David and Goliath in the Court of Public Opinion

The Goliath narrative in 1 Samuel 17 opens with the Philistine army gathered for war against Israel.

Saul and the Israelites are facing the Philistines in the Valley of Elah. Twice a day for 40 days, morning and evening, Goliath, the champion of the Philistines, comes out between the lines and challenges the Israelites to send out a champion of their own to decide the outcome in single combat, but Saul is afraid. David, bringing food for his elder brothers, hears that Goliath has defied the armies of God and of the reward from Saul to the one who defeats him, and accepts the challenge. Saul reluctantly agrees and offers his armor, which David declines, taking only his staff, sling and five stones from a brook.”

David and Goliath, perhaps the greatest underdog story ever told, is the biblical saga of the young Israelite shepherd David challenging the giant Philistine Goliath. Tales of this long shot contest have thrilled audiences since biblical times because it features the arrogance of the unbeatable, armored “sure thing” against the boldness of the challenger armed only with a sling shot.

David is not intimidated when the towering, smug giant criticizes, taunts, insults, threatens, and laughs at him. So it is in politics!

Today the deep state giant Goliath has waged war against America and the only American with the courage to stand against this behemoth to preserve and protect the nation is unlikely combatant President Donald J. Trump.

Since announcing himself as a presidential candidate on June 15, 2016, President Trump has been the target of the well-defended, smug, seemingly indestructible deep state Goliath. The deep state and the colluding mainstream media have maligned him, criticized him, insulted him, threatened him, laughed at him, lied about him, lied to him, and now are desperately relying on philistine swamp-denizen Robert Mueller to provide a damning report – just before the midterm elections – that will finally succeed in destroying him.

Mueller’s “investigation” has lasted 18 months, cost taxpayers $20 million dollars, and has not yielded a solitary shred of evidence that President Trump colluded with Russians or obstructed justice. In fact, Mueller’s investigation has boomeranged and is now exposing the staggering illegal soft coup waged against POTUS by deep state ex-president Obama and his politicized administration to first delegitimize candidate Trump and then to overthrow him as a president.

Why would the Deep State risk prolonging the Mueller investigation? Why does the “investigation” still exist?

Its entire reason for being is to empower the court of public opinion and swing the midterm elections in favor of Democrats. If the Republicans lose the House in November they will also lose the chairmanships of key committees – impeachment proceedings against POTUS will commence and Mueller’s investigation will cease. Mueller arrogantly believes he can run out the clock by slow-walking Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests that expose Obama and the deep state involvement in the coup against President Trump.

Mueller is not overseeing a proper nonpartisan investigation – he is trying a case in the court of public opinion with the enthusiastic cooperation of the colluding mainstream media and Internet media giants with a stake in the outcome. Just before the midterms Mueller will predictably present a scathing report about the President to the public. Mueller will indict without an indictment and suggest that voters express their outrage at the polls.

A midterm victory for Democrats will freeze efforts at transparency in Congress lead by Devin Nunes (R-CA) chair of the House Intelligence Committee, and Jim Jordan (R-OH) Committee on Government Oversight and Reform. Together Nunes and Jordan have been exposing the stunning improprieties of Mueller and his investigators including irregularities, improprieties, illegalities, and outright crimes committed by members of the Obama regime.

Mueller’s staff of liars, leakers, and liberals are acting in collusion with current swampster-in-chief Rod Rosenstein to topple the President of the United States! They are described by Judge Jeanine Pirro in her newly released book Liars, Leakers, and Liberals: The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy which details the unprecedented levels of their malfeasance and how they are all trying desperately to stay out of prison themselves!

The principals in this drama knew from the very beginning that there was no “there there” – no collusion and no obstruction but that was never Mueller’s mission. Mueller is the finisher charged with poisoning public opinion with innuendo, rumor, speculation, and deliberate misrepresentation to swing the midterm elections against President Trump. The leakers are colluding with the mainstream media to paint a portrait of corruption where they know that none exists. It is character assassination – political murder without bullets.

So, why is President Donald J. Trump such a threat to the status quo? Why is Goliath even challenging David?

Because President Trump is committed to the Constitution and the rule of law which makes him the archenemy of the deep state. President Trump is an America-first patriot who believes in American strength, sovereignty, and defensible borders. He has said many times that we have no country without borders. Christopher Harris, executive director of Unhyphenated America, lists three things that define a nation:

● borders
● language
● culture and laws

Threats to the three foundational elements of any nation are not racist or xenophobic because threats to a nation’s borders, language, culture, and laws are existential threats to the nation itself. Blogger Debbie Saysy comments on Harris’ unapologetic insistence that we must protect what defines us as a nation. She has an interesting perspective that focuses on photos of borders around the world. She remarks, “You can see that the strength and security of various international borders varies greatly, based on the threat to each country, on its language, culture, and laws.”

The leftist/Islamist alliance in contemporary American politics represented by the leftist Democrat party threatens all three foundational elements that define our nation.

The left is financed and fomented by the globalist elite deep state who publicly reject borders, language, culture, and laws. They fully intend to impose an internationalized, universal one world government with one world marketplace after a socialized America provides them with total government control. The left’s romanticized oneness includes one world without borders, one language, one culture, one set of laws, and one universal educational curriculum that prepares its students to be global citizens.

The Islamists are financed and fomented by the oil rich sharia loving Muslim countries who fully intend to re-establish the Islamic caliphate and impose sharia law worldwide. Together they represent the monolithic giant Goliath in our metaphor.

They are the twin enemies waging war against the nation and President Donald Trump is the unlikely David that is standing against this monolithic giant armed with only five stones and a slingshot. Let’s examine them.

The first stone – the economy. President Trump’s bold economic policy has produced a booming 4% GDP in only 18 months in office.

The second stone – foreign policy. President Trump’s fearless unapologetic America-first foreign policy embraces our allies and penalizes our enemies. He has:

● Withdrawn the US from the catastrophic Iranian deal.
● Reimposed sanctions on Iran.
● Challenged China on tariffs.
● Stopped funding to Pakistan.
● Reduced funding to the United Nations.
● Challenged Turkey with tariffs.
● Held unprecedented talks with Kim Jong-un of North Korea who has agreed to denuclearize his country.
● Imposed tariffs on North Korea until they meet their obligation to denuclearize.
● Imposed sanctions on Russia.
● Moved the United States embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem – making him the only US president with the courage and integrity to keep that familiar campaign promise.

The third stone – strengthening the military. President Trump is proudly investing enormous resources to strengthen the United States military that was deliberately weakened under Obama.

The fourth stone – bravely renegotiating international agreements so that they are favorable to the USA. This includes renegotiating NAFTA with Mexico and Canada to follow, walking away from TPP and the Paris Accord, and insisting that all NATO countries pay the obligatory 3% GDP for their national defense.

The fifth stone – transparency is the most powerful of all. The fatal strike that will bring down Goliath is the exposure of Barack Obama’s criminal participation in the coup to overthrow a sitting president of the United States. It is treason.

At the end of the biblical story David hurls the final lethal stone from his sling hitting Goliath in the center of his forehead:

“After David strikes Goliath with the stone he runs to Goliath before he dies and Goliath says “Hurry and kill me and rejoice.” and David replies “Before you die, open your eyes and see your slayer.” Goliath sees an angel and tells David that it is not he who has killed him but the angel.”

In our contemporary story the angel is our beloved Constitution – no one is above the law including puppet-in-chief Barack Hussein Obama or the deep state who pulls his strings.tr

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the Goudsmit Pundicity. The featured image is of the first sitting U.S. president to visit the Western Wall Donald J. Trump is by Jonathan Ernst / Reuters.

INNOCENT LIVES MATTER: How America can prevent murders like Mollie’s.

Illegal alien from Mexico Cristhian Bahena Rivera

On July 13, 2018, Mollie Tibbetts was murdered when she went jogging in her hometown of Brooklyn, Iowa.  Her alleged killer, Cristhian Bahena Rivera, is an illegal alien from Mexico.

Many articles and commentaries have detailed this horrific crime.

But my goal today, in addressing the murder of Mollie Tibbetts, is to provide insight into the lessons that must be learned, from my perspective, as an experienced, 30-year veteran of the INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service).

For starters, immigration anarchists on the left decry any mention of the fact that Rivera is an illegal alien because, they claim, that doing so is an attack on all “immigrants.”

But these immoral leftists could not care less about the real carnage created by systematic failures of the current immigration system.  To them, the bodies of those who are killed by illegal aliens are simply “Speed Bumps” on their road to a borderless and defenseless United States.

Let’s be crystal clear:  Rivera is many things. I could use all sorts of terms to describe him and his horrific, infuriating murder of a 20-year-old young woman he, allegedly, committed for no damned reason. However, one name that most certainly does not apply to him is “immigrant.”

Rivera is an illegal alien.  Period!

It is the radical leftists who, themselves, refuse to make the supremely fundamental distinction between legal and illegal immigrants who come into the U.S.

But we must understand the importance of U.S. immigration laws to our nation’s borders.  National sovereignty requires nations to control the admission of foreign nationals, the same way that sensible homeowners exercise caution in deciding on whether to admit strangers into their homes.

Simply stated, Border Security Is National Security.

Consider this – guests and legitimate visitors are expected to present themselves at our front doors and ring the bell, or knock on the door, to let us know that they want to visit.

Legitimate visitors and guests certainly don’t sneak around to the back of our houses and try to climb in through a back window.

Legitimate alien visitors are required to similarly present themselves for inspection at ports of entry by CBP (Customs and Border Protection) inspectors.

A section of law contained within the Immigration and Nationality Act, Title 8, United States Code, Section 1182 defines categories of aliens who may be excluded. Among these classes of aliens who cannot enter our country are those suffering from deadly diseases, those with severe mental illness, and, of course, aliens who are smugglers, convicted felons, human rights violators, war criminals, terrorists, or spies.

Aliens evading inspections at our border know that he/she can be barred U.S. entry for one or more the above-noted reasons. They may have criminal histories or known ties to criminal or terrorist organizations.

But, open-border leftists and immigration anarchists use the Orwellian term “Undocumented” to describe the manner of illegal entry of aliens who enter the United States – seeking to minimize the significance of this lawbreaking.   Leftists blithely claim that these criminals “enter the United States undocumented.”  That is a grammatically incorrect, and legally false statement.  When I was an INS agent, my colleagues and I used the factually and legally accurate three-letter acronym, “EWI” (Entry Without Inspection) to describe this method of entry.

In other words, at a minimum, we could refer to these individuals by a term that served as the title of an article I wrote a while back,

Aliens Trespassing.

The term trespassing is particularly noteworthy because as I noted in that commentary,

On October 13, 2014, Schumer posted a press release on his official website that disclosed that because of the threat of terrorism, he had proposed legislation that would make trespassing on critical infrastructure and/or landmarks a federal crime with a maximum prison sentence of five years.​

Schumer’s press release stated:

Currently NYC Law Has Max. Penalty for Trespassing of Under 1 Year – In Light of Terrorism, Fed Law Should Make Loud & Clear, Particularly to Trespassers from Overseas, That Wrongdoers Should Stay Off Bridges, WTC, Statue of Liberty or Other Critical Infrastructure

Schumer said NYPD has done great work pursuing cases, but available punishments are too weak.

Here is another excerpt:

“With terror threats at a high, it must be made loud and clear to any would-be trespassers, adrenaline junkies or potential criminals that the federal government and the NYPD take trespassing on critical infrastructure and national monuments very seriously; a law that makes this a federal crime and raises the current maximum jail time from one to five years would help deter this behavior, and provide the NYPD with stronger tools to combat this disturbing trend.”​​

However, the very same Schumer and his immigration anarchist cohorts insist that aliens who trespass on the United States should be granted U.S. citizenship.

Rivera not only entered the United States without inspection but, reportedly, after illegally entering the United States, procured false identity documents to game the vetting process required to be used by employers.  While there is some controversy over whether or not Rivera’s employer used E-Verify, they apparently made use of a screening system that failed to identify Rivera as an imposter.

In other words, Rivera committed immigration fraud. The issue of immigration fraud was the focus of both an extensive article and a booklet I wrote on the topic, Immigration Fraud, Lies That Kill.

This shows why the claim made by politicians that simply making E-Verify mandatory would end the hiring of illegal aliens is bogus and naive.  In fact, it is dangerous.

Unscrupulous employers who are determined to hire illegal aliens to pay them substandard wages and work them under substandard conditions would simply hire them “off the books” so that these employees don’t appear on company records. Additionally, aliens can, as we have seen in this case, game this process by committing identity theft.

The solution is, not only require all employers to use E-Verify, but to also hire thousands of additional ICE agents to conduct field investigations and audits of employers to identify instances where employers and/or alien employees have defrauded the system to punish the employers and arrest and seek the deportation (removal) of illegal aliens, but to also deter crooked hiring practices by employers and to deter aliens from seeking to enter the United States illegally and to seek illegal employment.

There are several other “take-aways” from this case.

Let’s consider The DACA Sword of Damocles that hangs over our heads.

Rivera’s attorney initially claimed that he was legally present in the United States, and made some remarks about how he had entered the country as a child – presumably because the lawyer wants to claim that Rivera could be eligible for DACA.

Curiously, DHS officials have unequivocally stated that there are no immigration records for Rivera.

Having raised the issue of DACA, here is what we can learn from this case where DACA is concerned.  Even days after Rivera was arrested, neither the police in Iowa nor DHS appears to know when he entered the United States.

Reportedly he entered the United States without inspection between four and seven years ago.  There are no specifics as to his date of entry and, perhaps, of his true identity.

The adjudication of DACA applications would be extremely problematic. While it has been falsely sold as being about “young immigrants,” it would actually provide illegal aliens as old as 37 years of age who claim to have entered prior to their 16th birthdays to apply.

There would likely be millions of applications and only a relative handful of adjudications officers to deal with the onslaught of applications that would flood into USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) the division of the DHS that is responsible for the adjudication of all applications filed for various immigration benefits that range from providing non-immigrant aliens with authority to extend their temporary visits to change their immigration status.  They adjudicate applications for political asylum and lawful immigrant status and finally, they adjudicate applications for United States citizenship.

At present, that overwhelmed agency handles more than six million applications annually.

Adding unknown millions of DACA applications would require that the beleaguered adjudications officers to stop conducting interviews.  There would be no resources for field investigations. To keep up with the tsunami of applications the adjudications, officers would have to make decisions in minutes, not days or hours.

This would cause the adjudications system to implode and fraud would undoubtedly permeate the process.  Immigration fraud was identified by the 9/11 Commission, as being the key method of entry and embedding for terrorists.

A wall on the U.S./Mexican border would certainly go a long way to stemming the flood of illegal aliens into the United States, but it would not stop it.  Some aliens will find an alternative route to enter the United States.  When we get into our cars to drive to work, we are likely to listen to the traffic reports on the radio to find the quickest way of getting to our destination by driving around traffic, construction or accidents.

Effective interior enforcement of our immigration laws from within the interior of the United States must be a part of any coordinated effort to finally gain control over our borders and protect America – and innocent Americans like Mollie Tibbetts – not from immigrants but from illegal aliens.  Enforcing existing laws will, at long last, imbue our immigration system with actual integrity.

Integrity is, of course, a term that scares the hell out of all too many of our politicians.

RELATED ARTICLE: Case of Iraqi refugee linked to ISIS exposes failed vetting system under Obama

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in FrontPage Magazine.

Twitter Reverses Ruling After Backlash, Concedes It’s Against the Rules to Wish Death Upon Dana Loesch’s Children

Twitter reversed course Monday and suspended a Twitter account that said National Rifle Association (NRA) spokeswoman Dana Loesch “has to have her children murdered.”

“The only way these people learn is if it affects them directly,” Twitter user Milan Legius wrote in a reply to Loesch on Sunday. “So if Dana Loesch has to have her children murdered before she’ll understand, I guess that’s what needs to happen.”

Twitter initially ruled on Sunday that after “carefully” reviewing the reported tweet, that it had “no violation of the Twitter Rules against abusive behavior.”

Following news coverage from media outlets including The Daily Caller News Foundation, Twitter “re-reviewed” the report on Monday and changed its ruling.

“We have re-reviewed the account you reported and have locked it because we found it to be in violation of the Twitter Rules,” Twitter wrote in an email to Dana’s husband Chris Loesch, who shared it with The DCNF.

“You may not make specific threats of violence or wish for the serious physical harm, death, or disease of an individual or group of people,” Twitter’s rules state.

“If the account owner complies with our requested actions and stated policies, the account will be unlocked,” Twitter wrote in the email to Loesch, who initially reported the threat against the couple’s children.

“I wish Twitter just treated all users consistently,” Dana told The DCNF. She is used to abuse on Twitter, where the replies to her tweets are often misogynistic.

Twitter did not immediately return a request for comment.

The NRA in general has become a popular target for the activist left, which often scapegoats the NRA for mass shootings its members didn’t commit.

Leftist activists have sought to silence the NRA by getting the nonprofit’s media arm banned from Amazon, Apple and Google’s streaming services. So far, the three have allowed NRATV to remain on their platforms.

Twitter’s reversal on Monday was similar to its reversal on suspending Turning Point USA communications director Candace Owens.

Twitter suspended Owens in April for imitating New York Times editorial board member Sarah Jeong’s anti-white tweets, but restored Owens’ account access following a backlash on social media.

The company attributed Owens’ suspension to an “error.”






Follow Peter Hasson on Twitter @PeterJHasson


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EDITORS NOTE: Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities for this original content, email licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.

The Pope Must Resign: ‘A Conspiracy of Silence’

Given the horror that has increasingly seized hold of the Church these past 50 years — and which has climbed to unimaginable heights under the pontificate of Pope Francis — now is the appropriate moment for the laity to offer comment, which we are rightly allowed to do according to canon law.

As many people know, Church Militant has taken great pains in the past to avoid public criticism of Pope Francis with regard to various confusing theological writings, interviews and off-the-cuff remarks.

Out of respect for the office of Pope, and so as not to induce scandal, we have dutifully left the work of publicly analyzing his theological content to those above us, more qualified to address those things specifically and those responses we have covered in great detail.

Likewise, we have made a point of steering far clear of any disrespectful or uncharitable comments denigrating the Holy Father owing to his theological pronouncements — but that was in the arena of theology.

The homosexual clerical sex abuse scandal and resulting cover-up is not theological at its foundation, but moral.

And in this arena, the laity are absolutely duty-bound to speak up, for while we may not all be theologians, each one of us is a moral being and will be judged by Our Blessed Lord on how faithfully we have lived in accord with that objective morality.

With that said, Pope Francis, Holy Father, for the salvation of your own soul, you must step down from the Chair of Peter and do so immediately.

You have treated too many of the faithful with coldness and callousness, abusing the power of your office in regard to their sufferings over this horrendous unconscionable evil which you have facilitated.

On multiple occasions, you have violated your own standard of zero tolerance when it comes to cover-up bishops. You are doing it with Donald Wuerl who covered up for predator priests.

You should have, more than a week ago, stripped him of his red hat, yet he still holds the office of cardinal with your blessing — a man who covered up a homosexual priest gay pornography ring while he was bishop of Pittsburgh, and who Viganò says is lying.

You have protected abusers of power, of office, and worst of all, young adults and even children. You have covered up for them. In some cases, you have drawn them close to yourself and taken them on as trusted advisors.

And now, given the revelations over the weekend from Abp. Viganò’s testimony — a testimony you do not even deny — it is now clear that you yourself are one of the cover-up bishops because you directly covered up for an actual predator, Theodore McCarrick, until the media heat got too great to withstand.

You have violated your own zero tolerance policy as it pertains specifically to your own actions and omissions.

You have drawn into the temple of God, the most holy of sanctuaries, wicked men who have both raped and covered up the rape of innocents.

Your hypocritical and shameless parade of empty words of sorrow and pleading for forgiveness are an egregious affront to those who believe in God, because you lack all sincerity.

How many trips are you going to take, paid for by the faithful, where you continue to meet with victims, supposedly mourn with them and then return to Rome and conspire with those who abused them or created the environment for the abuse — or both?

The men you have surrounded yourself with have no supernatural faith, for one with supernatural faith would tremble and drop dead of fright at the thought of being judged for what they — and now you — have done. A man who aids, abets, protects and promotes such wicked, sexually perverted and predatory men is not fit for the Chair of St. Peter — he is fit for far worse.

These wolves in shepherds’ clothing brutalize and sodomize the sheep, and you promote them. They have no fear of God, and with each passing day, it appears that neither do you.

Any other bishop acting as you have would have been removed immediately for abuse of power and the gravest negligence of office under canon law.

Catholics hold, as you know well, that the Pope is judged on Earth by no man except God, but in conscience, have you so quickly forgotten that in the case of yourself, you are judged?

With all sincerity and concern for your immortal soul, Holy Father, recalling how you are an old man who may not wake to see the next day, your eternal life hangs in the balance. Confess the truth before you stand before Jesus Christ.

You can duck and weave questions from the press on Viganò’s testimony, and offer clever retorts to the media that sidestep the testimony of your own ambassador, but oh how you cannot do that with Almighty God.

Church Militant has independently confirmed with at least two different cardinals that the charges in the Viganò statement are absolutely true — and this is in addition to Cdl. Burke’s support of Viganò.

You, Holy Father, as every Catholic must do when in a state of sin, should accuse and judge yourselfguilty, now, while you still have air in your lungs, and dispose of the wicked heretics and sodomites you have shamelessly collected around yourself so that they may never have a role in electing your successor.

Then as your last act in office, you should resign the papacy and spare Holy Mother Church and the People of God any further harm and evil that you could inflict upon them!

You are tearing the Body of Christ apart by elevating the very men whose crimes cry out to Heaven for vengeance, who never will stop because they have no supernatural faith.

Your actions and omissions have left you unable to reign over the Church in any meaningful way. You have no credibility, no moral authority, not a shred of decency left after having covered up one scandal after another, until the day you go to your own grave.

You had better hope that this is not the state you die in, or you will be delivered over to the demons for an everlasting death of agony and torment in the unquenchable fire, for popes are not immune from risk of damnation, whether you believe in Hell or not.

And when you would next encounter the henchmen you have promoted in this life, each of you will rip and tear one another apart for all eternity, having contributed to the damnation of each other as well as innocents while on Earth.

Whatever pact of evil you may have created with one another, or rationalized, it will be your everlasting shame and agony when you are plunged into the pit where the fire is never quenched and the worm dieth not.

You still have time, Holiness. Admit your tremendous failings, sweep the wicked hirelings from the College of Cardinals, resign your office and give us back the Holy Church that we love and your sycophantic minions loathe.

Holy Father, your friends, your advisors, have raped men and boys. They destroy truth and innocence and lives and souls. You are covering for them.

After you have resigned and they have been forced from office by you, the first thing your successor should do is prosecute the entire lot to demonstrate to the world that change has indeed come to the Church. It will go much better for you that you face justice now, rather than after you die.

For the good of your soul, Holy Father, so as not to be subject to the tortures of demons for eternity, step down.

Pray, my fellow Catholics, pray your Rosary that the Queen of Heaven convert the heart of the Holy Father and bring an end to this scourge of sexual predation and cover-up.

May God have mercy on us all.


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3 Examples of How Social Security Robs Americans of Greater Income Before, During Retirement

Social Security takes a whopping 12.4 percent of American workers’ paychecks, but a new backgrounder by The Heritage Foundation shows that workers are getting a bad deal from the program.

Despite its popularity, Social Security typically provides very low—and in many cases, negative—rates of return.

Although the program provided high returns and windfall benefits to its earliest recipients, Social Security is no longer a good deal for workers.

The Heritage Foundation analysis shows that younger workers—even low-wage ones—would receive at least three times greater rates of return from private savings than Social Security will provide.

To assess Social Security’s so-called “rate of return,” Heritage’s analysis compares what workers would receive if their payroll taxes were invested in personal accounts compared with what Social Security will provide under two scenarios: 1) current law, with roughly 20 percent benefit cuts beginning around 2034; and 2) a scenario whereby payroll taxes rise immediately to a level necessary to pay the program’s prescribed benefits.

While virtually all workers—across income levels, both genders, and generations—would be far better off with personal savings than Social Security, younger workers get the worst deal from the government program.

The average young male worker is virtually guaranteed a negative rate of return from Social Security. Take these hypothetical examples:

Marc Perez is 23 years old and earns an average income of $60,006 per year. He will pay $547,088 in Social Security taxes (excluding disability insurance taxes) throughout his lifetime. In return, he will receive a monthly benefit of $2,209 in retirement.

If he instead invested that same amount—$547,088—in a conservative mix of stocks and bonds, he would accumulate more than $1.5 million in a retirement account and could use that to purchase a lifetime annuity that would pay him $6,185 per month, or nearly three times what Social Security will provide.

Even lower-income earners, like Ashley Martin, who generally receives higher returns from Social Security, would be better off saving and investing in their own personal retirement accounts.

Martin is also 23 and makes $19,768 per year. She will pay an estimated $119,426 in Social Security taxes toward a program that will provide her with a $902 monthly benefit in retirement.

If she instead invested that same amount—$119,426—in her own retirement account, she would accumulate $354,731 in savings. That would be enough to purchase an annuity that would provide her with $1,262 per month, or 40 percent more than Social Security can provide.

Given the preceding examples, it will come as no surprise that high-income earners like Courtney Jones get the worst deal from Social Security.

Jones is also 23 and makes $128,400 per year (Social Security’s taxable maximum). She will pay $860,050 in Social Security taxes throughout her lifetime and can expect to receive a monthly benefit of $2,683 from the government program.

However, if she invested that $860,050 in her own retirement account, she would accumulate more than $2.8 million in retirement savings—an amount that could provide her with a monthly annuity of $10,132, or almost four times what Social Security can provide.

If workers did not use their personal savings to purchase annuities, but instead drew down on them as needed in retirement, they would be able to leave sizable bequests to their heirs.

In contrast, workers who die before reaching Social Security’s retirement age or shortly thereafter often receive little to nothing in return for their hundreds of thousands of dollars in payroll taxes.

The ability to leave bequests would be especially meaningful for lower-income workers. Not only do lower-income workers tend to have lower life expectancies, and therefore receive less in Social Security benefits than higher-income counterparts, but their families do not receive the same leg up from bequests that middle- and upper-income families often receive from their elders to pay for a grandchild’s education or to purchase a home.

After payroll taxes and other levies, there simply isn’t much left for lower-income workers to save for the benefit of their heirs.

A young male earning only half the average wage would have enough in a personal account to provide the exact same income that Social Security provides, and to also leave $479,000 to his heirs if he died at the average life-expectancy age of 76. Even if he were to live to age 90, he would have $270,000 left in savings to leave to his heirs.

Allowing workers to more easily save for their own needs today, and in retirement, instead of taxing them heavily to provide them with public benefits would enable workers to accrue higher retirement incomes in addition to greater take-home pay during their working years.

Supplemental Security Income benefits for elderly individuals who face poverty could provide a floor below which no worker would fall, but such income security benefits would require only a fraction of Social Security’s current payroll taxes.

Lawmakers need to act now—not only to address Social Security’s looming insolvency, but to reform the program in a way that reduces the tax burden on  workers, leaving them with more money to pursue their goals today and to put toward personal savings.

Pairing Social Security reforms that limit the program’s size and taxes with universal savings accounts would help accomplish that goal by allowing workers to save, tax-free, for whatever purposes they want.

The American people, not Washington bureaucrats, should be the ones to decide how much and how best to save for their needs today and in retirement.


Portrait of Rachel Greszler

Rachel Greszler is a senior policy analyst in economics and entitlements at The Heritage Foundation’s Center for Data Analysis. Read her research.

Julia Howe

Julia Howe is a member of the Young Leaders Program at The Heritage Foundation.

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PODCAST: A Bit of Perspective on John McCain’s Legacy

The death of my old friend John McCain evoked mixed emotions. On the one hand, there is a sense of bittersweet happiness for the Senator and his family that the suffering which marked his final years is at an end.

On the other hand, I am saddened that John’s passing evidently was not accompanied by an acknowledgement of a serious strategic error he made, let alone an apology to someone he very uncivilly wronged in the process.

In 2012, Sen. McCain took to the Senate floor to denounce then- Representative Michele Bachmann for having posed officially entirely legitimate questions about the Muslim Brotherhood’s influence on, and penetration of, the U.S. government.

That attack contributed to Ms. Bachmann’s premature departure from Congress. Worse, it chilled to this day the necessary oversight of and response to our Sharia-supremacist enemies, domestic as well as foreign.

Refugee processing slowdown due to FBI’s new vetting procedures

If you didn’t see my first post this morning go here.

Then FBI Director Comey told the Senate last year that 300 refugees (about 200 of them Iraqis) were being investigated for possible connections to terrorists.

fbi logo

This is number two in a three part series today on how the Trump Administration has been beefing up vetting and thus slowing the flow of refugees in to the US.

From Reuters (remember I told you yesterday that the Pentagon is the new ally of the Open Borders Left):

Exclusive: Pentagon raises alarm about sharp drop in Iraqi refugees coming to U.S.

After a lead-in about Pentagon concerns, we learn this:

As of Aug. 15, just 48 Iraqis have been admitted to the United States this fiscal year through a special refugee program meant for people who worked for the U.S. government or American contractors, news media or non-governmental groups, according to data provided by the State Department. More than 3,000 came last year and about 5,100 in 2016. [They are referring to Special Immigrant Visas and note that someone can get in as a refugee if they worked with NGOs, with no connection to the military!—ed]

At the meeting last week, officials examined the multiple security checks that Iraqis must pass, including one background check that all refugees undergo, called the Interagency Check.

They determined the obstacle was a separate process called Security Advisory Opinions (SAOs), which are required for a smaller subset of people – male and female refugees within a certain age range from Iraq and 10 other countries, mostly in the Middle East and Africa.

The FBI and intelligence agencies conduct the SAOs while the State Department coordinates the process.

Pictured right are some of Obama’s Iraqi Special Immigrant Visa holders. See brutal rape story from Colorado.Colorado Iraqi gang rapists


At the meeting, the FBI revealed that of a batch of 88 Iraqis it had recently completed SAOs for, it found suspicious information on 87 of them, said the two officials aware of the meeting. Current and former officials said that is a much higher “hit rate” than in past years.

It was unclear to officials what exactly is causing the higher hit rate, and the meeting did not get into the details of the FBI’s screening methodology and how it might have changed.

Not just Iraqis!

Last year, the Trump administration instituted more stringent screening for refugees, including a requirement that they submit phone numbers and email addresses for many more family members than before. That information is now assessed in the SAOs for those refugees who require them.

The countries whose refugees automatically require SAOs before they can be admitted, in addition to Iraq, are Egypt, Iran, Libya, Mali, North Korea, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

Of course, shamefully missing are Afghanistan and Burma (Rohingya!).

More here.


Memory lane: Then FBI Director Comey told the Senate that 300 refugees were being investigated by the FBI for terror connections

The ‘Red’ Paved the Way for the ‘Green’: Minnesota Case Study Uncovers Hard-Left Roots of Islamic Surge

#MeToo: Oops, Gay Duo Married by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg Accused of Drugging and Violently Raping a Boy

World Net Daily in an article titled “Gay duo married by Ginsburg accused of raping student” reports:

Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Ginsburg was criticized for publicly advocating for same-sex marriage and officiating a ceremony while the issue was before the court.

There was a formal motion for her to recuse herself from the case, which she ignored.

But now one of the duos she married is dragging her name back into the news.

Read more.

Calvin Freiburger from LifeSite News reports:

HOUSTON, August 23, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Rising baritone singer Samuel Schultz has accused a prominent homosexual couple whose “marriage” was officiated by Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg of drugging and violently raping him in 2010, the New York Daily News reports.

That year, as a 23-year-old graduate student at Rice University, Schultz says he met opera countertenor David Daniels and conductor Scott Walters at a closing night party for Houston Grand Opera’s run of “Xerxes.” According to his complaint, they invited him back to the apartment they were staying in for drinks, where he blacked out after just a couple sips.

Schultz says he awakened the next day “in a bed alone, completely naked,” inexplicably sore, and “bleeding from my rectum.” Daniels and Walters were not there when he woke up, but when they returned, they asked if he “had a good time” and Daniels allegedly said “‘Don’t worry about the BB thing, I’m totally negative.’ BB in this case meant bareback, otherwise known as raping me without a condom.”

Read more.

In our September 2017 column “Perverts, pedophiles and pederasts in high offices” we reported:

Daily Americans are bombarded with negative news about political and religious leaders who have fallen from grace. This has led to a loss of confidence in not only these individuals but the institutions, political parties and churches through which they used their positions of trust to abuse underage children.

Our title includes three distinct classes of abusers. A pervert is, “a person whose sexual behavior is regarded as abnormal and unacceptable.” This category includes both heterosexual and homosexual men and women. A pedophile is, “a person who is sexually attracted to children.” A pederast is, “a man who indulges in pederasty (sexual activity involving a man and a boy).” All pederasts are by definition homosexuals.

We have reported on efforts by groups such as B4U-ACT and the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN) to indoctrinate our children into believing that sex with men by children is not only normal but encouraged (watch the two videos below for a history of these groups).

Dr. Judith Reisman in her 2016 column “They’re mainstreaming pedophilia!” wrote:

Alfred Kinsey’s ongoing sexual anarchy campaign has no end in sight.

Matt Barber, associate dean of the Liberty University School of Law, and I attended the “B4U-ACT” pedophile conference Aug. 17 [2015]. To eliminate the “stigma” against pedophiles, this growing sexual anarchist lobby wants the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to redefine pedophilia as a normal sexual orientation of “Minor-Attracted Persons.”

Adhering to the Kinsey principle of lulling “straights” into a false sense of security, pedophile dress was largely conservative – short hair, jackets, some ties and few noticeable male ear piercings.

Matt Barber and I sat in the back of the meeting room among roughly 50 activists and their “mental health” attending female enablers. “Pedophilia, Minor-Attracted Persons, and the DSM: Issues and Controversies,” keynoted “Fred Berlin, M.D., Ph.D., as founder, National Institute for the Study, Prevention and Treatment of Sexual Trauma; Johns Hopkins Sexual Disorders Clinic.”

However, the sex clinic was initially founded by John Money, Ph.D., to give judges “leeway” to keep child molesters out of jail. Money (deceased), a pedophile advocate, also called for an end to all age-of-consent laws. Dr. Berlin was his disciple.

There are many who fear being labeled bigots, homophobic or intolerant for telling the truth about these perverts, pedophiles and pederasts.

The Catholic Church, the Democratic Party and now Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg are all guilty of promoting sodomy under their twisted social justice mantra. This sexual behavior has dire consequences for both the victims and their perpetrators.

You cannot say we didn’t warn you!

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image of Walters, Ginsburg and Daniels in Washington, D.C. in 2014 is by Simon Pauly.

VIDEO: Anti-Trump Mass Shooter kills in another ‘Gun Free Zone’ in Florida

David Katz, anti-Trump resistance member and mass murderer.

The Crime Prevention Research Center in an article titled “‘Mass shooting’ reported at Jacksonville Landing in Florida at another Gun-free zone” reports:

Another horrible tragedy in Florida in yet another gun-free zone where general citizens were banned from having guns for protection.

News 4 Jacksonville reports:

Sources say at least eleven people have been shot and four are dead after a shooting at the Jacksonville Landing Sunday afternoon.

Police urge everyone to stay away from the area because it is not safe.

Early reports say they were shot inside a game room at the Chicago Pizza and others may have been wounded in the gunfire. . . .

The Jacksonville Landing “Rules of Conduct” ban permitted concealed handguns on their grounds: “Possession of a weapon, even if legally carried (except by law enforcement officers) is absolutely prohibited on Landing property.”

Don’t expect the media to report this. Is there a chance that there will be a move towards getting rid of these gun-free zones.

Here is a list of mass public shootings that were stopped by concealed handgun permit holders.

Read more.

Gateway Pundit reports:

Killer David Katz was a member of the anti-Trump “resistance.”

He referred to Trump supporters as “Trumptards” on his Reddit page.

Read more.

David Katz, the man identified as the killer who committed suicide, illegally carried a gun into the Jacksonville Landings. Proving once again that criminals, like Katz, don’t obey the rules.


Jacksonville Shooter Was Member of Anti-Trump ‘Resistance’ – Referred to Trump Supporters at “Trumptards” – Murdered 4 People

More People Use a Gun in Self-Defense Each Year Than Die in Car Accidents

Graduate Teaching Assistant Separated Gun Owners from Rest of the Class, is Later Reassigned

VIDEO: When Politicians Say “Gun Control.” They Mean “Rights Control.”

6 Reasons Gun Control Will Not Solve Mass Killings

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union…”

By Wallace S. Bruschweiler & William Palumbo.

Do you remember the big Constitutional convention about ten years ago, where it was decided that “We the People” would be substituted by “the media?” We don’t either.

Did you know that the nation’s primary concern is that some people aren’t paying the IRS enough money in taxes? Until Tuesday evening, we did not know that either.

In a country with our First Amendment, which protects freedom of speech and freedom of the press – among other rights – is it not fair to gauge the nation’s interest by the coverage received in the media? By this standard, tax evasion by an international political consultant and a New York-based lawyer define today’s political debate.

Prior to Tuesday, strangely enough, high taxes were considered an issue of perennially great interest to the American people. It’s funny how that issue became inverted when it involved Trump’s associates; evidently, petty tax evasion is more important than a sensible and reasonable tax code. If tax evasion is the equivalent of treason, as the media, if successful, would have you believe, then somewhere in the range of 90%-95% of the U.S. population is likely guilty of subverting our democracy in the course of their taxpaying lives.

The Voice of Whom, Exactly?

A free press, our “news media,” is supposed to be – and is not successfully – the voice of the people. If you don’t know this, just listen to the self-righteous journalists who insufferably claim to be standing up for “the truth” each day. Although they’ll tell you that they’re “speaking truth to power,” in reality they are merely parroting the talking points of one political party, from whom they are virtually indistinguishable. Today’s media put the “group” in “groupthink.”

Turn on the television, if you can stand it, and listen to the cable news (CNN, MSNBC, etc.) anchors and pundits. Are these people representative of you and people you know? Do they sound like people you know, in everyday life? Do they talk like people you interact with on a daily basis? Are they discussing topics that matter to you, in your own life? Or, do you feel they are irrationally focused on utterly mundane, trivial, and contrived nonsense, especially lately? (Can you say “midterms?”)

Is a prostitute who is attempting to blackmail the President of the United States, over an affair that occurred more than a decade ago, being aided by the media for any defensible reason? Is her lawyer, whose insatiable predilection for fame and notoriety make even his exhibitionist (i.e., pole dancing) client seem bashful in comparison, contributing in any meaningful way to our nation’s political life? Should the direction of the country be determined by a system that seems to run amuck off blackmail and innuendo?

Are We the People still allowed to ask such questions of our so-called “defenders” in the media?

The Left and the Media’s Vicious Circle

Here is a fact we should definitely consider (though one wonders how the media’s mendacious “fact checkers” would treat it): 99.999%, maybe more, of Americans have absolutely nothing to do with Paul Manafort or Michael Cohen. Until Donald Trump won the election, their names were known to relatively few people, and practically nobody outside of their professional circles. In a country of more than 300 million people, their personal finances and unscrupulous tax filings, for everybody but an ambitious IRS agent, were absolutely unremarkable. If Trump had lost to Hillary Clinton, would they be facing a laundry list of criminal charges, unrelated to the investigation and prosecutor who charged them?

Robert Mueller’s history includes, among other black marks:

  • Allowing the sentencing of four innocent men for murder in Boston in the 1980s.
  • Confirmed by the Senate as FBI Director on August 2, 2001, Mueller was head of the FBI at the time of the September 11 attacks.
  • On behalf of the U.S. government, he delivered a 10 gram sample of highly enriched uranium for inspection by Russian authorities. He was also FBI Director when the Clinton Foundation’s Uranium One deal was signed.

If not for Robert Mueller, would the Department of Justice have mobilized against Manafort and Cohen? Should the charges against these two men be regarded as legitimate, as they have absolutely nothing to do with Russia, the relevant party in Mueller’s investigation? Is this the true state of American justice today? Is it just?

Whatever you do, don’t ask the media these questions. They have made up their minds (or should we say “mind”) already.

Imagine picking 100 Americans of voting age at random – from cities, suburbs, and the country. Now imagine asking them to list their top three political concerns, without any guidance or prompt on how they should answer. Perhaps we would see a concentration of answers around: taxes, the economy, healthcare, terrorism, border control, North Korea, education, etc. Do you believe that more than a handful (of jokers) would write “tax evasion,” “Paul Manafort,” or “Michael Cohen?”

Of course not.

There is a clear loop connecting the majority of the news media and the political left – and, for clarity, “the left” for these purposes includes the RINOs and all establishment creatures inhabiting swamp. Between the unbounded investigations of Robert Mueller, which command the full resources of the DOJ, and a media which distorts truth, turns nonsense into “serious” news, and routinely omits crucial facts and context, we realize how the loop persists without interruption.

We the People Must Reassert our Control

It is no accident that when members of Congress talk about their jobs, they say that they do “the People’s work.” Regardless of whether that is still true today, this is the purpose of Congress and practically their unofficial motto.

Furthermore, Americans refer to the White House as “the People’s house.” Again, we see that government in this country – as enshrined in the Constitution – was designed to serve the interests of the We the People!

Today, the national discussion – thanks to the media – revolves strictly around two personalities: Donald Trump and Robert Mueller. We virtually never hear from the Attorney General, the titular head of the Department of Justice, which has control over Mueller’s investigation. We don’t hear from Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, the most powerful member of Congress, who is third in line to the presidency. They might as well not exist. This is very wrong, and should profoundly disturb all Americans.

Citizens of a free republic, as America was envisioned by its founders, cannot cede power to unaccountable agents in the media. Donald J. Trump, our president, called the media “the enemy of the people.” While we absolutely do not condone any violence toward this “enemy,” President Trump has very valid and timely point. If we Americans wish to remain free – if we expect that government will work solely in our interest – then we need to be our own watchdogs, our own special interest group, and reject totally the agenda of the media and its sponsoring party.

We hope you had fun. Please consider this la vérité de La Palice [i.e., stating the obvious].

RELATED ARTICLE: 96 Percent of Google Search Results for ‘Trump’ News Are from Liberal Media Outlets.

New Mexico Muslim Terrorist Compound: FBI/Law Enforcement Cover-up?

More details are coming out about the destruction of the Islamist terrorist compound in New Mexico run by Siraj Ibn Wahhaj and one of his wives Jany Leveille.

Siraj Wahhaj

In a Fox News column titled “Remains found at ‘extremist Muslim’ New Mexico compound ID’d as missing 3-year-old boy” Elizabeth Zwirz reports:

A child’s remains located earlier this month at an “extremist Muslim” New Mexico compound were positively identified as Abdul-Ghani Wahhaj, the missing 3-year-old son of one of the arrested suspects, health officials said Thursday.

It was also announced Monday that the 3-year-old allegedly died amid a ritualistic religious ceremony intended to “cast out demonic spirits.”

“It was a religious ritual carried out… a ritual intended to cast out demonic spirits from Abdul-ghani Wahhaj,” Taos County Prosecutor John Lovelace said.

Public defenders argued the father was trying to heal the child by reading passages from the Koran but prosecutors claimed he was denying the boy medication. One of the children taken into custody claimed that the boy had died in February.

Read more.

Jany Leveille, a Haitian migrant.

Pamela Geller writes:

Siraj Ibn Wahhaj and one of his devout wives [Jany Leveille] were charged with abuse of a child resulting in the death of a child and conspiracy to commit abuse of a child.

Law enforcement rushed to destroy the Islamic compound just days after the kidnapping and murder made national news. They destroyed evidence, despise [sic] the fact that the the investigation was new and ongoing. New charges were filed against the devout (“extremist)” Muslims. For  years, the FBI and local law enforcement did nothing about this jihad compound, despite tips and numerous calls from concerned citizens. It took the murder of a child to get them to pay attention. What is the first thing they do after it is discovered a child was murdered on the compound and several starved to almost certain death? They destroy the compound  to cover up both their negligence and what happened at there.

News of what happened there was embarrassing to the Muslim community in the U.S., and making Islam look good seems to be the top priority of law enforcement officials. It’s sharia compliance in New Mexico.

An NBC article titled “Two charged in death of boy in New Mexico compound case” by Phil Helsel notes:

Two people arrested after authorities found 11 children in filthy conditions at a makeshift New Mexico compound earlier this month have been charged in connection with the death of a 3-year-old boy whose body was discovered at the site.

The Taos County Sheriff’s Office said Friday that arrest warrants were served on Siraj Wahhaj, the father of 3-year-old Abdul-Ghani Wahhaj whose body was found on the property in Amalia, and on Jany Leveille, who was one of five adults who had been charged in the case.

The arrest warrants for Wahhaj, 40, and Leveille, 35, are for one count each of abuse of a child resulting in the death of a child and conspiracy to commit abuse of a child, which are first-degree felonies, the sheriff’s office said. The first of those counts carries the possibility of up to life in prison.

Why was the compound destroyed? Who ordered its destruction? Why hasn’t the media covered this story? All question to which will be answered in due time.


SHOCKING RULING: Judge Releases NM Extremists

Iranian-backed terrorist ‘sleeper cells’ are hiding in the U.S.

RELATED VIDEO: New Mexico terrorist compound judge should be investigated | John Cardillo.

VIDEO: Republican Candidate in Florida has Family Ties to Middle East Terrorists

Anti-Semitic, Anti-Israel, Anti-America First! Anti-Legal Immigration! Anti-U.S. Constitution! Anti-ICE/Law Enforcement! Pro-Palestinian, Pro-Sanctuary State, Pro-Illegal Immigrant First, and Pro-Anything Against President Trump – no matter what the cost!

AND… they run for office and avoid the critical questions of their ties, their past, and their allegiances!

Amira Dajani (a.k.a. Amy Fox) is exactly one of those candidates, running as a Republican for Florida State Attorney. She currently serves as a top assistant state attorney to outgoing State Attorney Stephen Russell.

In a column titled “Florida Republican State Attorney Candidate’s Father Tied To Palestinian Terrorists” Laura Loomer reports:

A Republican candidate for State’s Attorney in Fort Myers, Florida has family ties to the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), a known terrorist group that is responsible for the slaughter of thousands of Israelis.

Candidate Amira Fox, whose full name is Amira Dajani Fox and who often goes by “Amy” on the campaign trail, had an uncle who was was an Executive Committee member of the PLO.

In her father’s autobiography, a 10 year old book titled “From Palestine to America,” Taher Dajani, born in Jaffa, Israel vents his frustrations about the “Jewish Lobby” and the “Christian Right,” but most intriguingly discusses his brother Sidqi, who lived in Cairo, Egypt.

Read more.

Amira Dajani has VERY questionable family ties! Watch what happens when confronted by Laura Loomer:


Candidate Arrested After Exposing Opponent’s Ties To Terrorist Group – Central Florida Post

More Muslim Candidate Running for Political Office

Trump cuts $200 million in aid to genocidal “Palestinian” terrorists

Pope Francis Knew About McCarrick, Covered for his Sexual Crimes

Former papal nuncio offers written testimony incriminating Holy Father, says pope must resign

VATICAN CITY (ChurchMilitant.com) – In spite of knowing about former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick’s sexual assaults, Pope Francis lifted sanctions from him that had been imposed by Pope Benedict.

LifeSiteNews is reporting that Abp. Carlo Maria Viganò, former papal nuncio to the United States, has written an 11-page statement testifying that Pope Francis was aware of McCarrick’s homosexual predation but “continued to cover him,” even making him “his trusted counselor” in naming bishops for appointment, including Cdl. Joseph Tobin of Newark, New Jersey (McCarrick’s former diocese) and Cdl. Blase Cupich of Chicago, Illinois.

“In this extremely dramatic moment for the universal Church, he [Pope Francis] must acknowledge his mistakes and, in keeping with the proclaimed principle of zero tolerance, Pope Francis must be the first to set a good example for cardinals and bishops who covered up McCarrick’s abuses and resign along with all of them,” Viganò writes.

“The appointments of Blase Cupich to Chicago and Joseph W. Tobin to Newark were orchestrated by McCarrick, Maradiaga and Wuerl,” says the former papal nuncio, “united by a wicked pact of abuses by the first, and at least of cover-up of abuses by the other two.”

“Regarding Cupich, one cannot fail to note his ostentatious arrogance, and the insolence with which he denies the evidence that is now obvious to all,” he continued, “that 80% of the abuses found were committed against young adults by homosexuals who were in a relationship of authority over their victims.”

Cdl. Viganò on Wuerl: The Cardinal lies shamelessly and prevails upon his Chancellor, Monsignor Antonicelli, to lie as well.Tweet

Viganò also insists Washington, D.C. Cdl. Donald Wuerl was well aware of McCarrick’s sexual misconduct and “lies shamelessly”:

His recent statements that he knew nothing about it, even though at first he cunningly referred to compensation for the two victims, are absolutely laughable. The Cardinal lies shamelessly and prevails upon his Chancellor, Monsignor Antonicelli, to lie as well.

Viganò makes clear the pope was immediately notified in 2000 of McCarrick’s crimes as soon as the nunciature became aware.

“I will immediately say that the Apostolic Nuncios in the United States, Gabriel Montalvo and Pietro Sambi, both prematurely deceased, did not fail to inform the Holy See immediately, as soon as they learned of Archbishop McCarrick’s gravely immoral behavior with seminarians and priests,” he said.

He says Richard Sipe’s public letter to Pope Benedict in 2008 (published on Sipe’s website) “had had the desired result”:

Pope Benedict had imposed on Cardinal McCarrick sanctions similar to those now imposed on him by Pope Francis: the Cardinal was to leave the seminary where he was living, he was forbidden to celebrate [Mass] in public, to participate in public meetings, to give lectures, to travel, with the obligation of dedicating himself to a life of prayer and penance.

When McCarrick was summoned to the nunciature and told the news of his sanctions, “a stormy conversation, lasting over an hour” ensued, and “the Nuncio’s voice could be heard all the way out in the corridor.”

A number of other cardinals and bishops are implicated in the cover-up, including Cdls. Pietro Parolin (current secretary of state), Angelo Sodano, Tarcisio Bertone, William Levada, Lorenzo Baldisseri and Francesco Coccopalmerio, among others.

Viganò accuses Coccopalmerio and Abp. Vincenzo Paglia of belonging to “the homosexual current in favor of subverting Catholic doctrine on homosexuality.” He also named Cdl. Edwin O’Brien as belonging “to the same current” — whom Church Militant has revealed was a homosexual ringleader in New York and deliberately underreported homosexual priestly abuse in the military.

Viganò accuses Coccopalmerio and Abp. Vincenzo Paglia of belonging to ‘the homosexual current in favor of subverting Catholic doctrine on homosexuality.’Tweet

Coccopalmerio came under scrutiny last year when his secretary, Msgr. Luigi Capozzi, was busted by Italian police during a drug-fueled gay orgy in the Vatican apartments. Coccopalmerio, head of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts and close adviser to the pope, had once recommended Capozzi for bishop.

Viganò also implicates Cdls. Kevin Farrell and Sean O’Malley, saying of Farrell, “Given his tenure in Washington, Dallas and now Rome, I think no one can honestly believe him.”

On Fr. Marciel Maciel’s homosexual predation, he says, “If he were to deny this, would anybody believe him given that he occupied positions of responsibility as a member of the Legionaries of Christ?”

Church Militant reported last month that a former Legionary priest, J. Paul Lennon, close friend of Farrell’s brother, Bp. Brian Farrell, when all were in the Legion of Christ, contradicted Farrell’s claims that he had only met Maciel “once or twice” during his years in the Legion. Farrell had in fact been a member of Maciel’s trusted inner circle and held a position of high rank in the Legion, necessitating multiple meetings with his founder.

On O’Malley’s denials of knowledge, Viganò wrote, “I would simply say that his latest statements on the McCarrick case are disconcerting, and have totally obscured his transparency and credibility.”

The former papal nuncio also calls out homosexualist Jesuit Fr. James Martin as “nothing but a sad recent example of that deviated wing of the Society of Jesus.”

Viganò ends with a plea to the bishops to purge the Church of the gay lobby.

The homosexual networks present in the Church must be eradicated, as Janet Smith, Professor of Moral Theology at the Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, recently wrote. “The problem of clergy abuse,” she wrote, “cannot be resolved simply by the resignation of some bishops, and even less so by bureaucratic directives. The deeper problem lies in homosexual networks within the clergy which must be eradicated.” These homosexual networks, which are now widespread in many dioceses, seminaries, religious orders, etc., act under the concealment of secrecy and lies with the power of octopus tentacles, and strangle innocent victims and priestly vocations, and are strangling the entire Church.

I implore everyone, especially Bishops, to speak up in order to defeat this conspiracy of silence that is so widespread, and to report the cases of abuse they know about to the media and civil authorities.

Read the full letter here.


Christine Niles, M.St. (Oxon.), J.D.

Christine was born in Saigon, Vietnam one year before it fell to the Communists, and has lived in France and the United States. She has degrees from Notre Dame Law School and Oxford University. She is head of the News Team and editor-in-chief of St. Michael’s Media Publishing.

When Are the NFL Players Going to Stand Up for True Social Change? [+Video]

As we approach a new season of pro football, the league and its players have yet again proven incapable of coming up with an effective response that addresses the issue of the players engaging in various levels of protests when the national anthem is played before the game.

In PR we often say that if you are explaining your actions, then you are losing the argument. The league and its players seem to be stuck on their “intent,” not on how their actions are being received by the viewing public.

They both “claim” their “intent” is to bring attention to the issue of social justice, though no one has defined what that means. So, President Donald Trump has adroitly defined the issue for them as anti-American and disrespectful to U.S. servicemen.

Whatever the league and player’s “intent” was, the public is saying that they don’t support their actions and this dichotomy is causing fans of the sport to turn away in large numbers.

Before I go any further, let me establish a simple fact that most people never bring into this conversation: NFL players are nothing more than employees. Yes, they are highly-paid, but nonetheless, they are employees.

The NFL players sign the back of the paycheck, not the front. Their employers have every right to tell them how they must behave at their place of employment: the football field.

When I worked in corporate America, I had to wear a suit and tie; this was non-negotiable. Yes, I had every right to go to my boss and tell him that requiring a Black man to wear a suit and tie was racist; and he had every right to fire me, if I didn’t follow his workplace rules.

Likewise, athletes have a right to kneel or stay in the locker room during the playing of our national anthem; but the owners have the right to take some type of disciplinary action, as well.

I often say, “Weak people take strong positions on weak issues.”

What does kneeling have to do with police brutality or other “social injustice,” the stated reasons these protests began? Their message has been drowned out by the by how most Americans have interpreted their actions as being anti-American and disrespectful to U.S. servicemen.

Again, it doesn’t matter what the players’ think or their what their intentions are, this is how their message is being received. The players and the league have let their emotions and egos get in the way of their objective.

I agree 100 percent with Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott when he says, “I never protest.”

Here’s what Prescott said when he was asked about the protest over police brutality in the NFL:

“I never protest during the anthem, and I don’t think that’s the time or the venue to do so. The game of football has always brought me such peace and I think it does the same for a lot of people—a lot of people playing the game, a lot of people watching the game, a lot of people who have any impact of the the game. So, when you bring such controversy to the stadium, to the field, to the game it takes away. It takes away from that, it takes away from the joy and the love that football brings a lot of people.”

Prescott continued:

“For me, I’m all about making a change and making a difference, and I think this whole kneeling and all of that was just about raising awareness and the fact that we’re still talking about social injustice years later, I think we’ve gotten to that point. I think we’ve proved, we know the social injustice, I’m up for taking the next step whatever the next step may be for action and not just kneeling. I’ve always believed standing up for what I believe in, and that’s what I’m going to continue to do.”

Prescott’s statement is one of the most concise, intelligent, and well-thought out positions I have seen on this issue; notwithstanding the sentiments of the likes of Stephen A. Smith.

I totally disagree with everything Smith has to say on this issue in regard to Jerry Jones, the owner of the Dallas Cowboys, and Prescott. Jones and Prescott are in agreement on not using the football field as a vehicle for the players’ protests.

There are 1,696 players in the NFL, if each player were to give $10,000 annually to a non-partisan political action committee (PAC), they would have $16,900,000 per year available for political contribution for candidates running for school board, city council, mayor, state representative, state senator, U.S. representative, U.S. senate, and U.S. president.

The average NFL player makes over $ 2 million per year, so $10,000 is nothing, if players truly want to make a difference in society.

They could use this money to support candidates who share their world view and thereby make laws that support their view of the world.

This would be a lot more substantive then simply kneeling and angering half the country.

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