Break Specialists: GOP Uses Recess to Move Judges [Video]

It’s no wonder Democrats were desperate to get out of Washington and onto the campaign trail. Of the 35 Senate seats on the ballot this year, Chuck Schumer’s (D-N.Y.) party is defending 26. So when Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) agreed to recess two weeks early, he made sure to exact a price: 15 more judicial confirmations. Now, after tearing through those, McConnell is making it clear — he’s not close to finished.

The Brett Kavanaugh story may have had a happy ending, but the GOP is a long way from forgetting what liberals did to the Supreme Court justice. If anything, the bruising process only made the majority leader more determined. “He’s mad as a mama wasp,” Senator John Kennedy told Roll Call about McConnell. And he’s making Democrats regret it with another full slate of nominations.

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), McConnell’s partner in the race to confirm the most judges in Senate history, interrupted the October recess to announce that he was holding Judiciary Committee hearings tomorrow – with or without his campaigning colleagues. After all, others have pointed out, the Senate was already scheduled to be in session until the end of the month. It was only after McConnell cut a deal on nominations that the Senate left for their home states.

The Majority Leader made Democrats an offer: “The Senate would adjourn until after the midterm elections, provided Democrats don’t force the full 30 hours of debate allowed for each nominee.” Anxious for his party to go home and defend their seats, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) agreed. The result? Fifteen more confirmations to benches from the 2nd, 3rd, and 9th Circuit Courts and 12 federal district judges — bringing the grand total of Senate-approved judicial nominees to a jaw-dropping 84 (including 53 trial judges, 29 appeals judges, and two Supreme Court justices). When Democrats started catching heat for taking such a lopsided deal, Senator Jon Tester (D-Mont.) insisted they had no choice. “If we stayed here for two or three weeks, we’d probably have done the same thing,” he told Politico.

Recess or no recess, Senator Grassley explained, there were important things on the calendar – and he doesn’t intend to move them just because Democrats are worried about the elections. “It’s unfair to the nominees, who have already flown to Washington D.C. and made travel arrangements for their families to further delay this hearing,” Grassley wrote to the committee’s top Democrat, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.). “And it’s unfair to the American people.” If liberals hadn’t been using “delay tactics,” he points out, the Senate wouldn’t be in this mess. “There are now 154 current and future judicial vacancies, 63 of which are classified as judicial emergencies,” he wrote to Feinstein. “The judiciary simply cannot afford further obstruction from your side.”

Naturally, the California Democrat (who happens to be in the fight of her campaign life) wrote an indignant letter back. “The Committee has never before held nominations hearings while the Senate is in recess before an election. The handful of nominations hearings that have been held during a recess have been with the minority’s consent, which is not the case here — in fact, we were not even consulted. In addition, three of us on the Democratic side represent the Ninth Circuit, and are unable to return to Washington for a day due to commitments in our states.”

That’s funny, Senator Grassley replied, since “…you consented to hearings scheduled for October 10, 17, and 24. You made this agreement after I accommodated your numerous requests for postponements and with full knowledge that it was possible the Senate would go into recess in October,” Grassley said. If the Left takes its constitutional duty as “seriously” as Feinstein says, they’ll be there. If not, Grassley will move ahead on a handful of stellar constitutionalists, including Allison Jones Rushing for the 4th Circuit Court and another full slate of district judgeships.

Regardless of what happens in November, McConnell has already been quite clear that he plans to start moving at break-neck speed to confirm as many of the president’s picks as possible until the end of the year. If that means keeping the Senate in session until Christmas, so be it. “I don’t think he’s bluffing,” Senator Kennedy said. Neither do Democrats.

The tag-team of McConnell and Grassley have been so successful that, as the majority leader tweeted before the weekend, “Nearly one out of every six circuit court of appeals judges has been appointed by @POTUS and confirmed by this Republican Senate.” If you’re wondering what’s at stake in this election, you’re looking at it.

For more on how this Senate is setting up the courts for generations of success, take some time to listen to Senate McConnell at VVS. It was one of the most compelling speeches of the whole event, and it’ll give you some interesting insight into the thinking of GOP leaders.

Tony Perkins’ Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC senior writers.


Pastor Brunson: Two Years — and Millions of Prayers — Later

Gosnell‘s Success Has Liberals Reeling

EDITORS NOTE: This column with photos and video is republished with permission.

BREAKING NEW VIDEOS: McCaskill EXPOSED — “Essentially” lies to get elected

Missouri: Project Veritas Action Fund has released a fourth undercover video from campaigns during this 2018 election season. This is the second report featuring staff at incumbent Senator Claire McCaskill campaign on video.

Yesterday’s video featured Claire McCaskill — herself — saying “Of course!” she would vote yes on gun bans. The video was played on Sean Hannity’s television show and made the top of the Drudge Report. Today, it was covered by Ben Shapiro and Rush Limbaugh, among others.

Michelle Malkin commented on yesterday’s video: “Project Veritas gets results

Missouri Senator Roy Blunt spoke about the video; as well as Senate Candidate Josh Hawley who commented about it on local 1380AM radio.

Claire herself responded today on local News Channel KOLR10:

TODAY’S VIDEO exposes how McCaskill’s campaign hides donations from Planned Parenthood in order to deceive voters.

  • Staffer Agrees: McCaskill “essentially” has to lie to get elected.
  • Campaign Staff: Planned Parenthood doesn’t directly “donate to Claire because they don’t want to ostracize pro-life Democrats in Missouri”
  • McCaskill Staff Confirms Planned Parenthood Still Contributes: “They put it through different organizations.”
  • Senator McCaskill Will Support Abortion “100%” and is “very pro-choice”, but doesn’t want to appear “…too far left to get the moderate voters.”

EDITORS NOTE: This column with images and videos is republished with permission.

All Hallows Eve: On Facebook bias, Justice Kavanaugh, Hillary, Democrats, Voter Fraud & Midterm Election 2018

A few days ago, my wife Mary and I left our home in West Virginia to fly to Denver to meet up with our Conservative Campaign Committee team. A baby screamed for what seemed like the entire 4 hour flight to Denver.

With the mid-term elections only weeks away, this is our Conservative Campaign Committee’s final road trip to keep the GOP in control of the house and senate. Mary and I will not return home until after the November 6th election. Upon landing in Denver, the game plan was to pile into an SUV and drive 8 hours to Montana to campaign for Matt Rosendale. Snow and freezing rain forced us to spend a few nights in Denver.

Thanks to a break in the weather, we’re on the road to Montana. I am writing (reporting in to you) from the far back row of the SUV; not because I am black. Just having a little fun – leftists make everything about race. I picked the back seat because I can listen to relaxing Christian music in my headset and write.

Like all conservatives and Republicans, Conservative Campaign Committee is under severe attack by leftist operatives who are hellbent on stopping Trump’s America first agenda. CCC is not funded by major corporations. We are funded by individuals across America who love their country and want to see Trump’s amazing achievements continue. Suddenly, email services CCC has used for years have canceled our accounts; calling our funding emails hate speech. So supporting Trump’s agenda is now deemed hate speech by leftists. Folks, your financial support is greatly appreciated.

I have 13,000 Facebook friends. And yet, only 250 are seeing the conservative articles I write. Clearly, conservative and pro-Trump speech is being blocked.

Not only is the anti-America left closing down conservative, pro-Trump and pro-America speech, they are advocating violence and breaking the law to stop Trump’s America first agenda. Antifa vandalized the NYC GOP and threatened more violence.

Outrageously, Democrat candidate for governor in Georgia, Stacey Abrams, is openly seeking votes of illegal aliens to win.

Crazy angry actor Alec Baldwin called for the ‘overthrow’ of the United States government under Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton irresponsibly encouraged Trump-hating Democrats to be uncivil.

Clearly, Trump’s amazing unprecedented progress towards making America great again has caused Democrats/leftists to lose their minds – promoting violence and anarchy.

Let us not forget the Democrats’ insidiously evil ongoing campaign to destroy new Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

I praise God for giving President Trump the courage and wisdom to achieve the release of Pastor Brunson from prison in Turkey.

Folks, this article would be extremely long if I were to list Trump’s remarkable unreported achievements for We the People. In a nutshell, we are blessed.

We are all well aware of what’s at stake in the mid-term elections. Our greatest enemy is over-confidence and complacency. Every Republican must vote. Period.

Screaming babies on airplanes, long rides cramped into an SUV, snow, freezing rain and waving signs for our candidates on street corners in 100 degrees to freezing temperatures is a small price to pay to keep our country on the right road with Trump behind the wheel – driving us back to our rightful place as the shining city on a hill.


Dem Gubernatorial Nominee Says Illegal Immigrants Are Part of the ‘Blue Wave’

Watch: Blacks Shocked, Appalled To See What White Liberals Really Think of Them

EDITORS NOTE: The featured photo is by David Menidrey on Unsplash.

Presumption of Innocence Is Social Justice

I have a friend in Papua New Guinea named Monica Paulus who was accused of casting sorcery spells because a person died in her village. Her neighbors almost murdered her until she fled the region. Now she works to save other women falsely accused of sorcery who are targets of torture and killing. This is a window into the mob violence Western civilization crawled slowly out of through the establishment of principles like the presumption of innocence.

To millions of Americans, Brett Kavanaugh seems just as guilty as Monica seemed to her accusers. They sincerely believe, because of the power groupthink has over the human mind, that Kavanaugh has all the signs of their suspected profile of an abuser of women: rich, white, elite Catholic school attendee, conservative, and nominated by Donald Trump. Millions of people have repeated this so often that it feels deeply true. Plus, there were accusations!

Monica’s accusers believed she fit the profile of a witch. Once the first accusation was levied, it was easy for others to believe it was true. From an outside vantage, charges of deadly sorcery seem absurd to third-party observers. But in Monica’s culture, belief in the power of sorcery to kill children and cause calamity has been universal for millennia. Though recent infections of Christianity have shaken it, sorcery is still a fact of life.

Personhood has been a hard-fought prize of Western civilization. The idea that an individual person has a right to their own life and liberty regardless of the passions of the collective is a relatively new and fragile gain for humanity. For most of history, the individual person accused by a crowd or community had no ability to escape its all-consuming wrath.

Humans without Christ-rooted protection for the individual quickly descend into very dangerous, unthinking crowds.

In the book of Genesis, Potiphar’s wife accused her Hebrew servant Joseph of trying to rape her when, in fact, she tried to seduce him. Joseph was thrown into prison for this false accusation without any need for corroboration except the cloak she had ripped from him.

The Pitfalls of Believing All Women

“Believe Our Women!” could have been the slogan organizers used during Jim Crow against black men falsely accused of sexual violence. The “justice” crowds felt as sure about their scapegoats’ guilt as new partisan crowds do about their conservative targets. To mobs, a person’s wealth or poverty or race is sufficient reason to ignore their humanity and cast shame.

Even popular cinema reflects a healthy suspicion of collective accusations. In the film Edward Scissorhands, a woman falsely accused Edward (Johnny Depp) of sexual assault after he spurned her advances in a barber shop. Her tears led to an angry mob destroying the life of an innocent.

To that mob, Edward’s differentiation from their shared cultural identity madehim a very guilty rapist.

That zeal is what possesses the minds of people who think that dressing out-of-fashion, having opposing political opinions, or bearing a “guilty” skin color makes one eternally suspect for non-corroborated accusations.

In 18 AD, if a woman claimed a high magistrate tried to sexually assault her when they were teens, she would be ignored, arrested, or executed without anything but derision in every society around the world. Two-thousand years of Jesus’s personhood revolution has made it so that such a claim against the highest of officials is rightfully treated with sacred care and gravity.

Victim-garbed political stunts and witch hunts are growing. But those weeds take root in the cultural soil cultivated by the Crucified One. The first shall be last and the last shall be first.

We should take survivors of assault seriously, and we do that by never using them as props for political power and by creating a culture that treats every human as sacred and worthy of supreme dignity.

We have much to learn from a survivor of witch hunts like Monica Paulus. We should protect the voice of the powerless in the face of violence. We should treat human beings as individual persons, not pawns of identity-exploiting optics. We should fight for the presumption of innocence, not just in the court of law but as the cultural norm we grant the accused in discourse. Finally, we should remember that politics is a thin laminate on the passions and fits of human crowds: the mobs we see in recent days are a revelation of the heart of the whole enterprise.

Rejecting State Power and the Mob Mentality

The State, a monopoly on violence against nonviolent persons in a given territory, is not to be trusted with centrally planning our lives. One court of nine sages deciding personal matters and vices for 300 million people just sounds like a really bad cultic idea.

The Founders never intended the court to have such broad, sweeping ex nihilo powers of legal decree. Congress has the power to limit the Supreme Court’s jurisdiction. Decentralizing power closer to home will go a long way to easing tensions between neighbors who feel powerless when their rivals win power over our current winner-takes-all DC Leviathan.

Monica Paulus’s example in Papua New Guinea offers a final clue as to how we should fight for justice in America. After facing gruesome near-death, she had opportunities to flee to a safe space. But she stayed.

To this day, she continues to work in villages in which witch burnings are still used to solve social tensions and grief. She actively intervenes in the midst of self-righteous crowds—convinced of their targets’ guilt—to save women from horrible deaths. She does not seek revenge against those who accuse her. She seeks to end collective violence and protect the personhood of all people, no matter who they are.

I’m with Monica.


David Gornoski

David Gornoski

David Gornoski is your neighbor – as well as an entrepreneur, speaker and writer. He recently launched a project called A Neighbor’s Choice, which seeks to introduce Jesus’ culture of nonviolence to both Christians and the broader public. A Neighbor’s Choice is also the name of his weekly radio show on state violence and alternative solutions to it. Email him here.

EDITORS NOTE: This column with all images is republished with permission.

Poverty in the U.S. Was Plummeting—Until Lyndon Johnson Declared War On It [+Videos]

One of the more elementary observations about economics is that a nation’s prosperity is determined in part by the quantity and quality of labor and capital. These “factors of production” are combined to generate national income.

I frequently grouse that punitive tax policies discourage capital. There’s less incentive to invest, after all, if the government imposes extra layers of tax on income that is saved and invested.

Bad tax laws also discourage labor. High marginal tax rates penalize people for being productive, and this can be especially counterproductive for entrepreneurship and innovation.

Still, we shouldn’t overlook how government discourages low-income people from being productively employed. But the problem is more on the spending side of the fiscal equation.

In Thursday’s Wall Street Journal, John Early and Phil Gramm share some depressing numbers about growing dependency in the United States:

During the 20 years before the War on Poverty was funded, the portion of the nation living in poverty had dropped to 14.7% from 32.1%. Since 1966, the first year with a significant increase in antipoverty spending, the poverty rate reported by the Census Bureau has been virtually unchanged…Transfers targeted to low-income families increased in real dollars from an average of $3,070 per person in 1965 to $34,093 in 2016…Transfers now constitute 84.2% of the disposable income of the poorest quintile of American households and 57.8% of the disposable income of lower-middle-income households. These payments also make up 27.5% of America’s total disposable income.

This massive expansion of redistribution has negatively impacted incentives to work:

The stated goal of the War on Poverty is not just to raise living standards but also to make America’s poor more self-sufficient and to bring them into the mainstream of the economy. In that effort the war has been an abject failure, increasing dependency and largely severing the bottom fifth of earners from the rewards and responsibilities of work…The expanding availability of antipoverty transfers has devastated the work effort of poor and lower-middle income families. By 1975 the lowest-earning fifth of families had 24.8% more families with a prime-work age head and no one working than did their middle-income peers. By 2015 this differential had risen to 37.1%…The War on Poverty has increased dependency and failed in its primary effort to bring poor people into the mainstream of America’s economy and communal life. Government programs replaced deprivation with idleness, stifling human flourishing. It happened just as President Franklin Roosevelt said it would: “The lessons of history,” he said in 1935, “show conclusively that continued dependency upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber.”

In another WSJ column on the same topic, Peter Cove reached a similar conclusion:

America doesn’t have a worker shortage; it has a work shortage. The unemployment rate is at a 15-year low, but only 55% of Americans adults 18 to 64 have full-time jobs. Nearly 95 million people have removed themselves entirely from the job market. According to demographer Nicholas Eberstadt, the labor-force participation rate for men 25 to 54 is lower now than it was at the end of the Great Depression. The welfare state is largely to blame… insisting on work in exchange for social benefits would succeed in reducing dependency. We have the data: Within 10 years of the 1996 reform, the number of Americans in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program fell 60%. But no reform is permanent. Under President Obama, federal poverty programs ballooned.

Edward Glaeser produced a similar indictment in an article for City Journal:

In 1967, 95 percent of “prime-age” men between the ages of 25 and 54 worked. During the Great Recession, though, the share of jobless prime-age males rose above 20 percent. Even today, long after the recession officially ended, more than 15 percent of such men aren’t working… The rise of joblessness—especially among men—is the great American domestic crisis of the twenty-first century. It is a crisis of spirit more than of resources… Proposed solutions that focus solely on providing material benefits are a false path. Well-meaning social policies—from longer unemployment insurance to more generous disability diagnoses to higher minimum wages—have only worsened the problem; the futility of joblessness won’t be solved with a welfare check… various programs make joblessness more bearable, at least materially; they also reduce the incentives to find work… The past decade or so has seen a resurgent progressive focus on inequality—and little concern among progressives about the downsides of discouraging work… The decision to prioritize equality over employment is particularly puzzling, given that social scientists have repeatedly found that unemployment is the greater evil.

Why work, though, when the government pays you not to work?

And that unfortunate cost-benefit analysis is being driven by ever-greater levels of dependency.

Writing for Forbes, Professor Jeffrey Dorfman echoed these findings:

…our current welfare system fails to prepare people to take care of themselves, makes poor people more financially fragile, and creates incentives to remain on welfare forever… The first failure of government welfare programs is to favor help with current consumption while placing almost no emphasis on job training or anything else that might allow today’s poor people to become self-sufficient in the future… It is the classic story of giving a man a fish or teaching him how to fish. Government welfare programs hand out lots of fish but never seem to teach people how to fish for themselves. The problem is not a lack of job training programs, but rather the fact that the job training programs fail to help people… The third flaw in the government welfare system is the way that benefits phase out as a recipient’s income increases… a poor family trying to escape poverty pays an effective marginal tax rate that is considerably higher than a middle class family and higher than or roughly equal to the marginal tax rate of a family in the top one percent.

I like that he also addressed problems such as implicit marginal tax rates and the failure of job-training programs.

Professor Lee Ohanian of the Hoover Institution reinforces the point that the welfare state provides lots of money in ways that stifle personal initiative:

Inequality is not an issue that policy should address… Society, however, should care about creating economic opportunities for the lowest earners… a family of four at the poverty level has about $22,300 per year of pre-tax income. Consumption for that same family of four on average, however, is about $44,000 per year, which means that their consumption level is about twice as high as their income… We’re certainly providing many more resources to low-earning families today. But on the other hand, we have policies in place that either limit economic opportunities for low earners or distort the incentives for those earners to achieve prosperity.

I’ve been citing lots of articles, which might be tedious, so let’s take a break with a video about the welfare state from the American Enterprise Institute.

And if you like videos, here’s my favorite video about the adverse effects of the welfare state.

By the way, it isn’t just libertarians and conservatives who recognize the problem.

Coming from a left-of-center perspective, Catherine Rampell explains in the Washington Post how welfare programs discourage work:

…today’s social safety net discourages poor people from working, or at least from earning more money… you might qualify for some welfare programs, such as food stamps, housing vouchers, child-care subsidies and Medicaid. But if you get a promotion, or longer hours, or a second job, or otherwise start making more, these benefits will start to evaporate—and sometimes quite abruptly. You can think about this loss of benefits as a kind of extra tax on low-income people… Americans at or just above the poverty line typically face marginal tax rates of 34 percent. That is, for every additional dollar they earn, they keep only 66 cents… One in 10 families with earnings close to the poverty line faces a marginal tax rate of at least 65 percent, the CBO found… You don’t need to be a hardcore conservative to see how this system might make working longer hours, or getting a better job, less attractive than it might otherwise be.

To understand what this means, the Illinois Policy Institute calculated how poor people in the state are trapped in dependency:

The potential sum of welfare benefits can reach $47,894 annually for single-parent households and $41,237 for two-parent households. Welfare benefits will be available to some households earning as much as $74,880 annually… A single mom has the most resources available to her family when she works full time at a wage of $8.25 to $12 an hour. Disturbingly, taking a pay increase to $18 an hour can leave her with about one-third fewer total resources (net income and government benefits). In order to make work “pay” again, she would need an hourly wage of $38 to mitigate the impact of lost benefits and higher taxes.

Agreeing that there’s a problem does not imply agreement about a solution.

Folks on the left think the solution to high implicit tax rates (i.e., the dependency trap) is to make benefits more widely available. In other words, don’t reduce handouts as income increases.

The other alternative is to make benefits less generous, which will simultaneously reduce implicit tax rates and encourage more work.

I’m sympathetic to the latter approach, but my view is that welfare programs should be designed and financed by state and local governments. We’re far more likely to see innovation as policymakers in different areas experiment with the best ways of preventing serious deprivation while also encouraging self-sufficiency.

I think we’ll find out that benefits should be lower, but maybe we’ll learn in certain cases that benefits should be expanded. But we won’t learn anything so long as there is a one-size-fits-all approach from Washington.

Let’s close with a political observation. A columnist for the New York Times is frustrated that many low-income voters are supporting Republicans because they see how their neighbors are being harmed by dependency:

Parts of the country that depend on the safety-net programs supported by Democrats are increasingly voting for Republicans who favor shredding that net… The people in these communities who are voting Republican in larger proportions are those who are a notch or two up the economic ladder—the sheriff’s deputy, the teacher, the highway worker, the motel clerk, the gas station owner and the coal miner. And their growing allegiance to the Republicans is, in part, a reaction against what they perceive, among those below them on the economic ladder, as a growing dependency on the safety net, the most visible manifestation of downward mobility in their declining towns… I’ve heard variations on this theme all over the country: people railing against the guy across the street who is collecting disability payments but is well enough to go fishing, the families using their food assistance to indulge in steaks.

It’s not my role to pontificate about politics, so I won’t address that part of the column. But I will say that I’ve also found that hostility to welfare is strongest among those who have first-hand knowledge of how dependency hurts people.

P.S. If you want evidence for why Washington should get out of the business of income redistribution, check out this visual depiction of the welfare state:

P.S. The Canadians can teach us some good lessons about welfare reform.

P.P.S. The Nordic nations also provide valuable lessons, at least from the don’t-do-this perspective.

P.P.P.S. Last but not least, there’s a Laffer-type relationship between welfare spending and poverty.

This article was reprinted with permission from International Liberty.


Thomas More Law Center Thwarts Muslim Attempt To Silence Disturbing Truth About Islam

Chances are, if you speak boldly about the truth of Islam and Sharia Law you’re bound to run into resistance and conflict. Steve Amundson, the courageous and dedicated founder of the Counter Jihad Coalition (CJC) knows this all too well. He experienced a particularly disturbing incident recently that temporarily prevented him from setting up his booths and getting his message out.

The CJC exists to educate people on the truth about Islam. They do this by setting up tables at different venues, such as the shopping mall shown in the photo above, and pass out factual, truthful brochures. On a given day, they can give out as many as 1,000 brochures.

Although most people are grateful for the information on Islam, Amundson is always on high alert for potential backlash. This past July was no exception.

Amundson and his team, including a pastor, set up their booth at the Los Cerritos Center in Cerritos, California, on July 7. At one point, two men began snapping pictures of the booth, then getting on their phone.

Soon after, two Muslim women approached the booth and began cursing and causing a scene. Mall security was nearby and began speaking with the women. In the meantime, a white haired Muslim man walked over to the CJC booth and slid a backpack he was carrying under the CJC table. He then began speaking with the pastor from CJC.

After a short conversation, the Muslim man walked away from the pastor.

When Amundson found out that the man was an irate Muslim complaining about CJC’s activities, he became concerned for their safety and called security.

According to Amundson:

“I told security he left a backpack underneath our booth. The Muslim refused to take the backpack. We started to take cover behind cement pillars and told security to either call the bomb squad or have the guy pick up the backpack. He finally agreed to very carefully pick it up and security escorted him away. Security will not say at least right now if he was arrested, if the bomb squad was called or what. Was this a dry run or the real thing?”

Amundson’s subsequent application to place his table at the Mall was denied, citing security reasons.

That’s when Amundson reached out to the Thomas More Law Center (TMLC).

Thomas More Law Center attorneys wrote a letter to the Mall concerning its denial of CJC’s constitutional rights to free speech. A few weeks after the Mall acknowledged receipt of the letter, CJC was approved.

Amundson was so grateful to have his First Amendment rights restored, that he recently sent an email out to his large group of supporters and thanked TMLC directly, and kindly encouraged his friends to donate to us.

Your ongoing support of TMLC ensures we have the resources to provide immediate legal assistance, to individuals like Steve Amundson and the CJC team. Thank you for your continued support of the Thomas More Law Center.

Hotel USSR: a new book by Oleg Atbashian, former citizen of the former Soviet Union

I’m happy to report that I’ve just published my second book, Hotel USSR. It’s a story of а young man coming of age in a totalitarian state. He wants to be an artist but he isn’t authorized to buy paints. He wants to see the world but the authorities brand him as politically unreliable. He wants to get married but the system separates him from his bride. He listens to Hotel California and wishes he had their problems: he himself is stuck in a real-life trap that he “can never leave,” and he calls it Hotel USSR. To check out, he must break every rule in the book.

This young man is me and this is my real life story. People have often asked me what growing up in the USSR felt like. This book is my answer. It’s illustrated with my own drawings and paintings, which I did in my twenties before I quit drawing. The reason for quitting is in there as well.

In addition to it being humorous and entertaining, I hope this story can be an eye-opener for younger people who may naively believe in the false promise of socialism. Rather than debating Marxism directly, I demonstrate how it fails in practice and what absurdities ensue when the entire state lives in denial of its failures, forcing people not to trust their own eyes. The book describes socialism as an attempt to regulate human existence in cumbersome ways that defy human nature, leaving no doubt that to build “real socialism that works” is no more possible than to build a house based on an optical illusion.

I hope you enjoy my story and help me to spread the word. Amazon allows a short preview – please rate it and leave a comment:

Art from this book can also be found in Oleg’s Art Gallery. Prints on demand at

Book description on Amazon:

As a child, he was promised abundance and freedom in a communist paradise. In that bright future, he dreams of being an artist. But as he grows up, he discovers that his dream is based on a fraud and that his country is really a dictatorship governed by bullies, liars, and thieves. He and the girl he loves find themselves trapped in a labyrinth of a dysfunctional utopia they call “Hotel USSR,” where every aspect of life is regulated by improbable rules that override human nature. To live their dream, they decide to break the law. This takes him on a series of tragicomical adventures that feel like acts in the theater of the absurd: a worker in Siberian oil fields, an army conscript, an inmate at a forensic psychiatry facility, a visual propaganda artist, a Soviet dissident, and an immigrant to America. And everywhere he goes he draws pictures…

Bongino Breaks Down Trump’s 289 Accomplishments Since Taking Office

Are you tired of winning yet? Bongino’s not and he’s covering Trump’s list of 289 accomplish. #MAGA. Plus, Don Lemon turns bitter and the media goes cray over YE! Bongino exposes the insanity. And, Senator Bob Cassidy gives a master class in owning the libs.

Dan Bongino on NRATV

Country, service, the Second Amendment, the Truth and every Big R God-given Right. This is what WE STAND for and these are the American foundations Former Secret Service Agent and NYPD Officer Dan Bongino will defend every weekday at 4:30 p.m. CT/5:30 p.m. ET on NRATV.

Dan Bongino joins NRATV’s lineup, rounding out the most experienced and patriotic team of journalists and conservatives on the air today. Together, they are on a mission to Take Back The Truth.

Smart. Tough. Extraordinary background in law enforcement. In other words, enemy number one in the eyes of progressives. And what’s worse for those elitists? Dan welcomes Grant Stinchfield for each episode. So radical socialists—bring your best. We dare you to join that cage fight.

ACLU Attacks Border Wall and Kate’s Law: Sacrificing national security and citizen liberties.

Border Security is national security.


The preface of the official government report, 9/11 and  Terrorist Travel began with the following paragraph:

It is perhaps obvious to state that terrorists cannot plan and carry out attacks in the United States if they are unable to enter the country. Yet prior to September 11, while there were efforts to enhance border security, no agency of the U.S. government thought of border security as a tool in the counterterrorism arsenal. Indeed, even after 19 hijackers demonstrated the relative ease of obtaining a U.S. visa and gaining admission into the United States, border security still is not considered a cornerstone of national security policy. We believe, for reasons we discuss in the following pages, that it must be made one.

That report was authored by the federal agents and attorneys who were assigned to the 9/11 Commission.  The 9/11 Commission was created and tasked with conducting an exhaustive investigation into how the 9/11 terrorists were able to carry out the most deadly terror attack in the history of the United States.

Indeed, the 19 hijacker-terrorists slaughtered more innocent victims on September 11, 2001 than did the Japanese fleet at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 and the death toll continues to rise as still more people, including valiant first responders succumb to illness directly attributable to the toxins they were exposed to when the World Trade Center Complex was reduced to rubble.

Today more than 10,000 people are being treated for illnesses directly related to those terror attacks.

The mission for the 9/11 Commission was not simply to document that which had transpired on that horrific day, but to identify the vulnerabilities that enabled those attacks to be carried out so that remedial measures could be implemented to prevent future attacks.

The 9/11 Commission determined that multiple failures of the immigration system, including failures of border security and a lack of interior enforcement of our immigration laws, undermined national security. These failures enabled, not only the 9/11 terrorists to enter the United States and embed themselves as they went about their deadly preparations, but also other terrorists that the 9/11 Commission studied.

Since the terror attacks of 9/11, additional deadly terror attacks have been carried out by aliens who, in one way or another, managed to enter the United States, commit immigration fraud and/or violate other immigration laws and then commit mass murder.

Other foreign terrorists were thwarted, either by law enforcement, by courageous civilians, by dumb luck or by their own ineptitude.

My recent article, Congressional Hearing: Iranian Sleeper Cells Threaten U.S. included the Congressional testimony of national security experts who warned of the presence of large numbers of terrorists in Latin America who are supported by Hamas and Hezbollah—funded by Iran in Latin America—who are increasing their cooperative efforts with drug trafficking organizations to move large quantities of narcotics and individuals into the United States across the highly porous U.S./Mexican border.

That hearing was conducted on April 17, 2018 by the House Committee on Homeland Security, Counterterrorism and Intelligence Subcommittee on the topic, “State Sponsors of Terrorism: An Examination of Iran’s Global Terrorism Network.

How then could any rational individual or organization oppose securing our nation’s borders against the entry of international terrorists and/or transnational criminals?

That is the question that the executives of the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) should answer.

On October 12, 2018 the ACLU issued a press releaseACLU Responds To Introduction Of McCarthy Immigration Bill.

Here is what the press release contained:

WASHINGTON — House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy introduced a bill today that includes provisions to violate the constitutional rights of immigrants and inflate the Department of Homeland Security budget.

The bill would allocate $23.4 billion for a border wall, which even members of the Republican party have referred to as a “quantum leap” in funding. The sweeping bill also includes several bills previously introduced in the House that raise serious constitutional concerns.

Lorella Praeli, deputy political director at the American Civil Liberties Union, had the following response:

“Let’s be clear: this bill is blatant political posturing ahead of the election and a total disregard for how voters want the government to use their taxpayer dollars. It rewards Trump for his brutal deportation force crackdown and family separation policy. Moreover, the bill is riddled with constitutional violations that completely disregard the civil and human rights of immigrants.

“The true intent of these bills is to empower Trump’s deportation force and anti-immigrant agenda. It’s inhumane, unacceptable, and voters will remember it in November.”

A border wall would not stop the lawful entry of even a single alien into the United States, or prevent anyone from having access to a U.S. port of entry.

All that a border wall would do is funnel all traffic destined to the United States into ports of entry where inspectors of CBP (Customs and Border Protection) would interview them, examine their documents and make law-based decisions as to whether or not to admit those aliens into the United States.

The grounds for excluding aliens from entering the United States are enumerated in one of the sections of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)- Title 8, United States Code, Section 1182.  Among these classes of aliens who are to be prevented from entering the United States are aliens who suffer from dangerous communicable, diseases or extreme mental illness.

Additionally, convicted felons, human rights violators, war criminals, terrorists and spies and aliens who were previously deported are to be excluded, as well as aliens who would seek unlawful employment thus displacing American workers or driving down the wages of American workers who are similarly employed and aliens who would likely become public charges.

It is vital to note that our immigration laws make absolutely no distinction in any way, shape of form as to the race, religion or ethnicity of any alien.

Opponents of border security would undermine national security and the integrity of the immigration system itself, leading America to anarchy.

Additionally, the above-noted ACLU press release made note of “several bills.”  The link that was provided in the press release related specifically to “Kate’s Law” named for murder victim, Kate Steinle who was killed by an illegal alien who had previously been deported multiple times by ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) agents and repeatedly reentered the United States in violation of federal law.

Criminal aliens who are deported from the United States and then unlawfully reenter the United States face a maximum of 20 years on prison.  Kate’s law would mandate that such aliens who are deemed “aggravated felons” would face a minimum of 5 years in prison for committing the crime of unlawful reentry.  Aggravated felons are particularly dangerous criminals who have committed specific felonies for which they were convicted.

The enhancement in punishment for such criminals are intended to act as a deterrence against such threats to public safety from returning to the United States, thereby threatening innocent lives.

As I noted in a recent articleSanctuary Policies Protect Sex Offenders, this section of law is of particular interest to me.  In the early 1980’s I approached then U.S. Senator Al D’Amato with the proposition that the federal law that addressed the unlawful reentry of aliens who had been deported be amended. At the time, the section of law in question, 8 U.S. Code § 1326 provided for a two year maximum penalty for aliens who had been previously deported from the United States and subsequently reentered without authorization. Because the penalty for this crime was so low and because so many aliens who had been deported from the United States returned, the U.S. Attorneys, particularly in major cities such as New York City, rarely prosecuted aliens for that crime. Back then the law made no distinction between aliens who had been convicted of committing serious crimes and those who did not.

I suggested that a clear distinction be made for aliens who had been convicted of serious crimes, were deported and then reentered the United States.  I suggested that they be subjected to a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison as a means of deterring such threats to public safety and possibly national security from returning to the United States where they might harm more victims.

Working with the Senator and his staff and with my colleagues at the former INS including Walter Connery, who headed up the Investigations Branch of the NYC District Office of the INS, the law was amended.  Consequently, the crime of unlawful reentry of “aggravated felons” as specified in section b of 8 U.S. Code § 1326, is the most frequently prosecuted federal crime.

However, the ACLU adamantly opposes efforts to protect innocent victims from aliens who are convicted felons.  The American justice system operates via the principle of deference through enforcement.  Penalties are imposed on those who are convicted of crimes to not only punish the guilty but to deter future crimes.

Deporting criminal aliens and preventing their return, protects public safety.

Would that the ACLU be concerned about the civil liberties of the victims of alien criminals and terrorists.

Those who lose their lives to criminals and terrorists also lose their civil liberties.

RELATED ARTICLE: Will the migrant caravan headed north from Honduras have implications for U.S. midterm elections?

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in FrontPage Magazine. It is republished with permission.

Why Don’t All Women Vote Democrat?

The Democrats desperately want the world to believe they have a monopoly on the female vote; that a vote for a Democrat candidate is the only logical choice. They further contend any woman voting for a Republican is either a fool or being controlled by their spouse. It is simply beyond their comprehension that women would support President Trump, a Republican running for election, or Brett Kavanaugh. They just don’t get it.

The reality is this is their way of manipulating women through intimidation. They are hoping women will vote in accordance with their gender. I guess this means men should only vote for male candidates, right?

They are also hoping women will say something like, “I better vote for the Democrats so I don’t appear stupid. What would my friends say if I voted Republican?” Even worse, Democrats assume Republican women are not smart enough to make their own decisions and if they vote for a GOP candidate, they are being unpatriotic.

This is political brainwashing at its best. The Democrats honestly believe such intimidation works, and maybe it does for the unsophisticated, but I believe women are smarter than this, at least the ones I’ve met in my journey through life. I have found most women do not like to discuss politics among themselves in social settings as they do not want to alienate anyone, but they do indeed possess opinions and vote accordingly.

In the 2016 election, the Democrats believed women would overwhelmingly support Mrs. Clinton. They were aghast that President Trump won white women votes by 52% to 43%. Mrs. Clinton won the minority female vote but this may very well change in the upcoming midterm elections as the economy has improved dramatically for African-Americans, Asians, and women (the unemployment rate for Women fell to its lowest level in 65 years). Instead of working to change the economy for the better for women, Democrats do nothing more than perpetuate the myth that women are non-thinking robots who must vote for liberal causes. I’m sorry, but that ship sailed a long time ago.

If the Democrats honestly believe this, they are making a “huge” mistake with women voters. This suggestion women should only vote for “the party of feminism” is insulting to many, causing women to push back and vote Republican.

The Democrats’ attacks on Justice Kavanaugh during his recent hearings did not go unnoticed. Young liberal women might have been offended, but older women, more in tune with what is happening economically and politically in this country, did not buy it. In fact, they were more offended by the female protesters demonstrating on the Supreme Court steps, and in the gallery of the U.S. Senate. Their obnoxious behavior was more of a turnoff to women as opposed to causing them to embrace the demonstrators’ position. As one female friend told me, “Democrat Women are shrill, toxic and no lipstick!” What the Democrats do not seem to realize is civility is still preferred over boisterous and repugnant protests.

This presumption that women should only vote for Democrats has been going on for quite some time, and frankly, it is not taken seriously anymore. By trying to brow-beat women into voting for their candidates, as opposed to developing legislation to help women, the Democrats have put themselves on a path of self-destruction.

It will be interesting to see the voter demographics when this midterm election is concluded. If more women vote for Republicans than Democrats in the midterms, then we’ll know the tactics of the Democrats no longer work.

Keep the Faith!

EDITORS NOTE: All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies. The featured photo is by Chris Murray on Unsplash.

BREAKING NEW VIDEO: Senator McCaskill exposed; “People just can’t know that”

Missouri: Project Veritas Action Fund has released a third undercover video from campaigns during this 2018 election season. This report exposes how incumbent Senator McCaskill and her campaign staff conceal their liberal views on issues in order to court moderate voters.

  • Senator McCaskill on Tape: “Of course!” She Would Vote Yes on Gun Bans.
  • Campaign Staff Says: McCaskill supports “a semi-automatic rifle ban.”
  • McCaskill is Quiet on Gun Views “because she has a bunch of Republican voters,” Secretly Supports Gun Control Group.
  • Campaign Staff: Wait Until After Election to Bring up Trump Impeachment; to Voters: “Get over it.”
  • “People just can’t know” McCaskill and Obama “essentially have the same views on everything.”
  • Staffers Reveal in Undercover Video it “could hurt her ability to get elected.”

View the video HERE:

6 Big Moments in Trump-Stahl Rumble on ‘60 Minutes’

Much of President Donald Trump’s “60 Minutes” interview Sunday consisted of responding to veteran CBS News reporter Lesley Stahl’s questions on what have been Democrats’ talking points for months.

During one exchange, Trump described to Stahl how the media treated his predecessor, President Barack Obama, much differently.

“I disagree, but I don’t want to have that fight with you,” Stahl replied. “All right, I’ll get in another fight with you.”

Trump responded: “Lesley, it’s OK. In the meantime, I’m president—and you’re not.”

Here’s a look at six of the biggest topics discussed and Trump’s responses.

1. Separating Illegal Immigrant Families

Stahl pressed Trump on his administration’s suspended policy of separating children and parents who illegally cross the southern border.

“Well, that was the same as the Obama law. You know, Obama had the same thing,” Trump said.

Stahl shot back: “It was on the books, but he didn’t enforce it. You enforced it. You launched that, the zero tolerance policy, to deter families with children coming.”

Trump defended his position, saying: “When you allow the parents to stay together, OK, when you allow that, then what happens is people are going to pour into our country.”

Stahl asked: “So are you going to go back to that?”

After some back and forth, Trump said: “No, I want all the laws changed.”

2. A Lecture on Climate Change

Although it began as a question, Stahl seemed to be lecturing Trump on climate change by saying she wished he would travel to Greenland to see the melting ice.

“Do you still think that climate change is a hoax?” Stahl asked.

Trump answered in the negative, adding:

I think something’s happening. Something’s changing, and it’ll change back again. I don’t think it’s a hoax, I think there’s probably a difference. But I don’t know that it’s man-made. I will say this. I don’t want to give trillions and trillions of dollars [to counter climate change]. I don’t want to lose millions and millions of jobs. I don’t want to be put at a disadvantage.

Stahl then talked about some presidential travel to prove her point.

“I wish you could go to Greenland, watch these huge chunks of ice just falling into the ocean, raising the sea levels,” Stahl said, without a question.

She went on to tell Trump that scientists with the federal government contend climate change is man-made.

“We have scientists that disagree with that,” Trump said, later adding: “I’m not denying climate change. But it could very well go back.”

Stahl: “But that’s denying it.”

The exchange then devolved into Trump and Stahl challenging each other to name a scientist who backs up their point.

“They say that we had hurricanes that were far worse than what we just had with Michael,” Trump said.

Stahl: “Who says that?”

Trump: “People say.”

Stahl: “But what about the scientists who say it’s worse than ever?”

Trump challenged her to name some scientists.

“You’d have to show me the scientists,” he said, “because they have a very big political agenda, Lesley.”

Stahl conceded: “I can’t bring them in.”

3. Kavanaugh and Ford

Trump said Democrats acted “horribly” during the confirmation battle over new Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who was accused by a California woman at the 11th hour of sexually assaulting her when they were teens in the early 1980s.

Stahl, however, questioned whether Trump had created more divisions and asked him about a speech in Mississippi where he specified the gaps and contradictions in research psychologist Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee about the incident she alleged occurred about 36 years ago.

“You go out and you go to Mississippi and you mimicked Professor Blasey Ford. You mimicked her,” Stahl said.

Trump said of his remarks: “Had I not made that speech, we would not have won [the confirmation fight]. I was just saying she didn’t seem to know anything, and you’re trying to destroy a life of a man who has been extraordinary.”

“Washington, D.C., is a vicious, vicious place,” @realDonaldTrump says.

Stahl asked in a shocked tone: “Why did you have to make fun of her?”

Trump: “I didn’t really make fun of her.”

Stahl: “Well, they were laughing.”

The CBS reporter recalled Ford being asked by a senator about “the worst moment” during the alleged incident.

“And she said, ‘When the two boys laughed at me, at my expense,’” Stahl said, paraphrasing, then telling the president: “And then I watched you mimic her and thousands of people were laughing at her.”

Trump pushed back, saying: “The way now Justice Kavanaugh was treated has become a big factor in the midterms. Have you seen what’s gone on with the polls?”

He told Stahl that he believed he treated Ford with respect.

“But you seem to be saying that she lied,” Stahl said.

“You know what?” Trump shot back. “I’m not going to get into it, because we won. It doesn’t matter. We won.”

4. Russia, China, and Election Meddling

When Stahl asked whether Russian President Vladimir Putin was involved in assassinations, Trump replied: “Probably he is, yeah.”

During the segment aired on “60 Minutes,” Stahl noted that 32 people have been charged, convicted, or pleaded guilty in special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of Russian election interference

The network showed images of Trump’s short-term campaign manager, Paul Manafort, who was convicted for unrelated financial crimes, and of Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, who pleaded guilty to lying on a government disclosure form, also unrelated to the Russia probe.

However, Stahl didn’t mention that her 32 number includes two dozen Russians indicted for meddling in the presidential campaign, largely through social media.

Trump told Stahl: “They [Russians] meddled, but I think China meddled too.”

Stahl looked shocked, asking: “Why do you say China? The Russians meddled.”

Trump replied: “Because I think China meddled also.”

Stahl seemed to break into an admonishing mood.

“This is amazing,” Stahl said. “You’re diverting the whole Russian thing.”

She later asked: “Will you pledge that you will not shut down the Mueller investigation?”

Trump was noncommittal.

“Well, I don’t pledge anything,” Trump said. “I don’t want to pledge. Why should I pledge to you? If I pledge, I’ll pledge. I don’t have to pledge to you.”

5. Trusting White House Staff

First lady Melania Trump said in a recent interview with ABC News that she doesn’t trust some people in the White House.

“I feel the same way. I don’t trust everybody in the White House, I’ll be honest with you,” Donald Trump told Stahl.

Stah asked whether Trump ever wonders about White House staffers, “Is he wearing a wire?”

“Not so much a wire. I’m usually guarded,” Trump said. “I think I’m guarded anyway. But I’m not saying I trust everybody in the White House. I’m not a baby. It’s a tough business.”

“This is a vicious place,” Trump said. “Washington, D.C., is a vicious, vicious place. The attacks, the bad mouthing, the speaking behind your back. You know, and in my way, I feel very comfortable here.”

6. Relations With NATO

Trump has warmed up to NATO, made up of the United States and Western allies that assure one another of mutual defense, largely because more NATO members have agreed at his insistence to spend 2 percent of their annual GDP on defense.

But Stahl pressed the president as if he were still hostile to NATO.

“Are you willing to get rid of that Western alliance?” Stahl asked.

Trump said he likes NATO.

“But you know what? We shouldn’t be paying almost the entire cost of NATO to protect Europe and then on top of that, they take advantage of us on trade,” the president added. “They’re not going to do it anymore. They understand that.”

Stahl: “Are you willing to disrupt the Western alliance? It’s been going for 70 years. It’s kept the peace for 70 years.”

Trump: “You don’t know that.”

Stahl asked whether Defense Secretary James Mattis had warned Trump to stick with NATO.

“Is it true Gen. Mattis said to you, ‘The reason for NATO and the reason for all these alliances is to prevent World War III?’”

Trump denied this.

“Frankly, I like Gen. Mattis,” Trump said. “I think I know more about it than he does, and I know more about it from the standpoint of fairness, that I can tell you.”

After more back and forth, Trump asserted: “I will always be there with NATO, but they have to pay their way. I’m fully in favor of NATO, but I don’t want to be taken advantage of.”


Portrait of Fred Lucas

Fred Lucas

Fred Lucas is the White House correspondent for The Daily Signal and co-host of “The Right Side of History” podcast. Send an email to Fred. Twitter: @FredLucasWH.

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EDITORS NOTE: This column with photos and videos is republished with permission. The featured image is of President Donald Trump talking to reporters as he departs Monday with first lady Melania Trump to tour hurricane damage in Florida. (Photo: Jonathan Ernst/Reuters/Newscom)

The Daily Signal Podcast: Betsy DeVos on Giving States More Power in Education

Betsy DeVos received heaps of scorn from the left when she became education secretary, but since taking office last year, she’s accomplished much—and given a good deal of power back to the states. In this episode, Rob Bluey, our editor-in-chief, sits down with DeVos to talk about the progress being made. We also talk to Morgan Walker about what it’s like to be at a major Trump rally.

Also on today’s show:

  • Saudi officials prepare to admit to the killing of a missing journalist, as the U.S. considers punitive options.
  • Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., takes that long-awaited DNA test and finds she’s only 1/1024th Native American. But that doesn’t stop her from asking President Donald Trump to cough up $1 million for charity.
  • Florida Panhandle struggles in the aftermath of Hurricane Michael.
  • A case of fetal homicide raises the question: Is it life, or isn’t it?
  • A biological male claims the championship title in women’s track cycling, giving us a glimpse into what transgenderism means for female athletes.

The Daily Signal podcast is available on the Ricochet Audio Network. You also can listen on iTunesSoundCloudStitcher, or your favorite podcast app. All of our podcasts can be found at

If you like what you hear, please leave a review or give us feedback. Enjoy the show!

The Daily Signal depends on the support of readers like you. Donate now

EDITORS NOTE: This podcast is republished with photos with permission. The featured image is of education Secretary Betsy DeVos. (Photo: Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call/Newscom)

Yes, Democrats, It’s a Mob

Former Attorney General Eric Holder believes that Michelle Obama was wrong when she famously advised, “When they go low, we go high.” Rather, he told Democrats at a gathering in Georgia, “When they go low, we kick them.”

If Holder had been honest, he would have said, “When they win a presidency via the constitutionally mandated route and the duly elected president nominates a Supreme Court justice with a 12-year exceptional record on the bench and then the duly elected Senate follows all the rules and precedents set by Democrats—offering numerous hearings and investigations along the way—and confirms that nominee, we kick them, because we’re frustrated.”

There’s nothing wrong with “fighting” in politics. We don’t need to be hypersensitive about every metaphorical overindulgence (unless it’s Donald Trump; then we must take it literally, seriously, and hysterically). But the problem is that Democrats have a bad habit of acting as if every political setback they experience is caused by some act of criminality. This instigates a lot of people to act like a bunch of children—or worse.

When Democrats lose the House, it’s because of mythical unilateral gerrymandering or mythical mass voter suppression. When they lose the Senate, it’s because the system suddenly became an antiquated relic of the 1700s. When they lose the Supreme Court, there is a “legitimacy crisis.” When they lost the 2000 election, it was because it had been stolen by the Supreme Court. When they lost in 2004, George W. Bush had rigged the election in Ohio. When they lost in 2016, omnipotent Russians and the unfair Electoral College had snatched the office from its preordained owner.

And every legislative action that fails to comport with liberal thinking is to them an apocalyptic event and the end of “democracy.”

If all of this were true, the question would be: Why aren’t more people joining a mob? If your government is stealing your country, why wouldn’t you embrace boorishness or even violence?

“You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about,” Hillary Clinton recently explained, egging on one of those mobs. If you allow politics to become a stand-in for religion, the apostates don’t deserve decency. “Civility can start again,” Clinton went on to helpfully inform us, when Democrats run Congress.

Of course, it’s easy to embrace fake magnanimity when you hold power. Michelle Obama’s “when they go low, we go high” came during her 2016 speech at the Democratic National Convention, and it was aimed at Trumpian rhetoric when nearly everyone in power believed that Clinton would triumph.

Obama offered her axiom after liberals had spent eight years trying to use executive power to coerce, demean, and morally micromanage the deplorables—yet those clingy God-loving gun nuts stubbornly refused to accept the progressive reinvention of patriotism.

They went low all the time. It was Joe Biden, not Trump, who accused Republicans and their presidential candidate, a man who had dutifully engaged in civic life for quite some time, of betting against America.

Yet Democrats still act perplexed by the backlash. Even now the mob within their ranks is being cast, predictably, as a conservative fiction. “Republicans Seize On ‘Angry Mob’ Mantra To Keep Their Midterm Base Fired Up,” says NPR. CNN insists that it’s a normal, everyday demonstration of free expression to chase politicians’ wives out of public places. You may not use the word “mob” in their presence.

No, it’s not the Parisian mob. Not yet. It’s more like one of those illiberal campus mobs that attempt, often successfully, to shut down debate. A mob is a disorderly crowd of people who have the intent of causing trouble or violence.

So, for example, that means people who interrupt lawful proceedings or people who wildly bang on the Supreme Court doors when a vote doesn’t go their way or people who surround politicians (and their families) and chase them out of restaurants or people who join groups that smear other Americans without evidence—those who try to undermine the rule of law through intimidation.

As a First Amendment absolutist, I say yell at politicians in public spaces all you like. That just means you’re a buffoon. But once you surround people and restrict their movements, you are engaging in more than incivility. Those actions will almost surely compound and become dangerous. And should I even mention that if any of this were directed at Democrats, the nation would be plunged into an overwrought discussion about the importance of civility in American life?

“This is what happens,” Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, said this week. If you act as if every traditionally conservative policy position and legal appointment to the court portends the Fourth Reich, this is indeed what happens. For now, though, partisan incivility isn’t really a mainstream problem. But some Democrats seem to want to change this.


Portrait of David Harsanyi

David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist and the author of the forthcoming “First Freedom: A Ride through America’s Enduring History With the Gun, From the Revolution to Today.” Twitter: .


So I Guess the New Democratic Party Platform Is Violence?

Someone Sent a Threatening Letter, Allegedly Laced With ‘Ricin,’ to Sen. Collins’ Home in Maine 

Why O’Rourke’s Rhetoric on Police Shootings Is Wrong—And Dangerous

RELATED VIDEO: Sheriff David Clarke Breaks Down Antifa Violence in Portland, Oregon

The Daily Signal depends on the support of readers like you. Donate now

EDITORS NOTE: This column with photos is republished with permission. The featured image of Eric Holder is by Yuri Gripas/Reuters/Newscom.

Values Bus Gets Voters into Gear before November [+Video]

The Values Bus isn’t just catching other drivers’ attention — it’s catching the media’s! In Montana, where conservatives are in another tight race, the FRC Action team made stops in Billings, Bozeman, and Helena. Patrina Mosley, our Director of Life, Culture, and Women’s Advocacy was on hand, along with FRC’s Director of Church Ministries, Dr. Kenyn Cureton.

At the Yellowstone Christian College and a rally at the local Harley-Davidson in Billings, local news outlets were on hand to talk with the FRC Action team to talk about the motivation for a nationwide bus tour. “Helping people get out to vote,” Patrina told KULR8. “Putting voter guides in their hands, putting resource in their hands about religious freedom, about life and so [on]… [W]e’re helping people get out to vote saying, ‘Hey, we want you to do three things: We want you to pray, we want you to vote, we want you to stand. Pray for our country, pray for our leaders, and then vote.'”

Both crews, the east and west coast buses, have gotten a great response rolling through states. “This is an opportunity to say ‘Hey, we’ve seen what difference just one election has made in the last two years where we’re actually seeing religious liberty thriving,'” Patrina pointed out. “So, an election makes a difference. From the president on down to the senators on down to your House of Representatives and on down to the local level.”

To keep up with the Values Buses and where they’re headed in a state near you, click over to the website. And while you’re there, take the pledge to Pray, Vote, Stand!

Tony Perkins’ Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC Action senior writers.


Pastor Brunson: Home, Free

Weathering the Storms