Choose Your Weapons Carefully

Armies are known by the weapons they deploy, which are sometimes used exclusively by them and not by other armies.  For example, the Soviet/Russian army has used the AK 47 assault rifle since shortly after the day it was invented in 1947.  Armies are also known by their armored weapons, e.g., the American Sherman tank, the American Abrams tank, the German Panzer and Tiger tanks and the Russian T-26 tank, as well as others.

Militaries choose or create their weapons and deploy them, based on the weapons firepower, their lethality, their cost and their overall effectiveness in combat.  There were instances in WW2 when armored tanks, such as the German Tiger, created such fear in their enemies that they effected the outcome of battles for that reason alone.  A true military strategist and leader will deploy his troops and weapons based on his ‘intelligence’ as to their effectiveness in determining the outcome of a battle or war.

Most political wars have been won by superior physical force, based on the strategies and weapons used by the victor.

Weapons, Offensive or Defensive

What constitutes a ‘weapon’?  Merriam Webster Dictionary defines a weapon as “an object used to injure, defeat or destroy”.  This definition makes it sound as though all weapons are offensive, but the true nature of an object defined as a weapon is determined by the intent of the user, the nature of the person(s) instigating the action that leads to the use of weapons, as well as the actual use of them in a battle.

Politicians are well trained in weaponizing objects that would not normally be considered weapons; for example, money has been weaponized and used to batter political opponents and drive them from the political arena.

The First War (And Yes, It WAS Political)

This current war, between good and evil, is merely an extension of the first war which began long before the political action in the Garden Of Eden.  The instigator was Lucifer who wanted to ascend to the throne of God, to make himself LIKE God, to be preeminent over Almighty God (Isaiah 14:12-15 KJV).  Notice in the 13th verse he says, “I will exalt MY THRONE above the stars of God, indicating that he did indeed have a throne on this earth.  He thus declared war on God with the intention of taking over all of God’s creation.  In that action, Lucifer was defeated and cast down and his earthly throne and rulership were taken from him and the earth entered a long period of desolation and chaos which lasted until God intervened and re-created the earth in the Genesis account.

The only rulership Satan would ever have after that was whatever he could attain by lying, cheating, fraud and deception.  In other words, he would have to usurp that authority from its rightful owner.

War – The Deception Factor

Sun Tsu, Chinese general, military strategist, writer, and philosopher said, “All war is deception”.  Most people would contradict that and say that war is about having the best equipped and trained army showing its superiority in battle.  I would strenuously disagree with that statement.  Whether conducted by an army fielded by one or more of the world’s ‘superpowers’, or by a small group of militia led by a local warlord, *ALL war is POLITICAL in nature.  In order for that statement to make sense, one must understand the true definition of politics:

Politics Defined from


  • use of intrigue* or strategy** in obtaining any position of power^ or control^^, as in business, university, government etc.

*Intrigue Defined


  • the use of underhanded machinations*** or deceitful stratagems.


**Strategy Defined


  • a plan, method, or series of maneuvers or stratagems for obtaining a specific goal or result: a strategy for getting ahead in the world.

***Machinations defined


  • crafty schemes; plots; intrigues

^Power Defined


  • ability to do or act; capability of doing or accomplishing something.

^^Control Defined


  • the act or power of controlling; regulation; domination or command: Who’s in control here?


Based on these explanations/clarifications, politics should be defined as “The use of underhanded, crafty schemes, plots, intrigues and deceitful plans, methods, or series of maneuvers (machinations and intrigue) in obtaining any position enabling one to do or act (power), providing the capability of control, domination or command (control). This will now be my definition as long as I live.


The NOW War

Even though history says that we have had two ‘world wars’, this ‘Now War’ is the only truly global/world war ever to be fought; all people on earth will be, or will become, involved in this war and none will escape its outcome.

We are currently deep into the greatest war since time began, a war between good and evil, between God and Satan.  Skirmishes and battles are being fought almost constantly around the globe in this war, some of them being only in the spiritual realm and many in the physical realm.

I have recently heard many secular analysts who are admitting that we are now seeing a war between good and evil, so in effect they admit that evil exists, something that many have long denied.  Most of them proclaim ways to win this war, to stamp out the evil, much as a recent POTUS claimed he would ‘drain the swamp’.  However, if they believe they can do so while using the same tactics and weapons the ‘evil’ uses, they are sadly mistaken.  The problems caused by this long-running war are spiritual nature and there is NOT a political solution to a spiritual problem.  Only the ‘spiritual weapons’ provided for the good combatants will have any effect on evil.

Many wars have been waged throughout history and they have ALL been ‘political in nature’; unfortunately,  political wars will continue until the Prince of Peace returns to set up His ‘non-political kingdom’ and rule this world with a rod of iron.

In order to understand, at least from the physical perspective, the true nature of the ”now” war in which the the entire world is involved, one must remove all emotion from the political process, including considering the personalities of those you have voted for and realize that ALL politicians, supported by Satan, fight their ‘political battles’ using his Luciferian tactics and weapons.  The principal weapons he uses are deceit, lies, fear and intimidation, and they are spiritual in nature.  Unless you are also a politician, fighting in that arene, you cannot defeat a political enemy using the same weapons he uses.  You must seek out the more powerful and effective spiritual weapons if you want to win the war.

In this current war, from the human, political perspective, many politicians have gladly joined with Satan, using his weapons to further his governance over the kingdoms of this world in exchange for what he has to offer.

While his weapons have served Satan well in his battle against humanity, starting with his first encounter with man, and have allowed him to have almost unbridled control over the governments of the world, they have absolutely NO power in his direct confrontations with Almighty God and those who believe God’s word and allow it to direct their lives.

Satanic Attacks

When we are attacked by spiritual forces, we are not usually on a physical battlefield, using rifles, tanks and artillery; we may be merely going about our daily work or possibly just relaxing after a day of hard work.  Satan’s strategy is to attack when we are at our weakest.  This could be in a moment of extreme physical weakness/tiredness or in times of mental stress and pressure.  His attacks are designed to catch us off-guard and seemingly unprepared to fight them off.  If we know, and remain aware of, the nature of his strategies and tactics, we will be much better equipped to defeat him.

Our warfare with his forces occurs in the mental realm (2 Corinthians 10:4-6 KJV).  Our enemies, the minions of Satan, will introduce thoughts that are contrary to God’s word and will work to get our minds turned away from truth.  His strategy is to cause us to change our behavior in such a way that we rely on ‘so-called facts’ provided by the world rather than the truth of God’s word.

Facts are important, mostly in that they provide a comparison between them and truth, but they must never be allowed to take precedence over God’s word.  Even if they are correct, they are not to be considered as truth.  Do NOT believe the ‘so-called’ fact-checkers who will give you their own version of validity of the facts.  Often, these ‘checked’ facts do not come close to lining up with God’s word, and if you profess to be a believer, you MUST make God’s word the basis for every decision you will make.

Paul provided a perfect explanation of why it is so important to cast off the information  we may receive from ungodly sources and only trust in God and His word.  In Romans 121-3 KJV, we read:

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith”.

Choosing Our Weapons

When a physical army engages an enemy, its leaders will try to calculate the amount of pressure, or  resistance, it may encounter and plan its strategy accordingly. That strategy will include the most effective use of its weapons, including the timing of attacks and counterattacks.  Its purpose is to cause the enemy to make mistakes.

Physical armies and their leaders spend untold millions of dollars on research and development in an effort to have the very best weapons they need in a war.  Should Christians avail themselves of research and development as we try to be ready for satanic attacks?  It sounds like a prudent move, right?  Well, how fortunate that we have a God who thinks of everything way in advance.  He knew exactly what strategies and weapons our enemy would use against us and freely provided that information in his word so that we can always be prepared for his attacks.

In Ephesians 6, we are told just what our weapons are, both defensive and offensive, and how we are to use them in our battles against evil.  God has provided the very best defensive weapons for our use, and they provide the ultimate protection for every part of our being, both physical and spiritual, listed here in Ephesians 6:10-18 KJV:

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

Notice that the full armor of God provides complete protection, and it works by faith to divert every evil arrow hurled at us.  But, add to all this the weapon that is absolutely far superior to anything Satan can use against us: our offensive weapon, the sword of the spirit, given to us in the form of the word of God.  Jesus used that same sword to shut the mouths of all his enemies during his earthly ministry and we must also use it in the same way while continuing that ministry here on earth.

Jesus was always aware of the battles He would face against Satan and was always prepared with His weapons ready.  His life provides the best example of what our weapons are and how to use them, which brings up an extremely important point: The best weapons available are only valuable when they are picked up and used properly.  This is why Paul told us to “put on the whole armour of God…”.  Any armor or weapon laying unused is totally worthless.

I know many Christians who still believe that contacting our ‘elected’ representatives about issues that concern us is the best we can do to change things here in the US.  Let me remind you that if politicians were capable of actually solving problems rather than creating new ones, the US would be in wonderful shape.  But one must remember that those ‘elected representatives’ we are admonished to call, are what they are by their shrewd use of the political system with its weapons. If there are any true believers in our Congress (very few, I believe), they are the only ones even remotely able to help, but then, only if they also are equipped with the proper weapons.  If they are trying to use the same luciferian weapons their colleagues use, nothing will ever be fixed.

To be quiet honest, I have many such contacts over the years and not once did I receive a response that was not ‘canned’ and written by a junior aide. I will never again waste my time on such futile efforts.  Even if ta Congressperson were to personally contact me, what assurance would I have that their response was honest enough to be believed?

That said, I would caution everyone who is a true believer to never put any trust in the words of a politician.  For the most part, his words are a part of his political weapon arsenal, chosen carefully to lead you into believing something that is untrue, which is the very essence of deception.  The only word you need is the one already recorded in heaven and printed on earth as God’s word.  His word is absolute truth (yes, it really does exist) and deception is not a part of it.

Resistance to Force and Pressure

Our adversary is a spirit being who uses spiritual weapons against us. His weapons are designed to put pressure on us and force us into a position of weakness.  Unless we are using the proper and superior spiritual weapons ourselves, we will be prone to making serious mistakes and may face defeat at the hand of a lesser opponent.

James, the half-brother of Jesus explained how we can be assured of victory in our battles with evil: “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7 KJV).  The word ‘resist’ in that passage is the English translation of the Greek word, anthistemi (Strong’s 436, pronounced anth-is’-tay-mee), and it literally mean ‘to oppose, to stand, or to stand against’.  This dovetails perfectly with Paul’s instructions in Ephesians on how to use the spiritual armor God gave us.  He said putting on the whole armor enables us to stand against the wiles of the devil: “Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore…. (Ephesians 6:13-14a KJV).  He used the word ‘stand’ three times in that passage so it must be important.  In my mind it means, resist, no matter what, Satan’s wiles and, once the dust clears, he will be the one flat on his back, or fleeing for his life, while you and I, after standing against him, will be the victorious warriors.


Now, choose your weapons, pick them up, put them on and get ready for battle!  Just make sure your weapons are the ones that God designed for victory over evil!  Your possession of these weapons, and your skill in using them, will decide which side of the war you end up on.


©Bud Hancock. All rights reserved.

Will ESG Reform Capitalism—or Destroy It?

What “stakeholder capitalism” really means for the world.

Stakeholder capitalism has taken the global economy by storm in recent years. Its champions proclaim that it will save—and remake—the world. Will it live up to its hype or will it destroy capitalism in the name of reforming it?

Proponents pitch stakeholder capitalism as an antidote to the excesses of “shareholder capitalism,” which they condemn as too narrowly focused on maximizing profits (especially short-term profits) for corporate shareholders. This, they argue, is socially irresponsible and destructive, because it disregards the interests of other stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, employees, local communities, and society in general.

Stakeholder capitalism is ostensibly about incentivizing business leaders to take these wider considerations into account and thus make more “sustainable” decisions. This, it is argued, is also better in the long run for businesses’ bottom lines.

Today’s dominant strain of stakeholder capitalism is the doctrine known as ESG, which stands for “environmental, social, and corporate governance.” The label was coined in the 2004 report of Who Cares Wins, a joint initiative of elite financial institutions invited by the United Nations “to develop guidelines and recommendations on how to better integrate environmental, social and corporate governance issues in asset management, securities brokerage services and associated research functions.”

Who Cares Wins operated under the auspices of the UN’s Global Compact, which, as the report states, “is a corporate responsibility initiative launched by Secretary-General Kofi Annan in 2000 with the primary goal of implementing universal principles in business.”

Much progress has been made toward that goal. Since 2004, ESG has evolved from “guidelines and recommendations” to explicit standards that hold sway over huge swaths of the global economy.

These standards are set by ESG rating agencies like the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and enforced by investment firms that manage ESG funds. One such firm is Blackrock, whose CEO Larry Fink is a leading champion of both ESG and SASB.

In December, Reuters published a report titled “How 2021 became the year of ESG investing” which stated that, “ESG funds now account for 10% of worldwide fund assets.”

And in April, Bloomberg reported that ESG, “by some estimates represents more than $40 trillion in assets. According to Morningstar, genuine ESG funds held about $2.7 trillion in managed assets at the end of the fourth quarter.”

To access any of that capital, it is no longer enough for a business to offer a good return on investment. It must also report “environmental” and “social” metrics that meet ESG standards.

Is that a welcome development? Will the general public as non-owning “stakeholders” of these businesses be better off thanks to the implementation of ESG standards? Is stakeholder capitalism beginning to reform shareholder capitalism by widening its perspective and curing it of its narrow-minded fixation on profit uber alles?

To answer that, some clarification is in order. First of all, “shareholder capitalism” is a misleading term for laissez faire capitalism. It is true that, as Milton Friedman wrote in his 1970 critique of the “social responsibility of business” rhetoric of the time:

“In a free‐enterprise, private‐property system, a corporate executive is an employee of the owners of the business. He has direct responsibility to his employers. That responsibility is to conduct the business in accordance with their desires, which generally will be to make as much money as possible while conforming to the basic rules of the society, both those embodied in law and those embodied in ethical custom.”

Since the owners of a publicly traded corporation are its shareholders, it is true that they are and ought to be the “bosses” of a corporation’s employees—including its management. It is also true that corporate executives properly have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profits for their shareholders.

But that does not mean that shareholders reign supreme under capitalism. As the great economist Ludwig von Mises explained in his book Human Action:

“The direction of all economic affairs is in the market society a task of the entrepreneurs [which, according to Mises’s technical definition includes shareholding investors]. Theirs is the control of production. They are at the helm and steer the ship. A superficial observer would believe that they are supreme. But they are not. They are bound to obey unconditionally the captain’s orders. The captain is the consumer.”

The “sovereign consumers,” as Mises calls them, issue their orders through “their buying and their abstention from buying.” Those orders are transmitted throughout the entire economy via the price system. Entrepreneurs and investors who correctly anticipate those orders and direct production accordingly are rewarded with profits. But if one, as Mises says, “does not strictly obey the orders of the public as they are conveyed to him by the structure of market prices, he suffers losses, he goes bankrupt, and is thus removed from his eminent position at the helm. Other men who did better in satisfying the demand of the consumers replace him.”

Under laissez faire capitalism, consumers, not shareholders, are the principal stakeholders whose preferences reign supreme. And shareholder profit is a measure of—and motivating reward for—success “in adjusting the course of production activities to the most urgent demand of the consumers,” as Mises wrote in his paper “Profit and Loss.”

This is highly relevant to the “stakeholder capitalism” discussion, because it means that, to the extent that the profit-and-loss metric is discounted for the sake of competing objectives (like serving other “stakeholders,” the sovereign consumers are dethroned, disregarded, and relatively impoverished.

Now it’s at least conceivable that ESG standards are not competing, but rather complementary to the profit-and-loss metric and thus serving consumers. In fact, that’s a big part of the ESG sales pitch: that corporations who adopt and adhere to ESG standards will enjoy higher long-term profits, because breaking free of their fixation on short-term shareholder returns will enable them to embrace more “sustainable” business practices.

In a free market, whether that promise would be fulfilled or not would be for the sovereign consumers to decide, and ESG would rise or fall on its own merits.

Unfortunately, our market economy is far from free. The State has rigged capital markets for the benefit of its elite lackeys in the financial industry: like the “Who Cares Wins” fat cats who started the ESG ball rolling in 2004 under the auspices of the United Nations.

One of the prime ways the State rigs markets is through central bank policy.

The prodigious amount of newly created money that the Federal Reserve and other central banks have pumped into financial institutions in recent years has transferred vast amounts of real wealth to those institutions from the general public. As a result, those institutions—big banks and investment companies—are now much more beholden to the State and much less beholden to consumers for their wealth.

As they say, “he who pays the piper calls the tune.” So it’s no surprise that these institutions are stumbling over themselves to get on board the State’s ESG bandwagon.

And that means that non-financial corporations also have to get with the ESG program if they want access to the Fed’s money tap and thus to capital. Especially as the average consumer becomes increasingly impoverished by disastrous economic policies, the incentive for corporations to earn market profit by pleasing consumers is being progressively superseded by the incentive to gain access to the Fed’s flow of loot by meeting the State’s “social” standards.

By increasingly controlling capital flows, the State is gaining ever more control over the entire economy.

This may explain the recent willingness of so many corporations to alienate customers and sacrifice profits on the altar of “green” and “woke” politics.

It is no coincidence that Klaus Schaub, the preeminent champion of the “Great Reset” also co-authored a book titled Stakeholder Capitalism. The upshot of stakeholder capitalism is that the State supplants the consumer as the supreme stakeholder in the economy. The sick joke of stakeholder capitalism is that it “reforms” capitalism by transforming it into a form of socialism.


Dan Sanchez

Dan Sanchez is the Director of Content at the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) and the editor-in chief of

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Democrats Play The Blame Game

“We habitually erect a barrier called blame that keeps us from communicating genuinely with others, and we fortify it with our concepts of who’s right and who’s wrong. We do that with the people who are closest to us and we do it with political systems, with all kinds of things that we don’t like about our associates or our society. It is a very common, ancient, well-perfected device for trying to feel better. Blame others….Blaming is a way to protect your heart, trying to protect what is soft and open and tender in yourself. Rather than own that pain, we scramble to find some comfortable ground.”Pema Chödrön

We came across a meme that had a picture of Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. titled “Who To Blame for Gas Prices.” The meme shows Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. scratching off Putin, Oil Companies, Individual Gas Station Owners.

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.’s next two choices are The Guy Who Changes Out The Numbers on the Sign and Dinosaurs, for Going Extinct and Not Hanging Around to Make More Oil.

In an April 16th, 2016  article titled “When Satire becomes Politically Correct Policy: DePaul University bans chalk for student safety” we wrote,

In March [2016] we posted a political satire column titled “Students demand ‘chalk free zones’ after Trump 2016 graffiti found at Emory U.” The column stated, “Trump ‘chalking attacks’ are appearing on college campuses across America. It began on the campus of Emory University where ‘Trump 2016’, ‘Vote Trump 2016’ and ‘Trump’ graffiti was found on buildings, sidewalks and on benches written in chalk on the university campus.”

We concluded with the tongue-in-cheek, “The Keep Chalk on College Campuses (KCCC) free speech movement in a short statement said, “Chalk U!”

Pollical satire has now become public policy.

Biden, his administrating, the Democrat Party, the legacy media, social media and their allies are using blame as their midterm 2022 weapon of choice.

Why? Because for their base it works.

The Democrat base is made up of particular groups: homosexuals/LGBTQ+ groups like GLSEN, minorities especially blacks, pro-abortionists, teachers and their unions, the SEIU federal employees union, communists, and radical and violent groups like Antifa, Jane’s Revenge, Ruth Sent Us and Black Lives Matter.

The Blame Game

Democrats blame others for their failed policies, incompetence and corruption.

Here’s a short list of the Dem Blame Game:

  • Blaming those peaceful protestors who attended, or supported, the Save America rally in Washington, D.C. on January 6th,2021.
  • Blaming anyone associated with President Donald J. Trump. In a July 5, 2022 Red Right Patriot Paul Duke explained how Democrats are changing tactics as they look forward to the 2024 presidential election. According to Duke, “They know that, barring some sort of miraculous transformation in the West Wing, their incumbent Commander in Chief just isn’t going to cut it when it comes time for reelection…that is why every effort under the sun is being made to hamper the likely Republican candidate Donald Trump’s chances at the White House, mostly through a number of investigations aimed at dredging up whatever dirt they can – even if that dirt has nothing at all to do with their stated mission. In New York City, the tactic came out into the light in a major way this week. A Fulton County grand jury has issued a slew of subpoenas to seven people, including Rudy Giuliani, Sen. Lindsey Graham  (R-S.C.) and conservative lawyer  John Eastman, as part of an investigation surrounding former President Trump.
  • Blaming parents by labeling them as “domestic terrorists” and libeling them for speaking out against gender identity, pornographic materials in public school media centers and schools, colleges and universities teaching the racist and anti-white Critical Race Theory to their children and grandchildren. The War on Parents is real. See articles here, here, here, here and here.
  • Blame anyone and anything, other than themselves for: rising gasoline and diesel prices, empty shelves in grocery stores, inflation, higher prices for food, clothing, services, higher interest rates and higher taxes.
  • Blame the U.S. Supreme Court for deciding, after overturning Roe v. Wade, that the responsibility to decide on abortion back falls to state legislatures, not the federal government.
  • Blame, and then defund, law enforcement from the local, to the state and federal levels in order to protect criminals, illegal aliens and groups like Antifa and Jane’s revenge who continue vandalize, terrorize and destroy neighborhoods and more recently women’s critical care centers nationwide.
  • Blame anyone who leaves the Democrat political plantation. If you are black and are not a democrat you are a pariah. Candidate Biden in an interview with Charlamagne Tha God on the The Breakfast Club stated, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump then you ain’t black!” Leave the “political plantation” and you are deemed to be a traitor to the Democrat Party, its narrative and platform. If you ain’t gay or pro-gay then your also homophobic. If you question why the followers of Mohammed murder infidels then your Islamophobic. If you are successful and believe in free markets and individual responsibility for one’s actions then you ain’t a Democrat. If you don’t support the grooming of underaged children by encouraging transgenderism then you are simple wrong even though the America College of Pediatricians unequivocally finds that encouraging transgenderism is child abuse.

The Democrats consistently blame the murderers choice of weapons, e.g. guns, and not the individual’s clear dysfunctionality for recent shootings, especially school shooting, except when that person is one of them like like Robert ‘Bobby’ Crimo, III who massacred seven people and injured dozens of others on July 4th, 2022 in Highland Park, Illinois. You see Bobby was one of them, anti-Trump, pro-Antifa, with ties to progressive groups and an occultist. See image #1; image #2 and image #3.

The Bottom Line—Blame Keeps Dems on the Political Plantation

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is the consummate career politician who’s only mission is to keep his constituents on the political plantation.

The Democrats before during and after the Civil War were, and still are, segregationists. They have replaced the Southern plantations with American ghettos and slums.

The new Democrat segregationist policy is called “intersectionality” which is the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class and gender as they apply to a given individual or group. Intersectionality is focused on identifying multiple factors of advantage and disadvantage.

Rather than focus the positives like individual responsibility, strengths, possibilities, successes and outcomes intersectionality focuses on the negatives. It is one of the great myths of our time.

Intersectionality does one thing and one thing only, it pits one group against other groups in order to gain political power. It divides rather than unites America and Americans.

The factors that have led to American ghettos are Democrat policies including: the welfare state (i.e. LBJ’s great society), socialist economic policies (i.e. creation of social security and the income tax under FDR), the promoting of racial violence in cities in the name of diversity, inclusion and equity (i.e. funding road and bridge repairs based on race not on need), and policies that put caring for the plant over caring for the American people (i.e. Green New Deal and Build Back Better under JRB).

Today we have the National Education Association publicly standing in defense of abortion. So teachers want less children to teach. If you look at where abortion clinics are located they’re in black and minority neighborhoods.

Democrats have built ghettos and slums that puts blacks back on their plantations. This time they aren’t the plantation owners but rather they are the politicians who control the budgets and public policies of these cities.

If you want to keep blacks in their ghettos and slums then first disarm them so that they cannot defend themselves from the crime and criminals that surround them. Then you defund the police in order to give free reign to the criminals of each ghetto and slum. Then you abort their children.

When Democrats do these simple things, which they have now for decades, then you get more ghettos and slums until every major metropolitan area becomes a huge ghetto and slum.

If you really want to see the future of the Democrat Party then watch this monologue by Tucker Carlson about Rhode Island State Senator and Democrat Tiara Mack. Tiara is the  head in the sand black face of the black plantation Democrats. She’s perfect and embodies everything Democrats stand for.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


We are Experiencing the Greatest Delusion in History

The Blame Game by Kayne West. WARNING: Graphic language.


Teachers Union: ‘NEA Will Publicly Stand In Defense of Abortion’

Biden admin sues Arizona over law requiring proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections

America College of Pediatricians Says Encouraging Transgenderism is Child Abuse

Virginia School District Prohibits Teachers From Contacting Parents When Children Change Gender

Pull your kids out of government schools. Now.

The left is systematically destroying our children. How much more are Americans going to take?

Virginia School District Prohibits Teachers From Contacting Parents When Students Change Gender

A Virginia school district is prohibiting teachers from consulting parents when students as young as kindergarten-age switch genders at school.

By: Washington Free Beacon, July 6, 2022:

Fairfax County Public Schools is instructing teachers and administrators to forgo parents’ permission when a student requests to use a bathroom or locker room associated with his or her so-called gender identity, according to screenshots of a mandatory faculty training module obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. The district will also allow schoolchildren without parental consent to change their names and on its virtual learning portal “identify as male, female, or nonbinary.” Teachers could not proceed with the “Supporting Gender-Expansive and Transgender Youth” training until they checked the correct boxes, regardless of their personal beliefs.

Fairfax County Public Schools—Image 1

Fairfax County Public Schools—Image 2

Fairfax County Public Schools did not respond to a request for comment. A county teacher said it was unclear what penalties teachers face for refusing to comply.

The teacher training module is the latest instance in which a public school board has implemented controversial policies without parental consent. A New Jersey public middle school forced students to watch a video about hormone treatment without notifying parents beforehand, the Free Beacon reported in March. Parents have informed the Free Beacon their children “socially transitioned” to another gender at school without their knowledge.

The news comes as parents nationwide have agitated for more oversight of public education. A Fairfax County School Board meeting in June saw dozens of parents turn out to oppose handbook rules that suspend students starting in fourth grade for using the wrong pronouns to refer to gender-nonconforming classmates. The school board adopted the handbook amid parents’ objections that the rules violate the First Amendment by compelling speech.

Three parents with children in the school district have formed an ad hoc “shadow board” to monitor and rebut the Fairfax County School Board. Its first meeting, which was held opposite the county school board’s own meeting on Thursday, discussed recent lawsuits the district faces for sexual assault accusations, the prospect of sex education becoming co-ed to accommodate transgender students, and pushback by left-leaning education groups after Virginia governor Glenn Youngkin (R.) initiated a tip line to report “divisive practices” in public schools. The Virginia Association of School Superintendents, which is now headed by Fairfax superintendent Scott Brabrand, called in a March 10 letter for the tip line to be “terminated.”

Members of the so-called shadow board say the current school board is out of step with parents’ demands for quality education for their children.

“It is unconscionable that even with plummeting standardized test scores and record-level teacher vacancies in Fairfax County Public Schools, board members remain hyper-focused on politicizing education,” Stephanie Lundquist-Arora, a Fairfax mom of three and shadow board member, told the Free Beacon. “This recent ‘gender-inclusive’ training, meant to indoctrinate teachers and keep parents from knowing critical information about their own children, is irresponsible and borderline criminal.”

Luke Berg, deputy counsel at the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty, told the Free Beacon the teacher training is also unconstitutional.

“Policies like this violate parents’ constitutional right to raise their kids,” Berg said. “We are currently suing two Wisconsin school districts over similar policies, and I’m aware of roughly 10 other lawsuits around the country on the same topic, including two in Virginia—one against the Harrisonburg City school district and another against Loudoun County Public Schools.”

Republican members of Congress including Sen. Tom Cotton (Ark.) and Rep. Jim Banks (Ind.) have written companion pieces of legislation to stop such policies. The Empower Parents To Protect Their Kids Act, which was introduced in the Senate in October and in the House in June, cuts federal funding for schools that conceal information about students’ gender identity from parents or pressure students to go through with a gender transition.

“Schools should never be allowed to impose radical, harmful gender ideology on children—especially without parents’ knowledge and consent,” Cotton said.

Go, read the rest……


RELATED ARTICLE: Dems Gives ‘Faglicious Homo’ Senatorial Award for Work with Children

RELATED VIDEO: America’s Largest Teacher Union Applauds WILDLY as Kamala Promotes Abortion and LGBTQ Agenda


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Monmouth Poll Reveals What’s Most Important to 2022 Voters — It’s the economy, stupid!

It’s not what you think.

Monmouth Poll Reveals What’s Most Important to 2022 Voters – You Won’t Believe What Outranks Abortion

By: Mike Vance, Daily Patriot Report, July 5, 2022

With the recent response to the overturning of Roe v. Wade, you would think that abortion/reproductive rights would be at the top of what’s most important to 2022 voters. Well, it turns out that is not the case, according to a Monmouth poll.

The top three issues at the top of the poll are inflation at 33%, gas prices at 15% and the economy at 9%.

Going down the list the next thing is everyday bills, groceries etc. at 6% and it’s followed by abortion/reproductive rights at 5%. If you look at the bottom of the poll results, you can see there is another issue that’s viewed as more important than abortion.

“I don’t know” checks in at 6%. That’s right, there are more people that don’t know what is important to them as a 2022 voter than there are people who prioritize abortion/reproductive healthcare.

Take a look:

This poll also resulted in an all-time low approval rating for President Joe Biden at 36% and 58% of people disapproving of him. The poll also marks a full year since his approval rating was greater than his disapproval rating.

Read the rest…..



We are living through a Communist revolution

CA Gov. Newsom Bans State Workers From Traveling to Certain States, Then Prances Off To Vacation In One of Them

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Claims He Is Going to Help Israel Integrate Into the Region

Funny, I thought the Bidenites were distinctly unenthusiastic about the Abraham Accords which were, after all, accomplished by the Trump Administration and therefore to be dismissed. And what’s more, the Accords gave the lie to those Democratic bigwigs who kept insisting that Israel and Arab states could not possibly make peace and normalize ties until the Palestinians had a state of their own. Many will remember John Kerry’s 2016 statement:

There will be no separate peace between Israel and the Arab world,” Kerry began at a speaking engagement. “I want to make that very clear with all of you. I’ve heard several prominent politicians in Israel sometimes saying, ‘Well, the Arab world is in a different place now. We just have to reach out to them. We can work some things with the Arab world and we’ll deal with the Palestinians.’ No. No, no, and no.”

He continued, “I can tell you that, reaffirmed within the last week because I’ve talked to the leaders of the Arab community, there will be no advanced and separate peace with the Arab world without the Palestinian process and Palestinian peace. Everybody needs to understand that. That is a hard reality.”

Ever since that 2016 clip reappeared in 2020, after four Arab states had joined the Abraham Accords and agreed to normalize ties with Israel, Kerry has not appeared publicly to discuss those remarkable events, and his claim that it would never be possible. “Never apologize, never explain,” appears to be his motto. The Sage of Louisburg Square and Laird of the Elizabeth Islands has spared himself further embarrassment by no longer making pronouncements about Israel and the Arabs.

Now Biden declares, as if the Abraham Accords had been his idea, and that he had never doubted their value, that he is going to the Middle East to further “integrate” Israel into the region. A report on his statement giving his reason for going to the Middle East is here: “Biden says he’ll aim to ‘deepen Israel’s integration in region’ during visit,” by Jacob Magid, Times of Israel, June 30, 2022:

US President Joe Biden said Thursday [June 30] that one of the purposes of his upcoming trip to the Middle East is to “deepen Israel’s integration in the region.”

“I think we’re going to be able to do [that], which is good — good for peace and good for Israeli security,” he said during a press conference on the sidelines of a NATO summit in Spain.

That’s why Israeli leaders have come out so strongly for my going to Saudi [Arabia],” Biden added, publicly revealing the lobbying by Jerusalem for him to visit Jeddah, amid apprehension from some in his party over the Gulf kingdom’s human rights record.

Biden will travel to Israel and the West Bank and July 13 and 14 before continuing to Saudi Arabia, where he will participate for two days in the GCC+3 annual summit of regional leaders from UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, and Qatar, in addition to Egypt, Iraq, and Jordan.

Israel has been eager to normalize ties with Saudi Arabia, viewing the Gulf kingdom’s acceptance as critical for broader integration in the region. As such, it has pressed administration officials to ease up on Riyadh despite Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman’s perceived role in the killing of US-based journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Jerusalem has taken a similar approach in its lobbying for improved relations between the US and Egypt despite Cairo’s own checkered human rights record.

Biden did not elaborate on how the trip will lead to Israel’s integration into the region, but Axios reported Wednesday that the US is on the verge of successfully brokering an agreement that will see a pair of Red Sea islands transferred from Egypt to Saudi Arabia in a deal that will see Riyadh move toward normalizing ties with Israel, whose approval is required for the accord to go through.

By giving its approval to the sale by Egypt of two Red Sea islands, Tiran and Sanafir, for $25 billion to Saudi Arabia, Israel wins points in Riyadh. It might have held up the deal, because of clauses in the 1979 Camp David Accords that give it that right, but Jerusalem chose not to. Israel now views its security alliance with Saudi Arabia as rock solid, and is hoping that as soon as King Salman departs, MBS will be ready to join the Abraham Accords.

How might Biden have elaborated on what he will do to further Israel’s “integration into the region”? He might have said “I will urge the Saudis to look at the benefits the UAE and Bahrain have received so far” from being members of the Abraham Accords. “Just look at the business deals, look at the free-trade agreement between the UAE and Israel” and “imagine what an economy your size can do, in trade, technology, tourism, agriculture, security, with Israel.” In fact, that’s exactly what he will say, in a more elevated vein, to the Saudi King and the Crown Prince when he meets with both on the sidelines of the GCC +3 meeting in Jeddah.

Biden insisted Thursday that the Israel visit was “really important” in its own right and would “affirm the unbreakable bond Israel and the United States have.”

The president notably made no mention of the Palestinians in his answer to a reporter’s question about the trip, a further hint regarding its scope.

Now that’s more like it. Biden should meet not just with Israel’s caretaker prime minister, Yair Lapid, but also with the Obama administration’s, and his, old sparring partner, Benjamin Netanyahu, spending a day and a half in Israel making the political rounds, followed by a quick pro forma visit of no more than an hour to the unsmiling Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah, where nothing of substance will be discussed, and Biden will only repeat his administration’s mantra about how Israelis and Palestinians deserve “equal measures of prosperity, security, and dignity.” And then it’s on to Saudi Arabia. Could it be that even Joe Biden is getting tired of the whole Palestinian business, the way MBS has? Let us hope.

While there has been some speculation in Israel that Biden would hold off on visiting, given the political upheaval of the past month, the White House has been adamant from the get-go that such issues are not part of its calculus. The US had expected Naftali Bennett to be the premier when Biden arrives in two weeks but is moving forward with its planning as Yair Lapid readies to replace him as prime minister on Friday.

Biden’s decision to visit Saudi Arabia has raised eyebrows, given his pledge during the campaign to treat Riyadh as a “pariah” over its human rights record. But with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the pandemic’s recoil sparking all-time highs at the pump, the president has altered his approach in order to ensure better cooperation from a key Mideast ally.

Of course the main reason for the trip is to persuade the Crown Prince to increase Saudi oil production. Everyone knows that. But Joe Biden can’t say that out loud; there must be no whiff of callous political calculation, no cynical raison d’etat, no hint that his only goal is to bring the gasoline price down in order to keep support for the Democrats up in the November elections. The moralist who was going to treat Saudi Arabia as a “pariah” because of the murder of Jamal Khashoggi is now going hat in hand to ask for a favor. But how much more acceptable It is for him to claim he’s going to talk to the Saudis about what can be done to further promote Israel’s integration into the region.

Who, other than the hysterical Palestinians and the fanatical Iranians, could object to such a noble aim?

Still, he tried to insist that the decision to go to Jeddah was merely circumstantial. “It’s in Saudi Arabia, but it’s not about Saudi Arabia,” he said.

Biden also said that he won’t be seeking to press Riyadh to increase its oil production in order to compensate for rising gas prices in the US. “I’ve indicated to them that I thought they should be increasing oil production, generically — not to the Saudis particularly,” he said.

But when Biden asks “generically” for all the Arab oil states to raise production, his request is really being addressed to Saudi Arabia, the largest producer and the “swing producer,” that has several million more barrels of oil it might lift at once without difficulty. But if he wants to keep up the pretense that he isn’t asking the Saudis alone, why should we object? He’s done a lot worse than that little white lie.

Biden confirmed that he’ll be “seeing” Saudi Crown Muhammad bin Salman but only as part of the larger GCC+3 meeting. He will instead be meeting one-on-one with Saudi King Salman.

I suspect that when he meets with King Salman, the King’s son will appear at the same meeting, and listen with feigned respect to Biden, as he makes his pitch for more Saudi oil. Biden won’t say a word about the Abraham Accords to King Salman; that would only annoy him, as he has made his position clear: no normalization of ties before a Palestinian state is established. Saudi pride is upheld, as the Crown Prince is present — not a hint of being a “pariah” — and Biden’s pride is maintained, as he can claim not to have known that the Crown Prince was going to be there.

The Saudis will want to know from Biden what exactly the Americans plan to do about Iran. Will Washington really sign a deal with Iran that will provide the Islamic Republic with hundreds of billions of dollars in unfrozen assets and in revenues from increased oil sales, when Iran has shown in the past that it has no intention of keeping its solemn commitments, and will continue to deceive the IAEA inspectors as it has been doing for many years, both before the disastrous 2015 deal was signed, and ever since, when the deal was in effect from 2015 to 2018, and then in the four years since the Americans pulled out? I suspect that Biden will respond, as he has before, that “Iran will not get nuclear weapons on my watch,” which no one in Riyadh or Jerusalem any longer believes. It is Biden’s fecklessness that will in the end push Saudi Arabia ever closer to Israel. He will have unintentionally achieved what he now claims is his main purpose for the trip – to integrate Israel more fully into its neighborhood – because Saudi Arabia will have concluded that its only reliable and effective ally against the Iranian nuclear threat is not the mighty United States, but tiny, determined Israel.



Poll: Half of Jerusalem Arabs Say They Would Prefer to Become Israeli Citizens

Canada: Government-funded school pamphlet warns against Conservative Party, free speech, Trump

UK: Two dramatic Cabinet resignations minutes apart rock imploding Boris Johnson government

France: Muslim enters police station, starts screaming ‘Allahu akbar,’ is dismissed as mentally ill

France: Afghan Muslim migrant screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ tries to stab passers-by

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Records Show D.C. Schools Pushed Racial Segregation in Employee ‘Affinity Spaces’

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it received 194 pages of records from District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) which show DC officials pushed segregated “Affinity Spaces” on the basis of race and sexual identity.

Judicial Watch obtained the records in response to a June 24, 2021, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for:

Records identifying the number of affinity spaces hosted by District of Columbia Public Schools from August 31, 2020 to June 24, 2021.

Records identifying the topics discussed during any affinity spaces hosted by District of Columbia Public Schools from August 31, 2020 to June 24, 2021.

Records inviting students, faculty, and staff to affinity spaces hosted by District of Columbia Public Schools from August 31, 2020 to June 24, 2021.

Records, including policies and procedures, regarding the creation and use of “affinity spaces.”

Any analyses of whether affinity spaces excluding students, faculty, and staff who identify as a specific race or gender is consistent with district and federal law, including but not limited to 42 U.S.C. 2000d and the Equal Protection clause of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

The records include a DCPS September 2021 PowerPoint presentation titled “DCPS Affinity Group Interest Form” stating:

DCPS staff: The Equity Strategy and Programming Team initially launched affinity spaces as safe spaces for you to reflect and process following the murder of George Floyd, and we are going to continue them throughout the 21-22 school year as a place for folks to reflect and continue to learn and grow.

One way to process in a safe space is through affinity. Affinity spaces are gathering opportunities for people who share a common identity. This space will be organized based on the racial identities represented in Central Office as we aim to lean into the Courageous Conversation condition of isolating race.

For more information about the benefit of racial affinity groups, please leverage this Learning for Justice resource:

DCPS Central Office staff from the Equity, Community Action and SEL [Social and Emotional Learning] Teams will co-facilitate these affinity groups in collaboration with volunteers at least once a month but more frequently as requested by the group.

A form in the presentation asks respondents to submit their pronouns, which include she/her, she/they, he/him, he/they, they/them, ze/hir, she/he/they, or “other.”

DCPS staff is asked to select “Which racial affinity group(s) do you plan to join via Teams? (Select all that apply to you and your racial identities. A separate calendar/Teams invite will come from the DCPS Equity calendar.):”

  • Asian American Pacific Islander
  • Black/African American, Hispanic/Latinx
  • Indigenous/Native American, Multi-Racial, White

I am not represented by any of these options and want to recommend another group.

The form adds: “As we define race, it can be easy to conflate race with ethnicity or nationality because the definition and boundaries are always changing. Use the US Census ( ) as a guide but do not let it limit you based on how you personally identify racially.

The form also asks if respondents are interested in new LGBTQIA+ “Affinity Spaces.” Those spaces are divided into “BIPOC (Black/Indigenous/People of Color) LGBTQIA+” and “White LGBTQIA+.”

A DCPS memo details events to be held in June 2021 and is titled “Proposed Engagement in Response to Recent Racial Incidents” begins: “These are troubling times. I imagine that we all are struggling to make sense of the murder of George Floyd and the continued racial violence and racism that people of color, but black people specifically, endure at the hands of the police, other systems and individuals.”

A table of proposed events in the memo includes an “Affinity Group Brown Bag” that is described as a “Moderated space for CO [Central Office] staff to reflect, connect, feel, share, strategize in smaller, affinity (Black, White, Latinx, Asian) space: Focus on self-awareness, identity and cultural awareness.”

An undated email from the DCPS Equity Team to AAPI Affinity (DCPS); Black Affinity (DCPS); Hispanic/Latinx Affinity (DCPS); Multi-Racial Affinity (DCPS); White Affinity (DCPS); and many individual DCPS members with the subject line “Cross-Racial Affinity Space (led by the Multi-Racial Affinity Group)” informs recipients that: “The Multi-Racial Affinity group is tentative to lead a cross-racial affinity space during the week of August 9th – August 13th [2020]”:

Cross-Racial Affinity Space Schedule

The current schedule for cross-racial dialogue is as follows (open to all affinity group members) to be led by respective affinity groups). Dates may change if conflicts arise for a majority of attendees:

  • October: To be led by the Hispanic/Latino/Latinx affinity group
  • December: To be led by the White affinity group
  • February: To be led by the Black affinity group
  • May: To be led by the Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) affinity group
  • August: To be led by the Multi-Racial affinity group

[ … ]

A few guiding norms and goals for all affinity spaces:

  • Go beyond celebration: Central Office (CO) affinity spaces will ensure that the conversation translates identity-related issues into action that helps mitigate those issues in our teams, offices and CO.
  • Isolate Race: CO affinity spaces will leverage the Courageous Conversation protocol <> [no longer available on the IEL website] – especially the norm of isolating race – in dialogue and collaboration.
  • A lens for equity: As CO affinity spaces transition from conversation into action, spaces will ensure those actions are rooted in an equity lens that focuses on policy, identity and mindsets, practices and culture. The DCPS Equity Framework <> is a foundational resource for exploring goals and objectives through an equity lens.
  • Create Cross-Racial Learning Opportunities: CO affinity spaces will come together in one space for interracial dialogue and learning led by a respective affinity group every other month.

A January 26, 2021, email from former DCPS Equity Strategy and Programming Team member Elizabeth Rene, who now works at Google, introduces to her then-colleagues what is called the “Anti-Racist Educator University,” which is touted as the first such endeavor “led by any school district.” The email states:

Many of you have engaged in conversations about race and equity with your students, families and colleagues. However, many more of you have asked how to translate those conversations into action.

Anti-Racist Educator University is an opportunity to proactively apply what we’ve learned about race and equity to our daily practice in the classroom as well as shifting policies, mindsets and culture.

Anti-Racist Educator University is a strategic lever that provides DCPS educators with shared learning rooted in a collective commitment to active anti-racism….

A June 16, 2021, email from Samuel Cuadro of DCPS to Principal Katie Lundgren and several colleagues states: “[T]he goal of these affinity groups is to create a safe space among colleagues to process the impacts of racism and white supremacy within our school community and identify collective actions to take as individuals and as groups.”

“These shocking documents show, in evident violation of the Constitution and civil rights laws, that the public school system of our nation’s capital pushed blatant racial segregation among its staff based on radical, divisive CRT principles,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

Judicial Watch recently released records revealing critical race theory (CRT) instruction at the U.S. Military Academy, West Point. One training slide contains a graphic titled “MODERN-DAY SLAVERY IN THE USA.”

CFPB records obtained in February 2022 included a PowerPoint presentation titled “Race and gender based microaggressions” that was used for training at the organization.

In June 2022, Judicial Watch announced that  today it has appealed a federal court decision dismissing a civil rights lawsuit on behalf of David Flynn, a Massachusetts father who was fired from his position as high school football coach after he raised concerns over Black Lives Matter/critical race theory being taught in his daughter’s seventh-grade ancient history class

In January, Judicial Watch announced that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit for all FBI records related to the October 4, 2021, memorandum issued by Attorney General Garland targeting parents who raised objections to Critical Race Theory in schools.

In November 2021, Judicial Watch announced that it received two sets of new records related to the teaching of critical race theory in Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), Maryland’s largest school system. The new records include a training course with information about a book titled “Antiracist Baby” that introduces the youngest readers to “the concept and power of antiracism,” and says it’s the “perfect gift” for “ages baby to age 3.”

Records received from Loudoun County, VA, that Judicial Watch made public in October 2021, revealed a coordinated effort to advance critical race theory initiatives in Loudoun County public schools despite widespread public opposition.

Also in October 2021, Judicial Watch announced that it received a training document from a whistleblower in the Westerly School District of Rhode Island, which details how Westerly Public Schools are using teachers to push critical race theory in classrooms.

Records from Wellesley Public Schools in Massachusetts, released by Judicial Watch in June 2021, confirmed the use of “affinity spaces” that divide students and staff based on race as a priority and objective of the school district’s “diversity, equity and inclusion” plan. The school district also admitted that between September 1, 2020 and May 17, 2021, it created “five distinct” segregated spaces.


Canada: Government-funded school pamphlet warns against Conservative Party, free speech, Trump

UK: London school refuses to release details of secret woke lessons to parents

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Democrats Crank Up Propaganda Machine on Elections

You need to be aware the Democrats’ propaganda machine is cranked up to ‘hi’ on elections.  They are mischaracterizing just about everything having to do with elections these days.

Let’s start with the claim Donald Trump tried to ‘overturn the election’ and is, therefore a ‘threat to democracy’.  I say he pursued legal challenges under the constitutionally-prescribed process for contesting election results, nothing more.  Isn’t that what you would do if you thought an election was stolen from you?

Under our system, which has been called “messy” and “deficient”, legal challenges are brought under Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution having to do with the appointment of electors to the Electoral College.  It is possible for rival sets of electors to be sent to Washington if state governors and legislatures don’t agree on the slate.  The procedures go on from there to provide for challenges in the U.S. House and Senate to exclude electors from the Electoral College vote count.  There were dueling electors in the contested election of 1876 and, in a challenge brought by Democrats, in Hawaii in 1960.  Nancy Pelosi’s daughter led a challenge to Trump electors in 2016.  Nobody accused the Democrats of trying to ‘overturn the election’ in those instances, did they?  But that’s the propaganda we’re getting from the Democrats now and it’s escalated to the point where the Biden Justice Department is investigating Republicans involved in efforts to send alternate electors to Congress in the 2020 election.  Trump forces also went to court and won on the merits in 22 out of 39 lawsuits brought contesting various aspects of that election.

So what, exactly, did Trump do?  He pursued possibilities for alternate electors –  just like Democrats before him – and brought cases in court, many of which he won.  That’s it.  No martial law, no calling out the army, nothing beyond legal processes.  Democrats are twisting his efforts to convince you his efforts are something they are not.

Next, we turn to the claim that 2020 ‘election deniers’ are spreading ‘misinformation’ and pose a threat to future elections.  The propaganda on this is very thin, turning quickly to reform efforts to improve future election integrity.  The ‘election denier’ smear is intended to discredit legitimate efforts to enact voter ID laws which are routinely upheld by courts, curb the use of insecure mail-in voting which Democrat Jimmy Carter recognized is a problem, and get rid of things like dropboxes which only came in because of COVID but the Democrats have succeeded in making permanent in many states.  If working for free and fair elections in the future is ‘election denial’, I’ll eat my hat.

The latest mischaracterization came when the Supreme Court agreed to hear a case testing the power of state legislatures to make laws regarding elections.  To hear Democrats tell it, the conservative Supreme Court is poised to give unchecked power to state legislatures to shut out state governors and courts, favor their own party, and undermine democracy.   You have to remember that Democrat elections officials approved dropboxes and mail-in voting in 2020, invoking emergency powers in the pandemic to do so, without permission from state lawmakers.  If anyone is a threat to democracy in this situation, it’s unelected bureaucrats who worked overtime to help the Democrats 2020, not the duly elected state lawmakers.  Moreover, a new government report shows how elections officials can work inside the system to threaten fair elections.  That being the case, I don’t mind more oversight and stricter procedures mandated by state lawmakers who are the duly elected representatives of the people.  Especially when Article I, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution gives primary responsibility for elections to state legislatures.  Moreover, it’s been reported that local and state elections officials are secretly meeting with Democrat funders and left-wing organizations to discuss future elections – no Republicans allowed.  What’s that about?  This is all from government documents and can’t be denied.

So, when the Democrat propaganda machine tries to convince you Republicans are working to unlawfully overturn the results of past elections and rig elections in the future, your first reaction should be ‘poppycock’, because that’s what it is.

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET Weekdays

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

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Pete Antonacci Appointed Director of the New Florida Office of Election Crimes and Security

As we all know, Florida’s new Election Integrity law provides for an agency to investigate election fraud and help insure election security. 

Governor DeSantis has just announced the appointment of Pete Antonacci as Director of Florida’s Office of Election Crimes and Security. Pete has a stellar reputation for following the law under the highest level of integrity.

Governor Ron DeSantis Announces the Appointment of Peter Antonacci as Director of the Office of Election Crimes and Security

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced the appointment of Peter Antonacci as Director of the Office of Election Crimes and Security, housed within the Florida Department of State. The Office of Election Crimes and Security is charged with investigating all election crimes in Florida and overseeing the implementation of measures that will ensure Florida’s elections remain secure. Antonacci has had an extensive career in public service, including experience in election security as a Deputy Attorney General, Statewide Prosecutor, and Broward County Supervisor of Elections.

“Peter Antonacci has dedicated his career to serving the state of Florida,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “I am confident he will lead the Office of Election Crimes and Security with integrity and ensure that Florida’s elections are the most secure in the nation.”

“I applaud Governor Ron DeSantis for appointing Peter Antonacci as the first Director of the Office of Election Crimes and Security,” said Florida Secretary of State and Chief Election Officer Cord Byrd. “In Florida, our freedoms and rights are protected by the rule of law and our elections are no different. Judge Antonacci’s formidable knowledge of Florida election law and his experience as a Supervisor of Elections will ensure that our laws are enforced and that voters have confidence in our elections.”

“Free and fair elections are vital to our democracy, and I applaud Governor DeSantis for selecting such a respected, experienced attorney to lead this important mission and provide assurance to voters that anyone who commits elections fraud will face justice,” said Attorney General Ashley Moody.

“I applaud the Florida Legislature and Governor Ron DeSantis for creating the Florida Office of Election Crimes and Security to help ensure the integrity of our elections,” said Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd. “Having confidence that when we cast our vote, it is counted fairly, is critical to our representative democracy. I’ve known Peter Antonacci for many years and he is ethical, hardworking, and committed to acting with integrity. He will call balls and strikes. I trust him to make decisions that will strengthen our right to vote. Peter is the right person at the right time for this very important position.”

“Election crimes have deep impacts on the security of our state and our nation and investigating them is a very complex matter that sheriffs in our state have a responsibility to address,” said Steve Casey, Executive Director, Florida Sheriffs Association. “Peter Antonacci is an experienced and skilled choice to lead Florida’s efforts to investigate election crimes and ensure the security of Florida’s elections. The sheriffs look forward to working in partnership with the new agency in carrying out their responsibilities under law.”

“I have had the opportunity to work with Peter as a fellow Supervisor of Elections,” said Mark Earley, Leon County Supervisor of Elections. “I trust he will serve the people of Florida with an even hand to ensure the continued fairness and sanctity of our elections process. Peter understands the complexities of election law, and the need for a reserved and judicious application of the power this new office wields.”

Antonacci’s long career in public service began as a trial prosecutor in the Second Judicial Court and has included many other roles, most recently serving as Director and Chief Judge of the Division of Administrative Hearings, following his appointment as Broward County Elections Supervisor in 2018. Previous to that role, Antonacci has served as Deputy Attorney General of Florida under former Attorney General Bob Butterworth, CEO of Enterprise Florida, General Counsel to former Governor Rick Scott, Palm Beach County State Attorney, and Executive Director of the South Florida Water Management District. Antonacci graduated from Florida State University School of Law.

Following Antonacci’s appointment, Brian Newman will begin immediately serving as acting Director and Chief Judge of the Division of Administrative Hearings.

©Royal A. Brown, III. All rights reserved.


Good Government Groups Ask State Officials To Stop Biden’s Federal Takeover Of Elections

Latest Viral Misinformation About Ron Desantis Falls Apart Almost Instantly

Biden admin sues Arizona over law requiring proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections

Why Red Flag Laws Failed Miserably in the Case of ‘J4TH Mass Murderer’ Robert ‘Bobby’ Crimo, III

Our contributors have written extensively on how Red Flag Laws do not work here, here, here and here.

Why? Because criminals and mass murderers find ways around them.

Red Flag Laws didn’t stop the criminals like Robert ‘Bobby’ Crimo, III from massacring seven people and injuring dozens of others on July 4th, 2022 in Highland Park, Illinois.

This J4th massacre, which ironically happened less than a month after the U.S. Senate passed a Red Flag law by a voter 224 for (including 14 republicans) to 202 against.

This law create what is known as a federal red-flag law that allows family members or law enforcement to obtain an “extreme risk protection order” for a person considered to be a danger to themselves or others.

It appears that law enforcement just wasn’t interested Bobby Crimo given his multiple red flags. Here are tweets from citizens about the J4TH massacre.

Watch the below video of the Highland Park Police stating that Bobby popped up on their radar at least twice since 2019. BTW, Highland Park and Chicago gun laws are among the strictest in the country.

On the day after the massacre The Gateway Pundit uncovered information indicating Crimo is a radical progressive with ties to Antifa, progressive groups, and the occult.  How did they uncover this? Why by looking at his social media accounts!




So why didn’t the Highland Park police take a rudimentary look at Bobby’s social media accounts?

Why didn’t the Highland Park police discover a social media video of Bobby’s fantasies to kill others including Donald J. Trump?

The Bottom Line

The Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) in an August 17th, 2019 article titled “7 Reasons to Oppose Red Flag Guns Laws” stated,

Here are seven reasons red flag laws should be opposed, particularly at the federal level.

Most people haven’t heard of red flag laws until recently—if they have at all—but they aren’t new.

Connecticut enacted the nation’s first red flag law in 1999, followed by Indiana (2005). This means social scientists have had decades to analyze the effectiveness of these laws. And what did they find?

“The evidence,” The New York Times recently reported, “for whether extreme risk protection orders work to prevent gun violence is inconclusive, according to a study by the RAND Corporation on the effectiveness of gun safety measures.”

The Washington Post reports that California’s red flag went basically unused for two years after its passage in 2016. Washington, D.C.’s law has gone entirely unused. Other states, such as Florida and Maryland, have gone the other direction, seizing hundreds of firearms from gun-owners. Yet it’s unclear if these actions stopped a shooting.

With additional states passing red flag laws, researchers will soon have much more data to analyze. But before passing expansive federal legislation that infringes on civil liberties, lawmakers should have clear and compelling empirical evidence that red flag laws actually do what they are intended to do.

The Founding Fathers clearly enumerated the powers of the federal government in the Constitution. Among the powers granted in Article I, Section 8 are “the power to coin money, to regulate commerce, to declare war, to raise and maintain armed forces, and to establish a Post Office.”

Regulating firearms is not among the powers listed in the Constitution (though this has not always stopped lawmakers from regulating them). In fact, the document expressly forbids the federal government from doing so, stating in the Second Amendment that “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Unlike the federal government, whose powers, James Madison noted, are “few and defined,” states possess powers that “are numerous and indefinite.”

Indeed, 17 states and the District of Columbia already have red flag laws, and many more states are in the process of adding them. This shows that the people and their representatives are fully capable of passing such laws if they choose. If red flag laws are deemed desirable, this is the appropriate place to pursue such laws, assuming they pass constitutional muster. But do they?

The Constitution mandates that no one shall be “deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law.”

Seizing the property of individuals who have been convicted of no crime violates this provision. Gun control advocates claim due process is not violated because people whose firearms are taken can appeal to courts to reclaim their property. However, as economist Raheem Williams has observed, “this backward process would imply that the Second Amendment is a privilege, not a right.”

Depriving individuals of a clearly established, constitutionally-guaranteed right in the absence of criminal charges or trial is an affront to civil liberties.

In 2018, two Maryland police officers shot and killed 61-year-old Gary Willis in his own house after waking him at 5:17 a.m. The officers, who were not harmed during the shooting, had been ordered to remove guns from his home under the state’s red flag law, which had gone into effect one month prior to the shooting.

While red flag laws are designed to reduce violence, it’s possible they could do the opposite by creating confrontations between law enforcement and gun owners like Willis, especially as the enforcement of red flag laws expands.

In theory, red flag laws are supposed to target individuals who pose a threat to themselves or others. In practice, they can work quite differently.

In a 14-page analysis, the American Civil Liberties Union of Rhode Island explained that few people understand just how expansive the state’s red flag law is.

“It is worth emphasizing that while a seeming urgent need for [the law] derives from recent egregious and deadly mass shootings, [the law’s] reach goes far beyond any efforts to address such extraordinary incidents,” the authors said.

“As written, a person could be subject to an extreme risk protective order (ERPO) without ever having committed, or even having threatened to commit, an act of violence with a firearm.” Though comprehensive information is thin, and laws differ from state to state, anecdotal evidence suggests Rhode Island’s law is not unique. A University of Central Florida student, for example, was hauled into proceedings and received a year-long RPO (risk protection order) for saying “stupid” things on Reddit following a mass shooting, even though the student had no criminal history and didn’t own a firearm. (The student also was falsely portrayed as a “ticking time bomb” by police, Jacub Sullum reports.) Another man, Reason reports, was slapped with an RPO for criticizing teenage gun control activists online and sharing a picture of an AR-15 rifle he had built.

Individuals who find themselves involved in these proceedings often have no clear constitutional right to counsel, civil libertarians point out.

As I’ve previously observed, red flag laws are essentially a form of pre-crime, a theme explored in the 2002 Steven Spielberg movie Minority Report, based on a 1956 Philip K. Dick novel.

Thus ends the lesson Red Flag Laws.

They’re called “Red Flag” to symbolize the amount of blood shed by innocent victims spilled by those, like Bobby, who simply ignore the laws because, you see they’re lawless! Get it? Got it? Good!

We are wondering if the Democrats will now have a J4TH Committee to look into the failure of their recently passed Red Flag Law? 

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: The Tucker Monologue on the Highland Park Shooting Everyone Is Talking About


Red flags failed! In 2019 cops took 16 weapons from homicidal killer’s home, he went on to buy 5 guns with help of his dad

Highland Park Gunman Wore Women’s Clothing During Mass Shooting, Cops Say

Chabad Rabbi: July 4 Chicago Mass Murderer Entered His Synagogue On Passover

The Real Insurrectionists

Highland Park Mass Murderer, Bobby Crimo, Tied to Socialists, Progressives, Antifa and the Occult

Redundant – the left is the occult.

He wasn’t a Trump supporter. It appears he wanted to kill him. But our intel agenices are busy with tracking down moms who attend school board meetings.

Gateway has the exclusive:

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Information Uncovered Overnight Shows Highland Park Shooter, Bobby Crimo, Is Tied to Socialists, Progressives, Antifa and the Occult

By Joe Hoft,  July 5, 2022:

Police arrested Robert ‘Bobby’ Crimo III’, age 22, yesterday as the shooter who killed six and injured many more at the 4th of July parade in Highland Park, Illinois.  This morning The Gateway Pundit has uncovered information indicating Crimo is a radical progressive with ties to Antifa, progressive groups, and the occult. 

Looking over information that was collected following the deadly shooting, the Highland Park 4th of July parade killer, Bobby Crimo, has a very dark background.

We reported on the shooter yesterday when he was confirmed as a person of interest.

Now we have information tying Crimo to progressives, socialists, Antifa and the occult.  Crimo’s social network and lifestyle are all progressively related.




Crimo has ties to the Democratic Socialists of America as noted by the tattoo on his neck.  This is the largest and fastest-growing socialist organization in the US.

Evidence reveals Crimo is not a Trump supporter.  He makes fun of Trump and his followers in his social media posts.  Crimo attended a Trump event dressed up as ‘Where’s Waldo’ outfit.  This appears to be sarcasm and an attack on President 45 who may also be President 47.

His social media posts appear as if he wants to kill President 47.

Go, read the rest……


RELATED VIDEO: Highland Park Shooter Caught, Arrested at Gunpoint



Red flags failed! In 2019 cops took 16 weapons from homicidal killer’s home, he went on to buy 5 guns with help of his dad

Highland Park Gunman Wore Women’s Clothing During Mass Shooting, Cops Say

Chabad Rabbi: July 4 Chicago Mass Murderer Entered His Synagogue On Passover

The Real Insurrectionists

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Since January 1st, 2022 — 465 Child Rapes by Illegal Aliens in North Carolina Alone

“In the first place, we should insist that, if the immigrant, who comes here in good faith, becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet, an American, and nothing but an American…There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag… We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language… and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.” President Theodore Roosevelt – 1907

The Department of Homeland Security is responsible by-law to keep the borders secure. Here’s DHS Secretary Mayorkas saying he thinks that they’re doing a “good job.”

Democrats have and are continuing to ignore the social costs of their open borders policies. We know that drugs like fentanyl, human trafficking and crimes by illegal aliens have risen each and every day that our borders remain open. However, there are much more serious crimes being committed against the innocent and most vulnerable—our children

One North Carolina group is monitoring the most heinous of all crimes—the rape of children by illegal aliens.

According to their website:

North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement (NCFIRE) reports on a monthly basing crimes committed by illegal aliens.

NCFIRE verifies the illegal alien status of each individual we post in our Monthly Child Rape reports through the arresting agency of each individual.

Pursuant to the state open records law, North Carolina General Statutes; Public Records § 132-1, Criminal investigations, § 132-1.4, and Access to Records, § 132-9, allow for NCFIRE to obtain and post the arrest records of any and all individuals arrested in North Carolina.

Here are the 2021 and 2022 NCFIRE reports:

2022 Monthly Child Rapes by Illegal Aliens

  • June 2022              23 illegal aliens arrested for 61 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC       here
  • May 2022               18 illegal aliens arrested for 42 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC       here
  • April 2022               19 illegal aliens arrested for 72 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC       here
  • March 2022            30 illegal aliens arrested for 110 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC     here
  • February 2022        27 illegal aliens arrested for 84 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC       here
  • January 2022         18 illegal aliens arrested for 96 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC        here

2021 Monthly Child Rapes by Illegal Aliens

  • December 2021   18 illegal aliens arrested for 72 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC      here
  • November 2021   20 illegal aliens arrested for 105 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC    here
  • October 2021      18 illegal aliens arrested for 62 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC       here
  • September 2021   27 illegal aliens arrested for 72 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC       here
  • August 2021          31 illegal aliens arrested for 131 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC     here
  • July 2021               22 illegal aliens arrested for 96 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC       here
  • June 2021              32 illegal aliens arrested for 161 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC     here
  • May 2021               28 illegal aliens arrested for 80 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC       here
  • April 2021               21 illegal aliens arrested for 200 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC     here
  • March 2021            17 illegal aliens arrested for 70 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC       here
  • February 2021        33 illegal aliens arrested for 100 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC     here
  • January 2021         17 illegal aliens arrested for 55 child rape/child sexual assault charges in NC        here

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) reported the following serious crimes committed by illegal aliens in April and May of 2022 against women and children:

  • On April 19, police in Grovetown, Georgia, arrested Jorge Pineda-Barbosa for allegedly sexually assaulting over 20 women in the area. (, May 3, 2022)
  • On April 25, Yesenia Ramirez and Jose Roman Portillo kidnapped three-month-old Brandon Cuellar in San Jose, California, while the infant’s grandmother was unloading groceries in front of her residence in broad daylight. Fortunately, the baby was found safe twenty hours following the kidnapping. An illegal alien from El Salvador, Yesenia Ramirez had been deported three times: once in 2018, and twice in 2019. (New York Post, April 29, 2022; Breitbart News, May 9, 2022)
  • On May 2, Honduran national Delmer Orlando Ortiz Licona attempted to kidnap a 4-year-old boy in Lubbock County, Texas. He was also accused of sexually assaulting a 7-year-old girl – the daughter of his girlfriend at the time – on August 8, 2021. (Breitbart News, May 25, 2022;, May 25, 2022)
  • In May, police arrested Ronaldo Saul Monteroso Gonzalez for allegedly raping his toddler daughter – whom he also infected with Chlamydia – in Davidson County, Tennessee. Although the child was tested for sexual assault in late February, Monteroso Gonzalez was only arrested in May because the authorities were unable to locate him. ICE has placed a detainer on Monteroso Gonzalez. (, May 12, 2022; Breitbart News, May 18, 2022)
  • On May 19, Reymundo Loa Rodriguez was arrested and charged with allegedly drugging and raping a woman in Wichita Falls, Texas. According to Breitbart News, “Wichita County Jail records show Rodriguez was previously arrested in June 2003 for theft and in October 2013 for assault in a domestic dispute. For each of those arrests, Rodriguez was released within 24 hours.” (, May 23, 2022; Breitbart News, May 30, 2022)


Who We Are

We are a statewide grassroots organization that is dedicated to immigration enforcement. Our organization represents the citizens’ interest in stopping the flood of illegal aliens into North Carolina. We simply can’t afford illegal aliens’ tremendous costs any longer. The damage incurred, the crimes, costs and physical and emotional damage these people are causing, are just too great.

We also seek to educate our citizens to the many costly and destructive aspects of illegal immigrant crime. The crimes we document in our monthly crime reports include some of the most heinous crimes imaginable. (The sad thing about it is, every one of them is 100% preventable if our N.C. Legislators would simply enact and enforce, state level illegal immigration laws.)

What We Believe

We support limiting our jobs and resources to the citizens of North Carolina and we believe that it is time for our Legislators to adhere to their oath of office, “to support the Constitution of the United States; and to be faithful and bear true allegiance to the State of North Carolina” by passing the appropriate legislation to curtail the influx of illegal aliens into our state.

Our Position Statement

“We, as Citizens of the State, call upon the Legislators of North Carolina, to honor their oath of office to support and defend the Constitution of North Carolina, by passing the necessary and appropriate legislation to:”

1) Mandate English as the official language of N.C.

2) Require a valid photo I.D. to vote.

3) Require all companies (public and private) doing business in N.C. to become E-Verify compliant.

4) Mandate stricter punishments and stiffer penalties for hiring illegal aliens in N.C.

5) Enact a N.C. version of Arizona’s SB1070 law to document proof of legal entry and the right to be within N.C. borders.

6) Deny enrollment of illegal aliens to N.C. colleges and universities.

7) Eliminate taxpayer funding to N.C. colleges and universities that allow illegal aliens to enroll.

8) Restrict foreign consulate services to consulate property only.

9) Deny taxpayer funding to any N.C. municipality, town, city or county that supports sanctuary policies for illegal aliens.

10) Require proof of citizenship and residency for all N.C. social welfare eligibility.

11) Cut taxpayer funding to all non-profit organizations in N.C. that provide assistance and/or benefits to illegal aliens.

12) End taxpayer funding of all N.C. ethnic councils.

13) Tighten N.C. vehicle laws by impounding cars driven by unlicensed and uninsured drivers.

14) Restrict the registration of motor vehicles in N.C. to legal N.C. residents only.

What We Do

 We periodically send out “Action Alerts.” These are items that need immediate attention. It may be calling, emailing or faxing your Congressman, signing a petition, attending a rally or to notify you of an upcoming Bill to be voted on in the NCGA. The member contact list is divided up into sections according to their N.C. postal zip code. Information can be sent to specific areas of N.C. according to that zip code. This way, important information can be distributed regionally and action can be taken very quickly.

 How To Join

(It costs you nothing to join and we never ask for your money!)

Simply scroll down to the “Subscribe to our mailing list” section below. Enter your e-mail address. You can also enter your first and last names if you choose but it is not required; then click “Subscribe”. You will be sent a confirmation email that you signed up. Simply click on the link in the email to confirm the request. That’s it!You will be joining 40,000 to 50,000 fellow North Carolinians in the effort to enforce immigration laws in our state. With numbers like that, you can indeed make a difference!

©NCFIRE. All rights reserved.


Mayor Bowser claims illegal immigrants crowding DC homeless shelters are asylum seekers ‘tricked’ onto buses

Two Illegals from Guatemala Caught Plotting to Mass Murder Americans on July 4

Biden admin sues Arizona over law requiring proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections

Potential Virginia Mass Shooters Were In US Illegally, One Deported Multiple Times, Police Say

Medals of Honor, Badges of Shame

Hershel “Woody” Williams, the last World War II Medal of Honor recipient, will lie in honor at the U.S. Capitol later this month.  He died at the age of 98.  The Medal of Honor is the nation’s highest military award for bravery, awarded by the President in the name of Congress.  Williams went out alone to try to take out machine-gun positions on Iwo Jima so tanks could open a lane for U.S. infantry troops to advance.

He deserves our thanks for defending freedom.  Other people in the news recently deserve our condemnation for undermining it.  Shame on them.

The National Archives put a ‘harmful language alert’ on the cornerstone of freedom, the U.S. Constitution, warning readers the document supposedly contains biased or offensive language.  The National Archives’ outrage is selective because no such warnings appear on a document containing the N-word or a document using the K-word to refer to Jews.  But the Constitution?  Beyond the pale, apparently.

The Democrat Party in Pima County, Arizona posted “F*ck the 4th” on social media sites, referring to Independence Day.  I don’t care what led them to it.  They are ingrates taking this magnificent country for granted, and that’s the issue as I see it in this situation.

The City of Orlando insulted the country in the course of inviting people to the City’s 4th of July fireworks display.  “A lot of people probably don’t want to celebrate our nation right now, and we can’t blame them…. When there is so much division, hate, and unrest, why on earth would you want to have a party celebrating any of it?”  The City apologized later, but a Democrat state lawmaker said it shouldn’t have.  A Democrat – it figures.  One time, my Tea Party was marching in a parade handing out pocket Constitutions.  I’ll never forget – one lady held up her hands to refuse:  “Oh no, I’m a Democrat.  We don’t NEED the Constitution.”

Another Democrat, a congressman from Rhode Island, said, ““Spare me the [blanket-blank] Constitutional rights,” in reference to the gun debate.  Congressman Cicilline, in case you don’t know it, the Second Amendment exists to protect us from wannabe tyrants like you.

A Major League Baseball manager in San Francisco said he would boycott the National Anthem at games until he ‘feels better’ about the direction of the country.  Feels better?  Gabe Kapler, thank your lucky stars you have a country to play baseball in.

With adults like these, is it any wonder more than 30 percent of school kids don’t know the 50 stars on the American flag represent the 50 states?   Honestly, how long do you expect the country to last if we keep going like this?

But there are some bright spots amidst the decay.

In honor of Independence Day, a group of pro-America businesses donated a portion of their revenue to ‘Folds of Honor’ which provides scholarships to spouses and children of America’s fallen and disabled service members.

Another military-related charity, Wreaths Across America, donated land for a patriotic park in Maine that will have the world’s tallest flagpole plus remembrances of all 24 million veterans who have served our country since the Revolutionary War.  That would include the forgotten black patriots who fought alongside the colonists in that War of Independence.

Scott Walker, the former Governor of Wisconsin, wrote an op-ed praising a high school student who petitioned her school to restore the Pledge of Allegiance.  Good idea, I hope it catches on.

Florida is putting money behind its initiative to teach civics in school so students know what is required to maintain our Republic.  The money will go for implementing the project and teacher bonuses.

Before you leave the 4th of July 2022 entirely behind, I encourage you to watch my Tea Party’s short Independence Day video on mooring ourselves in public and private virtue, preserving the proper balance of our Constitutional order, and emphasizing what brings us together in national unity and purpose,  I also encourage you to remember the sacrifice “Woody” Williams and so many others made on Iwo Jima and other battlefields to defend our freedom.  Those who scoff at our flag and the notion of patriotism dishonor their memory and sow chaos.

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET Weekdays

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

Jewish Illiteracy in Academia – View from the Trenches

There’s an apocryphal story about Leyzer Zamenhof, the inventor of Esperanto – an artificial language created with the utopian aim of promoting global harmony through linguistic uniformity. As the story goes, Zamenhof gave the opening address at the first international conference of Esperanto speakers and, wishing to welcome his audience as warmly as possible, he gave the most universal greeting he could think of: “Vos makht a Yid?” As a Jew from Bialystok, Zamenhof spoke Yiddish and Hebrew (as well as German, French, Polish, and Belarusian); and mythical though the story may be, it illustrates how prior generations maintained both their Jewish heritage and cultural literacy. Even the original proponents of the Haskalah (“Enlightenment”) sought to work within a Jewish cultural framework while they discouraged ritual observance and clashed with the religious establishment.

Zamenhof’s story evokes a time when, regardless of observance level, a Jew’s worldview was shaped by knowledge of Tanakh, rabbinic literature, Hebrew language, and Jewish culture and history. And it remains relevant because it contrasts with the erosion of Jewish literacy among today’s secular and non-Orthodox Jews, communal establishment organizations, and lettered professionals, academics, and intellectuals.

As an adjunct professor of criminal justice at a local college (one of several hats I wear), I use text materials suggested or approved by my department, but they sometimes contain material troubling from a Jewish perspective. The authors all have advanced degrees and are experts in their fields; and those with Jewish names sometimes include Jewish reference points in their works. I often find the use of Judaic subject matter in this way perfunctory, however, illustrating that secular academic achievement does not correlate with Jewish literacy. In fact, religious or moral insights inserted into course materials often seem to track the secular ideologies prevalent on university campuses today, while references to traditional sources show limited understanding of sacred text.

This is especially apparent in books and class materials discussing the evolution of the criminal justice system from its roots in the concept of lex talionis to its modern emphasis on rehabilitation. One common thesis holds that criminal justice in its earliest form was primarily retributive (which it was), and by way of example equates the ancient Code of Hammurabi with the dictum of “an Eye for an Eye” from the Torah (Shemot 21:24-26). Despite the supposed similarities, however, there are fundamental differences between Babylonian law and the Torah; and relating the two suggests a lack of scriptural understanding.

Scholars concur that Hammurabi’s law was mechanically brutal – with offenders who caused loss of life or limb being subjected to the same harms inflicted upon their victims. Pursuant to that code, one who gouged out an eye had his own eye removed as punishment; and the Torah’s law regarding “eye for an eye” is often depicted as analogous in application. But the original language does not support such an interpretation. Rather, a review of the verse in Hebrew accentuates the great disparity between Torah law and Hammurabi.

In Hebrew, the Torah verse of “an eye for an eye” reads thus: “Ayin tachat ayin, regel tachat rahgel, sheyn tachat sheyn.” Though this verse is commonly translated into English as “eye for eye, foot for foot, tooth for tooth,” its meaning in the original language is quite different. Because the word “tachat” means “under,” “instead of,” or in “place of” depending on context, the verse actually refers to the value of an eye for the damage caused to an eye (or a foot, tooth, and so on). Accordingly, justice is served according to Torah law by compensating victims for the value of their injuries, not by maiming the perpetrators in kind; and this meaning is further reinforced by the Torah chapters that follow, which speak at greater length about the laws regarding restitution and compensation for physical and economic damages.

There is no doubt about the meaning of this verse because the same grammatical construction is used to similar effect elsewhere in the Torah; for example, during the binding of Yitzchak, when G-d instructed Avraham not to sacrifice the boy, whereupon Avraham offered a ram caught in a thicket “tachat b’no,” which means “instead of his son.” (Bereishit, 22:12-13.) Or earlier in Genesis when Kayin (Cain) killed Hevel (Abel), after which Chava (Eve) bore another son, Shet (Seth), prompting her to praise G-d for giving her “zerah acheir tachat Hevel,” or “other offspring in place of Hevel.” (Bereishit, 4:25.)

When I discuss this material in class, I use the common misunderstanding of the biblical verse as a springboard for a short Hebrew lesson illustrating the moral and ethical differences between the Torah and Hammurabi. This usually prompts some students to ask how other professors often seem to misunderstand the meaning of Hebrew scripture, and my answer is that having a PhD in one field does not make one an expert in all fields. Nevertheless, students tend to give professors with Jewish names credence whenever they incorporate scriptural concepts, assuming they know traditional Jewish source material simply because of their background.

Another subject I teach is legal and judicial ethics, and some of the text materials for that class discuss the influence of world religions on the evolution of the criminal justice system. In comparing the foundational literature of various world religions, one such text suggests that Jewish belief is based on the Torah, not the “Bible.” But this assertion is not correct. It would be more accurate to say that Jewish belief and practice are drawn from the Tanakh – the acronym for Torah, Nevi’im (Prophets), and Ketuvim (Writings), which together constitute the Hebrew Bible. Although Tanakh differs significantly from Christian and Muslim scriptures, it nevertheless includes more than just the Five Books of Moses that comprise the Torah.

Again, after my students read the text, I correct their misimpressions by explaining what the Hebrew Bible consists of and how it differs from the Christian canon and understanding of Tanakh (dubbed the “Old Testament” by church fathers to imply its supersession by a new covenant). I also explain how Jewish moral values come from the entire Tanakh of which the Torah is but one component, albeit the foundational one. Some students are surprised by professors who seem unfamiliar with the deeper meaning of scriptural concepts referenced in their lessons. Until my class, these students never questioned the veracity of such inclusions in their textbooks and study materials. They just assumed that being a Jew makes one an expert on all things Jewish, and being a professor connotes rectitude.

But the reality is that unless they come from traditional backgrounds or have studied Jewish history, religion, language and culture, secular scholars generally know little more about traditional Judaism than anybody else from their secular milieu.

And that milieu has included generations of Jews who never learned the language, traditions, or history of their ancestors – including scholars and academics who patronize Judaism as trivial, archaic, or irrelevant. Consequently, Jewish literacy is not a priority in an academic world where misinformation about Jews and Israel abounds. Many believe, for example, that modern Israel’s history began only in 1948 and know nothing about the ancient Jewish Commonwealths that composed the Jewish homeland. Still more believe that a country called Palestine once existed there, despite its absence from the pages of history. And that yet others believe Jewishness is defined by faith alone, when in fact it is an amalgam of religious, ethnic, and national elements comprising a unique ethnoreligious identity.

And in western society they tend to conflate Jewish values with progressive ideals and liberal politics. Whether they do so through artifice or ignorance, Jewish professors and intellectuals who hold this way are often deemed authoritative by students and acolytes who know even less about Judaism.

Most academics and politicians are not rabbis, but when they use Jewishness to validate political statements or moral pronouncements – or even when they don’t intend to make any statements at all – their ethnicity implies credibility regardless of their actual Jewish IQ. The result is highly visible intellectuals who are considered authoritative spokespersons based on their heritage, not because they necessarily know anything about authentic Jewish tradition. And when prestige and veracity are bestowed thus, Jewish illiteracy can be legitimized to the detriment of Jewish historical integrity.

If they wish to speak authoritatively regarding Judaism’s core tenets and beliefs, they should first learn what constitutes Jewish law, tradition, and values. And it’s not progressive ideology. In the world of Jewish scholarship, such authority is earned from the pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding – it is not presumed simply because of one’s ancestry.

©Matthew Hausman, J.D. All rights reserved.

California to Pivot to Fossil Fuels to Avoid Blackouts. Fossil fuels to the rescue … in California?

California is hardly the first state to realize that transitioning to renewable energy is easier said than done.

In May, The Wall Street Journal reported that energy grid operators across the US were bracing for rolling blackouts heading into the summer.

“I am concerned about it,” MISO CEO John Bear told the newspaper, noting that green energy sources were struggling to produce enough supply to meet rising demand. “As we move forward, we need to know that when you put a solar panel or a wind turbine up, it’s not the same as a thermal resource.”

Nearly two months later, it’s clear that grid operators were not crying wolf.

On Friday, the Associated Press reported that California—a state desperately trying to “quit” fossil fuels—is seeking to tap fossil fuel to avoid blackouts.

“A sweeping energy proposal Gov. Gavin Newsom signed Thursday puts the state in the business of buying power to ensure there’s enough to go around during heat waves that strain the grid. But some critics say the method of getting there is at odds with the state’s broader climate goals, because it paves the way for the state to tap aging gas-fired power plants and add backup generators fueled by diesel.”

Unlike most states, California gets most of its electricity—nearly 60 percent—from renewable sources. But the AP notes the state lacks the storage capacity to dispatch sufficient energy when intermittent energy sources are not producing, something Newsom’s proposal seeks to address.

The governor’s proposal would help “keep the lights on in California,” The Los Angeles Times notes, “making it easier for solar and wind farm developers to sidestep local government opposition, and limiting environmental reviews for all kinds of energy projects.”

The proposal would also likely serve as a lifeline to beachfront gas plants, as well as the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant, the Golden State’s largest power plant and only operating nuclear facility.

At first blush, Gov. Newsom’s proposal makes perfect sense. But there’s more to the story.

As I noted in May, energy industry leaders had made it clear that grids are struggling to keep pace with rising energy demands as plants shift from thermal energy sources to renewables.

But California is already familiar with blackouts.

In August 2020, the state experienced a series of rolling blackouts that captured national attention. (This didn’t stop lawmakers from banning gas-powered generators the following year, something many Californians turned to to keep the lights on during the blackouts.)

Following the blackouts, the state water board agreed to allow gas-fired power plants in Redondo Beach, Huntington to continue operating for three additional years, even though they were slated for retirement.

“We feel double-crossed,” Redondo Beach Mayor Bill Brand told the Times. “These retirement dates were set 12 years ago.”

Brand has a point.

Newsom has repeatedly called for the phasing out of fossil fuels and denied that doing so would have an adverse economic effect. His pivot to fossil fuels is prudent because it will reduce the dangerous possibility that Calfornians will again find themselves without power during the peak heat of summer, but it’s also a betrayal ideologically.

For progressives, California is America’s energy blueprint, the model showing the way forward on “green” energy. Turning back to fossil fuels is a move that runs against Newsom’s own rhetoric and the progressive vision of our energy future. It’s an admission that fossil fuels aren’t just important but necessary to human survival.

California is hardly the first state to realize that transitioning to renewable energy—which is not as green as many activists and lawmakers would like you to believe—is easier said than done.

In its eagerness to retire coal plants, for example, Hawaii recently found itself using oil to charge the Kapolei Energy Storage Facility—essentially a huge battery designed to utilize green energy—after renewable energy projects were beset by problems.

The revelation was an embarrassment for energy officials, but it revealed an important reality. While many today see fossil fuels as immoral or even evil, the reality is they provide most of the energy in the US and are vital to human existence and flourishing.

This is not to say that renewable energy sources like solar power are not important and cannot serve a key role. They can (though the idea that they come with no environmental costs is untrue).

But the discussion gets at a key lesson of basic economics: tradeoffs exist.

“There are no solutions,” economist Thomas Sowell famously observed. “There are only trade-offs.”

What we’re seeing in California is that the tradeoffs of “green” energy are getting real for politicians. Having $7 gasoline is painful, but bearable. Having the highest energy bills in the country is not desirable, but it can be endured. Blackouts are where politicians seem to draw the line, and it’s not hard to see why.

Unlike many countries around the world, Americans are not accustomed to blackouts, and it seems the political price to them is simply too high—even for politicians who are green energy evangelists.


Jon Miltimore

Jonathan Miltimore is the Managing Editor of His writing/reporting has been the subject of articles in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, Fox News, and the Star Tribune. Bylines: Newsweek, The Washington Times,, The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, The Federalist, the Epoch Times.

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