India continues to struggle with surrogacy

The Prime Minister should walk his talk about empowering women and confront the powerful IVF industry.

Indian author and activist Pinki Virani has been given a national award for her book Bitter Chocolate: Child Sexual Abuse in India, which ripped the lid off the extent of this secretive crime in Indian homes across class and gender (40 percent of girls and 25 percent of boys under 18 are sexually abused, 50 percent of this horror being perpetrated upon them in their own homes or by adults in position of the child’s trust). She has assisted on the laws against sexual abuse.

Her fifth book, Politics of the Womb: The Perils of IVF, Surrogacy & Modified Babies, is a meticulously detailed work on the hormonal-medical violence being benignly showered on women the world over by “fertility fairies, even though their failure rate is 75 percent”.

This “worldwide onslaught on the woman’s womb in the name of a child” is “reducing good men to not even realising that they are condoning reproductive slavery”. For “Politics of the Womb”, Pinki Virani also sought out answers from global experts in the field – from Australia, Canada, China, Denmark, Europe, India, Israel, Sweden, United Kingdom, and the United States – who share information which could be used to make informed choices, but which is being hidden from those seeking artificial assistance to further their bloodline — that there is risk of deadly diseases, deformities and disorders.

MercatorNet interviewed Ms Virani about recent development with surrogacy in India.

MercatorNetIndia banned commercial surrogacy for foreigners and then started work on a bill banning commercial surrogacy completely. The currently-concluding session of India’s Parliament was to pass this bill into law. What went wrong?

Pinki Virani: Work started on the bill to ban commercial surrogacy in India in 2016. It passed the house of elected representatives (Lok Sabha) and went to the house of elders (Rajya Sabha). The RS recommended the bill to a Parliamentary Standing Committee to which stakeholders were invited.

I was among them, and it was fascinating to watch several people make the case for wanting to continue to plunder a woman’s body and pump her up with hormones and then cut her open and sell this birth-mother’s baby to another set of people who lay claim only on the basis of their genetic greed.

I understand people wanting to have babies of their own with their own genes; what is baffling is why they feel they should exploit others in third-party reproduction. It really can’t be about the money; how much money would they be willing to give women whom they don’t see as the “other”? Their own mothers, wives, girlfriends, sisters, for instance?

And this is what commercial surrogacy is all about the world over, right? The woman has to be the “other”, even though she is birth-mother. Oftentimes egg-mother too; which means this is a mother being forced to sell her baby in a market, to another set of persons buying that baby, and an entire fertility industry in the middle brokering this baby-bazaar.

The Parliamentary Standing Committee made its recommendations; the Bill went through some changes, it was re-passed in the Lok Sabha. All that had to be done was move it to the Rajya Sabha since general elections had been announced. It’s a matter of picking up a file from one place and entering it officially into the records of another. Mysteriously, that short distance was not travelled and the bill was allowed to lapse.

When Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government came back to power, a new bill was introduced in the Lok Sabha and passed by it. Most unfortunately, a flawed clause – that “close relatives” could be availed upon to be altruistic surrogates — was not amended and the Bill looked as though it was all set for another round of failure. It took very long to get to the Rajya Sabha where this clause has, justifiably, been brought up as there is no definition of it.

Interestingly, the patriarchy prevailing in the ruling party itself had members standing up to want “the woman to have more than one child” and “those who are also Indian origin, living abroad, should be allowed” . (Another matter that the countries these people of Indian origin live in and hold passports of, might not allow surrogacy, thereby encouraging them to break that law.)

The Opposition had some other points in the Rajya Sabha; again interesting in that some of them viewed “infertility” as a “disease”.

When did infertility become a disease? Is it communicable? Does anyone die of it? For this I squarely blame the United Nations and the World Health Organization, and then Big Pharma of which Big Fert is a part.

Now the Bill has been sent off to Parliament’s Select Committee. A report has to be given by them by end-February. Let’s see what happens after this, if Prime Minister Modi and his health minister Dr Harsh Vardhan are supported by their own party.

Let’s see if the Prime Minister is able to walk his talk when it comes to empowering women; it takes a strong man, with the courage of his convictions, to be able to stand against such an organised, well-heeled industry which uses science as a shield.

The IVF and surrogacy industries seem to have a lot of influence with politicians.

This would be true for wherever in the world surrogacy flourishes, wouldn’t it? After all, this repro-fert tech reaches developing countries in the same manner that bad medicine is dumped upon the Third World, right?

Doesn’t surrogacy help lift women out of poverty?

Define “lift”, define “poverty”, and then quantify how much money. For example, in the UK and also Canada – which have public healthcare systems – if I am not wrong (I repeat, if I am not wrong) British and Canadian women are becoming surrogates and delivering babies for all-sorts — who aren’t citizens of that country — at the expense of the British and Canadian taxpayer. Note, their countries don’t allow commercial surrogacy but hide under the fig leaf of “altruistic” surrogacy where “expenses” are paid to the women.

Baffling how “altruistic” and “expenses paid” come in the same sentence when it comes to surrogacy and also other forms of third-party reproduction. It should be “sold sperm”, not the factually incorrect “donated sperm” whenever sperm has been paid for, no matter the amount.

Do these “expenses” lift these obviously un-rich British and Canadian women out of the circumstance which makes them agree to sign on the dotted line to be human guinea pigs for more than nine months?

What about the commissioning parents? Many of them have tragic stories of multiple miscarriages.

Please read Politics of the Womb where experts talk about how “miscarriages” can happen because the man’s sperm is the factor and what can be done to make it more of a baby-maker.

Please also read the same book for how many cycles of IVF are required by any kind of mother – the genetic, the birth, the both as in the biological package of what most of our mothers are – and how many “miscarriages” take place.

I honestly think it’s unfair on the part of society to make those who want to be parents carry the burden of the social construct of “tragic” in the same phrase as “miscarriage” because they didn’t or couldn’t or were not programmed to, make a baby. And let’s not forget, such terms wind up making women feel very bad about themselves; such guilt even destroys their marriages.

Some feminists argue that surrogacy is actually an expression of a woman’s autonomy and that they should be allowed to use their bodies as they like. As a feminist, how would you respond to that?

I am not a feminist, I am a fe-men-ist because I believe that if men are going to be branded as part of the problem then they are also part of the solution. I, actually, agree with those who say a woman should be able to use her body as she likes though I doubt if they mean baby-trafficking.

There are also those – women and men, bless the latter especially! – who feel that if a couple cannot have a baby for whatever reason, it’s not the end of anything and therefore surrogacy – commercial, altruistic, “compensated” – should simply be banned from the world. I wonder if the UN or any politician of any Western country (because this is where the demand rises and it expects a supply) has the guts to stand up and say s/he agrees with these people from Europe.

Pinki Virani’s latest book, released internationally, is “Politics Of The Womb: The Perils Of IVF, Surrogacy & Modified Babies” in which she presents global proof, backed by world experts, on the real risks of artificial reproduction and the dangers of aggressive IVF on both the intending mother and her baby. 

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

VIDEO: The Vortex — Taking Down Bad Bishops


As you more than likely know, the lying, cheating former bishop of Buffalo, Richard Malone, is now off the scene.

Malone, you might recall, is who Church Militant tried questioning in the Detroit airport a year ago, just as his corruption and cover-up were coming into the full light of day and the media spotlight. What we were specifically querying him about, and that he lied to us about, was the case of Anthony Ravarini, whom Church Militant had interviewed a few months before.

Anthony was forced to perform oral sex on a Buffalo priest when he was six years old. There were two witnesses to the event.

But when we asked about justice for Anthony — specifically why Malone had left the offending priest, Fr. Denis Riter, not only in active ministry, but actually a pastor at a Buffalo diocesan parish — Malone lied to us and said the case had been fully examined by his sex abuse review board. Then, the lying, cheating bishop turned around and accused us of lying — because that’s what liars do.

He lied when he said his review board had thoroughly investigated the case. No, they did not, and still haven’t. Anthony was never questioned. Neither of the witnesses was ever questioned. That obviously leaves open the question of just who was questioned.

The abusive priest was (and he denied it), even claiming that the young Anthony had caused the genetic material to be on his face, hair and clothing by his own effort. That ludicrous claim was apparently enough for Malone and his “review board.”

Cases like that are why Bp. Malone is now former Bp. Malone.

But note: The arrogance this man displayed and still continues to display is breathtaking. He had the gall to issue a statement the day the Pope fired him, saying he was planning on sticking around the diocese to help with the healing — his word — and said that his leaving was his choice. Liar! Just incredible!

But don’t think Malone is alone in his arrogance among the bishops. He just got caught — something they had better get used to in the coming months. Hundreds of lawsuits have flooded the courts, and the truth of this decades-long evil of sex abuse (most of it homosexual, power, ambition, financial malfeasance and so forth) is going to all be revealed.

In the case of Buffalo, the Pope appointed nearby Albany Bp. Edward Scharfenberger to step in and administer the diocese until a new bishop is appointed. He said, rather straightforward, that we have to look these affairs straight in the face, as they are. But perhaps most importantly, he made this comment to the assembled media: “We are here; thank you for your work.”

That is a very important point. Without the intense media coverage — non-stop pounding on this rotten, cover-up bishop — he would still be running the show. That coverage first came when his former secretary, Siobhhan O’Connor, went to the local media with documents proving his lies and corruption. She and her story were even on 60 Minutes.

Meanwhile, Church Militant had already been working on the other angle of victims like Anthony being denied justice, as Malone just lied to and ignored them.

A week back, secular media did a story on how untrustworthy these diocesan review boards actually are. Their goal is to protect and insulate the institution from financial or legal damages, not to get at the truth. That scenario is playing out here in the archdiocese of Detroit, where the corrupt Abp. Allen Vigneron keeps losing court hearing after court hearing in his attempt to railroad innocent priest Fr. Eduard Perrone.

Likewise, over in the diocese of Crookston, Minnesota, Bp. Michael Hoeppner — who ordered his priests and cautioned his laity to stay away from a Church Militant talk sponsored by a local group — was caught on videotape deposition lying and evading and twisting himself in knots trying to prevent the truth from coming out.

The truth was his track record in dealing with abuse allegations and threatening victims with reprisals if they went public. Hoeppner eventually settled — because they had to — for millions of dollars to multiple victims. But his case was so bad, it became the very first instance in the world of a bishop running afoul of the Pope’s new guidelines for dealing with cover-up bishops.

The archbishop of St. Paul-Minneapolis, Bernard Hebda, was charged by the Vatican to investigate Hoeppner and send his report back to Rome. And for the record, it was once again intense media scrutiny that brought all this out.

When Church Militant spoke with Hebda’s communication guy and asked what the status of the report was, he responded, “After having submitted the preliminary investigation to the Vatican, we have not been instructed to do anything further at this point.”

Hoeppner deserves the Malone treatment, and he’s not the only one. These rotten men live in darkness and operate in darkness, terrified of being dragged into the light. Until the spotlight swings around to them, too many of them are arrogant, power-hungry dictators who feel their office gives them permission to skip over the Ten Commandments and the Gospel.

Being dragged into the light is precisely how you take down a bad bishop. Church Militant intends to keep up the dragging.

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant video is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

More Evidence Emerges That Federal Government Is Funding Worthless College Degrees

Americans have long suspected that, for many, a college degree simply isn’t worth the price.

American taxpayers—two-thirds of whom do not have a college degree—are likewise increasingly skeptical of the notion that they should pay off loans that someone else made the decision to take out.

With recently published College Scorecard data, American students and taxpayers have more reason than ever to reject the left’s “college for all” agenda.

The College Scorecard recently released program-level data on individual schools. Students can now go online and see how much debt the average student graduates with in a certain degree program, along with expected starting salaries.

The demand for socialism is on the rise from young Americans today. But is socialism even morally sound? Find out more now >>

The results indicate that choosing a major matters immensely, especially when relying on federal student loans to finance one’s education.

According to The Wall Street Journal, 15% of programs graduate students who carry more federal student loan debt than their annual income.

Interestingly, graduate programs—which are generally perceived to be good investments—are some of the worst offenders.

Students who graduate from the University of Miami Law School, for example, hold a median total debt of $150,896, but earn a starting salary of just $52,100. Even more problematic, students who obtain a master’s degree from New York University in film/video and photographic arts graduate with a median total debt of a whopping $168,568, but earn a median starting salary of $29,600.

Those findings are particularly concerning, considering that there is virtually no cap on how much students can borrow for graduate school under the PLUS loan program.

There is simply no reason that American taxpayers should be footing the entire cost of the bill upfront for degrees with such a low return on investment.

The new College Scorecard data provides not only valuable insights into the debt burden of college students, but also underscores the deep-rooted inefficiencies in our federal student loan programs.

Holders of bachelor’s degrees hold an average of $31,172 in student loan debt. However, depending on where a student goes to school and what their major is, earnings potential can be quite different.

For example, at the University of Miami, students who study mechanical engineering graduate with a median total debt of $20,500 and earn a median starting salary of $66,400. However, political science majors graduate with similar debt, $18,269, but earn a median starting salary of $37,500.

Providing the same loan to both of those student populations paints an inaccurate picture of their earnings potential. The private sector, by contrast, would take into account earnings potential before providing a loan to a student who may not be able to pay it back.

Unfortunately, American taxpayers are on the hook for students who are not able to make loan payments.

It is simply poor public policy for Americans’ hard-earned tax dollars to go toward degrees of such questionable value.

Indeed, a privately funded student loan market would have identified such programs early on and either ceased to provide loans for students who want to pursue, for example, a film degree at NYU, or simply charged higher interest rates commensurate with the likelihood of repayment.

Instead, our accreditation system, which accredits institutions in their entirety, shields students from seeing the true value of individual courses of study at a college or university.

Today, Americans are debating whether or not a college education should be tuition-free, with the cost of education transferred to all taxpayers. With overwhelming evidence that many colleges and universities are saddling students with significant debt, the debate should shift to whether or not federal policies are enabling a system that is failing students.

At the very least, policymakers should reform the federal student loan programs so that taxpayers are no longer financing programs that leave students worse off.


Mary Clare Amselem is a policy analyst in education policy at The Heritage Foundation. Twitter: .

RELATED ARTICLE: Historian Sir Michael Howard Spearheaded the Field of War Studies

A Note for our Readers:

With the demand for socialism at an all-time high among our young people—our future leaders and decisionmakers—the experts at Heritage stopped and asked a question that not many have asked:

Is socialism really morally sound?

The researchers at The Heritage Foundation have put together a guide to help you and our fellow Americans better understand the 9 Ways That Socialism Will Morally Bankrupt America.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

MIDDLE EAST INTEL REPORT: Iraq/ISIS, Turkey/Libya and Analysis


An entity calling itself “The Iraqi Media Security Cell” has announced on twitter that it has just arrested a major lieutenant of the late ISIS leader al-Baghdadi.  This fellow called himself Abu Khaldun, though his real name is Hamid Shakir Saba’ al-Badri.  According to a report on al-arabiyya he was caught by Iraqi police in an apartment in Kirkuk, in the northern part of Iraq.  He was a paternal nephew of al-Baghdadi’s and headed the Islamic State’s intelligence unit.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in Iraq, the anti-government and anti-Iranian demonstration are continuing without let-up, particularly in the southern, Shi’a-dominated parts of the country.  This is in spite of the Iranian-backed Shi’a heshd sh’abi (popular militias), and some elements of the regular Iraqi security forces, using live rounds against demonstrators.

In another matter, Iraqi authorities have also reported that 5 rockets have landed inside an American base in Iraq’s western, Sunni-dominated, province of Anbar.  There were no casualties from this attack.  The missiles allegedly came “from a desert area east of the American base.”  A group calling itself “the al-Jazeera and desert operations” claimed responsibility.

COMMENT:  The term “al-jazeera” in Arabic usually means “Island,” but can also have other nuances.  In this case it refers to an area in Northern Syria just south of the Euphrates.  Also, north of the Euphrates is a vast desert region extending into Iraq’s Anbar province which, in the past, was often called “al-Jazeera.”

The above-mentioned group is probably an offshoot of ISIS just trying to prove that they are still around, and still active in the Iraq/Syria theater.


Turkey has just signed a maritime “boundaries” treaty with the Fayez Sirraaj government in Tripoli, Libya.  According to this treaty, both countries “agree” where their “mutual” maritime boundary is, and that both countries have the right to “share” in the economic exploitation (meaning drilling for oil) in each other’s claimed maritime “territory.”

Other agreements were also reportedly signing whereby Turkey promised to step up its already vigorous economic and military aid to the Sirraaj government.

This treaty has been reported on by virtually every Arab and international news entity on the planet, some favorably, others not so favorably.

For example, the headlines for a recent essay on the Saudi-owned


Brigadier General Khalid Mahjoub, the director of “moral guidance” in the Libyan national army stressed that no matter how much military support Ankara gives to the armed militias serving the Tripoli side and the latest political leader of the Muslim Brotherhood organization (an off-handed reference to Fayez Sirraaj), the Libyan army will never leave Libya to the Turks.

Gen. Mahjoub added that these recent agreements between Ankara and Tripoli reveal Turkey’s ambitions to expand in Africa and the Mediterranean.  In this regard he warned that Turkey, once it has a foothold, will never withdraw and will try as much as possible to penetrate these areas.

The unnamed author of the al-arabiyya article added that these agreements will open the door for Turkey to send more support to the armed militias allied with it and to enflame the Libyan struggle as well as serving as the doorway for Turkey to exploit Libya’s energy sources and gain control of them.


This treaty essentially gives Turkey the right to drill for oil anywhere within Libyan territorial waters–and in the minds of the Turks, anywhere in the eastern Mediterranean.

Needless to say, virtually every Arab country not currently allied to Turkey (as well as Greece) has condemned the treaty.

While the above-mentioned Gen. Mahjoub seemed to believe that Turkey’s main interest in Libya and the rest of Africa has to do with economics and the lust for energy and other resources, any close examination of Turkey’s president Erdogan reveals much more than economic interests in these regions.  This is nothing less than the physical expansion of Turkey and one more step taken in its desire to resurrect the Ottoman Empire, a new caliphate, with Turkey as its head.  Erdogan, in his head, already believes that he is the consecrated Caliph, the successor to Muhammad.  Therefore, all the countries around the Mediterranean basin which were once a part of the old Ottoman Empire, are, by definition, nothing more than provinces of Turkey.  They just haven’t realized that fact yet.

Therefore Turkey believes that it has the right to drill for oil anywhere in the eastern Mediterranean because it believes that it is the re-incarnation of the Ottoman Empire during which time the entire eastern Mediterranean (and most of the western Med. as well) was an Ottoman lake.  Therefore, Turkey is only laying claim to what it believes is its natural right.

Egypt and its Arab allies (including the Haftar movement and its allied parliament in Tabruk) have complained that this “treaty” is illegal because the Sirraaj government of Tripoli controls only the city of Tripoli and therefore has no authority to sign away the rest of Libya’s coastal waters to a foreign power.  Egypt and other countries around the Mediterranean basin also fear that Turkey’s moves threaten their own territorial waters.

Greece has scoffed at the treaty because Turkey and Libya have no geographic justification to sign such a treaty because in between both countries is a huge geographical land mass called Crete which is part of Greece’s national territory–Meaning that the existence of Crete has to be ignored before one can imagine the territorial waters of Turkey and Libya to meet.

But what Greece is forgetting, is that according to Turkish sentiments, Crete, and in fact all of Greece, are nothing more that provinces of Turkey’s Ottoman Empire.

I do believe, also, that NATO, and the pro-West leaders of the Arab world (such as they are), better take a closer look at these Tripoli/Ankara treaties–particularly the clauses stipulating increased Turkish support for the militias fighting on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood Sirraaj government.  These militias, as reported on this site numerous times over the past several months, are essentially left-over ISIS, al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, and Ansar ash-Shari’a personnel.

In Turkey’s current invasion and occupation of portions of Syria Erdogan has utilized militias composed of ISIS, al-Qaeda, and Muslim Brotherhood members which Turkey “captures” then recycles into new militias with different names and then inserts them into what it is now calling “The Syrian National Army.”  These units are currently in the process of conquering Syria for Erdogan’s new Ottoman empire.

Many of the thousands of left-over ISIS fighters in the Syria/Iraq region are currently being rounded up by Turkey, while others are seeking refuge in the territory of their former patron, Turkey.  My fear is that while many of these fighters will be recycled into Erdogan’s “Syrian National Army” for the continued conquest of Syria, others will be sent to Libya as part of the above-mentioned treaty promises of “increased Turkish military aid for the militias serving Tripoli.”

In this regard, I will leave readers with one final note.  Rumors are seeping out of the Turkish prisons where former ISIS fighters are being held saying that “it will start again.”

We will report more on this in future installments.  Stay tuned.

© All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Hungarian TV on renewed migrant invasion via the Balkans: The Bosnian connection

The Guilty Accuse The Innocent Of That Which They Are Guilty Of

“Yes, we did produce a near-perfect republic. But will they keep it? Or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom? Material abundance without character is the path of destruction.” –  Thomas Jefferson

“I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.” –  General Douglas MacArthur

“History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse, or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster.” –  General Douglas MacArthur

“The two enemies of the people are criminal and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.” –  Thomas Jefferson

Whitewashing the Criminals and Destroying the Innocent

I watched Speaker Pelosi’s announcement regarding impeachment of our duly elected President who has not committed an impeachable offense.  When I listened to her, I wanted to take a baseball bat to the TV…  She starts out saying, “Let us begin where our founders began in 1776.”  What?  Who the hell wrote this speech for this Socialist Democrat?  She hasn’t a clue of our Declaration of Independence, neither has she a clue of our amazing Constitution and the founders who wrote it.  Watch her! Start at about 2:50 in this video of the six-minute speech.

And then she quotes the Declaration, which personally damns her and all her Democratic Socialist brethren for accusing our President of the very impeachable laws they themselves are breaking!  She calls our President a Monarch with whom we need to break our bonds!  Nancy, you’ve gone into Lala land because we need to break the bonds with you and your entire socialist commie ilk who are still so pissed off that you lost the election of your globalist elitist establishment insider, Hillary Rodham Clinton, to outsider Donald J. Trump who wanted to save our Republic from the likes of you.

Foreign Influence

Nancy Pelosi claims in her speech that our founders, having just fought a war for Independence, specifically feared the prospects of a “King President” who could be corrupted by foreign influence.

Psychological projection Nancy! You have learned well Saul Alinsky’s tactics of blaming your opponent for that of which you are guilty.  Oh yes Nancy Pelosi, you and your son are guilty of foreign influence, as are John Kerry and his son, and Joe Biden and his son Hunter. Vice President Joe Biden should have been impeached long ago for committing the crimes the left is blaming our President of doing.  And don’t forget that your Democratic President Clinton had good reason to be impeached; it was his Vice President, Al Gore, who sold military secrets to the Chinese communists to get funds to ensure the second term of Democratic President Clinton.

Pelosi goes on to state that the Father of our Constitution, James Madison, warned that a President might betray his trust to foreign powers which might prove fatal to the Republic.  I can think of plenty of previous presidents who have done just that, and they were mostly of the Democratic Party.  And Nancy, you’ve never called us a Republic, you’ve continually called us a Democracy which is mob rule and which you embrace.  A Republic is the Rule of Law, which you obviously detest.

The real fatality to the Republic is the Democratic Socialist Party.  Nancy, you’ve caved to the 2018 elected millennials and Islamists who hate our duly elected President so much that they’ve moved you to cow to their desires and you’re willing to risk your own party’s re-election to destroy our innocent President.  You, Nancy are a traitor to the oath you took to our Constitution and to the Republic.  You have willingly committed sedition.

Speaker Pelosi goes on to say that founder Gouverneur Morris feared that a President may be bribed by a greater interest to betray his trust.  Morris emphasized that the President is not the King, that the people are those in charge, but Nancy, you and your ilk have removed that very premise of our Constitution from the people!  You are the ones who wish to be in charge, not the American people who elected President Trump. You and your filthy socialist democrats are willing to destroy the Constitution, the Republic and America to gain the power you feel you lost because the people rejected your party and your corrupt candidate in 2016.

Pelosi goes on to say that the founders created a remedy to protect the people from a dangerous or corrupt leader.  Well Nancy, it didn’t help us much with FDR, two Bushes, Clinton or Obama, did it!  All of them were dangerous, and every one of them was corrupt and their administrations infiltrated with communists and Islamists.


Corruption still reigns in the intelligence community.  Attorney General Bill Barr, U.S. Attorney John Durham and Inspector General Michael Horowitz are telling us they’ve found little corruption in the intelligence community spying apparatus and the Democratic Party set up of Hillary Clinton’s opponent, Donald J. Trump.

Only a month ago Lou Dobbs of Fox Business Network told us that IG Horowitz had found no reason to charge Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, et al.  (He didn’t even mention Bruce and Nellie Ohr).  Tonight, December 5th, 2019, Lou Dobbs tells us that the Washington Post reported that U.S. Attorney John Durham told IG Horowitz’s office that he could not find any evidence that the Russia investigation was a U.S. intelligence enterprise.  Now we hear that John Durham just won’t comment.

Corruption continues against the Republic and the American people who elected Donald J. Trump.  Justice still eludes the innocent and Trump supporters.

© All rights reserved.


The Impeachment Charade, Faculty Lounge Edition

Adam Schiff’s Release of Phone Records Invites Legal, Ethics Scrutiny

Hamilton Silences Impeachment Fools

America’s media stream has been saturated by politicians, pundits, and law professors pontificating on what America’s founders’ believed about presidential impeachment.  The most oft used argument today is a misapplication and misleading representation of what founder Alexander Hamilton said in Federalist #65.

The claim is that Alexander Hamilton establishes in Federalist #65 that presidents should be “impeached for political reasons.”  This is completely and obviously false to anyone who has read the essay and possesses a smidgen of reading comprehension skills.

I believe the people asserting this fake claim are confident that the American people won’t actually read this essay and call them out for their deceptions.  My goal is to show how simple and plainly written this text is and how blatantly deceptive these people are in their lie-driven agenda.

The overall assertion of these prevaricators is that Hamilton uses Federalist #65 to explain to the people what the Constitution says about the grounds for impeachment of presidents.  The very title of this document declares this to be false. The document is titled, “The Powers of the Senate Continued.”

As the Federalist Papers are compiled by a series of topics, Federalist #65 falls in the set of essays explaining the powers delegated to the Senate.  What is interesting, in the very first paragraph Hamilton explains that this essay is NOT about the president, but the Senate, and a presidential series would be forthcoming.

“As in the business of appointments the executive will be the principal agent, the provisions relating to it will most properly be discussed in the examination of that department.”

The second paragraph of this essay is the fertile ground used to harvest the agenda-driven propaganda of this present hour.  It is in this paragraph that we glean our best understanding of what Hamilton believed to be the greatest complications to a valid impeachment.  What Hamilton does NOT do in this paragraph, or in any paragraph in this essay, is define the terms of impeachment nor the unlimited power of the House to impeach a president for whatever allegation the majority can motivate their moiling mob to support.  What is interesting is, that Hamilton actually defeats that claim in the very paragraph these fabulists violently plunder.

Hamilton begins paragraph two by explaining that history proves it will be very difficult to pull together a fit body for the trying of impeachment.  Once you read Hamilton’s argument, not only does his logic become very clear, but it also shows itself to be very familiar in the present day impeachment display.  The reason it will be difficult to pull together a fit body for impeachment, Hamilton explains, is because impeachment is a process that involves people who are solely contained in the realm of politics and politics are ruled by emotions and not reason.

“The subjects of its jurisdiction are those offenses which proceed from the misconduct of public men, or, in other words, from the abuse or violation of some public trust. They are of a nature which may with peculiar propriety be denominated POLITICAL, as they relate chiefly to injuries done immediately to the society itself.” 

These tricksters claim that because Hamilton used the word “political” he must have meant that political reasoning was sufficient for impeachment; i.e. if the majority in the House doesn’t like a president’s policies, mannerisms, or politics then impeachment is the solution.  However, Hamilton’s use of the term “political” is descriptive of the universe in which impeachment exists, not of the terms upon which impeachment may take place. Because impeachment is applied to elected people who are tried for crimes that violate a position given by the entire society as opposed to a single person and the accused is tried by politicians it is properly classified as political.  It seems that politicians, pundits, and professors may be better at cherry picking than George Washington.

If that was all Hamilton said on the topic, a matter of interpretation could be claimed.  However, what Hamilton says after this statement makes all the difference in the world.

“The prosecution of them, for this reason, will seldom fail to agitate the passions of the whole community, and to divide it into parties more or less friendly or inimical to the accused.”

Because politicians are the accused in impeachment and because they are tried by politicians, it will be difficult to put together an unbiased body to impeach, and because politics are products of division people and politicians will naturally take sides.

Watch out, listen up, Hamilton is going to give us a bold warning of what will go wrong when impeachment is used for political punishments instead of strictly holding to the terms of impeachment outlined in Article 2 section 4.

“In many cases it will connect itself with the pre-existing factions, and will enlist all their animositiespartialitiesinfluence, and interest on one side or on the other; and in such cases there will always be the greatest danger that the decision will be regulated more by the comparative strength of parties, than by the real demonstrations of innocence or guilt.

Because politicians are always the products of elections where one person wins and one person loses, there will always be one group of people unhappy with the other.  Hamilton considered it to be dangerous for impeachment to become a tool used to punish people for political reasons.

So when members of Congress, political pundits, or partisan professors claim that the Constitution supports using the institution for impeachment as a political punishment, they are not only wrong but aiding and abetting the “greatest danger” to the political system; they create impeachments not concerned with due process, not concerned with crimes, their elements, reliable evidence, or truth and qualified witnesses.  Under the propagandists presumed terms, guilt or innocence is not the standard as established by the founders, but the standard becomes whether you like an elected official or not.

It is here that I am reminded of a story in history where a man named Haman built gallows to hang his political enemy Mordechai to eliminate one he felt was his competitor for the King’s affections.  After Haman attempted to sow his lies, the King upon discovering the truth ordered Haman to be hung on his own gallows.

Article 2 section 4 of the Constitution is not written solely for the impeachment of presidents.  The text reads, “president, vice president, and all civil officers.” That term “civil officers” includes every single person employed in federal government whether elected or hired by an elected person.  These political fornicators ought to be careful of the standards they create, for what is good for the goose is good for the Haman.


KrisAnne Hall, JD

KrisAnne Hall is a former biochemist, Russian linguist for the US Army, and former prosecutor for the State of Florida. KrisAnne also practiced First Amendment Law for a prominent Florida non-profit Law firm. KrisAnne now travels the country teaching the foundational principles of Liberty and our Constitutional Republic. KrisAnne is the author of 6 books on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, she also has an internationally popular radio and television show and her books and classes have been featured on C-SPAN TV. KrisAnne can be found at

EDITORS NOTE: This Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Salvation Army Gets Ringing Endorsement from Trump

America isn’t the only thing making a comeback under President Trump — so is Christmas! The candidate who vowed, “We’re gonna be saying Merry Christmas again,” delivered on that promise again in a big way Thursday night. Thirty-feet of big, to be exact. In front of the giant spruce, the president made it very clear that this event wasn’t about illuminating the tree — but shining a light on the real reason for the season.

In a speech that no one would mistake for Barack Obama’s, the president talked about the wise men coming to worship Jesus. “Christians give thanks that the Son of God came into the world to save humanity. Jesus Christ inspires us to love one another with hearts full of generosity and grace… As one grateful nation, we praise the joy of family, the blessings of freedom, and the miracle of Christmas.”

His words were a breathtaking departure from Christmases past, which were full of nothing but the pageant of political correctness. To millions of Americans, Donald Trump hasn’t just tapped into the frustration they feel about Christmas, but the mockery of the values they hold dear. And he took another moment to prove it, intentionally recognizing the Salvation Army for its important work—despite the Left’s latest attacks over its Christian roots.

“Joining us today are David and Sharron Hudson of the Salvation Army. Each year, through their Angel Tree program, the Salvation Army brings new gifts to more than 600,000 children. David and Sharron are an inspiration to us all. And, David and Sharron, thank you very much for being with us. Thank you.” After Chick-fil-A walked away from the group and the Cowboys almost lost their halftime show over the Red Kettle campaign, it matters that this president made a point of standing alongside the nonprofit. The message was subtle but clear: he isn’t caving to the cultural bullies, and Americans shouldn’t either.

For the Salvation Army, the support couldn’t come at a better time. As Rich Lowry points out, the red kettles that used to be a sign of charity and goodwill are suddenly a symbol of liberal controversy. “It takes a perverse worldview not to have fond feelings about this tradition, which is spectacularly successful on its own terms, raising almost $150 million a year.” But then, the Left has never let “sentimentality interfere with their dictates.”

“If you think that volunteering for an organization that is raising funds to provide food and housing, among many other services, for the needy is an inherently praiseworthy act, you haven’t been following the woke Left-wing activists cutting a swath through American culture. Any institution, no matter how storied or how generous, is subject to a punitive campaign of social ostracism that is often highly effective. In today’s environment, what seems preposterous one moment is inevitable the next, and after one target is ground into submission, another is quickly found.”

Fortunately, President Trump doesn’t believe in surrender. And he’ll go to the mat to guarantee that Christian organizations like this one can continue serving Americans — for the same reason he’ll keep fighting the war on Christmas: because no one should ever have to compromise their faith in a country like ours.

Tony Perkins’s Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC Action senior writers.


It Came upon an Indict Clear…

Judges: Wise Men Still Seek Them

RELATED VIDEO: President Trump Delivers Remarks at the National Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Tommy Robinson previews a new documentary film on antisemitism in modern UK

Posted by Eeyore

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column with video is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

LTC Allen West: Comments on Pearl Harbor Day 2019

Garland, TX,   Today is a day that shall live in infamy. Those were the hallowed words of our President Franklin Delano Roosevelt as he addressed a joint session of Congress after the Imperial Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Today we should reflect upon the men and women, Americans, who mobilized and answered the call to arms . . . like my dad did. We are losing that Greatest Generation and we owe them a debt of gratitude that can truly, never be repaid. In our house here in Garland, Texas, there is an artist rendition of the Doolittle Raiders, signed by LTC Doolittle’s co-pilot, Dick Cole, who recently passed.We can honor this day and those heroes, such as Waco, Texas, native Doris “Dorie” Miller, by earning their service, sacrifice, commitment, and loss by pledging to never surrender the last great hope for mankind on earth, these United States of America. Just as then, we still face enemies, foreign and domestic and we must answer the call to defend our land, our Constitutional Republic, and do so with Honor. Sir Edmund Burke once stated, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

On this Pearl Harbor Day of 2019, let us all find our courage, seek out our duty, and commit ourselves to the preservation of individual liberty, freedom, and never allow the triumph of evil, personified in ideologies that undermine and threaten our blessed way of life. Tell the story to our children and grandchildren so these men who lost their lives this day December 7, 1941, shall not grow old, nor be forgotten. Let us walk a little taller and speak in a stentorian voice as we cherish the blessing of living in America . . . the Land of the Free, because we are the Home of the Brave.

Learn more about Allen West, his campaign, and how to keep Texas Red by visiting

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Three of the 9/11 jihadis gave their addresses as Naval Air Station Pensacola, site of latest jihad murders

And in eighteen years we have learned nothing. The truth has been stigmatized and prohibited.

“Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know,” by Jessica McBride, Heavy, December 6, 2019:

Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani was identified as the active shooter armed with a handgun who killed three people and wounded eight more at the Pensacola Naval Air Station in Florida. Alshamrani was first named in a tweet from NBC News reporter Ken Dilanian….

3. Three of the 9/11 Hijackers Gave Their Addresses as Being at Naval Air Station Pensacola

The Navy Times reported in February 2016 that NAS Pensacola officials had increased security measures at the base, after the base had been known was “unusually open” for years….


Pensacola jihadi hosted dinner party night before his massacre to watch videos of mass shootings

Pensacola jihadi ranted about “crimes against Muslims,” investigators trying to determine if he had religious motive

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib gives keynote address at conference of anti-Semitic group dedicated to destroying Israel

Imagine the outcry if some Representative addressed the Ku Klux Klan. The outrage would be universal and he or she would be made to resign immediately. But although this is very much the same thing, no one will take any particular notice of this.

Find out the insidious agenda behind the hypocritical and deceptive “Palestinian” calls for “justice” in The Palestinian Delusion: The Catastrophic History of the Middle East Peace Process.

“Rep. Rashida Tlaib Keynotes ‘American Muslims for Palestine’ Conference Devoted to Destroying Israel,” by Samantha Mandeles, Legal Insurrection, December 5, 2019:

Tlaib: “I’m incredibly proud to be here. The incredible work that all of you have done have opened doors for myself, somebody like me to serve in the United States Congress.”

In a recent post, I documented how American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) ejected me from its annual conference Thanksgiving weekend because it was afraid I would provide negative coverage. For background on the harassing treatment I received, see Fearing Negative Coverage, ‘American Muslims for Palestine’ Conference Ejects Legal Insurrection Reporter.

Now we know why AMP wanted to cleanse the audience of media who could report accurately on what was going on: The AMP conference was an anti-Israel, anti-Semitic hatefest, and the keynote speaker was Democratic Representative Rashida Tlaib, who has worked with the group on many occasions.

AMP – Key Anti-Israel Connector

American Muslims for Palestine is a key connector of anti-Israel Islamist and radical leftist groups, including fringe anti-Zionist Jews who provide cover.

Though it has a long history of opaque fundingstaff overlap with now-shuttered ‘charities’ found to be connected to terrorist groups, and persistently disseminating classic anti-Semitism, AMP managed to maintain its connections with ‘intersectional’ social justice activists by hijacking the language of human rights and claiming to fight for “oppressed peoples everywhere” (in the words of AMP speaker Linda Sarsour).


[Screenshot from AMPs Palestine Convention Facebook page, November 2019.]

You can read more about AMP and the groups it works with in some of my earlier posts:

AMP’s Annual Anti-Israel Hatefest

As in the past, AMP’s 2019 Palestine Conference was chock full of historical falsehoods and thinly veiled anti-Semitism. This is shocking to precisely nobody; this year’s speakers’ roster featured some of the most noxious anti-Israel agitators active today, including ‘intersectional’ activists:

Despite the behavior of her fellow AMP speakers, when Rep Tlaib took the stage at the annual Palestine Conference, she gushed about her pride in being invited to keynote, saying:

I’m incredibly proud to be here. The incredible work that all of you have done have opened doors for myself, somebody like me to serve in the United States Congress.

As Rep. Tlaib continued, she demonstrated a favorite rhetorical trick of the ‘intersectional’ far-left: “movement hijacking“—the appropriation and exploitation of unrelated social justice causes (frequently by BDS supporters) in order to subsume those causes within a broader left-wing movement in which anti-Israel activists are then revered as leaders.

I would remember the history here in this country…still, the oppression of our black brothers and sisters. Every time I saw the different color license plates, the dehumanization at the checkpoints, everything. So interconnected…So when you think about the border, you gotta understand how interconnected it is with the oppression, of what’s happening in Falastine, the oppression that’s happening to our people. When I see…like, the police going after, killing innocent people, innocent, treating African American brothers and sisters like they’re disposable, I think of Filastine and what happens to our brothers and sisters in the occupation.

Tlaib’s remarks echoed longstanding efforts by anti-Israel activists to stoke racial tension against Israel by falsely accusing it of being responsible for local police shootings of blacks in the U.S. As we documented, that campaign went into overdrive during the Ferguson riots, after the Michael Brown shooting in the summer of 2014.

You can watch Rep Tlaib’s entire AMP speech here and below.

There is much more. Read the rest here.


Palestinian Preacher Yusuf Al-Makharze: Allah Wants Girls To Be Married Off When They Start Menstruating; Our Leaders Have No Right To Prevent This From Happening

Algerian Interior Minister Salah Eddine Damoune Describes Political Opponents As Homosexuals And Traitors; Journalist: The Minister Himself Is The Homosexual

Trump Secures Release of American Student Held in Iran

Pensacola jihadi hosted dinner party night before his massacre to watch videos of mass shootings

Pensacola jihadi ranted about “crimes against Muslims,” investigators trying to determine if he had religious motive

Three of the 9/11 jihadis gave their addresses as Naval Air Station Pensacola, site of latest jihad murders

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.


Impeachment you say? Trump the only President to be impeached by the House. Exonerated by the Senate and reelected by a landslide. IGII – FISA – EPSTEIN – ASSANGE – DURHAM – NSA DATA COLLECTION – Get ready my friends we have a front row seat for the show of a lifetime!

The Storm Is Upon Us

The only reason for this unconstitutional coup d’ etat hoax is to try to prevent the exposing of their crimes, (including pedophilia), their treasonous acts and a desperate attempt to seize control of the deep states global agenda as they see it slipping away. They are panicking. “What storm Mr. President – You’ll find out“. Oh yeah, the storm in that video clip that the President referred to way back then, is indeed upon us. Trust the plan. Yes, there is one and it is unfolding exactly as it should.

Stay the Course

In my opinion somewhere down the line, the House impeachment scar will be removed from the record as it will have been proven to be an illegitimate process thus no standing House impeachment. President Trump will go down in history as one of the greatest Presidents this country has ever had. The world will be thankful. I thank you Mr. President, and I thank God.

With the recent upset of the century, the shadow government of this world has experienced its first real setback with the election (and soon to be re-election), of Donald J. Trump as President of the United States. The deep state globalists now tremble as Trump and this movement threaten their totalitarianism world government. Although optimism has returned, the battle now begins as President Donald J. Trump leads America’s second revolution.

“We must not surrender to the false song of globalism. So, I am asking everyone to join this incredible movement. I am asking you to dream big and bold and daring things for your family and for your country. I am asking you to believe in yourself again and I am asking you to believe in America.” – Donald J. Trump

Related Links

Promises Kept

Impeachment Trump vs Deep State – What’s Next?

Another Coup Bites the Dust

“I Caught the Swamp”

FISA Day of Reckoning Is Here

They Are All Going Down

Low Lying Fruit About To Be Plucked

The Storm Is Upon Us

Constitution Says Punishment for Treason Is Death

Fake News Advocating the Overthrow of the US Government

You Have Little Faith – Trust The Plan

Calm Down and Enjoy the Ride!

Relax Trump Has the Goods

Trump The Most Loved Man Alive

Trump Global Support Coming Soon

Scale of Discovery & Action They are on the Run

Pedophilia the Achilles Heel of the Deep State

Trump’s Nuremberg Style Trials Coming Soon?

It’s Either Us Or Them

© All rights reserved.

The Primacy of Jesus and the Church’s Liturgical Year

Fr. Thomas Weinandy, OFM Cap.: The Father established Jesus, his glorious incarnate Son, as the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end, and so King of kings, the Lord of lords.

Today, even at the highest ecclesial levels, the importance of Catholic doctrine is disparaged. In particular, Jesus is reduced to one of many founders of divinely willed religions.  I was contemplating this sad reality on the recent Solemnity of Christ the King, the celebration of Jesus Christ as the definitive Lord and universal Savior.  In the entire cosmos, he alone holds primacy of place.  There is no name greater, and therefore, there is no one superior to Jesus, the incarnate, only begotten, Spirit-filled Son of the Father.

As I pondered this effective belittling of Jesus, the thought came to me that the Church’s liturgical year is both the safeguard and the promoter of Jesus’ primacy.  The climax of the Church’s liturgical year is the Feast of Christ the King. But then it begins again with Advent, the preparation for the Solemnity of the Nativity, the birth of Jesus, the incarnate Father’s Son.

Christmas is founded upon an event, a liturgical celebration, that took place nine months earlier on March 25, the Annunciation.  On that feast, the Church joyfully recalls the coming of the archangel Gabriel to Mary.  He is sent by the Father to announce to her that by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit she will conceive a son, whom she is to name Jesus – YHWH-Saves.  Gabriel informs Mary that her son will inherit the everlasting kingdom of David and will be called the Son of God.

In these conjoined events, we celebrate the singular significance of Jesus.  Yes, Jesus is a man conceived and born of a woman. But conceived in Mary’s womb by the power of the Holy Spirit.  No other event in the history of the world comes close to this marvelous truth, and, therefore, no other human being, past or future, can be greater than Jesus, the eternal Son of the living God.

This is his divine identity, and it is unique to him.  No other religion lays claim to such a truth, and no founder of any other religion claims to have God as his very own divine Father.

The best Mohammed can do, for example, is to profess that he is the greatest prophet – a  far cry from the truth that Jesus is the Son, the very Word, of his heavenly Father.

Not surprisingly, then, the Church marks the dawn of the new calendar year, January 1, by celebrating the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, for with the birth of her son the dawn of a new and eternal life appears.  Mary, in herself, is the proclamation and the defender of the mystery of the Incarnation.  To honor Mary as the Mother of God is to honor her human son as the Father’s divine Son.


Who first proclaims this truth that Jesus is the Son of God?  The Father himself! At Jesus’ baptism, as the Holy Spirit descends upon him, the same Spirit by whose power he was conceived as man, the Father declares who Jesus is: “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.”

The Father affirms, and so confirms, that his Son, Jesus, is God as he himself is God, for Jesus possesses fully the Father’s very divine Spirit of Sonship.  This declaration of Jesus’ divine identity is what we celebrate on the Feast of the Baptism of Jesus.  Once again, we find the Church’s liturgical year professing the primacy of Jesus.

During Lent, the Church prepares to celebrate the definitive events by which Jesus becomes the universal Savior, the events in and through which he enacts his name, YHWH-Saves.  Through his passion and death, Jesus obtains the forgiveness of our sins, for he lovingly offers his holy and innocent life to his Father out of love for us.

So pleased was the Father that, by the power of the Holy Spirit, he raised his Son, Jesus, from the dead and at his ascension made him the Lord of glory.  In so doing the Father made Jesus truly Jesus, mankind’s singular, definitive Lord and universal Savior.

The Father established Jesus, his glorious incarnate Son, as the first and the last, the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end, and so King of kings, the Lord of lords.  During Holy Week, Easter, and the Ascension, the Church celebrates this mighty work of the Father made manifest in his incarnate Spirit-filled Son, Jesus Christ.

To hold or to insinuate that Jesus is merely one of many “saviors” is not simply to denigrate Jesus but to insult the Father himself.  Ultimately, it is to sin against the Holy Spirit – the unforgivable sin!

In order to reap Jesus’ salvific benefits, one must be united to him.  This is what the Church celebrates on the Solemnity of Pentecost.  As the risen Savior and Lord of all, Jesus pours out his Father’s Holy Spirit upon the Church so that all who believe in him and are baptized become new creations in him by sharing in his risen and glorious Spirit-filled life.

This communion with the risen Jesus finds its fullest earthly expression in the Eucharist.  There the faithful share in his one saving sacrifice and partake of Jesus’ risen body and blood. The great mystery of the Eucharist is what the Church celebrates yearly on the Solemnity of Corpus Christ.  We become one body in Christ.

This feast, too, declares the singularity and primacy of Jesus.  No other religion contains such a marvelous truth, for no other religion has a founder to whom one is so united as to be in communion with God the Father through the indwelling Spirit.

So, we end where we began, with the Solemnity of Christ the King.  This feast anticipates the heavenly liturgy, a solemnity that will never end, for we await the coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, at the end of time, when we will share fully in his resurrection and ascend to our Father.  Then, in the Holy Spirit, every knee shall bend and every tongue shall proclaim that Jesus Christ alone is Lord to the glory of God the Father!


Fr. Thomas G. Weinandy, OFM, Cap.

Thomas G. Weinandy, OFM, a prolific writer and one of the most prominent living theologians, serves as a member of the Vatican’s International Theological Commission. His newest book is Jesus Becoming Jesus: A Theological Interpretation of the Synoptic Gospels.

EDITORS NOTE: This Catholic Thing column is republished with permission. © 2019 The Catholic Thing. All rights reserved. For reprint rights, write to: The Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own.

Six Saudi Muslims arrested near Naval Air Station after jihad attack, three of them filmed the massacre


There needs to be a thorough and realistic reevaluation of this training program of foreign nationals. But that probably will not happen; it would be “Islamophobic.”

“Six Saudis are arrested over Pensacola naval base shooting including three who FILMED the attack by countryman who killed three and wounded eight before being shot dead – as FBI probes terror link,” by Andrew Court and Snejana Farberov,, December 6, 2019:

The Air Force trainee who killed three and injured eight when he opened fire at a naval base in Florida assailed the United States as ‘a nation of evil’ before he went on his shooting rampage, AFP reports.

The man, first identified by NBC News as Saudi national Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani, opened fire inside a classroom at Naval Air Station in Pensacola early Friday morning. Police quickly responded to the scene and he was shot dead.

US officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation, said the suspect was a second lieutenant attending the aviation school at the base.

Meanwhile six other Saudi nationals were arrested near the base shortly after the attack, as investigators began to probe a terror link.

Three of the six were seen filming the entire incident as it unfolded, a source told The New York Times on Friday evening….


Military bases across the U.S are put on high alert as FBI hunts missing Saudi servicemen linked to Pensacola shooting and probes shooter’s trip to New York two days before as terror investigators are called in

Pensacola jihad murderer tweeted that US was committing “crimes against Muslims,” including support of Israel

Florida: Naval Air Station jihad murderer was 2nd Lieutenant in Saudi Air Force

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Increased Campus Anti-Semitism Following the National SJP Conference

On the first weekend of November 2019, the annual National Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) conference took place at the University of Minnesota. As previously reported by Canary Mission, the annual SJP conference is notorious for its anti-Semitism, incitement and support for terror.

To avoid exposure by Canary Mission, the National SJP organizers hid the conference’s programming and attendees from the public.

In the weeks directly following the conference, SJP chapters across the country launched a barrage of intimidation attacks against Jewish and pro-Israel students.

SJP is anti-Semitic. The National SJP conference leads to increased hatred and harassment against Jews on campus.


November 1-3: 

November 2, 2019

  • SJP Benedictine defended a SJP Benedictine student who grilled a Holocaust survivor, so as to make it “relevant to SJP.”

November 13: 

  • SJP at Arizona State University (ASU) and other student organizations (No Más Muertes, MEChA de ASU, Young Democratic Socialists of America at ASU, Students for Socialism) – Disrupted and tried to shout down a Chabad ASU event. One protestor held a sign that  said “Long Live the Intifada.”
  • Harvard Palestine Solidarity Committee (PSC) claimed partial credit for a Harvard Law School student walkout from an event hosting the Israeli ambassador to the US, discussing the legitimacy of Israeli settlements in the occupied territories.

November 14: 

  • SJP Vermont University tweeted a series of hateful and anti-Zionist comments on Twitter
  • SJP Vassar disrupted a Vassar Organization Israel Conversations Effectively (VOICE) event, titled “The Indigenous Jews of the Middle East: Forgotten Refugees,” hosting Hen Mazzig. 25-30 demonstrators chanted “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free” and prevented the lecture from happening for 20 minutes.

November 15: 

  • Various New York SJP Chapters along with Within Our Lifetime (WOL) held an anti-Israel protest in Times Square.  SJP leader, Husam Kaid, called for “an Intifada [violent uprising] in every college campus” at an anti-Israel rally in Times Square.

November 17:

  • Florida State University SJP held an anti-Israel protest at the California State Capitol honoring Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists. Demonstrators chanted [00:00:47] “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free!”

November 20:

  • SJP Butler along with the Party for Socialism and Liberation held a protest for Gaza in memory of Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists.  One protestor was photographed waving the flag of a U.S. designated terror group, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).
  • SJP at the University of South Florida held a protest and march through the USF campus mopurning “fallen” Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists. During the march, demonstrators chanted “Israel is an apartheid state.”
  • SJP UC Santa Barbara held a “Vigil for Gaza” and die-in, at the Arbor in front of the Davidson Library, in honor of the victims who lost their lives this past week. Demonstrators chanted “Long live the Intifada [violent uprising]” and “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free.”
  • Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA) at York held a violent protest against a school-sanctioned event, hosted by Herut Canada, featuring IDF reservists. Demontrators chanted “Viva Viva, Intifada [violent uprising]” and violently assaulted pro-Israel attendees.
  • SJP University of Florida (UF) organized a walkout of 100 students from a UF event hosting an IDF officer and then held a vigil honoring Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists.
  • SJP Chicago and 7 other Chicago-based SJP chapters held a “Die-in” in downtown Chicago honoring Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorists. During the protest, two demonstrators held an Israeli flag covered in fake blood, with the word “genocide.”

November 21:

  • SJP at UC Berkeley and Bears For Palestine had an anti-Israel protest on Berkley campus, and reportedly held a moment of silence for Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists. SJP demonstrators also echoed Yasser Arafat’s rallying cry for the murder of Israeli Jews, chanting “With our blood and souls, we will redeem you Palestine.”
  •  SJP Oberlin College Erected a memorial to Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists on the “Wilder Bowl,” a large grassy open area at the heart of Oberlin campus.
  • SJP Loyola held a vigil honoring Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists at the East Quad on Loyola campus.

November 29:

  • York Federation of Students passed a motion stating that it will actively work to oppose “representatives of the Israeli state” who appear on campus.

EDITORS NOTE: This Canary Mission column with video is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

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