchdogs” of the public interest, Misgav depicts them as “attack dogs” of the anti-Netanyahu circles, bent not on “eliminating wrongdoing in our midst, but removing the prime minister by any means possible”. Indeed, according to Misgav, the entire indictment is the product of the Attorney-General caving into peer pressure from the politically biased prosecution, and the timing of its publication, a stark attempt to impact the elections.

Award-winning investigative journalist Yaov Yitzhak, in a harsh indictment of prosecutorial (mis)conduct, quotes directly from the text of the indictments and demonstrates decisively the dramatic disconnect between the facts presented in evidence—which he argues are largely exculpatory for Netanyahu—and accusatory conclusions the prosecution draws from them!!

Not an uncritical apologist

As readers who follow my INTO THE FRAY column will recall, I have never been an uncritical, pro-Bibi apologist.

On the contrary, I have excoriated a number of his policy decisions, regularly and severely, and have even called for his resignation…on matters of policy.

Thus, for example, I strongly condemned his 2009 Bar Ilan speech, in which he accepted the idea of Palestinian statehood – see here and here. Likewise, I was severely critical of his decision to release over 1000 convicted terrorists (2011) to secure the release of captured IDF soldier, Gilad Shalit — and was even more opposed to a subsequent (2013) release of prisoners as a futile gesture to assuage the then-Secretary of State, John Kerry, in the vain hope of coaxing Mahmoud Abbas into renewing negotiations — see here and here.

I vehemently disapproved of his ill-advised attempt at rapprochement with Turkey — particularly the compensation paid for the casualties incurred, when Israeli commandoes had to defend themselves against attempts to tear them limb-from limb on the Mavi Marmara, a Turkish vessel, trying to breach the maritime quarantine of the terror enclave in Gaza.

Perhaps my most serious—and ongoing—criticism of Netanyahu is his enduring failure to adequately address the problem of international delegitimization of Israel, by refusing to allot adequate resources to initiate and sustain a strategic diplomatic offensive to confront, curtail and counter the global assault on the legitimacy of the Jewish state — see for example here.

Netanyahu: A transformative leader

But for all my sharp disagreements with Netanyahu, my criticism was always focused exclusively on matters of substantive policy, never on matters ad hominem.

Moreover, despite that criticism, it is undeniable that in many ways, he has been a truly transformative leader.

Under his stewardship, Israel has become one of the best performing economies in the world — with GDP per capita breaching the $40,000 mark for the first time ever in 2017, up sharply by almost 45% since 2009, when he was first re-elected after losing power in 1999.

He has drastically reduced Palestinian terror from the horrific levels he “inherited” from the Rabin-Peres era — and, despite occasional flare-ups, he has largely managed to contain it to hardly perceptible proportions — certainly nowhere near the grisly scale that prevailed under his predecessors.

In terms of foreign policy, he has produced remarkable success. He managed to wait out the inclement incumbency of Barack Obama, emerging largely unscathed — despite the undisguised antipathy between the two men.

His views on Iran and its perilous nuclear ambitions have been embraced by the Trump administration. He has managed to initiate far-reaching changes in Middle East politics, with increasingly amicable — albeit, as yet, only semi-overt — relations with important Arab states, inconceivable several years ago, while sidelining — or at least, significantly reducing — the centrality of the intractable “Palestinian problem”.

He has overseen Israel’s “pivot” eastwards, and burgeoning relationships with the ascendant economies of India and China, increasingly offsetting Israel’s commercial dependence on the oft less-than-benign EU. He also has scored remarkable diplomatic successes in Africa and South America.

Moreover, notwithstanding difficulties with western European countries, he has fostered increasingly warm relations and understanding with those in central and eastern Europe…

Despite success–unceasing assault

Yet, despite his remarkable success, Netanyahu has been ceaselessly assailed by his political adversaries, ever since he was first elected in 1996. Indeed, it is perhaps his very success that has generated such raw rancor against him.

After all, almost immediately following his unexpected, razor-thin 1996 victory over Shimon Peres—the left-leaning liberal establishment candidate for the premiership—Netanyahu has been hounded and harassed by his political rivals within Israel’s entrenched civil society elites, and subjected to a maelstrom of allegations that range from the petty to the preposterous.

For two decades, he has been berated by the self-appointed bon-ton set, who saw him as an impudent upstart usurper of their “divinely ordained” right to govern. Significantly, the recriminations against him rarely—if ever—related to the manner in which he discharged the duties of the office to which he was elected.

As their astonished disbelief morphed into visceral rage, a cavalcade of charges was unleashed, admonishing him (and/or his spouse) for irregular use of garden furniture, the employment of an electrician, the proceeds from the sale of recycled bottles; payments to a moving contractor, an inflated ice cream bill (no kidding), the cost of his wife’s coiffure, meals ordered for the official PM residence from restaurants; expenses involving the care of his ailing 96 year old father-in-law…

Cresting “Bibiphobia”

The “Bibi-phobia” worked towards a crescendo with the onset of the 2015 elections, in which the prevailing perceptions of the polls and the pundits was that the Herzog-Livni duo and the newly formed Zionist Union were poised to unseat him.

Back then, I described the mounting anti-Bibi hysteria across the main-stream media, fueled, among other things, by funding from the Obama-administration, in the following terms:

“What we are witnessing is, in effect, little less than an attempt at a bloodless coup d’état – conducted, not by the military, but by the messianic, indeed manic, mainstream media, buttressed by affiliated like-minded civil society elites, in a frenzied effort to impose their minority worldview on the nation…Enraged by their inability to rally sufficient public support on substantive policy issues, to unseat the object of their visceral enmity, Benjamin Netanyahu, and nonplussed by the tenacity of his “delinquent” hold on the premiership…his political rivals have despaired of removing him from office by normal electoral means…Instead, they have descended into an unprecedented nadir of mean-spirited malevolence in Israeli public life…”

Back then, in 2015, the anti-Bibi blitz was orchestrated largely by the media. When that proved ineffective, the tack—but not the target—was changed. Today, the onslaught is spear-headed largely by the legal establishment—that birthed Thursday’s indictments—in yet another attempt to unseat a duly elected prime minister—by means other than having another elected in his stead.

The real danger to democracy

Accordingly, it is difficult to escape the conclusion that real danger to Israel’s democracy is not in the alleged malfeasance by Netanyahu.

Indeed, the mere cost of their investigation dwarfs any conceivable damage his supposed misdeeds inflicted on the public coffers. After all, apart from the malicious and the malevolent, who really cares if Netanyahu (heaven forfend) helped his buddy Arnon Milchin, a man with a record of considerable contribution to the security of the country, acquire a US visa? And even if Netanyahu was perhaps excessively indulgent in accepting gifts from his well-heeled friend, surely some administrative sanction would be a more appropriate penalty than criminal proceedings??

Moreover, one can only wonder what grave damage the public interest suffered by Netanyahu NOT accepting the proffered bribe from Yedioth Aharonot editor, Arnon Mozes. And can lukewarm coverage in an otherwise overwhelming anti-Netanyahu channel be convincingly categorized as the fruits of “corruption”? Indeed, one might be able to argue, as does Dershowitz (see above), that it was precisely the all-pervasive media animus towards the PM that comprised a dangerous distortion of the public discourse, which needed to be corrected.

So, rather than the beleaguered Prime Minister comprising a dire threat to Israeli democracy, it is his implacable political adversaries across the gamut of Israeli civil society elites that do so—driven by their inability to reconcile themselves to the verdict of vox populi—as expressed, freely and fairly, at the ballot box.  It is their incessant endeavor to remove and replace an elected leader by the abuse of their unelected positions of power that erodes the very foundations of democratic governance.

 Letting the cat out of the bag

The unrelenting drive to bring an indictment—any indictment—against Netanyahu has long exceeded the bounds of reasonable law enforcement. Indeed, it increasingly seems that the levers of the justice system are being used for nothing more than to eject Netanyahu from power.

Strong corroboration of this was provided by the editor of the Jerusalem Post last week, who revealed that “…the [Attorney-General Mandelblit was prepared to close the cases against Netanyahu if the prime minister agreed to resign from political life.”

So there you have it. All Netanyahu’s allegedly grave crimes would be removed from the roster, forgiven and forgotten, and go unpunished if he would only vacate his elected office! Doesn’t get much clearer—or damning—than that!

And that, dear readers, is the bald and disturbing truth—from beginning to end.

EDITORS NOTE: This Israel Institute for Strategic Studies column is republished with permission. The featured Image by Prawny on Pixabay.

Dear Esther: Chicago Does Not Need A Black Woman Mayor

What Chicago needs is an honest, non-corrupt, economically literate, competent mayor that can lift the once-great city out of the tragic farce it has become. That might be a black woman. It might not.

Esther Cepeda, in one of the most insipidly stupid takes on politics I’ve read in quite awhile — and that’s saying something — believes that the gender and skin color of the next Chicago mayor is all that is needed to miraculously turn the city around, heal racial wounds, lower crime rates, improve economics and, perhaps, bring unicorns prancing on rainbows!

It’s so bad one has to ask, even in these times, how in the world do some people get nationally syndicated columns through the Washington Post Group? Let’s start at the beginning of the nonsense. Probably best not to be eating while I quote from Cepeda.

“Finally, a spot of good news for a beleaguered city that has long been known as a hotbed of racism and government-sanctioned segregation: the promise of Chicago’s first black, female mayor.

In a dogpile of a mayoral race, 14 candidates fought it out to connect to voters who had long ago given into a nasty case of learned helplessness. The two top winners — both black women — beat out a rich scion of a Chicago political dynasty, a Latina state official, the city’s former top cop and a bevy of other local luminaries.

The two finalists are former assistant U.S. attorney Lori Lightfoot and Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle. And no matter which one of them wins the April 2 runoff Chicago’s inauguration of a female African-American mayor will make a kind of history that none of the other top cities in America can claim.”

Set aside the overt racialism and bigotry over assuming based on skin color and gender alone that the next mayor will be better, what is she even factually talking about? “Inauguration of a female African-American mayor will make a kind of history that none of the other top cities in America can claim?” Um…Baltimore is on it’s third straight black woman mayor. And look how great Baltimore is doing! OK, actually it’s racked by racial strife, incompetence, a skyrocketing murder rate and a so-so economy despite being right next door to D.C.

Let’s see, who else? Oh yeah, Washington, D.C. elected a black female mayor; San Francisco elected a black female mayor; Atlanta elected a black female mayor; New Orleans elected a black female mayor; Charlotte, N.C. elected a black female mayor. Oh heck, here’s a full list here.

So what in the world is she talking about? And does she have an editor? When she says “top cities” is she saying New York and L.A.? That’s cherry-picking at its worst. Pretty sure most rational people could consider San Fran and D.C. among America’s top cities. But it is the sort of dishonesty we come to expect from the media. Even opinion writers should be held to a standard of some sort. But I dream.

More Cepeda” “And it’s a relief, indicating that there are still strides people of color can hope for…”

Because again, not the quality of the candidate, the issues, the plans, dare I say even, the content of their character, is what is important. Black. Female. Better. That’s the entire measuring stick. Nothing racist or bigoted here at all, folks.

More Cepeda:

So, yeah, the city could use good news in the form of a historic change of leadership from Rahm Emanuel, a big-interests-focused political operator. Either one of these two women could, in theory, address the neglect of the African-American community, which has caused what some experts consider to be a mass migration of black people out of the city and into the suburbs, neighboring Indiana or the Southern states where the original Great Migration began.”

I believe “address the neglect” translates to: A black female mayor will give blacks more stuff. If it meant reforming the school system, attacking the total decimation of the black family, changing the attitude towards education and jobs among young, black men specifically, and maybe even creative opportunity zones for investment,  then that could really be something. But given Cepeda’s level of thought and insight, pretty sure she just means more stuff.

And finally, which of these two candidate finalists will win? Let’s look at one last note in Cepeda’s description to get a clue:

“At least it won’t be a boring race. As evidenced by her campaign thus far, Lightfoot — a self-proclaimed out and proud black lesbian — has seemingly never even heard of the “be nice” political playbook that’s expected of women politicians — perhaps a winning formula for other, future female high-office candidates?”

Straw man alert! Who exactly is expecting women to be “be nice” in politics? Not exactly what we’ve been seeing. And of course in another context, Cepeda would be bemoaning the state of our mean politics. What is really at work here is just the tired retread thinking of liberalism’s past quarter century.

Now, based on intersectional hierarchy, the black female lesbian candidate beats the black female candidate 3-2 in intersectional scoring. (Content of ideas need not apply.) But Chicago is well-known as a corrupt Democratic city and the non-lesbian black female candidate is part of that power structure. So it is entrenched power versus intersectional power.

Despite Cepeda’s fact-free, knee-jerk, stuck-in-a-rut thinking, it’s all but impossible to see how the city improves either way. Not, of course, because they are black women, but because they are shades of Chicago Democratic progressivism, which has proven itself a deep failure already. Changing faces won’t change the outcome.

Unfortunately, Cepeda and her fellow travellers will think the election itself means the city wins. That wasn’t the case with Barack Obama’s election as president. And it won’t be the case with Chicago’s choice.

EDITORS NOTE: This Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission. The featured Image by 12019 on Pixabay.

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