Harvard professor’s arrest shows Chinese spying via U.S. universities

Espionage against America’s universities surfaced again when the FBI arrested a prominent Harvard professor as an alleged part of a Communist Chinese spy operation.

The recent arrests of Harvard Professor Charles Lieber, a Chinese People’s Liberation Army officer, and a second Chinese national in Boston, show that Beijing – among others – uses American academic institutions to steal technology and more.

Some professors seem perfectly willing to collaborate with the Chinese Communist Party.

The FBI arrested Lieber, hairman of Harvard University’s Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department and prosecutors charged “two Chinese nationals” with being “in connection with aiding the People’s Republic of China,” according to the Justice Department.

Lieber was initially “charged by criminal complaint with one count of making a materially false, fictitious, and fraudulent statement.” Such a charge is usually a placeholder while prosecutors prepare far more serious national security charges.

Lieber is a prominent nanoscientist who received more than $15,000,000 in Pentagon and National Institutes of Health contracts. Harvard said Lieber had an academic rank “bestowed on only the most eminent scholars.”

Professor Lieber allegedly had a secret arrangement with a Communist Chinese institution designed to recruit top Western science and technology talent, and was part of a research program in Wuhan, China, site of the recent outbreak of Wuhan corona virus.

Two Chinese alleged spies at Boston University & Harvard-affiiated hospital

Federal prosecutors charged Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) officer Yanqing Ye, and Chinese national Zaosong Zheng, the same day.

Ye, who escaped to China, is a Chinese Communist Party member who studied at Boston University’s Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biomedical Engineering from 2017 to 2019, “completing numerous assignments from PLA officers” and “sending US documents and information to China,” according to the Justice Department.

Ye’s electronic devices revealed that the officer was associated with China’s National University of Defense Technology and was being run in Boston by an un-named PLA colonel.

Under the direction of that colonel, “Ye had accessed US military websites, researched US military projects and compiled information for the PLA on two US scientists with expertise in robotics and computer science,” the Justice Department said.

The third suspected spy, Zheng, had been a researcher at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, from 2018-19. He was arrested in December at Logan Airport and “charged by criminal complaint with attempting to smuggle 21 vials of biological research to China.”

Federal allegations against the Harvard professor include secret work with Wuhan facility

Communist China has targeted the American biotech research sector since the 1990s, the US China Economic and Security Review Commission reported last year.

Professor Lieber appears to have been part of that intelligence operation. The Justice Department laid out its case against the Harvard professor (emphasis added):

“According to court documents, since 2008, Dr. Lieber who has served as the Principal Investigator of the Lieber Research Group at Harvard University, which specialized in the area of nanoscience, has received more than $15,000,000 in grant funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Department of Defense (DOD).  These grants require the disclosure of significant foreign financial conflicts of interest, including financial support from foreign governments or foreign entities.

Unbeknownst to Harvard University beginning in 2011, Lieber became a ‘Strategic Scientist’ at Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) in China and was a contractual participant in China’s Thousand Talents Plan from in or about 2012 to 2017.  China’s Thousand Talents Plan is one of the most prominent Chinese Talent recruit plans that are designed to attract, recruit, and cultivate high-level scientific talent in furtherance of China’s scientific development, economic prosperity and national security.

“These talent programs seek to lure Chinese overseas talent and foreign experts to bring their knowledge and experience to China and reward individuals for stealing proprietary information.

“Under the terms of Lieber’s three-year Thousand Talents contract, WUT paid Lieber $50,000 USD per month, living expenses of up to 1,000,000 Chinese Yuan (approximately $158,000 USD at the time) and awarded him more than $1.5 million to establish a research lab at WUT.  In return, Lieber was obligated to work for WUT ‘not less than nine months a year’ by ‘declaring international cooperation projects, cultivating young teachers and Ph.D. students, organizing international conference[s], applying for patents and publishing articles in the name of’ WUT.

“The complaint alleges that in 2018 and 2019, Lieber lied about his involvement in the Thousand Talents Plan and affiliation with WUT.  On or about, April 24, 2018, during an interview with investigators, Lieber stated that he was never asked to participate in the Thousand Talents Program, but he “wasn’t sure” how China categorized him.  In November 2018, NIH inquired of Harvard whether Lieber had failed to disclose his then-suspected relationship with WUT and China’s Thousand Talents Plan.  Lieber caused Harvard to falsely tell NIH that Lieber ‘had no formal association with WUT’ after 2012, that ‘WUT continued to falsely exaggerate’ his involvement with WUT in subsequent years, and that Lieber ‘is not and has never been a participant in’ China’s Thousand Talents Plan.”

Critics imply FBI targeting of Chinese spies is racist

The Chinese government has been exploiting Western supersensitivities about racism to its espionage advantage through its “overseas ‘united front’ work,” while careless language on the part of non-ethnic Chinese about “Chinese spies” can sow defensiveness and divisiveness that Beijing can exploit again. The US China Economic and Security Review Commission warned about Communist China’s manipulation of real and imagined “racist” sensitivities in a 2018 report.

Some American news organizations echoed Beijing’s active measures theme. “The US is Purging Chinese Cancer Researchers From Top Institutions,” a Bloomberg Businessweek headline screamed in June, 2019.

Harvard and other colleges like having students from Mainland China, as the parents or proxies usually pay full tuition in cash. Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping’s daughter, Xi Mingze, reportedly graduated from Harvard and returned in 2019 to resume her studies there.

Harvard’s JFK school offered fellowship to espionage convict

Harvard has shown a permissive attitude toward spies and those who release classified information.

The Harvard John F. Kennedy School of Government – the nation’s most prestigious graduate school for future diplomats, intelligence officers, and other public officials – extended convicted spy Bradley “Chelsea” Manning a visiting fellowship in 2017. Manning, who was convicted of six counts of espionage for releasing 700,000 classified defense and intelligence documents, received a pardon from president Barack Obama.

Harvard withdrew its offer to Manning only after former CIA director Michael Morell, a senior fellow at the JFK School, resigned in protest.

“Unfortunately, I cannot be part of an organization — the Kennedy School — that honors a convicted felon and leaker of classified information, Ms. Chelsea Manning, by inviting her to be a Visiting Fellow at the Kennedy School’s Institute of Politics,” Morell said in a letter to the Harvard dean.

“Ms. Manning was found guilty of 17 serious crimes, including six counts of espionage, for leaking hundreds of thousands of classified documents to Wikileaks, an entity that CIA Director Mike Pompeo says operates like an adversarial foreign intelligence service,” Morell told Harvard.

After Morell’s public resignation, Harvard withdrew its invitation to Manning and called the offer a “mistake.”

However, JFK School Dean Douglas W. Elmendorff publicly apologized to Manning, and invited the convicted spy to visit Harvard for a day to speak at the school’s prestigious John F. Kennedy, Jr. Forum.

“I apologize to [Manning] and to the many concerned people from whom I have heard today for not recognizing upfront the full implications of our original invitation,” Elmendorf told the Washington Post.

About J Michael Waller

J. Michael Waller is Vice President for Government Affairs at the Center for Security Policy. His areas of concentration are propaganda, political warfare, psychological warfare, and subversion.

Dr. Waller is the former Walter and Leonore Annenberg Professor of International Communication at the Institute of World Politics, a graduate school in Washington, DC.

A former instructor with the Naval Postgraduate School, he is an instructor/lecturer at the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Bragg.

He is a founding editorial board member of NATO’s  Defence Strategic Communications journal.

He graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the George Washington University, was the first John M. Olin Fellow at the Center for Defense Journalism at Boston University, where he received his Master’s in international relations and communication; and holds a PhD in international security affairs from Boston University, where he was an Earhart Fellow at the Institute for the Study of Conflict, Ideology, and Policy under Professor Uri Ra’anan.

An adaptation of his doctoral dissertation was published as Secret Empire: The KGB In Russia Today (Westview, 1994), in which he warned of the rise of a KGB-gangster state in Russia and predicted the rise of a KGB officer to control Russia.

View all posts by J Michael Waller


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EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

TENNESSEE: Lawmaker Floats Resolution Branding CNN, Washington Post ‘FAKE NEWS’

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (ChurchMilitant.com) – Tennessee’s Republican State Rep. Micah Van Huss proposed legislation to recognize CNN and The Washington Post as “fake news.”

His resolution calls both CNN and The Washington Post “part of the media wing of the Democratic Party.” The text also “condemns” the media outlets for “denigrating our citizens and implying that they are weak-minded followers instead of people exercising their rights that our veterans paid for with their blood.”

“I’ve filed HJR 779 on behalf of a constituency that’s tired of fake news and Republicans who don’t fight,” Rep. Van Huss explained on his Facebook page.

The resolution recalls incidents at both news outlets where a host or editor referred to supporters of President Donald Trump as “belonging to a cult” or “cult-like.”

“To describe the entire Republican Party as a cult led by President Trump is problematic,” reads a portion of the resolution. “If journalists are going to refer to the party as a cult and its supporters as cultists, they must define what ‘cult’ means; otherwise, they are assuming that a cult is some obvious phenomenon and everyone knows what the word means.”

The segment generated a flood of responses on social media. Van Huss’ bill falls on the heels of a recent CNN segment, during which anchor Don Lemon, author Wajahat Ali and Republican political strategist Rick Wilson mocked President Trump — suggesting he is unable to find Ukraine on a map — and describing Trump supporters as “the credulous Boomer rube demo.”

President Trump fired back, tweeting: “Don Lemon, the dumbest man on television (with terrible ratings!)”


Author and columnist Mark Steyn blasted CNN for mocking Trump supporters saying the CNN panel should relabel themselves “Trump’s re-election committee,” adding, “If you want more Trump, this is how you get more Trump.”

“Calling 63 million voters illiterate rubes” represents the height of “bipartisan establishment condescension,” Steyn added.

Examples of CNN’s and The Washington Post’s demonstrably false reporting are legion.

In 2017, CNN congressional correspondent Manu Raju falsely reported that Donald Trump Jr. was offered advanced access to the WikiLeaks e-mail archive.

CNN falsely reported in 2017 that fired White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci was under federal investigation for meeting with a Russian banker prior to President Trump’s inauguration. CNN eventually apologized for its false story after Scaramucci vehemently denied its contents.

When I was a kid, you’d turn on the news to see what was going on, and now, of course, we’ve gotten into premium politics.Tweet

In 2018, CNN also reported that President Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen, was prepared to tell then-special counsel Robert Mueller that the president had advance knowledge of the Trump Tower meeting between his son, Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer, and others.

The Washington Post ran a nearly 2,000-word story in 2018 alleging the Trump administration was systematically denying passports to Latin-Americans along the border, accusing them of using fraudulent birth certificates.

CNN and The Washington Post later amended the stories but not until after damage had been done and confusion created.

“News organizations used to report the news,” Rep. Van Huss said. “I remember when I was a kid, you’d turn on the news to see what was going on, and now, of course, we’ve gotten into premium politics.”

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Child sex trafficking prevention is being undercut by ‘the squad’, elements of the Democrat Party [and some anti-Trump Republicans]

We received the following comments and video below in an email from one of our readers:

Please watch this video and then send it  to your Church leaders, including my comment that this  greatly enhanced prevention activity is another effort by Donald Trump that  does not get any recognition from the Democrats nor from MITT  ROMNEY.

Romney’s actions in fact,  have undercut the activities of these US  enforcement organizations. The whole pandemonium over separating children from their families was generated by the efforts  of ICE,  Homeland Security, etc. to rescue kidnapped children who were being introduced into the sex trade. The pictures, widely distributed by the Democrats  and the left-wing media, of children in “cages” were taken during the Obama administration and  deceptively used in order to attack the Donald Trump administration.

Many of these child sex activists receive an active defense from George Soros funded organizations. Further, many George Soros organizations are very active in Ukraine under the guise of “good government” and of “reform”.   Unfortunately, former US ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, allied herself with, and partially financed some of these Soros  operations  before she was told by her State Department superiors to  stop utilizing US federal resources for these activities. Whether Yovanovitch, did this innocently or with guilty knowledge would have been established  had the Republicans and/or the presidents legal staff been  permitted by Adam Schiff to cross-examine her. Since Adam Schiff has  a significant amount of  George Soros  funding  in his history,  this might have been the reason that Adam Schiff would not permit any questioning of his selected hearsay “witnesses”

© All rights reserved.

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CONTRALAND: A Socking Documentary about child sex trafficking in America.

Blind Eyes Opened

ARIZONA: Al-Qaeda jihadi accused of killing Iraqi police found living in Phoenix

Remember, anyone who calls for immigration reform or who points out that immigration is a national security issue is a racist, bigoted “Islamophobe.”

“Alleged Al-Qaeda Leader Accused of Killing Iraqi Police Found Living in Phoenix, Arizona,” by Jeffery Martin, Newsweek, January 31, 2020 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

Law enforcement officials in Phoenix, Arizona arrested a man on Thursday who was alleged to be the former leader of an Al-Qaeda terrorist group in Iraq. Ali Yousif Ahmed Al-Nouri is accused of murdering two Iraqi police officers in 2006 in the Iraqi city of Fallujah.

Al-Nouri allegedly participated in the killing of two officers in the Fallujah Police Directorate as part of a division of Al-Qaeda that focused on killing Iraqi police.

After an Iraqi judge issued a warrant for Al-Nouri’s arrest, the government of Iraq requested Al-Nouri’s extradition.

According to a news release from the Department of Justice, Al-Nouri’s arrest was carried out by the FBI Phoenix Field Office and the U.S. Marshals Service.

“If Ahmed’s extradition is certified by the court,” the release said, “the decision of whether to surrender him to Iraq will be made by the U.S. Secretary of State.”

Newsweek reached out to the Department of Justice for further comment but did not receive a response in time for publication.

Authorities arrested a man believed to have been the leader of an Al-Qaeda group in Phoenix, Arizona Friday….


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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Free to Succeed: A Brief History of School Choice

Perhaps it’s the title, but at first glance, Milton Friedman’s 1955 essay, “The Role of Government in Education,” seems unassuming. To many Americans, the role of government in education is self-evident and impregnable. So, given public schools are run by the government, an essay on the government’s role in education seems like it would be both obvious (and boring).

In reality, Friedman’s argument was neither obvious nor boring. In “The Role of Government in Education,” Friedman argued that basic free-market principles—such as competition and consumer freedom—should be reintroduced into the education marketplace.

Friedman’s argument was not necessarily new or radical. For the first eight decades after the American Revolution, parents were the primary drivers of what and how their children learned. According to Market Education, written by the late Andrew Coulson, this “unofficial school choice” later dissolved amidst burgeoning anti-Catholic immigrant sentiment and a massive push for mandatory, state-funded, public education.

By the time Friedman wrote “The Role of Government in Education,” state governments essentially had developed monopolies on education, with children assigned to public schools within the district boundaries where they lived. This iron triangle of public schooling—government administration, compulsion and financing of education—had weakened important market forces and limited parents’ power to control their children’s education. Private schools offered an alternative to public school system, but many low- and middle-income families could not afford to pay both the taxes that support public schools and the tuition required of private schools.

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So although the history of American education reflects aspects of school choice, education freedom had nearly disappeared by 1955. Children attended their neighborhood public schools even if those schools were a poor fit.

Friedman’s essay argued that parents, not the state, should makes the decisions when it came to their children’s education. Instead of government officials mandating students attend given schools, competition between schools would encourage greater innovation, efficiency, and effectiveness. Parents, untethered from arbitrary school district boundaries, then could vote with their feet. As Friedman put it: “Parents could express their views about schools directly, by withdrawing their children from one school and sending them to another, to a much greater extent than is now possible.”

Friedman’s essay also proposed a voucher program, where the state would take the money that would have been spent to educate students at public schools and give it to parents to cover tuition at a private school of their choice. Fundamentally, he argued to separate the financing of education from the delivery of services.

Friedman’s ideas were first implemented in Wisconsin in 1989 when state Assemblywoman Polly Williams authored the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program, —the first modern-day private school choice legislation. The bipartisan legislation enabled low-income minority families to use vouchers to pay for tuition at the city’s private schools.

Later, 18 states and the District of Columbia launched similar voucher programs. The same number of states now offer tax-credit scholarships, which enable individuals and businesses to receive tax credits for donating to nonprofits that fund private school scholarships.

In 2011—dubbed “the year of school choice” because 12 states passed legislation that either created new school choice programs or expanded programs that already existed—Arizona implemented the county’s first education savings account option.

Education savings accounts allow parents to use taxpayer funds to pay for tuition, tutors, textbooks, and other education expenses. Friedman had suggested this as well during a 2003 interview in which he spoke of issuing “partial vouchers.”

Florida, Tennessee, Mississippi, and North Carolina have since followed Arizona’s lead and implemented their own Education Savings Account options.

Around the same time Milwaukee passed the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program, public charter schools—another key player in the fight for school choice—started to take off. Public charter schools operate with greater autonomy and at less cost than their traditional public school counterparts. Because they are independent from traditional public school curriculum requirements, charter schools can tailor their environments and curricula to their students’ needs.

Despite these gains, pushback continues. Just last week, the U.S. Supreme Court heard a case that dealt with tax-credit scholarship programs. The case’s ruling, which is expected this summer, could shape the future of the school choice discussion in the United States.

But Friedman’s legacy endures, and this year’s National School Choice Week is a reminder that progress continues, but by no means is the fight for authentic education freedom over yet.


Jack Rosenwinkel is a member of the Young Leaders Program at The Heritage Foundation.

Lindsey M. Burke researches and writes on federal and state education issues as the Will Skillman fellow in education policy at The Heritage Foundation. Read her research. Twitter: .

Jude Schwalbach is a research assistant in education policy at The Heritage Foundation.


The Path Forward for Historically Black Colleges and Universities

2 Gay Students Are Suing a Seminary. Here’s Why It Matters.

Study Reveals the Absurd Conformity of Higher Education

A Note for our Readers:

This is a critical year in the history of our country. With the country polarized and divided on a number of issues and with roughly half of the country clamoring for increased government control—over health care, socialism, increased regulations, and open borders—we must turn to America’s founding for the answers on how best to proceed into the future.

The Heritage Foundation has compiled input from more than 100 constitutional scholars and legal experts into the country’s most thorough and compelling review of the freedoms promised to us within the United States Constitution into a free digital guide called Heritage’s Guide to the Constitution.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

EXCLUSIVE: Google Employees Used Company Resources To Organize Anti-Trump Resistance Events

EDITORS NOTE: What follows is an excerpt from Peter Hasson’s new book “The Manipulators: Facebook, Google, Twitter, qnd Big Tech’s War on Conservatives” (order here on Amazon).

Google employees interpreted Trump’s election as a terrible outcome that they should have done more to prevent the American people from choosing and something they would work hard to make sure didn’t happen again. Indeed, I obtained documents and communications showing Google employees organizing anti-Trump protests using internal company channels, company time, and company office space.

“If your stomach turns when you consider a Trump presidency, I urge you not to let this moment pass quietly,” one Google employee wrote in an email to coworkers, urging them to attend an anti-Trump protest in San Francisco ten days after Trump’s election.

Another Google employee in March 2017 hosted an anti-Trump resistance event at Google to flood the White House mail room with anti-Trump postcards. “Hi all,” the email began, “I’m participating in #TheIdesofTrump, a national movement to send POTUS a postcard on March 15 expressing opposition to him.” The message stated that employees had reserved a room at Google’s San Francisco headquarters for Google employees to gather and write the anti-Trump postcards. The invitation included the anti-Trump activists’ mission statement:

We the people, in vast numbers, from all corners of the world, will overwhelm the man in his unpopularity and failure. We will show the media and the politicians what standing with him—and against us—means. And most importantly, we will bury the White House in pink slips, all informing Donnie that he’s fired. Each of us—every protester from every march, each congress-calling citizen, every boycotter, volunteer, donor, and petition signer—if each of us writes even a single postcard and we put them all in the mail on the same day, March 15th, well: you do the math.

No alternative fact or Russian translation will explain away our record-breaking, officially-verifiable, warehouse-filling flood of fury.

“I’ll bring the postcards and the stamps,” the employee added. “You just bring your woke selves.” It bears repeating that the employees used their work email addresses, a company listserv, and company office space to organize their anti-Trump activism, because there is absolutely no chance that a Google employee could get away with organizing pro-Trump activism using Google resources on company time. If someone tried, their coworkers would run them out of the company, if their bosses didn’t fire them first.

One Google employee even reported a colleague to human resources for supporting Jordan Peterson’s objection to state-mandated pronoun laws in Canada. “One Googler raised a concern that you appeared to be promoting and defending Jordan Peterson’s comments about transgender pronouns, and expressed concern that this made them feel unsafe at work,” HR told the employee in an email, which noted that other Google employees were also “offended by [your] perceived challenge to our diversity programs.”



Peter J. Hasson is the editor of the investigative group at the Daily Caller News Foundation and the author of “The Manipulators: Facebook, Google, Twitter, and Big Tech’s War on Conservatives.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

The Benghazi Attack: The Forgotten History of the 2012 Attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya

If you say “September 11” most people automatically think of the attacks on the World Trade Center buildings and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. What they probably don’t even remember happened on September 11, were the attacks on the United States Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, in 2012.

Once the Libyan Revolution began in February 2011, the CIA began placing assets in the region, attempting to make contacts within the region. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, whose name and image would soon become synonymous with the Benghazi attacks, was the first liaison between the United States and the rebels. The task before the American intelligence community at that time was securing arms in the country, most notably shoulder-fired missiles, taken from the Libyan military.

Eastern Libya and Benghazi were the primary focal points of intelligence-gathering in the country. But there was something else at work here: The CIA was using the country as a base to funnel weapons to anti-Assad forces in Syria, as well as their alleged diplomatic mission.

Early Rumblings of Disorder in Benghazi

Trouble started in April 2012. This was when two former security guards of the consulate threw an IED over the fence. No casualties were reported, but another bomb was thrown at a convoy just four days later. Soon after, in May, the office of the International Red Cross in Benghazi was attacked and the local al-Qaeda affiliate claimed responsibility. On August 6, the Red Cross suspended operations in Libya.

This was all part of a troubling escalation of violence in the region. The British Ambassador Dominic Asquith was the victim of an assassination attempt on June 10, 2012. As a result of this and of rocket attacks on convoys, the British withdrew their entire consular staff from Libya in late June of that year.

American military and consular personnel on the scene were increasingly troubled by the situation and communicated their concerns to top brass through official channels. Two security guards in the consulate noticed a Libyan police officer (or at least someone dressed as one) taking pictures of the building, which raised alarms. Indeed, consular officials had been requesting additional security as far back as March.

On June 6, 2012, a large hole was blown in the wall of the consulate gate. It was estimated that 40 men could go through the hole in the wall. In July, the State Department informed officials on the ground that the existing security contract would not be renewed. On August 2, Ambassador Stephens requested additional security detail. The State Department responded by completely removing his security detail three days later. Three days after this, his security detail had left Libya entirely. On August 16, the regional security officer warned then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that the security situation in Libya was “dire.”

The Day of the Attack on Benghazi: The Cover-Up Begins

The September 11, 2012 attack was actually two attacks by two separate militias. The first was the attack on the diplomatic mission, the second was a mortar attack on the CIA annex. But the attacks themselves were effectively watched in real time by the White House, thanks to security drones in the region. By 5:10pm ET, President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta were watching real-time footage via a drone deployed to the area.

Half an hour later, the State Department officially refused to deploy the Foreign Emergency Support Team (FEST). FEST exists specifically for rapid response to terrorist attacks around the world and have special training with regard to defending American embassies. Within three hours, an Islamic group in the region had claimed responsibility for the attack. Approximately six hours after the first shots were fired, two former Navy SEALs who constituted the only serious defense forces for the consulate were killed by enemy fire. The surveillance drone had been watching them fight on their own for over two hours.

At 10:30 that night, Hillary Clinton nebulously blamed “inflammatory material on the Internet” for the attack. The notion that the attack was motivated by Innocence of Muslims was absurd: On the day before the attack, the leader of al-Qaeda in the region called for vengeance due to the death of his secretary. Three days after the attack, Stephens’ personal diary was found unsecured, along with all the other sensitive intelligence information in the compound.

For days, the film was blamed despite the White House having full knowledge that it was a terrorist attack. Indeed, on September 14, Barack Obama promised the father of one of the slain Navy SEALs not that he would bring to justice those who planned the attack, but the man who made the movie.

On September 20, 2012, the White House spent $70,000 on apology videos for the film. One day later, ten days after the attack, Clinton admitted to the public what she had known for over a week: That this was a coordinated terrorist attack. However, on the 25th, President Barack Obama addressed the United Nations once again blaming the video, giving what is perhaps one of the more memorable quotes of his presidency: “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam.”

On September 27, 2012, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula was arrested in Los Angeles for parole violations, all of which were related to his production of the film and served a year in jail. He was later sentenced to death in absentia by the Egyptian government.

Barack Obama did not attend his daily intelligence briefing for six consecutive days prior to the attacks, instead campaigning for re-election against Mitt Romney.

Susan Rice, then acting as the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, made the rounds on no fewer than five major Sunday morning talk shows, a process known as “the Full Ginsburg.” On these shows, she was armed with a set of talking points from the CIA. These talking points included the false assertion that these were spontaneous protests inspired by similar protests against the American Embassy in Cairo, with no connection to institutional terrorism.

The Rice appearances and the talking points she was provided with further confirm a general pattern: The Obama Administration was fundamentally incapable of acknowledging who the real enemy was. And when things went wrong, the focus was not on setting them right to protect Americans in the future, but on protecting the image of the Obama Administration – most notably the President and the Secretary of State. Hence the blame was shifted from Islamic terrorist groups onto a YouTube video.

The (Seemingly Endless) Benghazi Investigations

There were no fewer than 10 investigations of the attack on Benghazi, none of which found evidence of wrongdoing, despite several of them having been run by Republicans.

However, the American public did get some valuable information out of these hearings, not least of all that Hillary Clinton doesn’t value the lives of American servicemen. For example, the attention of Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails first came to the State Department and the United States Congress thanks to these investigations. Indeed, approximately 30 of the “gone with the wind” emails from her private, home-brewed server related to the non-response to the attack on Benghazi. This is according to the State Department itself.

But still the question remains: Why let these men die? And why lie about it for days after the fact?

The answer lies in two political concerns: First, the re-election of Barack Obama, second the planned candidacy of Hillary Clinton.

The date of the attack is very important: This was the final weeks of a presidential election campaign. And while Obama won handily (in no small part due to the aloof, patrician image of Bain Capital principal Mitt Romney), he is nothing if not a savvy politician. An attack on the United States Consulate in Libya was not something he wanted in public consciousness during an election season, not least of all if it were the result of a terrorist attack from what had formerly been a stable nation, slowly coming into the fold of what is euphemistically called “the International Community.”

For Clinton, the situation was even more dire. She effectively “owned” the situation in Libya, as the remaking (and ultimately destruction) of North Africa was one of the signature projects of her tenure at State. What’s more, she certainly owned the security situation on the ground, which likely was never secure.

The building was given the designation of “temporary,” largely to get around a number of regulations that apply to permanent State Department buildings. The request for more security from Ambassador Stephens might have been ill advised not because it was impossible to secure the location in any kind of long-term and sustainable way. The right move might very well have been to remove American personnel entirely, but this would have gone against the official narrative that everything was going swimmingly in Libya.

Other countries and organizations (such as the Red Cross) were leaving because they could not protect their people. The Clinton State Department saw this as unthinkable, because it would represent a failure and contradict the narrative.

And while Republican-led committees did not find any wrongdoing, it’s important to note that they also complained of being stonewalled by the administration at every turn. It’s hard to uncover evidence of wrongdoing when there is an institutional campaign to prevent you from getting any evidence at all.

A number of whistleblowers and other sources show that there were additional forces ready to go in the region to defend the consulate. So why were none of them deployed? Why were four American lives lost due to inaction at the highest levels of government?

Why no one was deployed is perhaps down more to incompetence and bad policy than any kind of a conspiracy. Our article on 9/11 is instructive on this matter: sometimes the cover-up is a conspiracy to conceal idiocy and failure of the actual event. In the case of Benghazi, while there is evidence to point toward a politically motivated cover-up, the actual event, like the 9/11 attacks, seems mostly to be a result of bad policy and incompetence rather than malice.

In this case, the bad policy was the Obama Administration’s desire to avoid even the appearance of “boots on the ground” and hand wringing about getting the permission of Libya (and about 12 other countries) to deploy assistance to the consulate. This was part of the general political philosophy of appeasement of Islamic terrorists that marked the Obama Administration.

This explains the stand-down orders which official sources have denied, but which have been confirmed by a number of whistleblowers and leaked documents since the attacks.

Both the President and the Secretary of Defense issued orders to deploy forces, but none were deployed. Once the Ambassador was confirmed as missing, a two-hour meeting ensued where top men within the Obama Administration came up with a number of action items, mostly revolving around the YouTube video (fully five of ten action items were related to the video) and hand wringing regarding a lack of permission from the Libyan government to protect our own forces.

The Americans in the CIA Annex were eventually evacuated to the airport by members of a militia comprised of former Qadaffi regime loyalists, not the opposition militias that were nominally allied with the United States. Meanwhile, actual American forces spent a bunch of time putting on and taking off their uniforms and tactical gear because the instructions from Washington changed by the minute.

It was a total paralysis of action on the ground by the top brass in D.C., because they were afraid of it looking like ground forces were being deployed, both from the perspective of the political response at home and the political response in Libya. As a result, four Americans died and a massive cover-up was rolled out to protect those responsible for grossly negligent inaction.

After the fact, emails were sent out, the purpose of which was less about finding out what went wrong to prevent it from happening again and to assign responsibility, than it was about making sure everyone was on the same page with regard to talking points.

The attack on Benghazi, the deaths of four Americans and the ensuing cover-up are an insightful view into the reality lurking behind many so-called “conspiracy theories.” What began as bureaucratic bungling and ideologically driven hamfistedness became a cover-up and, in a sense, a conspiracy after the fact. None of this is meant to let Obama-Clinton off the hook. Indeed, none of the criticisms of Obama-Clinton become any less sharp when they are considered as incompetence and butt-covering.


Sam Jacobs

Sam Jacobs grew up in Southern New England, probably the part of the country with the weakest gun culture. However, from a young age he believed firmly in the right of self defense and the right to keep and bear arms. This, coupled with 12 years of education in public schools and an argumentative nature, meant that he was frequently getting into debates with his teachers about the virtue of the Second Amendment. A precocious student of history and the Constitution, Jacobs became interested in both the practice of armed self defense throughout history as well as the philosophical underpinnings of the Second Amendment.

Jacobs has an affinity for the individual and the common man against centralized forms of power and elites, whether they be in the government or the private sector. In particular, he is interested in the ways in which private companies work to subvert the legislative process and to undermine American freedoms outside of normal legal channels. He considers the resolution of how corporate power can hem in Constitutional freedoms to be the most pressing political question of our age.

The private sector and the public sector are increasingly indistinguishable from one another, both because of behind-the-scenes corporate chicanery that undermines the legislative process and because private companies are rapidly becoming far more powerful than the federal government. Thus, it is more important than ever to both fight the incursion of private companies into our government and to become independent and self-reliant enough to make it difficult for private companies to hem in your rights.

So Sam believes.

Jacobs is the lead writer and chief historian with Ammo.com, and is the driving intellectual force behind the content in the Resistance Library. He is proud to see his work name-checked in places like BloombergUSA Today and National Review, but he is far more proud to see his work republished on websites like ZeroHedgeLew Rockwell and Sons of Liberty Media.

How many firearms does Sam own and what’s his everyday carry? That’s between him and the NSA.

EDITORS NOTE: This Ammo.com column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Burying ‘dead white males’: Will the deconstructionists win the battle for ‘Western Civilization’?

In the on-going debate over whether “dead white males” like William Shakespeare are needed anymore in English courses, Sheffield University, one of England’s leading institutions of higher education, says No.

According to a report in The Telegraph, an induction video for first-year students asserts that “academia has historically been a white dominated space” and encourages students to call out “racial bias” in the curriculum.

Writers like Geoffrey Chaucer, George Eliot (a woman, actually), Charles Dickens and Samuel Beckett are described as white writers whose works survive in the curriculum because they “simply fit better” with academic culture.

“Many of the writers, thinkers and academics who are traditionally studied are white too,” the video says. “This doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re the ones producing the best work, rather that they simply better fit into an academic culture that’s affected by the same racial biases that we see in the rest of society.”

On the other side of the pond, Yale University, one of America’s oldest and finest universities, has ditched its famous art history survey course. Apparently students are disturbed by the “overwhelming” whiteness, maleness, and straightness of canonical Western artists. Its replacement will examine art in relation to “questions of gender, class and ‘race’” as well as capitalism and climate change, according to the instructor.

These are just two examples of an academic scramble to assert that Western civilization, if it exists at all, is just a chronicle of racism, sexism and imperialism. As a result, young women and men who have the privilege of studying at some of the world’s great centres of learning are being cheated out of their past. They are being denied the intellectual tools for understanding themselves and the society in which they live. Ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant, wrote a very dead white male, Tacitus, about how the Roman Empire treated subject nations: “where they make a wasteland, they call it peace.” Some universities are a bit like that.

The desolation is eerily similar to the setting of one of the last century’s most famous sci fi novels, A Canticle for Leibowitz. A nuclear holocaust is followed by the Simplification, a violent backlash against technology. Literate people are killed by rampaging mobs of “Simpletons”. Illiteracy becoms almost universal and books are destroyed. In one of the novel’s most imaginative touches, Benedictine monks in the 26th Century painstakingly illuminate copies of electrical diagrams which no one understands any more.

We’re not there yet, but the possibility of getting an education in “the best which has been thought and said in the world”, as 19th Century critic Matthew Arnold put it, is becoming increasingly remote.

Of course, 150 years later, with more access to other cultures, “the best” needs to include contributions from India, China, Japan and other civilisations. But “Western civilisation” is far more than a reeking dung heap of gender and racial bias.

A report by Stanley Kurtz, a cultural commentator, reviews the history of American universities’ repudiation of “Western civilization” in an excellent short book, The Lost History of Western Civilization, published by the National Association of Scholars. (Available on Amazon and also as a free PDF.)

He uses the disintegration of humanist scholarship at Stanford University as a lens to analyse sceptics of the achievements of the West.

In January 1987 students chanting “Hey hey, ho ho, Western Culture’s got to go” kick-started the erosion of Stanford’s commitment to “the canon”. They were protesting a course called Western Culture which was required for first-year students. It was eventually abolished.

One of the main guns trained on the status quo, Kurtz says, was an influential article written in 1982 by historian Gilbert Allardyce which traced the idea of “Western Civilization” back to World War I. Allardyce described it, Kurtz writes, as “a modern invention devised during World War I as a way of hoodwinking young American soldiers into fighting and dying in the trenches of Europe.” Western Civilization was “a thinly disguised form of neo-imperial war propaganda”.

Kurtz expertly debunks this argument, which found enthusiastic supporters and allies amongst historians. He reviews the most influential historians of the 19th Century in the United States – the Scot William Robertson and the Frenchman François Guizot — and shows that they had demonstrated the existence of a distinctive Western Civilization long before “the Great War”. It’s a fascinating history, and Kurtz deploys it to critique contemporary developments as well. Citing a number of other conservative scholars, he argues that the soul of the nation is at stake:

We’ll argue, among other things, that: 1) Postmodern academic skepticism, and the broader collapse of faith it reflects, has backed us into a corner in which inflated accusations of racism, bigotry, and genocide are virtually the only remaining sources of collective purpose; 2) Postmodern academic skepticism has become a petrified orthodoxy every bit as due for critique as the Aristotelianism of Hobbes’s day; 3) So-called multiculturalism isn’t really about preserving traditional cultures at all—instead “multiculturalism” has ushered in a radically new sort of culture in which perpetually expanding accusations of racism, bigotry, and genocide stand as quasi-religious ends in themselves; and 4) The American experiment cannot survive without checking or reversing these trends.

If “Western Civilization”, which has a history stretching back 2,500 years, can be deconstructed, so can its nihilistic critique, which has a history stretching back 40 years. In the long run, Western Civilization will survive.

But how long is the long run? The monks in A Canticle for Leibowitz laboured over their mysterious scraps for generations. “The Memorabilia was there, and it was given to them by duty to preserve, and preserve it they would if the darkness in the world lasted ten more centuries, or even ten thousand years.”

Surely ending this deconstructionist madness will not take that long!



Michael Cook is editor of MercatorNet. Michael Cook likes bad puns, bushwalking and black coffee. He did a BA at Harvard University in the US where it was good for networking, but moved to Sydney where it wasn’t. He also did a PhD on an obscure corner of Australian literature. He has worked as a book editor and magazine editor and has published articles in magazines and newspapers in the US, the UK and Australia. Currently he is the editor of BioEdge, a newsletter about bioethics, and MercatorNet. He also writes a bioethics column for Australasian Science and contributes occasional op-ed pieces to newspapers and websites in the US, UK and Australia.


Why more democracy isn’t better democracy

Remembering Roger Scruton, a defender of reason in a world of postmodern barbarians

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

The Stunning Sham Impeachment of Donald J. Trump

From day one, when Donald Trump became the president of the United States, the entire leftist media, law enforcement establishment, former President Obama, and minions of former President Obama, to include Hillary Clinton, Hollywood celebrities, and the Democratic Party had one mission: To force President Trump out of office.  They drove investigation after investigation, and after three years, along with tens of millions of dollars spent at taxpayers’ expense, they found nothing on him to force him out. ZERO.

The Russian hoax turned out to be a hoax. Trump said “[Special counsel Robert] Mueller showed the Democrats not only have nothing, now they have less than nothing.”

But that did not please the appetite of hungry leftist wolves who were after blood. Since the House of Representatives is controlled by the Democrats, they contrived a fake excuse to impeach Trump.

“House Democrats have long wanted to overturn the votes of 63 million Americans.  They have determined that they must impeach President Trump because they cannot legitimately defeat him at the ballot box. The Democrats’ use of a phone call with the president of Ukraine – with a transcript the president himself released — served as their excuse for this partisan, gratuitous, and pathetic attempt to overthrow the Trump administration and reverse the results of the 2016 election.”

It was 100% sham.

Even the Democrats’ witnesses stories were based on hearsay and what they had heard and what they had been told, but no one seemed to be able to offer direct “I heard it directly from the president himself” testimony — except, of course, Ambassador Gordon Sondland, who testified that the president had told him directly that he wanted no quid pro quo.

Nevertheless, the House — on a purely partisan basis, — voted to impeach President Trump.

So, what would be “fair” in the Senate? Democrats’ demand for witnesses who did not testify in the House is absurd. A Democrat majority of the House impeached the president based on the evidence that they presented. That’s the evidence that should be presented to the Senate — no more, no less.

After the impeachment, Nancy Pelosi did something that had never been done before. She refused to send the articles of impeachment to the Senate for a month. When a reporter asked about the possibility of her not forwarding the articles of impeachment, she quickly shut him down, and in so doing, also proved the impeachment fiasco had less to do with “protecting democracy” and more to do with partisan political motivation and the November 2020 general election.

President Trump, during three years in office has done more for this country than any other in our lifetime.

We have the best economy in decades. Highest stock market numbers ever. Lowest unemployment amongst Blacks, Hispanics and Asians, ever. Trade victories with Japan and China, now coming into view.

More equity in NATO cost-sharing. Massive reduction of regulations and bureaucratic red tape. Conservative judicial court appointees that will stop activist overreach.  All without drawing a salary, and while putting up with non-stop harassment.

The Democrats, instead of letting American voters decide if President Trump stays or goes in November, went ahead with a sham impeachment based on rumors and hearsay — and now it likely will cost them their electoral viability in many other races.

Trump’s impeachment had absolutely nothing to do with a Russian hoax or Ukrainian fiasco. It was about Trump winning the 2016 election against Hillary Clinton. Hillary simply could not accept the loss. Then she mobilized her radical army to take Trump out by hook or crook. These Democrats wanted to impeach President Trump in the worst possible way. Literally.

They wanted to impeach him even before he took the oath of office. They’ve called for impeachment every day he’s been on the job. Democrats have asserted they can impeach him multiple times. Hard to believe we live in America! Democrats are desperate and at their wits’ end.

Since the Democrats tragically failed in their Constitutional obligation to provide clear evidence of treason, bribery, or high crimes and misdemeanors, bearing true faith and upholding allegiance can only bring about one ethical vote.


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DECADENT DEMOCRATS: Their calls for violence created ANTIFA

EDITORS NOTE: This is the eighth in a series titled Decadent Democrats. You may read the previous installments here:

DECADENT DEMOCRATS — From Pedophilia to Sex with Animals

DECADENT DEMOCRATS — From Electing a Dream ‘Queer Latina’ Candidate to No Incarceration For Drug Use of Any Kind

DECADENT DEMOCRATS: The Enemies of America are Our Best Friends Forever

DECADENT DEMOCRATS — From Ricky Gervais’ Golden Globe Diatribe to Abortion to Climate Change [+Videos]

DECADENT DEMOCRATS: From Creating Weak Men and Disorderly Women to Making Sex a Biological Reality Illegal

DECADENT DEMOCRATS: From the Party of Abortion and Allah Akbar to the 2020 Right to Life March and death of terrorist Soleimani

DECADENT DEMOCRATS: The Party of Marx, Mao and Mohammed

“If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.” – Maxine Waters (D-CA)

Tweet “At @MoonPaliceBooks I just found the [ANTIFA: The Anti-Fascist Handbook by Mark Bray] book that strike fear in the heart of @realDonaldTrump.”Keith Ellison, Minnesota Attorney General

“You fight them by writing letters and making phone calls so you don’t have to fight them with fists. You fight them with fists so you don’t have to fight them with knives. You fight them with knives so you don’t have to fight them with guns. You fight them with guns so you don’t have to fight them with tanks.” ― Mark Bray, Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook

Major consideration is being given to naming ANTIFA an “ORGANIZATION OF TERROR.” Portland is being watched very closely. Hopefully the Mayor will be able to properly do his job! – President Donald J. Trump on 17 August 2019

The first instances of violence against the election of Donald J. Trump began on January 20, 2017. Sara Ganim and Chris Welch in a May 3rd, 2019 CNN article titled Unmasking the leftist Antifa movement reported:

On the morning of Donald Trump’s inauguration, Keval Bhatt hunted through a closet in his parents’ Virginia home for the darkest clothes he could find.

The 19-year-old didn’t own much in black, the color he knew his fellow protesters would wear head to toe on the streets of Washington that day.

As Bhatt drove into the city for his first-ever protest, he hesitated.

“I thought, there’s a very good chance that I might get arrested, that my whole life could be radically altered in a negative way if I kept driving, and I was really close to turning around,” Bhatt told CNN. “But I think the rationale is that even if it did negatively affect my life, I had still contributed to this movement that was necessary. I was still making an effort to make other people’s lives better, even if it made my life worse, and once I realized that, I had no regrets.”

Bhatt joined protesters dressed completely in black, some with their faces covered by masks — a tactic known as “black bloc” that aims to unify demonstrators’ efforts and hide their identities.

And with them, Bhatt got arrested.


Since the inauguration of Donald J. Trump there have been numerous calls for violence as reported in the House of Representatives Political Violence Report. Among these calls for violence are:

  • Jun 4th, 2017 – Radical Anti-Trump, Terrorist, James Hodgkinson Shoots Up GOP Baseball Field
  • October 12th, 2018 – ANTIFA attacks GOP Headquarters in New York City
  • June 8th, 2018 – ANTIFA Takes Over Downtown Portland Wielding Weapons, Intimidating Citizens
  • October 15th, 2018 – Alec Baldwin: “We need to overthrow the government of U.S. under Donald Trump”
  • April 2nd, 2017 – WA: ANTIFA Clash with Trump Supporters at Pro-Rally
  • The impeachment proceedings.

ANTIFA violence continues today. Watch the following:


ANTIFA is the militant arm of the Democrat Party, whether they admit it or not. ANTIFA is a Communist organization that is causing violence against anyone who supports the President, ICE and law enforcement in general. ANTIFA are anarchists.

© All rights reserved.


Leftist Values Are Causing Young Americans to Be Miserable

Media Paints Virginia 2A Supporters as White Nationalists


Portland photographer attacked by Antifa mob

City/State Government Representative of Berlin explains how ANTIFA is destroying democracy

Abortion: The Ultimate Sin Against Humanity

Last week’s national March for Life was amazing. Tens of thousands of people – if you believe the mainstream media’s downplaying of the nation’s largest annual civil rights gathering – came to Washington, D.C. to create a culture of life. In Chicago, San Francisco, and elsewhere, pro-life advocates showed their support for the unborn killed by abortion and the families ruined by this ultimate sin.

We wrote last week about the pernicious racism associated with abortion. This alone should scare corporations from sending tens of millions of dollars to support it. However, there are many other reasons to oppose abortion and its leading promoter, Planned Parenthood:

  • Abortion is sexist. It targets boys and girls in the womb but denies only women the right to have their bodies be used as God designed them. And it is Planned Parenthood which apparently thinks that white women only oppose abortion because men force them to.
  • Abortion, sometimes, takes place to hide sexual assault. On a practical level, this means Planned Parenthood and other abortion groups put money ahead of protecting women from predators. It also gives predators a “get out of jail free” card by preventing them from being responsible for the children they created.
  • Planned Parenthood breaks the law. In addition to not reporting sexual assault, the group was busted for committing illegal abortions to make illegal profits off of baby body parts.

Every day, corporations enable Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry. They use your money to hurt women and children. They deny millions of people their rights to life and liberty.

Last week, you marched and walked for life. Thank you. Now let’s take our 2ndVote passion into the next level of action and demand that Bank of America, United Way chapters, and other Planned Parenthood enablers put their money where your mouth is – into acting as politically neutral organizations providing products and services, not leftist partisans.


The Company Contrast – American Airlines

This Week’s Scores At-A-Glance

RELATED VIDEO: Why Inalienable Rights are Derived From God

EDITORS NOTE: This 2nd Vote column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

TRUMP: Stop Deporting Iraqi Catholics

DETROIT (ChurchMilitant.com) – President Donald Trump is promising to stop the deportation of Michigan’s Iraqi Catholics, who face persecution abroad.

Trump announced his decision on Thursday at the Dana factory in Warren, Michigan during his visit promoting the trade deal he signed with Canada and Mexico a day earlier. The president told Dana personnel he’d made up his mind to help Michigan’s Iraqi Christians, virtually all of whom are Catholic, earlier that day while en route to Michigan for his fifth visit as president.

“We have some Chaldeans that are working here,” said Trump. “And we talked about it long and hard on the flight in, and we’re going to make sure that we do everything we can to keep people who have been good to this country out of harm’s way.”

“When I get back [to Washington] we’re going to give those who need it an extension to stay in our country,” he added.

Earlier in the day, Trump discussed with lawmakers efforts that had been underway to deport hundreds of Michigan Iraqi Christians. Yet Trump asked that they focus on creating an exception for those who are hard-working, have no criminal record and face persecution in their homeland should they be forced to return.

In 2017, the president authorized the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to resume deporting from Michigan Iraqis with criminal records. Obama stopped deporting Iraqi immigrants with criminal records in 2010. But Trump recently learned that many law-abiding Iraqi Christians, who face persecution if deported, were also being sent back to their home country.

While traveling with the president, two Michigan lawmakers made the case for these Iraqis. Republican Rep. John Moolenaar and Democratic Rep. Andy Levin proposed a bipartisan bill that would pause deportation for Iraqi nationals for two years.

Levin blamed Trump for causing the deportation problem in Michigan.

“It should be noted that Iraqi nationals face these precarious circumstances only because President Trump broke with past administrations and started aggressively deporting Iraqis,” he claimed.

Levin, however, wants Trump to extend his assistance to all Iraqi nationals.

“The president’s words inspire me with cautious optimism, but let me be extremely clear — relief must be extended to all Iraqi nationals who would face danger if they are deported against their will,” he said.

Trump said on the plane ride earlier that day, Michigan lawmakers laid out a persuasive case for these law-abiding Iraqis.

“I said to them, ‘I know you have a wonderful Iraqi Christian community in Michigan,'” he said. “And the congressmen were telling me on the plane how rough it’s been for them. It’s been a very tough time for a lot of Christians all over the world.”

Trump didn’t lay out any specific plans yet but did promise to start working on the issue when he returned to Washington. He did speak, however, of expanding their ability to legally stay in the country.

Rep. Andy Levin

“And so we’re going to be extending them,” he said. “And a lot of people in Michigan have been asking for that. So we’ll work with that when we get back with your great congressmen.”

Trump said his overhaul of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), signed the previous day, will add many new jobs for workers in Michigan. The new deal will allow Iraqi nationals looking for work to remain in the state, as it’s projected to create 76,000 new jobs in the U.S. automotive sector alone.

“Over the next five years, USMCA is projected to increase purchases of American auto parts by $23 billion a year, and automotive investment by at least $34 billion,” Trump told Dana workers. “And it’s the very first trade agreement in decades endorsed by American labor.”

The president said the creation of new jobs was a result of ending NAFTA.

“We just ended a nightmare known as NAFTA,” stated Trump. “They took our jobs for a long time. It’s a whole different ballgame, and it’s going to be great for this plant.”

Many Iraqis in the Detroit area look forward to being able to stay in the area, owing to the president’s promised immigration protection and his creation of local jobs.



Raised in the great outdoors of Montana, Brad’s at home with horses, camping and farm life.

While putting a Petroleum Engineering degree to work in Alaska’s oil field, he studied Engineering Management and enjoyed Alaska’s rugged outdoors. Catholic from birth, Brad began devoting more time to reading the Bible, prayer and volunteering at Covenant House Alaska, an organization that cares for runaway kids.

At 26, Brad left his occupation to follow a religious vocation with a start-up Franciscan third order community in Connecticut. After completing his seminary studies, Brad taught high school math, science and religion in addition to helping run Catholic summer camps.

After 22 years the religious community ended, so Brad began working as a writer and associate producer for ChurchMilitant.com. Three years later he married a devout Catholic, and God has blessed the couple with a son.


California Child Victims Act Nets First Settlement

POLL: ‘Most Americans Support Tough Border Control’

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Senator Marco Rubio’s statement on ‘why I will not vote to remove the President’

Florida Senator Marco Rubio released the following in an email:

On Friday, I released a statement on the ongoing impeachment trial explaining why I will not vote to remove the President — because doing so would inflict extraordinary and potentially irreparable damage to our already divided nation. Read my full statement here and watch my video message here.

My Statement on the President’s Impeachment Trial

Voting to find the President guilty would not just be a condemnation of his action. If I vote guilty, I will be voting to remove a President from office for the first time in the 243-year history of our Republic.

When they decided to include impeachment in the Constitution, the Framers understood how disruptive and traumatic it would be. As Alexander Hamilton warned, impeachment will “agitate the passions of the whole community.”

This is why they decided to require the support of two thirds of the Senate to remove a President — we serve as a guardrail against partisan impeachment and against removal of a President without broad public support.

Leaders in both parties previously recognized that impeachment must be bipartisan and must enjoy broad public support. In fact, as recently as March of last year, Manager Adam Schiff (D-CA) said there would be “little to be gained by putting the country through” the “wrenching experience” of a partisan impeachment.

And yet, only a few months later, a partisan impeachment is exactly what the House produced.

This meant two Articles of Impeachment whose true purpose was not to protect the nation but rather to, as Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said, stain the President’s record because “he has been impeached forever” and “they can never erase that.”

It now falls upon this Senate to take up what the House produced and faithfully execute our duties under the Constitution of the United States.

Why does impeachment exist?

As Manager Jerry Nadler (D-NY) reminded us Wednesday night, removal is not a punishment for a crime. Nor is removal supposed to be a way to hold Presidents accountable; that is what elections are for.

The sole purpose of this extraordinary power to remove the one person entrusted with all of the powers of an entire branch of government is to provide a last-resort remedy to protect the country. That is why Hamilton wrote that in these trials our decisions should be pursuing “the public good.”

That is why six weeks ago I announced that, for me, the question would not just be whether the President’s actions were wrong, but ultimately whether what he did was removable.

The two are not the same. Just because actions meet a standard of impeachment does not mean it is in the best interest of the country to remove a President from office.

To answer this question, the first step was to ask whether it would serve the public good to remove the President, even if I assumed the President did everything the House alleges.

It was not difficult to answer that question on the charge of “Obstruction of Congress.” The President availed himself of legal defenses and constitutional privileges on the advice of his legal counsel. That is not an impeachable offense, much less a removable one.

Negotiations with Congress and enforcement in the courts, not impeachment, should be the front-line recourse when Congress and the President disagree on the separation of powers. But here, the House failed to go to court because, as Manager Schiff admitted, they did not want to go through a yearlong exercise to get the information they wanted. Ironically, they now demand that the Senate go through this very long exercise they themselves decided to avoid.

On the first Article of Impeachment, I reject the argument that “Abuse of Power” can never constitute grounds for removal unless a crime or a crime-like action is alleged.

However, for purposes of answering my threshold question I assumed what is alleged is true. And then I sought to answer the question of whether under these assumptions it would be in the interest of the nation to remove the President.

Determining which outcome is in the best interests requires a political judgment — one that takes into account both the severity of the wrongdoing alleged but also the impact removal would have on the nation.

I disagree with the House Managers’ argument that, if we find the allegations they have made are true, failing to remove the President leaves us with no remedy to constrain this or future Presidents. Congress and the courts have multiple ways by which to constrain the power of the executive. And ultimately, voters themselves can hold the President accountable in an election, including the one just nine months from now.

I also considered removal in the context of the bitter divisions and deep polarization our country currently faces. The removal of the President — especially one based on a narrowly voted impeachment, supported by one political party and opposed by another, and without broad public support — would, as Manager Nadler warned over two decades ago, “produce divisiveness and bitterness” that will threaten our nation for decades.

Can anyone doubt that at least half of the country would view his removal as illegitimate — as nothing short of a coup d’état? It is difficult to conceive of any scheme Putin could undertake that would undermine confidence in our democracy more than removal would.

I also reject the argument that unless we call new witnesses this is not a fair trial. They cannot argue that fairness demands we seek witnesses they did little to pursue.

Nevertheless, new witnesses that would testify to the truth of the allegations are not needed for my threshold analysis, which already assumed that all the allegations made are true.

This high bar I have set is not new for me. In 2014, I rejected calls to pursue impeachment of President Obama, noting that he “has two years left in his term,” and, instead of pursuing impeachment, we should use existing tools at our disposal to “limit the amount of damage he’s doing to our economy and our national security.”

Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT), the President Pro Tempore Emeritus, once warned, “[A] partisan impeachment cannot command the respect of the American people. It is no more valid than a stolen election.”

His words are more true today than when he said them two decades ago. We should heed his advice. I will not vote to remove the President because doing so would inflict extraordinary and potentially irreparable damage to our already divided nation.

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The Coronavirus and China’s Travel Ban: The Left’s lethal hypocrisy exposed.

Concerns about the spread of the current outbreak of the Coronavirus that apparently originated in Wuhan Province, China have caused governments around the world to implement measures to protect their citizens in an effort to prevent the spread of the disease.

To this point, on January 27, 2020 USA Today reported, “Coronavirus screenings to expand to 15 new US airports; CDC warns against travel to China.”

The need to step up screening of arriving passengers who might have contracted the virus is being broadly welcomed by a wide variety of political leaders, including those politicians who have consistently and stridently opposed immigration law enforcement and meaningful efforts to secure America’s porous borders.

Indeed, on January 24, 2020, New Jersey Senator Bob Melendez posted a news release on his official website, “Booker, Menendez demand coronavirus screenings at Newark airport as illness spreads.”

It is more than a bit hypocritical that these same open-borders politicians, who steadfastly opposed the construction of a wall to secure the highly porous southern border of the United States, now want to increase the scrutiny of those who enter the country. It is obvious that aliens who evade the inspections process upon entering the United States face no inspection whatsoever, making it impossible to screen these individuals for possibly carrying the deadly virus.

The inspections process conducted at U.S. ports of entry has its origins at such facilities as Ellis Island which, when it opened in 1892, was the largest hospital facility in the United States. Of prime concern was the need to prevent the entry of aliens who had dangerous communicable diseases and whose presence in the United States might touch off an epidemic, aliens who suffered from serious mental illness or were physically incapable of working to support themselves.

In fact, under 8 U.S. Code § 1182 (Inadmissible aliens), a section of the Immigration and Nationality Act, the first ground for excluding aliens from the United States today pertains to health-related issues.

While millions of immigrants passed through Ellis Island during its decades in operation on their way to their new lives in the United States, some aspiring immigrants were denied entry and consequently they and their families were forced to make a brutal decision, when one family member was deemed inadmissible while the other members of the family were admitted. Should those families split up and enter the U.S. while one or more members of their family were forced to return to their native country, or should they all return home to keep their family intact?

This cold, hard reality about Ellis Island is all but ignored by the open borders advocates such as New York’s Governor Cuomo, who has vilified immigration law enforcement officers, referring to them as “thugs” and signing into law a bill that provides illegal aliens with driver’s licenses while blocking immigration law enforcement personnel from accessing DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) Databases unless and until such personnel provide a signed court order (and it would take days after the request is made for any such information to be provided to federal immigration law enforcement authorities).

Nevertheless, as I pointed out in my article from last January, “Secure Borders Protect Immigrant Communities,” Cuomo decided to be sworn in for his third term as New York State’s Governor at Ellis Island, a quarantine station run by Public Health and immigration authorities.

This was also the focus of my March 2019 article, “Open Borders Are Dangerous To Our (Public) Health,” in which I noted that Ellis Island was a quarantine station.

Hypocrisy is alive and well and inhabits New York State’s Governor’s Mansion.

Another point worth considering is how, in the face of increasing concerns about the growing numbers of people sickened by the Coronavirus, China has imposed a strict “travel ban” shutting down buses and trains and shuttering such public venues as movie theaters.

No one has decried this decision because of concerns that the deadly virus could infect ever more people.

However, I am compelled to point out that when President Trump, shortly after his inauguration, invoked a section of standing law to prevent the entry of aliens who could not be effectively vetted to save lives by preventing the entry of terrorists, the mainstream media immediately proclaimed that his Executive Order constituted a “travel ban” and falsely claimed that this ban was designed to prevent the entry of citizens of “Muslim majority countries.”

In reality, Trump’s Executive Order was unnecessary. All he needed to do was to issue a proclamation to invoke the already existing law. Under section (f), the same statute I noted above, the President has absolute authority to block the entry of aliens if he determines that the presence of such aliens would be “detrimental to the best interests of the United States.”

Here is the direct quote from that statute:

8 U.S. Code § 1182:

(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.

Indeed, the President ultimately did issue such a proclamation and, with minor tweaks, the Supreme Court upheld his authority as President to take that action.

On January 22, 2020, NPR reported, “Trump Says He’ll Add ‘A Few Countries’ To Controversial U.S. Travel Ban.” North Korea and Venezuela are certainly not “Muslim majority countries,” yet they are on the list while Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim majority country, is not.

Unfortunately, President Trump has come to use the language of his opponents to describe his action, referring to it as a “travel ban.” I contend that “The Trump ‘Travel Ban’ Is Actually an Entry Restriction.”

Here is the bottom line: dead is dead. Terrorists and viruses have the potential to kill and, indeed, create massive numbers of casualties.

It is abundantly clear that to the globalists and to the Radical Left, President Trump can never be right. His prudent measures to protect our nation and our citizens from the omnipresent Damoclean Sword of terrorism, transnational gangs and the flood of deadly illegal drugs into our country that annually kills tens of thousands of innocent victims, are ridiculed and scorned by his adversaries who promulgate “Sanctuary Policies” that shield sociopathic criminals from detection and action by ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) personnel while endangering innocent victims.

Voltaire said you should judge the intelligence of a man by the questions he asks.

This then, must be the question that must be asked of the voters by candidates who seek to defeat the politicians who have foisted anarchy on law-abiding citizens across our nation: “Are you safer and better off since your town, city or state has been proclaimed a ‘sanctuary’ for illegal aliens by the current political ‘leaders’ of our city/state?”

EDITORS NOTE: This FrontPage Magazine column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

VIDEO: We Are The News

Now that Rudy Giuliani has been activated, we can mark this as a critical and pivotal moment. Sure, there has been the “alternative media” for quite some time now, but this is different. And as Q, (QANON) has told us, we are the news.

Now with the most recent and incredibly dangerous and disruptive impeachment hoax behind us, we are now ramping up our offensive moves against the Deep State, the Democrats, and the Fake News. This well planned and calculated move, (timing is everything), with Rudy Giuliani being activated, indicates that  a new phase in the battle to resurrect America, has begun. A battle of of which we are clearly, winning. Just today, I made a decision to begin to reveal and unload all the data and intel that must now see the light of day. Yes, it is time. Please subscribe to the “News Behind the News” which will soon be available on multiple platforms. The gloves are off!

Check out Rudy’s YouTube channel and subscribe to the “News Behind the News”Request a copy of a free digital report that I have authored which includes over 50 links to alternative places to get information. Watch what now begins to unfold here in 2020 and beyond. We are truly in uncharted waters but the pendulum has shifted. The Deep State and its operatives are being exposed. We are at the “expose” stage. I refer you once again to steps six, seven and eight on the scale of discovery and action. The gig is up. They are panicking and False Flags will continue to ensue. Justice is coming. Take a win now that the President will be fully vindicated and acquitted. They, as I have stated all along, are all going down. Three cheers for our amazing commander in chief- hip-hip-hooray, hip-hip-hooray, hip-hip-hooray!